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Global Leisure Boat Market -----------------------------------------2013
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A leisure boat is also known as pleasure craft or recreational boat. According to the Norwegian legislation, the leisure boats are defined as any floating device that is designed for and capable of moving in water with a maximum length of up to 24 meters, and is meant to be used for recreational or leisure activities. Generally it is a type of craft with (without) a cabin and plumbing and other amenities required for living on board. The very craft could be motorized or non-motorized depending upon the boat type. Now a days, several types of pleasure crafts are available with a broad range of variants. The leisure boats industry represents only a small fraction of the global leisure industry. Specifically, in terms of adult participation, production units, and increased revenues, the leisure boat industry performed on a noteworthy scale over the past 10 years. The leisure boat market on the global front was hit hard during the recessionary period as the income levels dropped and people avoided extravagant spend on leisure activities. The economic downturn influenced the growth rate of the leisure boat market, resulting in considerable decline in the revenues of virtually all segments. The United States and Europe are the principle regions for the leisure boat market, which collectively represent a significant share of the global level leisure boat trade statistics. Though these markets are on the verge of maturity, they still hold good growth potential. This report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global leisure boat market with focus on regions like the US, the UK, Italy, China and India. Furthermore, the ongoing trends of boat replacement cycle and innovations are discussed in depth. In addition, factors like increasing participation in the boating activity, rising income and population of HNIs, ameliorating global economy, better employment scenario, ardent tourism industry and increasing urban population which are fueling the growth of leisure boat industry are explained. Despite the existence of various growth drivers, there are certain challenges such as environmental concerns and contention from other leisure activity sources which can potentially hinder the growth of the respective industry. On the global front, there are not many players operating in the leisure boat industry. It is predominated by a handful of players including Beneteau SA, Brunswick Corporation and Marine Products Corporation contending and vying for capturing market share. The profiles of these leading players are included in this report.
A pleasure boat or pleasure craft is a boat/craft usually deployed for personal, family, and at times sportsmanlike recreation…. Global Leisure Boats Market Size (2008, 2010, 2012)
In 2008, the global leisure boat industry revenues amounted to US$........billion and in 2012, the same plummeted to US$........billion, recording a staggering decline of …..% approximately. Recreational boating is one of the chief contributors to the US economy growth. In 2011, the recreational marine retail expenditures amounted US$....... billion for sales and services, depicting an increase of ….% approximately in comparison with the value recorded in 2010.
For the year 2011, in the US considering the revenues including the engine sales, the pre owned boats segment generated sales worth US$....... billion while the new boats segment rendered revenues worth US$..........billion in the US.
Billion USD
Recreational Boating Retail Expenditures by Type
in the US (2005-2011)
Recreational Marine Retail Expenditures for Products
US$ Billion
and Services in the US (2005-2011)
2007 New Boat
The recreational boat industry covers boats of a certain length intended for sports and leisure purposes… Total Recreational Boats in Use in the US (2005-2011E) The total number of recreational boats in use in the US during 2011 decreased by …..% approximately or ……. vessels. On an estimate, there were …….million boats in use during 2011, while the number of boats in use in 2010 was ……… million.
US$ Billion
Out the ……….million recreational boats in use in the US in 2011, nearly ……% were outboard boats. For the year 2011/12, total revenues of the UK leisure, superyacht & small commercial marine industry was US$......... billion or GBP…… billion recording an increase of……..% over 2010/11 in terms of local currency.
UK Leisure, Superyacht & Small Commercial Marine Industry Revenues (2005/06-2011/12)
Share of Recreational Boat Types by Volume in the US
US$ Billion
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12
Outboard Boats
Stern Drive Boats
Personal Watercraft
Inward Boats
Brunswick Corporation remained the leader in the global leisure boat market in terms of net sales, while Beneteau SA claimed the second place….. UK Leisure, Superyacht & Small Commercial Marine Industry
Yacht and Pleasure Boat Imports into China from MFN
Revenue Share by Segments (2011/12)
Boats Engines/Systems Business Services
Equipments Consumer Services
Annual 2011
January 2011 (YTD)
January 2012 (YTD)
Revenues generated by the manufacturing activities within the marine industry of the UK accounts for ….% of the total industry, while distribution sector constitutes …..% and services to consumers and businesses claim the remaining …..%.
Italian Pleasure Boat Industry Revenue (2005-2011)
US$ Million
Segment wise, in the UK marine industry, boats contributed the highest share of …….% followed by the equipments with ……..% share. The revenues generated by the boat segment decreased by …..% while equipment and engines / systems observed an increase of ……%. The Italian pleasure boat industry declined by …..% to US$.......billion in 2009 and further decreased by ……% to US$...... billion in 2010. In 2011, the industry value picked up by …..% reaching US$.......billion.
As of January 2012 YTD, the pleasure craft units imported to China were …… million units, an increase of ……% approximately over …….. million units imported as of January 2011 YTD.
Note: Market attractiveness is inverse of penetration. Low penetration means high attractiveness and vice-versa
Table of Contents
List of Charts & Tables List of Charts
1. Overview 1.1 Types of Pleasure Boats 1.2 Leisure Boat Industry- Value Chain
2. Leisure Boat Industry Structure 2.1 Global Leisure Boat Market -Market Value -Regional Breakdown 2.2 The US Leisure Boat Market -Retail Expenditure -Pre-owned Boat Sales by Value & Volume -New Boat Sales by Value & Volume -Market Segmentation 2.2.1 Traditional Powerboat Market of the US -Retail Expenditure -Pre-owned Boat Sales by Value & Volume -New Boat Sales by Value & Volume 2.3 European Leisure Boat Market 2.3.1 The UK -Market Value -Market Segmentation -Domestic/International Trade -Employees by Sector 2.3.2 Italy -Market Value -Production Statistics -Product Segments -Exports & Imports
Value Chain of Leisure Boats Industry Global Leisure Boats Market Size (2007-2010 & 2012) Recreational Marine Retail Expenditures for Products and Services in the US (2005-2011) Pre Owned Boats’ Retail Market Sales by Value and Volume in the US (20092011) New Boats’ Retail Market Sales by Value and Volume in the US (2008-2011) Recreational Boating Retail Expenditures by Type in the US (2005-2011) Total Recreational Boats in Use in the US (2005-2011E) Share of Recreational Boat Types in Volume (2011) The US Retail Sales of the Traditional Powerboats (2008-2011) The US Traditional Powerboat Market Share by Value (2011) Pre Owned Power Boat Sales by Value and Volume in the US (2008-2011) New Power Boat Sales by Value and Volume in the US (2008-2011) UK Leisure, Superyacht & Small Commercial Marine Industry Revenues (2005/06-2011/12) UK Leisure, Superyacht & Small Commercial Marine Industry Revenues by Sectors (2011/12) UK Leisure, Superyacht & Small Commercial Marine Industry Revenue Share by Segments (2011/12) Trade Statistics in the UK (2011/12) Core Sector Employees (FTE) in the UK (2011/12) Sector Wise Employees (FTE) in the UK (2011/12) Italian Pleasure Boat Industry Revenue (2005-2010) Pleasure Boats Exports from Italy – Share by Destination (2011) Pleasure Boats Imports to Italy - Share by Source (2011) Yacht and Pleasure Boat Imports into China from MFN Share of Yacht and Pleasure Boat Imports into China by Country (January 2012 YTD) Individual Ownership of Boats in India Corporate Ownership of Boats in India Growth of HNIs’ Wealth and Population (2005-2011) Global Wealth Distribution (2011) Distribution of HNIs Wealth and Population (2011)
2.4 Asian Leisure Boat Market 2.4.1 China -Market Overview -Import Statistics
2.4.2 India -Market Overview -Ownership Statistics 3. Market Dynamics 3.1 Key Trends and Developments 3.1.1 Replacement Cycle of the Boats 3.1.2 Innovations in the Boating Industry 3.2 Growth Drivers 3.2.1 Increasing Participation in the Boating Activities 3.2.2 Rising Population of HNIs 3.2.3 Increasing Urban Population 3.2.4 Zealous International Tourism Industry 3.2.5 Growing Global Economy 3.2.6 Rising Employment Rates 3.3 Challenges 3.3.1 Environmental Issues 3.3.2 Firm Contention from Other Leisure Activity Sources 4. Competitive Landscape -Competitive Overview -Revenue Comparison 5. Company Profiles
5.1 Beneteau SA 5.1.1 Business Description 5.1.2 Financial Overview 5.1.3 Business Strategies -Augmented R&D Activities -Strategic Expansion of Product Portfolio
List of Charts Global Urban Population (2005-2011) Global GDP (2001-2011) World GDP per Capita (2005-2011) Global Employed Population (2002-2011) Beneteau SA’ Revenue Share by Business Segments (2011/12) Beneteau SA’ Revenues and Operating Income (2008/09-2011/12) Brunswick Corporation’s Revenue Share by Business Segments (2011) Brunswick Corporation’s Net Sales and Net Earnings (2008-2011) Marine Product Corporation Revenue (2008-2011)
List of Tables Domestic Boat Production (units) by Region New Boats’ Retail Market Data of the US (2008-2011) The US Retail Expenditure for Recreational Boating Engines and Trailers (20092011) Recreational Boats in Use in the US (2005-2011E) Recreational Boats in Use in the US by Type (2005-2011E) Pre Owned Power Boat Sales in the US (2008-2011) New Traditional Power Boat Sales in the US (2008-2011) Proportion of International and Domestic Marine Trade in the UK (2011/12) Pleasure Boating Production Statistics in Italy (2005-2011) Composition of Pleasure Boat Production in Italy by Type of Boats (2011) Yacht and Pleasure Boat Imports into China The US Boating Statistics (2005-2011) Adult Participation in Boating in the US (2000-2011) Adult Participation in Boating in the UK (2011) Revenue Comparison of the Leading Industry Players (2008-2011) Marine Product Corporation Product Line
5.2 Brunswick Corporation 5.2.1 Business Overview 5.2.2 Financial Overview 5.2.3 Business Strategies -Hedging Against Commodity Risk -Focus on R&D 5.3 Marine Products Corporation 5.3.1 Business Overview 5.3.2 Financial Overview 5.3.3 Business Strategies -Focus on Inventory Level Maintenance -Marketing Initiatives
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