February 6, 2009

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Rev. Glenda Hope, left, and Presentation Sister Rosina Conrotto founded SafeHouse ministry for homeless, prostituted women.

Two women of faith mark decade in breakthrough ministry No model for freeing prostituted women from misery existed By Rick DelVecchio Presbyterian Rev. Glenda Hope and Presentation Sister Rosina Conrotto had no direct model when in 1997 they decided to start a ministry for homeless prostituted women.

that the bodies of two more murdered prostitutes had been found. One had been shot by a john. The other had been beaten. SafeHouse marks its 10th anniversary with a fund-raising dinner Monday, Feb. 9, at St. Mary’s Cathedral. The celebration is a testament to two women of faith who decided to take on one of the toughest of social ministries and made a success of it, as well as to all the women who have graduated and returned to mentor residents at the 10-bed SafeHouse center. Hosted by KGO-TV newswoman Carolyn Tyler, the event will open with a 5:30 p.m. reception and art show TWO WOMEN OF FAITH, page 3

What drove them was a desire to do something about women who were selling themselves on the street in San Francisco and suffering more horribly for it than anyone looking outside in could know. Rev. Hope, whose San Francisco Network Ministries serves the Tenderloin District, had just presided at five memorials in three months for San Francisco prostitutes who had been violently killed. That was enough. She contacted Sister Rosina and proposed the ministry that would become SafeHouse. A few months later in 1998 they signed a lease on a Mission District apartment building to house the ministry – the same day that Rev. Hope learned

Catholic san Francisco

Vietnamese Catholics welcome U.S. bishops from California for Tet


Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

Vietnamese and U.S. prelates watch cultural performances following a Mass at the Phu Cam Cathedral in Hue, Vietnam, Jan. 26. Archbishop George H. Niederauer and Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius Wang of San Francisco can be seen at the left. A delegation of 18 U.S. bishops, priests and laypeople made the journey to Vietnam for the Vietnamese new year.

HUE, Vietnam (CNS) – Vietnamese Catholics welcomed 18 visiting American bishops, priests and laypeople on Tet, the Vietnamese lunar new year. Archbishop George H. Niederauer of San Francisco and Bishop Tod D. Brown of Orange, Calif., led a delegation to visit Phu Cam Cathedral in the Archdiocese of Hue Jan. 26, the beginning of the three-day Tet festival. Santa Rosa Bishop Daniel Walsh and San Francisco Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius Wang were also part of the group. Archbishop Etienne Nguyen Nhu The of Hue welcomed the visitors and thanked them for praying for the local Church during Tet, reported the Asian church news agency UCA News. In a message delivered to Catholic San Francisco during the trip, Archbishop Niederauer called attention to “the many Vietnamese Catholics who have immigrated to both southern and northern California in the last 40 years” and said, “It is a great privilege and a profound spiritual experience to visit the Church in their homeland and to experience the depth of their faith, their love for the Church, the sacrifices they make to live out their faith daily and to raise their children in that faith.” The Archbishop added that he hoped “to write an article or two giving more details about my visit” when he returns. He was scheduled to arrive in San Francisco Feb. 4. “We would like to wish all of you a new year full of ‘phuc,’ ‘loc’ and ‘tho,’ which means happiness, blessing and longevity,” Archbishop The told the visitors. He noted that during the festival, local people traditionally visit each VIETNAMESE CATHOLICS, page 3

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION L.A. investigation . . . . . . . . . 5 ‘Web only’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

RCIA Cathedral pilgrimage draws 500 ~ Page 7 ~ February 6, 2009

Catholic San Francisco turns 10 this month ~ Pages 10 – 12 ~

Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Mercy Sister’s book captures refugee reality Classified ads . . . . . . . . 18-19 ~ Page 16 ~ www.catholic-sf.org



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