Jan Connection

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T H E C O N N E C T I O N / J A N UA RY 2 0 1 8


Mesa Verde Country Club says farewell to PGA legend, and our head golf professional of 22+ years.

The Connection |


Where it all Started Tom Sargent takes the helm at Mesa Verde Country Club as new Head Golf Professional, April 1995.

Tom Sargent, PGA, has been just that – Mr. PGA and Mr. Club Professional. From the time I first met Tom as an aspiring playing professional and now as a retiring golf professional, his interest and motivation and his ability to inspire everyone sticks in my memory now and will into the future. Tom has been the consummate leader, always leading by example and not fearful of making any decision that is best for all, especially through his leadership role at Mesa Verde Country Club and with the the PGA. I’ve had the pleasure and opportunity to work with Tom, especially for PGA matters, for over thirty years. Tom’s involvement in golf and the PGA has been recognized by his numerous Southern California PGA awards as well as his Junior Golf Leader national award, PGA of America Golf Professional of the Year Award and his induction into the PGA Hall of Fame in 2005. I believe Tom and I have mentored each other for that thirty years and I have, and will always, support him as he has supported me and most importantly, continue the shared friendship we’ve enjoyed all that time. Tom Addis III, PGA Executive Director/CEO Past President, PGA of America Southern California PGA


| Mesa Verde Country Club

Tom Sargent has had an outstanding career as a PGA golf professional. His passion for both the game of golf and all the people he has mentored, taught and worked with in this great game is evident by the legacy he is leaving. He has been recognized over a long period of time by his peers at being one of “the best” in both the Southern California PGA section and the national PGA of America, in many areas. In 2005 he received the highest honor a PGA member can get, the PGA of America Golf Professional of the Year award. He also has been a huge supporter of Junior Golf with the testimony to that being his winning the national PGA of America Junior Golf Leader Award, being one of the very few who has been recognized with 2 national awards. To top that off he was inducted into the PGA of America Hall of Fame in 2005. The Tom Sargent’s in any industry do not come around every day – so it is all of us in Southern California, including the members of Mesa Verde Country Club who have benefited from a great career helping all of us to be better golfers, enjoy the game, and be a leader in every aspect that matters in the golf industry. On behalf of the PGA of America, well done Tom. PAUL K. LEVY President, The PGA of America

A FOND FAREWELL Sarge, 3000 Club House Rd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 549-0377 - Tel.




Paul Lunsford – Club President Rob Stratton – Vice President Doug Sturgess – Treasurer Michael Kelso – Secretary Steve Check Kevin Coleman Ken King Mark Law John Yeager

S ta f f General Manager

jsamson@mesaverdecc.com Controller

Jeremy Samson

(714) 617-3311

(714) 617-3312

Asst. Controller

Quiana Ramos


(714) 617-3318

kball@mesaverdecc.com F&B Director

K at e B a l l

(714) 617-3316 D av i d D o n n e l ly

ddonnelly@mesaverdecc.com (714) 617-3348 F&B Manager

mramm@mesaverdecc.com Executive Chef


M a r ya n n R a mm

(714) 617-3334

N i c o l e C a pp

(714) 617-3326

Head Tennis Pro


See you on the Tee my friend, Jeremy Samson General Manager Mesa Verde Country Club

Chris Chun

ncapp@mesaverdecc.com Head Golf Pro

Your leaving the position of Head Golf Professional marks the end of an era at Mesa Verde Country Club. Over the last 22+ years there have been many Members and employees that came and went, but you have been the constant. You have taken department and lead individuals to the cutting edge of the industry, which is the kind of record any company should envy. These years are marked by unsurpassed efficiency and excellence. You have been an inspiration to us all.

(714) 617-3324

C a t e r i n g /S o c i a l E v e n t s


My time spent at Mesa Verde has been productive and your friendship and guidance has assisted me greatly in my journey. There are many reasons for this, but the one I treasure the most are the impromptu “meetings” that we have on a daily basis. Your timing is always impeccable and you always seem to know when to saunter in my office for a quick, or not so quick, chat. Whether it was to talk me off the edge, wind me up or down, provide a life lesson through story, or just make me laugh, which always seem to be the case, you were just there to listen. And for this, Sarge, I thank you!

P at r i c i a S m i t h


M e mb e r R e l a t i o n s M g r .

I would like to personally congratulate you on a stellar and impactful career in the Golf and Club industry. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with you over the last 5 years. You have mentored many great individuals that have moved on to be both outstanding golfers and leaders in the industry. I haven’t taken a golf lesson from you yet, however your lessons do not just take place on the tee. You are always teaching through brief conversations and short interactions with people. It doesn’t take much time for you to begin spreading your wisdom as it comes as naturally to you as your carefree backswing. You have created your own art form, your own style of life-coaching by using the game of golf in which you love so much. Those who have had the opportunity to be touched by this skill of yours have made a hole-in-one in life.

Tom Sargent

(714) 617-3331 Randy Myers

(714) 617-3344

Course Superintendent

R o b e rt G lu c k


(714) 617-3963

Facilities Maint. Dir. Jeff Menchinger

jmenchinger@mesaverdecc.com (714) 617-3335 Course Hotline

(714) 549-5961

The Connection |



Excerpt from the Daily Pilot by Steve Virgen

It was part of a storybook-type finish for Sargent, known as “Sarge,” who is retiring after 22 years at Mesa Verde and played in all 18 Jones Cup events — the only player to do so. He won the first Jones Cup at Newport Beach Country Club and closed out his career with the victory at Mesa Verde in the tournament that features five local country clubs: Big Canyon, Newport Beach, Santa Ana and Shady Canyon. It was a repeat win for Mesa Verde, which won its sixth Jones Cup. Sargent’s birdie on No. 17 helped Mesa Verde... to a two-stroke win against Shady Canyon. “It’s nice to win the first one, and it’s nice to win my last one, because this is it for me,” Sargent said. He then added in a playful tone: “I’m still kind of angry about the 12 we didn’t win.” “It just shows it was kind of meant to be for him,” said Ryan Gale, a teammate and MVCC men’s club champion. “He asked about the read on his birdie putt. I just said hammer it in the hole. He just laughed and put it in center cup. I’m glad he was the one that made the birdie. He deserved that win.” Sargent displayed a fist pump after sinking in the birdie. It was similar to what he did after he rolled in a birdie putt from about 35 feet out on No. 5. “The win last year was great, but this being his last year playing with us was better, and he played lights out,” Gale said. “From the third hole on he carried us. We really wanted to win for him. All the other teams knew that but they weren’t going to lay down for us. We knew we had to play well. To win for Sarge and to see him put us on top over the last few holes I’ll never forget that.” Jones Cup organizers had already planned a special trophy presentation for Sargent after the event. The award, which was a crystal cup, could use an addition to the engraving, as it listed MVCC’s Jones Cup championships, 2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2016. Add 2017. A large gallery, made up of mostly MVCC members, followed the MVCC team throughout its round. The MVCC team members appeared to be having fun during the Jones Cup. ...The Jones Cup has been a meaningful event for Sargent and MVCC. The club cut out photos from the Daily Pilot displaying its win and posted it on the walls of the locker room. MVCC will need to make room for Sargent’s final victory.

Tom Sargent has meant more to my career than words can express. Someone who always brought out the best in me, more so than I thought I was capable of. There is only one “Sarge”! Sarge has left a lasting legacy on how to be a club pro. They say he’s “old school”…well what do you expect from someone who qualifies for Medicare. Yes, he is old school but in the best way possible and at the same time he is as relevant today as I’m sure he was 22 years ago when he arrived at Mesa Verde. I will never forget turning in a project he delegated to me and before he even looked at it, said “Is this the absolute best you can do?”. It is this type of mindset that has allowed me to walk around every day knowing, nobody will work harder or do it better than we can! (we being all those that have worked for him). Hope this helps. I look forward to the Party! All the best, Chris Gilley, PGA Head Golf Professional La Quinta Country Club I have had the honor of knowing Sarge for well over 20 years. As a junior golfer growing up, he was thought of as “the man”. Then later, he was part of the interview panel that selected me for my first job with the Southern California PGA. Wow, does he have the ability to make someone feel nervous! But he also has the same ability to show great support and trust in someone, and when you know you have the Sarge in your corner, things just seem a little easier! Sarge has been such a great friend, fellow professional, and mentor to so many, including me. Some of my best memories with Sarge have to be during my time as the Junior Golf Director for the SCPGA and Sarge as our Junior Golf Chairman. I just always loved how he handled some very difficult situations with our juniors and their parents. He always had the best interest for the junior, the game, and our program at the forefront. He was hard when he needed to be, sympathetic when he needed to be, and always fair. Although there were some juniors, well mainly parents, where he wanted to “line em up” (no names will be shared, but Sarge knows who I’m talking about!). Thanks Sarge for all you have done for me personally and professionally, and for all you have done for countless junior golfers, PGA Professionals, the PGA of America, and our wonderful game. You will be missed! Enjoy your retirement, you deserve it!

In the recent years, Tom has been working out very hard. I remember years before he couldn't finish a round without his back hurting. He has put a lot of effort to be able to play again. He wanted me to join him one day at workouts. I was growing a belly after the holidays that must have offended Tom. He really wanted me to workout with him. So one day, I join him. I'm working out with an old gray-haired guy and 2 girl professional golfers. I'm thinking to myself, this will be a waste of my time. Because I am 6'3' and a stud, I could do circles around them. After about 30 minutes, I realized, I was holding the class behind. Everyone had to wait for me!! I even cheated in counting my reps. I realized right there I had a problem, it wasn't so much my belly but my heart and head that needed to lose some baggage. Tom knew I wouldn't listen, he knew I needed to be shown my inferiority. I never worked harder than that off season which lead to first win on the Japan Tour. I will forever be in debt to this man. I am so lucky he has been in my life and I am sure also, the members of Mesa Verde think so too. Han Lee Professional golfer Nationwide Tour, Asian Tour, Japan Tour

Nikki Gatch, PGA | Regional League Manager (“Mother Gatch” as he affectionately refers to me!) Southern California Northern California & Aloha Sections The Connection |


Dear Tom (Sarge) and Debbie, Wow. I write this with an emotional heart. It’s tough to imagine Southern California not boasting a facility with the Sargent’s running golf operations. It will not be the same without the two of you.

Tom Sargent's Top Ten Quotes (Not in any particular order)

Our relationship began in 1986 when you hired me as an outside service employee at Yorba Linda Country Club. Over the next 8 years during high school and college you allowed me to work around my schedule which was very kind and accommodating. It’s during those times golf really began to be a part of my life. Upon graduating from college and not really understanding what I wanted to do, you gave me an opportunity as an assistant golf professional while figuring things out. Little did I know that soon I would realize that I wanted to have a career in golf and it had everything to do with the two of you. Over the next 10 years working as an assistant both at Yorba Linda Country Club and Mesa Verde Country Club the two of you were everything someone would want in a mentor. It was not easy and at times challenging (for both of us I’m sure) however, the tools and experience you provided me have allowed me to not only succeed in the golf industry but more importantly provide for my family. Over the past 15 years after leaving Mesa Verde whenever I needed some advice I knew that I could rely on you. Even if we had not talked in some time you were always there for me and I knew you would be the tough-loving empathetic mentor/ friend/fellow professional that I needed. The advice, direction and encouragement was always exactly what I needed at the time. Words cannot describe the appreciation I have for what the two of you have done for me over the past 31 years. I can only hope that my impact on others is a small percentage of the impact you have had on me, and that would be a lot. I wish the two of you and your family continued good health and I look forward to when we see and talk to each other next.


1. Swing hard you might accidentally run into it. 2. (On the golf course) you did realize we were playing "golf " today, right? 3. Nothing rolls like a ball 4. Hitting it far (off the tee) is totally underrated 5. I'm surprised that (even) you could screw that shot up. 6. When told that he (Tom) hit a good shot, "no, not really". 7. Even a "bad" bet is better than no bet. 8. Maybe you should consider a different sport.

Thank you,

9. You did realize that the purpose of the game was to get the ball in the hole, right?

JC (Jeremy Clevenger), PGA Head Golf Professional Pauma Valley Country Club

10. (While on the practice range) just another day in paradise, screwing up people's golf swings.....

| Mesa Verde Country Club

Years ago, when I was President of the section, 86&87, Sarge and I went to the LA Open at Riviera. On the way home, while we were stuck in traffic he started to complain about how little our section purses were for most of our tournaments. Now, understand, Sarge was a pretty good player in college, and then played in a few mini tour events, with moderate success. So he couldn't understand why we weren't playing for some bigger bucks. Well, after listening to this just about all the way home, and trying to explain to him that our section events didn't have anywhere near the type of exposure, and media coverage that sponsors might expect to bet some "bang for their bucks", I told him to get off his high horse, and get his lazy butt on the section board and do something about it. Well guess what..... the next year he ran for the board, got elected and the rest as they say is So Cal PGA history. Of course, I think he hated me for a few years after that, but I'll bet he'd tell you it's been one of the most rewarding things he's done in his storied career. And then there was the year I moved my family into a home adjacent to the 17th hole at Yorba Linda Country Club. At the time I was the head pro at Hacienda, and Sarge was the head pro at Yorba Linda, might have been around 1990. I thought then, how cool it was to be living on a golf course! Of a Sunday afternoon, my day off, I was standing on my upstairs patio that looked out onto the 17th green, an uphill par 3, relaxing with an adult beverage in my hand, when a golf ball hit my roof. I looked back at the tee and didn't see anybody teeing off so thought that must have been a pretty wild shot from the 18th tee. As I looked up there, another ball landed on my roof and not too far from where I was standing! I heard this voice from behind the 17th green yelling to me, " Hey Tunes, if you open up that sliding glass door, I think I can get one into your family room!" And there was Sarge, with wedge in hand, working on his trick shots like Chevy Chase trying to hit one through Carl Spackler, the greenkeeper's window, in Caddy Shack. And the disappointing part was that he wasn't even using nice new Titleist balls, but some old shag balls! And that's our Sarge!! Andy Thuney, PGA Certified Personal Coach GOLFTEC IRVINE

The Connection |



| Mesa Verde Country Club

LAST SHOT I have been writing Short Shots for 40+ years. Twentytwo and a half of those years at Mesa Verde which comes to about 260 articles, give or take a few. I wish I could say that they all imparted some golf wit or wisdom but I’m afraid they haven’t. But I hope a few of them have. I have a true understanding of the term “writer’s block” after almost 500 columns if you count another eighteen and a half at Yorba Linda and a couple of years writing a golf column for the OC Register. Some months it’s really hard to come up with something to say. This time it’s both hard and easy. The hard part is because this is my Last Shot. The easy part is because it’s about pride and gratitude. I am proud of many of the things that we have accomplished here during those 22+ years as I have watched Mesa Verde steadily grow and improve. The trend has been and is on an upward trajectory I love the tournament culture here and the passion for competitive golf (although we are known for mixing in a bit of fun with that competition!). I believe the tournaments here are the best around. I love that there are nearly 200 single digit handicap index players here. You should be proud of that because you all are the reason that has come about. But it isn’t just about the lower handicappers. I’ve found that all handicap levels have a passion for the game and the club. I love that. I love that you are so proud of your golf course. The course’s continual improvement is a source of great pride. Keep making it better. Mesa Verde has been a huge part of my family’s life for the last two plus decades. Debbie has worked as our buyer in the Golf Shop for those 22+ years. Luke, once he gave up trying to be the next Johnny Bench, has stepped up the Outside Service operations considerably. Our daughter, Samantha, worked as a banquet server while she was home summers from college. Now she is a physical therapist and is fixing some Mesa Verde golf bodies. So, it’s been a family affair for a long time. That leads us back to gratitude. Thanks for letting us be a part of Mesa Verde’s family. Nothing I’ve done in golf has made me more proud than to have you introduce me to one of your guests as “our Golf Professional.” I thought Mesa Verde was the best in the county when I came here. I still think so. Being your Golf Professional has been an honor and a privilege. Thanks. I wish you all the happiest of New Years and hope it brings you nothing but birdies and pars. Golf Your Ball, Tom

The Connection |


FROM THE RED TEES BY KRISTINE MORRIS Happy New Year!! With the Holidays behind us, (but I’m still putting my Christmas decorations away!!!), it is time to start planning for the New Year. The upcoming Clubhouse and golf course construction has made our event schedule very compact. Three of our major tournaments and team will be completed by April 21. Our Presidents’ Cup matches start in January, the Winter Eclectic is in February, and the Club Championship will be played in March. Spring Team play begins on March 20th and will be completed by April 26th. Check your calendars and plan on participating.

UPCOMING EVENTS: January Meeting Day will be on Tuesday, January 9th. We will have an 8:30 shotgun start for golf, followed by lunch and our meeting. Sign up in the Ladies Lounge, on ForeTees or in the Pro Shop. The WGA Presidents’ Cup begins in January. The first two rounds will be played on Tuesday, January 16th and Friday, January 19th. This partners match play format is a single elimination event. After that, winners will make their own tee times within the posted time frames. Sign up on ForeTees or in the Pro Shop. January Guest Day is on Tuesday, January 30th. Participants may invite only one guest. It will be an 8:30 shotgun start and includes breakfast, turn snacks and lunch. Make your own foursome and sign up on ForeTees or in the Pro Shop. The WGA Winter Eclectic will be played on two consecutive Tuesdays in February, the 6th and the 13th. As participants do not need to play both rounds, all sign ups will be done in the Ladies Lounge as you can then indicate which days you plan to play.

Congratulations also go to Sarah Ciralli. She had her first hole in one on December 10 while playing in the Holiday Guys and Dolls Tournament - she got her “ace” on hole #3.


| Mesa Verde Country Club


The last six weeks of 2017 were quite full of events. We had a Guest Day at the end of November, Meeting Day with installation of officers on December 5, completion of the WGA Ringer, then our annual Holiday Guest Day on December 12 and our first frost delay of the season! Unfortunately the frost delay postponed our shotgun start until 10:15 so the golf format was changed to only nine holes, one better ball of the foursome. Golf was followed by a delicious lunch in the Tony Lema room and all participants received a beautiful white poinsettia. And the winners were: First Flight • 1st Gross: Linda Patton, Maxine Cooper, Madelaine Campbell, Suzie Young • 1st Net: Susan Billard, Linda Edwards, Shirley Brantley, Sharon Scott • 2nd Gross: Annie Burton, Sue DeMille, Sally Holstein, Karen Knoche • 2nd Net: Diane Williamson, Cindy Wing, Leslie Szeto, Lonnie Bartz • 3rd Gross: Carol Alred, Pam Reed, Natalie King, Leslie Mayes • 3rd Net: Maggie Choice, Nancy Wong, Cheryl Kitchner, Barbara Potts Second Flight • 1st Gross: Lupe Short, Carrie, Widder, Sharon Stellrecht, Linda Mosard • 1st Net: Joan Fleming, Sheri Mewes, Jennifer Cvetas, Darci Mullarky • 2nd Gross: Theresa Waller, Carolyn Lyon, Cindy Hardgrave, Janet Holladay • 2nd Net: Marjorie Heflin, Marie Ozorkiewicz, Sandra Moyer, Dorothy Ralphs • 3rd Gross: Tomiko Pearce, Mary Ashburn, Shirley Ting, Charlene Garthwaite • 3rd Net: Donna Barthel, Cindy Gilbert, Arlene Peterson, Cheri Brumleu Congratulations go to Kathy Herold for being November’s Most Improved Golfer of the Month. Her index went from 30.7 to 28.3, a 7.8% improvement. Well done! Every December we recognize the most improved player of the year and present her with a $100.00 gift certificate. This years winner is Theresa Waller. Her index started at 28.8 and ended at 23.4. This was an 18.8% improvement. Very well done!!

TURF Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (PSHB) The Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer is a relatively new pest in our region that is believed to have arrived in Southern California via packing materials from Southeast Asia. Although the PSHB are a relatively new pest, they are spreading at an alarming rate. The PSHB are killing tens of thousands of trees and there is currently no known cure for infested trees. The UC Irvine campus alone has identified 1,500 infested trees that have been, or will need to be, removed. UC Irvine is leading the way in research and the development of best management practices that will be helpful to the entire state of California. Many fear the PSHB will create a drastic change in the look of Southern California’s landscape. 58 tree species have been identified as susceptible to the beetle. Here at Mesa Verde we have seen a dramatic increase of infested trees over the course of 2017. In 2016 we saw symptoms of the beetle on 1 sycamore tree which was quickly removed. As a preventative measure we performed a deep root feeding on over 40 sycamores shortly after removing the infested tree. In the summer of 2017 we began seeing symptoms on many of our sycamores, several alders and liquidambar trees. As we began to see more infested trees we consulted with our arborist from Davey Resource Group. We then had Davey Resource Group perform insecticidal trunk injections to over 60 sycamore trees along with several alder and liquidambar trees. At best we may have prevented infestation of some of our trees, but the insecticide does not seem to have had any curative success. Thankfully we have one of the more distinguished tree care companies working with us as well as information from UC Irvine available to us. Davey Resource Group is currently working at Disneyland setting traps, evaluating, treating and studying the pests in their urban forest in hopes of identifying the host trees and finding a solution to this problem. Davey’s findings at Disney will certainly be valuable to us moving forward. We have already begun the process, as Davey is going through our tree inventory to identify the number of susceptible trees we have on property. At the start of the new year they will have a specialist on site to perform an initial evaluation and recommendation. Unfortunately, my initial instinct is that we will need to remove a number of trees from our property. A big focus for our arborist will be the reforestation of areas where we are forced to remove trees. We will work on identifying trees that are resistant to the PSHB, while also identifying trees that meet our golf courses watering needs and desired structure. I will provide updates to the membership as we get deeper into our evaluation and management plan moving forward. Bob The Connection |



Kids Night Out January 3rd

Clothing Pin Snowman Art

January 10th

Mitten Tissue Paper Craft

January 17th

Handprint Bird Craft

January 24th

Fish in a Jar Craft

January 31st

Movie Night

As we look back through the rear view mirror at the holiday season, I would like to say to all of the members of Mesa Verde, Thank You! The Kitchen team and I were delighted to see a lot of you at our events, supporting the club and celebrating the season. Now that 2018 is here, We have a lot to look forward to in the coming months. The renovation of the club is at our doorstep and I cannot wait to go through this process with you. I know that during the renovation there will be many changes in the coming months with regards to the food. I assure you that even though we will have slightly limited menus, we will be hard at work to keep the food fun and yummy while also keeping around plenty of crowd favorites. I urge the membership to keep utilizing the dining options during the renovation. Lunch and dinner service hours will be slightly changed and obviously the dining venue but your favorite staff that knows your name and the kitchen team will be ready to keep you satisfied. Thank you all and Happy New Year!

Tacos & Trivia Tuesday, January 9th

Tacos at 5:00 p.m. • Trivia 6:00 P.m. to 8:00 p.m. In the Main Dining Room $19.95 Per Person, All you can eat! We’re putting a little twist on our Taco Tuesday! Join us for an evening of fun family competition and delicious tacos. Buffet includes tacos and tostadas, rice, beans, chips and salsa, and a guacamole bar. Adults may enjoy one complimentary beer or Margarita.


| Mesa Verde Country Club

MONTHLY DINNER SPECIAL JANUARY SPECIAL: Veal Osso Bucco Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Garlic Broccolini, Natural Veal Jus. $30






$19.95 All you can eat Taco & Tostada Bar

$16 per person. Complimentary if you stay for dinner.

Join us for an evening of fun family competition and delicious tacos. Buffet includes tacos and tostadas, rice, beans, chips and salsa, a guacamole bar, and of course a dessert station. Adults may enjoy one complimentary beer or Margarita.

Featuring a variety of wines from around the world each week and expertly paired with delicious tapas! January 4 New Year, New Wines


Tacos & Trivia: 1/9/18

Wednesday PASTA NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. $16.95 Adults Pasta Bar $10 Kids Pasta Bar Pasta Night includes salad, pizza, chef 's hot entree, hot vegetables and pasta bar with all the fixing's, including an assortment of bacon, vegetables, seafood, chicken, sausage, and more.

KIDS NIGHT OUT EVERY WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. January 3rd Clothing Pin Snowman Art January 10th Mitten Tissue Paper Craft January 17th Handprint Bird Craft January 24th Fish in a Jar Craft January 31st Movie Night

Friday HAPPY HOUR EVERY FRIDAY 4:45 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. The Main Bar is the perfect place to enjoy a cold beverage at the end of the week. Relax and unwind in The Main Bar after a long week. Featuring a complimentary appetizer buffet and $5 Craft Cocktails.

LIVE MUSIC FRIDAY 6:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. In the Main Dining Room Featuring: January 5: Matthew Akiona January 12: Clif Miller January 19: Matthew Akiona January 26: Clif Miller

Sparkling Wine, Steorra Brut, Russian River Valley, NV Pinot Noir, Cuvaison, Carneros, Napa Valley, 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon, Double Canyon, Horse Heaven Hills, WA 2014 January 11 Sonoma Chardonnay, Rodney Strong ‘Chalk Hill’, 2014 Zinfandel Blend, Ridge 'Three Valleys', 2014 Merlot, Benziger, 2014 January 18 Italy Mionetto Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore, Veneto DOCG, NV Greco, Mastroberardino, Campania IGT, 2012 Chianti Rufina Riserva D.O.C.G, Frescaboldi, Castello di Nipozzano, 2012 January 25 Spanish Influence Albarino, Mar De Frades, Rias Biaxas, 2014 Tempranillo, Bodagas Volver, "Volver", LaMancha Spain 2011Cabernet Sauvignon, 2011 Terrunyo ‘Las Terrazas Block’, D.O. Pirque, Maipo Valley, Chile, 2012 The Connection |


Afternoon Junior Clinics Return 1/11



Beginning Thursday, January 11 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Will run for 8 weeks. Price: $100 members & $130 guests. For the 8 week session.

RANDY MYERS HEAD TENNIS PROFESSIONAL Happy New Year Mesa Verde! There are a lot of exciting renovation projects taking place at the main clubhouse and golf course. However at tennis we have some exciting renovation going on as well, with our "State of the Art" energy saving LED tennis lighting system being installed, that not only saves the club tons of money in energy costs, but also gives off the highest quality night lighting possible! Thanks to our amazing maintenance supervisor, Jeff Menchinger, we now have the best quality lighting in Southern California! We are one of the first clubs to completely change out our energy draining lamps, and install this cutting edge technology! With Jeff 's leadership throughout this process (he thoroughly spent months researching all of the LED lighting systems out there, and all of the SCE rebates that were being offered and then with the boards approval) made it possible for us to have this state of the art Lighting Technology. This is a big deal! At the time of this writing the entire lighting project was just completed. It is truly amazing how clear and bright the light is! Not only that, the new lamps have a clean low profile sleek look that is beautiful to look at. Come by and see for yourself. The club should be very excited. I know we are. Happy New Year Mesa Verde. Thanks, Randy

Ladies Christmas Tennis Tournament

Tennis Proshop Fall & Winer Hours Monday- 8am-12pm Tuesday- 8am-8pm Wednesday- 8am-6:30pm Thursday- 8am-6:30pm

Friday- 8am-6pm Saturday- 8am-4pm Sunday- 8am-4pm

EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR: Tisha Girty We are happy to announce Employee of the Year Tisha Girty. Tisha has been the central hub of information for Mesa Verde Country Club. She greets members daily and assists with reservations, club event information and call direction. She is instrumental in the development of the monthly newsletter by gathering all media information and prepares the club’s daily email. Tisha works diligently to support all Senior staff members, as well as the WGA. Congratulations Tisha!


| Mesa Verde Country Club

EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: Jason Garibay Although Jason has only been at MVCC for a few short months, he is off to a strong start. He is very versatile and is able to work all events and in different areas of the kitchen. With a very positive attitude, he has been a great addition to the Mesa Verde kitchen team. Congratulations Jason for being December’s employee of the month.

Your Golf & Green Committees are proud to announce a new Member Driven Course Care Program TRASH DIVOTS BUNKERS RECEPTACLES TREE RECEP PITCH MARKS & MORE... ALPHABETICAL HOLE ASSIGNMENTS

The Connection |


Happy New Year, Members! Firstly, I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to all those Members who sponsored a new Member that joined our Club in 2017. Below are the totals for all new 2017 Members. Equity Golf Members - 13 Jr. Golf Members - 6 Social Members - 10 It was a great year as we updated our vetting process, modified our Prospective Member Program, and also welcomed our new Membership Director, Kate Ball. However, as the excitement escalates with our upcoming construction projects, I feel sure that 2018 will be an even greater success! The Membership Committee, along with unanimous Board approval, is proud to announce the new 2018 Construction Membership Campaign. Starting January 1st through March 31st, Mesa Verde Country Club will be offering the first ten new Members, a two-payment option for their club initiation fee. The Club Initiation fee shall be due in two installments, the first $15,000 is due upon Board approval and the second installment due on the one-year anniversary of their Club Orientation. Additionally, both the referring Member and the new Member will each receive a $150 monthly credit, for 12 months, for club incidentals. With that in mind, we are asking you to assist us in identifying those individuals whom you feel will enthusiastically embrace the culture and the traditions of our club. If you know of someone who is considering a Membership or waiting for our construction project to be finished, tell them to ‘Pardon our dust’ and take advantage of the 2018 Construction Campaign! Please contact Kate Ball for more details and receive a Membership information packet or talk to me! I look forward to seeing you at the Club and all the best for 2018! Doug Ciralli Membership Chairman WELCOME TO THE CLUB



| Mesa Verde Country Club

RON & CAMILLE HOWARTH Equity Golf Member Sponsored by: Ken Curtis & Tim Robertson

The Connection |


Pardon our dust Announcing Mesa Verde’s new 2018 Construction Membership Campaign. January 1st through March 31st, Mesa Verde Country Club will be offering the first ten new Equity Members, a two-payment option for their club initiation fee. The first installment is due upon Board approval and the second installment due on the one-year anniversary of their Club Orientation. Additionally, both the referring Member and the new Member will each receive a $150 monthly credit, for 12 months, for club incidentals. If you know of someone who is considering a Membership or waiting for our construction project to be finished, tell them to ‘Pardon our Dust’ and take advantage of the 2018 Construction Campaign! Please contact Kate Ball, Member Relations Manager, for all the details. Call (714) 617-3316 or email Kate@mesaverdecc.com The Connection |


Tree Lighting Ceremony


| Mesa Verde Country Club

Gingerbread Decorating

Winter Wonderland

The Connection |









1 2 3 4 5 6 9 and Wine Tamale Massacre

Taco Tuesday

Pasta Night Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m. Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pasta Night Tacos and Trivia

Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

9 and Wine 2:30 p.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Tom Sargent’s Retirement Party

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 and Wine Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Pasta Night

Taco Tuesday

Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9 and Wine Pasta Night

Taco Tuesday

Kids’ Night Out 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

28 29 30 31 Pasta Night

Taco Tuesday

Kids’ Night Out 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.









2 3 9 and Wine 2:30 p.m.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

9 and Wine 2:30 p.m.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Valentine's Day

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

9 and Wine 2:30 p.m.

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 President's Day

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

9 and Wine 2:30 p.m.

25 26 27 28

The Connection |


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