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in tiMe inflight magazine kevad/spring 2011

Riina Sildos, elu nagu filmis Pariis, mu arm fleet upgrade Kevadine Z端rich 3D Estonians


imperial heritage


Va na Ta llinn Her iTage ediTion Eksklusiivne Vana Tallinn Heritage Edition on loodud tähistamaks Liviko liköörimeistrite kuulsusrikast ajalugu. Vana Tallinna rikkalikku maitset täiendab kerge tammenüanss, luues nii erakordse kooskõla.

Vana Tallinn Heritage Edition is exclusively created to celebrate the glorious history of Liviko’s liqueur masters. The rich taste of Vana Tallinn is further enhanced Tähelepanu! Tegemist on alkoholiga. Alkohol võib kahjustada Teie tervist.

by a hint of oak, creating an exceptional harmony.

Saadaval Estonian Airi pardakaupluses Euroopa Liidu sisestel lendudel. Available at Flight Shop on Estonian Air selected flights. Price / Hind (50 cl) 169 EEK / 10,80 EUR


INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

Va n a Ta l l i n n Heritage Edition



Andrus Aljas President & CEO of Estonian Air Estonian Airi president

Riina Sildos, Estonian film producer

Õhus on armastust

28 Bombardier crj900 nextgen: welcome home

32 wonderful Kadriorg in the vicinity of central Tallinn

38 Estonian brothers, Kaur and Kaspar Kallas, have made a novel 3D camera

44 Delicious whitefish prepared with local ingredients

In Time / Kevad 2011 Estonian Airi pardaajakiri Lennujaama tee 13, 11101 Tallinn telefon: +372 6401 179 tiraaž: 8000 Tootja: Profimeedia Reklaam: Nordicom Trükikoda: Kroonpress Vastutav väljaandja: AS Estonian Air www.estonian-air.ee Reklaamikontakt: intime@estonian-air.ee

Kaanefoto: Toomas Tuul

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Just praegu, kevadel, tuleks minna reisile, et nii üle saada pikast talvest tekkinud päikesevitamiinide puudusest. Estonian Air tervitab kevadet uute lennukite ning tihedamate lennuühendustega. Aga kuhu siis ikkagi reisida ning miks valida just meid? Estonian Airi sihtkohtade valik peegeldab meie klientide pikaaegseid eelistusi ning katab Eesti riigi jaoks äriliselt ja kultuuriliselt olulisi sihtturge. Sellel kevadel soovitame kindlasti minna romantilisse Pariisi, kuhu tuntud frankofiil Lauri Leesi on jõudnud juba kuuskümmend neli korda – põhjustest räägib ta mõni lehekülg edasi. Kevadest on meil palju tihedam len-

nuühendus paljude Euroopa suurlinnadega, kuhu nüüd on meie lennukitega võimalik teha ka lühikesi paaripäevaseid puhkusereise. Minna näiteks Brüsselisse sööma sooje vahvleid, võtta Kopenhaagenis üks ehtne smørrebrød, šopata Londonis, uidata Amsterdami kanalite ääres või nautida kontserti Berliinis. Pikema puhkuse huvilistele pakume näiteks Prantsuse Riviera avastamist Nizzas või alati hedonistlikku Barcelonat. Miks valida Estonian Air? Tulge ise vaatama, aga ühes võite kindlad olla – te lendate otse ja omadega! Ning hoolimata ilmast ja aastaajast on õhus alati hoolivust ja armastust... Meeldivat lendu!

Love is in the air Spring is in the air and now is the best time to go travelling to overcome the vitamin deficiency brought on by the long winter months. Estonian Air welcomes spring with new planes, an enlarged fleet and more frequent flights. What then are the destinations to choose from and why fly with us? The selection of our destinations largely reflects the long-term preferences of our customers and covers the target markets important for the business and cultural life of Estonia. This spring, we recommend taking a trip to romantic Paris. As from this spring, we are also increasing the frequency of flights to many other European cities perfect for a city break. From now on, you can fly to Brussels with us and enjoy the local waffles, make a trip to Copen-

hagen and grab an authentic smørrebrød or you can shop in London, stroll on the banks of the Amsterdam canals or enjoy a concert in Berlin. For those of you who prefer longer holidays we recommend Nice and the French Riviera or the everexciting city of Barcelona. But why fly with Estonian Air? Well, come and see for yourself! There is one thing, however, you can always be sure of – you will be flying safely among friends because regardless of the weather or time of the year there is always love in the air... Enjoy your flight!


Estonia at a Estonia Estonia is situated on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, with a coastline more than 3700 km long. Estonia lies south of Finland, north of Latvia and west of Russia. It has an area of 45 227 km2, but much of this is divided up into islets and islands. The biggest islands are Saaremaa, Hiiumaa, Muhu and Vormsi. The eastern border of Estonia is on Lake Peipsi, the fourth largest lake in Europe. The population of Estonia is 1.34 million with 400 000 of them living in the capital city Tallinn. Tallinn was first mentioned on the Arabian cartographer Al Idrisi’s map in 1154.

The population density is 30 people per km2, among the lowest in the world. Almost one third of the Estonian population lives in the capital city Tallinn. According to the year 2000 Census, the ethnic Estonians made up 67.9% of the total population. The second largest group is Russians (25.6%), followed by Ukrainians (2.1%), Belarussians (1.2%) and Finns (0.9%). The highest point in Estonia is Suur Munamägi (the Big Egg Hill) in South Estonia at 318 meters above sea level. From the top of this hill you can see as far as Latvia and Russia. The average temperature is –7 C in January and +22 C in July. It gets dark at 3–4 pm in wintertime, but in the summertime the sun sets for only a few hours.

Old town of Pärnu, the summer capital of Estonia.

Baltic Chain in 1989.

History Other largest towns University town Tartu (population 100 000), situated 190 km south-east of Tallinn. Border town Narva (population 70 000), situated 210 km east of Tallinn The sea resort of Pärnu (population 45 000), situated 130 km south of Tallinn. The oil-shale mining center KohtlaJärve (population 45 000), situated 160 km east of Tallinn. 4

Roman politician and historian Tacitus wrote about Estonians in his „Germania” in the year 98 AD. He recorded Estonia and described the people of Estonia: „Aestiorum gentes, their customs, clothing and their unfamiliar language.” Estonia has been attractive to many conquerors: the Teutonic Orders, Danes, Swedes, Poles, Russians. The independence of the Estonian State is quite recent. The Danish king, Valdermar II, conquered Tallinn in 1219. According to legend, the Danish flag Danebrog fell from the sky during the battle. Tallinn’s name may be derived from Taani + linn (Danish + town). Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and Viljandi

Tallinn’s medieval city wall.

belonged to the Hanseatic League. The Lübeck law came into effect in Tallinn on 15 May 1248. The times under the Swedish crown (1561–1710) between the Livonian War and the Northern War are remembered in Estonian folklore as the Good Old Swedish Times. For 200 years (1710–1918) Estonia was governed by Russian emperors and escaped from the worst Russification thanks to the Baltic German landowners, who maintained a special Baltic rule. After the Declaration of Independence on 24 February 1918 and the War of Independence that ended with the Tartu Peace Treaty, Estonia was independent for 22 years. The Tartu Peace Treaty is one of the very few treaties where Russia acknowledges her defeat. As a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940 and eventually restored her independence on 20 August 1991. The end of 1980ies is called the Singing Revolution – people held huge singing rallies to protest against Soviet occupation. On 23 August 1989 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians joined their hands to form a 530 km long Baltic Chain connecting the three Baltic capitals. The Soviet – then already ex-soviet – forces left Estonia on 31 August 1994, thus ending World War II in Estonia. Estonia became member of NATO and EU in 2004. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

glance Government Official name: Republic of Estonia Type: parliamentary democracy Head of State: President of the Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves The unicameral parliament, Riigikogu, with 101 members, is elected every 4 years.

Currency As from 2011 Estonia is the 17th member of the euro-zone.

Language The official language in Estonia is Estonian, a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish and distantly related to Hungarian. Also English, Russian, Finnish and German are widely understood and spoken.

Religion 80% of all believers are Protestant Lutheran, but there are also Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Baptists and Methodists. Main house of the University of Tartu.

Education Going to school is compulsory for 7-16 year olds. Most of the 582 schools are state schools; 62 schools offer Russian-speaking instruction.

The oldest of the universities, Tartu University was established in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf, king of Sweden and is among the oldest in Northern Europe.

Useful phrases in Estonian

Information society 70 per cent of Government cabinet population (15–74 in Toompea. years) are Internet users, only approximately 316 000 people in Estonia don’t use Internet. All Estonian schools are connected to the Internet. 79 per cent of Estonian Internet users conduct their everyday banking via Internet. Nearly 90 per cent declare their incomes to the Tax Board via Internet. In 2000 the Government changed Cabinet meetings to paperless sessions using a web-based document system. Expenditures made in state budget can be followed on the Internet on-line. All of Estonia is covered with digital mobile phone networks. There are altogether 1155 WiFi covered areas; most of them are free of charge. More at www.wifi.ee

National Holidays 1 January – New Year’s Day 24 February – Independence Day (1918) 22 April – Good Friday 1 May – Spring Day 23 June – Victory Day 24 June – Midsummer Day 20 August – Day of Restoration of Independence (1991) 24 December – Christmas Eve 25 December – Christmas Day Old Thomas 26 December – Boxing Day is the symbol

of old Tallinn.

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


lifestyle text: triin tammert

photos: kaido haagen, archive


Estonian design at Lutheri Stuudio The Lutheri Stuudio, located in the auspicious Luther Quarter, is a store with the mission of introducing and selling the products of the best Estonian product designers and furniture producers. The aim of the Lutheri Stuudio is to become a centre where Estonian designers can present their works and potential buyers are able to see that Estonian design is viable. Danish designer, Timothy Jensen, said once that the only ones, who do not believe in Estonian design, are Estonians themselves. Among the designers and producers presenting their works or product lines are Jaanus Orgusaar (plywood products), Igor Volkov (birch plywood furniture for children), Julia Maria Künnap

(a feeding chair), Akko Wood (pine wood furniture), Borg (upholstered furniture), Liisu and Jaak Arro, etc. Lutheri Stuudio has competent and friendly staff and in case you are interested in seeing other works of the designers and producers the store is always willing to help you get in touch with them. Lutheri Stuudio, Vana-Lõuna 39, Tallinn, phone (+372) 644 4064, www.lutheristuudio.ee


Savoury experiences at Restaurant Bordoo The restaurant Bordoo is situated in one of the famous medieval buildings in Pikk Street in the Old Town of Tallinn. The restaurant aims at offering its very own versions of the delicacies of Estonian cuisine. Ingredients used in the Bordoo kitchen,


Lighthouses at the Museum of Estonian Architecture Throughout the centuries, lighthouses have played an important role in the history of mankind having saved lives by helping ships to navigate safely. Lighthouses have inspired artists and attracted many. These picturesque structures having often become an inseparable part of the coastline also appeal to photographers. But in addition to their sentimental value lighthouses are important representatives of our 6

architectural heritage. The Museum of Estonian Architecture, located in the Rotermann’s Salt Storage, introduces an exhibition displaying the beauty and secret lives as well as the architecture and history of Estonian lighthouses. The exhibition is open from April 9 to June 5. The Museum of Estonian Architecture, Ahtri 2, Tallinn, phone (+372) 625 7007, www.arhitektuurimuuseum.ee

such as berries, mushrooms and herbs, come from Estonian forests, fields and gardens, while products from more exotic countries are also represented. The Bordoo also finds it worth its while to make all the bakery products and sweets itself as well as to do its own salting, drying, marinating and grilling. The restaurant is located in the Three Sisters Hotel which recently became a member of the prestigious Relais & Châteaux group of luxury hotels and gourmet restaurants offering superb service in a cosy atmosphere and savoury dishes prepared with fresh seasonal products. There is also an excellent selection of wines. In summer, the terrace with a romantic atmosphere is also open. The executive chef of Bordoo and one of the greatest culinary talents in Estonia, Tõnis Siigur, dreams of being awarded a Michelin star one day. Bordoo, Pikk 71/Tolli 2, Tallinn, phone (+372) 630 6300, www.bordoo.ee, www.threesistershotel.com INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME



Estonian Economic Overview

Economic growth accelerates

2010 teks t: Olavi Grünvald,



was the year of recovery from the economic crisis in Estonia as well as in the European Union as a whole. According to Statistics Estonia, the Estonian GDP growth rate increased to 5.0 percent in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the same period of 2009, which is the second consecutive growth quarter after nine successive quarters of decline. Although the external sector is considered to be the locomotive of the growth, the statistics show that domestic demand is recovering at the same pace as total GDP. In the first three quarters of last year the GDP increased by 1.9 percent, which is very close to the two-percent threshold expected by many analysts for a the whole of 2010. This growth pattern continued to be strong also in the last quarter of 2010, which makes expectations likely to come true. The locomotive of the upturn has been industrial production, which grew by 23 percent in 2010 compared to the previous year, but oscillated between 35-39 percent in its last three months. This was influenced most by the branches holding bigger shares – manufacturing of electronic products, where production increased by nearly two times, and manufacturing of wood, where production grew by more than a quarter. When Estonia was the country with the largest decrease in manufacturing production among the EU Member States in the middle of 2009, with a decline exceeding 30 percent, then since the 2nd quarter of 2010 it has become the country with the fastest growth in industrial production. The growth of industrial production was mainly influenced by external demand – more than two thirds of the whole production of manufacturing was sold on the external market. Demand on the do-

mestic market was significantly lower, but also increased continually during the year. This is confirmed by the figures of retail sales, which decreased by 4 percent in 2010, but increased in September 2010 and accelerated to 5 percent in the last two months of the year. Positive expectations for 2011

Prospects are good also for the current year, which is demonstrated by the upward correction of the expected GDP growth by analysts. The EBRD has raised its growth expectation to 3.6 percent compared to the 3.2 percent assumed for 2011 in October 2010. Danske Bank has put its mark to 3.9 percent in its latest prognosis – in comparison Lithuania and Latvia are expected to reach 3.6 and 2.9 percent respectively. The IMF is very close to Danske, with its 3.6 percent and points at the necessity for an active labour market policy, as unemployment, which is currently at a very high level, is about to decrease very slowly. The institutions with a stronger local presence seem to be even more optimistic. LHV Pank is backing its 4.8-percent prognosis with trust in an increase of household consumption and investment activities. According to LHV the export markets will continue to support the economy, and as a result investments into new technology are inevitable to adjust to production capacity. Household consumption is expected to benefit from the increasing income, decreasing unemployment and improving consumer confidence. On the other side, the biggest local bank, Swedbank has lowered its growth prognosis slightly, from 4.5 percent in September last year to 4.2 percent in January of the current year. This is because of a pessimistic view of internal demand and more specifically due to the dragging investment activities. The exceptional winter condiINTIME I kevad/spring 2011


kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

15% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% -15% -20%

Domestic demand GDP






















Baltic stock markets 120% 100% 80% 60% 40%

OMX Tallinn OMX Riga OMX Vilnius


cline was the fact that there have been only two newcomers to the market since 2007, Arco Vara (2007) and Premia Foods (2010), but many large companies have left, including Estonian Telecom and Norma (Autoliv), the seat belt producer. The companies that have suffered the most due to the credit downturn are at the top of the best performers today. The biggest gainers in 2010 were Silviano Fashion Group by 250 percent, Tallink Group with 114 percent and Olympic Entertainment Group with 94 percent. The loser in 2010 was Tallinna Vesi with a 21% drop. Reasons for this decrease are a huge dividend payout as well as uncertainties related to water prices because of a new law that sets price limits for monopolies. Most of the listed companies managed to improve their results due to improving markets and adjustments made during the crisis. Silvano also had a share buyback and is in a very decent situation financially. Tallink recorded record numbers in passenger and cargo volumes. Reasons for the hike of Olympic shares are the successful opening of an online casino and the opening of numerous casinos in new markets like Slovakia.
























0% 01/01

Similar to the global market, the small Baltic stock exchanges continued the turning pattern in 2010 that had started already in the second half of 2009. Tallinn and Vilnius stock exchange indexes have moved very closely since the start of the recovery but have decoupled from the third Baltic exchange, the OMX Riga. The latter has stagnated since mid 2010. In 2010 the Tallinn stock exchange index rocketed by 73 percent, the biggest growth ratio in the history of OMX Tallinn. Vilnius and Riga performed just as well with 56 percent and 41percent respectively. In the same year globally, the developed markets stock indexes increased on average by 9 percent and the developing markets by 16 percent. One can monitor two steep upturns of the OMX Tallinn index since the beginning of 2010, which can be related to the euro. The first jump took place in January 2010, when it was evident that the euro criteria would be met by the country. This was followed by a stabilisation or even downturn period up to July. The latter, which actually started at the beginning of May, is specifically drawn back to the peak of the Greece credit crisis and the fear that this could influence the other euro zone countries. The second jump happened on January 1, 2011, together with the launch of the euro in the country. This seems to undermine the hypothesis that the elimination of the currency risks and the related decrease in interest rates would have the most immediate effect on the prices of financial assets. The longer historical trend line however does not support this fully when compared with Lithuania. Although the index seems to have calmed down after the first outbursts of emotion, analysts forecast a solid rise also for the whole of 2011. They expect the index to grow by 15% to 35% based on the solid macroeconomic fundamentals. Capitalization of the main list of OMX Tallinn has fallen heavily since 2007, when it was EUR 4.1 billion, to EUR 1.8 billion in the beginning of 2011. Beside the crisis the reason for the de-



Stock exchange continues its recovery

GDP and domestic demand real growth (same quarter of previous year)

tions, which some enjoy, many claim have notably contributed to this. The positive sides of the reserved investment activities are the decreasing debt burden of the Estonian residents as well as a decrease in foreign debt of the Estonian economy – the latter was considered the biggest risk to the economy in pre-euro times.

more than two thirds of the whole production of manufacturing was sold on the external market.



Riina Sildos,

meik: Reet H채rmat, riided: Max Mara

elu nagu filmis


INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


tekst: tiit efert

f o t o d: anu hammer

Filmiprodutsent Riina Sildose käe all on hakanud filmielu elama sellised linateosed nagu „Polli päevikud“, „Leiutajateküla Lotte“, „Klass“, „Mina olin siin“.


änavu kevadel valmib Riina Sildose osalusel ka teine täispikk Lotte multifilm „Lotte ja kuukivi saladus“ ning Pariisis on käimas mängufilmi „Veel üks croissant“ võtted, mille produtsendiks ta samuti on. „Veel üks croissant“ on Eesti-Prantsuse-Belgia koostööfilm, mille ettevalmistamine on olnud päris pikk ja aeganõudev protsess. Filmi stsenarist ja režissöör on Ilmar Raag, kelle käe all valmis samuti Riina produtseeritud, koolivägivallast pajatav linateos „Klass“, mida võib pidada üheks läbi aegade edukaimaks Eesti filmiks – see on müüdud 91 riiki ja saanud enam kui 70 rahvusvaheliselt festivalilt 25 auhinda. Täispikk animafilm „Lotte ja kuukivi saladus“ valmib Eesti Joonisfilmi ja Läti filmitootmisfirma Rija Films koostööna. Eesti kinopublik näeb filmi mais, seejärel algab filmi rahvusvaheline elu. Eelmine lugu „Leiutajateküla Lotte“ valmis 2006 ja vallutas laste südamed ka mujal maailmas, filmi on nähtud enam kui 55 riigis. Filmi „Veel üks croissant“ puhul räägiti palju prantsuse tippnäitleja Gérard Depardieu palkamisest, kellega pidasite läbirääkimisi. Miks on nii oluline kuulsa näitleja – seekord siis filmilegend Jeanne Moreau – kaasamine ja miks kaup Depardieuga katki jäi?

Mulle meeldivad need spekulatsioonid – kõigile meeldib näitlejaid rollidesse paigutada ja unistada. Filmi tegemine on pikk protsess ja näitlejate valik on üks väga oluline osa sellest, sest sellega on eriti mujal maailmas seotud ka filmi finantseerimine. Rahvusvaheliselt tuntud näitleja tagab teatud huvi filmi vastu ning vastavalt ka sissetuleku. Loomulikult ei saa see kindlustada filmile 100% edu. Kui lugu on nõrk, siis esimestel nädalatel vaatajad võib-olla tulevad kinno oma lemmiknäitlejat vaatama, aga edaspidi huvi hääbub. Depardieu kõrval kaalusime ka teisi prantsuse meesnäitlejaid. Prantsusmaal on kolm globaalset meesstaari, kuid kahjuks ei sobinud ükski neist oma tüpaažilt meie filmi. Jeanne Moreau kaasamisest unistasime pikalt ning mul on hea meel, et ta luges stsenaariumi kahe päevaga läbi ja oli kohe nõus. Prantsuse näitlejatel on oma agendid, kes räägivad läbi peamiselt prantslastega, ja Eesti filmitootjatel on raske jalga ukse vahele saada. Ilmar Raag on küll ennast tõestanud filmitegijana – „Klass“ on olnud enneolematult edukas –, kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

aga prantslaste jaoks on Ilmar võõras, tundmatu nimi. Seda enam tegi heameelt Jeanne Moreau usaldus tema vastu. Milles seisneb Ilmar Raagi filmi „Klass“ fenomen?

See on erakordne linateos, dramaturgiliselt väga tugev. Osatäitjad on ühtlasi ka loo kaasautorid. Noored mängisid enda jaoks tavapärases keskkonnas – neile sobis teema teravus, ausus ja otsekohesus. Koolivägivalla probleem on ju ülemaailmne: näiteks Venemaalt tuli lainena kirju ja nende hulgas polnud ainsatki negatiivset. Venelased mõistsid seda filmi väga hästi. Kahjuks peame tõdema, et filmis näidatud vaimne vägivald ümbritseb meid iga päev. See on osa olelusvõitlusest, mida võib ette tulla nii tööl kui ka perekonnas. Seetõttu on sihtgrupp, kellele see film korda läheb, väga suur – ja see on hirmutav. Teiselt poolt on loomulikult ka inimesi, kes on öelnud, et film annab liiga tugeva emotsiooni ning nad ei suuda seda vaadata. Need on inimesed, kes on tulnud turvalisest keskkonnast ja elavadki õnnelikku, harmoonilist elu. Nemad ei ole selliste probleemidega kokku puutunud ja seetõttu on neil psüühiliselt keeruline seda filmi taluda. „Klass“ on Eesti ühiskonnas aidanud kaasa diskussiooni puhkemisele ja see on näide sellest, kuidas kunst võib aidata kaasa maailma päästmisele. Väga julge samm oli sellist filmi teha. Teatud hulk õpetajaid tahtis seda isegi ära keelata, mis näitas, et puudutame väga teravat teemat ja oleme sisenemas n-ö keelatud alale. Film eelnes traagilistele sündmustele Soomes – koolitulistamisele. Soome on ka üks väheseid riike, kuhu „Klassi“ ei ole müüdud. Olen mitmeid kordi rääkinud oma Soome kolleegidega ja nende jaoks ei olnud seda teemat võimalik ekraanilt vaadata – liiga vara ja liiga valus. See ajendas meid arendama ka teleseriaali, mis käsitleks sündmusi pärast koolitulistamist. Lotte ja ja kuukivi saladus Film püstitas küsimusi ja teleseriaal püüdis leida vastuseid. Mis on Lotte filmi fenomen?

Polli päevikud

Filmil „Leiutajateküla Lotte“ oli Eesti kinos vaatajaid 56 000, millega tal on kindel koht Eesti filmide vaadatavuse esikümnes läbi aegade. Filmi edu taga on eeskätt Heiki Ernitsa väga hea kunstnikutöö, Janno Põldma loodud värvikad karakterid ning Lotte maailma heatahtlikkus. See on erandlik, sest enamasti on lastelood 11


mustvalged: seal käib tants, trall ja tagaajamine. Lotte puhul on olemas galerii, kuhu mahuvad kümned tegelaskujud. See on turvaline keskkond, kus puudub vägivald ja probleeme lahendatakse huumori ning absurdinaljaga. Kuna olukordade lahendused ja tegelaste mõttemaailm ei ole Lotte filmis tavapärased, siis panevad need lapsi kaasa mõtlema, rikastavad nende maailma. Lotte on parim lapsehoidja maailmas. Mäletan isegi, kuidas võisin rahuliku südamega jätta lapse Lotte hoolde ehk Lotte filmi vaatama. Mind hämmastas, et mu tütar võis vaadata filmi neli korda päevas ja kaks kuud järjest. Alati leidis ta sealt midagi uut, sest Lotte filmi iga kaader on lihtsalt niivõrd detailirikas. Näiteks Lotte tuba – kõik detailid on hoolikalt valitud ja läbi joonistatud, igal pildil, maakaardil, trepil on oma lugu. „Lotte ja kuukivi saladus“ linastub kevadel. Milliste ootustega läheb meeskond oma uue filmiga vaatajate ette?

Usun Lotte tegijatesse ning prognoosin samasugust edu, nagu oli eelmisel filmil. Uus film on dramaturgiliselt minu arvates isegi huvitavam. Ka seekord on Lottel pikk ja põnev teekond ees, mille käigus ta viibib kõige uskumatumates kohtades ja kohtub toredate tegelaskujudega. Ka filmi visuaalne külg on lummav. Kust tekkis idee hakata Lotte kaubamärgi all erinevaid tooteid müüma?

See oli väga lihtne ja kuidagi loogiline jätk filmile endale. Vaatasin oma last, kes vaimustus Pipi kummikutest, ning mõtlesin, miks ei võiks ta rõõmustada hoopis Lotte kummikute üle. Juba algusest peale oli meie sooviks tuua lapsed spordi ja tervisliku toitumise juurde. Me ei anna Lotte kaubamärki välja kergekäeliselt: pakkumisi tuleb iga nädal, aga kaalume hoolega, kellele ja miks seda kasutada anda. Lotte tooted peavad lapsi arendama. Filmi tegemine on pikk protsess. Kui pikalt sa ette tead, mis filmid on Eestis tulemas?

Tean oma plaane aastani 2018, tavapäraselt läheb idee tekkimisest ekraanile jõudmiseni vähemalt 3–5 aastat. Suurte filmide puhul aga tunduvalt kauem. Eks see ole seotud ka sellega, et elame tillukesel turul ja suure eelarvega filmi on keeruline rahastada – eelarved algavad 2-3 miljonist eurost, aga meie maksimumtoetus filmifondidest on 500 000 eurot. Olen kümme aastat korraldanud Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali ajal rahvusvahelist kaastootmisturgu nimega Baltic Event, mis on kujunenud Põhja- ja Ida-Euroopa suurimaks filmituruks. 12

Aga mingi kummaline X-faktor on siiski filmikunstis alati olemas. Selle käigus valitakse Skandinaaviast, Venemaalt, Eestist, Lätist, Leedust ning Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa riikidest välja ligi 20 filmiprojekti, mida tutvustatakse võimalikele rahastajatele. Väga suur osa minu ajast kulubki filmiprojektide lugemisele. Lisaks nendele, mis laekuvad meie, Rotterdami, Berliini ja Cannes’i filmifestivali kaastootmisturgudele, pean olema kursis ka teiste Euroopa filmiprojektidega. Selle info põhjal tekib maatriks filmitööstuses toimuvast. Suudan prognoosida, millal üks või teine film läheb tootmisesse ja kui edukas see saab olema. Aga mingi kummaline x-faktor on siiski filmikunstis alati olemas. Maagia, mis on seletamatu. Vahel võib üks väike film saavutada enneolematu edu, teinekord täiesti korralik linateos aga läbi kukkuda, isegi kui on tehtud professionaalsed turunduskampaaniad. On see ilm, meeleolu, meediamüra, mis segab, ei tea... Milline on su lemmikfilm?

Esimesena tuleb meelde „Kodanik Kane“, mis oli ka minu diplomitöö teemaks. Viimase aja eredamaks elamuseks on Iñárritu „Baabel“. Eesti filmide puhul ei taha eelistust välja tuua, sest nendega on enamasti emotsionaalne side. Miks sa ajad rahvusvahelist filmiäri?

Olen valinud sellise tee. Tean, et lihtsam oleks toota väikse eelarvega Eesti filme. Meil on suurepäraseid autoreid ja tahan, et neid tuntaks ka väljaspool Eestit. Tahan vahetada meie lugusid, elusid, mõtteid teiste kultuuridega.

Riina Sildos Endine filmikriitik, Raadio 2 programmidirektor ja Eesti Raadio juhatuse liige. 2000. aastal valiti Eesti Filmi Sihtasutuse juhiks. Rahvusvahelise filmituru Baltic Event asutaja ja tegevjuht. Eesti Filmiajakirjanike Ühingu ja Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali üks asutajatest. Koguperefilmi „Röövlirahnu Martin“ kaasprodutsent. Tootnud kolm dokumentaalfilmi, nende hulgas „Afganistani armid“. Filmide „Klass“ (2007) „Mina olin siin“ (2008) ning animafilmide „Leiutajateküla Lotte“ (2006) ning „Lotte ja kuukivi saladus“ (2011) produtsent; rahvusvaheliste koostööfilmide Chris Krausi „Polli päevikud“ (2010) ja Juha Wuolijoki „Hella W“ (2011) kaasprodutsent.

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


www.boutiquecaprice.ee Tornim채e 5, Tallinn Tel 616 4405 kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME



Riina sildos, t ext : tiit efert

ph o t os : anu hammer

make-up: Reet H채rmat, clothes: MaxMara, private collection

living through films


INTIME I kevad/spring 2011



Estonian film producer, Riina Sildos, has played an important role in the making of films, such as „The Poll Diaries”, „Lotte from Gadgetville”, „The Class” and „I Was Here”.

pring 2011 sees the release of the second feature-length animated film about the cheerful puppy girl called „Lotte and the Moonstone Secret”, produced by Riina Sildos. At the same time another feature film „One More Croissant” produced by her is underway in Paris. „One More Croissant” is a joint film production of Estonia, France and Belgium, the preparation of which has been rather long and time consuming. The scriptwriter and director of the film is Ilmar Raag who also directed Sildos’ production „The Class” which is by far the most successful Estonian film ever – it has been sold to 91 countries, participated in 70 international film festivals and received 25 awards. The feature-length animated film „Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” was produced in co-operation by two production companies, Eesti Joonisfilm from Estonia and Rija Films from Latvia. In Estonia, the film is screened in May after which it goes on international release. The first animated film about Lotte – „Lotte from Gadgetville”, was released in 2006 and soon won the hearts of children in more than 55 countries. There was a lot of talk about engaging top French actor, Gérard Depardieu, to play in the feature film, “One More Croissant”. Why didn’t it work out with Depardieu and why is it so important to cast someone famous?

I just love the speculations that come with the territory. Filmmaking is a long process and casting is a very important part of it as it is directly connected with financing, especially abroad. Internationally famous actors guarantee a certain level of interest in the film and box office earnings accordingly. Film stars alone, however, do not guarantee the 100 per cent success of the film. When the story is weak, people come to see their favourite actor during the first few weeks but after the general release of the film they tend to lose interest. We also considered other French male actors for the role – there are three international stars in France – but unfortunately none of them quite suited us for the role in question. We dreamed of casting Jeanne Moreau as from the very beginning and I am glad she agreed to read the script – which she did in just two days – and accepted the role. French actors have agents who prefer to negotiate mainly with the French and kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

therefore Estonian producers have a hard time getting noticed. Although Ilmar Raag has proven himself as a director and „The Class” has been extremely successful, for the French, he is still an unfamiliar name. Therefore, I am extremely glad Jeanne Moreau put her faith in him. What is the appeal of „The Class” by Ilmar Raag?

It is an exceptionally strong film based on an exceptionally good script. The actors are also the co-authors of the story i.e. young people who played in surroundings familiar to them and they loved the acuteness, honesty and bluntness of the story. The issue of school violence is universal. For instance, we received an awful lot of letters from Russia and there was not a single one among them saying negative things about the film. Russians related to the theme well. Unfortunately, we were compelled to admit that the kind of psychological violence shown in the film is everywhere around us. It is perhaps part of the struggle for existence that is manifest in a workplace or in a family. Therefore, the target audience of the film is very large – and it is frightening. On the other hand, there are people who have said that they could not watch the film as it arises emotions too powerful to deal with. As a rule, these are people coming from a safe environment, people living happy and harmonious lives. They have not been forced to face this kind of problems and thus it is psychologically hard for them to watch the film. In Estonia, “The Class” has contributed to the discussion in society about it being a good example of how art contributes to the “saving” of the world. I believe it was a very brave move to make this kind of film. Several school teachers even sought the banning of the film which proved that we had hit a nerve and were breaking taboos. The film anticipated the unfortunate event of the school shooting in Finland – one of the few countries where “The Class” has not been shown. I have discussed the film with my Finnish colleagues on several occasions and every time they have said that they could not watch the film – as it was too soon after the tragedy and too painful. This was partly why I decided to make a TV series that would deal with the events after the school shooting. The film left a lot of questions unanswered and the TV series tries to deal with them. 15


What is the phenomenon of the Lotte-story?

Riina Sildos Former film critic, programme manager at Estonian Radio 2 and the member of the Board of Eesti Raadio (Estonian Radio). In 2000, she was elected Chairman of the Estonian Film Foundation. Founder and executive director the Baltic Event film market. One of the founders of the Association of Estonian Film Journalists and the Black Nights Film Festival. Co-producer of a family film, “Mat the Cat”. She has also produced three documentaries, including “Wounds of Afghanistan”. Producer of feature films “The Class” (2007) and “I Was Here” (2008) and animated films “Lotte from Gadgetville” (2006) and „Lotte and the Moonstone Secret” (2011). Co-producer of international projects, such as “The Poll Diaries” by Chris Kraus (2010) and “Hella W” by Juha Wuolijoki (2011).

The first film, “Lotte from Gadgetville”, attracted 56,000 viewers in Estonia – securing it a place in the top 10 of most popular Estonian films ever. The success of the film has much to do with the good artistic work of Heiki Ernits, the colourful characters created by Janno Põldma and the benevolence of Lotte’s world. The latter is an exception because, as a rule, children’s stories tend to be black and white – there is the good and the evil and a struggle between them. The Lotte-story, however, features dozens of characters in a safe environment where there is no room for violence and where problems are solved with humour or even surreal humour. As the solutions to certain situations as well as the way of thinking of the characters are rather unconventional it makes children think, enriching their world. I would even say that Lotte is the best baby-sitter in the world. I remember the time I could leave my child in Lotte’s care – that is I could leave her watching the Lotte film. I was amazed by the fact that my daughter could watch the film four times a day for two months in a row. And every time she discovered something new because every frame is so rich in detail. Every object in Lotte’s room, for example, has been carefully chosen and drawn in detail – it almost seems that every picture, map or staircase has a story to tell. Every time you watch the film there is another surprise in store for you. 16

“Lotte and the Moon Rock Secret” is released in the spring. What are the expectations of the filmmakers?

I have faith in the filmmakers and expect the film to be as successful as the previous one. My personal opinion is that the script of the new film is even stronger. Lotte goes on a long and exciting journey, she visits fabulous places and meets fabulous characters. The visual side of the film is also enchanting. Filmmaking is long process. How far ahead do you plan what Estonian films are to be screened?

Right now my personal schedule is planned until 2018. Usually it takes between three to five years to make a film and, in the case of bigger films, even longer. This is due to the fact that our market is small and it is difficult to finance films with a budget from two or three million euros when the maximum grant of our film foundations is 500,000 euros. For ten years I have organised the international Baltic Event Co-production Market in the framework of the Black Nights Film Festival and it has become the largest film market in Northern and Eastern Europe. The aim of the market is to select 20 film projects from Scandinavia, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and countries of Central and Eastern Europe and introduce them to potential financers. A large part of my work involves assessing different film projects. In addition to the ones presented to the Baltic Event co-production market as well as those of the Rotterdam, Berlin and Cannes film festivals I must be familiar with other European film projects as well. Based on this information I get a fairly adequate picture of the current situation in the film industry and I am able to predict when a certain film should go into production and how successful it will be. But there is always the mysterious X-factor in the film business. The magical element no one is able to foresee. Sometimes a rather marginal film enjoys an extraordinary success while quality films fail despite of professional marketing campaigns. Is it because of the weather conditions, state of mind or other media events that contribute... I can not say. What is your favourite film?

“Citizen Kane” is the first to come to mind – even my diploma thesis was based on it. When talking about more recent films, I was deeply impressed by Alejandro González Iñárritu’s “Babel”. I would not like to talk about my preferences concerning Estonian films as I have an emotional bond with most of them. All the films have been part of a certain stage in my life and have, therefore, been significant. Why are you involved in the international film business?

I made my choice even when knowing that it would probably be much easier to produce Estonian films with small budgets. We have talented filmmakers, however, and my mission is to introduce them beyond Estonia, to exchange our stories, our way of life and our thoughts with other cultures. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


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kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Vorsprung durch Technik 17


Pariis, kustumatu arm


INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


tekst: lauri leesi

f o t o d: piret pakler, shutterstock

Tuntud frankofiil ja koolipapa Lauri Leesi kirjutab oma viimasest reisist ning jagab kogemusi, kuidas Pariisi külastamisest võimalikult palju rõõmu tunda.


ui ma 3. jaanuaril reisilt koju jõudsin, hüüatas naabriproua mind kohvriga treppidel nähes: „Jälle Pariisist?” – „Jälle.” – „Mitmes kord, seitsmekümnes?” – „Ei, kuuekümne neljas.” – „Ära ei tüüta?” – „Mis te nüüd!” Rahvamassist mööda

Kas mul seekord Pariisi asja ka oli? Oli. Grand Palais’s oli üleval Claude Monet’ maailmanäitus ja Opéra-Bastille’s etendati Nurejevi lavastatud „Luikede järve“. Nüüd küsib nutikas maailmarändur, kuidas saab külastada Monet’ näitust, kui hoone ees on 800 meetri pikkune järjekord ja sees on rahvast nii, et tapab. Vastan: kellaajalise täpsusega näitusepiletid ostsin internetist septembris ja balletietendusele oktoobris. Seekord ei olnud ma valguse linnas üksi, vaid seitsme kolleegiga. Kui juba grupi või suguvõsaga Pariisi sõita, ongi arv kaheksa (seitse + giid) ideaalne! Selline minigrupp mahub ära kahte taksosse või ühte mikrobussi; nii pääseb kergemini kohvikusse – kaks lauda lükatakse kokku ja ongi rahvas toidetud! Selline grupp tunneb end maailmalinnas turvaliselt, sest grupijuht on pilguulatuses metroos, tänaval, isegi Montmartre’il ja ChampsÉlysées’l, kus on tõesti suur oht rahvahulka ära kaduda. Kuid Pariis on turvaline linn: iga paarisaja meetri järel ilutseb rahustav täht M (metroo),

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

kuhu eksinud turist peab sisenema, et koduhotelli randuda. Ideaalsed seitse päeva

Reisi daatum paigas, tuleb internetis lennupiletid osta ja hotell kinni panna. Kui lendate suvel, eelistage Estonian Airi, millega jõuate Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle’i lennujaama terminali nr 1. Teadke, et Roissy on küla nimi ja seal paiknevad lennujaama terminalid 1, 2 ja 3. Linna sõitke bussiga (Roissybus), mis peatub ukse 32/34 vastas. Võite ka rongiga (RER) linna sõita, kuid rongijaam on veidi eemal ja sinna toimetab teid tasuta sõiduk. Mina eelistan bussi, mis viib mind Ooperihooneni. Sealt lähen hotelli jalgsi. Ideaalne on Pariisis veeta seitse päeva. Arvestades Estonian Airi lennugraafikut, tuleks Pariisi lennata teisipäeval. Kui teie käsutuses on viis päeva, lennake Pariisi ikkagi teisipäeval ja tagasi pühapäeval. Kuna enamik muuseume on teisipäeval suletud, kulubki esimene päev saabumise, majutuse ning kvartaliga tutvumise peale. Kui järgite minu nõu, saate Pariisist meeldiva elamuse, kui ei – süüdistage ennast. Vältige 1-2 tärniga hotelle! Rootsi lauaga hommikusöök (buffet) algab kolmandast tärnist. Hotell olgu Louvre’i või Ooperihoone läheduses! Kui internetis otsida, saate 140–150 euro eest korraliku chambre double’i. Booking.com on

Lauri Leesi on kauaaegne Tallinna Prantsuse Lütseumi direktor ja tuntud frankofiil.



kümme piletit. Ühekaupa ärge pileteid ostke. Ise olen veelgi nutikam: juba lennujaamas ostan kassast “Tourisme-Information“ nädalakaardi Paris Visite, millega on mul piiramatu sissepääs metroosse, bussi ja Montmartre’i funikulöörile. Samas müüakse 2-4-6 päeva muuseumikaarte Museum Pass, millega saan külastada pea kõiki muuseume. Muuseumikaardiga pole vaja pikas järjekorras seista. Milline aja ja energia kokkuhoid! Pariisis on palju muuseume, kuid kolm on neist kohustuslikud: a) Louvre, b) Orsay muuseum (impressionistid, neo- ja postimpressionistid, juugend) ja c) Pompidou keskuse kaasaegse kunsti muuseum (Kandinsky, Chagall, Modigliani jt). Kus süüa?

Lauri Leesi tutvustamas huvilistele Louvre’i ees Pariisi võlusid.

hotellide reserveerimisportaalidest usaldusväärseim. Loomulikult on neljatärnihotell veelgi etem: toad suuremad, liftid mahukamad, hommikueine kopsakam. Kohe Louvre’ist üle tee paiknev Hôtel du Louvre on ideaalne neile, kes minust jõukamad (seal on ka hea köök). Ise peatun sama hoone kõrval asuvas Normandy’s, kus kahe inimese toa hinnaks 170–180 eurot. Rivoli tänava head hotellid Regina, Brighton jt on üliarmsad ööbimiskohad, kuid minu jaoks on nad kallid: 230–300 eurot tuba. Lähedal paiknevad ka unelmate lossid Le Meurice, Crillon ja Ritz. Neis tuleb toa eest välja käia 700–1000 eurot. Siin kuuleb tihti vene keelt. Kaart kaasa

Tallinna lennujaamas võtke Estonian Airi kassast Pariisi kaart, et sellega lennu ajal tutvuda. Kohe märkate, et Seine’i jõgi jagab linna kaheks. Jõest põhja poole jääb parem kallas, jõest alla vasak kallas. (Mina peatun paremal kaldal, sest suurem osa vaatamisväärsustest on siin.) Nüüd otsige üles kvartal, kus paikneb teie hotell, ja vaadake, mis nime kannab lähim metroopeatus. Pariisi metroo ei ole maa-alune palee nagu Moskvas või Peterburis, kuid ta viib teid kõikjale. Ettevaatust: Pariisis on kaks metrood: M – tavaline metroo ja RER – kiirmetroo, mis ühendab perifeerseid asumeid linnaga. Linnas läheb teil vaja esimest. Kassas öelge eestipäraselt „Ö(n) karnee, silvuplee!“ (üks komplekt, palun) ja te saate kümne euro eest 20

Kui järgite minu nõu, saate Pariisist meeldiva elamuse, kui ei – süüdistage ennast.

Teadke, et sõnad café, restaurant ja brasserie on tänapäeval sünonüümid. Uhkel disainil ja toidu kvaliteedil ei tarvitse olla mingit seost. Eelistage kohti, kus palju kohalikku rahvast. Vältige lokaale, mis vaatamisväärtuste vahetus läheduses! Maailma esikokk Alain Ducasse vaaritab hotelli Plaza Athénée esimese korruse restoranis. See on üks linna seitsmest kolme Michelini tärniga pärjatud “sööklatest“. Kui rahaga pole midagi targemat teha, võib seda ka kõhtu investeerida! Südalinnas õilmitsev Maxim’s on selles vallas tuntud röövel. Mida teha õhtul? Esimesel õhtul käige läbi Champs-Élysées kogu selle säras ja uhkuses. Alustage jalutuskäiku Tähe väljaku võidukaarest ja lõpetage Concorde’i väljaku obeliskiga. Kui Tuileries’ aia väravad veel lahti, minge Louvre’i püramiidini. Teisel õhtul jalutage Montmartre’il. Kolmandal õhtul külastage üht kolmest kabareest: Moulin Rouge, Lido või Paradis Latin. Neljandal õhtul patseerige kahel saarel, Cité’l ja SaintLouis’l. Jääbki üle Ladina kvartal ja SaintGermain-des-Prés, kus soovitan söögikohaks linna vanimat kohvikut Le Procope. See on taskukohane. Juba saabumise päeval püüdke kaelast ära saada kaks rituaali: käige ära Jumalaema kirikus ja Eiffeli torni tipus. Viimased soovitused: pass, lennupilet ja raha jäägu hotelli seifi! Rahakotti panete igal hommikul summa, mis ühe päevaga ära kulub! Suurtes poodides maksate pangakaardiga! Daamid, kandke käekotti mitte õlal, vaid kaelas! Veelgi mõistlikum: daam annab raha ja pangakaardi meesterahva kätte, kes hoiab neid oma pintsaku sisetaskus. Kui nii toimite, jääb teile Pariisist unustamatu mälestus. Estonian Air pakub lennupileteid rohkem kui 180 sihtkohta nii Estonian Airi kui ka partnerfirmade lendudele. Vaata aadressilt www.estonian-air.ee ka hotelli- ning autorendipakkumisi! INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME GOLDMAN • Suur-Karja 9, Tallinn • +372 53 314 514 • www.goldman.eu 21

sihtkoht tekst: Ants vill

fotod: erakogu, shutterstock

Nautlejate paradiis Zürich Euroopa südames mägede vahele peitunud Zürich reklaamib end inglise keeles kui „Downtown Switzerland“ ehk Šveitsi kesklinn. Mägijärve kaldal laiuvas Rooma aega ulatuva ajalooga linnas on huvitavat arhitektuuri ja kauneid loodusvaateid. Vaade vanalinnale ja Grossmünsteri kirikule.

Kuidas liigelda? Järvel tasuks teha tiir ratasaurikuga. Linnas liikumiseks on kasutada hea bussi- ja trolliliinide võrk, muidugi ka trammid ja S-Bahn. Mägedesse saab köisraudtee ehk funikulööriga, jõgedel ja järvel on samuti ühistranspordiliinid. Kasutusel on ühispiletid (rong, tramm, buss, veesõidukid). Zürichi rahvusvaheline lennujaam on vaid 10 kilomeetrit linnast väljas, kesklinna saab sealt rongiga. Zürichi pearaudteejaam on muide üks Euroopa suuremaid raudteesõlmi.


Zürich West: kõrvuti moderne ja klassikaline.

Mida vaadata? Maailma panganduspealinnana tuntud Zürichis on palju kauneid suurejoonelisi ehitisi, väljakuid, eriilmelisi kvartaleid ja parke. Kindlasti tasub käia Augustinergasse tänaval ning Paradeplatzil, millest hõngab sajanditetaguse kaubalinna fluidumit. Ostlejaile pakuvad elamusi pearaudteejaama juurest algava Bahnhofstrasse kaubandustänava lõputud ostuvõimalused, ajaloohuvilistel aga tasuks ära käia juba 853. aastal asutatud Fraumünsteri kirikus ja Grossmünsteri kirikus ning väisata linna vanimat, Schipfe kvartalit. Linnale avaneb suurepärane vaade Lindenhofist. Kindlasti tuleks teha üks õhtune jalutuskäik järveäärsel promenaadil. Mitmekülgseid elamusi nii kunsti, gastronoomia kui ka ostlemise vallas pakub Zürich West.

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


Belcanto pakub maitsva toidu kõrvale ka kaunist järvevaadet.

Millal minna?

Kus ööbida? Zürichis on vähemalt 250 ööbimispaika, seljakotituristide hostelitest alates kuni kõige luksuslikumate hotellideni välja, igale maitsele ja igale rahakotile sobivaid. Raudteejaama ja vanalinna lähedal on näiteks X-tra hotel (Limmatstrasse 18), kus kahene hommikusöögiga tuba maksab talvel 214 Šveitsi franki ehk 167 eurot öö. On ka hulga odavamaid, näiteks samas lähedal, üle jõe Niederdorfstrasse 5 asuv City Backpacker / Hotel Biber, kus ööbimine neljases toas maksab hommikusöögita vaid 47 franki. On ka noortehosteleid, kus terve nelja voodiga toa saab 42 frangi eest. Paradeplatzilt saab alustada trammisõitu.

Kus süüa? Söögipaiga valik sõltub sellest, kui suurt rõhku maitseelamusele ja ka ilumeele rahuldamisele pannakse. Ooperimajas asuv Belcanto on näiteks vaid paariminutise jalutuskäigu kaugusel järveäärsest Bellevuestrassest, Zürichi klassikalist ja modernset kokakunsti nautides võib samas ka osa saada aknast paistvast kaunist järvepanoraamist. Šveitsi kulinaariat pakub näiteks eCHo Marriotti hotellis. Muidugi on elustiili pealinnaks nimetatud metropolis saadaval ka Ameerika (Cheyenne), Irokeesi (Iroquois), Tai (White Elephant), Aasia (Restaurant du Lac), Itaalia (Totò) ja muud rahvustoidud. Siin on ka 1898. aastal Euroopa esimese taimetoidurestoranina avatud Hiltl. Kohvikuist pälvib tähelepanu Kunsthausi ehk Zürichi kunstimuuseumi nurga taha peituv Berner Da Noi oma küpsetiste, üle linna kuulsate Wäheni puuviljatortidega, soojemal ajal on kohvikul lauad ka väljas. Zürichi kohvikud on enamasti väga stiilsed. Ööklubid tuleb soovijatel endal üles leida, paljud soovitavad Diagonali.

Uusi trende lillekasvatuses ja aianduses pakub näiteks 16.–20. märtsini messikeskuses peetav GiardinaZÜRICH. 10.-11. aprillil toimub iga-aastane Zürichi gildide kevadfestival Sechseläuten – ajaloolistes kostüümides rongkäigulised kõnnivad läbi kesklinna ning ära põletatakse talve sümboliseeriv lumemees Böögg. 17. aprillil peetakse osaleja- ja pealtvaatajarohke Zürichi täismaraton. Suve tippkultuurisündmus on 17. juunil algav ja 10. juulini kestev Zürichi festival, kus saab osa parimast, mida on pakkuda teatri, muusika ning muu tõsisema kultuuri vallas. 19. juunil on suur avamispidu Gessneralleel ning Suveöö ball hiiglaslikus rongidepoos. Festivalist saab osa ka suurtelt vabaõhuekraanidelt Münsterhofis. Kevadfestival Sechseläuten tähistab talve lõppu.

Estonian Air pakub lennupileteid rohkem kui 180 sihtkohta nii Estonian Airi kui ka partnerfirmade lendudele. Vaata aadressilt www.estonian-air.ee ka hotelli- ning autorendipakkumisi!

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


estonian air 20

tekst: triin tammert fotod : tiit blaat, triin tammert, tõnu ojala, egert kamenik

CRJ jõudis koju

Jean-Guy Blondin, Andrus Aljas, Joakim Helenius ja Anne Woodyatt ja kuldvõtmeke.

25. jaanuari hommikul maandus Tallinna lennuväljal Estonian Airi esimene uus ilus Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen lennuk, registritunnusega ES-ACB. 29. jaanuari hommikul saabus teine, ES-ACC. Allpool mõned meenutused sellest, kuidas esimene lennuk koju jõudis.

Reede, 21. jaanuar Pärastlõuna. Estonian Airi neljaliikmeline

delegatsioon naudib rahulikult lendu Amsterdamist Montreali, kui tuleb KLM Dutch Airlinesi stjuuard, jääb Estonian Airi presidendi Andrus Aljase juurde seisma ja küsib: „Niisiis, kus teil see suur kotitäis raha on?“ Vastuseks hämming meie kõigi silmades, pärast mõõdukat pausi küsib Andrus: „Kuidas palun?“ Stjuuard (energiliselt): „Kus raha on? Ma kuulsin, et te lähete Kanadasse lennukit tooma, siis teil peaks ju olema kaasas suur kotitäis raha?“ Mõistvale naerule meie ridades järgneb sõbralik vestlus sel teemal, mitu lennukit on Estonian Airil, kuhu me CRJ900 NextGen lennukitega lendama hakkame jne. Natukese aja pärast tuleb lennuki kapten ja küsib, kas Estonian Airi president sooviks tõelise lennuki kokpitti külastada. 24

Vastab Estonian Airi president Andrus Aljas Miks regional jet? Mõte, et Estonian Airi koduturule sobiksid lendama kõige paremini regional jet tüüpi (väiksemad, vähem kui 100 istekohaga) lennukid, on tegelikult tänaseks rohkem kui kümme aastat vana. Lennunduses nii oluline seat cost (kulu istekoha kohta) ei ole väikestel turgudel kõige parem argument, kuna reisijatele sobivate tihedate lennugraafikute pakkumiseks muutub meie jaoks esma-

se tähtsusega faktoriks cost per roundtrip (kulu edasi-tagasi lennu kohta). Ning see on regional jet tüüpi lennukitel oluliselt madalam kui suurematel lennukitel. Miks Bombardier? Regional jet tüüpi lennukeid toodab seeriatootmises hetkel maailmas ainult kaks valmistajat – kanadalaste Bombardier teeb CRJ tüüpi lennukeid ning brasiillaste Embraer E-jet tüüpi lennu-

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

estonian air 20 Viimase angaari tagumisest otsast paistab maailma kõige ilusam sinine saba! Selleks ajaks, kui sinna jõuame, on lennuki ette sätitud punane vaip ja toolirivid – Estonian Airi esimene Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen on tõesti üleandmiseks valmis. Lõuna. Pärast lühikest elevil sagimist lennuki

Jäine Montreal.

Meie meelest on CRJ900 NextGen sama tõeline lennuk kui MD-11, aga Andrus võtab lahke kutse siiski vastu ja vestleb pikalt elust ja tööst KLMis kapteniga, kellele see on juhtumisi eelviimane lend enne pensionileminekut. Estonian Airis ruleerib pensionile minev kapten viimaselt lennult saabudes lennukiga läbi tuletõrjeautode abil tekitatud vesiväravate, KLMi viimase lennu traditsiooniks on võimalus valida ise oma unistuste tiim.

Esmaspäev, 24. jaanuar Estonian Airi stjuardessid Anneli Kalevi ja Meelike-Enel Andrejeva kojulennul.


Hommik. Pärast nädalavahetust jääkülmas, ligi kolmekümne miinuskraadini langenud temperatuuriga Montrealis on lõpuks ometi käes see päev, mil Estonian Air saab kätte oma uhiuue sinilinnu. Bombardieri tehases Mirabelis kruvitakse põnevust ülevaatega Bombardieri eri mudelitest ja tootmisest. Seejärel suundume ekskursioonile mööda lennukitehast, kus näidatakse valmimise eri etappides olevaid lennukeid.

keid. Bombardieri CRJ kasuks sündis otsus tegelikult väga lihtsalt – tegemist on hinnakvaliteedi-kasutusefektiivsuse suhtena meie jaoks parima valikuga. Lisandusid soodsatel tingimustel tootjagarantiid ja erinevad paketid lennukite võimalikult sujuvaks kasutuselevõtuks. Millised on olnud olulisemad verstapostid ja pöördelised hetked? Tõsised läbirääkimised CRJde ostuks algasid 2007. aasta teisel poolel ning ostulepingule kirjutasime Bombardieriga alla

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

2008. aasta jaanuaris. Lennuki ost ning eriti lennuki ostu finantseerimine on väga keeruline ja kompleksne protsess ning Estonian Airi puhul segasid vett vahepeal saabunud majanduslangus ning meie tolleaegse suuromaniku SASi soov ettevõtte osalus müüa. Sellises ebakindlas seisus jäi kogu protsess venima ning võttis lõpuks umbes poolteist aastat kauem aega kui esialgu planeeritud. Samas uskus Estonian Air kogu aeg, et kolm uut lennukit ühel päeval Tallinnas maanduvad. Ka keerulises olukorras on alati lahendus

ümber ja sees võtame istet ja tseremoonia algab. Tänusõnu ja häid soove jagavad Bombardieri CRJ-programmi direktori Jean-Guy Blondin ning Bombardieri asepresident Anne Woodyatt. Juttu on CRJ NextGen lennuki plussidest – täiustatud interjöörist, väiksemast kütusekulust, madalamatest käitamis- ja hoolduskuludest – ning eesmärgist pakkuda imelist kliendikogemust („amazing customer experience”). Seejärel kutsub Anne Woodyatt Estonian Airi presidendi Andrus Aljase ja nõukogu esimehe Joakim Heleniuse vastu võtma suurt sümboolset lennukivõtit. Joakim Helenius rõhutab uute lennukite olulist rolli Estonian Airi strateegias, Andrus Aljas tänab oma sõnavõtus soojalt Bombardieri ja Estonian Airi tiimi – kõiki, kes on aastatepikkusesse protsessi oma panuse andnud –, ning kinnitab, et lendame õhtul tõesti selle lennukiga koju. Töö selle nimel, et kogu mitut osapoolt (Estonian Airi, Kanada Ekspordiagentuuri, Bombardieri ja Eesti Lennuametit) hõlmav paberimajandus saaks korda, on käinud sõna otseses mõttes viimase minutini. ÕHUS on kergendust nii ühel kui ka teisel pool Atlandi ookeani, kui kõik vajalik on lõpuks tehtud ja olemas.

Pärastlõuna. Tseremooniale järgnenud lõu-

nasöögi järel tuleb Jean-Guy Blondin, teeb paar telefonikõnet ja teatab siis, et kõik on valmis sel-

olemas, kui seda kindlalt uskuda ning selle nimel kõvasti tööd teha. Pöördeliseks hetkeks oli valitsuse otsus suurendada osalust Estonian Airis, mis andis lennukite ostu finantseerijatele vajaliku kindluse ettevõtte pikaaegse jätkusuutlikkuse osas. Sellest hoolimata olid läbirääkimised tehingu kõigi pooltega keerulised ja lõplik lahendus saabus alles 2010 augustis. Mis tunne on nüüd, kui lennukid on lõpuks käes? See on ühelt poolt muidugi väga hea tunne, teiselt poolt on see

alles protsessi algus. Uued lennukid ei ole ju eesmärk omaette, vaid ainult vahend ettevõtte strateegia elluviimiseks. Selle nimel, et Estonian Air jõuaks stabiilsesse kasumisse ning meie kliendid oleksid rahul nii pakutavate lennuühenduste kui ka teeninduse kvaliteediga, käib igapäevane töö edasi. Aga loomulikult on uute oma lennukite maandumine Tallinnas Estonian Airi jaoks märgilise tähendusega sündmus, mida päris iga päev ei juhtu. Seega on põhjus uhkust tunda kõigil – nii meie töötajatel kui ka klientidel!


estonian air 20

Kojulennu ajaks paigaldatud silt.

Bombardieri instruktor Jean-Paul Bonnichon ja Estonian Airi kapten Jaanus Nuut kokpitis.

Rauno Parras tervitab reisijaid.

Ootan, ootan... ja siis äkki on meie ees lumine maastik ja Lennart Meri Tallinna lennujaama maandumisrada. leks, et saaksime välja lennata pärast kella 17 kohaliku aja järgi (Eestis on siis kell juba üle kesköö). Mõned kiired pressiteated ja blogipostitused Eesti poole teele, mõned südamlikud hüvastijätud ning edasine pole isegi mitte nagu filmis, vaid nagu unenäos: teen lahti tehase kenast kööginurgast õue avaneva ukse ja lähen. Ei mingeid tavapäraseid lennujaamaprotseduure, lennuk seisab õhtuhämaruses mõnekümne meetri kaugusel, trapp kutsuvalt alla lastud. Seisatan korraks – SELLINE hetk... Elu lend. Kui kõik 14 reisijat on pardal, tõmba-

vad Estonian Airi kaks säravat ja rõõmsat stjuardessi-instruktorit, Meelike-Enel Andrejeva ja Anneli Kalevi, ukse kinni ja Kanada jääb selja taha. Kokpitis on Bombardieri instruktor Jean-Paul Bonnichon ja Estonian Airi kapten Jaanus Nuut. Kui küsin viimaselt, mis tunne on, ütleb ta algul, et on ju CRJga juba palju lennanud (Estonian Airi piloodid käisid Sloveenias Adria Airwaysis harjutamas), aga tunnistab siis, et oma on hea.

Estonian Airi tiim, kes käis Kanadas lennukit toomas.


Istmed on ülimugavad ja lennuk seest lihtsalt nii ilus! Kõik on elevil ja vaimustuses, stjuardessid lisavad tavapärasele „varuväljapääsud asuvad lennuki ees- ja keskosas” protseduurile põhjaliku ülevaate lennuki valgustusvõimalustest ja mängivad tuledega nagu lapsed. Rauno Parras, Estonian Airi kommertsala asepresident, kehastub stjuuardiks, pakub superhead teenindust ja käib kandikuga muljetavaldava sagedusega edasi-tagasi. Natuke üllatav, aga seda meeldivam on avastada, et lennukis saab pidulikku sündmust tähistada... 88kohalises uues lennukis on vaba õhkkonnaga kojulennul üle Atlandi ookeani neljateistkümnekesi tunne nagu kommipoes – iga hetk pakub avastamisrõõmu: „This aircraft not for revenue service” silt kokpiti ukse kõrval („See lennuk pole mõeldud tulu teenimiseks” – tegelikult siiski on, silt pandi ainult kojulennu ajaks), Estonian Airi uus kõrgusrekord (12 600 m), unenäolised kahvaturohelised virmalised tähistaevas enne tankimispeatust Islandil ja vaated kollastes-roosades-sinistes toonides taevale kerge valge pilvevahu kohal pärast. Tallinnale lähenedes saan elu esimese võimaluse olla lennu ajal lennuki kokpitis. Istun klapptoolil kahe piloodi taga, lennuk vajub helesinisest taevast halli pilvehämusse. Ootan, ootan... ja siis äkki on meie ees lumine maastik ja Lennart Meri Tallinna lennujaama maandumisrada. Kell on kohaliku aja järgi 9.40, kui rattad maad puudutavad, ning mul on tunne, et aeg seisab ja hoiab hinge kinni ning et ma istun oma jump seatil täpselt ühe ajaloolise hetke keskmes. 2011. aastal saab Estonian Air 20-aastaseks. In Time tähistab juubeliaastat Estonian Airi ja lennundusteemaliste lugude seeriaga.

Estonian Airi lennukid 20 aasta jooksul Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma Estonian Air loodi 1. detsembril 1991 kohe pärast Eesti iseseisvuse taastamist riikliku aktsiaseltsina. Estonian Air sai 1991. aastal Aeroflotilt päranduseks kaksteist Antonov AN-2, kaksteist Tupolev TU-134A ja neli Jakovlev JAK-40 tüüpi lennukit. AN-2 tüüpi lennukid müüs Estonian Air üsna kiiresti maha, viimane kustutati Eesti tsiviilõhusõidukite registrist 1996. aastal. TU-134A tüüpi lennukitega lennati 1996. aastani. Viimasest JAK-40 tüüpi lennukist loobus Estonian Air 1998. aastal. Esimese Boeing 737-500 liisis Estonian Air täiesti uuena 1995. aastal. Esimese Fokker 50 sai Estonian Air 1996. aastal, kokku on Estonian Airil olnud neli Fokker 50 tüüpi lennukit, viimane kustutati Eesti registrist 2004. aastal. Esimese Boeing 737-300 sai Estonian Air 2006. aastal. Aastate jooksul on Estonian Airi käes olnud 12 Boeingut. 2007. aastal alustas Estonian Airi tütarfirma Estonian Air Regional lende kahe SAAB 340 lennukiga. 2011. aastal ostis Estonian Air Kanadast Bombardieri tehasest kaks uhiuut regional jet tüüpi CRJ900 NextGen lennukit, 2012. aastal lisandub neile veel üks. 2011. aasta veebruari lõpu seisuga lendab Estonian Air kahe 88kohalise CRJ900 NextGen’i, kolme 118kohalise Boeing 737-500 ja kahe 142-kohalise Boeing 737-300 lennukiga, Estonian Air Regional kahe 33kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


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kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME



estonian air 20

text: triin tammert

photos: jarek jõepera, tiit blaat, egert kamenik

The CRJ comes home On the morning of January 25th, a brand new Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen regional jet, registration mark ES-ACB, purchased by Estonian Air, landed in Tallinn Airport. January 29th witnessed the arrival of a second plane, the ES-ACC. The following is a short overview of the events.

Friday, January 21

After take-off.


Afternoon. A four-member delegation from Estonian Air is enjoying a peaceful flight from Amsterdam to Montreal when a KLM Dutch Airlines steward comes up to the President of Estonian Air, Andrus Aljas, and demands: “So, where is that big bag of money of yours?” With our eyes reflecting nothing but bewilderment Andrus asks after an unhurried pause: “Excuse me?” The steward repeats energetically: “Where’s the money? I hear you are going to Canada to purchase a plane, so you should be carrying a big bag of money with you.” Our hearty laughter at this was followed by a friendly conversation concerning the number of airplanes currently operated by Estonian Air, on

Jean-Guy Blondin, Andrus Aljas, Joakim Helenius, Anne Woodyatt and the Golden Key.

Before take-off.

what routes our new CRJ900 NextGen are going to fly and so on. After a while the captain of the plane comes and asks whether Andrus would like to visit the cockpit of a “real” airplane. We are of the opinion that the CRJ900 NextGen is as real an airplane as the MD-11 in which we are currently flying, but Andrus accepts the kind offer and talks for a long time about life and work with the KLM captain who, as it turns out, is on his last but one flight before retiring. Estonian Air has a tradition that a retiring captain, upon returning from his last flight, taxies in through the watery gates formed by the water jets of fire trucks. In KLM, however, the retiring captain has the privilege to choose the dream team for his last flight.

Monday, January 24 Morning. After having spent a weekend in a

freezing Montreal with a temperature of 30 degrees below zero, the day when Estonian Air is to get its brand new aircraft finally dawns. At the Bombardier Aerospace plant in Mirabel, tension is being notched up by giving us an overview of the different aircraft models produced by Bombardier, after which we head off for a tour of the plant to get an in-depth understanding of the different production stages. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


Midday. Following a period of brief and excited

commotion inside as well as around the plane we take our seats and the ceremony begins. The Bombardier CRJ programs director, Jean-Guy Blondin, and Vice President, Anne Woodyatt, say their words of thanks and wish the plane and its crew all the best. They also speak of the advantages of the CRJ NextGen regional jets, such as the stylish cabin interior, lower fuel consumption and lower maintenance and servicing costs, as well as the company’s aim of offering an „amazing customer experience”. Anne Woodyatt then asks the President of Estonian Air, Andrus Aljas, and the Chairman of the Council, Joakim Helenius, to accept the large ceremonial key to the airplane. Joakim Helenius emphasizes in his speech the important role the new planes will play in the Estonian Air strategy and Andrus Aljas, in turn, thanks the Bombardier and Estonian Air teams in his warm and emotional address – everybody who has contributed to the long production process – and assures us that we are to fly home in the evening with the very same plane. Completing all necessary paperwork by several parties (Estonian Air, Export Development Canada, Bombardier and Estonian Civil Aviation Administration) has lasted up to the very last minute and everybody is relieved, on both sides of the Atlantic, when everything is finally signed and sealed.

Afternoon. After the ceremony and the following lunch, Jean-Guy Blondin makes a couple of phone calls and tells us that everything is ready for us to take off sometime after 5 p.m. (in Estonia, it is past midnight). Several quick press releases and blog postings later we bid a warm farewell to our hosts and the following minutes seem like a dream: I open the door of the plant’s nice kitchenette, step outside and start walking. There are no tedious customs procedures, only the plane standing a few steps away in the dusk, stairs invitingly waiting. I pause for a moment – this is it then… Flight of a lifetime. When all 14 passengers are on board, the two happy and radiant Estonian Air flight attendants-instructors, Meelike-Enel Andrejeva and Anneli Kalevi, lock the door and we leave Canada behind with the Bombardier instruckevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Estonian Air fleet during the first 20 years Estonia’s national carrier, Estonian Air, was founded as a state-owned public limited company on December 1, 1991 after the restoration of Estonian independence. Estonian Air inherited from Aeroflot, the Soviet Union airline, twelve Antonov AN-2, twelve Tupolev TU-134A and four Jakovlev JAK-40 type planes. Estonian Air sold the AN-2 type planes rather quickly — the last of them being deleted from the national civil aircraft register in 1996. The TU-134A type planes were in service until 1996. Estonian Air sold the last JAK-40 type plane in 1998. In 1995, Estonian Air leased its first new Boeing 737-500. The first Fokker 50 was leased in 1996 and Estonian Air operated altogether four Fokker 50 planes, the last one was redelivered in 2004. In 2006, Estonian Air got its first Boeing 737-300. Estonian Air has operated altogether twelve Boeing planes. In 2007, subsidiary, Estonian Air Regional, started operation with two SAAB 340 type planes. In 2011, Estonian Air purchased two new regional jet type CRJ900 NextGen planes from the Bombardier Aerospace in Canada. A third plane of that type will be delivered in 2012. As of February 2011, the Estonian Air fleet consists of two 88-seat CRJ900 NextGen planes, three 118-seat Boeing 737-500 and two 142-seat Boeing 737-300 planes. Estonian Air Regional has two 33-seat SAAB 340 planes.

If you can dream it – we can build it c u st o m -m ad

And then, at the very end of the final hangar we see the most beautiful blue tail of an airplane! By the time we make our way there, a red carpet and chairs have appeared in front of the plane – everything is ready for the handover ceremony of the first Estonian Air Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen!


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estonian air 20

Welcome home!!!

Safety demo by Anneli Kalevi.

tor, Jean-Paul Bonnichon, and Estonian Air captain, Jaanus Nuut, at the controls. When I ask the latter what it feels like, he says at first that he has flown with CRJ a lot (Estonian Air pilots went to Slovenia to train with Adria Airways) but then adds that it is much better to fly „our very own plane”. The seats are comfortable and the interior is very beautiful. Everybody is excited and the flight attendants point out the „emergency exits are located in the middle and rear of the plane”with a profound overview of the lighting options and to illustrate their words, play with lights like children. Estonian Air Vice President Commercial, Rauno Parras, transforms swiftly into a steward and offers superb on-board service passing with a tray to and fro in an impressive frequency. It is surpris-

President of the Estonian Air, Andrus Aljas Why regional jets? We actually started thinking of having regional jet type planes serve the Estonian Air home market over ten years ago. The seat cost so important in aviation generally is not the best argument at small markets where the cost per roundtrip becomes more important as we have to offer frequent flight schedule suitable for our customers. And this indicator is far more advantageous in the case of regional jet type planes. Why Bombardier? The regional jet type planes are currently manufactured by two producers – the Canadian Bombardier Aerospace produces the CRJ type planes and the 30

Brazilian Embraer produces the E-jet type planes. The choice in favour of the Bombardier’s CRJ was easy to make as they offered the best price-qualityefficiency ratio. In addition, we were offered advantageous producer’s warranty as well as different packages for the trouble-free and smooth entry into service of the planes.

ing but the more pleasant to realize that it is actually possible to celebrate on board the new plane. The fourteen of us on the flight over the Atlantic feel like children let loose in a candy store as every moment offers exciting new things to discover or experience – there is the sign next to the cockpit door saying „This aircraft not for revenue service” (actually it is, the sign is there for the flight home only); we set a new Estonian Air altitude record of 12,600 meters; and admire the dream-like palegreen northern lights in the star-lit sky just before landing for fuel in Iceland; and are later stunned by the yellow, pink and blue skies above the white froth of clouds. When approaching Tallinn, I am offered for the first time in my life the possibility to be in the cockpit during the flight. I am seated on a jump seat behind the two pilots. The plane seems to sink from the light blue skies into a grey fuzz of clouds. I wait… and suddenly there is the snowy landscape and the Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport runway in front of us. It is 9.40 a.m. local time and I almost hear the time stop and hold breath when I do the same on my jump seat witnessing a truly historic moment. In 2011, Estonian Air celebrates its 20th anniversary. In Time Magazine celebrates the year with a series of articles about Estonian Air and aviation in general.

Which were the most important milestones and turning points? Serious negotiations with Bombardier for the purchase of the CRJs began in the second half of 2007 and we signed the contract of purchase in January 2008. Plane purchasing and especially the financing part of the process is extremely complex and for Estonian Air things were further complicated because of the recession and fact that the majority shareholder of Estonian Air at the time, SAS, wanted to sell its share in the company. In this apprehensive situation the process dragged on and took a year and half longer than anticipated. Estonian Air, however, never lost faith that sooner or later all three new airplanes would land in Tallinn. There is a way out of every complex situation when you believe in it and are willing to work for it. The turning point came when the Estonian Government decided to increase state’s shareholding in

Estonian Air and the financers, in turn, saw it as a guarantee for the long-term sustainability of the carrier. In spite of this, the multilateral negotiations were complicated and the final agreement was only reached in August 2010. What are the feelings after first two planes are delivered? On one hand, it is a great feeling; on the other hand we are only at the beginning of a long process. New planes were not an objective in itself but only the means for carrying out the strategy of the company. The everyday work with the goal of attaining sustainable profit, while offering our customers flights that meet their needs along with quality service, is ongoing. Nevertheless, the arrival of new planes is a special occasion for Estonian Air — and our customers — to celebrate.

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


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kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME



Kadriorg, the pearl of Tallinn

text: margus müil

The Baroque Kadriorg Palace and park ensemble in Tallinn built on the orders of Russian Emperor, Peter the Great, are well worth visiting.


photos: jarek jõepera, eas, focus media


adriorg is one of the most prestigious residential districts in Tallinn the development of which has been greatly influenced by the life-style of the Tsarist Russian nobility. The palace and park built under the order of Peter the Great and named Kadriorg after his wife Catherine I has been visited by most of the rulers of Russia. Since 1929, the Kadriorg Park is also the home of the official residence of the Estonian President. Grand plans

The Great Northern War that broke out in 1700 between Russia and Sweden helped Peter the Great to fulfil his dream to have a „window to Europe” or access to the Baltic Sea. The ancient port town of Tallinn, conquered during the war, became one of the most important strategic points of that „window” and therefore the Emperor of INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


The museums of Kadriorg KUMU Art Museum Apart from the classical as well as contemporary works of Estonian artists the KUMU Art Museum (Weizenbergi 34/ Valge 1) also hosts international exhibitions and offers the services of its digital archive which is actually a picture bank where you can see, search and order works stored in the archive of the museum without having to leave home. In 2008, the KUMU Art Museum was awarded the European Museum of the Year Award.

Russia needed a residence there. Peter initially stayed in a rather modest summer cottage in Kadriorg but was fascinated by the surroundings and decided to build a palace and park ensemble worthy of the Russian Empire. After having hired an Italian architect, Niccoló Michetti, Peter ordered the works to commence in summer 1718. Michetti remained true to the Italian trends of the time according to which the palace and its extensions were built on a natural terrace. The local terraced relief also dictated the layout of the park – the Lower Garden was designed in front of the palace and the Upper Garden at the back which, in turn, was also located on different levels. Niccoló Michetti designed the palace in three parts. The well preserved main hall is one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture in Estonia as well as of Peter’s era Russia and of the entire kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Northern Europe. The entrance hall has preserved its authentic look as have many of the stoves in the palace. The palace complex comprises several adjacent buildings, the majority of which have been renovated. The development of a grandiose park ensemble with many auxiliary buildings, canals, ponds and almost 50 fountains was unfortunately cut short by the death of Peter the Great in 1725. Picturesque park

The Kadriorg Park is a fine example of Tsarist extravagance and is also a typical cut of the world trends of the time. While the palace is unmistakably of Italian style, the garden was already designed to present French features that prevailed in Europe at the time. The northern part of the park was intended to have the look of a natural landscape with an-

Kadriorg Art Museum The collection of the Kadriorg Art Museum located at Kadriorg Palace (Weizenbergi 37) comprises over 900 paintings by Western European and Russian artists from the period between the 16th and 20th centuries; it houses 3,500 prints; over 3,000 sculptures and items of miniature plastics, as well as 1,600 items of applied art (pieces of furniture, porcelain, glass, etc). The exposition also includes a selection of works by Estonian, Russian and English silversmiths and goldsmiths. Mikkel Museum In 1994, the private art collector, Johannes Mikkel (1907–2006), donated to the Art Museum of Estonia his private collection comprising over 600 pieces of art by Western European, Russian, Chinese and Estonian artists from the period between the 16th and 20th centuries. The historic Kadriorg Palace kitchen (Weizenbergi 28) was specially renovated to house the collection and it was named the Mikkel Museum. The pride of the collection are the four etchings by Rembrandt. 



Museums Peter the Great Cottage The house museum of the founder of Kadriorg Palace and park, Peter the Great (1672– 1725) (Mäekalda 2), offers an insight into the living conditions of one of the most famous tsars in Russian history before the completion of the palace complex. The cottage was used as an imperial residence from 1714 until Peter’s death. Today it is the only representative of 17th century cottage architecture in Estonia.

The numerous flower beds boasted roses, carnations, tulips and daffodils.

cient oaks, meadows and picturesque groves of trees cut through with paths and alleyways. Kadriorg Park is remarkable for its wide variety of trees and shrubs comprising more than 280 species. It is the home of the largest tree in Tallinn, an oak with a circumference of 622 cm, as well as the “Swedish King’s oak” planted by Gustav V during his visit to Tallinn in 1929. Architecturally the most important parts of the park are situated in the front and the back of the palace. The Lower Garden was part of the regular 34

park with the most extensive and complex composition. In 1731, the five alleyways were lined with more than 600 trees and lawns with neatly trimmed hedges. The numerous flower beds boasted roses, carnations, tulips and daffodils. The attraction of the Flower Garden on the lower terrace of the Upper Garden was the Mirage wall with its many sculptures, fountains and a cascade in the centre. Behind the Mirage wall, on the highest part of the Upper Garden a Mirage pond was constructed with a round island in the middle. After the death of Peter the Great and subsequently Catherine I in 1727 the development of the park, including the erection of the Swan Pond was laid aside. The works commenced in 1740 after which the Swan Pond and Sea Alley were completed. By the year of 1827 when Kadriorg was visited by Tsar Nicholas I the once magnificent park had degraded. Nicholas ordered the park and palace to be restored and gave it to the leader of the Governorate of Estonia who turned it into his summer residence. Restoration continues

During the early years of the independent Estonian Republic Kadriorg Palace was placed

Tammsaare Museum The 19th century Historicist summer manor style house (Koidula 12A) houses the flatmuseum of the author considered the greatest novelist in Estonian literature, Anton Hansen Tammsaare (1878–1940). Tammsaare lived there for the last eight years of his life. He is famous for his pentalogy Truth and Justice which has been translated into more than 30 languages, including English, French, German and Russian. Tammsaare flat-museum has over 6,000 items, including the death mask and violin of the writer. Eduard Vilde Museum The museum located in a mid 19th century Neo-Baroque building (Roheline aas 3) was the last home of the Estonia’s most productive author, Eduard Vilde (1865– 1933). The museum is considered one of the best preserved interiors of 1920s architecture. The museum also displays paintings and sculptures by some of the Estonian famous artists of the time. 

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Museums Miia-MillaManda Museum for children The Miia-MillaManda Museum (Koidula 21C) is located in the main building of the Kadriorg Children Park. It was built in 1936–1937 and renovated at the beginning of the 21st century and it is of great milieu and architectural value. The exposition tells children about friendship, nature and historic items dating back decades.

at the disposal of the Art Museum of Estonia and a new park development plan was drawn up according to which the main focus was on landscaping elements. Extensive renovation works began in 1935 with the drainage of the park and rehabilitation of the Swan Pond. In 1937, a Youth Park or Children Park was completed with up-to-date swimming pools, playgrounds and sand boxes. Soil necessary for the renovation work was taken from the NorthEastern part of the park as a result of which a new pond was created in 1938. It was called the NorthEast Pond and is surrounded by a beautiful flower garden. The most important event of the year, however, was the completion of the house of the

Office of the President. Today it also serves as the official residence of the President of the Republic. Apart from the palace and park ensemble Kadriorg attracts with its exclusive residential district. The streets of Kadriorg resemble a unique architectural museum where different centuries and cultures meet. Prominent architecture of the historic residential district with its wooden houses reminds us of a once wealthy seaside resort - the gorgeous renovated houses and summer manors of which stand side by side with functionalist apartment buildings and cheaper tenement houses.


Kadriorg Park is very accessible:

Guided tours of Kadriorg Palace:

on foot: from Viru Square along the Narva Road and Weizenbergi Street; by tram No 1 or 3: from town centre to “Kadriorg” (final stop); and by bus No 1, 1a, 19, 29, 29a, 29b, 34a, 38 or 44: from the Viru centre bus terminal to “Jaan Poska” stop.

Please call (+372) 606 6400 or e-mail to kadriorg@ekm.ee

The cafés and dining places of Kadriorg can be described by the phrase “something for everyone”. In addition to the cafés of Kadriorg Palace and Kumu Art Museum there is NOP store–cum-café in Köleri Street selling organic Estonian food; the Park Café by the Swan Pond in the for36

Park Café

mer house of the park ranger (and later the guest house) built in 1777 offers confectionary and chocolates; the elegant Kadriorg Restaurant in Weizenbergi Street and the cozy Gourmet Coffee.

Guided tours of Kadriorg Park: Please call (+372) 5346 4060 or e-mail to sales@ estonianexperience. com

Jaan Poska Museum The home of the Estonian statesman, Jaan Poska (1866–1920) is located in a colonial style wooden house dating back to the Tsarist era (Jaan Poska 8). Only a few of its kind have been preserved to the present day. There are several unique elements about the house, such as sunscreens on the south side of the house and old furnaces adding to the overall atmosphere. Jaan Poska was an Estonian politician and lawyer who served as the Mayor of Tallinn and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia. He was also the main architect of the Tartu Peace Treaty with Russia that later became known as the corner stone of the independent Republic of Estonia. Jaan Poska house museum also serves as a venue for concerts and plays. In March and April, the Old Baskin Theatre presents a play called „The Saga of Jaan Poska” at the museum depicting the life of the statesman. To visit the museum, please call in advance: (+372) 56452476 or (+372) 5113515.

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3D estonians

With their novel 3D-camera, Kaur and Kaspar Kallas hope to conquer both Hollywood and Bollywood.

The brothers Kaur and Kaspar Kallas have developed, together with the USA camera producer, Silicon Imaging, probably the world’s first stereoscopic video camera that is able to record a three-dimensional image. text: toivo tänavsuu (eesti ekspress)

ph o t o s: tiit blaat (eesti ekspress)


his wonder gadget has already drawn the attention of many of the world’s top directors, including James Cameron and Werner Herzog who used it for shooting his latest documentary last summer. Myth busters

The Kallas brothers have successfully busted the myth according to which the making of a 3D-film takes a truckload of special equipment, at least three technicians and that setting up a scene takes half a day. Actually, the 3D-camera is not a camera in the traditional sense of the word but a modular system comprising two camera heads and a recorder. The set is portable and can easily be adjusted for special purposes. Without a lens the device 38

weighs four kilograms and enables the playing of a recorded 3D-picture at the film set. Until now, the production of a 3D-picture took two separate cameras and a special device to merge images from different cameras into a 3Dimage. The cameras had to be synchronised for the timing of each frame to be exactly the same. It was all rather complicated and there was always a risk that the quality of the 3D-effect would be poor. And more importantly, the solution was neither mobile nor cheap. Cameron showed interest

Kaur Kallas says that the 3D-camera was produced by the US company, Silicon Imaging. Estonians developed the mobile hardware solution or the recorder for Silicon Imaging camera heads that enables the recording of a 3D-image and also INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


helped to create the necessary software. The camera set costs approximately 64,000 euros. So far Silicon Imaging has sold one to the world famous director, James Cameron, whose film “Avatar” recently broke all box office records. Fast technological development, however, does not favour the sale of these camera sets. It is more practical to offer the service which includes equipment rental together with the services of a specialist. And that is what the Kallas brothers are now focusing on. Panasonic and Sony have also used the same business model with their high-end digital cameras. The camera heads and recorder rental costs 980 euros a day and auxiliary equipment, such as a mirror rig, wireless HD and 3D monitoring, wireless follow focus, lenses and a work station for viewing recorded material costs another 1500–2000 euros a day. The very first work

The new technology was used for the first time in December 2009 in Finland to make the 3D commercial that was shown before “Avatar”. In summer 2010, Werner Herzog used this novel camera to record his first 3D documentary called “Caves of Forgotten Dreams” that premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in September. The European premier is scheduled to take place in February at the Berlinale. In Estonia, the Acuba 3D-camera is used in the production of a documentary and a 3D short feature, both of which should be out this spring. The Kallas brothers also co-operated with the artist Raul Rajangu in the making of an experimental 3D short film, “Luminous Darkness”, which was recently premiered. “It was a great recognition for us that Werner Herzog chose us and our equipment for his new film. I believe it is one of those exceptionally rare cases when film-making equipment and knowhow has been exported for reasons other than cost,” says Kallas. “In addition to working on the set we also did all the post production of the film right down to the 3D-master.” Negotiations are currently under way with several well-known directors who would like to use Estonians’ equipment for their upcoming projects but Kallas is unwilling to name any names yet.

It was a great recognition for us that Werner Herzog chose us and our equipment f or his new film. in London. The set belonging to the Estonians is in Warsaw where the company owned by the brothers, Digital Sputnik, recently expanded and where Kaspar Kallas, the main architect of technical solutions lives. Digital Sputnik’s camera is being tested for the Polish film industry as the Estonian market is too small for it. A further goal is to take the camera to the Indian film market. “Estonia lacks the market for this kind of equipment and therefore we focus our efforts outside,” says Kaur Kallas. Meanwhile the brothers continue to work on optimising the camera casing. Within a year the entire system has become more compact and it is now possible to monitor and operate the camera with no wires attached. The 3D-camera was developed on the basis of the 2D-camera that was also produced by Estonians in co-operation with Silicon Imaging and used for filming Kadri Kõusaar’s controversial “Magnus”. The same technology was used for the Hollywood feature film “Slumdog Millionaire” that last year won the Academy Award for Best Cinematography. The camera head of a 3D-camera actually consists of two 2D-cameras, one of which records for one eye while the second records for the other eye. As eyes see images differently, a 3D spacious effect is created in the brain.

The new camera makes the 3D film-making so easy that there is no need for a truckload of equipment.

Camera is in Poland

The target group for the new camera includes producers of feature films, documentaries, and commercials as well as others interested in the development of cinematic art. One of the 3Dcameras is currently in Hollywood and another kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME




ÜKSKI FILM EI OLE SINU JAOKS TÕELINE ELAMUS, KUI SA POLE SEDA VAADANUD BLU-RAY PLAADIMÄNGIJAGA Sinu HD-teler ilma Blu-ray mängijata on tavaline teler Mitte kunagi varem pole kodus filmivaatamine olnud sellisel tasemel. Kui oled soetanud korraliku HD-teleri, on tõelise filmielamuse saamiseks vaja ka Blu-ray plaadimängijat ja head filmi Blu-ray plaadil. Vaid Blu-ray tehnoloogia võimaldab salvestada plaadile kõrglahutusega (HD) sisu. Blu-ray tehnoloogial valmistatud andmekandjale mahub kuni 50 GB ulatuses materjali, seega ei ole enam muret ülimalt kvaliteetsete täispikkade filmide mahutamisega. Võrreldes tavalise DVD-ga, võimaldab Blu-ray tehnoloogia rohkem kui viis korda teravamat pildikvaliteeti ja seda koos kristallselge 7.1 surround heliga, mis tagab tõeliselt nauditava ja tõetruu ruumilise heli teie elutoas. Justkui boonusena pigistab Blu-ray plaadimängija ka tavalisest DVD plaadist välja parima. Vastupidi asi ei toimi.

Taskukohane Blu-ray on jõudnud massidesse Blu-ray tehnoloogia on tulnud, et jääda. See on kättesaadavam kui kunagi varem. Kui veel aasta tagasi maksis Blu-ray plaadimängija Eestis keskmiselt 250 EUR`i, siis täna maksab samalaadne seade umbes 70 EUR’i. Uue põlvkonna plaatide parima valiku koos eestikeelse heli või subtiitritega leiad Kristiine keskuse Apollo filmiosakonnast.

Naudi seda, mida Sa varem lihtsalt ei näinud Peale selle, et kõik suurfilmid tulevad müügile Blu-ray formaadis, annavad filmistuudiod aktiivselt välja ka uues kuues filmiklassikat, näiteks „Tuulest viidud“, „Helisev muusika“, „Romeo ja Julia“, „Moulin Rouge“, „Matrix“, „Superman“ jne.


INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


Eesti kotkad Euroopa taevas Seni vähe tuntud peatükk Teise maailmasõja ajaloost räägib Briti õhujõududes teeninud Eesti lendurite võitlusest Poola iseseisvuse ja euroopa vabaduse eest.


tekst: raimo pullat

f o t o d: arhiiv

1942. aastal mobiliseeriti Liblikmaa Punaarmeesse, saadeti Sverdlovskisse, demobiliseeriti ja suleti laagrisse nr 109, kus oli üle 500 poolaka. Peagi põgenes lendur koos kahe poolakaga laagrist. Põgenike tee viis läbi lugematute ohtude Venemaalt Kasahstani kaudu Iraani, kust Ants Liblikmaa jõudis Inglismaale, seal võttis ta uueks eesnimeks Jan ning ühines kuninglike õhujõududega. 22. novembril 1944 startis tema DH Mosquito MK II nr HJ 650-1 harjutuslennule. Lennuk purunes teadmata põhjustel, piloot hukkus Birminghami piirkonnas ning leitnant Liblikmaa maeti sõjaväeliste auavaldustega Worcesteri Astwoodi surnuaiale. Enne oma traagilist hukkumist osales ta mitmes lahingulennus.

esti ja Poola sõjaväelised suhted enne Teist maailmasõda ja selle ajal moodustavad kahe riigi sidemetes põneva peatüki. Eesti sõjaväelendurid teenisid Briti kuninglike õhujõudude (RAF) koosseisus pärast 1939. aasta 1. septembrit, mil Danzigi (Gdansk) all Westerplattes algas Saksamaaga verine võitlus elu ja surma peale. Brittide õhujõududes võitlesid Eesti, Inglismaa, Poola ja kogu Euroopa vabaduse nimel eestlastest leitnandid Ants Liblikmaa ja Mihkel Kristiani ning lennukaptenid Peeter Olt ja Endel Susi, samuti teadaolevalt ka kaks naislendurit – Raja Tamm ja Lea Lintrop-Hughes.

Surm treeninglennul

Järvamaalt pärit 1917. aastal sündinud leitnant Ants Liblikmaa, kes dokumentides esineb nime all Jan Anton Liblikman, teenis sõjaeelse Eesti Vabariigi õhukaitseväes. Nagu paljud teisedki sõjaväelased NSV Liidu poolt okupeeritud Eestis, viidi ta Teise maailmasõja puhkedes sundkorras Nõukogude tagalasse. kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Hauad Poola vapi all

Ants Liblikmaa ja Mihkel Kristiani hauad Inglismaal.

Tallinnast pärit Mihkel Kristiani (poolakeelsetes dokumentides ka Michal Kristiani) oli samuti õppinud Eestis lennukoolis ning ka tema sattus üsna pea pärast sõja algust Venemaale laagrisse. Juunis 1942 jõudis ta NSV Liidu liitlasteks saanud 41


poolakate abiga Inglismaale, RAFi Blackpooli Polish Depot’sse. Lisaks eesti keelele inglise, vene, poola ja saksa keelt rääkinud lendur haigestus paraku raskekujulisse neeruhaigusesse ja suri juunis 1944. Kaks aastat hiljem autasustati teda postuumselt medaliga. Nii puhkavad kaks Eestist pärit lendurit – Liblikmaa ja Kristiani – igavest und Inglismaa mullas, hauasambal Poola vapp ja kivisse raiutud sõnad „Polish Forces“.

DH Mosquito oli laiaotstarbeline briti lahingulennuk, millega lendasid nii Endel Susi kui ka Ants Liblikmaa.

Eesti naised Briti lennuväes

Eesti naislenduritest on tollest ajast teada vaid kaks nime: Briti WAAFis ehk Women’s Auxiliary Air Force’is teeninud Raissa (Raja) Gillespie (Tamm), kes abiellus inglasega ja kelle saatus hiljem Lõuna-Aafrikasse pillutas, ning Briti salateenistustega seotud Lea (Karin) Lintrop-Hughes. Temagi abiellus briti jalaväekapteniga. LintropHughes hukkus novembris 1944 lennueksamil kokkupõrkes teise lennukiga. Äärmiselt kohusetruu võitlejana tuntud naine maeti sõjaväeliste auavalduste saatel. Need kaks neiut sattusid Inglismaale 1937. aastal, kui läksid sinna oma inglise keele oskusi täiendama. Sõja puhkedes aga astusid nad vabatahtlikena sõjaväe teenistusse.

Kapten Peeter Olt (vasakul) ja kapten Laaks.

Poola aumärkide kavaler

Tartust pärit, 1914. aastal sündinud Endel Susist sai Eesti Vabariigi sõjaväelendur aastal 1935. Augustis 1941 viidi ta Nõukogude okupatsioonivõimude poolt Venemaale ja nii kujunes temagi saatus üsna sarnaseks kahe eelneva lenduri omaga – juba juunist 1942 viibis Susi Inglismaal. Endel Susi ülendati kuninglikes õhujõududes kapteniks ning ta lendas Mosquito tüüpi hävituslennukitega sõja lõpuni. Teda autasustati mitme Inglise ja Poola aumärgiga. Pärast sõda elas Susi Andrewsi nime all Kanadas, oli seal teist korda abielus ja ka suri seal. Susi ei suhelnud oma esimese perekonnaga, kes elas Eestis, ega rääkinud ka kellelegi oma tegevusest sõja ajal. Arvatavasti seetõttu, et ta olevat olnud seotud sadade tuhandete kaitsetute tsiviilisikute, sealhulgas naiste ning laste elusid nõudnud Dresdeni ja Leipzigi pommitamisega. Poolas sündinud Eesti ohvitser

Kapten Peeter Olt sündis aastal 1899 (mõnedel andmetel 1896) Varssavis. Ta õppis lennundust ja pilotaaži Venemaal ning Prantsusmaal ja sõdis 42

Vapper hävituslendur Endel Susi, kes võitles Briti kuninglikes õhujõududes koos poola lenduritega fašismi vastu. Foto on tehtud Teise maailmasõja eelõhtul.

Endel Susi võitles koos naislenduri Raissa (Raja) Gillespie’ga (Tammega), kes elas kõrge vanuseni Kaplinnas.

1918–1920 Vene kodusõjas valgete poolel Wrangeli ja Denikini armees. Pärast Wrangeli ja Denikini purustamist elas Olt Türgis, läbis seejärel Königsbergis merelennuväe ning Tallinnas aviomotoristi kursused. Seega oli tegu omas ajas äärmiselt laia sõjalise ettevalmistusega mehega. Kapten Olt oskas juhtida mitut tüüpi lennukeid ja veesõidukeid, valdas vene ja saksa keelt ning tundis Eestit, Prantsusmaad, Saksamaad, Lätit, Leedut, Türgit, Tšehhoslovakkiat ja eriti Poolat. 1942. aasta algul teenis Olt mõned kuud NSV Liidu territooriumil formeeritud Poola väeüksustes. Kui Liblikmaa ja Susi pommitasid Saksa linnu, siis Olt olevat lennanud peamiselt transpordilennukitega ning toonud USA-st ja Kanadast Euroopa sõjatandrile uusi lennukeid. Pärast sõda elas Peeter Olt mõnda aega Inglismaal ning olevat 1950.–1960. aastail töötanud peamehhaanikuna Panama aurikul Astra ning eestlastele kuulunud laevadel Anne, Lorna ja August. See huvitav lehekülg Eesti ja Poola sõpruse ajaloos kirjutati tänu mõlema riigi lendurite sõjaeelsetele sidemetele ning pani aluse soojadele ja usalduslikele suhetele kahe maa ja rahva vahel, mis kestavad tänaseni. Artikli autor Raimo Pullat on Tallinna Ülikooli emeriitprofessor, ajaloo- ja filosoofiadoktor. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


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retsept (neljale) 1,2-kilone siig tükike võid re tsept: Roman Zaštšerinski

fotod: jarek jõepera

Kastmeks: paar sibulat ürte vabal valikul 200 ml vahukoort ühe sidruni mahl sidrunikoort 150 ml Saksa Rieslingi veini meresoola suhkrut

Siiakala peedipadjal Valmistamine Võta 1,2-kilone siig, eemalda soomused

ning fileeri. Pane filee hetkeks kõrvale.

Kastme jaoks keeda kalaluustikust ja peast

puljong. Lisa tillivart, sibulat ning omal valikul ürte. Maitsesta. Lõika väike salatisibul kuubikuteks ja hauta võis madalal temperatuuril 10 minutit, kuni sibul muutub klaasjaks. Lisa 150 ml veini (sama, mida hiljem toidu kõrvale pakud). Lase segu keema, et alkohol aurustuks, lisa pool liitrit kalapuljongit ning keeda, kuni kogus on poole võrra vähenenud. Seejärel lisa 200 ml vahukoort ja keeda, kuni kaste muutub vedela hapukoore paksuseks. Lisa ühe sidruni mahl ja paar riba sidrunikoort. Maitsesta soola ja vähese suhkruga, et tulemus oleks magushapu. Koori peedid, lõika viiludeks. Maitsesta soola ja päevalilleõliga. Küpseta ahjus 180 kraadi juures 25–30 minutit. 44

Kohviku Moon asutaja Roman Zaštšerinski on tuntud telekokk ja mitme kokaraamatu autor.

Võta üks keskmine pikk kurk, lõika see risti

pooleks ja viiluta peenikesteks ribadeks. Aseta kaussi viilutatud redised ning kurk, vesikressi ja tillioksi. Pigista salatile natuke sidrunimahla, lisa näpuotsaga soola ning köömneid. Lisa üks supilusikatäis kvaliteetset oliiviõli ja sega. Lase salatil paar minutit maitsestuda. Kuumuta pannil oliiviõli. Prae siiafileed mõlemalt poolt kaks minutit. Tõsta pann tulelt ning lase siial veel 3-4 minutit järelküpseda. Raputa peale meresoola. Serveerimiseks aseta taldrikule peediviilud, nendele kala ning peale salat. Kastet lisa vastavalt soovile. Kastmele võid piserdada oliiviõli.

Salatiks: kaks keskmist peeti päevalilleõli üks keskmine kurk neli punast redist natuke sidrunimahla vesikressi köömneid head oliiviõli tilli

Siig Siig elab kõikides Eesti rannikuvetes ning Pärnu ja Narva jões. Teda võib osta Tallinna kalaturult või erinevatest Eesti kalakasvatustest. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


Whitefish on beet bed Preparation Scale and fillet the whitefish. For the dressing, boil a broth using the head

and bones of the whitefish. Add dill stems, an onion and herbs to your personal liking and season. Dice a small onion into cubes and simmer with butter at low heat for ten minutes until glassy. Add 150 ml of wine (the same wine you later serve). Bring the mixture to boil letting the alcohol evaporate. Add half a litre of fish broth and boil until it is half of original. Add 200 ml of cream and boil until the dressing thickens. Add lemon juice and a couple of strips of lemon peel. Season with salt and sugar so that the mixture has a sweet and sour taste. Peel and slice the beets. Season with salt and sunflower oil. Bake in oven at 180 ° for 25 to 30 minutes. Cut the cucumber in half and slice into thin strips. Slice the radishes and put into a bowl together with the cucumber, watercress and sprigs of dill. Sprinkle with lemon juice and season with salt and cumin. Add one tablespoonful of olive oil and mix. Let the salad stand for a few minutes to season. Heat the olive oil on a frying pan and fry the whitefish for two minutes on both sides. Take the pan off the heat and have the fish to bake in the pan for another 3 or 4 minutes. Season with sea salt. Place the beet slices, fish and salad on a plate. Add dressing to your liking. Sprinkle with olive oil.

Sandberg Reisid tel 5656 6814 e-post info@sandberg.ee www.sandberg.ee

recipe (serves 4) Whitefish weighing approx. 1.2 kg a knob of butter For dressing: 2 onions herbs of your personal taste 200 ml of 35% cream juice and peel of one lemon 150 ml of German Riesling pinch of sea salt some sugar For salad: two medium-sized beets sun flower oil one medium-sized cucumber four red radishes some lemon juice watercress cumin good quality olive oil some dill

Whitewish Whitefish live in Estonian coastal waters as well as in the rivers of Pärnu and Narva. Whitefish can be bought at Tallinn Fish Market and at different fish farms. kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Roman Zachtcherinski, the founder of the Café Moon, is a celebrity TV chef and the author of many cook-books.


Juhendi reeglid keht vene-, soome-, roots ingliskeelse logo puh

Kulturen kallar

Twin sisters & their orchestra The 2011 concert season of the Nordic Symphony Orchestra titled „The Meeting Place Tallinn” brings celebrated musicians from all over the world to Tallinn.


ourteen years ago conductor Anu Tali founded, together with her twin sister, manager Kadri Tali, the Estonian-Finnish Symphony Orchestra which quickly evolved into the Nordic Symphony Orchestra bringing together musicians of various nationalities from all over the world. “We have become an international orchestra that introduces Estonia and Estonian music to the world,” says Anu Tali. “We commission music from Estonian composers and then play and record it with the participation of some of the best musicians in the world.” In a word, the orchestra aims at making Estonian music known throughout the world. In addition to Estonian pieces the orchestra also plays music by composers from Europe as well as other parts of the world. The concert at the Berlin Philharmonic, for example, comprised the 6th Symphony by Estonian composer, ErkkiSven Tüür, and the 6th Symphony by Tchaikovsky.


On May 2nd and 3rd, Tallinn – the European Capital of Culture 2011 – presents the Nordic Symphony Orchestra and their concert programme, “Meeting Place Tallinn. WoW” at the Estonia Concert Hall. The programme was named after the composition “Wing on Wing” by renowned Finnish composer and conductor, Esa-Pekka Salonen. “In November, we played music by Shostakovich on a rather sombre note with no attempt to make things brighter, but in May we open our concerts with the much lighter “Searching for Roots” by Erkki-Sven Tüür,” says Anu Tali. “The programme also includes „Wing on Wing” by Esa-Pekka Salonen written for the opening of the Los Angeles Disney Hall. We end

our programme with the 10th Symphony by Mahler.” In autumn, the orchestra presents, within the European Capital of Culture programme, 2 concerts “Meeting Place Tallinn, NSO” on the 25th and 26th of November in Tallinn following which we go on to a Central Europe tour, including Budapest, Bratislava, Zagreb and Maribor, the next Capital of Culture. The programme comprises music by Pärt, Grieg and Sibelius. We will also have the talented Estonian pianist, Mihkel Poll, playing with us.” According to the sisters, Mihkel Poll, currently living in London, is one of the most talented and promising of Estonian musicians. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


MEIST MEISTRILIIGA M ME ISTTRILIIGA T LIIGA TRIL GA PÕNEVUSMÄNGUD USMÄN NGGUDD ÜLE Ü E EESTI! EESTI EEESTI! TI! Määrt Märtsis/In rtssiss//Inn M Mar March archh märts Nõmme 5. mä 5. märt rtss 14: 114:00 4:00 00 0 Nõmm Nõ N mme me JKK Kal Kaljuu - FC Flo Flora 12. märts 14:00 Tammeka 12 2.. mär mä m rts rtss 114: 4:00 00 FC 00 FC Flora FFloora r - Ta TTartu artu t JJK Tamme Tam märts 14.00 Levadia Flora 19. mär 19 19. mä m ärts ärt ts 114. 4.00 0 FFCC Levad 00 Lev vaad adiaa - FCC FFlo 222. 22 2.. m mä ärts ärt rts 18:45 188:455 FFCC Flo Flora raa - JK Sillamäe Kalev märts AAprillis/In Ap Apr April prillis llis/ s//In In Apri Ap p pril April 2. april 2. aaprill apprill illl 14:0 14:00 14 FC Levadia - Nõmme JK Kalju 9. aprill 9. aapr prillllll 14:00 Nõmme JK Kalju - JK Sillamäe Kalev 166. aap 16. aprill 14:00 FC Levadia - JK Narva Trans 23. aprill 14:00 JK Narva Trans - FC Flora Mais/In May 14. mai 14:00 FC Flora - JK Narva Trans 21. mai 17:00 JK Narva Trans - FC Levadia Rohkem infot mängude kohta: www.jalgpall.ee Information about the games can be found on Estonian FA website: www.jalgpall.ee Piletid Piletilevist! Tickets available from Piletilevi kiosks and on www.piletilevi.ee Mängude toimumisajad võivad muutuda. Fixture times subject to change. PEATOETAJA


kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


Rahvusvaheline sõpruskohtumine/ International friendly 25.märts/March, 25 19:00 Eesti-Uruguay EM-valikmäng/Euro 2012 Qualifier 29.märts/March, 29 21:30 Eesti-Serbia Eesti Superkarikafinaal/Estonian Supercup Final 1. märts/March, 1 18:45 FC Flora - FC Levadia Eesti Karikafinaal 2011/Estonian Cup Final 2011 10. mai/May,10 18:45 Kadrioru staadion TOETAJAD



reisijutt tekst: triin tammert f o tod: jarek jõepera ja erakogu

Pere on asjadest olulisem

Tallinn Premia Jäähall 2004 aastal pärast Eesti Meistritiitli võitmist

Tai Koh Chang

New York Manhattan

Estonian Airi kommertsala asepresident Rauno Parras armastab maailma avastada hea seltskonna ja kerge pagasiga. Millised on lemmiksihtkohad, kuhu läheksid alati tagasi?

Mulle väga meeldib reisida ja omal käel avastada, seega on palju neid kohti, kuhu alati tagasi minna – Tai, New York, Itaalia, Alpid jne. Ei ole just palju meeldivamaid elamusi kui minna keset meie karmi talve Taimaa päikese kätte, nautida sealset kliimat, sõbralikku ja usaldusväärset kohalikku rahvast, suurepärast toitu, vihmametsi, mererandu jne. Üheks korralikuks nädalaseks city breakiks sobib ideaalselt New York. Pean väga lugu mäesuusatamisest ja seega on mu nõrkuseks ka Alpid. Ükskõik kas Austria, Prantsusmaa, Šveits või Itaalia, peaasi, et mäed oleksid kõrged, nõlvad lumised ja vaated sellised, et iga hetk, mil saad mahti ringi vaadata, armud uuesti. Ühtlasi meeldib mulle Itaalia köök, sealne söögikultuur ja elustiil. Liigutava kogemuse sain hiljutisel Montreali reisil, kus käisin vaatamas maailma tugevaima hokiliiga NHLi kohtumist Montreal Canadiensi ja Anaheim Ducksi vahel. Endise hokimängijana on see spordiala mulle hingelähedane, kuid seda, kui oluline on jäähoki kanadalastele, sain teada alles sellel reisil. Tänu headele tuttavatele õnnestus mul saada pilet Canadiensi 21 000 pealtvaatajat mahutavas ja alati lõpuni müüdud koduhallis sellesse sektorisse, kus hooajapiletitega istuvad klubi kõige tulisemad poolehoidjad. Milline on sinu unistuste sihtkoht?

Sitsiilia. Olen suur Mario Puzo raamatute austaja ja seega tahaksin näha seda vastuolulist ja keerulise ajalooga maad. Ühel päeval on mul plaan proovida heliskiingut – helikopteriga viiakse 48

grupp suusatajaid mäe otsa, kuhu tõstukid ei lähe, et sealt siis looduse meelevallas alla sõita. Mille alati reisile kaasa pakid?

Asjadest olulisem on pere. Puhkus on kvaliteetaeg ja me proovime selle enamasti koos veeta. Asjadest tasub kaasa võtta pass (olles enne veendunud, et see ka kehtib ning sisaldab kõiki vajalikke viisasid), fotoaparaat ja kindlasti ka hea raamat, et pikki lennureise ja võimalikku ajavahest tingitud unetust mõnusalt mööda saata. Suvisele reisile minnes pakin alati kaasa korralikud plätud, suusareisile aga oma suusasaapad. Üldiselt eelistan reisimist kerge pagasiga – seljakotiga, mille saab salongi kaasa võtta Hea idee või nõuanne reisimiseks?

Kõik algab alati meeleolust ja seega oleks minu nõuandeks paindlikkus, sõbralikkus, seiklustahe ja otse loomulikult hea seltskond. Palun kirjelda oma tööd Estonian Airis.

Kommertsala asepresidendina vastutan selle eest, et Estonian Airi lennuplaan oleks kokku pandud nõnda, et see oleks meelepärane meie klientidele ja tulus firmale, et Estonian Airi kaubamärk oleks nähtav ja hinnatud ning meie lennud reisijate jaoks esimene valik.

Puhkus on kvaliteetaeg ja me proovime selle enamasti koos veeta. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


travel talk

Turkey Kemer

Austria Ischgl

Family comes first text: triin tammert

Estonian Air Vice President Commercial, Rauno Parras, likes to discover the world travelling light in good company.


photos: jarek jõepera, private collection

of the Canadiens with a capacity of 21,000 in the sector reserved for fans with season tickets. What is the destination of your dreams?

Sicily. I am a big fan of Mario Puzo and his books and I would really like to see that controversial country with its complex history. And one day I shall try heliskiing – off-piste, downhill skiing where a helicopter drops you off on top of mountain not accessible by ski-lifts and then you have to come down at the mercy of nature.

What are your favourite destinations – those which you are always willing to visit again?

What do you always take with you when travelling?

I love to travel and discover the world on my own and, therefore, there are many places in the world I would like to visit again – Thailand, New York, Italy and the Alps to name but a few. Almost nothing beats the feeling of leaving behind our harsh winter and travelling to sunny Thailand to enjoy the benign climate, excellent food, the rain forests and lovely beaches and meet the friendly and reliable locals. New York, however, is ideal for a week long city break. I also love downhill skiing and therefore I have a soft spot for the Alps – be it Austrian, French, Swiss or Italian Alps as long as the mountains are high, the slopes are snowy and the panoramas breathtaking – making you fall in love with the mountains over and over again. I also love Italian cuisine, the local food culture and life style in general. I recently had an exciting experience during my trip to Montreal where I had a chance to see a NHL match between Montreal Canadiens and Anaheim Ducks. I used to play hockey myself and this sport is still close to my heart. But it was only in Canada that I realised how important it is to Canadians. Thanks to my good friends I managed to get a seat in the “always sold out” home arena

Family comes first. A holiday is quality time and we try to spend it together. But when talking about things – well, I always take my passport after having made certain it is still valid and that I have all the necessary visas. I also take my camera and a good book to pass time on long flights or to overcome jet lag induced insomnia. In summer, I always pack a comfortable pair of flip-flops. When planning a skiing trip I always take my skiing boots. I like to travel light – preferably with a backpack. Do you have any good advice for travelling?

I believe that one’s state of mind is what it all comes down to and therefore my advice is to be flexible, friendly, and adventurous and travel in good company. Please describe the nature of your work at Estonian Air.

My job as the Vice President Commercial is to make sure that Estonian Air flight schedule suit our customers while being profitable for the company; that the Estonian Air trade mark is visible and appreciated; and that we are our customers’ first choice of airline. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


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kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME



spring events in copenhagen, stockholm, Brussels and london

at estonian air destinations


Lesbian and Gay Pride Day Lesbian and Gay Pride Day in Brussels attracts around 15,000 participants and visitors to a full programme of events, lasting way past midnight. May 14-16 at Ancienne Belgique and various venues

Ommegang Royal Pageant

Katy Perry A singer and songwriter from the United States who became popular in 2008 with her single “I Kissed A Girl” that climbed to the top of the charts in more than 20 countries. March 10 at the Forest National

Art Brussels Since it was first held in 1982, Art Brussels has established itself as a leading European venue for contemporary art. Both a contemporary art fair and a meeting place for collectors, curators and art lovers, it features 125 galleries from over 20 countries, carefully selected by an international committee to ensure a complete representation of all contemporary trends. April 28 – May 2 at Brussels Expo

Each summer the Ommegang Royal Pageant lights up the magnificent in Grand Place, Brussels. It is a colourful reconstruction of the spectacle originally held in 1549 to honour Emperor Charles V and the royal family. June 1-31 July at Brussels Grand Place

Copenhagen Woody Allen Woody Allen who is known mainly as a US film director, scriptwriter and actor, as well as a writer and columnist, is also a notable jazz musician. March 22 at the Imperial Theater

Kunsten Festival des Arts This arts festival covers a lot of ground. Not only are 20 diverse venues employed all around the city, but the scope of the festival embraces theatre, music, dance, film, visual arts and all imaginable combinations thereof. May 3-25 at various indoor and outdoor venues 52

Robin Gibb and his band now bring 50 years of the Bee Gees hit music to Scandinavia. June 2 at the Forum

Jerry Seinfeld Good news for all Jerry Seinfeld fans: the World’s undisputed No. 1 comedy king appears with his terrific stand-up show and all brand new material.
 June 6 at the Forum

Stockholm Stockholm Jazz Festival World-renowned jazz, blues, soul and pop artists perform at the waterfront setting of Stockholm’s beautiful Skeppsholmen island during the annual Stockholm Jazz Festival. This is a major event in the capital’s calendar and also one of its oldest events. In June at the Skeppsholmen

Eric Clapton Eric Clapton is an influential and most highly respected musician. Despite the fact that he has changed his musical style several times, the blues has remained closest to his heart. June 8 at the Ericsson Globe

Brussels Jazz Marathon The Brussels Jazz Marathon is becoming increasingly popular, with more than 400 musicians performing in the most beautiful squares in Brussels, as well in many clubs, cafés, hotels and even in special ‘free jazz line’ buses. May 28-30 at the Grand-Place and various venues.

An evening of the BEE GEEs greatest hits Robin Gibb in concert

Linkin Park Sade It has been 25 year since Sade gave her one and only concert in Denmark. Now she is back on 9 May 2011. May 9 at the Forum

Linkin Park is an alternative rock band from Los Angeles that became widely known in 2000 when they released an album called “Hybrid Theory” of which to date more than 25 million copies have been sold. June 14 at the Ericsson Globe

Copenhagen Carnival Parade with samba dancing and street entertainment. May 20-22 at the Fælledparken

Copenhagen Beer Festival May 26-28 at the Valby Hallen

 INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


London Enrique Iglesias & Lemar This 34-yearold Spanish pop artist is sure to set the lights flickering and the girls fainting with this arena date. This performance setlist includes hits from his nine albums, including his first and latest bilingual album ‘Euphoria’. Support from former smooth crooner Lemar. March 25 at the O2 Arena

Faithless The leading British electronic music band has gathered popularity with its dance music, and especially songs such as “Insomnia”, “God is a DJ” and “We Come 1”. April 7-8 at O2 Academy Brixton

Kylie Minogue Those who missed the Kylie’s concert in Tallinn have the chance to see it now in London. April 11-12 at the O2 Arena

Duran Duran The legendary British pop band with its original line-up is certain to fill stadiums with fans. May 28 at the O2 Arena

Talendid Koju viib kokku säravad eesti inimesed kodumaiste tööandjatega Prince William’s Marriage to Kate Middleton in London Prince William will marry his long-term girlfriend Catherine (Kate) Middleton at London’s Westminster Abbey in spring 2011. April 29 at Westminster Abbey

Chelsea Flower Show, London
 Come and experience the greatest flower show in the world. The Chelsea Flower Show is attended by 157,000 visitors each year. The number is limited by the capacity of the 11-acre ground. May 24-28 at London’s Royal Hospital Chelsea

Trooping the Colour: The Queen’s Birthday Parade London celebrates The Queen’s official birthday in June each year with the Trooping of the Colour, a fantastic military parade that has taken place in London since 1820 June 11 in London streets

Oled rahvusvaheline talent? Keskkond www.talendidkoju.ee vahendab Sulle põnevaid töö- ja praktikapakkumisi eestimaistelt tööandjatelt Tule registreeri ning hoia end kursis põnevate valdkondade pakkumistega!

Oled tööandja ja otsid rahvusvahelise kogemusega töötajat? www.talendidkoju.ee pakub Sulle ligipääsu ligi 500-le andekale eesti inimesele üle terve maailma Keskkonna kasutamine on kõigile tasuta!

Uuri lähemalt


The Virgin London Marathon Every year, approximately 30,000 people run the 26.2 mile (42.2km) marathon through the streets of London.

 April 17 in London streets kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


Where to go

Where to go Little Prince A contemporary dance composition with the participation of the Estonian National Ballet: Choreographer and stage director, Oksana Titova. Premier on June 2 at the Estonian National Opera Chamber Hall in Tallinn

Tartu Opera Gala

Opera Gala

Of Mice and Men The stage version of this well-known novel by John Steinbeck, staged by Moscow director, Mikhail Gorevoy, has been in the repertoire of the theatre for 13 years. It has won the heart of tens of thousands of spectators and is still in demand. April 19 at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn

The visit of the old lady The Moscow Lenkom Theatre presents the famous tragicomic play “The Visit of the Old lady” (Der Besuch der alten Dame) by Swiss dramatist Friedrich Dürrenmatt. June 14 at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn

ABBA. Concert-dance production The Vanemuine Theatre continues the series of music productions launched in 2009 with a tribute to the British rock band, “Queen”. The concert-dance production ABBA features almost 50 artists, including a band, soloists and the Vanemuine ballet company. Premier on May 13 at the Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu 54

Gregorian - The Dark Side of the Chant The Dark Side of the Chant Tour presents a selection of Gregorian’s works from the past dozen years, as well as from their latest album. Gregorian concerts always feature a band comprising musicians from different European countries who contributed to the sound, as well as to the atmosphere of the concert. March 19 at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn

Estonian National Male Choir

Opera & Theatre Tartu Opera Gala presents a programme of beautiful overtures, arias and duets from French and Italian operas, including masterpieces by Berlioz, Gounod, Thomas, Bizet, Delibes, Saint-Saëns, Cilea, Donizetti, Leoncavallo and Puccini. April 1 at the Vanemuine Concert Hall in Tartu

Where to go

Vienna Strauss Orchestra

Concert Vienna Strauss Orchestra This orchestra has gained fame as an authentic interpreter of Viennese music. The programme includes a wide range of classical music as well as pieces by composers of the Strauss family and other Viennese operetta masters. The Vienna Strauss Orchestra is well known for its unorthodox frivolity, outgoing communication skills with the audience and the ability to play while stepping on and off the stage and joining the audience. March 16 at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn

Ragnar Rasmussen is an internationally recognised conductor from Norway having worked with many European orchestras as a quest conductor. He has conducted many master classes and given lectures in Norway as well as abroad. His works have been recognised with several awards, the Northern Lights Prize from 2008 being perhaps the most prestigious one. March 25 at Jaani Church in Tallinn

Bach’s St Matthew Passion Within the framework of the Tallinn 2011 cultural programme, Corelli Music offers an exciting experience of one of the most praised passion-oratories by Bach. March 30 at Jaani Church in Tartu March 31 at Jaani Church in Tallinn

Bach's Mass in B Minor The Chamber Choir Voces Musicales presents of the most monumental compositions in the history of music, the Mass in B Minor (BWV 232) by Johann Sebastian Bach (1684-1750). Voces Musicales is accompanied by the Tallinn Baroque Orchestra. Arias and duets are performed by recognised soloists from Estonia as well as Sweden. March 18 at Jaani Church in Tallinn

Eri Klas

Nikolay Petrov and Eri Klas Nikolay Petrov is the most celebrated Russian pianist of his generation having won second prize at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in the USA (1962) and second prize at the Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition in Brussels. March 31 at Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

Mis on nakkuslik Nakkuslik hepatiit ehk kollatõbi on maksapõletik, mille põhjuseks on nakatumine ühega viiest viirusetüübist: A-, B-, C-, D- või E-hepatiidi viirusega. Kõik need viirused võivad põhjustada ägedat haiguse kulgu. Mõned viirused, nagu B-või C- hepatiidi viirused, võivad põhjustada ka kroonilist nakkust.

Kuidas levivad hepatiidid? A-hepatiidi viirus levib:

• Ohtlikeks nakkusallikateks võivad olla saastunud joogivesi, joogid või jääkuubikud; nõud, mis on A-hepatiidi viirusega saastunud, isegi siis kui nad paistavad puhtad. • A-hepatiit võib edasi kanduda ebapiisavalt kuumutatud toiduga ning mereandidega, toore köögivilja, puuvilja või salatitega. • A-hepatiit võib levida viirusega saastunud esemetega, sealhulgas ka meditsiiniseadmetega (näiteks süstlad). • Hepatiidi risk suureneb oluliselt viibides hepatiidiohuga riigis või ka hepatiidi puhanguga riigis. A-hepatiidi oht on seotud peamiselt halbade hügieenitingimustega arengumaades.

B-hepatiit on väga nakkav! Viirus kandub edasi nakatunud inimese vere või kehavedelikega.

• B-hepatiit levib verega saastunud esemetega,näiteks tätoveeringute tegemisel, augustamisel, meditsiiniprotseduuride käigus, süstimisel. • B-hepatiidi viirus võib siseneda organismi ka väga väikese nahakriimustuse kaudu. Isegi igapäevaselt kasutatavad tarbeesemed, nagu laenatud hambahari või žilett, võivad nakkust edasi kanda. • Viiruse levik toimub ka seksuaalkontaktide kaudu või sünnituse käigus nakatunud emalt lapsele.

Kus võib esineda B hepatiiti? Maailma Tervishoiu Organisatsioon (WHO) jagab riigid lähtuvalt B-hepatiidi esinemismäärast elanikkonna hulgas suure, keskmise ja madala riskiga riikideks. Soovitav on end vaktsineerida keskmise ja suure riskiga riikidesse reisides või seal pi-



kemalt peatudes. Eesti on riik, kus hepatiit B-sse nakatumise riski hinnatakse keskmiseks*. A-hepatiidi esinemine on seotud halbade hügieenitingimustega arengumaades. Samas ei saa välistada ka piirkondlikke puhanguid arenenud maades. Nii oli 2008. aastal Lätis alanud puhangusse nakatunud üle 2200 inimese. Eestis on Aviirushepatiiti haigestumine viimastel aastatel madal ning enamik haigusjuhtudest on sisse toodud.

Kui tõsine haigus on hepatiit? Hepatiidi kõik vormid võivad kulgeda ilma haigusnähtudeta. A-hepatiit lõpeb harva surmaga, kuid haiguse kulg võib olla raske ja vajada pikaajalist haiglaravi või põhjustada haigusnähtude kordumist kuni kuue kuu jooksul. B-hepatiidiga kaasneda võiv maksapõletik on sageli palju tõsisem haigus. B-hepatiidi viirus võib põhjustada kroonilist haigust, mis võib mitme aasta pärast areneda maksatsirroosiks või maksavähiks. Nimetatud haigustesse sureb maailmas umbes miljon inimest aastas. A- ja B-hepatiidi läbipõdemisel saavutatakse eluaegne immuunsus kummagi viiruse suhtes eraldi.

Missugused on hepatiidi sümptomid? Pika peiteaja – kolm nädalat kuni kolm kuud või enam – tõttu võtab kaua aega enne kui märkate, kui üldse märkate, A- või B-hepatiidi viirusega nakatumise nähte. Tüüpilised ägeda haiguse sümptomid on kollane nahk, väsimus, kõhuvalu, iiveldus. Terveks saamiseni võib kuluda mitu kuud.

Missugune on parim viis ennast hepatiidi eest kaitsta? A-hepatiidist on võimalik hoiduda piinlikku puhtust pidades. Tähtis on pärast

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME *allikas: Mast EE, Weinbaum, CM, Fiore AE, et al. MMWR Recomm Rep 2006; 55 (RR16): 1–25.

tualetis käimist, mähkmete vahetamist või enne söömist vee ja seebiga käsi pesta.

Parim kaitse A-hepatiidi vastu on vaktsineerimine. Kuigi kondoomi kasutamise tõhusus B-hepatiidi viiruse edasikandumise vältimisel ei ole teada, võib kondoomi kasutamine nakatumisohtu vähendada. Tuleks vältida teiste inimeste hügieenitarvete, nagu raseerijate ja hambaharjade, kasutamist. Tuleks arvestada ka B-hepatiidi nakkusohuga mitmete kosmeetiliste protseduuride nagu tätoveerimise ja kõrvade augustamise käigus.

Vaktsineerimine on parim viis ennast kaitsta!

Vaktsineerida on võimalik nii A- kui ka B-hepatiidi vastu. Nende jaoks on olemas vaktsiinid. Pikaajaline kaitse saavutatakse: • pärast A-viirushepatiidi vaktsiini kahte annust; • pärast B-viirushepatiidi vaktsiini kolme annust. Saadaval on ka A- ja B-hepatiidivastane kombineeritud vaktsiin. Selle vaktsiini kasutamisel saavutatakse kaitse kolmeannuselist vaktsineerimisskeemi järgides. Kontrolli, kas oled saanud kõik vajalikud vaktsiiniannused! Kui oled juba ühe viirushepatiidivormi vastu vaktsineeritud, siis tasub alati kaaluda vaktsineerimist teisegi hepatiidivormi vastu. Revaktsineerimine või kordusvaktsineerimine ei ole vajalik. Ennast vaktsineerides hoiad ära enda haigestumise ja vähendad oluliselt ka oma lähedaste haigestumise riski. Lisateavet vaktsineerimise kohta saab perearstilt või lähimast vaktsineerimist teostavast raviasutusest. Küsimustele vastas ja nõuandeid jagas dr. Pille Märtin, AS Lääne-Tallinna 55

Where to go Hortus Musicus

Hortus Musicus Hortus Musicus presents early Parisian chansons and 16th century dance pieces by Attaignant, Passereu, Janequin and Verdelot. April 2 at the Gate Tower in Tallinn

Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra The Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra which was the first permanent orchestra in the Nordic countries has been operating for 125 years. At first the orchestra comprised 36 musicians; now it has grown into an orchestra of 98 permanent members with a total annual audience reaching 100 000. April 2 at Pärnu Concert Hall April 3 at Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn

Moscow Patriarchy Choir This world famous choir comprises just 12 singers - but what superb singers! Their powerful and colourful voices fill every inch of a concert hall. One of the features of the choir is their oktavist – a type of male singer who sings an octave below the normal bass part. Conductor Anatoly Grindenko. April 13 at Kaarli Church in Tallinn

Taisia Povaliy Ukrainian pop singer, Taisia Povaliy, presents her solo concert “I wish you luck in love...”. April 23 at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn

Silvi Vrait Beloved Estonian singer, Silvi Vrait, celebrates her 60th birthday with a concert together with her friends – musicians and singers – proving once more she is equally good at pop-rock, blues, chansons as well as jazz. April 28 at Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn 56

Where to go

Where to go

Igor Brill Russian pianist and jazz legend, Igor Brill, is back in Estonia to give three concerts. Since 1965, he has been actively performing at prestigious events in Russia and America, as well as other countries, interpreting world music hits as well as introducing his own compositions. May 3 at Pärnu Concert Hall May 4 at Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn May 5 at Jõhvi Concert Hall

Käsmu Concerts 2011 “Käsmu Concerts 2011” is a series of concerts taking place for the third year in a row in the picturesque coastal village of Käsmu presenting the best in Estonian music. June 4-12 at Käsmu in East Virumaa

Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) At the final concert of the season, ERSO is happy to greet Nikolai Alexeev – the chief conductor of the orchestra between 2001 and 2010. With Mahler’s monumental Third Symphony the orchestra continues its performance of powerful large-scale compositions. May 14 at the Vanemuine Theatre in Tartu

Bobby McFerrin

Festivals Estonian Music Days For more than 30 years, Estonian Music Days has been the most important festival focusing on the works of Estonian composers while balancing domestic music with foreign pieces and chamber music with large-scale compositions. The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra has been the primary interpreter of Estonian symphony music for decades and introduces several new opuses at the festival. March 25 at Estonia Concert Hall in Tallinn

Jazzkaar 2011

Starlight Cabaret

Show starlight cabaret Starlight Cabaret presents the revue show “Glamour Express 20th Century World Tour” full of passionate music and dance numbers, taking you on a fun journey through the last century in just one evening. The legendary Glamour Express offers you international, timeless and colourful musical treats. March 4, 5, 12, 18, 19, 26 and April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 at Sokos Hotel Viru (Restaurant Merineitsi) in Tallinn

The 22nd international jazz festival, Jazzkaar, brings together for eleven days musicians from Europe, America and Asia who perform over forty concerts at different concert venues as well as in open spaces all over Estonia. Featuring Bobby McFerrin (USA). April 20-30 at different venues

Rabarock 2011 Rabarock is the largest rock festival in the Baltic States. It has been held annually since 2005. The two-day festival introduces 30 bands on three stages. This year, the main performers are Pendulum (Australia), Filter (USA) and Nomeansno (Canada). June 17-18 at Järvakandi in Raplamaa INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


AS PROFLINE on ameti- ja vormirõivaste

disaini, konstrueerimise ning tootmisega tegelev Eesti ettevõte. Naistele valmistatakse bleisereid, seelikuid, pükse, veste, pluuse, kleite, jopesid, mantleid jne.

Meestele õmmeldakse pintsakuid, pükse, veste, triiksärke, jopesid ning mantleid. Erinevatele jõustruktuuridele pakub AS PROFLINE esikmudelite arendust mudelite tehniliste kirjelduste koostamist näidiste valmistamist ja tootmist PROFLINE klientideks on riiklikud kaitsestruktuuri üksused, pangad, turismi- ja teenindusettevõtted, koolid ning eraettevõtted.

PROFLINE valmistatud on ka Estonian Airi

uued kaunid vormiriided, mille disainis Tiina Talumees.

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Where to go

Where to go

Where to go Football Friendly match Estonia vs Uruguay At the 2010 FIFA World Cup Competition in South Africa Uruguay finished fourth. In FIFA Rankings, the two-time world champion and eleven times World Cup finalists, Uruguay, currently holds 7th place. March 25 at A. Le Coq Arena in Tallinn


SPA hotel in Tallinn Old Town

Pop & Rock Roxette


Roxette is a pop music duo founded in 1986 by Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson. It gained instant popularity and enjoyed worldwide success with its “The Look” album in 1989, followed by “Joyride”, “Tourism”, “Crash! Boom! Bang!”, “Have a Nice Day” and “Room Service”. The group has already sold 60 million albums. This concert features new songs from their forthcoming album, as well as old favourites. March 18 at Saku Arena in Tallinn



Estonian group, Dagö, introduces its latest album “Plaan Delta” with a concert in Tallinn which also includes its old familiar favourites. April 10 at the Nokia Concert Hall in Tallinn

Accommodation FREE entrance, during all day, to Waterpark, with great facilities and gym Wellness Spa complex with multiple treatment choice www.kalevspa.ee Aia 18, Tallinn, Estonia Tel: +372 649 3300 kalevspa@kalevspa.ee


Dance First Women Folk Dance Festival The first Estonian folk dance festival for women is called “The Story of a Woman” to be performed by 3,500 dancers during two performances. It is a reflection on Estonian women and their fate throughout history. June 12 in Jõgeva

2012 European Championship Qualifying Match Estonia vs Serbia The Estonian national team began the current European Championship qualifying round with an emotional victory over the Faroe Islands. It then played an exciting match against four times world champions, Italy. The Estonian team left its fans ecstatic after a stunning victory over Serbia, only then to be narrowly defeated by Slovenia – currently among the top 20 teams in the world. March 29 at A. Le Coq Arena in Tallinn

Fair Estbuild 2011 The 15th International Building Fair, Estbuild 2011, focuses on the presentation of innovative technologies, building structures, materials, machinery, equipment and tools in the construction industry, as well as real estate development, maintenance and management and sharing know-how, experiences and skills. April 6-9 at the Estonian Fairs Centre in Tallinn

Interior 2011 and Gardening 2011 The Furniture and Interior Decoration Fair, Interior 2011, aims at offering information on new trends in furniture and interior decoration. The Fair of Gardening and Landscaping held at the same time has long traditions in Estonia and aims at offering companies the opportunity to present and sell their products and services. May 6-8 at the Estonian Fairs Centre in Tallinn INTIME I kevad/spring 2011



Attention! The abuse of alcoholic beverages can damage your health.

Estonian Best Spirit 2010

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME




INTIME I kevad/spring 2011


Welcome to Estonian Air Estonian Air news About Estonian Air For the loyal customer Before the flight During the flight Airport information Fleet and route map Contact

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


estonian airi uudised estonian air news

Lennutame talendid koju

We fly talents home

Läinud aasta oktoobris käivitas Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda projekti Talendid Koju, mille eesmärk on viia kokku kodumaised tööandjad ning välismaale õppima ja tööle lahkunud, et soodustada inimeste tagasipöördumist Eestisse või koostööd siinsete ettevõtjatega. Veebruari alguses sõlmisid koostööleppe Eesti KaubandusTööstuskoda ning Estonian Air, et võimaldada Eestisse tagasipöördujatel soodsalt ja mugavalt lennata. Kokkuleppe järgi saavad projekti raames kodumaal tööd otsivad eestlased Estonian Airi otselendudel olulist allahindlust nii ühe suuna kui ka edasi-tagasi pileti puhul. Allahindlus ei hõlma lennujaamamakse.

Last October, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry started the project Bring the Talent Home, the aim of which is to bring together Estonian employers and people who have left to study or work abroad in order to facilitate their return to Estonia or co-operation with the Estonian entrepreneurs abroad. At the beginning of February, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Estonian Air concluded a co-operation agreement. According to the agreement, Estonian searching for work in Estonia within the framework of the project will receive significant discount on direct flights of Estonian Air for one way as well as return tickets. The discount does not include airport taxes.

Lisandub lennuühendusi

More frequencies

Seoses uute lennukite lisandumisega lennukiparki, läheneva puhkuste kõrghooajaga ning üleminekuga suvisele lennugraafikule märtsikuu viimasel pühapäeval, tihendab Estonian Air lennugraafikut mitmel aastaringsel ja hooajalisel liinil. Estonian Air suurendab lendude arvu järgmistel liinidel: Tallinn-Brüssel, Tallinn-London, Tallinn-Moskva, TallinnAmsterdam, Vilnius-Amsterdam. Lisaks alustas Estonian Air veebruari lõpus lende Tallinna ja Tartu vahel, mai alguses avab Estonian Air uue lennuliini Vilniuse ja Berliini vahel. Estonian Air alustab senisest tihedama lennugraafiku alusel taas lendamist hooajalistel liinidel: Tallinn-Minsk, Tallinn-Pariis, Kuressaare-Stockholm, Tallinn-Berliin, Tallinn-Barcelona, Tallinn-Milano, Tallinn-Nizza.

Uute lennukite nimed on Lotte ja Bruno Estonian Airi kaks uhiuut Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen lennukit saavad nimeks Lotte ja Bruno. Ühtekokku pakuti Estonian Airi kodulehel toimunud nimekonkursi käigus välja 9734 nime. „Lotte ja Bruno eristusid teistest nimepaaridest selle poolest, et tegu on kodumaiste populaarsete Leiutajateküla joonisfilmi- ja raamatutegelastega, kelle karakterid toetavad meie ettevõtte uuenduskontseptsiooniga seotud tegevusi,“ selgitas nimevaliku tagamaid Rauno Parras, Estonian Airi kommertsala asepresident. Ja nii nagu Lotte ja Brunoga liitus hiljem hea sõber Albert, saabub järgmisel aastal Estonian Airi esimesele kahele Bombardierile seltsiks kolmas lennuk.


Due to the approaching summer holiday season, recent upgrade of the fleet with new aircraft and transition to the summer flight schedule on the last Sunday on March, Estonian Air will increase frequencies on a number of year-round and seasonal routes. Estonian Air is increasing the number of flights on the following routes: Tallinn-Brussels, Tallinn-London, Tallinn-Moscow, Tallinn-Amsterdam and Vilnius-Amsterdam. As from February, Estonian Air also flies between Tallinn and Tartu, and in May Estonian Air opens a new route between Vilnius and Berlin. Estonian Air has also increased the number of flights on seasonal routes: Tallinn-Minsk, Tallinn-Paris, Kuressaare-Stockholm, Tallinn-Berlin, Tallinn-Barcelona, Tallinn-Milano, Tallinn-Nice.

New aircraft will be called Lotte and Bruno Estonian Air’s brand new Bombardier CRJ900 NextGen aircraft are named Lotte and Bruno. Altogether, 9734 names were proposed on the Estonian Air website during the name contest. “Since we have two identical new generation planes, the name pair had to fit with each other as well as the type of the aircraft. Lotte and Bruno stood out from other name pairs as popular domestic cartoon and book characters from Gadgetville, whose characters match our renewal concept,“ explained Rauno Parras, Vice President Commercial of Estonian Air. And, like a good friend Albert later joined Lotte and Bruno, so will a new plane arrive next year.

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

estonian airist about estonian air Estonian Air, Eesti rahvuslik lennufirma, pakub ärireisijatele

ja turistidele otselende Tallinnast Euroopasse: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berliin, Brüssel, Kiiev, Kopenhaagen, London, Milano, Minsk, Moskva, Nizza, Oslo, Pariis, Peterburi, Stockholm ja Vilnius. Lisaks Vilniusest Amsterdami, Berliini, Milanosse ja Stockholmi, Tallinnast Kuressaarde ja Tartusse ning Kuressaarest Stockholmi. Lisaks regulaarlendudele korraldatakse tellimuslende, posti- ja kaubavedu. Estonian Airi koodijagamispartnerid on SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Spanair. Estonian Air kasutab kahte CRJ900 NextGen, kolme Boeing 737-500 ning kahte Boeing 737-300 lennukit. Estonian Airis töötab üle 300 töötaja. 2007. aasta kevadel asutas Estonian Air tütarfirma Estonian Air Regional, mis teostab Estonian Airi lühemaid lende Eesti lähinaabruses asuvatesse linnadesse kahe 33kohalise SAAB 340 lennukiga. Estonian Air on asutatud 1. detsembril 1991 ja meie peakorter asub Tallinnas. Estonian Airi omanikud on Eesti riik ja SAS Grupp. 2005. aastast on Estonian Airil tänapäeva lennunduse kaalukaim kvaliteedialane tunnustus - IOSA (Rahvusvahelise Lennufirmade Assotsiatsiooni lennuohutuse audit) sertifikaat. See kinnitab Estonian Airi tahet tegutseda vastavuses kõrgeimate lennuohutuse nõuetega.

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Estonian Air, Estonia’s national carrier, provides both business travellers and tourists direct air link from Estonia to European cities. Estonian Air flies non-stop from the Estonian capital, Tallinn, to Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Kiev, Kuressaare, London, Milan, Minsk, Moscow, Nice, Oslo, Paris, St Petersburg, Stockholm, Tartu and Vilnius, from Vilnius to Amsterdam, Berlin, Milan and Stockholm, from Kuressaare to Stockholm. In addition to scheduled flights Estonian Air operates charter flights; carries cargo and mail. Estonian Air has code-share agreements with SAS, Aeroflot, AeroSvit, Belavia, Brussels Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Rossiya, Spanair. Estonian Air operates with two CRJ900 NextGen, three Boeing 737-500 and two Boeing 737-300 aircraft. Estonian Air has more than 300 employees. In spring 2007 Estonian Air established a subsidiary company Estonian Air Regional which operates Estonian Air’s shortrange flights to neighbouring regions with two 33-seater SAAB 340 aircraft. Estonian Air was founded on 1 December 1991, with headquarters in Tallinn. Estonian Air is owned by the State of Estonia and the SAS Group. In 2005 Estonian Air obtained the aviation industry’s highly respected recognition awarded of the IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) Registration certificate. This registration confirms Estonian Air’s commitment to conform with the highest air safety requirements.


püsikliendile for the loyal customer

Estonian Airi E-klubi Estonian Airi E-klubi on elektrooniline postitusnimekiri, mille liikmeid informeeritakse igakuise uudiskirjaga Estonian Airi parimatest pakkumistest ja uutest toodetest. Andmeid hoitakse konfidentsiaalselt Estonian Airi andmebaasis, mida ei edastata kolmandatele isikutele ega kasutata muudel eesmärkidel. E-klubiga saab liituda Estonian Airi kodulehel. Rohkem infot: www.estonian-air.ee/eklubi

Eurobonus programm

Estonian Airi ametlik püsikliendiprogramm on SAS EuroBonus, mis on Skandinaavia üks edukam eraisikutele suunatud püsikliendiprogramm. EuroBonusega on liitunud üle 30 lennufirma – SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China jpt. EuroBonus programmi põhimõte on lihtne: mida rohkem ja kaugemale lendate, seda rohkem punkte kogute. EuroBonusega liitumine on tasuta ning nüüd saavad ka lapsed programmiga liituda. Lastele kehtivad programmis samad tingimused, mis üle 18aastastele EuroBonus programmi liikmetele. Liituge EuroBonusega Estonian Airi kodulehel www.estonian-air.ee/eurobonus või küsige taotlusvorm meie pardameeskonnalt või Estonian Airi kassast. Esitage alati oma EuroBonus kaart lennule registreerimisel. Pakkumistest ning uudistest informeeritakse EuroBonus programmi liiget elektrooniliselt.

Punkte saab koguda ka tagantjärele Kui olete unustanud oma kaardi esitada lennule registreerimisel, saab punkte oma kontole taotleda 6 kuu jooksul pärast lennu toimumist. Selleks tuleb SAS EuroBonus klienditeenindusele saata elektrooniline pilet ja EuroBonus kaardi number ning olla endiselt EuroBonus programmi liige. Punktid kehtivad kuni 5 aastat.


Teenitud EuroBonus punkte on võimalik kasutada preemiareisiks kõikidel Estonian Airi regulaarlendudel. Samuti võib teenitud punktide eest lunastada preemiareisi oma pereliikmetele, sõpradele või tuttavatele. Preemiareiside kohtade arv on piiratud! Broneeringut EuroBonus punktide eest on võimalik teha läbi SAS EuroBonus klienditeeninduse, saates e-kirja aadressile eurobonus.ee@sas.dk või telefonil 666 3030 esmaspäevast reedeni kell 9–17. Rohkem infot EuroBonus soodustuste kohta Estonian Airi lendudel: www.estonian-air.ee Rohkem infot teiste lennufirmade EuroBonus soodustuste kohta: www.flysas.com


Estonia Air E-club Estonian Air E-club is the newsletter list of Estonian Air which enables its members to get information about Estonian Air offers and new services. All data is maintained as confidential in the Estonian Air database. It is not transmitted to third parties or used for other purposes. E-club membership can be claimed from Estonian Air homepage. More information: www.estonian-air.ee/eclub

Eurobonus programme Estonian Air’s official customer loyalty programme is SAS EuroBonus, which is one of Scandinavia’s most successful loyalty programmes designed for private customers. More than 30 airlines have joined EuroBonus, including SAS, Blue1, Widerøe, Lufthansa, Swiss, Air China and many others. The principles of EuroBonus programme are simple: the more and further you fly, the more points you earn. Joining EuroBonus is free of charge and now also children and youth are welcome to join EuroBonus. Same membership conditions apply to children and adults. Join EuroBonus online www.estonian-air.ee/loyalty, or ask for an application form on board or from Estonian Air ticket office. Please present your EuroBonus card, when checking in. EuroBonus members are informed about offers and news by e-mail.

Points can also be collected afterwards If you forget to show your card when checking in, you can still apply for the points up to six months after your flight. Provided that you are still a member of the program, all you need to do is send your e-ticket and EuroBonus card number to your local EuroBonus office. Points are valid for up to 5 years.

Award trips You can use your EuroBonus points for award trips on any Estonian Air scheduled flight. You can also use the points for award trips for your family members, friends and acquaintances. The number of seats available for award trips is limited! Make an award trip booking via local SAS EuroBonus Member Service. More information about EuroBonus benefits: www.estonian-air.com More information about other airlines’ EuroBonus benefits: www.flysas.com INTIME I talv/winter 2011

püsikliendile for the loyal customer punktitabel

Point Chart

* Lastele vanuses 2-17 eluaastat kehtib allahindlus 50% preemiareisi väärtusest. 1 − EuroBonus punkte ühe suuna lennult turistiklassis (pileti hinnaklassid A, G, T, V, Z) 2 − EuroBonus punkte ühe suuna lennult turistiklassis (pileti hinnaklassid L, K, U, W, Q, H, E, M) 3 − EuroBonus punkte ühe suuna lennult paindlikus turistiklassis (pileti hinnaklassid Y, S, B) 4 − EuroBonus punkte ühe suuna lennult äriklassis (pileti hinnaklassid C, D, J) 5 − Edasi-tagasi preemiareisi väärtus turistiklassis 6 − Edasi-tagasi preemiareisi väärtus paindlikus turistiklassis 7 − Edasi-tagasi preemiareisi väärtus äriklassis

Tallinn -


























20 000 25 000

30 000

Berlin, Brussels, 300




30 000 40 000 50 000




40 000 50 000 60 000

Kuressaare, Vilnius Copenhagen, Oslo, St Petersburg, Stockholm Moscow Amsterdam, Kiev, London, Minsk, Paris Barcelona, Milan, Nice


Stockholm -
















ärikliendi programm


Estonian Airi ärikliendiprogramm pakub ettevõtetele paindlike tingimustega lennuvõimalusi ja hinnasoodustusi äriklassi ja paindliku turistiklassi piletite ostul.

Fikseeritud hindadega piletid

Programmiga liitumine on tasuta. Fikseeritud hinnad hakkavad kehtima kohe pärast programmiga liitumist. Uutel liitunutel on 12 kuu vältel võimalik osta fikseeritud hindadega pileteid. Pakkumist pikendame järgnevaks 12 kuuks, kui ettevõtte töötajate aastane lennumaht Estonian Airi lendudel ületab 5000 eurot.

Paindlikud tingimused

Äriklassis või paindlikus turistiklassis reisides kehtivad teile paindlikud tingimused piletite muutmisel ja tagastamisel. Kui teie reisiplaanid muutuvad ja vajadus lennureisi järele kaob, on teil võimalik pilet tagastada. Kasutamata pileti maksumus hüvitatakse (välja arvatud teenustasu).


Hea kohtade saadavus, äriklassi lauas pileti registreerimine, 30 kg äraantavat pagasit, pardatoitlustus vastavalt lennu pikkusele ja väljalennu ajale. Äriklassi piletiga kaasneb võimalus veeta lennueelset aega mugavalt äriklassi ootesaalis. Estonian Airi kodulehel asuv ärikliendikeskkond on tellimuste mugavaks vormistamiseks ja teie broneeringuteks avatud ööpäevaringselt. Rohkem infot: www.estonian-air.ee/corporate talv/winter 2011 I INTIME

* Children bteween 2-17years pay 50% of the bonus flight total value. 1 — EuroBonus points from one-way Economy class fligh (booking classes A, G, T, V, Z) 2 — EuroBonus points from one-way Economy class flight (booking classes L, K, U, W, Q, H, E, M) 3 — EuroBonus points from one-way Flexible Economy class flight (booking classes Y, S, B) 4 — EuroBonus points from one-way Business class flight (booking classes C, D, J) 5 — Return bonus flight value in Economy class 6 — Return bonus flight value in Flexible Economy class 7 — Return bonus flight value in Business class

corporate programme Corporate Programme Estonian Air’s Corporate Programme offers for companies more flexible conditions and fixed fares in Flexible Economy class and Business class.

Tickets with fixed prices Joining Corporate Programme is free of charge. New subscribers purchase for 12 months tickets at fixed prices. If purchase volume during this period is sufficient (at least 5,000 EUR), we extend the offer of fixed prices for the subsequent 12 months.

Flexible conditions Unused tickets can be refunded both before and after the departure time indicated on the ticket (except service fee). Flight time change is free of charge.

Added value Good availability of seats, business class checkin. 30 kg free baggage allowance and free catering on board. A business class ticket allows you to use the services of the business class lounge prior to departure. Personal service at the Estonian Air Corporate Service. More information: www.estonian-air.ee/corporate


enne lendu before the light

Lennupiletid Estonian Airi kodulehelt Estonian Airi kodulehelt saab osta lennupileteid rohkem kui 180 sihtkohta – lisaks Estonian Airi otselendudele ka partnerfirmade jätkulendudele. E-pileti ostmiseks internetist minge aadressile www.estonian-air.ee, valige sihtkoht, lennu kuupäev ja tasuge.

Majutus ja rendiauto

Estonian Airi kodulehel www.estonian-air.ee on võimalik lisaks lennupiletite ostmisele broneerida endale lihtsalt ja kiirelt majutus. Estonian Airi kodulehelt www.estonian-air.ee saab tellida rendiautot nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Tutvuge meie kodulehel pakkumistega ja leidke endale sobiv lahendus!


E-registreerimine võimaldab teha check-ini interneti teel, valida istekoha lennukis ning trükkida pardakaardi. Interneti teel saab end Tallinnast väljuvatele lendudele registreerida mitte rohkem kui 22 tundi enne plaanipärast väljalendu. Interneti teel saab end lennule registreerida nii käsi- kui ka äraantava pagasiga reisija. Lennujaamas võib käsipagasiga reisija minna otse turvakontrolli. Äraantav pagas tuleb registreerida pagasi äraandmislauas väljalennu päeval. Pagasi äraandmislaud suletakse 45 minutit enne väljalendu.

Varajane lennule registreerimine

Tallinna lennujaamas on võimalik end Estonian Airi lennule registreerida lennupäevale eelneval päeval kell 12-21, aga mitte varem kui 23 tundi enne väljalendu. Nii saab vältida eelkõige varahommikusel ajal lennule registreerimise järjekorras seismist. Kui reisija on end eelmisel päeval lennule registreerinud ja pagasi ära andnud, on soovitav olla lennujaamas vähemalt 45 minutit enne väljalendu, et jõuaks läbida turvakontrolli.

Äriklassi ootesaal

Estonian Airi kliendid saavad Tallinna lennujaamas kasutada mugavat äriklassi ootesaali, kus saab enne lennukisse suundumist rahulikult aega parajaks teha. Külastajatele pakutakse kergeid suupisteid ja jooke, võimaldatakse tasuta traadita interneti ja arvuti kasutamist jpm, suitsetajatele on eraldatud suitsunurk. Äriklassi ootesaal on alati tasuta äriklassi piletiga reisijaile, lisaks SAS EuroBonus Pandion ja Kuldkaardi omanikele koos kaaslasega (sõltumata reisiklassist). 66

Flight tickets from internet Estonian Air sells tickets to more than 180 destinations. The flights are operated either by Estonian Air or by its partners. In addition to Estonian Air network, it is also possible to purchase connecting flights throughout Europe on our partner airlines. Just go to www.estonian-air.com, choose a destination, flight date and pay for your e-ticket.

Accommodation and Rental car You can book an accommodation easily and quickly on Estonian Air home page www.estonian-air.com. Rent a car through our partners - seek for solutions from our web page www.estonian-air.com and make your choice!

Web check-in Save time at the airport with our web check-in. This service allows you to check in on the Internet, choose your seat on the plane and print your boarding pass. At the airport a fast baggage drop desk is available for your baggage. If you have only hand luggage you can go straight to the security check.

Early check-in Estonian Air is offering its passengers the chance to check in at Tallinn Airport on the day before their departure between 12.00 noon and 9.00 pm but not earlier than 23 hours before departure. This way you can avoid long check-in queues, especially for early morning flights. If you have checked in and handed over the luggage the previous day, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 45 minutes before your flight’s departure time, to allow sufficient time for security check.

Business Class lounge Estonian Air passengers are welcome to the comfortable Business Class lounge in Tallinn airport. Here you can have a light snack or pass the time with free WiFi access or browsing a PC. The Business Class lounge is free for passengers travelling on business class tickets, as well as SAS EuroBonus Pandion and Gold members with one companion irrespective of travel class. INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

enne lendu before the light

Pardale lubatav käsipagas

Cabin baggage

Lennuki salongi võib turistiklassi reisija kaasa võtta ühe käsipagasi ühiku, mille mõõtmed ei ületa 45x35x20 cm ning kaal 8 kg, või ülikonnakoti. Äriklassi reisijal võib kaasas olla üks käsipagasi ühik, mis peab mahtuma laealusesse pagasilaekasse või eesoleva istme alla. Käsipagasi mõõdud ja kaal on piiratud, sest laealuste pagasilaegaste kandevõimet ei tohi ületada ega vahekäigus liikumist takistada.

One piece of cabin baggage (max 45x35x20 cm) or a folding clothes bag, weighing not more than 8 kilos, is allowed on board in travel class. In business class, one piece of cabin baggage is permitted, to be stowed under the seat in front or in the overhead compartment. The measurements are restricted to ensure that the overhead compartment is not overloaded and the aisle is not obstructed.

Lapsega reisile

Travelling with children

Pilet väikelapsele, kes lendamise ajaks ei ole veel 2aastane, maksab 10% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Lastele vanuses 2-11 (kuni lapse 12. sünnipäevani), kehtib allahindlus 33% täiskasvanud reisija pileti hinnast. Alla 5aastased lapsed tohivad reisida ainult koos vähemalt 16aastase kaaslasega, kes suudab reisi vältel lapse eest hoolitseda (lapsevanem, hooldaja või nende poolt ametlikult määratud isik). Ka üksi reisival 5-11aastasel lapsel peab olema vähemalt 16aastane saatja. Kui sellist saatjat reisil pole, peab piletit ostes ette tellima lapse saatmise teenuse. Saatmise teenustasu on 32 eurot ühe suuna kohta ühe pere kuni kahele lapsele. 12-15aastased lapsed võivad reisida iseseisvalt, kuid ka neile on võimalik tellida saatja. Estonian Air ei paku lennukis turvatoole, kuid kasutada võib auto turvatooli, mida saab kinnitada lennukiistme turvarihmadega ja kui selle sügavus ei ületa 65 cm ja kõrgus 45 cm.


Turbiinipoiss tutvustab lastele Estonian Airi sihtkohti ja lendamise põnevat maailma. Turbiinipoisi keskkond asub Estonian Airi koduleheküljel aadressil: www.kids.estonian-air.ee

Lemmikloomaga reisima

Lemmiklooma vedu on tasuline eriteenus, mida saab tellida Estonian Airi kõnekeskusest. Loom tuleb paigutada spetsiaalsesse transpordikasti, mis tagab looma turvalise ja mugava transpordi, ning reisija vastutab looma riigist väljaviimiseks ja sihtkohariiki (ning transiitriiki) sissetoomiseks vajalike dokumentide olemasolu eest. Koeri (välja arvatud juhtkoerad) ja kasse võib lennuki salongi võtta vaid järgmistel tingimustel: loom peab olema puhas; loom ja tema transpordikast ei tohi ületada 8 kg. Üks reisija tohib kaasa võtta vaid ühe looma, kes peab kogu lennu jooksul viibima transpordikastis, et õhku satuks võimalikult vähe allergeene – kaasreisijate seas võib olla allergikuid. kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Fare for the infant is 10% of the adult fare. An infant is a passenger who has not reached his/her 2nd birthday. Estonian Air offers for children in the age 2-11 years (until the 12th birthday) 33% discount from all available fares. Child under 5 years of age must be accompanied by a person not younger than 16 years of age who is capable of taking care of the minor during the journey: the child’s parents or guardian or a person assigned by these. For children aged 5-11 (incl) travelling without such companion, Estonian Air offers escort service. Escort service is mandatory for unaccompanied children aged 5-11 (incl). The request must be placed at the time of booking a ticket. The service fee is 32 EUR per sector. If two unaccompanied minors travelling together are brothers/sisters, only one-time fee is charged. Children aged 12-15 may travel alone. However, the unaccompanied minor service similar to children aged 5-11 is available. Estonian Air does not provide car-type baby seats but passengers may use their own, provided that the seat can be secured with the aircraft seatbelt and the seat’s maximum horizontal measure does not exceed 65 cm and the height 45 cm.

Turbine boy The Turbine Boy gives children the chance to get to know more about Estonian Air’s destinations and the exciting world of flying. More information: www.kids.estonian-air.ee

Travelling with pets Carriage of pets is a special service that can be booked via Estonian Air Call Centre. Pets are not included in the free baggage allowance. The Passenger is responsible for securing proper documentation for health, entry and transfer for all countries on route and providing a suitable container to ensure safe and comfortable transport of the pet. The only pets accepted in the cabin (except guide dogs) are dogs and cats on the following conditions: the pet must be clean; the container must be leakage proof, with weight together with the pet not exceeding 8 kg. A passenger may carry only one container, and the pet must be kept in the container throughout the whole flight. 67

lennu ajal during the flihgt


Onboard service

Tere tulemast meie lennule! Estonian Airi lendudel on kaks teenindusklassi – Premium ja Travel. Estonian Airi reisijaid toitlustab Airo Catering Services Eesti, mis kuulub LSG Sky Chefs kontserni.

Welcome on board! Estonian Air has two onboard service classes, Premium and Travel. Catering for Estonian Air flights is provided by Airo Catering Services Estonia, which belongs to the LSG Sky Chefs concern.

Premium klass

Premium Class

Premium klassi salongis reisivad klassikalise äriklassi piletiga ja paindliku turistiklassi piletiga reisijad. Premium klassi salongis pakutakse kõigile reisijatele regulaarlendudel külma või sooja einet sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Eritoitu soovivad reisijad saavad selle tellida vähemalt 24 tundi enne väljalendu Estonian Airi klienditeeninduse või oma reisibüroo kaudu. Paindliku turistiklassi piletiga reisijatel on paindlikud pileti lennukuupäeva ja reisija nime vahetamise ning pileti tagastamise õigused, võimalus end lennule registreerida äriklassi check-in lauas ja 20 kg asemel tasuta kaasa võtta 30 kg äraantavat pagasit.

Travel klass

Travel klassi salongis reisivad kampaania- ja turistiklassi piletiga reisijad. Travel klassi salongis pakutakse väikest suupistet (välja arvatud alla ühetunnistel lendudel) ja karastusjooke sõltuvalt väljalennu ajast ning lennu pikkusest. Samuti pakume Boeingute pardal võimalust osta lisaks suupisteid ja alkohoolseid jooke. Maksta saab sularahas ning krediitkaardiga (MasterCard, Visa). Lendudele, mis kestavad vähemalt 1,5 tundi, on võimalik sooja toitu ette tellida (vähemalt 48 tundi enne väljalendu). 68

In the Premium Class cabin travel passengers with classical Business Class tickets, plus passengers travelling on Flexible Economy fares. All passengers in the Premium Class cabin may enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner and beverages on all our scheduled flights. Menu types are planned according to the flight time and departure. Special meal can be ordered at least 24 h before scheduled departure via Estonian Air Customer Service or your travel agency. Flexible Economy passengers enjoy flexible conditions for name and flight date change and ticket refund; they are entitled to use the Business Class check-in counters, and their free registered baggage allowance is 30 kg.

Travel Class Travel Class is designed for passengers with Economy fare tickets (Internet-only, campaign fares and lowest Economy fares). Passengers in the Travel Class cabin will be served a small snack (except on flights that last less than 1 h) and soft drinks according to the flight time and departure. On Boeing flights, alcoholic beverages and additional snacks can be bought from the mini-bar. Payment is accepted in cash (EUR) or credit card (MasterCard, Visa). Travel Class passengers have the possibility to order hot meal on regular flights that last more than 1.5 h. Hot meal can be ordered up to 48 hours before departure.

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

lennu ajal during the flight

Alkohol ja lendamine ei sobi kokku

Alcohol and flying do not fit together

Kaasavõetud alkoholi pruukimine on lennukis rangelt keelatud. Tarvitada võib vaid salongipersonali poolt serveeritud alkoholi. Muu alkohol võidakse lennu ajal konfiskeerida. Reeglite rikkuja antakse sihtlennujaamas üle ametivõimudele.

Drinking your own alcohol is strictly forbidden. Passengers may only consume alcoholic drinks served by the crew. Cabin crew are permitted to confiscate all other alcohol. Passengers violating this rule will be handed over to the authorities in destination airport.

Pardal suitsetada ei tohi

Smoking is not allowed

Kõik Estonian Airi lennud, kaasa arvatud tellimusreisid, on suitsuvabad. Ka e-sigaretid on keelatud. Ka lennuki tualettides on suitsetamine keelatud.

Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is not permitted on any Estonian Air flight, including charter flights. Smoking is also forbidden in the lavatories of the aircraft.

Elektroonilised seadmed olgu välja lülitatud

Electronic equipment shall be switched off

Elektroonilised seadmed, mis sisaldavad raadiosaatjat või -vastuvõtjat, võivad segada lennuki navigatsioonisüsteemide tööd ja sellepärast on nende kasutamine lennu ajal keelatud. Teisi elektroonilisi seadmeid ei või kasutada lennuki tõusul ja maandumisel. Mobiiltelefonid peavad olema välja lülitatud kogu lennukis viibimise aja jooksul. Palume järgida salongipersonali juhiseid.

Portable electronic devices containing a radio transmitter or receiver may interfere with the aircraft’s navigation system and may therefore not be used during the flight. The use of other electronic equipment is restricted on take-off and landing. Mobile phones must be turned off during the entire stay on board. If you are in doubt, please keep the devices switched off for the duration of the flight, as it may interfere with aircraft systems.


Tutvuge kindlasti ka meie pardapoe valikuga, info pardapoe valiku kohta leiate lennukis istmetaskust ja Estonian Airi kodulehelt. Mõned tooted on valmistatud vaid Estonian Airi pardapoe tarvis. Lisaks pakume oma lendudel pardavideo teenust koostöös Videoplanetiga. Teil on võimalik lennukõrgusele jõudes rentida portatiivne DVD-mängija ja film hinnaga eurot ning kõrvaklapid hinnaga 1 euro. Laenutuskomplekt maksab kokku 5 eurot. Lubatud on kasutada ka isiklikke kõrvaklappe. kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME

Additional services In our Flight Shop you will find a selection of the most recent and interesting, as well as established and well-known products. Some of the items have been made especially for Estonian Air. We offer on our flights an on-board video service in co-operation with the video rental company, Videoplanet. When the plane has reached the cruising level, you have an opportunity to rent a DVD-player and a film for 4 EUR and (unless you use your personal ear-phones) ear-phones for extra 1 EUR. 69

lennujaamade info airport information


Soovitame tulla lennujaama vähemalt 2 tundi enne lendu, et jääks piisavalt aega check-ini tegemiseks ja turvakontrolli läbimiseks. Check-in suletakse enamikus lennujaamades 45 minutit enne lennu väljumist.

AMSTERDAM SCHIPHOL Estonian Air flights depart from Departure Hall 1. To town: 14 km, 20 min by train to Amsterdam Central Station, 30 min by bus to Amsterdam Central Station. BARCELONA EL PRAT Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. To town: 12 km, about 30-50 min drive. Bus nr A1 (4 EUR), taxi (25 EUR). BERLIN TEGEL Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal A. To town: 8 km, 25 min (3 EUR). BRUSSELS ZAVENTEM Estonian Air flights depart from Hall A. To town: 20 minutes by Airport City Express train, four times an hour (3 EUR), taxi (30 EUR), bus to EU district 30 min (5 EUR). COPENHAGEN KASTRUP Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 3.



Please arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure to allow time for check-in and security formalities. In most airports check-in closes 45 minutes before scheduled departure time.

To town: 13 km, 12 min by train to Copenhagen Central Station, 30 min by bus to Copenhagen Central Station, 15 min by subway line M2. KIEV BORISPOL To town: 35 km to the city centre, bus (5 USD), taxi (35 USD). KURESSAARE AIRPORT To town: 3 km, bus, taxi. LONDON GATWICK Estonian Air flights depart from South Terminal. To town: 46 km, train to Victoria Station every 15 min (13 GBP), buses to city centre and airports (from 5 GBP), taxi (65 GBP). MILAN MALPENSA Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. To town: 45 km, 50 min by bus to Stazione Centrale, 40 min by train “Malpensa Express “ to Cadorna Railway Station.

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

lennujaamade info airport information

MINSK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 2. To town: 42 km, 45 min by taxi, 60-80 min by bus. MOSCOW SHEREMETYEVO-2 Estonian Air flights depart from SVO2 Terminal F. To town: 37 km, 35 min by Express train to Savelovsky Station, 60-80 min by mini-bus and metro via metro station Rechnoy. NICE AIRPORT Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. To town: 7 km, 45 min by bus. OSLO GARDERMOEN Estonian Air flights depart from the main terminal. To town: 55 km, 20 min by Airport Express Train (Flytoget) to Central Station, 45 min by bus to Oslo City Center bus terminal.

ST PETERSBURG PULKOVO Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 2. To town: 17 km, 15 min by public bus to metro station Moskovskaya and then by train to downtown. STOCKHOLM ARLANDA Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 5. To town: 40 km, 50 min by airport bus Flygbuss, 20 min by train Arlanda Express to Central Station. TALLINN LENNART MERI airport To town: 5 km, bus, tax. TARTU AIRPORT To town: 11 km, bus, taxi. VILNIUS AIRPORT To town: 6 km, bus (2,50 LIT), taxi (40 LIT).

PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE Estonian Air flights depart from Terminal 1. To town: 25 km, train (9 EUR), bus (8 EUR), taxi (50 EUR).

kevad/spring 2011 I INTIME


lennukid fleet

Boeing 737-300

CRJ900 NextGen

SAAB 340

Estonian Air kasutab kahte CRJ900 NextGen ja viite Boeing 737-tüüpi lennukit: kolme Boeing 737-500 ja kahte Boeing 737-300. Estonian Air Regionali lennukipark koosneb kahest 33-kohalisest SAAB 340 lennukist.

Estonian Air operates with two CRJ900 NextGen, three Boeing 737-500 and two Boeing 737-300 aircraft. The Estonian Air Regional fleet consists of two 33-seat SAAB 340 aircraft.

Boeing 737-500

Boeing 737-300


SAAB 340


CFM 56-3C-1

CFM 56-3C-1

GE CT7–5A2


Kiirus Lennukaugus Maksimaalne lennukõrgus Istekohti Ridadevaheline kaugus

780 km/h 3150 km 11 270 m 118 (row 1–4) 84 cm (row 5–20) 79 cm 31 m 28,9 m 11,1 m 52 389 kg

780 km/h 3650 km 11 270 m 142 (row 1–4) 84 cm (row 5–24) 79 cm 33,4 m 28,9 m 11,1 m 62 882 kg

General Electric CR34-8C5 turbofan 882 km/h 2200 km 12 500 m 88 79 cm

460 km/h 750 km 7620 m 33 (row 1-4) 74 cm (row 5-11) 76 cm 19,73 m 21,44 m 6,97 m 12 700 kg

Speed Flight distance Maximum flying altitude Seats Seat pitch

Lennuki pikkus Tiibade ulatus Lennuki kõrgus Maksimaalne stardikaal 72

36,20 m 24,85 m 7.51 m 36 514 kg

Aircraft length Wingspan Aircraft height Maximum take-off weight INTIME I kevad/spring 2011










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kontaktandmed contact

Estonian Air AS 13 Lennujaama tee 11101 Tallinn Estonia Phone +372 6401 101 Fax +372 6016 092 E-mail ov@estonian-air.ee www.estonian-air.ee www.estonian-air.ee/foorum blog.estonian-air.ee Facebook www.facebook.com/eafans Twitter twitter.com/Estonian_Air Customer Service EST +372 6401 160 RUS +372 6401 162 ENG +372 6401 163 Skype estonian-air Fax +372 6401 161 Mo-Fr 9 am-6 pm, (EET, CET+1) Ticket Office in Tallinn Airport 2 Lennujaama tee, Tallinn Phone +372 6 401 233 74

Group Bookings Minimum group size in economy class is 10 passengers. Phone +372 6401 236 E-mail group@estonian-air.ee Customer feedback E-mail LZ@estonian-air.ee ESTONIAN AIR CARGO SERVICE The geographical position of Estonia favours transit between east and west. Through co-operation between Estonian Air and other international airlines we can offer our clients transport of goods all over the World. Online booking system allows airfreight agents to check aircraft capacity and enables to book space via Internet on our flights. Access to the system is for registered airfreight agents only. Phone +372 6401 205 Fax +372 6401 206 E-mail cargo@estonian-air.ee

Lost & Found baggage Phone (Tallinn airport) +372 6058 313 CHARTER DESTINATIONS In addition to the scheduled direct flights, Estonian Air also operates regular charter flights to holiday areas. Ask for the holiday package from your travel agency! Phone +372 6401 269 E-mail charter@estonian-air.ee Estonian Air Corporate service Phone +372 6696 669, Mon-Fr 9 am-5 pm, E-mail corporate@estonian-air.ee

INTIME I kevad/spring 2011




Reval Park Hotel & Casino`sse! Reval Park Hotel & Casino!



Reval Park Hotel&Casino (Kreutzwaldi 23, Tallinn). Tel. 24 h +372 6305 537, www.olympic-casino.com

Sissepääs2011 isikuttõendava kevad/spring I INTIME dokumendi alusel. Vanusepiirang 21 eluaastat. Identification card required for entrance. Minimum age limit is 21 years.




INTIME I kevad/spring 2011

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