Building Your EmpirE with Don De Sanctis
Building your empire is not going to be easy, there will be a lot of long sleepless nights, roadblocks, and headaches. It is a long journey but once you see the light at the end of the tunnel, it will be all worth it. I am truly blessed to be where I am today with the success of Barber Boys and how it is evolving. To building an empire, these are just a few steps that I did that worked for me and I would like to share them with you…
Find role models and build influencer relationships with people that you look up to, and that relate within the industry of your business. I have many role models based on their journey of success, their creativity, passion, and nonstop dedication. These role models and influencers, I follow and support them through networking and social media platforms, I read their blogs/articles and attend their workshops. I even organise training nights with these role models and influencers to present and teach my staff. Whether they are barbers, retail/product companies, to even mentors – anything that will help my team and empire to grow. By doing this, you are building the culture you admire from influencers and their platforms, it helps spread the word of your business to the industry, with what you are trying to achieve.
Embracing your failures is no easy task, and there is a huge resistance in most people to look back at these failures to see where it went wrong. But the thing is you will encounter many obstacles and mistakes while building your empire – this is only natural. Take it as an opportunity to learn and develop these mistakes, instead of reflecting it as a failure. If you honestly believe in it, see where it went wrong, identify the errors and act on it to find the solution. If you never try, you will never know!
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of Optimism is: The quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen. You cannot build your empire thinking negatively. Yes, there are roadblocks throughout the journey, but you need to be a realistic optimist! Being optimistic with working out how to overcome those hurdles and roadblocks. Your mindset defines how your empire will grow.
In my previous blog about Work Life Balance – you need to look after yourself. How can you build your empire when you are not looking after yourself? The healthier you are, the more focused you become, therefore the more successful you will be, as you will be able to work to your full potential. Just remember Rome was not built in a day. You need to build slowly and improve daily, that will lead you to the success of building your empire. 57 Barber Shop Year 10 Issue 2