2000-2001_Diploma Theses_Projects

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2000-2002 2000-2002











EKL:IOLH ll.n.M.r. n o,WTEXNIKH IXOJ\H A.n .e .

0EirMONIKH 2004




Editors G. Karadedos M. Nomikos E. Stefanidou

ISBN 960-243-013-3

© t:..n.M.L. - nO/\YTEXNIKH IXO/\H A.n.0., 0woa\ov(KT] 2004 © I.P.P.S. - SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY A.U.TH., Thessaloniki 2004

Printed by EDITIONS

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01 Ll1mµ17µanKtc; Mc:rnmux10Ktc; rnouMc; TT]c; no11.uTc:xv1KfJc; rxoMc; m17v npomaa(a ruVTfJp17a17 KOL AnoKaT6.maOT] MVT]µc:(wv no11.maµou, auv1mouv tva au8c:vnK6 011.0KA17pwµtvo np6ypaµµa nou npo6.yc:t TT] yvwOT] c:n( Tpc:1c; auvc:xdc; aKaoriµa'(Ktc; nc:p16oouc;. H oc: napouaa 8K0OOT] TWV 8c:µ6.TWV TOU Epyam17p(ou KOi TWV 0lTTAWµmtKWV c:pyamwv 2000-2002 OTTOT8A8l TT]V KOpUcpWOT] TT]c; auyKc:Kptµtvric; µc:TOITTUXlOKrJc; opamrip16T'7TOc;.

The Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies in Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments offered at the School of EnfJineering, constitute an original, integrated programme, which has been advancing knowledge for three conseciutive academic periods. The publication at hand, containung the Workshop topics and the titles of student theses for the period 2000-2002, represents the climax of this specific postgraduate activity.

H cptA.oaocplKrJ 010.ITTQOT] QUTOU TOU npoyp6.µµmoc; dvm aacpfJc; an6 K0.88 6.n0lj.J'7. LC: QUTO '7 c:mmfJµ17 KOi '7 TC:)(VlKrJ auµ[3aoli'.;ouv aMri11.oauaxc:Tti'.;6µc:vc:c; ac: tva µ0VT811.o Ol8TTIITTT]µOVlKrJc; auvc:pyaa(ac; OlQ T'7c; ono(ac;, µc: [36.0T] auyKc:Kptµtvc:c; µc:MTc:c; KOL µc: 01munwµtva TC:AtK6. auµnc:p6.aµma, µnao(onm OAOKA'7pWµ8V'7 8l0lKrJ YVWOT]. rim( TO .LinMr oc:v c:(vm µ6vo tva XPfJmµo µfoo rnayyc:11.µm1KfJc; 01w8tT170T]c; KOL Kmoxupwa17c; aM6. untpTc:pa QUTWV QTTOOKOTTC:l, µc: T'7V unomfJp1E;ri TWV auyxpovwv YVWITTlKWV µc:86owv, ITT'7 auvc:xfJ 8Kµ6.8'70T], µfoa an6 T'7V ono(a µnope:( av 0lQlWVlITTC:l '7 8TTlITT'7µ0VlKrJ 1080 TT]c; npomaa(ac;-LUVTrJP'70T]c; KOi AnOKQTCI.OTOOT]c; TWV Mvriµdwv Tou no11.maµou.

This programme's philosophical dimension is clear in every respect. In this programme, science and technique go hand in hand relating to each other through a model of inter-disciplinary cooperation. Based on specific studies and via clearly formulated final conclusions, this cooperation leads to the transmission of integrated specialised knowledge. The Interdisciplinary Programme of Postgraduate Studies (IPPS) is not merely a useful means for professional accommodation and establishment more importantly, supported by modern cognitive methods, it constitutes an attempt for a continuous learning process through which the scientific notion of Protection-Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments can be kept alive and up to date.

npoacptpc:1 Mo µnamux10Ktc; Kmw8uvac:1c;, c:101Ktc; 8c:WPflTLK8c;, µc:86oouc; KOL [3amKtc; apxtc; c:cpapµoaµtvric; tpwvac; TTAOlatWVOVTOc; 8Tat 8VQ OAOKA'7pwµtvo ouvm6, auT6voµo nc:o(o yvwOT]c;. H AC:lTOUpy(a TOU npoyp6.µµmoc; 01c:E;6.ynm an6 8TTlITT'7µovtK6. mc:Mxri, µ8A'7 TWV c:m6. Tµriµ6.TWV TT]c; no11.UT8)(VlKrJc; rxoMc; Km Mo Tou Ane (X17µdac; Km Apxmo11.oy(ac;) KOi 01aacpa11.(i'.;c:1 µc: 6.ptITTO Tp6no T'7V c:µ[36.8UVOT] moue; 01acp6pouc; c:mmriµov1Kouc; KA6.oouc;.

'ETa1 ntpa an6 K6.8c: c:101K6 rnayyc:11.µm1K6 c:vo1acptpov, µc:8ooc:uc:Tm µ10 c:vopxrimpwµtv17 auvc:pyaa(a noMwv 8lOlKOTrJTWV nou anoaKonc:( Kup(wc; , µtaw TOU i'.;WVTQVOU rn1m17µov1Kou ouvaµ1Kou, 0117 01mfJP'lO'l Tflc; c:M17v1KrJ TTOAlTlITTlKrJc; KA'7povoµ16.c;. 110 6.M17 µ10 cpop6. c:Kcpp6.i'.;w Ttc; wxap1m(c:c; µou npoc; Ta µt11.17 TT]c; LUVTOVlITTlKrJc; EmTponfJc; nou txouv KOi TT]V 8TTlµ8A8lQ TT]c; t KooOT]c;, Ka8riy17Ttc; r . KapaMoo, M. Noµ1K6 KOL A1µ. LTc:cpav(oou. H um;u8UVT] TOU npoypaµµarnc;

LKOpm6.-X6'(nc:A Llp. Apx. Ka8riyfJTp1a A. n.e.

The Programme offers two postgraduate directions, specialized theoretical methods and basic principles of applied research, thus providing the framework for an integrated, solid, autonomous field of knowledge. The Programme's operation is conducted by scientific cadres, members of the seven Departments of the School of Engineering as well as of two other Schools of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Chemistry and Archeology). This ensures in an optimal manner a thorough familiarisation of Programme participants with the various scientific branches involved in the Pro!~ramme. Thus, going beyond any overly specific and narrowly defined professional interest, a well-orchestrated cooperation of a series of disciplines and specializations is achieved. The main overall objective of such cooperation is contributing to the preservation of Greek cultural heritage, through the involved efforts of a dynamic and interested scientific potential. Once again, I would like to express my thanks to the members of the Coordinating Committee who have undertaken the editing of this publication, Professors G. Karadedos, M. Nomikos and E. Stefanidou. The Program Director X. Scarpia-Heupel, Dr. Arch. Professor, AUTh




To Ll1mµ17µm1K6 np6ypaµµa Mnamux10Kwv Lnouowv T17c; n0Aun:xv1Kr'jc; LxoA.r']c; Tou Ane OT17v «npoOTaa(a, LUVTr'jp17017 KOL An0Km60Ta017 Mv17µdwv noA.moµou», ouvex(l;oVTac; Tl7V npoan60ELQ VO npol36A.El T6oo 0Tl7V QK0017µa'iKr'j KOlV6T17TO TOU navemOT17µ(ou 600 KOi OTO eupuTepo emOT17µov1K6 Ko1v6 Tic; epyao(ec; Twv anoc.po(TWV TOU npoyp6µµmoc;, anoc.p6moe VO EKOWOE:l rn TPLTO KOT6 oe1p6 Teuxoc; TO ono(o nep1A.aµl36ve1 T6oo Tic; epyao(ec; TOU EpyaOT17p(ou Ll1emOT17µov1Kr'jc; LUVEpyao(ac; Ol ono(ec; E:Knovr'j017KOV KQTO Tl7 016pKE:lQ Tl7c; XPOV16c; 20002001, 600 KOi Tic; OlTTA.WµOTlKEc; epyao(ec; TWV <.pOlT17TWV Ol ono(ec; napoum60T17Kav T17V (010 aKao17µa°LKr'j nep(ooo.

The Interdepartmental Post Graduate Programme of the Technology School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki concerning the protect ion, conservation and restoration of cultural monuments, in continuation of the efforts to publicise the woirk of students on this programme to the academic community of the university, the wider scientific audience and the general public, has decided to publish a third volume containing the practical work of the interdepartmen1tal collaboration carried out during 2000-2001 and the diploma projects which were presented by students durin~J the same academic period.

LKOn6c; Tl7c; 8KOOOT]c; QUTr'jc;, 6nwc; KOi TWV npo17youµevwv aVT(OT01xwv EKo6oewv dvm: a) VO A.ElTOUpyr'joouv EKTTQlOEUTlKO, we; Kmaypaµµev17 eµne1p(a, npooc.pepoVTac; eva EA.Eyµevo emOT17µov1K6 UA.lK6 npool36mµo OTouc; ve6Tepouc; <.pOlTl7T8c;, T6oo rnuc; µETQITTUXlOKOUc; 600 KOi rnuc; npomux10Kouc;,

13) VO KOTaypalj.Jouv Tlc; oXETlKEc; µe Tl7 ouVTr'jp17017 KOi Tl7V OTTOKQTOOTOOT] TOOEie;, y) VO npol36Mouv EKTTOlOEUTlKEc; opaOT17p16Tl7TEc; TOU LlnML, o) VO Kmaypac.pe( µfow TWV epyamwv QUTWV 17 E~EA.lKTlKr'j nopda TOU ouyKEKp1µevou LlnML. H eKTOOTJ nou KOTOA.aµl36vouv 01 epyao(ec; npooo1op(0Tl7KE OTO TTA.OLOLO TWV OlOTl08µEVWV OlKOVOµlKWV OUVQTOTr'jTWV TOU npoyp6µµmoc;, 8TOL WOTE µe TOV KQTOA.A.l7A.O ap10µ6 axeo(wv, c.pwrnypac.p1wv Km To av6A.oyo Kdµevo va oo0d 17 nep1ypac.pr'j Tou e~nal;6µevou µv17µdou, 17 KOTOOTQOl7 Ol0Tr'jp17017c; TOU KOi Ol l3001K8c; apxec; Tl7c; np610017c; OTIOKOTOOTOor'jc; TOU. H ETTIA.Oyr'j TWV <.pWTOypa<.plWV KOi TWV oXEOLWV, K00wc; Km 17 ouyypac.pr'j Twv Ke1µevwv T17c; K60e epyao(ac;, ey1ve µe eu0uv17 TWV µnamux10KWV <.pOlTl7TWV, un6 Tl7V K000or'jy17017 Tl7c; uneu0uV17c; YLO Tl7V 8KOOOT] ETTlTpon17c;. Oc; uneueuvo1 T17c; emµeAe1ac; auT17c; T17c; eK00017c; euxap10Touµe 6A.ouc; 6oouc; ouvel30A.av OT17v npayµmono(17or'j Tl7c; KOi EA.TI(l;ouµe VO OUVEXlOTOUV Ol EKOOOELc; OUTEc; KOL OT1c; rn6µevec; nep16oouc; Tou MeTamux10Kou npoyp6µµmoc;.

The aim of this publication, as with the previous volumes, is: 1.To record the educationatl process as it was experienced. 2.To provide tested scientific material accessible to later students, both post and under-graduate. 3.To record the current trends in relation to conservation and restoration. 4.To publicise the educational activities of the individual projects. 5.To keep a record, through these pieces of work, of the evolutionary progression of this particular multidisciplinary post-graduate study programme. The choice of the photographs and drawings, as well as of the text of each piece of work, has been the responsibility of the post-graduate students themselves, working within the guidelines laid down by the publications committee. As the editors responsible for this volume we wish to thank all those who have contributed to this effort; we hope to continue to produce and publish subsequent records of this post-graduat,e programme. Members of the committee

G. Karadedos M.E. Nomikos E. Stefanidou

Ta µii\.ry TTJ<; emrponf/<; 1. Kapaoeooc; M. E. Noµ1K6c; A1µ. LTE<.pav(oou





EPfAIIEI EPfAITHPIOY fllEnlITHMONIKHI IYNEPrAIIAI 2000-2001 IT. raAav11c;, apx. µnx., A. Kanavi5pfr11, apx. µnx., K. Al")IJl"JTPOKOUi51"), no>-.. µnx., Al. EµµavourV,, no>-.. µnx., r. Kapanoar6A.ou, TOn. µnx., I. npwTOllJaATI"), apxmo>-..

TeKµf]plWOT] -OlOX8LPlOT7 OPXOlOA.OYLKOU xwpou ItoripoKaua(wv. AnoKaT60Taari-enav6xpriOTJ ouo nupywv A. Mouaoup1i511c;, apx. µnx., M. nanay1awaKI")«;, apx. µnx., K. Ap6aou, no>-.. µnx.

MeT6Xt TT"]c; I. M. Ay(ac; AvaOTaa(ac; OTO KptTl;tav6 TT"]c; Enavoµl']c; 0eaaaAov(Kf]c; r. Im6nouA.oc;, apx. µnx., E. Ixo1va, apx. µnx., A. A1ayouµ6, no>-.. µnx., K. Avi5pfraoc;, TOn. µnx., X. M1x&A.aKI"), apxa10>-..

KT(pto ITTT"]V 006 0eoc.p(A.ou 32-Ay. Ioc.p(ac; ITTT"]V Avw n6AT7 0eaaOA.ovtKT"]c; B. KaA.Tanav1i5ou-nupol3&T<11"J, apx. µnx., X. Kcxay16c;, apx. µnx., A. fKaj3api51vac;, no>-.. µnx., X. Kouj3apoc;, no>-.. µnx., A. Ka'iµap11c;, TOn. µnx., A. KaTTTTI")«;, T]A. µnx.

To nap6pTT7µa Tou A' ruµvaa(ou Apptvwv fl.. IT&q>av~c;. apx. µnx., I. Xp1aroq>op1i5ou, apx. µnx., N. Konp1!31raa, apx. µnx., X. Kunap1aa11, no>-.. µrix, n. XaT~l"JVPl"JVOp1ou, no>-.. µnx., E. IaKtA.A.ap1ou, rnn. µrix., A. MuraKO«;, µrix. µrix. H ITo6 «Ayop6 KoA.6µBou» E. IaK&AAap{ou, TOn. µnx., n. rcwpyaKI"), apxmo>-..

KT(pto OTT"]V AKpon6Aewc; 13 OTT"]V Avw n6AT7 0eaaOA.ov(Kf]c;


1 22

2 28

3 34

St. Galanis, arch. eng., A. Ka1pandriti, arch. eng., K. Dimitrakoudi, civ. eng .. E. Emmanouil. civ. eng., G. Karapostolou, sur. eng., s. Protopsalti, archaeol.

Documentation -administration of archaeological site of Siderocausia. Restoration- reuse of two towers D. Mousouridis, arch. eng., rill. Papagiannakis, arch. eng., K. Drosou, civ. eng.

The Dependency of the Monastery of Saint Anastasia at Kritziana, near Epanomi, Thessaloniki G. Sipopoulos, arch. eng., E. Schoina, arch. eng., A. Diagouma, civ. eng., K. Andritsos, sur. eng., Ch. Michelaki, archaeoi.

Building at 32. Theofilo1u St.- Ag. Sofias St. in Upper Town, Thessaloniki V. Kaltapanidou-Pirovetsi, arch. eng., Ch. Kehagias,

D. Gavardinas, civ. eng., Ch. Kouvaros, Kaimaris, sur. eng., A. Kapp1is, e1. eng.


4 40


civ. eng.,



The Annex to the 1st Boys High School D. Stefanis, arch. eng., s. Christoforidou, arch. eng., N. Koprivitsa, arch. eng., C. Kiparissi, civ. eng., P. Chatzigrigoriou, civ. eng., E. Sakellariou, sur. emg., A. Mitakos, mech. eng.

The Gallery "Colombou Market"


E. Sakellariou, s. eng., p. Georgaki, archaeol.


Building at 13, AkropolE3os St. in Thessaloniki ' s Uppertown




Lil nAnMATI KEI EPrAIIEI 2001-2002 K. Avl>pfraoc;, Ton. µl]x.

KaTaypacpri u1c; napaoomaK17c; OPXIT8KTOVIKl7c; µ8 XPllITTJ y8wypacp1Kwv auarriµ6.Twv TIA.rJpocpoplWV, OTouc; OIKLGµouc; rouµev1craac;, rp(l3ac;, KamaveprJc; KQI K6.pnrJc; TOU voµou KLA.K(c; IT. raA6v11c;, apx. µl]x. To ti.(ouµo /\ouTp6 Twv LtoripoKaua(wv

n. r&wpyCIKfl, OPXOIOA. H avnµ8TWTILITTJ TT"Jc; Lacuna OTT"J GUVTllPT"JITTJ TT"]c; K8paµLKl7c; A. rKal3apl>1vac;, no>.. µl]x.

MeA8TT"J µ8TaM1Kwv cp8p6VTwv mo1x8(wv nou XPrJOLµOTIOLl78T"]KQV OTLc; KTlplaKec; KQTQGK8Uec; TOU Ay(ou 'Opouc; KQTQ TQ T8A.T"J TOU 19ou KQI Tic; apxec; TOU 20°u QIWVQ A. Aiayouµa, noA. µl]X,

ti.18peuvricrri cp8p6VToc; opyav1aµou l3U½QVTIVWV - µ8TQl3U½QVTIVWV VQWV mriv n8p1oxri TT"Jc; 08aaaMac; K. Ap6aou, no>.. µl]x.

«Ka80A.1K6 Movric; Ko1µ17a8wc; TT"Jc; 08oT6Kou LTIT"]Aa(ou»: ti.18p8UVT"JITTJ TT"Jc; na8oA.oy(ac; µ8Tal3u½OVTIVOU VQOU KQI npOTQITT] QTIOKQTQOTOITT]c; AIK. Eµµavoul')A, noA. µl]x.


napoua(aCJll Twv npol3AT"]µ6.Twv uypaa(ac; mov l8p6 Na6 Ay . N1KoA.6.ou- Nuµcpa(ou KQI aVT1µ8TWmcrri Touc; µ8 TT"J XPllITTJ Tou npoyp6.µµmoc; wufi

DIPLOMA THESES 2001-2002 54


K. Andritsos, sur. eng.

Recording the traditional architecture using geographic information systems, for the settlements of Goumenissa, Kastaneri and Karpi of Kilkis prefecture


s. Galanis, arch. eng.


The Twin Bath of Sidlerokausia


P. Georgaki, archaeol.


The problem of the integration of Lacuna in the restoration of ceramics


D. Gavardinas, civ. eng.


The study of the elements which bring metal and were used in the buillding construction of Mount Athos during the encl of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century


A. Diagouma, civ. eng.


Investigation of the t,ehaviour of the load bearing structure of byzantirn~ and post-byzantine churches in the region of n1essaly


K. Drosou, civ. eng.


"Katholikon of the Monastery of the Dormision of the Mother of God at Spilio": Investigation of the pathology of a postbyzantine church and restoration proposal


E. Emmanouil, civ. eng.


Presentation of the moisture problems at the Holy Church of Ag. Nikolaos (Nymfeo) and how to deal with these problems by usei of the wufi program

fl.. Ka'iµapric;, TOTT. µT]X,

<l>wToypaµµeTp(a - <pWT08pµ17ve(a: Ol8p8UVl7TlKQ epyaA.da m17v apxmoA.oy(a B. Ka>.rn11avic>ou-nupol3&TOfl, apx. µT]x.

Av6A.UOT], T8Kµ17p(wa17 KQL np6TaOT] QTIOKQTQOTQOT]<:; I. N. Ay(ac; napaCYK8UrJ<:;, Evop(ac; 0LKOv6µou KamopL6c; A. Kanavc5pfTri, apx. µT]x.

To /\ouTp6 «Tou <l>LMnnou» ma LL017p0Kauma A. Karmric;, T]A. µT]x.

nuponpomaa(a TWV KTlplOKWV 8YKQTQOTOCJ8WV T11<:; lep6c; MovfJc; Oa(ou rp17yop(ou µeT6 Twv nep( QUTrJ<:; 8~0pT17µ6TWV KQL TI8plj30A.A.OVTO<:; XWPOU

r. KapanoOT6Aou, TOTT. µT]x. ~17µtoupy(a <pWTOp80A.LOTLKWV Otaopoµwv 0Tl7V nup(K□UOTl7 ~WVl'7 Tl7<:; 08CJCJQA.OVLKl7<:; Xp. K&xay16c;, apx. µT]x.

TO KTlplO TOU npWl7V LTQA.LKOU Tip0~8V8LOU 0Tl7 08CJCJQA.OVLK17 N. Konpil31Toa, apx. µnx.

IOTOPLK8<:; KQTOLKl8<:; ~17µ17Tp(ou KQL ntTpou L0µap6 OTOV noA.uyupo Xp. Koul3apoc;, TTOA. µT]x.

T6~a KQL 86A.Ol 08 µv17µet□K8<:; KQTQCJK8U8<:; an6 TOLXOTIOllQ. KmaCJK8Ul7, j3A.6j3ec; KQL eneµj36CJ8l<:; Xp. Kunapioori, TTOA. µT]x.

LTQTLKrJ KQL ouvaµLKrJ QVQA.UOT] TOU KTtp(ou «LT06 neA.oawcp» µe nenepaaµtva motxe(a Xp. M1x&ACIK'1, apxmoA.

npomaa(a, CJUVTrJPllOTl KQL avaOTrJA.WOT] TWV apxa(wv µv17µe(wv m17v EM6oa (1912-1975) fl.. Mouooupic5ric;, apx. µT]x.

0 vep6µuA.oc; Tll<:; lep6c; MovfJc; LTaupovLKrJT□ Ay(ou 'Opouc;: TeKµ17p(w017, anoKaT6ma017 Km enav6xP110Tl


D. Kaimaris, sur. eng.


Photogrammetry - photointerpretation: research tools in archaeology


V. Kaltapanidou-Pirovetsi, arch. eng.


Analysis, documentation and proposal for the restoration of the Holy Chiurch of Saint Paraskevi, District lkonomou, Kastoria


A. Kapandriti, arch. eng.

1Q 11

The Bath "of Philippou" at Siderocausia


A. Kappis, el. eng.

Fire protection of the Holy Monastery of Osiou Grigoriou and its surrounding area


12 102

13 106

14 110

15 114

16 118

17 18 122

G. Karapostolou, sur. eng.

Creation of photorealistic walks in the historical center of Thessaloniki Chr. Kehagias, arch. eng.

The building of the former italian consulate in Thessaloniki N. Koprivica, arch. eng.

Historical residences of Demetris and Petros Samaras in Polygyros Chr. Kouvaros, civ. eng.

Masonry arches and vaults in monumental constructions. Construction, damages and interventions Chr. Kiparissi, civ. eng.

Static and dynamic analysis of the 'Pelosof Arc;ade' with finite elements Chr. Michelaki, archaeol.

Protection, conservation and restoration of ancient monuments in Greece (1912-1975) D. Mousouridis, arch. eng.

The watermill of the Holy Monastery of Stavronikita on Mount Athos: Present state, restoration and re-use


A. MuTOKO<;, µr1x. µr1x-

Mei\en1 8VTO~T]c; H/M 8YKOTQOT008WV KQTO TT]V OTIOKQTQOTQOT] TWV OLOTTJPTJT8WV KTLp(wv TWV oowv I\. LTpmou KOL :rapavran6pou OTT] 0eaaai\ov(KrJ M. narray1avv6KI')<;, apx. µr]x.

«To KTfpto Tou ne'iou OTT] <l>i\wptva». MeMTTJ T8Kµripfwaric;, anoKaT60Taaric; KOL enavaxpriaric; I. npwTOI.JlaATI'), apxmoA.

To BamtOTfipto Tou Ay(ou lwawri v6Tta TrJc; Ay(ac; :rocp(ac; 0eaaai\ov(KrJc; E. IaK&A>.aprou, TOTI. µrix-

<l>wToypaµµeTpLKfi anoTunwari 6ljJewv evreKa OLOTTJPrJTewv KTLp(wv TT]c; ni\aTefac; Mtaoui\ri Epµounoi\ric;

r. Im6rrou>.oc;, apx. µrixMeMTTJ rnKµr]p(waric;, anoKaT60Taaric; KOL av6oeL~rJc; Tou «Koui\tyLe Bel;fp-Tl;aµ(» OTTJ NaunaKTo E. Ixo1v6, apx. µrix.

08wµavtK6 /\ouTp6 Naun6KTou /1. In:q>av~c;, apx. µrixMeMTTJ anoKmaOTaaric; oLOTrJPrJTt:ou KTLp(ou OTTJV 006 2511c; AuyouOTou 40, OTO Hp6Ki\eto KpfiTTJc; n. Iuµewvrc5ric;, TOTI. µrix-

Av6.nTu~17 ecpapµoyfic; noi\uµeawv yta TTlV napoua(aari TWV ve6Tepwv µvriµe(wv TrJc; nup(KauOTou c;wvric; TrJc; 0eaaai\ov(KrJc; n. XaT~'lYPl'JVOPIOU, TIOA


Hi\eKTpovLKTl napaKOi\ouSriari TWV a~t6i\oywv KTLp(wv LOToptKou Kevrpou Epµounoi\ric; :rupou I. Xp10Toq>oprc5ou, apx. µrix.

AnoKmaOTaOrJ mu nai\tou apxovrtKou «npwriv nana8rnowpou-MnapTl;wKa» OTTJV Ep6Tupa Kol;avric; KOL rnav6XPricrfic; TOU we; Kt:VTpou npo~oi\fic; mu ot6Kooµou Twv apxovrLKwv TT]c; LiuT. MaKeoov(ac; I. nepT~IVlc51')c;, TIOA



nupyoc; Tou nai\rnou apoav6 TrJc; I. M. Ay(ou naui\ou - 'Aytov 'Opoc;

A. Mytakos, mech. eng.


Study of the reconstruction of the installations during the restoration of the two preserved buildings, at 19 Leoforos Stratou and Sarandaporoy, in Thessaloniki



M. Papagiannakis, arch. eng.


"Peios' building at Florina". Study of documentation, restoration and rehabilitation

s. Protopsalti, archaeol.



The Agios loannis Baptistery in the south of the Church of Agia Sofia in Thessaloniki


22 142

23 146

24 25 150


26 158

27 162

28 166


E. Sakellariou, sur. eng.

Photogrammetric surveying of the views of eleven maintained ~1istorical buildings at Miaouli square, Hermoupolis G. Sipopoulos, arch. eng.

Study of the documentation, restoration and promotion of "Kulliye Viisier-Tzami" in Nafpaktos E. Schoina, arch. eng.

The Ottoman Bath of Nafpaktos D. Stefanis, arch. eng.

Study for the restoration of a listed building at 40, 25th August street in Heraklio, Crete P. Symeonidis, sur. eng ..

Development of a multimedia system for the presentation of modern monuments of the historical center of Thessaloniki P. Chatzigrigoriou, civ. eng.

Software for management of the historical buildings in Hermoupolis, Syros

s. Christoforidou, arch . eng. Restoration of the old "Papatheodorou-Bartzoka" mansion in Eratyra of Kozani and its rehabilitation as a promotion centre of the interior design of mansions in Western Macedonia I. Pertzinidis, civ. eng.

The tower of the old boatyard of the Agios Pavlos Monastery - Mount Athos





To c:pyaOT17p10 01c:rn0Triµov1K17~ ouvc:pyao(a~ «AnoKaT60TaOT] KOL rnav6xp170T] lOTOplKWV KTLp(wv KOL ouv6/\.WV» ~p(OKC:TOL OTO KC:VTPO Tl7~ C:Kna(oc:uo17~ TWV µnaITTUXLOKWV cpOLTl7TWV TOU .6.nMI Tl7~ no/\.UTC:XVLKT7~ Ixo/\.l7~ TOU Ane.

The workshop on interdisciplinary collaboration in the restoration and re-use of historic buildings, sites and complexes is central to the education of students on the interdisciplinary post-graduate programme of the Technology School of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.

01 µnamux1aKo( cpo1T17Te~ npoepxoVTOL an6 01acpopc:T1K6 Tµ17µma noAUTC:XVLKWv IxoAwv 17 6Mwv LXOAWV 8c:wp17T1K17~ KOTc:u8uvori~- E(vOL auTov617To 6T1 T6oo an6 an6LjJc:w~ nc:p1c:xoµevou 600 KOL cp1Aooocp(a~ 01 ~aaiKe~ Tau~ anouM~ 01acpepouv. H 017µ1oupy(a Twv npouno8eoc:wv C:Kc:tVWV, Ol ono(c:~ ea ouµ~6/\.0UV oc: eva KOLVO TT/\.OlOLO OPXWV, µc:86owv KOL OpOAOy(a~ µna~u TWV OlQcpopC:TlKT7~ npOC:/\.C:UOT]~ rn10T17µ6vwv, c:tVOL ~QOLK6~ OT6xo~ Tou c:pyaOT17p(ou.

The post-graduate students are drawn from many different departments and schools within the Technology itself or have backgrounds in a variety of other theoretical disciplines in other institutions. Thus it is obvious that they come to the course with different basic foundations of theoretical knowledge and with differing philosophical perspectives.

H 01c:rnOT17µov1KT7 ouvc:pyao(a, ~QOLKT7 c:rno(w~17 TOU ~1aTµl7µ0TLKOU Mc:rnmux1aKOU npoyp6µµmo~ QTTOTC:/\.C:OC: Tll ~6017 Tau Tp6nou opy6vwo17~ Tou c:pyaOT17p(ou. npooo16p1oc: c:~ apx11~ Tl7 auv8C:OT] Tll~ OlOQKTlKT7~ 0µ6oa~. Tl7 OUV8C:OT] TWV cpOLTl7TlKWV oµ6owv, TO nc:o(a epc:uVQ~ KOL npaKTLKT7~ c:cpapµoy17~. Mnamux1aKo( cpOlT17T8~ 01acp6pwv C:lOlKOTT7TWV, ouvc:py6<';oVTOL y1a va c:rnMoouv an6 KOLvou TO aVTLKc:tµc:vo Tl7~ epc:uv6~ TOU~ KOL C:nL~/\.8TTOVTOl OTTO OlC:nLOTl7µ0VlKT7 oµ6oa OlOQOKOVTWV Ka817y17TWV. To c:pyaOT17p1aK6 µ6817µ0 C:KTc:tVC:TOL ac: Mo c:~6µ17va, xc:1µc:p1v6 KOL c:ap1v6. Km6 T17v nc:VT6wp17 c:~ooµaom(a C:VOoXOAl70l7 TOU~ -OUVO/\.LK6 100 ci.>pc:~- Ol µc:TOITTUXLOKO( cpo1T17Te~ exouv va avnµc:Twn(aouv TO auvoAo Twv 8c:wPl7TLKWV KOL npaKTLKWV <';17T17µ6TWV nou oXC:TL<';OVTOL µc: Tl7V QTIOKOT60TOOT] KOL c:TIQV6XP17017 lOTOplKWV KTtp(wv KOL OUVO/\.WV. LUYXPOVW~ C:~QOKOUVTOL oc: eva auyKC:Kplµevo OVTLKc:tµc:vo KOL OVTlµC:Twn(<';ouv 0/\.Q TQ OT601a µ1a~ µC:/\.8Tl7~ QTTOKOT60TOOT]~-c:nav6xp170T]~. To c:pyaOT17p10 01ap8pwvc:TOL ac: Mo c:v6T17Tc:~. H npci.>T17 QTTOTC:/\.C:lTOL an6 Tl~ 01aM~C:l~-napouai6oc:1~ T6ao TWV µc:AWV Tl7~ OlOQKTIKT7~ 0µ600~ 6ao KOL 6Mwv OLQKC:Kplµevwv EM17vwv KOL ~evwv µc:Ac:T17Twv. 01 01aM~c:1~ acpopouv Kup(w~ napouai6ac:1~ µc:Ac:Twv av6AUOT]~ TC:Kµ17p(wori~ KOL QTTOKOT60TaOT]~-rnav6XPl70T]~ lOTOplKWV KTLp(wv KOL auv6Awv. H rn1Aoy17 KOL o npoypaµµm1aµ6~ TWV napOUOL60C:WV QKO/\.OU8C:( KOT6 TO OUVQTO Tl~ cp60C:l~ rnc:~c:pyao(a~ TWV 8c:µ6TWV WOTC: va auaxn(<';C:TOI 0 npo~A17µm 1aµ6~ TWV napouaia<';6µc:vwv napaoc:1yµ6Twv µc: Ta 101a(Tc:pa npo~Mµma nou aVT1µc:Twn(<';ouv 01 cpmTTJTC:~-Tptc:~ TOOO KOT6 Tl7V av6/\.UOT] TC:Kµ17p(wori 6ao KOL Km6 Tll 01munwori TWV npoT6ac:wv anoKm6maori~ Twv un6 µc:MTT'] KTtp(wv.


H oc:uTC:PTJ c:v6T17Ta auyKpOTC:lTOL an6 TT] 01c:~aywy17 TT]~

The basic aim of the course is to create a common framework of principles, methods and terminologies fostering collaboration between scientists from various backgrounds. Interdisciplinary collaboration, the basic goal of this postgraduate programme, is also the foundation for the organisation of practical work. From the outset this is reflected in the composition of each staff group, the membership of the student groups and the choice of the fields for research and its practical application. The post-graduate students from different backgrounds collaborate together to work on their research projects under the supervision of an interdisciplinary staff group. The duration of the practical work covers both the winter and summer semesters that make up an academic year. During the five hours a week of work (totalling 100 hours) the post-graduate students have to deal with the whole range of theoretical and practical methods relating to the restoration and use of hiistoric buildings and complexes. At the same time they have to put theory into practice on a specific project and tackle all the stages of a live restoration and use project. The practical work has two interrelated units. The first unit consists of lectures and presentations by the teaching staff and other specialists from Greece and abroad. Lectures are mainly in the form of presentations of analysis and documentation studies as used in restoration and use projects. The choice and programming of these presentations follow as closely as possible the stages of the practical projects in order to relate discussions of problems presented by the lecturer to the practical problems faced by the students at the stages of analysis and documentation, and the formulation of the restoration proposals. In the second unit the students are required to deal with a specific historic building or complex. At the start of the

ClOKr)<JT]c; TWV q>OLTr)TWV navw 08 OUYK8KpLµtva LmOpLKCl KTtpta fJ ouyKpoTf]µma KTLp(wv. Kma Tr]V tvap~ri TOU 8pyamrip(ou K088 q>OlTr)Trjc; napOUOLCl½8l µLa q>OLTr)TlKrJ rJ rnayy8AµOTLKrJ TOU 8pyao(a wm8 va avayvwp(oouv µna~u Touc; Ta Kotv6 TOuc; 8Votaq>tpovrn KQl VQ ouyKpOTrJOOUV Tl<:; 0µ608<:; 8pyao(ac;. H ouv8pyao(a µ8Ta~u oLoaoK6VTwv KOL otoaoKoµtvwv npayµmonOL8LTQl T6oo mtc; a(8ouo8c; oLoaoKaMac; 600 KQl rn( TOTIOU ma un6 µ8/\8Tr) KTtpta.

L8 Ka8op1oµtva XPOVLKO otamf]µma y(voVTm napoum608tc; TWV 8pyamwv, napouo(a 0/\WV TWV µ8AWV TOU 8pyamrip(ou. 01 Tp8L<:; ouvoAtKa napoumao8tc; aVTLmoLxouv ma m601a Tr)<:; QOKr)<JT]c;, ouµ~aMouv mriv QVTOMayfJ an6ljJ8WV KQl 8µTI8lplWV KQl y ta aMa etµma KQl QVTlK8lµ8VQ 8KT6c; an6 QUTQ nou txouv Ol lOlOL va µ8A8TrJOOUV. To npwTO 8lVQl rJ QVQ/\U<JT] KQl rJ T8Kµrjp(wari TOU µvriµdou, Or)/\OOrJ rJ tmopLKrJ tpwva, rJ oX80LOmlKrJ KQl rJ q>WTOypaq>LKrJ QTIOTUTIW<JT], ri Kmaypaq>fi TWV U/1.lKWV KOL Twv Tp6nwv KmaoKwf]c; Ka8wc; Km ri ooµommLKrJ avaAUOrJ TOU. To 08UT8p0 maoto 8lVQl rJ na80AOy(a KQl rJ otayvwari, oriAaofi ri Kmaypaq>f] KOL ri ot8p8uvriari Twv amwv nou TL<:; npOKQ/\WQV, rJ KOTaypaq>fJ TWV npoo8rjKWV, aMaywv KOL TpOTIOTIOlrJ08WV KQl rJ Ol8p8UVrJ<JT] TWV OlQOOXlKWV q>ao8wv Tau tmoptKou KTLp(ou. TO TplTO 8lVQl r] q>l!I.OOOq>(a, Ol Y8VlK8<:; apxtc; KQl Ol npoTCl08L<:; yLa TrJV anoKmamaari KOL rnava)(prJ<JT] Tau KTLp(ou, mtc; ono(8c; ouµn8pl!I.0µ~6voVTOl rJ OPXLT8KTOVlKrJ, rJ mmtKrJ KQl rJ rJ!l.8KTpoµrixavo!I.OYlKrJ µ8/\8Tr). H Q~lO!I.OYrJOTl y(v8TQl an6 TO µ8Ar) Tr)<:; oloQKTlKrJ<:; oµaoac; TOU 8pyamrip(ou µ8 KplTrJPlO Tr)V 8lOlKrJ ouµ~O/\rj K088 8lOLKOTr)TOc; KQl Tr) Y8VlKrJ TIOlOTr)TQ Tr)<:; 8pyao(ac;. Ot 8pyao(8c; nou napoUOLCl½OVTQl OTrJV 8KOO<JT] QUTrj 8lVQl Ta 8tµma TO ono(a 8TI8~8py60Tr)Kav m µnamux1aKo( q>OlTr)T8<:; KQTO Tr) )(pOVlCl 2000-2001. H ouoKOA(a napouo(aaric; µ8 ouvomtK6 Tp6no TWV 8KT8rnµt vwv µ8/l.8TWV TOU 8pyamrip(ou 8X8l we; QTIOT8!1.Wµa OUXVO Tr)V TIOlOTlKrJ QVOVTlmOLXLO µ8TQ~U TWV QVQ/\UTLKWV 8pyamwv Km Twv ouvomLKWV K8tµtvwv nou napou0 16½0VTm mriv napouoa sKooari. EATIL½OUµ8 OTl rJ OUV8XL<JT] TWV 8K0008WV QUTWV 8a A8lTOUpyl']o8l 8TIOlKOoOµr]TlKCl yLa Tr) OUV8XrJ ~8/1.TLW<JT] TWV anouowv Tau ouyK8Kptµtvou µnamuxtaKou npoypaµµmoc;.

01 uneueuvoi mu epyaarrJp(ou Atµ. LT8q>av(oou

M. E. NoµtK6c;

practical work, each student has to present a piece of his, or her, professional or student work to help the students get to know each other better and establish a basis of common interest as an aid to the coherence of the student groups. The collaboration between staff and students covers both classroom and site work. After a period of time, the st1Udents have to present work in progress to both their teachers and their fellow students. Three such presentations are made in the course of a project corresponding to the stages of the project. This contributes to the exchange of ideas, opinions and experience covering all aspeicts of the practical work. The first of these intermediat1e presentations concerns the analysis and documentation of the historic building or monument. That is: the historical research, the surveying of the building, the recording1 of materials and methods of construction as well as a structural analysis. The second stage consists of the "pathology" of the building and major problems to do with the physical state of the materials and structure, and the arrival at a diagnosis. That means recording and investigating underlying causes of problems, as well as charting the changes, modifications and additions made to the building during its history and establishing the chronology of the different constructional phases. The third stage covers the p resentation of the philosophy and general principles together with the restoration and use proposals which have to include schedules for architectural work, structural work, and the installation of services. The evaluation of the practical work by the teaching staff is done using criteria which take into account the contribution made by each individual discipline together with the overall quality of the work. The work presented in this volume consists of the project work done by students during the year 2000-2001. The reader must bear in mind that the difficulty in briefly presenting extensive studies always risks doing less than justice to the quality of the original work. We hope that the publication of these successive volumes will make its own contribution to the evolutionary improvement of this particular post-graduate programme.

The academic staff responsible for the co-ordination of the project work E. Stefanidou

M. E. Nomikos


LT. ra\av17c;, apx. µr1x., A. Kanavopfr17, apx. µrix., K. .617µ171paKouo17, noA. µ17x., AL Eµµavou~\, noA. µr1x., r. KapanOOTOAOU, TOTI. µr1x., L. npw10416A117, apxmoA.

TEKMHPIOrH - LllAXEIPlrH APXAIO/\OrlKOY XOPOY LILlHPOKAYrlON AnOKATALTALH - EnANAXPHLH LlYO nvPrON Em~Mnovrnc;: nt 0eoxapforic;, apx. µrix., Xp. lyvmaKrJ<;, noA. µrix., K. ToKµaKforic;, 10n. µrix.

St. Galanis, arch. eng., A. Kapandriti, arch. eng., K. Dimitrakoudi, civ. eng., E. Emmanouil, civ. eng., G. Karapostolou, sur. eng., S. Protopsalti, archaeol.

DOCUMENTATION -ADMINISTRATION OF ARCHEOLOGICAL SITE OF SIDEROCAUSll\ RESTORATION - REUSE OF TWO TOWERS Supervisors: Pl. Theocharidis, arch. eng., Ch. lgnatakis, civ. eng., K. Tokmakidis, sur. eng.

VTlKetµevo TT]c; µeAETT]c; QUTl'Jc; e(vat O µeaatWVlK6c; OlKlaµ6c; TWV LlOT]pOKaua(wv, 0 ono(oc; j3p(OK8Tat OTO OUTlKQ 6p1a TWV ariµeptvwv ITaye(pwv XMKLOLKllC:, KOTMaµj36vovrac; EKTOOT] µeyMuTepri Twv 80 mpeµµ6Twv.



H yevLKll evrunwari Tou T6nou auvolJ)ii'.;eTOL ae tvav tO)(up6 016r-oyo µETOSU <pUOfJC: Kat tOTOp(ac;, K08Wc; KQTIOLQ tOTOplKQ KT(pta oean6½ouv ae tva unoj3AfJTtK6 Tonio, µe tvrovo av6yr-ucpo Kat navopaµtKll 8fo, 6nou TO uyp6 OTOtXetO K6ve1 ata8riTl'J u 1v napoua(a TOu. Qm6ao, ae tva oeuTepo en(neoo av6yvwaric;, eµcpav(½ovrat 016anapTa anap6yµma Tofxwv, TO ono(a unatv(aaovrat TfJV napoua(a ev6c; or-6KAfJpou OlKLaµou, nou 5ev txe1 avaaKacpd aK6µa.

The general impression of tlhe site can be summed up as a dialogue between nature and history, since some historical buildings dominate an evocative landscape, with an intensive relief and panoramic view, where the liquid element makes its presence felt. However, on a second plane, scattered wall lacerations appear, which suggest the presence of a whole settlement, which has not been e,xcavated yet.

0 ev Myw OLKLaµ6c;, yvwm6c; we; "K6mpov Tou laj36pou" l'J "MaxMac;" apy6Tepa, µa½( µe Tov "'laj3opo" (ITpmov(KfJ), anoOL µeTaME:UTtKEC: 5uvm6TT]Tec; mriv nep1oxl'J - ri on o(a µapTUpeiTat l'Jori an6 Ta µtaa TOU gou at.- npocpavwc; npoK6Aeae TO evotacptpov Tou Iour-T6vou, µe anoTtr-eaµa, acpev6c; va avao1opyavwae1 TfJ r-eLToupy(a Twv µeTaMe(wv (auvr6aaovrac; etoLKouc; Kavovtaµouc;) aM6 Kat TOV LOLO TOV OtKt0µ6 Kat acpeTtpou va napaxwpl'Jaet ariµavrtK6 npov6µta moue; KOTO(Kouc;. 'ETat, to(wc; µeT6 TO 1520-30, o otKtaµ6c; 5tt vue nep(ooo aKµl'Jc;, ri ono(a otl'JpKeae µEXPl TO TEAT"J TOU 17ou at., 6TOv ri an6ooari Twv µeTaMeiwv 6px1ae va cp8(ve1. Ta µnaMefa eyKmMefcp8T]Kav µfoa m o 19° at. Kat auvaK6r-ou8a o (010c; o 0tKtaµ6c;.

TEM:aav Ta It5ripoKauaia TfJC: ToupKoKpm(ac;.

H apxator-oytKl'J auTl'J Stari, av Kat TeKµfJptwveTat, j36aet tOToptKWv nriywv, oev EX8t epwvrieef otesootKQ OTO n e5(o, 'Ew t, Kp(8rJKE avayKa(a ri xapTOypacpriari Kat Kmaypacpl'J Twv emcpavetaKwv OPXtTEKTOVtKWV TfJC: KOTMOLTIWV. LE OUTO TO nveuµa, y(veTOt nr-l'Jpric; TOnoypacptKl'J anoTunwari Kat TOUTOXPOVa TEKµfJp(wari, ae t va npwTO en(ne5o av6Auaric;, µe TfJ auµnr-l'Jpwari Kaprnr-wv Kmaypacpl'Jc; yta K68e apx tTeKTovtK6 eupriµa.


LTT"J auvt xeia xap6aaeTOt µta µaKponp68eaµri mpaTrJytKll otaTEKMHPIOrH - L'.IAXEIPlrH APXAIO/\OrlKOY XOPOY LIL'.HPOKAY~:ION

he object of this study is the medieval settlement of Sidirocausia, which lies in the western borders of present Stageira Halkidikis, which covers an area larger than 80 acres.

The settlement in question, known as "The castle of lsvoros" or "Mahalas" later, together with " lsvoros" (Stratoniki), compose Sidirokausia of the Turkish occupation. The mineral activity of the region -which is evident from the middle 9th c entury- prob-

1. XapaKTrJptartKf/ 6no!Jlri an6 rnv apx a10J..oy1K6 x wpo. Representative view from the archaeological site.

Ktlova 18, 11.rKn~ op8oyWV10 15c{a1,1tvfi

Ktia1,1a 18, KtlO'lfl op8oyW\lta 6<(a1,1~1'1

........_, ....,.~ 11,V.U:



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[_j~;S==:-=--=:-· 2. Lldyµa KapriJ,.ac; Karaypacprjc; opxm:KTovcKwv eup17µ6.rwv. Sample of the registration cards of architectural findings.

3. TorroypacpcK6 oc6.ypaµµa. Site plan diagram.

m ~oytq,upa OVOljJUKT~plO op,a mp,ox~c; µeMrnc; paa1K~ TTOpEia ETTICJKEmn tvaMaKnKt c; "TTpomptr1Ktc;" TToptit c; avaaKOq>IKOi TOµEic; I KOi ii TTp<innc; TTPOTEPOl6Tnwc; avaoKOq>IKOi TOµtic; OEUTEpEUOVTE<; t iooooc; ornv apxm0Aoy1K6 xwpo

xwp0<; m69µwonc;

l ■I

µvnµEia µE TTPOTEp016TnTO OTI<; avamnAWTIKE<; Epyaoitc;

4. 1).16.ypaµµa ocaxdpcar,c; apxawJ,.oy1Kou xwpou - Administration of the archaeological site. TEKMHPIOrn - l>IAXEIPlrH APXAIOAOrlKOY XOPOY L ll>HPOKAYrlON


Xf:LPLCJT]c; TOU apxOLoAOYLKOU xwpou, Tl OTTOLO ~8KLVwvrac; aTT6 ½TJTllµarn SeaµtK17c; TTpoarna(ac; (6pta apx0Lo11.oy1Kou xwpou, ½wvec; otar3aSµtaµtvric; TTpoarna(ac; KATT.), TTpoxwp6. OTTJV tep6.pXTJCJrJ TWV TTPOTepOLOT'7TWV, µe Tpetc; 8VOTT)Tec; epyamwv: 'Epeuva (avaaKacp17 KOL TeKµT)p(wCJrJ), OTepewaetc; - avaOTTJAWaetc; KOL enavaxp17aetc;. Tt11.oc;, yta TTJV av6.oet~TJ KOL TTJV 6.µeCJT] eKµeT<iMeuCJrJ Tou xwpou emMyeTOL To µovrt11.o Tou apxmo11.oytKou TTO.PKOU KOL apSpWVOVTOL Ol r300LKE<; /\.8lTOUpy(ec; TOU (daoooc;, 017µavCJrJ, eKSeataKo( xwpOL, avm)Jux17 KATT.) TT6.vw ae tva "euKaµmo" TTAEYµa otaopoµwv, LKav6 va TTapaK011.ouSd rnuc; auvexdc; µernaxriµmtaµouc; Tou T6TTou, 6TTwc; Sa TTPOKumouv aTT6 TT)V avaaKacpLK'7 tpeuva.

H oeuTepri ev6TTJTO TTJ<; µeMTT)c; acpop6. youc; TOU OLKtaµou.

ae Mo OTT6 rnuc; TTup-

nupyoc; "Tll<; In11AarwT1ooac;" nep1ypaq>tj - rpaq>IKtj OTTOKOTCIOTOOll: 0 TTUpyoc; avT)yEpST)

e~ 011.0KA17pou ae µta cp6.CJrJ, ri ono(a Sa TTpfoet va TOTTOSeTT)Se( OTL<; apxtc; TOU 16°u Ol. np6K8LTOL YLO EVa EVTOVQ epemwµEVO KT(aµa, opSoywvLK17c; KO.TOljJTJc;, aTT6 TO OTTO(o dvm 017µepa eµcpavdc; OL Mo 6pocpOL. 00T6ao, dvOL r3tr30LTJ Tl TTapoua(a UTTOydou, nou napaµtvet Karnxwµtvo, evw, KOT' avOAoy(a µe avr(OTOLXouc; nupyouc;, avaµtveTOL va uTT17pxe TOUACJ.XLOTov tvac; aK6µa 6pocpoc;. O Tp6TToc; K6.Aul)Jric; oev dvOL yvwOToc;, av KOL o mSav6rnpoc; dvOL µ10 ~UALVTJ, TeTp6.ppL)(TT] OTEYTJ-

ably attracted the sultan's interest, with the result of both reorganizing the function of the mines (on the basis of specific regulations) and of the settlement itself, granting important privileges to the inhabitants. So, especially after 1520-3:0, the establishment saw a period of prosperity, which continw3d to the end of 17th century, when the production of the minE!S began to decline. The mines were abandoned in the middle of the 19th century and so was the settlement. This archeological site, although being documented on the recording of its surface architectural remains was considered necessary. In this spirit, a topographical imprint is taking place and at the same time doc1Umentation, on a first level of analysis, with the filling in of re~Jistration cards for each architectural finding. Next, a long-term strategic administration of the archeological site is mapped out, which, starting from matters of statutory protection (boundaries of archeological sites, zones of graded protection etc.), proceeds to the classification of priorities, with reference to the three workings units: Research (excavation and substantiation), fixings - restorations and reuses. Finally, for the direct exploitation of the area, the model of the archeological park is chosen and its basic functions (entrance, signs, exhibition areas, recreation etc.) are articulated on a "flexible" nexus of routes, able to follow the continuous transformation of the grounds, as they result from the excavational research.

H KOTOOKW'7 TOU TTUpyou f:LVOL lOLaiTepa QTT/1.'7 KOL auvoljJ(½eTOL

ae Ttaaeptc; aar3eOT6KTLOTouc; To(xouc; KOL ~ul\tva TTOTwµma, nou eop6.½0VTOL ae axapa ~U/1.00WlWV. AvaMovrac; µ6.11.LOTa rn Cxvri Tou µovaotKou, eµcpavouc; 017µepa, OLa½wµmoc;, 010ypacpcTOL µLO OpSoyWVLK'7 TpUTTO, KOTO. µ'7KO<; TOU aVOT0/1.LKOU To(xou, ri oTTo(a TTpocpavwc; avrtOTOLXd OTTJ SECJrJ Tou KAtµaKoOTaa(ou. H daoooc;, KOT6. TT) auv17Sri npaKTLKll, dvOL xwpoSeTT]µtvri OTTJV mo ouanp6mTT) OljJTJ KOL uTTepuljJwµtvri ae axtCJrJ µe TO cpumK6 toacpoc;. 00T6ao, TO Sup6cpuM6 TT)<; cpa(veTOL va TOTToSern(TOL OTO eawTeptK6 TTp6awTTo Tou To(xou, OT]µtoupywvrac; aµuvrtKE<; aouvaµ(ec;. 'ETm, SewpdTOL TTOAu m80V17 ri TTapoua(a KOrnxuOTpac;, 0Kptr3wc; TTO.VW OTTO TT)V daooo. Ta µ6va odyµarn TTapaSupwv, TTOU awi'.;OVTOL, f:LVOL Mo cpwnOTLKE<; Sup(oec;, OTT) OT6.Sµri Tou taoydou, ot OTTo(ec; µ6.AtOTa dvOL KOL 01 µovaOLKE<; TOU op6cpou OUTOU.

ITOTIKtj avaAuori: Ot TOLXOTTOL(ec; TOU TTUPYOU OlOTT)pOUVTOL ae oe1V17 KOT6.0TaCJrJ, TTapoum6.½ovrac; EVTOVTJ OTTwl\eta UALKOU, µey6.Aec; pwyµEc;, µeTOKLV'708l<; KOL KOSL½l708L<;. E(vOL 08 xapOKTT)plOTLKO 6n Ta Tp(a Tµ17µma TT)<; OPXLK'l<; TTeptµETpou, TTOu ½OVTOL, /\.8LTOUpyouv T8AlKO. we; ave~6.pTT)TOL TTp6r3011.0L.


The second section of the study concerns two of the establishment towers. The tower of "Spilaiotissa" Description - Graphic restoration: The tower was built in one phase, which should be dated at the beginning of 15th century. It is an intensively ruined building of rectangular shape of which two floors are visible today. However, the presence of a basement is obvious but it is covered with soil, which, in comparison with similar towers, it is expected that there must have been one more floor. The way of roofing is not familiar, although the most probable would be a wooden hipped roof.

The construction of the tower is especially simple and consists of four lime-built walls and wooden floors, resting on a network of beams. Analyzing the traces of the only visible frieze today, a square whole is outlining along the eastern wall, which probably corresponds to the position of stairway. The entrance, following the established practice, is placed on the most inaccessible side and higher up than the natural

-...=-• ,.. Ynapxouaa Kardaraar, - Present state.


5. /J.1aypdµµara rdaewv - Diagrammes of stresses. TEKMHPIQLH - D.IAXEIPILH APXAIO/\OrlKOY XOPOY :1:ID.HPOKAY:1:ION

np6raar, anoKardaraar,c; - Proposition of restoration.

rta Tll OTOTLKTl av6Auo17 TOU µv17µ8iou xp17mµonotr'1817Ke TO np6ypaµµa SAP2000, µe ypaµµtK6 KOL emcpavetaK6, nenepaoµeva OTOLX8LO, ecpapµ6½0VTO<; OAOU<; TOU<; OUVOUOOµouc; cp6pTL017<;, nou npo~Mnouv OL OLIYXPOVOL KavovtoµoL Ot eneµ~aoetc; YLO TT7V ev(axu017 TOU cpepoVTO opyavtoµou nepLAaµ~avouv: QTIOKQTC10T0017 TWV npOOWTIWV TWV UcplOTOµeVWV At8oooµwv KOL Twv E;uAooeotwv, 6nou 8ivOL ecptKT6, nMpwo17 TWV pwyµwv µey6AOU eupouc;, ~aeu apµ0My17µa KOL ecpapµoyr'i eveµ6Twv. lotafrepa euepyenKr'i yta TT7V KOTavoµr'i Twv Taoewv KOL TT7 yevLKTl OTOTLKTl WOT68eta Tou cpopea anooetKvueTOL 17 nep(Oe017 TWV TplWV OYKWV TOlXOTIOL(O<;, OT17V QVWTOTT7 OT68µ17, 6nwc; cpa(veTOl OTO 0Layp6µµma Taoewv.

npornari OTTOKOTOO'TOOl'IC:= 0 nupyoc; "T17<; LTil7AOLWTLOoac;", OT17v eMmr'i µopcpr'i nou ow½eTOL, oe Sa µnopouoe va anoKaTOOTa88i eE; oAoKAr'ipou, eOTw KOL µeXPL TO 017µeptv6 Tou ul(Joc;. 'ETOL, npOT81VeTOL va OLOT17p178e( 17 etKOVQ TOU epem(ou KOL Ol 6notec; ouµnA17pwoetc; va anooKonouv, 8irn OTll OTOTLKTl ev(axu017 Tou cpopfo, efre OT17v anoKOT60Ta017 ouyKeKptµevwv OTOLX8iwv (AX Twv cpwnOTLKwv Sup(owv). nap6M17Aa, OTO eowTepLKO, QTIOK08(0TQVTOL ae µey6Ao ~a8µ6 Ol E;uAOKQTQOK8U8<;. LUyKeKptµeva, enavmono8eTOUVTOL OTL<; ucptar6µevec; 00Ko8r'1Ke<; 6Aa rn nm6E;uAa Tou tooye(ou KOL Ta Teooepa ounK6rnpa Tou op6cpou. Ta un6Aoma TOU op6cpou anoKaS(OTaVTOL QVUAOYLKCI, aM6 OlQKOITTOVTQl QTQKTQ, nptv TO µeoo TOU xwpou (eopa½6µeva µ6vo OTO ~6peto To(xo KOL ae µta eyK6pma, µeTaMtKr'i ooK6). Le auT6 To nveuµa, avaKOTOOKW6½oVTOL Tµ17µanK6 TQ oavtowµma KOL OTL<; Mo OT68µec;. TeAO<;, 17 nep(oe017 0Tl7V QVWTQTT7 OT68µ17 napaneµnet ae µLa OlOTOsll nm6E;UAWV, UTIOOl7AWVOVTO<; TO n6Twµa TOU en6µevou op6cpou, To ono(o npocpavwc; unripxe. aM6 A(yo l(J17MTepa. H 8iooooc; QTIOK08(0TOTOL ewe; 8VQ OUyKeKpLµevo Ul(JO<; (OT178a(ou), aM6 anocpeuyeTOL 17 enavaAetToupy(a TllC:, 17 ono(a Sa ouvenay6rnv Tl7V npoo8r'iK17 ev6c; µqaAOU KALµOKOOTQO(ou 0Tl7V np6ool(J17. Luvenwc;, 17 np6o~a017 OTO µV17µ8io y(veTOL ma an6 TT7 ~6peta 6l(J17, OTl7 OT68µ17 Tou op6cpou.

nupyoc; "TOu Ma~tµ Aya" nep1ypaq>~ - rpaq>IK~ OTTOKOTOO'TOOl'l: 0 nupyoc;, OLIYXPOVO<; µe TO yeLTOVLKO "Tll<: LTil7AOLWTLOoac;"' avr'iKet axeo6v eE; OAOKATlPOU ae µLa OlKOOOµLKTl cp6017. np6KeLTOL yta eva KT(oµa op8oywvLKT]<; KC1T04J17C:, µe T800€PL<; TOUACIXLOTOV op6cpouc; KOL un6yeto. O yevtK6<; 6yKo<; napouma½eL µdw017 Ka8' ul(Joc; KOL KOTCl TICIOQ m8av6Tl7TO "eKAeLve" µe TeTpappl)(TTl 0Tey17. Ta TIQTWµOTa Tou nupyou rirnv E;uAtva, 6nwc; µapTupouv ot ow½6µevec; OOK08r'1Ke<;, evw Ol TOLXOTIOL(ec; TOU ao~eOTOKTLOTe<; At80ooµec;, µe TIUKVQ KOS' ul(Joc; E;uALVQ OlQ½WµOTa KOL evowµmwµevouc;, KOTOK6pucpouc;, TITlALVOU<; aywyouc; KOL ayye(a. Le auTE:<; OlOKp(VOVTOL noMe<; cpWTLOTlKE:<; 8up(oe<;, nap68upa KOL K6yxec;, µey6Ao noooOT6 Twv ono(wv dxe anocppaxSe( ae µernyeve0Tep17 cp6017. H Kupta e(ooooc;, an6 TT7v ono(a oriµepa ow½eTOL 17 µta napaOTClOQ KOL TO µLOO TOE;WTO unep8upo, xwpo8eT81TOL 0Tl7 ~6peta 6l(J17. Eow, npo0Te817Ke apy6Tepa AL86KTLOTO, eu8uypaµµo, eE;wTeptK6 KAtµaKoOT6mo. XwpoTOE;tKCl, 0 nupyoc; TOU Maceµ Ayo, 6nwc; KOL TO "KOVQKL" ' cpa(veTOL 6n avr']Kouv mo K6arpo, nou avacpepet o W. M. Leake {1806) KOL µ6Mov anoTeAouoe TO OLOlKl7TLKO KE:VTPO TOU OlKloµou.

npoTOOl'l &TTOVOXPl'lOl'lC:: 0 nupyo<; TOU Maceµ Ayo µeTCI Tl<; eneµ~6oe1c; Tll<: ApxOLoAoytKTl<; Yn17peo(ac; To 1976, SewpdTOL OUOLQOTLKQ QTIOKOTeOT17µevo<; KOL OUVeTIW<; 17 np6TOOl7 OlQnpayµOTeUeTOL KUp(wc; TO a(T17µa Tl7<; 8TIOVC1XP17017C:· 'ETOL, 17 µ6v17 oumaOTLKTl ouµnAr'1pw017 ae Totxonot(a eVTon(½eTOL OTll ~opetoounKr'i ywv(a, ouTw<; ware va y(vet KaMrnpa aVTLA17-

ground. However, its shutter is put on the inside face of the wall, which creates defensive weaknesses. So, the presence of a machicolation is considered JPOssible there, exactly over the entrance. The only examples of windows that survive are two light opening at the height of th1a ground floor, which in fact are the only ones on this floor. Static analysis: The walls of the tower are in a dreadful condition, showing intensive loss of matter, long cracks, shiftings and settlements. It is characteristic that the three parts of the initial perimeter that survive function as independent projections. For the static analysis of the monument the program SAP 2000 was used, fed with linear and surfac1a elements, applying all loading combinations of the current reg1ulations. Repair work for the fortification of the tower include: restoration of the faces of the existing stonework and wooden framework, where possible, filling of the sizeable cracks, deep join filling and adjustment of grouts. Especially beneficial for the apportioning of the stresses and the general static stability of the tower has proved to be the binding of the three volumes of stonework, at the highest level, as shown in the diagrammes of stresses. Proposition of Restoration: The tower of "Spilaiotissa", in the elliptical form that it survives, could not be catholically restored, even up to its present height. Therefore, it is recommended that the picture of the ruin be maintained and whatever repairs aim at the static reinforcement of the tower, either in the projection of concrete elements (i.e. lighting opening). At the same time, the interior woodwork is restored to a great extent. Specially, all the wooden beams of the ground floor are replaced and the four west of the storey. The rest of the beams of the storey are restored analogically, but are broken irregularity, before the middle of space (resting only on the north wall and on a transversal metal bar). In this spirit, the planking on both levels are reconstructed in sections. Finally, the, binding in the uppermost level refers to an arrangement of be-ams, indicating the floor of the above storey, which obviously existed a little higher. The entrance is restored at a concrete height (parapet), but its refunction is avoided as it involves the addition of a big staircase in the front. Consequently, access to the monument is now from the north side at the height of the storey.

Tower of "Madem Aga" Description - Graphic restoratiion: The tower, contemporary to that of "Spilaiotissa", belongs almost completely to a construction phase. It is a building of rectangular shape with at least four floors and basement. The general bulk shows reduction in height and most likely "closed'' with hipped roof. The floors of the tower were wooden, as indicted by the surviving holes for beams, while its wall structure is of stonework, with dense in height wooden friezes, vertical Glay pipes and pots. They are descried many lighting openings, windows and conches, a large proportion of which has been built up in a later phase. The main entrance, of which only one doorpost and half the over door arch survives today, is on the north side. Here, later a stone made, linear, exterior stairway was added. From the point of view of land planning, the tower of Madem Aga , as well as the "conaki", appear to belong to the castle, mentioned by W.M. Leake (1806) and most likely it was the administration center of the settlement. Proposition of reuse: The tower of Madem Aga is considered substantially restored, after the intervention of the archeological services in 1976 and conseqUJently the proposition concerns mainly the question of reuse. So, the only essential supplement in wall work is located at the northwest corner, so as the bulk of TEKMHPlm:H - lllAXEIPlrn APXAIO/\OrlKOY XOPOY :1:ICIHPOKAY:1:ION


- ~ c___) I



6. Yn6pxouaaKar6araar, K6ro(/ITJ iaoydou Present state Plan of ground floor

7. np6raar, QITOKOT6araar,c; Karo(/ITJ A' op6cpou Proposition of restoration Plan of 1st floor

8. tpO(j)lKTJ QITOKOT6araar,. NOTlOQVOTOAlKTJ 6no(/IT]. Graphic restoration. Southeast view.


Toµft A-A'

Norw 6(/ITJ

Section A-A'

South elevation

9. np6raar, OITOKOT6araar,c;. BopelOOUTlKTJ 6nO(/ITJ Proposition of restoration. Northwest view.

m6c; o 6yKoc; TOU KTtp(ou, aM6 Km va OAOKAT"]pwSd ri etK6va TT"]<:; eto65ou.

the building will become more obvious and the picture of the entrance will be completed.

KeVTptKll tMa TT"]<:; np6rnoric; dvm va 5tOTT"JPl7Sd 17 etK6va Tou epem(ou -nap6Ao nou T€:AtK6 TO µv17µe(o Sa AelToupyd we; "KAetOT6" KTtpto- KaSwc; Kp(veTm avayKa(o va ouµ~a5(l;et ucpo11.oytKa l1 ev Myw entµ~aori, µe €:K81VT"] TOU nupyou TT"]<:; "Lnl711.mwnooac;". 'ETOl, anoKaS(OTOVTOl 6Aec; m YVWOT8<:; ~UAOKQTOOK€:U8<:;, µe OTOXO, acpev6c; va ouµnAT"]pwoouv TT"JV etK6va Tou µna~ul;aVTtvou auTou nupyou Kat acpeTtpou va anOTeMoouv TT"] ~aori, 6nou Sa OTllPtxSd ouvSi::nKa Km KOTaoKi::uaOTtKa ri np6TOOT"]. XapaKT17ptOTlKCI, OK6µa KOl TO 5wµa e(vm KOT' ouo(av TO TE:Ai::urn(o n6Twµa, TO ono(o i::mKOAumnm µi:: cpuMa XO/I.Kou. 'Ooov acpopa TO UTTOAOlTTQ OTOlX€:lQ TT"]<:; ouvSi::oric;, UtOS8T8lTOl µta ouyXPOVT"J OVTLAT"J4Jll, µi:: ~amK6 a(T17µa TT"] 5taKptTtK17 napouo(a Touc;, µi:: µta 5t6cpavri un60TOOT"J. El5tK6 OTT"] 5uTtKT7 n11.i::up6 XPT"]OlµOTTOl81TOl OUOlOOTtKCI 8VO µovoK6µµmo KpuOTOMO, oi:: oriµaVTtKll E:OOXll, 8TOl WOT8, µi:: TT"] oK(aori an6 TO npo~aM6µi::va nanDµma, va i::~acpav(l;i::Tm axe56v TE:Adwc; ri OUYXPOVT"] OUTT7 KOTOOK8UT7.

The gist of the proposition is that the picture of the ruin be maintained -despite the fact that ultimate the monument will function as a "closed" building- as it is considered necessary for the repair work, in question to look similar to that of the tower of "Spilaiotissa". Thus, all the known woodwork is restored with the aim of completing the post-byzantine picture of this tower on the one hand and on the other to provide the basis on which the proposition will rest synthetically and constructingly. Even the roof is in fact the last floor, which is covered with copper sheets. Concerning the rest elements of synthesis, a modern concept is adopted, with the basic aim of their distinctive presentation with a transparent existence. Especially on the west side a panel of crystal is used, in reasonable cavity, so as, with the shadow of the projecting floors, this modmn structure disappears almost completely.


@ oj







10. Ynapxouaa Kar6.araar,.

Present state.



B r··,




) 11. np6raa17 an0Kar6.araa17c;.

Proposition of restoration.

12. np6raar, anoKar6.araar,c;. Bopt:wouTlKTJ 6.no(/J17. Proposition of restoration. Northwest view


Llriµ~tpric; Mouooup(oric;, apx. µr1x., M1x6Aric; nanay1aw6Kt7c;, apx. µr1x., Kwvotavr(a Llp6oou, noA. µrix.

METOXI THL I. M. ArlAL ANALTALIAL LTA KPITZIANA THL EnANOMHL 0ELLAAONIIKHL Em~Mnovre~: m .. ewxap(ori~. apx. µT)x., X. lyVOTClKTl~, nor-. µT)X, Dim'.tris Mousouridis, arch. eng., Michalis Papag,iannakii afc_,Jeng., ""'~stantia Drosou, civ. eng.



ors:f "Tliealjlaridis, arch. eng., C. lgDfilakis,-Z

VTtKeiµevo n1c; µe>--eu1c; eivat ri TeKµr]p[wari, onoKOT60TOOrJ Kat enov6XPriari ev6c; auv6>--ou KTlploKwv eyKOToOT6aewv nou onoTe>--ouv TO «MeT6Xl TrJC: I. M. Ay[oc; AvoOToa(oc; OTO KptT~tov6 TrJC: Enovoµr']c;». To µvriµe[o )(pOvo>--oyeirnt OTlC: opxec; TOU 16°U atci.>vo Kat eivat (awe; TO KOAUTepo otmripriµevo on6 TO no>--at6Tepo µovoOTT]ptoK6 µeT6xto. Bp(aKeTat Teaaepo XlAt6µeTpo v6Tto TrJC: Enovoµr']c; Km ovr']Kel OTrJV opµoolOTr]TO TrJC: 1oric; Ecpopeiac; Bu~OVTlVWV ApxatoTr']TWV. To KTlplaK6 auyKp6Triµa Tou µeToxtou KOTMaµl36vet eKTOOrJ 980 m2 Kat ar']µepa aci.>~OVTat Ol ouo 6pocpOL TOU K8VTplKOU nupy60TTlTOU OTT] l36peta n>--eup6, Tµr']µmo Tou oxupwµanKou nep[!30>--ou µe QUO YWVlOKouc; nupyouc; OTO v6na Kat UTTOAeiµµma QUO QKOµr] KTlp(wv, µtac; «K6poac;» OUTlKO TOU nupy6onlTOU Kat ev6c; axupci.>va OTT] NA ywv(a. Mey&o µepoc; Tou auyKpoTr']µoTOC: KOT800<pl0Tr]K8 TO 1965, 8VW apy6Tepa, TO 1976, EYlVQV 8KT8TOµevec; QVQKQTQOKE:Uec;.


he purpose of the project is to document and rehabilitate the group of buildings which make up the dependency of the Monastery of St. Anastasia at Kritziana near Epanomi, and restore it to use. The monument dates to the early sixteenth century and is possibly the best preserved of the older monastery dependencies. It stands four kilometres south of Epanomi and comes within the domain of the 1oth Inspectorate of Byzantine Antiquities. The complex occupies an area of 980 m2 , and the surviving structures are: the first two storeys of the main tower-house on ttle north side; parts of the fortifying wall with two corner towers on the south side; and remnants of two more buildings, a wing to the west of the tower-house and a barn in the south-east corner. Much of the complex was demolished in 1965, and exte-nsive rebuilding was carried out in 1976.



2. Yrrapxouaa Kardamar,. N,6rta 61/JrJ. Present state. South elevation.


1. Yrrapxouaa Kardamar,. ,evtKf/ Kdro1/;r7 auyKporf/µaroc;. Present state. General ground plan of the complex.

3. 'ArrOI/JrJ rou Meroxwu arr6 N6Tta - South view of the complex.


4. llt6KptarJ au8evr1Kwv aroixdwv Krn ane1K6v1ar, KaTearpaµµivwv Tµr]µOTWV µe {36ar, TlC;' nriyic;. KaTO(/lrJ, TOµic;, 6(/IE:l(;'. Distinction of the original sections and projection of ruined parts according to resources. Ground plan, sections, elevations.

H µet.bri nepLA.0µ!36.vei:

The project includes:

A) Anon'.mwari TWV KTlpiwv TOU auyKpOT!lµOTO<;. 1La TTlV anoTunwari XPrimµonon']eriKav KUp(wc; OPXLT8KTOVLK£<; µe8o50t. LX85lOOTTlKOV OKOplcpl7µ0TO OTIOU KOTOypO<pTlKOV A.8moµepw<; TO 15La(Tepa xaPOKTTlPlOTLKa Twv KTLpiwv, Tl KaTOoKeuaOTLKl7 50µ17 Touc;, Ta UALKO KOL Tl naeo>,.oy(a TOU<;. Me TTl l30178eLa Tonoypacp1Kou opyavou eMcp8rioav OL oXETLK£<; ouVTeTayµevec; 37 eTILAeyµevwv ariµdwv KOL OKOA.OU8WVTO<; TTl µe8050 Twv TpLywv1Kwv o5euoewv µe TTl l30178e1a µnpoTOLv(ac;, OTIOTUTIW8T1KOV OL KOTOIJJ8L<; KOL TO u!JJ6µeTp0 TWV KTLp(wv. napo.Mri>,.a µe TTl yewµeTpLKl7 OTIOTUTIWITT] £YLV8 OVOA.UTLKl7 <pWTO· ypacpLKl7 T8Kµrip(wari KOL ouµn>,.ripw8T1KOV 5eATLO KOTaypacp17c; YLO QA.OU<; TOU<; XWPOU<; TOU OUYKPOTl7µ0TO<;.

A) A survey of the buildings The survey relied mainly on architectural methods. Detailed drawings were made, which inc:luded the distinctive features of the buildings, together with information about their structure, materials, and pathology. Toponraphical instruments were used to record the relative coordinatos of 37 selected points, and triangulation procedures were followed, using a tape measure, to record the elevations and altitudes of the buildings. The geometrical survey was accompanied by detailed photographic documentation, and condition reports were made out for all the buildings in the complex.

B) Iu.V.oy11 OT01xeiwv KOi tpeuvo nriywv y10 Tf'IV T£Kµf'lpiwari

TWV XWPWV KOi TWV A£1TOUpy1WV TOU<;. BOOLK£<; nriyec; n>,.ripocpopLWV OTIOT£A.WOV OL npocpopLK£<; µapTUp(ec; KOL TO OPXELOKO UA.LKO TOU OPXOLOA.OYOU 080XOPTl na½apa, TO ono(o eKT6<; an6 To l3Ll3Mo TOu µe TO TLTAO «Enavoµ17 lmop(a, Mvriµda, Tonoypacp(a», nepLeA.6.µl3ave naAL£<; cpwToypacp(ec; KOL oX£5LO. lriµaVTLKQ OTOLX8LO en(oric; OVTA.l78T1KOV an6 µLa u5moypacp(a nou <pLAOT£XVTl08 , epµav6c; mpaTLWTLKO<; KOTO TTlV nep(o5o TTl<; TeA.euTO(ac; KOTOXl7<;, TL<; npocpopLK£<; µapTUp(ec; naA.OL6Tepwv KOTOLKWV TTl<; nepLOXl7<;, an6 TTl l3L!3>,.1oypacpLKl7 ava½17TTlITTJ KOL TTlV emT6ma epeuva.


Ene~epyoaio Twv n>.ripocpop1wv Kai e~oywy11 auµnepoaµaTwv. Me 136.ari TO napanavw OTOLX8LO, ey1ve 5Lepeuvriari TWV au8eVTLKWV TµTlµ6.Twv KOL axe5LOOTT'JKOV avanapam6.oe1c; Tou ouYKPOT17µmoc; mriv npo TOU 1965 KOTOOTOOll TOU, avayvwp(OTTlK8 Tl )(pOVLKl7 5L050X17 TWV KOTOOK8UWV KOL £YlVOV ypa<pLK£<; avanapamaoeL<; TTl<; OPXLKl7<; µopcp17c; TµriµaTwv Tou ouyKpoTtjµmoc;. napaMri>,.a µeA.E:T178T1K£ KOL OVOA.U8T1K£ Tl KOTOOK8UOOTLKl7 50µ17 KOL Tl na8o>,.oy(a QA.WV TWV OTOLXeLWV nou ouveeTOUV TL<; KOTOOK8U£<;. E(vOL l3el30LO OTL TO emµepouc; KTlpLO TOU µeTOXLOU 5ev OLK050µ178riKav 6>,.a TTlV (5La xpovLKl7 nep(o5o, aMa un17p~e µLa ma5LOKl7 avamu~ri TTl<; opy6.vw017<; TOU, av6.A.oya µe TL<; £KOOTOTE:

B) Collecting data and investigating sources in order to document the buildings an,d their functions The basic sources of information were the oral testimony and archival material of the archaeollogist Theoharis Pazaras, which, apart from his book "Epanorni - History, Monuments, and Topography" (in Greek), included old photographs and drawings. Important data were also gleaned from a water-colour painted by a member of the German armed occupation forces during the Second World War, the oral testimony of elderly local people, bibliography, and on-the-spot investigations. C) Processing the information and drawing conclusions On the basis of the aforementioned data, the authentic parts of the complex were investigated,. reconstructions were drawn of its pre-1965 state, the chronological order of the structures was established, and graphical reconstructions were made of the original form of parts of the complex. At the same time, the structure and the pathology of all the features of the buildings were studied and analysed. It is certain that the various parts of the complex were not all built at the same time, but that it evolved gradually, in accordance with the occupants' needs. The oldest building is the main tower-house, which is dat,ed by an inscription built into the wall over its main entrance. It was built in October 1530, when Theonas (later Metropolitan of Thessaloniki) was abbot of the Monastery of St Anastasia and Sophronios was steward. The



ov6.yKe~ Twv XPTJOTWv. To nOAOL6rnpo on6 ouT6. eivOL TO KeVTptK6 nupy6ontTO, TO ono(o XPOVOAOyetTOL on6 8VTOlXLOµevri KTT]TOplKT7 emypacpr'] n6.vw on6 TT]V K8VTplKT7 eiaoo6 TOU. lopu0T]K8 TOV OKTW~p10 TOU 1530, OTOV riyouµevo~ TT]~ Movr']~ TT]~ Ay(o~ Avoaroa(o~ T7TOV O 0ewv6.~, 0 µeTl::TI8LTO µT]TpOTIOALTT]~ 0eaaOAOVLKT]~ KOL OlKOv6µo~ 0 LWcpp6v10~. 01 oµUVTLKOl nupyoL ov6.yoVTOL nep(nou OTO µfoo Tou 15ou OLWVa. !1ev exe1 npoao1op10Tet T] OKpt~r']~ )(pOVOAOYT]OTJ TWV UTIOAOLnwv KTlp(wv, npene1 WOTOOO VO npoare0T]KOV OTOOLOKO, KOTO TT] OLO.pK8LO TOU 17ou KOL 18°u Ol. OTOV T] TOUpKLKT7 eE;oua(o OTIOKOTl::OTT]08 TTJV aacp6.Ae10 KOL TTJV riaux(a OTTJV eupuTepri nep10xr'J TT]~ OUTLKT7~ XOAKLOLKT7~. To 1821, !::TO~ OAOKAT]pWTLKT7~ KOTOOTpocpr']~ TT]~ XOAKlOlKT7~ on6 TOU~ ToupKOU~, TO µeTOXL KO.T]Ke. An6 xapayµevri )(pOVOAoy(a TOU 1880 nou un6.pxe1 ae Meo OTT] OUTLKr'] e(aooo Tou auyKpoTr']µmo~, auµnepo(vnOL 6TL µeXPL TO T!::AT] TOU 1gou Ol. eyLVOV OT]µOVTLK!::~ eneµ~0.081~ OTO OUYKPOTT]µO, aro nAo(mo TT]~ avoo1aµ6pcpwar']~ Tou y1a TTJV anoTeAeaµm1K6Tepri eKµeT6.Meuari TWV oypoTLKWV KOL KTT]VOTpOcplKWV eKT6.aewv TOU µeTOx1ou. LTL~ OPX!::~ TOU 20ou Ol. Ol 8KT0.08l~ TOU µE:TOXLOU VOLKLO.OTT]KOV ae 101<i>Te~ KOL TO auyKpOTT]µa eyKOTOAetcp0T]Ke. To 1965, K6.no10 npwTO~ouMa y10 TTJV aveyepari vfo~ eKKAT]a(a~ KOL Tl 6.yvOLo TT]~ lOTOplKOTT]TO~ TOU µvriµe(ou eixav w~ OTIOT!::AE:Oµo TT]V KOT800.cplOT] OT]µOVTlKWV TµT]µO.TWV TOU auyKpoTr'jµOTo~, To 1976, ri 911 Ecpopeia Bu½oVT1vwv ApxOLoTr']Twv aveAa~e eKTeTOµeve~ epyoa(e~ arepewari~ Twv KT1aµ6.Twv nou e(xov anoµeive1, ware va anocpeuxSei ri OAOKATJPWTtKr'] KOT6.ppeuar'] Tou~, evw TO 1986-87 T] 1017 Ecpope(o BU½OVTLVWV ApXOLOTT7TWV npayµOTOTIOLT]08 auµnAT]pwµanKe~ epyoa(e~ auVTr']priari~. T6ao OTO nupy6ontTO, 6ao KOL OTOV oxupwµOTLKO nep(~OAO. H µoKpo(wvri OlKOOOµtKr'] lOTOp(o TOU auyKpOTr']µmo~ cpo(veTOl KOL OTT]V KOTOOKWOOTlKT7 ooµr'] TWV emµepou~ KTlp(wv. 01 TOLXOL TOU nupyOOTilTOU etVOL KTLaµeVOl µe opyou~ A(0ou~, TIALV0ou~, µapµ6.p1vo apx1TeKTov1K6. µeAT] ae oeuTepri XPllOTJ KOL OUOTT]µO Kpucpwv E;UA0080LWV. To ncixo~ TOU~ µe1wveTOL ~a8µ1a(a KOTO. 6pocpo. LTO OU08VTLKO Tµr']µma TO auvoenK6 UALKO eivOL TITJAOKov(aµo µe xpr'Jari aa~earri evw OTL~ np6acpme~ OVOKOTOOKW!::~ XPT]OLµono1r']8T]K8 oa~eOTOKOV(oµo. To OUOTT]µa ooµr']~ TTJ~ To1xono1(0~ µnopei vo xapoKTT]ptarei w~ noM eAeu0epo nA1v8onep(KAe1aro.

defensive towers go back to the mid-sixteenth century or thereabouts. The rest of the buildings have not been firmly dated, but they must have been added in stages during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the Turkish authorities restored peace and security to the wider area of western Halkidiki. In 1821 , when Halkidiki was devastated by the Turks, the dependency was burnt down. The year 1880 engraved on a stone at the west entrance to the complex suggests that the dependency underwent major interventions as it was redeveloped to facilitate more efficient use of the dependency's agricultural and pasture land. Early in the twentieth centuiry, the land was rented out to private individuals and the complex was abandoned. In 1965, a decision to build a new church combined with a failure to appreciate the monument's historical significance led to the demolition of a considerable part of the complex. In 1976, the 9t h Inspectorate of Byzantine Antiquities carried out extensive consolidation work on the remaining buildings to prevent their total collapse; and in 1986-7, the 1oth Inspectorate of Byzantine Antiquities carried out supplementary conservation work on the tower-house and the fortifying wall. The long history of the complex is also revealed by the structure of the various buildings. The walls of the tower-house are built of rubble stones, bricks, re-used marble architectural members, and concealed timber ties. They become less thick floor by floor. The binding medium in the authentic sections is clay mortar with lime, while lime mortar was used in the more recent rebuilding. The masonry may be described as very free cloisonni. The walls of the wing are built of rubble stones, bricks, and timber ties. The binding medium in the authentic sections is clay mortar. The exterior is jointed with lime mortar, while some surviving parts of the interior are plastered with clay, straw and a thin layer of lime mortar. The authentic sections of the masonry of the towers are the most meticulously constructed in lthe entire complex. Their solid bases are built of hewn blocks of poros laid in pseudoisodomum. In the main body of the towers, large hewn blocks of poros are used with interpolated bricks. The· courses are bound and jointed with off-white lime mortar, while a concealed system of timber ties re-







NA mJpyoc;


Structure. SE tower a1nd central to wer house.


H TOLXOTIOllO TrJc; KOpoac; ElVOL ooµriµevri an6 apyouc; >,.(8ouc;, n>,.(v8ouc; KOL su>,.oowtec;. To auvoenK6 Kov(aµa TWV au8evnKWV TµflµOTWV ELVOL TiflAOKov(aµa. Ol eswrnpLKec; TIA.EU pee; ELVOL apµo>,.oyriµevec; µe aa~wrnKov(aµa, evw wwrnptK6 aw½oVTOL emcp6VELE<; rntxp(aµmoc; an6 nriM, oxupo KOL A.BITTO OTpwµa aa~EOTOKOVL6µmoc;. Ta au8eVTLK6 Tµ17µma TrJc; Totxonm(ac; TWV nupywv dvOL Ta mo emµe>,.riµeva ae 6Ao TO auyKp6TflµO Tou µEToxtou. Ot auµnaydc; ~6aetc; rnuc; dvOL ooµriµevec; µe >,.aswrnuc; oyK6At8ouc; an6 nwp6AL80, KOTO eva L!Jwoo'ia6ooµo GUGTflµO. LTO KUp(wc; awµa Twv nupywv txouv XPflotµonmri8d µey6Aot AaseUTo( nwp6At8ot µe TflV napeµ~0"-17 nAtv8(wv. Ot Mµm auvMoVTOL KOL apµo>,.oyouVTOL µe UTIOAEUKO aa~EOTOKOv(aµa EVW eva Kpucp6 OUGTflµO su>,.ooemwv evtaxuet Tfl OTOTLK'l rn6pKeta Twv KOTaaKwwv. Ot 86Aot TWV nupywv µopcpWVOVTOL an6 AOSEUTOU<; >,.(8ouc; µtKpwv axenK6 otaOT6aewv KOTO TO EK<poptK6 auGTflµa KOL auvMoVTOL µe aa~eOToKov(aµa. LTL<; Teaaeptc; ywv(ec; OTflPL½OVTOL ae acpOLpLK6 Tp(ywva 17 TptywvtKouc; M8tvouc; npo~6>,.ouc;. H Tmxonm(a TOU nupy6omTou napoum6½EL nc; µeyaMTepec; cp8opec; µe Tfl µopcp17 EKTETOµEVWV pflyµOTWOEWV OTO OU8EVTLKO Tµ17µm6 TrJc;. EVTon(OTrJKE anwAeta Tou auvoenKou KOVL6µmoc; ae µey6Aa Tµ17µma Twv eswTepLKWV 6L!Jewv KOL ae µeptKec; neptoxec; auT6 0017yriae GTrJ oriµtoupy(a Kevwv µeT6 an6 TflV mwori aouvoeTwv >,.(8wv. H eK8eori TrJc; Totxonot(ac; OTL<; KOLpLKec; auv817Kec; TOUAOXLOTOV YLO MKO XPOVLO (1965-1976) , anoa68pwae TO Kov(aµa OTO µeyOAuTepo noaoOT6 Tou, acp17voVTac; aauvoeTouc; Touc; >,.(8ouc;. Em~apuVTLKO cpa(veTOL 6n eopaae KOL TO GEVO½ OTIO OTIALGµEVO GKUpooeµa TO OTIOLO TOTI08ET'78flKE OTO nepac; Tfl<; Al8000µ17c;. 'EpEUVO TWV KOVLOµOTWV Tou auyKpoT17µmoc;, eoetse 6n TO KOvt6µaTO Mµrioric; KOL apµoMyrioric; Tou nupy6amTou Tooo Tfl<; OPXLK17c; cpooric;, 6ao KOL TWV ETILGKEUWV TOU 1880, napOUOlO½OUV OVTOX'l ae 8ALITTLK'7 KOTOTIOVflOfl 6-8 kg/cm 2 KOL OTIOTEAOUVTOL an6 aa~EOTOKOVLOµa µe npoa8'7Kfl TIOU½OAOVrJc; KOL aopaV17 KOA17c; KOKKOµETPLK17c; Ol0~68µLOflc;. EmnMov XflµLKec; OVOAUGEL<;, KOTEOELsav OTl GTfl auv8ea17 rnuc; UTIOPXEL EsOLPETLKO Ul!JrJAO noaoOT6 VlTplKWV OAOTWV TO ono(a cp8dpouv TO UALKO 00µ17c; µe TOXU pu8µ6. LTO NL\ nupyo unopxouv pwyµec; µLKPOU eupouc;, EVW npo~ArJµOTLK'7 dvOL fl OT'lPLSfl TrJc; Totxonotiac; n6vw an6 TflV doooo TOU nupyou, µfow SlJAlVWV OOKWV nou OLaµopcpwvouv TO unep8up6 TrJc;. 0 NA nupyoc; eµcpav(½eL µeyOAUTepa npo~>,.17µma EUOT68etac;, acpou napouma½eL anoKA(oetc; an6 TflV KOTaK6pucpo, ae ouo KOTEU0uvoetc; avOTOALKO KOL v6na, nou cp86vouv µeXPL KOL TO 7 cm. Lltaµnepdc; pwyµec; OlOTpexouv TO VOTLO TOLXO axeMv ae 0/1.0 TO uL!Joc; TOU. Ynopxet ESEAlSfl TOU <pOLv6µevou TrJc; an6KALOrJc;, 6nwc; otamOTWVETOL an6 TflV rnavaoriµtoupy(a pwyµwv eupouc; ewe; KOL 0.8cm OE OU0EVTLKO Tµ17µaTO TrJ<; TOLXOTIOllO<;

inforces the towers' structural stability. The vaults of the towers are built with corbelling using comparatively small hewn stones bound with lime mortar. They are supported in the four corners by pendentives or triangular stone corbels. The masonry of the tower-house displays the most serious damage, in the form of extensive cracking in the authentic sections. Large sections of the exterior fac;:ades have lost their mortar, leading to gaps in some places where stones have fallen out. Exposure to the elements for over a decade (1965-76) has caused most of the mortar to disintegrate, leaving the stones loose and unsupported. The reinforced concrete framework that had been placed on top of the masonry SE3ems to have aggravated the situation. An investigation of the various types of mortar used in the complex has shown that the mortar used in the tower-house, both in the original phase and in the repairs of 1880, has a compression resistance of 6-8 kg/c:m 2 and consists of lime mortar with added pozzuolana and fine-grade aggregate. Chemical analyses have also shown that it contains a very high proportion of nitrates, which rapidly destroy building materials. There are narrow cracks in the south-west tower, and problems with the masonry over the entrance to the tower, which is supported by the timber beams that form the lintel. The south-east tower has greater problems of s1tability, as it inclines from the vertical both eastwards and southwards by as much as 7cm. Almost the entire height and len~Ith of the south wall is traversed by cracks. Cracks up to 0.8cm wide have reappeared in authentic sections of the masonry which were pointed during the consolidation work carried out by the Archaeological Service in 1976, indicating that the problem of tilting is spreading. D) Proposal for restoration and re-use

The fundamental concern of the proposal for re-use is that the monument's new function should allow it to be preserved and sustained over time without putting any strain on it. It is proposed that the complex function as a cultural center and as a museum dedicated to itself and the heritage of Epanomi. Our intention is that the monument should offer visitors data and information that will guide them and help them to discern its historical phases, to understand how it functioned, and to appreciate the technology of its time. It is thus proposed that, following excavations, the five-sided shape of the fortifying wall be r,estored to define the site, building the masonry up to a low hei,ght as a discreet reminder of the original walls. Capping the masonry will also help to protect it. The ground-floor levels of the buildings that no longer survive will be restored and floored with poured material to differentiate them from the rest of the site.





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6. O1Koi50µ1Ki<; cp6at:1c; Koc nt:pfoi5oi J..t:LToupyfac; TOU auyKporrjµamc; - Building phases and function p€•riods of the complex. METOXI THL I. M. ArlAL ANAHALIAL HA KPITZIANA THL EnANOMHL 0 EHMONIKHL


TO ono(a apµoJ...oyr'J811Kav Km6. Tl'"J 016.pK&ta Twv epyamwv ar&pewOT]c; nou ey1vav an6 Tl'"JV ApxatoJ...oytKr'j Yn11pw(a TO 1976.



BaatKr'j &TIIOLWS11 TrJ<:; np6TaOT]c; yta &nQVClXPl'"JOT] &LVat 11 8VTOs11 Tl'"J<:; veac; XPllOTJC: va ouµj36.A&l ar11v OUVTllPllOTJ Kat 01aTr'jp170T] TOU µvriµeiou aro XPOVO xwp(c; va TO &ml3apuv&1. To KTlptaKO ouyKp6T11µa Tou µ&Tox1ou npoTeiv&Tat va J...&1Toupyr'jo&1 we; xwpoc; noJ...mar1Kwv opaar17p10Tr'jTwv, we; 01oaKT1K6 µouoeio Tou &auTou TOU Kat Tl'"J<:; yev1K6rnp17c; KJ...11povoµ16.c; Tl'"J<:; Enavoµr'jc;. LKOTIO<:; µac; &LVat TO µVrJµ&Lo VQ nap8X&l arov &TIIOK8ITTl'"J arotX&LQ Kat nJ...11pocpop(ec; T8Tota ware va J...&1Toupyr'jo&1 µ& Tp6no Ka80011y11T1K6 Kat wcpeJ...1µ0 aro KOLVO l30178wVTac; TO va OLaKp(V&l nc; taroptKec; cp6.o&tc; TOU, va Kmavor'jo&t TO Tp6no A&lTOUpy(ac; TOU Kat Tl7V T&XVOJ...oy(a Tl'"J<:; enoxr'Jc; TOU. 'ETOL npOT&LV&Tat 11 OAOKAr'jpwOT] TOU TI&VT6.nJ...eupou axr'Jµmoc; TOU oxupwµanKou nep(l30J...ou uarepa an6 avaoKacpr'j, µe 01aKpmKr'j unevSuµtOT] TWV TOLXOTIOLLWV TOU O& xaµ11M uljJoc; ware va op108eT118ei o xwpoc;. H ouµnJ...r'jpwOTJ &KT6c; an6 TrJ OT]µav017, &saocpaJ...(i'.;&l Kat TrJV npoarao(a TOU<:; (capping). AnoKa8(araVTat ot ar68µec; Twv tooyeiwv an6 TO KTipta nou oe owi'.;oVTat OT]µepa Kat emarpwvoVTat µe xuT6 uJ...1K6 ware va 01acpopono1118ouv QTIO TOV UTIOAOLTIO XWpO. LTOV LOOyetO XWPO TOU nupyOOTILTOU npOT&LVeTat 11 8K0&0T] TWV apxtTeKTOVLKWV µeJ...wv Kat eup17µ6Twv nou l3p(oKOVTat OT]µ&pa 016onapTO arov auJ...eto xwpo Kat QUTWV nou TUXOV ea npOKUljJouv an6 TrJV avaoKacptKr'j epeuva. 0 6pocpoc; npcTeiveTat va J...etToupyr'jo&L we; µouoeio Tl'"J<:; tarop(ac; TOU µewx1ou Kat TrJ<:; eupurnp17c; nepLOXll<:;, µe Tl'"JV 8K0eOT] tarOplKWV arOLX&LWV, VTOKOUµ8VTWV, axeo(wv avanapaaraoewv Kat nponJ...aoµ6.Twv Tou ouyKpoTr'jµmoc;. npoTeivoVTat epyao(ec; ouVTr'jp17017c; Twv su11.1vwv OTOLX&LWV nou owi'.;OVTat, OVQKQTQOK&Ur'j TOU SlJALVOU oaneoou TOU OpOcpOU Kat KQTQOK&Ur'j veac; &OWTeptKr'jc; KJ...(µaKac;. H KaJ...uljJr'j Tou y(v&Tat µ& arey11 an6 µeTOMtK6 i'.;euKT6. Kat oav(owµa µ& &TIIKCIAU\jll7 an6 cpuMa XOAKOU. EswTeptKCI, OTrJV araeµ17 Tl'"J<:; SeµeJ...(wOT]c;, 01aµopcpwveTat un6ye10 ouOTrJµa nep1µ&Tp1Kr'jc; anoarp6yy1017c; nou npoararnu&t TO µv11µe(o an6 Tl'"JV uypao(a eoacpouc;.

0 xwpoc; Tl'"J<:; KOpoac; npOT&LVeTat va cptJ...os&V&l n&ptaraataK6 una(Sptec; KQAALTeXVLK8<:; &KOl7AWO&tc;, 0µ1J...(&c; KOL eK0eoetc;. Eneµl36oe1c; µtKpr'jc; KJ...(µaKac; µnopouv va owoouv µ6vo vusetc; yta TrJV QVWOOµr'j Kat TO KaTearpaµµeva ar0txda TOU XWPOU. riVOVTat OUµTIAl'"JpWOetc; ar11v TOLXOTIOLLQ Kat KQTQOK&uCli'.;&Tat, µ&TQ Tl'"J Otaµ6pcpWOT] TOU OQTI800U, µtKpr'j µeTOMLKr'j OKl'"JVll OVQarpeljJtµou xapaKTr'jpa. rta wuc; nupyouc;, µe oeooµev17 TrJV al3el3at6T17Ta y1a TrJV aKpt1311 apx1Kr'j µopcpr'j wuc;, npoTeiveTat 11 QTIOKaTOaraOT] TWV T&Kµ17p1wµevwv µ6vo arotxeiwv. Ot &n&µl36oe1c; anol3Mnouv ar11v

It is proposed that the architectural members and finds that are at present scattered about the courtyard be displayed on the ground floor of the tower-house, together with any other finds which the excavations may bring to light. It is proposed that the first floor house a museum of the history of the dependency and the wider area, displayin9 historical data, documents, and graphical reconstructions and models of the complex. It is proposed that the surviving timber features be conserved, the timber floor of the upper storei1 be reconstructed, and a new staircase be built. The roofing should be of metal trusses and boarding covered with copper sheeting. Outside, at foundation level, there should be an under~1round drainage system to protect the monument from ground moisture. It is proposed that the area of the wing accommodate occasional cultural events, talks, and exhibitions. Small-scale interventions could simply allude to the superstructure and the ruined features of the space. The masonry can be restored and, when the floor has been laid, a small easily removable metal stage could be installed. As for the towers, given our uncertainty about their original form, it is proposed that only the documented features be restored. The interventions are intended to protect the authentic material and ensure that the towers can be visited, mainly for instructive purposes. To protect them from the weather, it is proposed that hipped roofs be built of timber and covered with copper sheeting. It is proposed that the south--east tower be trussed with stainlesssteel tie-rods in the two main directions, and that these be anchored in the adjoining sections of the fortifying wall, so that these can function as buttresses in the event of an earthquake. In the barn, we propose in1terventions designed to restore the level of the floors and the openings. It is proposed that the resulting enclosed semi-subt1,manean space be used as an auxiliary space for storage and users' general needs. The groundlevel floor also gives access to the south-east tower and may be used as a platform for bigger events in the courtyard. As far as their design is concerned, the buildings were built to last, but they have deteriorated badly, because the materials are so old. This is why the proposed work mainly concerns consolidation and improvement of their structural integrity. It is proposed that the masonry of the buildings be consolidated by pointing the areas where the mortar has decayed. All the restorations, pointing, and, where necessary, grouting should be done with materials that are compatible with the original materials. The properties of the new mortar (mechanical strength, porosity, etc.) correspond to those of the existing mortar, and care should be taken to match it for colour too. We must stress that every effort should be made to preserve the authentic materials and that

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7. n aeoAoy(a. V l/}w; - Pathology. Elevations. METOXI TH L I. M. ArlAL ANAITALIAL ITA KPITZIANA THL EnANOMHL 0 EHM ONIKHL

npoo-rno(a TOU au88VTlKOU UAlKOIJ KOl OU]V 8E;aocpOA.lOT] rn10K8l(Hµ6TT]TO<; Kup(wc; YlO C)lC)QKTlKOU<; Myouc;. 110 TT]V npoOTao(a TOU<; an6 Tl<; KOlPlK€<; OUV8T]K8<; npOT8lV8TQl va KQTOOKWQOTOIJV E;UAIV8<; T8TPCIPlXT8<; OT€Y8<; µ8 8TilKOAUl/JT] an6 cpuMa XOAKOIJ. LTO NA nupyo 8lc>lKCI npOT81V8TOl Tl n8p(5wr'] Tou µ8 8AKUOTTJP8<; an6 avoE;d5wTO XOA.u~a OTI<; Mo KUpt8<; 5tW8UV08L<;, OL ono(m ayKupwvoVTOl OTO Tµr'jµma TOU TI8p(~oAOU nou 8cp6movrm o' auT6v. IT6xoc; 8tvm va A81Toupyr']oouv 08 TI8p(ITTWOT] 08lOµOU W<; TOLXOl OVTlOTT]plf;T]<;. LTOV axupwva npOT81VOVTOl 8TI8µ~6081<; TIOU OTOX8UOUV OTT]V QTIOKOTOOTQOT] TT]<; OT68µT]<; TWV 5ane5wv KOl TWV avmyµ6TWV TOU KT(oµmoc;. 'ETOL O KA8LOT6<; riµ1un6y8lO<; xwpoc; nou c>T]µloopydTOl npOT81V8TOl va A81TOUPYTJ081 we; ~OT]8T]TlKO<; xwpoc; ano8r']KWOT]<; Km 8E;unripeTT]OTJ<; TWV XPTJOTWV. En(OT]<; TOMn85o TOU tooydou 8E;aocpOAi~8l TT]V np6o~aOT] OTO NA nupyo Kot µnopd va XPl10tµono1178d oav 8E;e5pa yta µ8yOAUT8p8<; 8K5ri>-.wo81<; OTO XWPO TT]<; OUAT]<;. Ta KT(pta exouv µ8y6>-.a n8pt8wpta avroxr'Jc; an6 6nol/Jri O-X8· 51aoµou, 6µwc; cpepouv OT]µavrtKec; cp8opec; >-.6yw yr']pavOT]<; Twv UAlKWV Mµrior']c; TOU<;. 11 auT6 01 8pyao(8<; nou nporn(voVTOl OcpOpOUV KUp(W<; OTT] OT8p€WOT] KOl 8f;uy(OVOT] TWV cpopeWV. llO TT] OT8p€WOT] TWV AL805oµwv TWV KTlplWV npOT81VOVTOl apµo>-.oyr']µaTO OTL<; TI8ptoxec; nou TO unapxovra KOVlOµOTa dVOl oa8p6. '0>-.8<; 01 ouµn>-.ripwo8t<;, TO apµo>-.oyr']µma Kot TO 8veµma, 6nou auT6 anmTouvrm, y(vovrm µ8 u>-.1K6 ouµ~m6 npoc; Ta apxtK6. Ta vfo KOV16µma exouv lc>lOTT]T8<; (µT]XOVlKe<; avroxec;, nopw58<;, KATI.) QVTlOTOlX8<; µ8 OUT€<; TWV ucp1m6µ8VWV KQl >-.aµ~6V8TOl µeptµva y1a TT] XPWµOTLKT] TOU<; ouv6cp8l0. Tov(~ouµ8 OTl 8f;OVTA81TOl K088 npoon6881Q y1a TT] c>lOTTJPllOTJ TOU au88VTlKOIJ UAlKOU KOL 6n 01 napanavw 8pyao(8<; y(vovrm µ6vo 6nou dvm avayKa(o. En(OT]<;, moue; apµouc; µ8TaE;u Twv au88VTIKWV Tµ17µ6Twv Kot TWV ouµn>-.ripwo8wv, T6oo auTwv nou ey1vav OTO nap8>-.86v 600 Kot auTwv nou npoTdvovrm Twpa, c>T]µtoupydTOl 8YXOPOKTT] 516KplOT].

the interventions outlined above should be made only where absolutely necessary. Furthermore, a clear dividing line should be traced between the authentic areas and the restorations, both those carried out in the past and those proposed now.

B. NA nupyoc;. lao{3apdc; Kup1wv raaewv y1a cp6pr10T) D+0.3(L +S)Ex-x-0.3Ey-y SE tower. lsovalues of stresses. Load D+0.3(L +S)-Ex-x-0.3Ey-y




9. nporaOT) anOKQTQOTGOT)c;. KaraaKWQOTlKic; Aemoµipetec; KQl nep(oeOT) NA mJpyou. Restoration proposal. Constructural details of SE tower.

10. nporaarJ anoKaraaraarJc;. KarotjJrJ, roµic;, 6tjJetc; - Restoration proposal. Ground plan, sections, elevations. METOXI TH:1: I. M. ArlA:1: ANAITA:1:IAL ITA KPITZiANA TH:1: EnANOMH:1: 0E:1:LMONIKH:1:


r. LLTT6nouAo<;, apx. µr1x., E. LXOLva, apx. µr1x., A. ..6.tayouµa, not.. µrix., K. Avop(1aoc;, 10n. µrix., X. MtX8AOKrJ, apxmot..

KTIPIO ITHN 0/10 0EO<PIJ\OY 32- Ar. IO<PIA~: ITHN ANO nOJ\H 0EIIAJ\ONIKHI Em~Mnovrec;: A. LTecpav(oou, apx. µrix., A. A~oe.r..ac;, no>... µrix., K. ToKµaKioric;, Ton. µqx.

G. Sipopoulos, arch. eng., E. Schoina, arch. eng., A. Diagouma, civ. eng., K. Andritsos, sur. eng., Ch. Michelaki, archaeol.

BUILDING AT 32, THEOFILOU ST.-AG. SOFIAS ST. IN UPPER TOWN, THESSALONIKI Supervisors: E. Stefanidou, arch. eng., A. Avdelas, civ. eng., K. Tokmakidis,



To un6 µeMTT'J KT(p10 l3p(oK£Tm OTT'JV Avw n6AT'J 0woAov(KrJc;, OTT'J ouµl30M Twv oowv Ay(oc; focp(oc; KOL 0eocpiAou. 'Exe1 xopOKTT'JPLOTd we; OLOTT'JPT'JTfo on6 TT'JV Ecpopdo Newn:pwv MVrJµdwv. np6K8lTOl YLO £VO Tplwpocpo KT(oµo nou OLKOOoµr']8rJK8 µeTOE;u TWV 8TWV 1907 KOi 1911, 6nwc; npO£KUljJ8 on6 TT'JV LOTOPlKJ'l tpeuvo nou npoyµmono1r']8rJK8.

The subject of the present study is a building located in the Upper Town of Thessaloniki, at the crossroad of Theofilou and Ag. Sofias street and it has been classified as preservable by the Ephorate of Modem Monuments. It' s a three-storey building constructed between 1907 and 1911, according to the results of the historical research that was carried out.

Apx1K6c; lOlOKTJ'lTT'J<; J'lTOV O Xmi'.;r'] ApoMv PoµoM, Ml3ov6c; um')Kooc;, o ono(oc; KOTOtKouoe o' ouT6 µ£XPL TT'J 08KO£T(o TOU '50. Lr']µepo TO KT(oµo dvm OKOTOlKT'JTO Km TT'J 01oxdp1ar'] Tou txe1 ovoM.l3e1 T'J KTT'JµOTLKJ'l YnrJpw(o Tou t.T]µoo(ou we; µweyyurJµ£VT'J ex8p1Kr'] nep1ouo(o.

The original owner was Chatzi Arslan Ramali, Albanian citizen, who was living at this building until about 1950. Today it is abandoned and the Land Service of the State has taken over its administration, as a sequestrated hostile property.

MopcpoAoyia - TunoAoyia

The importance of the building is mainly due to its typology and morphology. It' s a typical example of the transition from the traditional to the modern architecture of the early 20th century since it combines both modern and traditional features, regarding not only the morphology (ecleicticism) but also the construction (metallic frame) . In particular, the features of the middle storey fa9ade refer to industrial biuildings of the same period and to Ladadika of Thessaloniki. As for the typology, the arrangement of the upper storey is a typical urban residence of the early 20th century: a spacious main room franked by other rooms.

H OrJµOVTlKOTT'JTO TOU KTlp(ou £YK8lTOl OTT'JV TUTIOAOy(o KOi TT'J µopcpoAoy(o TOU. AnOT8Ad odyµa u 1c; µ8TOl300rJ<; an6 TT]V TIQpooomoKr'] OPXlT8KTOVlKJ'l OTT'J OUYXPOVT'J TWV opxwv TOU 20°u OlWVO, ouvou6i'.;OVTO<; OPK£T6 V8WT8plKQ µe napooomoK6 OTOlxeia OTT'J µopcpoAoy(a (8KA8KTlKL0µ6c;) aM6 KOi OTT'JV KOTOOK8UJ'l (µ8TaMLK6c; OK8A8T6c;). ElOlKQ TO OTOlX£lO TT'J<; np6oOljJT'Jc; OTT'J OT68µrJ Tou µeoonmwµmoc; napantµmouv oe l31oµrJXOVLK6 KTlplO TT'J<; (010c; nep16oou aM6 KOi OTO /\ao6olKO TT'J<; 0wooAOVlKT'Jc;. Oc; npoc; TT'JV TUTIOAOy(o, OTOV KUp(wc; 6pocpo napoum6i'.;8l OlOTOf;T'J TUmKr']c; OOTlKJ'l<; KOTOlKlO<; TWV OPXWV TOU OlWva: K£VTPLKJ'l o6Ao µe £KOTepw8ev owµ6no. nep1ypacp~

H npwTT'J OT68µrJ Tou KTtp[ou (106ye10) eixe eµnopLKJ'l XPl'lOT'J µe ouo KmaOTr']µma Km tvo cpoupvo OTT'J ywv(o, T'J oemeprJ OT60µrJ oX80lOOTT'JK8 we; an08rJK8UTlK6c; r'] l3LOT8)(VLK6c; xwpoc; 8VW XPT'Jmµonmr']8rJK8 apy6Tepo KOL we; KOTOLK(o. TeAoc; T'J TPlTT'J OT68µrJ £X8l TUnLKJ'l opy6VWOT'J XWPOU KOTOLK(ac; KOL we; T£TOlO<; XPT'JOlµonmr']8rJK8. H np6ol300T'J OTO KOTOOTr']µmo y(V8TOl on6 TT'JV 000 Ay. Locp(ac; OTT'JV ono(a Km dxov TT'JV np6ooljJr'] TOuc;, evw y10 TT'JV np6ol300rJ 08 08UT8PT'J Km Tp(TT'J OT68µrJ unr']pxav E;exwp10Tec; y10 TT'JV K688 µ(o dooom an6 TT'JV oM 08ocpiAou. KOTOOKEUOOTIK~ liOJJ~


sur. eng.

To KTlplO 01op8pwV8TOl 08 T£008plc; OT68µ8c;: 88µ8AlWOT'J KTIPIO HHN oc.o 0EO<t>IAOY 32 - Ar. :1:0<t>IA:1: HHN ANO nOAH 0E:1:LMONIKH:1:

Morphology - Typology


The ground floor accomodates commercial uses and comprises two shops and a bakery on the corner. The middle storey was originally designed to r1ost storage and craft rooms though later it was used as a residEmce. The space organisation of the upper storey, is typical of iresidence and as such was mainly used. The shops are accessed from Ag. Sofias st., where their fa9ades are, while the middle and upper storey are accessed from Theofilou st., through two different doors. Construction

The monument is organized in four levels: foundation - ground floor - middle storey - upper storey. Its foundations are constructed of rubble masonry with green stones. The vertical bearing elements which carry the static loads are brick-masonry,






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1. ArrorurrwCffJ urr6pxouaac; Kar 6araCffJ<; Documentation of the present state.



f l iml ]..,m to6yeto - µwon6Twµa - 6pocpoc; KOL KaMm£TOL an6 ~UALVT"J OT8YT"J- H 8£µ£AIWO'l TOU y(vtTOL 0£ AL8oooµec; an6 QKOTepyaOTOU<:; npamv6r..L8ouc;. Ta KmaK6pucpa cpepovrn OT01xda TT"J<:; KOTOOK£Ull<:; £!VOL KUp(wc; omonr..Lv8oooµec; µnanKec; an6 ~LOµrixavonOLriµtvec; nr..(v8ouc;. H KOTOOK£Ull Twv opocpwv Tou Looydou TIOLKIA£L.Ynapxouv XWPOL µ£ ~UALV£<:; opocpec; KOL QA.A£<:; µe µernMLKO OTotxda, orir..ao'l ooK(oec; omr..ou rnu Tono8£TOUVTOL napaMrir..a evw rn Keva yeµ(½oVTOL ouprnpwT6 µe Tpane½oeto'l Tou~r..a. nep(nou OTO K8VTpo TOuc; ot ooK(oec; OTT"JPl½OVTOL anr..6 0£ £yK6pOLa KUPLO o(ouµri OLOT"JPOOOKO OLTIAOU rnu µeyaMTepric; oLmoµ'lc;. OL opocpec; Tou µwonmwµmoc; Ot..£<:; £!VOL KOTaOK£UOOµevec; µ£ µ£TOMLK8<:; OOKOU<:;. LTL<:; TI£pLOX8<:; unap~rJ<:; UTI£pK£(µ£VWV TOLXWV, OL OTIOIOL0£ OUV£XL½OVTOL napaK6Tw, napmripdTOL nuKvwori Twv ooK(owv yLa TT"J Of"JµLoupy(a £v1axuµevric; ½WVT"J<:;. 'Or..ec; Ol TOLXOTIOL(£c; TOU op6cpou £!VOL ~UAOTif"JKT£<:; KOL QKOAOUeouv TOV KOWa~O TWV KOTaK6pucpwv cp£pOVTWV OTOLX£LWV TT"J<:; unoKdµevric; OT68µric;. To ur..LK6 TIAllPWOT"J<:; dvOL an6 ouµnaydc; xe1pono(rJT£<:; om6nr..Lv8ouc;. naeo>.oyia

Ta npo~r..'lµma nou eµcpav(½OVTOL OTO µvriµdo npoepxoVTOL KUp(wc; an6 TT"J oLaXPOVLK'l Y'lpavori Twv ur..tKwv, TT"JV aMo(wori TOU cpepoVTa opyavtoµou (xar..6pwori, KOTOOTpOcpll ouvowµor..oytwv OPXLKWV ooµLKWV OTOLX£LWV) KOL TOU OTOTLKOU OUOTllµaTOc; an6 µ£TOY£V80T£p£c; £n£µ~60£L<:;, npo08!lK£<:; KOL ouvowµor..oy(ec; vewv ooµLKwv OToLxdwv, an6 m8av6 µ£LOV£KT'lµma TOU OPXLKOU oX£OLOOµou TT"J<:; KOTQOK£Ull<:; KOL KQKOT£)(VL£<:; KOL an6 TT"J xp6vLa £YKOTM£L4J'l Tou. Ta ~aOLK6Tepa n po~All-

2. Yrr6pxouaa KaT6aTaCff/.

IT] ~•

'0(/Jr, -- Present state.


constructed of solid bricks of Matini industry. The ceilings of both ground floor and middle storey are made of slender irons beams (1 120) with angled flangHs on the inner surface, spaced 0.50m apart. Drawled, trapezoid bricks fill the spaces between them. These iron beams are seated on other steel twinbeams, of bigger dimension (11 40). Some of the ceilings of the ground floor are wooden. On the upper storey there is timber framed bearing structure with hand-made bricks filling. Pathology

The damages observed at the !building, are mainly due to the aging of materials, to the alterations of the main structural system caused by later additions and interventions, to probable drawbacks and defective works and especially to the long-lasting abandonment. The most serious problems that have been recorded are: materials crumbling and swelling, patches of failing ceiling and wall mortar, intense and deep oxidation, corrosion and flaking of iron beams, serious deformation, buckling and bending of the metallic ceiling at the kitchen, two visible cracks on the masonry of the middle storey and an extensive net of cracks on the timber framing. KTIPIO ITHN OllO 0EO<l>IAOY 32 - Ar. LO<ll•IA:1: ITHN ANO nOAH 0EL:1:MONIKH:1:


µma nou exouv Kmaypacpe[ dvm: eµcp6v1ori r3eAwv Kciµlj.Jric; suAtvwv opocpwv Km r3ue[oe1c;, anoK0Mf]oe1c; Km mwoe1c; opocp0Kov1aµ6Twv, 8VTOVT"] KQl r3a8t6 osdowori - anoMmori neAµciTWV Twv µeTaMtKwv ooK[owv, µeyciAri napaµ6pcpwori Km evrovri Kaµlj.JT"] TT"]c; µeTaMtKl']c; opocpf]c; Tf]c; Koul;[vac; Tou µeoonaTwµmoc; Km anwAeta OTl']p1sric; Twv ouprnpwTwv nAivSwv OTa neAµma TWV µeTUAALKWV OOKLOWV, avencipKeta sUAlVWV OLQTOµwv nmosUAWV, 8VTOVT"] TOOT"] avmponf]c; npoc; Ta esw TT"]c; r3opeLOOUTLKr]c; suMnriKTric; To1xono1[ac; Tou op6cpou,evrovo o[KTuo pf]yµUTWOEWV OTtc; SUAOTTT"]KTec; TOLXOTTOL[ec; (n.X. eµcpaVLOT"] pwyµwv OTa unepu8pa KQl OTLC: TTOOtec;) KQl anOKOAAr]OELc; aKµwv, eµcpciVLOT"] 01aywv1ac; pwyµf]c; OTT"] VOTLa TOLXOTTOL[a TOU µeoonmwµmoc;, 01aµnepf]c; 01aywv1a pwyµf] µeyciAou eupouc; OTT"] r3opetOOUTLKr] TOLXOTTOL[a TOU µeoonmwµmoc;.

1! ! 1!1 - -.. ~-~



......< ... _ _


01KOl>Ol,IIK£<; q>6oe1c; KTlpiou LTO KTlpto otaKplVOVTQl nevre (5) OlKOOOµLKec; cpcioetc;, Ol ono[ec; oev µnopouv va XPOVOAoyriSouv µe aKp[r3e1a, acpou oe owl;OVTQl ypamec; µapTUp(ec; nou VO TeKµf]plWVOUV XPOVLKO TT"]V


K68e eneµr3aori nou npayµmonotdrnt OTO KT(pto. 00T6oo, an6 npocpoptKec; µapTup[ec; TWV nepLOIKWV KOL TTUAOLWV evo(KWV TOU Knp[ou, ouMexSriKav Kcinotec; nAripocpop[ec; axenKci µe nc; XPfiOetc; nou (j)LAOsevf]Sf]KOV moue; xwpouc; TOU, µiXPL TO 1970 nep(nou, on6Te KOL eyKOTOAetcp8f]Ke.

11!!!!!!!!1! !1 !1 -..- - .... _.......

Ot oriµavrtK6Tepec; cpcioetc; Tou KTtp(ou 01 ono[ec; ecpepav µeyciAec; aMayec; OTO eowrnptK6 Tou dvOL: Qc; a' (j)OOT"] Sewpouµe Tf]V apxfi TT"]c; KOTOOKeuf]c; TOU. H Wq,60T"] Tono8ernLTOL xpovtKci noM Kovrci OTT"] xpovoAoy[a KOTOoKeuf]c; Tou KTtp[ou KOL ot aMayec; nou y[voVTOL acpopouv µ6vo TO 106ye10 KOL TO µeoon6Twµa. T6Te KOTOOKeucil;eTOL O cpoupvoc; KOL KAetvet ri riµ1una[8p10 Koul;(va µe Totxono1[0. En(oric; y(vovrOL aMayec; OTO KALµOKOOTQOIQ WOTe VO y[veTOL euKOAOTepa Tl np6or3aori OTouc; xwpouc; µenc; veec; xpf]oetc;. · Kmci TT"] y' cpaori y[vovrOL aMayec; OTov 6pocpo 6nou npoOT[SevrOL XWPOl uytetvl']c; OTOV esWOTT"].

3. KarnaKwaartKTJ ooµf/ mu KTtpiou - Construction of the building.

H o' cpaOf] neptAaµr36veL TT"] µneTOV8VlO npoo8l']Kf] OTOV aKOAUITTO.

Construction phases

Ot OLKOOOµLKec; cpcioetc; acpopouv oe aMayec; OTO eowTeptK6 (µe npoo8acpa[peori xwpwv KOL aMayec; xpfioewv). OyKoµeTPLKO oev napaTf]pouvrOL 151afrepec; aMaytc;, µe esaipeori TO Tµf]µa nou r3p[oKeTOL OTT"]V n(aw eowTeptKr] OUAr] TOU KTtp[ou. Ot Kupiec; 6lj.Je1c; napaµevouv axeo6v avaMo[wTec;. npoTOOI') OTTOKOTCIOTOOI')<; • £TTOVCIXPl'JOI')<;:

Maarponf/ mu ucp10Taµevou KTtpiou ae Kivrpo lampiac; 'Avw

n6Ar,c;. H np6rnori TT"]c; anoKOTaOTaOT"]c; - enavciXPrioric; SeTet we; r3aotKr] apxfJ TO oer3aoµ6 KOL Tf]V QVOOeLST"] TWV TUTTOAOYlKWV KOL µopcp0Aoy1Kwv xapaKTf]pLOTtKwv Tou KTtp[ou, Aaµr36vovrmc; un6lj.JT"] TT"] ooµOOTOTLKr] opycivwal'] TOU. Av KOL oev np6KeLTOL yta eva KT(p10 nou dvOL To avrtnpoowneuTtK6rnpo m o dooc; Tou we; npoc; OUTO TO XOPOKTf]plOTlKO oe oX80T"] µe ciMa KTlplO TT"]c; Avw n6Aric; 0eooUAov[Kf]c;, ri µe:rnr3anKI'] ne:p(oooc; Tf]c; KarnOKe:uf]c; (KOTaOKWr] TWV OPXWV TOU 2QOU 01.), µe; TT"] XPr]OT"] napOOOOlOKWV KOL TOTE: OUYXPOVWV µe:86owv KOL UALKWV Ka8wc; KOL Tl tvrasf] V8WV XPr]OE:WV yta Tf]V eTTOXr] KOL Tf]V TTE:ptOXr] (106ye:ta KOTOOTr]µOTa) TOU npOOOLOOUV µta µoVOOlKOTT"]TO TTOU as(l;E:L VO OlUTf]pf]SE:L


Ot ene:µr36oe1c; nou Sa npayµmono1ri8ouv ouvre:Aouv OTT"]V npoon68e:ta VO µnopeoe:t TO KTlplO VO ouve:x[oe:t VO ucp[OTOTOL 0Tf]ptl;6µe:vo OTT"]V OPXlKr] KOTOOKeuf], µe: TT"]V [01a KQTOOKeuaOTLKr] ooµf] KOL UAlKQ ooµrioric;, ev1axuµtva µe; nc; OUYXPOVE:c; KTIPIO H HN Qt,,O 0 EO<l>IJ\OY 32 - Ar . LO<l>IAL H HN ANO 110/\H 0 EH AAONIKHL

We can detect five (5) construction phases that cannot be dated accurately, since there is no written evidence about the interventions that took place. However, by interviewing neighbours and previous tenants of the building, we managed to collect some information about the uses hosted in it, until its abandonment in about 1970. The construction phases concern changes on the external shell and changes at the internal (room additions or removals or changes of their use). Regarding the outline of the building, there are no singificant alterations to be observed, except the addition of the part located at the backyard. The main fa<;ades of the building remain almost immutable. Proposal for restoration aind re-use

The proposal for restoration and re-use of the building was based on the essential principal of the respect and the enhancing of its typological and morphological classification, taking into account its structural organization. Though, the building is not one of the most repmsentative of its kind, compared to others in Upper Town of Thessaloniki, the transitional period of the construction (in the early 20th century), the use of both traditional and modern techniques or materials and also the incorporation of innovative --for that period of time and for the specific area- uses (grounid floor shops) make it unique and therefore worthy of preservation. The proposed interventions collaborate with the attempt to make the building live through time, relying on its original construction. The original structure and materials will be reinforced

4. 01Koooµ1Kic; cp6oe1c; mu KTtpfou - Construction phases of the building.

µe86oouc; KQI µfoa, nou ea txouv UTIOOTT'JPLKTLKO KQI µ6vo poAO Km ea dvm a(youpa Kma To ouvm6v avnOTp8ljJLµec;. 'ETat To KTipto ea txet TT'] ouvm6u-1Ta µfoa an6 TT'] otmr']pT'JOT'J TT']c; au8£VTLKOTT']TOc; TT']c; KOTOOK£Ur']c; KQI TWV apxneKTOVLKWV TOU OTOLX£LWV, VO OTIOT£A£L µLa np6TUTIT'] £VOTr)TO µe ma8T']TLK8c;, lOTOplK8c; KQI £KTIQIO£UTLK8c; ac,(ec;. Me ~CIOT'] TO auµnepaaµma nou npoeKUtjJOV an6 TT']V lOTOplK'l aval\uaT'], TT'JV OPXITEKTOVLK'l TEKµT']p(waT'], TT'] µopq>ol\oytKr'] aval\uOT'] Km TT'] auµ~mOTT'JTO TT']c; vfoc; XP'lOT'Jc;, npoTe(veTm T'] avaoetc,T'] TT']c; aT']µOVTLKOTEpT']c; q>OOT']<; Tou Knp(ou, TT']c; oeuTePT'Jc;, nou TOU np6aowae KQI TOV lOLOITEpO xapOKTr']pa TOU OTT']V nepLOX'l OUT'7 TT']c; 'Avw n61'.T']c; (o q>oupvoc; OTT']V 000 0£oq>(l\ou). Luµq>wva µe Ta napanavw T'] vfo XP'lOT'J oev nptnet va S(yet nc; Ot,LE<; TOU OlOTT'] pT']T80U KTLp(ou, aMa VO £Kµ£TaM£U£TOL KQI TT'] 8801"] nou auT6 KOTMaµ~avet µfoa OTov LOT6 TT']c; 'Avw n61'.T']c; 0waa1'.ov(KT']c;. Oc; KtVTpo IOTop(ac; ea naptxet 61'.ec; £Kdvec; nc; nl\T']poq>op(ec; nou dvm anapa[TT']TE<; OTOV emaK8ITTT'] TT']c; 0eaaal\ov(KT']c; KQI lOLOITEpa TT']c; 'Avw n61'.T']c;, VO yvwp(aeL (npLV r'] µ£Ta TT']V en(OK£ljJr'] TOU OTOV OLKL0µ6) TT']V neptoxr'] OUT'7 TT']c; TIOAT']<;, µ£ TT']V 8VTOVT'J LOTOPLKOTT'JTO TT']c;, TO µopq>o1'.oytK6 xapaKTT'JPLOTLKa TT']c; Km TT']V LOLOLTEPT'J OT']µaa[a TT']c;. 0a µnopfoet va OVTLAT']q>Sd µfoa an6 XOPT£c; KQI OLaypaµµma TT']V £t,8Alt,T'] TOU OLKLOµou µfoa OTO xpovo, VO yvwp(O£l µfoa an6 µ£MT£<; KQI TPLOOLOOTOT£c; an£LKov[aetc; Ttc; npoTOOEL<; Twv £LOLKWV yta TT'] otaawOT'] Km avaoetc,T'] r'] OXL Twv LOLOLTepwv KTLp(wv KQI auv61'.wv TT']c;, va TOt,Li58ljJ£L OTO nape1'.86v µtao an6 yKpa~oupec; Km KOPT-TIOOTOA enoxr']c;.

by modern methods and means, which will be just supporting and certainly reversible, as far as possible. So, the building will become a pattern of aesthetic, historical and educational values, through the preservation of its genuine constructional and architectural features . Instructed by the conclusions iof the historical analysis, architectural substantiation, morphological analysis and the compatibility of the new use, we suggest enhancing the most important construction phase of the building, the second one. It is during this phase, that the building attained its particular character in that specific area of Upper Town (since it was known as the Bakery at Theofilou st.). Some selected removals of later additions are necessary, as the have been deemed of small significance and incompatible to tlhe original form of the building. Besides, an attempt is made to interpret the codes of the original use and construction, using modern means and materials. According to all the above, the research for a new use, which will not affect the values the monument represents and at the same time will take advantage of its specific location in Upper Town, led us to the decision for the building to host the Center of History of Thessaloniki's Upper Town. As a Center of History could provide all kind of information, necessary to the visitors of the city and Upper Town, in particular (before or after their visit to the settlement itself) . Visiting the Center, they will have the opportunity to learn more about this particular area of the city, its history, morphological features and significance. Visitors will be able to realize the evolution of the district through time by lool<ing at maps and diagrams and be informed about conservation and restoration attempts with KTIPIO ITHN OliO 0E0(!)11\0Y 32 - Ar. :1:Q~)IA:1: ITHN ANO nOI\H 0ELLAI\ONIKH:1:


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5. AnoTUTTWCJT/ cpipovra opyavtoµou

Documentation of the load-bearing structure.




H npoooµoiwari Tou cpepovrn opyavtoµou Kat ri avMuar'J Tou



eytvav µ8 TO np6ypaµµa SAP 2000. rToxoc; Tf]c; µOVT8AOTIOlfl· CJrJc; r)TOV f] OlOTIIOTWCJr] Tf]c; µf]XOVlKr)c; KOl OUVOµlKr)c; OUµneptcpopac; TOU µvf]µ8LOU UTIO OUYK8KptµEV8c; KOTOOTCIOW:; cp6pTICJr]c; 6nwc; KOTOKOpUcpO cpOpTLO KOl Opti';6vn8c; 08lOµtK£c; Op008lc;. Ot TOlXOTIOlt8c; TOU cpopea, At8oooµec; (88µ8AIWCJr]), omoTIAlVSoooµec; {to6y8to - µwonciTwµo) Kat ~uMnflKT8c; (6pocpoc;) npoaoµotwSriKov µ8 nrn8paoµevo motxdo, shell elements, T8Tp6Koµ~o. opSoywvtKci, µ8 otomao8tc; on6 0.30m ewe; Kat 0.60m. fto TO ypaµµtKO mmxda, 6nwc; m moripoooKoi otmoµr)c; omt..ou rnu Km ot mut..ot, xprimµonmr)SflKOv frame elements. llO nc; o[ouµ8c; OIOf]pOOOKOUc; Ol ono[8c; OUV8pyai';oVTOl Myw Twv 8YK6pmwv mov Kopµ6 TOuc; f]AW08Wv, o68f]K8 OlOTOµr) µ8 nµec; TOU 8µ~000U KOl TWV pOTIWV OOpCIV8lOC: TflC: µiac; ooKou noMant..amooµev8c; mi 2. En8tor) 08 Kovevo rnin8oo 08V UTICIPXOUV loXUPEC: OUV0£08lC: KOl TO Opli';OVTlO OOµlKCI OTOlX810 8LVOl 08 µ8yOAO ~08µ6 KOT80Tpaµµevo Kat OlO~pwµeVO 08 t..r'Jcp8f]K8 un6ljJf] K086t..ou ri otacppayµanKr) t..moupyia. Tet..oc;, yta TflV npoooµoiwari TWV OUV8flKWV mr)pt~ric; 88wpr)8T1K8 nciKTWCJrJ 08 6t..ouc; TOuc; K6µ~ouc; Tf]c; 08µ8Aiwaric;. fto TOV UTIOAOytoµ6 KOl TflV 8cpopµoyr'J TWV 08lOµlKWV cpopTIWV XPTl· atµOTIOlT78flK8 f] lOOOUVOµf] OTOTlKTl µe8000c;.

the aid of specialists projects and 3-dimensional prospects. Finally, a collection of engravings and old postcards will be a good opportunity of a travel back in time. Moreover, the Center will be able to provide information necessary to specialists (such as engineers etc.) as they could have access to personal computers with digital records, multimedia etc.

AnoKaTaOTao11 cptpovrn opyav1oµou

Structural Analysis

H np6TOCJr] OTIOKOTCIOTOCJr]c; TOU cpepOVTO opyovtoµou EX8l we; xapOKTf]plOTlKO Tfl OlOTTlPflCJrJ Tf]C: µopcpot..oyioc; KOl TOU oX8·

For the modeling and analysis of the monument was used the computer program SAP 2000 (ver. 7.42) , in order to investigate

KTIPIO HHN Ob.O 0EO<!>I/\OY 32 - Ar. 20<!>IA2 HHN ANO nO/\H 0EHA/\ONIKH2

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6. np6mCJTJ anoKaTaOTaCJrJc; - Proposal for restoration.

OLaaµou TOU ucptm6µ8VOU OTQTLKOU aum17µmoc; KQL Tr]V QVTLKQTQOTQOT] KOL 8VLO)(UOTJ µ8 µ886oouc; aVTLOTpetJHµ8c; 6awv ooµtKc.i>v OTOLXE:LWV txouv xaa8L Tr) cpepouaa LKQVOTr)TO TOuc; WOT8 auvo1'.tK6 o cpepwv opyavtaµ6c; va µnop8( va napa1'.6l38L Ta cpopT(Q n1c; veac; XP'lOTlc; KQL va 8saacpal\li'.;8TQL ETOL evac; ano08KT6c; odKTr)c; aacp61'.8Lac; Tou µvriµdou. IuvomtK6 OL Kupt6T8p8c; npoT8tv6µ8v8c; 8n8µl36a8tc; dvm: anoKm6maari KOL 8VLO)(UOT] Tou ooµtKou aum17µmoc; Twv su1'.tvwv opt~6VTtwv otacppayµ6Twv, QVQKQTQOKW'7 KQT80Tpaµµevwv TµflµOTWV TOU OK8A8Tou Tou rnmµ6 µ8 OLOT'lPrJOTl Tr)c; ucptm6µ8vrJc; µopcpo1'.oy[ac;, anoKmamaari cp8pouac.i>v Tmxonotc.i>v taoydou KOL µ8aonmc.i>µmoc; µ8 nl\17pwari Twv pwyµc.i>v µ8 8veµma KOL 6nou XP8L6~8TOL oriµtoupy[a ~wvc.i>v auppacp17c;, 8VLO)(UOTJ Twv cp8pouac.i>v Totxonouc.i>v KOL n8aac.i>v taoydou Km µ8aonaTc.i>µaToc; µ8 µ8TaMLKEc; OOKOUc; OLOT0µ17c; n KQL YWVLQKQ L, TOTT08ETr)OT] µ8rnMLKWV 81'.Kum17pwv mtc; m68µ8c; taoydou Km µ8aonmc.i>µaTOc;, Ka8aptaµ6c; µ8TaMtKc.i>v ooµtKc.i>v OTOLX8twv µ8 aµµol301'.17, 8VIO)(UOT] OlaTrJpOuµ8VWV TµflµOTWV OLOrJPOOOKWV µ8 KOXALWOT] A8TTLOWV Kopµou KQL nel\µmoc;.

the mechanic and dynamic behavior of the structure under load conditions such as vertical static loads and horizontal earthquake forces. The masonry ancl timber framed structures were simulated as four node quadrilateral shell elements, with dimensions 0.30 - 0.60m. Besides, alll the linear structural elements were steel twin beams (the two beams cooperate with trasverse nails) the prices for the cross section area and the moment of inertia for the one section were introduced and doubled. The static method was used for the simulation of the seismic load.

Restoration of the structural system The proposal for restoration tends to the preservation of both morphology and design of the existing structural system. It is also proposed, the reconstruction of the structural elements which have lost their load bearing ability and cannot contribute neither to the existing nor to the new design requirements. The main structural elements and systems will be reinforced so that the total structural system is ablei carry the new loads and an acceptable safety factor is ensuned. The proposed methods of restoration and reinforcement will be reversible. The most important suggested interventions are: Reconstruction of the ruined areas of the timber framed structure, injections in the masonry and strengthening of its inflexibility using steel beams n, improvement of the connection between the walls and the ceiling-roof structures as well as between the walls with the addition of steel tractor and finally improvement of the ability of the timber floors and roof so that they correspond to the diaphra~Jm function.

33 KTIPIO ITHN OllO 0 EO<l>li\OY 32 - Ar. W<l>IAJ.: ITHN ANO n Oi\H 0HrMONIKHJ.:

B. Ka}..1anavfoou-nupo~e1017, apx. _µrix,, ·X. ·KexayL~c;. apx. µrix., fl. rKa~apo fvac;, not-. µrix., X. Kou~apoc;, TIOA. µrix., fl. Ka'iµapric;, TOTI. .µnx.·, A. Kannric;, flA. µrix. , (,, . 1

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VTLK£iµevo TT]<; µeMu1c; anoT£A£L TO KTipto en( TT]<; ooou B. 'OAyac;, op. 5, OTT] 0eaaaAoviKTJ, yvwOT6 aav «nap6pTT]µa Tou A' ruµvaaiou Appevwv». Me an6cpaari Tou Ynoupydou noAmaµou , 6nwc; oriµomeu0T]K£ OTO <l>.E.K. 767/T.f//79, 8X£l xapOKTT]plOT£l OlOTT]pT]Tfo µVT]µdo.

tudy's subject is the building at V. Olgas street, nr 5, in the city of Thessaloniki, known as the "Annex to the 1st Boys High School". By decision of the Ministry of Culture characterized it as preservable monument, as published in the Official Government Journal nr 767/v.2/'79.

IT6xoc; TT]<; µeMn1c; dvOL T] i5L0µ6pcpwari ev6c; TIAOLaiou eneµl36aewv KOL T] OLOTUTIWOJ'l npOTOOJ'l<; y1a TT]V OTIOKOTQOTOOJ'l KOL enav6XPTJOJ'l Tou µvT]µdou. npoT]y170T]K£ auOTT]µOTLKll T£KµT]piwari - av6AUOJ'l Twv LOTop1Kwv, OPXLT£KTOVLKWV KOL KOTOOK£UaOTLKWV a~twv Tou µVT]µdou.

Study's purpose is the configuration of a general proposal for building's restoration and reuse. A systematic documentationanalysis of monument's historical, architectural and constructional values was preceded.


laTOp1K6 O"TOIX&ia. To 1899 o ftwaecp laa6K Moo16vo ay6paae TO OLKOTI£00. ApXLKCl, 8KTl0£ eva µ£TO~oupydo OTT]V OVOTOA.lK'7 TOU TIA.£Upa KOL OTL<; opxec; TOU 20°u Ol. OV8Y£lp£ TT]V KOTOlKLO TOU. To KTLPLO napeµ£lV£ KOTOLKLO TWV OlKOY£V£lWV Moo16vo, M6Axo apy6Tepa KOL Twv KAT]pov6µwvTOu<; µeXPt TO 1945, on6T£ KOL oeaµeuTT]K£ an6 TO EMT]VLK6 LiT]µ6mo. H YnT]peaia AVTaMa~(µwv KTT]µUTWV TO TIOP£XWPT]O£ y1a OTEYOOJ'l OlKOY£· v£1wv. To 1960 Tl Kupt6TT]TO Tou nepv6 OTO Ynoupydo nOLodac; KOL 0pT]OK£Uµ6Twv, TO ono(o OTEYOO£ 0£ OUTO napapTT]µO TOU A' ruµvaaiou Appevwv, nou A£tToupyouae an6 TO 1928 OTOOL· TIAOVO KTlplO. 0 0£Laµ6c; TOU '78, npOK0/1.£0£ £KT£TOµevec; ~T]µtec; OTO KTip10 nou £YKOTOA.dcp8T]K£, napaµevovrnc; eTm we; 017µepa.






1. Anot/Jri an6 our1Kd rou napaprfJµaroc; rou A ' , uµvaa[ou Appevwv. l:ra apiarepd ro KT[pw rou vuv 1°u ,uµvaa[ou. West view of the Annex to the 1st Boys High School. On the left, the building of 1st High School. TO rlAPAPTHMA TOY A' rYMNA:1:IOY APPENON


Historical data. In 1899, Yosef Isaak Modiano bought the site. He first built a silk-mill and in the beginning of 20th century, his residence. Modiano family, Molho after them and thei r heirs lived there till 1945. The Greek State comm itted it and house several fami lies in it. In 1960 Ministry of Education and Religions get its property and settle in it an annex to the 1st Boys High School, which was operating since 1928 in the next building. Following the '78's earthquake the building was abandoned - due to extensive damage-- up to the present time. The topographical imprirnt of building and surrounding area was elaborate. To imprint the points of details inside and outside the building, a dominant traverse closed and oriented was created, along with a secondary one and several blind spots inside the building. The instruments that worked with, were the electromagnetic TOPCON GTS 212 to imprint the inner spaces and surrounding area and the TRC 307 (reflectorless) for the building's views , by applying the pole coordinates method. The result was a monument's 3:D model, which was based on 1300 points of details. From this and surrounding area's imprint, architectural plans in 1:50 scale and topographical charts in 1:200 were created. At the end, we create a sightseeing video of monument's inner and outside .. That was possible by using the 3D model.

Morphological and typological features. The building consists of three levels/floors: semi -basement , raised ground floor and upper floor. The ground plan at all levels is typical, for the season it was built, with rooms developed at both sides of a central passing rig ht throu!Jh living room. Faces are divided horizontally to base, main body and crown. Fac;ade was much more taken care of. The combination of neo-

H TOnoypaq>IK~ OTTOTUTTWO'l TOU KTtp(ou KOL TOU nep1p6.Movroc; xwpou 17Tav Aemoµep17c;. Mn6 an6 emT6nou avixveuari Twv op(wv Tl'l<; nep1ox17c; µeMTric;, 5riµ1oupy178riKe µ(a Kupta 65euari, KAetOT'l , npoaavmoAtaµtvri KOL emnMov <'SeuTepeuouaec; o<'Seuaeic; KOL TUcpM ariµeia OTO eawTeptK6 TOU KTtp(ou, np0Ke1µtvou va µeTprieouv rn ariµe(a Aemoµepe1wv. Xprimµonm178riKOv TO TlAE:KTpoµayvrinK6 6pyavo TOPCON GTS 212 OTTlV anoTunwari Twv eawrnp1Kwv xwpwv KOL Tou nep1p6Movroc; xwpou KOL To TCR 307 (reflectorless) OTTlV anoTunwari TWV 6tjJewv, ecpapµ61'.;ovrac; Tl'l µt8o<'5o Twv noALKWV auvrernyµtvwv.

To anoTtAeaµa 17Tav tva Tpta<'StciOTOTo µovrtAo Tou KTtp(ou pami'.;6µevo arn 1300 ariµda Aemoµepe1wv. An6 auT6 KOL an6 TTlV anoTunwari Tou nep1p6.Movroc; xwpou, npotKutjJav apx1TeKTov1Kci axt51a KA(µaKac; 1:50 KOL rnnoypacptK6 <'51aypciµµma KAiµaKac; 1 :200. TtAoc;, µe cpwrnypaµµeTptKT7 ene~epyaa(a wwTeptKwv KOL e~wTeptKwv cpwToypacp1wv KOL XP'lOTl Tou 3D µovrtAou, <"Sriµ1oupy17aaµe tva video nep117yriaric; OTO eawTep1K6 KOL e~wTeptK6 TOU µvriµeiou.

2. Tp1ao16amro µovrtAo rou KTlpfou - Building's 30 model.

Mopq>OAOVIK~ KOi TUTIOAOVIK~ avayvwp1011. To KTlpto txe1 Tp(a en(ne<'Sa: riµ1un6ye10, uneputjJwµtvo 1a6ye10 KOL 6pocpo. H opy6vwari Tl'l<; K6Tol)Jric; dvOL TUntK'l y1a Tl'lV enox17 nou KTiOTTlKe, µe Ta <'5wµ6na va avamuaaovra1 eKaTtpw8ev µLO<; Kevrp1K17c; <'51aµnepouc; a6Aac;. H op11'.;6vr1a <'51a(pwri Twv 6tjJewv ae paari, Kopµ6 KOL OTttjJri e(vOL en(aric; TUntK'l y1a Tl'lV enox17. H mo emµe},..riµtvri np6aotjJri uno<'510Lpetrn1 ae Tp(a KOTOK6pucpa TµT7µarn, eK Twv ono(wv TO µwa(o AE:LTOupyei we; ci~ovac; auµµeTp(ac; KOL Tov(i'.;eTOL 1<'S1a(Tepa an6 Tl'l µapµ6p1vri aK6Aa Tl'l<; ae eaox17 eta6<'5ou KOL Tov wwrnptK6 e~WOTl'l Tou op6cpou. 0 auv<'5uaaµ6c; veoKAaaatKWV KOL avayevvria10Kwv µopcp0Aoy1Kwv OTOIXetWV KOTOTOOOOUV TO KTtplO OTO E:KAEKTIKLOTLKO peuµa. nEp1ypmp~ q>EpOVTO<; opyav1oµou KOi UAIKWV Mµ11011c;. 0 KOTOK6pucpoc; cptpwv opyav1aµ6c; etVOL cptpouaa To1xono1(a. H eeµeALW<JT) TOU KTtp(ou KOL Ol TOLXOTTOILE<; TOU unoyeiou etVOL apyoA18o<'Soµ17. 01 To1xono1(ec; Tou 1aoyeiou KOL Tou op6cpou e(vOL omonA1v8o<'Soµ17. Ta Toup},..a eivOL auµnay17 µe «aKacpri» KOL ae op1aµtva µtpri e~aona KOL Tp(ona. 01 To1xono1(ec; e(vOL emXPLaµtvec; EOWTEplKQ KOL t~WTeplKCl.

3. Torroypa<p1K6 016ypaµµa - Topographical chart.

LTO EPrAHHPIO ANTOXHL t.OMIKQN YJ\IKQN TOU A.n.e. npayµOTOTTOLT781'lKOV OVOAUOete:; <'SetyµciTWV nMvewv KOL KOVL0µ6TWV YLO TOV npoa<'51op1aµ6 TWV cpumKWV KOL µrixavLKWV xaPOKTTlPLOTLKWV rnuc;. 01 avroxtc; rnuc; ano5eix8riKav µ1Kp6Te-

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5. Ycp1ar6µeVT) KC!TOaTOOT). Kupia (oUTlKTJ) 0(/IT). Current condition. Far;ade (west view) .




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qs 4. Ycp1ar6µevry KaT6aTaOT). Kar6(/lw; urroydou, iaoydou, op6cpou. Current condition. Ground plans of basement, ground floor, upper floor.

6. Ycp1ar6µeVT) KC!TQaTQOT). Toµrj KQTQ µrjKo c;. Current condition. Section in leng th. TO n APAPTHMA TOY A' rYMNA:1:IOY APPENON


pee; Twv avaµev6µevwv. Ta avo(yµma one; TOLXOTIOLiec; OLOµopcpwvoVTOL µe Tol;wT<i um:pSupa KOL npoa0r']KJ'l µernMLKou eMaµmoc; r'] l;uJ...Lvou npeKLOU. O opLi'.;6VTLoc; cpepwv opyavLaµ6c; eivOL: a) l;uALVO nmwµma an6 ooKouc; neAEKJ'lTrJ<; l;uAeiac; emKOAum6µevec; an6 aav(oec;. LE KOTIOLO l::XOUV y(veL TOTILK8<; EVLoXUOEL<; µe eyKapmec; µETOAALK8<; OOKOU<;, 13) nmwµma µe µeTOAA.LK8c; OOKOuc; KOL SoAiOKOuc; moue; uypouc; XWPOU<;, OTOV el;WOTJ'l KOL OTOU<; EOWTEplKOU<; el;wmec;. nap6µmec; TOTILK8<; µeTOAA.LK8<; EVLoXUOEL<; 8yLVOV en(O'J'lc;, ae KanoLa an6 auTa. OL opocpec; unoyeiou KOL Laoyeiou KMumoVTOL an6 aav(oec;, EVW TOU op6<pOU etVOL µnayom( ETILXPL0µ8VO KOL ETIL/'.;Wypa<pLaµevo. 0 cpepwv opyavLaµ6c; TJ'lc; OTl::YJ'l<; OTIOTEAElTOL an6 l;uALVec; ooKouc; (aµo(l30VTec; KOL opL1'.;6VTLec; Tey(oec;) KOL l;uJ...Lva KOTOK6pucpa OTOLXElO (opeomarnc; - OLOYWVLOL) , xwp(c; TJ'lV unapl;ri opyavwµevwv i'.;euKTWV (OLKTUWOJ'l KOL KOTW neAµa) . 'OAec; OL OTJ'lp(l;eLc; y(voVTOL ae l;uALVouc; mpwTr']pec; en( TOLXOnouwv. LTL<; OT8ljJEL<; TWV TOLXOTIOLLWV KOL ae 0/\0 TO µr']Koc; EKElVWV nou oev napoumai'.;ouv oLaKonec;, ae K60e 6pocpo, unapxouv TI00J'lTLKO( µeTOMLKOl EAKUO'Tr]pec;, nou ayKUpWVOVTOL OTO Tl::AOc; K60e TOLXOTIOL(ac;.

classic and renaissance morphological features, classify it in the "eclekticistic" style. Structural system and buiilding materials. The vertical structural system is masonry. Building's foundation and masonry is stonework. Ground floor and floor's masonry is brickwork. Bricks are compact and in certain parts we find "six-hole" and "three-hole" ones. The masonry openings are shaped with arches, with the addition of metallic elements or wooden beams. The horizontal structural system is wooden floors with timber beams and metallic floors with steel beams and arches from bricks. The roof's structural system is constituted by timber beams and wooden vertical and diagonal elements, which do not form trusses. On masonry's crown, at each floor, we found steel ties. Electromechanical installation's imprint. Parts of electrical ones mostly found and few sections of plumbing ones, central heating and water rain draining systems. Electrical installation's structure (number of panels) and various materials (older and new cables) indicate building's different uses. Before 1946 there

AnoTUTTWO'l r,A&KTpo1,,111xavoAoy1KWV &yKOTOOTOO&WV. Bpe6'1KOV Kup(wc; Tµr']µma an6 rJAEKTpOAOYLKrJ eyKOTOOTOO'J'l KOL KOTIOLO an6 eyKOTOOTOOELc; uopeuO'J'lc;, anoppor']c; oµl3p(wv KOL eepµOvO'J'lc;. H ooµr'] Tr]<; J'lAEKTPOAOYLKr']c; eyKOTOOTOO'J'lc; (nAr']eoc; J'lAEKTPLKWV TILVOKWV) KOL TO otacpopeTtKCl U/\LKO (nOALCl KOL auyXPova KOAWoLa) µapTupouv nc; oLacpopeTLKec; XPr'Jaetc; Tou KTlptOU. npLV TO 1946, TO peuµa TpO<pOOOOtO<; r]TOV OUVEX8<; evw KOT6mv evaMaaa6µevo, otOTJ'lPWVTac; 6µwc; TO ioLa uJ...1K6 otavoµr']c;. H eepµaVO'J'l TOU KTlp(ou YlVOTOV µe a6µnec; ova owµano, evw y10 TrJV anoppor'] Twv oµl3p(wv unr']pxe oiKTuo an6 op11'.;6VT1ec; KOL KaSnec; uopopp6ec;, µenc; TEAeurn(ec; va ooeuouv EVTOLXtOµevec; O'Tr]V el;WTEplKrJ TOLXOTIOltO TOU KTtp(ou. <1>60&1<; i56µr,or,c;. To KTtpto exeL µ(a Kupta OLKoooµLKrJ <pOO'J'l KOL Teaaeptc; nep16oouc; J...etToupy(ac; µe aVTimmxec; xpr']ae1c;, nou TO enripfoaav µopcpoAoytK6 KOL TunoAoytKa. H 111 npoaotop(1'.;eTOL OTIO nc; apxec; TOU 20°u Ol. µ8XPl TO 1945 we; KOTOlKlO, Tl 217 TO OlOO'TrJ µa 1945-1960 yta Tr] OTl::YOO'J'l OlKOyevetwv, KOTO TllV onoia oexSJ'lKE µLKpr']c; KAiµaKac; TOmKec; eneµl36ae1c;, nou acpopouaav Kup(wc; ae KTtaiµarn avmyµaTwv, Tl 311 1960-1978 we; axoJ...eio, µe Ttc; O'J'lµOVTtK6Tepec; eneµl36ae1c;, µe K060Lpfoe1c; OlOXWPlOTlKWV To(xwv, KOTOOKEUrJ KALµOKWV OTI/\tOµevou OKUpooeµmoc; KOL TOTILK8<; EVloXUOEl<; TIOTWµOTWV OE 0/\0 TO en(TIEOO KOL J'l 411 an6 TO 1978 we; ar']µepa, Tl ono(a dvOL Tl nep(oooc; eyKOTOAELljJJ'lc; KOL OTOOlOKr]c; cp0op6c; TOU µVJ'lµetou .


7. Op1(6vnoc; cpipwv opyav1aµ6c; - Horizontal structural system. TO nAPAPTHMA TOY A' rYMNA:1:IOY APPENON

8. <Pipwv opyav1aµ6c; ariyr,c; - Roof's structural system.

9. 81:i 6.noljJl'J rou cpipovroc; opyav,aµou. NW structural system's view.

na8oAoyfa. 01 KUp16n:pec; cp8opec; TOU KTlplOU Ocp8LAOVfOL 0Tl7 µoKpO)(pOVIO EYKOT0/\.8lljJl7 TOU KOL onouo(o ouvn']p17017c;, 0Tl7V 8VTOTIKl7 XP'lOll TOU OTTO TO 1945 KOL enELTO, 0Tl7V YELTVLOOl7 TOU µe Tl7 80A.aooo KOL T17v avepx6µeV17 uypao(o KOL OT17v 6KpaT17 8LOpOl7 oµpp(wv OTTO TO KOT80Tpoµµevo Tµl7µ0TO T17<:; 0Tey17c;.

was direct current whereas, but after then, alternating current, keeping however same distributing materials. Stoves were heating the building. A network of horizontal and vertical pipes drained water rain. The vertical ones were inside building's outer walls.

Ie 6,n ocpop6 OTl7 cpepouoo To1xono1io, TO µeyoMTepo Tµ17µa Tile; 8LVOL 08 KO/\l7 KOTOOTOOl7, xwp(c; anoK>--(oe1c; an6 Tl7V KOTOK6pucpo, KOTOpp8U081<:; KOL pwyµec; 08 0/\0 TO TTOXO<:; Tl7<:;. H 017µavr1K6rnp17 pwyµ17 evron(OT17Ke OTO ouT1K6 Toixo Tou Kup1ou K>--1µ0Ko0Tooiou K1 , o onoioc; anoKoM17817Ke on6 Tl7V e~wTEPLK'l To1xono1io. 01 un6>--omec; p17yµmwoe1c; oe Mcp817Kav un6ljJ17 OTOV uno>--oy10µ6 Tile; cpepouooc; LKOVOTl7TOc;. KOT6 TOV t>.eyxo q>&pouoac:; 1Kav6n1rnc:; Twv neoowv npofruljJe aven6pKe10 TWV neptOOOTepwv 08 K6µljJ17 KOL ovw6pK8lO 0/\WV 08 016Tµ17017 Myw oe10µ1K17c; Teµvouooc;. Ano TOV e>--eyxo Tile; 8eµe>--[w017c:; 08V npOeKUljJ8 npop>--17µ0 OVWOpK8lO<;.

Constructional phases. The building has a main constructional phase and four operation periods, with different uses in each one. Every one of them left its morphological and typological marks. The 1st period was from the beginning of 20th century until 1945, as the owner's residence, 2nd : 1945-1960, to house several families at the same time, with small interventions that concerned in opening's filling, 3 rd : 1960-1978, as a school; bigger interventions took place, with wall demolitions, scale construction of armed concrete and floor strengthening and 4th : from 1978 until today, in which the building was left to gradual decay.

H npOTCOI") OTTOKOTCIOTOOI")<; KOi enavaxprioric:; TOU µv17µdou paoiOT17Ke ara e~11<: oeooµevo: 1. OTl<; 8KTTOL08UTlKe<; OVOYKE<; Tll<: neptOXll<:, we; npoc; Tl7 OTeya017 TOU<:; 08 KOTO/\/\l7/\0U<:; XWpouc;, 2. OTO lOlOKTl70lOKO K0880TW<:; TOU KTlplOU KOL Tl7 Ol7/\Wµev17 POU/\l70l7 TOU UTI8U8UVOU cpopfo KOL 3. OT17V lKOVOTTOll7TIKl7 eKTOOl7 TOU OlKOTieoou KOL TO ouvaµtKO TWV Mo KTtpiwv.

Pathology. The main deteriorations are due to: a) the long last building's abandonment and maintenance ab-

Me p6017 TO oeooµevo OUTO, npoTdvouµe: a) OTTOKOTOOTOOl7 TOU OlOT17pl7TeQU KTtpiou 13) wavaxp17017 Tou oav axo>--e(o, oe o uµn>--17pwµon K17 >--e1rnupyio µe TO 1° ruµv6oto KOL y) 0~1onoi17017 KOL 010µ6pcpw017 Tou Kotvou nep1p6Movroc; xwpou TWV Mo KTlpiwv. BaotK6<; OTOXO<: 8LVOL 17 OlOTllPllOll KOL av6oe1~17 Tll<: 10Top1K17<; KOL OL0817nK17<; cpumoyvwµioc; TOU KTtpiou. Ot epyooie<; eneµpo017c; QKO/\OU80UV Tp8t<; paotKe<; KOT8U8uv08L<;: a) Tll 01m17p17017 KOL ov6oe1~17 Twv ou8evr1Kwv armxdwv, 13) Tl7 ouµn>--17pw017 TWV µ17 ow½6µevwv OTOlXElWV KOLTµ17 µ6TWV KOL y) T17v 1Kovonoi17017 Twv ouy)(povwv ovayKwv. KOT6 TO npOT8tV6µevo KTlplO/\OYlKO np6ypaµµa, xwpo8nouVfOL OTO un6ye10 p1~A10817K17 µe ovoyvwOT17p10, epyoOT17p10 K0/\1\ITEXVLKWV KOL xwpo1uy18tV17<;, OTO 106ye10, TO ypacpdo TOU 01eu8uvn'] KOL Twv Ko817y17Twv µe Tpe1c:; a(8ouoec; 01000K0Moc:; KOL OTov 6pocpo Teooep1c; oi8ouoec:; 01000KCIA.ioc; KOL tmpdo.

Ene1,1l36om; OTO lio1,100TaT1K6 ouOTl")IJO - evfaxuori q>&poVToc:; opyav101,1ou. 110 Tl7 pe>--Tiw017 Tile; OTOTLKll<: ouµnep1cpop6c; Tou KTLp(ou, OVTL T17<:; OU~l70l7<; T17<:; cpepouoac; lKOVOT17TO<:; TWV OTOlXElWV, anocpaoiOT17KE 17 KOTeu8uv017 Tll<; µdw017c; Tou noooOTou Tll<; oe10µ1K17<; Mvoµ17c; nou Kornnovd TO KTip10, yvwOT17 we; oe10µ1K17 anoµ6vw017 p6017c;. Mnopd va ecpopµoard µe 17m6Tepec; weµp6oe1c; OTO cpepovro opyav10µ6, xwpic; 6µwc; e~oocpo>--1oµevo anoTe>--wµo. To ouOT17µa nou ecpopµ6½ETOL Ta Te>--euToio XP6v10 xopoKT17pi½ETOL an6 Tl7 XP'lOll ecpeopavwv. ITo µovre>--o nou XPllotµono117817Ke y1a T17v npoooµoiw017 Tou KTLpiou, XPllOLµono117817Kav ypaµµ1K6 armxdo frame, KOL ouyKpi817Kov TO anoTeMoµOTO TWV 8nl/\U08WV TOU µovre>--ou YLO em6 8nLTOxuvotoypacp17µma, a) xwpic; ecpeopava, µe naKTWOELc; OTl7 p6017 TOU KOL P) µe eq>eopava OTl7 p6017 TOU. n apo>--17 Tl7 µdw017 TWV eVTOTLKwv µeye8wv, np0Kume1 aven6pKe1a Twv Tmxonouwv. np0Te1v6µevec; eneµp6oe1c;, a) OTov KOTaK6pucpo cpepovra opyav10µ6: TOmK6 OTotxda ouOKoµljJ(ac:;, µernM1K6 17 an6 oKup6oeµa OTO cppe6na Twv K/\tµOKOOTQOIWV. npouno8e08L<; 8LVOL l7 KOTQVOµl7 Tl7<:; OU-

sence, b) its extensive use from 1945 and then, c) its proximity to the sea and rising humidity and d) the rain water's influx from roof's destroyed parts. Bearing capacity. All the piers lacked strength resistance in earthquake activity. Foundation strength was sufficient enough.

The building's proposal for re$toration and reuse was based on the following data: 1. the district's educational needs, 2. building's property regime and the declared will of the responsible institution and 3. the site's satisfactory extent. Therefore, we suggest restoration of building, building's rehabilitation and reuse as school and courtyard's development and enhancement. Fundamental objective is the preservation and appointment of the historical and aesthetic monument's physiognomy. The building's restoration will involve a series of tasks, grouped in the following categories: a) preservation and the appoin1tment of the authentic elements, b) completion of not maintained elements and sections and c) satisfaction of current needs. Interventions in the structural! system. a) Application of building's seismic base-isolation with con-

struction of rigid elements in staircase, b) replacement, local maintenance and creation of diaphragmatic operation for wooden floors, c) maintenance of metallic flooirs. At roof we suggest complete trusses, with distinct interventions. Electromechanical study. It is based on prearranges of the "School Buildings Organization". New installations of plumbing, sanitation, electrical, central heating, fire protection and hydraulic elevator, wi ll be placed. Pipes and cables will be visible, into a channel next to the wall, or inside the wall. Much attention was given so that the whole installation's image will be visible, discrete and reversible.

About the courtyard, our proposal concerns developing it in many ways. We seek the increase of green and free space. A multiple use hall, a covered ar,ea for gymnastics, a basketball court and a free area- "park", are suggested for construction. In general, the proposal based on our opinion for the hellenic "closed" type of school, is to become an "open" one, so that besides knowledge, it will cover social, cultural and training events, not only for its students, but also for the neighborhood's residents. TO nAPAPTHMA TOY A' rYMNAIIOY APPENON


OKOµljiiac; VO yivnot µe KOTa.MrJAO Tp6no, WOTE: VO e;;aocpaAL½E:Tot en6pKeta Twv Totxonmtwv µe owOT6 i5tacpp6.yµma yta Tr] µeTal3il3aori TWV i5uv6.µewv OTO vea OTOlXetO Kot KOTa.MrJArJ ouvepyaoia - ouvi5eoµot..oyia Twv vewv OTmxeiwv µe TOuc; nup~vec; TWV KAlµOKOOTOOIWV an6 TOlXOTIOllO, 13) OTOV OPl½OVTlO cpepovrn opyavtoµ6, OTO SlJAlVO nmwµma: QVTlKOTOOTOOrJ, TOnlK~ iSlOT~prJOrJ, KOljitµo cpeapµevwv 6Kpwv, ouµn},..~pwori 6nou Aetnouv . .l'.lr]µtoupyia iStacppayµanK~c; AE:tToupyiac; µe oev6½ oKupoMµmoc; Kot µernMtKec; iSOKOUc; µeoa OTO TIOTWµOTO. llO Tr] OT£YrJ, npOTetVOVTot OAOKArJpwµtva ½E:UKTO, OVTlKOTOOTOOrJ suAtvwv OTOlXetWV 6nou anotrniTot, i5r]µtoupyia iStacppayµanK~c; AE:lTOupyiac; Kot KOTOOKW~ uypoµ6vworic; Kot eepµoµ6vworic;.

H rJAE:KTpoµrixavOAOYlK~ µeAeTrJ Tr]c; np6rnoric; l3aoi½E:Tot OTO KTlplOKO np6ypaµµa TOU 0.L.K. 'Ewl OTO KTtplO ea TonoeeTr]eouv veec; eyKOTOOTOOE:lc; ui5peu0r]c;, OTIOX£TWOr]c;, T]AE:KTpOAOYlKWV, etpµavoric;, nuponpomao(ac; Kot uiSpauAtKou ave},..KUOT~pa, Ol ono(ec; ea OVTlKOTO~OOUV TIA~pwc; nc; unapxouoec;. Km6. nep(mwori, ot oi5euoetc; ow},..rivwoewv Kot KOAwiS(wv ea eivot opmtc;, oe Kav6.At n(ow an6 To ool3meni ~ eVTotxtoµtvec;. liStaiTepri oriµao(a MeriKe OTT] OUVOAlK~ E:lKOVO Tr]c; eyKaTOOTOOr]c; WITTE: VO e(vot iSlOKpl~, OlOKplTlK~ Kot OVTlOTpeljitµT].

10. Ycpcar6µevry KQTQaTOCJTJ. N6Tl0 6tjJr,. Current condition. South view.

Me TT] otaµ6pcpwori TOU OUAE:lOU xwpou emi5lWK8Tot rJ nOAUiSuvaµri a;;tonoiri~ TOU. npoTetVE:Tot TOVWOrJ TOU np6mvou Kot ausriori TOU 8AE:Ueepou xwpou, TOOO TOU i5riµ6mou, 600 Kot TOU OUAE:lOU.

H npoTetv6µevri opyavwori unaKouet oe otacpopeTtK6 oumriµa opeoywv(wv as6vwv, oe axtori µe QUTO nou op(½OUV TO µvriµeia. XwpoeeTOUVTot µ(a un6yeta aieouoa noManAwv XP~Oewv µe avesOPTrJTO cpouayte, tvac; meyaoµtvoc; xwpoc; yuµvaOTlK~c; oe xaµriMTepo en(nei5o TrJc; auMc;, y~nei5o µn6oKeT Kot tvac; e},..eueepoc; xwpoc;/n6pKo, ouven(nei5oc; µe TrJV oi56 Ln6pTrJc;. ,ta TOuc; Mo TeAeuTaiouc;, etotK6c; axei5taoµ6c;, 6oov acpop6 mtc; npool36oetc; TOuc;, emTpenet TrJ XP~OrJ TOuc; an6 KaTO(Kouc; Tr]c; yetTOVl6c; Kot KQTO nc; wpec; µri AE:lTOupy(ac; TOU oXOAE:IOU.

11. Ycpcar6µevr, KOT6araCJrJ. AvaroAtKTJ 6tjJr,. Current condition. East vi,ew.

,evtK6Tepa, OArJ ri np6rnori l3ao(OTrJKe mriv 6nolji~ µac; yta TT]V OVCJ.YKrJ µerns£AlST]c; TOU «KAE:lOTOU» E:AArJVlKOU oXOAE:LOU oe «QVOlKTO», nou eKT6c; TT]c; napo~c; yvworic; ea KOAUITTE:l Kot tva cp6oµa KOlVWVlKWV, TIOAlTlOTlKWV Kot emµopcpWTlKWV 8Ki51']AW08WV, acpev6c; yt0 TOuc; µaewtc;, acpeTtpou yta TOuc; KOTo(Kouc; TrJc; yetTovt6c;.

~ - ."1: -'-IJf, ,-ll '1

12. Ycpcar6µevry Kar6araCJrJ. naeoAoyfa. B6peca 61/Jr,. Current condition. Pathology. North view.



::l I



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I 38


C ; Ll r"1

14 l,l

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13. np6TOCJTJ. Kar6tjJw; unoydou, caoydou, op6cpou. Proposal. Ground floors of basement, ground floor and upper floor. TO nAPAPTHMA TOY A' rYMNAIIOY APPENON

' \,.J j

: ~-d i

! Q j 14. np6TOCJT]. Kupca (OUTlKTJ) 6tjJr,. Proposal. Faqade (west view).








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16. KarnaKeurj i5w-

(f)payµanKrjc; At:1roupyfac;. Diaphragmatical operation.

15. MovreAo npoaoµofwar,c;.

Model simulation.

17. KaTaOKt:LJQOTlKT) Arnroµept:lO opo(f)rjc; op6(f)OU.

18. np6rnar,. 11wµ6p(f)WClrJ auA£-1ou xwpou. rev1Krj KOTOI/Jf/.

Proposal. Courtyard's development. General ground plan.

Ceiling's structural detail.


19. np6rnar,. <Pepwv opyav1aµ6c; arey,,c;.

Proposal. Roof's structural system.

21. np6rnar,. AvaroA1Krj 6(/lf/ - Proposal. East view.

20. npornar,. Toµrj KQTQ µrjKO<;. Proposal. Section in length.

22. np6rnaf/. Nona OI/Jf/ - Proposal. South view. TO nAP.APTHMA TOY A' f"YMN.ALIOY APPENON


epyaa(a acpop6. an7 µeMn1 auVTT]pT]CJr]c; KOL anoKm6.arnaric; TOU KTLp(ou «Ayop6. KoMµ~ou», nou ~p(aKeTOL OTO OLKOOOµLKO T£Tp6.ywvo 30 TT]c; nup(KQUOTT]c; l;WVT]c; TT]c; 0eaaOAov(KrJc; KOL mo otaµnepec; auvo>-.o Twv un' apt8µ6 3, 4, 5, 20 KOL 21 otKoneowv, µe om>-.r'] np6a~aari an6 TTJV ooo Eyvm(ac; 31 KOL an6 TTJV ooo nTO>-.eµa(wv 22. E(vOL eva eµnoptK6 avnnpoawneuTtK6 KT(pto µe moec;, an6 TO >-.(ya nou otaTTJPOUVTOL mriv n6AT] µac;. AnoTeAetTOL an6 eva auyKpOTT]µa KTtaµ6.Twv, TeTpawpocpo mriv 6ljJTJ TT]c; Eyvm(ac;, otwpocpo ae auTr'] TT]c; nTO>-.eµa(wv.


Me TTJV An6cpaari Tou 1997 Tou Ynoupye(ou no>-.maµou vn.nO./L':.IMn/1/4366/5667/7.11.97, 6nwc; OT]µOOLeU8T]K£ OTO <t>.E.K. 107 1/8/4.12.97 exet xapaKTT]pLa9d we; «laTOplKO OlOTT]PTJTfo µvriµe(o», ytaT( anoTeAd xapaKTT]p1m1K6 odyµa Twv eµnopLKWV KTLp(wv µe moec;, CJr]µOVTLKO YLO TT] µeMTT] TT]c; Al~T]c; TT]c; OPXLTeKTovtKr']c; TWV eµnopLKWV KTLp(wv.


To µvriµdo XTLOT1']K£ TO 1931 µe axtota TOU µT]XOVLKOU ZaK Mwaae, OAOKAT]pW8T]K£ TO 1932 KOL '7TOV lOlOKTT]OlQ TOU K. 0wµ6. MtMri. LX£OL6.0TT]Ke yta xwpouc; eµnop(ou mo ta6ye10 KOL KOT01K1wv moue; op6cpouc;.

1. '01/Jl'J wu KTtp{ou rrpoc; Tl'JV 006 Eyvar{ac;.


View of the building from Egnatia street. H .ITOA «ArQPA KO/\OMBOY»

his project concerns the maintenance and restoration study of the "Kolombou Market" building, that is located at square 30 of Thess.aloniki's pyric girdle and from side to side gaggle of plots No 3,, 4, 5, 20 and 21 with double access from 31 Egnatia street and from 22 Ptolemeon street. It is a representative commercial building with arcades, one of the few remaining in our city. It is a cluster of buildings, four-floored on the front side of Egnatia, two-floored on the side of Ptolemeon.


It has been characterized as " historical maintained monument", under decision IP.PO./DIU~P/C/4366/5667/ /7.11.97 from the Ministry of Culture in 1997, as published in the Government Gazette, F.E.K. 107 1/8/ /4. "12.97, because it is a characteristic example of the commercial !buildings with adits, something very important for the study of the commercial buildings architectural development. The monument was built in 1931 , designed by the engineer Jacque Mosse, completed in 1932 and the owner was Mr. Thomas Mellis. The ground floor was designed for commercial areas and the other floors for residences. Main element to its structure, round the two inner parallel way-

2. '01/Jl'J wu KT1p{ou rrpoc; Tl'JV 006 nroJ..eµa{wv. View of the building from Ptolemeon street.

4. Anorunwon: '01/JTJ en{ TTJc; oootJ EyvaT{ac;. Survey: Fac;ade from Egnatia s:treet.

3. K6.TOI/JTJ 1ooyefou, eyK6.pow TOµrj Kat Ol/JTJ OTTJV 006 EyvaT{ac; an6 TO Apxdo rnc; noAwooµfac;. Ground floor plan, transversal section and fac;ade from Egnatia street from the Archives of the city planning.

6. Anorunwon: '01/Jn en{ TTJc; 0001,j nTOAeµa{wv. Survey: Fac;ade from Ptolemeon street.

5. <PwTOypacp{ec; an6 TT/ cp6.0TJ aveyepOTJc; rnc; 2T06.c; KoA6µ{3ou Kat o apxLTiKTovac; ZaK Mwooe. Photographs during the construction of the Arcade Kolombou and the architect Jacque Masse.

7. Anorunwon: K6.rol/Jn 1ooyefou - Survey: Ground floor plan.

8. Anorunwon: K6.rol/Jn 1°u op6cpou nTOAeµa{wv Kat KO.TOI/IT/ rwv OOITSOWV TOU. Survey: Plan of the 1st floor at Ptolemeon street and plan of the ground.

9. Eowrnp1Krj 6.nol/Jn rnc; oro6.c; - Internal view of the arc;ade. H HOA «ArQPA KOAOMBOY»


BamK6 mOLxE:io n1c; opyavwaric; Tou KTtpiou dvm ot Mo e:owTe:ptKoi ne:i'.;6opoµOL napciMl7AOl nou T£µVOVTOl K088TO µE:TO~U TOU<:;, oXE:OOV mo K£VTpO TOU 00µ17µevou OlKOTIE:OlKOU XWPOU (E = 1575m2) - 08 axr'Jµa H- KOl µe: KUpiapxo mOLxe:io mo lOOYE:lO Tl7V unap~17 noMwv µtKpoµayai'.;wv. H OPXlTE:KTOVlKr'j ouvSe:ari TWV 6ljJe:wv xapOKTl7pli'.;8TOl YlO Tl7 yvwmr'j VE:OKAOOlKr'j ot6rn~17: B6017, Kopµ6c; Kot meljJ17. Ta avoiyµma-e:~wm68upe:c;, 17 nape:µ!30;>,..r'j ljJwoonapamaowv, TO E:TI(Kpava KOplV8lOKOU pu8µou, 17 aMayr'j µopcpr'Jc; TWV 8~Wmwv, 17 oooVTwTr'j Kopvii'.;a, TO Tpal317)(T6 ydoo K.An. oivouv µ[a n;\amtK6T17Ta m17v 6;>,..17 ouvSe:ari.H 6ljJ17 T17c; Eyvmiac; anoTe:;>,..E:iTm an6 TO to6ye:to Km Tpe:tc; op6cpouc; OVT[ neVTE: TT]c; apxtKr'jc; aodac;.

farers that are vertically intersected, almost in the middle of the structured plot (E= 1575 m 2 ) - H shaped-, is the existence of many small shops on the ~1round floor. The architectural composition of the fac;ades is characterized from the known neoclassic arrangement: stand, scape and ridge. The openings-balcoiny doors, the insertion of false porticos, the Corinthian order capitals of columns, the balconies that changed shape, the caste·llated architrave, the traced eaves, e.t.c. presents a plasticity for the whole structure. The fac;ade of Egnatia consists of the ground floor and three floors instead of five mentioned in the initial license. The stand is separated from the scape by horizontal sheds. There is no separation ribbon between the floors, but a strained horizontal zone of the balconies defines them. An opulent decor is presented at the last floor with the vertical porticos that end in Corinthian capitals. Decorating ribbons, including zone with drops all along the front side, forms the end of the eave at an upper place. The front side is vertically separated into five sections and two strong axes are loomed, which define the entrances of the gallery. The arcade is lit through loopholes from the high places, which allows the natural lighting and the ventilation of the arcade. Every floor covers an area of 300 m 2. At the floors at the side of Egnatia, there are two conventional residences per floor, though in Ptolemeon there are four residences . Their ground plan is

10. ArrOTUITWOT): KaTO(/JT] 3 ou op6cpou EyvOT[a<;, KGTOl/JT] TWV OQrreowv TOU Kat QVOl/JT] TWV OpO<pWV TOU. Survey: Plan of the 3 rd floor at Egnatia street, plan of the ground and plan of the ceiling.

12. f"swµeTptKrj QITOTUITWOTJ TT]<; Urrapx ouaac; KOTQOTQOT]<; TOU <pt:-


11. ArroTurrwOT): EyK6pa1a rnµrj mu KTtpfou. Survey: Transversal section of the building. H ITOA «ArQPA KOAOMBOY»

pOVTQ opyav1aµ ou - xxec>(QOT) ~uAorurrwv. Geometrical survey of the current state of structural body Static plans.

H ~6011 xwpil;ern1 on6 Tov Kopµ6 µe TO op1l;6vno areyoarpo. Mernl:;u TWV op6cpwv 08V unapxe1 OLOXWPLOTIK'l TOIVLO aM6 OUTOL op(l;OVTQI OTTO Tl'jV 8VTOVl'j Optl;OVTIO l;WVl'j TWV µnMKOVIWV. LTOV Te>-..eUTo[o 6pocpo nopoum6l;ern1 mo n>-..ouo1oc; 016Kooµoc; µe nc; KOTOK6pucpec; nopoar6oec; nou ono>-..11youv oe Kop1v810K6 eniKpovo. H Kma>-..rit;ri Tou ydoou aro en6vw µepoc; TOU oXT"]µOTtl;8TOI OTTO OIOKOOµT"]TIK8<:; TOIVt8<:;, nept8XOVTO<:; l;WVl'j µe aroy6vec; nou 01mpexe1 6>-..o To µ11Koc; TT"]c; np6ooljJric;. KornK6pucpo ri np6ooljJT"] xwp(l;ern1 oe neVTe Tµ11µmo KOL oe OUT'lV 01oyp6cpoVTm ouo 1axupo( 61:;ovec; nou opil;ouv Km Ttc; e106oouc; TrJc; aroac;. H aro6 cpwTil;ern1 on6 ljJrt>-..6 µe cpeyyiTec; nou en1Tpenouv TO cpumK6 cpwnoµ6 Km oep10µ6 TT"]c;. O K68e 6pocpoc; exe1 eµ~oo6v 300 m 2 . LTouc; op6cpouc; en[ Tou 6yKOU TT"]<:; Eyvm(oc; UTTOPXOUV OUO TUTTIK8<:; KOTOIKL8<:; OVQ 6pocp0, 8VW O"TT"]V nTO>-..eµo(wv T8008ptc; KOTOIKL8<:;. 01 KOTOljJ8L<:; TOuc; nopouo16l;ouv ouµµeTpio we; npoc; Tov eyK6pmo 61:;ovo. 01 KUplOI xwpo1 Touc; TOTT088TOUVTOI eµnp6c;, evw 01 ~OT"]8T"]TLKOL niow. 01 npoo~6oe1c; arouc; xwpouc; TrJc; KOTOtKioc; y(vovrn1 oveE;cipTrJTO on6 TT"] aro6, on6 nc; ooouc; Eyvmioc; KOL nTO>-..eµoiwv. L'lµepo 01 6pocpo1 arey6l;ouv K6no1ec; XP11oe1c; ~10Teyy1wv, evw 01 nep1006Tepo1 dvm Kevo( xwpot.

'1 I ii

symmetric towards the transversal axis. The main areas are located in the front area, though th,e auxiliary at the back area. The accesses to the areas of the residence are separately from the arcade, from Egnatia and Ptolemeon streets. Some small industries are sheltered in some floors, though most of them are empty areas. No particular interventions were ,observed, apart from some various integrations of some small shops or the integrations of inner areas in the floors (decade 11970-1980). The building is well maintained apart from some damages and spoilages. The study of the inter-scientific team includes: Part A: The collection of data, th1e bibliographic survey, the historical and the photographical substantiation. Part B: The detailed impression of the current situation of "Kolombou Market" arcade with architectural and topographical methods, the detailed enumeration of all structural data of the building, of the materials and its internal structure and also the detailed impression of the electromechanological installations. Part C: The evaluation of all the registered data, the proposal for the maintenance, the reinforcement, the restoration and reuse of the building.

14. AnorunwOT} naBoAoyfac; µe anAono111µivo ~uomµa nAripocpop1wv Xwpou (G.I.S.). Survey of pathology with a simple Geographical Information System (G.I.S.).

13. AnorunwOT}: /\emoµipw:c; ro1µevronAaK1o[wv (6vw) Kat yulj/1vwv aro1xerwv (KOTW). Survey: Details of the cement tiles - slab floor (top) and details of the gypseous decoration (bottom).

15 . n p6raarJ: K6rolj}rJ 1ooyefou.

Proposal of restoration: Ground floor plan.

16. To arar1K6 npoooµo[wµa rou KTtpfou aro np6ypaµµa SAP2000. The static model of the building in software SAP2000. H HOA «ArQPA KO/\OMBOY»


/J.f;V napaTT)pl7ST"]KOV LOLQITe,pe,c; cp6.0'€l<; '€TI'€µ(36o'€WV, '€KT6c; an6 Tl<; OlClcpOpe,<; '€VOTIOLl70'€l<; e,V 0'€tp6 µtKpoµaya~WV l7 TL<; '€VOTIOLl70'€l<; WWT'€ptKc.6v xwpwv moue; op6cpouc; (o'€KO'€T(a 1970-1980). To un6 µe:MTT) KT(pto (3p(aKe:TOL oe: KOA17 KOTOOTOOTJ otm17priOT]<;, napouma~ovwc; My'€<; (3M(3e:c; KOL cpSopec;. H µ'€/1.ETT"] TT"]<; OlE:TILOTT"]µOVLKl7<; oµaoac; TI'€pLAaµ(36ve:t: Mtpoc; A: Tri auMoy17 OTOLXE:lWV, TT"] (3tf3AtoypacptKl7 epe:uva, TT)V lOTOplKl7 KOL TT"] cpwTOypacptKl7 Te,KµT"]plWOT]. Mtpoc; B: Tri AWToµe:p17 anoTUTIWOTJ TT)<; ucptm6µ'€VT"]<; KOT60TaOT]c; TT"]<; moac; «Ayopa KoMµ(3ou» µe, µe:S6oouc; apxtrnKTOVLKE<; KOL TOnoypacptKE<;, TT"]V OKptf317 KOTaypacp17 TWV OTOlXE:lWV Tou cpepovrnc; opyavtoµou, Twv uAtKwv KOL TT"]<; naSoAoy(ac; TOU<;, KOSW<; KOL TWV H/M E:YKOTOOTCIO'€WV. Mtpoc; r: Triv astOAOYT"JOTJ OAWV TWV OTOlXE:lWV nou dxav KQTOypacpd, TT"]V np6TOOT] OUVTl7PT"]OT]<;, E:VloXUOT]<;, '€TILOKE:Ul7<;, anoKmamaoric; KOL mavaxprJOT]<; TOU KTtp(ou.H np6TOOT] anoKOTOOTaOT]c; KOL e:nav6XPT"JOTJ<; Tou KT(aµmoc; moxe:u'€L OTT) OLOT17PT"JOTJ KOL OVCIO'€lST"J TWV lOlOLTEpwv xapOKTT"JPLOTLKWV TOU, TWV LOTOplKWV KOL µopcpOAOYLKWV TOU asLWV, OlQTT)pwVTac; TL<; OPXLKE<; TOU XPl70'€l<; µe, 17mo oX'€Otaoµ6 e:navaXPT"JOTJ<;.

Kma TT"] cp60T] TT)<; np6TOOT]<; eytve: KOL Tl OTOTlKl7 QVCIAUOT] µe, XP170TJ Tou npoypaµµmoc; SAP2000, µe: To ono(o dvOL ouvm17 Tl npoaoµo(wOT] KOL O oX'€Otaaµ6c; KTtp(wv OTO xwpo. Kma TT"]V av6.AuOT] e:A17cpSriaav un6!J.1ri 6Aa TO 00µ1K6 mmxda, Ta ono(a ouµµ'€Texouv OTT)V napOA.0(317 17 E:TIT"Jp'€6~ouv TT"JV KOTavoµ17 TWV ouv6µ'€WV. To KTlplO e:MyxSrJKE: we; npoc; TL<; OVTOXE<; TOU ouµcpwva µe: Tov AVTtO'€toµtK6 Kavov10µ6 Tou 1959 KOL TL<; 01m6s'€t<; TOU 1984-1985.

The maintenance, restoration and reuse proposal for the "Arcade Colombou Market" building, aims to the maintenance and appointment of special characteristics, of the historical and morphological values by prese,rving the initial uses with a mild planning of the reuse. During the phase of the proposal, a static analysis was made using the software SAP2000. This software can provide detailed information on the response of the buildings structural system in three dimensions. All the structural elements that can contribute or influence the static and seismic loads were taken under consideration during the analysis. The building's strains were simulated -checked-with the 1959 Anti-seismic Regulation including the provision of 1984-1985.ln general the building is inadequate and reinforcement is absolutely necessary. The main feature of the proposal is the, reinforcement with reinforced concrete walls. With this proposal, we avoid the solution of reinforcing all (or almost all) the columns, which could be a very heavy restoration for the building. All installations will be restored with as little intervention as possible on the structural elements of the building. In the residential sections the doors and windows will remain after they have been preserved. There will be an addition of double-glazed windows, as well as new installation of central heating and elevator.

Ta anOT'€Afoµma aneo'€tsav 6Tt TO KT(pto dvOL ave:napKec; KOL anOLTE:iTOL a'€tp6 e:v1axuo'€wv KOL e:nav£A'€yxoc; µe: Tov AVT1oe:10µ1K6 Kavov1aµ6 Tou 2000. Kup10 xapaKTrJPLOTLK6 TT)<; np6wOTJ<; dvOL ri µa~1K17 '€VloXUOTJ µ'€ TOtxwµma, µe: m6xo va anocpe:uxSd Tl e,VloXUOT] OAWV (17 axe:oov OAWV) TWV UTIOOTUAwµaTWV µ'€ µOVOUe,<;. '0A'€<; OL H/M '€yKmam6a'€t<; Sa avaKaTOaKe:uamouv µ'€ (3amK17 apx17 TT"] µ1Kp6rnpri OUVOTl7 e:neµ(3aOT] 0'€ ooµtKCI OTOLXE:ia TOU KTtpiou. LTl<; KOTOlKle,<; Sa OUVTT"]pT"]Souv TO Koucpwµma KOL Sa npom'€Sd omA6 T~6µ1, e:vw Sa '€yKmamaSe:( e:mnMov K'€VTpt-

18. H napaµ6p<pWOTJ TOU rpopia KQTQ rte; ouo KUptec; OIE:U0uv-

OE:tc; TOU. The deformed shape of the model for the main directions.

17. np6raarJ: K6rotjJrJ npoo0rjKrJc; :z<>u op6rpou Eyvarfac; Kat K6-


TOt/JrJ TWV oaniOWV TTJc;. Proposal of restoration: Plan of the floor addition at Egnatia street and plan of the ground.



19. EvmnKrj Kar6oraarJ rpipouoac; ro1xono1fac; y1a oe10µ1Krj rp6pTIOTJ KQTQ TTJ OIE:U0UVOTJ y -y. The bearing masonry's state of stress for y -y direction of seismic load.

Kil 8epµavari Kat aveAKuar11pac;. LTO KOTaar11µma Tou taoye[ou ea XPTJOLµonotri8ouv OVTALB<; 8epµ6TT]TO<; yta TTJ 8epµavari Kat TTJV ljJU~TJ. LTO KOTOOTllµarn TOU unoydou npfoet va £yKaTOOTa8d auT6µmo auarriµa nup6a~earic; vepou (sprinklers).

In the ground-floor shops there will be installed heating pumps for both heating and cooling. An automatic sprinkler system must be installed at the basement shops protecting people against fire.

LUVOALKa y ta TO KT(pto npoTdvoVTat:

Generally, it is suggested for the building:

0 mavaaxeotaaµ6c; Twv uq>Laraµevwv E:µnoptKwv KOTOOTT]µ6Twv KOl TWV KOTOlKlWV µ£ n£pl0ptaµ8VTJ<; KA(µaKO<; WE:µ~OOE:l<;.

The replanning of the existing commercial shops and of the residences with interventions of limited scale.

H OUVTllPTJarJ, WLOKE:Ull, auµnMpwari Kat OVTLKOTOOTOITT) 6Awv TWV cp8apµevwv UAlKWV.

The maintenance, the repair, the completion and the replacement of the worned materials.

H f:VlO)(UITT) TOU cpepoVToc; opyavtaµou µ£ TOLXWµOTO.

The reinforcement of the building with concrete walls.

H npoa811KTJ Mo op6cpwv, E:Kcppa~oVTac; TO nveuµa TTJ<; Xll<;, OTjµtoupywVTac; Mo KOTOlKIB<; ova 6pocpo OE: WOXll,


The addition of two floors, expre,ssing the zeitgeist, by creating two residences per floor, in set back.


New electromechanological installations.

20. LX£OIO HM: np6rn0'7: K6TOI/JTJ iaoyefou.

21. np6rn0'7: Vc/111 en[ rryc; ooou rlro}.eµa[wv. Proposal of restoration: Faqacfe from Ptolemeon street.

E/M plan: Proposal of restoration: Ground floor plan.



22. np6rn0'7: nieavic; eiaeic; rono8iTTJOT/c; ro1xwµ6rwv arov ~uA6runo opocprjc; iaoyefou.

Proposal of restoration: Probable positions of concrete walls in the ground floor static plan.

23. np6rn0'7: Vc/111 en[ rryc; ooou Eyvar[ac;.

Proposal of restoration: Faqacie from Egnatia street. H ITOA «ArGPA KO/\OMBOY»


E. 2QK8Map(ou, TOTI. µrix.,

n. 18WPYC1Kll, apxmoA.

KTIPIO 2THN AKPOnO/\E02 13 2THN ANO nO/\H 0E22AJ\ONIKH2 Em~Mnovrec;: M. Noµ1K6c;,


µTJx., A. A~oe11.6c;, no>-.. µTJx.

E. Sakellariou, s. eng., P. Georgaki, archaeol.

BUILDING AT 13, AKROPOLEOS ST. IN THESSALONIKl'S UPPERTOWN Supervisors: M. Nomikos, arch. eng., A. Avdelas, civ. Eng.

TIAOLOLO TOU EpyaOTrtPLOU L':.lE:ntOTrtµOVlKT7<; LUVE:pyao[ac; «AnoKOT□OTOOfl Kat Enav6XPrtOfl IOToptKwv Knp[wv KQl LUVOAWV» TO OVTlKE:[µE:VO µE:MTrt<; anon:AE:OE: eva KTlplO Trt<; 'Avw n6r..rt<; Trt<; nE:ptox11c; Trt<; 0woar..oviKrt<;. To un6 µE:MTrt KTipto f3p[oKE:TOL OTflV oM AKpon6r..E:w<;13, dvm otwpocpo KQl OTIOTE:AE:L XOPOKTflplOTlKO odyµa Trt<; OPXLTE:KTOVLKT7<; Trt<; TIE:plOX17<; KQl TOU Tp6nou Mµrtoric; Trt<; )(pOVlKTJ<; nE:pt6oou nou KOTOOKWOOTrtKE:. np6KE:lTQl YLO µ[a E:SOlPE:TlKl7 yto TflV E:TIOXll TOU KOTOOKWl7. TQ

rta TrtV OTIOTUTIWOfl TOU KTlplOU E:ntt..eX8rtKOV Ol KAOOlKE<; TOTIOypacpLKE<; µe8000l µE: Trt XPllOrt YE:WOOlTLKOU OTa8µou (total station) OE: ouvouaoµ6 µE: cpwrnypaµµE:TpLKe<; µE:86oouc;. EtOLK6rnpa, yta nc; µE:TPTJOE:l<; XPrtOLµonOLT78rtKE: yE:woamK6<; OTa8µ6c; (total station) GTS 212. To nor..uywvoµE:TptK6 o[KTuo E:VT□X8rtKE: OE: eva yE:vLKOTE:po o(KTuo, nou dvm TO TptywvoµE:TptK6 o[KTuo TOU L':.17µou 0E:ooar..oviKrt<;. To anmTouµE:vo nor..uywvoµE:TplKO o(KTuo nE:plt>.aµf3aVE:l TPW:; KUPLE:<; OOE:UOE:tc;:

i. Mia nE:ptµE:TplKll TOU KTtp[ou, WOTE: va anoTunw8d Km rt wpuTE:Prt nE:ptox11 OTrtv onoia E:VT6ooE:Tm auTo


The classical surveying methods using a total station in combination with photogrammetric methods were selected in order to trace the building on paper. Specifically, a total station GTS 212 was used for the measurements. The polygonal network was joined in a general network, which is the triangular network of the municipality of Thessaloniki. The essential polyf1onal network includes three main routes:

i. An all around the building route, so as the wider region in which the building is located can be traced.

ii. A route, which is developed in the basement of the building.

ii. M(a 6owori nou OVOITTUOOE:TQl OTO lOOYE:lO TOU KT(oµmoc;

iii. A route, which is developed in the first floor of the building.

iii. M(a 6owori nou OVQITTUOOE:TQl OTOV npwTO 6pocpo TOU KTloµmoc;

Among the individual route points, several blind routes were developed, due to the nature of the work on target. A reflectorless, higher accuracy, instrument type Laser-Leica was used in order to target the detail points even in the most remote areas.

ME:TOSU TWV KOpucpwv TWV OOE:UOE:WV OUTWV QVOITTUX8rtKOV apKE:TE<; TucpMc; ooE:UOE:L<;. 0E:wp178rtKE: avayKa[a rt XPllOfl apKE:Twv TU<pAWV oriµdwv, Myw Trt<; cpuoric; TOU OVTlKE:Lµevou. rta Tfl OTOXWOfl TWV oriµdwv A£ITTOµE:pE:lWV XPrtOLµOTIOll78rtKE: KQl eva reflector less (xwpic; npioµa) 6pyavo Tunou Laser-Leica ulj.lrtr..11c; 0Kp[f3E:tac;, WOTE: VO OTIOTUTIW8ouv KQl TO anp60LTO oriµda. To TE:AtK6 npo"i6v Trt<; TonoypacpLKTJ<; anoTunworic; dvm rt ouVTasrt µtac; OE:lpac; oXE:OlWV 6nwc;: • K6Tolj.lrt tooydou Kat op6cpou • TonoypacpLKO ot6ypaµµa Trt<; wpurnprt<; TIE:pLOXll<;


he subject of this study, which is in the research boundaries of the Laboratory Interdisciplinary Collaboration, is a building located in Upper Town, in Thessaloniki. The exact address of the building is ·13, Akropolis street. It is a two stores building and it constitutes a representative sample of the architectural and structural stylei, which dominated the region at the time, it was built. It is, in fact, considered to be an exceptionally well-structured building for its time.

A series of drawings described below was put together as a result of the surveying: • Ground plans (basemenit and first floor plans) • A surveying diagram of the wider region • Development drawings of the internal areas of the first floor and the basement of the building needed for further architectural analysis and drafting of the sections of the building

• Avamuyµma wwTE:ptKwv xwpwv tooydou Kat op6cpou npoc; XPllOfl an6 TOU<; OPXLTEKTOVE:<; yta Trt ortµtoupy(a TWV rnµwv.

The solving of the surveying routes and the tachometry was done using the software Gieocalc and the drawing parts of the project were performed using Autocad 2000.

H E:TIIAUOfl TWV OOE:UOE:WV KOl Trt<; TaxuµE:Tp[ac; eytvE: µE: Trt XPllori Tou r..oytoµtKou Geocalc, E:vw rt oXE:OLOOTLKll an6ooori eytvE: OTO Autocad 2000.

Photogrammetric method was used in order to trace on paper the south front view of the building as well as the west, which presented an interesting variety of architectural details.


H cpwToypaµµeTplK'l µe8oooc; XP11mµono117811Ke y1a TllV anoTunwari TllC: v6nac; oljJric; KQL TllC: OUTLK'7c; oljJric; TOU KT(aµmoc;, 01 ono(ec; napoua(ai'.;av apKnec; apx1TeKTov1Kec; Aemoµepe1ec;. r1a Tll "-'llJJll Twv cpwrnypacp1wv XP11mµono117811Ke 11 11µ1µeTpLK'7 µrix□V'l ROLEI flex 6006 µe OLKTUO ariµdwv RESEAU, µ11xav1aµ6 emneoonoiriaric; TOU film, mmonmw1K6 ~a8µov6µ11aric;. E101K6Tepa, XPrimµono117811Kav oKTw cpwrnma8epci ariµda avci "-'llJJll µe, rnuAciximov,3 an6 auTci mriv Ko1v17 nep1ox11 µew~u Twv cpwrnypacp1wv. LUVOALKci, Ta cpwToma8epci neptKAdouv TllV emcpcivem TOU QVTLKeLµevou nou QTTOTUTTWV8TQL KOL yevLKCl exouv µta KOA'7 KQTQV0µ'7. 01 cpwrnypacp(ec; aapw811Kav ae aapwT17 HP Scanjet 3400C KOL ae avciAuari TllC: Tci~ewc; TWV 2000 dpi. H avaywy17 TWV 8LKOVWV ey1ve µe Tll XP'larJ TOU axeotaITTLKOU naKeTou TllC: Bendley Microstation µe TO module IRAS/C. TeAoc;, Tl enavaaumaari TllC: 8LK6vac; ey1ve µe Tll µe8ooo TllC: KU~LK'7<:; napeµ~oMc; KOL µe e~ay6µevo µeye8oc; pixel (ao µe 5mm. To T8ALK6 npo·(ov dvm eva cpwrnµwaa·(K6 avriyµevwv e1K6vwv µe µeTp11nK17 nAripocpop(a, TO ono[o µnope( va XPrimµonmriSd y1a T11V e~aywy17 axeo[wv TllC: yewµeTplK'7<:; QTTOTUTTWOT]c; TOU KTtp(ou aMci KOL y1a Tllv euK0"-11 Km aKpL~ll axeo(aari apx1TeKTov1Kwv Aemoµepe1wv .

The semi-metric camera Rollei flex6006 with point network RESAU leveling mechanism of the film, certificate calibration was used for the photographs of the project. Specifically, eight control points were used for every photographic rep resentation of the building and at least three of them were taken at the common area between the photographs. In total, the control points include the whole area of the front views of the building and in general they are well distributed. The photographs were scanned using an HP Scanjet 3400C and the picture resolution was ~!000 dpi. The rectification of the photos was done using the design software package Bendley Microstation with the module IRAS/C. Finally, the resembling was don e using the cubic comparison method and the exported size pixel is equal to 5mm. The resulting product is a photo mosaic, of the resembling pictures scaled details. This can be used in order to export the drawings of the geometric imprinting of the building on as well as to draw easily and precisely t he architectural details.




.~ '-----



i. ii.







TOnOrPAilllKO 61Al'"P.AMMA

i. ii. iii. iv. v.

1116.ypaµµa nep1µerp1K17.-:; 6owOT)c; 1116.ypaµµa 6oeuOT)c; taoysfou 1116.ypaµµa 6owOT)c; op6cpou <l>wroµwaaii<.6 ourtKr)c; 6{/Jr,c; <l>wroµwaaii<.6 v6nac; 6tJ.1r,c; npcv TTJV KOT6.ppeuOT) rou µnaJ..Ko-

vcou vi. <l>wroµwaaii<.6 v6rcac; 61/,1r,c; µer6. rr,v Kar6.ppwOT) rou µnaJ..Ko-

vcou vii. TonoypacpcK6 016.ypaµµo




- - t - ----t-----t-------j

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

All around the building route diagram Basement route diagram Floor route diagram West front view photo mosaic South front view photo mosaic before the balcony's break down South front view photo mosaic after the balcony's break down Survey Plan

IOTOPIKO - Ynapxouaa KOTOOTaari. To KTLPLO f3p(OKETOL 01"T]V auvmK(a TaE;Lapxwv, v6na TTJc; Movl'Jc; Bi\m65wv. LTO TEAT] Tou 19ou al. TJ, Ton:, auvmK(a Cavus Manastir, TO 6voµa TT)c; ono(ac; oXETLi'.;6rnv 6µEaa µE TO auyKp6TT)µa TT)c; µovl'Jc;, Kmayp6cpnOL we; µLa an6 nc; TEOOEpLc; anoµovwµEvEc; XPLITTLOVLKEc; yELTOVLEc; TT]c; n6i\T]c;. H OLK(a KOTOA6µl3avE TµfJµa TTJc; v6nac; i'.;wvT)c; TT]c; Cavus Manastir, crra 6pLa µE TTJV aµLywc; ToupKLKTJ auvmK(a lki Serife (etK. 1).

History - Present condition. The building sits in the, nowadays, quarter of Taxiarches, just south of Vlatades' Monastery. At the end of the 19th centmy, the, then, called quarter, Cavus Manastir - a name, directly, connected with the Monastery's Group- is quoted as one of the fou r, in all, isolated christian neighborhoods of the city. The house was set in the southern part of Cavus Manastir, just in the border of the purly turkish quarter, lki Serife (fig. 1).

LTTJ OT)µEpLvfJ TOU µopcpl'J, TO KTLPLO eivOL 6,n EXEL anoµeivEL an6 TTJV apXLKll TpLµEpl'J OLK(a, ae 5L6Taf;TJ avmxrou "n ", µEnc; KEpa(Ec; npoc; N6To. Ta Tp(a KT(aµma auvLcrrouaav EVa µEy6Ao an(n, µE l30T)8TJTLK6 npoaKT(aµarn KOL auMc;, TO ono(o, Toui\6XLITTO 01"TJV OPXLKll Tou cp60TJ, i\ELTOLIPYTJOE EvLa(a. An6 TO apXELOK6 UALKO l3El30LWVETOL TJ unapE;T) KOL AELTOupy(a TOU Nil Tµl'Jµarnc; we; TO 1932 TOUAOXL01"0, (OLKLQ C) , EVW TO NA TµfJµa, (OLKLQ B), Kp(8TJKE aKOTOMT)i\o µET6 TO OEL0µ6 Tou 1978, on6TE KOTEi50<pl01"T)KE (t:IK. 2). TT) 8EOT] TOU KOTEi\Ol3E TO 1981, i5LWp0<pO "vEonapai5oOLaK6" KT(aµa.

In its present form the building is a remainder of an initial house, consisted of three parts and having the shape of the greek letter "nt", orientateid to the south. Those three parts constituted a big house, which functioned - at least concerning its initial phase- as one. lrhe archives confirm the existence and fu nction of the southwestern part, at least until 1932, (building C), whereas t he southeastern part, (building B), was seriously damaged on the ear1thquake of 1978, when it was, finally, demolished (fig. 2). In 71981, a new post-trad itional house, substituted the old one.

To unopxov KTlpLO eivOL EVO ni\muµETWTTO an(n, i5Lwpocpo v6Tl0, µov6pocpo l36pELa, Li5LOLTEp6TTJTO nou unayopEUETOt an6 TTJ yEwµopcpoi\oy(a TOU Ei56cpouc; (etK. 3, 4). TTJV av6yKTJ npoaapµoyl'Jc; crrtc; EvTOvEc; Ei5a<pLKEc; KALOEtc; EE;unT)pETe( TJ µEyOAT), avai\T]µµOTtKou xapaKTfJpa, aui\fJ crra v6na. MtKp6TEPTJ aui\fJ, µErnE;u l30T]8T]TLKWV npOOKTtaµ6TWV, avamuaaETOt l36pEtO (E:IK. 5). Ta 5uo npoaKT(aµma u1c; l36pELac; aui\fJc; KOTOAaµf36vouv 8EaELc; npoyEVEOTEPWV, wOT6ao, unEOTT)aav ni\fJ8oc; µErnaKeuwv. Kup(wc; KT(aµa, npooKT(aµma KOL auMc;, nEpLl36MoVTOL an6 ljJTji\6 µaVTpOTOLXO nou -OE YEVLKEc; ypaµµEc;- i5LOTT)pei TO OPXtK6 TOU nEp(ypaµµa. LTO VOTLO µETWTTO TOU i5LOTTJPOUVTOL 5uo eiao5m, TJ avmoi\LKll, nou OVTLITTOLXEL OTTJV OPXLKll cp60TJ i\EtToupy(ac; Tou anmou KOL µta µErnyEvtOTEpTJ, TJ 5uTLKll (f3J... E:IK. 5). 0 OPXtK6c; nupl'Jvac; TOU KTtp(ou OUVI01"0TOL OE i\L8o5oµl'J 01"0 LOOYEtO KOL E;ui\6TTT]KTT] TOLXOTTOLIO µE ni\fJpWOT) ni\(v8wv crrov 6pocpo.

The existant part is a broad-foreheaded house, with two floors in its' southern and one floor in its' northern side. This specific solution arised as a consequent of the sloping ground (fig . 3, 4) . The same need of adjustment to the sloping ground, served a large southern yard, which has an, obviously, supportive function. However, a smaller ya.rd lies between the two, additional, auxiliary buildings, to the north (fig. 5). Both of those buildings were rebuilt in the same place of previous ones'.

H Tunoi\oy(a TTJc; KOTOljJTJc;, (etK. 6,8), a&a µE EKOTEpw8Ev 5wµ6na, OTO ta6yEto KOL crrov 6pocpo, Ka8wc; KOL TO µopcpoi\oytK6 OTOLXeiO, auµµETp(a TTJc; OljJT]c;, ALTEc; 5tOKOOµT]TtKEc; i\EmOµEPELEc; nou napanEµnouv crro VEOKAOOLKLaµ6, unoµVT]µmii'.;ouv TO auv5uaaµ6 TOU TOUPKLKOU xapaKTfJpa µE 01"0lXeiO TT]c; i5UTLKl'Jc; EupwnT)c; KOL OUVT)yOpOUV OE µta XPOVOi\oyT]OT) OTTO TO µfoa TOU 19ou Ol. K. EE;. Mta KOTOOKEuacrrtKfJ ti5LOtTEp6TT)TO nou KOVEL TO KT(pLo µovai5tK6 eivOL TJ "5mi\l'J 6ljJTJ", nou EXEL OVL)(VE:.UTE( OTT) v6na KOL f36pEta ni\Eup6 Tou OPXLKOu Tou nupl'Jva. navw OTTJV OPXLKll, EXEL "cpopE8ei" µta i5ELITEPTJ, EE;wrnpTJ ToLxonoL(a. Ot 5uo TOlXOTTOL(Ec; i5EVOVTOL µE OLi5EpEVlOUc; auvMaµouc; (Ti'.;LVETlO), EVW av6µEa6 rnuc; un6pXEL KEv6 i\(ywv EKOTocrrwv. E(vOL 6yvwcrro EOV TJ i5LKEi\UcpTJ KOTOOKeufJ EE;UTTTJPETTJOE i\EtTOupytKEc;, (µ6vwOTJ), OL08TJTLKEc;, (EE;eupwna'iaµ6c; TT)c; 6ljJTJc;), l'J TO ouv5uaaµ6 KTIPIO H HN AKPOnOAEOr 13 ITHN ANO n OAH 0EHAAONIKHL

All those elements, the basic building, the auxiliary buildings and the two yards, are surrounded by a high wall, which, in general terms, maintains its' initial border. The two entrances to the whole plot, are still preserved on the southernexternal forehead of the wall ; the eastern one, corresponding to the initial phase of the house and the western one, which is, long enough, posterior (See fig. 5). Not only the pattern of the ground plan (fig. 6, 8), a spacious main room, flanked by other rooms, but also the morphology, underline the combination of the given turkish character, with origins of the western Europe. All those typological and morphological features, suggest a dating to the middle of the 19th century, henceforth. A noteworthy particularity of the building refers to a "double fa9ade" , traced on the northern and southern side of the initial core. Over the inner wall, another, external one was, literally, "worn". The purpose of such an unusual construction, unknown, so far, is yet indefiniite, though, it enlists the building as a unique sample. Notwithstanding, thorough investagation should be done, concerning this specific peculiarity, especially to buildings owned by islimized Jews, (VTovµEi5Ec;), at the Upper Town of Thessaloniki.

mmi.>v Twv avayKwv. Ta apxm:KTOVlKO Kat µopcpot..oylKO xapaKT17PlITTlK6 TOu KTlp[ou, 8E,6Mou, cpa(verm 6Tl <JX8Ttl;OVTat 6µwa µe TTJV 88VlKOTTJTO TOU apXlKOU -m8av6rnrn- lOlOKTilTTJ, o ono[oc; we; eunopoc; 8E,lot..aµloµi::voc; E~pa(oc;, Nwvµi::c;, fJTav eurn(cpopoc; ma vfo peuµma TTJC: rnoxftc;.

Le i::yypacpa apxdou Tou rpacpdou KuiµanKftc; ETmpeiac;, we; apXlK6c; lOlOKTllTTJC: cpi::peTat o Keµ6t.. AJJ...m(v Mni::T], yla TOV ono(o nt..T]pocpopouµame 6n, fJOTJ, TO 1912-13, i::xel oKoTw8d KOT6 TT] Ol6pK8lU TOU Bat..KavoToupKlKOU noMµou, ITTT]V ToupKia (£1K. 10). 'ETOl, ITTlC: apxi::c; TOU 20°u al., TO on[n eyKOTUAE:1TTE:TOL an6 TOUC: apxlKOUC: TOU lOLOKTftrnc; KOL 110T], TO 1917, eyKa8(mavrnL oe auT6 np6ocpuyec;, "6veu µto8wµ6Twv". To 1919 Ka8opil;ovrOL µto8wµma an6 To KeVTptK6 rpacpeio AVTat..t..ayftc;. To on[n, auTft TT]V nep[ooo, cpLA.oE,evd 08Kaem6 OLKOyi::vetec; npoocpuywv KOL ma i::yypacpa xapaKTT]ptl;eTOL we; "ouVOLKLoµ6c; AKpon6t..ewc;". To 1925 oMKATJPO TO OLK6neoo µe TO KT(oµm6 TOU nepti::pxeTOL ITTTJV otaxdpLOTJ TTJC: E8vLKftc; Tp6nei'.;ac; TT]c; EM6ooc; (E:IK. 11), T] ono(a TO 1929, TO E:KTTOLE:l µe TTAE:lOTT]plaoµ6, eE,' aotOLpi::TOu, oe ouo LOLoKTfJTec;, wuc; E. Kouµno KOLK. NtKot..a·ioT]. MernE,u 1930-1932, o i::vac; an6wuc; LOtoKTftrnc;, o E. Kouµnoc;, nout..6 TO µep[ot6 Tou moue; l:::i.. LtouyyapTJ KOL l:::i.. MnapTl;tAlOVO. Km6 TTl OtapKE:lO aUTOU TOU LOtOKTT]OlUKOU Ka8emwwc;, m8av6Tma npayµmonmft8TJKOV 01 µey6AT]c; KA(µaKac; eneµ~6oetc;, nou µer6~at..av Tov apXLTE:KTOVLK6 xapaKTI7pa TOU onmou. To 1964, o l:::i.. LLOuyyapT]c; nout..6 TO µep[oL6 TOu mov lwaw[OTJ, 01 KAT]pov6µm Tou ono(ou TO Kmdxav we; TO 1990. LTLC: 10-9-1986, TO KTtplO KT]pUOOE:TOL OtaTT]pT]T80 an6 TO Yn.nE.XO.l:::i.E, evw ITTtc; 19-6-1990 OAOKAT]pO TO OKLVT]TO ayop6l;ernL an6 Tov AME,avopo KmmWTTJ, o onoioc; dvOL, we; oftµepa, 0 LOtOKTI7TT]c; TOU. EKT6c; an6 nc; µtKpftc; Kt..iµaKac; rneµ~6oetc; -6nwc; ocppay(oµma eupwv, xr(mµo TOLXWV yta Ot0Lpfo8tc; KOL 8C,OlKOV6µT]OT] KOTOLKllOlµou xwpou- Ot OTTOL8C:, npocpavwc;, oXE:Tll;OVTat µ8 TT]V npoocpuyLKll cp60T] TOU onmou, avayvwp[l;ovTOL µ8yaMTepT]c; KA[µaKac; µnmponi::c; nou 6MaE,av KOTUAUTtK6 TT] µopcpft TOU. H OT]µaVTtKOTE:pT] OUVLITTOTOL ITTT]V KOTOPYTJOTJ TOU K8VTplKOU, ouµµ8TpLKOU 6E,ova TTJC: 6lj.lT]c; KOL ITTT]V µ8Tm6moft TOU ounK6T8pa, ouvrnda npoo8fJKTJC: vfoc; mi::puyac;, µe av8E,6pTTJTTJ d0000 ({3A. E:tK. 6, 8). H aMayft mov 6E,ova TOVLOTTJK8 eE,wT8ptK6, µ8 npoo8fJKTJ 8E,WITTT] ITTT] v6na 6lj.lT], OUTtK6 TOU apXLKOU K8VTptKou 8upci.>µmoc; µ8 TOC,WTO UTT8p8upo (E:IK. 7) KOL OUVOOE:UTT]K8 an6 6votyµa vfoc; K8VTpLKllC: KA(µaKac; 8Lo6oou, µ8TOTOmoµi::vT]c; rn[OT]c; ounK6T8pa, ITTTJV rn[xwOTJ TTJC: v6Ttac; auAfJc; (E:tK. 9). napaMT]AO µ8 TT]V npoo8fJKTJ TTJC: vfoc; ounKftc; mi::puyac; npayµmonmft8T]Kav µ8yMT]c; KALµaKac; otop8wTLKi::c; rn8µ~6081c; 08 6t..T] TT] ouTtKll nt..eup6 Tou onmou - 8Totµ6pponT] we; TO 1929- OlOKplT8C:, oftµ8pa, ITTT]V TOlXOTTOllO.

TT]v npoo8fJKTJ TTJC: OUTLKllC: mi::puyac; ouv6oeuoav µnmponi::c; KOL OTO 80WTE:plKO TOU OTTLTLOU. 'ETOl, TT]V lOLO -m8av6TOTan8p(OOO, KaTOpyft8TJK8 T] WWT8ptKll KA(µaKa nou an6 TTl 061,.a Tou tooyeiou TOU OPXLKOU nupftva ooT]youo8 mov 6pocpo, 8VW nap6MT]t..a, o 8E,WT8poc; avmot..LK6c; Toixoc; Tou onmou XPTJOtµonotft8TJK8 we; µw6T01xoc; yta TTJV rni::KTaOT] Kmo1Kfto1µou xwpou µ8 npoo8fJKTJ owµm(wv. An6 nc; µnmponi::c; auTi::c; npoi::Kulj.lav Tp(a av8E,6pTTJTO on(na, TO ono(a A8tToupyT]oav auT6voµa. B6oet Tou apx81aKou ut..tKou, 6t..8c; auTi::c; oL -µ8y6t..T]c; i::KTaOT]c;- 01KoooµLK1::c; opamT]pt6TT]T8C: m8av6TOTO npayµmonmft8TJKOV µ8TOC,LI 1929-1932, µno TT]V 8KTTOlT]OT] TOU OTTLTLOU an6 TTJV E.T.E. 08 LOtOKTI7T8c;. H ucptm6µ8VTJ KOT6maOT] Tou KTtp(ou napoum6l;8t OT]µOVTtK6 npo~AfJµma na8ot..oy(ac;, TO OT]µOVTLK6rnpo an6 Ta ono(a dvOL Tl KmappeuOTJ TTJC: avmot..tKllC: KOL BA nt..eupac;, T] ono(a 8mon8UITTTJK8 an6 TT]V avi::yepOT] 6µopT]c; OlKOOoµftc;. EnmMov, Tµftµarn KOL TT]c; un6t..OmT]c; KOTOOKE:UllC:, i::xouv n8pti::t..88t 08 KOTOITTOOTJ 8TOtµoppon(ac;.

The whole construction and all of its' characteristics, do not seem to be irrrelevant to the nationality of the initial owner. On the contrary, it seems that, as a prosperous, islimized Jew, he was prone to adapting new ideas and tendencies, concerning his era. According to the information, revealed through the archives of the Municipality, the building was, originally, owned by Kemal Allatin Bey, who was killed during the Balkan War, at about 1912-1913 (fig. 10). So, in all probability, the house was already abandoned, in the beginning of the 20th century. In addition, it was, already, in 1917, dwelt by refugees. In 1925, the whole plot and its buildings came to the possession of the National Bank of Greece (fig. 11), whereas later on, in 1929, it was bought at an auction by two new owners, Koumbos and Nikolaides. At a time between 1930-1932, Koumbos decided to sell his part to two new possessors, Siouggaris and Bartzilianos. During this period of ownership, a number of additions and interventions was made. Apart from minor interventions, connected with the need for expansion, during the refugive phase of the house, major modifications are easily identified, as they changed the basic form of the building. The most essential and obvious one,concerns the abolition of the symmetrical axon on the southern fagade. As a result to this change, the central axis was transpositioned western, consequently to the addition of a new wing, having an independent entrance (see fig. B, 8). This modification was followed by the placing of a new balcony on the southern fagade, (which aimed to underline the transposition, fig. 7) and, also, by the construction of a new, central staircase, in the middle of the southern yard, which substituted the initial entrance, to the east (fig. 9). Hence 1964, a series of buying and selling took place, since 1990, when, finally, the house was bought by A. Katsiotis, who, until today, continues to be the owner. In 1986, the building was declared preservable, by th,e Ministry in charge. The building's present condition has serious problems of pathology, among which, the most essential is the collapse of the eastern and northeastern side, which was accelerated by the raising of an adjoining house. In addition, parts of the rest of the building are about to collapse at any minute.

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1. H auvo1K{a Cavus Manastir arn; apxi<; rou 20°u at. 2 ryµsu.i>vsrn1 nsp[ypaµµa rou otKonioou AKpon6Asw<; 13. The quarter of Cavus Manastir in the b eginning of 20th century. The border of the plot 13 Akropoleos is underlined .




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2. Xxeo16.ypaµµa mu 01Konioou AKpon6Aewc; 13 µe rn KTfaµar6. mu, ro ono{o anoofoe1 TTJV apx1KfJ, rp1µepr'J µ opcpr'J mu anmou. Ynoyp6.cpe1 o µT]xav1K6c; J. Kovalenko, 5-6-1926. An outline of 13 Akropoleos, indicative of the initial form of the house, consisted of three parts. The outline is dated at 1926 and was made by J. Kovalenko.

3. AvT]yµivT] e1K6va our1Kf/c; 6</JT]c; mu anmou AKpon6Aewc; 13. Anoofoern, TJ KA1µaKWTTJ 010µ6p<pw01J, auvenefa TTJc; KAfOTJc; rou eo6.cpouc;. (KJ..{µaKa: 1/130). EKnOVTJOTJ axeofou: E. XaKeMapfou. Rectified picture of the western side ; it shows the gradient form of the whole plot, as a consequence of the sloping ground. (Scale: 1/130). Elaboration: E. Sakellariou.


4. 1ev1KfJ 6.nol/JTJ rou anmou AKpon6Aewc; 13. H KuplO, v6na Ol/JTJ. L!.1aKp{vern1 TJ µernyeviarepTJ npoa0fJKTJ TTJc; our1Kf/c; mipuyac; µe TTJV QVE:~0.PTTJTTJ efaooo. Akropoleos 13. General view of the southern fa9ade. The posterior addition of the western wing and its independent entrance is shown. KTIPIO ITHN AKPOnOAECU: 13 ITHN ANO nOAH 0EEM ONIKHr

5. Tonoypa<p1K6 016.ypaµµa mu anmou. (KJ..{µaKa: 1/200). EKn6VTJOTJ axeofou: E. XaKeMapfou. Site plan of the house. (Scale : 1/200). Elaboration : E. Sakel/ariou.



6. K6TOl/JTJ 1aoyerou. XT]µe1wvern1 o apx1K6c; rruprjvac; mu anmou. (KJ..fµaKa: 1/ 100). EKnOVTJ(1TJ axeofou: E. XaKeMapfou. Plan of the ground floor. The initial core of the building is underlined. (Scale: 1/ 100). Elaboration: E. Sakellariou.

7. 0 Kevrp1K6c; e~warTJc; TTJc; v6nac; Ol/JTJc;. The central balcony of the southern fa9ade.



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8. KaTOI/JT/ op6cpou. XT]µe1wvera1 o apx1K6c; nupr'Jvac; TOu anmou. (KMµaKa: 1/100). EKnOVf/CJf/ axeofou: E. XaKeM.apfou. Plan of the first floor. The initial core of the building is underlined. (Scale: 1/100). Elaboration: E. Sakellariou.




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9. H - µeraTOmaµiVT] our1K6repa- 1<.MµaKa e1a6oou Tl')<; v6nac; auAr'Jc;. The posterior stair of the soutt.,ern yard.

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___:z_~_,f4~ --____ _. _·. -Y I

10. npwT6KoM.o KGTClAl')I/IT]<; TOU eyKaraAeAeiµµevou GKlVrJTOU an6 TO l1T]µ6a10 (27-2- 1919). Avacpeperal TO 6voµa TOU lOlOKT/')TT]: KeµaA AM.arfv. The document which refers to the occupation of the house by the Public Administration. It is dated in 1919 and reveals the name of the - then- owner of the whole plot: Kemal Al/atin

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11. nfvaKac; nepiypacpr'Jc; TOU KTrjµaroc; KOl TWV TplWV OlKlWV TOU, OUVT]µµevoc; TOU npWTOK6AJ..ou OlOXetPlOI')<; an6 Tl')V E. T.E. , 1925. Discriptive document of National Bank of Greece, concerning the plot and buildings of Akropoleos, in an attempt of selling. The document is dated at 1925. KTIPIO HHN AKPOnOflE(lI 13 HHN ANO n O/\H 0EIIMONIKHI








Kooµc'.tc; AvopiTooc;, TOnoypacpo~ µrixavLKO~

KATArPA<l>H THI nAPMO2IAKH2 APXITEKTONIKHl ME XPHIH rEOrPA<l>IKON 2Y2THMATON nAHPO<l>OPION, 2TOY2 OIKl2MOY2 rovMENIIW, rPIBAl, KA2TANEPH2 KAI KAPnH2 T(JY NOMOY KIAKII. Em~Mnwv: Kwmac; ToKµaK(o17c;, TOnoypacpoc; µrixavtK6c; Kosmas Andritsos, surveyor engineer


Konoc; TT]c; OLnAWµOTtKl'jc; l'jTOv Tl OT]µtoupy(o evoc; r ewypocptKOU LUOTl'jµmoc; nAripocpop1wv nou So onoT£Afoe1 ouatoOTtKl'j cruµl30Al'j OTTJV Kmoypocpl'j Twv 0~10Aoywv KTlp(wv OTOU<; noponavw OlKtOµouc;.



To rewypocptK6. LUOTl'jµorn nM1pocpop1wv dvm evo epyoAdo y10 TT] Al'jlj.lT] onocpacrewv voµtKl'jc;, OIOlKT]TlKl'jc;, OlKOVOµtKl'jc; KOl KOlVWVlKll<; ucpl'jc; KOl 8VO opyovo YlO TO O)(.EOIOOµO KOl TT]V OVOITTU~T] oM6. KOl yto TT]V nopoKOAOU8T]OT] KOl npOOTOOLO TOU nep1l36.MovTOc;, To ono(o onoTeAdTm ocpevoc; ono µ(o B6.crri l::,.eooµevwv nou nep1exe1 OTOlXELO npoaotoptoµevo OTO xwpo yto µ(o 8KTOOT] KOi OUO)(.£Tlaµevo µe TT] YTJ KOl Ocp£T8pOU ono OIOOLKQOL8<; KOl T8)(VLK8<; y1a TT] OUOTT]µOTtKl'j auMoyr'], 8VT]µepwari, ene~epyacr(o KOl 01ovoµl'j Twv OTotxdwv.

Geographic Information Systems is a tool for taking decisions on legal, and also a tool for planning and development and also for observation and protection of the environment, which, consisted from a database that contains land related data for a certain area determine in space and in addition with procedures and techniques for the systematical collection, updating, processing, and giving out of clata.

he object of this thesis was the formation of a Geographic Information System, which will be an important contribution in traditional buildings reg istration on the above mentioned settlements.

It is based on unified geographic reference system, which faci litate the connection amon9 the data and between other systems containing land related data.

LTTJp(~eTm ae evo ev10(0 cruOTriµo (yewypocptKl'jc;) ovocpopac;, To ono(o oteuKo>-.uvet TT] cruvoecrri Twv OT01xdwv µeTa~u TOuc; KoSwc; KOl µe 6.Mo auOTl'jµmo nou neptexouv OTotxdo yto TT] YTl-

The procedures that compose a Geographic Information System and are running during its operation are as follows:

Ot 01001Kocr(ec; nou cruv8eTOuv evo rewypocptKo foml'jµorn n AT]pocpoptwv KOl £KT£AOUVTOl KOTQ TT] AElTOupy(o TOU ELVOl 01 oKo>-.ouSec;:

1. Data collection

1. LUMoyl'j oeooµevwv

2. Data codification

2 . KWOIKOTIOLT]OT] oeooµevwv

3. Data storage and management

3. Ano8l'jK£UOT] KOl OlOX£LPlOTJ oeooµevwv

4 . Data recovery of data

4. AVOKTT]OT] oeooµevwv

5. Data processing and data analysis

5 . Ene~epyocr(o KQl OVMUOT] oeooµevwv

6. Data representation

6 . AnElKOVIOT] oeooµevwv

HMIA OPrANnIHI TOY rEnrPM>IKOY IYHHMATOI nAHPOc!>OPlnN 1. .!lr11.11oupy1a xapTOypacp1Kou unol3a8pou


rto OTO ol'jµo rouµevtacrac; £VW8T]KOV 14 cpuMo XOPTTJ, KA(µa-


For the municipality of Goumenissa, 14 map sheets joined, at 1/1000 scale in TM3 projection in order to represent the whole settlement. By scanner a TIFF file was created with the above


KO<:; 1/1000 ae npol30>..l'] TM3 µe OKOTIO VO ane1Kov[i'.;eTOI o>..6KAT')poc; 0 OIKL0µ6c;. Me TT] !301']8e10 aopwTl'] oriµ1oupyl']8T]Kf: eva opxeio TIFF µe TOU<:; xapTec; nou ovocpepoµe KOi OTT] auvexe10 TO opxeio ouT6 µeTmpanriKe on6 raster ae vector µopcpl'] «ljJT]cp1owT6 ae 016vuaµo». H OIOOIKOOLO OUTr] ey1ve y10 VO npoaopµoa8ouv TO XOPTOypo<pLKO µoc; Of:OOµevo OTT]V ljJT]<plOKr] µop<pr] KOL vo e1aox8ouv OTO np6ypoµµo nou XPT]OLµonml']8T]Ke (Geomedia Professional).

mentioned maps and then this file was transformed from raster to vector form. This procedure was done in order to adapt our cartographic data in digital form and import them in the program that was used (Geomedia Professional)

110 TOU<:; UTIOAOITIOU<:; OIKLOµouc;, 01 XOPTE<:; Tip0r]A80V OTIO TOnoypO<pLKr] OTIOTUTIWOT] KOi oriµ1oupyl']8T]KOV ae axeoLOOTIKO npoyp6µµmo.

3. Photogrammetric - Photographic documentation

2. Evromo1,16c; a~16Aoywv apxm:KTov1Kwv KT101,16Twv

5. Creation of architectural el1evation

3. <l>wToypa1,11,1&Tp1K'1 - q>wToypacp1K11 T&KIJ'1Piwo11

6. Creation of records for the settlements

For the rest of the settlements, the maps came from topographic surveys and were created in CAD programs. 2. Localization of remarkable architectural building

4. Collection of historical - general data for the buildings

4. Iu>.Aoy1110Top1Kwv - y&v1Kwv OT01x&iwv yia Ta KTioµarn After completing these procedures and import them in the GIS, the system has the following possibilities:

5. L1111,11oupyia apx1T&KTov1Kwv 61jl&wv. 6. L1111,11oupyia KCpT&Awv yia



'Exovrnc; OAOKAT]pWOf:l TL<:; OIOOIKOO[ec; OUTec; K08wc; KOL TT]V e1aoywyl'] Touc; OTO GIS TO OUOTT]µO exe1 TL<:; OKOAOU8ec; OUVOTOTT')Tec;: • Luvoee1nep1ypocp1K6 - OA<pop18µT]TLK6 opxeio µe opxeio cpwToypocp1wv KOi µe TO ypO<pLKO OTOIXeLO TOU OUTOµOTOTIOIT]µevou auoTl']µmoc;. • Eµcpov[i'.;eL OTT]V 080VT] ypo<pLKWV TOU<:; XOPTE<:; TWV OIKLOµWV µe TO 0~16>..oyo KTiaµmo KOi o[ve1 TT] OUVOTOTT]TO OTO XPrJOTT] VO emM~eL evo auyKeKp1µevo KTlplO µe TT] XPrJOTJ TOU mouse. MeT6 TT]V em>..oyl'] 0 XPrJOTT]<:; exe1 TT] OUVOTOTT]TO VO em>..e~e1 ov6µwo OTT] (360T] TWV o>..cpop18µT]TLKWV OTOLXeLWV, OTO <pWTOypoµµeTplKQ l'] cpwTOypocp1K6 opxeio. EmMyovrnc; TT')V npwTT] eµcpovii'.;oVTOL 10Top1K6 KOL nep1ypocp1K6 OTOIXeLO y10 TO KTiaµmo. Em>..eyOVTO<:; TO Of:UTepo eµcpov(i'.;OVTOI OVT]yµevec; f:IKOVec; KOi cpwTOypocpiec; nou acpopouv To auyKeKp1µevo KTiaµo. EmnMov napexernt T] OUVOTOTT]TO VO eµcpoVLOTOUV OPXLTE:KTOVIKQ axeo10 TIOU UTIOPXOUV y10 TO OTILTIO.

• Connects descriptive - alphanumeric data files with photographic files and with the graphical data of the automatic system. • Presents on the graphic screen the maps of the settlements with the remarkable buildinfJS and gives the opportunity to the user to choose a specific building with the aid of the mouse. After the choice, the user has the possibility to choose between the alphanumeric data or photographic data. By choosing the former, historical and descriptive data for the specific buildings, are presented. By choosing the latter, rectified photos and photos are presented, which show the specific bui1lding. In addition, it gives the possibility to show architectural plans that already exist for the buildings. It gives the possibility to import new buildings, new records and new photos, to delete older data and update the ones that already exist. Finally, the program gives the possibility of printing either a part of the cartographic background or data of the buildings that already exist in the database tha1t was created.




Ii I U

.... ..... 1. Apxm:,rrovtKr, otjJT} - Architectural elevation

2. AVT]yµiVT] cpwwypacpia- Rectified image



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3. Apx1rnKTov1KfJ 61/1'1 - Architectural elevation

ll(VE:TOl f) WKOlp(o VO f:lOOX80UV vfo KT(aµmo, V8E:<:; KOpT8AE:<:; KOl vi::ec; cpwToypocp(ec;, VO Of3f)OTOUV TTOAlCl. OTOlXE:10 11 VO f:Vf)µepw8ouv TO UTTCl.PXOVTO.

4. EJ..syx6µsvo cpwrnµwaaii«5 - Controlled photo mosaic

Ti::>-..oc; TO np6ypoµµo oivet TT") ouvm6Tf)TO etcrunwaric; drn on6anoaµo TOU xopTOypocplKOU un6f308pou, f:LTE: OTOlXE:LWV TWV KTtaµ6.Twv nou f3p(aKoVTm OTT") f36.ari nou oriµ1oupy17aoµe.

5. KarnaKwfJ an6 raarµd - Building constructed from 'tsatma '


6. LllQTQ~/] ~UAlVOU GKSASTOU µs rn KOTGK6pucpa, Opl(OVTlQ KQl ocaywvw arnixda va µsra/31/3aaouv rn ocK000µ1Kd cpoprfa npoc; rn KaTw - Arrangement of wooden skeleton with vertical, horizontal and diagonal elements which transfer the structural load to the lower wall

7. /118oooµfJ µs ~uJ..oowcec; aro 1a6ysw, raarµao6rn1xoc; arov 6pocpo - Stone wall with wooden frame at lower part of the house and wall made from tsatmas on the first floor


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8. Arr6anaCJµa TorroypacptKou XO.PT/"/ Tf"/<; ,ouµtvtCJCJac;, rrou rrap6.x8r,Ke arr6 14 cpuMa XO.PT/"/, KA(µaKac;· 1/ 1000 CJe rrpo/30J..rj TM3 µe CJKOn6 va or,µtoupyr,8ef TO xaprnypa<ptK6 urr6{3a0po TOU yewypacptKou CJUCJTrjµarnc; rrJ..r,pocpoptwv - Part of the topographic map of Goumenissa, which was produced from 14 map sheets, at 1/1000 scale in TM3 projection in order to create the cartographic background for the Geographic Information System.


LTUALQVO~ raAavri~. apxm:KTWV µrixav1K6~ (ouµ~OUAO~: Ava01ao[a Kanav5plTrJ, apxm:KTWV µrixav1K6~)

TO LllLlYMO AOYTPO TON IILlHPOKAY~:ION Em~Mnovn;~: rewpyto~ Kapaoeoo~. apx11eKTWV µr1xavtK6c;, nAournpxo~ 0eoxap(ori~. OPXLTeKTWV µr1xavLK6c; Stilianos Galanis, architect engineer (consultant: Anastasia Kapandriti, architect engineer)

THE TWIN BATH OF SIDEROKAUSIA Supervisors: Georgios Karadedos, architect engineer, Ploutarchos Theocharidis, architeict engineer

O o(ouµo A.OUTp6 TWV o8wµavLKWV LLOTJpOKOUOIWV xwpoSen:iTOL OTO 6pLO TOU CJT]µepLVOU OLKLOµou TWV LTOyefpwv XOA.KLOLK'l<:;, n6vw ae OTev6 avar,.riµµa, xaµT}A.6Tepa an6 TOV napaKefµevo op6µo. AuT6 m8av6rnrn aveye(peTOL yupw OTO 1520-30, OTO TTA.QtOLO TTJ<:; QVOOLOpyaVWCJT]<:; TOU OLKLOµou, en( OOUA.TOVOU LOUA.e'iµ6v KOL A.f:LTOupyef TOUA.OXLOTOV µiXPL TO T8A.TJ TOU 17ou Ol. LTL<:; apxtc; TOU 20°u OL., OTOV txeL llOTJ epelnw8ef, otxernt Ka8' uljJoc; npoo811Kec;, µe anoter,.eoµa TO tva Tµ11µa TOU VO A.f:ITOUPY'lOf:l we; to6yeLO µtac; OLwpocpric; KOTOLKLO<:;, evw TO 6Mo we; auM TTJ<:;, OL00Tpel3r,.wvovrnc; eTOL TTJ ouv8eTLK'l t5eO TOU O(Ouµou KTlpLOU.


nep1ypacptj - rpaq>1Ktj anoKaTaarao11: Ta ouo axeMv ouµµeTptK6 TµT]µOTO TOU A.OUTpOU - OVOplKO KOL YUVOLKetO- OVTLKOTOmp(i'.;OUV Mo nap6Mrir,.ec;, aM6 navtei\wc; aveE;apTTJTOTTOlTJµevec; nopefec;, µe l36ori TO Ki\aotK6 Tei\ewupytK6 r,.ouCJT]c;. 'ETOL, 0 npwTOc; XWPO<:; TOU i\OUTpOU etVOL O itJuxpoc;-unoOOXT] (sadrvan), o ono(oc; avaµtveTOL va anoKar-..ucp8ef µe avaoKOq>T] OTO ni\6Twµa, OUTlKCl TOU epem(ou. To xwpo QUTO Ol008XeTOL 0 xr-..1ap6c; (kapaluk) , 0 ono(oc; OTeyai'.;eTOL µe KEVTplKO Tpoui\o KOL EKOTepw8ev µovOOTTJPLOKCl TJµL86i\ta. LTTJV LOLO c;wvri txeL npol3i\ecp8e(, KOTCI TTJ OUVT]8TJ npOKTLKT], l30TJ8TJTLKO OtaµepLOµa, £KT6c; TOU yevtKOU neptyp6µµmoc; TOU epem(ou. H OLOni\aTUVCJT] µOA.LOTO OUT'l 80 npfoet VO OUV8Xli'.;E KOL OTOV 4JUXPO XWPO, AKOA.OU8£L TO OLOµeptoµa TTJc; oµOOLK'lc;, 8epµT]<:; A.OUOTJc; (mejdan), OTeyaoµtvo µe KevtptK6 Tpoui\o, o ono(oc; aVTtOTTJ-


1. BopeioounK,'J anotjlf/ m u Aour pou - Northwest view of the bath. TO lllllYMO I\OYTPO TON I lllHPOKAYLION

he twin baths of the Ottoman Sidirokafsia is placed within the boundaries of prnsent day settlement of Stageira in Halkidiki, lower to the adjacent road. They were, probably, built around 1520-1530, when the settlement was reorganised, under sultan Suleiman and is in use, at least until the end of the 17th century. In the beginning of the 20th century, when it is already in ruins, additions to it are built in height, and as a result one part of it is the ground floor of a house with two floors, while the other the courtyard of the house distorting the synthetic idea of the twin building.


Description - graphic restc,ration: The two almost symmetrical parts of the baths - for men and women- reflect two parallel, completely independent, though, courses based on the traditional bathing ritual.

So, the first part of the baths is the cold one, the reception (sadrvan) , and it is expected to be found by excavation on the level part of the ground to the left of the ruins. This part is followed by the tepid room (kapaluk), which has a central dome and on both sides of it central half-domes. In the same zone a provision had been made for an auxiliary room, as was the usu-

2. Tµ,'Jµa TOU XAtapou x wpou - Part of the tepid


pii'.;eTOl E:KOTtpw8ev µe OKO<pOE:lOl7 17 µOVOO'TTlPlOKQ '7µt86AtO. H TUTilKl7 Otaopoµ17 KOTM17yet OT'7 ½WV'l TWV OTOµtKWV, 8epµwv xwpwv (halvet), T'lV ono(a auvtmouv Mo 6µota, TpouAoaKen17 KOl KOTO naaa m8av6TT7TO aves6pTT7TO Otaµep(aµma. T ov 6yKo TOU KTtp(ou "KAetVet" '7 emµl7K'7C:, KOµOpOOKE:Til7C: oesaµeV17 vepou (kulhan), '1 ono(a µ6.AtOTO OTIOTE:Aet KOl TO µovaotK6 KOlVO XWPO TWV Mo TµT7µ0TWV TOU AOUTpOU.

al practice, and this is out of the general outline of the ruins. This widening must have continued to the cold place of t he baths. The collective hot room (mejdan) follows, roofed under a central dome, that is supported on both sides by h ull-shaped o r monastery half-domes. The typical route followed leads to the individual hot room (halvet) zone, which is com posed of two similar, dome-roofed and prob ably independent rooms. The mass of the building "ends" with an oblong water cistern (ku lhan), which is the only common space of t he two parts of the baths.

np6Taor, anoKaT60Taor,c; - &nav6xpr,or,c;: H npwTT7 an6cpa011 nou Al7<p8T7Ke dxe va Kovet µe T'7V anoµ6Kpuv011 T'lC: ve6Tep11c; KOTotK(ac;, '1 ono(a avaµcptal317TT7TO npoa!36Met T'7V ma8T7TtKl7 TOU µVT7µdou, µ11 txovrnc; TOUTOXPOVO KOl 11 (ota VO emodset ast6AOY'7 TUTIOAoy(a 17 µopcpOAOYlKO mmxda. 'AJ,J,,.,wme, '1 oetV'l KOTOOT00'7 OlOT'lP'lO'lC: T'lC: ea rnt!3aMe untpµeTpa µey6AO !308µ6 OVOKOTOOKf:UWV.

Proposal for restoration - reu:se: The first decision taken had to do with removing the house, which -without doubt- offends the aesthetics of the monument, not having itself to show, at the same time, any worthwhile typollogy or morphological elements. Besides, the terrible condit ion of it would enforce rebuilding it to an excessive degree.

To o(ouµo AOUTp6, mo noaom6 nou aw½nm, emotxernt Mo evaMaKTtKouc; Tp6nouc; an0Km6ma011c;, otaµeTptK6 aVT(8eTOuc;: acpev6c; µta 17ma entµ!30011 nou ea neptop(½eTm ae TOmKtc; OVOKT'70E:lC:, ITTOXE:UOVTOC: OT'7V E:VloXUO'l T'lC: "ev OUVOµet ev6TT7Tac;" 17 acpeTtpou ae tvav ouvaµtK6 aM6 OVTtmptljHµo xetptaµ6 , o ono(oc;, !36.aet Twv auµnepaoµ6Twv T'lC: ypacptKl7C: anOKOTOOT00'7C:, OAOKA'7pwvet T'7V E:lKOVO TOU KTtp(ou µe auyxpovouc; KOl aacpwc; OlOKplTOUC: KOTOOKE:UOOTlKOUC: Tp6nouc;. TeAtK6, emMyeTm 11 ecpapµoy17 Km Twv Mo Tp6nwv, Ka8ev6c; Sf:XWPlOTO ae f:VO OTIO TO Tµl7µ0TO TOU AOUTpOU , K08Wc; µe TOV npWTO OlO<pUAOOOE:TOl OTO µtytITTO !308µ6 '7 lOTOplKOT'7TO TOU µv11µdou , evw µe TO oeuTepo oteuKoAuveTm 11 "av6yvwa17 " TOU, toiwc; an6 TO µfoo eTilOKf:ITT'7. EtOlKO, OT'7 oesaµev17, nou OTIOTE:AOUOE: TIQVTO TO µoVOOlKO KOlVO XWPO TWV Mo TµT7µ6TWV, eµnMKOVTOl OK6mµa Ol Mo OUTtc; OVTtµeTwn(aetc;. TtAOC:, moue; 4JUXPouc; xwpouc;, µe T'lV avaaKacp17 Twv onoiwv oev avaµtvernt va npoKutµouv tota(Tepa m0txeia, ntpav TWV op(wv TOUC:, eyKa8iOTOVTOl µtKpOKOTOOKeutc;, OUTWC: WITTE: VO OVOl3lWOE:l '7 AE:lTOUpy(a T'7C: UTIOOOXl7C:-

The twin baths, the preserved part of it, can be approached in two alternative restoration methods, that are diametrically opposed in their conception: on one hand , a mild operation that would be restricted to local rebu ilding, or, on t he other hand, a dynamic handling that can be reversed, though , which - based on the conclusions drawn from the graphic restoration- completes the pictu re of the building with m o dern and clearly d istinct building methods. Finally, applying b oth methods is c hosen, eac h separately to different parts of the baths, as with t he first way the history of the mon ument is kept intact, while with the second it is easier for the average visitor to " read" the monument. Specially in the water cistern, which always was the only common space of the two parts, both t hese ways are emp loyed on purpose. In the end, small constructions are p laced in the cold places of the baths, where no special elements are expected to be found with excavations out of their boundaries, in order to revive the functionini~ of recept ion.

C ~ ·~uxp~ xWpoc;" r'I npo8{i>.aµot;:- sadrvan

C:::::J 13orieri11K6t,; xWpot;

liE.3 "xNOp&;; xWpo~• - kapaluk


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----~--'IP'=!"',·,""''"~ -'"'~ ' ~ __ .,___;:_-m~--_-_-_-~.,. , ··t-··· \

"01,101511t~ {Eor6';; xWpo~• - mejdan

■- "aroµuc:Oc; {ta16c; xWp~• - halvet


"i5t ~a µcv(j vcpoU" -


C=:J KOTOO,ctur'I v,a TrJV u6po60TrJOrJ

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3. Yn6px ouaa KOT60TaOT7. K6 rotJ117. Taur10T7 xwpwv - Present state. Ground p lan. Restoration of the func tional p lan. TO l:i.lLIYMO /IOYTPO TON L ll:iHPOKAYLION


4. N6rta 6(/Jr,. Yrr6pxouaa Kar6araar,. np6rnar, arroKar6araar,c; - South elevation. Present state. Proposal for restoration.


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5. B6peta 6(/Jr,. Yrr6pxouaa Kar6araar,. n p6rnar, arroKar6araar,c; - North elevation. Present state. Proposal for restoration. TO llll\YMO AOYTPO TON :1:ll\HPOKAYLION



npoom1Kf/ roµf/. Proposal for restoration. Perspective section.


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K6rot/JrJ. Proposal for restoration. Ground plan.



n p6TOOTJ QITOKQTQOTQOT]c;. NOTIOQVQTOAIKT/ OITOI/J'7. Proposal for restoration. Southeast view.


noAU~8Vf] 1ewpy6Kf], apxmoMyoc;

H ANTIMETOnlLH THL LACUNA LTH LYNTHPHLH THL KEPAMIKHL Em~Mnwv: rewpytoc; Kapaoeooc;, apxm~KTovac; µrixav1K6c; - apxmoMyoc;

Polyxeni Georgaki, archaeologist

THE PROBLEM OF THE INTEGRATION OF LA(~UNA IN THE RESTORATION OF CERAMICS Supervisor: Georgios Karadedos, architect engineer- archaelogist


The subject

lTo l3tl3>-.fo TOU Cesare Brandi, «0ewp[a u1c; l uVT17pricrric;», (1963), OTTOU npOT£1V£TOl €VO OAOKAT)pwµevo µe8000AOYlKO epya>-..do yta TT)V np6.E;ri TT)c; OUVTT7pT)OT)c; EV yevel, op[i'.;ETOl yta npwTT) cpop6., ri ewma TT)c; lacuna: «To Kev6 dvm µta aotKOlOMyT)TrJ, l3LOlT) OlOKOTTT7 OTOV tlKOOTlKO lOTO TOU epyou, TT)V ono[a aVTLAaµl3av6µaOTe we; oouvrip17. To mo enwouvo KOl crol3ap6 i'.;17TT)µa, oe crxn[i'.;eTm µe To "anwv" aM6. µe To a.Tona KOl au8a[pern etcray6µevo, cruvenda TT)c; eyyevouc; av6.yKT)c; "anoKOT6.0TaOT)c;" TT)c; ev6TT)TOc;, nou unayopeunm an6 TT)V OVTL>-..rim1K17 6pacrri KOl Tic; apxec; TT)c; OITTLKT7c; µv17µT)c;».

In "Teoria del restauro" (1963), Cesare Brandi, initially formulated the definition of lacuna, based on the principles of Gestalt Psychologie; " lacuna is an unjustified, violent interruption in the pictorial fibre of the work ol art, conceived as a very unpleasant experience" . However, the most painful and serious problem about lacuna, isn't related Ito what is absent, but to what is arbitrarily inserted, in consequ,ence of an innate property of human nature; the need for reintef~ration of a unity, connected to visual perception and the psychology of the creative eye.

Ka8wc;, OTT) 01axpov[a TT)c;, T) IOTop[a TT)c; LUVTT7pT)crT)c; oev TOUTli'.;ETOl µe TT) OUVTT7pT)OT) TT)c; Kepaµ1K17c;, neo[o napayKWv1crµevo, nou np6crcpma 6.pxtcre VO anacrxo>-..d TT)V epeuva, (anoucr[a OlTT7µmoc; ETTOVO.XPT)OT)c;, UljJT)Aec; µT)XOVLKec; OVTOxec; ljJT)µµevou TTT)AOU, OljJlµT) avayvwplOT) TOU au8unapKTOU p6>-..ou TT)c; Kepaµ1K17c; OTT)V epeuva, eµcpanK17 napoucr[a TT)c; OPXLT£KTOVLKT7c; OTO neo[o TT)c; OTTOKOTO.OTOcrT)c;)' T) napoucra µeMTT) anooe1KvueTm 101afrepa en[Kmpri. BamK17 emo[w!;17 TT)c; tlVOl VO npol36.A£l TT) cruv8£TOTT)TO TT)c; npol3>-..riµm1K17c; n ou Ol€TT£l TT)V OTTOKOTO.OTOOT) TWV ayydwv KOl TT)V avayKOl6TT)TO uto8eTT)OT)c; µe8000>-..oy1Kou epya>-..dou eneµl36.crewv nou ea nay1wve1TT) OTOlXElWOT) voµtµOTT)TO, OUTOVOT)TT) KOl KOTOKTT)µevri, 1ou>-..6.x10To ae 8ewpT)nK6 en[neoo, yta a.Mee; KOTT)yop[ec; µvriµdwv.

M&8oci0Aoy1K~ npoo&yy1ori TOU 8&1JOTO<;


Me OOT)y6 Tic; apxec; TOU Brandi, (UALK6-00µ17, UALKO-OljJT), EV ouv6.µe1ev6TT)TO, ewo1a t0Top1Kou - mcrSrinKou mT17µmoc;, au8eVT1K6-n>-..aOT6-replica, K.>-...n.) , emxe1peiTm OT01xetworic; npocreyy1crri Ka[p1wv µoucre10>-..oytKwv, apxmo>-..oy1Kwv, 1exvoyvwOTtKwv, ELKOOTLKWV, K.O. TTEplOXWV, l3amcrµeVWV OTO OlTTOAO 8£wp[a-npa.!;T). Ot «neptmwmo>-..oytKec; npocreyy[cretc;», (Case Studies), OTOXEUOUV OTO VO nep1yp6.ljJouv TT)V eMElljJT) «KWOLKQ Apxwv H81K17c;», ae 01e8vec; KOL eyxwp10 en[neoo. 01 npo16.cretc; H ANTIMETOnlIH THr LACUNA ITHN rYNTHPHIH THr KEPAMIKHr

Given the fact that, in its duration, the History of ConservationRestoration does not coincide with the Restoration of Ceramics, as this area - for a variety of reasons- has been neglected by research, this thesis is proved to be useful, concerning questions of "ethics" and t heir basic principles. Nevertheless, its basic pursuit is to emphasize the need for an adoption of a methodological tool, via which an elementary legitimacy will be established.

The methodology for app,roaching the subject

The approach of the subject is focused on the double pole; theory - application. Brandi's corpus of principles, at least until today, constist a unique theoritical tool, orientated to the Work of Art and distant from the pure "architectural problems". In addition, Brandi was the first theoritician, who introduced an integrated solution to the completion of lacunae, as he considered " vacuum" to be a fundamemtal problem of restoration. Eventually, what this thesis attempts, is a focussing on the belief that a, commonly accepted, "Code of Ethics", constists a feasible target, which can be reached through Brandi's basic principles, such as; material as structure, material as image, potential unity, historical/esthetic demands, authentic-fake-replica, compatibility, reversibility, discernibility, e.t.c. A series of museological and archaeological approaches, are also examined.

anoKaT6.0TaOT]c;, an6 TrJV 6.Mri, emo1wKouv va Toviaouv TrJ ouvm6TrJTO ecpapµoyfJc; evaMaKTLKWV Maewv nou, OTOOLOKO, eiVOL ecpLKTO VO OTIOT£/l.800UV pa.OT] Of]µLoupy(ac; ev6c; "corpus" KOT£U8uVTfJptWV OPXWV.

Iuµm:paoµaTO - npOTCJOEIC; • LTrJV OLOXPovia Tf]c; LOTop(ac; Tf]c; ouVTfJPrJOT]c; ri anoKm6.0TOOT] Tf]c; KepaµtKfJc; OVTLµ£TWTIIOTT"]K£ eµnetplKO - ouyKuPLOKO, esw an6 op108£Tf]µevo «KWOIKO apxwv», npooapµooµevou OTLc; an0LTfJoe1c; Tf]c; om>-..fJc; 1016Tf]Tac;: apx0Lo>-..oy1K6 OVTLK£Lµevo - epyo T!::XVrJc;. • H eewp(a TOU Brandi, OUVIOTO as1on0LfJOLµo neo(o apxwv YLO TrJV anoKOTOOTOOT] Twv ayyeiwv. 'EwOLec; 6nwc;: «LOTOPLK6 OL08f]TLKO aiTriµa», «QUTOT£A'lc; as(a 8pauoµmoc;», «ev ouv6.µeL ev6Tf]TO», «n>-..aOT6 - au8eVTLK6», «minimum eneµpaoewv», «oLOTfJPrJOTl KmmoµfJc;», «010TfJprJOT] status quo», K.>-...n., OUVLOTOUV eewpf]TLKO epetoµa Of]µLoupy(ac; OUTOT£AOUc; epYOA£LOU OTIOKOTOOTOOT]c;.

Case Studies, which escort the theoritical part, constist a representative sample of treatment formulas that have been applied, either abroad, or in a local scal,e. Both experiences confirm the lack of a "Code of Ethics", proper enough to correspond to the demands of Restoration of Ceramics. Even when some rules are to be in use, their inadequacy is more than obvious. On the other hand, the proposals of restoration attempt to underline the possibility of alternative solutions, which can, in a longer-term, lead to the creation of a "corpus" of directions, in any case distant from solid recipes.

Outcomes - Suggestions

• In the duration of the History of Restoration, Pottery has been neglected. Attempts of restoration have been carried out empirically, in a sense of amateurish, irrelevant to a commonly accepted Code of Ethics, adapted to the special needs and connected to its double nature; Work of Art and archaeological object, simultaneously.

• nptV Tf]V UAOTIOlf]OT] eneµpaOT]c; OTIOLT£1TOL OK£ITTLKL0µ6c; TI£p( Tf]c; voµ1µ6TT"]T6.c; Tf]c;: n6Te µ10 eneµPaOTJ eivOL 8eµ1TfJ, y1aTi (eK8£0T], OUV!::OplO, £KTIOL0£UTLKO np6ypaµµa, T£Kµf]p(WOT], oriµooieuOT], ano8fJKeuOT], K.>-...n.) , nwc;, an6 no16v, y1a no16v anocpao(~£TOL KOL UAOTIOL£1TOL;

• Brandi's principles provide an exploitable field of rules, concerning restoration of Ceramics. However, this indisputable affirmation has not, yet, been fully realized, by the scientific community.

• 'EwOLa Tf]c; KOTOTOµfJc; (profile) : ecp6aov Ol0Tf]p£LTOL TO 50% Tou ayyeiou, µe OTOLXeia nou Ka810Touv aocpa>-..wc; avayvwmµri Tf]V TUTIOAOy(a - OYKOµ£Tp(a (X£LAOc;-p6.orJ-OWµa), fl eneµpaOT] eivOL SeµLT'l, 6Tav unayopeueTOL KOL an6 To un6>-..omo context.

• A great deal of scepticism is demanded, before any decision of reintegration is to be taken. A variety of factors must be examined, such as: the broader frame in which the object in question is to be corresponded, (congress, educational program, publication, exhibition, mere study, storage, e.t.c.).

• LTT"]V nep(mWOT] nou TO ayyeio £1VOL cpopeac; £LKOOTLKOU LOTOU, OSLWµOTLKO, LoXUOUV TO esfJc;: OVOVTIKOTOOTOTO TOU UALKOUOl!Jf] (ano>-..en(oµma au8eVT1KfJc; emcp6.ve1ac;, patina), a8eµ1Tec; eneµp6.oe1c; - ouµn>-..ripwoe1c; «Km' ava>-..oyiav Tf]c; cpumKfJc; yewµnpiac; Tou opyavtKou K6oµou», voµ1µ6TrJTO ouµn>-..fJpworic; napan>-..ripwµanKwv, axriµmono1riµevwv OTOLxeiwv, ecp6aov xapaKTrJp(~oVTOL an6 Kavov1K6TrJTO - yewµeTptKOTrJTO - £nQVOAT"]ITTLKOTf]TO KOL ouµpa.Mouv OTT"]V OTIOKOTOOTOOT] Tf]c; £VOTf]TOc;. • H XPWµOTLK'l an6000T] Tou u>-..1Kou ouµn>-..fJpwOT]c; ouv10T6. TO mo ouvSeTO ~fJTrJµO. LTO n>-..a(mo TWV apxwv TOU Brandi, £!VOL av6.yKl7 VO esaocpOALOTEL ll OlOKplTOTf]TO Tf]c; rneµ~OOf]C:, XWpic; Tov Kivouvo unop1paoµou Tou 10Top1Kou OLTfJµmoc;, napa.Mri>-..a µe eva OTIOO£KT6 £1KOOTIKO OTIOT8A£Oµa, 0£ apµov(a µe TrJV no>-..uXPwµia fJ µovoXPwµia Tou eoacpouc; (cp6VTo), Twv ayyeiwv (n.x. , µe>-..aµpacpfJ , epuSpopacpfJ, ecpua>-..wµeva, AW Kee; AfJKu8oL) . • H UL088Tf]Of] A.UOf]c; OTIOOTOOLOTIOLT"]µE:Vf]c; OTTO TO µovoxpwµanoµ6 - nou /l.£LTOUpyei eµcpaTLKO y1a Tf]V emSeTLKOTf]TO Tf]c; lacuna KOL euvofK6. y1a TT"] OLOTO.pasri TWV XWPIKWV KOL ooµLKWV axeaewv TOU £LKOOTLKOU LOTOU- pao1oµevric; OTO OUVOU00µ6 TWV XPWµOTLKWV TIOLOT'lTWV £06.cpouc; - µopcpwv (aMri>-..enieeori µaupou KOL KlTpLvepuSpou), Sewpouµe OTL ouv10T6. OTOLX£Lwoec; 8ewprinK6 un6paSpo Ko.Se nporn1v6µevric: eneµpaoric;, TouMx10To 6aov acpop6. OT1c; noAunp6ownec; acpriyriµan Kec; napaOT6.oe1c; Tou µeAav6µopcpou KOL epu8p6µopcpou pu8µou. nap6.MrJAO, µe npoOnoSfoe1c;, eeµLT'l Sa fJrnv ri UTIOLVLKTLK'l - unoµvriµanKfJ an6ooori TWV neptypaµµOTWV TWV µopcpwv (pW OTOTf]TO, OLOXUOT"] OTO eoacpoc;). • Mouoe10>-..oy1K6c; axeo1aoµ6c; KOL 6pOL nou eµnep1exoVTOL oe auT6v:«npOArJITTLK'l ouVTfJprJOT]», «enavaouµcppa~oµevo-noirJOT]» (oX80£Lc; µe OUV£KSeµOTa) , £VaMOKTLK8c; µeSOOOl !::KSeOT]c; (enomLKO axeota - replices, 0£ ouveK8£0T] µe TO ano-

1. navw: 0 Kpatjpac; TOU KUKVOl'J. 0 6poc; «QVQKQTQOKt:uT)" QVT(KQTt:arr1ae TOV 6po «arroKar6am0TJ", urro/31/36(ovmc; TO au0eVTtK6 ae rrAaar6. K6.rw: EvaMaKTtKrj rrp6TOOTJ l K0t:OT]c;, arroarraaµartK6. aw( 6µevou, Kp arrjpa. Ka0wc; TO rroaoar6 TOU au0eVTtKou ayye(ou e(vat a rra yopeuTtK6 yta erriµf~aaT/, XPT/atµorro1rj0'7Ke mountmaking arr6 p lexiglas. Ab o ve: The Kyknos krater, as a d efinition of fake. The term "restoration" has been substitu ted by the term "reconstruction ". Bo ttom: An alterna tive solution for the display of a fragmented krater. A mount-making, made of plexiglas has been used, as the missing pieces were not to be restored . H ANTIMETOnlrn TH:!: LACUNA ITHN LYNTHPHrn TH:!: KEPAMIKH:1:


onaoµmtK6 ayydo, multimedia, mount-making), 6pOT] SewPrJOTJc; TOU ayydou we; "isolated, star object", ouvtarouv OT]µavr1Ktc; napaµtrpouc;. • fovra~ri eupeTrJp[ou (index) TWV OT]µavrtK6Tepwv KaTT")yop1wv Kepaµ1K17c;, µe anwTepo ar6xo Tl'lV TQ~lVOµr)OT] TWV lOlaiTepwv anmT17aewv TrJC: K68e µtac; Kat TrJV TeKµrJpLWOT] u;>-..onotriµtvwv SeµtTWV eneµr36aewv. • H eKna(oeuOT] TWV etOlKWV neo(ou µe eµcpm1K6 npooavmoAtaµ6 OTT")V 8ewp(a KQl <pLAOOocp(a TWV 8lKaOTlKWV, npoKetµtVOU va Kmeu8uv8d op86 ri aµ1y17c; Texvoyvwa(a, 8ewpdTm OT]µaVTlKll npoTepm6TrJTO. MeMTec; TeKµrJp(wOT]c;, tpeuva, oriµomeuoetc;, nou ea KOAUljJOUV TO -Olamarwµtvo OTO xwpo TrJc; eMriv1K17c; npayµanKOTrJrnc;- r3tr3AtoypacptK6 Kev6, ouvtarouv, en(OT]c;, anapaLTrJTO epyOAda. AuTov6riTrJ nptnet va 8ewpri8e( ri oten10Tr)µovtK17 auv8eOT] Twv e1otKwv neo(ou (apxm0Myo1, OUVTrJPrJTtc;, e1KaartKo(, µouae10;>-..6ym).

• Preservation of the profile consists an important element, which determines the final decision about the kind and climax of restoration. Provided that part of the lip, base and body are preserved, any reintegration of shape and volumetry turns to be ethically approved. • In terms of decorated Ceramics, Brandi's theoritical approaches about filling lacunae, are proved to be absolutely and safely applicable. Some basic rules are briefly reported; material as image is irreplaceable, any attempt to complete elements, related to organic world, or natural geometry, is absolutely unacceptable and also, illegitimate. Quite the opposite, in reference to patterns, which are regularly repeated and strictly shaped, any completion, provided that serves the purpose of a comprehensible unity, is acceptable and, often, obligatory.

• 0 OT]µavrtK6rnpoc; «Kav6vac; rJ8tK17c;»: K68e entµr3aOTJ, 6nwc; Km K68e ava0Kacp17, dvm np6~etc; KOTaarpocp17c;. H voµtµ6TrJTa avr1µeTwmOT]c; TrJc; lacuna Km arriv KepaµtKll, emKupwveTm an6 TOuc; Myouc; nou TrJV unayopeuouv.


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2. tiwo1Kaa{a avaKarnaKwf/c; Ka},,,uKwTOu KpaTTjpa mu KuKvou, (Eucpp6v1oc;). napaywyf/ auv8eT1Kou KeJ..ucpouc; µe spinning technique KOL XPT/Ol'J mu 25% Twv au0eVTlKWV 0pauaµ6Twv, eyKoJ..nwµivwv ae auT6.


The procedure of reconstructing Kyknos Krater, (Euphronios). Fabrication (spinning technique) of an acrylic shell, out of only 25% of the original piece. The sherds have been inserted into the shell. H ANTIMETOnlLH THr LACUNA HHN D'NTHPHLH THr KEPAMIKHL

3. KaAuKWT6c; KpaTTjpac; TOU Eucppov{ou. Ap1ornp6.: uJ..orro1'7µivr, AUOf/. H µovo)(PwµaTtKrj arr60o0f/ rnu uJ..1Kou auµrrJ..rjpwOf/c; (yuljloc; KaMITE:)(v{ac;), owrnp6.aae1 Tf/V avayvw01µ6Tf/Ta Tf/c; rrap6.0TaOf/c;. Lle,;16.: evaMaKTiKrj rrp6rn0f/. To )(PWµa rnu uJ..1Kou ouµrrJ..rjpwOf/c; auv{OTarn1 oe ouvouaaµ6 Twv ouo {3ao1Kwv arro)(Pwaewv Tf/c; KJ..{µaKac; rnu ayydou, (K1Tp1vipu8po-µaupo), 01 orro{ec;, aMf/J..errm8iµevec; oe owoox1K6. OTpwµarn, arroao{3ouv Of/µaVT1K6. Tf/V em8£TtK6Tf/Ta Tf/c; lacuna. eeµtTrj 8ewpdrn1 'I auµrrJ..rjpwOf/ rnu O)(f/µarnrro1'7µivou cpuTtKou µoT{{3ou we; (wvf/c; Tau xeO..ouc;, Ka8wc; auµf36.J..J..e1 OTf/V arroKaT6.0TaOf/ Tf/c; ev ouv6.µe1 ev6Tf/rnc; rnu ayydou. Calyx krater of Euphronios. Left side; materialized solution, based on the monochrome painting of the p laster. This choice causes confusion and destruction of the legibility of the image. Right side; an alternative proposal. The completion is painted in a combination of the basic colours of the vase. Successive layers of yellow and black result in the erasure of the abruptive lacuna. In addition, the completion of the -regularly repeated- pattern of the lip, contributes to the re-establishment of the potential unity.

e rr 4. Ll1ao1Kaa{a owK6aµ'70f/c; µrjTpac; y1a rrapaywyrj av6.yJ..ucpwv oKucpwv. XTO rrJ..a{ow Tf/c; µa(1Krjc; rrapay1uyrjc;, f/ mav6.J..f/ljlf/ £KTUrrwv Tf/c; {owe; acppay{oac;, f/ orro{a QTTOOtOE:l 0)('7µaTOTTOl'7µiva OlQKOOµf/TlKO. OTOIXE:{a, E:TTITpiTTE:l Tf/ auµrrJ..rjpwarj rnuc;, KQTO. Tf/ 0/QOIKQO{a QTTOKQTQOTOOf/c; lacuna. The procedure of decorating a mould for the production of hellenistic relief bowls. In the frame of massive production, the accuracy of a -regularly repeated- pattern, allows the completion of the motive, during reintegration of lacuna. H ANTIMErnrnrn THI LACUN.A ITHN H NTHPHLH THI KEPAMIKHI


ME/\ETH METAMIKON <l>EPONTON LTOIXEl(lN noY XPHLIMOnOIH0HKAN LTIL KTIPIAKEL KATALKEYEL TOY ArlOY OPOYL KATA TA TE/\H TOY 19°u KAI TIL APXEL TOY 2~0°u AIONA. Em~Mnovrnc;: Ap17c; A~oeA.6.c;, noAmK6c; µrixavtK6c; Dimitrios Gavardinas, civil engineer


VTIKetµevo T17c; epyaa(ac; efvm 17 µeMT17 TWV µnaM1Kwv cpep6vrwv mmxefwv nou XPllatµonou'J917Kav one; KT1p1aKec; KOTOOKW£c; TOU Ay(ou 'Qpouc; KOTQ TO T£Al7 TOU 1gou KOi nc; apxec; TOU 20ou OlWVO.



IT6xoc; T17c; epyaa(ac; efvm 17 Kw01Kono(17017 Tll<; XP'7017<; Twv µ8TOAAIKWV Cj)8pOVTWV OTOlXetWV OTI<; KTlplOKe<; KOTOOK8U£<; TOU T£/I.OUc; TOU 1gou OlWVO KOi TWV OPXWV TOU 20ou OlWVO, 0 npoa010p1aµ6c; Tl7<; npoe11.8U017<; TOU<;, Ol TTOIOT17Tec; Touc; KOi l7 OUYK£VTpW017 6awv n11.17pocpop10Kwv mo1xefwv efvm 01a8emµa.

This study's purpose is to code the use of these elements, to define their origin, their quality and also to gather all information which is available.

Xp~o., TWV µ&TOMIKWV OTOIX&fwv OTllV Eupwn11 OTO T&Ari TOU 19ou OIWVO - apxtc; 20°u OIWVO. H XP'7017 TWV µeTaMIKWV OTOlXetWV we; cpepOVTQ OTOV Eupwna"iK6 XWPO OPXI08 OTO npWTO µ106 TOU 1gou OlWVO. Ta µeTaMtKO mo1xda r']rnv npoT1µ6Tepa an6 Ta su11.1va, 016n napoua(a½av no11.u µeyaMTep17 avr(ma017 an6 auTr'] TWV su11.1vwv µe TO (010 l36poc;, KOi WlTOXUVOV TO xp6vo KOTOOK8U'7<;, r']rnv noM ouaK011.o va l3pe8d su11.o Ka11.r']c; no16T17Tac;, evw av auT6 y1v6Tav ecp1KT6 17 nµr'] TWV su11.1vwv motxdwv r']Tav noM UljJl7A'7. 'ETm 17 XP'7017 TWV µeTOAAIKWV OTOIX8LWV KOTel30½8 TO K6moc; TWV KOTaaKwwv KOL emnMov µe Tll XP'7017 Twv µeTOA11.1Kwv OTOIX8LWV µ81WVOVTOV O KLVOuvoc; 8K0'7AW017<; nupKay16c;, evw oev napoua(a½av T17v eun68e1a Twv su11.1vwv mo1xdwv OT17V W(Op0017 TWV µUK'7TWV. Ta µernM1K6 mo1xe(a xp17mµono1ouvrav m 1c; 11.(81vec; KOTOaKwec; y1a Tl7V KOTQOK8U'7 µeyOAUT8pwv avmyµOTWV. To µey10TO avmyµa nou µnopouae va emTwxed m1c; M81vec; KOTOaKwec; '7TOV 55 µeTpa, 8VW µe Tl7 l30178e1a TWV µ8TOAAIKWV OTOlxdwv npayµmono1r']817Kav eKdv17 T17v enoxr'] KOTOOKeuec; nou dxav noM µeyMa avo(yµma, 6nwc; n.x. 17 yecpupa Tou Garabit µ8 ClVotyµa 165 µeTpWV 2•

Xp~o11 Twv µ&rnM1Kwv mo1x&fwv


he subject of this study is the study of the elements which bring metal and were, used in the building constructions of Mount Athos during the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

nOTwµaTO KOTOOK&UOOµ&va µ& µ&TOMIK&<; i50KOU<;. Xp17mµono1ouaav auvr']8wc; µernM1Kec; ooKouc; 01moµr']c; 01n11.ou TQU. 01 KOT' ClSOVO OTTOOTC1081<; '7TOV 55 ewe; 808K. To K8VO µnasu TWV µnaMIKWV OOKWV n11.17pwVOVTOV an6 nMv8ouc;

In Europe during the end of' 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century the metal elements were more preferable than the wooden because their resistance was bigger than that of the wooden with the same weight, they also accelerated the time of construction, as it was difficult to find wood of good quality, which besides was very expensive. Thus, the use of metal elements reduced the cost of construcitions. Furthermore, it reduce the danger of fire. The metal elements were not prone to fungi. The metal elements helped in the construction of larger openings in the constructions of stones. The largest opening which was possible in the constructions of stone was 55m, while the metal elements could succeed opening, such is the bridge of Garabit opening 165m. The use of metal elements was like floors made of metal beams, metal columns, metal buildings, adjustment metal buildings, roof, scales, ricochet-fire, dome, buttress, frame, and connections. Architecture in Mount Atlhos in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.

During the period, which we examine, the presence of pan Slavism was intense. As a consequence, the slavian brotherhoods in Mount Athos had increased very much in Russia' s attempt to impose its policy on Europe. Thus, there were introduced new techniques, such as the use of metal elements in the building constructions. Generally, we could say that we distinguish grand constructions of big mass with large openings. The use of metal elements in the Mount Athos was the same with that in Europe and in Flussia. Thus, we can find , in the constructions of this period in Month Athos floors made of metal


(auv178w~ TOU~/\0 µe one~) naxou~ µLari~ TI/\lV8ou, µe TIO/\U Laxup6 Kov(aµa. To ~e>,_o~ nou OT)µLoupyouvrnv arnu~ 8oMaKou~ Kuµa(vovrnv auv178w~ an6 5 µEXPL 7eK. 17 TO 1/ 10 TT)~ QTIOOTQOT)~ µeTasu TWV µeTOMLKWV OOKWV. H TIAl7pWOT] YLVOTOV µe OKUpOKov(aµa 17 µn6½a TIO/\OLCl~ OLK000µ17~.

METOMIKOI aru>.01. OL µeTOMLKo( OTUAOL oLaKp(vovrnv ae n>,_17peL~ KOL ae Kevou~. OL n>,_17pe1~ napoua(a½av µeyMT) aVTOXll ae 8Atl!JT), evci.l OL Kevo( napoua(a½av µeya>,_T) aVTOXll ae Kaµl!JT]. 0 uno>,_oyLaµ6~ Twv cpopTLWV TOU~ YLVOTOV µe TT) ~0178eLa 0Lacp6pwv esLawaewv KQ8ci.l~ KOL µe TT) ~0178eLa TILVOKWV TIOU OUV8T0Sf: µeTa QTIO µLO aeLp6 neLpaµ6Twv o Barberot. KTip1a ano µ&TOMIKO OKEAETO. Z:uv178w~ XPT)OLµonOLouaav µeTOMtKE~ ooKou~ OLOT0µ17~ OLn>,_ou TOU, Ul!JOU~ an6 12 ew~ 16eK. Ta µeTOMLKCl UTIOOTU/\Wµma QTif:lXOV µeTOSU TOU~ OTIO 1 8W~ 1,5 µ. l:uvapµoAoyouµ&va KTip1a. KmaaKeu6½ave KTtpLa Ta ono(a µnopouaav va auvapµo>,_oyT)8ouv KOL OTT)V auvtxeLO va anoauvapµo>,_oyT)8ouv, va µnacpep8ouv KOL va auvapµo>,_oyT)8ouv Kanou aMou. Ta KTtpLa auTa l7TOV KOTQOKWOOµeva f:SO/\OK/\l7pOU QTIO µeTQ/\1\LKCl OTOlXelO. To µeLOV8KTTjµ6 TOU~ l7TOV OL Ul!JT]M~ 8epµoKpaa(e~ nou avamuaaOVTQV OTO KTLPLO.

beams, metal columns, metal buildings, adjustment metal buildings, roof with the system of Poloceau, scales, ricochet-fire, dome, buttress, frame, and connections. The origin of the metal elements used in Athos was not verified. The fact that the new technology was introduced by the Russian brotherhoods and the fact that the ships they belonged transferred buildings materials from Odysso improves the opinion that they were of Russian origin. Th,e fact that both in Ag. Panteleimonos Monastery and S. Andreas were found metal beams which had Latin characters, the proves which exist for the buy of metal elements from store houses of Smyrna which had southern European origin, the heavy industry in Russia has created from 1924-1935 leads us to the conclusion that it is very possible that the origin of metal elements is Southern European and even for the metal element which were brought to Odysso, it is possible that Russia imported them from European countries. The tests that were made in laboratories of metallognosia and resistance of the materials (A.U.T.) show that the point is metal beams with the characteristics of elaborated carbon steel and we can classified as st 37 or S225 and S275. The chemical analysis show us that the metal beam composed from carbon< 0,025%, Silicon <0,01%, Manganese 0,38%, phosphor 0,072%, sulfur 0,049%.

METOMIKO ~EUKTO. napoua(a½av xaµT)M K60To~ Kma0Keu17~ yLa µeyMa avo(yµma, ouv817Ke~ 0Tepe6TT)TO~ KOL µLKp6Tepo ~6po~. evw xpeL6½oVTav ouvex11 OUVTl7pT)OT) yLa KQTQ/\/\T)/\T) TQVUOT) TWV f:/\KUOTllPWV KOL YLO TT)V anocpuy17 TT)~ oseiowari~ TOU~. no>,_u oLaoeooµevo 17TOv To ouOTT)µa Polonceau 6nou eixaµe ouo aµe(~oVTe~ evwµevou~ µe e>,_KuOT17pe~ KOL OVTT)pioe~.

METOMIK&c; KAiµaKEc;. np6ocpepav ausT)OT) TT)~ aocp6>,_eLa~ ae nep(mwOT) nupKayL6~ Kup(w~ Myw TT)~ ouoKOALa~ eK017>,_w017~ TT)~. OTepe6TT)TO TWV auvoeoewv, TOXUTT)Ta KOTaoKeu17~ KOL µeyMT] cpepouoa LKav6TT)TO. To µl7KO~ TWV ~a8µ(0WV KUµO(VOVTQV QTIO 0,50 8W~ 2 µ. 01 ~a8µ(oe~ KOL To pLXfL 17rnv an6 µeTQ/\/\tK6 eMaµma 17 aav(oe~. OL n>,_eupLKE~ ooKo( 17TOv 11 µeTQ/\1\LKE~ µe TPLYWVLKE~ eVToµt~. 11 OLKTUWTll µeTQ/\1\LKll OOK6~ 17 µeTQ/\1\LKll ooK6~ OLOT0µ17~ OlTT/\OU Tau 23•

1. nar,wµarn an6 onA,aµivo aKUp6oeµa, yvwar6 we; 1aM1K6. Floors made of metal beams (France) '


Ta µeTQ/\1\LKCl OTOLXetO TO XPT)OLµonOLouaav emnMov w~ µErnM1Kouc; EAKuar11p&c;, TO naxo~ TWV ono(wv ouv178w~ Kuµa(voVTav an6 7 ew~ 15Xl/\, KOL TO TI/\ClTO~ TOU~ an6 4 tw~ 6eK., y1a KOTOOKEUl'J TpOUAWV, OTIOU T) OlClTOST) TWV ½WKTWV OTT)pl½OTaV oe µLa nep1µeTptK17 ooK6 17 ae To(xo, µ&TaM1K&c; OVT'lPil>Ec;, KUplW~ oe f:SWOTf:~, np&KIO, OUV178W~ OUV8f:TT)~ OLOT0µ17~, y1a ouvl>&o&1c; l>1aq>opwv aro1x&iwv. Ta µfoa ouvoeOT)~ l7TOV KO)(/\lf:~ KOL l7/\0l. H Of)XITEKTOVIKl'J O'TO 'Ay10 'Opoc; ara T&All TOU 19ou apxtc;



2. Ll16cpopa £iorJ narwµarwv µe µernAA1Kic; ooKouc; Kat eoAiaKouc;. Floors made of metal beams 3

20°u OIWVO.

TT]V eTIOXll TIOU eseTa½ouµe l7TOV 8VTOVT) T) eµcp6VtOT) TOU TIQV0/\0~LOµOU. OL O/\a~LK8~ aoe>,_cp6TT)Te~ OTO Ayto 'Opo~ eixav 0UST)8e( napa TIO/\U acpou T) Pwo(a npoana8ouae VO OOKl70f:L TT)V TIO/\lTlKl7 nou 178e>,_e OTT)V EupwnT). 'ETOL txouµe OUST)OT) Twv KaTOaKeuci.lv OTO Ayto 'Opo~ KOL XPllOT) Twv vewv Texv1Kwv nou eL017yayav OL PwatKe~ aoeAcpOTT)Te~ KUPLO xapaKTT)plOTLKO TWV ono(wv 17TOv T) XPllOT) Twv µeTOMtKWV OTOLXetWV w~ cpi::poVTO KOTaOKWOOTlKCl OTOLXeLO. 1eVLKCl µnopouµe VO nouµe otaKp(vouµe KOTaaKeue~ µeyMou 6yKou, µe µeyMa avo(yµma KOL 600 TO ouvm6v mo µeyO/\onpenei~.

3. narwµarn an6


H XPl'JO'l Twv µ&TaM1Kwv aro1xeiwv 17Tav iota µe TT) XPllOT) TOU~ OTT)V EupwnT) KOL OTT)V Pwa(a. ET0t OTL~ KOTaOKW8~ au0


µeraMtKrj ooK6. LlurtKrj mipuya I. M. Baronrnoiou. Floors made of metal beams. Batopedi Monastery '•



u1c; TT]<; m:p16oou OTO Ay10 'Opoc; ouvavraµi:: nmwµaTO KQTOOKE:Uaoµeva an6 µnaMtKec:; OOKOU<; KOi 8or..LOKOU<;, E:/;WOTE:<; KQTQOKWOOµevouc; an6 µE:TOAAIK8<; OOKOUc:;, µE:TOAAIKO i'.;WKTQ 0Tey11c; KOi TPOU/\WV, 6nou OIQntOTWVOUµE: T11 XP1101'J TOU ouOTT]µmoc:; Tou Polonceau, Ka8wc; Km KaµnuAa µi::TaMtK6 i'.;wKTO, µi::TaMtK6 unoOTuAwµma, µi::TaMtKec:; KA(µaKi::c:; Kup(wc:; µi:: nAWptKrJ ooK6 01moµfJc:; omAOU TOU, aM6 Kat KA(µaKi::c; µi:: µi::TaMtK6 p(:,cn KOi M81vi::c; pa8µ[oi::c;, µi::TOMIKO( E:AKUOTT]pi::c; y1a T11 OUVOE:01'] TWV nwowv KQI TT] i'.;i::u/;11 av0tyµ6TWV 01moµfJc:; KUK/1.IKT]c;, omAou Tau 17 op8oywv1KfJc:;, µeTOMtKec; avr11p[oec; 01 ono(ec; eixav ouvfJ8wc:; axfJµa nou Ta(p1ai'.;e µi:: T11V apx1TeKTov1KrJ nou emKpmouoi::, µeTOMtK6 oevai'.; 6nou TO µnaM1K6 OTOlxi::(a unoKOT80TT]OQV TO /;UAIVQ, ni::p(oi::ori µi:: µE:TOAAIKQ OTOlxeia y1a 8VloXU01'J UcptOTaµevwv KTlplWV Ka8wc:; KOi we; np8KIQ. H npot>.e:uari Twv µ&TaM1Kwv aT01x&fwv nou xp1101µono1fJ811Kav OTO Ay10 'Opoc:; oi::v i::!;aKp1pw811Ke. To yi::yov6c:; 6n 11 vfo Te)(VOAoy(a e1ofJx811 an6 nc; PwmKec; QOE:Acp6T11T£<; KOi 6n µe TO Kapap1a nou Oll:':8E:TQV µE:Tecpepav TO OIKOOOµIKO UAIKQ an6 U]V 0011006 ev1axui::1 TT]V OTTO\Vll 6Tl T]TOV PwmK17c:; npOl:':AW01']c;. To yi::yov6c:; 6µwc:; 6Tt T6oo OTTJV I. M. Ay. navreAe17µovoc:; 12 600 KQI 0T11V I. L. Ay. Avopfo E:VTon(o811Kav µeTaMtKec; OOKO( nou eixav Aanv1Kouc; xapaKT17pec;, 01 anooef!;e1c; nou unapxouv y1a TTJV ayopa µ1::TOM1Kwv OT0txeiwv an6 ano817Kec; TT]c:; Lµupv11c; npo&AE:uoric; oUTtKoi::upwna·iKwv xwpwv, To yeyov6c:; 6T1 17 pap16 P10µ11xav(a avamux811Ke OT11V Pwo(a an6 TO 1924 KOi ecp8aoi:: ae u1V11M i::n(ni::oa TO 1935, (ni::p(ooo noM apy6Tepa an6 Ta T8A11 TOU 19ou OIWVQ nou KQTQOKW00811KOV TO KTtpta OTO Ay10 'Opoc;), 11 rnunori apKE:TWV OIOTOµwv nou an0Tunw811Kav µi:: 01moµec:; nou un17pxav ae raMtKCl PtPA(a, µac; 0011yd OTO ouµnepaoµa 6n noM m8av617 npoeAW01'J Twv µi::TaMtKwv OT01xeiwv va i::(vm ounKowpwna'iKl7, OK6µ11 KOi y1a TQ µnaMtKCl OTOIXeta nou 17p8av an6 UJV 0011006, TO ono(a m8av6v va eixe E:lOOy6ye1 11 Pwo(a an6 OUTlKOWpwna'iKec:; XWPE:<;.

~ ' "'" '


~u ..•




l , ~ - ~ ~ ~ - -

4. ZeuKT6 ouarrjµarnc; Polonceau - System Polonseau 2•3 •

5. f1t6<popa dory µernAAtKwv KAtµOKWV. Different types of metal scales 2·3 _

Ano TT] µeTOMoypacp1K~ &~&Taari nou npayµmon0t17811Ke OTO epyaOTT]pto µeTaMoyvwo(ac; Tou Tµ17µmoc; Twv M11xav0Mywv µ11xav1KWV TOU A. n .0., npoeKUtVOV TO QK0AOU8a ouµnepaoµma: npOKE:ITQI yta µeTOMlKQ OTOIXetO TTOU l:':XOUV TT] XOPOKTTJplOTlKl7 µ1Kpoooµ17 KOTE:pyaoµevou av8paKOXOAUPa, unapxouv P11Yµmwoe1c:; Kat eyKAeioµaTO, unap/;11 Kevwv Km n6pwv Kat m8av17 unap/;11 01acpoprnKwv cpaoewv. En(oric:; OTO EpyaOT17p10 Avrox17c:; TWV YAtKwv TOU Tµ17µmoc; noALTIKWV M11xav1KWV TOU A.n.0. ey1vav OOKtµec:; ae Kciµl(J11 KOi ae ecpeAKUoµ6 ae Tpe1c:; ooKouc; an6 nc; ono(ec; py17Ki:: TO ouµnepaoµa On np6KE:lTOI yta µE:TOAAIK&<; OOKOU<; nou µnopouµi:: va nc; KOTOT6!;ouµe OTouc; XOAupec:; st3717 S235. H x11µ1K17 av6AU01'J antoe1!;e 6Tt 11 KpaµanK17 ouv8i::ori Tou XOAupa ouv(OTaTat oi:: ouyKevrpwoi::1c:; Twv OT01xi::(wv T11<; T6!;ewc:;: 6v8paKac:; < 0,025%, nupiT10 < 0,01%, Mayy6v10 0,38%, cpwocpopoc; 0,072% Kat Seto 0,049%.

napanoµntc; 1. PamCJKI]<; I., OtKOOOµLKl7, Mipoc; A' KOLB', EMn, A8r']va 1898. 2. PamCJKI]<; I., 0LKOOOµLKl7 KOL KOTOOKeur'] OLO<p6pwv ipywv, TOµOL I

KOL II, A8r']va, TUnoypacpeio «NoµtKr']c;», 1907. 3. Barberot E., Constructions Civiles, Paris & Liege Librarie Polytecnnique Ch. Beranger 1924. 4. Carbonara G., Trattato di Restauro Architettoniko, Utet. 5. lyvaTCJKI]<; X., Yr..tK6. KOL Tuno1 cpopiwv ve6n:p17c; nep16oou. Luµne-

p1cpop6. KOL na8o>-.oy(a cpopiwv un6 ITTOTLK6. ae1aµ1K6. cpopT(a.


6. rKa~apliivac; /1. , Ka'iµ6.p17c; l:,.. , Kar..TOnav(oou-nupo~iT017 B., K6.nn17c; A., Kexay16.c; X., Kou~apoc; X. nap6.pT17µa 1ou ruµvaa(ou Appivwv 0eaaar..ov(K17c;. Epya0Tr']p10 l:,.1mµ17µanKou Tµr']µmoc;, Ane.

6. TpouAoc; µe µemMtK6 (wKT6 - Metal dome


7. Boy1aT~~c; A., H pwOLKr') no:>..mKr') OTO 'Ayto 'Opoc;. 8. IµupvOKI]<; r., To 'AylO 'Opoc;. A6r')va 1903, avmunwmi an6 TT]V eKoomi TOU 1903 auµn:>..T]pWµEVT] µE EUpETr')plO OVOµOTWV. navOEAT]voc;. Kapuec;, 'Ayto 'Opoc; 1988. 9. KoAwvac; B., «H AKOOT]µOIK!') EK<ppOITTJ OTT]V OPXlTEKTOVlKr'j TOU Ay(ou 'Opouc; (19°<;-20°<; mwvac;)», MVT]µEio Kat nEptl36Mov, 6/2000. 10. KoA0Kaai1>11c; A., MEMTTJ AnoKOT□OTOITTJC: ouTtKr')c; mepuyac; I. M.

Bmonatoiou, 1996. 11 . nanaOWTl]piou E. KOi A., MEMTT] AnOKOTQOTOITTJC: l36pElOC: mepuyac; I. I . Ayiou Avopfo (un6 auVTO~TJ). 12. Kouq,6nouAoc; n., MaµaAouKoc; IT., AytopEiTtKT] µETOAAOTEXvia.

no:>..tTtOTtK6 TExvo:>..oytK6 'lopuµa ETBA, YnoupyEio no:>..maµou , nEAOTIOWT]OlOK6 i\aoypa<plKO 'lopuµa. -""'"' 47x9'n-m ::

7. Xuvi5eOT} w,xonotfac; µe TTJ f3of/0eta µemM.tKWv OTotXdWV. Walls connections with metals elements.


8. I. X. np. HJ-..wu. B6peta mipuya - S. Skiti Pr. Hliou. N. Ward.

9. I. X. Ay. Avi5pia. B. nrepuya narwµa an6 µemM.tKic; i5oKouc; Kat µemM.tKa unoaruJ-..wµam - N. ward S. S. Andrea.

10. I. X. np.HJ-..tou. XriyTJ B. mipuyac;. - S sk. Pr. 1/iou

11. I. X. np. HJ-..tou. KaµnuJ-..a µemM.tKQ (WKTQ KuptaKOU Naou. Metal roof Pr. 1/iou.

12. I. X. np. HJ-..,ou. MeraM.tKOI e),KuOTfJpec; KUKAlKTJ<:; i5taTOµf/c;. S. Sk. Pr. 1/iou.



Avoptav17 ~Layouµa, TIOAITlKO~ µT)XOVJKO~ /




EmBMnwv: rewpy1oc; M6voc;, TIOAlTlK6c.; µrixavtK6c.; Andriani Diagouma, civil engineer

INVESTIGATION OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE LOAD BEARING STRUCTURE OF BYZANTINE AND POST-BYZANTINE CHURCHES IN THE REGION OF THESSALY Supervisor:George Manos, civil engineer o avtLKetµ8vo TT)c; µ8MTTJc; dvOL Tl Kmaypacpr'] vawv TTJc; Bu~avt1vr']c; KOL Mna!3u~avt1vr']c; n8p16oou OTTJV n8p1oxri TT]c; 0waCIA(ac; KOL Tl 8~8TOOTJ TTJc; µrixavtKr']c; auµn8ptcpop<ic; 8V6c; XOPOKTT]plOTlKOU TUTTOU VQOU UTTO TT] op<iOT] 08lOµLKWV cpopTLWV KOL <pOpTLWV !3apun1rnc;.



2TO npwTo µtpoc; TT]c; µ8MTf]c; n8p1,\aµ!36vovtOL OTotXeta 6 vawv 01 ono[o1 dvOL: o va6c; n1c; Ko1µr']a8wc; TT]c; 08oT6Kou OTflV Ka,\aµn<iKa T ptKa,\wv (!3am,\1Kr'], 13cc; OLwvac;), o va6c; n1c; noprnc; navay16c; OTf]V nu,\ri TptKQAWV (TplKAtTOc; OTaupm[OT8yoc;, 1283 µ.X.) , o va6c; Tou T1µ(ou 2rnupou OTa l'.o,\1av<i (Kpav16) AanponoT<iµou OTflV avmo,\1Kr'] nivoo (TpfKALTfl TpouMa(a !3am,\1Kr'] µ8 xopouc;, 1840 µ.X.), o va6c; Tou Ay(ou A8avaafou OTO Pouµ-na,\aµ<i Kapofwac; (auv88Toc; T8TpaK16v1oc; µ8 m1µr']KUVOTJ npoc; ouaµ<ic; KOT<i tvav K<ivva!30, n8p(nou TO 1800 µ.X.), o va6c; Tf]c; Ay(ac; napaaKwr']c; OTO N8pa·iooxw-

The first part refers to the main historical, structural and architectural details of the following 6 churches:

he present thesis refeirs to the study of churches in the region of Thessaly during the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period and to the, investigation of the behaviour of a characteristical type of these churches under g ravitational and seismic actions.

The church of the Holy Domination of the Mother of God at Kalampaka, Trikala (dating back to 13th centu ry), the church of Porta Panagia at Pyly, Trikala (1283 A.C.), the church of the Holy Cross at Doliana at Aspropotamos at Pindo (1840 A.C.) , the church of St. Athanasios at Roum -Palama, Karditsa (1800 A.C.), the church of St. Paraskevi at Neraidoxori, Trikala (1792 A.C.) and the church of Agia. Triada at Drakotrypa, Karditsa (dating back to the 18th century). The conclusion derived from the study of the afore-mentioned churches is that the type of Basilica is not used after the 13th century, and the churches which belong to the type of crossshaped roof are few.

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1. EKKArJafa Ayfac; Tp16.oac; arriv 11paK6rpurra, E~wrep1KfJ arrol/Jri Church of Agia Triada at Drakotrypa, External view

2. Ay[a Tp16.oa OTrJV 11paK6rpurra, KOTOI/JrJ TOU vaou Agia Triada at Drakotrypa, plan


pl T ptKMwv (a8wvtK6c; Tunoc;, 1792) Kat o va6c; TT1c; Ay(ac; Tpt6.oac; OTrl LlpaK6Tpuna Kapofroac; (a8wvtK6c; Tunoc;, 1742 µ.X.). An6 TTJV 8/;;eTaori Km aJJ,..wv vawv OTTJV 08ooM(a cpa[v8Tat 6Tt o Tunoc; TT]c; pamAtK17c; an6 TO 13° mwva nau8l va XPTJOtµonotdTm. Ot vao[ nou av17Kouv OTov Tuno TOU OTaup8TILOT8you dvm TI8pl0ploµev0l, 8VW TI8pVWVTac; OTT] M8TaPU½QVTlVl7 TI8p[ooo WlKpmd OTT! vaoooµ[a TT]c; TI8Pl0Xllc; o a8wvtK6c; (aytopdnKoc;) Tunoc;, o ono[oc; anaVT6 Kup[wc; OTa Ka8oAtK6 Twv µovwv. 0 aewvtKOU Tunou va6c; oav ooµtK6 ouOTT]µa dvm noM oriµaVTtK6c;. E[vm O OUV88TOc; T8TpOKlOVlOc; va6c; µ8 TpOUAO (xapaKTT]plOTlKOc; Km ouvri8eOT8poc; Tunoc; 08 6Ao Tov EMaotK6 xwpo) aM6. <pep8l OTlc; nMyt8c; 6ljmtc; TOU KOYX8c; (xopouc;), ouV178wc; ioric; ot60TaOT]c; Km [otou Tp6nou Kma0Kw17c; µ8 TTJV KOYXTJ TOU l8pOU. H TOTI088TT]OT] TWV OTT]ptyµ6.TWV YLV8TQl OTO K8VTpO TOU VQOU WOT8 va dvm OUVQT17 Tl xapa!:;ri µtKp17c; OlaµeTpou TpOUAOU, 0 ono[oc; 8mK68nm 08 KUAtvoptK6 Tuµnavo nou cpep8Tm an6 Ta Tfoo8pa o<pmptK6 Tpiywva (Ao<pia ri xa'iµaAt6). H OTeyaori Twv ywvtaiwv otaµ8ptoµ6Twv TT]c; KOTOljJT]c; yiV8TQl µ8 <poupvtK6. 17 OTaupo86Ata. E!:;WT8plKQ Ol OTey8c; 8VOTIOlOUVTQl 08 µ[a 8VlQLQ OlKAlVl7, an6 TTJV onoia npop6M8l µ6vo o TpouAoc;.

In the post-Byzantine period the most popular type is the Athonite. The churches of the Athonite design have a very interesting structural system. Thev belong to the inscribed crosstype of the complex tetrastyle variety, and have three-lobed plan. Two pillars made of masonry separate the main naos from the sanctuary. The later is divided into three compartments by two transversal arches. There is a central columnar grid (4 columns) and the main superstructure of a longitudinal barrel vault is interrupted in the middle by a dome which has a relative small diameter resting in a cylindrical drum. The structural behaviour of this system depends seriously on the transition elements between drum and columns that are used in the transformation from circular to rectangular geometry. These basic transition elements are the "pendentives". The corner bays of the naos are roofed with cross vaults or domical vaults called "fournika". The mansory walls are constructed of limestone and mortar is used as joint filling. During Byzantine period the wall structural


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H KQTQOKWT] TT]c; TOlXOTIOt(ac; OTouc; vaouc; KQTO TT] Bu½QVTlV17 n8piooo y[v8Tm µ8 TO OT8M<; nAtv8on8ptKA8tOTO ouOTT]µa. KaTO TTI M8rnPu½aVTlVll n8p[ooo ri KmaoKwrJ yivnm Aty6T8po Wlµ8AT]µevri KQl 8YKQTQA8LTI8TQl Tl XPrJOTJ TIALV8wv. XprimµoTIOl8LTQl VT6mo UAlK6 (Kup[wc; aoP80T6At8oc;) , 8VW 08 otaµopcpwvoVTm OUV8Xdc; OPl½OVTt8c; OTpW08tc; y1m( Ol Al80l 08V exouv TO lOlO uljJoc;. 01 KOYX8c; KQTQOKWO½OVTQl n6.VTOT8 mo 8Tilµ8AT]µeva. 01 86AOl, Ol Kaµ6.p8c;, TQ o<pmptKO Tpiywva KQl OTpouAoc; KaTaOKWO½OVTm an6 eAa<pp6 UAlK6 Km' 8!:;ox17v nwp6A180 µe XPrJOTJ om6nA1v8wv OTouc; op1½6VT1ouc; apµouc;. O va6c; TT]c; Ay[ac; Tp16.oac; OTT] LlpaK6Tpuna Kapoirnac; w1Mx8TJK8 we; P6ori TT]c; npooeyy1oric; TT1c; ooµlKT]c; ouµnepl<pop6.c; ouv8eTOU T8TpOKlOVlOU vaou µ8 TpOUAO KQl TIAOYl8c; KOYX8c;. 11a TT] µ8MTTI auT17 ey1ve napaµ8TplKrJ avMuori, ri onoia pao[½eTm mo oxriµanoµ6 4 apt8µT]nKwv npoooµmwµ6Twv rn ono[a OlO<poponOlOUVTOl OV0/1.0ya µe TO 00µ1K6 OTOlXeLO nou anapT[½ouv K68e µ6pcpwµa. H yewµ8Tp[a, Ta UAlK6, ot tot6TT1Tec; TWV UAIKWV KQl TO UTIOAOITIQ KQTQOKWQOTlKO OTOlX810 TWV µop<pWµOTWV npoeKuljJav an6 TO OT01xda KaTaypa<p17c; TOU vaou TT1c; Ayiac; Tpt6oac;.

=-~M<Wf'll' •, . ~WW-AIIOl'IMl'\,O.

IriµaVTtK6 ½TJTOUµ8vo TT1c; napaµeTptKll<; avMuoric; firnv ri 8KTLµriori TT!<; ouµpoAfic; Twv Kupt6rnpwv ooµtKWV OTotxdwv (K6Y)(ec;, Tuµnava, Kaµ6p8c;, ocpmptK6. Tp[ywva, Tmxonm[ec;, TpouAoc;) OTT! yevtK6Tepri ooµtKll ouµnept<pop6 TWV npoooµo1wµ6.Twv. Ta Teooepa ap18µT]nK6 npoooµmwµarn dvm: 10. Xwpic; Tuµnava OTa T6!:;a Twv anOArJ/;;8wv TWV 0Taup1Kwv KaµapWV 20. M8 Tuµnava OTQ T6!:;a TWV QTIOAT]!:;ewv TWV OTauptKWV KQ-

µapwv 3o. Me KOYXTJ OTO tep6 Km xwp[c; Tuµnava OTa T6!:;a Twv anoM!:;8wv TWV OTQUplKWV Kaµapwv

4o. Me KOYXTJ OTO 1ep6 Kat OTa nA6y1a (xopo0 Km xwp[c; Tuµnava. 0 <pepov opyav10µ6c; Twv npoooµmwµ6Twv anOT8AdTm an6 Tmxonot[8c; naxouc; 0.85µ. an6 aop80T6At8o Km Koviaµa. Ot 86AOI dvm an6 nwp6At8o Kl exouv naxoc; 0.25µ.,evw Ol KOY-

3. Ta 4 ap10µryr1Kd rrpoaoµo1wµma me; rrapaµerp1KfJc; av6,J..uaryc; 4 Finite element model of parametrical analysis



XE<; TOU lEpou KOL TWV xopwv EIVOL an6 OO~EOTOAL80 Kl exouv naxoc; 0.75µ. 01 cpopTiaE1c; nou Em~6MovT01 OTa aptSµl"]nKa npoaoµo1wµma Tl"]c; napaµETp1K17c; avMuaric; EivOL TO KaTaK6pucpa cpopT(a G KOL o aEtaµ6c; µE nµ17 1g Kma wuc; Mo at;ovEc; Tl"]c; KaTOOKELI17c;. MEpLKa an6 TO ariµavnKOTEpa auµnEpaaµma an6 Tl"]V avMumi OUVOljJL½OVTOL OTO Ef;17c;: • 0 1TOlXOTIOlLE<; KOL Ol TIEplOX8<; TWV TUµnavwv TOU TpOUAOU KOL TWV KOµapwv OTl"]V OlEU8UVOl"] TOU OELOµOU TIOpOUOlCl½OUV AElToupy(a oiaKou. • Ta Ka8ETO OTo aEtaµ6 ooµtKa OTotxda AELToupyouv oav nAaKEc;. • ME Tl"]V npoo817Kl"] TWV TUµnavwv OTQ T6E;a TWV QTIOAT7f;EWV TWV Kaµapwv O OEL0µ6c; µETaq>8pETOL OTL<; TOLXOTIOlLE<; µeaw OUTWV TWV TUµTIOVWV.

• '0TOv oEv unapxouv Tuµnava OT1c; ano>,.17t;E1c; Twv Kaµapwv 11 OlOOpoµ17 TOU OELOµou 01acpopono1dTOl. 0 OEl0µ6c; µETOq>EPETOL KUp(wc; µeow TWV OUVOpµoywv TWV KOµapWV µE Tl<; TotxonotfEc; 17 µfow Twv ouvapµoywv Tl"]c; K6yxric; µE Tl"]V To1xonmia. • H KOYXll OTO 1Ep6 EivOL 00µ1K6 OTOLXEio TO ono(o AELToupyd aav OVTl"]pioa. '0TOv o 0E10µ6c; dvOL K68Ewc; OTl"]V ToIxono1ia TOU lEpou, ll KOYXll µElWVEl nc; EVTCIOEL<; KOL Tic; µETOTOn(OElc; TWV TOlXOTIOIIWV KOL TOU TpOUAOU OTl"]V OlEU8uvori TOU OELOµou.

• LE ouyKplOl"] µE TO UTIOAOLTIQ Tµ17µma Tl"]<; TOlXOTIOlLOc; ll K6yXll µE TO n>,.wp1K6 Tl"]c; Tµ17µma EivOL nou napOAaµ~avE1 To µEyOAUTEpO TIOOOOTO TOU OELOµou. Te>,.oc; 011µ10upy178l"]KE eva TEA1K6 ap18µl"]nK6 npoaoµo(wµa, µna~m1K6 an6 Tl"] µe8ooo Tile; napaµETp1K17c; ava>,.uoric; npoc; µ1a KOAUTEPll npooeyy1ari Tile; unapxouaac; µopcp17c; Tou µvriµEiou OTO ono(o 01 op60E1c; nMov EIVOL opaOEl<; oXEOlOOµou. An6 Tl"] OTanK17 ava>,.umi Tou napanavw ap18µl"]TtKou npoaoµ01wµmoc; npo8KUljJOV EV OUVToµ(a TO napaKOTW auµnEpaaµma:

'0TOV O OE10µ6c; opa OTTO TO lEp6 npoc; Tl"]V ElOOOO TOU VOOU Ol µEyOAUTEpEc; EVTCIOELc; KOL µETOTOTIIOELc; Eµcpav(½OVTOL OTl"]VTOlxono1(a Tl"]c; 810000U KOL OTO Tµ17µma TWV UTIOAOITIWV ooµLKWV OTOlXELWV nou ~p(OKOVTOL npoc; OUTT7 Tl"]V TIAEUpa. AVTLOTOLXO yIa opaori TOU 08Laµou an6 Tl"] ~6pEIQ npoc; Tl"] VOTlO KOYXll Ol µEyaAUTEpec; EVTCIOELc; KOL µETQTOTIL08l<; Eµcpav(½OVTOL npoc; Tl"] VOTIO TIAEUpa Tl"]<; KOTOOKEUT7<;. 0L TIOpOTICIVW µETOKIVT70EL<; Tl"]<; EVTOOl"]c; ouµ~a(vouv Myw Tl"]c; maMriAiac; TWV opaOEWV TOU 0810µou KOL TWV KOTQKOpucpwv cpopT(wv. H KQTQOKEUT7 Eµcpav(½El EVTOVl"] OlOTµl"]Ol"] OTO ooµLKCI OTOlXELO TO ye1TOVLK6 µE TOY Tpou>,.o Myw TWV KOTOK6pucpwv cpopT(wv KOL TWV µEyMwv ~ueiaewv nou npoKOAOUVTOL KOVTa OTl"]V ~aori Tou. H ouµnep1cpop6 auTT7 Sa µnopouaE va anoTpand µE Tl"]V Tono88Tl"]Ol"] 8AKuOT17pwv OTl"] ~ami Tou Tpou>,.ou. 110 Tl"]V npoooµoiwari KOL Tl"]V ava>,.umi xp11mµono1178l"]K8 TO np6ypaµµa nmepaaµevwv OTotxdwv Lusasrta TTJ otaKp1TonoiTJari TWV 8Tilq>QV8lWV XPT]01µono1178T]KQV nax1a TPlOOlCIOTOTQ KEALI<PTJ (TETpaKoµ~a OTOlXELa QTS4) evw y1a Tri 01aKp1rnnoiT]mi Twv OTUAWV XPTJ01µono1178T]Kav Tp1oot60Tma OTOLXEia ooKOU (3D Engineering Beam Element-BMS3). 1La 6Aa TO npoooµ01wµma EYIV8 OTOTLKT7 EAQOTLKT7 QVCIAUITT].

system is applied with complete free-incomplete enclosed brick. During the Post Byzantinei Period the wall structure was less carefully constructed. The horizontal zones are not continuous and the stones are often different height. The domes, the vaults, the pendentives are constructed of some light porous stones and bricks. The church of Agia Triada in Drakotrypa has been chosen as the basis of the examination of the structural behaviour of the Athonite Type churches. The church of Agia Triada has been studied numerically by linear elastic analysis investigating the influence of particular structiural elements of the faulting system and of the vertical walls and tympana in transferring the seismic forces. A parametric analysis was performed by four FE models. The four models have the same mechanical properties of masonry, the same numerical analysis assumptions but the structural elements which form 1:iach model are different. The four models of the parametric analysis are the following: Without tympana at the arches of the fair cross arm semi-cylindrical vaults. With tympana at the arches of the four cross arm semicylindrical vaults with central apse (east side) and without tympana. With the central apse and the two side apses at the chores. The common load bearing structure consists of limestone mansory, which is 85cm in width, and the two cross longitudinal barrel vault 25cm in width made of pore stone. Three types of load and two types of load combinations are examined. The loads include dead load and seismic action 1g in the two main axis of the church (Ex, Ey) and the combination includes G+ Ex and G + Ey. The most important conclusions of the parametric analysis can be summarised as follows: The walls and the parts of the drum and the parts of the longitudinal barrel vault, which are parallel to the axis of the earthquake load have a typical in-plane behavior. The elements which are located vertical at the seismic action have an out ofplane behavior. The in-plane walls are more, rigid in shear than the out of -plane walls. The addition of tympana at the arches of the cross longitudinal barrel faults is quite significant because the seismic actions are transferred throUfJh these tympana to the peripheral walls which have an in-plane behavior. Without these tympana it seems that the seismic actions are transferred mainly through ithe springers of arches of the cross barrel vaults. With the addition of the central apse (lobe) it seems that seismic actions concentrate on the basis of the lobe and the wall of this side become more rigid in shear. At last an overall model represents the church which consists of all the above-mentioned structural elements. Two types of load combination are examined. The first includes 1.35 G and the second G±E, where G signifies the permanent load and Ethe earthquake load. The snow and the live load is assumed to be equal O comparing to the earthquake load. The structure is analysed using a static / dynamic analysis computer code LUSAS. It is modeled in a 3D formulation.


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Kwvaravr(a L\p6aou, no11.mK6c; µrixav1K6c;


Konstantia Drosou, civil engineer


Movr'J n 1c; KOLµr']aEwc; n1c; 0EOTOKOU !3p(OKETOL OTO OVOTOAlKO Tµr']µa TOU OlKlOµou TOU LTTT']AOlOU rpE!3EVWV. An6 TO µovamr']pt aw½ETOL µ6vo TO Ka8oAtK6 KOL Tµr']µa mu tcr6yEtou n1c; !36pEtac; mepuyac;. To Ka8oAtK6 dvOL KT(aµa TOU 1633 µ.X. KOL OV1'7KEL OTOV aytopdnKO TL/TIO TOU OUV8ETOU TETpOKlOVlOU OTOUpOELiSOuc; EyyEypaµµEVOU VOOU µE TPOUAO TTAEUPLKOUc; xopouc; KOL v6p8T']KO. LTO TE:Aoc; TOU 1gou µE apxec; TOU 20°u OLWVO, )(l'LOTT']KE OTT'] 5unKr'J OljJT'] TOU EE;wv6p8T']KO ALT1'7 KOL OTT'] !3opElOOUTlK1'7 ywv(a Tptwpocpo KWiSWVOOTCIOlO.


H TOLX05oµ(a Tou anornAELTm an6 apyoAt8o5oµr'] µE OPL½6vnEc; ~UA05Wt8c;, EVW Ol KOYXEc; KQl OTpOUAoc; TOU vap8T']KQ ElVOl )(fl· aµevEc; an6 nEAEKT']Touc; nwp6At8ouc; aE tcr6ooµo auOTT']µa. O TpouAoc; Tou Kup(wc; vaou )(l'tOTT']KE OE 10650µ0 nAtv8onEp(KAELOTO OUOTT']µO.

he Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God is at the east end of the village of Spilio in Grevena prefecture. All that survives of th,e monastery is the katholikon and part of the ground floor of the north. The ground plan of the church wing. The katholikon was built in 1633 and is a church of the Athonite type, being a complex tetrastyle inscribed church with a dome, side apses, and a narthex. In the late nineteenth or earlv twentieth century, an outer narthex -cum-lite was added at the west end and a three-storey belfry at the north-west corner. The masonry consists of rubblework with horizontal timber ties, while the apses and the narthex dome are built with poros ashlars in opus isodomum. The, dome over the naos is built in cloisonne opus isodomum.


, ,_~ 't.~ '~-~ .,i'.


1. H KOTOI/JT/ m u vaou - The ground plan of the church. KA0OAIKO MONHL KOIMHr EOL THI 0 EOTOKOY rnHM IOY

2. H avaTOAlKTJ Ot/JT/ • East asp ect.


H areya<Jr] TOU VQOU 8LVOL )(HCJ1T] KOL QTTOT8A8LTOL an6 OUVOAO µtKp6Tepwv TpOUAWV TTOU eyypo<pOVTOl O"TOV 6yKo TTJ<; O"T£YT']<; (cpoupvtK6) KOL Kaµapwv. H areyri Tou ve6Tepou Tµ17µmoc; eivOL ~UAtVrJ o(ppt)(TTl. H emKOAUljJrJ yiveTOt µe ax1ar6nAaKe<;.

0 va6c; eivOL Kmoypacpoc;, µe Tmxoypacp(ec; nou <ptA0TeXV178T']Kav TµT']µanK6 an6 TO 1640 we; TO 1658, auµcpwva µe emypacpec; ae OlCl<pOpa <Jr]µefa TOU. LTO WWTeptKO TOU aw½eTOl QK£pOLO TO ariµavnK6 ~uMyt..umo eniXPuao Teµnt..o TOU. H µeMTT'] TOU µvriµeiou avamuaaeTOl ae Mo Teuxri. LTO npwTO neptAaµ[36veTOt ri nep1ypacp17 Tou vaou KOL ri axeari Tou µe TTJV nep10X17, ri av6Auari Tou Tp6nou o6µriaric;, taroptK6 armxeia. neptypO<pOVTOl Ol KQTQOK8UQO"TlK£<; <poaet<; KOL QKOAOU0ef cpwrnypa<plKl7 TeKµr]p(wari KOL 0)(£0lQ QTTOTUTTWOT']<;. napouat6½eTOL ri na0ot..oy(a Tou KOL ri npWTTJ av6Auari Twv OLT(wv nou npOKCIAWQV nc; <p0opec;.

napOUOlCl½eTOl eTTL<Jr]<; T'] epeuva TTOU £ytve en( TOTTOU, QAACI KOL O"TO epyaOT17plO yta TT']V KQTQVOT']<Jr] TOU Tp6nou 00µ17<; TOU vaou KOL TWV xapaKTTJplO"TlKWV TWV UAlKWV nou TOV anoTe>--.ouv, Ka0wc; KOL TO anoTeMaµaTO nou aneowae. nepiypo<peTOt To nt..a(mo Twv Kavov1aµwv aro ono(o auµµopcpwveTOL ri µeMTT'], ot cpopTiaetc; nou em[36MovTOt aro µoVTeAo. Tet..oc; ae n(vaKe<; napOUOlCl½OVTOL TO µrixavtKCI xapaKTTJplO"TlKCI TWV UAlKWV 00µ17<; KOL TOU eOO<pOU<;, TO ono(a £ytvav OeKTO OQV [30<Jr] TT']<; armtKl7<; µeMTTJ<; µeT6 an6 a~toMyriari TWV anornt..eaµ6Twv TTJ<; epeuvac; KOL auyKpl<Jr] µe QVTIO"TOlXe<; TTAT']pO<pop(ec;, nou civet ri [3t[3Atoypacp(a.

The church has a built roofing system of calottes and barrel vaults. The later part has a pitched timber roof. The roofs are covered with slates. The entire church is decorated with frescoes that were painted in stages between 1640 and 1658, according to inscriptions in various places. The important carved gilded wooden templon survives intact. The restoration project is in two parts. The first includes a description of the church and how it relates to the surrounding area, an analysis of the mode of construction, and historical data. A description of the construction phases is followed by photographs and plans. The pathology is discussed, with an initial analysis of the factors which caused the damage. There is also an account of thH investigations that have been carried out both on the spot and in the laboratory to work out how the church was constructed and the characteristics of the building materials, together with the relevant findings. The parameters governing the project are outlined, and the loads applied to the model. Finally, tables are given of the mechanical characteristics of the building materials and the ground, which were accepted as the basis for the structural survey after the findings of the investigation had been evaluated and compared with information found in the sources.

4. H µovrnJ..ono{f/arJ µe nenepaa11iva OTocxefa. The model of the church baseci on finite elements.

3. Tµf/µa Tf/<; OlOK6aµ'7arJ<; TOU vaou OTO cep6. Part of the decoration of the church.

5. N6Tia 6(/1'7 - South aspect. KA0OJ\IKO MONH:1: KOIMH:1:E0:1: THI 0EOTOKOY rnHMIOY


LTO 5euTepo Teuxoc;, napoumal;eTat T"l µovrnAOTIOLT"lOll TOU OTOTlKOU cpopea TOU µvriµdou, nou eytve µe AemoµepeLO, ware VO OVTOTIOKplVETQI KOTQ TO 5uvm6 OTtc; 5t6cpopec; cp6ae1c; TOU, 6aov acpop6 TT"l yewµeTpLK'l µopcp17 Tou, aM6 Kat Ta µrixavtK6 XOPOKTT"lPlOTlKO TWV en( µepouc; UAlKWV. LTT"lV TEAWTOlO cp6017, µeAET'781"1KE O cpopeac; µeTO TT"lV OTIOKOTOOT0017 TT"lc; µopcp17c; Tou. napoum6l;oVTm TO anoTeMaµma Tric; av6Auaric; Kat TO auµnepaaµma nou npoKumouv.

The second part presents the model of the structural system of the monument, which was put together in detail in order to correspond as closely as possible to the various construction phases in terms of its geometrical form and the mechanical characteristics of the various materials. In the final stage, the structural system was investigated after the consolidation and restoration proposal had been applied. The resu lts of the analysis and the conclusions drawn from them are presented.

AKOAOU8et T"l npOT0017 OTIOKOTOOT0017c; KQI TO KOTOOKWOOTlKO axe51a. AvaMeTOt o Tp6noc; Kat ri ae1p6 eKTeAe017c; K68e epyaa(ac; Kat nep1yp6cpoVTm TO npoTetv6µeva UALK6.

The restoration proposal and the construction plans follow, analysing the method and order in which each task is carried out and describing the proposed materials.

LTO TeAeUTa(o Kecp6Amo µeAeT178riKe µe nep1006Tepri Aemoµepeta OTpOUAOc; TOU KUp(wc; vaou. 0ewp178riKe OTL 5e AelTOUpyouv Myw cp8op6c; ot op1t;6vno1 E,UALVOLEAKUOT17pec;, ev<.i.> em~t-178riKe KOTOK6pucpri cp6pnari, 6nwc; op(l;eTm an6 TOV EupwK<.i.>5LKO 6. npoaeyyil;eTm ETot ri e1K6va ara51aK17c; priyµ6Tw017c;, nou ea napoua(al;e Myw a5uvaµ(ac; Tri<:; To1xono1(ac; TOU va avaM~eL KOTa TT"lV nep1cpepe1aK17 51eu8uv017 ecpeAKUOTLKec; T6ae1c; µeyaMTepec; an6 aUTec; nou nap0Aaµ~6ve1 arriv napouaa KOT6ara017.

The final chapter offers a more detailed study of the dome over the naos. It was concluded that the horizontal timber ties are too badly damaged to be effective, and a vertical load was applied as stipulated by Eurocode 6. A step-by-step limit collapse analysis is given, thus presenting the pattern of cracking until failure in the dome. This is due to its inability to withstand the tensile circumferential stresses, which are greater than those in force at present.

• 0 .0052 mm 0.0162 mm

0.0027 mm


0.0525mm · 0.73 mm

6. Ot µernK1vrjarn; rou Kt:A(Hpouc; y1a cp6pnof1 1.35G+ 1.500. Deformation of the shell for a load of 1. 35G + 1. 500.


61/)'7. West aspect.



8. Ot op0ic; ouv6µe1c; nou avanruaaovrac one; ooKouc;. N forces applied to the beams.


.11 .22

.34 .45 .56 .67 .78 .89 1.01 1.12




X •

. -


:r, ·1

10. laonµic; rwv µernKivfJaewv rwv emcpavetaKwv aroixefwv yta cp6pTIOTJ 1.35G+ 1.500. lsovalues of the deformation of the shell elements for a load of

1.35G+ 1.500.

' 1

I , ' ' '

· .v

9. Aemoµipeta µe nc; Kupiec; r6os1c; rrou avamuaoovrat arryv K6rw emcp6veia rwv aroixefwv rryc; opocpfJc;. Detail of the principal stressE1s which develop on the under surface of the elements of the roof.

0 .00

0 .50 1.01 1.51 2.0 1 2.52

3.02 3.52 4.03 4 .53 ~ 503 (N/cm2





11. H µovreJ..orrofr10TJ rou rpouJ..ou rou Kupfwc; vaou µe rrerrepaaµiva aroixefa. The model of the dome based on finite elements.


12. Ol lGOTlµic; TWV ecpeA.KUGTtKciJIV KUptWV r6aewv rrou avamuaaovrat aro rpouJ..o µe eewpryor, µ17 J..eiroupyfac; rwv ~uJ..wwv eJ..KUarfJpwv yta cp6pTlOTJ 1.35G+ 1.500. The isovalues of tensile stresses of the dome for a load of



AtKawp(vri Eµµavou~A, noAmK6c; µT)xav1K6c;

nAPOYIIAIH TON nPOB/\HMATON YrPAIIAI ITON IEPO NAO ArlOY NIKOMOY - NYM(l)AIOY KAI ANTIMETOlllIH TOYI ME TH XPHIH TOY nPOrPAMMATOI WUFI Em~Mnovrnc;: li1iµ~rptoc; Mn(Kac;, apxm:KTwv µl']xav1K6<; Ekaterini Emmanouil, civil engineer


architect engineer


va ariµavnK6 np6l3>-..1iµa anc; KaTOaKeuec; T6ao anc; KOLVOUpy1ec; 000 KOL ITTI<; TIOAOL£<; £lVOI l7 eµcpClVIOl7 uypaa(ac;. np6Ke1Tm y1a eva cpmv6µevo nou txe1 l3>-..al3epec; OUV£TI£1£<; TOOO OTl7V KOTOOKWT) 000 KOi OTOV av8pwmVO opyav1aµ6.

LTl7V napouaa om>-..wµm1Kr') epyaa(a y(veTOL µ(a npoan68e1a napoua(a017c; TWV npol3>-..17µ6Twv uypaa(ac; KOL TWV Tp6nwv avnµeTwmar')c; TOuc;. LUYK£Kp1µeva, napoum6l;ovrn1 npol3>-..r')µma KOi OVOAUOVTOI eneµl36ae1c; y10 T'7V anOKOTOOTOar') TOU<; ae £VO auyK£Kp1µevo KTlplO µV17µ£10KOU xopaKTr')pa. np6K£1TOI y10 µ(a Tp(K>-..1T17 i;u>-..oOTeyr') l3aa1A1Kr') eKK>-..170(0 KT1aµ£V17 To 1867. H KOTQOKWT) txe1 unoOTet 017µ0VTIK£<; cp8opec; OTO XPOVO 01 ono(ec; ocpetAOVTOL KOTel;oxr')v ae n>-..17µµeAr') auVTr')p17ar') T'l<; r') ae eneµl36ae1c; nou npayµmono1r')817Kav np0Ke1µevou va OVT1µeTWntOTet TO np6l3>-..17µ0 T17<; uypaa(ac; KOL enecpepav aVT(8eTO anOT£A£Oµa. H KOTOcrKeur') Tou vaou txe1 y(ve1 ae 016cpopec; cp6cre1c; KOL µe T17 XPrJO'l UAIKWV µ17 cruµl3mwv nou eml3apuvouv Tl7V OPXIKT) ooµr') T6cro µopcpo>-..oy1K6 6ao KOL we; npoc; T17v na8o>-..oy(a.

Le µ(a np6acpan1 npoan68e10 anoKOTOOT0017<; Twv cp8opwv ey1ve µ(a ae1p6 vewv eneµl36aewv. H anoua(a µeMn1c; KOL OTl7 cruyKeKp1µev17 cp6017 6nwc; KOL OTI<; npoyevemepec; m8av6TaTa eml36puve £K vfou Tl7V KOTOOKWll µe npol3A17µma nou ea y(vouv opm6 µe T17v n6pooo Tou XP6vou. LTl7V napouaa om>-..wµm1Kr') y(vern1 nap6M17>-..a napoua(a017 ev6c; vfou npoyp6µµmoc; TO ono(o XPl70tµeue1 we; epyMdo µeAET'l<; TWV 01£pyamwv 01uypOV017<; TWV OOµIKWV OTOIXetWV. np6K£1TOI y10 µ(a µ17 OT08ep17c; KOTOOT0017<; µ1::8000 npocroµo(w0'7<;, 6nou oe >-..aµl36voVTm un6tj.J17 01 an>-..ono117nK£<; napaooxtc; T'l<; OT08epr')c; KOT60Ta017c; µe86oou anoT1µ17017c; Glaser.


H npocroµo(w017 Tou µv17µe(ou ey1ve µe T17 XPrJO'l Tl7<; eKnOLoeunKr')<; £K00017<; Tou npoyp6µµmoc; (wufi 3.2), OT17V ono(a oev dvm ouvaTr') 17 np6crl30017 ae op1crµeva oeooµeva nou e1aay6ye1o XPrJOT'l<;-LUYK£Kp1µeva TO el;wTep1K6 K>-..1µmo>-..oy1K6 oeooµeva K08wc; KOi Ol cruv8'7K£<; OTO £0WT£PIKO TOU µv17µdou anoTe>-..ouv OTOLXetO µ17 npoane>-..601µ0 y10 TO µe>-..eT17TrJ Tl7<; eKnmoeunKr')<; £K00017<;. Km6 cruvene1a TO cruµnep6crµma nou

n important problem in constructions, not only in the new but also in the old ones, has been the emergence of moisture. This is a phenomenon of harmful consequences both on constructions and on the human organism.


In this diploma thesis, we are making an effort to present the moisture problems and the ways to confront these problems. Specifically, moisture problems are presented, and the measures to restore these problems in a particular building of monumental type, are analysed. This building is a three-aisle woodenroofed basilica church built in 1867. The construction has suffered severe damages through time, mainly because of defective works of maintenance or repair measures that took place in order to solve the moisture problem; however, these measures brought about the opposite result. The construction of the church was completed in various different stages; the materials used were incompatible and added extra burden to the initial structure, as far as both morphology and pathology are concerned. In a recent effort to restore the damages, a series of new measures were taken. The lack of research, not only during this stage but also during the previous ones, likely added more problems to the construction; such problems are going to become apparent in the course of time. At the same time, in this diploma thesis a new PC program is presented; it is a very useful tool for the study of the hygric processes of building elements. It is a "non-steady state" simulation method , in which th e simplifying assumptions of the "steady-state" Glaser assessment method are not taken into account. The church simulation was made with the use of the Education version of the WUFI software (wufi 32) . This version does not allow access to certain data ,entered by the user. Specifically, the outdoor climate data, as well as the conditions in the interior of the monument, is not approachable information for the user of the Education version. Accordingly, the conclusions that result are not compatible with the data of the building under study. On the other hand, a comparison of the simulation results between


npoKumouv oev dvm auµl3m6 µe Ta oeooµeva Tou un6 µeM-

1TJ KTtp(ou. E(vm 6µwc; e<pum'] 17 auyKpt017 Twv an0Te11.wµ6Twv npoaoµo(w017<; yta µ(a otmoµt'] nptv KOi µn6 Twv meµl36aewv OTIOKOTOOT0017<;. npoKetµevou vo ecpapµomd TO np6ypaµµa wufi mov lep6 Na6 Ay(ou NtK011.6ou, npayµmon0tt']817Kav Tfoaeptc; npoaoµotwaetc;: • npoaoµo(w017 11.tSoiSoµt']c; nptv Tt<; meµl36aetc; Tou 2000 • npoaoµo[w017 11.tSoooµt']c; µeT6 nc; meµl36aetc; Tou 2000

a cross-section before and another after the repair measures is feasible.In order to apply the Wufi software to the case of the Holy Church of Agios Nikolaos, four simulations were done: In order to apply the Wufi software to the case of the Holy Church of Agios Nikolaos, four simulations were done: • Masonry simulation before the measures of 2000 • Masonry simulation after the measures of 2000 • Roof simulation before the measures of 2000

• npoaoµo[w017 mey17c; nptv nc; rneµl36aetc; Tou 2000

• Roof simulation after the measures of 2000

• npoaoµo[w017 mey17 µeT6 nc; eneµl36aetc; Tou 2000

From the simulation, the following diagrams result:

An6 T17v npoaoµo[w017 npoKumouv otayp6µµma:

• Rain and solar radiation diagram, based on time,

• Bpoxt']c; Km aKTtvol3011.[oc; ae

axeO'l µe TO xp6vo

• 0epµoKpaa(ac; KOi axenKt']<; uypaa(ac; TOU EOWTEPLKOU KOi Tou e~wTeptKou aepa TT]<; KOTaaKeut']c; ae axeO'l µe To XP6vo • 0epµoKpaa[ac; KOi axenKt']<; uypaa(ac; T'l<; e~wTeptKt']<; KOi T'l<; eawTeptKt']<; emcp6vetoc; T'l<; otmoµt']c; ae axeO'l µe TO XPOVO • nepteKTtKOU]TO<; ae vep6 ae axeO'l µe TO XP6vo auvo11.tK6 yta T'l <Stmoµt'] KOi ~exwptm6 yta K60e u11.tK6

• Diagram of temperature and relative moisture in the interior and outdoor air of the constriuction, based on time, • Diagram of temperature and relative moisture in the exterior and interior surface of the cross-section, based on time, • Moisture-content diagram, in1 total for the cross-section and separately for each material, based on time, • Diagram of temperature, relative moisture and moisture-content, for the first and the last stage of the simulation, for different layers of the cross-section.

• 0epµoKpoa[oc;, axenKt']<; uypaa[oc; Km nepteKTtK6T17Tac; ae vep6 yta TO npwTO Km TO Te11.euTa(o !317µ0 TT]<; npoaoµo(w017<; ae axeO'l µenc; mpwaetc; T'l<; otaToµt']c;.

The wufi software is an important tool for the simulation of con-

1. TµfJµa TT)<; v6r1ac; 6(/lryc; TrJc; t:KKJ-..rya{ac; Part of the south elevation of the church

2. TµfJµa TT}<; f36pe1ac; 6(/Jryc; TT}<; BKKJ-..ryafac; Part of the north elevation of the church nAPOYLIALH TON nPOBAHMATON YrPA:1:IA:1: ITON IEPO NAO ArlOY NIKOMOY - NYM<l>AIOY


To np6ypaµµa wufi anoTeAei tva Ol7µavnK6 epyMe[o npoaoµo[wOTJc; TWV KQTQOKeuwv µe OKOn6 TOV 8VTOmaµ6 KQl TT]V QVTLµeTWTilOTJ Twv npol3>-..riµ6Twv uypaa(ac;. fj.e e[vm 6µwc; c5uvm6 va aVTLKUTam17aet TT]V epyaa[a nec5[ou. r1a TTJV al;1ono[riOTJ Twv c5uvmoT17Twv Tou eivm anapaLTT]TTJ l'l el;ernari no>-..u6p18µwv napaµt:Tpwv KQl l()lOTl7TWV TOOO TWV UAlKWV µeµovwµeva, 6ao Km oA6KAT]pTJc; TT]c; KmaaKeu17c;, Ka8wc; KQl TT]c; Tono8ecriac; OTT]V ono[a QUTl7 l3p[aK8TQl. H ecpapµoy17 Tou ae µvriµeia, c5T]Aac517 ae KmaaKeuec; y1a nc; ono(ec; MaKOAQ µnopouv va el;axeouv auµnepaaµma y1a TT] auv8eOTJ, nc; 1cS16TT]Tec; KQl TT] auvox11 TOuc;, Ka8wc; KQl T] µeMTT] KQl QVCIAUOTJ TWV c51aypaµµ6TWV nou npOKUITTOUV an6 TT]V npoaoµo[wOTJ anmTouv an6 TO µeA£TT]T!7 yvwOTJ Km eµne1p[a OTO Toµfo TT]c; uypo8epµLKl7c;. H eKnmc5eunK17 t:Kc500TJ Tou npoypaµµmoc; ri ono[a c5tm[8ernL 8A8U8epa KQAUITT8l t:VQ µ1Kp6 µepoc; TWV C)UVQTOTl7TWV TOU. H el;aywy17 auµnepaaµ6Twv an6 rn c5tayp6µµma nou npoKumouv µe TT]V ecpapµoy17 TT]c; auyKeKptµevric; t:Kc5oOTJc; ae eva µvT]µeio SewpeiTm napaKtvc5uveuµtvri.


structions, designed to dEitect and cope with moisture problems. However, this method is not possible to replace fieldwork. In order to use all its possibilities, it is necessary to examine the numerous parameters and properties, not only of each material separately, but also of the entire construction, as well as of the site of the construction. Application of Wufi in case1s of monuments (that is constructions for the composition, properties and consistency of which it is difficult to reach any conclusions), as well as study and analysis of the diagrams which result from the simulation, require the user's knowledge and experience in the field of hygrothermics. The Educational version of the program, which is free to download, covers only a small part of the program possibilities. To use the diagrams, which result from the application of this version on a monument, in order to arrive at any conclusion, is considered to be venturesome.

3. LlUTlKTJ 6(/117 TrJ<; eKK/i.17a(ac; - West elevation of the church nAPOYflAIH TON nPOB/\HMATON YrPAflAI HON IEPO NAO ArlOY NIKO/\AOY - NYM<l>AIOY

sandiwich Construction

WUFI 3.0

Temperature ("CJ




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4. napoua{aOTJ Kara TT/ i516pKew TrJc; rrpoaoµo(wOTJc; - Presentation during the simulation

Avspx_6µevri uypa.oio. LN. AflOT NIKOM0T KATO'tH IrorEI0T KNMAKA 1: 125

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tiriµ~1p1oc; Ka'tµ6.p11c;, rnnoypacpoc; µr1xavtK6<;

(J)QTOrPAMMETPIA - (J)QTOEPMHNEIA: LllEPEYNHTIKA EPrMEIA rTHN APXAIOJ\OrLA. Em~Mnovrec;: 'OAya rewpyouAa, TOnoypaq>oc; µrixavtK6c;, rewpy1oc; Kapaoeooc;, apxm:KTWV µrixavtK6c;-apxmoMyoc;

Dimitrios Kaimaris, surveyor engineer


Supervisor: Olga Georgoula,

surveyor engineer,

George Karadedos, architect engineer-archaeologist

npoacpopci Tllc; apx0Lo11.oy1K17c; &mOTfJµr1c; a& 611.0 Tov K6aµo KOL ELOLK(l OTOV EMr]VlKO xwpo, µ& nc; 6.nt::Lp&c; a& ap18µ6 0aµµev&c; apxOL6TrJT&c;, dvOL no11.u µ&y6.11.ri KOL ariµavnK17 . LT6xoc; TrJc; apx0Lo11.oyiac; o&v dvOL an11.6. ri anoKci11.ulJJri TWV OVTLK&Lµevwv, aMci rJ OTIOKOT(lOTOOrJ µtac; auyK&Kplµevric; opOOTr]plOTI7TO<; µeaw TWV OVTLK&tµevwv OUTWV, a' EVOV auyK&KptµEVO TOTTO, TTOU ovoµcii'.;&TOL OPXOL011.0ylKl7 0£0T"].


0 &VTomaµ6c;, rJ Ep&uva KOL rJ av6.0&1sri TWV OPXOL0/1.0YLKWV 0£0&WV, Poriea OTrJV OlO(j)Ufl.OSrJ TT"]c; TTOll.lTlOTlKl7c; KOL &8v1K17c; Kfl.T"]povoµ16.c; TWV Kpmwv. EsciMou, rJ OPXOL011.0ylKl7 ep&uva EX&l TI0/1.U µ&ycifl.ri ariµaa[a y1a Kci0& XWPOTOSLKO avamusLOKO ax&OLOaµ6, av aK&q>Td Kavdc; TT"JV nuKv6TrJTO Twv apxOL011.oytKwv 0£0&WV KOL TT"]V OSLO TWV OTIOK0/1.UITTOµ&VWV &upr]µciTWV, OE auvouaaµ6 µ& TrJV Kdµ&VT"] voµo0&a[a yta TrJV npomaa[a TOuc;. Ot apx0Lo11.oy1Kec; 0fo&tc; &VTon[i'.;oVTOL µ1:: TrJV &q>apµoy17 01acp6pwv µ&06owv, 6nwc; µ&/\.£Tr] ETTl(j)OV&lOKWV &Upr]µciTWV, Apxmol\oytKwv ti1aaKon17aewv, <l>w10epµrivdac;, <l>w10ypaµµ£Tp[ac;, K.T./1.. Mfow TrJc; llJr]q>LaK17c; <l>wTOypaµµ£Tp[ac;, dvOL ouvaT6v va oriµ1oupyri8ouv xapT&c; UljJrJ11.17c; OKp[P&tac;, llJT"](j)lOK(l MOVTEII.O Eocicpouc; KOL Op0ocpwTOxapT&c;. Ot rn11.&uTO[o1, auvoucii'.;ouv TO µt::Tpr]TlKO n&pl&XOµ&VO &voe; XciPTrJ KOL TO TTOLOTlKO TrJc; (j)WTOypacp(ac;. Mfow TrJc; <l>wTo&pµrivdac;, 01 apx0Lo11.oy1Kec; 0fo&tc; Kmapx17v &VTOTILi'.;OVTOL µ& Tr] po178&ta LXVWV, TO ono[a OTTOTUTIWVOVTOL OTLc; fl.TlljJ&Lc;. LTT"] OUVEXf:LQ TO l)(VT"] &pµr]V&UOVTOL, OK011.ou8wVTO<; (j)WTO&pµr]V&UTlKOUc; Kav6v&c;. H napouaa om11.wµanK17 &pyaa[a µ& TtT11.o "<l>wTOypaµµ&Tp[a<l>wTo&pµrivda: tit&p&uVrJTLKci Epya11.da mriv Apx0Lo11.oy[a", dX& we; OTOXO TrJV &µpci0UVOT"] a& 0£µ0TO l1Jr]q>LOK17c; <l>wToypaµµ&Tp(ac; KOL <l>wTo&pµrivdac;, a& &q>apµoyec; Apx0Lo11.oy1Kou &votacpepoVToc;. Qc; &q>apµoy17 , &mMx0rJK& 0 OPXOL011.oytK6c; xwpoc; Twv <l>tAinnwv KOL ri &up0Tepri n&ptox11 (ti-Bti TrJc; apxa[ac; n611.ric;), µ& OKOn6:

I. T11 li11µ1oupyia op8oq>wTOXOPTWV TOU xwpou KOi Tile; &upuT&p11c; n&proxtjc;, KAiµaKac; 1/2.000 KOi 1/5.000, aVTiaro1xa.


Xprimµono1178T"]Kav a&pocpwTOypacpi&c; 1:6.000/94 (O.K.X.E., apx0Lo11.oy1K6 xwpo), 1: 15.000/94 (O .K.X. E., wpuT&prJ n&p10X17)

he contribution of thB archaeological science all over the world and especially in Greece, with its innumerable buried antiquities, is of great importance. The aim of archaeology is not simply thie revelation of objects, but the re-stitution of a specific activity through these objects, in a given area, which is called archaeological base.


The location, research and distinction of archaeological positions, helps in the preservation of the cultural and national heritage of each state. Besides this, archaeological research is of great importance to each landplanning developmental formulation, if one considers the dEmsity of archaeological sites and the value of the revealed findings, combined with the existent legislation for their protection. Archaeological Sites are located through the application of various methods, such as study of surface findings, Photo-interpretation, Photogrammetry· and so on. Through Digital Photogrannmetry it is possible to create high precision maps, Digital Land Models and Orthophotomaps. The latter combine the measurative content of a map and the qualitative content of a photograph. Through Photointerpretation, archaeological sites are primarily located with the aid of traces, which are imprinted in acquisitions. Next, the traces are iinterpreted, following photo-interpretative rules. The aim of the present thesis entitled "Photogrammetry - Photointerpretation: Research Tools in Archaeology", was to delve into issues of Digital Photogrammetry and Photointerpretation, in applications of Archaeological interest. In practice, the archaeological site of Philips and the wider region (West-North West of the ancient city) wme chosen, aiming at: The creation of orthophotomaps of the site and the wider region, 1/2000 and 1/5000 climaxes, respectively. Aerial photographs 1:6.00/94 (Greek real Estate Agency and map plotting organisation, archaeological site) , 1: 15.000/94 (Greek Real Estate Agency and map plotting, wider region) and a network of photostable points (14) were used in the Greek Geodesic Report System 87. The processing took place at the Digital Photogrammetric Sta-


KOl 5(KTUO cpWTOOTa0epwv 017µdwv (14) OTO EMT)VlKO rew5mTlKO LUOTT)µa Avacpopac; '87. H ene~epyaa(a eytve OTov lJJT']cptaK6 <!>wTOypaµµnptK6 LT00µ6 (lJJ<l>L) Helava T'lC: Leica. b.l)µtoupy170l)Kav Ol Op0ocpwTOxapTec; I KOL IV (t:tK. 1, 2). H an65o017 Tou Op0ocpWTOXOPT'l I, npayµaTonot170l)K8 OTO axe5taOTtK6 np6ypaµµa AutoCAD2000, 5(voVTOC: Tov Op0ocpwTOXOPT'l II. II. T11v tpeuva y1a T'l µ&Tal30A11 T'l<; µopq>11c; Twv aypoT1Kwv cllOVOIJWV IJEOO OTO XPOVO. ::f:KlVWVTOC: OTTO Tl)V UcplOTOµEVT'] KQTC!OT0017, ano560l)KOV TO TTQ/\OlOTepa 5uvm6 xapaKTT)PlOTlKCl TWV t5lOKTT)mwv, b.-Bb. TT']C: apxa(ac; n6>-.11c; TWV <!>tA(nnwv. LKOn6c; Tl)C: µeMTT)C: auT17c;, 17TOv o m0av6c; evTOmaµ6c; Kanmwv OTOlXf:lWV, TO ono(a 0a µac; e5lVOV TTAT)pocpop(ec; YlO TlC: Pwµa'iKf-C: 5tavoµec;. Ava~l)TT70l)KOV TTOAOlOl XOpn:c; TWV b.lOVOµWV KOl 8VTOTTlOTT']KOV OplOTlKf-C: KOi LUµTTAT)pWµOTlKf-C: b.tavoµec;, 1:5.000 TOU Ynoupydou rewpy(ac;, m ono(ec; XPOvo>-.oyouVTm an6 TO 1928 ewe; To 1960. Me Tl) XPl70l1 Twv >-.oytaµtKwv GeoGalc, Metatro, lras-c Tou MicroStation SE KOL AutoCAD2000, ene~epy6a011Kav (l!JT1cptonot17aetc;, µETOoXT']µanaµo(, evonot17aetc;, an650017) KOL o Tf:AlKOC: 8VOTTOlT']µevoc; XOPT'lC:, npoJ3>-.170l)K8 OTOV Op0ocpWTOXClPT'l I (nMP'l TaunOT) Twv Kotvwv xapaKTT']plOTlKwv), 5(voVTac; Tf:AlKO Tov Op0ocpWTOXOPT'l Ill {t:tK. 3).

Ill. T11 OUOT'llJOTIKll <l>WTO&PIJ'lV&UTIKll M&AET'l T'l<; n&p1ox11c; y1a TOV &VTOTTIOIJO KClTTOIWV IXVWV. IOTOplKf-C: TTT']Yf-C:, avacpepouv Tl) 5te>-.eu017 TT']C: Eyvm(ac; o5ou, an6 TO 5unK6 Tf:lX'l T'lC: apxa(ac; n6>--11c;. 'Hc:511, µeT6 an6 avoaKocpec;, exet onoKo>-.ucp0d evo Tµ17µ0 Tl)C: Eyvm(oc; o5ou, OTO WWT8plKO TT']c;. H pwµo'iKT7 aljJ(5o, Bb. Tl)C: n6>-.11c;, nou auµJ36>-.t~e TO no>-.mK6 Km otKovoµtK6 npov6µ10 Tl)C: QTTOlKlOC:, OTO n>-.a(ma TOU Pwµo'iKOU KpOTOUC:, OTTOTf-A.808 f-VO OKOµT'] KlVT)TpO yta cpWT08pµl)V8UTlKl7 µeMTT) T'lC: auyKeKptµev11c; neptox11c; Km anoaKonouae eKT6c; TWV 6Mwv, OTOV npoa5top10µ6 TT']<; xwplKllC: TT']C: axe011c; µe Tl)V Eyvm(o oM.


tion (DPS) of Helava Leica. Orthophotomaps I and IV were created (fig. 1, 2). The rendering of Orthophotomap I, was carried out on the designing program AutoCAD2000, resulting in Orthophotomap II.

II. Research on the modification of the form of rural distribution through the ages. Startin1;i with the existent situation, the other possible characteristics of the Western- Northwestern ancient city of Philips were rendered. The aim of this study was the potential location of certain facts, which would give us information about the Roman distributions. Old maps of Distributions were searched for and the Final and Supplementary Distributions were located, 1:5000 of the Ministry of Agriculture, which date frnm 1928 to 1960. Through the use of GeoGalc, Metatro, lras-c of Microstation SE and AutoCAD2000, they were processed (digitalisations, remodelling, unification, rendering) and the final unified map was displayed on the Orthophotomap I (full id1,mtification of common characteristics), finally giving Orthophotomap Ill (fig. 3).

Ill. The Systematic Photointeractive Study of the area for the location of some traces. Historical sources mention the crossing of Via Egnatia, outside the western walls of the ancient city. After excavations, a part of Via Egnatia has already been revealed, in its interior. Th13 Roman arch, Northwest to the city, which symbolised the political and economic privileges of the colony, within the frame of the Roman State, constituted one more motive for the photointerpretative study of the specific area and aimed, among other points, to define its territorial relationship with Via Egnatia. During the concentration of the photographic material and prior to its digitalisation and introduction to DPW, a systematic photointerpretative study of stereopairs, with the help of the reflective Stereoscope (STK1-Wild). This initial study aimed at the familiarisation with the geomorphology of the area and the first investigative photointerpretation. In the second stage, during the



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1. Op0o<f)wrnxap r r,c; I - Orthophotomap I.


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Kma Tl7 OLOPKELQ Tile; ouyK&VTpWCJll<; TOU q>WTOypaq>LKOU UALKOU KOL npLV TrJV ljJrJq>LOTTOlrJCJll TOU KOL TrJV ELOaywytj TOU OTOV lJJC!>l, npayµmonOLtj8rJKE µLa OUOTrJµaTLKtj q>WTOEpµrJVEUTLKtj µEAeTl"J TWV OTEpEO~EUYWV, µE Tl"J potj8ELO KQTOITTpLKOU OTEpEOOKOTTIOU (STK1 -Wild). H OPXLKtj auTtj µeMTrJ, anooKonouoe OTrJV E~OLKEIWOrJ µe Tl"J yewµopcpot..oy(a TrJ<; nepLoxtjc; KOL OTl"JV npwT17 OLEPEUVrJTLKtj q>WTOEpµrive(a. LTO OEUTEPO OTOOLO, KQTO Tl"J Cl>wTOypaµµETplKtj ETTE~Epyao[a OTOV lJJC!>l, y(vOVTQV nap6MrJAO AEmoµepEic; OTEpEOOKOTTlK&c; napmriptjOEL<; TWV AtjljJEWV. AnoT&Aeoµa tjTOv, o evTOmoµ6c; µey6Aou ap18µou LXYWV, TO ono[a epµrJVELJTl7KOV µE µey6Ari npoooxtj. LTO OUVOAO TWV nepLmwoewv, rJ OPXLKtj epµrivEia nou i568rJKE y1a TO LXYl"J KOL rJ ono[a pao(OTrJKE OE Cl>WTOEpµ17vEUTLKOU<; KOV6vec;, empep0Lw817KE. AuT6 &yLVE ouvm6v, ouvoua~oVTac; 6Mec; nt..17pocpop(ec; 6nwc;: q>WTOEpµ17vEia AtjljJEWV 1:42.000/45 (1.YL) KOL µeye8uoµevwv Tµl7µ0TWV (x3) QUTWV KOL TWV a/q> 1: 16.000/94, an6ooOll TWV b.tavoµwv, TTOU OTl<; nEpLOOOTEpE<; TTEpLITTWOEl<; an&OEL~E nc; apx1Kec; epµ17vEiec; KOL npooeq>epe Tl7 ouvm6T17TO axenKtjc; xpov0My17CJ11c; TWV LX;IWV, LOTOpLK&c; nriyec;, OPXOLOAOYLK&c; epeuvec; KOL Eq>apµoyec; ljJl7q>LOKWV q>VI.TPWV. Ta nMov EVOLOq>&pOVTQ lX;/17, TO ono[a EVTOn(o817KOV KOL epµrJVEUT17KOV, &[VOL: TO [xvri TrJ<; Eyvm[ac; ooou b.-Bb. TrJ<; apxa[ac; n6t..17c; TWV Cl>LA(nnwv (e1K. 4), o Kt..6ooc; Tou 1ayy(T17 nornµou, nou otjµepa exe1 KOAuq>Se[ an6 nc; veec; LOLOKTrJoiec; (e1K. 5, 6), Tµtjµa Tou OXUpWµaTLKOU TELXOU<; TWV b.17µ0KpaTLKWV KQTQ Tl7 µOXrJ TOU 42 n.X. KOL apxOLot..oyLK6 AE[ljJava pwµaYKou K6mpou, m17v Touµna TOU Mey6AOU Me~avopou (Op8oq>WTOXOPT11<; V).

photointerpretation of acquisition 1:42000(Geographical Military Service) and magnified sections (x3) of these and the aerial photograph 1:16000/94 rendering of Distributions, which in most cases proved the initial interpretations and gave the opportunity to relatively date the traces, historical sources, archaeological research and digital filter applications. The most interesting traces, which were located and interpreted, are: the traces of Via Egnatia West-Northwest to the ancient city of Philips (fig. 4), the branch of the Gaggitis river, which is covered today by new property (fig. 5, 6), section of the fortress wall of the Democrats during the battle of 42 BC and archaeological remnants of a Roman castle, at the tomb of Alexandeir The Great (Orthophotomap V). IV. The study of the ancient landscape through the great battle, between the Democrats Brute- kassius and the Aristocrats Antonius-Octavianus, which took place west of the ancient city of Philips in 42 BC.

Utilising the results of Photointerpretative study and historical sources, the ancient landscape was fully restituted and a digital representation of the great battle of Philips was rendered (fig. 7).

IV. Tl'J µeAETl'J Tou 10Top1Kou Tonfou Tl'JC: µey6A11c; µ6x11c;, µeTa~u Twv .t.11µ0KpaT1Kwv BpouTou-K6aoiou Km Twv Ap10ToKpaT1Kwv AVTWVIOU-OKTOl310VOU, nou &Aal3E xwpa l>UTIK0 Tl'JC: apxafac; n6A11c; TWV <1>1Afnnwv TO 42 n.X.

general, the visualisation of archaeological locations is mandatory, since it is a product, which gives an immediate impression of the archaeological site.

A~1onOL<.iJVTac; TO anoTeMoµma Tile; q>wToepµ17veuT1Ktjc; µeMTrJ<; KOL TL<; lOTOpLK&<; TTT'JY&<;, OTTOKQTOOT08rJKE nf..tjpwc; TO apXOLO Tonio KOL npayµmonoLtj8rJKE µLa ljJ17q>1aKtj avanapaOTaCJll Tile; µey6Aric; µaxric; Twv Cl>LA(nnwv (e1K. 7).

From the aerial photographs 1:15.000/ 94 and with the use of the DPW, the Digital Land Model was created and the Orthophotography 1:5.000, which constituted the basis for the creation of the video, through MicroStation SE software (fig. 8).

V. Tl'J l>11µ1oupyfa ev6c; l3fVT£0 nep1~y11a11c;-m~a11c;, OTl'JV ne-

With the completion of research, photography (proportional or digital) is proved to be a valuable tool, when studying Archaeological sites. Photogrammetric processing leads to products of measurative and/or thematic content, while Photointerpretative acquisition processing offers valuable information, which may lead to the location of archaeological positions.

p1ox~ TWV <1>1Afnnwv. I EVLKOTEpa, 17 OITTLKOTTOll7CJll TWV OPXOLOAOYLKWV etoewv emPaMETOL, K08wc; EIVOL eva npo'iov, nou OLVEL 6µECJ11 QVTV1.rJljJl7 TOU OPXOLOAOYLKOU xwpou. An6 nc; a/q> 1: 15.000/94 KOL µE Tl7 XPtjCJll TOU lJJC!>l, OrJµLoupytj817KE TO lJJrJq>lOKO MoVT&AO Eoaq>ouc; KOL rJ op8oq>wTOypacp(a 1:5.000, nou anoT&Aeoav Tl7 P60ll yLa Tll 017µLOupy(a TOU p[VTEO, µfow TOU t..oyLoµLKOu MicroStation SE (e1K. 8). Me Tl7V OAOKAtjpWCJll Tile; &peuvac;, 17 q>WTOypacp(a (OVOAOYLKtj tj ljJ17q>LaKtj) avai5ELKVUETOL we; tva noMnµo epyOAEio, OT17V nep[mwCJll µEA.eTrJ<; ApXOLOAOYLKWV xwpwv. H Cl>wTOypaµµETPLKtj ene~epyao(a ooriyEi oe npo'i6VTa µeTpl7TLKou tj/KOL SeµanKou nepLexoµtvou, evw 17 Cl>wToepµriveunKtj ene~epyao(a Twv t..tjljJewv npooq>&pEL not..unµec; nt..17poq>op(ec;, OL ono[ec; EivOL ouvm6v va 0017Ytjoouv mov eVTomaµ6 apxOLot..oyLKWv etoewv. Ttt..oc;, unapxeL OVTLKEiµevo yLa nepOLT&pw tpeuva, nou an6 T17V TTAEUpa TOU Tonoypaq>ou M17xavLKOU ea µnopouoe va aq>opa: I. lT17v XPtjCJll KOL ene~epyao(a oopucpopLKwv e1K6vwv, uljJ17t..tjc; avOAuCJllc;, TTOVXPWµOTLKWV KOL not..ucpaoµm1Kwv. II. LTOV npoypaµµanoµ6 KOL EKT&AECJll µayv17TLKWV µETptjoewv m 1c; 8foeLc;, nou onoo(ooVTOL TO auvex6µeva ypaµµLKO OTOLxda OT17v Eyvm[a oi56. Ill. T17v AVT[OTpOq>l7 Cl>wTOypaµµETp(a. ELaaywytj TOU µoVT&AOU TrJ<; aljJ[oac; 0Tl7V npoom1Ktj Tl7<; ELKOVO.

npoTOOEL<;, nou anoT&Aouv aVTLKEiµevo 01emOT17µov1Ktjc; ouvepyao(ac;, EivOL:


photogrammetric process in the DPS, detailed ste-reoscopic observations of the acquisitions took place. The result was the location of a great number of traces, which were inter-preted with great attention. In all cases, the initial interpretation which was given for the traces and which was based on photointeractive rules, was confirmed. This was made possible by combining other information such as:

I. npoypaµµm1aµ6c; Kot aµeCJll EKT&AECJll apxOLot..oyLKwv ova-

V. The creation of a flight video-tour, in the area of Philips. In

Finally, there is something to be left for further research, which according to the Surveyor Engineer could involve: I. The use and processing of satellite multichromatic and multispectral images. II. The programming and execution of magnetic measurements in the positions where the continuous linear elements on Via Egnatia are attributed to.

Ill. Reverse Photogrammetry, Introduction of the arch model in its perspective image. Proposals, which constitute an object of interscientific coope-ration, are: I. Programming and immediate execution of archaeological excavations on top of the tomb of Alexander the Great (remnants of Roman castle). Trial in depth elevations and /or magnetic measurements are necessary, in order to define the " nature of the tomb". II. By concentrating all the inlformation available, on behalf of Archaeologists, Architects and Surveyor Engineers, it is possible to create a flexible Geographical Information System, which will involve the archaeological site of Philips and the wider region. Through it, connective studies of the archaeological


OKOcpWV OH]V KOpUcpl7 T17<; Touµnac; TOU Mc:y6A.OU Mc:~6vopou (A.dljJava pwµa·iKou K6mpou). t:.oKtµamLKE<; TOµEc; oc: ~60oc; 11/KOL µayvrJTLKE<; µnp11oc:tc; dvOL anapa(T17rnc;, yta TOV npooowptoµ6 Tr]<; "cpuaric; Tr]<; TOUµnac;".

sites can be carried out. New archaeological positions can be defined as well as protective z:ones. Lastly, studies for the creation of an archaeological pairk can be conducted. Ill. Study of Roman Distributions, aided by Orthophotomap Ill.

II. Mc: TrJ ouyKEVTpwari DA.WV Twv ota0fotµwv TIA.rJpocpoptwv, EK µEpouc; Twv ApxOLoMywv, lmoptKwv, APXLTEKT6vwv KOL Tonoyp6cpwv, dvOL ouvm6v va oriµtoupyried Eva WEA.LKTO r .L.n., nou ea acpop6 TOV OPXOLOA.OYLKO xwpo TWV <llLA.lTITIWV KOL TrJV wpuTEPrJ nc:pLOXll• MEOW OUTOU, µnopouv VO y(vouv µc:MTc:c; ouvoc:aric; TWV OPXOLOA.OYLKWV xwpwv, VO opto0c:Tr]0ouv Ol VEE<; OPXOLOA.OYLKE<; Sfoc:tc;, VO K000plOTOUV c:;wvc:c; npomao(ac; KOL va c:Knovrieouv µc:MTc:c; yta TrJ oriµtoupy(a apxOLoA.OYLKOu n6pKou. Ill. MEAETrJ TWV pwµa·tKWV OLOVoµwv, µc: Tr] ~Ol78ELO TOU Op80cpwTOXOPT17 Ill.

4. H nopda rr,c; Eyvar(ac; ooou - The itinerary of Via Egnatia. 3. An6anaaµa rou Op8ocpwrnx6pn7 Ill. Extract of Orthophotomap Ill.

5. En(µr,Kec; arnixdo, wxa(ac; µopcpryc;. Elongated element, of random form.

7. AnoKar6araar, mu apxa(ou ron(ou. Restitution of the ancient landscape.

6. Ervat KA6i5oc; mu ,ayyfrr, nornµou. Lltavoµic; '28, '40. It is a branch of the Gaggitis river. Distributions '28, '40.

8. An6anaaµa rou f3(vreo neptryyr,ar,c; - mryar,c;. Extract of the video flight-tour. <l>OTOrPAMMETPIA - <l>OTOEPMHNEIA: lllEPEYNHTIKA EPrMEIA HHN APXAIO/\OrlA


BaOL/1.lK~ Ka/1.TQTIQVLOOU - nupo~£TITT], apxm:KTWV µrixavtK6c;


Vassiliki Kaltapanidou - Pirovetsi, architect engineer


VTLKeiµevo Tile; µeMT17c; anoTeAe( o va6c; Tile; Ayiac; napaaKeu~c;, OTT"JV evop(a OtKov6µou Kamopt6c;, eVT6c; Twv f3U½QVTLVWV TeLXWV TT"]c; n6A17c;, OTl7 auµf30A~ TWV O0WV I. Ltwµou Km Ayiac; napaaKeu~c;. np6KeLTOL y1a TpiKALT'l At86KTLm17 f3aaLALK~ xapaKT17ptaµevri an6 To Y.n.n.o we; µvriµeio XP~½oVTac; eti51K~c; KPOTLK~c; npomaaiac; µe ½wv17 npomaa(ac; 8µ. yupw an6 auT6 (<l>.E.K. 848/8/16-10-91) .


IToxoc; TrJc; µeMTT"]c; eivm 17 omµopcpwari ev6c; nAma(ou eneµf36aewv KOi 17 0 1aTunwari np6rnaric; y1a T17v anoKmamaari Km TT"]V nA~P'l enav6XPl70'7 Tou µvriµeiou. npo17y~817Ke auOTT"]µanK~ TeKµ17p(wari - av6Auari Twv LOToptKwv, OPXLTeKTOVLKwv KOi KmaaKeuaOTLKWV aE;twvTou µv17µeiou. Eniaric; ae eva L0LaiTepo Kecp6Amo Tile; µeMTT"]c; ey1ve npoan68eta va eE;17y178ouv Ta aiTta Tile; µey6A17c; eE;anAwaric; Tou Tunou TT"]c; TpiKALTT"]c; f3aaLALK~c; KaTO TOuc; ouo TeAeuTa[ouc; mwvec; Tile; ToupKOKpm[ac; aM6 KOi VQ eVTOTilOTOUV Kat VO nep1ypacpouv optcrµeva f3aatKO XOPOKTl7plOTLKCI Twv vawv auTwv, 6nwc; eµcpavi½oVTm moue; neptaa6Tepouc; vaouc; Tile; MaKei5ov(ac; aM6 Km mo un6 µeMTT"] µvriµeio.

t:.uo &mypa<1>tc;, 17 npwT17 µe KepaµtK6 m0txeia OTl7 i5UT1K~ 64'17 KOi '7 0eUTep17 ae WWTepLK0 UTT8p8upo µapTUpOUV Tl7V 17µepoµ17v(a iopuaric; Tou vaou TO 1846 Km T17v anonep6Twari Tile; TOLXOypacp17~c; TOU TO 1884.



6.notjJr, TOU vaou an6 TO OUTIKQ. General view of the church



he subject of the present study is the church of St. Paraskevi at Economou district in Kastoria. It is a threeaisled-basilica type clhurch that has been characterized as an historical monument to be preserved by decision of the Ministry of Culture in 1991.


Aim of this thesis is the development of a proposal for resto-ration interventions of the monument and for that a systematic documentation - analysis of monument's historical, architectural and constructional values was carried out previously. An additional objective of the stucly is to explain the causes of the extension of the three-aisled - basilica type during the last two centuries of the Ottoman occupation. Two inscriptions document that the church was constructed in 1846 and the wall-painting finished in 1884. Economou district located within the Byzantine walls, preserved its Christian orthodox character throughout the ottoman occupancy. In the beginning of the 19th century , the social-economic and political conditions contributed to th,e construction of the church.

The church consists of the holy , the main naos and the narthex. On the west is the prostoo (portico), while the hayat is at the south and part of the west side. The roof of the church is gabled with cut-offs on the short-sides. On the south there are

2. Ynapxouoa KQTQOTQOT7. Ndna 01/JT/Present state. Southern fa~,ade.

H evop(a O1Kov6µou 6nou evron(½eTat TO µvriµe(o, i51m17pd TO )(PIOTIQVIK0 Tl7<; xapaKT17pa Ka8' 0A.11 Tl7 i516pK8LQ Tl7<; ToupK0Kpm(ac;, OTI<; apxec; i58 T0U 19ou 01., 01 i5te8vd<; auv817K8<; TT0U auv6m81 11 nu"-11 y1a 8p17aK8UTIK1l 8A.8U88p(a, 11 017µaVTLKll 01KOVOµLKll 6voi5oc; Twv Ka0Top1avwv eµn6pwv Kat 11 0Ta8ep17 Kotvwv1K17 i516p8pw017 auVTeAouv we; SenKo( napciyovrec; OT17v QV8y8p017 T0U VQOU. 0 va6c; OTTOT&A&iTOI an6 TO 1ep6, T0V Kup(wc; va6 KOi TO v6p817Ka. L'lunKci ~p(aKeTat TO npoOTwo. Xay16n nep1Tpexe1 Tll v6na Kat Tµ17µa TllC: iSUTLKll<; nAeupcic;. 0 va6c; KOAumeTat an6 ev1a(a i5(ppt)(T11 0Tey17 µe anoTµ17ae1c; OT17V avmoALKll Kat i5uTLKll TTA.8Up0, 8VW TO npOOTWO KOL TO XOYLOTI 8XOUV avel;cipTl7T8<; OTeyec;. H np6a~a017 OTO wwTep1K6 y(vern1 an6 Mo e1a6i5ouc; OTll v6n a nAeupci, evw i5uTtK6 i51aµopcpwveTat 17 Kup1a daoi5oc;. M1Kp6 nap68upa op8oywv1ac; Kup(wc; µopcp17c;, µe Tpane½oe1iS17 KciTolj.117 Kat K8KAtµi::vo KOTW<pAL, avo(yovrm OTL<; Tpe1c; n"-eupec;, evw OTll ~6pe1a TO µovai51K6 6.vmyµa i::xe1 cppaxeeL EawTep1K6 o va6c; i51mpefTm µe Mo K1ovo0To1xfec; ae Tp(a K"-iTll an6 TO ono(a i5ean6½e1 TO K8VTptK6, nAOTUTepo KOL ljJ17A.6Tepo. ::UAOTTl7KT17 TOIXOTTOL(a µe KacpaawT6 i51axwp(½8l TO v6p817Ka an6 T0V KUp(wc; va6. Tov 6pocpo T0U v6p817Ka KQTOAOµ~civeL TO unepwo, µe KOTOljJ17 noManMc; KaµnuMT17rnc;, nou e1axwpd ae np6~oA.o OT□ nA.ciy1a K"-fT17 T0U Kupiwc; vaou. H opocp17 l;uALVll Kat minei517, OTO µwa(o KALTO<; dvm unepuLjJwµeV17 we; npoc; QUTll TWV TTAOYLWV KALTWV. H TTAOIJOIQ l;uMYAUITTl7 i51aK6aµ17017 (TeµnAO, 6.µ~wvac;, opocpec;) npoai5(i58L1iS1QlT8Pll mµ6acpmpa Kat apxovr16 OTO va6. To wwTep1K6 Tou

!__________........------------ !--------



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Analysis of data collected rev13aled that initially hayat extended to the N W. corner of the church. At the beginning of the 20th century the prostoo (portico) was added to the west and the belfry to the south of the church. Between 1950-60 a separate small addition was built in the external S.E. side and several other interventions were carried inside the church. The main damages of the building are attributed to wrong maintenance works, to problematic building solutions chosen,

4. Yn6pxouaa KaT6aTaarJ. K6rn11/J'7 yuvatKwvfrrJ. Present state. Plan of the gynf1conitis


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0 t----

All pillars are made of logs (trunks) while the four central are covered with timber-framing and plaster. The two colonnades are connected with transversal wooden tendons. The roof structural system is constituted by timber beams and wooden vertical and diagonal elements.


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The building is constructed with perimetrical bearing stonework and internal wooden horizontal and vertical elements. The masonry of the apse is made of stones and bricks. The lime mortar is rich on stone and bricl~ fragments .


3. Ynapxouaa KQTOaTQaT]. K6TO(/JrJ vaou. Present state. Plan of the church.


two side entrances while the main entrance is on the west. Small orthogonal windows are found on the three sides and on the north the only opening has been built. Two colonnades divide the church in three aisles. A light-wood frame separates the narthex from the main naos and over narthex is gyneconitis (women area) which forms two balconies at the side aisles of the church. The ceiling is flat while at the middle aisle it is higher. The wood-carved decorations (at the temple, ceiling etc) provide exceptional value and richness to the church.

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5. Yn6pxouaa KaT6aTaarJ. 'Avo(/JrJ opoq>rjc;. Present state. Plan of the ceiling.

6. Ynapxouaa KaT6aTaarJ. Llurncrj 6(/JrJ. Present state. Western far;ade. ANMYIH, TEKMHPIOIH KAI nPOTAIH AnOKATAHALHL I.N. ArlAL nAPALKEYHL


KUp(wc; VOOU Kat TOU l&pou &(Vat KOTOKOOµO OTTO TOLXOypacp(&c; 6nou ~u½avnva, 11.a·iKa Kat ounK6 OTOLX&(a ouvunapxouv.

To KTfp10 &iva1 KOTOOK&uaoµtvo OTTJV nepiµ&Tpo an6 cptpouoa apyo11.1eoooµ11 OTT]V onoia KOTO i5LaOTllµOTa napeµ~aMoVTat ~u11.ooemtc; Kat OTO &OWT&pLK6 an6 OPL½OVTLa Kat KarnK6pucpa ~UAlVQ OTOLX&IO. H TOlXOTTOt(a Tile; KOYX11c; TOU t&pou, mo &mµ&11.17µ&V17, anoT&A&iTat an6 evaMaoo6µ&vouc; opeoywvtouc; 11.ieouc; µ& omM o&Lpa n11.ivewv. XoVTpo11.a~euµtvo1 ywv1611.teOL )(p17otµonotOUVTat O& 611.&c; nc; OKµ&c; TOU vaou. To ouvi5&TtK6 u11.tK6 &fvat un611.&uKo ao~&OToKov(aµa n11.ouo10 ae aopaV'l 11.ie1va epauoµma Kat noMa K&paµtK6 OTOLX&ia. Ot Kiovec; &ivat ~u11.1voL Kopµoi opeoywv1K11c; i5tmoµ11c;, &vw OTO Mo K&VTptKCl ½&uy17 &TT&VMOVTat µ& µnayomi Kat &TTl)(ptoµa. ::u11.1vo1&yKapotot &11.KUOTllP&c; ouvMouv TLc; Mo KtOVOOTOLXt&c;. 0 cptpwv opyavtoµ6c; T17c; OT&y17c; anoT&11.&iTat an6 ~u11.1vec; ooKouc; (aµ&f~OVT&c;, T&y(i5&c;, &TTLT&y(o&c;) Kat ~UALVQ KQTQKOpU(j)Q OTOLX&ia (opeoOT6T&c; - 01aywv10L). '011.ec; OL OTT]pi~etc; y(voVTat o& ~u11.1vouc; OTPWTllp&c; &m Totxononwv.

Ano T'7V av6Auo17 KOi &TT&l;&pyaofa TWV ouMexe&VTWV OTOLx&iwv npOKUITT&l OTt OPXlKCl TO xayt6Tt &(j)TQV& µ&)(pl T17 B.i'.\. ywv(a TOU VQOU &VW OTLc; apxtc; TOU 2Q0 U Qt. KQTQOK&uCl½&Tat TO npOOTWO OUTLKCI Kat TO KWi5WVOOTC10lO OTT] VOTtQ TTA&Upa. Kma T17 O&KQ&Tia TOU 1950 npoOT(e&Tat tvac; av&~ClpT17TOc; µLKp6c; xwpoc; 0Tl7V &~WT&plK'l N .A. TTA&UpO Kat npayµaTOTTOLOUVTat OLClq:>Op&c; &n&µ~aO&Lc; OTO &OWT&PLKO TOU vaou (KOAUITT&Tat TO OPXLKO i56n&i5o TOU vaou Kat TOU unepwou, aMa½&l 17 OKQ/1.Q OVOOOU, q:>pOOO&Tat TO ~Op&tO QVOtyµa). 01 KUPIOT&p&<; cp8optc; TOU KTLpiou O(jl&l/1.0VTat 0Tl7V n11.17µµe11.11 OUVTllP11017 Kat &TTLOK&ull, O& npo~11.17µ0TtK&c; &~' apx11c; OLKOooµLK&c; AUO&tc;, O& 11.aveaoµ&v&c; avepwmv&c; nap&µ~OO&Lc; KQewc; Kat 0Tl7 (j)UOlK'l cpeopa Kat Yl1POV017 TWV UALKWV Kat 0Tl7V npoo~o11.11 an6 KOTaOTpocptKouc; cpumKouc; napayoVT&c;. L& 6,TL acpopa T17 cptpouoa TOLXOTTot(a, TO µeyMuT&po Tµ11µa T17c; &ivat o& KOA'l KOT60Ta017, xwpic; anoKAioetc; an6 T17V KaTaK6pucpo, KOTapp&UO&Lc; Kat pwyµtc; O& 611.0 TO naxoc; Tl7c;. To oo~ap6T&po np6~11.17µa aOTox(ac; napoUOlCl½&Tat 0Tl7 VOTtQ KlOVOOTOlxia µ& Kaei½11017 Kat an6KAt017 an6 T17V KaTaK6pucpo Tou avaT011.tKOU uno0Tu11.wµmoc;. Ot cpeoptc; OT17v &mK611.uljJ17 T17c; OT&y17c; euv617oav Tl7V &Lopo11 6µ~ptwv ui56Twv µ& anoT&11.&oµa T17v anooaepw017 Tou ~u11.tvou OK&11.&Tou T17c;. 'EVTOV17 anooaepw017 &µcpav(½&l &nt<JT}c; o ~UAlVOc; OK&A&T6c; TOU xaytaTtOU &VW 017µaVTtKO np6~11.17µa uypao(ac; eµcpav(½&Tat 0Tl7 ~6pe1a TOtXOnotia TOU VQOU.

to incorrect interventions and to the aging of the building materials. Vertical structural system to a large extent, is in a good condition without cracks and collapses. The most sever problem appears on the south colonnade where the eastern pillar has subsided. Roof damanes permitted rain waters get erode the wooden frame. The wooden frame of the hayat also presents erosion while rising moisture is the major problem in the northern part of the church. Proposed restoration works should follow two main paths: a) works for preserving and presenting the main morphological -typological elements of the building and its structural organization and b) works for replacing the ruined elements of the building.

The main interventions should focus: on the restoration of the two colonnades, the restoration of the wooden roof of the church and of the hayat, the construction of a drainage ditch around the church. A wooden construction is proposed in the NW corner of the church, to provide evidence of the initial form of the church. The functional development and aesthetic impro-vement of the surrounding of the church is also suggested.

7. Yrrapxouaa KQTOaTQCJT]. B6pew 61jJ17. Present state. Northern far;ade.

0 1npoT&1v6µ&v&c; &pyaoi&<; &TT&µl3ao17c; aK011.oueouv i5uo ~aOLK&c; KQT&ueuvO&Lc;: a) nc; epyao(ec; i5taT'lP11017c; Kat av6o&1~17c; Twv otaowetVTwv µopq:>011.oyLKWV Kat Tuno11.oy1Kwv OTOLX&iwv Tou KT(oµmoc; µ& QTTOAUTO O&~aoµ6 OTT] ooµOOTQTlK'l TOU opy6vw017 Kat

8. Yrrapxouaa KQTQaTQCJT]. Toµrj 8-8'. Present state. Section 8 -8 '.

13) nc; &pyao(ec; ouµn11.11pw017c; Twv µ17 01aT17pouµ&vwv OTOLX&iwv µfow T11c; npooe11K17c; V&WV, &11.acppwv Kat QTTOAUTQ OlQKptTWV KQTQOK&uWV.


OL KUPLOT&p&c; &n&µ~ao&tc; OTOX&UOUV OTT]V QTTOKQTQOTQ017 TWV npo~11.17µ6Twv nou txouv 017µtoupy17e&f OTtc; Mo KLOVOOTOLXi&c;, T17V QTTOKQTQOTQ<JT} T17c; ~UAtV17c; OT&y17c; TOU VQOU Kat TOU XOytOTtOU, T17v aVT1µ&Twm017 TOU npo~11.11µmoc; T11c; uypao(ac; µ& KmaoK&Ull &~WT&p1K11c; n&pLµ&TpLKou Tacppou. npoT&(v&Tat en(017c; 17 017µtoupyia µtac; ~u11.1v17c; KOTaoK&u11c; OTO ~6p&Lo - i5uTtK6 OKpO TOU vaou nou ea µapTUpCl Kat ea unoo1711.WV&l Tl7V apXlK'l otKoooµLK'l q:>6017. AnapaiT11T11 eni017c; eewpeiTat 17 e~uy(av017 TOU n&pl~CIMoVToc; xwpou TOU µV17µ&(ou Kat 17 atoe17TLKll TOU ava~aeµ1017. ANMYrH, TEKMHPIOl:H KAI nPOTAl:H AnOKATAITArnr I.N. ArlAl: nAPAl:KEYHr

9. Yrrapxouaa KaT6araaT). To,urj Ll-Ll '. Present state. Section Ll-Ll '.

10. A~ovoµ£Tp1K6 cm5yf/c;.

Detail of roof construction. 13. np6raa,, anoKardaraa,,c;. Toµrj ,-,'.

Restoration proposal. Section ,-,'

11. (J)6ae1c; KaraaKeurjc; mu KTtp(ou. Phases of the building.

14. np6raa,, anoKardaraa,,c;. Llur1Krj 61/Jf/.

Restoration proposal. Western faqade.

12. Ynapxouaa Kar6araa,,. naeoJ..oyfa. Toµrj A-A'.

Present state. Pathology. Section A-A'.

I 15. np6raa,,c; anoKardaraa,,c;. AvaroA1Krj OI/Jf/.

Restoration proposal. Eastern faqade.

16. np6raa,, anoKar6araa,,c;. Ll1a_µ6pcpwa,, nep1/36Movroc; xwpou.

Restoration proposal. Courtyard' s development. ANAAYrH, TEKMHPIQLH KAI nPOTALH AnOKATAHALHL I.N. ArlAL n APArKEYHL


TO /\OYTPO "TOY <l>l/\lnnOY" LTA LILlHPOKA)'LIA Em~Mnovrnc:;: rewpytoc:; KapaMooc:;, apx118KTWV µrixav1K6~, m.ournpxoc:; 0eoxap(OT]c:;, apx118KTWV µrixavtK6~ Anastasia Kapandriti, architect engineer (consultant: Stilianos Galanis, architect engineer)

THE BATH "OF PHILIPPOU" AT SIDEROCAUSI,~ Supervisors: Georgios Karadedos, architect engineer, Ploutarchos Theocharidis,

VTIK£11J£VO n1c; µ8MTr]c; dvm TO Aou1p6 "TOu $lA(nnou" OTa o0wµavtK6 ItoripoKauma, etori WOT6oo yvwCJ117 yta TTl µ8TOMwnKf] 1ric; opaOTr]pt6TflTO fiori an6 Ta µtoa Tou gou m . To AOuTp6 au16 ea nptn8t va av8ydp8TOl OTa nAa(ata TT)c; avaotopy6vwaric; TOU OlKtoµou , rn( OOUATOVOU L0UA8'(µ6v, n8p( Ta 1520-30, napaµtvovrnc; 8V A8tToupy(a TouMxtOTov twc; Tr]V napaKµT] TWV µ8rnMdwv, OTO Tl::Afl TOU 17ou at. Bt~ma, ri npwTfl oacpf]c; avacpop6 OTa oriµ6ota KTipta Twv ItoripoKauoiwv KOl KOT' 8Til::KTOOT) OTO Mo AOUTp6 av6y8TOl OTO µtoa TOU 17ou at., an6 TOV TOUpKo n8pll7YflTT] Hadji Haifa.


nep1ypacptj - rpacp1Ktj OTTOKOTCIOTOOI'): To AOUTp6 "TOU <l)[A(TInou", 6nwc; ow½8TOl, anoµovwµtvo ma KOL ariµaVTtK6 anoµ8twµtvo 08 6yKO, 8AC1XlOTQ QVTOTIOKpivnm, l::OTW KOl QVTlAT)ITTlKCl, OTr]V OPXlKT] TOU 8lKOVQ. E(vm oriAaof] ~t~mo 6n TO AOUTp6 KOT81X8 K8VTptKT] etari OTov aOTtK6 tOT6, 6nwc; 6MWOT8 KOL OTr]V KOtvwvtKT] ½wfi TWV µouoouAµ6vwv. nap6MrJAO, 08 apxtT8KTOVlKTJ ma KAiµaKa, o apXtK6c; TOU 6yKoc; cpa(V8TOl va TJTOV oX800V omMatoc;, Ka0wc;, 8KOT!::pw08V TOU 8p8m(ou, OlOKplVOVTOl TO ixvri Mo OK6µa xwpwv, anapaiTr]TWV yta Tr] A8lTOupy(a TOU AOUTpou.


1. Kupta 6(/HJ mu J..ourpou - Main view of the bath. TO J\OYTPO "TOY <l>IJ\lnnOY" HA L ll>HPOKAYLIA

architect engineer

he subject of this study is the bath "of Philippou " at Ottoman Siderocausia, a site known for its mining activity as early as the mid-ninth century. The bath must have been built when the town was m-organised in Suleyman's time, c . 1520-30, and it remained in use at least until the mines entered a decline at the end of the seventeenth century. However, the first clear reference to Sidemcausia's public buildings, and thus to its two baths, comes from the Turkish traveller Hadji Haifa in the mid-seventeenth century .


Description - graphic rest<>ration: In its present state, isolated and considerably reduced in size, the bath "of Philippou" presents a very different picture now from its original aspect, for it would have occupied a prominent position both in the urban fabric and in Moslem social life.

From an architectural point of view, the building must originally have been almost twice its present size, as traces of two more rooms essential to its operation are discernible on either side of the ruins. More specifically, in accordance with the traditional bathing ritual, the first room in the bath is the cold room (sadrvan) .

2. 0 avdyJ..U({)O<; OIQKOaµo<; TWV TpocJJ..wv TWV XJ..tapwv XWPWV. The elaborate reliefs of the domes of the tepid rooms.

LUYK8Kptµeva, 0 npwTOc; XWpoc; TOU AOUTpOU, ouµcpwva µ8 TO K/1.QOOLKO T8A8TOupytK6 /1.0UOT"]c;, 81VOL O ljJuxp6c; - unooox11 (sadrvan) , an6 TOV ono(o Kup(wc; owi'.;ovrnt unoAeiµµma Tr]c; KOTOljJr]c;. np6K8LTOL yLa eva Wµ8ye08c; OLOµeptoµa, nou µ6AAOV KQ/1.UITTOTQV µ8 T8Tp6ppLXTrJ meyri, Or]µOVTlKO ljJr]AOT8pa an6 TO un6Aomo KT(pto. LTT"J ouvex81a, avamuoo8TOL ri µ8Ta~aTLK'l i'.;wvri Twv XALapwv 01aµ8p10µ6Twv (kapaluk), ri ono(a anapT[i'.;8TOL an6 Tp[a 8V 08tp6, L00µ8yeeri , Tp0UAOOK8TT'l OlQµ8p[oµma. Ta ouo ouTLKOT8pa eivOL npaKTtK6 8vono1riµtva KOL cpepouv TT/1.0UOLO, av6yAU<pO OlOKOOµo, 8VW TO Tp[TO, ~orierinKOU m0av6rnrn xapaKT11pa, napoum6i'.;8TOL anoµovwµevo KOL OLQK00µ81TOL UTTOTUTTWowc;. AKOAOU08[ rJ i'.;WVT"] Tr]<:; OµOOlK'l<:;, 88pµ11c; Aouoric; (mejdan), nou mriv ouo(a eivm evac; µ8y6Aoc;, op0oywvtK6c; xwpoc;, o ono(oc; OT8y6i'.;nm µ8 K8VTptK6 TpouAo KOL 8KOT£pW08V L00µ8ye08l<:;, OKO<p08l081<:; 06Aouc;. To TUTTLKO TrJc; AOUOT"]c; OAOKArJPWV8TQl moue; OTOµLKOUc;, 08pµouc; xwpouc; (halvet): ouo 01aµ8p(oµarn , nou OT8y6i'.;0VTOL µ8 TpouAouc; 6µmouc; µ8 TOV K8VTplKO TOU oµaolKOU , 08pµou , TOOO 08 µey80oc;, 600 KOL 08 ot6Kooµo. TeAoc;, OTT"] ~6p8ta TTA8up6, 'lTOv npooapTr]µevri ri Kaµapo0Ken11c; o8~aµ8v'l v8pou (kulhan) , oacpwc; XOµT"]AWµ£Vr] 08 oX£0r] µ8 TO KUp(wc; A0UTp6 . np6TOOI") OTTOKOTCIOTOOI")<; - &TTOVCIXPl")Or)<;: To AOUTpO "TOU <l>l-

It was a spacious chamber, which probably had a hipped roof considerably higher than the rest of the building. The cold room is followed by a transitional an3a consisting of a row of three equally sized, vaulted 'tepid rooms' (kapaluk). The two t o the west are virtually one, and are decorated with elaborate reliefs; while the third, which was probably more of an annex, is somewhat isolated and perfunctorily decorated. Next is the collective hot room (mejdan), which is essentially a large rectangular chamber roofed with a central dome flanked by scaphoid vaults of equal size. The bathing ritual was completed in the individual hot rooms (halvet), two chambers roofed with domes c losely resembling the central dome over the collective hot room in terms of both size and ornamentation. Lastly, to the north wall was attached the barrel-vaulted water cistern (kulhan), which was appreciably lower than the bath-house proper.

Proposal for restoration and re-use: Prop erly sp eaking, as it survives at present, the bath "o f Philippou" should be fully restored as a building, apart, of course, from the cold room and the water cistern. However, in the individual hot rooms neither the plaster (which does not survive) nor, by extension , the decoration will be reconstructed, in order, among other things, to offer visitors a 'lesson in buildint~ technology'. The large domes




c:=i "qiux~ xWpo,;· i:.=:J


"xAio~ xW?~- - tapaluk

E=J •0~&1t6c; {t0'1'61; xWp04;" - · mojdan •a,01,1nt6,; (co161; xWpo,;• - hoh,ct


c:::J "6£.(a~m1fl vcpo(t" - hazna -

~8J1t1ic61; xWPa<;


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3. Yn6.px ouaa KaT6.0Ta07J. KO.TOI/ff/. TaUTL07) x wpwv. Present state. Ground plan. Restoration of the functional p lan.

4. ,pacptKf/ anOKQTO.OTQ07). npoomtKf/ wµfJ. Graphic restoration. Perspective section. TO AOYTPO "TOY <l>IAlnnoY" ITA L lllHPOKAY:i:IA


},,_(nnou", OTO (3a0µ6 nou OLOTT)pefrOL, dvOL oeovroAOYLKO op06 VO anOKOTOOTa0e( TIA~pwc; we; "KA8LOT6 KTLPLO"' µe e~a(peOT) (3e(30La TOV i.lJUXPO xwpo KOL TT) oe~aµe~ vepou. 00T6ao, OTO OTOµLKO, 0epµ6 otaµep(aµma oev avaKmaaKeu6l;ovrOL TO Kovt6µma (an6 Ta ono(a oe awl;ovrOL odyµma) KOL Km' eneKTaCJTJ o ot6Koaµoc;, o0Twc; wOTe, µern~u 6Mwv, va o(veTOL OTov entaKeTITT) eva "µ60riµa OLKoooµtK~c; T8)(VOAoy(ac;". lotafrepo Ke<pOAOLO OTIOT8AOUV Ol µeyOAOL TpOUAOL TWV eepµwv xwpwv, OL ono(OL anoKa0(0TOVTOL µe µLa OVTLOTp8i.lJLµT] µernMLK~ KOTOOKW~, TJ ono(a oev em(3apuvet µe CJT]µavrtK6 cpopT[a Tov au0evnK6 cpopfo. EmnMov, yta TT)V T8AlK~ KOAUi.lJT], K00wc; Oe awl;OVTOL OTOlXelO, emJ...eyovrOL, we; rim6Tepri MOT), TO µoAu(3o6cpuMa.

over the hot rooms require, a special approach: they could be restored with a removable, metal structure, which would not overload the authentic bearing system. Lastly, since no evidence of the original roofint~ materials survives, lead sheeting is proposed as a non-invasive, reversible solution. Access to the monument will still be gained via the cold room, which, however, may be lelft in its ruinous state. But some idea of its original volume may b,e created by a kind of sculptural pergola reminiscent of the skeleton of a timber roof, while modern structures, such as a founitain in the middle and banquettes around the perimeter, help to recreate the traditional atmosphere of this space.

H np6a(30CJT] OTO µvriµdo e~OKOAOU8et VO yivernt an6 TOV LjJU)(pO xwpo, o ono(oc; 6µwc; otmripd TTJV etK6va Tou epem(ou. 00T6ao, µe µ10 nepyKOAO-yAum6, ri ono(a napaneµnet ae ~uAOKOTaaKeu~ OTeyric;, anoKaS(OTOTOL OVTLATJITTLKO o apx1K6c; TOU 6yKO<;, !::VW, µe OUY)(pOV!::<; KOTOOKW8<; (K!::VTptKO OLVTpt(36Vl, neptµeTptK6 divan Mn.), y(veTOL an6ne1pa va ava(31waeL ri KAOOOLK~ mµ6acpOLpa TOU OLaµep(aµmoc; OUTOU .

•,. )·-f· 1 '-\->.,\,·"·;,r\-..,,,()\ . -,~·:'.,\-·~ ~~r



5. N6TLa 6(/JTJ. Ynapxouaa KaraoraOrJ. np6raOTJ anoKaraoraOT]c; - South elevation. Present state. Proposal for restoration.


6. B6pe1a 61/JTJ. Ynapxouaa KaraoraOT]. np6raOT] anoKaraoraOT]c; - North elevation. Present state. Proposal for restoration. TO AOYTPO "TOY <lllAlnnOY" HA :1:lt.HPOKAYLIA

7. np6rnar, anoKaraarnar,c;. npoomiKrj roµrj - Proposal for restoration. Perspective section.

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8. np6rnar, anoKaraaraar,c;. KdTOI/Jf1. Proposal for restoration. Ground plan.

9. np6rnar, anoKarciarnar,c;. N OTIOQVQTOAlKT] anOljJrJ.

Proposal for restoration. Southeast view. TO I\OYTPO "TOY <!>ll\lnnOY" H A :1:IL\HPOKAY:1:IA


Achilleas Kappls, electrical eng.




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H µOVll acptepcil8'7K8 esap)(llc; KOL esaKOAOU8et va TLµCITOL µe)(pt 017µepa OTr] µVllµll TOU Ay(ou NtKOMou Tou 8auµmoupyou, emoKonou Mupwv TllC: AuK(ac; (6 t:.eKeµ[3p(ou) . H acp1epw017 TllC: mov ev Myw 6yto, nou 8ewpdTOL ano TOuc; )(ptOTtavouc; o npomOT'7c; TllC: 86Aaooac;, (owe; 5ev eytve TUXOLO aM6 µe OKOTIO VO OVTLKOTOOT1708l TOV nooet5WVO, TO 8eo TllC: 86Aaooac; KOT6 TOuc; apxa(ouc; 'EM11vec;, TOV ono(o 8KeLVOl TLµouoav OTO (5LO OKpL[3wc; 0'7µeto TllC: xepOOVllOOU.

istorical elements. The monastery was initially dedicated to and still honours the memory of St Nicholas the miracle-maker, archbishop of Miron of Lychia (December 6th ) The dedication of the monastery to St Nicholas who is considered by the Christians as the protector of the seas may not have been done by accident, but with the intention to replace Poseidon, the god of the seas for the ancient Greeks, who was honoured at the very same spot of the peninsula of Mount Athos.

Tono8&oia. H µ0V11 exet O)(llµa noAuywvLKO anoTeAouµeV'7 ano MoTµr']µarn.

Location. The monastery has a multi-angular shape and comprises two parts.

To npWTO Tµr']µa anoTeAetTOL ano neVTe mepuyec; nou exouv we; esr']c;: Meoa(a mepuya - Nt:. mepuya - t:.unKr'] mepuya - Tp6ne½a KOL Nona mepuya

The first part is composed of five wards:



To 5eUTepo KOL veornpo Tµr']µa anoTeAetTOL ano Tpetc; mepuyec; nou exouv we; esr']c;: nTepuya apxoVTOplKLOU - mepuya 8L005ou - [3opeta m epuya Ynapxouoa KOTCIOTOOrt. H µovn mao(a exet M[3et TO esr'Jc: µeTpa:

ae 6,Tl acpop6 Tl7V nuponpo-

a. KOTQOKeur'] C)LKTUOU nupoo[3e0'7c;


Middle ward - SW ward • West ward - Dining Room and South ward The second and most recent part is composed of three wards: Ward of the Archontariki - Entrance ward - North ward Present situation. As far as its fire protection is concerned the monastery has done the following: a. construction of fire extinguishing system, b. placement of fi re detection system, c. placement of portable fi re extinguishers,

13. Tono8eT11011 oumr']µmoc; nupav(xveu011c; y. Tono8eT'70'7 cpopl7TWV nupoof3ecm'ipwv

c'5. 5oµtKr'] nuponpomao(a

a. To C)LKTUO nupoof380'7C: 8XEl KOTOOKWOOTeLTO 1992 KOL OTIOTtAeLTOl es' OAOKAr']pou ano XOAKOOWAr']vec;. H Tpocpo5oo(a TOU C)LKTUOU seKtVO ano eva OUOT'7µ0 Mo 5esaµevwv, µ(ac; KU[3tKT7C: µe XWP'7TLKOT'7TO 90 m3 KOL µ(ac; KUALVc>pLKT7C: nou Tpocpo5oTetTOL ano T11V npo11youµev11 µe xwPl1TtKOTT"]Ta 60 m3.

13. LUOTr]µa nupavfxveu011c; Tono8eTetTOL ae K68e eva ano TO neVTe A8[3T]TOOTOOLQ TllC: MOVllC:- Ano µapTup(ec; TWV nmepwv TO unapxov OUOTr]µO nupav(xveuOllc: C)UOA8LTOUpyd.

y. H Tono8eT'70'7 TWV cpopl7TWV nupoo[3ecm'ipwv OKOAou8d K6noto yevLKO KQVOVQ (moue; 5ta5poµouc; KOVTO mtc; eso5ouc;), aM6 TO nAr']8oc; TOUC: e(vOL µtKpO, evw apKeTOl eµcpav(½OUV 0'7µ6510 osd5w0'7c;.


c'5. H 5oµLKT7 OUOT00'7 TT"]C: µ0V11c; OKOAOU8et OUTT7 nou anaVT6TOL KOL OTLC: unOAOtnec; µovec;, 5T"]A05r'] TOLXOTIOL(ec; ano At8o-

1. H µovf] ,pr,yop(ou TO 199'2 - The monastery of Grigoriou in 1992.


d. structural fire protection a. The fire extinguishing system was constructed in 1992 and is made totally from copper pipes. The water supply of the system begins from two water tanks, the first of cubic shape with capacity 90 m3 which fills the second, with a cylindrical shap,e with capacity 60 m3 .

b. A fire detection system is installed in each of the five boiler rooms of the monastery. According to the monks this present system malfunctions. c. The placing of the portable fire extinguishers follows a gene-

ral rule (in the corridors by the exits), but they are few, while some show sighs of rust. d. The structural composition of the monastery follows that of the other monasteries, such as walls made of stones, bricks or tsatmas, floors and ceilings made of reinforced concrete or wood, frames and ladders made of tiles or stone plates and roofs made of tiles or schist plates.

A problem may arise if one tries to expand the wooden beams by penetrating the external walls for the construction of balconies without the use of a fireproof interval.

Fires at the monastery. From the historical records and the testimonies of the monks we can identify the wood boilers and the lumber that is stored near thern, with no further precaution, as the main cause of fire.

2. Tonoypacp1K6 Movf/c; 1pT]yop{ou. General sketch of the Grigoriou monastery.

Proposal. The proposal concerns the following:

a. extension and reorganization of the fire-fighting network, 00µ11, omonAlveoooµ11 11 wmµ6, oam:oa 11 opocpi::c; an6 onA.laµi::vo aKUp6oeµa 11 ;LIAO, Koucpwµma KOl KAtµaKec; an6 ;LIAO KOl 011::yec; an6 Kepaµiol 11 O)(lOTOnAaKa.

b. extension of the fire detection network, c. systematical installation of firn extingui-shers, d. fire protection of special rooms, e. separation of rooms

np6l3A'7µa oriµtoupydTm KOT6 TTJV rni::KTOOTJ Twv ooKwv Tpunwvrnc; TTJV e;wTepLKl1 Totxonmia yta TTJV KOTOOKW11 e;wOTwv xwpic; TTJ XPl10TJ nupocppayµoLI.

nupKayr&c; T'l«; µov11c;. An6 LOTOplKO 01mxda TTJc; µov11c;, aM6 KOl nc; µapTupiec; TWV nmi::pwv, i5lacpaiveTm aav KLipla nriy11 i::vap;ric; TTJc; nupKayl6c; Ol Ml317Tec; ;LIA.OU KOl '7 ;uAda KOLIOTJc; nou anoeriKeLieTm KoVT6 a ' auToLic; xwpic; Kaµia npocpLIA.0;17. np6Tao11. H np6rnari acpop6 TO e;11c;: a. WSKTOOTJ KOL avaot6TO~fl Tou OtKTLIOU nup/aric;,

13. rni::KTOOTJ Tou OlKTLiou nupavixvwaric;, y. OUOTr]µOTlKl1 Tonoei::Tr]OT] nupoal3e0111pwv,

o. nuponpOOTQOLQ elOlKWV xwpwv, c. i5laµeplaµmonoiriari xwpwv

a. KmaaKWl1 vfou OLKTLiou nup6al3earic; an6 XOA.ul3ooawA11vec; µe ovoµaOTLKl1 nieari TOUAOXLOTOV 25 atm. To vfo otKTUO ea dvm xwplOT6 an6 auT6 Tou vepoLI XP11aric; yta anocpuy11 otappowv KOl ea TpocpoooTeiTm an6 Tlc; un6pxouaec; oe;aµevec; µfow QVTAflTlKOLI OUYKPOTl1µ0Toc;.

13. npoTdveTm KOTaaKWl1 vfou oLKTLIOU nupav[xvwaric; ae 6A.e<; nc; m i::puyec; Km 6Ae<; nc; 016eµec; auTwv ylO i::yKmpri £loono[riari ae nepimwari i::vap; ric; KanvoLI.

y. L£ auvepyaaia µe TO OLIOTT]µa nupav[xvwaric; npoTe[veTm ri Tonoei::TTJOTJ KOTOMTJAWV nupoal3e0111pwv KOVT6 ae e; 6oouc; w01e va e[vm ouvm11 '7 KOT6al3eari nupKaytwv OTTJ yi::veari rnuc;. XprimµonoLOLIVTOl KUpiwc; nupoal3e0111pec; OK6vric; yla nupKayti::c; ;LIAlVWV emcpavelwv, oto;eli5[ou Tou 6vepaKa (CO2) OTOU<; xwpouc; H-M eyKOTQOTOaewv µe Tr]V npoun6eeari rnapKoLic; e;aeptaµoLI µeT6 TTJV KOT6al3eari Km vepoLI ae auvouaaµ6 µe KecpaMc; KmmovtaµoLI yta TTJV KOT6l3pe~ri KAlµ6Kwv ol onoiec; dvm l3amK6 OTotxda Twv ooeLIaewv Olacpuy11c;.

3. To Ae{3ryr oOT6aw TT]c; ounKf/c; rrripuyac;. The boiler room in the west ward.



A100f]TllPO<; avfxvwori<; cpun6<; (cpwT06fo6o<;)

a. Construction of a new fim fighting network of steel pipes of a EKTTOf.JTT~ <pwn:1v~<; 6foµJ']<; (LED)

nominal pressure of at least 25 atm. The new network will be separate from that of the water for use so that leakages will be avoided and it will b,e supplied from the existing t anks through a pumping system.

b. The construction of a new fire detection system is suggested in all the wards and their floors for timely notification in case of smoke.

c. In addition to the fire dete,ction network it is suggested the in-

t.1a6poµ11 <pWTEIVll', 6foµJ']<; Am0f]T1jpa<; avrxvwoqc; <pwT6c; (<pwT06fo6oc;)

M11 unapf:11 KOlTVOU

EKTTOµTT~ <pWTEIV~<; 6foµqc; (LED)

stallation of portable fire extinguishers near the exits so that one can fight a fire at the very point of its birth. They are used mainly powder fire extinguishers for fires at wooden su rfaces, carbon dioxide (CO2) in the roonns of the electromechanical installations with the insurance o'f the sufficient air supply after the fire is put out, and water in conjunction with sprinklers for the watering of ladders which are main elements of the escaping ways.

d. The fire extinguishing system concerns the special rooms of the new ward. In these rooms there will be stored old and new books, utensils for liturgy, holy items and a room for painting holy icons. The fire extinguishing will be done by using extinguishing gas lne,rgen. At the same time it slight ly increases the volume of CO2, thus permitting t he stay of h umans in the room during the fire extinguishing.

e. As far as the passive fire protection is concerned it is suggested the separations of the building levels:

M Efwori Tf]C, tvrnoqc; Tr]C, cpwwv~c; 6foµf]<; KaT6 Tf]V tc,o8o


'Ynapf:11 Kanvou

/\E:lTOUpy[a <pWTOT)J..E:KTptKOU QVl,XVWTl'J

Function of a photo-electric detector.

Covering of the wooden s u rfaces with fire retarding paint that delays the surface development of the fire for 1 to 2 hours. Covering w ith fire-proof materials and covering of the wooden ceilings (i.e gypsum panels), construction of fire-proof doors and built chimneys w it h double walls. Conversion of the boiler rooms into separate fire-proof rooms with oil burning boilers instead of wood burning boilers and installation of the oil tank into a separate room (fire-proof room).

Conclusions. The building complex of Osiou Grigoriou mona-

c>. H nup6a(3wri

acpop6 Touc; etotKouc; xwpouc; TT'Jc; vfoc; mtpuyac; Ol OTTOlOl ea <plll.OSEV1'700UV 6nwc; npOOVO<p8perJKE l3tl3ALO n0/\ot6 Kot vfo, t..etToupytK6 aKeuri, Ketµr']t..ta Kot ayt0ypacpefo. H KOT6a(3eari ea y[vet XPrJatµonotwvrnc; atpto Karna(3eanK6 lnergen.

stery which, as a multi-level complex contains increased danger, generally shows a sat isfactory image as far as its fire p ro-

TOUT0XPOVO aus6vel EACIXlITTO TT'JV noa6nJTO TOU CO2 emTp8TTOVTOc; 8TOl Tl"]V napaµovr'] OT6µwv OTO XWPO KOTCI TT'JV KOT6a(3eari . &.

LE 6,Tl acpop6 TT'JV naerinKr'] nuponpomaa[a npoTe[veTot ri 0lOµeptaµOTOTTOll"]OT'J TWV XWPWV

1. W.d~m,poffPOO'Tcnnm,::CU\IA.llOli

2. """'5<(

En6t..enJJri Twv sut..tvwv emcpavetwv µe em(3paouVTtK6 (3epv[Kta TO OTTOlO Kaeumepouv TT'JV ETTl<pOVElOKl'7 ESCITTAWOT'J Tl"]c; nupKayt6c; yta 1 twc; 2 wpec;. Entvouari µe 6Kauma UALKCI KOL en[xptOrJ TWV sut..tvwv opocpwv (n,X. yuljJoaav[oec;), KOTOOKEUl'7 nup6VTOXWV eupwv KOl KTlITTWV KOTTVO00XWV µe 0lTTA0 TOLXWµO. MeTOTponr'] AE(3rJTOITTOOlWV ae SEXWPlITTCI nupootaµep[aµaTO µe M(3riTec; Kauaric; neTpet..a[ou aVT[ sut..ou Kot Tonoe8TT'Jari TT'Jc; oesaµevr']c; TTETpEAOlOU OE SEXWPlITT0 XWPO (nupo0l0µ8ptaµa).

l·a· -~

I. . • _.. . . . 1 :;:.:--~..:;~ 2 :2e-3 -4

Iuµn&pc.'JaµaTa. To KTtptaK6 auyKp0Tl"]µa TrJc; µovr']c; ,priyop[-


ou, nou we; no,\uwpocpo auyKp0Tl"]µO nepl8XEl ausriµtvri em KlV0UV0TT'JTO, napoum6?;et yevtK6 µfa LKavonotrJnKr'j etK6va an6 6noljJri nuponpomaa[ac;. Ll"]µOVTtK6 mmxefo npt n et va eewprieef T'J TTOAU K0/\1'7 YVWOT'J TWV XWPWV OTTO Touc; TTOT8pec; KOl I"] ESOlKeLWar'j TOUc; µe TO 0 taefotµa µfoa nup6al3e0rJc;.


'ii]!. 7

1. 'A.-.«

2. l'lt'i,bc; 3. Iav~~~dif~TICl'I 4. n,\xh( 5. :i:~

,~ ( t ¢ >1 rn.i'I

6. ~Ptpyo~rn:n

7. Ern'xpqn o, tJC.fClAAl<o 11>J't1JCI

5. Errivouar, opocprjc; - Covering of the ceiling


OL KUpL6Tepec; ai5uvaµ(ec; ocpei1'.oVTOL ara ~UALva arOLxe(a KOL Ta OlKOiSoµLK0 i5L6Keva nou anOTf:AOUV eµn6i5LO OT'7 iSLaµepLOµaTOTTOl'70T] TWV XWPWV.

tections is concerned. This is mainly because of the fact that the monks are very familiar with the buildings and with the available means for fire-fighting.

An6 6noljJ17 oi5eucrewv i5Lacpuy17c; 17 KOT6ara017 xapaKu]p(½eTOL LKavonoL17nK17, acpou ae K6Se mtpuya unopxouv evaMaKTLKtc; oiSeucreLc; an6 aVTLKdµeva 017µe(a 17 an6 e~warec;.

The main weaknesses are due to the wooden elements and the wall gaps which make the fire seiparation of the rooms difficult.

Me TO eKTeTaµtvo iS(KTuo nup6crl3e017c; KOL nupav(xveu011c; nou nporn(vnOL iS(veTOL euKOLp(a yLa 6µecr17 entµl3a017 an6 TOuc; (i5Louc; TOuc; nmtpec; Tll<:; µov17c; i5ei5oµtvou 6n auTO( dvOL eKdvoL nou Sa Sum6crouv aK6µ17 KOL T'7 ½W'l TOU<:; yLa T'7 iSLOOWOT] Tou µovaarT]pLou. LT]µeLwveTOL TtXoc; 6n o nuponpoarmeunK6c; crxei5Lacrµ6c; ev6c; µey6AOU cruyKpOT'7µmoc; µe i5ei5oµtvri LOTOPLK'7, TTOALTLOTLK'7 KOL SpT]crKeunK17 a~(a dvm aVTLKdµevo cruvepyacr(ac; µT]xavLKWV 6Xwv Twv eLiSLKOT'7TWV KOL Sa nptneL va anoTeAd unocruarriµa eVTacrcr6µevo ae cruvoALK'l µeMT17 cruVT17pricrric; KaL anOKQT0OTaOT]c;.

As far as the escaping ways are concerned the general image is satisfactory, since in each building there are alternative ways which lead to distant exits or balconies. The extended fire proofing and dletecting network that is proposed in this thesis makes it possiblle for the monks to successfully extinguish the fire themselves, knowing that they themselves are those who are willing to even sacrifice their lives to rescue the monastery. Lastly it is notified that the fire-proltecting planning of a large-scale building complex with significant historic, cultural and religious value is an object of co-operation of engineers of all faculties and must be included in a total study of maintaining and restoration.


© ®© ◄9►

e:EJ\HKTPO 1025 m'i".: (.K.4SKg•C026KiJ





Nll)l:N. 8EPMOllfA,;ioptKOI



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6. Bl!. mipuya. K6.rn(/J17. np6rnar, - Ground plan. Proposal nYPOnPOITA:1:IA TON KTIPIAKON ErKATAITAIEON THI IEPAL MONHI 0:1:IOY rPHr0PIOY


rtwpyoc; KapanOCTTOAOU, 10noyp6cpoc; µT]XOVIK6c;

LlHMIOYPrlA <l>OTOPEAAILTIKON LllMPOMON rTHN nYPIKAYrTH ZONH THL 0ErrMONIKHr Em~Mnwv: nt1poc; nanac;, TOnoyp6.<poc; µrixavtK6<; George Karapostolou, surveyor engineer


surveyor engineer

o avrLKdµevo Tll<; µeMn7c; au1fic; dvOL Tl Kmaypacpfi KOL OITTIKOTTOLTlOTJ µvriµdwv TTOAITIOµou Ka8wc; KOL Tl napaywyl'J op8o<pwTOXOPTTl y1a Trl yewypa<pLKTJ nepLOXTJ OTTlV onoia auTa evraoovrOL, µe oKon6 TTl µeMoVTLKTJ npol3or,_fi, TTl 01axdp1017 KOL TTlV avaoe1~l'J TOU<;.


he subject of this study is the registration and visualization of cultural heritage buildings and also the production of an orthophotomap of the geographic area where these are placed aiming at their management promotion and elevation, in the future.

01 µe8oooc; Kmaypa<prJ<; l300LOTT7Kf: OTTlV lJ!Tl<pLOKT] <pWTOypaµµeTp(a, en(ye1a KOL evaepLa, ri yewypa<pLKTJ nep1oxl'J nou µeAeTl'JSriKe T]TQV GUTT] Tll<; nupLKQUOTOU ~wvric; Tll<; 0WOOAOVLKTl<; KOL TO µvriµda OTO ono(a emKevrpw8fJKaµe dvOL TO ve6rnpa OlOTTlPTlTfo.

The registration method was based in digital photogrammetry, terrestrial and aerial, the ge:ographic area studied was that of the burned and destroyed area of the historic center of Thessaloniki (because of the fire of 1917), and the buildings where we focu-sed our attention on are the earlier preservable ones.

H 0eooOAOVLKTl, Tl µeyOAurnpri - µeTa TTlV npwTeuouoa- TTOATl Tr]<; 017µep1vl'Jc; EMaoac;, aMa KOL ouµl300l/\f:UOUOOQ yLa µLa µey&ri 10Top1Kl'J nepiooo, exeL µLa µeyar,_ri oe 016pKeLa KOL ouYKAOVLOTLKTJ Of: nepLf:XOµevo LOTOp(a. An6 TO315 n .X. TTOU Lopu8T1Kf: an6 TO l300I/\LO Tll<; MaKeoov[ac; Kaooavopo, ewe; ofiµepa, exouv nepaoeL nep(nou 2300 XPOVLQ. Ynl'Jp~e Tl TTOATl µe TTlV evrov6Tepri napouo(a o' oMKATJPTl Tl7 BOAKOVLKTJ xepo6vrioo. 0 eupuTepoc; xwpoc; dxe KQTOIKT]Sd TOUAOXLOTOV 5000 XPOVIQ np1v (To 3000 n.X.).

Thessaloniki, which is the ureatest - following the Capital- city of Greece and also the co-reigning city for a long historic period, has a long lasting and sensational in content history. Since 315 B.C., when it was established by the king of Macedonia "Cassandras", till today, 2300 years have deen passed. It was the city with the most intense presence in the Balkan peninsula. The wider area had been populated at leas;t 5000 years before (3000 b.C.)

To 1917, OTL<; 5 AuyouOTou, eKOT1AWvern1ri «nep(cpriµri» nupKayLa nou KOTQKQlf:L TO KEVTpo Tll<; TTOATl<; (£tK 2). Ta a(na Tll<; OT]-


L i, quai COn,stantin

SA LON1CA ·- CorinanUn

1. 'Ano(/.ITJ rµf/µaroc; rou A1µav1ou TO 1915 View of the port in 1915.

In 1917 on the 5th of August, the great and famous fire, that destroyed a large area of the historic center of the city, broke (fig. 2). The reasons are today known to us only through contradictory rumours. Fire incidents were frequently bursting throughout


Vlot, P~t i, I';'• UO



VIit Paris 11• 3208 ,. 28

SA LO),tfQUE.. -

Sni11te-S()Jmie au milt'~ du Ruillei:

2 . 'AnOI/JTJ rµf/µaroc; TTJc; Kaµ!liVTJc; nepiox f/c; View of a part of the burn,gd area


µepa oev dvm yvwm6. ae µac; nap6. µ6vov ae en(neoo cp17µwv aM17r-.oauyKpou6µevwv. nupKayLec; ~eanouaav apKeTec; ae OAfJ TfJV np6acpm17 LOTOp(a TrJc; n6r-.17c;. np6K8LTOl 6µwc; YLO TrJ 017µaVTLK6Tep17 r-.6yw eKTa017c; KOl auveneLwv, SenKwv Km apVfJTLKwv. H KUplO n17y17 nr-.17pocp6p17017c; µac; YLO TrJ «aUVOALK'7» eewp17017 TWV µV17µdwv auTwv 17Tav µ(a, KOTO. TO naper-.86v 8KTIOV178daa OLTIAWµOTLK'7 epyaa(a OTOV Toµfo KT17µ0Tor-.oy(ou <l>wTOypaµµeTp(ac; Km XapTOypacp(ac; TOU Tµ17µmoc; Aypov6µwv Km Tonoyp6.cpwv M11xavLKWV TrJc; nor-.UT8)(VLK'7c; LXOA'7c; TOU A.n.e. AUTO 017µa(veL OTL Ta 017µepLv6. «K17puyµeva» KTipLa dvm nepLaa6Tepa. To KUPLO UALK6 yLa TfJ yewµeTpLKll an0Tunw017 TWV KTLp(wv 17TOV ouo aepocpwTOypacpiec; TrJc; r.YT KA(µaKac; 1: 20000, eTOuc; r-.17ljJ17c; 1997. Ta OTO.Ola TrJc; µeMT17c; 17rnv Ta e~17c;: 1. LYMOrH Y/\IKOY 2. ENTOnlLMOL OPIQN nYPIKAYHOY 3. EnE::EPrALIA AEPO<l>QTOrPA<l>IQN - AEPOTPlrONILMOL 4. LYMOrH l!JH<l>IAKOY MONTE/\OY EM<l>OYL 5. nAPArOrH OP00<l>QTOXAPTH 6. nAPArorH ANAr/\Y<l>OY OP00<l>QTOXAPTH 7. ENTOnlLMOL KTIPIQN ENLllA<l>EPONTOL {LE XAPTH KAI EM<l>OL) 8. <l>QTOrPA<l>HLH Ol!JEQN KTIPIQN ENLllA<l>EPONTOL 9. LlHMIOYPrlA 3D MONTE/\QN TON KTIPIQN LE l!JH<l>IAKO <l>QTOrPAMMETPIKO HA0MO 10.LlHMIOYPrlA nO/\YrONQN Ol!JEQN 11.LlHMIOYPrlA 2D APXEIQN nO/\YrONQN nA ANArorH Ol!JHL 12.ANArOrH <l>QTOrPA<l>IQN Ol!JEQN HA nO/\YrONA TOYL 13.LlHMIOYPrlA Y/\IKOY Y<l>HL ME THN ANHrMENH <l>QTOrPA<l>IA rlA KA0E Ol!JH 14.LYNLlELH-EnlKOMHLH Y/\IKOY Y<l>HL ME Ol!JH 15.LlHMIOYPrlA <l>QTOPEAAIHIKQN VIDEO O Te)(VLK6c; e~onr-.Laµ6c; (hardware), nou XP11mµonoL17817Ke 17Tav: • O <pwTOypaµµeTpLK6c; ma8µ6c; TrJc; eTmpdac; Z/1, µe r-.eLTOupyLK6 auOT17µa NIT • Scanner A4 TrJc; HEWLETT PACKARD "scanjet3400c", µe OVOAUOfJ ewe; 1200 dpi • H/Y PENDIUM 4 µe 128 MB RAM KOl µLO K6.pTa ypa<pLKwv µe 64 MB RAM • foµl3aTLK'7 OVOAOYLK'7 <pWTOypacpLK'7 µ17xav17 To r-.oyLaµLKO nou xp17mµonOL'78l7K8 '7TOV TO e~17c;: • To auvor-.o TOU <pwTOypaµµeTplKOU «TIOK8TOU» TrJc; Z/1 nou evawµOTWV8TOl OTO OTa8µ6 YLO TfJV napaywy17 TOU aepOTplywvLaµou, Tou l!J.M.E. - LaouljJwv Km TOU op8ocpwTOx6.pTfJ • To np6ypaµµa axeo(a017c; µe H/Y (CAD): " Microstation SE" TrJc; Bendley, yLa TO 3aoL6m ma µoVTer-.o Twv KTLp(wv, TO noMywvo Twv 6ljJewv,To cpwTOpea},mµ6 KOl TfJV nopoywy17 Twv ljJrJ<pLOKwv eLKOVLKwv video. • To np6ypoµµa ljJrJ<pLaK17c; ene~epyoa(oc; 8LK6voc; "Image Analyst" , TrJc; Intergraph, yLO nc; ovoywyec; Twv en(yeLwv 11.17ljJewv, TO «µwaciiK6» KOl TfJ oLOXE:lPLOfJ Tou op8ocpwTox6pTfJ. • To Photoshop v.6 yLo TfJ <pwTOypa<pLKll ene~epyaa(o Twv en(yeLwv A17ljJewv (<pLATpa, contrast, µeTmponec; format K.11..n .) • To np6ypoµµa Surfer yLa oLOXE:lPLOfJ apxdwv llJ .M.E. • To np6ypoµµa axeo(a017c; µe H/Y (CAD) : AUTOCAD 2000 LUYKEKpLµtvo, 017µLoupy17817Kav mov napan6vw ljJrJ<pLOK6 cpwTOypaµµn pLK6 OT08µ6 TO 30i5IOOTOTO µovn:Aa TWV KTLp(wv, µfow m epeoaKomKwv aKoneuaewv ae ~euyoc; oepo<pwTOypo-

the recent history of the city. However this one was the most important because of its extent and the implications - positive and negative ones. The main resource for the total consideration of all these monuments was an older study for the degree, at the Aristotle Uni-versity of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Cadastre Photo-grammetry and Cartography. That is to say that the preser-vable/historic buildings today are more. The main material for the 3dimentional survey of these buildings were two aerial photos of a scale 1: 20000, taken in 1997 The stages of the study were th e following: 1. DATA COLLECTION 2. DEFINITION OF THE BURNED AREA BOUNDARIES 3. AERIAL PHOTO PROCESSlr\lG -AEROTRIANGULATION 4. DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL COLLECTION 5. ORTHOPHOTOMAP CREATION 6. CREATION OF DRAPED ORTHO IMAGE 7. DEFINITION OF THE INTEFtESTING BUILDINGS (ON THE MAP AND THE GROUND) 8. PHOTOGRAPHING OF THE FACADES OF THE BUILDINGS 9. 3D MODEL CREATION OF THE BUILDINGS IN A DIGITAL PHOTOGRAMMETRIC STATION 10.FACADE POLYGON CREATION 11.CREATION OF 2D FILES, FOR THE RECTIFICATIONS OF THE FACADES' PHOTOS 12.RECTIFICATION OF THE IFACADE PHOTOS TO THEIR POLYGONS 13.TEXTURE MATERIAL CREATIONS USING THE RECTIFIED PHOTOS 14.TEXTURE MATERIAL ATTACHMENT TO THE CORRESPONDING FACADES 15. PHOTO REALISTIC VIDEO CREATIONS The technical equipment (hardware) we used, was the following : • A Z/1Digital photogrammetric: station, using Windows N/T for operating system • A Hewlett Packard "scanjet ::l400c" scanner, with resolution 1200 dpi • A Pentium 4 personal compu1ter with 128 MB RAM , and an 64 MB graphic card • A usual analog photographic camera The software we used was the following: • The Z/1photogrammetric "package" included in the station, to produce Aerotriangulation, DTM - contours and Orthophotomap. • The Bendleys' CAD program " Microstation SE", to produce 3d constructions, fa~ade polygons, rendering and virtual video. • The lndergraphs' image processing program "Image Analyst" for the rectification of tlh e fa~ades' photos, mosaicing and orthophotomap management. • Photoshop v.6 for terestrial photos image processing, such as filtering contrast data exchange, etc. • Surfer, a program for dtm files data exchange. • Computer aided design prog ram: Autocad 2000 In particular, the 3d models of the buildings were created on the above digital Photogrammetric Station, through stereo viewing in two aerial photos (fig. 3). Th e accuracy of this method is of about 0.5m on the ground. T he digital terrain model {d.t.m) was also created through this method and after that, the orthophotomap (fig. 3, 4) of this area



cp1wv {etK. 3). H aKpil3e1a TWV µeTpl']oewv auTwv dvOL no11.eoi50µ1KT']c; KALµOKO<; (+ -.50cm). L\17µ1oupy1']817Ke en[o17c; TO lP11q>1aK6 MovTtAo EMq>ouc; (4J.M.E.) KOLO op8o<pWTOXOPTTJ<; {t:tK. 3, 4) TT')<; nep1oxl']c; au~c; KOL OT17v ouvtxe1a o op8o<pwTOx6pT17c; «an11.w817Ke» n6vw OTO lJJ.M.E. An0Tt11.eoe £Tot Tov avayAuq>o nMov op8oq>unoxapT'l (draped ortho image), o ono[oc; ae ouvi5uaoµ6 µe Ta 3 oi5160TaTO µoVTt11.a TWV KT1p(wv, KOTayp6cpouv - OTif:IKOVl½OUV TO µVl']µda KOL TOV nep1l36MOVTO XWPO TOU<; {t:IK. 5, 6). 110 nc; en(ye1ec; <pwT011.17ljJ[ec; TWV Kup[wv 6ljJewv Twv KT1p[wv XP1lotµono11']817Ke µ10 ouµj3anKT'] avOAoytKT] <pwTOypa<p1KT'] µ17xavl'], µe eupuyWVLO <pOKO, OT08epl']c; 0/1./1.0 6yvwOT17<; f:OTLOKT]<; OTIOOTOOT')<;. 0111.T]ljJE:L<; µnopouv VO XOPOKTTJpL080UV Kf:KALµevec; KOL nMy1ec;(6x1 K68eTec; OTI<; 6ljJe1c;) KOL Ol OTIOOTOOE:l<; 11.T']ljJ17c; 10-40 µ. To U/1.lKO f:KTUTTWOT')c;: <pwTOypa<pLKO xapTL, 17 KALµOKQ 1: 200 nep[nou KOL 17 avMUOfl o6pworic;: 600 dpi ( nep(nou 9mm OTO efocpoc;). To 6,Tl QUTT] 17 QV0/1.UOT') OTTOTf:/1.f:l µ10 lKQVOTIOll']TIKT] - an6 6noljJl7 µ17 anw11.e1ac; n11.ripo<pop[ac;- Mari, cpa(veTOL KOL OTO yeyov6c; 6n TO np0Te1v6µevo an6 To >-.oy10µ1K6 pixel size, ae 6>-.ec; Tl<; µovOf:IKOVLKE<; avaywytc; TWV f:IKOVWV OTO no>-.uywva TWV 6ljJewv TOuc; i5ev l;entpaoe TO 2.5cm evw ouvl']8wc; T']Tav yupw OTO 1.3cm. 01 nap6µeTpo1 nou enLAtx817Kav y1a Tl']V enavaouOTaOf) Tl']<; e1K6vac; OTO "Image Analyst" dvOL 01 aK6Aou8ec;: • 0 µeTOaxriµanoµ6c; KeVTptKT']c; npoj3o>-.T']c; • H µt8oi5oc; «Nearest neighbor» y1a Tl']V enavaouOTaOf) • Pixel size OTO ti5acpoc; - KT(p10: 1.5 cm re noMtc; nep1mwoe1c; y(vav npwTO µwoOLK6 OT17v 6ljJ17 KOL OTT')V ouvtxe1a 17 f;VLOLQ f:IKOVO avl']x817, evw OTI<; Kaµnu>-.ec; emcp6ve1ec; TWV 6ljJewv TWV KTIPLWV Tl']<; n>-.mdac; Ap10TOT£AOU<; e<papµ60817Ke o µnaax17µanoµ6c; µe Tl'] µt8oi5o TWV nenepaoµtvwv OTOLXf:LWV. Ayvo1']817KOV OPXLTf:KTOVIK£<; npoel;oxtc;, µnaAK6v1a KAn (npoj36MoVTOL >-.ol:;6). AuT6 eivOL anoTt>-.eoµa Tl']<; KA(µaKac; Tl']<; µeMT17c; KOL Tl']<; µe86i5ou nou enLAtx817Ke (XPf:l0½6µaOTOV yewi50LTIKO OTa8µ6 y1a VO µeTpl']oouµe apKeTO <pwToOTa8ep6 ae K68e 6ljJ17). E(vOL en[o17c; l3tl30Lo 6n 8a xav6TOv ri npoomtKTJ KOL 17 aio817ori Tou avayMcpou Twv apx1TeKTov1Kwv OUTWV el;apoewv KOTO Tl']V «nep1T']y170f)» µtow TWV f:lKOVLKWV i5tai5poµwv. LTl']V ouvtxe1a «f:mKoMT']817KOV» OTI<; 6ljJe1c; TWV Knp(wv Ol av17yµtvec; µovOf:lKOVLKO <pWTOypacp(ec; TOU<; {t:IK. 6, 7).


4. /temoµipeta op0o({)wmxapITJ - Detail of the orthophotomap.

was draped over the dtm. So the draped ortho image was created, which in combination with the 3d constructions record and visualize the monuments and their surrounding area (fig. 5, 6). An analog photographic camera with a wide angle lens, with standard but of unknown focal length was used to take the ground pictures of the fac;ades. The shootings could be characterised slope and oblique and not vertical to the fac;ades and their distances from the fac;ades were between 10 and 40 meters. The printing material was photographic paper, in a scale 1: 200 and the scanning resolution 600 dpi (about 9mm on the ground). The fact that this resolution is a satisfying one -since no data was lost- solution can be proved by the fact that the "proposed" from the software pixell size for all the mono-rectifications was never over 2.5cm while it was usually about 1.3cm. The parameters chosen for the resembling of the images are the following: • The projective image transformation • The "nearest neighbor" resembling method • Pixel size on the ground-building: 1.5cm

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3. 'AnoljlrJ an6 rriv o06vri rou H/Y. 30 µovriJ..a KTtp(wv ae auvi5uaaµ6 µe op00({)WTOXCIPTrJ. Capture of the PIG screen. 30 models of the buildings together with the orthophotomap.

5. Ta KTfp1a ev61a({)ipovroc; n,avw arov avayAu({)o op0o({)wmxapTrJ. The interesting buildings over the draped orthophotomap.


TEALKa, aKoAouerioE ri oriµtoupyia TWV 30 ElKOVLKwv nEpmaTwv - video OE Otacpopa Tµ11µma oowv Tr]<:; TIOAf]c; 6nwc;: AplOTOTeAOuc;, Ay. focpiac;, Koµvrivwv, EMooric;, Ay. Mriva, I. t.payouµri , BEVl~eAOU, Eyvm[a. LTf]V ElKOVO 7 cpa(VETOL O EAAElITTlKO<:; TEpµaTLoµ6c; µtac; cp1Maxriµric; otaopoµ11c; nou Ka8op(OTrJKE yta TOV ElKOVLKO nEp(nmo Tr]<:; ooou AplOTOTeAouc;. LTL<:; ELK. 8 KOL 9 OTIELKOV(~OVTQl OUO «OTtyµtOTUTIQ» TWV OlOOpoµwv ETTL TWV OOWV AplOTOTeAouc; KOL Koµvrivwv QVTLOTOLXO,

In many cases mosaics of two or more images of the fagade were first made and the rectification of the whole image followed. For the curved surfaces of th13 "Aristotle square" buildings' fagades, the finite elements' transformation was applied. Architectural anaglyphs, reliefs and balconies were ignored. That was an occasion of the scale of the study and the data acquisition method that we had chosen. It is also certain that the sense of both the perspective and the relief of these parts of the buildings would be lost during the "tour" of the virtual video, if we rectified them. Afterwards the mono-rectified images were attached to their corresponding fac;ades (fig. 6,7,8,9). Finally, we created the 3D virtual walks in different parts of the streets of the city as the following: Aristotelous, Agias Sofias, Komninon, Edessis, Agiou Mina, I. Dragoumi, Venizelou, Egnatia. In fig. 7 we can see the elliptical termination of a snakeshaped course, which was defined to create the virtual walk of the Aristotelous street, is shown. In fig. 8 and 9 we can see two snapshots of the videos in Aristotelous and Komninon street correspondingly.

6. Kovnv6rnpTJ 6not/}TJ µe KTlpta µe emKoMT7µivec; Tic; aVT7yµevec; cpwrnypacp{ec; rwv 6t/}ewv rnuc;. Closer view with buildings with the rectified photos of the faqades attached to them.



'' ~




8. LT1yµ16wno TTJc; oiaopoµf/c; TTjlc; 00011 AplOTOTt:Aouc;. Snapshot of the Aristotelous street virtual video.


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7. To t:M.t:lITTIKO nepac; TTJc; <p106aXT7µ'7c; otaopoµf/c; OTTJV 000 AplOTOTt:Aouc;. The elliptical termination of a snake-shaped course, of the Aristotelous street.

9. Xr1yµ16wno TTJc; otai5poµf/c; TT/c; 00011 KoµVT7vwv. Snapshot of the Komninon str,eet virtual video.



Xpf]arnc; KexayL6.c;, apxm:KTWV µrixav1K6c;

TO KTIPIO TOY nPOHN ITMIKOY npo=ENEl()Y rTH 0ErrMONIKH Em~Mnwv: Kwarn~ 01Kov6µou,

apx11eK1wv µrixav1K6c;

Christos Kehagias, architect engineer


n 1c; µeMTr]c; ono1e.\ei 10 KTtpLo en[ TrJc; ooou B. '0.\yoc;, op. 20, OTT] 0eooo.\ov[KTJ, yvwOT6rnpo oov «npw17v ITOALKO npo~eve[o». Me TT]V OTIOCj)OOT] vnnE/~IA An/ r/23549/3080/ 16-6-1977, 6nwc; 017µomeu817Ke OTO <t>.E.K. 718/T.B'/30-7-77, xopOKTTJPlOTT]KE: lOTOplKO OlOTTJPTJT80 µv17µeio, 8VW µe eTitOT]c; UTIOUpylK'l OTIOCj)OOT], 017µomeuµev17 OTO <l>.E.K. 82/T.B'/13-2-1 985, o XOPOKTTJPLOµoc; OUTOc; eneKT0.0T]K8 «KOL OTO XWPO TIOU TO nepLf3a,\,\e[».



.IToxoc; TT]c; µeMTT]c; etVOL 17 OLOµOp(j)WOT] evoc; n.\OLo[ou eneµ[36.oewv KOL T] OLOTUTIWOT] npOTOOT]c; YLO TT]V OTIOKOTO.OTOOT] KOL enoVO.XPTJOTJ TOU µv17µeiou. npo17yfJ817Ke OUOTT]µOnKfJ TE:KµT]p[wori - ov6..\uori TWV lOTOplKWV, OPXLTE:KTOVLKWV KOL KOTOOKWOOTLKWV o~Lwv TOU µVT]µeiou. laTOp1K6 O"To1xe1a, To 1878, o ef3po[oc; eµnopoc; Tl;epµnoy6. oyopooe To ev Myw nopa.\LoK6 T6Te, OLK6neoo on6 Tov MfJ EcpeVTT], OTO ono[o £KTl08 TT]V e~OXLK'l TOU KOTOlKlO, 6.yvwOTOU ae eµ6.c; OPXLT£KTOVO. To 1886 nou.\17oe TT]V lOlOKTT]OlO TOU OTT]V 'Awa 'O.\µav, ri ono(a TT]V nou.\rioe TO 1894 OTov ef3pa(o OlKT]y6po EµµovoufJA PocpofJA Ia.\eµ. AuT6c;, OTLc; opxec; TOU 20ou Ol. TT] µ[o8woe OTO ITOALKO Kparnc;, npOKE:Lµevou VO OTE:-

tudy's subject is the building at V. Olgas street, nr 20 in the city of Thessaloniki, known as the "former Italian consulate". By decision of the Ministry of Culture it was characterized preservable monument, as published in Official Journal of the Hellenic Republic: nr 718/v.2/30-7-77.


Objective of study is the configuration of a general proposal for building's restoration and reuse. A systematic documentation analysis of monument's historical, architectural and constructional values was preceded.

Historical data. In 1878, the Jewish tradesman Tzerboga bought the coastal in that time, plot from the Ali Efenti, in which built his rural residence, with an unknown to us architect. In October 1886 sold his property to Anna Olman. She sold it in 1894 to jewish lawyer Emmanouil Rafail Salem. In the beginnings of 20th century he rent it to Italian state, so that it accomodates its consulate. In 1924 the Italian state bought the entire real estate, maintaining the use continuously up to the earthquake of 1978, allthough the building did not suffer serious damage.

I 102

1. Y<pcOT6.µE:VTJ KGTO.OTGOT). H avaTOA.lK'7 (Kupca) Oc/JTJ. Current condition. The east view (fa<;ade). TO KTIPIO TOY nPOHN ITAAIKOY nPO::ENEIOY HH 0EHAAONIKH

2. Torroypa<pcK6 016.ypaµµa U<plOTO.µE:VTJ(; KGTO.OTGOT)c;. Topographical chart of current condition.

yaOTei TO npo~£veio. To 1924 TO QKIVf]TO ayop6.0Tf]Kt £~' OA.OK>..17pou an6 TO ITMLKO KPO.TO<:;, OlUTf]pWVTU<:; Tf] XPTlCJll TOU µeXPL TO 1978, OTIOTt KQL TO £YKUTl::AtlljJ£ >..6yw TOU 0£Laµou Tf]<:; ioLUc; XPOVt6.c;, nap6n To KTipto o£v uneo-rri ao~apec; ~M~£c;, n apaµevovwc; o-rriv KTTlCJll Tou. npayµmonot178f]K£ ronoypacp1K~ anorunwari µ£ TO y£womTLK6 o-ra8µ6 (Total Station) LEICA TCR307 reflectorless. t:.f]µLoupy178f]K£ µ[a npwT£uouaa KA£LOTT7 6owCJ17 n£pLµ£TpLK6. TOU KTLp[ou µ£ £ma OTO.Otl<:; KQL OWT£p£UOUO£<:; 00£UO£L<:; µ£ 35 o-raa£tc;, £K TWV onoiwv 8 TucpMc;, npoK£Lµevou va µ£Tpf18ouv TQ CJ17µefa A.£moµ£p£LWV. H µe8oooc; TWV TIOA.LKWV OUVT£TUyµeVWV UL08£TT78f]Kt yta TQ OTOLXetU Tf]<:; Opl~OVTLOypacp[ac; KQL yta Tf]V UljJOµ£Tp[a, fl µ e8oooc; Tf]<:; Y£Wµ£TplKT7<:; XWPOOT6.8µf]CJr]<:;. npoeKuljJav UPXLT£KTOVLKO. axeoLU TOU KTLPIOU K>..[µaKac; 1:50 an6 800 CJ17µeia A£moµ£p£ twv.

Mopcp0Aoy1K~ KOi run0Aoy1K~ avayvwp1or). H OUVOALKT7 Wlcp6.v£LQ TOU KTLp[ou QVQITTUOO£TQL 0£ Tp[a w[n£oa: un6y£LO,

A topographic imprinting was realised w ith the electro-magnetic "LEICA TCR307 reflectorless" . A dominant t raverse closed and oriented was creat ed, alon~J with secondary one and some b lind spots inside the building, so that p oints of details can be measured. The result was arc hitect ural drawings of bu ild ing in scale 1 :50 from 800 points of details.

Morphological and typologica1I features. The total surface of building is developed in three levels: basement, raised ground floor and u pper floor. The grou nd plan at all levels is almost typical, for t he season it was b uilt. Particularities are t he free ground p lan in general, the central non passing-th rough living room , round which the main room s are developed, the entire growth1of basement above the ground and the intense p lasticity of asp,ects. Their explicit horizontal division in base, t runke and crown is also formal for the season. Far;:ade is much more taken care of and divided in three vertical sections. The one in the middle, functioning as an axis of symmetry, is stressed particularly b y the two-storied balcony and imposing main marble stairway. The combination of neoclassic and renaissance morpholo gical features, classify it in the "ec lekticistic" style.

3. Ycp1ar6µevr, Kar6ara07J. L16neoa 1aoydou. Current condition. Floors of ground floor.

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5. Ycp1ar6µevr, KQTQaTOOTJ. Toµrj KQTQ µ rjKoc;. Current condition. Section in length.

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4. Ycptar6µevr, Kar6ara07J. Kar 61pe1c; unoydou, 1aoydou, op6cpou. 6. Ycptar6µevr, Kar6ara07J. 01/lr, /36pe1a. Current condition. North view.

Current condition. Ground p lans of basement, ground floor, upper floor.



um:pulf.iwµtvo Lo6y&LO KOL 6pocpo. H opy6vwCJT'] Tll<; KOTOlfJTJ<; dVOL yvwpLµTj Tll<; &nox11c; nou KTlITTT]K&. loLOLT&p6T17T&<; anorn11.ouv TJ &11.&u8&prJ opy6vwCJT'] Tll<; KOTOlfJTJ<;, Tl µT] OLaµn&p11c; 00/I.Q yupw an6 T17V ono(a QVQITTUOOOVTOL Ol KUPLOL XWPOL, TJ &s' OAOKA!lPOU untpy&LQ av6musri TOU unoydou KOL TJ £VTOVTJ n11.aOTLK6T17TO Twv 61.fJ&wv. H oacp11c; optl;6VTta oLa(p&Oll rnuc; a& ~6CJT'], Kopµ6 KOL melf.iri dvOL rn(Of]<; TUTTLKll YLQ TT]V E:TTOX!l· H LOLOLT&pa &mµ&11.riµtvri np6oolf.iri unooLOLpdTOL a& Tp(a KOTOK6pucpa Tµ11µma. To µwa(o /1.&LTOUpyd we; 6sovac; ouµµ&Tp(ac; KOL Tov(l;&TOL LOLOLT&pa an6 mo oLwpocpo &swmri KOL TO &m~ATJTLK6 µapµ6ptvo KUPLO KALµaKom6mo. 0 ouyKpmriµtvoc; ouvouaoµ6c; VE:OKAOOLKwv KOL avay&VVTJOLOKwv µopcpo11.oyLKwv ITTOLXE:LWV TO KOTOTOOOOUV O& 8VQ npwLµo YLO TQ &/1./1.T]VLKO O&ooµeva, &K/1.&KTLKLITTLKO p&uµa. YA1K6 M1.111a11c;. H PTJXll 8&µ&11.(wCJf] Tou KTLp(ou KOL m TOLXOnoL(&<; Tou unoydou dvOL apyo11.L8000µ11. OL TOLXOTTOL(&<; TOU Looydou KOL op6cpou dvOL cptpouo&c; &mXPLoµtv&c; omon11.Lv8oooµtc; an6 ouµnay11 Tou~11.a. Ta o6n&oa Looydou KOL op6cpou dvOL µLKT!l<; KOTQOKE:Ull<; µ& µ&TaMLK£<; ooKouc;, OL ono(&<; y&cpupwvoVTOL µ& Tou~11.a &LOLK!l<; 0Lmoµ11c; KOL su11.Lvo n6Twµa 11 rnLµ&VTon11.aK(oLa moue; oeuT&p&uoVT&<; xwpouc;. LTO o6n&oo unoydou OUVOVTOUµ& &TTLCJT']<; TOLµ&VTon11.aK(oLa KOL µwoa'iK6. rnc; opocptc; unoydou KOL Looydou &TTLXPLOVTOL OL KOTW nap&Lt<; Twv moripoooKwv KOL &LoLKwv Tou~11.wv Twv oantowv, &vw ri opocp11 op6cpou dvOL WLXPLoµtvo µnayomL OL opocptc; Twv KupLwv xwpwv Looydou KOL op6cpou cptpouv yulfJLV&<; n&pLT&XV&<; OLOK00µ110&1c;.

Floors of ground and upper floor are mixed manufacture with metal joists, with bricks of special cross-section among them and wooden floor or cement tiles in the secondary spaces. In basement's flooring we also found cement tiles and mosaic. Constructional phases. The building has a main constructional phase, in which we distinguish two periods of operation and uses: the 1st period, from 1880 until the beginnings of 20th century, with the use of residence and the 2nd period from the beginning of 20th century till today, with the use of Consulate. In the last period important length occupies the running period of "not use".

From the 1st short period we don't have any informations. Interventions of 2nd period aimed to the improvement of operation of consulate and in every case did not degrade decisively building's typology and morphology. During the subperiod of not use, interventions took place in order to prevent further damages and maintain parts of the building, except from the case of arbitrary reconstruction of triangle ending of two-storied fa~ade's balcony. Pathology. The monument does not suffer serious damages and deteriorations, because of the regular householder's preventive interventions. The main deteriorations are due to his adjacency with sea and rising humidity. From secondary damages we meet material losses, falls of mortarcoats, black crust on marbles and vegetation .

Ot eneµ~6oeL<; Tll<; unonepL6oou Tll<; µri XPllOT'J<;, dxav owm1K6 xapaKT11pa, eKT6<; an6 TTJV au8a(peT17 avaKmaoKE:Ull TT]<; a&TwµaTLKll<; an611.risric; Tou oLwpocpou &swmri TTJ<; n p6oolfJTJ<;.

Masonries are in good condition, without divergences from vertical, collapses and cracks. Those that were located appear they do not threat in any way the building. Proposal for restoration and reuse. The most expedient use that was proposed by the Italian Embassy is of consulate. Essential difference is that the residence of consul it should not be found inside. As it is proposed, a department of file, accounts department, address of supplies, office of consul, office of secretary, room of official ceremonies-library, waiting room, department of service of Italian nationals, room of waiting for them must operate in consulate . Also, a studio for consul's rest is proposed. The interventions at the nutshell of monument aim in the re-establishment of initial form. The interventions in the ground plan are dictated by the re-establishment of initial typology and the adaptation of particular use in the modern conditions of existence and op13ration.

naeoAoyfa. LTO µvriµdo oev ucp(maVTOL oo~aptc; ~M~ec; KOL cp8optc;, Myw Twv owm1Kwv eneµ~6oewv Tll<; 10LOKT11Tp1ac; ap-

In every case any interventions of re-establishment, result from sufficient elements of documentation.

<1>6a&rc; ciOIJl']OI']<;. LTO KTtpLo eµcpav({;&TOL OUOLOITTLKO µ(a OlKOooµLKll cp60f], OTTJV ono(a oLaKp(vouµe Mo nepL6oouc; 11.eLToupy(ac; KOL XPllO&wv: T17V 1n nep(ooo, an6 To 1880 we; Tl<; apxtc; Tou 20°u aL. nep(nou, µe XPllOT'J TTJV KOTOLK(a KOL TTJ 2n nep(ooo an6 TL<; apxtc; TOU 20°u Ol. we; 011µ&pa µe TT] XPllOT'J TOU npos&vdou. LTT]V TE:AE:UTO(a nep(ooo CJT']µOVTLKO Tµ11µa TT]<; KQT011.aµ~6ve1 ri Tptxouoa nep(oooc;, Tll<; «µri XPllOT'J<;». An6 T17V 1n OUVTOµT] nep(ooo unapxouv µl"]O&VLKO oeooµtva, &vw OL eneµ~6oe1c; TTJ<; 2nc; nepL6oou, oev aMo(woav anocpamOT1K6 T17V TUTT011.oy(a (OLOLpfo&L<; xwpwv KOL OLCIVOLSTJ 8upwv) KOL T17 µopcpo11.oy(a (KAdmµo eswTep1Kwv avmyµ6Twv, KT(mµo Kanvoo6xou) TOU KTlplOU.


Building materials. The foundations of building are not deep and they are stonework, so as basement's masonry. Ground floor and upper floor's walls are constructed with compact bricks with mortar.

7. Y<p1ar6µeVT} KOT6aTaarJ. 0(/H/ avaroA1Kr). Current condition. East view. TO KTIPIO TOY TTPOHN ITMIKOY TTPO::ENEIOY HH 0EILAAONIKH

B. Y<p1ar6µevr, Kar6araarJ. naeoJ..oyia. Nona 6(/Jr,. Current condition. Pathology. South vi.ew.

XrJ<;. Ol KUpl6T8p8<; <.p8ope<; O<.p8LAOVTOl 01T] Y8lTVLOOTJ TOU µ8 Tr] 86>-.aooa Km T17v av8px6µ8v17 uypao(a. H nAtjp17c; avrtKOT6ma017 Tl7<; ITTEY17<; 8SCIA8ll.lJ8 TI0AOl0T8p8<; 8ITTL8<; npoopo>-.r'Jc; uypaoiac;, 8VTOUTOl<; napaµev8l eva 017µdo 8topor'Jc; oµpp(wv. An6 08UT8p8UOU08<; P>--6P8<; OUVQVTOUµ8 QTIWA8l8<; UAlKOU, TOTilKE<; ITTW08l<; 8TilXPlOµCITWV, µaup17 Kpouma KQl p>-.am17017. Ot Tmxonmi8<;, dvm 08 KOArJ KOT6ma017, xwpic; anoK>-.io8t<; an6 Tr]V KQTQKOpU<.pO, KOTOpp8U08l<; KQl pwyµE<; 08 OAO TOU<; TO naxoc;. AuTec; nou 8vtonim17Kav Kma T6nouc; 08 <.pa(vovrm va an8t>-.ouv Ka8' 01ovor'Jnon: Tp6no TO KTtplo.

np6Tao11 anoKaT60Tao11c; Kai &navaxp11a11c;. H nMov np6ocpop17 XPl'l017 nou npoT6817K8 an6 T17v ITOAtKrJ n pwpda dvm KQl TICIAL OUTrJ TOU npos8V8LOU. OuatOOTlKrJ OLO<.popa dvm 6n 17 KQTOlKLQ TOU TIPOSEVOU 08V npfo8t VO pp(OK8TQL 8VTO<; TOU npoS8V8LOU. Kma TO npoT8tv6µ8vo KTtp10>-.oy1K6 np6ypaµµa xwpo88Ttj817Kav Tµtjµa apxdou, >-.oy1mr'Jpto, 018u8uv017 npoµ17881wv, ypa<.pdo nposevou, ypa<.pdo ypaµµmfo, a(8ouaa rn(017µwv T8A8TWV-PlPAl08rJK17, a(8ouaa avaµovr'Jc;, Tµtjµa 8sun17pfr17017c; ITa>--wv un17K6wv, a(8ouoa avaµovr'Jc; auTwv Km po17817T1Ko( xwpot (uyt8LVrJ<;, Kouqva, ano8r'JKW017<;). nepav QUTWV npOTC18l7K8 EVQ studio avanau>-.ac; TOU nposevou. Ot rn8µp6081<; mo Ke>-.ucpoc; Tou µV17µdou anooKonouv m17v QTIOKQTCIITTQ017 Tl7<; OPXLKrJ<; µop<.pr'Jc;. Ol 8TI8µp608l<; 0Tl7V KCITOlJ.117 unayop8uovrm an6 Tr]V an0Km6ma017 Tr]<; OPXlKrJ<; TUno>-.oy(ac; Km Tr]V npooapµoyr'J Tr]<; auyK8KptµeV17<; XPrJOll<; mt<; OUYXPOV8<; ouv8tjK8<; otap(w017c; Km A8lTOupy(ac;.


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Ii I P "Fl'~iiFfiF!l~UQ~~r~~


L8 K688 m:p(mwa17 m 6nm8<; 8TI8µpaa8l<; anoKaT6mao17c;, npoKumouv an6 rnapKrJ mmxda T8Kµ17p(w017c;.

10. np6rnar,. Toµf/ Kara µf/Ko~. Proposal. Section in length.

9. np6rnar,. Karoljlec~ urroydou, caoydou, op6<pou. Proposal. Ground plans of basement, ground floor, upper floor.

11. np6rnar,. 01/JTJ ourcKf/. Proposal. West view.

12. np6rnar,. OI/ITJ avaro.>.cKf/. Prop osal. East view. TO KTIPIO TOY nPOHN ITMIKOY nPO::ENEIOY ITH 0EHA/\ONIKH


Neµno'(ma Konpf~LTOQ, OPXLT8KTWV µrixav1K6<;

l2TOPIKE2 KATOIKIE2 LlHMHTPIOY KAI nETPOY 2AMAPA 2TON nOAYrYPO Em~Mnwv: rewpy1oc; KapaMooc;, apxm:KTWV µrixav1K6c;

Nebojsa Koprivica, architect engineer


1Mo 6µope~ KOTOlKlf:~ r3p[OK0Vl"Ol OTO OVOTOAlKO 6.Kpo Tfl~ ooou 1717c; Ma·iou 1821. np1v TflV enav6.maori Kat TflV KOTOOTpocpr'] Tfl~ Xat..KtOtKr']~, TO cp81v6nwpo TOU 1821, TO Mo otK6neoa anoTe.\ouoav tva ev10[0, 6nou unr']pxe µ[a 01wpocpri Kmo1K(a. 'Hrnv xwpo8eTriµtvri oe an6maori an6 TO µtTwno Tfl~ oriµep1vr']~ ooou.


he two adjecent houses are situated on the eastern end of 17th May 1821 Street. !Before the revolt and the destruction of Chalkidiki in the autmn of 1821 , the two sites of the current owners had represented one property, containing one twostoried house. It was situated to the north at some distace from the front of the main street.

H KOTOlKLO OUTr'] cpa(veTOl 6n OKOAOU8ouoe TflV TUno.\oy[a Tfl~ ayponKr']~ OPXLTf:KTOVtKr']~ TOU T6nou. LTO n(ow µtpo~ TOU xoytanou OlOTrJPf:LTOl OK6µri O r3001K6~ xwpo~ TOU op6cpou (ovr6.~) , K6.Tw an6 Tov ono[o r3p10K6Tav o ano8flKWnK6~ xwpo~.

The plan of the house followed the typology of the ru ral houses of Chalkidiki. In the rear portion of the rectangu lar balcony («hayat») on the upper floor two rooms («ontas») are still preserved. This initial core, that have never been incorporated as a room of general use in the subsequent houses, continued to exist until the present day.

To apx1K6 01K6neoo 01aveµ1')8riKe an6 Tov A8av6.010 Laµap6. OTl~ OPX£~ Tfl~ Of:KOf:TLO~ TOU e!;r']vra TOU 1gou Ol. OTOU~ Tpel~ y1ou~ 1ou oe [oa µtpri. Ot Tpet~ KOTOlKLe~ oev UTT80TflOOV oor3apt~ ~riµtt~ an6 TO µey6..\o oe10µ6 Tfl~ Xa.\KtOtKr']~ Tou 1832 ouTe an6 6.Me~ oe10µ1K8~ opOOTflplOTrJTf:~ µtxpt ITT]µepa. LTl~ At8oooµt~ 6>..wv TWV cp6.oewv napmripr'J8rJKOV, umepa an6 TflV 10noypacp1Kr'] anoTunwori, µ6vo f:ACl.XlOTf:~ OTTOKALOf:l~ an6 TflV KOTOK6pucpo.



The initial plot was divided in the begining of the seventh decade of 19th century by Athanasios Samaras to his three sons into three equal parts. The three houses were not seriously damaged neither in the severe eathquake of Chalkidiki in 1832. nor in the other seismic activities until now. After the topographic survey only small vertical declinations in the stone masonry are observed. As far as the cracks of both houses are concerned, the serious ones are estimated to be only those on the north-west section of the house belonging today to Demetris Zigras.

'Ooov acpop6. Tl~ priyµmwoe1~ nou eµcpav[~ovrm KOL 011~ Mo KOTOtK[e~. oor3apt~ Kp(vovrm µ6vo eKdve~ mo r3ope1oounK6 n[ow Tµr']µa Tfl~ KOTOlKLO~ nou avr']Kel or']µepa OOTO oriµr']Tpfl Zr']ypa. Le auTr']v ty1ve e!;wTep1Kr'] npoo8r']KrJ an6 o uµnayd~

The study of restoration aimed at the preservation of the au-

1. Ynapxouaa KQTQOTOOJ"/. N6Tta 01/JT/Present state. South elevation.

2. Ynapxouaa KOTQOTOOJ"/. Toµrj A-A. Present state. Section A-A.



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3. Yn 6.pxouaa Kar6.araar,-(J)6.am;. K6.TOI/JT/ A' op6cpou - Present state. Plan of the first floor.

I @ @


4. np6rnar, anoKar6.araar,c;. K6TOI/JT/ A' op6cpou - Proposal. Plan of the first floor. IITOPIKEI KATOIKIEI 6HMHTPIOY KAI nETPOY IAMAPA ITON nOi\YrYPO


n>-.(v8ouc; µe aol3eOT0Kov(aµa OTO l3amK6 6yKo TOU KTtp(ou an6 TTT"]AOKTlOTT] AL80oOµl7. H µeMTT"] anoKaT60Taoric; eixe we; OT6xo TT"] 01m11priori Tou au8eVT1Kou xapaKT11pa Twv KOT01K1wv eµn>-.ouni;6µevou µe 010XPOVLKtc; nveuµanKtc; KOL UAtKtc; a~(ec; nou ytwrioe o 20°c; OLwvac;. Emnp6o8na npayµaTono1118rJKe µeMTT"] y16 TT"]V ev(axuori TWV OTOTLKWV OTOLXetWV 6nou QUTO Kp(8T"]K8 avayKa(o. rta TOV 8KOUYXPOVL0µ6 TWV KQTOlKlWV npoTe(veTOL ri l:-:VTQ~T"] TWV uypwv XWPWV OTOV TTpWTO KOL TO 08UT8p0 6pocpo TT"]<; KQTOlKIO<; TOU KwOTa lmpou. 0 OPXLK6c; nup11vac; TWV Mo lOlOKTT"]OlWV µal;( µe TO xayt6TL, nou l3p(OK8TOL OTO OLK6neoo TOU Z11ypa, 01mripeiTOL KOL >-.aµl36ve1 ~av6 TO p6>-.o TOU KeVTptKOU xwpou Tou omnou. H e~wTeptKll npoo811KrJ, ri ono(a 8a u>--onmri8d µe ouyxpova u>-.tK6 (on>--1oµtvo oKup6oeµa, om6n>-.1v8ot wtµeVToKov(aµa K.A.n.) KOL ouyXPovec; KarnoKeuaOTLKtc; Texv1Ktc;, eµcpav(i';ernt we; l:-:Kcppaori anOLTl7oewv yta µeyaMTepo KaTOLKl7mµo KOL QTT08T"]KWTlKO XWPO TWV KOLVOupytWV lOLOKTT"]TWV TWV Kup1aKou-Z11ypa. Ot 6ljJetc; Tou na>-.tou KT(oµmoc; 8a anoKOTaOTa8ouv, 01mripwVTac; TT"]V apxtKll Touc; µopcpo>-.oy(a, µe np6rnori vfoc; xpwµanKll<; em>-.oy11c; we; npoc; TT"]V ucp10T6µevri. Emnp6o8ern, OTtc; 6ljJe1c; TT"]<; npoo8l7KrJ<; 8a XPrimµono1ri8ouv XPWµma nou evapµov(i';oVTOL µe 8KetVQ TOU TTOAlOU. Ot epyao(ec; nou npoTetVeTOL va y(vouv OTa n>-.a(ma TT"]<; OTOTLKll<; naptµl3aoric;, uOTepa an6 TT"]V ano~11>--wori TWV emXPtoµ6TWV TWV TTQALWV KTtoµ6Twv 6nwc; KOL TT"]V KOTaypacp11 KOL av6AUOT"] TWV cp8opwv, etVOL Ol e~11c;:

a. Ka86p1oµa Twv apµwv oe 1Kav6 l368oc;.

13. EmoKeutc; - TOTT!Kl:-:<; ev1axuoe1c; At8oooµwv we; cptpoVTa opyavtoµou TWV KTlp(wv:

thentic character of both houses, enriched by the diachronic spiritual and material values created in the last 20th century. On the other hand, the claim for the increase of the static characteristics of the structural el,ements requiring it, was the second but not less important goal. For achieving the first it is proposed that the sanitary facilities be installed on the first and the second floor of the house that belongs to Kostas latrou. The initial core of both properties, together with the balcony (hayat) located as already mentioned in Zigra's plot, is being preserved and gains againi the role of the central space of the house. The external addition, that would be materialised with contemporary materials (reinforced concrete, baked bricks, slush grout e.t.c.) and building tecniques, is created expressing the demand of the new owiners Kyriakou-Zigras for larger living and storage space. The faqades of the old buildings are to be restored, retaining the original morphology, with a new choice of colours, while the elevation of the addition would be animated chiefly by the colours adapted to a chromatic proposal of the first. As far as the static treatment is concerned, the work proposed after the removal of plasters in the buildings as well as the evidence and the analysis of deteriorations are the following:

a. Cleaning of joints to a considerable depth. b. Repairs - local strengthenings of the stone masonries as the load-bearing system of the two buildings: • Deep jointing of masonry with use of cement. • Injections with use of cement. • Light reinforced plast,ers. • Local reconstructions..


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5. np6rnar, anoKar6araar,c;. Toµrj A-A - Proposal. Section A-A. IITOPIKEL KATOIKIEL llHMHTPIOY KAI n ETPOY LAMAPA ITON noAYrYPO

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• Basu apµ0My17µa µe XPllOTJ TOLµevrou, n11.uµev17c; <iµµou K.A.TI. • Eveµarn µe XPllOTJ TOLµevrou • E11.acppwc; OTIA.LOµeva emxp[aµarn • TomKec; ava5oµfiaetc; y. AVOKOTQOKWfi r'J emaKeur'J ~UA.Oi580LWV. ~- KOTOOKWll ~U/1.LVOU 5Lai'.;wµmoc; OTl1 OT8ljJT7 TWV TOLXOTIOLLWV. &. AvaKOTOOKWll neptaa6Tepwv an6 Ta 5<ine5a 6nwc; KOL 611.17c; TT7<:; 0Tey17c; TWV Mo KOTOLKLWV. ar. nep[oeOT] µe µernMLKouc; e11.Ku0Tfipec; yta eviaxuOTJ Twv 11.LSoooµwv TIOU QTIOTEAOUV TO cpepovra opyavtaµ6.

c. Replacement or repair of timber beams in masonry.

d. Construction of wooden crown beams on a masonry walls . e. Reconstruction of most of the floors as well as the roof of both buildings. f.

Placement of metalic joists under the wooden floors for the purpose of the strengthening of the stone masonry structure.

g. Reinforcement of the foundation.

i'.;. Eneµ~<iaetc; OTO 8eµe11.ta µe KarnaKeur'J µov6n11.eupou Toixou OVTLOTl1PL~17c; µe iSLOTµT7TLK6 KA.EL5t6 (vrouMma).


II Ill

6. np6rn07J an0Kar6ara01Jc;. N6Tta 61/11') - Proposal. South elevation.


7. np6rn07J anoKaraaraOrJc;. B6pEia 61/11') - Proposal. North elevation. IITOPIKEI KATOIKIEI f>HMHTPIOY KAI n ETPOY LAMAPA ITON n OAYrYPO

Xp~OTO~ Kou~apo~, TIOAITlK6c; µrixav1K6c;


I Christos Kouvaros, civil ~ngineer I






I '.

H IOTOplK'l &~&Al~l'J TWV TO~WV KOi TWV 86Awv Ta TOSO we; OTOLXELO yecpupwaric; avOLyµarwv KQl Ol 86AOl we; OTOlxda 8ntKOA.UljJewv xwpwv i3PrJKOV ecpapµoyl'] an6 TL<; npwTec; XPOVlK8<; neptooouc; Tr]<; av8pWntVl'J<; OtKOOOµtKT]<; opaO'TT]plOTT']TO<;. H estM;l'] TOU<; KOTO. yewypa<pLK8<; neptOX8<; KOL XPOVlK8<; neplOOOU<; l']Tav auvucpaaµtVl'J µe Touc; aVT(OTOLXouc; noAmaµouc; nou 6.Kµaaav KOTct Ttc; nep16oouc; auTtc;. H XPT70T'l auvl']8wc; TOmKwv UALKWV KOL napaoOOLQKWV µe86owv ooµl']c; nou eseA(aOOVTQV µe TO XPOVO 80LV8 TO xapaKTl']pa ae K0.88 T8TOlQ nep(o00. An' 6Aec; auTtc; nc; nept6oouc; uno.pxouv asto0auµamec; µVl'Jµ8tOK8<; KOTOOK8U8<;, odyµma Tr]<; 8S8ALST']<; Tr]<; 00AOOOµ(ac; µiXPL Tr] OUYXPOVT'] enoxl']. Karn0Keuacrr1K&<; l>10T6~&1<;. IT01xeia 01Kol>o1,,11K11<; H KOTQOK8UT] TWV T6swv KOL 06Awv ytVOTOV µe XPT70T'l at(JtOOTUnwv KOL eoMTUnwv T7 µe 8Aeu0epo xtpt OTO 8LOT'] TWV 06AWV nou TO 8TI8Tpenav ot yewµeTplKE<; auv0l']Kec;. Ta TIO.XJ'l TWV 06AWV rJTOV anoTtAeaµa eµne1p1Kwv Kav6vwv nou dxav np0Kul)Je1 an6 TT'] OLOOLKOO(a TT']<; KOTOOK8UT]<; KQl Ol Tp6noL KQTQOK8UT]<; Tr]<; TOLXOTIOt(ac; TWV TOSWV KOL TWV 06AWV (8foe1c; A(0wv, nMsl'l nA(v0wv) l']rnv auyKeKp1µtvo1.

Development of masonry arches and vaults The development in structural form of arches and vaults spans a wide period from the early to the modern times of human building activity. Structural arrangements Arches and vaults cover a wide range of shape and size and manner of construction with domestic materials and traditional methods with or without ceintering. Damages and causes of damages Due to the lack of history information of the history of the construction, the static system behavior, the domestic materials without specifications and the damages themselves the definition of

BA6j3&<; KOi OITIE:<; l3Aal3wv OE: TO~O KOi 86>.ou<; H evawµctTWOT'] TWV KmaaKeuwv aUTwv mo XPOVO Kat mov nep1i36.MoVTa xwpo Kma Tr] 016.pKeta Tr]<; ~wl']c; TOuc; dxe we; ano-

1. EvfaxuarJ rpouAou aro Mrri TJ Xaµ6µ (/\ourp6 nap6oe,aoc;, ewaaAovfKTJ).


Bey Hamam (Paradise Baths), Thessaloniki. Strengthening ofa dome. TO::A KAI 00/101rE MNHMEIAKEL KATALKEYEL ATI0 TOIX0TI0IIA

2. nep[acp,E,TJ mu wµrr6vou rou rpouAou mu Naou TTJC: Ay. Xocpfac; eeaaaAov[KTJc;. Agia Sofia, Thessa/oniki. Confining of the drum.

T£AWµa TT]V £KOl7AWOT] l3>-al3wv. 0 npoootoptoµ6c; TWV amwv £KOl7AWOT]c; TWV l3>-al3wv QlJTWV oev £LVOL Ka86>-ou £UKOAO<; £~0LT(ac; TT]<; £/\/\£llJ}TJ<; OTOLX£LWV YLO TO lOTOplKO TT]<; KOTQOK£Ul7<; (avacpopec; 0£ lOTOplKQ K£Lµ£VQ KOL TTTW£<; YLO KQTQOK£UQOTLK£<; >-emoµepetec; 17 yeyov6TO KQTOOTpocpwv)' TTJ<; OXL ~£Kci8apric; OTQTlKl7<; ouµneptcpopcic; (ouv8eTO noMec; cpopec; ooµLKO ouOTT]µa nou npoeKulJ)e µe eµnetptK6 Tp6no µeTci an6 noMec; npoo817Kec;) TT]<; al3el30LOTTJTO<; TT]<; ouµneptcpopcic; TWV U/\IKWV (UALKci TOmKci £K neptouMoy17c; 17 xetpono(rirn µe 6XL Ka8optoµevri ouµneptcpopci l7 YVWOT£<; npootaypacpec;) KOL OTL<; l0l£<; nc; l3>-6l3ec; µta KOL Kci8e a(no oev £KOTJAWV£TOL µe ouyKeKptµ£VT] e1K6va 13Ml3ric; (xapaKTT]pLOTLKll Tou OLT(ou) aMci noMci a(Tta eKori>-wvoVTOL µe 6µ010 £1KOVQ 13Ml3ric;, KOL TJ £KOl7/\WOT] µLac; 13M13ric; anOT£/\£l OLTlQ yta TT]V O/\UOLOWT17 £KOl7/\WOT] 6Mwv l3>-al3wv. Mta npwTT] Y£VlKl7 TQ~Lv6µr]OT] l3>-al3wv µnope( va y(veL 0£ QK(vouvec; l3Ml3ec; (cp8opci u>-tKwv 00µ17c;) KOL oe emK(vouvec; l3Ml3ec; (npol3>-17µma mo ooµtK6 ouOT17µa). Mta TO~tv6µT]OT] l3>-al3wv µe TTJ µopcp17 priyµmwoewv m1c; TOLxonOL(ec; µnope( va y(vet otaKp(voVTac; TOuc; TumKouc; l3a8µouc; 13>-613ric; (oX£TLKci µe TTJV £VTQOT] 13Ml3ric;) 0£ Tpdc; l3a8µ(oec;, «A» OTL<; £AO<pp£c;, «8» ool3apec;, «1» l3apt£<; KOL TO XOPOKTl7pa

causes of damages is not an easy procedure. There are certain classifications of damages and causes of damages. As far as the damages are concerned they are generally classified as dangerous and non-dangerous, as to the intensity into light, serious and heavy, as to the character of the damages, into general, partial and typical and as to the width of the crack into four categories. As far as the causes of the damages are concerned they are generally classified based on tt1e duration into short and longterm, based on their origin caus,ed by the structure itself, the surrounding space, natural disaster and man made actions of decay, based on the appearance of the damages which may be caused into the structural materials and into the structural system. Usually the damages appear as: a) plastering damages, b) mortar decay, c) damage of stone and bricks surface, d) cracks on the masonry, e) damages of stre-ngthening structural elements, f) disjoint and collapse of stone and bricks g) deformations of the shape and form, h) large deformation and collapse. The causes of damages are: a) material properties (shrinkage), b) climatic causes of decay (temperature changes, humidity, rain, ice and frost, wind, air and weather pollution), c) biological and botanical causes, d) aging of structural materials, e) faults and lack of structure - insufficie,nt materials, f) design errors or later intervention faults g) lack of maintenance - abandonance of structure, h) ground movements, i) earthquake forces - vibrations - explosions, j) fire, k) existing cracks to the abutments and the supporting elements. Interventions Criteria and objective of interventions Through a systematic criteria evaluation of the present capability and the desirable capability aifter the intervention, of the prin-

3. nep{a<pt~rJ ITTrJ /360'7 TOU rpouAou TOU Naou TOU Ay. navreAefJµova GeaaaAov{KrJr:;. Agios Panteleimon Church, Thessaloniki. Confining of the dome.

5. Torro0iTrJOrJ eAKuarf/pwv ara r6~a arfJpt~rJr:; rwv rpouAwv aro Mrre(eariv, (KAe1arfJ 0oAoaKirraarrJ ayop6), eeaaaAov{KrJ. Bezesteni, Thessaloniki. Ties construction Pazar Hamam, Thessaloniki. Injections, cracks stitching and arch reinforcement.

4. Torro0iTrJOrJ eAKuorfJpwv oro ruµ11avo rou rpouAou rou Naou me; Meraµ6pcpwOrJ<; rou IwrfJpoc; eeaacrAov{KrJr:;. Metamorfosis Sotiros Church, Thessaloniki. Ties construction in the drum.

6. EKriAt:OrJ eveµarwv aro eawpaxw rpouAwv, auppacpfJ pwyµwv Kat t:KTiAeOrJ eveµarwv, evfaxuOrJ r6i;wv aro na(6p Xaµ6µ (O0wµav,K6 Aourp6 TrJc; KevrptKfJc; ayopac;), eeaaaAov{KrJ. TO::A KAI 0OAOI LE MNHMEIAKEL KATALKEYEL Ano TOIXOnOIIA


TWV l3>-.al3wv (O)(E:TlKQ µe TI]V f:KTQOT) TT]<:; 13Ml3ric;) OE: YE:VlKOU, µeptKou Km TumKou xapaKT1'1Pa l3Ml3ec;. M[a aK6µT] TaE;tvoµri017 13}1.0l3WV (µE: TT] µop<p!7 pT]yµaTWOE:WV) µnope[ VQ y[VE:l l3C10E:l Tou eupouc; TT]<:; pwyµ17c; oe Tfooeptc; Kmriyop[ec;. 'Ooo ava<popa Tl<:; mT[ec; µnopd va rnE;1voµri0ouv: Oc; npoc; TT] otapKeta oe µ6vtµec;, (µeya>--ric; otapKetac;) 17 napoOlKec; (µlKp17c; OlClpKE:tac;). Oc; npoc; TT]V npoe>-.eu017 ot mT(ec; nou npoKa>-.ouv µ1a 13Ml3ri µnopd va npoepxoVTm an6 TT]V lOlQ TT]V KQTQOKE:UT7, TO yupw neptl36Mov, <puatK6 <pmv6µeva, 17 an6 av0pwmvri napouo[a Km evepyetec;. Oc; npoc; TI]V E:KOT7AWOT) l3>-.al3wv µnopd aK6µT] TO [eta Ta a[na va otaKpt8ouv o'aUTa nou npoKa>-.ouv l3>-.al3ec; ma u>-.tK6 00µ17c; Km o'aUTa nou npoKa>-.ouv l3Ml3ec; OTO ooµtK6 ouOTI]µa we; ouvo>-.o. Ot l3Ml3ec; 6nwc; E:KOT]AWVOVTm ma T6E;a Km TOuc; 86>-.ouc; Km <pa[vovrnt µeTa an6 µ1a µaKpOOKOmK17 napaTT7pT]OT) dvm: a) BMl3ec; E:TIIXPlOµCITWV, 13) .6.16l3pw017 TOU KOVlClµmoc; 00µ17c;, y) Anoo6.p8pw017 TI]c; em<pave1ac; TWV >-.[Swv 17 Twv n>-.(v8wv, o) PT]yµmwoe1c; OTl<:; TOlXOnOllE:<:; TWV atµ[OWV KQl TWV 86AWV, E:) B>-.al3ec; ma ooµtK6 OTOlXda ev[axu017c; TWV T6E;wv Km Twv 86>-.wv, OT) AnoK6Mri017 >-.[Swv 17 n>-.[v8wv an6 Ta T6E;a Km anoK6MT]OT) TµT]µ6Twv TT]c; T01xono1[ac; Twv 86>-.wv, i'.;) napaµ6p<pw017 TOU O)(T7µmoc; KQl TI]c; µop<p17c; TWV T6E;wv KQl TWV 86>-.wv, ri) MeyCIAT] napaµ6p<pw017 Tou ax17µmoc; Km TT]c; µop<p17c; Twv T6E;wv KQl TWV 86>-.wv ewe; TµT]µanKT7 17 OAIKT7 KaTClppE:UOT). .6.ev ava<pepE:TQl f;E:XWPIOTll KOTI]yOp[a l3A.al3wv OTQ KQTQKOpu<pa OTotxda OTT7ptE;T]c; SewpwVTac; Ta Tµ17µma TI]c; avwooµ17c; Km TOU KQTQKOpu<pou <pepOVTQ opyavtoµou. Kup[wc; 6µwc; l3Ml3ec; OTa OTOlXE:la aUTa ouvooeuoVTm (Km Kup[wc; anorn>-.ouv mT[ec;) an6 l3>-.al3ec; TWV KOTI]yoptwv c; Km T]. Ot mT[ec; eK017>-.w017c; l3>-.al3wv dvm: a) IOlOTI]TE:c; TWV UAlKWV (OUOTOA.!7 n17E;ric;) ' 13) KA1µaTOAOYlKOl napayoVTec; (SepµtKec; µernl30Mc;- uypao[a-l3pox17nayeT6c;-6veµoc;-punav017 TI]<:; mµ6o<pmpac;), y) Bto>-.oy1Koi napayoVTec; - ctlUTCI, o) 117pav017 TWV UAlKWV i50µ17c;, e) KaKOTexv(ec; KQl eMdtµetc; TI]c; KaTQOKE:UT7c; - AvrnapKE:IQ UAIKWV, OT) t\68T] apXlKOU axeo1aoµou 17 µernyeveOTepwv rneµl36oewv Km emoKeuwv, Q 'EMettµT] ouVTT7pT]017c; - EyKm6Ae1l!Jri Tou KTtpiou, ri) Eoa<plKec; KlvrJOE:t<:;, 8) .6.uvaµtKec; KQTQnOvrJOE:l<:; (OE:tOµtKf:<:; OpCIOE:l<:; Kpaoaoµo[- oovf]oetc;- avanvaE;etc;), l) ctlWTlCI, K) Ynapxouoec; pT]yµmwoetc; m tc; Totxonot[ec; nou anoTe>-.ouv OTT7Plf;T].

ciples for the protection of the monuments (respect to the original, reversibility of the interventions, compatibility of the materials), of the financial criteria of the cost and the conservation as well as other technosocial, sociopolitical and geomorphological criteria can be taken a successful intervention which can be a complete group of works with the following objectives such as those written in the bibliography of the interventions in buildings. Repair works - Strengthening works - Reconstruction works • Principles of intervention - the reconstruction of the original shape and geometrical form - the decrease of construction weight - the discharge of extra load - the maintenance of abutments in the building - the improvement of connections with the strengthening elements the maintenance of thrust i1n the basis of the arches and vaults - the maintenance of the protection of the weather conditions the improvement of the dia1Phragmatic operation • Intervention techniques Before any planned intervention for the immediate protection against collapse specially after a strong earthquake, immediate measures are taken havin£1 an urgent character, such as temporary shoring, scaffolding and tightening. • Repair techniques a) Deep rejointing b) injections for cracks filing, c) cracks stitching d) rebonding of damaged areas, local reconstruction e) demolition and local reconstruction, f) demolition and reconstruction of supporting elements, g)demolition and reconstruction of elements which cause damages-discharging and lightening arrangements h) reconstruction or construction of watersealing and roofing. • Strengthening techniques a) Recovery of the original shape and form, b) applying a reinforced plaster layer, c) injections for regenerating the masonry mass d) adding short reinforcement rods, e) construction of reinforcement concrete layer, f) construction of reinforced concrete tie beam and diaphragm system, g) construction of reinforced concrete ring beam, h) construction of ties and tendons i)use of confining collars, wrapped cables and rings j) construction of suspension arrangements of vaults j) use of fiber reinforced plastic material k) construction of external buttresses, I) consolidation of foundation

7. m.f]pwar, pwyµwv aro E:l;wpaxw KQI QVQKQTQaKE:UrJ TT]<; E:ntKaAUI/JrJ<; TOU TpouAou TOU NA napE:KMT]atOU TT]<; I. Movf]c; lf3f]pwv.

Holy Monastery of lviron, SE chapel. Cracks filling to the extrados of the dome and reconstruction of the water proofing.


8. n ep[oE:ar, TOU wµndvou TOU TpouAou TOU KuplQKOU TT]<; IE:pdc; LKrJTT]<; T[µwu npoop6µou TT]<; I. Movf]c; ME:y[arric; llaupac;. Holy Monastery of Great Lavra, Skiti of St. John the Baptist, confining of the drum. TO::A KAI 00/\01LE MNHMEIAKEL KATALKEYEL Ano TOIXOnOIIA

Em:µl36oe1c; oe To~a KOi 86Aouc; Kprn')p1a KOL ar6xo1 em:µl36oewv Meow µ1ac; ouarriµm1K17c; aE;10>,.6yrioric; TWV KPLTTJp(wv TT]<; evanoµevouoac; cpepouoac; IKQVOTT]TO<; KOL TT]<; E:TTL8UµT]Tl7<; cpepouoac; IKOVOTT]TO<; µno TT]V meµl300T], TWV OLOTOE;E:WV y1a TT]V npoarao(a TWV µvriµe(wv (oel3aoµ6 aro npwT6Tuno, avnarpet!J1µ6TTJTO KOL 01axpov1KOTTJTO Twv meµ/36.oewv, ouµl3m6TTJTO TWV UAIKWV meµl3aOT]c;) , TWV OIKOVOµLKWV KplTT]plWV TOU KOOTOU<; KOL TT]<; µeT8TTE:ITO OUVTl7PTJOTJc; KOL 6.Mwv TE:XVOKOIVWVIKWV, Kotvwv1KonoAmKwv KOL yewµopcp0Aoy1Kwv KpLTTJp(wv µnopd va y(ve1 µ(a emTux17c; mLAoy17 meµl3aoric;, TJ ono(a µnopd va dvOL eva ouvo>,.o epyao1wv µe rnuc; napaK6.Tw ar6xouc; 6nwc; auTo( Kmayp6.cpovT01 arriv l31l3A1oypacp(a Twv meµ/36.oewv ae ucp1ar6.µeva KT(pLO Epyao(ec; em0Keu17c; - Epyao(ec; ev(axuoric; - Epyao(ec; avaKaTOOKeu17c; • Apxec; meµ/36.oewv E(vOL oK6mµri TJ anoKm6.araori TOU apx1Kou ax17µmoc; 17 yewµeTp1K17c; µopcp17c;, T] µe(wori TOU 136.pouc; TT]<; KQTOOKeu17c;, T] anocp6pTLOTJ an6 TO np6o8ern cpopT(a, TJ eE;aocp6.A1ori Twv arrip1yµ6.Twv TWV KOTOOKE:UWV OUTWV, T] l3E:ATLWOT] TWV auvoeaewv µe TO aro1xda ev[axuoric; nou un17pxav, TJ eE;aocp6.A1ori Twv ecpeAKuar1Kwv oaKTuA1oe1owv ouv6.µewv arriv 136.0TJ Twv 86>,.wv KOL Tpou>,.wv KOL Twv ecpeAKUOTLKwv ouv6.µewv OTT] 136.ori Twv T6E;wv, ri eE;aocp6.AtOTJ TT]<; npoarao(ac; an6 nc; eE;wTep1Kec; ouv817Kec;. EivOL m18uµT]Tl7 TJ l3E:ATLWOTJ TT]<; 01acppayµm1K17c; >,.moupy(ac;. • Texv1Kec; m eµ/36.oewv nptV OTTO OTTOIOOl7TTOTE: oXE:OI00µ8VT] meµ/300TJ, yta TT]V OµE:OT] npoarao(a 8VQVTI KOT6.ppeuoric; 1o(wc; µE:TO an6 eva 1axup6 oe10µ6 Aaµl36.vovT01 6.µwa µeTpa µe xapaKT17pa mdyovrnc;, 6nwc; npoowp1vec; UTTOOTUAWOE:L<;, OVTIOTT]p(E;etc;, nep1oeoe1c; KOL nep1ocpiE;e1c; . • TE:XVLKec; emaKeuwv a) Baeu apµoMyriµa, 13) EKTeAE:OTJ eveµ6.mv y1a n>,.17pwori pT]yµmwoewv, y) Luppacp17 µey6.Awv pwyµwv, o) foµn>,.ripwcre1c; KOTE:arpaµµevwv TµT]µOTWV, TOTTIKl7 QVQKQTQOKE:Ul7, e) Kaea(peori KOL TOTTIKl7 QVQKQTQOKE:Ul7, ar) Ka8a(peori KOL OVOKQTOOKE:Ul7 OTT]ptyµ6.TWV T6E;wv KOL 86AWV, 0 Ka8a(peori KOL avaKQTQOKE:Ul7 armxdwv nou dvOL OLTiec; np6KATJOT]c; l3>,.al3wv - 01aT6E;e1c; anocpopTLOT]<; KOL E:AOcppUVOT]<;, TJ) AVOKOTOOKE:Ul7 l7 KQTOOKE:Ul7 uypoµ6vworic;, emareyaoric; - aVT1µnwmori Twv npol3AT]µ6.Twv uypaa(ac;. • TE:XVLKec; ev1axuoewv a) AnoKm6.araori TTJ<; apx1K17c; yewµeTp(ac;, 13) On>,.1aµevo miXPtoµa, y) EKTeAE:OTJ eveµ6.Twv y1a TTJV oµoyevono(riOTJ TTJ<; µ6½ac;, o) npoa817KTJ p1½on>,.1aµwv - Pacpec;, e) KmaaKeu17 µavoua on>,.1aµevou oKupooeµmoc;, ar) KmaaKeu17 01a½wµ6.Twv - 01aT6.E;ewv 01acppayµm1K17c; AE:LToupy(ac;, O KmaaKeu17 oaKTuMwv an6 on>,.1aµevo aKup6oeµa, ri) KmaaKeu17 eAKuar17pwv, Tev6VTWV, 8) n ep1ofoe1c;, eE;wrnp1Koi µeTOM tKoi oaKTuA101, 1) L'.1m6E;e1c; av6.pTTJOTJc; Twv 86>,.wv, K) npoo817KT] auv8eTtKwv 1vwv, A) KmaaKeu17 eE;wrnp1Kwv aVT1pp(owv, µ) Texv1Kec; uno8eµe>,.1waewv KOL OUsTJOTJ TT]<; cpepouoac; IKQVOTT]TOc; TWV 8eµE:AIWOE:WV • Texv1Kec; QVQKQTQOKE:UWV AvaKmaoKeu17 Kmearpaµµevwv TµT]µ6.Twv µe auyXPovec; µe86oouc; 17 aVT(armxec; TWV napaooataKwv KOL XPl70TJ auµl3aTwv UAIKWV 17 QKOµT] ouµcpwva µenc; OUYXPOVec; cpLAoaocpiec; KOL QVTLAl7l!JE:1c; QTTOKQTOOTOOT]c;.

• Reconstruction techniques Reconstruction of damaged parts after collapse with modern or traditional methods using compatible materials according to the principles of restoration.

10. nepfoeCJr) ruµn6vou ev6c; Tpo,uAou mu Naou TTJ<; Ay. XKinT)c; TT']<; I. Movftc; Ay. navreAerjµovoc;. Holy Monastery of Ag. Panteleimon. Confining of a drum.

9. EKTiAeCJr) eVeµ6rwv OTo naJ..16 uopaywydo TT']<; I. Movrjc; X{µwvoc; nirpac;. Injections in the old aqueduct of Simon Petra Holy Monastery.

11. AvaKQTQUKWrj OTT']p{yµarnc; 8c5Aou OTO K68caµa MrJAonor6µou I. Movftc; MeyfaTT')c; llaupac;. Milopotamos cell, Holy Monastery of Great Lavra. Abutment reconstruction.




Xpu017 Kunap(oOT], no11.mK6c; µrixav1Koc;

LT~Tl~H--~1-~YNAMl~t~t~NJ½Y~~-,-TQ''(_KTl_fl(~¥~ <<LT0AFIE/\0Lff<P» ME-'-nEnEl='A2MENA-LTOIXE1A Em~Mnoirtes: lwavvriq ~Oll_OOUµT)q, TT~A~TlK~(i:irixav[Kfc;;· Eu8uy(a Mrirn.9no61xou, 'TTOAnk9c;11rixavtK6<; -.




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&tAtlG~AN[rDYNAfv11C IXNA.L~SJS-'OF --.--~ ·-.~- ~~THE-,-~~PEL0$0l=-ARCADE' WiTH ' FINITE ELEMENT~ '1


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Supervisors: loannis Doudoumis, civil engineer, Eythimia Mitsopoulou;c·ivil engineer

VTIKE:iµevo n1c; omr..wµm1K17<; epyaoiac; ano-rer..d ri oraTlK'l Kat OUVOµlKl7 QVC!A.UOI'] TOU lOTOplKOU OlOTl']pl']TfoU KT1p(ou Tl']<; «IToac; ner..oowcp» µe Tl'J µt8oi5o Twv nenepaoµtvwv oro1xdwv. np6KetTm y1a Tl'JV npoooµo(wori Km avar..uori Tl']<; apx1K17<; µopcp17c; Tou KT1p(ou, npoTOu oexrd onmou017n0Te Tunou eneµf36oe1c; Km ev1axuoe1c;, Km 6x1 Tl']<; ucp1or6µevric; KOTOOTOO'l<; TOU.


H «LTOCI ner..oowcp» (nar..16 Taxuopoµdo) f3p(OKETQl OTO K8VTPO Tr]<; 0eooar..ov(KI']<;, eni Tl']<; ooou TotµlOKl7 22, OTIOTEAWVTO<; avnnpoowneUT1K6 oeiyµa eµnop1K17<; oroac;. E(vm KTtoµtvri oe ouo emµ17KI'] orevoµtTwna otK6neoa Tou un' ap18µ6 16 01Koooµ1Kou TE:TpOyWVOU Tl']<; TIUptKQUOTI']<; i;WVI']<; Tl']<; 0WOOAOVlKI']<;.


he object of this dissertation is the static and dynamic

analysis of the listed historic building 'Pelosof Arcade' by means of the finite elements method. This includes the creation of a model and lthe analysis of the initial form of the building, as it was before lb eing restored or reinforced , and not of its present condition. The 'Pelosof Arcade' (Old Post Office) is situated in the centre of the city of Thessaloniki, at 22 Tsimiski street, and it is a characteristic shopping arcade. It has been built on two oblong narrow building plots of the 16th block of the zone of Thessaloniki that had been burnt by the conflagration in 191 7.

To KTipto aveytp81']KE TO 1924 µe oX80lQ TOU OPXlT8KTOVO =EvocpWVTO nmoviori Km anoTer..dTat an6 ntVTe enineiSa: un6ye10, 106ye10, 1o 6pocpo, 2o 6pocpo Km ortyri µe tva Tµ17µa iSwµmoc;. 'Exe1 nep(KeVTpfl KOTOljJfl, auµµeTpLK'l we; npoc; Tov emµ17KI'] a~ova TOU, TOV K68eTO npoc; Tl']V oM TatµtOKT7, OTl']V ono(a f3p(OKETQl KOi Tl np600LjJ17 TOU.

2. Evrnmaµ6c; me; 0iOrJc; n7c; «Xrnac; neJ..oawcp». The localization of the 'P,elosof Arcade'.


1. np6ao(/JrJ mu KTtpfou an6 TrJV 006 Ta1µ10Kr'J Kat eawreptKI') dno1/JrJ mu a[0ptou.


Frontage of the building from Tsimiski street and internal view of the atrium. HATIKH KAI LiYNAMIKH ANMYLH TOY KTIPIOY «HOA TlE/\0:1:0<ll»



~~~-. .


3. AnonJnwOrJ: 0(/JrJ en[ r17c; ooou Ta1µ10Kr'J. Survey: Frontage from T.simiski street.

KupLO ITTOLXetO opyavwaric; TT"]c; KQTOljJT"]c; etVOL O WWT8plKOc; K8VTplKOc; XWpoc;, TIOU <pWTt/'.;8TOL QTIO lj.JT"]A.Cl OLaµfoou o(ppt)(TT"lc; UClAWTT]c; µernMLK~c; ari::yric;. H KUpla Olj.JT"] EX8l 81</\f:KTLKLO"TLKO xapaKTT]pa KOL OLaµopcpwveTOL

ae Tpetc; ~QOLKEc; l;wvec;: ~aari-to6ye10, Kopµ6c;-6pocpOL KOL O"TElj.Jr]-ITTEYT"J- AE;t6r,.oya µopcpor,.oytKa KOL otaKoOµT"]TLKa ar0txda TOOO O"TT"]V np6oolj.JT"] 600 KOL O"TOV WWT8plKO xwpo TT"]c; aroac; OLKOLOAOyouv KOL TO xapaKTr]pLoµ6 TOU KTLpiou we; i::pyou TExvric;, ouµcpwva µe TrJV unoupytK~ an6cpaari vn.n.E./b.lMn/1/ 3038/66860/15-11-1983 Tou Ynoupyeiou nor,.moµou KOL Emarriµwv, T"] onoia OT"]µOOL8UTT"]K8 O"TO (J).E.K. 716/B/12-12-1983. To KTipto apxtKa AeLToupyrioe we; eµnopLK~ aroa, evw MyeTOL 6n nponor,.eµtKa ari::yaoe To Taxuopoµdo TT"]c; n6r,.ric;. Mernnor,.eµtKa KOL i::netrn an6 emoKeu~ ari::yaoe KOL naAL To Taxuopoµdo i::wc; TO 1973. ITa TEAT"] TT"]c; oeKaeTiac; Tou 1980 evtaxu8r]Ke KOL QTIOKQTQO"T08T"]K8 TO OUTLKO ~µLOU TOU KTlptOU, TO onoio µEXPL KOL ~µepa areyai'.;et eµnoptK6 KaTOOTT"]µa mo 106ye10 KOL ~LOT8)(VIQ moue; op6cpouc;. LTO Lo6yeLO TOU QVQTOALKOU Tµ~µmoc; Tou KTLpiou AeLToupyouv eµnoptKa Kma~µma, evw Ol OpO<pOL UTIOA8lTOUpyouv.

The building was erected in 19:24, planned by the architect Xenophon Paionidis and it consists of five levels: basement, ground floor, 1st floor, 2 nd floor and a roof with a small terrace. Its ground plan is pericentric, symmetrical as to its oblong axis, which is vertical to Tsimiski stre,et, where its frontage is. The main feature of the organisation of the ground plan is the central part of the interior, where light is shed from above through a gabled glazed metal roof. The frontage is distinguished by eclecticism, and it is formed in three main zones: stand -ground floor, scape - storeys and ridge - roof. The remarkable morphological and decorative features both on the frontage as well as in the interior of the arcade justi-fy the building being listed as a work of art, according to the m i-nister' s decree vn .n. E ./b.1/\An//I/3038/66860/ 15-111983 of the Ministry of Culture and Science, which was published in the No. 716/B/12-12-1983 Issue of the Gazette of the Government of the Hellenic Republic. At first the building was a shopping arcade, while it is said that before World War II the Post Office of the city was housed there. After the war and after repair the building housed the Post Office once again until 1973. During the late 1980s the western half of the building was reinforced an,d restored, and since then this part has been housing a commercial store on the ground floor and a small industry on the storeys. Commercial stores have been set up on the ground floor of the eastern part of the building too, whereas its storeys are not used to a full degree. Supporting walls are the basic foature of the load b earing struc-

4. i\emoµepe1ec; µopcp0Aoy1Kwv Km i5wKoaµrJTlKwv aro1xdwv Tf/c; np6ao1/J'7c;. Morphological and decorative features on the frontage.

5. i\emoµepe1ec; µopcp0Aoy1Kwv 1<m owKoaµf/TIKwv aro1xdwv aro eawreplKO TOU KTlp{ou. Morphological and decorative fe.atures in the interior of the building.

.:•~ -


6. K6TOI/Jf/ unoydou, KOTOI/Jf/ 1aoydou Kai KOTOI/Jf/ op6cpwv, eyK6paw roµr'] Km 61/Jf/ OTf/V oi56 Ta1µ1aKr'} an6 ro Apxdo Tf/c; noAeoooµfac;. Plan of the basement, plan of the ground floor, plan of the floors, transversal section and frontage from Tsimiski street from the Archives of the city planning.

7. Tp1ao16arar 17 ane1K6v1a17 mu npoaoµo1wµaroc; TOU KTlp{ou. Three-dimensional representation of the building 's model. H ATIKH KAI LI.YNAMIKH ANN\YLH TOY KTIPIOY «HOA n E/\O:m<t>»


BaatK6 0T01xdo Tou cptpovrn opyav1aµou anoTell.ouv m To1xono1(ec;, m ono[ec; napoum6.i;ouv µeTOPll.11T6 Ka8' uljJoc; n6.xoc;. Ot To1xono1(ec; TOU unoydou, µe e~a(pea11 tva Tµr'jµa Tr]c; P6.oric; nou dvm ll.18oooµr'j, Ka8wc; Kat 01 To1xono1[ec; Tou 1aoydou dvm omonll.1v8oooµtc; auµnaywv nll.[v8wv, evw 01 To1xono1[ec; TWV op6cpwv dvm omonll.1v8oooµtc; 016.Tpl7TWV nll.[v8wv. KmaK6pucpa <p8pOVTO 0-TOlXetO anornll.ouv Kat TO UTIOOTUAWµma, E:lTt np6KetTm yta µeµovwµtvouc; neaaouc; KmaaKeuaaµtvouc; an6 nll.[v8ouc; dTe yta µeTall.AtK6. unoOTull.wµma. Yn6.pxouv en[oric; OOKOL µeTOAAlK8c;, evw TO nmwµma dvm KOTOOKeuaaµtva an6 auOT11µa nap6.M17ll.wv aio17poo0Kwv INP 160, nou TO evo16.µeao Kev6 Touc; Kall.umeTat µe nMKa 8YXUTOU aKupoMµmoc;. H emK6.ll.uljJ17 Tou a(8p1ou y[veTat µe µeTOMtKr'j mty17 µe yu6.ll.1va OTmxda nll.r'jpworic; Twv Kevwv, evw nep1µeTptK6. TOU a[Sptou 11 emK6.ll.uljJ11 dvm ~ull.tv17 KepaµoaKenr'jc;. H 017µ1oupy[a rnu npoaoµo1wµmoc; Tou KTtp(ou, 17 en(ll.uori Kat 17 av6.ll.uar'j Tou npayµmono1r'j8l7KOV µe TO np6ypaµµa SAP 2000, 8KOOOr] 7.42. 110 Tl7V npoaoµo[wori TWV UTIOOTull.wµ6.TWV Kat Twv ooKwv, xp1701µono1ouVTm ypaµµ1K6. OTmxda (frame elements) , evw yta T17v npoaoµo(w0"17 Twv cpepouawv To1xono11wv xp17aiµono1ouVTm emcpavetaK6. OTOLXetO (shell elements) . Ot 1016T17Tec; TWV eK6.0ToTe OTOLXetwv e~apTWVTat an6 auTtc; Twv npayµm1Kwv 00µ1Kwv OTOLXdwv. 110 TrJV npoaoµo[wori TWV TIAOKWV TO auvoll.o TWV K6µpwv T17c; OT6.8µ11c; Tou K6.8e op6cpou oeaµeueTOt µe 01acpopenK6 y1a K6.0e 6pocpo 016.cppayµa, evw y1a T17v npoaoµo[wori Tr]c; 0eµell.[wO"rJc; y[veTOt ofoµeuori 611.wv TWV ell.eu8ep1wv KLV'70r]c; TWV K6µpwv O"TrJ P6.ori TOU unoydou (auv0r']Kec; n6.KTWO"rJ<;). npoKetµtvou VO npoaotoptOTCl 17 8VTOOr] TOU cpopfo Myw OTOTlKWV <pOpTLWV, unoll.oy[i;OVTOl TO emcpavetaK6. cpopT(a TWV TIAOKWV, TO ono[a O"TrJ auvtxe1a KOTOV8µ0VTOl ITTtc; nep1µeTplK8<;TOlXOTIOl[ec; Km ooKouc;, Ka0wc; Kat TO cpopT[a Myw 1o[ou p6.pouc; Twv T01xonot1wv. 110 TOV npoao1op10µ6 Tr]<; 8VTOOT"]c; Myw ae1aµtKWV cpopT[wv ecpapµ6i;eTOt T6ao 17 100Mvaµ17 OTOTtKr'j µt0oooc; (unoll.oy10µ6c; Ttµvouaac; P6.oric; Kat Kmavoµr'j TrJc; Ka8' uljJoc; moue; op6cpouc;) 600 Kat 11 ouvaµ1Kr'j cpaaµmtKr'j µt8oooc; (Kmavoµr'j OUVOAtKr'jc; TOAOVTOuµeV17c; µ6.i;ac; OTtc; OT6.0µec; TWV op6cpwv Kat emll.oyr'j cp6.aµmoc; axeo1aaµou). H enLAUO"rJ Tou npoaoµo1wµarnc; y[veTOt y1a em6. auvoll.1K6. auvouaaµouc; cp6pT10rJc;. 110 TO µovaotK6 auvouaaµ6 ll.e1rnupy[ac; KOTOK6pucpwv cpopT[wv Kat yta Touc; Mo auvouaaµouc; nou nep1ll.aµp6.vouv Kat ae10µ1Ktc; op6.ae1c; T17c; ouvaµ1Kr'jc; cpaaµanKr'jc; µe06oou napoum6.i;oVTm ypa<ptKCJ. m KOTOK6pucpec; Kat m OlOTµl7TlK8c; ouv6.µe1c; TWV TOlXOTIOllWV, Ka0wc; Kat Ol KaµmtK8c; pontc; TWV UTIOOTUAWµCJ.TWV Kat TWV OOKWV, E:VW napm[0eVTat OK6µ17 oXr'JµOTO napaµ6pcpworic; 611.ou Tou cpopfo y1a nc; oean61;ouaec;


8. 1paµµec; Wlppof}c; KOi KQTQVOµf} <popr{wv arr6 r1c; rrJ.6Kec; anc; i5oKouc;. Influence lines and apportionment of slab's loads to girders. HATIKH KAI 1'.IYNAMIKH ANMYLH TOY KTIPIOY «HOA n Ei\Om<l>»

ture. The thickness of the walls is variable, gradually reduced towards the top of the buildin g. The walls of the basement, with the exception of one part of the wall's base, which consists of stonework, as well as the walls of the ground floor consist of solid bricks, whereas the walls of the storeys consist of hollow bricks. The props are also vertical supporting elements, whether they are separate pessaries made of bricks or metal props. Moreover, there are metal !;:Jirders, while the floors consist of a parallel INP160 iron girders system and slabs of poured concrete cover the gaps among the qirders. The atrium is covered with a metal roof with glass gap fi lling, whereas around the atrium the cover consists of a wooden roof with ceramic tiles. The creation of the model of the building, its resolution and analysis were realized by means of the programme SAP2000, edition 7.42. Frame elements have been used for the modelling of the props and the girders, whereas shell elements have been used for the modelling of the supporting walls. The properties of the given elements depend on the ones of the actual construction elements. For the modelling of the slabs the total number of joints on the levHI of each floor is fastened with a different diaphragm for each floor, whereas for the modelling of the foundation all the freedom of movement of the joints on the basement level are limited and fastened (clamping-fixed end conditions). In order to define the stress on the structure caused by static loading, the loads of the slabs are estimated, and then they are apportioned to the perimetric walls and girders, as well as the loads due to the weight of the walls themselves. In order to define the stress due to seismic loads we apply both the equivalent static method (estimation of oase shearing force and apportioning to storeys according to height) and the dynamic spectral method (apportioning the total oscillating mass to storey levels and choosing a planning spectrum). The resolution of the model is done for seven load combinations. For the only function combination of vertical loads as well as for the two combinations of the dynamic spectral method, which include seismic action, there is a graphic presentation of the vertical and shearing forces of the walls, as well as of the bending moments of the props and the girders. Also, there are deformed shape schemes of the whole structure for the predominant modes. The results for all the load combinations are available in soft copies.

9. V(/Je1c; KOi roµec; 0€ 016<popec; eeae1c; TOU rrpoaoµo1wµaroc; TOU KT1p{ou. Faqades and sections of the building's model.

101oµopcpec;. Ta anoTeMaµma y1a 6Aouc; rnuc; auvouaaµouc; cp6pnCJr]c; dvm ota8emµa ae l7AE:KTpOVlKrJ µopcprJ. H omAwµanKrJ epyaa(a 0AoKA17pwveTm µe T17v epµ17vda Twv OTIOTE:AWµctTWV KOl Tl7V aE,toA.6y17a17 T17c; auµneptcpopac; TOU KTlp(ou un6 Tl7 opctITT] TWV KOTOK6pucpwv KOl TWV aetaµtKWV cpopT(wv µfoa an6 T17V napOTrJPllITTJ KOl Tl7 auyKplITT] TWV ypacp17µctTWV. rta Myouc; nA17p6T17rnc; y(veTm npoao1op1aµ6c; Trt<; 8AtmtKrJC: Km Trtc; 01mµ17TtKrJ<; avrnxric; Trtc; To1xono1(ac; µe ~OITTJ eµne1p1Kec; eKcppaae1c; nou npoTdvoVTm OT17 ~1~>-.1oypacp(a an6 eneE,epyaa(a netpaµanKwv an oTeAeaµ6Twv. MeTct an6 YKPlITTJ Twv avamuaa6µevwv Tctaewv µe n c; en1Tpen6µevec; nµec; OVTOXWV 01aµopcpwvern1 µ(a E:lKOVOyta Tl7V WKOA.10 µe Tl7V ono(a µnopouv va xp17mµonm178ouv TO anornMaµma mov n poao1op1aµ6 Tl7c; cpepouaac; lKOVOT17TO<; Trtc; KOTQOKWrJc;.


LUVOljJL½OVTO<;, OC,l½E:l VO TOVl080UV TO TIAE:OVE:KTrJµOTa Tl7<; µe86oou Twv nenepaaµevwv mmxdwv m17v npo~oM Twv anoTeAeaµaTwv TllC: QVCIAUITT]<;. n eTUXOLVE:TOl, Aom6v, 17 KOAUTE:Pll OUVOTrJ E:lKOVQ T17c; 8VTOITT]c; TOU cpopfo, T17c; KOTavoµric; KOl Tl7c; auyKeVTpWITTJ<; Twv Taaewv, Tou npoao1op1aµou Twv wa(a817TWV ITT]µdwv, K08wc; KQl TllC: µern~oMc; KQl TWV otmapaE,ewv Myw ½llTrtµctTwv yewµeTp(ac;, auvoeaµoAoy(ac;, evaMayric; KaTOaKwam1Kwv UAlKWV.

The dissertation is completed with the interpretation of the results and the assessment of the building's behavior under the influence of vertical and seismic loads through observation and comparison of the graphs. ThH compressive strength and the shearing strength of the walls are determined so as to ensure completeness, and this is done according to empirical formulas, which are referred in bibliography and have come up by processing experimental results. l\fter comparing the developing stress with the permissible strength rates, we are given an illustration of how easily the results can be used to define the supporting capacity of the construction. To sum up, it is worth emphasizing the advantages of the finite elements method in the presentation of the results of the analysis. Thus, it is possible to achieve the best image of the structure stress and of the apportionment and concentration of the stresses, the definition of sensitive points, as well as the alterations and turbulences due to geometry, connection and construction materials variation.

170.39 ··... •





K).iµa,cou-ra<riov 0.25

2or; opotpor; 0 ' --'--- ' -- ' - - ' - - , ~0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 l 1.2

lor; opo,por;



- - , --

- - --,-!> T (sec)

10 . <P6aµa ax.eowaµou - Planning spectrum.

Mt uo1Ca-rw11a luoymo 1 13 . .>~ . •


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y'# 11. KamvoµfJ r i µvouaac; {36ar,c; arouc; op6cpouc;.

Apportionment of the base shearing force to storey levels


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12. EtK6vec; napaµ6pcpwar,c; mu npoaoµoiwµamc; m u KTtp(ou. Deformed shap e sch emes of the building 's model.







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13. , pacptKrJ nap oua(aar, anoreJ..eaµ6r wv TT?c; araTtKf/c; a v6J..uar,c;.

Graphic presentation of some results of the static analysis.

I -








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r17c; ouvaµ1KfJc; av6J..uar,c;. Graphic presentation o f some results of the dynamic analysis.

14. , p acptKrJ napoua(aar, anor ei\wµ6r w v



Xptm(va MLXEAC1K'7, apxmoMyo~

nPOLTALIA, LYNTHPHLH KAI ANALTH/\OLH TON APXAION MNHMEION LTHN EMAM (1912-1975) Me {3darJ ra orJµoa1wµiva aro1xera Em~Mnouoa: AtµtMa Z:n;cpav(oou, apx11eKTwv µrixavtK6c;

Christina Michelaki, archaeologist


Supervisor: Emilia Stefanidou, architect engineer


Subject of the thesis

LTOXOC: n1c; epyoo(oc; 17rnv 17 ouMoy17 TWV 017µ00teuµevwv epyomwv TTpoOToo(oc;, OUVT'7Pl70l7C: KOL ovoOT17Aw017c; Twv opxo(wv µV17µeiwv TTOU TTpoyµmoTTot17817Kov ou1v EM6oo KOTO 117v TTep(ooo 1912-1975, OTTO T17v ApxOLoAoytKll YTT17pea(o KOL T17v ApxOLoAoytKll ETOLpeio Ko8wc; KOL 17 e;oywy17 ouµTTepo0µ6.Twv axenKO µe TO TTAO!OlO µtoo OTO OTTOLO KLV'78l7KOV -8ewp17nK6 KOL T8)(VLKO- KOL Tl7V TTOpeio TTOU OKOAOu817oov ae Oil µenc; eupwTTo(Kec; e;eA(;etc; TllC: (otoc; TTeptooou.

The aim of the study was the collection of publications relevant to the protection, conservation and restoration works in ancient monuments, that were carried out in Greece by the Archaeological Service and the Archaeological Society, during the period 1912-1975, as well as to g ive an outline of their theoretical and technical character and progress compared to the European developments of the same period.


H e;erni';oµev17 TTepio5oc; opx(i';et TO 1912, eTOc; TTOU 017µmo00Tei Tl7V eneKTOOl7 TllC: EM65ac; axe56v OTO 017µep1v6 TllC: ouvopo, KOL OToµma TO 1975, eTOc; Tl7C: EupWTTO"iKllC: OPXLT8KTOVlKllC: KA17povoµt6c; KOL T17C: LltoK17pu;17c; TOU AµOTepVToµ µe TTJV oTTo(o TO 8eµo TTJC: TTpoOToo(oc; Twv µvriµeiwv Te817Ke ae veec; ~6.oetc; KOL TTpow8178T]Ke µtoo OTTO 5tocpopenKec; Kmeueuvoetc;. AVTtKeiµevo TTJC: epeuvoc; OTTOTeAeaov TO opxoio µV17µeio (TTou xpovoAoyouVTOL OTTO TTJV TTpo"(OTop1K17 µlXPL KOL T17 pwµo·iKll TTep(o5o) ene1517 otocpopoTTotouVTOL 017µ0VTLKO OTTO TO µernyeveOTepo (~ui';OVTLVO, V80Tepo) we; TTpoc; Tl7V KOTOOK8U'7 KOL TO

The period under examination, begins in 1912 when the borders of Greece were extended almost up to the current ones and ends in 1975, the year of European architectural heritage after which, due to the Amsterdam Statement the protection of monuments was set on new statndards and promoted through different directions. Ancient monuments (which are dated from the prehistoric to the roman period) were chosen 1to be the specific subject of this study, as they are considerably clifferent from those of later periods (byzantine, modern) in their construction and degree of preservation and hence in the methods of conservation and restoration applied, also in the limits of interventions, as well as in their use.

1. OnJ..10µ6c; av<ipTTJOT)c; evawµarwµivoc; OTf/V opoq>fJ rwv nponu-


Aafwv Tf/c; AKp6noA'7c; (1909- 1917). Iron reinforcement incorporated in the ceiling of Propylaia at Acropolis ( 1909- 1917).

2. H avaarf)AWOT) Tf/c; /36pemc; KWVOOTOIX(Oc; TOU nap0evwva, ro 1923. The restoration of the north colonnade of Parthenon, in 1923.


f3a0µ6 c51mt')p17aft~ Tou~ KOL 6.pa w~ npo~ TL~ µe06c5ou~ auVT17Pl7017~ KOL ava0Tt')r..w017~, TO 6pta Twv eneµf36aewv, Ka0w~ eniari~ KOL OTO etµa Tll~ XPllOll~LTl~ npwTe~ ev6T17Te~ Tll~ epyaa(a~ napouma½eTOL TO voµo0enK6 n.\a(mo KOL 01 cpopd~ npoOTaa(a~ Twv µv17µdwv, 6nw~ e~et..ix017Kav KOTO Tll 516.pKeta Tll~ un6 e~eT0017 nept6c5ou KaKOL TO 0ewpl7TlKO TIAOIOlO KOL Ol OVTlt..t')ljJE:l~ oXE:TlKO µe Tl7V npoOTaa(a, auVTT')p17017 KOL avaOTT')t..wari nou c5iaµopcpw017Kav OT17V Eupwn17 T17V (c5LO nep(oc5o KOL i5LOTUnW0l7KOV OTOU~ .6.teevd~ X6pTe~. AKor..oued 17 napouaiaari Twv axeTLKWv e~et..i~ewv OT17V EM6c5a KOL emxeipdTOL 17 auyKplaft TOU~ µe TO eupwna"iKO c5ec5oµtva.


To KUplO µepo~ Tl7~ epyaa(a~ OTIOTE:AOUV TO epya npoOTaa(a~, auVTT')p17a17~ KOL avaOTT')r..wari~ nou npayµmono(17aav OTO apxaia eM17v1K6 µv17µda, 17 Apx0Lot..oy1Kt') Yn17peaia KOL 17 Apx0Lor..oy1Kt') ETOtpda, auµcpwva µe TO OTOLXda nou auyKeVTpw017Kav an6 c517µomeuµtve~ n17yt~. napouma½oVTOL 75 nepinou µv17µeia, µe xpovor..oyLKT') aetp6, 17 ono(a Ka0op(½eTOL an6 TO eTo~ Tll~ npwT17~ c517µomeuµev17~ eneµf3aari~ yia K60e tva an6 auT6. H epeuva

Kupia n17yt'), anoTer..eaav 01 nt')me~ c517µomeuae1~ Tou Apxa10t..oy1Kou .6.et..TIOU (XpOVlKO) KOL TWV npaKTLKWV Tll~ ApXOLOAOYLKll~ ETOtpda~ nou auµnt..17pw017Kav µe OTOLXda an6 c517µomeuµeve~ µeMTe~ avaOTt')r..wari~. Texv1K6 nep1oc5LK6 KOL 6.Me~ OPXOLOAOYlKE~ aetpe~ . .ti.1am0TW0l7K8 17 f31f3.\1oypacpLKll eMeLljJl7 auyKeVTpwnKwv Ketµevwv KOL µer..eTwv axenK6 µe n~ npoan60eie~ nou KOTOf3t..t')017KOV an6 TO eM17vLK6 KpOTO~, an6 T17 auOTaaft TOU, YLO Tl7V npoOTaa(a KOL av6c5eL~l7 TWV µv17µe(wv. neptOplOTlKO napayOVTO Tll~ epeuva~ OTIOTEA.808, 17 aven6pK8l0 Twv µeµovwµtvwv c517µomeuaewv nou auyKeVTpw017Kav, K00W~ auxva c5ev naptxouv OAOKA.l7pwµtvri E:lKOVO TWV eneµf36aewv, aM6 Kup(w~ eneic5t') c5ev KOAUmouv TO auvo.\o Twv epywv nou npayµmonmt')017Kav. H auvor..tKT') ane1K6v1017 TWV eneµf36aewv Tll~ nep16c5ou auTT')~ ea µnopouae va auµnr..17pw0d µe tpeuva nec5iou KOL apxdwv, OTO nr..a(ma µer..nwv eKTeveOTepwv Tl7~ TIOpOUOO~. Me f36017 TO unapxoVTO OTOLXE:10 i5LOTUTIWVOVTOL yevtKO auµnepaaµaTO axenK6 µen~ KOT17yopie~ Twv tpywv nou eKTeMOT17Kav, nc; µe06c5ouc; KOL TO ur..1K6 nou xp17a1µonmt')817Kav.

In the first and second chapter of the study the legislative frame and the institutions responsiblle for the protection of monuments, are presented, as they have been developed during the period under review, as well as the theoretical frame and the conceptions concerning protection, conservation and restoration that were shaped in Europe and have been formulated in the International Charts. The re-lative developments in Greece are also included and their comparison with the European data is attempted. In the main chapter, protection, conservation and restoration works undertaken by both Archaeological Service and Archaeological Society, are described, according to the published data. Roughly 75 monuments are presented, in a chronological order, which is determined by the year of the first published intervention for each one of them. The research

The annual publications of both Archaeological Service (Deltion) and Archaeological Society (Proceedings) were the main sources. They were supplemented by published restoration projects, technical magazines and other archaeological series. The search through bibliography showed that there is lack of composite texts and studies describing the attempts of the Greek state, since its constitution, to protect and enhance the monuments. A limitation of the research, was, often, the incompetence of publications to provide a complete picture of each intervention and also to cover the total number of the works that were carried out. A complete depiction of the interventions of that period, should be supplemented by field and archives research, which are only held within studies more extensive than the present. According to the data collected, some general conclusions were formulated regarding the categories of works that were implemented as well as the methods and the materials used. Conclusions

In the period 1912-1975, we can distinguish two phases, on the basis of the number, the characteristics or the institutions which conducted the interventions:


In the first one (1912-1950) , the restoration projects of the Acropolis at Athens, are dominant. They are held under N. Balanos and A. Orlandos supervision, who both, also form the prevailing tendencies and methods.

Km6 To c5160T17µ0 1912-1975, µnopouµe va c5LaKp(vouµe Mo

During the second period (1950-1975) many more works of

3. 0 va6c;- TT/<;' A0r,v6c;- N{Kr,C;', µera TT/V QVQOTT/AWOT) TT/<;' neptOOOU 1935-1940. Temple of Athena Nike, after its restoration in 1935-1940.

4. To 0iar po

rr,c;- Emoaupou µerd r r,v avaarrjJ.wOT), 1956. Epidaurus, the theatre after its restoration in 1956.



m:pt6i5ouc;, µ8 ~QOT] TOV opt8µ6, TO xopOKTT"]ptOTlKCl 17 TOU<:; cpopdc; TWV i5t8V8pyouµ8VWV 8TT8µ~6a8WV: LTT"]V npWTT"] TI8p[oi5o (1912-1950) KU ptapxouv TO OVOCTTT"]AWTlKCl npoypaµµmo TT"Jc; AKp6noArJ<:;, un6 To N. MnOAavo KOL TOv A. 0pA6vi5o, OL ono[m i5toµopcpwvouv KOL nc; 8ntKpmoua8c; T6a8t<:; KOL µ886i5ouc;. Kma TT"] i5t6pK8lO TT"]<:; i58UT8pr]c; TI8pt6i5ou (1950-1975) i5t8V8pyouVTOL noMonA6at8<:; 8pyoa[8c; npoOToa(oc;, auVT'lPT"JOTJ<:; KOL OVO~AWOT]c; CT8 OAO TOV 8MT"]VlKO xwpo, on6 TT"]V ApXOLOAOytK'7 Ynripw[o KOL TT"JV ApxOL0AoytK'7 ETOtpdo, Kup[wc; µ8T6 TO 1960. H TIA8tOljJr]cp(o TWV 8pyomwv OUTWV ocpopa CT8 µvriµdo TT"]<:; µ1vw"(K17c;, µUKT"]V0°LK'7<:; KOL KAOCTtK17c; TI8pt6i5ou (Stmpo, wi5do, voouc;, t8p6) TT"]<:; v6noc; EM6i5oc; KOL KOTT"jyoptonotouVTOL we; 8~17c;: • TomKtc; OUVTT"JP'708t<:;, auµnAT"]pc.i.la8tc; KOL ovoOTrJAW08tc;, auxva OWOTlKOU XOPOKT'7pO, TIOU OUVlOTOUV KOL TOV KUplO 6yKO TWV rn8µ~6a8wv. • Epyoa18c; npoOToa[oc; KOL i5toµ6pcpwOT]c; opxOLoAoytKWV xwpwv. • EKT8TOµev8c; OUVTT"JP'708tc; KOL ovoCTTT"}AWa8tc;, µ8 OT6Xo TT"JV 8ntOK8ljJtµ6TT"]TO '7 TT"] XP'lOTJ TOU<:;. Oc; npoc; TT"] µ88oi5oAoy[o, Ttc; T8XVtKec; KOL TO uAtK6 Twv rn8µ~6a8wv, KOTO TT"] i5t6pK8to TT"]<:; npWTT"]c; n8pt6i5ou, ~oatKo[ 8Kcppo0Tec; TWV TC108WV nou 8ntKpOTOUV 8lVOL O N. MnOAavoc; KOL OTT"] auvex8to o A. OpA6vi5oc;, 01 ono[m rivouVTOL KOL i5toµopcpwvouv TO TOTilO TWV OVOOTT"]AW08WV.

protection, conservation and restoration were carried out, all over Greece, by both Arha1eological Service and Arhaeological Society, mainly after 1960. The majority of them concerns in monuments of minoan, rnycenean and classical period (theatres, temples, sanctuaries) in southern Greece. These works could be categorized as follows: • Conservation, completion and restoration works, of local and often urgent character. They consist the majority of the interventions recorded. • Works for the protection and tidying up of archaeological sites. • Extensive conservation and restoration works, aiming, mainly, at rendering the monuments accessible to the visitors. As concerns the methodology, techniques and materials applied in the above mention,ed interventions, during the first period, the main representatives of the prevailing tendencies are N. Balanos followed by A. Orlandos, who both actually lead and shape the character of restorations in Greece. The main characteristics of N. Balanos' method are: insufficient documentation and wrong repositioning of ancient architectural members, use of iron joints, of cement and stone-paste for the sealing of cracks and joint filling, use of material similar to the original for the replacements, which were imitating the ancient morphology, use of several ancient members in order to assembly new ones, also use of cast material for restorations and incorporation of iron reinforcements in ancient members. A. Orlandos' method is differentiated, mainly as for the use of bronze for the joints and of stainless steel for the reinforcements while he avoided the use of cement or other modern materials in the restorations.

Kupto xopoKTrJptOTtK6 TT"]<:; µ886i5ou Tou N. MnoMvou dvOL: ri 8Mtn17c; T8Kµr]plWOT] KOL Ol AOV8oaµev8c; TOTI088T'7CT8l<:; opxo[wv µ8Ac.i.lv, ri XP'lOTJ ati517pou y10 nc; auvi5fo8tc;, Tatµ8VTOKov16µmoc; KOL At86KoMoc; y10 TT"] acppaytOT] pwyµc.i.lv KOL opµc.i.lv, T"] XP'lOTJ 6µ01ou µ8 TO opxo[o, uAtKou y10 nc; auµnAT"]pc.i.>081<:; µ8 µ1µrinK17 npoaopµoy17 Twv vtwv µ8Ac.i.lv npoc; TO opxo[o, 01 onoA0~8ua8t<:; opxo[wv µ8AWV KOL auvopµ0Aoy17a81c; vtwv µ8Awv on6 i516cpopo opxoio Spouaµmo, 01 auµnAT"]pc.i.>081<:; KOL µ8 XUTO UAlKO KOL T"] 8VOWµOTWOT] µ8TOMtKWV OTIAtaµwv OTO opxo[o Tµ17µmo.

In the second period (1950-1975) a more wide range of techniques and materials is det,ected. Their use varies and depends on the supervising institution or person. In the majority of the interventions recorded , is observed:

H µt8oi5oc; TOU A. 0pA6vi5ou i51ocpoponot8LTOL Kup(wc; we; npoc; TT"] XP'lOTJ op8LXOAKOU y10 nc; auvi5fo8t<:; KOL ovo~di5wTOu XOAU~o y10 TOuc; onA1aµouc;, 8VW ontcpuy8 TrJ XP'lOTJ TatµeVTou 17 6AAwv µoVTtpvwv uAtKWV OTtc; auµnAT"]pc.i.>081<:;.

• For the restoration of ancient members is used new material, similar to the original.

LTT"J i58UT8PT"J n8p[oi5o (1950-1975) nopmr]p8LTOL µ8yOAUT8po 8upoc; T8XVtKc.i.lv KOL uAtKc.i.lv nou 01oµopcpwv8TOL on6 TOuc; 8K60TOT8 8nt~MnOVT8<:;, 6Toµo 17 cpopdc;. LTT"JV nA8tOljJrJcp[o Twv

• Absence of research ancl documentation. • As a main objective is recorded , the restoration of scattered members and their corre,ct repositioning.

• The percentage of restorations varies and depends on the specific objectives and requirements of each intervention. • The discrimination between the new and the original members is not a prerequisite, for interventions .





&C ' .





5. To Dodo TWV narpwv µera TTJV QVQKQTQOKeuf/ TOU, 1961. Patras Odeion, after its reconstruction in 196 1.

6. H rrp6a{3aar-, Kai TO areyaorpo m u r6cpou rwv 11w Kai5{wv, 1964. Leukadia tomb, access and shelter, 1964.


• Use of bronze joints and stainless steel for joining stone members.

em:µl36aewv napm-r1peiTOL: • Anoua[a µeMTll<:; KOL TeKµl7p[wcrric;. • Qc; KUptO<:; OTOXO<:; KOTOypacpeTOL 11 OVOOT'7AWOrJ µeTOKlVl7µeVWV KOL OLCIOTIOpTWV µeAWV KOL 11 op817 enavmono8eTl70'7 TOU<:;. • Ta M81va µeAll cruµnA11pwvoVTOL µe uAtK6, [010 µe TO apxa[o. • To TIOOOOTO TWV auµnAl7pW08WV TIOlKL/\/\81 KOL OtaµopcpwveTOL OUµ<pWVO µe TOU<:; OTOXOU<:; KOL nc; OTIOLT'708L<:; TrJ<:; eneµl300rJ<:;. • H 016Kp1ari Twv auµnA11pwaewv an6 TO au8eVTtK6 µeAll, oev anowAd npoun68ecrri Twv eneµl36aewv .

• Rarely, is recorded the use of iron and of reinforced concrete for fixing and supporting stone members and walls. • Use of cement for completions, fixings, sealing of cracks and often replacement of the "old cement" by new. • In a few cases, iron applied during earlier interventions, is replaced by stainless steel.

• Xp17ari op8LXCIAKlVWV cruvofoµwv KOL pal3owv avoE;etOWTOU XC1Aul3a yta cruyKoM17cre1c; AL8tvwv µeAwv . • LTIOVLOTepa, XP'lOrJ OlOllPWV OTOlXeLWV KOL OTI/\Lcrµevou OKUpooeµmoc; y1a mepewaetc; KOL unom11p[E;e1c; At81vwv µeA<.i.>v KOL TOLXWV. • Xpl70rJ TcrtµeVTOU yta cruµTIAl7pW08t<:;, OT8p8W08L<:;, eµcppaE;11 pwyµwv KOL OUXVCI OVTLKOTCIOTOOrJ TOU «TIO/\lOU TcrtµeVTOU» µe veo. • re },._[yec; nep1mwcre1c;, OVTtKOTOOTOOrJ Twv mo11pwv m0txdwv npo11youµevwv eneµl36aewv, µe avoE;dowrn µernMa.

7. Apxara Ayopa ewaaAov{KrJc;, Dodo. /\emoµi p eiec; auµrrArjpw-

aric; (1971). Thessaloniki, Ancient Agora, Odeion. Restoration details (1971) .

8. 0 va6c; TrJc; Acpa{ac; Aerivac; µera TrJV avaOTrjAwari, 1960. Temple of Aphaia Athena, aft€ir the restoration in 1960.

9. eearpo Emo aupou, rrpiv Kai µera rriv avaarf/Awari - Epidavros' theatre, before and after the anastylosis 11POHALIA, rYNTHPHrH & ANAHHAOLH TON APXAION MNHMEION H HN EMA!:,A (1912-1975)


0 NEPOMY/\OL THL IEPAL MONHL LTAYPONIKHTAArlOY OPOYL: TeKµr,p(wcrr,, an0Ka16crracrr, Kal enav6XPl7ITTl Em~Mnwv: rewpy1oc; Kapaotooc;, apxm:KTWV µrixav1K6~

Dimitrios Mousouridis, architect engineer

THE WATERMILL OF THE HOLY MONASTERY C)F STAVRONIKITA ON MOUNT ATHOS: Present state, restoration and re-use Supervisor: Georgios Karadedos, architect engineer

otnAwµmlKTJ 8pyaofa n8pLAaµl36v81 Mo l3amKec; 8V6n7T8<;: a) TTJV epwva µ8 aVT1Kdµ8vo Tl'lV 10Top1Kr'] 8SEAtc/1 TWV µeowv CIA80T]<; KQl TWV uopOKLVT]TWV µrixav1oµwv an6 Touc; npo'i0Top1Kouc; XP6vouc; µEXPl Km TTJV npol31oµrixav1Kr'j woxr'] (18°c; m.) Km 13) TT] µ8MT1'l T8KµT]pfworic;, anoKaTaOTaaric; Km wavaxprioric; mu v8p6µuAou TTJc; l8pac; Movr']c; rrnupov1Kr']TO Ayfou 'Opouc;.



0 6v0pwnoc; y 1a npWTT] <popa OTT] V80Al0lKT] woxr'J , apx108 va napay8l Tl'lV TpO<pr'j TOU µ8 Y8WpylKE<; KOl KTT]VOTpO<plKE<; opaOTT]plOTT]T8<;, 8TTlTOXUVOVTO<; opOOTlKCI, TO pu0µ6 TWV T8XVlKWV 8mrnuyµ6Twv. Ta OlTT]pa anoTEA8oav avaµcp1al3r'JT1'1TO TTl l3amKOT8PTJ Tpocpr'] TOU y1a XLAl8TL8<;. r1a TT]V 8TT8S8PYOO[a TOU<; O 6v0pwnoc; apx1K6 XPTJOLµonofria8 Ai81va 8PYOA8fa, 6nwc; youo16, µuA6At0ouc;, Tp1mr']p8<; Km X8tp6µuAouc;, 8VW m µe0oi5m nou 8<papµ008 T]TOV TO KOTTCIVlOµa µ8 YOUOlCI KQl TO Tp[ljHµO 08 Tpll38[Q nOA1vopoµ1Kr']c; KlVTJOTJ<; r'] 08 X8lp6µuAouc; n8pl0Tpo<p1Kr']<; Kfvrioric;. LTao1aK6, OTTJV apxmo8MTJVlKTJ T8XVOAoy(a, µ10 Kmvoup1a opOOTT]plOTT]TO, T] 8TTlOTT]µT], CIPXl08 va OlQTTOTli'.;8l nc; KAT]povoµriµev8<; T8XVlKE<; CIAAWV YVWOTWV KEVTpwv TTOAlTlOµou, Ol onof8<; µ8 l300lKO OTOlX810 TT] µrixavlKr'j, npoopfi'.;OVTOV va

1. Avarrap6araOTJ vep6µu}.ou µe KarnK6pucpo uoporpox6. Draft of a watermill with vertical water wheel. 2. YopoK[vrJTO e}.morp1{3do arry Xaµo8p6Kr,.


Water driven oil-press in Samothraki. 0 NEPOMYAOr THr IEPAL MONHr HAYPONIKHTA ArlOY OPOYr

he thesis includes two main parts: a) a research analysis on the historical evoluition of the g rinding devices and the water-driven mechanisms from the prehistoric ages up to the pre-industrial era (1 sth century) and b) a substantiation, restoration and re-use study on the present of the watermill of the Holy Monastery of Stavronikita on Mount Athos.


Part A During the Neolithic era, for the first time man started to produce his food with agricultural and cattle-breeding activities, accelerating the pace of techn ical achievements drastically. Indisputably, cereals have beeni the most basic food for millenniums. Initially, man used stonie tools such as mortars, millstones, grinders and hand mills for the processing of grain, while the methods applied included stamping with mortars and rubbing with reciprocating presses or revolving hand mills. Science, being a new activity in the Ancient Greek technology, started to impregnate gradually the inherited techniques of other well-known cultural centers, mainly base•d on engineering to support human production activities. Romans used only the muscular power of either animals or men for the movement of machines such as pumps, manual and foot-driven mills, lifting devices, etc. Until the end of the p re-industrial era, the taming and exploitat ion of other natural sources, such as the Aeolian, initially, the hydraulic, later on, and eventually, the thermal, have efficiently contributed to the technological and cultural evolution of mankind . The use of these sources, w ith some means of transformation and amplification of natural powers resulted to move advanced technologically machines up to the 19th century. The use of water power is considered to be one of the most important steps in the development of the means used for productive purposes such as irriigation, grinding, sawing, etc., leading to a significant increase in the production capacity. Initially, the operation of the water-driven mechanisms was based on a vertical water wheel, which rotated under the power of the natural flow of water to produce kinetic energy. The lack of sufficient water was solved later with the invention of the horizontal water wheel and the exploitation of the dynamic energy of water, as produced by the hydrostatic pressure of different water levels. The transmission of movement was effected either by

un oPoriSiJoouv Tov 6v9pwno oe i5paOTT]pt6TT]TE:<; napaywyi)c:;.Ot Pwµa[OL XPTJOLµono[rioav µ6vo TT] µu'tKrJ evepyeta E:LTE: TWV ½WWV, E:LTE: T0U av9pwnou YLO TT]V KLVT]OT] optoµevwv µT]X0VWV, 6m.uc:; aVTMec:;, xetpoKLVTJTOL KOL noi50KLVTJT01 µuAoL, avulfJWTLKec:; µT]XOV8<;, K.CI. 'Ewe; TO T8AO<; TT]<; npoptoµT]XOVlKrJ<; E:TIOXrJ<;, T] i5foµE:UOT] KOL '7 OSLOTIOLT]OT] KOL CIAAWV n17ywv evepyE:LO<;, 6nwc:; TT]<; OLOALKrJ<; apx1K6, TT]<; uiSpauALKrJ<; apy6Tepa KOL TeAo<; TT]<; 9epµLKrJ<;, ouvepaAOV OTIOTE:AE:OµOTIKCI OT'7V TE:XVOAOYLKrJ KOL TIOAlTlOTLKrJ E:s8AIS'l TOU av9pwnou. Me TT] poi)9E:LO V8WV µeOWV µnmponi)c:; KOL noManAamaoµou Twv cpumKwv i5uv6µewv, 17 XPrJOTJ QUTWV TWV n17ywv evepyetac:; E:TIE:KTCl9T]KE: KOL ecpTOOE: VO KlVE:l TIOAUTIAOKE:<; µ17xavec:;, we; KOL TO 19° OLWVO. H XPrJOTJ TT]<; ui5pevepye1ac:; 9ewpdTOL we; eva an6 TO mo oriµaVTtK6 piJµma OT'7V E:s8AIS'l TWV µeowv nou )(p'70Lµon0Li)817KOV YLO napaywy1Kouc:; OKOnouc:;, 6n wc:; '7 6pi5E:UOT], T] CIAE:OT], T] np[OT] KATI. µe OTIOT8AE:Oµa T'7 OT]µOVTIKrJ OUS'lOTJ TT]<; napaywYIKrJ<; LKOV0TT]TO<;. Apx1K6, ri AE:LToupy[a Twv uiSpoKLVT]TWV µ17xavtoµwv YLV0TOV µeow KQTOK6pucpou uiSpoTpoxou, 0 on o[oc:; nep1mpecp6TOv µe TT] Mvaµri TT]<; cpuOLKrJ<; poi)c:; Tou vepou KOL napi)yaye KIVT]TlKrJ E:vepyE:LO. To np6pA17µa TT]<; 8AAE:llfJ'7<; IKOVrJ<; TIOO0TT]TO<; vepou M9T]KE: apy6Tepa, µe TT]V ecpeupE:OT] TOU Opl½0VTIOU uiSpoTpoxou KOL T'7V E:KµE:TCIAAE:U0'7 TT]<; iSuvaµLKrJ<; evepyE:10<; TOU VE:pOU TI0U napayE:TOL OTTO TT]V UiSpOOTOTIKrJ TILE:OT] E:sOLTLO<; TT]<; i51acpop6c:; OT68µ17c:; T0U. H µeTaiSOOT] TT]<; KLV'70T]<; YLV0TOV E:LTE: µe OUOTi)µma as6vwv KOL ypava½IWV OTOV enpme va n apaµE:LVE:l KUKAlKrJ, E:lTE: µe TT] poi)9E:LO E:KKE:VTpOcp6pou iJ OTpocpOAocp6pou 6sova, OTOV enpene va µE:TOTpand oe naAtviSpoµ1Ki). 'ETOL KtvouVTav i516cpopec:; eyKaTOOTaoetc:; 6nwc:; µuAoL, µaVT6vta, veponp[ova, E:AOLoTptpda, vep0Tp1pec:;, K.CI. µe OKOTI0 T'7V n apaywyiJ KOL KOTE:pyao[a n po't6VTWV. H QVCIITTUs'l TOU vep6µuAOU, an6 TOV 11° Ol. KOL µE:TCI, ouvMeriKE: aµeoa µe TO OLKOVOµLK0 OUOTT]µO TT]<; iSUTLKrJ<; EupWTIT]<;. ApXLKa XP'lotµon OLi)9T]KE: µ6vo oe OLKoyevetaK6 m[nei5o KOL apy6Tepa OE: KOLVOTLK0. 2T0V eM17v1K6 xwpo AE:ITOupy17oav KOL 01 Mo Tuno1 vep6µuAou, aM6 Kup[wc:; o «eMriv1K6c:;», µe op1½6VTL0 ui5poTpox6, 0 ono[oc:; ypiJyopa esanAW8'7KE: OTO pu½OVTLV0 KpaTO<;. Lltai569T]KE: eupuTma OTTJV 17ne1pwnKrJ EM6i5a aM6 KOL OTO eowTep1K6 Twv µeyMwv v17mwv. 110 TT] AE:LToupy(a Tou, OTTJV nep(mwori nou 17 cpuOLKrJ iSteAE:UOT] Tou vepou pptoK6TOv µaKplCI, n poeKUITTE: 6µwa 17 av6yK'7 KOTQOKE:UrJ<; uiSpOUAlKWV epywv unoi5oµi)c:;. Ta epya OUTCI KOTOTQOOOVTOL OE: Tfooept<; KOTT]yOp[ec:;: TT]<; OUYK8VTpWOT]<; T0U VE:pOU (vepOKpCITE:<;), TT]<; µeTOcpopa<; T0U (iSfoE:L<;, QUACIKLO), TT]<; OTI09rJKE:UOT]<; (OTepvec:;) KOL TT]<; i5LOX8TE:UOrJ<; TOU OTOV KlVT]TIK0 µ17xavtoµ6 (KpeµaOT], KOVCIAl, ui5m6nupyoc:;). 0 µrixavtoµ6c:; TOU vep6µuAOU QTI0TE:AE:LTOL an6 TOV KlVT]TIK0 µ17xav10µ6, µe T0V ui5poTpox6 KOL TO esapTi)µaTO AE:lTOUpy[ac:; T0U KOL TO µ'7XOVL0µ6 CIAE:OT]<;, TI0U TIE:-

3 . 0 µryxavcaµ6c; 6Aearyc; vep6µuAou Kat wnoAo y{a op1(6VT1wv uoporp oxwv. The grinding m echanism of a watermill and the typology of horizontal water wheels.

systems of shafts and gears, wllen it had to remain cyclical, or with the help of a camshaft or a crankshaft, when it had to be converted to reciprocal. Various facilities operated in this manner such as mills, water saws, oil-presses, water-frictions, etc. aiming at the production and processing of products. From the 11th century and on, tt1e development of the watermill has been directly connected witl1 the economic system of Western Europe. Initially, it had been iused only on a family basis, and later on a communal one. Both types of watermills had operated in the Greek region, but mostly "the Greek one", with a horizontal water wheel that quickly expanded all over the Byzantine territory. It had been widely spread over mainland Greece as well as the inland of larger islands. In cases of remote natural water flow, there had been the need to construct hydraulic infrastructure works in order to operate the watermills. These works are classified in four categories: th,e water collection (waterways), water transportation (dams, racE3ways) , water storage (cisterns) and delivery to the moving mechanism (drainage, millrace, shoot). The mechanism of the watermill constitutes of the kinetic mechanism, with the water wheel and its accessories, and the grinding mechanism that includes the millstones and their parts. Additionally, there are other auxiliary systems for the transmission of movement, the regulation of the distance between the millstones, the feeding of graini into the grinding mechanism, the pause of movement and the collection of the final product. The milling areas were either close to the settlements they seNed or away from them, depending on the position of the rivers. We also find watermills organized in clusters, where the same driving source could move them successively in combination with other water-driven facilities. Regarding their typology, the watermills are usually small ground floor buildings, used only for the housing of the grinding mechanism and the storage of the milled products. However, there have been cases of larger watermills that also included the miller's residence, storehouses and stables. The construction of the building is simple and adopts the local architectural methods, imposed by the materials available. The above mentioned information is evidenced by the analysis of the watermills' typology in various areas of Greece such as the Byzantine waterm ills of Thessalonica, the waterm ills of Halkidiki, Preveza, Crete, Kea and Mount Athos. Part B The Holy Monastery of Stavronikita is situated approximately in the middle of the NE side of the Athos peninsula and its land extends to an area of 3.000 Km 2 . The watermill is situated 3 km SW of the monastery, in the area of Kapsala. Its position had been a decision of the Holy Assembly in October 1543, when an area beneath Karyes was allotted to the monastery to be used for logging and the construction of a watermill, upon the request by Patriarch Jeremiah A'. The complex includes the watermill's building, the water supply facilities and t he surrounding s. The group belongs to two chronological phases as evide,nced by inscriptions found on the walls of the constructions. The water supply facilities are dated in the year 1847 and include a raceway, an open cistern and a millrace with a shoot. The building of the watermill had been constructed on the site of a previously existing one, in 1912, with local construction methods and morphological influences from the folk classicism and the architecture of the Russian buildings of Athos. It is a rectangle building that covers a total area of 80 m 2 in three levels. The kinetic mechanism is installed in the lowest level, while the m ill's workshop with the grinding mechanism and areas of temporary storage of grain and milled products lie in the single -spac13d interior of the medium level. The upper level was used as the residence of the monk-miller. 0 NEPOMY/\m : THL IEPAL MONHL ITAYPONIKHTA ArlOY OPOYL


pLAaµj36V81 nc; µuMn8Tp8c; KOi TO 8SOPT17µm6 TOuc;. LUµTIAl7pwµanK6, unapxouv j30178rJnK6 ouon']µarn y1a TrJ µ8T60oOrJ TrJC: KLVrJOrJC:, TrJC: pu8µLOrJC: TrJC: OTIOOTOOrJC: µ8TOSU TWV µuMn8Tpwv, TrJC: Tpocpoooo(ac; Tou µ17xav1oµou M80rJC: µ8 Kapn6, TrJC: nauOrJc; TrJC: KLVrJOrJC: KOL TrJC: ouyKeVTpwOrJc; TOU npo'i6VToc;. Ta µuAOTOTIIO, 08 oXEOrJ µ8 TOUC: OIKLOµouc; TIOU 8SUTil7p8TOUOOV, l7TQV µeOO O' OUTOUC: l7 QTIOµOKpuoµEVOL OVMOyO µ8 TrJV 8eOrJ TOU noTaµou. AAJ...orn nM1, j3p(0Kouµ8 v8p6µu>-ouc; opyavwµevouc; 08 ouyKpoT!']µma, WOT8 rJ (010 TpocpoooTtK!'] n11y!'] va µnopd va TOuc; Ktvd 01aoox1K6 08 ouvouaoµ6 KOL µ8 &A8c; uopOKLVrJT8C: 8YKOTaOT6081c;. KTrJp10>-oy1K6, 01 v8p6µu>-01 dvm ouv!']Swc; µ1Kp6 106y81a KT(oµma, enapK!'] µ6>-1c; y1a TrJ OTeyaOrJ TOU µ11xav1oµou M80rJC: KOi TrJV OTI08l7K8UOrJ TWV OA.WµaTWV. AAJ...oT8 nM1 dvm µ8yaMT8po1 08 µey88oc; Km ouvoua½oVTm µ8 TrJV KaT01K(a Tou µu>-wv6, ano817K8C: KOL OT6j3>-ouc;. H KOTOOK8u!'] TOU KT(oµmoc; dvm an>-!'] KOi QKOAOU88( nc; TOTIIKec; apXIT8KTOVIK8C: µ886oouc;, unayopeuµev8c; an6 Ta 0108eo1µa u>-1Ka.Ta napanavw T8KµrJplWVOVTOI µ8 Tl7V QVMUOrJ TUTIOAOy(ac; V8p6µUAWV an6 016cpop8c; TI8p1oxec; TrJC: EM6oac;, 6nwc; Ol j3u½OVTIVOL V8p6µu>-01 TrJC: 08000>-ov(KrJC:, TrJC: Xa>-K101K!']c;, TrJC: npej38½0C:, TrJC: Kp!']TrJC:, TrJC: Kfoc; KOi TOU Ay(ou 'Opouc;. EVOTl')TO B

H 18p6 Mov!'] Lrnupov1K!']Ta j3p(oKnm OTrJ µeOrJ n8pinou TrJC: BA n>-eupac; T!']c; X8poov!']oou Tou A8w. LTrJ KT17µanK!'] n8p1ox11 TrJC:, eKTaOrJc; 3.000 OTp8µµ6Twv, 8VT0008TOL o v8p6µu>-oc;, 08 QTIOOTOOrJ 3 x>-µ. Nb. TOU µovOOTrJplOU, OTl7V TI8p1ox11 KmJJOAQ. H 8TILAOY17 TrJC: 8eOrJc; TOU np08KUljJ8 an6 an6cpaOrJ T17C: l8p6c; LUVOSl7C:, TOV 0KTwj3p10 TOU 1543, VO napaxwp!']081 OTO µovaOTl7pl, uOT8pa an6 a(TrJµa Tou nmp16px1118p8µ(a A', n8p1ox11 KCITW an6 TIC: Kapuec;, µ8 OKOn6 TrJV UAOTOµ(a KOi TrJV KQTQOK8Ul7 v8p6µu>-ou. To ouyKp6T17µa n8p1>-aµj36v81 To KT(p10 Tou V8p6µu>-ou, nc; uopoOOTIKEC: 8YKOTQOTCI081C: KOi TOV TI8p1j3000VTO xwpo. To ouvo>-o av!']K8t 08 Mo XPOvo>-oy1Kec; cp6081c; nou T8Kµ11p1wvoVT01 an6 8mypacpec; 08 TOLXOTIOIL8C: TWV KQTQOK8UWV. 01 uopoOOTIKEC: 8YKOTQOTCI081C:, avayOVTOI OTO 8TOC: 1847 KOi TI8pLAaµj36vouv QUACIKI, OVOIKTT7 08S0µ8v!'] KOi KQVMI npooaywy!']c; V8pou µ8 uom6nupyo. To KT(p10 TOU v8p6µu>-ou 01Koooµ178rJK8 OTrJ 8eOrJ npoy8veOT8pou, TO 1912, µ8 µ88600uc; TrJC: TOTILK!']c; mKoooµ1K!']c; KOL µopcpo>-oy1Kec; 8mop6081c; an6 To >-a.iK6 K>-amK10µ6 KOi TrJV OPXIT8KTOVIKl7 TWV pWOlKWV KTLOµOTWV TOU A8wva. np6K81Tm y1a KT(p10 op8oywv1Kou ax!']µmoc;, 8µj3aoou 80 µ2, nou avamuoo8rn1 08 Tp8LC: OT68µ8c;. LTrJV KOTWTOTrJ 8LVOL 8YKOT80TrJµevoc; 0 KIVrJTIKOC: µ17xav10µ6c;, 8VW OTOV 8VIQLO 80WT8plKO XWPO TrJC: µeoa(ac; OT68µ11c; j3p(OK8TOI TO 8pyaOTT7plO TOU µUAOU µ8 TO µ17xav10µ6 M80rJC: KOi xwpol npoowp1v!']c; cpu>-as11c; TWV KOpnwv KOi TWV OAE:Oµfuwv. TrJV T8A8UTOLQ OT68µ17 OUVIOTOUV Ol XWPOL 01aµov!']c; TOU OIOKOVrJTll µovaxou-µUAWVCI. 01 TOIXOTIOLL8C: TOU av!']KOUV KOi OTIC: Mo OIKOOOµLKec; cp6081c;. Ka8' ulj.Joc; TWV TOIXOTIOLiwv avamuooOVTQI OUOTT7µma SUA0080lWV y1a TrJV 8VloXUOrJ TrJC: OTOTLK!']c; en6pK8IOC: TOU KTLpiou. H mo ooj3ap!'] µopcp!'] na8o>-oy(ac; nou 8KOrJAWV8TOL OTO KTip10, acpop6 OTrJV uypao(a, OTIOT8AWµa TrJC: enacp!']c; TOU µ8 TO eoacpoc;.


01 uopoOOTIKEC: 8YKOTQOTCI08LC: OIOTCIOOOVTOI OTrJV nap81CI peµmoc; Km 11 cpumK!'] KA(OrJ Tou 806cpouc; dvm TeT01a nou eneTp8lj.J8 TrJV KOTOOK8Ul7 aywyou UOOTOITTWOrJC:, LKav!']c; VO 88081 08 KLVrJOrJ TO µ11xav10µ6 M 80rJc;. H 08s0µ8Vl7 81VOI KOTOOK8UQoµev11 µ8 apyouc; M8ouc; KOi OUV08TLK6 uopOUALKO KOV[aµa µ8YMl7C: OVTOX17C:, 8VW 01 TOIXOTIOIL8C: TOU KOVOA.IOU KOi TOU uoaT6nupyou dvm 101a(rnpa 8ntµ8ArJµev8c; KOL aKo>-ou8ouv j3u½aVT1v6 np6Tuna. H na8o>-oy[a TrJC: 08saµ8v!']c; 8VTOTIL½8TOI 08 KQT80Tpaµµevouc; apµouc; TrJC: A18000µ17c;, 8VW TOU KOVOA.IOU KOi TOU UOOT6nupyou, OUVIOTQTQI KUp(wc; OTl7V 8VTOVrJ OVCIITTUSl7 <pUTIKWV µ1Kpoopyav1oµwv OTIC: TIOp818C: TWV TOIXOTIOUWV. 0 NEPOMY/10:1: THr IEPAL MONHr HAYPONIKHTA Ar!OY OPOYL

The wall works of the building belong to both construction stages. Systems of timber ties develop at height on the walls in order to reinforce the structural stability. The most serious form of pathology displayed in the building is due to dampness, which is the result of its contact with the ground. The water supply facilities of the watermill are located on the edge of a stream, additionally the natural inclination of the ground has allowed the construction of a waterfall duct, capable to move the grinding mechanism. The cistern is constructed with rubble stones and binding hydraulic mortar of great durability, while the wall works of the millrace and the shoot are carefully made and follow the Byzantine patterns. The pathology of the cistern is observed at the destroyed joints of the stonework, while the millrace and the· shoot mainly demonstrate intense growth of plant microorganisms at the edges of the wall works. As far as the kinetic mechanism of the watermill is concerned we find remains of the horizontal metal water wheel eroded by severe dampness to the extent that prohibits clear conclusions on the typology of the watm wheel. Restoration and re-use p1roposal

The basic guidelines for the monument's restoration proposal have been the intention of preservation and projection of its initial character, as well as the need of a new function. The basic aim was to restitute the operation of the watermill, not for the purpose of grinding but for the production of electrical power to serve the needs of the new function. The latter was proposed by the engineers of the "Athos" project, upon approval of the monastery's administration to grant the watermill's building in order to convert it into a small guesthouse foir the accommodation of the people in charge of the project during its application. As far as the surrounding area is concerneid, the proposals suggest the construction of wall works and the formation of levels on the perimeter of the watermill's facilitie,s, following the natural inclination of the ground, and serving for lthe accessibility and the projection of the monument. The base foir the restoration processes of the watermill's building has been the intention to create a space on the ground floor completely independent from the upper floor, because of the differences in their functions. The ground floor is proposed to become a museum for the display of the grinding mech-

4. 01Koooµ1Ki c; cp6ae1c; Kat yev1Krj anotJJT/ mu KTtp(ou m u vep6µuAou. Construction phases and g eneral view of the watermill's building.

An6 TOV KLVT"]TLKO µrixavtoµ6 TOU µuAOU acili'.;ovrnL UTIOAdµµma TOU Opli'.;OVTLOU µnaMLKOU UOpOTPOXOU, OLa~pwµeva QTIO TT"]V £VTOVT"J uypao(a, an6 rn ono(a npoKumouv aoacp17 ouµnepaoµma yta TT"]V TUTIOAoy(a TOU. npoTOOI') OTIOKOTOOTOOI')<; - &TIOVOXPl'JOI')<;

BaOLK£<; Kmeu8uvaetc; y1a TT"]V np6TOOT] QTIOKOTCIOTOOT]<; TOU µvriµeiou , anoT£Aeaav ri np68eori OLaT17prJOT]C: KOL avaoetl;ric; TOU OPXLKOU TOU xapaKT17pa Ka8wc; KOL T"] QVCIYKT"] yLa £VTOl;T"] a' aUT6 vfoc; XPllOTJ<;. LTOXO anoT£Aeoe ri anoKOTOOTOOT] TrJC: AetToupy(ac; Tou vep6µu1,.ou, OXL we; µfoou 6AeOT]c;, aMa we; µfoou napaywy17c; rJAeKTpLKllC: evepye1ac; y1a TT"JV el;unripeTT"]OT] Twv avayKwv TT"]<; vfoc; XPllOrJ<;. H TeAeurn(a unayopeuTrJKe an6 np6TaOTJ µrixav1Kwv Tou npoypaµµmoc; «A8wc;», umepa an6 TrJ ouyKm68eOT] TT"JC: 01o(KrJOT"JC: TrJC: MoV17c;, va napaxwpri8e( TO KTtpto Tou vep6µu1,.ou KOL va µeTmpand oe µtKp6 l;evwva yta Tr] <pLAOl;ev(a TWV uneu8uvwv TOU npoypaµµmoc;, KQTCI Tr] OLCIPK8LQ Tr]<; ecpapµoy17c; TOU. LTOV nepL~CIAAOVTQ xwpo, Ol npoTetv6µevec; rneµ~aaetc; acpopouv OTT"]V KOTQOKeLJl7 QVOAT"]µµaTLKWV TOlxwv KOL TT"J otaµ6pcpwori ernneowv nep1µnp1K6 Twv eyKmamaoewv Tou vep6µuAou, aKoAou8wVTac; TrJ cpumK17 KAtOT] Tou eoacpouc;, µe ~QOLKO OKOTIO TT"]V npoo~ao1µ6TT"]TO KOL avaoetl;T"] TOU µvriµdou. r1a Tt<; rneµ~aoetc; mo KT(pto Tou vep6µu1,.ou, ~amK6 OTOIXetO OTIOTEA.808 T"] np68eOT] y1a avel;apTT"]TOTIOIT"]OT] TOU LOOydou an6 TOV 6pocpo, el;OLT(ac; Twv otacpopenKwv XP11oewv nou QTIOKTOUV. 0 L06yetoc; xwpoc; npOTetVeTOL va A8LTOupy17oeL µou0810AOYLKCI YLO TT"]V avaoetl;T"] TOU µrixavtoµou CIA80T]<;, ae ouvouaoµ6 µe nc; un6t-omec; eyKmam6oe1c; Tou vep6µut-ou. r1a TrJV anocpuy17 TT"JC: uypao(ac; eoacpouc; npoTdveTOL ri Kma0Keu17 un6ye1ou ouOT17µmoc; anom p6yy1oric;. LTOv 6pocpo npoTdvoVTOL opaOTLK6Tepec; rneµ~6oe1c; y1a TrJV unoooX17 TrJC: vfoc; XPllOTJ<;. Ot OlQOTCI08l<; TOU xwpou ernTpenouv Tr] OT"]µtoupy(a TPLWV owµm(wv, eKmepw8ev KeVTptKou xwpou nou t-etToupye( we; Koul;(va-Tpanei'.;ap(a. LTO xwpo TrJC: opm17c; eowTeptK6 mtyric; npOTetVeTOL T"] KOTQOKeLJl7 nmapLOU TIACITOU<; 3µ., TO ono(o A8lTOUpyd we; xwpoc; epyao(ac; KOL <pLAol;eve( OTOLX8LW08l<; xwpouc; uy1e1V17c;. r1a Tr] OT8YrJ npoTetV8TOL O TUTIO<; TT"]<; aepti'.;6µevric; 01moµ17c;, evw y1a TrJV rn1K6Aul\J11 TrJC: cpuMa XOAKou KOL ouOTT"]µa auMeKT17p1wv KOL KOTaK6pucpwv uopoppowv y1a TrJV anoppo17 Twv oµ~p(wv. 'Ooov acpopa Tt<; uopoooTLK8<; eyKmam6oe1c;, dvOL anapa(TT"]TO va y(vouv epyao(ec; y1a TrJV anoKmaOTOOTJ Tr]<; oel;aµeV17c;, TOU KQVQALOU npooaywy17c; KOL TOU uoaT6nupyou. 'ETOL npoTdvoVTOL ouµnt-ripwoetc; µe uopauAtKll KOvia an6 8ripa'iK17 vri yta Myouc; 0Teyav6T1'1TOC:, apµoMyriµa TWV apµwv KOL 6nou napaTT"]pdrnt anwt-eta ooµtKou ut-tKou ouvtOTWVTOL auµnt-ripwoe1c;, Kup(wc; ym TT"JV npomao(a Tou au8eVTtKou UAlKOU, µe UALKCI ouµ~ma µe TQ OPXlKCI. Tet-oc;, yta TO µrixav10µ6 M eoric; npoTetV8TOL T"] QVQKQTQOKeLJl7 TOOO TOU KlVT"]TlKOU 600 KOL TOU QA80TlKOU µrixav1oµou.

anism, combined with the rest of the watermill's facilities. In order to fight the dampness of the ground, the construction of an underground drainage system is proposed. As far as the upper floor is concerned, more drastic! restoration processes are proposed in order to adjust to the new use. The dimensions of the said area allow the creation of three rooms around a central space that function as a kitchen-dining room. In the space of the interior visible part of the roof, the construction of a wooden loft 3m wide is proposed, that could serve as a working place and accommodate basic hygiene spaces. The type of ventilated cross-section is proposed for th1a roof, while for its covering the proposal suggests sheets of copper and a system of both collecting and vertical spouts for the effusion of rain. As far as the water supply facilities are concerned, it is deemed essential to restore the cistern, the millrace and the shoot, Therefore, the study proposed additions with hydraulic binder containing Santorin earth, to ensure efficient water ti~Jhtness, joint filling and in cases when a lack of construction mateirial is observed, completions are recommended, mainly for the protection of the authentic masonry, using materials compatible with the initial ones. Concluding with the grinding mechanism, re·construction of both the kinetic and the grinding mechanism is proposed.

5, Ynapxouaa KQTOOTO<Jr/ - K6TO</JTJ y' or60µryc;, Present state - Plan of the uppe1r level.






l --


6. np6TaarJ QITOKQTQOTOarJ<; - Karat/If) y'or68µ17<; KOi namptoU, Proposal of restoration - Plan of the upper level and of the loft.

7. np6mari anOKQTQOTOarJ<; - Ey,'(6pa1a r oµrj KQl NfJ. 6(/ITJ. Proposal of restoration - Transversal section and SW fac;ade. 0 NEPOMYAm: TH:1: IEPA:1: MONH:1: HAYPONIKHTA ArlOY OPOY:1:


Aptotdoric; MuT6.Koc;, µrixavoMyoc; µrixavtK6c;


Aristides Mytakos, mechanical engineer


1. E1oaywy11

1. Introduction

H i5tnAwµmtK17 epyaa(a nou aKoAou8d txet aav a-roxo TTJV evm~'7 auYXPovwv HAeKTpoµ17xavoAoytKwv eyKmaaraaewv ma Mo i5LOTTJP'7Tfo KT(pta Twv oowv /\. LTparnu 19 KOL Lapavrnn6pou KOTQ Tr]V OTTOKOTOOTOOl7 KOL eTTOVOXP'7017 Touc; an6 TO navemOT17µLo MaKei5ov(ac;. H TeKµr]p(w017 KOL Tl OPXLTE:KTOVLKll anoTunw017 npo17y178'7KOV KOL OTTOTl::Af:OOV TO OVTLKetµevo 6.M17c; OlTTAWµOTLKl7c; epyaa(ac; 6nwc; KOL '7 np6T0017 OTTOKOTQOT0017c;. Me ~60'7 TTJV napanavw np6T0017, 17 e~ernl;6µeY17 epyaa(a exet aav ar6xo TOV e~OTTALaµ6 TOU KTLp(ou µe OUYXPOVec; eyKOTOOTQOE:Lc;.

The subject of this study is the reconstruction of the installations of the two preserved buildings, at 19 Leofororos Stratou and Sarandaporou str, during the restoration for reuse by the University of Macedonia. The documentation and architectural surveying have already been made during a previous project as well as the restoration proposal. The following study is based on this proposal aiming to the reconstruction of installations. This study is an attempt to compromise the specific demands of buildings, that have been classified as preserved, with the rules concerning modern buildinigs.

H epyaa(a OLJT17 etVOL µLa npoan68eLO VO auµ~L~OOTOUV Ol OTTOLT170E:Lc; TWV KOVOVtaµwv YLO TO OUYXPOVO KT(p10 µe nc; f:IOLKl::c; OTTOLT170E:Lc; TWV KTtpiwv OUTWV nou Kp(8'7KOV Q~LO OIOT17p'70'7c;. LT17v epyaa(a napoumai'.';oVTat Kup(wc; ot evepyetaKec; avayKec; Tou KTLp(ou, an6 T17v 6.noljJ17 T17c; 8epµoµ6vw017c;, Tr]c; SepµavOllc; Kat TOU KAtµmtaµou, KOL emxe1pdT01 VO i51epeuv178ouv mSavec; f:VOAAQKTIKl::c; np0Taae1c;. LT'7 auvexeta emMyna1 TO KOTOAA'7A.OTE:po y10 TTJV nep(mw017 auarriµa 8epµav017c; - KALµa-


1. '01/JTJ arr6 Tr/ /\sw<p6po :Erparou - View from Leoforou Stratou. ME/\ETH ENTA::HL H/M ErKATAITALEON

The subject of the project is mainly the building's energy efficiency, concerning thermal insulation, heating and air conditioning while possible alternative proposals for the reconstruction are considered. Afterwards, the most suitable heating and air conditioning system is selected. A proposal for the fi re protection system of the building is also presented implementing rules, concerning new buildings, and

2. Hli&KrptKrj syKaraaraOT), Hfpto A - Electrical installation, building A

Ttaµou. En[aric; napouma½ern1 µ10 np6TOOTJ y10 n1v nuponpoarna[a TOU KTlp[ou, ecpapµ6½0VTO<; KOVOVLaµouc; YLO vta KTLPLO aMa KOL KOTClMflAO np6aeern µeTpa y10 VO eAOXLOTOTIOlfleouv 01 KOTOITTpocpec; OTIO µta TIUpKOylCl. TeAoc; npOTeLVE:TOL Tl OVOKOTOOKWll KOL TWV UTIOAOLTIWV HA.eKTpoµrixovoAOYLKWV eyKOTOOTaaewv, 6nwc; ri flAeKTpoAoy1Kll, Tl u5pauALKll KOL anoxernunK11. 2. IOTop1K6 KOi apxm:KTOVIKO OTOIXE:10 TWV KTlpiwv

Ta e~eTa½6µeva KT[pta dvOL xnaµeva OTO [510 OLK6ne5o nou ~p[OKf:TOL OTfl 5100TOUpWarJ TWV o5wv /\. LTpOTOU KOL LOpOVTOnopou. To 1906 Tl Na½[½ NLXCIA Na½L<P8 )(Tl½f:I TO eva an6 TO Mo KT[pta, nou dvOL KOL TO ariµaVTLK6Tepo, µe Kupta oljJfl mri /\. LTpOTOU KOL TO 1912 eva µtKpOTepo µe KUplO OljJfl OTflV 056 LOpaVTan6pou. To 1941 neea[ve1 xwp[c; KAflpov6µouc; KOL TO KT[pto nepvaet mriv 15toKTfla[a Tou t.riµoa[ou. Lllµepa TO KT[pta exouv napaxwpried OTO navemOT11µto MaKe5ov[ac; To ono[o aKoneue1 va TO anoKOTOOTllaet KOL va Ta XPrimµonot11ae1 Kup[wc; YLO Tfl meyaari 5LOLKflTLKWV TOU unripw1wv. To npWTO KTlPLO dvOL Tp1wpocpo µe unepuljJwµevo un6yeto, avwyeto KOL 6pocpo f:VW TO 5eurnpo 8Xf:l LOOYf:LO KOL OpO<pO. LTO KT[pto B', auµcpwva µe Tflv np6rnari anoKOTOOTOOTJ<; npoOT[eeTOL eva µLKp6 Tµ11µ0 OTOV OKClAUITTO, an6 µnaMLKO aKeAf:TO KOL KOAUljJfl µe yuaAtvec; emcpave1ec;, nou ea dvOL vta KaTaaKeull µe µovwµevri OT8Yfl KOL 5ane5o KOL ea neptexe1 KOL Tfl auv5enKll aK&a Twv Mo KTLp[wv. H evono[riari OUTll 5ev KOTapyd f:VTf:AW<; TflV OUTOT8Af:LO TWV KTlplWV. 3. np6rnari OTTOKOTOOTOCJr)<;

LTO e~na½6µevo KT(p10 01 unapxouaec; eyKmamaaetc; ~p[aKoVTOL ae aaxriµri KOTClOTOOTJ KOL 5ev OTIOTf:AOUV aTjµOVTIKO Tµllµa Tfl<; LOTOpLKll<; a~[ac; Tou KOL eTm anocpaa(OTflKe ri nAllPTlC: QVTLKOTClOTOOll TOU<; µe auyxpovec; KOTOOKeuec;. 3. 1 0&pµoµ6vwari

Kma Tfl µeMTfl eepµoµ6vwaric; e~eTCl½OVTOL OPXIKCl Tl unap-

additional measures in order to minimise damages after a fire. At last, the reconstruction of electrical, plumbing and sanitary installations is also proposed. 2. Historical and architectural! elements of the buildings

The two houses sit on the same property that is found on the crossway of L. Stratou and Sarandaporou str. The one house, facing the main street L. Stratou avenue, was built in 1906 by Naziz Nihal Nazife, and the second - a smaller one, facing Sarandaporou street-was built: in 1912. In 1941 the owner dies and as there is no heir the buildings came into the Directory's of National Legacies ownership. In 1982 and 1984 they were classified as historic buildings by decision of the Ministry of Culture. Today the two buildings have been granted to the University of Macedonia which will restore and use them mainly for the housing of administrative services. The first building is a three store house with a semi-underground basement, an elevated ground floor and an upper storey, whernas the second has two floors. According to the restoration proposal a small part will be added in building B' and a new external stairway will be constructed in the backyard aiming to the unification of the circulation and function of the two buildings. This new structure will be made of an iron framework covered by !~lass. 3. Restoration proposal

In the same building the existing installations are in a bad condition. Since they are not an important part of its historical value they will be replaced by new ones. 3.1 Thermal insulation

During the study of heat insulation the current condition of the building and the relevant thermal conductivity factors, that are concluded using the existing rnles, are examined first. Then, alternative scenarios, with only a few modifications on the structural elements of the building, are examined in order to achieve the desired heat insulation.

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3. Ymipxouaa KaTaOTaOT] : Karoljlr, 1aoydou, KTfpco A. Present state : ground floor plan, building A.

4. np6rnOT] : KJ..cµarcaµ6c;, µsy6AE:c; arroOT6ascc; awA17vwv. Proposal : HAG, long runs of piping. ME/\ETH ENTA::HL H/M ErKATAITArEON


xouoo KOTOOTOOT) TOU KTlp(ou KOl Ol OVTLOTOlXOl OUVT£A£OT£c; nou npOKUITTOUV, ecpopµ6i'.;ovroc; TOV loXUOVTO KOVOVl0µ6 eepµoµ6vwOT)c;, Km OTT] ouvtxeto eseT6i'.;ovrm evoMOKTlKO oev6pto µe µeplK£<:; TpononOlrJOtl<:; OTO 00µ1K6 OTOlXtLO TOU KTlp(ou WOT£ vo npoKuljJouv 01 emeuµriTtc; nµtc; yto TrJ eepµoµ6vwOT).

The thermal conductivity of structural elements of the examined building is very high, so it is very difficult to create conditions of comfortable living for the people. An extremely large and energy consuming heat ing and air condition system would be needed.

01 eepµoµovwnKtc; lKOVOTrJTtc; TWV ooµtKWV OTOlXtLWV TWV eserni'.;6µevwv KTtp(wv, j3p(oKovrm oe no>..u xaµriM en(neoa Km · oev dvm ouvm6v va oriµtoupyr'Joouv ouvetjKec; 6veTrJc; napaµo~c; OTouc; evo(Kouc; aM6 KUp(wc; ea OTTOlTrJOOUV µ10 lOlOLTtpa evepyoj36pa KOl µey6Awv 01aOT6oewv eyKOTCIOTOOTJ etpµavOT)c; KOl Kt..LµOTlOµOU. 0 UTTOAOYl0µ6c; QTT£0£lS£ OTl OTTOlTOUVTOl no>..u µey6Aec; npooetjKec; eepµoµovwnKwv u>..tKwv y10 va <pTCIOOUV TO KT(p1a va lKOVOTTOlOUV Tl<:; OTTOlTrJOtl<:; TOU loXUOvroc; y1a TO vfo KTlpla KOVOVlOµou. 01 npooetjKec; OUT£<:; oe KClnmec; nep1mwoetc; napoum6i'.;ouv µey6Aec; npaKTLKtc; ouoKoMec; aM6 Km ea aMmwoouv OT)µavrtK6 TrJV £LK6va Tou KTtp(ou, on6Te Kp(vovrm µri npayµmonmr'Jotµec;. Ot uno>..oy10µ0( Twv eepµtKWV OTTWAtlWV antoetsav OTl OK6µri KOl µe Tl"JV tTTLA.tKTlKrJ eepµoµ6vwOT) K6notwv OTmxe(wv nou npoTdvnm y1a TrJV anoKOTCIOTOOTJ, 01 evepye1aKtc; av6yKec; µe1wvovrm OT)µavr1K6.

Calculations on the thermal insulating ability of the building showed that extended additions of insulating materials would be needed in order to comply with the rules concerning new buildings. These additions are concerned to be not applicable as they would result in both physical and visual changes.

npoTtLVtTOl ri eepµoµ6VWOT) TWV TOLXWV TOU unoydou TOU A' KTtp(ou, Twv oantowv, Tl"Jc; OTtyric;, ri npooer'JKrJ np6oeeTwv WWT£plKWV napaeupwv 0£ 6>..ouc; TOU<:; xwpouc; KOi ri OlO~priOT) TWV UTTOAOlTTWVTOlXWV 6nwc; KOi TWV £sweupwv, Ol ono(ec; ea ouvrriprieouv KOi ea nepaOTOUV tlOlK£c; tAOOTLK£c; TOlVL£c; OTouc; apµouc; TOuc; y1a va µe1wed ri 01anepOT6TrJTO Twv apµwv TOuc;. 3.2 0epµavori - KA1µaT10µ6c;

H tTTIAOYrJ TOU ou~µmoc; eepµavOT)c; e(vm noMec; <popec;, oe OLOTrJPrJTfo KT(pta, evo np6j3>..riµa xwp(c; euKo>..ri MOT), 6nwc; ou~ewc; ouµj3a(vet oe vfo KT(p1a. Kaee T£TOlO KT(p10 napoum6i'.;e1 µ10 µovOOlKOTrJTO KOi £TOI rJ en(opaOT) OTTOlOOOrJTTOTt eµcpavouc; vfoc; KOTQOKWrJc; OTT]V WWTtPLKrJ Tl tSWTtPlKrJ OljJrJ ea npenel VO e>..axt0Tono1ried, y1a va OLOTrJpried o xapaKTr'Jpac; Tou KTtp(ou.

Calculations on thermal losses, prooved that even with selective heat insulation of certain elements, proposed in this study, the energy consumption is substantialy reduced. Heat insulation of the basement's walls, the floors, the roof and construction of additional windows over all existing windows are proposed, with no changes on the rest of the existing walls and doors, except from the 1'1ousedoors insulation using special rubber straps. 3.2. Heating - Air conditioning

The selection of the most suitable heating and air conditioning system for historic buildinns is not as easy as in new ones. Each historic building is unique so the visual impact of every new construstion on the int,ernal and external view has to minimised, in order to maintain the building's character. In this study a VRV heating and air conditioning system is proposed, used for both heating and cooling. This system will consist of many small indoor units and a few compact outdoor units which will be installed in the backyard, up to 100 meters away. Every single outdoor unit can operate up to 16 indoor units. The capasity of heat pump outdoor units is inverter controlled.

H MOT) nou npoTdveTm µe Tl"JV epyao(a auTr'J, dvm ri eyKOT60TOOTJ ou~µmoc; K>..1µonoµou evoetKTtKou Tunou VRV nou ea KOAUljJ£l nc; ov6yKec; y1a ljJusri aM6 KOl y1a eepµavOT). To OUOTT]µa ea OTTOTtAtlTOl an6 noMec; WWT£PlK£c; µovaoec; KOl µeplK£c; tSWT£plK£c; µov6oec; nou ea eyKOTOOTaeouv OTOV OKOAUITTO XWPO KOl 0£ µeyMrJ on60TOOT) (µ£XPl 100 µ. Opli'.;OVTlO). K6ee eswTepLKrJ µov6oa µnope( vo TpocpoooTtjoet µ£XPL Km 16 wwn:p1Ktc;. 01 eswTep1Ktc; µov6oec; ea e(vm avr>..iec; eepµ6TrJTac; nou ri >..etToupy(a TOuc; ea eMyxnm an6 inverter. To ouOTT]µa nou npon:(veTm o(ve1 TrJ ouvOT6TrJTO y1a auTovoµ(a KOl 0Kplj3r'J e>..eyxo TrJc; eepµoKpao(ac; oe K6ee xwpo £VW dVOl l0lQIT£pa OlKOVOµlKO KOL ae6puj3o. En(OT)c; oev anOlTtl lOlOIT£pO xwpo ljJUXPOOTao(ou KOl £TOI ane>..weepwveTOl nOAUTlµoc; xwpoc; Tou KTtp(ou y1a va anoooed oe 6Mec; xpr'Joetc;. 3.3 nuponpoarao,a

Ta KT(pm nou xopaKTrJp(i'.;ovrm we; µvriµda txouv KOTOOTpacpd noMec; <popec; on6 Tl"J <pwn6. H nupKay16 0£ £VO T£TOlO KTlplO µnopd va np0Ka>..foe1 µey6Aec; l3Ml3ec; Ol ono(ec; dvm nc; neptoo6Tepec; <popec; µrJ OVTlOTpeljJ1µec;. rm TrJV npOOTOOLO Tl"J<:; unapsrJ<:; TOU KTlplOU QA.A.Cl KOl TrJ<:; i'.;wr'Jc; TWV avepwnwv TTOU ea j3p(oKovrm µeoa a' ouT6 e(vm onapa(TrJTrJ ri eyKOTOOTOOTJ ev6c; Km6Mri>..ou ouOTr'Jµmoc; nuponpoOTao(oc;. Ta ooµLKO OTOlXtLO TWV KTlp(wv exouv µ1Kpr'J avroxr'J OTT] <pwn6. EmnMov an6 TOV 6pocpo TOU A' KTtp(ou un6pxe1µ(a µ6vo ooc; nou nepv6 an6 £VO SUALVO KAlµOKOOTQOLO, KOTOOKWOOµevo an6 eucp>..eKTa u>..1K6.



I To su>..1vo K>..1µ0KoOT6oto Tou A' KTtp(ou Kp(eriKe onapa(TrJTl"J ri eyKOTCIOTaOT) ou~µmoc; QUT6µmou KQTQlOVlOµou y1m( OUTO OTTOTtAtl OUOLQOTlKQ Tl"J µOVrJ £S000 an6 TOV 6pO<pO. (rta TOV ME/\ETH ENTA':HL H/ M ErKATAH ALEON

5. np6mari : HAE:KTpoAoyiKf/ syKar6araari, err(nsoo 1. Proposal : Electrical installation, level 1.

(oto Myo ea eyKmaaraeouv Km aro vfo KAtµaKoaramo Tou KTtp(ou B'). To un6Aomo KT(pto ea npoarmeueTm an6 tva auarriµa nupav(xveuaric; nou ea XPrimµonotd cpwTOl']A£KTptKouc; avt)(V£UT£<; µey6Aric; eumaeria(ac;, cpapoaetp11vec; Km cpwnartK6. aacpOAdac; nou ea cpwT(~ouv nc; es6oouc; KlVOUVOU. .

The VRV system can provide a precise temperature control, energy efficiency, a wide outdoor temperature operating range and low operating noise levels. Since the VRV system has no need of a dedicated plantroom, valuable building space can be released for other purposes.


3.2 Fire protection

0 awar6c; axeotaaµ6c; TWV µeMOVTlKWV XPrJO£WV TWV KTlp(wv KQl I'] avOAUTlKrJ estrnari TWV avayKWV TWV XPrJITTWV dvm anapa(Tl']T£<; n pounoefoetc; yta µta emTUxriµtvri np6rnari anoKmaaraaric;.

Historic buildings were often destroyed because of fire. Fire can cause serious damages in an old building and most of the times these damages are irreversible. A suitable fire protection system has to be installed in every historic building in order to protect people's lites and the building's existence.

H £TTlAOYrJ TWV XPrJ08WV TWV xwpwv anornAd tvav £TTlTUX1']µ£vo auµj3tj3aaµ6 µnasu TWV anOlTrJO£WV TOU nav£nt0Tl']µ(ou KQl Tl']<; av6yKI']<; yta OlOTrJPl'larJ TWV j3amKwv armxdwv Twv KTlp(wv. H A£lToupy(a TWV ypacpdwv, nou dvm otacpopenKrJ an6 Tl']V apxlKrJ XPl'larJ KQl anmTe( KQTTOl£<; emnMov eyKmaaraaetc;, oev anmTd tota(Tepa µey6Aec; eneµj36.aetc;. Me 61,.ec; nc; napan6.vw eyKmaar6.aetc; TO KT(pto ea enavOA£lTOupy11aet, xwp[c; OAAOLWOJ"] Tl']<; apxlKrJ<; TOU µopcprJ<; KQl ea awed an6 TrJV Kmaarpocp11 Myw Tl']<; eyKm6AwJJric; 11 Tl']<; avepwmvric; naptµj3aaric;.

The fire resistance of the structural elements of the building is very low. In addition there is only one way to the exit from the upper floor of building A' passinig through an internal wooden staircase, made from flammable material. In order to make it safe for the people to get out of the house using the wooden staircase, the installation of an automatic sprinkler system is proposed. This system will be installed at the two staircases (buildings A' and B'). The rest of the building will be protected by installing a fire detection system which will use photo-electric detectors of high sensitivity, flash sounders and safety lights pointing at the emergency exits.

4. Conclusions Proper planning of the future use of the buildings and consideration of users' needs is an essential condition for a successful proposal of restoration . The definition of uses of spaces ,(rooms) constitutes a successful compromise between the requirements of the University and the need for conservation of basic elements of buildings. The operation of offices, that is different from the initial use and requires certain additional installations, does not require particularly big interventions. 6. np6TOOTJ : Yi5pOUAlKIJ t:yKOTQOTOOTJ, KQTQKOpU<pO i51aypaµµa. Proposal : Plumbing, piping plan.

With all the above installations tile building will operate again, without alteration of its initial form and will be saved from destruction because of abandonment or human intervention.

7. np6raOTJ : nuporrpoaraa(a, m(rrt:i5o 1. Proposal : Fire protection installation, level 1.

8. np6raOTJ : nuporrpoaraa(a, i11c1ypaµµa avrJ.waraa(ou. Proposal : Fire protection installation, pumping station. ME/\ETH ENTA::HI H/M ErKATAITAIEON


Mtxa~.\ nanaymw6K17c;, apxm:KTWV µrixavtK6<;


apxtTeKTwv µr1xavtK6~

Michael Papagiannakis, architecl engineer




VTLKeiµevo Tl")c; µeMu1c; anon:>..eoe ri TeKµl")piwori, anoKOTOOTOOl"J KOL WOVO)(pl")OI") TOU OlOTl"JPl"JTeDU KTLp(ou TOU netOU TIOU j3p(OK£TOL OTO lOTOplKO KeVTpO Tl")<:; TIOAI")<:; TT']<:; <t>>..wptvac; OTl")V TIAOTf:10 7 Hpwwv 1944 op. 12 KOVTO OTOV noTaµ6 LOKouMj3a. nap6Mri>..a µe Tl"J µeMTrJ Tou KTLpiou otepeuv1')81")K£ Olf:E;OOLKO Tl LOTOPLKl7 KOL XWPLKl7 eE;e>..tE;ri TOU 6µeoou nep1l36Movr6c; Tou µfoa an 6 cpwTOypacptK6 KOL apxetaK6 u>..1K6, j3Lj3AtOypacpLKec; KOL npocpoptKec; Til")yec;. IOLOlT£pl") eµcpOOI") o681")K£ OTO OLKOOOµLKO T£Tp6ywvo TOU KTtp(ou, TO ono(o avaAU81")K£ XWPLKO KOL eE;eTOOTT']Kf: >..emoµepwc; OlO)(pOVLKO.


he object of this study is the documentation, restoration and rehabilitation of the listed Peios' building that is situated at the historical centre of the city of Florina, at 7 Heroes of 1944 square No 1:C!, near in the river Sakouleva. Except the building itself, the histoirical and territorial development of its' direct environment through photographic and archival material, bibliographic and oral sources was investigated extensively. Particular accent was given in the building square of the building, which was thoroughly analysed and examined in detail diachronically.

To KTlplO TOU netou OTIOTf:AeL eva OTIOVLO napaoetyµa TT']c; TOTILKl7c; OPXLTf:KTOVLKrJ<:; Tl")<:; UOT£pT']c; TOUpKOKpOT(ac; OTT'] <l>AWplVO KOL napouma½eL oriµavrtK6 apx1rnKTov1K6 Kat >..aoypacptK6 evotacpepov, evw napaMl")AO Myw TT']c; µopcp17c; KOL TOU µeyeeouc; TOU OTIOTf:AeL Ol")µeio OVO<popac; y1a Tl")V neptOXll· n p6K£lTOL yta eva T£Tpaywv1K6, Tptwpocpo µe un6ye10 KT(oµa nou eivOL Tono8eTT']µevo OTT']V TIA£Up0 TOU op6µou, KOTOAOµj36VOVTO<:; OAO TO µ17Koc; TT']c; np6ooljJl")c; TOU OlKOneoou KOL acp17vovrac; OKOAUITTO XWPO OTO TILOW µepoc;. LTl")V niaw OUAl7 j3p(OKOVTOL Tfooepa f3orierinK6 KT(oµma (j3acpdo, ano817KrJ o(Tou, KOL ouo avayKa(a) Ka8wc; KOL TO lXVl"J ev6c; neµmou TO ono(o rJTOV OTOj3Aoc;. To KTlplO )(TlOTT']Kf: KOTIOLO 0Ttyµ17 OTO oemepo µ106 TOU 1gou OLWVQ KOL npLV TO 1882 an6 TO j3acpfo 6nwc; µapTUp6 TO en(8n6 TOU aM6 KOL mTeµnopo, lwowri n tto-MnoytOT½ll (1834-1929) KOL l7TOV ouµcpwva µe TOuc; LOLOKT17Tec; TO npWTO )(plOTlOVLKO an(n OTT']v nepLOXll· 0 rn>..eUTa(oc; 6pocpot; Tou KTtp(ou oev o>..oK>..ripw8riKe TIOTe, K08Wc; 6nwc; OVOcpepOUV Ol OTIOYOVOl Tl")<:; OlKOyeVf:lO<:;, anayopeUTT']Kf: Tl XPllOl"J TOU an6 TOuc; oewµavouc;. AtTIO TT']c; anay6peuoric; anote>..eoe ri yettv(aori µe TT'] µouoou>..µav1K17 OUVOlKlO KOL TO T½aµi K09wc; Kpi9T']K£ OT! an6 TOV Tf:Af:UTOlO 6pocpo Myw TT']<:; 9eOl")c; KOL TOU UljJouc; TOU, 9a rJTOV OUVOTl7 I") KOTOITTf:UOI") Twv µouoou>..µavwv yuvOLKwv OTtc; eowteptKec; auMc; twv otKtwv touc;, KOTLnou 17Tav aven(t pemo.

Peios' building constitutes a rare example of local architecture of later Ottoman domination in Florina and presents important architectural and folklore interest, while because of its form and size, it's a focal point in the area. It is a square, three-storey with basement building that is placed at the side of the street, occupying all the length of the fa<_;;ade of the plot and leaving overdraft space in the back part. Four auxiliary buildings are found in the courtyard (dye works building, store room of wheat, and two W.C.) as well as the traces of a fifth one that was a stable. The main building was built some time in second half the 19th century and before 1882 from the dyer and wheat trader, loannis

0L XWPOl TOU KUp(wc; KT(oµmoc; OlOp9pWVOVTOL 0£ tfooeptc; OT09µec; TIOVW OTTO TO <pUOlKO eoacpoc; KOL µ(a KOTW OTTO OUTO: H npWTT'J OT69µri (un6ye10) j3p(oKeTOL nep(nou 1, 10 µ. xaµriM Tepa an6 To uljJoc; tou n e½oopoµ(ou. To un6ye10 anoTeAeiTOL an6 ouo xwpouc; Ol ono(ot eixav ano81")Kf:UTLKl7 XPllOl"J- H oeuTf:PT'J OT69µT'] (OT69µ1") eto6oou) j3piOK£TOL OTO uljJoc; TOU ne½oopoµiou KOL anote>..d µ10 riµtuna(9pta OTo6 nou ooriyei OTrJV n(TO KTIPIO T OY nE°fOY HHN <l>/\OPINA


1. 'ArroljJrJ arr6 m NoTtoi5urn"<6. - Southwest view.

aw aui\i] KOL an6 TrJV ono(a y(ve:TOL 17 daoooc; moue; xwpouc; T'l<; TPLT'l<; m68µric;. LTOV LOLO xwpo ~p(aKE:TOL KOL 'l OKMO nou 0017yd moue; op6q,ouc;. H TpfT'l maeµri dvOL KOT6 0,80 µ. ljJriMrnpa an6 TO ariµdo E:La6oou KOL anorni\d µal;( µe: T17v npo17youµe:vri TO LOOyE:LO TOU KTLp(ou. LE OUTO TO une:puljJwµevo Tµf]µa Tou Laoydou ~pfaKETOL To µaye:Lpdo KOL eva XELµEpLv6 owµano. H TETOPT'l m68µ17 anorn,\e;( TOV npwTO 6poq,o TOU KTLp(ou 6nou ~p(aKOVTOL oL KupLOL xwpm 0L17µepwaric;. AnoTe:i\dTOL an6 T'7 aai\a, Mo 88pLvouc; «Kai\ouc; OVTCIOE:<;» KOL eva OKOµa XELµE:pLVO owµOTLO. H neµTIT17 m68µri anoTE:,\d OTO 08UT8p0 6poq,o, o ono(oc; napaµeve:L riµLTE:i\i]c; KOL aKoi\ou8d nap6µma oL6p8pwari µe: Tov nporiyouµevo 6poq,o. KOTOOKE:UOOTLKCI, TO KTtpto anoTE:i\E:LTOL an6 ,\L8oooµi] OTO un6YELO KOL Tµi]µma Tou La6ye:Lou e:vw 6i\oL 01 un6,\omm To(xo1dvOL ~ui\6n17KTOL (wmµaoe:c;). Ta Mne:oa E:LVOL ~ui\LVO 8VW OL opoq,ec; 6MOT8 E:LVOL 8nLXPLOµEV8<;, aMOTE ~Ui\LVE:<; Taµn,\aoWTE<; KOL a,\,\OTE: Oq>f]V8TOL Eµq>OVf]<; '7 ooµi] TWV unE:pKE:LµEVWV oaneowv. Tuno,\oyLKCl, np6KE:LTOL yLa µ(a napaMayi] Tou ni\muµeTwnou KTLp(ou µe: xoyL6Tt, mo ono(o Myw T'l<; me:v6T17rnc; Tou oLKoneoou KOL T'l<; avayK17c; yLa anw8dac; np6a~aari OT17V n(aw aui\i], o riµLuna(8pLO<; xwpoc; EXEL T'l µopq,i] moac;. LTOU<; op6q,ouc;, 0 'lµLuna(8pLO<; XWPO<; Ki\E:LV8l KOL µETOTp8n8TOL 08 «OOTLKf]» OMO, e:vw napaMrii\a µELWVETOL mo µ106 Myw Twv au~17µevwv xwpLKwv avayKwv. Mopq,oi\oyLKO, To KTtpLo Tou nfaou e:µq,avfl;e:L TumKa OTOLXE:LO nou OUVOVTOUµE OTO auvo,\o oXEOOV TWV OOTlKWV napaoomaKWV KOTOLKLWV T'l<; <l>,\wptvac; aUTi]c; T'l<; nE:pLOOOU µE vwKi\OOlKE<; e:mppoec;. OL ywv(e:c; TWV npoe:~oxwv TOVll;OVTOL µe: ~u,\tvouc; KlOVIOKOU<;. LT'7V KUpta 6ljJ17 unapxouv KlOVLOKOl KOL KE:VTplKCl nou Tov(t;ouv aK6µa ne:pLo06TE:po TOV a~ova auµµe:Tp(ac;. M(a ne:ptµe:TptKf] ~ui\LV'l TOLv(a, o Laxwp(t;e:1 omtKa Touc; op6q,ouc; KOL napa,\,\17,\a anOTE:,\d OL08'7TLKCI T'7V eopaari TWV KLOVLOKWV. Ta avo(yµma q,epouv TO xopaKT17pLOTlKCl q,apota n,\0(010 µe: TOVLOµevo unep8upo nou 010Kooµdrn1 6µma µe T'l meljJri Twv KLOv(aKwv. navw moue; KLov(aKouc; rnu TEAEUTa(ou op6q,ou OT'lPLl;ETOL TO OlOKOOµ'lTLKO KOL/1.0KUPTO ydawµa nou OUV088L T'7V EVTOV'l opLl;OVTLO npo8~0Xf] T'l<; meyric; µE rnuc; rn(xouc;.

Peios-Mpogiatzis (1834-1929) and was according to the householders the first Christian house in the neighbourhood. The last floor of the building was never completed as the descendants of family report, because its' use was prohibited by the Ottomans. Cause of prohibition was the adjacency with the Moslem district and the pane, as it was judged that from the last floor because of its' place and the altitude, it would be possible the watch Muslim women in the internal courtyards of their residences, which was impermissible The rooms of the main building are structured in four levels above the natural ground and one under it: The first level (basement) is found 1, 1Om. lower than the altitude of the pavement. Two rooms that had stocking and cellar use constitute the basement. The second level (level of entry) is found at the altitude of pavement and it constitutes a semi-open-air gallery that leads to the courtyard. The entries to the rooms of the third level and a ladder that leads to the above floors are also placed there. The third level is at 0,80m. higher than the point of entry and constitutes with the previous level th1e ground floor of building. The kitchen and a wintry room are found at this level. The fourth level constitutes the first floor of the building where the main living rooms are found. In this level Wf~ find the central hall, two aestival rooms and yet another wintry room. The fifth level constitutes the second floor that remains unfinished and has similar structure with the previous floor. Constructional, the building walls are made of stonemasonry in the basement and some parts of the ground floor while all the other walls are made of wood frames ("tsatmades"). The floorings are wooden while the ceilings are in some rooms covered with plaster, in others covered by wooden boards and in other rooms the structure of floorings is left uncovered. Typologically, the building is a variant of the open type building with linear positioning of the rooms and the parallel development of a roofed veranda that is widely met in the Balkan area. In this particular example, because of the closeness of the plot and need for direct access to the courtyard, the roofed veranda has the form of an open gallery. In the above floors, the roofed veranda space closes w ith windows and it transforms to an urban hall, while at the same time it is decreased to half size because of the increased room needs. Morphologically, Peios' building presents all the typical decoration and fo rmation that we meet in most of urban traditional residences of Florina of this period w ith neoclassical influences. The corners of ledges are covered w ith wooden columns. In the main aspect, wooden columns are also placed centrally so that they stress even more the axis of symmetry. A perimetric woodein board separates optically the floors. The openings have the characteristic frames with stressed transom. Above of the wooden columns of the last floor we find the decorative curv,ed plaster part that connects the intense horizontal ledge of the roof with the walls. The research on the spot, the study of old photographs, oral testimonies and the analysis resulted that in the mainly building there have taken place very little structural changes since the time it was built. The most important one is the small typological alteration of the ground floor by the appendix of a storeroom of wheat in the gallery. Also it was made clear that all the auxiliary buildings of courtyard were added successively during the first years after the construction of the m ain building and up to the second decade of 20th century .. The total of appendices, transformations and repairs was datied precisely or relatively.

2. ATTOTUTTWCJrJ. Nona OL/JTJ, 86pEIQ OL/JTJ, Toµrj 8-8, L1ur1Krj OL/JTJ. Survey. Southern elevation, Northern elevation, Section 8 -8, Western elevation.

Today the building has important static problems that outshine all the other damage and attrition that was located by the analysis of its pathology. T he main problem is the fracture of the main wooden beam that supports the two-storied jetty at the TO KTIPIO TOY nE°iOY ITHN <l>i\OPINA


An6 TrlV 8TILT6ma ep8UVQ, Tr) µ8AeTI'") TIQAlWV cpwTOypacptwv, npocpoplKec; µapTup(8c; KOl Tl'")V 8TI8~8pyaa(a TWV OTOlX8LWV npoeKuljJ8 6Tt OTO Kup(wc; KT(aµa txouv y(v8t 8AOXlOT8C: oumaOTtKec; aMayec; an6 TO XPOVO KQTQOK8U'7c; TOU µ8 KUplOT8PrJ Tr) (µtKPll) TunoAoytKll aMo(wari Tou tcroy8(ou µ8 TrJV npoa8'7KrJ 8v6c; «aµnaptou» OTrJV tcr6y8ta OTo6.. En(aric; T8Kµr)ptw8riK8 6n 6Aa TO ~ori8rJnK6. KT(aµma TrJC: auA11c; npoOTe81'")Kav otaooxtK6. KOT6. TO npwTa XP6vta an6 TrJV KOTOOKWll Tou Kup(wc; KTtp(ou KOl µexpl Tr) 08UT8pl'") 08K08Tl0 TOU 20°u OlWVO. To OUVOAO TWV npo08flKWV, µnmponwv KOl 8TILOK8UWV XPOVOAOY'78flK8 8TIQKpl~wc; 11 oXWKO..

rear side, which resulted to many other problems. This makes the need for direct intervEmtion necessary for the building's rescue. Basic objective of the proposal for restoration and rehabilitation is to make sure that the new use will contribute to the conservation of this historical building in time and that will help to mark out of the particular architectural and folklore values that it represents. This is the reason why it is proposed that the Central Core of the Network of Collections of Folklore and Tradition of Florina Prefecture to be housed in the complex of Peios' building. The basic philosophy of the Network is the display of folklore collections in their natural place and not the concentration of the material in a big central folklore museum. However, the need for the creation of a central core that should be situated at the capital of the prefecture and would support the total of the separated folklore collections has been made clear. To cover all the needs of this "central core" of the Network, the purchase of Peios' building as well as the purchase of the neighbouring empty plot that is at the East is proposed, so that the beneficial space would increase, andl also the better appointment of the existing historical group is achieved. Apart from the restoration of the existing buildings, th,e manufacture of two new buildings is proposed so that they s,erve essential needs and complete the shape of the extended complex.

I'7µ8pa TO KTtpto napoum6.i;8l ariµavnK6. OTOTtK6. npo~A'7µ0Ta nou 8maKt6.i;ouv 6A8C: nc; un6Aom8c; ~A6.~8c; Kat cp8opec; nou 8VTOTILOTl'")Kav KOT6. TflV av6.AUOrJ TrJC: na8oAoy(ac; Tou. Kupt6T8po np6~Ariµa anoT8Ad ri Spauari TrJC: Kuptac; ooKou OTllPl~Tlc; TOU otwpocpou aaxvtmou TrJC: n(aw nAwp6.c; Tou, y8yov6c; nou oriµtoupyria8 nMSoc; npo~Aflµ6.Twv OTO KTtpto Km nou Ka8tOT6. OVOYKOLQ Tl'")V 6.µ80r) meµ~OOI'") yta Tr) OlO.OW0'7 TOU. BaatKll 8mo(w~ri TrJC: np6TOOrJC: yta anoKOT6.0TaOrJ Kat mav6.-

The entry to the complex is done through the initial door of main building. The space of the gallery of the ground floor constitutes the reception for t he whole group of buildings. The rooms of ground floor and first floor of the building, which are maintained without particular alterations in their initial form , are proposed to constitute a representation of the interior of an urban traditional residence of the 19th century. In the last floor several parts from the remote collections of the Network of Collections of Folklore and Tradition are displayed together with information about the construction techniques of the building itself as well as the presentation of history and development of residence in the area. Information about the production of wine together with relative objects is displayed in the basement cellar of building. The dye works building is proposed to be a representation of itself, as it was when it functioned, were the presentation of information regarding to the profession of dyer and its' diachronic development can be made. The building of the store room of wheat is proposed to housEl exhibits and information about the process of harvest, treatmemt and storing of cereals and their historical course in its close,d first floor, while in the open, as it is proposed, ground floor it can house objects regarding to the daily activities that took place in the courtyards of residences of

3. Anor unwarJ. KaraaKwaar1KrJ roµrj aro /36p£10 Kai v6r10 rofxo, KQTQOKE:UQaTIKrJ ooµrj ~u}11vou OKE:AE:TOU OUTIKrJt; KQI v6nac; 01/JT]c;. Survey. Contractual section of northern and western wall, timber frames structure of western and southern faqade.










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4. AnorunwarJ. $6a£1c; KaraaKE:urjc;. K6T01/JTJ 1aoyd ou KOi KOTOI/JTJ A' op6cpou - Survey. Construction phases. ,Plan of ground floor and plan of first floor. TO KTIPIO TOY nE"iOY H HN <ll/\OPINA

XPTJOTJ dvm TJ evrasri TI]c; vfoc; XPllOTJ<; va ouµ~aMet OTTJV ouvrr'JPTJOTJ Km otaTT)pTJOT] Tou tOToptKou aUTou KTtp[ou mo )(P6vo, xwp[c; VO TO £TTl~OpUV£l Cl/\AO TQUTO)(POVO VO TO OVQ0£lKVl.J£l KOl va Tov[l;et rn totafrepa OPXlT£KTOVtK6. Km ,>,.aoypa<ptK6. mmxda nou To ouv8faouv. 'ETm, £TILAE:X8TJK£ TJ evrasri OTO KTlptaK6 ouYKPOTT)µa TOU netou TOU Kevrpou Ynomr'jptsric; TOU illKTUOU "i..uMoywv /\aoypacp(ac; Km nap6.5oOT]c; Noµou <1>,>,.wptvac;. H ~aOtKr'j <pLAooocp(a Tou LltKTuou dvm TJ napaµovr'j Kat E:K8£0T] Twv ,>,.aoypa<ptKwv ouMoywv mov T6no wuc; Km 6xt TJ ouyKevrpwOT] TOU UAlKOU ae eva µey6.Ao K£VTptK6 ,>,.aoypa<ptK6 µouodo. Om6oo, E:X£l npoKUl\J£l 17 av6.yKTJ yta TI] oriµtoupy(a ev6c; K£VTplKOU nupr'jva nou npenet va meyaOTd OTTJV npwn:uouoa wu voµou Kat va anoTeMoet TOV K£VTptK6 n6,>,.o avacpop6.c; Km unoOTT)ptsTJc; Tou ouv6,>,.ou Twv ,>,.aoypa<ptKwv ouMoywv. no TTJV KOAUl\JTJ Twv avayKwv Tou K£VTPlKOU nupr'jva wu LltKTuou npoTdveTm TJ ayop6. Tou un6 µeMTI] KTtp(ou Ka8wc; Km Tou yetTOVtKou aMµ17wu OlKOTI800U TIOU ~p(OK£TOl OTQ QVOTOAlKO TOU WOT£ VO 0UST)8et 0 W<p8Alµoc; xwpoc;, aM6. KOl VO £TTlTWX8et Tl KOAUTepTJ avMetsTJ wu u<ptOT6.µevou tmoptKOU ouyKpoTr'jµmoc;. EKT6c; an6 TTJV QTIOKOTOOTOOT] TWV U<plOTOµevwv KTlp(wv KOl TI]V anoµ6.KpUVOT] TWV npoo8TJKWV nou aMotwvouv TI]V £lK6va Touc;, npoTetV£Tm TJ KmaoKwr'j Mo vewv to6yetwv KTtoµ6.Twv nou OAOKATJpWvouv TOV £VlOLO Ol.JA£l0 XWPO TIOU npOKUITT£l OTTO TI] OUV8VWOT] TWV OlKOTI80WV KOl unoMxovrm anapa[TI7T£<; A£lTOUpy(ec;.

the 19th century and also objeicts and information about the profession of coachman which was practised by the son of the initial householder at the ends of 19th century. The new building at the northem side of the group is proposed to be a space in which information on the Network of Collections and the history and the folklore of the area will be displayed on video while at the same time, it can be used as a space for seminars and periodical displays. The second new building accommodates the small needs of secretarial support and public relations of the Network and the office of the chairman of the administrative council. The new courtyard that is created between the existing buildings and this new building can be used for open-air events.

H dooooc; OTO otwpuµevo nMov ouyKp6TT]µa y(vnm an6 TTJV OPXlKr'j 8upa TOU KUp(wc; KTlplOU. 0 xwpoc; TI]<; OTOO<; TOU lOOydou OTIOT£Aet TO xwpo unoooxr'Jc; OTO OAO ouyKp6TI7µa. Ot xwpOl TOU lOOydou KOl TOU op6cpou TOU Kup[wc; KTlp[ou, nou OlOTTJpOUVTOl xwp[c; lOlQLT£P£<; aMOlWO£lc; OTTJV OPXlKll µop<pr'j TOU<;, npOTetV£TOl va QTIOT£A800UV avanap6.0TOOT] TOU £0WT£plKOU µtac; OOTlKr'jc; napaOOOlOKr'jc; KOTOlKLOc; TOU 19ou OlWVO µeT6. an6 £lOtKr'j µouoeto,>,.oytKr'j µeMTI]. "i..Tov T£t-wrn[o 6po<po y[veTm yvwptµ[a µe TO Ll[KTuo "i..uMoywv /\aoypacp(ac; Km napMoOT]c; OTO xwpo TI]c; K£VTPlKr']<; 06.Aac;, £VW moue; VOTlouc; XWpouc; XWp08£TetTOl 8K8£0T] QVTlTipOOWTIWTlKWV QVTlK£lµ8VWV an6 nc; emµepouc; OlOOTIOpT£c; ouMoyec; TOU illKTUOU. 0 ~op£lOOUTlK6c; xwpoc; npOTetV£TOl VO <plAOS£vr'JO£l OTOlXetO yta TI]V OlKOOoµtKr'j Te)(VOAOy[a TI]<; KOTOOKWr'jc; TOU OlOTTJPTJT80U KTlp(ou Ka8wc; Km napouo[aOT] TI]c; tOTop(ac; Km TI]c; eset-tsric; TI]c; KOTOtK[ac; OTI]V neptoxr'J. "i..TO un6y£l0 K£AO.pl TOU KTlp(ou npOTetV£TOl TJ napouo[aOT] OTotxdwv yta TTJV napaoKwr'j wu Kpamou KOl TI]V OAT) OlQOlKOOLQ KOTOOKWr'j<; TWV OVTlK£tµevwv nou XPTJatµOTIOlOUVTOV ym TI]V napaywyr'j, l;uµWOT] KOl <pUAasr'J TOU.

"i..TO KTlplO TOU ~acpdou npOTetV£TOl Tl avanap6.0TOOT] TOU xwpou, 6nwc; r']Tav 6rnv auT6 A£tTOupyouoe Km TJ napouo[aOT] OTOlXelWV oX£TlKO µe TO en6.yye,>,.µa TWV ~O<p8WV KOl TI7 OlO)(POVlKll TOU £S8AlSTJ• Anevavrt, OTO KTipto TI]<; ano8r'jKTJc; ofrou npoTetV£TOl TJ napouo[OOT] £K8£µ6.TWV KOl OTOlXe!WV yta TI7 OlOOlKOOLQ ouyKoµtor']c;, enesepyao(ac; KOl <pUAOsTJc; TWV OlTTJPWV Km TTJV tOToptKr'j TI]c; nopda mov KA£tOT6 Tou 6po<po, evw mo OVOl)(fO, 6nwc; npOTetV£TOl, lOOY£lO µnopouv VO £KT(8£VTOl QVTlK£(µeva axenK6. µe Ttc; Ka8riµeptvec; opaOTT)pt6TTJT£c; nou ,>,.6.µ~avav XWPO OTlc; auMc; TWV KOTOlKlWV TOU 19ou OlWVO. To vfo KT[pto OTTJV ~6peta n,>,.wp6. Tou ouyKpoTr'jµmoc; npoTdvnm VO <pLAosevr']o£l µ(a a(Souoa OTI]V ono[a ea npo~aMOVTOl TIATJpO<pop[ec; YlO TO Ll[KTUO "i..uMoywv, TTJV lOTOp[a KOl TT) AOOypacp(a TTJc; neptoxr']c;, evw nap6.M17,>,.a, µnope( va )(PT]atµonmefrm aav a[Souoa oeµtvap(wv, £KOTJAWO£wv, £KnmownKwv npoypaµµ6.Twv Ka8wc; Km µtKpwv neptoOtKWV £K8foewv. To 0£l.JT£PO vfo KTlplO OT£y6.l;£l nc; µtKpec; XWPlKE:c; av6.yK£c; ypaµµOT£lOKr'jc; UTIOOTr'jplsTJc; KOl OT]µOOLWV oX80£WV TOU illKTUOU KOl TO ypa<pdo TOU npoeopou TOU OlOlKTJTlKOU ouµ~OUALOU. 0 vfoc; aut-etoc; xwpoc; nou oriµtoupydTm av6.µwa ma ucptm6.µeva KT(pta KOl TO vfo KT[pto nou nepLAaµ~6.vet Ttc; ototKTJnKec; XPr'Joetc; µnopd va unooexrd una(Sptec; £KOTJAWO£tc;.

5. np6TOOT) QITOKOTGaTOOT)c;. N6Tl0 01/JT/, OUTlKT/ 01/JT/, TOµT] 8-8, f36pel0 01/JT/, KQTOI/JT/ taoyefou Kat KGTOI/JT/ A' op6cpou. Restoration proposal. Southern elevation, western elevation, section B-8, northern elevation, plan of ground floor and plan of first floor. TO KTIPIO TOY nErov HHN {l)J\QPINA


LOUATO.Va npw1oljJ6.ATl7, apxa10Myoc;

TO BAnTIITHPIO TOY ArlOY IOANNH NOTIA THI ArlAI 20(J)IA2 0E2LAAONIKH2 Em~Mnwv: rewpy1oc; Kapa58ooc;, apxm:KTWV µl']XQVLKO<;

Soultana Protopsalti, archaeologist


loTOp1Ka - Ava0Kaq>1Ka IT01x&fa

Historical - Excavation Daita

To µvriµdo Tou ~am101TJpiou Tou Ayiou lwavvri ~piaKnat ma VOTIQ TOU vaou TTJ<; Ay[ac; LOq>iac; 0E:OOC1AOVLKT"]<; {t:tK. 1), OTT"] OUVOIKIQ TTOU an6 TQ TEAT"] TOU 17ou Kat µE)(pl Tl<; apxec; TOU 19ou mwva KQTOIKOuaav ToupKOI. To 19° QI. ri OUVOIKLQ QUT'7 KOTOLK'78T"]K& an6 E~pa[ouc;, moue; ono[ouc; o68T"]K& ri ouvm6TT"JTO aveye:paric; vtwv KOTOIKIWV µ&TO Tr]V nupKay16 TOU 1890. T6T& y1a npWTT"J cpopa 01e:!;r'Jx8ri avaaKacp1K17 ep&uva an6 Tov ntTpo nanay&wpy[ou Kat &VTon[OTrJKav Ta epdma &KT&Taµtvou ~Ui'.;OVTIVOU npOaKUVT"]TOplOU TOU 10°u '7 11ou QIWVQ, TO

The Agios loannis Baptist ery is located to the south of the Church of Agia Sofia in The!ssaloniki (fig. 1), in a neighborhood occupied by Turks from the end of the 17th until the beginning of the 19th century. There were Turkish baths in the area, which gave their name to the street along which they were built. During the 19th century Jews vvho, following the fire in 1890, were given the opportunity to erect new buildings inhabited this area. It was then that excavations were carried out for the first time by Petros Papageorgiou and lthe ruins of an extensive Byzantine pilgrimage site dating frorn the 10th or 11 th century were uncovered , connected with the "Ayiasma" (Holy Spring) of Agios loannis, and an underground stoa connecting the Church of Agia Sofia with the site of the "Ayiasma" (Holy Spring) The site was investigated again in 1!339 by M. Kalligas and in 1963 by F. Drosogiannis, who claimed that the hexagonal construction identified in 1922 by Pelekidis was a Roman Nymphaeum. More recent theories relating to the monument identify it as a paleo-Christian baptistery and link it with the diocesan church of Agia Sofia, a five-aisled basilica dating from the sth century and

1. Karn(/Jr, rnu vaou Tr/<:; Ayfac; 2ocpfac; Kat rnu /3am 1orr,p(ou rnu Ay(ou lwa wr, (XaT(r,rpucpwvoc;) .


Ground plan of the Church of Agia Sofia and of Agios loannis Baptistery (Chatzitryfonos). TO BAnTIH HPIO TOY ArlOY IOANNH NOTIA THI ArlA:1: :1:O<!>IA:1: 0EH M ONIKH:1:

2 . Bam1orrjpw rnu A y(ou lwc'Iwr,. Karn(/Jr,.

Ag ios loannis Baptistery, Ground plan.

onoio O)(ETii'.;eTOL µe TO Ay(aoµa Tou Ayiou lwavvri, Kat ri unoyeta OTOO 8TilKOlVWVLO<; TrJC: Ayiac; LO(j)LOC: µe TO xwpo TOU Ayt6oµmoc;. H neptoxr'J epeuvr'j8r]K8 ~ova ano TO M. KaMty6 TO 1939 KOL TO 1963 anon1 ct>. Lipoooyt6VVf], ri onoia unomr'jpti'.;e OTl To e~aywvtKO KTioµa nou eixe eVTomOTei TO 1922 ano Tov neJ-...eKiori anoTel\ouoe pwµa"iKo vuµcpaio. Ot veoTepec; 8ewp(ec; nou acpopouv OTO µvriµeio TO TOUTii'.;ouv µe nal\OLOXPlOTlQVlKO (3amt0Tr'jpl0 KOL TO OUV080UV µe TOV 8TilOKOTilKO vao TrJC: Ayiac; Locpiac;, µ(a neVT6K7'.tTrJ f3aol7'.tKr'j ri onoia XPOVOAOyELTOL TOV 5° Ql. KOL r'jTOV O(j)l8pWµ8Vf] OUµ(j)WVQ µE Tf]V apxOLoJ-...6yo E. MapKr'j, OTov 'Ayto MapKo. H uljJoµeTptKr'j 5tacpop6 oµwc; TWV 8TilTI80WV 08V 8TilTp8TI8l Tr] OUV080f] TOU f30TITlOTf]plOU µe aUTr'j Tr] cpaori TrJC: Ayiac; focp(ac;, evw eivOL mo 71.oytKr'j fl OU0)(8Tlor'j TOU µe Tf]V KWVOTOVTLV8l0 (j)OOT"] TOU VQOU, µOAlC: 0.67µ., onoTe KOL epµriveunOL Kal\uTepa ri XPTlOrJ Tou µvriµeiou we; f3amt0Tf]p(ou. EvtO)(UTlKO OTotxeio TrJC: TOUTlOrJC: Tou f3amt0Tf]piou µe TrJV a' cpaori Tou vaou TrJC: Ayiac; Locpiac; anoTe71.8i enioric; o voTtoavmo7'.tKoc; npooavaT071.toµoc; KOL Twv Mo µvriµeiwv KOL TO lj/r](j)lOWTO o6neoo OTO QVOTOAlKO Tµr'jµa TOU neplopoµou TIOU opfi'.;8l TO f3amtOTr'jplO QTIO TO f30p8lQ. Ano Tr] µeAeTT"] Tr]<; 8eµmoypacpiac; TOU lj/r](j)lOWTOU npOKUTIT8l on TO KTiplO exet XPlOTtavtKo KOL oxt e8vtKO xapaKTr'jpa KOL eivOL aocpa71.eOTepri µta XPOVOJ-...6yf]or'j TOU µETO TO µfoa TOU 4ou OLWVO.

ApXIT&KTOVIKI] IJOP<P'l Avr'jKEl ae eva totaiTepa on6vto Tuno f3amt0Tf]piou, Tov e~aywvtKO µe riµtKUKAlK8C: Koyxec; wwTeptK6 KOL OTlC: e~t ywviec; Tou, napaneµnOVTOC: OTO O)(r']µa TOU pOOOKO (£1K. 2). 0 lOlOLT8pOc; auToc; OPXlTEKTOVlKOC: Tunoc; µerncpepeTOL KOL OTrJV Ko71.uµf3r'j8pa, ri ono(a KOTOAaµf36V8l TO K8VTpo TOU µvriµeiou KOL QTIOT8A808 TO QVTlK8lµevo TrJC: µEAeTf]<; µac;, 71.oyw TWV eMmwv avaOKQ(j)lKWV OTOlX81WV TOU KTlpiou TOU f30TITlOTf]piou.

3. H KOJ..uµf3f/0pa TOU Ay(ou lwavvr, Barmarf/. KaTOI/Jr/ 2002. Font of Agios loannis Baptistery, Ground plan 2002.

which was dedicated, accordini;J to the archaeologist E. Markis, to Agios Markos. However, the hypsometric difference between the levels does not permit the baptistery to be linked to that phase of the church of Agia Sofia, while it is more logical to correlate it to the Constantinian phase of the church, at just 0.67m, in which case the assumption that the building was intended as a baptistery is more plausible. A further element reinforcing the identification of the baptistery with the first phase of the church of Agia Sofia is also the southeastern orientation of the two monuments and the mosaic floor in the eastern section of the ambulatory, which demarcates the baptistery to the north. Study of the subject matter of the mosaics indicates that the building had a Christian and not a pagan character and is certainly to be dated after the mid 4th century. Architectural Form

The Agios loannis Baptistery, belongs to a particularly rare type - the hexagonal baptistery with semi-circular niches at all six corners of the interior, echoing the shape of a rosette (fig. 2). This particular architectural form is also transferred to the font which occupies the centre of the monument and which constitutes the main subject of our st udy, owing to the lack of excavation data on the baptistery bU1ilding. It is a hexagonal internal font inscribed in a circle. From the corners of the hexagon and towards the outer edge six semi-circular niches - exedras are created and on the sides there are corresponding three-sided niches with curved sides and an incline towards the interior of the font (fig. 3). Fonts with a similar architectural form are to be found in the baptistery of Stovoi (end of the 5th century - beginning of 6th century) and in a simpler form in the Octagon at Philippi (5th century).

4. Avarrapaaraari rr7c; apx1Kf/c; µoprpf/c; rr1c; KoJ..uµ/3fJ0pac; rou Ayfou lwawr,. Karoljlr, 2002. Reconstruction of the origina1I form of the Agios loannis font, Ground plan 2002. TO BAnTIITHPIO TOY ArlOY IOANNH NOTIA TH:1: ArlA:1: :1:O<t>IA:1: 0EHMONIKH:1:


np6K8LTOL yta µta eE;aywvLKl7 eawrnpLKCI KOAUµl3170pa eyyeypaµµeVT) ae KUKAO. An6 nc; ywviec; mu eE;aywvou KOL npoc; 1TJV eE;wrnpLKl7 neptcpepeta OT")µLOupyoUVTOl eE;L T")µLKUKALKec; Koyxec; - eE;eopec; KOL one; nJ.-eupec; TOU avnmOLXOUV ,p(nJ.-eupec; K6yxec; µe KaµnuJ.-wµevec; nc; TIAE:Upec; Touc; KOL cpopa npoc; TO WWTE:plKO ,ric; KoJ.-uµl3170pac; (&LK. 3). AVT(motxou apxt,eKTOVLKOu ,unou KoJ.-uµl3170pa exouµe mo l3amtm17pto ,wv L,6l3wv (,e>--ri 5ou - apxec; 6ou al.) KOL 08 TILO anAOTIOLT")µ8VT") µopcpl7 mo 0KTCIYWVO TWV <l>LA(nnwv (5°c; at.). KOTOOK&UOOTIK~ OVCIAUOI")

To eE;aywvtK6 l3amtm17pto eivOL Knaµevo µe om6nJ.-1v0ouc; KOL A8UK6 aal3em0Kov(aµa we; OUV08TLK6 UAlKO KOL ecpepe op8oµapµ6pWOT]. To o6neo6 mu T7TOV mpwµevo µe µapµ6ptvec; TIACIKec; ae KUKALKl7 cpopa KOL auvexti'.;e µeXPL TT")V KTtm17 KOAUµl3170pa. Eaw,eptK6 ecpepe Ktovomotxia. H KOAUµl3170pa etVOL KOTaaKeuaaµeVT) mov Kopµ6 TT")c; µe om6TIAtV0ouc; KOL J.-euK6 aal3em0Kov(aµa. navw mov nAi8tvo Kopµ6 eE;wrnpLKCI eopai'.;OVTOL A8UKec; µapµaptvec; TIACIK&c;, naxouc; 0,07µ Ol ono(ec; OLaµopcpwvouv neptcpepeta KUKAOU OLaµe,pou 6,40µ KOL anOT8AOIJV TO en(n&OO TOU Oaneoou Tr]c;. L1T]V µapµapLVT) aUTl7 l3C10T] l3p(OKOVTOL TOTI08rniµeva 8VOAACIE; TOE;WTCI KOL eJ.-acppwc; Ko(J.-a mrieaia an6 yKpii'.;o µapµapo, TO ono(a enevou6TOv µe op8oµapµ6pwari. LTTJV avw emcp6ve16 ,ouc; ecpepav µapµ6ptVT") en(m&4JT"). LTa rnE;w,6 mri0aia eVTonii'.;oVTOL op0oywvta J.-aE;euµaTO, ae Otacpopec; m68µec; TO ono(a aVTLmOLXOUV mov npWTO 80WT8plKCI aval3a0µ6. En(aric; ma eu8uypaµµa mriea(a, eVTonii'.;oVTOL eyKonec; ot ono(ec; napaneµnouv ae Kanota E;u>--1vri KOTaaKeu17. To oaneoo 1T]c; KoJ.-uµl3178pac; eivOL mpwµevo µe µapµaptvec; nMKec; KOL &VTon(i'.;eTOt anoxernunK6 aywy6c;. K68eTO rnno0nriµeVT) nMKa OtaKp(veL TO XWPO 08 OUO aVLOOµeye0T") µepf), npocpavwc; Myw XPllOTJc; an6 otacpopenK17c; T")AlKiac; l3amti'.;6µevouc; (etK.5). Nfo ITOIX&IO - Iuµm:paoµOTO - np6TOOI")


Analysis of Construction

The hexagonal baptistery is built of bricks, with white limestone mortar as the adhesive material, and is covered with upright marble slabs. The floor was covered with marble slabs in a circular pattern, which continued right up to the built font. On the interior were colonnades. The shaft of the font is built of bricks with white limestone mortar and the outer surface o"f the shaft is covered with white marble slabs 0.07m thick which form a circle around it, with a diameter of 6.40m, and constitute its floor level. Situated alternately on this marble base! are arched or slightly curved parapets of gray marble which were covered with upright marble slabs. Their upper surface once bore marble capping stones. On the arched parapets rectangular carved marks were found at various levels, which correspond to the first internal step. Moreover, on the straight parapets carved marks were found which suggest some form of wooden construction. The bottom of the font is covered with marble slabs and a drainage pipe has been discovered. A vertically positioned slab divides the area into two unequal sections, possibly for the baptism of children of different ages (fig. 5). New Data - Conclusions - Proposal

The most recent study of the monument has yielded fascinating data of great value in our iunderstanding and interpretation of the building (see fig. 3). a) The marble slabs are positioned with great accuracy forming a circle with a 6.40m diameter. b) Carved marks were found on their surface, builder's marks, intended to generate clear and austere designs. At the edge of the outer diameter of the marble base the perimeters of circles with a diameter of 0.46m are marked out, intersecting with secondary, more haphazardly marked circles; it would seem that these correspond to the bases for columns. It is possible that the colonnade ran around the font during the initial design stage. Scraltches in the area of the semi-circular niches possibly suggest railings where, of course, there was no colonnade (fig. 6).

H vfo anOTIJTTWOT] TOU µVT]µefou aneowae 8VOLacpepOVTa mOLXeta ym 1T]V KOTav6ri011 Tou KOL TTJV epµrive(a ,ou (f3A. etK. 3). a) Ot µapµaptvec; nMKec; eivOL rnno8e,riµevec; µe an6J.-u1T] auveneta, axriµm(i'.;oVTac; KUKAO OLaµfrpou 6,40µ. 13) L1TJV emcp6vet6 ,ouc; otammw0riKav eyxap6E;etc; -ooriyo( KaTOOKeuamtKoi, OtVOVTac; Ka0ap6 KOL au01T]p6 ax11µma. LTO

c) In the semi-circular niches of the parapets the bricks in the shaft are built in such a way that they create an arc of 0.54m on the main inner side of' the font , from the edge of which as

5. H KoAuµf3fJ0pa aro Kivrpo m u Bamiarripfou. The built font in the centre of the Baptistery.

6. Eyxapd~w; aTTJ f3dari TT}c; KOAuµf3fJ0pac;. The markings on the base of the font column, original form.


far as the perimeter of the base there are to two sides at a 45 ° angle. In this way three-sided niches were created, which in effect belong to an octagon with 0.60m sides. By extending the radii of these elements we can see that it is designed in relation to the centre of the font.

OplO Tr]c; esum:ptKf]c; OtaµeTpOU Tr]c; µapµaplVT"]c; ~OOT]c; OlOypO(jlOVTOl neptq:,tpetec; nAf]pwv KUKAWV, otaµtTpou 0,46µ., ot ono(ec; TtµvoVTOL µe oeuTepouc;, mo npoxe1pa xapayµtvouc; KOL q:,a(veTOt VO OVTlOTOlXOLIV ae ~aoetc; KlOVWV. H KlOVOOTOLXlO €:lVOL m8av6 VO nepteTpexe TT"]V KOAUµ~f]Spa OTT"] CjlCIOT] TOU OPXLKOU axeotaoµou. EyKontc; OTT"]V neptoxf] TWV riµtKUKALKwv Koyxwv napantµnouv m8av6v oe KLYKAtowµaTa, eq:,6oov 6µwc; oev unf]pxe ri KtovoOTotx(a (eiK. 6). y) LTLc; T"]µtKUKAtKec; Koyxec; TWV OTT"]80(WV, Ol TIA(V80l TOU KOpµou €:lVOL KTLOµtvec; tTOL WOT€: OT"]µtoupyelTOL xopof] TOsou 0,54µ. OTT"JV KUpta eowTeptKf] nAeupa TT"]c; KOAuµ~f]Spac;, an6 TO CIKPO TT"]c; ono(ac; KOL npoc; TT"]V nep(µeTpO TT"]c; ~60T]c;, OlOµopq:,wvoVTOL Mo n Aeuptc; µe ywv(a 45°. 'Ernt ori µtoupyouVTOL TplnAeupec; Koyxec; Ol onoiec; OUOlOOTlKCI avf]KOUV oe OKTCIYWVO TIAWpac; 0,60 µ. npo€:KT€:lVOVTOc; TOuc; asovec; OAWV OUTWV TWV OTOLXelWV OlOntOTWVOUµe OTl €:lVOL axeotaoµtva we; npoc; To KeVTpo TT"]c; KOAUµ~f]Spac;. Le K68e TpinAeupri KOYXT"J OVTLOTotXd KOL µfa ~OOTJ Kiova TOU ~OITTlOTT"]plOU, €:VW npO€:KT€:lVOVTOc; TOV CISOVO TIOU nepVCI an6 TO KlVTpo TT"]c; KOAuµ~f]Spac; KOTMf]youµe OTtc; ywviec; TOU €:OWTE:plKOU €:SOYWVOU TOU ~OITTlOTr]p(ou KOL OTO KeVTpO TWV eswTeplKWV nAeupwv TOU. l>) Ta µapµaptva OTT"]8a(a ayvoouv TT"] XCIPOST"] TT"]c; ~OOT]c;.

Each three-sided niche corre,sponds to the base of a column in the baptistery, while by extending the radius, which passes through the centre of the font, we reach the corners of the inner hexagon of the baptistery and the centre of its outer sides. d) The marble parapets do not have the markings of the base.

We can use the data set out above as the basis for the following proposals: I. A design for restoration of the original form of the monument (fig. 4). II. Small-scale interventions with the aim of conserving the materials and supplementing those elements for which we have clear indications. Conservation of the current state of part of the font so that the state of conservation of the monument and its journey through time is visible (fig. 7). Ill.Signs and light wooden constructions to isolate the monument from visitors, who have turned the font into a park bench.

/\aµ~avoVTac; unoljJtv OAO TO napanavw OTotxda KOTMf]youµe KOL nporn(vouµe: I. LXE:OLOOTLK'l anoKOTOOTOOTJ TT"]c; OPXLKf]c; µopq:,f]c; Tou µvriµdou (eiK. 4). II. MtKpf]c; KA(µaKac; rntµ~aOTJ µe oKon6 TT"] OUVT'lPT"JOTJ Twv UAlKWV TOU KOL TT"] ouµnAf]pwOT] TWV OTOLXelWV €:KelVWV YLO TO ono(a txouµe oaq:,dc; evoe(setc;. ll.taTf]pr]OT] TT"]c; unapxouoac; KOTOOTOOTJc; ae Tµf]µa TT"Jc; KOAuµ~f]Spac; npoKetµtvou va dvOL opmf] ri KOTOOTOOTJ otmf]priOTJc; TOU µvriµdou KOL TO T0Sl0l TOU OTO XPOVO (t:iK. 7). Ill. EvriµepwTtKec; mvaK(oec; KOL eAaq:,ptc; s0Atvec; KOTaoKeutc; yta TrJV anoµovwof] Tou an6 Touc; entoKtmec;, ot ono(ot txouv µnmpeljJel TT"]V KOAUµ~f]8pa 0€: K08tOTlKO napKOU.

7. AnoKardaraar, apxlKTJc; µopq)fJc; KoJ..uµf3fJ8pac; Ay{ou lwdw17Vljlr,, 2002.

Reconstruction of the original form of the Agios /oannis font. Section 8 -8 , 2002.




8. Ynapxouaa Kardaraar,. VI/Jr, rr,c; KoJ..uµ/3fJ8pac; rou Ay{ou /wdwr,.

Reconstruction of the existing state of the Agios loannis font, side view. TO BAnTIITHPIO TOY ArlOY IOANNH NOTIA TH:1: ArlA:1: W<l>IAL 0EHMONIKH:1:


Euayye.\[a LOKeMap(ou, Tonoypacpoc; µrixav1K6c;

<l>OTOrPAMMETPIKH AnOTYn02H OlVEON ENTEKA LllATHPHTEON KTIPION THl nMTEIAl MIAOY/\H EPM()YnO/\Hl Em~Mnovrnc;: KwvmaVT(voc; ToKµaK(oric;, rnnoyp6<j>oc; µr1xavtK6c;

Evangelia Sakellariou, surveying engineer


VTIK&fµ&vo n1c; 5mAwµanKr'jc; epyaa(ac; anoT&Aet I) anoTunwOI), µe cpwTOypaµµeTpLKec; µe965ouc; ae auv5uaaµ6 µe TonoypacptKec; µe965ouc;, Twv 6l/)ewv eVT&Ka 5taTl)pl)Tewv KTLp(wv Tl)c; TIA.OTetac; MtaOUA.l) EpµounOAl)c;.


tudy's subject is thH surveying of the views of eleven maintained historical buildings at Miaouli square - Hermoupolis, with photogrammetric methods in a combination with surveying methods.

H nAaTeta MtaoUA.l) e(vm µ(a an6 nc; anavtec; nAmetec; Tl)c; EM65ac; TOU 1gou Ql(J)VQ KOL anoTeA.e( ar'jµepa Tl)V Kap5l6 Tl)c; n6Al)c; Tl)c; EpµounoAl)c;. Ta KT(pta nou e5waav OTa5taK6 To O)(r']µa Tl)c; □PXLOOV VO )(fl~OVTQl OTO 1840-1850, µe TLc; XOPOKTl)plOTlKEc; OToec; nou 9eaµo9&Tr'j0l)KOV KOTCl TO np6TUnO TWV eupwna·iKwv n6Aewv. An6 TO 1876, µe Tl) 9eµeMwOI) TOU t:.riµapxeiou I) nAmeta aneKTl)ae Tl) Ol)µeptvr'j Tl)c; µopcpr'j.

The Mjaouli sguare is one o1r the infrequent squares of Greece of 19th century and constitutes today the heart of town of Hermoupolis. The buildings that gave progressively its form , began to be built in 1840-1850, with the characteristic galleries that were enacted at the model of European cities. From 1876, with the foundation of Town hall the square acquired her current form.


H 5ta5tKaa(a Tl)c; anoTunwOl)c; anoT&Ae(Tm an6 Mo OT65ta:

The process of surveying is constituted by two stages: • The collection of topographic data and

• Tl) auMoyr'j Twv TOnoypacptKwv 5e5oµevwv Km

• The digital rectification

• T11v l/Jl)cptaKr'j avaywyr'j 110 TOV npocr5tOptcrµ6 TWV OUVT&TayµEVWV KOl TWV Ul/)OµeTpWV TWV <j>WTOOTa0epwv Ol)µetwv xprimµonotr']9l)K& yew5amK6c; OTa0µ6c; (total station) TopCon GTS 605 Km eva reflectorless (xwp(c; np(aµa) 6pyavo Tunou Laser-Leica TCR305 ul/)l)Ar']c; aKp(~etac;. H aK6neuOI) Twv Ol)µe(wv Aemoµepetwv eytve an6 µ(a OTOOi), I) ono(a Tono9eTr']9l)K& ae KOT□Ml)Al) 9e0l) µnpoOTa

: .. ..... -. .~ . !!




2. 'Arrotjlry TrJc; nAaTdac; MwouJ...17 TO 18° atWVQ. View of Miaouli Square at 18th century.


1. 'Arrotjlry rryc; m..arefac; MtaouJ...17 - View of Miaou/i Square. ct>OTOrPAMMETPIKH An oTYnnrn Oti'EON ENTEKA lllATHPHTEON KTIPION

3. Torroypa<ptK6 rryc; rrJ...arefac; rou 1930. Topographic diagram of the square 1930.

ono Kct8e OljJT]. H OAT] OLOOLKoa(o npoyµmonm178T]K8 ae ove!;apnrro OUOTT]µO OVO<popct~, µe UTTOAOYL0µ8VT] OTpO<pl7 TWV OUVT8TOyµeVWV. H e/;ctPTTJOTJ eytve ae ariµe(o OTO ono(o o68T]Kav TUX018~ OUVT8TOyµeve~ (0,0,0) KOL OKOAOU8T]08 0 UTTOAOYLOµo~ TWV OUVT8Toyµevwv TWV UTTOAOLTTWV ariµe(wv. ilO TOV UTTOAOYLaµo TT]~ ywv(o~ OTpO<pl7~ XPT]OLµOnOLT78T]KOV, Kct88 <pOpct, Ol OUVT8TOyµeve~ Mo ariµdwv, TO ono(a l3p(aKoVTov OTO Mo ctKpa TT]~ oljJT]~. 17rnv onoµoKpuaµevo µern!;u mu~ KOL auven(neoo. ilO TT] OWOTl7 8KT8A80T] TT]~ <pWToypoµµeTplKl7~ OTTOTUTTWOT]~ xpetctOTT]K8 ri OLOOLKoa(o vo xwptOTd ae OTOOLO. ELOLKOTepa: • rto onoTunwaet~ oljJewv µe ouvmoTT]TO onoooari~ OPXLTeKTOVLKwv KOL OPXOLOAOYLKWV Aemoµepetwv, T] KAiµOKO Tl')<; arr6i5oaric:; TT]~ cpwrnypoµµeTplKl7~ QTTOTUTTWOT]~ 81VOL 1:50, OTTOT8 T] OKp(l3eLO TT]~ OTTOTUTTWOT]~ npeneL va 81VOL 1-2 cm. L8 au~v TT]V KOTT]yop(a OVl7K8l KOL T] cpwrnypaµµeTplKl7 OTTOTUnwari TWV OljJewv TWV 8VT8KQ KTLp(wv TT]~ TTAOTe(a~ MLOOUAT]. • AKOAoueriae o axei51aaµ6c:; Twv A11ljlewv Twv cpwrnypocptwv, Ka8w~ ot otaOTaaeL~ TWV KTLp(wv otecpepav ae µeyMo l3a8µo, un17pxav noMa <pUOLKCI eµnOOLQ µnpoOTct ano TO KTlplO, un17pxe auyKeKptµevri ota8emµri cpwrnypa<pLKll µrixaVll KOL opyava KOL, T8AO~, 0800µ8VT] OKp(l38LO.

• 0 K08op1aµoc:; TWV 8ea&WV TWV <pWTOypa<pLKWV Al7ljJ8WV eyLV8 ae axeari KOL µe TT]V anOOTOOT] TT]~ <pwrnypct<pT]OT]~. AUTO

For the determination of coordinates and altitudes of control points a total station TopCon GTS 605 and a reflectorless (without prism) instrument of type Laser-Leica TCR305 of high precision were used. For the aiming of detail points a stand was placed suitably in front of each view. The process was made in an independent report system, with calculated turn of coordinates. The dependence was made in a point with random coordinates (0,0,0) and the calculation of coordinates for the rest of the points followed. For calculation of turning angle, the coordinates of two coplanar points that were found in the two ends of each view were used. For the right implementation of photogrammetric surveying the process needed to be separated in stages. Specifically, • For the surveying of views with architectural and archaeological details, the scale of photogrammetric surveying is 1:50, so, the precision of surveyinfl should be 1-2cm. In this category belongs the photogramrnetric surveying of the views of the eleven buildings at Miaouli square. • The planning of photographs' receptions was followed, taking under consideration that the dimensions of buildings had differences, that there were a lot of natural obstacles in front of the buildings, that there were a specific available camera and instruments and, finally, a given precision to achieve.

En thorn TnN ME80.MlN


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TTA H P0CZl0Pl 11N

, -I 4. np6acparo Tonoyp acptK6 TT/<; nAan:fac;. Recent Topographic d iagram of the square.

5. Xuvom tKrj napoua{aar, TT/<; i5taotKaa{ac;. Summary presentation of the proceeding.

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EfiES:EPr Al:.IA


t.UOMEtm N

6. AvaAuTtKrj napoua faar, TT/<; L11001Kaafac; nou aKoAou8rj8T]Kt: yta TTJV anon Jnwar, TWV 6ljJewv. Diagram representing the Procedure of Photogrammetry .

.~~s :.::.dmD =:ta

7. L'itaotKaa{a enavaauarnar,c; TT/~: etK6vac; - Resampling Procedure. <POTOr PAMMETPIKH An orvno rn 0 4JEQN ENTEKA LI.IATHPHTEON KTIPION


emopa Kup(wc:; 0Tl7V TIOlOTT)TO TOU T8AlKOU npo'i6vTOc:;, OrJA. OTO µtye8oc:; Tl'"J<:; µtKp6Tepric:; OPXlT8KTOVlKl7<:; ?l.emoµtpetac:; nou dvm avayvwp(mµ17 OTl'"J <pwTOypacp(a. LTl'"JV epyao(a ri OTTOO'TOOI') q>WTOyp6q>l')OI')<; KUµa(veTOl an6 4 µtTpa, ewe:; 20 µE\Tpa. Llri?l.0017 1l µeylOTl'"J K?l.(µaKa Tl'"J<:; <pWTOypacp(ac:; l7TOV nep(nou 1:200, lKavonmrinKtj av 11.6i3ouµe un6\jJrJ 6Tt TO T8AlK6 npo'i6v, ypaµµlKO oXE:010, eLVOl K?l.(µaKOc:; 1:50.

• The determination of photographic receptions' places was defined in relation with the distance. This affects mainly in the quality of the final product, and specifically in the size of architectural details that are visible in the photograph. In this subject, the distance of photographing is between 4 meters and 20 meters. The maximum scale of photograph was 1:200, which is acceptable taking into account that the final product (the linear drawing) is in 1:50 scale.

• 18VlKCl, YlO µta µovoelKOVlKl7 avaywytj KOl 017µtoupy(a <pWTOµwoa'iKWV Ta e11.axtma anmTOuµeva q>wToora8ep6 dvm 4 ova cpwTOypacpia. LTl'"J ouyKeKptµevri epyao(a, o apt8µ6c:; Twv cpwToma8epwv nou xprimµonmtj8rJKOv Kuµa(veTm µeTac;u 8-14 oriµe(wv ae K68e etK6va.

• Generally, for a monorectification and creation of photomosaic, the less number of control points is 4 per photograph. In this project, the number of the control points that was used is between 8 and 14 points in each picture.

• rta Tl'"J cpwTOypa<plOl'"J xp17mµonm17817Ke µ(a anAtj avOAoytKll

• A simple analog camern was used for the photographing.

q>wToypaq>1K~ µrixav~. • npwTO an6 6?1.a, ot cpwTOypacp(ec:; aneKT17oav 1Pri<1>10K~ µopq>~, µno Tl'"J oapwotj TOuc:; ae oapwTtj Primax Colorado 1200p KOl ae OVCIAUOl'"J Tl'"J<:; Tac;ewc:; TWV 600 dpi, on6rn npoeKUljJav etK6vec:; Tl'"J<:; µopcptjc:; *bmb µeye8ouc:; 15-20 Mb. • Xprimµonmtj8rJKav TO axei51aor1K6 npoyp6µµaTO Autocad 2002 Km Bentley Microstation SE, TO ono(a ouvepyai'.;oVTal. ilO Tl'"JV lJ.lrJ<plOKl7 avaywytj, XPl'"JOlµonm17817Ke TO Image Analyst Tll<:; Microstation SE.

rev1K6, ri i51ai51Kaofa efvm ri e~~c;: Mfow TT)<:; eVT011.17c:; Geometry ➔ Image to map c;eKtvaet ri i5tai51Kao(a TT)<:; eTII/I.Oytjc:; TWV OrJµetwv TOU oX80lOU KOl l'"J OVTlOTOlXlO TOuc:; µe TO oriµda TT)<:; cpwTOypacp(ac:;, µe 600 TO ouvm6v K0/1.UTepri aKpii3eta. Le aUT6 aKpti3wc:; To oriµdo anmTetTat totaiTepri npoooxr'i! Oc:; µoVTE\?1.o (model), en1Aeyouµe TTJV KeVTplKll npoi30?l.17 (projective), Ka8wc:; 1l 8lKOVQ µac:; OTIOT8A8l µ(a K8VTplKl7 npoi30Atj. ct>poVT(i'.;ouµe wme TO Std. Error, va dvm TO no?l.u 0,015m, ori?l.0017 TT)<:; aKp(i3etac:; nou em8uµouµe yta TTJV anoTunwori. Oc:; µe8oooc:; enavaoumaoric:; (resampling) Tll<:; etK6vac:;, en1Aeyouµe Tl'"J nearest evw To µeye8oc:; Tou pixel (pixel size) en1AeyeTm va e(vm 0,005m, Ol'"JA. 5mm.

• First of all, the photographs acquired their digital form, after their scanning in a scanne·r Primax Colorado 1200p in resolution 600dpi, and the output pictures were bitmaps sized 15-20 Mb. • AutoCAD 2002 and Bentley Microstation SE were used. The Microstation SE Image Analyst was used for the digital rectification.

Generally, the process is:: The command Geometry ---,, Image to map, starts the process of checking the control points and their equivalence with the points of photograph, with as much as possible precision. In this point precisely, particular attention is required! As a model, we select the central projection (projective), because our picture constitutes a central projection. We attend that the Std. Error, to be maximum 0,015m, which is the precision we wish for the surveying. As for resampling method of the picture, we select nearest while the pixel is selected to be 0,005m. The picture, as it resulted after image processing, has geometric information and it is possible to draw a linear drawing w ith the desirable precision. The final product of this project was the general drawings of the views of the buildings. Finally, for the better comprehension of volumes and the terrain of Miaouli square, a 3D model was created where the buildings that were studied are portrayed as compact volumes. For the 3D model, the software AutoCAD 2002 was used. In AutoCAD, solid rectangles were created with the outline of building and with height as much, as the height of the photograph. The view of solid was placed in different Layer, depending on the building. Then, with the help of rendering tool, the corresponding picture of view of each building was given as «material» in each Layer.


8. Avryyµevry f:IKOVQ 01/JI']<; ,mp[ou nJ..arn[ac; MwouJ..ry. Rectified picture of a building after the Rectification. <l>OTOrPAMMETPIKH AnoTYno:rn OlJJEON ENTEKA LilATHPHTEON KTIPION

9. Avryyµevry F:IKOVQ KOi rp1ai51dararo axeo10 nJ..ardac; MwouJ..ry. Rectified picture and thrne dimensional drawing of Miaouli's Square.

H OVT]yµe\/T] E:LKOVO 6nwc; npoeKUlj.18 µETC! Tr]V 8TI8S8PYOOLO Tll<; exE:l YEWµE:TplKT] nll.17pocpop(a KOL 8LVOL OUVOTOV VO oXE:OlCIOOUµE: n6.vw 08 OUTT]. To ypoµµLKO axeoLO nou ea npOKUljJE:l uo exE:l T17V rnt0uµriTfJ 0Kp(/3E:LO. To TE:ALK6 npo'i6v Tll<; E:pyoo(oc; f]Tov ot OVT]yµevE:<; E:LKOVE:<; KOL YE:VLKCI axeOLO TWV Olj.lE:WV TWV KTlplWV. Tell.oc;, yto TT'JV Kall.UTE:PT'J KOTov6riari TWV 6yKwv KOL Tou ouvo11.tKou ov6.yll.ucpou TT']<; nll.orn(ac; Mtooull.ri, oriµtoupyf]0T']KE: evo Tptoot6.moTo µoVTell.o TT']<; nll.mg(ac; 6nou TO KT(pto TO ono(o µE:A8TT]0T']KOV OTIE:LKOVL/'.;OVTOL we; ouµnoydc; 6yKOL. !LO TO TplOOLCIOTOTO ouT6, XPT']atµonOLf]0T']KE: TO np6ypoµµo AutoCAD 2002. LTO AutoCAD, oriµtoupyf]0T']Kov mEpE:6. op0oywvto µE: To ngp[ypoµµo TOU KTlplOU KOL µE: Ulj.10<; TOOO, 000 TO Ulj.10<; TT']<; <pWTOypocp(oc;. H 6lj.lT'] Tou ITTE:pwu Tono0E:TTJ0T']KE: OE: 01acpopE:nK6 Layer, avall.oyo µE: TO KTlplO. 'EnE:LTO, µE: TT'] /3of]8E:10 TOU E:pyo11.dou TWV cpwTooK16.oE:wv (rendering) , o60T']KE: we; «ull.1K6» OE: K6.0E: Layer ri 0VT[mo1xri E:LK6vo TT']<; olj.lric; Tou K6.0E: KT1p[ou.

10. Avryyµevri t:IKOVQ Kat ax,eow 61/)ryc; KTtpfou rrAardac; MtaOUA.rJ. Rectified picture and drawing of a building after the Rectification.


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11. Avryyµevri e1K6va Kat axeow 61/)ryc; KTtpfou rrAardac; MtaouAry - Rectified picture and drawing of a building after the Rectification.


12. Xxeow VI/Jric; tiryµapxdou - Front View Drawing of the Town Hall. ct>OTOrPAMMETPIKH AnOTYnnrn Oll!EON ENTEKA L'IIATHPHTEON KTIPION

rewpytoc; LlTIOTIOUAOc;, apxm~KTWV µT]XOVIKO<;

MEAETH TEKMHPIOLHL, AnOKATArTALHL KAI ANMEI HL TOY "KOYAlrlE BEZIP-TZAMI" LTH NAYnAKT() Em~Mnoucra: Atµti\(a i:n:cpav(oou, apxm:KTwv µrixav1K6<;

Georgios Sipopoulos, architect engineer


o µtKpo Koui\1y1i mu Mey6.A.ou Be({prJ Koprulu Amcazade Huseyin Pasa (11 aMtwc; "Be({p-T(aµ{", 6nwc; eivm yvwOT6 OTl7 NaunaKTo), l3pioKeT0t ae µta an6 nc; wp0t6Tepec; TOno8eoiec; Tou LleuTepou Llta~wµmoc; Tou KciOTpou, OTO µeoo nep[nou KOL ae enacp11 µe TO AvaTOAtK6 Bpaxiova Tou Tetxouc;. To Koui\1y1i (OTa rnupKtKci: kulliye = ouyKp6T17µa KTtpiwv noAAanAwv XPT]OE:WV, nou Ott:8E:TE: eyKOTQOTCIOetc; yta otcicpopec; KOtVWVtKec; KOi 8pl70KE:UTtKt:c; AE:tTOupy(ec;) QVQITTUOOE:TQt OE: EVQV op8oyc.iJVtO XWPO 35 X 50µ. nep(nou, OTOV OTIOIO UTICIPXE:t t:vac; mwv6l3toc; nMrnvoc;. Ot epyaaiec; aveyep017c; apxtoav aµfowc; µeTci Tl7 oeUTep17 KOTC1KT17017 Tile; NaunciKTou an6 rnuc; 08wµavouc; KQt OAOKA17pw8l7KQV yupw OTO 1702-1704. AUTT] 17 17µepoµ17v[a avacpepnm ae KmciAoyo nou neptypcicpet TO totoKT17otaK6 Ka8eOTwc; TOU BaKoucptOU, OTO ono(o QVT]K8t TO ouyKp6T17µa Twv KTtp[wv, KOL o ono[oc; cpuAciooeTOL OT17V Kwv/noA17. neptAaµl3civet TO T~aµ[ µe TO Mtvape Tou (nou KOTOAaµl3civouv TO µeoo nep(nou QUTOU TOU xwpou), TO /\ouTpO OTl7 Nona nAeupci (nou l3p(OK8TOL KOTW an6 Tl7V emcpcive1a TOU eocicpouc;) Km Mo Kp11vec;, 17 µta OTa l:IUTtKci KOL 17 6M17 OTa B6peta Tou Teµevouc;. H µeMT17 xwp[~E:TOL ae Tp[a µep17. LTO npWTO µepoc; y(vernt QVQcpopci OT17V n6A17 KOL T17V tOTop[a Tile;, Ka8wc; KOL neptypacp11 KOL tOTOptKT] TE:Kµ17p(w017 TOU KCIOTpou Tile; KOL TWV µouoouAµavtKWV


1. 'Ano1/HJ TT)c; Naun6KTou an6 T'fJ 06i\aaaa.


View of Nafpaktos from the sea.

he little kulliye of Grand Visier Koprulu Amcazade Huseyin Pa9a, otherwise "Visit:Jr-Tzami", as known in Nafpaktos, is sited at one of the most beautiful locations, almost in the middle of the Second Sec1tor of the Castle and in contact with the eastern wing of the fortifications. The ku/liye (in Turkish meains a group of buildings with a variety of social and religious activities) is developing in a rectangular semi-walled enclosure that measures approximately 35 x 50 meters, where is located an age-old plane tree. The construction of the buildings started almost after the second regain of the town by the Ottomans and must have finished in 1702-1704. This date is mentioned in a register describing the Vakf proper-


2. X6pTT)c; TT)c; Naun6KTOU - Ot oxupwat:cc;. Map of Nafpaktos - The fortifications.


n:µevwv TT7<:;. LTO 08UT8p0 µepoc; napouat6½0VTOL TO KOLVW<p8i\17-017µ60ta KTiaµma nou 0)(8TL½OVTOL µe TO laA6µ, 6nwc; TO T½aµ[, TO Xaµ6µ KOL Ol Kp17vec;, µe QVOAUTLKl7 avacpop6 OTO µep17 TOU T½aµLOU KOL TT7V TUnoi\oy(a TOU TT7V KAOOOIKl7 nep(ooo. To TPITO µepoc;, acpop6 TO LUyKp6TT7µa TWV KTLp(wv KOL neplll.Oµl36veL TT7V OTTOTUTTW017, TT7V LOTOplKl7 KOL OPXLT8KTOVLKl7 OVOAU017 KOL T8Kµ17p(w017, Tl7V KOTOOK8UOOTLKl7 00µ17 KOL na8oi\oy(a KOL Tei\oc; TT7v Tunoi\oy(a KOL Tll ypa<pLKll anoKOT60Ta017. EmnMov emxetpeiTOL µta 5tacpopeTLKl7 npoaeyyt017 Tou µVT7µeiou an6 TT7V ni\eup6 Tou neptl36MovTOc; xwpou Tou, 6nou napoum6½eTOL 17 8WOLQ TOU TOTTIOU we; µVT7µeiou, µeaa an6 TT7V OVTL/l.l7ITTLKl7, LOTOplKl7 KOL KOLVWVLKl7 OVOAU017 Tll<:; TOno8ea(ac;. H an0Tunw017 Tou LUYKPOT17µmoc; eytve µe Tonoypa<ptKec; µe86oouc;. Et5tK6Tepa: • Ta 017µeptv6 6p1a mu XuyKpomµaroc; opi½OVTOL, OTl1 N6TLO ni\eup6 (/\oUTp6), an6 TT7V TOLXOTTOL(a µtac; KOTOLK(ac; KOL TOU aui\etou xwpou TT7<:;, OTO AvOTOALK6 an6 Tµ17µ0 TOU Tetxouc;, OTO B6peta an6 TT7V ~epoi\L8t6 yeLTOVLKl7<:; LOLOKTT7a(ac;, evw OTO t:.UTtK6 (KOT6 µ17Koc; Tou op6µou), neplll.aµl36ve1 Tµ17µa Tou apXtKou neptl36i\ou nou OW½8TOL TµT7µ0TtK6 KOL ae xaµ17i\6 uljJoc;. • Le auT17 TT7V ni\eup6 aw½eTOL ae KOKll KOT60Ta017 17 µ(a an6 nc; Mo Kpf/vc:c;, nou eivOL evawµmwµeVT7 OTov nep(l3oi\o. An6 TT7V 8~WT8PLKl7 ni\eup6 (op6µoc;), OLOKp(veTOL Tµ17µa TT7<:; TO~wT17c; np6aoljJ17c;, µe TT7v KOYXll 6nou l3piaKeTOL o uopocp6poc; Kpouv6c;. Ll7µepa oev TpocpoooTeiTOL µe vep6, evw 17 OT68µ17 TOU op6µou 8X8l 8~0<p0Vl08l TT7 youpva KOL TT7 /36017 TT7<:;. • An6 To T(aµ( 6n exet anoµeive1 eivOL TO !36017 Tou KOL anopaotK6 Tµl7µ0Ta Tll<:; TOLXOTTOt(ac; TOU op8oywv1ou KT(aµmoc;, µe OLOOT6aetc; 17,29µ. µ17Koc; KOL 12,53µ. ni\6TOc; nep(nou. E~wT£PLK6 OLOKp(veTOL ae K6TTOLQ 017µeia 17 £~(1)T£plKl7 enevou017 Tou KTtp(ou, evw OTO µeyOA0Tepo Tµ17µa Tou, 6nou e(vOL opaT6 (Kup(wc; OTT7V AvOTOAlKl7 KOL Nona ni\eup6 TOU}, TO LXVT7 TWV ~ui\ooeatwv KOL TO UAlKO KOTOOK8Ul7<:; Tll<:; l36017c;. H !36017, OTl1 Nonoavmoi\1K17 ywv(a Tou Teµevouc;, 01aTT7pe(TOL ae uljJoc; nep(nou 2 µ. an6 TT7V ucp10T6µev17 OT68µ17 Tou eo6cpouc;. H TOlXOTTOL(O µa½( µe TT7V £~(1)T£plKl7 £TT8VOUOT7, EX£l TT6XO<:; 1, 10 µ. To (xvoc; Tll<:; KOYXll<:; TOU µLXP6µn, µ6i\tc; nou OLOKp(veTQl. H eiaoooc; OTO B6peta, Ka8wc; KOL TO µeyOAUTepo µepoc; TT7<:; t:.unK17c; ni\eup6c; eivOL emxwµmwµeva. L17µepa XPllatµonoteiTOL YLO TT7 OT68µeu017 TWV OUTOKlVl7TWV T(l)V yeLTOVLKWV KOTOLKLWV, yeyov6c; nou npoal36i\eL TT7V OL08T7TlKl7 KOL TT7V

---.._-·--··--- ·- --........._~..........



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ty of the new foundation that is kept in Istanbul. The kulliye includes the homonymous Mosque with its Minaret those are located in the middle of the enclosure, the undermined Hamam at the South and the two Fountains the one at the West and the other at the North of the shrine. The study is organized in three parts. The first part includes a description of the town of Nafpaktos and its history and also a description and historical substantiation of the Castle and the ottoman places of worship found in town. The second part comprises a presentation of the Islamic public buildings such as Mosques, Hamams and Fountains with a particular report in the component parts of the Mosque and its typology and form during the classical period of ottoman architecture. The third part is about the Kulliye and includes the measuring with surveying methods and the mapping of the whole complex, the historical and architectural analysis and documentation, the structural method and the pathology of the structures and finally the typology and graphic restoration. Additionally, a different approach of the monument is being attempted, from the view of its surroundings, so as to be prnsented the connotation of the landscape as a monument through the perceptible, historical and social analysis of the site. • Today, the complex's enclosure is defined to the South by a residence and its courtyard (Hamam's area), a part of the fortifications to the East, the fencing of an orchard to the North and a part of the original external wall of the enclosure to the West (along the street), that is still infrequently in existence at a small height. • At this side (along the western lateral wall of the enclosure), is also in existence and badly preserved one of the Fountains, which is embodied to the external wall. From the side of the street, is clearly differentiated a part of the arched fac;ade and its niche with the one tap. Today there is no running water, since the elevation of the street has disappeared the basin and its basis. • The ruins of the Mosque consist of the foundation base and some parts of the external walls of the rectangular edifice that measures 17.29m long and 1I2.53m across. Infrequent parts of the external coating are still retained, composed of regularly cut blocks of soft yellowish limestone in casements of horizontal and one bricks. Though, the construction material

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4. Yn6.pxouaa Kar6.araar,, roµf/ A-A - Present state, section A-A.

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3. Anorunwar, un6.pxouaac; Kar6.araar,c;, ronoypacptK6. Mapping of present state, site plan.

5. Yn6.pxouaa Kar6.araar,, roµrj B-8 - Present state, section 8 -8 .



lOTOplKOTTlTO TOU LUyKpon']µmoc; KOl emnMov enaus6.veL TTl cp8op6. nou npoKCIAeiTat Myw Twv unepKeiµevwv cpopTiwv. • LTO oest6. TTl<:; eta6oou TOU T½OµLOU (BopeLOOUTLK'7 ywvia) , OW½E:TOl TO AetljJOVO Tri<:; TE:Tp6.ywvric; 136.aric; TOU µ1vapt, ae uljloc; 6µ. (µeTpouµevo OTTl NOTLOOUTlKl7 nAeup6. TOU, an6 TTl OT6.8µri Tou eo6.cpouc;). AK6µri aw½eTm ri eiaoooc; Tou Km Tµ17µa TOU O<pOVOUAWTOU TI8TplVOU KAlµOKOOTOOIOU TOU, ewe; TO uljloc; OUTO TWV 6µ. 6nou KOl OlOKOITTE:TOl Tl 6.voooc;. 0 µLVOpec; ecpepe eniaric; 8SWTE:PLKl7 enevouari, Tl ono(a OTTlV AvaTOALKl7 KOl B6peLO nAeup6. TOU exet anosriAw8eL MapTup(ec; Twv KOTO(Kwv TTl<:; Naun6.KTou avacpepouv 6n XPrimµonot178riKe, µa½( µe TTlV enevouari Tou un6Aomou Teµevouc;, yta TTlV enevouari TOU PoAoytou, nou l3p(aKE:TOl OTO ywvtaio l3eVE:TLK6 npoµaxwva. EmnMov otaKp(veTm (6nwc; Km OTTl 136.ari Tou T½aµtou) Tµ17µ0 Tou auOT17µmoc; Twv suAooeatwv nou napeµl36.MOVTOV OTO UAtK6 KOTOOKWl7<:; Tri<:; Totxonot(ac; TOU. • Anevavn an6 TTlV eiaooo Tou T½aµtou , OTTl B6peta nAeup6. TOU, OW½E:TOt ae KOAl7 KOTCl.OTOOTl, Tl Kprjvr, s~ayvtaµotJ TOU Teµevouc;. np6KE:tTOl yta µta KCIAOXTLOµevri 08wµavtK'7 KPllVTl, op8oywvtKl7 K6.Toljlric;. f.ta8eTet Mo emµeAriµevec; 6ljletc; nou ae K6.8e µta otaµopcpwvnm KOYXTl nou KOTCIA17yet ae o8wµavtKou TUTIOU osuK6pucpo Toso. LTTlV KOYXTl nou l3ptOKE:TOl npoc; TTl µept6. Tou T½aµtou un6.pxet µta µtKp17 08wµavtK17 emypacp17 (33 x 22eK.) aµLAeµevri ae nA6.Ka µapµ6.pou , nou yupw OTO 1972 KOKOTIOll78T1KE: an6 KCl.TIOlOV aauveioriTO. 'OTl eiVOl OKOµTl OpOT6 etVOl Ot Mset<:; nou OTIOTE:AOUV TO auvri8ec; KAtoe OTt<:; emypacpec;. An6 TTlV KP'lVTl aval3M½et aK6µa vep6 µfow Twv uopocp6pwv Kpouvwv KOt OTt<:; Mo 6ljletc; Tri<:;. H 136.ari TTl<:; K08wc; KOl Ot youpvec; exouv emxwµmweeL • To µ6vo KTipto nou ow½nm oe axenK6. KCIA17 KOT6.0Toari, eivm TO AOUTp6 Km TO ono(o anornAe( aVTtKeiµevo 6.Mric; otnAwµmtK17c;. E(vm un6aKacpo Km OTTl OT6.8µri Tou unepKeiµevou eo6.cpouc; senpol36.Mouv µ6vo Ot Tpetc; TpOUAOl.

of its base defines the most of the extant structure in addition with the holes (where visible), of the wooden reinforcements placed in staggered rows through the base masonry (esp. at the Eastern and Southern side), which at Southeastern corner reaches 2m in height. The external wall is 1. 1Om thick together with the coating. The niche of mihrab is also still quite discernible. The entranc13 to the North and the most of the western side of the edificei is land filled. The inner space of the mosque is used as a parking area; an insulting activity for historical and aesthetic reasons, in addition with the damage, which is being evoked b~, the upper loads. • To the right of the entrance (Northwestern corner of the edifice) , still rises the stump of the square base of the Minaret to a height of 6m, with its eintrance and a part of the vertebrate stone-build stairwell, which reaches the previous height. The exterior of the minaret was also faced with fi nely cut stone in the same manner of execution mentioned before, which is preserved to the southern and to the western side. To the other sides, where the external coating has been removed, appears the base masonry and the holes (where visible) of the wooden reinforcements, just like to mosque's base. • At the opposite side of thH mosque's entrance, to the North of the enclosure, stands the well-preserved ablution Fountain. It is a square well-built ottoman ge~me with two fagades each with its own arced niche and tap. In the niche of the western fa~ade is placed a small ottoman inscription (33 x 22cm) cut in a slab of marble. All that remains visible after the damage that was caused by a fanatic in the year 1972 is some words that are usually used (like the donor's name) and the date 1114. The Fountain is still running water but both the basins and the base are land fillE3d. • The undermined Hamam is the only edifice the remains well preserved with the three domes raising from the ground.

H np6rnari anOKOTCl.OTOOTl<:;, OUVTllPTlOTl<:; KOl av6.oetsric; TOU LUYKPOT17µmoc; "Beqp-T½aµ(" anOTE:AetTOl an6 Mo 6.sovec;: ♦ 0 8VO<:; acpop6. TO OPXtTE:KTOVtKCl. KOTCl.AOlnO TWV emµepouc; KTtaµ6.TWV KOl KOTOOKE:UWV, 6nwc; etVOl TO T½aµ( µe TO µtvape, TO AOUTp6 (nou anoTeAe( KOl OVTlKeiµevo 6.Mric; OlTIAWµOTtK17<:; epyao(ac;), Ol Kp17vec; KOl Onep(l30Aoc; (6nou OUT6c; OW½E:TOl).

The proposal for restoration, preservation and promotion of the Complex "Visier-Tzami", consists of two objectives: • The first is managing with the architectural residues like the Mosque and the Minaret, the Hamam, the Fountains and the stump of the wall of the enclosure. • The second objective is defined by the restoration and the arrangement of the surroU1nding free space of the Complex to be made. This will be achieved with the creation of routes for visitors in order to attaini the appropriate approach of the monuments so as to consider them as a unified whole. The main concern is to rescue and to establish the boundaries of what is left as structural SIPace of the monument, with the less of the interventions to be made. Preservation and restoration constitute the first need that is necessary not only for the protection of the monuments but also for the ability of approaching them and finguring out theiir form.

6. Ynapxouaa KQTQOTOOl7, T(aµ[: VOTIQ 6tj1'7. Present state, Mosque: southern faqade.

7. KaraaKWQOTlK'7 00-

µf/: roixonotia (ap1-


arep6) - M1vaptc; (?5s~t6). Construction method: masonry (left) - Minaret (right).

B. H KPr/VT/ e~ayv1aµou - The ablution fountain.


• O aMoc; 6!;ovac; acpop6 OTTJV anoKOT0OTOOTJ Km opy6vw017 T0U eM:u8epou xwpou, µe Tfl 5riµtoupy(a 5ta5poµwv KlVf]OTJ<; TWV WlOK8ITTWV, 5taµopcpwµ£VWV µe Tl:":TOlO Tp6no, WOT8 VO 8nlTUYXOV8TOl fl 600 TO 5uvm6v OWOT6Tepf] npOOEYYlOTJ TWV µvriµdwv, xwp(c; va 5taon6Tm ri µern!;u TOuc; ouvoxfl Km ri OVTLAflljJfl Tf]<; axe017c; TOuc; we; opyavtK6 OTOlXetO ev6c; evta[ou OUV6/\0U. BaotK'7 µeptµva dvm VO 5taow8e( 6n exet anoµdvet an6 TO OPXlT8KTOVIKO /\etljJava KOl VO ava5etx8ouv TO 6pta T0U 50µf]µ£VOU XWPOU µfoa an6 Tl<; 5UVOT6V /\ty6Tep0 5UVOµLK£<; eneµf36oe1c; OTO µvriµda. H OUVT'lPTlOTJ Km anoKOT60Ta017 Touc; anoTeAd ripwTtOTT] av6yKfJ, nou Kp(veTm avayKa[a, 6xt µ6vo yta TfJV npoOTao(a TWV (5tWVTWV µVf]µdwv, aM6 KOl yta Myouc; emcrKeljJtµ6Tf]rnc; Km Kmav6ri017c; Tf]<; µopcp17c; TOuc;. A!;ovac; K68e eneµf30017c; onotao517norn eKTOOTJ<; dvm ri ecpapµoy17 Twv f3amKwv apxwv nou neptexoVTm OTouc; K0TOOTOTtKouc; X0PTe<; TWV OVOOTT]/\W08WV'. 0 oef3acrµ6c; Tf]<; OU8eVTtK6Tf]TO<; Tou µvriµdou, Tl anocpuy17 TWV avaKaTOoKeuwv, 6rnv f3ao(½oVTm oe uno8eoetc;, aM6 Km o neptoptoµ6c; OTO en(ne5o TWV 8VT8AW<; avayKa(wv KOl 6owv e(vm an6/\UTO aocpa},.e(c; KOl f3ef3mwµevec;, Tl 5t6KplOTJ TWV vewv eneµf36crewv Km ri 5t5aKTtK17 napouo(a017 TWV KmaoKeuwv. H eneµf30017 5ev anof3Mnet OTfJV an0Km60Ta017 TfJ<; apxtK'l<; µopcp17c; n6017 8ucr(a 17 OTfJV an600017 ev6c; "},.ouOTpaptoµevou " KTtp(ou, aM6 ev6c; µvriµdou nou nei8et yta TfJV au8eVTtK6TfJT0 Tou. H np6TOOTJ OTIOKOT0OTOOTJ<;, npoOTao(ac; KOl av65et!;ric; T0U LUYKPOT17µmoc; Be½(P-T½aµ(, emxe1pd, nepa an6 600 avacpep8flK0V napan6vw Km acpopouv TO (010 TO LUyKp6Tf]µa-Mvriµdo, oe eupuTepri KAiµaKa va !;avaowoet OTov no},.eoooµtK6 tOT6 Tou b.euTepou b.ta½wµmoc;, TO 017µe(o avacpop6c; Tou, TO KEVTP0 TWV KOlVWVlKWV opOOTflplOT'7TWV. AUT6 µeTaM6ocreTm an6 T0V K/\8tOT6 XWPO T0U T½aµtOU KOl T0U AouTpOU, OTO apVfJTlK6 T0U, 0fJ/\00'7 OT0V e},.eu8epo XWPO, TfJV TI/\OTeLO TI0U OUVOVTaµe OTO OOTlK0 K£VTpO. 'ETot 5f]µtoupye(Tm £VO<; n6AO<; £/\!;f]<; yta T0V emOK!:":ITTfl, µe ouyKeKptµevri IKOVOXWPfJTlK6Tf]TO, acpou Tl M017 oev npof3Mnet n},.178oc; opaOTT]plOT'7TWV KOl /\8lToupytwv KOl napClAA.fJ/\0 0 XWPO<; ano5(08TOl OT0U<; KOTOLKOU<; TI0U TO f3tWVOUV K08f]µeptV0, OTIOK08tOTWVTO<; Tfl YVWOTJ T0U nape},.86VToc; Km TfJV no},.mOTtK'l TOuc; ouvexeta.

The request of the basic principles for the restoration like they have been established to International Charters defines the main axis of any intervention. Those principles consist of the respect to the authenticity of the monument, the avoid of any reconstruction when speculated in addition with the restriction to be totally required, vulnerable and documented, the differentiation of any new intervention and finally the educational character of the restored monument. The restoration of the primary form in any way or the production of a new brand edifice is not what expected after the inventions to be made. On the contrary what is attempted is to present a monument of genuineness. The proposal for restoration, protection and distinction of the Complex "Visier-Tzami", besides of what has been mentioned before and concern the Complex itself, efforts in a wider objective to re-establish inside the 1c1rban web of the Second Sector the point of refer or otherwise the center of social activities. This will become from the transformation of the build-up space to open space or in other words the town center plaza. As a consequence will be the creation of a spot of attraction (focal point) for the visitors with specific spatial potentialities since the proposal is not of grate demand on the lookout for many activities and functions. Likewise the restored monument will outline the memory of the past and the preservation of the cultural inheritance.


10. np6rnar, anoKaraarnar,c;, r o11oypa<pcK6. Proposal of restoration, site plain. 9. KprjvrJ evrocxcaµevrJ arov TOl)(O rou nep1/36Aou. Embodied fountain to wall of the enclosure.

11. np6rnar, anoKaraaraar,c;, roµrj A-A. Proposal of restoration, section A-A.

12. np6rnar, anoKaraarnar,c;, ro11rj B-B. Proposal of restoration, section B -B. ME/\ETH TEKMHPIQ:1:Hr. AnOKATAITArnr KAI ANALIEl::HL TOY "KOYi\lrlE BEZVP-TZAMI" ITH NAYn AKTO


EAW98pia LXOLVO, apx1Tt1<1wv µrixav1K6c;

O0OMANIKO J\OYTPO NAYnAKTOY Em~Mnwv: A1µ1A.(a Z:n:cpav(oou, apxt1eK1wv µrixavtK6~

Eleftheria Schoina, architect engineer

THE OTTOMAN BATH OF NAFPAKTOS Supervisor: Emilia Stefanidou, architect engineer

o ,>,..ouTp6 TT]<; NaunciKTou l3p(oK8T01 OTO 08UT8po Ola½wµa TT]<; TIOAT]c; (µ8Tpwvrnc; an6 TO ALµciv1). LUYK8Kptµeva, 08 eva TIA.ClTWµa OTO OVOTOAlKO Tµ17µa TOU 08UT8pou OLO½Wµmoc;, Myo von6rnpa an6 TTJV wavw avmoALK'l nu,>,..ri Twv l38V8TLKwv T8lXWV KOi o[n}...a OTO 1dxoc;. LUVUTIC1PX8l µ8 QAAQ OT]µavnKci TOUpKlKO KT[oµma µ8 TO ono(a anOT8AOUV eva µLKp6 Kou,>,..1y1e (kulliye = ouyKp6TT]µa noMan,>,..wv XP'l08WV nou ote0n8 8YKOTQOTC108L<; YLO OlCl<pOp8<; KOLVWVlK8<; KOi 0pT]OK8UTlK8<; ,>,..moupy(8c;). B6p8l0 TOU AOUTpou OW½OVTOL 08 xaµriM ul)Joc; Ol TOLXOL 8V6c; T½OµLOU KOi 08 KOA.'7 KOTQOTOOTJ O µtvapec; TOU. En(aric; OW½OVTOI Tp8l<; Kp'7V8<; 8K TWV ono(wv T] µ(a A8lTOupy8( aK6µri 017µ8pa. To ouyKpOTT]µa nou ow½nm ovoµci½8TOI Kou,>,..1y1e TOU Xouodv naoci KOi KOTQOK8UC10TT]K8 TO 1701 . L'7µ8pa ri Tonoew(a dvm yvwOT17 µ8 TO 6voµa B8½LP T½aµL TunoAoyia : To AOUTp6 TT]<; NaunciKTOU KOTOTC1008TOI OTT] KQTTjyop(a AOUTpWV µ8 OTOUp08l0'7 K8VTplKO XWPO, 0 ½80T6c; XWpoc; oXT]µOTL½8l £VO OTOUpO 8yy8ypaµµ£VO 08 T8TpayWVO, µ8 T8008ptc; WOX8<; eyvan KOi T8008p0 OTOµLKCl owµana yupw an6 evav K8VTplKO T8Tpciywvo xwpo nou KQAUITT8TOI µ8 06,>,..o, Tuno,>,..oytKec; 0µ016TTJT8<; 8X8l µ8 TO AOUTp6 Beyazit, TO Gedik Pasa KOi TO Mihrimah OTTJV KwvOTaVT1vouno?l.ri, µ8 TO Orhan Bey Km To Persembe (Kadi) OTTJV npouoa, TO Tahtakale OTTJV Aop1avounoM1, µ8 TO Hadschic-Hamsa-Hamam OTT] N(Kma Km TO /\oUTp6 TOU Daut Pasha OTO LK6ma. En[aric;, OTov 8AATJVLK6 xwpo, µ8 TO Eski Hamam TT]<; P6oou.



he ottoman bath of Nafpaktos is placed on the eastern side of the second enclosure and south of the eastern gate of the venetian walls. Is a complex with other turkish monuments such as a mosque badly preserved and three fountains. It is called the KOlliye of Housein Pasa and it is built around 1701 . Nowadays the site is called "Visier tzami". Typology: Is one of the baths which has a cross planned in the central warm area. The cross is designed into a square and has four rooms at the four angles. Is alike to Beyazit Hammam, Gedik Pasa Hammam and to Mihrimah Hammam in Istanbul, to Orhan Bey and to Persembe (Kadi) Hammam in Bursa, to Tahtakale Hammam in Andriainopole, to Hadschic-Hamsa-Hamam in lsnik and to Daut Pasha Hammam in Skopia. In Greece is alike to Eski Hamam in Rhodes.


nep1ypaq,~: To A.OUT.po 8X8l Y8VLK8<; OLQOTC108l<; 20.71x13.03µ .. E[vm un60KO<p0 KOi OTT] OT60µT] TOU un8pK8lµ8VOU 80Cl<pouc; ~8npol3C1AAOUV µ6vo Ol Tp81c; TPOUA.Ol. Kpuoc; xwpoc; - camegah: 8X8l OlOOTC108l<; 10.47x6.44µ, n8p(-

Description: It has general dimensions 20.71x13.03m. It is under earth and only three domes are visible. Cold area - camegah: Dimensions 10.47x6.44m. Today is roofless because of the demolition of the top part. There is a perimetric corridor which called diwani, where the clients were resting. There is also a blind arch which was probably for drying the towels. Lukewarm area - soguklul{: Through a short and narrow door with an islamic arch on the top we entrance into the area with dimensions 3.16x8.20m. In the center top there is a volt with five angled openings. All the walls are decorated with sculptured islamic arches. On the right hand there is another room where were probably the toilets. Warm area - sicaklik: Through a similar door as the first one we entrance in the central area of the hammam. It has square plan

1. 0 Kpuo<; xwpo<; - The cold area.

2. 'Arro(/JrJ r ou Aourpou arr6 BA - So uth -east elevation.


nou. It']µE:pa dvOL una(8ptoc; ot6n OE: aci)i'.;E:TOL o Tp6noc; on:yaat']c; TOU. LE: KE:VTplK'7 8foT] TOU XWPOU unt']pXE: OLVTpll3C1Vl, TOU ono(ou at']µE:pa aciJi'.;E:TOL T] E:~OYWVLK'7 l3C10T]. rupw yupw unapXE:l neTptvoc; unE:pul(Jwµevoc; otaopoµoc; nou XPrJa(µE:uE: we; diwani, µE: woxec; yta va TOno8E:TOuv TO nano0Tma ot nE:ACITE:c;. 01 woxec; yE:cpupWVOVTOL µE: oXIOTOnAOKE:c;. flE:~lCI an6 TT]V E:laooo unapXE:L TucpM o~uK6pucpo TO~o, TO ono(o m8av6v va XPTJOLµE:UE: YLO TO OTeyvwµa TWV nE:TOE:TWV. XA1ap6c; xwpoc; - sogukluk: Ano TO anooUTt']p1a, µfow µ1ac; OTE:vf]c; KOL xaµT]Af]c; n6pwc; µE: o~uK6pucpo 1aAaµtK6 T6~o. µna(vouµE: OTO XA10p6 xwpo, 0 ono(oc; 8XE:1 yupw yupw neTplVO nayKO. E(vOL napaMT]Mypaµµoc; µE: otaOTaaE:tc; 3.16x8.20µ. nE:p(nou. Mna(voVTac; OE:~16, E:mKotvwvE:(, µtow µ1ac; n6pwc;, nou E:LXE: O~UK6pucpo TO~O, aMa at']µE:pa awi'.;E:TOL TO µ106 Tµf]µa TOU, µE: XWPO O ono(oc; 8XE:l µ10 KTIOT'7 µE:TOYE:V80TE:pT] OE:~OµE:vt']. LTE:yai'.;E:TOL µE: aan(oa E:n( Aocp(wv KOL 8XE:l nE:VTaywv1Kouc; cpE:yy(TE:c;. 0 KE:VTPIKOc; XAIOp6c; xwpoc; OTE:yai'.;E:TOL µE: TPOU/1.0 KOL cpepE:l cpE:yyLTE:c;. LTOUc; To(xouc; unapxouv O~UKOpucpa TO~O naxouc; A(ywv Xl/1.lOOTWV. To ap10TE:p6 Tµf]µa TOU XAIOpou xwpou OTE:yai'.;nOL µE: o~uK6pucpo TE:TOpTOcpOLp1K6 µovaOTT]ptaK6 86Ao o ono(oc; exE:1 rn(OT]c; nE:VTaywv1Kouc; cpE:yy(TE:c;. ZE:OT6c; xwpoc; - sicaklik: Ano µta napoµOLa n6pTO µE: TT]V npwTT] µna(vouµE: OTO 8E:pµ6 xwpo o ono(oc; exE:1 TE:TpaywvrJ KaTol\JTl 01aOTaaE:wv 13x13µ. nE:p(nou, µE: TfooE:pa ywv10Ka TE:Tpaywva OLOµE:p(aµma OLOOTCIOE:WV 2.40x2.40 µ. KOL 8TOL OTOV 8AE:U8E:p0 xwpo 01aµopcpWVE:TOl evac; OTaupoc;. Ta YWVLOKCI 010µE:p(aµma OTE:yai'.;OVTOl TO K088VO µE: 8VOV TpOUAO nou cpepE:I cpE:yy(rnc;, OL ono(OL 6µwc; at']µE:pa dvOL KAE:1aµevOL ot Mo an6 TOuc; TpE:tc; TPOUAouc; an6 TO unE:pKdµE:va xwµma. To vonoavmoA1K6 OLOµep1aµa E:LVOl E:VTE:AWc; KOTE:OTpaµµevo y1m( 08 auTO TO Tµf]µa TOU i'.;E:OTOU xwpou 8X81 KOTanfoE:1 Tl opocpf]. LTO KeVTpo Tl KCIAUl\JrJ y(vE:TOL µE: TpouAo µE: cpE:yyfrE:c;, o ono(oc; 8XE:L KOTOOTpOcpE:l OTO VOTLOOVOTOALKO Tµt']µa TOU KOL 01 T800E:p1c; KE:pa(E:c; TOU OTOupou K0/1.UITTOVTOL µE: KaµapE:c; A(yo O~UKOpucpE:c; nou exouv cpE:yy(TE:c; E:n(OT]c; K/1.E:IOµevouc;. Avaµwa OTOV TpOU/1.0 KOL OTLc; TfoaE:ptc; KaµapE:c; napE:µl36MoVTOL TfoaE:pa o~uK6pucpa T6~a TO ono(a napaAaµl36vouv nc; cpopT(aE:1c; TOU KE:VTplKOU TpOU/1.0U KOL Tlc; µE:TOcp8pOUV OTlc; T8008plc; YWV(E:c; TOU OTaupou. H daoooc; 08 KC188 YWVIOKO 01aµep1aµa y(VE:TOL

3 & 4. 0 0spµ6c; xwpoc; KOi rJ daoooc; a ' QUTOV. The warm area and its entrance.

5. 0 KSVTptK6c; rpouAoc; - The central dome.

with dimensions 13x13m. Them are four small private areas at the four corners of the cross with dimensions 2.40x2.40m. Each one of these is covered with a dome with five angled openings but most of them are now closed because of the landfill. The southeastern part of the bath is ruined because the roof of these part have fallen down. The covering of the main warm area is also a dome but with larger dimensions of the others. The floors are ruined. South and adjacent with the warm area is hazna which is area where the water is getting warm. It is a parallelogram area with dimensions 6.55x1 .74m. and it is not easy approaching. It has a chimney and a base where the boiler were situated. Water and air mains: In the bath there is a hot air heating system for the floor and the walls. Hot air was coming from the fire that lit in the fireplace, was going under the floor through ducts and was transmitted through vertical built-in air ducts into horizontal air ducts skirting the bath. In addition to this there is hot and cold water main. After hot water had been warmed up in the fireplace, was transmitted into the hot area through earthenware aqueduct skirting the edifice. In addition to hot there was cold water aqueduct coming directly from outside. At the eastern side of the monument has been revealed an earthenware circular aqueduct coming from the northeastern corner of the bath and ending in the southeastern and apparently the inner space of the fireplace. These mains are in some parts visible because of the destruction that has been made and is due to human factor. The air ducts under the private places have arched coating. From these appeared that we can deluce proportionately the position of these that are not visible. The horizontal hot air ducts have parallelogram cross-section and are two, one over the other. The vertical hot air ducts that carry 1the air from the floor to the horizontal main in the walls are not visible. The water main consisted of two parallel earthenware aqueducts with circular crosssection, one for warm and one for cold water. Restoration proposal: It was not considered essential to make another use of the bath but only to be made the necessary interventions which will show it off and will carry itto posterity. The philosophy of the interventions is based on the following principles: • Observance of typological and morphological features of the monument and preservation. • Protection and preservation of the monument and removal of the reasons that cause damages. • Securing of visitors' safe movement in monument. • Reversible new structures bU1ilt with modern materials. • Rebuildings from appropriate materials mainly to restore its static function. • Bath can be visited, in order to show its morphological values and educational value with regards to the function of an ottoman bath stressing the importance of heating, water and air installation that are not visibl,e in other baths. In each area separately: Cold area: After the area will have been cleaned from the earth and plants, floor which consist of slates will appear. Board with informative material will be hung up along the western wall that will inform the visitor for the function of hammam and especially for the specific. Diwani where the visitors were resting will be rebuilt by slates' coating. A resting place will be the new diwani also for the traveler who visits sightseeing's of Nafpaktos and hammam as well. Stairs that led to cold area are precipitous, thus will be replaced by a new metal one. Perimetric walls will get some height so that the existing cold area is like the initial one. O0OMANIKO AOYTPO NAYnAKTOY


an6 oE,uK6pucpri n6pTO nou txel an6TµT"]OT"] 45 µOLpwv. Ol neplµeTplKoi TOLXOL OlaKooµouVTOL µe oE,uK6pu<pa T6E,a nou eE,txouv an6 TO enixplaµa Mya XLAlOOTCI. Ta oaneoa eLVOL KOTeOTpaµµtva. neplµeTplKO OTouc; Toixouc; eivOL OKaµµtva TO oriµeia OTIOU nepvave TIT)AlVOl aywyo[ vepou KOL OTµOU KOL UTIClpXOUV ixvri Twv ariµeiwv 6nou ~p[oKOVTav Ol Vlmf)pec;. NOTlO KOL 6µopa µe TO i'.;eOT6 XWPO eLVOL T"] 80Tl0 eepµOVOT"]<; TOU vepou - hazna. E[vOL napaMriMypaµµoc; xwpoc; µe i5laOT6oelc; 6.55x1 .74µ. nep[nou, Ol ono[ec; ~YrJKOV an6 TT"] yeVlKT) KCITO\VT"] acpou oev e[vOL euKOAO npoaneA6mµoc;. LllaKp[veTOL ri ~aori TOU KOi'.;OVlOU we; ~aeouAwµa OTO &Oacpoc;. MaMov OTeyai'.;eTOL µe KOµapa.


i11KTUO vepou KOi atpa: LTO AOUTp6 unapxel OLKTUO i'.;E:OTOU atpa, o ono[oc; eivOL anapaiTriToc; yla TrJ etpµavori Twv oantowv KOL TWV TOLXWV. 0 i'.;E:OT6c; atpac; npoepx6TOV an6 TT"] <pwna nou ava~e OTO xwpo TT"]c; E:OT[ac;, nepvouoe KCITW an6 TO OCITI8oa µtow TWV UTIOKOUOTWV KOL OlOX8T8UOVTOV µtow KOTOK6pu<pwv 8VTOLXlOµ&VWV aywywv 08 Opli'.;OVTLO aywyouc; TIOU nepl&TP8XOV TO AOUTp6 nE:plµE:TplKCI. En[oric; unapxel oiKTuo i'.;eOTou KOL KpUOU VE:pOU. To i'.;E:OTO V8p6 O<pOU eepµa[VOVTOV OTT"]V eOT[a, OlOX8T8UOVTQV OTO i'.;E:OT6 xwpo µfow TIT)AlVOU aywyou nou nepl&TPE:XE: TO KTtplo. napaMrJAO µe TO i'.;eOT6 unfJpxe KOL aywy6c; Kpuou vepou nou npotpxoVTav KOTeueeiav an6 tE,w. LTT"]V avOTOAlKrJ 6itiri Tou µvriµeiou &XE:l anoKOAU<pTei nrJAlvoc; KUKAlK6c; aywy6c; vepou nou tpxeTOL an6 TT"] ~opE:loavmoAlKrJ ywv[a TOU /\OUTpou KOL KOTOArJYE:l OTT"]V VOTlOOVOTO/\lKT) KOL npo<pavwc; OTO WWT8plKO TOU XWPOU TT"]<; <pWTLCI<;. Ta o[KTua auT6 eivOL oe Kanola ariµeia opma Myw KOTOOTpo<pwv TIOU EXOUV y[VE:l KOL O<pE:1/1.0VTOL OTOV avepwmvo napayoVTO. Ta UTIOKOUOTO KCITW an6 Touc; OTOµlKOuc; xwpouc; txouv KQµapOE:lOT) K&uitJri. Ano auT6 nou txouv anoKOAU<pTei µnopouv va ~youv avOAoylK6 OL 8toelc; auTwv nou oe cpa[voVTOL. Ol opli'.;6VTlOl aywyoi i'.;E:OTou atpa txouv napaMriMypaµµri OlOToµfJ KOL eivOL Mo, o tvac; navw an6 Tov aMo. t:.ev eivOL opmo[ Ol KOTOK6pu<pol aywyo[ 8epµou atpa nou µeTO<pepouv TOY atpa an6 TO OCITIE:00 OTO Opli'.;6vno OLKTUO TWV TOLXWV. To OLKTUO uopeuoric; OTIOTe/\OUVTOV OTIO KUK/\lKT)<; OlOTOµJ'Jc; TIT)AIVOU<; aywyouc; Ol ono[OL eivOL Mo: yla i'.;eOT6 KOL Kpuo vep6 KOL eivOL napaMrJAOL np6Taari anoKaT6aTOa11c;: t:.e eewpfJ8rJKE: avayKO[o va ooeei µ10 vta XPrJOrJ OTO AOUTp6 napa µ6vo va yivouv Ol anapaiTriTE:c; eneµ~6oe1c; nou ea TO avaoeiE,ouv KOL ea To µeTO<pepouv OTl<:; en6µevec; yevltc;. H <pLAooocp[a Twv eneµ~aoewv OTrJPLi'.;E:TOL OTl<; eE,f)c; apxtc;: • LE:~aoµ6c; Twv TunoAOYLKwv KOL µop<poAOYlKwv xapaKTT"]ptOTlKWV TOU µVT"]µeiou KOL OlOTrJPrJOT) TOU<;. • npoOTao[a KOL OUVTrJPrJOrJ TOU µvriµeiou µe anoµ6Kpuvari TWV amwv nou npOKOAOUV Tl<; cpeoptc;. • EE,aocp6AlOrJ TT"]<; ao<pMouc; KUKAo<popiac; Twv emoKemwv OTO µvriµe[o. • EuKOAa OVTlOTp&itJlµec; vtec; KOTOOKeutc; µe OLIYXPOVO UAlKCI. • AvaKOTOOKE:Uec; µe ouµ~OT6 U/\LKCI KUp[wc; YlO VO OTIOKOTOOTaeei T"] OTOTLKT) TOU /\8lTOupy[a. To AOUTp6 ea eivOL emoK&itJlµo µe OT6xo TrJV avaoelc,T"] TWV µop<pOAOYlKwv TOU Ot,lWV KOL TT"]c; 8KTIOL08UTlKT)<; TOU aE,[ac; we; npoc; TT"] A8lTOupy[a ev6c; o8wµaVlKOU /\OUTpou µe tµcpaari OTl<; 8YKOTOOTC10e1c; 8epµOVOT"]<;, UOpE:UOT"]<; KOL aeploµou TIOU 08V eLVOL opmec; 08 CIMO AOUTpa. n pwTO nptnel va y[vel Kaeaploµ6c; Tou µvriµeiou an6 TT"] ~"60TrJOrJ KOL TO OKOUTILOlO. 0a npt nE:l va anoyuµvweei O ~Oplv6c; TO[xoc; TOU AOUTpou YlO VO <pave( ri KOTCIOTOOT) TOU KOL VO y[vouv tpya anoOTp6yylOT"]<; TWV vepwv µe µ[a KOTOOKE:UrJ Tunou drainage. Na y[vel vtoc; To[xoc; OVTtOTT)plc,T"]c; yta Tl<; ya[ec; Tou Ti'.;aµlou oe an60TOOrJ nep[nou 1 µt Tpou an6 TO ~oplv6 TOLXO TOU /\OUTpou KOL 8VOl6µeoa va y[VE:l TO drainage. O0OMANIKO /\OYTPO NAYnAKTOY

Warm area: In warm area the part that has been destroyed will be rebuilt with similar mate-rials and a small subsidence will be made which indicate the ne,w part. This rebuilding is considered to be essential to distinguish the typology of the monument, but mostly to restore its static function and to protect it from weather conditions. After the floor will have been cleaned from debris and plants, the initial level of floor-air ducts will appear, thus there will be leveling difference between the floor of the lukewarm area and the floor of the warm area. The construction of a platform-corridor that will refer to the initial level of the floor is suggested. Lukewarm area: Coating ini lukewarm area will be confronted in the same way as coating in warm area. The inner space will be

7. Yrrapxouoa KQTQOTQOT/, Ll1aypaµµa ' Yi5pwor,c; - eepµavor,c;. Present state. The heating, ventilation and water supplying network.

6. Yrrapxouoa KQTQOTQOT/, KdTOl/)T/, TOµrj A-A. Present state. Ground plan, section A -A.

LTT]V eLOOOO TOU KpUOU XWPOU npOTeLVf:TOL anoµ6.KpUVCJr) TT']<:; un6.pxouaac; KA[µaKac;, ri ono[a ouTwc; r'] 6.Mwc; anoTeAei µeTayevearnpri KmaaKeur'], yta va y[veL avaaKacpr']. H avaaKacpr'] ae eKeivo To ariµeio µnopei va cpavepwaet Tov Tp6no eta6oou. npeneL VO anoµaKpUV80UV Ol f:nLXWµOTWOf:l<:; OL OTIO[ec; E:XOUV eyKAwf3[aeL TO µvriµeio KOL auyXP6vwc; TO Kmanovouv µe emnp6a8eTO cpopT[a. na TO ljlrJA6Tepa Tµr']µma Twv Totxonouwv nou eµcpavli'.;ouv KaTeOTpaµµeva apµo>,.oyr']µma, npoTeiveTOL KMUljlrJ µe Kov[aµa µe uopauALKec; lOlOTrJTf:c; TUTIOU capping. AnOLTf:LTOL emKep6.µwari TWV Tpou>,.wv µe f3ul;avnv6. Kepaµ(ota acpou TO LXVT'J nou un6.pxouv OTO eniXPtaµa nou TO OTTlPti'.;e napaneµnouv ae auT6v Tov Tuno Kepaµtotwv. npoTeiveTOL ri KMUljlrJ TWV cpeyytTwv µe yu6.A.tvec; Kaµn6.vec; yta va µri µna[vouv TO vep6. TT]c; f3poxr']c; OTO eawTeptK6. rta Tl'"]V e~uy[avari TT']<:; e~wTeptKr']c; TOlXOTIOL[ac; KOL TWV 861,.wv OTE:YOITTJ<:; npOTeLVeTOL f3a8uc; K08aptaµ6c; TWV anoaa8pwµeVWV KOVtaµ6.TWV o6µriaric; KOL vfo apµoMyriari µe KOv[aµa nap6µmac; auveearic; µe TO OPXLKO. ea XPrJOLµonmriSouv K0Vt6.µma nap6µmac; auveearic; µe TO OPXLKO. yta nc; f:nLXPLOeLc; TWV TOLXWV. LTOV Kpuo xwpo ea f:Vlaxueouv TO vfo f:nLXPLOµOTa µe eripa'iKr'] YrJ ytm( 0 xwpoc; auT6c; Of: OTeyai'.;eTOL KOL npfoet VO E:Xf:l TilO OV8f:KTlKO. UA.lKO..

cleaned, parts of sitting benches that are destroyed will be supplemented and coating will be restored. Tank will be retained and low walls will be at some point retained in order to be clear that there was hygiene's area. At the southern side of the monument an excavation will take place so that the lower part of i1ts fagade will appear. At the low part of its southern fagade it is expected to find the arch of setting the fire.

Le Ko.Se XWPO ~exwptOT6.:

Kpuoc:; xwpoc:;: Acpou Ka8aptOTef O XWPO<:; an6 TO XWµOTO KOL Ta cpuT6., Sa anoKaAucp8ei TO 06.neoo nou anornAetTOL an6 oXLOT6nAaKec;. ea avapTrJ8ei mvaK[oa µe n>,.ripocpoptaK6 uALK6 KOTO. µr']Koc; TOU OUTlKOU TOLXOU, yta VO evriµepwveTOl O eTilOKE:TITT]c; yta Tr] Af:lTOupy(a TWV xaµ6.µ KOL f:lOlKOTepa yta TO auyKeKptµevo. ea avaKmaaKeuaOTei To VTtf36.vt, TO ono[o anoTe>,.ouae Semi ~eKoupaaric; Tono8eTwVTac; oXtOT6nAaKec; aav emKMUljlrJ. Oc; OTO.ITT) ~eKoupaaric; ea XPrJatµeueL KOL TO vfo VTLf36.vt yta OTO otaf36.TrJ nou entaKemeTOL TO a~to8ema TT]<; Naun6.KTou KOL nepv6.et an6 TO xaµ6.µ. H KALµOKQ nou OOrJYet OTOV KpUO XWPO eLVOL an6TOµl'"] on6Te 8a OVTlKOTQOT08ei µe µ[a vfo µeTaMlKT7. LTOU<; neptµeTpLKouc; TOLxouc; 8a oo8ef A[yo uljloc; YLO VO TTA.l'"]OlO.Of:l rJ f:lKOVO TOU CJr)µeplVOU Kpuou xwpou OTrJV f:LKOVO TOU OPXLKOU. To emnMov Uljloc; OTIOLTf:LTOL eTILCJr)<:; KOL YLO TT'JV KOTOOKf:UT7 OTpwµmoc; 8ua[ac; yta TTJV npoOTaa[a Tou un6.pxoVToc; Tµr']µmoc;. 2&0TO<; XWPO<;: ea y(veL QVQKQTQOKf:UT7 TOU TµT7µ0TO<; TTOU E:Xf:L KOTaOTpacpei µe nap6µma uAtK6. KOL µtKpr'] unoxwpriari nou Sa unoori>,.wvet TO vfo Tµr']µa. H avaKmaaKeur'] auTr'] Kp[vnat avayKa[a yta va y[vet OVTLArJTTTTl ri Tuno>,.oy[a TOU µvriµeiou , aM6. Kup[wc; yta va anoKOTOOTa8ei rJ OTOTlKT7 TOU Af:lTOUpy[a KOL va npo0Tmeu8ei an6 nc; KAtµmo>,.oytKec; auv8r']Kec;. Acpou Ka8aptOTe( To 06.neoo an6 Ta µn6.l;a KOL TO cpuT6. ea anoKOAucp8ei ri apxtKr'] OT6.8µri Twv unoKauOTwv, on6Te ea un6.pxet µta uljloµeTptKr'] otacpop6. av6.µeaa OTO 06.neoo Tou XAtapou xwpou µe To 06.neoo Tou i'.;eOTou. npoTeiveTOL µta KmaaKeur'] e~eopac; - otaop6µou nou ea napaneµnet OTrJV OPXlKT7 OT6.8µ1'"] TOU OQTIE:OOU. X.>.iapoc:; xwpoc:;: H KOA.UljlrJ OTO XAtap6 xwpo ea QVTlµf:TWntOTei µe TOV LOlO Tp6no µe Tl'"]V KO.AUljlrJ TOU i'.;eOTOU XWPOU. LTO eawTE:plKO ea Ka8apl0Tet Oxwpoc;, ea auµn>,.ripw8ouv TO Tµr']µma TWV K08lOTlKWV n6.yKWV nou e[VOL KOTeOTpaµµeva KOL ea e~uytav8ouv TO emXP[OµOTa. H oe~aµevr'] ea napaµeivet KOL ea OUVf:XlOTOUV >,.(yo Ol napetec; TWV xaµl'"]AWV TOLXWV yta va cpavei nwc; T7TOV XWPOl uytetvr']c;. LTTJ v6Tta nAeup6. Tou µvriµe(ou ea y[vet eKaKacpr'] Twv yOLwv yta va OTIOKOAUcpTei TO KOTWTepo Tµr']µa TT']<:; Oljlr]c; TOU KOL va evonotri8ei µe TO en[neoo Tr]<:; QVOTOA.lKT7c; n>,.eup6.c; TOU. LTO KO.TW Tµr']µa TrJc; v6nac; 6lJlric; Tou avaµeveTOt va f3pe8e[ ri Kaµ6.pa Tpocpoooa[ac; TrJc; cpwn6.c;.





! ·, ,


--_i _i _-_·l _- ·-- _!_ - - _L_- - - __:l _ 8. ,pa<ptKTJ anoKaTaaTQOT]. KaTOI/JT/ ariyr,c;, Nona 01/JT/, Representation of building. Plan of the roof, South elevation.

9. nporaOT] anoKaraaraOT]c;. KcrroljJr,, Nona 01/JT/. Suggestion for the restoration of the monument. Ground Plan, South elevation. O0OMANIKO AOYTPO NAYn AKTOY



Dimitrios Stefanis, architect engineer



o56c; 2511c; Auyouornu, OTTOT8A8l TO OT]µOVTIKOT8p0 LOTOPLKO oi51K6 a~ova TT)c; n61'.Ewc;, nou o5rwd an6 To na1'.t6 ALµOVL OTO K!::VTpO TT)c;, yvwOT6 KOTCI Tr] 88V8TOKpOT(a we; «Ruga Maestra». Lltm17pe( ae µey61'.o J3a8µ6 Tov apxtK6 Tile; LOTO KOi !::VOV Li5LOlT8pO OPXIT8KTOVLKO XOPOKT~pa µE KTtpla i5LOcp6pwv XPOVLKWV nept65wv.


he 25th August Street is a main historical road axis leading to the center of the town from the side of the old harbour. This street was known as "Ruga Maestra" during t he Venetian period. It has preserved much of its original urban tissue reflecting a particular architectural style in buildings of diverse time periods.

To KTtpto m8av6mm axe5t60T17K8 an6 TO µ17xavtK6 Ll17µ~Tpto KuptaK6 Kat KOTOOK8UOOTT]K8 OTO iSLOOTT]µa 1915-1920. ' EXEL xapaKTT]plOTet we; iSLOTTJPT]Tfo µvriµdo µE H]V an6cpaari LllMntr/1637/31038/25-5-95 TOU Ynoupye(ou noll.maµou nou iST]µOat8U8l7K8 OTO <D.E.K. 727/J3/24-8-95.

The building was probably designed by engineer Dimitrios Kyriakos and was constructed from 1915 to 1920. The building is currently listed, following decision (Nr LllMntr/1637/310038/255-95) by the Ministry of Culture (Government Gazette Nr 727/8 /24-8-95).

np6KELTat ym a~t61'.oyo KTiaµa, 5taµnepec; µe Mo 6ljJetc;. Anornll.dmt an6 un6ye10 µe Mo ano8~Kec; Kat Mo nll.u0Tap16, 1a6yeI0 µE TTA~Pll KMUljJT] TOU OLKOneiSou, exovrac; OTO OVOTOALKO TOU Tµ~µa Mo KOTO~µma, an6 TO ono(a /l.8LTOUpye( ~µepa TO eva, µe np6aJ3aori an6 TTJV 056 2511c; AuyouOTou Kat Mo op6cpouc;, K8VOuc;, µ£ µLKp6 OKCIAUITTO xwpo - <pWTOywy6, µ£

This is a remarkable construction with front and back fa~ades. The building consists of a basement disposing two storage rooms and two laundry rooms. The ground floor covers the entire plot divided into two sections on the east side of the build-

1. OlfJecc; TOU KTlp[ou: AvaTOAlKQ - oo6c; 25'7, Auyoc.iOTOU. L'iUT(KQ rr,\are[a mu Ay[ou L'iT/µT/TPfou. Building far;ades: East - 25 th August street. West -Ayiou Dimitriou square.


2. KQTQOKSUQOTlKi<; ,\emoµipecec; TOU KTlp[ou. Construction details of the building.


µ(a KOTOLKLO O K08tvac;, µe S£XWPLO"Tll £LO"Oi50, QTIO TT)V TIAOT£LO TOU Ay(ou t:.T)µT)Tp(ou.

H µeMTT) TOU µvriµdou auµnepttAal3e auOTT)µOTLK'l, A£moµep17 T£KµT)p(wcrri - av&ucrri TOU, µe LOTOpLK'l KOL yevtK6Tepri apxetaK'l tpeuva yta TO KTlplO KOL TO eup(1Tepo neptl36A.Aov TOU, tpeuva nei5(ou , KOTaypacp17 Twv LiSta(rnpwv astwv KOL noLOTT7TWV Tou µe cpwTOypacpLK'7 QTIOTUTIWOT), axei5LOOTLK'7 anOTUTIWOT) KOL ypacplK'7 avanapaOTOOT) TWV yewµeTplKWV XOPOKTT)plOTLKWV TOU, TUTIOAOYLKWV, µopcpoAOYLKWV, KOTOOK£UOOTLKWV Aemoµepetwv TOU, TT)c; cpucrric; KOL iSoµ17c; TWV UALKWV TOU, TT)c; na8oAoy(ac; TOU.

ing, one is currently housing a business establishment while the other is empty. The entrance to both premises is from the 25th August Street. The buildinq has two floors (empty flats), each with an entrance from th13 Ayios Dimitrios Square. The floors cover less area with respeict to the ground floor. The uncovered area functions as skylig1ht.

Ir.· .·


H µopcpoAoy(a TOU QKOAOU8£L TO C)UTLKCl np6TUna TOU £KA£KTLKLOµou. 0L 6lj.1£L<:; TOU £LVOL Li5LOLT£pa KOµlj.ltc;, emµ£AT)µtvec;, XOpOKTT)PL½OVTOL an6 auµµeTp(a KOL cptpouv nAoumo avayAucpo i5t6Koaµo an6 AaseuT6 nwp6At8o: untp8upa, anoµLµ17oetc; TI£00WV - KLOVOKpOVWV, TIAOIOLO napa8upwv KOL 8upwv, ye(aa KOL nep(Texva µeTOAALKa KLYKALi5wµma. Triv etK6va Tou eowTePLK<i auµnAT)pwvouv TO K:>-.tµaKoOTaata an6 suAo, OL xwpm Twv KOU½LVWV, TO KOucpwµma, Ol opocpoypacp(ec;, TO TOLµ£VTOTIAOK(i5LO nou C)LQOW½OVTOL.

KmaaKeuOOTLK<i, ot To(xm Tou KTLp(ou axeMv ae 6AT) TT)V nep(µeTpo TOU anoT£AOUVTOL an6 apyoAt8oi50µ17. Ot Mo 6lj.letc; TOU txouv aav eswTeptK6 TOuc; OTpwµa AaseuT6 nwp6At8o. Ot TO(XOL OTO cpwTaywy6 e(vOL an6 auµnay17 K6KKLva TOUl3Aa. EawT£ptK6 unapxouv To(xm an6 µnayiSm(, auµnaydc; TOtµeVTonA(v8ouc; KOL KOKKLva ToUl3Aa. Ta apxtKa emxp(oµma ae 6Aouc; TOU<:; TOLXOU<:; £LVOL QTIO aal3tOTT) KOL m8avciJc; 8T)p0.LK'7 yT). Ynapxouv aeva½ an6 µnn6v, suAo KOL mi5ripoi5oKouc;. TanaTwµma Tou e(vOL: =UALVa µe i5mM i56nei5o an6 aav(iSec; KOL evi5t6µeaa µ6vwcrri an6 K(ocrripri, an6 µnouVTptALO KOL aupTOpwTa TOUl3AO, an6 OTIALOµtvo OKUp65eµa we; TIAOKO KOL enavw


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3. Mopcp0Aoy1Ki<; Aerrroµipe1e<; rnu KT1p{ou. Morphological details of the building .



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4. Y116.pxouaa Km6.araOT]. Karnypacpr'j uJ...1Kwv mu KTcp{ou - Present state. Materials legend. ME/\ETH AnOKATAITALHL lllATHPHTEOY KTIPIOY ITHN OllO 25~c; AYrDYITOY 40, ITO HPAKIIEIO KPHTHL


oe E;u>--1vo oaviowµa. OL opocpec; Tou dvat an6 µnayoaTi OTov npwTo 6pocpo Kat an6 E;u>--o OTO oeuTepo. EmKaMmnat µe SlJAL\/Tl OTl::Y'l, txoVTac; OT178a(o OTLc; ouo eE;wTeptKec; olj.letc; TOU. To µvrJµdo txe1 µ6vo µta Kup(apX17 cp6017 KOTaoKeufJc;. ~ LaT17pe1Tat 08 µeTpta KQTOOTQ0'7, napaµl::VOVTac; QVOAAOIWTO XWp(c; LOtaiTepec; eE;wTeptKec; fJ wwTeptKec; npoo0fJKec;. To l3ao1K6 a(Tto cp0op6c; TOU ofJµepa dvat '7 eyKOTMetljJfJ TOU Kat 17 etopofJ TWV oµl3p(wv OTO eowTeptK6, Kupiwc; an6 KOTaOTpocpfJ T'lc; 0Tey17c; Kat TWV QV0tyµOTWV. naTwµOTa Kat KOU<pWµOTa l::XOUV UTTOOTeL Ttc; 017µavnK6Tepec; anw>--e1ec;. Eµcpav(l;oVTat Kupiwc; aMotwoetc;, anooa8pwoe1c; Kat anoKoMfJoetc; XPWµ6Twv Kat emXPtoµ6Twv, pwyµec;, apµo( µeTaE;u OtacpopeTlKWV an6 anolj.117 UALKWV TOlXO· not'iwv, 0E;e1owoe1c; oe µeTaMLKCl OTOlXeLQ • OTTAtoµouc;, oamoµeva E;u>--a, 016l3pw017 Kat ano>--en(oetc; Twv eE;wTeptKwv Ai0wv.

The study of the monument involved systematic and detailed documentation and analysis of its constituent elements, historical and archival research of the building and greater area, and in situ research. The meri1ts and values, the geometrical characteristics, typological, morphological and construction details, as well as the nature and composition of the materials and pathology of the building were photographed, surveyed, taken on record and sketched. The morphology of the building follows western eclectic patterns. Its fagades are elegant, elaborate and symmetrical with rich decoration in relief on t uffstone: lintels, imitation pillars-capitals, window-and door-frames, cornices, and ornate metal banisters. Interiorly, the building features remarkable wooden stair-

H KQTQOTQ0'7 OLaTfJp17017c; TOU KTtp(ou, '7 TUTTOAOy(a, '7 opy6VW0'7 Kat l8pC1pX'70'7 TWV XWPWV TOU, KQ0Wc; Kat TQ KQTQOKWQOTlKCl Kat µopcpo>--oytKCl xapaKT'7plOTlKQ TOU, oofJy17oav OT'7V np6Ta017 anoKOT60Ta017c; Tou µe 017µe1aKec; Kat fJmec; eneµl36oe1c;, oel36µevec; To xapaKTfJpa Tou µvrJµdou, T17v apx1KfJ Tou UTTOOTQ0'7 Kat TQ au0eVTtKCl TOU OTOlXeLO, OTOX8UOVTQc; OT'7V 01aTfJp17017 Kat av6oe1E;17 TWV l◊latTepoTfJTwv Kat aE;twv TOU. npoTetV8Tat OTO lOoyeto '7 OUVl::VW0'7 TWV KQTQOT17µC1TWV, Kat TWV QVTLOTo(xwv xwpwv TWV ano8'7KWV TOuc; OTO un6ye10 Kat '7 KOTQOKeufJ naTaptou. H XP'l0'7 TWV op6cpwv napaµevet auTfJ T'lc; KQTOlK(ac; µe T'7V eyKOTQOTQ0'7 Vl::WV XWPWV uytetvfJc;. H npo08fJK'7 OTO oeUTepo 6pocpo OT17V n(ow olj.117 Tou KTLp(ou, ouµn>--17-





7. Yrrapxoua a Kar6ora01J, 61jJe1c; rou KTtp fou: n J..ar d a rou Ayfou 11'7µ'7Tp{ou. Oo6c; 2511c; A uyouorou. Present state, building fa 9ades: Ayiou Dim itriou square - 25th August street.

6. Yrrapxouaa Kar6ora01J. :Ersy,., - Present state. Roof.



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5. Yrrapx ouaa Kar6ora01J. 2'-x; V pocpoc;. Kamypacpf/ rraeoJ..oy{ac; TT/<:; opocpf/c; TOU. Present state.~d floor. Pathology of ceiling.

8. Yrrapxouaa KQTGOTQOT]. Toµf/ KQTQ µf/Koc;. Present state. Longitudinal section.


pWV£l TOV 6yKO TOU, QUTOV TTOU 8a QTTOKTOUO£ TO epyo OTT]V OAOKATJpWµE:vr] TOU µopcp11, ana"A.dcpovrnc; TTJV "A.aKouva OTO Tµ11µa QUTO TOU OPXLT£KTOVLKOU epyou, evw napexeL emnMov A£LTOUpYLK6 WWT£PLK6 xwpo. 0a KOTOOK£U008£( 0£ UTTOXWPTJOTJ, WOT£ va avayvwpti'.;ernL euKo"Aa KOL µe oacp11veLa TJ vfo meµ~aori. LlLOTTJP8LTOL KOL £VloXU£TOL TO unapxov OTQTLKO OUOTT]µa OTO oriµda 6nou dvOL avayKa(o. npoTdvoVTOL meµ~6oeL<; µe vfo UALKO ouµ~m6 µe TO unapxoVTa TOU KTLp(ou. EmOKWE:<; KOL QVQKQTQOKWE:<; TµT]µOTWV TT]<; OTE:YTJ<;, ev(axuori TWV TTAOKWV an6 oKup6oeµa KOL aVTLKOT60TaOTJ £LOLK6 aUTwv OTa µna"A.K6vLa µe µ£TOAALK8<; KQTQOKW8<;, Ka8apLoµo( KOL OT8p8WO£L<; TWV A.lewv OTL<; 6lJ,1£L<;, e~uy(avori 11 OVTLKOTOOTOOTJ ~UALVWV KOL µ£TO/\ALKWV OTOlX£LWV, TOTT088TT]OTJ £AQOTIKOU UALKOU OTOU<; apµouc; µeTa~u OLacpopeTLKWV u"ALKwv, Ka8apLoµ6c; KOL ouµn"A.11pwori Twv i'.;wypacpLKwv emcpaveLwv oe mo ana"A.6 XPWµan K6 T6vo.

cases, kitchen areas, door and window openings, ceiling paintings and cement tiles that are preserved. In its entire perimeter, the walls of the building are built of stone w ith the fa9ades lined exteriorly with cut tuffstone. The walls of the skylight are built of solid red bricks. Wattle and daub interior walls are identified, as well as others made of concrete blocks and solid red bricks. Lime, probably mixed with pozzuolana (Santorini earth) was used for the initial plastering of all walls. The latter are reinforced w ith concrete or wooden rings, or iron girders. Four types construction materials were used for the floors: double paneling mediated with pumice stone for insulation, brucks and iron girders, reinforced concrete -slab and reinforced ,concrete on panels. The ceiling of the first floor is made of wattle and daub, and wood for the second floor. The roof is made1 of wood with parapets extending from the fa9ades. Only one main structural phas,e is identified in the monument, w hich is preserved in a rathe,r good conditi on with only insignificant interior and exterior additions. Neglect and the incursion of storm water from thie damaged roof and wal l openings are the two main causes of damage to the building today. Floors and wall openings have suffered the most damage and losses. Damage is in the form of changes, decay and weathering of paint and plastering, cracks, gaps at joints of walls built of disparate materials, oxidation of metallic elements and reinforcements, rotten wood, erosion and chipping of exterior sto nework. This study takes into consideration the state of preservation of the building, its typology and hierarchy of spatial organization, as well as its particular construction and morphological characteristics. It proposes soft and specific interventions w ith due consideration of the style, character and authentic elements of the monument aiming for the preservation and enhancement of its particular merits and values. This study proposes the linking of the two separate business premises on the ground floor and storerooms in the basement, and construction of a loft. The, residential use of the first and second floor shall be maintaineid with the addition of bathroom facilities respectively. The cont1~mplated addition to the back of the second floor (uncovered area) would improve the volume of the building by eliminating the architectural laguna at that section of the b uild ing. This wou ld integrate the building into a whole structure. At the same time, this will provide more functional interior space. The addition will be set back a little from the original contour of the building to faci litate identification of the intervention. The existing structural system of the building is preserved and strengthened where warranted. Proposed interventions involve the use of new, compatible malterials, as well as repairs and reconstruction of roof sections, s lab strengthening and slab replacement particularly at balconies - with metallic constructions, cleaning and conso lidation of stones in the fa9ades , treatment or replacement of wooden o r metallic elements, insertion of elastic material between the joints of walls built of disparate materials, cleaning and completion of painted surfaces in soft colour tones.

lv\TOTIIM<lf'OKIY. Jll'OTAlll lJ f~'lA,\A,\J;TIIOI AV:t:IIXftCO".QH

9. np6mar,. lo6ye10, 1°, 6porpoc;, :zoc; 6porpoc;. Proposal. Ground floor, 1st floor, :zst floor plans. MEAETH AnOKATAITALHL l'IIATHPHTEOY KTIPIOY ITHN Ol'IO 25~~ AYrDYITOY 40, ITO HPAKAEIO KPHTHL


nauA.O~ luµewv(o17~. TOnoypacpoc; µT]XOVIKO<;


Pavlas Symeonidis, surveyor engineer


l:T6xoc; 11rnv va oriµ1oupyri8d µfa ecpapµoy11 µe n c; e~11c; ~amKec; A£lTOUpy(ec;: • • • • • • •

evrnmaµ6c; Tou µvriµdou auvtoµri nep1ypacp11 tOToptKec; TIAT"]pocpopfec; napouafaari TT"]<; ariµep1v11c; KOT6.0Taaric; OPXlT8KTOVlKO OTOlX810 nap6.8eari etK6vwv (tOToptKwv 11 a uyxpovwv) KOL ELOLKec; n}\ripocpopfec; (ct>opfoc; npoOTaafac;, ct>EK).

Km6. TT"]V nopda Twv epyamwv Ka8opfOTT"]K8 ri nup(KauOToc; l;wvri TT"]c; 0waa}\ovfKT"]c;, 01epeuV118T"]K8 no1a an6 Ta KTfp1a auT'l<; TT"]<; TI8pl0X'l<; !lTOV XOPOKTT"]ptaµeva we; «V80T8p0 µVT"]µELO» an6 Touc; apµ601ouc; cpopdc;, eytve evtomaµoc; Twv µvriµefwv, auyKevtpw8riKav OT0txda yta rn µvriµda KOL TeAoc; auµnt-.ripw8riKav TO 0800µeva µe 8nlTOTIOU napOTT"]P'l08L<;. H ecpapµoy11 yp6.cpTT"]K£

ae HTML wOTe:

• Na efvm ae eva nep1~6.Mov otKdo KOL EUXPT"]OTO. • Na dvm euKOAT"] KOL YP'lYOPTl ri n p6a~aari oa TWV TIAT"]pOcpOplWV.

ae 6t-.a TO enfne-

• Na napoum6.l;et µe enomtK6 aM6. enapK'l Tpono Ta µvriµda. • Na ELVOl 8UKOAT"] T"] evriµepwari TWV oeooµevwv. • Na anoTeAd auT6voµri ecpapµoy11 (µe TT"] µopcp11 CD).


H ecpapµoy11 aKo}\ou8d TT"] t-.oytK'l «an6 TO yevtK6Tepo OTO µeptK6Tepo». APXLKO o(veTm ri 8UK0tpfa OTO XP'lOTTl va npoaeyy(aet TT"]V nup(KOUOTO l;wvri TT"]c; 0eaaOAOVIKT"]c; an6 TT"]V 8TIOITTLK'l 6.noljJri µ1ac; op8ocpwrnypacpfac; Tou KEvtpou TT"]c; not-.ric;. n epvwvtac; OTO enoµevo 8TIITI800 µnopouµe VO Oouµe TO TI8plyp6.µµ0TO TWV µvriµdwv. Te}\oc; emMyovtac; eva µVT"]µdo exouµe TT"] OUVOTOTT"]TO VO OVOKT1100uµe Ttc; TIAT"]pocpop(ec; nou exouv auyKevtpw8d. H opy6.vwari Twv µvriµdwv ae ~exwp10Tec; aet-.ioec; YLO TO K088VO OT"]µtoupyef TT"]V OLKELO OL08T"]OT"] TWV «KOpT8AWV» npaKTLK'l nou xprimµon otdTOt eupewc; yia TT"]V TEKµT"]pfwari, Kupfwc; an6 Touc; ApXLTEKTovec; KOL Touc; ApxmoMyouc; (etOLKOTT"]T£c; OTtc; onofec; µnopd va aneu8uv8d µfa TETOLO ecpapµoy11). Me auT6v Tov Tpono ofveTm npwrn µfa nepLAT"]ITTlK'l etKova Tou µvriµdou KOL KOT6mv µnopouµe va eµ~a8uvouµe ae t-.emoµepeiec; 11 ae auyKpfaetc;.

The aim was to create an application with the following main functions: • Allocation of the monument. • Brief description. • Historical data. • Presentation of current condition . • Architectural features. • Display of photos (archiv13 and modern). • Special information (Conservancy, Official Journal Of The Hellenic Republic). As the project was developing, the historical center («pyrikafstos» zone) of Thessaloniki was presented, and it was explored which of the buildings in this area has characterized by the authorities as «modern buildings». Then the monuments were allocated, evidence about the, monuments was collected, and, at the end, the data of in-situ inspection were added. The application was in HTMIL format, to ensure: • • • • •

A friendly and easy-to-use environment. Easy and quick access to every level of information. Adequate and clear presentation of the monuments. Easy update of the data. Stand-alone application (in CD form).

The application follows a process form from «general» to «partial» presentation, allowing at first the user to have an overall look of the historical center of Thessaloniki by means of an orthophotograph of the town plan. The next level shows the outlines of the monuments. At the end, by dicking on any monument, the user can recall all the information available. The classification of the monuments on separate pages creates the friendly feeling of use of «flip charts», a documentation method widely used mainly by architects and archaelogists, specialists who this application may very well be put forward to. This way of presentation offers at first a brief description of the monument an then the user can examine closely any details or comparative information. A rectified aerophotograph of the center of Thessaloniki is used as the «initial image», which has been converted to an «active» region. Therefore, the only thing the user has to do is move


the cursor to the monument of his/her interst, click on it, and the main site of the relevant monument will appear, accompanied by the necessary links, which, with the use of a toolbar, can lead him/her to any extra features of the certain monument. This toolbar helps the user browse through sites with archive photographs, modern photographs, historical data, morphological and structural features, as well as protection data. The photographs used have been shot either by means of conventional or digital cameras. Ttlere have also been used pictures from relevant literature, like archive photos, traditional cards, as well as fagade, ground and axonometric plans of the monument in the site. By clicking on the photograph, the user can see the initial one, which has not been minimized, so that it can be easily used in other appllications. The documents used in the project regard to both historical and morphological features of the monuments. Those features are useful to any user interstecl in the main characteristics of each monument. All texts gatherd for this level of the application are in pdf format. The certain format type is used by Adobe and gives the files a number of features, which, for the certain application, have been considered as the best way of presentation.

1. napaodyµara cpwroypacpu.[Jv Kat axeo(wv nou )(pr,a1µono1fJ8r,Kav - Examples of photographs used.

Qc; apx1KrJ q>wTOypmpia XPrimµonon')ST]Ke ri avrwµtvri aepocpunoypacp(a TT]c; nep1ox11c; Tou Kt::VTpou TT]c; 0eaaa}\ov(KT]c;. OumaOTLKO OAT] ri E:lKOVQ txet µeTmpanet ae «evepy11» neptom. 'ETm apKei K6no1oc; VO emMset µe TO noVTLKl TO µvriµeio nou em8uµei WITTE: VO avofset Tl KUPLO aeAioa TOU QVT!OTOLXOU µVT]µeiou ri ono(a exe1Ta anapaiTT]TO links (oeaµouc;) npoc; TO un6Aoma OTOlXelO TOU µvriµeiou µe TT] µopcp11 E:lKOVLO(wv (tool bar). Ta e1Kov(o10 ooriyouv ae ae}\foec; µe cpwTOypacp(ec; apxeiou, auyxpovec; (j)WTOypacpfec;, lOTOplKO OTOLXE:10, µopcpOAOYlKQ OTOlXetO KOL KOTOOKE:UOOTLKO OTOLXetO / OTOLXetO npomaa(ac;. 110 nc; q,wTOypaq,ie<; nou XPrimµonm119TJKOv ty1vav cpwTOypacp11am; T6ao µe KAOatK6 Tp6no 6ao KOL µe l)JT]cptaK6. Xprimµono1118TJKOV enfaric; etK6vec; an6 f3tf3Atoypacpfa axenK6 µe TO aVTtKeiµevo nou nepteA6µf3avav: 1mop1Kec; cpwTOypacp(ec; apxeiou, KOpT-n OOTM enomc; KOL oXEOlO 6\jJewv, KOTOljJewv, asovoµeTplKCl KOL TOn088TT]OT]c; TOU µVT]µeiou OTO xwpo. EmMyoVTO<; TT] cpwTOypacpfa o XP'lOTTJ<; µnope( va oet TT]V OPXLK'l cpwTOypacpfa ri on o(a oev exe1 µe1w8ei ae µeye9oc; wme va eivOL euKOATJ T] XPTJOtµonofriO!l TTJc; KOL yta 6Mec; ecpapµoytc;.

Ta apxefa K&1µ&vou nou xpria1µonm118TJKOV mriv epyaa(a acpopouaav TOOO lOTOplKCl 600 KOL µopcpOAOYLKQ xapOKTT]plOTlKQ TWV µvT]µetWV. np6KE:lTOL yta XOPOKTT]pLOTIKCl TOU K08e µvriµeiou nou ea 11Tav xp11mµa ae evav XPllOTTJ nou evo1acptpnOL va µ69et µeptK6 f3amK6 mmxeia. H ecpapµoy11 xprimµonofriae ae 6Aa TO Ke(µeva nou auyKeVTpW8T]KOV ae auT6 TO en(neoo, TT] µopcpono(riari apxe(wv Tunou pdf. 0 Tunoc; auT6c; xprimµonoteiTOL an6 TTJV Adobe KOL oriµ1oupye( apxeia µe optaµtva xapaKTT]p1m 1K6 nou y1a TT] auyKeKptµevri ecpapµoy11 !lTOV T] KOAUTE:pT] AUOT]. Op1aµeva an6 Ta mmxeia nou auyKeVTpw8T]Kav opyavw8T]Kav ae µ(a l300r) l>&l>OjJ&VWV. AUTO ey1ve ene1011 a) ri evriµepwari µ(ac; Tt::Tmac; f36aric; µnope( va y(ve1 an6 evav apxap10 XP!lOTT] KOi

Some of the data collected have been used to create a database. This pattern was selected because: a) to update a database of this form is an easy task even for beginners, b) the classification of the information, like the address of the monument or the Conservancy, is much more proper and correct. This database has been linked to the application, thus the user can go back to the data choosing appropriately from the tool bar of the main page of the monument. Microsoft Access has been selected for running the application. To link Access to the application, MS Access resources were used, since a HTML code can be created with the preferable format. To create and build video in the· application, first the sites to be recorded were selected, taking the following into account: (a) closeness in the region of the monuments that cou ld be covered in one recording, (b) potentialty of recording in the certain region (natural obstacles, streets, or buildings very close to each other), and (c) the possibility of the certain recording to cover a real picture of the certain region and location of the monuments in the site. In this way, Aristotelous street and square, as well as of Ag. Sofia street and square were video recorded. In conclusion: • Designing an application addressed to a wide field of users with a wide variety of needs and knowledge level is really difficult. Things are made worse when the formation of the application requires gathering of evidence to be g iven as data. • Formation of the application was mainly based on the needs of the users and it was designed aiming to easy use and potential updating. It was considered very important to creat an application easy to use even by beginners, while, the software designing was kept in a simple programming level to enable th e potential user both to add data or make any crucial changes necessary. • Data was collected aiming to the creation of an indicative picture of the potentiality of the application and not on the ground of research and full documen1tation of the monuments. Therefore, the data may seem inadequate, but we should not forget that our main target was the creation of the application.



2. ApXLKTJ cpwrnypacpfa - Initial image.

13) YLO Tl7V mo owo-n'J KWi5LKOno[17017 n1'.17pocpopLWV 6nwc; 17 iSLE:ueuv017 wu µV17µdou 17 o cpopfoc; npoorao(ac; Tou. H !36.017 OUT17 ouv1Ste17Ke µe Tr]V ecpapµoy17 KOL o XP'lOTTJc; µnopd VO OVITTP£S8l OTO OTOlXE:lO Tr]c; an6 Tr]V QVflOTOlXl7 em.AOY'7 an6 Tr] yev1K17 oeMi5a TOU µV17µdou. To np6ypaµµa nou mLAtxe17Ke yta Tr] i51axdpt017 Tr]c; l36.017c; oeooµtvwv 17rnv 17 Microsoft Access. rta Tr] auvi5e017 Tr]c; Access µe Tr]V ecpapµoy17 XPllOLµono117e17Kav ot ouvar6Tr]Tec; Tr]c; (i51ac; Tr]c; Access nou µnopd va nap6.ye1KOL KWi5LKa HTML µe TrJ µopcpono(17017 nou ea mLAtsouµe. na Tr] i517µtoupy(a KOL evawµ6.Tw017 video or17v ecpapµoy17 tytve 8TILAOY'7 TWV nep1oxwv nou ea l31vreoaKonouvrav KOL 1'.17cpe17Kav UTIOljJl7 Ol 8S'7c; napciyovrec;: a) H nuKv6Tr]TO Twv µV17µdwv OTTJV neptom nou ea µnopouoav va KOAucpeouv µe µ(a A17ljJl7, 13) Ol i5uvar6Tl7Tec; /3LVf800K6n17017c; OTT] auyKeKp1µ£V17 nepLOX'l (<pUOLKCI eµn6ota, i5p6µ01, '7 KTlpla noAU KOVfCI µnasu Touc;) KOL y) TO Kara n6ao 17 ouyKeKptµtv17 l3tvreooK6n17017 ea owaet µ(a npayµar1K17 KOL 8TIOITTLK'7 8LKOVQ Tr]c; ouyK8KpLµtV17c; nepLOX'7c; KOL Tr]c; et017c; TWV µV17µdwv µfoa ae QUT17V. Me !36.017 rn napan6.vw ty1vav 1'.17ljJetc; video Kara µ17Koc; T17c; ooou KOL T17c; nt..ardac; AptoroTtll.ouc;, Tr]c; oi5ou KOL Tr]c; nll.ardac; Ay(ac; focp(ac;.

• The number of monume11s presented gives a clear picture of the application the use oif which explains both the selection of the software used as well as its whole designing. • The application was created to form a site on the net, and it can be used directly, provided that the provider is found as well as the server to host it and run its wide range of information. It should also be pointed out that certain video or image files will be really time consuming under the current connection speeds available. • The database creation is a quite important part of the application. Yet, to obtain the best use of a data base through a web page, this data basE~ should be created on a very different bases than the philosophy of MS Access. That leads to the need of creating the cl-base from the very beginning using software for database management and for hosting in an Internet provider with security features regarding the user's access privileges. Yet, in order to run a great number of data and to keep updating it through the web, the above seems to be the only possible way.

• LX8i51aaµ6c; µ(ac; ecpapµoy17c; nou aneueuveTOL ae µey6.1'.o ap1eµ6 )(pl70TWV µe i5Lacpop8TlK£c; anOLT'708Lc; KOL i5tacpopenKO m (nei5o yvwoewv dvOL µ(a iSuoKoll.17 un6ee017. 'Ornv µ6..AtOTa l7 OVCIITTUSll Tr]c; ecpapµoy17c; OTIOLTE:l KOL ouMoy17 OTOlXE:lWV yta va i5oeouv we; i5eooµtva, 17 epyaa(a y(vernt aK6µa mo anOLTl7TLK'7.

• The certain interface and software was created to be used for the certain application re!;iarding the presentation of the modern monuments of the historical center of Thessaloniki. At the same time it can also be used for the development of a great number of applications based on other data. The certain display can also be used for any application of presenting any virtual museum, or even for the presentation and development of any kind of information and data referring to, for example, tourist sites, products etc.

• H OVCIITTUSll Tl7c; ecpapµoy17c; 0Tl7p(xe17Ke Kup(wc; OTLc; OVClyKec; TWV XPllOTWV KOL axei5LCIOTT]K8 µe OK8ITTlKO Tr]V 8U)(pl70TIQ T17c; KOL nc; i5uvar6T17Tec; eV17µtpw017c; T17c;. 'Hrnv 017µavr1K6 va y(veL µ(a ecpapµoy17 nou ea µnopd va XPllOLµonotdTOL OK6µa KOi an6 apx6.p1ouc; XP'70T8c; evw TQUTOXPOVQ tnpme va Kpar17ed ae apKeT6. xaµ17M npoypaµµartor1K6 m(nei5o y1a va µnopd o XP'lOTllc; va npoaefoet Km TO 01K6. TOu i5eooµtva 17 va K6.ve1 mo pL~LKtc; aMaytc;.

• The researcher willing to further develop the application should pay special attention on the development of the database and on the best possible way of linking to the files of the application. It is important to keep a stand-alone application in a self-contained CD form. When the possibility of «publishing» the application in the Internet will be available, another server-based database management system should be in consideration.



3. /\emoµipeca apx1Krjc; cpwwypacpfac; - Detail of initial image.

• Ta oei5oµtva ouMtxe17Kav µe aKon6 va unapxet µ(a evi5e1KT1K17 8LKOVQ TWV i5UVITTOT'7TWV Tr]c; ecpapµoy17c; KOi 6x1 µe Tl7 .AOYLK'l Tr]c; tpeuvac; Km nt..17pouc; TeKµ17p(w017c; TWV µV17µdwv. r1' auT6v TO Myo Ta i5ei5oµtva µnopd va cpa[vovrm eMm17 aM6. i5ev nptnet va napal3Mnouµe 6µwc; 6n o or6xoc; 17Tav, Kup(wc;, va 017µ1oupy17ed 17 ecpapµoy17. ANAnTY::H E<JJAPMOrH:1: noAYME:1:0N rlA THN nAPOY:1:IA:1:H TON NEOTEPON MNHMEIQN TH:1: nYPIKAYITOY ZONH:1: TH:1: 0E:1::1:MONIKH:1:

• 0 apteµ6~ Twv µvriµeiwv nou ouyKeVTpweriKe o(vet µ(a oacp11 etK6va TT"I~ ecpapµoy11~ KOL ri XPT"IOLµono(riofJ TT"I~ OLKOLOAoyei n~ enLAoyt~ T6oo Twv npoypaµµ6.Twv nou XPT"IOLµonOL11eriKav 000 KOL TOU OAOU 0)(£0LOOµou TT"I~• H ecpapµoy11 OTT"IPixeriKe OTT"I AOYLKl1 ev6~ site OTO Internet. Ot ouvm6TT"ITE~ aUTt~ µnopouv va XPrimµonOLrieouv 6.µeoa, un6 TT"IV npo0n6eeori 6TL ea f3peeei o provider 11 o server nou ea µnope( va cpLAo!;evfJoeL KOL va OLOXELPLOTet TOV 6yKO TWV nAripocpopLWV TT"I~ ecpapµoy11~- 0a nptnet en(ari~ va oriµetwoouµe 6TL optoµtva apxeia etK6vwv 11 video ea eivOL apKeT6. XPOVof36pa yta tvav anM XPl10TT"I y1a va µnopfoet va TO oet µfowv Internet µe Tl~ ouvrietoµtve~ TOXUTT"ITE~ nou un6.pxouv ofJµepa.

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• H f36.ori oeooµtvwv eivOL tva apKeT6. oriµaVTLK6 OTOLXeio TT"I~

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ecpapµoy11~- nap6Aa aUT6. y1a va µnope( Kavei~ va XPT"IOLµonOL11oe1 f36.ori oeooµtvwv µfow Web Pages ea npfoe1 ri f36.ori auTfJ va e(vOL ooµriµtvri µe noM 01acpopeTLKl1 cpLAooocp(a an6 Tri AOYlKl1 TT"I~ Access. AUT6 oriµa(vet 6n ea nptne1 va cpT1axrei an6 TT"IV OPX'l µe TT"I f3011eeta KO.nOLOU lO)(Up6rnpou npoyp6.µµmo~ otaxeip1ori~ [36.oewv oeooµtvwv KOL va ooµrieei ae tvav server µe n~ pueµ(oe1~ aocp6.Ae1a~ 6oov acpop6. TO npov6µ1a np6of3aori~ Twv XPT"IOTWv. AuTfJ ri epyao(a f3tf30La e(vOL XPOVof36pa, anOLTei etoLK8~ yvwoe1~ npoypaµµanoµou KOL oiyoupa oev aneueuvern1 ae µ(a stand alone ecpapµoy11. 'Oµw~ y1a Tri otaxeiptori µey6.Aou apteµou oeooµtvwv KOL TT"IV evriµtpwori µfow OLKTuou auTfJ ri AUOT"I anoTeAei µov6opoµo.

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• To interface KOL TO np6ypaµµa nou yp6.<pTT"IKE y1a va XPrio1µono1rieei y1a TT"I ouyKeKp1µtvri ecpapµoy11 Tri~ napouoiaori~ TWV ve6Tepwv µvriµe(wv TT"I~ nup1Kau0Tou ~wvri~ TT"I~ 0eooaAoviKT"I~- Mnopei 6µw~ va XPT"IOLµono1rieei KOL yta TT"IV av6.mu!;ri KOL 6.Mwv ecpapµoywv µe otacpopenK6. oeooµtva. O Tp6no~ napouo(aori~ nou eµcpavi~eTOL µnopei va XPT"IOLµonOLrieei ae 6nota ecpapµoy11 napouo(aori~ ev6~ «virtual» µouoeiou, 11 aK6µa OTT"IV eµcp6.v1ori KOL a!;1ono(riori 6.Mwv nAripocpop1wv, 6nw~ Toup10T1Kwv neptoxwv, npo·toVTwv K.An.

• 0 µeA£TT"ITl1~ nou ea KAT"Ieei va avamu!;e1 nepOLT8pw TT"IV ecpapµoy11 ea nptne1 va owoet npooox11 OTT"IV av6.mu!;ri TT"I~ f36.ori~ oeooµtvwv KOL TT"I~ KOAUTepri~ ouvoeori~ µe TO apxeia TT"I~ ecpapµoy11~- E(vOL oriµaVTLK6 ri ecpapµoy11 va napaµeive1 auT6voµri KOL va µnopei va txe1 TT"I µopcp11 CD. Ecp6oov ooeei ri ouvm6TT"ITO «oriµoo(euori~» TT"I~ ecpapµoy11~ OTO Internet ea nptneL va µeAeTrieei ri ouvm6TT"ITO va XPrio1µonOLrieei µ(a 6.Mri f36.ori oeooµtvwv nou ea OTT"Ieei OTO server.

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4. !JoµfJ E:<papµoyf}c; - Application structure.

5. napaoeiyµa axeofou nou )(PT7atµono1rj017KE: - Example of photographs used. ANAnTY::H E<l>APMOrHL nOAYMEmN rlA THN nAPOYrlALH TON NEOTEPON MNHMEION THL nYPIKAYHOY ZONHL THL 0EHMONIKHL


nau>--oc; Xa1l;17yprwop(ou, TIO/\ITIKO~ µrixav1K6~



Pavlos, Chatzigrigoriou, civil engineer :-r . I •


VTIK&i1,1&vo u1c; epeuvac; dvOL ri av6.muc,ri ev6c; no>-.uouv8eTOu epyOAdou napaKo?--ouerioric; Twv oc,t6?--oywv KTLp(wv TOU lOTOplKOU KeVTpOU Tl'")<; TIOArJ<;.

IKon6c; TrJ<; epeuvac; dvOL ri or,µwupy{a ev6c:;- rrpoyp6µµaroc:;01Qxdp1ar,c:;- {36ar,c:;- &ooµivwv OTrJV ono(a ea KOTOypaq,ouv OAO TO lOTOplKO. KTlplO Tl'")<; EpµOUTIOArJ<;. nporJyl'JSrJKe OUOTrJµanK!l TeKµrJp(wori - av6.Auori Twv anapa(TrJTWV tmoptKciiv, apXLTeKTOVtKciiv KOL KOTOOKeUOOTlKWV OTOlXE:lWV TO ono(a OTIOLTOUVTOL yta K6.8e KT(pto. AvayKa16nJTO BaorJc;. H Epµouno>--ri dvOL µta n6>--ri nou avamuooeTat ouvexwc; KOL KOAetTOL va tooppon11oet av6.µeoa OTrJV nopeia av6.muE,ric; KOL OTrJV tOTop(a Tl'")<;. To np613>--riµo nou T(8eTOL >-.om6v, eivOL nwc; ea µnopeoet o MrixovtK6<; TrJ<; AnoKaT6.mooric; va l3orie11oet To XPllOTrJ - KO.TotKo TrJ<; n6>--ric; va ~11oet ae eva neptl36.Mov Oc,tonpenec; XWPI<; VO npoxwpef ae OVec,e>,.eyKTe<; eneµl36.oetc;, aM6. KOL xwp(c; va «nv(yeTOL» an6 To (oto TOUTO on[n.

Me TrJV OAOKA!lPWOrJ Tl'")<; no>-.eoooµtK!l<; epeuvac; TOU E.M.n. (KOS. I. LTeq,6.vou), nepinou 800-1000 KTipta Sa xopaKTrJptmouv OC,lOAOyO KOL OUVTOµO Ol apµ60t0l (j)Opei<; 80 npfoet VO TO eVT6.c,ouv ae Tpetc; l308µouc; npomao(ac;: 1: Arr6A.urr,, 2: LTJµavr1Kf/ KOL 3: nepwp1aµivr, npoarna{a.

tudy's subject is the development of a multifunctional management tool olf historical buildings at the centre of the city. Aim of the research is the creation of a software management database in which all the historical buildings of Hermoupolis will be recorded. A systematic documentation of the essential historical, architectural and constructional elements that are required for each building was precede,d. Hermoupolis is a city that is developed continuously and it is called to balance between the course of growth and its history. Therefore, the problem that is raised is how the Restoration Engineer may help the habitant in order to live in a decent environment without uncontrollable interventions, but also without 'being choked' by his/her own house.


Soon, about 800-1000 buildings will be characterized 'historical' and the responsible office will be supposed to categorize them in three degrees of protection: 1=Absolute Protection, 2=Significant Protection and 3=Limited Protection. Naturally, for the total size of the monuments of Hermoupolis, a simple architectural record-card is not enough. The design of a complete electronic system is required for the registration, updating and managing of tl7e historical buildings. The software will have the possibility of recording all the essential information of historical documentation, architectural evaluation, building's pathology, and finally all tile interventions that applied and will be applied in the building according the degree of protection. Objectives of management software are: • The recording of the building's history. • The recording of the building's significant historical parts in order to facilitate their classification in the protection scale. • The surveying of patholl ogy problems per building's structural unity. • The creation of building's pathology profile. • The recording of restorations and all kind of interventions. • The management of re:storations that are taking place. • The management of res.torations that will take place.


1. 'Anol/JT'/ TT'/c:;' EpµounoAT'/c:;' an6 TT'/V napaA{a. View of Hermoupo/is from the seaside.

• The prognosis of restoration in timetable (immediately, next 5 years, in 1O years .. .).


rta va y(ve1 auT17 ri eVTa~ri Km va µnope( OTO µeMov o cpopfoc; va 01axe1pii'.;ern1 TO µvriµe1aK6 ouvo>-.o, npene1 va Kmaypacpouv 6>-.a rn KT(p1a. <PumK6 y1a Tov 6yKo Tou µvriµe1aKou ouv6>-.ou TrJC: Epµouno>-.ric; oev apK£i µ1a anM apx1T£KTOVLKT7 KapTe>-.a. AnmTeiTm ri avamu~ri ev6c; n>-.17pouc; rJA£KTpov1Kou ouOT17µmoc; Kmaypacp17c;, £Vr]µepw0r]c; KQI napaKOAOU8rJOr]C: TWV KTLp(wv. Ev6c; OUOTT7µaTOc; nou 8a exe1 Tr] ouvm6Tr]Ta va Kmaypal/)£1 6>-.ec; nc; anapa(TrJT£C: TTAr]pO<pop(ec; IOTOplKT7C: T£Kµr]p(waric;, apx1T£KTOVLKT7C: a~10Myriaric;, OLKOOOµLKT7C: na8o>-.oy(ac;, KQI T8AOC: 6>-.wv TWV eneµl36oewv nou exouv y(ve1 Km Sa y(vouv OTO KTip10 µ£ 136ari naVTa TO l3a8µ6 npoOTao(ac;. IT6X0t TOU ouOT17µmoc; OLUX£LPLOrJC: KTLp(wv 8a £ivm:

• H apxe108fariari TrJC: IOTOpfac; K08£ KTLp(ou. • H KUTaypa<p17 TWV a~16Aoywv OTOIX&IWV TWV KTLp(wv y1a TrJV OL£UK6>-.uvari TrJC: KUT6Ta~17c; TOuc; OTrJV K>-.(µaKa npoOTao(ac;. • H Karnypacp17 Twv npoJ3Ar11.1aTwv na8oAoyfac; ava 00µ1K17 £VOTl"]Ta. • H oriµ1oupy(a TOU npocpfA na8oAoyfac; Tou KT1p(ou. • H apxe1088TrJOr] TWV µ&A&TWV &n&µJ3ao&wv KQI K08£ µop<p17c; eneµl3aaric;. • H OLOX£Lpl0r] KQI napaKOAOU81")01") TWV &n&µJ3aa&WV TTOU y(VOVTOL.

• H napaKOAOU8r]Or] TWV µ&MOVTIKWV llpao&wv anOKQTOOTaaric;. • H np6J3A&IJll1 TWV KTLp(wv nou 8a XP£LQOTOUV op6.oe1c; eneµl3aaric; 0£ XPOVOOLaypaµµa: 6µ£0r], 0£ 5£T(a, 0£ 10£Tia K.T.A. • H Kmaypa<p17 TWV XP170£WV, TWV aMaywv TOUC: KQI Y£VLKO

6>-.wv TWV OT01x£iwv nou enripea~ouv TO µ£MOVTLK6 noA&ol10µ1K6 oX&li1aaµ6 TrJC: n6A11c;. Apx1K6 KarnpTIOTrJK& iva &pwT11µaTOA6y10 TO ono(o anoT8A£oe KQI TrJV l3C10r] TWV TT£0LWV TTOU avaITTUX8r]KaV y1a TO OUOTrJµa ri>--eKTpov1K17c; 01ax£ip1aric;. r1a To epwTrJµmoMy10 auT6 XPrimµono1178rJKav n>-.ripocpop(ec; an6 6Mec; l36oe1c; oeooµevwv OTrJV EM6oa Km OTO e~wu:p1K6. Iuvo>-.1K6 epeuv178r]Kav owoeKa (12) TT£plITTWO£LC: aVOITTU~rJC: l3CJ.O£WV 0£00µ8VWV TTOU a<pOpOUOaV OTa KT(p1a KQI OTLC: lOTOplK8C: TTOA£LC: µ£ xapaKTrJplOTlKOT£p£c; TrJV nep(mwari Tou npoypaµµmoc; URBAVISTA TrJC: ICOMOS Km Tou 01KTuou HISTOCITY µ£ eq,apµoy17 OTrJV n6>-.ri TrJC: Iel3fMric;. MeT6, XPrimµonm178r]Kav OT0tX£ia an6 TO epwTrJµmoMy10 rnxewc; OITTIKOU eMyxou (T.O.E.) TOU 0.A.I.n. nou exe1 we; OTOXO TrJ µeMTrJ TrJC: oe10µ1K17c; TpWTOTrJTUC: Twv KT1p(wv. Xprimµono1178r]Kav en(aric; OT01x£ia an6 TrJV OPXLT£KTOVLK17 KOpT8AO nou QV8ITTU~£ OTTl µ£AeTrJ TOU TO «EpyaOT17p10 A-66» µe £Knp6owno TOV K. AVTwvaKOKrJ, y1a TrJV Av6.n>-.aari TOU IOTOplKOU KeVTpou TrJC: Epµouno>--ric;. Te>-.oc;, OTOlX£LO y1a TTl oriµ1oupy(a neo(wv aVTM8riKav an6 TrJV epeuva Tou Ka8riYTlTT7 I. ITecpavou µe OT6xo TrJ oriµ1oupy(a ev6c; n>-.17pouc; not..£000µ1Kou Ixeoiou TrJC: Epµounot..ric; KQI ev6c; vfou t:.1m6yµmoc; y1a Tr] t:.6µriari Km TrJV npoOTao(a TrJC: n6>--ric;. H Saari t:.eooµevwv nou oriµ1oupy178r]K£ m:plEX&I 190 n&llfa. Iriµeio £KKLVr]Or]c; TrJC: epeuvac; OTTOT8A£0£ Tl KaT6Tµr]Or] TOU KTlplOKOU OUVOAOU 0£ KOTOOK£UOOTLK8C: £VOTr]T£C:, OOµLKO OT01x£ia Km ut..1K6. H KUTOTµr]Or] auT17 6p1oe Km TO aVT1Ke(µeva - TT£O(a TrJC: l300rJC: 0£00µ8VWV KQI OUOLOOTIKCI Tr]V oµaooTTOlr]Or] Twv neo(wv oe n(vaKec;. 01 n(vaKec; nou oriµ1oupy179riKav e(vm oeKaoKTw (18), 6nou 01 T£A£UTU(o1 eVT£Ka (11) anoT£t..ouv µLa £VOTr]TQ (na8o,\.oy(a) µ£ 01axwp10µ6 0£ 00µ1Kec; ev6TrJT£c;. 0 T£t..eurn(oc; n(vaKac; nep1exe1 neo(a avacpopac; an6 6nou OLOX£T£UOVTQI 01 £VOMOKTLK8<:; anOVTT70£1c; 0£ ouYK£Kp1µeva neo(a.

• The recording of use and changes in use and generally all the data that influence the futurei urban planning of the city. Initially a questionnaire was dEweloped which constituted also the base of fields for the mana!;iement software. For this questionnaire, data was used from other databases in Greece and abroad. Globally twelve (12) cases of database software concerning buildings and historical cities were investigated focusing on the cases of URBAVISTA from ICOMOS and the HISTOCITY network. Fields also were used from the questionnaire of Rapidly Optical Control by O.A.S.P., which aims at the study of building's seismic vulnerability. Data from the architectural recording-card in the study for Reformation of Historical Centre of Hermoupolis by «Laboratory A-66» (Antonakaki:s et a~ were used. Finally, data for the creation of fields were drawn from the research of professor J.Stefanou aiming at the creation of a complete Urban Planning of Hermoupolis and new Law for the Construction and the Historical Structural Protection of the city. The new created database contains 190 fields. Starting point of research was the segmentation of building's structural total, in constructional units, structural elements and materials. This segmentation determined the field-objects in database and the grouping of fields in tables. Eig1hteen (18) tables were created. Eleven (11) tables constitute a group (pathology) which is divided in structural units. The last table contains fields of report from where the alternative answers are channeled in all the aforementioned fields. The tables that were created are: 1. PLACE and URBAN DATA 2. BACKGROUND and RESTOf?AT/ON DATA 3. ARCHITECTURAL DATA 4. DA TA of STRUCTURAL VULNERABILITY


The fields, based on the above regrouping were included in software using the language A.CCESS, a system of database management (DBMS).


EPHTH VIAl"OJ\O noo.A.1:. 11.



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~ BA!:H AEAOMl::l\ff'II


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2 . f1t6ypaµµa neptypacpf/c; 017µwupy{ac; mu epwr17µamJ..oy{ou.

Diagram representing the gen,eration of the questionnaire.



OL nfvaKt<; nou 017µt0upy11e17Kav eivOL: 1. eEXH KAI nOJ\EOLlOMIKA XTO/XE/A



7. XTO/XE/A Ll/A TAtMA TOX Ta m:o[a, µ£ !36017 TrJV napan6vw oµaoono[17017, £VT6xe17Kav 0£ tva r..oyLoµLK6 µfow TrJ<; yr..wooac; ACCESS, 17 ono[a eivOL eva OUOT17µ0 OLOX8LPL017<; l36oewv 0£00µevwv (DBMS). EmnMov 17 Access eivOL KOL ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) KOL µnope[ VO ouvoE:eei µ£ noMec; tSWT£PLK8<; µopcpec;, 6nwc; Oracle, SOL, Sybase K.a. loLOLT£Pl1 l3apuTrJTO Me17Ke OTO npocpfA T'l<; na8oAoyfac; 6nou K6et ooµLK11 8VOTrJTO EXEL nc; OLK8<; TrJ<; napaµeTpouc; naeor..oy[ac; oL ono[£c; asLor..oyouVTOL T6oo OTrJ µopcp11 µ£ ouyK£KpLµev£c; 8TTLAOyec; 000 KOL OTrJV £KT0017 µ£ n£VTOl36eµLO KALµOKO. nap6o£Lyµa, OL pwyµec; OTO cpepOVTO opyOVL0µ6 we; npoc; TrJ µopcp11 µnop£[ va eivOL «EOL 1mm», «Ano 1 EOL 3 mm», «nANO Ano 3mm», 11 «KA00t\OY» £VW we; npoc; TrJV £KT0017 µnope[ va eivaL «A», «B», «r», «/1» 11 «E» (e1K. 4). 'Or..£<; OL cpwTOypacpfec; OL ono[E:c; tlVOL 017µ0VTLK£<; y10 TrJV napOKOAOUe17017 TWV KTlplWV £XOUV £VTOXe£[ ljJl7<pLOno117µeV£<; we; £SWT£pLKo[ ouvoeaµOL µ£ TO np6ypaµµa (links). EKT6c; an6 nc; cpwTOypacp[£c; £X8L ljJrJ<pLono117ee[ KOL ur..LK6 apx£iou, 6nwc; nar..Lo[ r..oyapLaoµo[, 017µ0VT1K6 eyypacpa, K.a. (e1K. 3). ME auT6 Tov Tp6no o 6yKoc; TOU opx£iou EXEL µ£1we£[ 017µ0VT1K6 KOL TO cpwTOypacp1K6 ur..1K6 0£ 017µ1oupyei np6l3r..17µ0 mo X£tpLoµ6 Tou r..oy10µ1Kou. Ll7µ0VTlK8C: e(vm Ol npoOTTTIKE<; avanru~11c; TOU AOYLOµLKOU l7A£KTpOVLKl1<; OLOX81Pl017C: TWV as16r..oywv KTtp[wv. LTO µeMov (Kat Myw TrJC: µopcp11c; TrJ<; l36017c;) eivOL ouvaTr'J 17 ouvoe017 µe eva Lum17µ0 r£wypacp1Kwv nr..17pocpopLwv (GIS). ME TrJ ouvoe017 auT11 ea emT£uxeei 17 mo Kmavo17Tr'J napou010017 TrJ<; B6017c; ll£ooµevwv. 0 XPl10TrJ<; ea Epy6i'.;£TOl nMov 0£ eva xopTOypacpLK6 un6l3aepo KOL µfow auTOu ea n£pv6eL moue; n[vaK£<; nr..17pocpopLwv.

Av O XPl10TrJ<; 8LVOL £KT6<; un17pea[ac; (µ17 tSOUOLOOOTl7µ£voc;), 0£ µnope[ va £X£l nr..11p17 np6ol3a017 m17v nr..17pocpop[a. 'Oµwc; µnope[ va exei np6ol3a017 OE enLA£yµeva OToLxeio Ko1vou evoLacpepoVToc;. 0 Tp6noc; np6ol30017c; µnope[ va £ivm µfow Tou oLaOLKTuou (internet) 6nou 0£ 10Too£r..[oa ea napoum6i'.;£TOL evac; x6pTrJc; µ£ TO as16r..oya KTlplO KOL OVOAoya µe TrJV 8TTLAOYl1 TOU XPl10TrJ ea un6pxe1 sexwp10Tr'J oeMoa µe OTOlX8la TO ono[a ea TPO<poooTouVTat an6 TrJ !36017 o£ooµtvwv. 'A.Moc; Tp6noc; napouo[a017c; eivm µfow TWV µ17xov17µ6Twv nr..17pocp6p17017c; Tou ll11µ0u Epµounor..17c; 6nwc; sxe1 eyKmaOTaeei OTrJV n6r..17 an6 TrJ /1.E.A.E. 0 Tp6noc; aUT6c; ea aneueuvnOL Kup(wc; OTouc; £TTIOK£ITT8<; TrJC: Epµounor..17<; OL ono[OL ea µnopouv va £XOUV np6ol30017 OTO LOTOplK6 OTOLX810 TWV KTLp[wv.


n poTeiv£TOL rJ xp~ar, Tou Ium~µOTo<; .t.1axtfp1ar,c; OPXLK6 an6 TrJV Te)(VLK11 Yn17pea[a Tou ll11µou Epµounor..17c;, Kat apy6Tepa 17

Particular attention was given to the pathology profile where each structural unit has its own parameters of pathology. Parameters are evaluated from the pattern and extend of the problem. For example, the pattEirn of the cracks in the load bearing structure could take values "Till 1mm", "From 1 until 3mm", "Above 3mm", or "none" but the extent could be "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E" (fig. 4). The perspective of future development of the proposed here buildings' management software is very important. The connection with a System of Geographic Information is simple (GIS). This connection the most comprehensible presentation of Database will be achieved. In case that the user is not a member of the office (not permitted) he/she cannot have complete access in the information. However he could have access in selectively data of common interest. The access way can be via the internet where in a site a map will be presented with the historical buildings and depending on the user's choice a separate page will exist with data supplied by the database. !initially it is proposed that the management software will be used by the City Engineering Office of Municipality of Hermoupolis, and for the future the creation of a Specific Office is proposed, which will come under the Municipality or the Aegean Ministry. The proposed here Office will deal exclusively with the historical centre's restoration and protection from all kind of illegal intervention acts. The «Hermoupolis City Office» will work with basic information tool 1the software that was developed by this research and with engiineers specialised in the protection and restoration of monuments.









ll:f':101 E?MOYnQl\tC

lffl Z·IZTOPIOOJ:,o\lUE-l!AZflZ ij kf 3-U'X!T'EKTONIKAZTOIXUA.j J\. ◄·t.0/'U:At'IOO<ElAtAI 1655







3 ..fovoear, mu npoypaµµaroc; µe cpwroypacp(ec; Km I/JT)cpt0no1riµiva iyypacpa. Link in the software to other pages with photos and digital documents.


c5tiµLoupy[a eLc5tKou ypa<peiou TO ono[o ea unayern1 e[Te OTO .C:.t'Jµo tlTt OTO Ynoupyeio ALya[ou, KOL ea 00)(0/1.ElTOL OTTOKA8lOTLKO µe TO IOTOplKO K8VTpO, 1T]V OVOTTAOOTJ TOU KOL U ]V npoOTOOlO wu an6 Kaee eic5ouc; evi::pyeLO 17 ono[a i::pxeTOL ae avr[ee017 µe T'lV LCJ)(uouaa voµoeea[a. To «rpaq>&fo Epµouno>.ric;» ea epyai';ern1 µe f3amK6 epyOAeio nA17pocpopLKll<; To AOyLaµLK6 nou avamuxe17Ke an6 auTt'J T17v i::peuva KOL ea npi::neL va anoWAELTOL an6 awµa eLc5LKeuµi::va OT17v npoOTaa(a, auvrt'JP'70'7 KOL OTTOKOTOOT00'7 µv17µeiwv KOL OUV0/1.WV KOL µe opLaµi::va 01"0µa µe etc5LK8<; yvwaeL<; OT17v nA17pocpopLKll.







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4. EmAoyfJ OTO np6ypaµµa, TTJc; µopcpf}c; na0oAoyfac; pwyµwv. Multiple choices in the software, for the pathology of cracks.





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5. napouofaOTJ oro np6ypaµµa oroixdwv apx1mrrov1Kf]c; Karara~TJc; r ou {3a0µou npooraofac; Km wu rnA1Kou {3a0µou na0oAoyfac;. Presentation from the software, of architectural grade, of preservation grade and building's pathology grade.

7. X6pTTJc; a~10A6yT}OT}c; KTlpfwv.



LOcp(a Xptmocpop(oou, OPXLT€KTWV µrixav1Koc;




Em~Mnwv: M1xa~A Noµ1K6<;, apxm:KTWV µrixavlKO~

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Sofia Christoforidou, architect engineer












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Supervisor: Michael Nomikos, architect engineer I



epyaa(a acpop6 mri µeMTrJ OUVTDPrJOrJc;, anoKOTamaoric; KOL eTIOVO)(prJOrJc; TOU OPXOVTIKOU «npwriv Naouµ n ana8eoowpou-ZDOOU MnapT½WKO», OTrJV Ep6Tupa.


he study addresses the maintenance, restoration and rehabilitation of "ex Naoum Papatheodorou-Zisou Bartzoka" mansion in Eratyra.

0 OIKI0µ6c; TIOU ewe; TO 1927 ecpepe TO OVOµO Lf:AITOO, ~plOK8TOl moue; np6nooec; Tou 6pouc; L tv16w1Kou, 14 XtAt6µeTpa ~ope1oounK6 n 1c; LICI.TIOTO<:;, OTO N. Ko½aVrJc;.

The settlement that until 1927 was called Selitsa is situated on the foothills of Siniatsiko Mountain, 14 km to the NW of Siatista in the Department of Kozani.

np6K81TOL yIa eva as161'.oyo odyµa TrJ<:; MOK800VIKD<:; OPXIT8KTOVIKD<:;, nou OVTOVOKAQ TrJV evrovri OIKOVOµIKD opOOTrJPIOTrJTO TrJc; EpciTupac; TrJV nep(ooo TrJc; ToupKoKpm(ac;.

It is a remarkable example of Macedonian architecture reflecting the intense economical activity of Eratyra during the Ottoman Occupation.

Me TrJV An6cpaori TOU Yn .no Y.A./YnnO/L':.IAAn /f/2278/ /36591/07.08.85 (ct>EK 563/B/23.09.85) XOPOKTrJp(o8riKe we; «epyo Texvric;».

Upon decision of the Ministry of Culture (YPPO) YA/YnnO/L':.IAA n/f/2278/36591/07.08.85 (Governmental Gazette Issue 563/8/ 23.09.85), the settlement has been designated as a "work of art".

To KT(p10 apx1KD<:; 1010KTria(ac; N. nana8eoowpou, ayop6½ern1 an6 TO Z. MnapT½WKO TO 1960, evw TO 1997 Tl KOIVOTrJTO Ep6TUpac; esayop6½81TO apxovr1K6 µe TµDµO TOU OPXIKOU OIKOTIE:oou (3 15µ2 ).

The building was primarily owned by N. Papatheodorou, purchased by Z. Bartzokas in 1960 and, finally, in 1997 including a

1. revlKTJ 6nOI/JTJ Ep6wpac; - General view of Eratyra.

2. Ycpcar6µeVT) KQTQaTQOT).' N6TCa 01/JT) TOU KTlp(ou. Present state: Northern fa19ade of the building.


H OKpll3T7<; )(pOV0/1.0y(o TT]<; oveyep017<; TOU OEV elVOL YVWITTT7, µe !36017 6µwc; TO Tunoll.oyLKO KOL µopcpoAOYLKO TOU xopoKTrJplatlKa µnopouµe VO TO KOTOTCl~Ouµe ITTO o' µLOO TOU 19ou OLWVO. To atOLXetO nou npoKa1'.et LoLofrepo evoLocpepov KOL xopoKTTJp(i'.;eL TO KT(pt0 etVOL o nll.oumoc; Tmxoypo<pLK6<; oLaKoaµoc; nou Koaµe( EGWTEplKCl TO GUV0/1.0 TOU. LUµcpwvo µe ypomec; µapTup(ec; Tl TOlXOypacpriori TOU apxovnKOU Tono8netTOL aro 13' µLOO TOU 19ou OLwva (1865-1875) KOL anoTell.e( TO "terminus ante quern" TTJ<; aveyepar']c; Tou. E(vOL ri enoxr'] TTJ<; oLKovoµLKTl<; aKµr']c; TTJ<; nepLoxr']c; Myw TTJ<; avamu~ric; Twv eµnopLKwv axfoewv µe T6nouc; an6 TO 6pLa TTJ<; EMaoac; (Aump(a, Ouyyap(a, KwvOTOVTlVOUTI0/1.T], K./1.n.).


o 11.a·iK6<; i'.;wypacpoc; eLKov(i'.;eL napaaraaeL<; av&oya µe TO xwpo. napoumai'.;el µ(a wplµOTTJTO KOL TIOlKl/1.lO SeµaTWV, µe nll.ouTO )(pWµOTWV, OTµ6acpOLp0 nopaµu8LOU, µe TI0/1.lTetE<;, oevopa, j30UVC1, GUWE<pO, KOpOl3LO, OV8000Xel0, TETpaywva TI/1.0lGlO KOL aareplO. AUTOoXEOlCli'.;El KOL ene~epyai'.;eTOL µe lOlOlTEPTJ cppoVTLOO 61'.a TO armxe(a Twv napaaraaewv.

part of the initial building plot (3·15m2) has become a property of the Community of Eratyra. The exact date of construction is not known, however, based on the typological and morphological features the building could be classified to the 1st half of th,e 19th century. A very characteristic element of the building is the variety of wall paintings as part of its interior decoration. According to written evidence, the interior wall paintings date from the 2 nd half of the 19th century (1865-1875) and they constitute the "terminus ante quern" of its construction. It is the period of economical growth in thei region due to the development of commercial transactions with other states and cities abroad (Austria, Hungary, Constantinople, etc.). The scenes depicted by the popular artist depend on the area. They are characterized by a maturity and variety of subjects and colours, inspiring a fairy atmosphere through scenes of

np6K£lTOL YLO TI/1.0TUµeTWTIO (10,0x15,0m) /l.l80KTLOTO OlWpocpo KepaµoaKenec; KTLOµa, e1'.eu8epa TOno8eTT]µevo ITTO OPXLKO OlK6neoo, K08£TO atl<; uljJoµeTplK8<; KOµnull.e<; TOU eoacpou<;. To

4. Ycptar6µevri Kar6araari: N6ncr 61/Jri mu KTtp{ou. Present state: Northern faqadG' of the building.

3. To1xoypacptK6<; ot6KOaµoc; - The wall paintings.

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6. Ycptar6µevri Kar6araari: K6TO(/lrJ ,aoyefou. Present state: Plan of the ground floor.

s. To1xoypacptK6<; ot6Koaµoc; - The wall paintings.

7. Ycptar6µevri Kar6araari: Av6muyµa eawreptKou xwpou 14. Present state: Development of the walls (14 room).

8. 'Arro(/lrJ mu owµar{ou «KaA6c; ovr6c;». View of the room "kalos ondas".



KUpLo KPLTTJPLO em.\oy11c; Tri<; Sforic; Tou 'lTOV o KaMc; npoaaVOTOALaµoc; npoc; NA µe 880 TOV Kaµno. Ta UALKa 00µ11c; Tou KTLp(ou etvOL auTa nou XPflOLµonoL118T1KOV ae 6Aa TO KT(aµma Tflc; MaKeoov(ac; OA>-.6 KOL Tou eupuTepou BMKOVLKOU xwpou Tfl auyKeKpLµevri LOTOpLK'l nep(ooo: ALS000µ11 µe TTflAOKov(aµa, TOOTµaoec; KOL µnayom(OTouc; eawrnPLKouc; To(xouc; TOU Laoydou KOL TOU opocpou. H KUPLO OljJfl TOU XOPOKTflp[i'.;eTOL YLO TO en(µriKec; ax11µ0 Tflc;. LOOyeLO KeVTpLKCl f3p[aKeTOL O xwpoc; eLOOOOU, Tl E;UALVfl OKCIAO emKOLVWV(ac; TWV Mo opocpwv, oe;La KOL OpLOTepa OL XeLµepLVOL OVTaoec; KOL auµTTAflPWVeTOL OTTO Mo OTT08flKWTLKOUc; xwpouc;, TO KeAapL KOL TO KOTWl. Ano TO KOTWL unapxeL ouvaTOTflTO eTTLKOLVWV(ac; µe TOV OUAeLO XWPO µe µ(a µLKP'l TTOpTO «TO TTOpOnOpTl». LTO

0 6pocpoc; opyavwveTOL yupw OTTO eva KeVTpLKO OLOµnep11 xwpo - OMO ae ax11µ0 (T) TOU- TO XOYLCITl, evw oe;ta TOU avamuaaeTOL O «KOA6c; OVTac;» KOL OpLOTepa TOU eva µLKPO KeAapL KOL OITTAO 6Moc; OVTac;. l' CAO TO owµana un11pxov Ti'.;CIKLO. <!Japotec; E;UALvec; aav(oec; KOAUITTOUV TO oaneoo KOL nc; opocpec; OAWV TWV xwpwv, eKToc; TWV Laoydwv OTT08flKWTlKWV xwpwv, 6nou o E;uAtvoc; aKeAeT6c; e(vOL eµcpaV'lc;. To un6 µeMTfl KT(pto exet unoOTd otacpopec; eneµf36aetc; Kup[wc; OTfl cpaari (2Tl) nou eK.\eLae TO XOYLCITl TOOO OTO La6yeLO 6ao KOL OTOV 6pocpo µe TflV KOTOOKeu11 evoc; KeVTpLKOU OOXVlOlOU, Ka8wc; KOL Tfl µueneLTO TOLXOypacpriO'l TOU. OL cpSopec; nou napoumai'.;oVTOL dvOL nepLaa6Tepo an6 TflV eyKoTaAeLljJfl (1880 nep(nou) KOL Tfl XP'lOfl TOU we; OTT08flKWTlKOU xwpou µeTCI TO 1965. H µeMTfl nept>-.aµf36veL: • Tfl auMoy11 OTOLXeLWV, Tfl f3Lf3ALOypacplK'l epeuva, TflV lOTOpLK'l KOL cpwTOypacpLK'l TeKµflp[wari, • Tfl .\emoµep11 anoTunwari Tflc; ucpLOTaµevric; KOTCIOTOOflc;, TflV KOTaypacp11 TWV UALKWV KOL Tflc; naSo.\oy(ac; Touc; KOL • TflV a;toMvriari 6.\wv TWV OTOLXeLWV Tflc; KOTOypacp11c; KOL TflV npornari OUVT'lPTlOflc; - anoKoTaOToaric; KOL enav6XPT10'lc; TOU H TTpOTOOfl OUVT'lPflOfl<;, OTTOKOTCIOTOOfl<; KOL eTTOVCIXPflO'l<; TOU we; «KeVTpou npof30A11c; Tou OLOK6aµou Twv opxoVTLKWV» Tflc; ilUTlK'lc; MaKeoov[ac; OToxeueL OTfl OLOT'lPTlOfl KOL avaoeLSTl Twv xopoKTflPLOTLK<.iJv Tou, Twv LOToptK<.iJv KOL µopcpoAoyLKc.iJv Tou a;Lwv, KOL OTflV eVTaE;ri Tfl<; vfoc; XPl70fl<; µenc; eM.xtOTec; avayKa(ec;, 6nwc; ri np6f3Ael)Jri xwpwv uytetv17c;, ri oriµtoupy(a a(Souaac; npof30A11c; omLKOOKOUOTLKOU UALKou OTO ta6yeto, Tl OVOKOTOOKW'l TOU OOXVLOLOU OTOV 6pocpo, Tl OVTlKOTClOTOOfl TWV KOUcpwµaTWV KOL TO f300LKOTepo OAWV fl OUVT'lPTlOfl - OTTOKOTCIOTOOfl KOL enavmono0eTf10fl TWV OTT0SflAW0EVTWV Tmxoypacptc.ilv.

houses, trees, mountains, clouds, boats, flower pots, square frames and stars. The artist improvises and elaborates thoroughly every element of the scenes. A flat front (10.0x15.0m) stone-built two-storeyed tile-roof building located in the open space of the initial building plot, perpendicularly to the contour lines. The main criterion in order to identify the location of the, building was the orientation to SE with a view to the plain. The building materials are the same used for all the buildings of Macedonia and the wider Balkan region during that period: clay plastered stonework, "tsatrnas" (half-timbering and plaster with infill) and "bagdati" (clay coated wooden frameworks) in the interior walls of the ground and upper floor. The main fac;ade of the building has a characteristic longitudinal shape. The entrance is situated at the center of the ground floor together with a wooden staircase connecting the two floors, and to the right and left sides are situated the winter "ondades" (reception rooms) and two storage rooms, the cellar and the "katoi" (a semi-basement with few openings) . The "katoi" leads to the courtyard through a small door "the paraporti" (side door). The upper floor is structumd around a central semi-open area (roofed veranda) of a T shape, the "hayiati", whereas to the right is situated the main reception room "kalos ondas" and to the left a small cellar with an another adjacent "ondas". Every room had a fireplace . Flat wooden boards cover the floor and the roofs in every part of the mansion, apart from the storage rooms, where a wooden framework is used. The subject building has suffered several interventions mostly during the 2nd phase when the "hayiati" both in the ground and the upper floor was replaced by a central "sachnisi" (projecting balcony) including further wall painting works. The damages that have been detected are mainly due to the fact that the mansion was deserted (around 1880) and used as a storage area after 1965. The study includes: • data collection, bibliography research, historical and photographic documentation • detailed survey of the existing situation, registration of materials and their pathology and • evaluation of every registration and of the proposal for its maintenance - restoration and rehabilitation The proposal of maintenance - restoration and rehabilitation of the building as a "centre for the promotion of the interior design of mansions" of Western Macedonia aims at the preservation and promotion of its characteristics, its historical and morphological values and its rehabilitation with the minimum necessary works: the construction of sanitary facilities and an audio-

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9. Ycp1ar6.µc:vri KQTO.OTOOTJ: K6.TOI/JrJ op6cpou. Present state: Plan of the first floor.

10. Ycp1ar6.µc:vri KaT6.0TaOTJ: ToµfJ A-A - Present state: Section A -A.


0ewpefTOl OVOYKT"] KOl OXl TTOA.UTeA.elO VO npopA.ecp0ef OTT"] Ol0µ6pcpwOT] Tou neplPaMovrn xwpou, ri OPXlK'l lOlOKTT]afa OTO OUVOA.O TT]<:;, K00wc; KOl T] anoµctKpUVOT] CA.WV TWV µeTayeveOTepwv KOTOOKeuwv, ri auµnr,.17pw017 TT"]<:; OPXlK'l<:; Al00KTlOTT"]c; nep(cppa~ric; KOl ri OTTOOOOT] TT]<:; XP'lOTl<:; TOU una(0plOU xwpou OTOU<:; emaKemec; TOU µVT"]µe(ou, e~aacpaW;ovrnc; eva XWPO npaa(vou, Ka0lOTlKOU, avanauoric; KOl eKOT"]Awaewv OTov lOTO TOU napOOOOlOKOU OlKlOµou TT]<:; EpctTUpac;.

visual hall on the ground floor, the reconstruction of a "sachnisi" in the upper floor, the replacement of door and window frames and, most of all, the maintenance, restoration and replacement of the damaged wall paintings. Furthermore, it is a necessity and not a luxury to integrate in the rehabilitation plans of the surrounding area, the overall initial building plot, eliminating every posterior building structure and undertaking completion works of the initial stone-built enclosure. Moreover, the profits that will be obtained by the rehabilitation of the open area should be rendered to the visitors of the monument with the creation of a green space, a sitting and rest area, and an area for the events organized within the traditional settlement of Eratyra.


II 11. np6raar, anoKaraaraar,c;: .!1taµ6pcpwar, nep1(36Movra xwpou. Proposal of rehabilitation: Proposed plan for the open-air space.

12. np6raar, anoKaraaraar,c;: N6Tta 6f/JrJ rou KTtpfou. Proposal of rehabilitation: No11hern faqade of the building.

14. np6raar, anoKaraaraar,c;: KaTOf/JrJ 1aoyefou. 13. np6raar, anoKaraaraar,c;: l'iemoµipeta rou aaxv1a10u.

Proposal of rehabilitation: Plan of the ground floor.

Proposal of rehabilitation: Detail of the project balcony "sachnisi". ~

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15. np6raar, anoKaraaraar,c;: 'Avof/Jri opocpwv (1°c; 6pocpoc;). Proposal of rehabilitation: Plan of the ceilings (1st floor) .

16. np6raar, anoKaraaraar,c;: K'aTO!/JrJ i5anii5wv ( 1°c; 6pocpoc;). Proposal of rehabilitation: Plan of the floors ( 1st floor) .




llias Pertzinidis, civil engineer

THE TOWER OF THE OLD BOATYARD OF THE AGIOS PAVLOS MONASTERY - MOUNT ATHOS Supervisors: Christos lgnatakis, civil engineer, Dimitrios Bikas,

arop1K6 - Ynapxouaa KOTOaraari. 0 nupyoc; TOU nOAmou apaava f3p(OKf:TOl OTO Of:~lCl TOU µeyOAOU xetµappou KOL yupw Tou 17Tav nOAm6rnpa o K17noc; Km ot aµnel\wvec; TTJc; µoVll<;- L17µepa awl;oVTm µ6vo TO emf31'.17TtK6 epdma aUTou Km Tou npoaKoM17µevou µtKpou oxupou neptf361'.ou Tou, auv0froVTac; frm eva µtKp6 oxupwµOTLK6 auyKp6TTJµa. O nep(f3ol\oc; OV17Kf:L OTTJV npwtµ'7 µeTOf3U{;aVTLVl7 f:TTOXl7, f:VW O nupyoc; f:lVQL µCIMOV nal\m6Tepoc; {13°c; mwvac;). O nupyoc;, av Km epetnwµevoc;, napoumal;et µeyOAo lOTOplKO evotacpepov, acpou e(vm cpopeac; 0'7µaVTLKWV OTOLXeLWV TTJ<; lOTOplKl7C'.; KOL OL08'7TLKl7C'.; KAl7pOVOµLC1<; Tou napel\06VToc;. Km TO OTmxda aUTa npenet va otaTTJp178ouv µe epyaa(ec; OUVT11P'70'7<; Km anoKOTC10Ta017c;, ot ono(ec; xwp(c; va TOpa~ouv TTJV an6AUT17 17aux(a, ea npenet va µe0ooeuaouv Kanwc; a06puf3a Km µe TTJ ofouaa aeµv6TTJTO TTJ OWTTJp(a Tou KT(aµmoc; an6 TTJ cpumol\oytKll cp8opa Km TTJV ep17µw017.


Ta Mo KT(pta Tou oxupwµaTLKou auyKpoT17µmoc; npenet va dvm otacpopeTLKwv XPOVLKwv nept6owv, auµnepaaµa nou npoKumet an6 T'7V anoua(a OUVOf:Ol7C'.; µeTa~u TWV TOLXOTTOllWV TOU<;, an6 TO otacpopeTLK6 f368oc; 8eµel\(w017<; TOUC'.; KOL an6 TO OLacpoprnK17c; auv8e017<; KOVtClµOTa o6µ17017<; TOuc;. 0 nupyoc; 8Xf:l op8oywvta KCITOljJ'7, OlaOTaaewv 8,90x9,90m KOL uljJoc; 18,00 m. ntOTf:Uf:TQL 6n TO uljJoc; TOU l7TOV A(yo µeyOAUTepo KOL ecpTave TO 18,75m, yeyov6c; nou anooetKvueTm an6 nc; eoacptKec; TOµec; nou npayµmono117817Kav, OTt<; ono(ec; dvm <pavep1717 unap~17 ev6c; OTpwµmoc; eoacptKWV ano8foewv, naxouc; 0,75m. OL 6ljJetc; TOU nupyou oev napoumal;ouv KCITTOlO lOtaiTepo xapaKTTJplOTLKO. np6Kf:lTQL yta avrn(XPLOTf:<; apyol\t8oooµec;, an6 µeyOAec; Kup(wc; neTpec;, OTtc; ono(ec; TO eMx10Ta avo(yµma e~un17peTouv KOTa Kav6va aµuvnKe<; avayKec;. LTTJ f36peta 6ljJ17 TOU nupyou unapxeL µta op0oywvta, 1'.(8LV17 npoe~ox11, otaOTaaewv 0,50x 1,1Om, 17 ono(a µmal;et µe aVTTJp(oa. H npoe~oXll auTll dvm KOUcpla OTO WWTf:PlKOTTJ<; KOL uljJwvum an6 TO eoacpoc; µeXPt TTJ OT60µT) TOU y' op6cpou, xwp(c; va unapxouv lXV'7 auveXf:LCI<; TTJc; npoc; TO rnavw. To yeyov6c; auT6, ae auvouaaµ6 µe TT)V unap~T) OTO W 6pocpo, f:OWTf:PlKCl, OTO (oto 017µdo ev6c; avo(yµmoc; ae 61'.o To uljJoc; Tou op6cpou, oorwouv OTO auµnepaaµa 6TL (awe; np6Kf:LTm yta auOTTJµa anoxeTeu017c;. O nupyoc; exe1 8~l OT60µec; oaneowv, an6 Tl<; ono(ec; Ol Mo npwTec; exouv


* H epyaoia eKnoviJ8rJKe To !hoc; 1998-99. r1a Te)(V1Kouc; Aoyouc; oev nep1ArJ<p8rJKe OTTJV npWTTJ eKOOOTJ. nvPrm: TOY nAMIOY APL.ANA THL I.M. ArlOY nAYJ\OY - ArlON OPOL

architect engineer

istory - Current condition. The tower of the old boatyard stands to the right iof the broad watercourse and was once surrounded by the gardens and vineyard of the monastery. Today all that can be seen are the imposing remains of the tower itself and of the small fortified enclosure, which was once attached to it, making up a small defensive complex. The enclosure dates from the early post-Byzantine period, while the tower itself is probably older (13th century).


The two buildings which maLke up this fortified complex were evidently constructed at different periods: the masonry of their walls is quite separate, their foundations are sited at different levels and different mortars were employed in their construction. The tower is rectangular in plan, its ground dimensions 8.90 m x 9.90m and its height 18.0 rn. It is believed that the tower was once slightly taller, extending up to 18.75m, a conjecture supported by excavation showing the existence of a deposited layer of ground debris, 0.75m in depth. The fagades of the tower

1. Bti anoljlf/ mu oxupwµarnwu auyKporfJµamc;. NW elevation of the defensive complex.

t'.njJoc; 4,80 m Km m un6t..omec; n:aaep1c; 2,25 m. H npcim1 ar68µrJ, ri onofa r')rnv Tucpt..r'J (xwpfc; avo[yµma) KOl eixe XPllOrJ oesaµevr')c; r'J ano8r'JKrJ<:;, ElVOl ar')µepa µnai';wµevri an6 Tl<:; ano8eoe1c; Tou xe1µ6ppou Km an6 µey6Aec; ne,pec;, nou npor'Jt..Sav an6 Tl<:; KOTOppeuae1c; TrJ<:; l36pe1ac;, OUTlKr']c; KOl VOTlO<:; TOlXOno1fac;. 110 TrJV esaKp[l3WOrJ TrJ<:; unapsr'Jc; TrJ<:; npayµmonmr'J8l7KQV 80Q(plK8<:; TOµec;, Ol OTTOLE<:; 808lSOV TrJV UTTOPSrJ OTTWV TTOTOSUAWV Km 6pa sut..1vou nmwµmoc;, To ono[o anornt..ouae TrJV opocpr'J TOU EV t..6yo xwpou. AK6µri ey1ve epeuva, y1a TUXOV UTT□Psll l"'jyWV Sot..wTr')c; opocpr'Jc; OTrJV TOlXOTTOllO, Ol onofec; 6µwc; anooefx817Kav 6Kapnec;. Tet..oc;, un6pxe1 µ1a un6vma, 0 xwpoc; va QTT8KTT)08 µ[a n6prn EnlKOlVWVL□c; µe TOV nepfl30AO, µeT6 TO KT(mµo TOU TEAEUTOlOU, Tl onofa OTrJPli';ETOl OTrJV UTT□Psll TOsWTOU avo[yµmoc; OTrJV a' ar68µ17 TOU nep1!36t..ou, nou µe Tll l3or'J8e1a aro6c; ea µnopouae va QTTOTEAEl o[ooo y1a TOV nupyo.

0 oxupwµm1K6c; nep(l3ot..oc; exe1 Tpanei';oe1or') KOTOljJl7, µe µey6A17 136ari TrJ OUTlKll nt..eup6 Tou (9,80 m) Km µ1Kpr') 136ari TrJ µeoow1xfa TOU µe TOV nupyo (8,90 m). Ol Mo 6Mec; nt..eupec; TOU 8XOUV µr')KO<:; 11 ,20 m KOl TO UljJO<:; TOU ELVOl 8, 15 m. ntOTEUETQl 6µwc;, auµcpwva µe OTOLXElO nou npoeKuljJav an6 eoacptKec; TOµec;, 6n TO OPXlKO TOU uljJoc; r'Jrnv 8,90 m. H l36pe1a 6ljJ17 TOU nep1!36AOU xapaKTrJp[i';eTm an6 To 6vmyµa e106oou, TO ono(o 0017youae ar17 ar68µ17 Tou a' op6cpou Km 6x1 wu 1aoydou, Km an6 µfa Kmaxuarpa, 17 ono[a l3p[aKETOl KOVT6 arov apµ6 enacpr'Jc; nupyou - nep1l36AOU. AKp1l3wc; KOTW OTTO Tl7V KOTOXUOTpa un6pxe1 eva omM, TOSWTO, TTALV8lVO OlOKoaµ17nK6 OTOLXElO, evw 17 epeuva nou npayµmonmr')817Ke y1a TrJV aveupeari TLIXOV avofyµmoc; OTrJV nep1oxr'J auTr') ar6817Ke 6Kapn17. An6 nt..fv81vec; 01aKoaµr')ae1c; xapaKT17pfi';ern1 Km 17 ouTtKr') 6ljJ17 wu nep1l36t..ou. LTO µfoo nep(nou TOU uljJouc; Tl7<:; TOlXOTTOt(ac; Tl Al8oooµr'J 010KOITTETOl an6 eva nAiv81vo 016i';wµa, TO ono[o anoTEAELTm an6 Mo Opti';OVTlE<:; KOl µ(a µ1KTr') (Opli';OVTlQ KOl KQTOK6pucp17) OTpW081<:; nt..fv8wv. /\iyo ljJ17t..6Tepa Tou 01ai';wµmoc; KOl npoc; Tll l30pe1oounKr') aKµr') Tou nep1!36t..ou, 01aKp[veTm evac; nt..fv81voc; araup6c;, yupw an6 nc; Kepafec; Tou onofou dvm ax17µanaµevri, µe nAiv8ouc;, 17 emypacpr') «l17oouc; Xp1ar6c; NtK6» (IC-XC-NIKA). /\(yo von6Tepa OTrJV iota 6ljJ17 un6pxe1 eva TOSWTO, TTALV8lvo, 01aKoaµ17nK6 armxdo, To onoio exe1 Tll µopcpr'J napa8upou. 0 oxup6c; nep[l3ot..oc; xapaKT17p[i';ern1 an6 ouo op6cpouc; µe Tpanei';oe1or') K6,oljJ17, 17 onofa xwp[i';eTm ae Mo Tµr')µma an6 µ[a µeoow1x[a. H TEAEUTa(a dvm apyot..18oooµr'J, l3p[aKeTm ae an6araari 3,90 m an6 Tl7 µeaOTOlXLO µeTasu nupyou KOl nep1!36AOU KOl UljJWVETOl µovo µeXPl TrJ ar68µ17 TOU a' opocpou. To uljJoc; TOU a' op6cpou ElVOl 2,35m, evw TOU 13' op6cpou StKlVO an6 4,80 m 0Tl7 ounKr'J TOlXOTTOllQ KOl KOT□Ar')ye1 OTO 1,90 m OTrJV QVQTOAlKll nt..eup6. 0 EOWTEplKO<:; xwpoc; TOU 13' op6cpou, 0 ono[oc; xapaKTT)pli';ETOl an6 TrJV UTT□Psll Ti';□KlOU 0Tl7 l3opElOOUTlKll ywvfa Tou Km an6 eva wswT6 nt..1v81vo 01aK00µ17nK6 armxdo ar17 l36pe1a ,01xono1(a TOU , npene1 va avamuao6rnv µeXPl TO KOT□K6pucpo enineoo nou op[i';ern1 an6 T17v eswTep1Kr') nape16 Tll<:; t..f81vric; KA(µaKac;. To un6t..omo Tµr')µa Tll<:; KOToljJ17c; npeTTEl VO llTOV XWPO<:; OVEU OT8YOOrJ<:;, OTOV OTTOLO UTTllPXE SlJAlVl7 KAfµaKa YlO np6ol3a0rJ OTOV nupyo KOl 0Tl7V KOTOXUOTpa .

present no particular distinguishing features: they are of bare rubble masonry, consisting mainly of large pieces of stone, with the few apertures generally serving defensive purposes. The tower has six floor levels, the first two with a height of 4.80m, the other four of 2.25 m. The first floor, provided with no apertures, was used to house a cistern or as a storage area; it is now blocked with debris brought down by the watercourse and by large blocks of stone from the collapsing masonry of the northern western and southern walls. The defensive enclosure was trapezoid in plan, its longest side towards the west (9.80m) and its shortest the wall abutting on the tower (8.90 m). The other two sides are each 11.20 m in length and the height of the enclosure is 8.15 m. Excavation has yielded evidence, however, suggesting that the original height was 8.90 m. Decorative features in brick characterize the western side of the enclosure. About half way up the walls the ma-

2. B6ps1a arrol/Jf/ mu oxupwµarnwu auyKporfJµaroc;. North elevation of the defensiv,e complex.

3. Nona arrOl/Jf/ rou oxupwµaTtKou auyKp onjµaroc;. South elevation of the d efensive complex.












4. Arror urrwOf/ urrapxoua ac; KGTctOTaOf/c;. Kar6ljJs1c; - Presen t state. Plans. n YPrm: TOY n AAAIOY APLANA THL I. M. ArlOY n AYi\OY - ArlON OPOL

0 5taxwptoµ6c; OUT6<; f:nlTuyxav6rnv µE KCITTOlO EAO<ppu neTOoµa r'] µE Totxonot(a rnmµ6.. Ot <j)CJOEI<; KOTOOKEU~<; TOU oxupwµmtKOU ouyKpoTr']µmoc; TOU nOAmou apoav6. TTJ<; IEp6.c; Movr']c; Ay(ou n auAou dvm ALYE<; Kat 5Ev napoum6.½ouv K6.nmo t5taiTEpo EV5tacpepov. Oc; npci.>TTJ cp6.0TJ µnopd va 8Ewp178d 17 otKo56µ170T] Tou nupyou Kat we; 5EuTEP17 17 QVTLOTOlXll TOU nEptl36AOU. 0 nupyoc; 0Tl7 ouvexElQ 5ev napoum6.½El K6.no1a 6.M17 OtKo5oµtKr'] cp6.0T], EKT6<; an6 µia mSavoAoyouµEvrJ 5t6.VOl~ll Supac; 0Tl7V a' OT6.8µ17 TOU. H QTTOXE· TEUTIK'l ripoE~oxr'] m17 l36pE1a nAeup6. Tou npenE1 va avr']Ket OTOV apx1K6 6yKo TOU KTlp(ou. AVT(8ETQ O nEp(l30AO<; napouOlCl½El K6.no1ec;, µtKpr']c; eKTOOT]<; OlK05oµtKe<; cp6.0El<;. AuTe<; El· vm a) TO Mdmµo µE MSouc; Kat nMvSouc; Twv avmyµ6.Twv cpwT1oµou, TO ono(a l3p(OKOVTQV 0Tl7 5UTlK'l KQl 0Tl7 v6na 6lj.J17 TOU Kat 13) TO Mdmµo µe At8o5oµr'] µtac; Karnxumpac; OTTJ v6na TTAEUp6. TOU KQl l7 KQTQOKEU'l µme; WWTEplK'l<; A(8tV17<; KA(µaKa<; µETO~U 13' OT6.8µ17<; Kat 0Tey17c;. 0 q>tpov opyav101,16c; T6oo TOU nupyou, 600 KQl TOU neptl36AOU e(vm At8o5oµr'], 5oµ17µeV17 an6 17µv..a~wµevouc; MSouc; Kat aol3EOT0Koviaµa. 0 1nEp1006Tepo1M8ot dvm nornµ(mE<; KpOKME<; µ£ OTpoyyUAOTTOll7µevE<; OKµec; Kat npoepXOVTQl an6 TT] yupw nEptoxr'], 17 ono(a xapaKTTJpL½ETOl an6 npamvoO)(tOT6A18ouc; Kat aol3EOT6A18ouc;. LE KCITTOlE<; nEptoxec; TOU nEp1l36AOU un6.pxouv Kat nA(v801, ot onoim XPl10tµono1r']817Kav yta TO axriµmtoµ6 E~wTEPlKwv 5taKooµr']oEwv. To Kov(aµa Tou nupyou dvm aol3EOTO· Kov(aµa, XPci.>µmoc; KaOTavou-cpmou, µe a5pavr'] cpumKr']<; npoeAEUOT]<;, nuplTlKCl Kup(wc;, OE µeye8oc; aµµou {4mm). AVT(Sna, TO Koviaµa TOu nEptl36Aou dvm aol3EOTOKov(aµa, XPci.>µmoc; AWKOu-yKpt, µE OT]µOVTtKr'] avOAoy(a a5pavci.>v nup1TtKr']<; ouOTOOT]<;. XapaKTTJplOTtK6 OT01xdo TTJ<; To1xonot(ac; TOU KT1piou r']rnv 17 unap~17 ½wyci.>v ~uAo5Emwv, Ta onoia e~aocp6.At½av TO 5emµo TT]<; KQTOOKEUr'j<;. Ta nmci.>µma T600 TOU nupyou 600 KQl TOU nEp1l36AOU r']rnv ~LIAIVQ KQl O cpepov opyav10µ6c; TOU<; anoTEAOUVTQV an6 nm6~uAa, 17 cpopa Twv ono(wv EvaMaoo6rnv an6 6pocpo oe 6pocpo. Ta 8EµeAta Tou KTtpiou 5ev dvm Ev1a(a, aMa 5 tacpoponotOUVTQl. H 8EµEALWOT] TOU nupyou <pTOVEl 0£ 136.Soc; 4.00m, an6 TTJ OT]µep1vr'] m68µ17 E5acpouc;, Kat exE1 l3a8µt5wTr'] µopcpr']. To 136.Soc; 8Eµ£ALWOT]<; TOU nep1l36AOU ELVQl µ1Kp6Tepo an6 aUT6 Tou nupyou Kat cpT6ve1Ta 2.25m. To Kup16wpo np6l3A17µa na80Aoy1ac; Tou KT1piou dvm ot µEyciAE<; TOmKe<; KOTOppEUOEl<; KUp(wc; 0Tl7 l36pElQ KQl 0Tl7 V6TlQ nAeupa. Ot KOTappeuoe1c; aun:c; EIVQl QTTOAlJTW<; ouµµETPlK8<; KQTCI TOV a~ova QVQTOAr']-MOT] KQl n apm17pouVTQl 0Tl7V nEplO· X'l TWV avmyµ6Twv. To TEAeurn(o ouµnepaoµa E~6.yern1 an6 Tl7V unap~17. OTO eva XEIAO<; Tl7<; KOT6.ppEuo17c;, Aaµn65wv avmyµ6TWV. EKT6<; 6µwc; an6 nc; KOTappEUOEl<; ot Al8o5oµec;, Kup(wc; Tou nEptl36Aou, napoum6.½ouv OT]µOVTtKe<; pwyµec;, ot ono(E<; dvm 51aµnEpdc; Kat exouv Kuµmv6µEvo Eupoc; an6 1cm ewe; 10 cm. leAo<;, 17 5unKr'] Totxonot(a Tou nEptl36Aou napouma½El OT]µOVT!Kr'] an6KAlOT] an6 Tl7V KOTOK6pucpo, Tll<; TCl~EW<; Twv 20cm, 17 ono(a npenEt va npor']ASE an6 oe10µ1Ke<; 5p6oEt<;,



- -·-

5. np6rnar, anoKaraornar,c;. Kar6tJ1e1c; - Proposal. Plans. nYP r m: TOY nMAIOY APLANA THI I.M. Ar!OY nAYJ\OY - Ar!ON OPm:

sonry is interrupted by a brick frieze consisting of two horizontal and one mixed (horizontal and vertical) layers of brick. A little above the frieze and towards the north-western end of the enclosure we can make out a brick cross, around whose arms is formed in brick the inscription 'lesos Christos Nika' (IC-XC-NIKA) [Jesus Christ prevails). The fortified enclosure has two upper floors, trapezoid in plan, divided by a party wall into two sections. The inner area of the second floor, which has a fireplace in the northwestern corner and an arched brick decorative feature in the northern wall, must have extended as far as the vertical level defined by the inner face of the stone staircase. The remainder of the ground plan must have been an exposed area without a roof, where there would have been a wooden stairway providing access to the tower and the machicolation. There were few different phases of construction of the fortified complex at the old boatyard of the Aghios Pavlos Monastery, and they present no features of particular interest. The first phase will have involved the building of the tower, the second the construction of the enclosure. The tower shows no sign of later modification, although there is speculation that a door on the first floor level may be a later addition. The enclosure, however, does show signs of later, small-scale construction work. The bearing organism of both tower and enclosure is of stone masonry, employing semi-hewn stones and lime mortar. A characteristic feature of the building's masonry is the use of wooden tie beams to strengthen the construction. The floors of both tower and enclosure were of timber and their bearing organism consisted of beams whos,e direction alternated from floor to floor. The building's foundations are not uniform, but present a degree of differentiation. The foundations of the tower reach down to a level 4.0m. below the current ground level and are stepped in form. The foundlations of the enclosure are shallower than those of the tower, ireaching only to 2.25m. The main problem in the pathology of the building is the large areas of collapsed masonry, mainly on the northern and southern sides. These are disposed quite symmetrically along the east-west axis and occur in the vicinity of the apertures. Apart from these problems, the masonry of, mainly, the enclosure is showing serious cracks, going right through the walls and varying in width from 1 cm to 10cm. Finally, the western wall of the enclosure is showing a serious deviation from the perpendicular, of the order of 20cm. Proposal for restoration aind rehabilitation. The proposal for the restoration of the fortifie,d complex of the old boatyard of the Monastery of Aghios Pavlos focuses on the conservation and highlighting of the aesthetic and historical values of the building and rests on respect for its original form and authentic features. The lack of any maintenance work has left the building in appalling condition, with the msult that there can be no restoration now without large-scale reconstruction, much of which will have to be arbitrary in the sense that it cannot be guided by any sur-

µe:ni nc; KOTapp8U08tc;, OTTOT8 Kat 1'7 TO!XOTTOllO A8lTOUpyouoe: we; np6j3oAoc;. np6rnari CITOKCTCIOTCOI')<; - EnavaxprJOI')<;. H np6rnari anoKOTOOTOaric; Tou oxupwµmtKou ouyKpOTT]µmoc; Tou naAatou apoav6 T1'7c; le:p6c; Movric; Ay(ou nauAOU exe:1 we; m6xo T1'7 5taTTJP1'lari Kat npoj30AT] TWV atoe1'7TlKWV Kat IITTOplKWV OSlWV TOU µvriµdou Kat j3ao(½e:Tat mo oe:j3aaµ6 npoc; T1'7V apxtKT] Tou un6maari Kat Ta auee:vnK6 Tou mmxda. H eMe:utJri me:µj36oe:wv o5riyriae: TO µvriµdo 08 noM oaxriµri KOT6maari, µe: OTTOT8A8oµa va µri V08LTat QTTOKOTOITTOOT] TOU xwp(c; va Mj3ouv xwpa µe:y&ric; KA(µaKac; avaKarnoKe:uec;, noMec; an6 Ttc; ono(e:c; µ6Atma ea y(vouv auea(pna, 5(xwc; 5riAa5ri va un6pxouv mmxe:(a yta T1'7V OPXlKT] µopcpT] TOU. f:.umuxwc; 6µwc; 5e:v unopxe:1 6Mri Mari, nap6 µ6vo TO va acpriaouµe: TO µvriµdo va maed ITT1'7 eeari TOU, 6nwc; 8LVat Kat y1a 000 XPOVlKO 5LOITT1'7µ0 TOU TO 8ntTp8ljJOUV Ol 5uv6µe:1c; TOU. rTOXOc; l3el3ata T1'7<; np6T001'7c; anoKm6maaric; 5e:v e:(vat ri 51'7µtoupy(a e:v6c; nAamou µvriµdou. Ta QVQKQTQOK8U0½6µe:va TµT]µOTa ea 8LVat 5taKptT6 Kat 58 ea OTTOT8AOUV eva 8VIOLO owµa µe: TO auee:VTtKO 5oµtK6 ITTO!xda. Me: Tov Tp6no auT6 Kaee: npooeriKl'l ea dvat e:uKoAa avayvwp(mµri OTTO TOV Kaeeva Kat 58 ea 5T')µtoupyOUVTat OUYXUOE:tc;. AK6µri ea y(ve:t npoan6ee:ta WITTE: TO OVOKOTOOK8U0½6µe:va TµT]µOTa va anoTe:Maouv TO µoT(j3o npol30AT]c; Twv auee:vnKwv ITTO!X8LWV TOU µvriµdou. TeAoc;, Ol anapOLT1'7T8c; e:ne:µl36oe:1c; yta T1'7 ITTOTlKT] 8TTOpK810 TOU KTlplOU ea 8LVat 5tOKptTec; Kat ea 5T')AWVOUV µe: OO<pT]V8lQ T1'7V moxri rnuc; Kat TO OUYXPOVO xapaKTT]pO rnuc;. Mri avampeljitµe:c; ea dvat µ6vo ot me:µl36ae:1c;, nou acpopouv OT1'7 ee:µe:Mwari TOU KTtp(ou, ot ono(e:c; 5e:v dvat opmec;, Kat QUTO 8TT8l5T] 5e:v un6pxe:t 8VOAAOKTlKT] Mari.

viving evidence of the building's original form. Unfortunately there is really no other solution, unless we simply leave the building as it is, to stand for as llong as it can endure without our aid. Of course, it is not the intention of the restoration proposal to fabricate an artificial monument from the old building. The reconstructed sections will be quite distinct and will form an integrated whole with the authentic structural features. Thus each new addition will be easy to distinguish, even to the untrained eye, and no confusion will be created. There will also be a conscious endeavor to design the new sections in such a way as to set off and highlight the building's original features. Finally, the necessary work to buttress the static sufficiency of the building will also be quite distinct and will make no attempt to hide its contemporary character. The only non-reversible interventions will be those affecting the foundations of the building, which are in any case not visible, and this option is only accepted because there is really no alternative solution.

ITCTIKT] CVCIAUOI'). H av&uari Kat O oX85taoµ6c; TOU KTtp(ou eytVOV µe: T1'l XPTJari TOU npoyp6µµmoc; SAP2000, µe: TO ono(o dvat 5uvaTT] ri a~16mOT1'7, avOAUTlKTJ npoaoµo(wari Kato axe:51aoµ6c;, TOOO TWV e:mµepouc; 5oµtKWV ITTO!X8LWV 600 Kat TOU OUVOAlKOU cpopfo Tl'lc; KmaoKe:uric; mo xwpo. Km6 Tl'lV av&uari E:ATJcperioav un6ljJ1'7 6Aa Ta 5oµtK6 mmxda, TO ono(a ouµµe:Texouv OTl'lV napOAaj3ri TJ mripe:6½ouv T1'7V KOTOVOµT] TWV ouvriewv Kat TWV oe:toµtKwv 5p6ae:wv. Ta 5oµtK6 mmxda ne:p1yp6cp1'7KOV µe: nc; L5LOT1'7T8c; TOUc;, 6nwc; OUTEc; np08KU\jJOV OTTO 8pyOITT1'7plOK8c; 50Ktµec; Kat OTTO 5t6cpope:c; l3tl3l\1oypacptK8<; TT1'7yec;.

0 suA1voc; oKe:Ae:T6c; Tou KT1p(ou npoooµotweriKe: µe: ypaµµtK6 mmxda (frames), µe: 6Kaµme:c; ne:ptoxec; moue; K6µj3ouc;, e:vw

6. AnOTUITWaT/ unapxouaac; KQTClOTOaT/c; Survey of the present state. North elevation.

7. AnoTunwar, umipxouaac; KaT6arnar,c;. Nona 61/Jf/. Survey of the present state. South elevation.

8. np6rnar, anOKQTGOTOar,c;. B6pel0 01/Jf/. Proposal. North elevation. nYPrm: TOY nAAAIOY APLANA TH:!: I.M. ArlOY nAY/\OY -ArlON OP0:1:


01 cpepouoec; To1xonmiec; µe emcpove10Ka OTOLXeLO (shells). XopoKTrip10T1K6 TT']<:; µeMTT']c; eivat 6n OT1c; npwTec; npoooµo1woe1c; TO KTlplO Oe 8ewpT']8T']Kt TIOKTWµevo, a.Ma TO eoocpoc; 8eµe;>,.,(wOT']c; npoooµo1w8riKe µe eAoOT1Ka e;>,.,mT'jp10 Kat oK6µri 6T1 T'] evwari TWV TOlXOTIOllWV nupyou - nep1~6AOU npoooµo1c.i.J8T']Kt µe aKoµmec; pa~oouc;. ApXIKa ey1ve npoona8e10 npOOOIOp1oµou TWV OlTlWV TWV pwyµ(i)v KOi TWV TOTIIKWV KOTOppeuoewv nou eµcpov(i'.;OVTQl OTT'] VOTIO, OTT'] ~6peta KOi OTT'] OUTIKrJ n;>,.,eupa TOU oxupwµOTIKOU ouyKpoTT'jµoTOc;. 'Ew1, npoooµo1w8T']KOV 01 To1xono1(ec; OTT']V OPXIKrJ TOuc; KOTaOTOOT'], 8ewpWVTO<:; on TO ~UAIVO nmwµmo, T'] OTeyT'] KOi O 86AO<:; erxov rJOT'] KOTOppeuoe1. n18ovT'j OlTlO TWV i'.;T']µIWV 8ewpT']8T']Kt ri o;>,.,(aeriari TT']<:; 8eµe;>,.,(waric; Tou KTtp(ou, µe nopaMT']AT'] OTpocpT'j OTT']V neplOXrJ TOU opµou µno~U TWV 8eµEALWV nupyou KOi nep1~0AOU. 01 noponavw µeTOTOn(oe1c; o68T']KOV we; KOTOnovT'joe1c; OTO µoVTeAO TOU SAP2000, µe OKOTIO VO np0Kutt,e1 unep~OOT'] TWV emTpenoµeVWV TaOEWV OTI<:; nep1oxec; TWV pwyµwv KOi TWV KOToppeuoewv KOi apa TEKµT']p(wari TWVTtAtUTOlWV.

Structural analysis. The computer programme SAP 2000 was used for the modeling and analysis of the building. SAP 2000 is a powerful structural analysis tool, which can provide reliable information on the response of the structural elements, as well as of the structural system.

All the structural elements, which contribute or influence the distribution of the static and the earthquake loads, were modeled as frame or shell elements. Analytically, the wooden beams and columns of the building were simulated as frame elements and the masonry was modeled as four-node quadrilateral shell elements. Moreover, the foundation of the building was simulated as springs. The properties of the materials have resulted from laboratory tests and bibliography. The analysis of the present state indicated what caused the building damages and the analysis of the proposal's structural system showed that there is no problem.

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Te;>,.,oc; tnLAU8T']Ke TO 00µ1K6 OUOTT']µo TT']<:; np6TOOT']c; onoKmaOTOOT']<:;, OTO ono(o eVTaX8T']KOV TO ~UAIVO nmwµmo, ri OTeyri Km o 86;>,.,oc; Tou KT1p(ou. Kma TT']V np6TOOT'] 8ewpT']8T']Ke 6n oev o.Mai'.;ouv TO xopOKTT']plOTLKa TT']<:; TOLXOTIOL(oc; (8ALITTLKrJ OVTOXrJ ;>,.,(8wv KOi KOV1aµmoc;)' a.Ma on;>,.,wc; 6n Myw TT']<:; op8T']c; KOTOOKeuT']c; KOi TOU oeo(µmoc; TWV TOLXOTIOllWV µe TOuc; tAKUoTT'jpec; o ouVTeAeoTT'jc; Ym µe1wveTat OTO 1.5. 'ETOL npoeKutt,av µeya>-..0Tepec; 8A.LITTLKec; OVTOXe<:; oXtOLOOµOU YLO Tl<:; TOlXOTIOllt<:; TOU oxupwµOTLKOU ouyKpoTT'jµmoc; KOi ouyKeKptµevo fwc=2,67MPa YLO TOV nep(~OA.0 KOi fwc=2,5MPa YLOTOV nupyo. H tnl/\UOT'] TOU µoVTeAou TT']<:; np6TOOT']c; µe TO np6ypoµµo SAP2000 eoe1~e 6n oev un apxouv n po~;>,.,T'jµma unep~aaric; aVToxwv, 6nwc; eniaric; Kat eµcpav1aric; ariµoVTLKWv ecpeAKUOTLKWv Taoewv.

9. np6raOTJ anoKaraaraOT}c;.. N6Tla 61/JTJ. Proposal. South elevation.






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10. n p6raOTJ anoKaraaraarJc;. /lemoµipeta eAKuarrypa. Proposal. Tenant. n vPr m: TOY n AAAIOY AP:1:ANA THL I.M. ArlOY n AYAOY - ArlON OPOL

11. LTaTlKry a vaAUOTJ. MovriAo TOU SAP 2000 - Model of SAP 2000.


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