October 15, 2015

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Red mass:

Judge Kevin Ryan 2015 Thomas More Society honoree

brennan award:

marin catholic:



Sister John Martin Fixa, OP, honored


Students take papal pilgrimage to Philly

CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco


Serving San Francisco, Marin & San Mateo Counties

October 15, 2015

$1.00  |  VOL. 17 NO. 26

Bishops dismayed by assistedsuicide law Catholic News Service

SACRAMENTO – California’s bishops expressed disappointment with Gov. Jerry Brown’s Oct. 5 signing of a measure legalizing physician-assisted suicide in the state, saying the law “stands in direct contradiction to providing compassionate, quality care for those facing a terminal illness.” “This bill does nothing to validate the lives of the vulnerable,” said the California Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the state’s bishops, in a statement soon after Brown’s action. The conference added that the legislation “isn’t compassion” and does not support or promote the common good. see assisted suicide, page 8

(Photo by Dennis Callahan/Catholic San Francisco)

Archbishop leads eucharistic procession to Rosary Rally

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone led a eucharistic procession from St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco to U.N. Plaza to join an awaiting group of Catholics for the archdiocese’s fifth annual Rosary Rally. The day included exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Benediction for the benefit of the City of San Francis, remarks by cathedral rector Father Arturo Albano and a keynote speech by the archbishop. “As we pray through the joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious mysteries, we contemplate with Mary the great events in her Son’s life,” the archbishop said. “By means of this contemplation we see fulfilled the words of St. Paul: ‘God has given us the wisdom to understand fully the mystery, the plan He was pleased to decree in Christ’” (Ephesians 1:9).

Take a positive approach to families, synod members say Cindy Wooden and Carol Glatz Catholic News Service

(CNS/Paul Haring)

Pope Francis arrives to lead a session of the Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican Oct. 9.

VATICAN CITY – The first week of the Synod of Bishops on the family ended with near unanimous calls to be more positive in describing family life today and to show more appreciation for Catholic families living close to the church’s ideals. But there were also widespread questions among synod participants about the work they are expected to produce. After listening to speeches and working in small groups Oct. 5-8, synod participants listened to the small group reports Oct. 9. “At times our work has seemed more muddled than methodical,” wrote Australian Archbishop Mark Coleridge on behalf of the synod’s English Group C. “Our hope is that fo-

cus, if not perfect clarity, will emerge as the synod unfolds and we become more assured about both task and method.” During a press briefing Oct. 9, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, one of the synod presidents, told reporters that changes in the synod’s method created some confusion, especially for members who have attended past synods and were accustomed to drawing up a list of propositions to give to the pope. Instead, they have been asked to amend the synod’s working document. The speeches in the synod hall the first week and the discussions in the small groups focused on the first chapter of the working document; all the small group reports offered suggestions for improving the text while some criticized it harshly, saying

much of the text was “flawed,” “inadequate, especially in its theology,” and too Western-centric. But the working document is meant to be analyzed and ripped apart, Cardinal Tagle told reporters. “In fact it is called a martyred document,” the cardinal said. “It must be ready to be martyred, to be shot. Otherwise there is no point in calling 300 people (to Rome) just to say, ‘Yes, this is it.’” The working document includes input from so many different people that the main aim in drafting it was to get everyone’s opinion in and not to produce “a synthetic, cohesive treatise on the vocation and mission of the family,” said Cardinal Tagle, who helped draft the text.

St. Matthew Catholic School

is hosting its Prospective Family Tour Day on Friday, November 6th at 9am. Welcome coffee, presentations, campus tours, Q & A session. RSVP at www.stmatthewcath.org Applications for the 2016-2017 school year available on line at www.stmatthewcath.org. 910 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo. (650) 343-1373.

see synod, page 14

Index On the Street . . . . . . . . 4 National . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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