Chartwell Chatter - November & December 2012

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Chartwell Golf & Country Club

Chartwell Chatter h o l i d ay e v e n t s 11/22 Family Thanksgiving 12/2 Gingerbread Houses 12/5 President’s Eggnog

12/5 School Early Dismissal- Kids 1/2 Off 12/8 Brunch With Santa 12/9 Holiday Brunch Buffet 12/14 Ladies Holiday Luncheon 12/16 Holiday Brunch Buffet 12/22 Golf Pro Shop Christmas Party 12/23 Annual Open House 12/24 Club Closed 12/25 Club Closed 12/29 Tennis Century Tournament 12/30 Holiday Brunch Buffet 12/30 Ravens Tailgate Specials 12/31 New Year’s Eve


N ove m b e r / D e c e m b e r Is s u e 2012


1961 Chartwell Golf & Country Club INSIDE

From the General Manager ................2 House Committee Report .................3 Green Department.............................6 Upcoming Events.............................. 7 Ladies Member Guest ........... ............ 9 Tennis.................................11 Holiday Sales .................................. 12 Upcoming Events Cont. ................ 14 New Breakfast Hours ...................... 15

A New Way to Pay!

1 Chartwell Drive Severna Park, MD 21146

Clubhouse Hours Monday & Tuesday Closed Wednesday - Friday Food Service 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Bar Service until 12 a.m. Saturday & Sunday Breakfast & Limited Lunch Menu 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Expanded Bar Menu 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. In the Bar Area Only Saturday Dinner Menu 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Sunday Limited Lunch & Dinner Specials 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

ePayments (ACH debits) will be accepted via the Club’s website for payment of your monthly bill. Easy as 1-2-3: • Login to the Chartwell website • Access statement information (located under Member Central/roster tab) • “Pay now” will route you to the SameDayPay site where you will register, specify payment date, payment amount and bank account to be charged. Convenient and Secure! For detailed instructions, see Chartwell website or contact Anne Connolly at 410-987-0400.

Phone Numbers Clubhouse 410-987-0400 Clubhouse Fax 410-987-8469 Golf Pro Shop 410-987-4480 Golf Pro Shop Fax 410-729-0678 Tennis Pro Shop 410-987-0400 ext.236 Grounds 410-987-1982


Happy Holidays! Yes, I did say Happy Holidays! The season is upon us and your schedules will soon be filled with family and friends’ gatherings, school plays, winter sporting events and even a little shopping for that perfect gift! As we head into a new year at Chartwell I would like to welcome the new members of our Board of Directors and committees. We continue to move in a forward direction of increased services, menu items, hours of operations and member events. The holidays have historically been a Club centered time of year. Thanksgiving Brunch, President’s Egg Nog party, Chartwell Open House and New Year’s Eve to name a few. Your Club has planned many great events and will be decorated for your office and family parties. It is not too late to contact us for all of your holiday needs. October has brought us a new fiscal year and with that brings a zero percent dues increase. As your management team, we will do our best to control all expenses within our budget while increasing services and member event offerings. In order for us to succeed, we need you, the member, to utilize your Club as much as you are comfortable with. This may be in many different areas. My goal is to offer a creative menu and dining specials for you to enjoy, create new events and improve upon our already impressive lineup of member events,

and to recreate a new and improved banquet area for you to host or sponsor meetings, dinners or parties. We have changed a few internal operations to better serve our catered area. This will improve communications and operations, which will make Chartwell a very sought after location for all events. If you have friends, coworkers or organizations that meet on a regular basis, please feel free to suggest Chartwell as an option. Your Club has availability for your office parties, family events or to sponsor an event for a friend this season. We will gladly help with all the details and create the perfect event for you. As we move into our winter hours, which started on November 1, we will mix things up a little this year. Due to activity around the Club early on weekend mornings ,we have decided to begin breakfast on Saturday and Sunday starting at 8:00 am. Whether you are playing tennis, golf or getting ready for a day of shopping, stop in for a full breakfast or perhaps Chef Todd’s fantastic house made gravlax! We have also begun a second emailing on Thursday that will communicate to you all of our dining, golf and tennis specials for the weekend. In order to catch all of our upcoming events, please make sure that the office has your correct email address and you have visited the web site and made your selections as to which emails you would like to receive. Our web site is www. This will bring you all the latest, up to date information from the Club. During this time of growth, I will look to our members for suggestions and feedback to make Chartwell the best it can be. Happy Holidays! Michael Fay General Manager



RICK HANS President

LEE MEYERS House Committee

What does it mean to be a good Chartwell member? It goes beyond just joining and paying your dues on time. In order to be a truly successful club, we need you to volunteer, participate and refer. Volunteer for a board committee, youth activity, social event or decorating committee. It’s a fun and rewarding way to give back to the club while having the opportunity to meet your fellow members. It makes for a deeper and richer experience when you meet and interact with other members. Participate in activities, golf & tennis tournaments, dinners, dances and holiday events. The more the merrier at all of the Chartwell events. It is the lubricant that makes the club vibrant. When going out to dinner with friends, please think of Chartwell first. When planning family or business events, please think of using our Chartwell banquet and meeting facilities. Refer friends and neighbors to join. We currently have a few openings in all membership categories. The unkept secret to a successful club is full membership. We are fortunate to have a nearly full membership, but it is always better to be full. Many of you do volunteer, participate and refer. That is why Chartwell has grown and flourished for more than half a century and why we will continue to be one of the finest clubs in Maryland. Thank you,

Greetings from the House Committee! We are very excited about this fall season and if you have visited the club recently you know why! The menu that Chef Todd has created is amazing and has many items that you will love and the service has become truly top notch. If you have not been to Chartwell in a while then now is the time to plan on a dinner before the holidays with family and friends where you can settle in and enjoy a bottle of wine and a great meal prepared by a world class chef, Then you will see why we are so excited!!! Some highlights of what is going on at Chartwell in the next tow months are the Thanksgiving celebration, Wine Guys cab night, holiday open house and an extraordinary Home for the Holiday brunch buffet featured every Sunday including Christmas carolers and fun entertainment for the whole family. If you are planning a holiday party at Chartwell whether it is a business or personal affair please call to reserve you dates soon as available dates are filling up fast. Thanks,

Rick Hans


Chartwell Chatter - November/December 2012

Lee Meyers

Welcome New Members Scott & Linda Finlay – Golf John & Judith Bonanno – Tennis


G o l f co u rs e n ews blog Check out Steve’s new blog with course and project updates. Updated weekly and sometimes more, to keep you up to date with project articles and photos about happenings around the golf course.

Winter Ho urs N oti c e : B eg i n n i n g T hurs day, N ovem b e r 1. Food Service Bar Service Tuesday Closed Closed Wednesday 11am – 9pm 11am – 12am Thursday 11am – 9pm 11am – 12am Friday 11am – 9:30pm 11am – 12am Saturday 8am – 9:30pm 9am – 12am Sunday 8am – 8pm 9am – 8pm Please note the Clubhouse will be closed Tuesday, January 1 – Wednesday, January 16th

What is Happening to my Pines? October 18, 2012 Course Work October 12, 2012 Frost Delays October 12, 2012 Fall is Here! September 28, 2012 End of the Season for the Tropical Plants August 31, 2012


2 0 1 2 mens mem b er guest 5

Chartwell Chatter - November/December 2012

G reens D epartment

Winter will be soon approaching, but that does not mean that there aren’t many things to be done this time of year to wrap up the current growing season and get ready for next year. Bulb Planting: Hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils offer early spring color before most of the summer annuals are available in the nurseries. This is the time of year to purchase and plant the bulbs. Just dig the holes to the recommended depth and drop the bulbs in. The bulb knows the correct way to grow so they don’t even have to be planted right-side up. Bed Cleanup: After a few hard freezes, beds are ready to be cleaned up. After the freezes, most perennial will turn brown and it will be time to cut them back. Some wait until spring to do this, however the debris that remains over the winter is a good place for insects to hide over winter. Rake up all debris and cut back the perennials to within 1” of the ground. If the perennial foliage had diseases during the growing season, it is best to throw it out rather than compost it. Composting the diseased foliage will keep the diseases around next year when you add the mulch to the garden beds. Mulching now is an option, although most people want to wait until the spring for that fresh look as the spring flowers come up. There is nothing wrong with mulching both times, just make sure the mulch layer is about 2-3” total. Continue to weed the beds through the fall since many of the winter weeds are growing and thriving. If they are not removed now, they will be ready to go first thing next spring. Tree Pruning: Winter is a great time to prune your deciduous trees. Without the leaves, the tree structure is clearly visible. The first thing to do is remove the dead wood in the trees. Second, prune branches that cross and rub each other. Third, remove branches that form a tight angle with another branch that could cause splitting as the tree grows. Finally, thin, weak branches should be removed to open up the canopy

and allow greater light penetration. Light heading back is an option; however, hard pruning back of the tree canopy will actually cause the canopy to grow thicker. Broadleaf evergreens (i.e.-hollies) can be lightly pruned and brought in for decorations. Major evergreen pruning should be done in the early spring. Lawn Maintenance: First, you can start to think about blowing out your irrigation system. Waiting too long could cause water in the lines to freeze and crack your pipes creating more expense next season. Second, as the leaves fall from the trees, it is important to remove leaves so you don’t smother the grass. The grass will become yellow or even die because of a lack of sunlight and air circulation as the leaves become wet and matted, so removal is crucial. Third, if you need to do any last minute seeding or sodding, this can be done before the ground freezes. Finally, as grass moves into winter dormancy, it is time for a dormant feeding. Apply a slow-release, organic fertilizer which will promote strong roots and early spring green up. -Jimmy Hogan, Horticulturist



CAB NIGHt Plus F r iday, No vem ber 9 t h

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Eggn o g We d n e s d a y, De ce mb e r 5 t h

Annual Cab Night Plus Event Featuring expanded varietals of 30+ highly rated and valued red and white wines from around the world. Complimented with Chef ’s gourmet tasting stations and passed hors d’oeuvres. Tasting begins at 7pm. $50 Per person Reservations Required

‘Tis the season for our favorite yuletide beverage, and what better way to ring in the holiday than with a welcoming from Chartwell’s new Club President, Buck Linthicum, followed by a beautifully crafted meal from the club’s top chef. Drinks and Hors d’oeuvres at 6:30pm. Dinner to follow. $95 per couple Reservations Required

T H A N K S G I V I N G b r u nch T hurs day, N Ove mbe r 22nd

Expand on traditional fixings and join us for lite fare and appetizers leading into a buffet of holiday delights including seafood, dessert and musical accompaniment by the Baltimore Symphony Quartet. Seatings between 12pm and 4pm. $30.95 Adults $11.95 Children Reservations Required

G ing e r b r e a d H o u s e D e c o r a t ing S unday, D ece mbe r 2nd

Chartwell’s Pasty Chef highlights a Holiday classic with this culinary architectural workshop. Children will enjoy lunch and create their very own gumdrop candy-cane dream-home to adorn your mantle all season. Construction begins at 12pm. $40 children $10.95 Adult Buffet. For reservations, please call (410) 987-0400 or log on to www. and register through the event calendar.


Chartwell Chatter - November/December 2012

T hanksgiving

C atering M enu All orders must be received by Tuesday November 20th Serves 10 $200 Roast Turkey 22-25 pounds

Giblet gravy & Cranberry sauce Cornbread stuffing, Buttermilk Mashed potatoes, Glazed sweet potatoes, Steamed broccoli, Roast autumn squash, Mixed green salad, Tomato, cucumber, croutons Choice of balsamic or Ranch dressing, Pumpkin and apple pie Enhance your holiday dinner Chartwell rolls $12 per dozen Extra vegetable or potato $15 Jumbo lump crab cakes $12 each Shrimp cocktail $30 per dozen Leave your Holiday dinner to us! No shopping, cooking or cleaning!

2 0 1 2 C lu b C hampionship R esults

Men’s Club Champion – David Nocar Runner-Up – Mick Arnold Flight 1 – Chuck McBee Flight 2 – John Hanou Flight 3 – Scott Brown Flight 4 – Buck Linthicum Flight 5 – Ken Kingsbury Flight 6 – Jon Fleisher Senior Club Champion – Chad King Runner-Up – John Hanou Flight 2 – Pete Horrigan Flight 3 – Steven Schoen Flight 4 – Ron Spath Super Senior – Ken Gill Runner-Up – Jim Uhles Ladies Club Champion – Gayle Verreault Runner-Up – Judi Hans Flight 1 – Catherine Masek Flight 2 – Doris Yount Flight 3 – Sue Brown Ladies 9-Hole Club Champion – Shauna Talbot Runner-Up – Beth Miller Flight 1 – Sue Spath Flight 2 – Caroline Leverty Flight 3 – Jill Florenz Flight 4 – Amy Raff




ALL LADIES MERCHANDISE 40% off MEN’S 10/20/30 Shirt Sale Buy 1 Shirt 10% Off Buy 2 Shirts – 20% Off Buy 3 Shirts – 30% Off In-Stock Golf Shoes 20% Off Unique Gift Ideas: YRI Chartwell Ribbon Belts, Full Selection Golf Bags Sterling Cut Glassware, Baltimore Ravens Apparel New Golf Club Travel Cover – A Must Have For the Traveling Golfer ****FREE GIFT WRAPPING****

Holiday christmas party SATURDAY, december 22nd

Golf Shop 2:00pm-6:00pm 30% Off Almost Everything Free Wine, Cheese & Hor d’oeuvres. 9

Chartwell Chatter - November/December 2012



* POLICY REGARDING CLINICS * Members are encouraged to sign up for the entire 9-week session guaranteeing

Friday/Saturday Evening Private Tennis Parties $15 per person charge with a minimum of 2 courts reserved for 1 ½ hours of play (up until 8:00 pm) Food and Beverage is available through Wendy Sommers, Event Coordinator. Reserve your evening through one of the Pro’s.

Century Tournament Saturday, December 29 Play begins at 9:30am & 12:30pm Mixed Doubles Format where the combined ages of you and your partner must be 100 years old or greater! Sign up in the Pro Shop, Need a partner? Let us know the age needed.

you a spot each week in that particular clinic.

There is an extra week (10th

week), designed to allow those who miss a clinic to make it up. For those who don’t miss any clinics they may come to the extra 10th week at no additional cost. Once you sign up for the session, your account will be billed at the start of the session. However, you may sign up as a drop in if there is space available and pay per clinic that you attend. Clinics fill quickly, so sign up in the Pro Shop for the entire session. A minimum of 3 people is needed to participate in a clinic and to receive a clinic rate. If less than 3 people sign up for a clinic, it will be canceled; if a clinic fills we will schedule another clinic to accommodate the overflow of players. In order to receive the Member rate for clinics or lessons, you must be either a



Awards Party

Golf or Tennis Member. MEMBER RATES* ½ hour


Drop In $15/clinic

1 hour


Drop In $23/clinic

1½ hours $252

Drop In $28/clinic



Drop In $23/clinic

1 hour


Drop In $28/clinic

1½ hours $297

Drop In $33/clinic



Chartwell Chatter - November/December 2012



MARK YOUR CALENDAR L A D I ES H OL I D A Y LU N C H EO N F r i d a y, D e ce m b e r 14 th Spend an afternoon savoring the holiday season in true lady-like fashion. Finger sandwiches and Champagne cocktails served at 12pm set the stage for a beautiful seated lunch to follow. $34.95 Per Lady Reservations Required

H O M E F OR T H E H OL I D A Y S Sunday, December 9t h, 16t h & 30th Bring the family and share in our holiday brunch as you catch up over college courses, trips abroad or even just a weekend away. A beautiful spread with everything from salad to Salmon. Dinning begins at 11am. $24.95 Adult | $14.95 Children

NEW YEAR’S EVE Mo n d a y, D ec e m b e r 31 s t Three chances to say goodbye to 2012 and hello to 2013 at Chartwell’s New Year’s Eve party. Families can reminisce over a la carte dining specials ranging $20-$35 in price from 5pm to 7pm. Ballroom dinner seating will host live music and champagne at 8pm for $90 per person. And for late-night party crashers, an open bar and dancing beginning at 10pm will send 2012 off with a beat and a smile. $40 Per person Reservations Required B RU N C H W I T H S A N T A S a t u rd a y, De c em b e r 8th Save postage on their Christmas lists and wake up with Santa instead. Brunch will be served at 11am with tailored buffets for both children and adults. Young visitors will have their chance to share holiday wishes and take photos with the man of the season. $22.95 Adult | $14.95 Children

Reservations can be made online or by calling (410) 987-0400 Get the full list of Club events and activities on the Member Calendar by logging in at


Chartwell Chatter - November/December 2012

New Breakfast and Weekend Hours: Saturday & Sunday

8am – 2pm Breakfast & Limited Lunch Menu 2pm – 5pm Expanded Bar Menu in the Bar Area only. Main Dining Room Closed Saturday 5:30pm – 9:30pm Full Dinner Menu & Specials Sunday 5pm – 9:30pm Limited Dinner Specials & Lunch Menu

December Sundays

Please note on 9th, 16th & 30th: 11am – 2pm Buffet or Limited Lunch Menu


New Year’s Eve

Monday, December 31st Reservations Required

Fa m i l y N e w Ye a r s D inner 5: 0 0 pm – 7 : 0 0 pm (7 : 0 0 pm Ba l l oon D r op) Fa m i l y a l a Ca r te Di ni ng Specials, by r e se r va ti o n. P ri c e s $20 - $35 Ballr o o m Di nne r Se a ti ng – Be gi nni ng 8:00pm, Ope n Ba r & Pa sse d Ho r s d’ o e uvr e s, Pr ef ixed Menu i nc l udi ng de sse r t. Se pa ra te charge f or c ha m pa gne & bo ttl e s w i ne a t the table. Fe a turi ng Live m usi c by “Pa ra di se” & live br oadc a st f r o m Ti m e s Squa r e $ 9 0 p er per son Par ty Cra she r s Invi ta ti o n – E nj o y Open B ar & Da nc i ng, Do o r s Ope n 10 : 0 0 pm $40.00

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