Priest discusses hazards of religious individualism PAGE 3
St. Joseph:
Pope tells youth his Bible has been his life companion
advent: Makes Christmas special, says St. Cecilia pastor PAGE 6
‘Earthly father of Jesus’ man for all seasons
CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
Serving San Francisco, Marin & San Mateo Counties
December 10, 2015
$1.00 | VOL. 17 NO. 32
Pope wants Year of Mercy to transform world ‘Revolution of tenderness’ Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
(Photo by Lorena Rojas/San Francisco Catolico)
Pilgrims honor Our Lady of Guadalupe
Pilgrims venerating Our Lady of Guadalupe march toward St. Mary’s Cathedral Dec. 5 at the close of the 22nd annual Cruzada Guadalupana honoring the Patroness of the Americas, whose feast is Dec. 12 The 12-mile journey began at All Souls Church in South San Francisco. See story on Page 5.
VATICAN CITY – When Pope Francis planned the Year of Mercy and the opening of the Holy Door, he did not mean to give the starting signal for a frenzied wave of pilgrims to Rome. More than call to sign up for an Eternal City package tour, the pope is inviting people to strike out on a yearlong spiritual journey to recognize a loving God who’s already knocking on their door. He says he wants the Year of Mercy to usher in a “revolution of tenderness.” Once people realize “I’m wretched, but God loves me the way I am,” then “I, too, have to love others the same way,” the pope said in an interview published just a few days before the Dec. 8 start of the jubilee year. Discovering God’s generous love kick-starts a virtuous circle, which “leads us to acting in a way that’s more tolerant, patient, tender” and just, he said. Speaking with “Credere,” an Italian weekly magazine run by the Pauline Fathers, the pope gave an see year of mercy, page 13
Bay Area Catholic’s startup aims to put Pope Francis’ ideals into practice Valerie Schmalz Catholic San Francisco
A former Silicon Valley venture capitalist has cofounded a company, Shared-X, which is designed to make money for investors while at the same time lifting subsistence farmers out of poverty. This concept, sometimes called “impact capitalism,” has gained traction recently. It was the subject of a Jan. 17, 2013, Harvard Business Review essay “Social Impact Investing John Denniston Will Be the New Venture Capital” and was endorsed by Pope Francis at a pontifical conference dedicated to the concept. The idea of impact capitalism is that for-profit companies look to generate attractive investor returns
while also doing good – not as an after-thought, but as a central part of their business plans. It combines the efficiencies and profits of the private sector with philanthropic objectives. American John Denniston and Peruvian Tony Salas formed Shared-X to implement this approach, by tackling the “yield gap” in farm production – beginning with the production of high-value agricultural products, including organic bananas, specialty coffee and aromatic cocoa. Shared-X has purchased six midsized farms in Peru, the start of an agricultural endeavor that will sell crops directly to retailers at specialty food premium prices. Shared-X is already selling its organic bananas and specialty coffee. “Subsistence farmers eat what they make,” Denniston said. “That’s a formula for poverty. The Shared-X model is intended to increase food production and farmer profits. In many emerging countries, there’s
not a food shortage, only a shortage of prosperity.” Crops in the developed world achieve approximately 80 percent of their theoretical yield potential; in the developing world, that figure is only 20 percent on average, Denniston said. “In the agricultural business, this production differential is known as the ‘yield gap.’ The Shared-X business plan is to collapse the yield gap – beginning in Peru – by deploying proven, advanced and sustainable farming techniques,” said Denniston, who is also president of the board of directors of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Mateo County. Farms on or near the equator have an inherent yield advantage over farms distant from the equator because they receive more solar radiation, a key determinant of crop productivity, Denniston said. see shared x, page 13
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