May 8, 2009

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Catholic san Francisco


Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

Site of a papal Mass is prepared near the Garden of Gethsemane in the Josafat Valley in Jerusalem May 5. Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass May 12 at this site during his visit to the Holy Land.

Pope asks for prayers for Holy Land trip, peace for region’s people By Cindy Wooden VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Preparing to visit the Holy Land, Pope Benedict XVI asked for prayers for his trip, for peace in the region and for the suffering Palestinian people. Reciting the “Regina Coeli” prayer May 3 with thousands of visitors in St. Peter’s

Square, the pope said he would make the May 8-15 trip to Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian territories as a “pilgrim of peace, in the name of the one God who is father of all.” Pope Benedict said he wanted to show the region’s people how committed the Catholic Church is to supporting everyone engaged in dialogue and reconciliation and working “to reach a stable and lasting peace with justice and mutual respect.” Addressing English-speaking visitors, the pope asked for prayers for “the afflicted people” of the Holy Land. “In a special way, I ask that you

remember the Palestinian people who have endured great hardship and suffering,” he said. Pope Benedict prayed that God would bless the Palestinians and all the region’s people “with the gifts of unity and peace.” In his main talk, the pope said that in addition to going to encourage peacemaking he wanted to follow in the footsteps of Pope Paul VI, who visited the region in 1964, and Pope John Paul II, who made his pilgrimage in 2000. Pope Benedict said he would visit the “principal holy sites of our faith” and, as POPE PRAYERS, page 6

Job seekers urged to trust their faith in moments of desolation By Rick DelVecchio Focus on searching for a new job but stay spiritually healthy and never let pride take the place of trust in God. Jesuit Father George Schultze, the spiritual director at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University in Menlo Park, shared that message with job seekers who gathered April 27 for a meeting of Edgewood Works, an employment support group started by the social justice ministry at St. Matthias Parish in Redwood City. Father Schultze said job seekers must give their total focus to the task of finding work. But he said it is also vital that they experience the frustration, even the desolation, that

comes with the process guided attempt at solving with a sense of faith and our desolation by sinful calm and knowledge of means.” the companionship of Alcohol, drugs, porJesus. nography, infidelity and theft are the well-known “You and I, the sons vices, he said. The list of and daughters of God, moral risks also includes clearly find ourselves at debilitating despondency times in the desert of life and thoughts of suicide. with thoughts of abandonment and despair,” “Our body has a will to he said. “We are in a live and we need to dispel state of desolation. We such thoughts immediately have two choices: we and seek the help of others Father George Schultze, S.J. can either trust in God if they persist,” said Father or fall to the temptation of pride.” Schultze, who has an academic background in Father Schultze defined pride as “a mis- industrial labor relations and publishes articles

on such topics as labor organizing and Catholic values and the spiritual nature of work. He recounted a personal story about his father, George Schultze Sr., a forklift operator who worked in a shingle factory in Redwood City until he lost his job due to injury in his early 50s. “My own father, who was forced to retire at an early age, within a year’s time had passed away,” Father Schultze recounted in a later phone interview. “In reflection I think part of it was a loss of direction and meaning in his own experience, and also just the anxiety of being without work at a relatively early age in his life.” Father Schultze spoke of joblessness as an JOB SEEKERS, page 8

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION News in brief. . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Holy Land preview . . . . . . . . 6 Flu advisory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Our Lady’s Ministry . . . . . . 11 Guest commentary . . . . . . . 12

Astronaut alum at NDNU ~ Page 9 ~ May 8, 2009

Catholic Lobby Day ~ Page 10 ~

Michelangelo documentary ~ Page 16 ~


Scripture reflection . . . . . . . 14 Datebook of events . . . . . . . 17 VOLUME 11

No. 17

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