November 22, 2013

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SVdP honors St. Agnes Parish, Father Ray Allender

Parish celebrates Black Catholic History Month

Photographer captures subjects’ ‘spiritual emotion’




CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco


NOVEMBER 22, 2013

$1.00  |  VOL. 15 NO. 33

Archdiocese supports Philippines disaster relief CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO

The Archdiocese of San Francisco is supporting material and spiritual relief for those affected by the recent twin natural disasters in the Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan and the magnitude-7.1. earthquake that struck the central Philippines Oct. 15. To address the spiritual needs of those suffering, a Mass for the people of the Philippines will be held Saturday, Nov. 30, at 10 a.m. at St. Mary’s Cathedral. In addition the archdiocese is calling for fasting during Advent for the intentions of those affected by the typhoon and earthquake. Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, with Auxiliary Bishops William J. Justice and Robert W. McElroy, met with Filipino priests of the archdiocese Nov. 18 to update them on action already being taken and to strategize on long-term efforts. The archdiocese as well as dioceses throughout the U.S. are relying on Catholic Relief Services for immediate (CNS PHOTO/ERIK DE CASTRO, REUTERS)


Typhoon Haiyan survivors approach a relief helicopter Nov. 19 at a village in the Tolosa province of Leyte, Philippines. More photos on Page 15.

‘Everyone here reflects the face of Jesus’ EDISON TAPALLA CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO

Half Moon Bay is a bit of an organic gourmet mecca for those in the know, but because of the generosity and creativity of the parishioners of Our Lady of the Pillar Parish, you don’t have to be well-heeled to enjoy a lovely meal in this Pacific Coast enclave known for its annual pumpkin festival and Christmas tree farms. This month, the Table of Plenty weekly free community dinner celebrates its one-year anniversary of creating a fine dining experience for the homeless, the lonely and those in need of some help stretching their food budget. “Table of Plenty was founded as a way for the church to give back to the neighborhood,” said Father Charles Fermeglia, who started the Thursday night dinners when he was parochial vicar at Our Lady of the Pillar and

Cardinal: Make mission a priority CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

MEXICO CITY – The United States is experiencing a “transition from a strong cultural Catholicism to an intentional Catholicism,” and that requires “a new evangelization (that) responds to the questions of today,” said Boston Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley. “Doing things as they were always done doesn’t work,” he told participants at a conference held at the Basilica of Our Lady of GuadaFREE lupe on the new evangelization of Consultation FREE (PHOTO BY EDISON TAPALLA/CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO) the Americas. Consultation A Table of Plenty volunteer serves guests at Our Lady of the Pillar Church in Half Moon Bay. His Nov. 18 remarks were part of a panel titled, “Culture and Society on is now serving a parish in Brooklyn, “Everyone here reflects the face of the American Continent: Mission FREEand Contribution of the Church.” N.Y., near his family. “We wanted to Jesus,” said Sister Jeanette Braun, Consultation create a place where people didn’t just director of the weekly dinner that Cardinals Oscar Rodriguez come to have a meal, but came toAnswers be to All Your served.” SEE TABLE, PAGE 20Answers to All Your SEE MISSION, PAGE 20

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