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CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO Newspaper of the Archdiocese of San Francisco
Serving San Francisco, Marin & San Mateo Counties
JuLy 28, 2016
$1.00 | VOL. 18 NO. 16
US bishops: National day of prayer Sept. 9 US conference of catholic bishops
(Photo courtesy Marin Catholic High School)
Off to World Youth Day! A group of 12 Marin Catholic High School students, two campus ministers and two Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist at the airport July 24 before boarding a plane to fly to Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day. Events were to kick off July 25, with Pope Francis joining the pilgrims July 28.
WASHINGTON – In light of recent incidents of violence and racial tension in communities across the United States, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has invited all dioceses across the country to unite in a Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities. He has also appointed a special task force to support bishops in marking that Day of Prayer, and more broadly, in promoting peace and healing during this time of great strain on civil society. In his response to the racially-related shootings in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and Dallas, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky, noted the need to look at ways the Catholic Church can walk with and help these suffering communities. The initiatives announced July 21 begin to address that need. “I have stressed the need to look toward additional ways of nurturing an open, honest and civil dialogue on issues of race relations, restorative justice, mental health, economic opportunity, and addressing the quessee prayer, page 15
Blessed Teresa canonization: Local Jesuit wrote music for papal Mass Sept. 4 Tom Burke Catholic San Francisco
Jesuit Father Bob Fabing continues his long relationship with the Missionaries of Charity with writing music for Mother Teresa’s canonization Mass in Rome Sept. 4 as well as concelebrating the Mass with Pope Francis. Father Fabing also had music duties for Mother Teresa’s funeral Mass in 1997 and her beatification in 2003. He and the future saint “became close friends in the early 1980s Father Bob when they first met in Kolkata” Fabing, SJ where Father Fabing gave a series of talks at a Missionaries of Charity’s novitiate, according to Genesis, alumni magazine of St. Ignatius
College Preparatory, San Francisco where the priest graduated in 1960. “I met Mother Teresa about 80 times, all over the world,” Father Fabing told Oregon Catholic Press, the group that publishes his music. He said he “went and knocked on the door” of the sisters’ novitiate in San Francisco 38 years ago and has been celebrating 7 a.m. Mass there every Wednesday since. A Mass setting by Father Fabing named for Mother Teresa will be used for the canonization Mass, according to OCP marketing materials. “I wanted a melody that all of those who Mother Teresa reached out to—the poor: physically, emotionally, and spiritually—could relate to and which would bring them all to Christ at his eucharistic liturgy,” said Father Fabing about the composition. He will be a vested concelebrant at the canonization Mass, in the sanctuary with Pope Francis, he
told Catholic San Francisco. “Mother Teresa and Pope Francis are major figures of hope for me,” Father Fabing told Catholic San Francisco, noting he is grateful the pope has indicated the two will be able to meet while he is in Rome. Songs that Father Fabing wrote over the years with Mother Teresa in mind and that will be sung Sept. 4 include “Your Song of Love;” “Fill Me with Your Love”; and “Only Your Love.” According to Oregon Catholic Press, songs written by Father Fabing still popular today include “A Canon in Thanks”; “Open Our Hearts”; and “Your Song of Love,” already named as an element of the canonization Mass. Father Fabing will also be handling music for days of celebration leading up to the canonization Mass. Father Fabing is director of the 30-Day Retreat Program in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius at the Jesuit Retreat Center, Los Altos.
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Index On the Street . . . . . . . . 4 National/World . . . . . 16 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 19