Beauty Biz year 14 issue 2

Page 54


By Will Fennell

According to the Humane Society International, more than 500,000 animals suffer and die for cosmetics testing every single year. Animal testing by cosmetic companies still widely happens today. Are you shocked? Do you promote products that say, “We don’t test on animals”? This statement may technically be true, yet sadly misleading. Many companies don’t themselves test on animals but use ingredients in their products from other manufacturers that do test on animals. Yes, I smell a rat (and probably one being forced to wear mascara)! There are thirteen types of testing performed in the cosmetics industry, which historically have involved the use of animals. These comprise tests for eye and skin irritation, skin penetration, skin sensitisation, photo toxicity and photosensitisation, mutagenicity, acute and chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, teratogenicity and finished product safety evaluation. Measures are being taken to develop and validate alternative methods to animal testing for cosmetics. These are supported to a greater or lesser extent by national governments, the cosmetics industry, the scientific community and animal rights groups. Despite this formidable consortium progress against animal testing remains slow. It is up to you to make sure that the products you use and promote are totally cruelty free. The website au provides an extensive list of those product companies. Go check it out! Often ignorance of the facts becomes our excuse, “How could I


Beauty Biz Year 14 Issue 2

make a difference?” But it really is simple. If each of us switched just one of our daily cosmetics a year to an animal/environmentally friendly alternative, in a decade the entire industry would have to remodel itself. We as consumers really have that power! It all starts with you! I am so very proud that BCG the company that I work for in Germany which produce Biodroga said NO to animal testing of any type a very long time ago. We as a company proudly only ever test on humans (I can vouch for this one)! Sometimes we forget the power we have over our clients. They look up to us, they listen to what we have to say. I know if I say Kylie’s latest album rocks you can guarantee they will be blaring it in the car on the way home. So, educate your clients and make the change today. Do it for yourself and do it for the millions of animals that don’t have a voice. Or at least do it for the memory of my bunny, Rocco, whom no matter how much I encouraged him, refused to wear even a touch of glitter eyeshadow! Will Fennell is an International Trainer for BIODROGA @leskinbar_bywillfennell @biodroga_aus

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