‘Humbled’ to bring children into faith
Vatican, LCWR conclude reform process cordially
BBC series called ‘upmarket anti-Catholicism’
CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
APRIL 24, 2015
$1.00 | VOL. 17 NO. 12
San Diego bishop pledges ‘accompaniment’
Pope: Church must answer martyrs’ cries
CARMEL VALLEY – The Second Vatican Council teaches that the Catholic Church “is constantly on a pilgrimage toward the heavenly kingdom, guided always by the Lord,” San Diego’s new bishop said at his installation Mass at St. Therese of Carmel Church. “This image of the church as the pilgrim people of God demands that the ministry of a bishop be enmeshed in a culture of mutual accompaniment that suffuses the local church,” Bishop Robert W. McElroy said in his homily April 15. “The theological foundation for this culture of mutual accompaniment lies in the priesthood of all believers and the universal call to holiness,” he said. For the disciples of the Lord, their most important religious identity is not found “in any particular office that they hold, or any status in orders or consecrated life, but in the grace of baptism which brings membership in the church,” Bishop McElroy said. SEE SAN DIEGO, PAGE 12
Meeting the archbishop Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone greeted children leaving Church of the Nativity in Menlo Park after celebrating Mass for the School of the Nativity April 20 as part of his parish visit. With the archbishop is Deacon Dominick Peloso.
VATICAN CITY – With so many women and men being killed because of their faith in Christ, the church today is a church of martyrs, Pope Francis said in a morning homily. And, in a message to the head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, he also urged the world’s leaders to hear the cry of all the Christians who are victims of violence, cruelty and killings. “The blood of our Christian brothers and sisters is a testimony which cries out to be heard by everyone who can still distinguish between good and evil. All the more this cry must be heard by those who have the destiny of peoples in their hands,” the pope told Patriarch Mathias of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in a message sent April 20. Pope Francis sent his condolences to the patriarch for the execution of more than 20 Ethiopian Christians at the SEE MARTYRS, PAGE 12
‘Saint’ Serra highlights Hispanic contribution to US, official says CINDY WOODEN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
VATICAN CITY – The canonization of Blessed Junipero Serra will give the United States its first Hispanic saint, which should help more Americans realize that the country was settled by both Hispanics and Anglos, said the secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. Guzman Carriquiry, the Vatican official who hails from Uruguay, told reporters he hoped the canonization would promote greater acceptance of Hispanic Americans, recognition of the Catholic contribution to U.S. history and a more accurate understanding of how the United States became a country. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, announced April 20 that Pope Francis planned to canonize the 18th-century Spanish Franciscan missionary the evening of Sept. 23 during a Mass on
Capuchin Father Vincenzo Criscuolo speaks next to the “positio,” or position paper on Blessed Junipero Serra during a press conference at the Vatican April 20. the lawn of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. The announcement, and Carriquiry’s comments,
came during a Vatican news conference about Pope Francis’ visit to the Pontifical North America College, the U.S. seminary in Rome, May 2 to conclude a study day about Blessed Serra. An “Anglo-centric” reading of U.S. history, Carriquiry said, ignores the fact that Spaniards explored much of its eventual territory and made important contributions to the histories of California, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. The “anti-Catholic, anti-Hispanic” sentiments do not die easily, he said, but the canonization of Blessed Serra should help more people recognize the contributions Hispanics have made and continue to make. A more accurate vision also will “help break down walls of separation between what is Anglo and what is Hispanic, between the Protestant and Catholic traditions, between the United States and Latin America.” SEE SERRA, PAGE 12
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INDEX On the Street . . . . . . . . .4 National . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Vocations . . . . . . . . . . . .7 World . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . .22