October 20, 2016

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Chinese evangelization:


rosary rally:

Playing sports ‘gift from God’ SI kicker says

North American Apostolate met here

Crowd prays in the streets




CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco


Serving San Francisco, Marin & San Mateo Counties

October 20, 2016

$1.00  |  VOL. 18 NO. 23

Archbishop: Don’t legalize marijuana


(Photo by Christina Gray/Catholic San Francisco)

After the storm

A rainbow frames the historic graveyard behind St. Mary Magdalene Church in Bolinas after a heavy rainstorm Oct. 15. Long operated as a parish cemetery, St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery became one of the Archdiocese of San Francisco’s seven Catholic cemeteries this year. Praying for the dead is a Christian obligation, specially observed during November and on Nov. 2, All Souls Day. Nov. 1 is All Saints Day and a holy day of obligation.

hen the State of Washington legalized the recreational use of marijuana, traffic fatalities related to cannabis doubled. Emergency room visits have risen sharply in Colorado primarily among toddlers who consume marijuana edibles. And this spring, right here in San Francisco, 19 people went to the emergency room when they unknowingly ingested marijuana-laced candies during a celebration. In California, Proposition 64 asks voters to follow the same path. As these two states have demonstrated, Archbishop such a dramatic change will have radical consequences – Salvatore J. some predictable and others Cordileone unanticipated. Why would we want to legalize a substance with such potentially dangerous impacts, especially when we don’t understand the full extent of those impacts? Increased road fatalities alone should give us pause. Incredibly, California voters are being asked to allow the widespread use of marijuana despite see archbishop, page 10

Catholic school principal baby boom: New moms lead three archdiocesan Catholic schools Valerie Schmalz Catholic San Francisco

Hannah Everhart’s pastor volunteered to baptize her new baby Coraline at a school Mass at Our Lady of Visitacion School. A mother at St. Finn Barr School offered to care for Mele Mortonson’s baby, Catherine Maria, so mother and baby, drive to school together each day from Oakland. Then, Mortonson hands Catherine Maria to the mom, who is a stay at home mother who is already at St. Finn Barr to drop off her own child for school. Michelle Basile also lives in Oakland, and she

has found child care near St. Timothy School in San Mateo, and says parents, children, and staff are all understanding if she has to make a quick trip to take care of little Matteo Nicolas during school hours. For archdiocesan Catholic school principals Everhart, Mortonson and Basile, the Catholic values supporting family and life which their schools teach are coming home in a personal way for them. All three had babies in the past year and returned to their positions as principals. All are also fortunate to have very supportive husbands, they said. see principal, page 19

Duggan’s Serra Catholic Family Mortuaries Duggan’s Serra Mortuary Driscoll’s Valencia Street Serra Mortuary Sullivan’s Funeral Home & Cremation

(Photo by Valerie Schmalz/Catholic San Francisco)

Father Thuan Hoang baptizes Coraline, held by godmother Elizabeth Zamboldi with father Zachariah Everhart and mother Hannah Everhart.

650/756-4500 415/970-8801 415/621-4567


Index On the Street . . . . . . . . 4 National . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 27

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October 20, 2016 by Catholic San Francisco - Issuu