October 11, 2013

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Benedictine brother working to form monastic community

Marchers call on Congress to pass reform bill

‘Women & Spirit’ available for NBC broadcast




CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco



OCTOBER 11, 2013

$1.00 | VOL. 15 NO. 28

Archdiocese welcomes full-time vocations director VALERIE SCHMALZ CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO

For the first time in decades, the Archdiocese of San Francisco has a full-time vocations director, Father David Schunk—a sign of Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone and the archdiocese’s commitment to encouraging vocations to the priesthood. “It is the archbishop’s emphasis and the rest of the archdiocese’s emphasis on the need to promote vocations, especially to the diFather David ocesan priesthood,” said Father Schunk Schunk, 34. “I guarantee there are a lot of young men who have a vocation but we just have to help them listen to the voice of God,” Father Schunk said. One of the greatest obstacles to vocations is that society, including much of Catholic society, does not consider the priesthood a viable possibility, Fa-

Bishops humbled, moved by encounters with prisoners CHRISTINA M. GRAY CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO

Following their pastoral visit to San Quentin State Prison Sept. 30, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone and eight other California bishops were asked by Debbie McDermott of the California Catholic Conference, the organizer of the visit, to submit written reflections within a week. Many reports arrived just hours later from delegates who seemed eager to distill an experience that opened their eyes and hearts in unexpected ways. “Little did I know that within the walls of San Quentin I would encounter, among many others, a SEE SAN QUENTIN, PAGE 20

Blessing of the animals A priest blesses dogs during the blessing of the animals outside St. Francis Church in Lima, Peru, Oct. 6. The blessing coincided with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals.

Catholic women fighting ‘all forms of poverty’ LAURA DODSON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Attendees at a regional conference of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations focused on how Catholic women can take action, locally and globally, on “all forms of poverty” – hunger, domestic violence, human trafficking and the needs of migrants. “We come together to pray and work for a world of peace, a world in which all of our brothers and sisters will live lives of dignity, free from all forms of poverty, with souls filled with the love that our savior taught us as we follow his command to love our neighbors as ourselves,” said Mary Elizabeth Stewart, from the Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn. She is the National Council of Catholic Women’s representative to the union, which held its North American regional meeting Sept. 29-30 in Fort Lauderdale, right after the NCCW annual convention. Stewart is also vice president rep-

resentative from North America to the union’s executive committee. The North American regional, which is held every four years and rotates between the U.S. and Canada, drew 164 participants. Their focus was a better understanding of some of today’s most pressing issues; their challenge was to develop actions that could be implemented at the parish level and on the international front. “I wish you all the very best and a rich and fruitful conference,” said Maria Giovanna Ruggieri, the union’s president-general who arrived from Italy. “Each conference has been a gift of the Holy Spirit and that’s what I wish for you all. The work that you do here, I wish for the benefit of everybody.” The World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations began as a committee in 1910 in Brussels to unite leagues of Catholic women throughout the world. Today it is comprised of 100 Catholic womSEE WOMEN, PAGE 20

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INDEX On the Street . . . . . . . . .4 National . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . .26

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