SE - n.3/2013 English Version

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Political Elections: the candidates and energy


building a new city together Anno II째 - Number 3 of February 11, 2013 - Free Subscription

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SE Fortnightly on Energy Consulting and Professional Information Edited by Progema srl via De Amicis 2 21020 Varano Borghi VA DIRECTOR Lorenzo Lo Vecchio Phone: +39 0332 948.948 (operation office) - +39 02 9374175 (secretary) - fax +39 02 700537124 mail: - web: newstand: Electronic distribution – 17,856 – 2 nd year – Number 3 Aut. Trib. Milano - Reg. n. 475 del 18/12/2012


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Despite the current crisis and problems connected to the termination of the incentives, in Italy and in the world at large, the demand for professionalism in the sectors of renewable energy and energy efficiency is growing. There is demand for designers, installers, producers, as well as specific skills. We from SE are creating work for businesses and for independent contractors. To become SE’s business partner does not mean to “pay” to publish your advertisement on a page, but rather to allow our newspaper to participate in the development of the business, helping professionals and companies to realize the results of their work, both in Italy and abroad. For more formation write to : se business partner se business partner se business partner se business partner se business partner 6

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political electoral agendas for the next 5 years

the candidates see energy like this


taly is preparing for a new legislature, full of apprehension and hope. Apprehension because the scene of politics, in the last years, has shown us that Italians don’t have much motivation to trust in the men that present themselves to guide our country, at least in most cases. Hope because the economic moment is such that, in our desperation, we can’t expect anything but a boost up. “SE,” obviously has the responsibility of informing its readers and partners


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about the political platforms of the various candidates in relation to energy, leaving them to make their own judgments. The greater or lesser space reserved for this or that symbol is derived exclusively from the space devoted by every single program to the subject of national energy development. What we publish here was taken from the programs, except for some literary corrections.

The national energy plan must take into account the development of renewable resources, of the state of the network, and of the planned power plants. In particular the plan is the following: • Decrease in taxes (excise duties) that affect energy costs. • New actions to promote competition in the energy sector to counteract oligopolies. • Development of the incentive system for renewable energies, while avoiding the creation of such advantageous positions that could damage the whole. • More incentives for investments in new technologies aimed at reducing energy consumption. • Increasing investments for the creation of smart grids, aimed at increasing the efficiency of electric energy transmission networks.

The national energy plan must take into account the development of renewable resources, of the state of the network, and of the planned power plants. In particular, the plan is the following: Decreasing taxes (excise duties) that affect energy costs. New actions to promote competition in the energy sector to counteract oligopolies. Development of the incentive system for renewable energies, while avoiding the creation of such advantageous positions that could damage the whole. More incentives for investments in new technologies aimed at reducing energy consumption. Increasing investments for the creation of smart grids, aimed at increasing the efficiency of electric energy transmission networks.

No landfills or incinerators: this is the strategic goal to strive for in the medium to long term. The guiding principle of the waste cycle is to reuse waste as raw material. Throughout the developed world, collected and recycled materials are sold in industry. Since we are still tossing waste into landfills, perhaps improperly or without having sealed the ground appropriately, and we also pay those who accept the waste handsomely. In order to produce less waste, we must prevent unnecessary and expensive packaging, reintroduce returnable empties, door to door collection, and develop the industrial sector of recycled materials. If this cycle is implemented, the residual amount of waste is so small and has such a low energy


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value that is not worth incinerating, eliminating damage to the environment and to the health of our citizens. Making the right investments and pursuing this policy, within just a few years the goal of making large landfills and incinerators 'unnecessary' can be achieved. Incinerators, in fact, can produce electricity only if they burn wood, paper and plastic. And, in fact, today they only work because they are improperly supported with funding from the infamous CIP6 (which takes a share of the electricity mandate that should support only renewable energy and instead ends up, especially in Italy, going toward so-called 'similar' resources).

In the PD’s plans one can read that to sustain the growth of businesses, significant tax rebates must be introduced. The objective is to make the incentive provided by the Financial Law of 2008 permanent, for the installation of solar thermal panels for all residential houses, also with the aim of promoting the birth of enterprises of production, installation, and maintenance of solar panels. The measures promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency must be reliably multiannual and rely more and more on fiscal incentives, in order to mobilize as many private resources as possible. For Italy, generating 20% of energy through the sun and the wind means savings billions of euros on oil imports. The candidate Bersani therefore stands behind a plan to achieve the transformation of the main sources of heating in private and public buildings in ten years, in


order to create both a huge energy savings and a major driver of economic growth. Italy needs to concentrate on leading technologies, whether dealing with extracting carbon dioxide for “clean coal,” methane, biomass, hydrogen, or fourth generation nuclear energy (or rather intrinsically safe nuclear power, without the waste problem of traditional nuclear plants). To develop a national energy industry it is essential to be present in international partnerships in these fields. To give value to renewable resources and microgeneration, the general distribution system needs to be restructured—in cooperation with the Regions and local Entities. This last element is no longer unidirectional from those who produce energy in homes, businesses, and services. By now families and businesses themselves can produce the energy they require, resulting in a change in the very conception of the distribution network.

The climate crisis and the need to ensure energy sovereignty call our country to rethink radically the national energy strategy proposed by the Monti government, which is still anchored to an anachronistic model centered on expanding the mining of fossil fuels. It does not allow one to reconsider nuclear energy. We believe that we should give a clear change of direction towards disengagement from dependence on fossil fuels. Beginning again to think about drilling for oil or fracking and seeking to impose new sites for coal mining are the exact opposite of actions that a country such as Italy should take. We do

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not want new drilling for oil and gas in our seas. In contrast the geological and geo-climactic structure of our country creates the possibility for a future that relies solely on renewable resources. This is the only option that would open up opportunities for new employment, foster respect for the territories, emissions reductions, reductions in the cost of energy production, and environmental protection. And at the same time it would transform Italy into a country, free from political as well as economic extortion related to coal and fossil fuels. We must recover a wealth of knowledge and expertise that was lost as a result of misguided policies of the Berlusconi and Monti governments, which triggered a major crisis in the field of renewable energy, with tens of thousands of euros lost and many businesses at risk of closure. Through policies that support solar thermal and geothermal low enthalpy energy, and strategies of methane cogeneration, a 50% reduction in the cost of energy bills for heating would also be possible in the next five years. We believe it is necessary to reduce incentives for solar photovoltaic plants, drastically limiting production on agricultural soils. But it is completely wrong to attempt to block the shift towards renewable energy when quota policies, more productive than ever, have been applied to other forms of energy (the system of records). For today and the future we need to focus on the photovoltaic generation of electricity distributed throughout the country, liberalize the exchange of energy between renewable producers and consumers, supporting also the storage of renewable energy. We need a smart gird policy, local networks coming from apartment buildings and interconnecting Italy as a great democratic beehive. Thus it will be possible to produce and exchange energy in accordance with the landscape while freeing our-

selves from suffocating bills. Along with solar wind energy, the development of offshore wind opportunities should be encouraged with equity participation of local communities, in accordance with the landscapes, in addition to the spread of miniand micro-wind power and support for research on bladeless wind or tropospheric wind systems. Small scale hydroelectric power will also be valued while respecting the minimum flow of rivers and the fish fauna, bringing existing reservoirs into production, emptying sludge and integrating them with photovoltaic systems with the overnight charging of the basins. Zero impact geothermal energy should be the target for the conversion of the geothermal energy which currently exists in our country. Regarding the production of energy from agricultural biomass of waste and manure, plants on the biogas system will need to be small scale and spread out throughout the territory. The use of wood and trimmings must also be planned for small facilities connected in places of wood production itself and provide for the active involvement of the cultivators of the forest. Heat production: The center-left government will work to make tax relief permanent for those who restructure (higher) and build (lower) buildings with energy savings and safety from earthquakes. All systems of energy savings for families and businesses will become less bureaucratic, providing apartment buildings that want to improve the efficiency of their structures with the ability to act without consensus. For every renovation or new construction, it will be obligatory to use energy savings systems, replacing all gas heat production with cogeneration of heat and electric energy. All public heritage will be renovated and every public investment will be in renewable energy. Given that these will also provide cost savings and are therefore economic,


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they will be subtracted from the calculation of the vestments of the Pact of Stability. Electric recharging networks for electric vehicles should be promoted, thereby promoting transportation at a lower cost and a lower level of pollution, starting from Motorways of the Sea and of course starting also by the transformation of marine diesel engines by LNG (liquified natural gas).

Protection of the environment is an investment in the future and a necessity in order to live better in the present. Work and health should no longer be mutually exclusive, but rather they should complement each other. Therefore the green economy cannot be separate from the economy as a whole, but it should instead be one integrated part of the economy. Industry, transport, and agriculture must reorient themselves according to the criteria of efficiency, of limiting harmful emissions, and reusing recyclable materials and intelligent technologies to dispose of waste, reclaim land, optimize the water cycle, making the territory secure, and incentivize transportation with low environmental impact. Training programs and incentives must facilitate “green” choices. The rules must be clear and reasonable—and the simplifications implemented by the Government, for example the new unique environmental Authorization, is an instance of how this can be done—but it is necessary to be uncompromising with those that violate them.


Efforts already in place to reduce and recycle waste, which must be maintained and, if possible, strengthened, should be combined with efficient production that can lengthen the lifetime of products, as well as a revival of recycling, in line with the best European examples where landfills have been cleared. Twenty years since the previous national energy plan, a new national energy strategy was presented that is sustainable growth, in economic and environmental terms, whose imperative goal is to make the country an energy hub in the Mediterranean. It is necessary to continue on the path laid by implementing the guidelines of the strategy to give Italy less costly, safer and more sustainable energy.

If the 10/91 law were to be rigorously applied, it would take 14 liters of diesel fuel or cubic meters of methane to heat buildings, per square meter per year. In reality we consume more than that. Since 2002 the German law, and the more recent regulation in effect in the Province of Bolzano, is set to 7 liters of diesel, or cubic meters of methane per square meter per year as the maximum allowable consumption for space heating. This is less than half of the average consumption of Italians. Using the labeling in place on home appliances, in the Province of Bolzano this level corresponds to Class C, and Class B corresponds to a consumption of not more than 5 liters of diesel, or cubic meters of methane, and class A is a consumption not exceeding 3 liters of diesel, or cubic me-

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ters of methane per square meter per year. For the heating of buildings, an energy policy aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, also to avoid economic sanctions planned by the Kyoto protocol in relation to default countries, must be articulated as follows: • Immediate application of the regulation on the energy certification of buildings already provided by the 10/91 law and prescribed by European directive 76/93. • Definition of Class C of the Province of Bolzano as the maximum consumption level for the granting of building permits for both new constructions and renovations of existing buildings. • Reduction of energy consumption by at least 10 percent in five years for public buildings, with financial penalties for non-compliance. • Reduction of bank advances and innovations in regulations for contracts of energy restructuring by the ESCO method (energy service company), performed at the expense of those who implement and reimbursed by the savings garnished by it. • Development of legislation on payment for energy consumption for heating in apartment blocks, as required by European Directive 76/93, which has already been applied by other European countries. The average yield of Enel power plants is around 38%. The standard used to construct the new generation plants, all cycles combined, is 55-60%. The co-diffused generation of electricity and heat, where heat is utilized at the place of production and long-distance transport of electricity, allows for the use of up to 97% of potential energy provided by the fuel. The current inefficiencies and wastes in the generation of power are unacceptable, technologically, economically and morally, because of their devastating effects on the environment, and because they accelerate the depletion of fossil resources, which involves

their appropriation by rich countries to the detriment of poor countries. It is already unacceptable to take away a necessity from to those who need it, but if it is wasted, it is inconceivable. To increase the supply of electricity it is not necessary to build new power plants of any kind. The first thing to do is to increase efficiency and reduce the waste of existing plants while increasing the efficiency with which energy is used by utilities (lamps, appliances, air conditioners and industrial machinery). Only later, when the energy supply is still lacking, it may be decided to build new plants for the generation of electricity. In the production of electricity and thermal energy, an energy policy aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by increasing the offer must be articulated as follows: • Strengthening and reducing the environmental impact of existing power plants. • Encouragement of distributed generation of electricity with technologies that use fossil fuels in the most efficient ways, such as cogeneration of electricity and heat, starting from the buildings that require the most energy: hospitals, shopping centers, factories that utilize processes requiring heat technology , sports centers etc. • Extension of the choice to revert to the network and sell electricity to plants of micro cogeneration, with a size inferior to 20 kW. • Incentives for the distributed production of electricity applicable to all renewable sources of energy and micro-cogeneration, widespread regulation of the energy bill, linking the incentives to the kW dispensed into the network during peak hours, and excluding the kilowatts produced outside of peak hours. • Rigorous application of the regulations of the decrees on energy efficiency certifications, also considering the incentives for electric


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energy production from renewable resources entailed by them. • Elimination of incentives for CIP6 and for waste incineration, since their inclusion in the incentives has no basis in science or technologies related to renewable energy sources. • Legalization and incentivizing of the production of biofuels, tying the increase of organic matter in soil to the agricultural production for that purpose. • Incentives for the distributed production of thermal energy from renewable resources, in particular virgin biomass, in small plants for autoconsumption, with strict control of wood coming from separated waste collection and excluding long distance distribution of heat from the incentives because of its inefficiency and its environmental impact. • Incentives for the production of biogas from the anaerobic fermentation of organic waste.

The current model of development has to change. It is responsible for climate change, consumption of limitless resources, poverty, inequalities and wars. It should protect the landscape and stop the consumption of land, and stop promoting projects like the TAV in Val di Susa and the bridge over the Straits of Messina. The privatization of public assets must be prevented, starting from water. High quality agriculture should be valued, free from GMOs, promoting and protecting biodiversity and defense for animals and their rights.


Jobs must be created through a plan for energy savings, the development of renewable energy, development of protection of the territory, for sustainable transportation, that frees the air of our cities from smog.

It is necessary to quickly liberalize the sectors that are not yet fully competitive, such as, for example, transport, energy, postal services, telecommunications, professional services and banks (including ownership). Privatization of public undertakings in a procompetitive manner and with pro-competitive objectives in the respective fields. Include in the Constitution the principle of competition as a method of functioning of the economic system, against privileges and monopolies of any kind. Privatize RAI, abolish fees and advertising roof, eliminate the imperfect duopoly that the industry is based on, promoting competition instead. Entrust public services, including broadcasting, to competition between parties.

On the page to the right, we publish the manifesto of the Association of Producers of Renewable Energy

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ince the distant time of 2008, China had opened its doors to photovoltaics, notably increasing the production of solar panels for its internal market as well. The high cost of plants and an inopportune tax, however, provoked a sharp slowdown in growth. Last December, however, China launched a national energy program designed to intensify the use of renewable energy, in order to reach a capacity of 10 GW from installed photovoltaic plants by 2016. For this result, the Chinese government has made government incentives and rewards available for producers and plant owners. The demand for clean energy, however, is growing in a country that in the last 20 years has seen industrial growth unlike any other. Other elements that have convinced the Chinese to focus on photovoltaics are the deep crisis affecting Europe, which allowed Chinese companies to develop a roaring trade, and duties imposed by the United States on products from China. Many Chinese companies producing panels have closed and others must be promptly revitalized. In this regard measures are in place which aim to reduce the installation and bureaucratic costs relating to photovoltaics. The reduction of these costs is around 10%, as published by NPD Solarbuzz in its recent analysis of the Chinese market. The revival of the Chinese photovoltaic market, therefore, passes through the inside. China must sell its panels internally for many reasons. This will

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allow China to achieve the objectives of its program as well as to keep its companies alive, to contribute to saving the planet, to meet the energy demand of homes and businesses, to free themselves from dependence on fossil fuels and, therefore, on foreign countries. The volatility of market prices, however, has not so far facilitated the development of renewable solar power. Another fact noted by Solarbuzz seems to push the development of the Chinese domestic market further: in some commercial and industrial areas of China, the cost of energy is so high that energy produced by photovoltaic panels is considerably less expensive. In this case, the achievement of grid parity in those areas is not a problem. According to less optimistic forecasts, the growth rate of photovoltaic power generation spread through China during 2013 should exceed 90% and continue over the next few years. In fact, the pipeline of projects under the Golden Sun and Solar Roof program, launched by the Beijing government, will contribute to more than 2.5 GW over the course of 2013 alone. However, the photovoltaic market in China could be limited once again by various factors. For example, if the photovoltaic energy produced cannot be consumed directly by the investor of the plants, they will be faced with the taxes imposed by the state, who will buy up the energy at rates which are probably not ideal for those who

produce and sell it. This would have a negative effect on the expected period of return on investments. This is overview of a market in which Italian companies might benefit directly and indirectly. Let's consider the reasons. In China, despite the closure of many companies, there is still an oversupply of panels and there is no doubt that Chinese companies, now needing to turn to their domestic market, will focus even more on the quality of their products. This situation presents a double advantage. The first is that the absorption of the panels by the Chinese market will leave more space for European producers in the European and American markets. The second is that the improvement of the quality of Chinese products will enable European companies, including Italian companies, to source components at a lower cost, localizing the assembly of materials and optimizing costs in transport volumes. Our final note is that the Chinese market is huge and is still open to anyone who wants to fit in with its contribution to innovation and design. China offers very convenient incubators and start-up projects and plans for a future filled with good results. The opening of such a market, even in the photovoltaic sector, cannot and must not remain indifferent.

SE helps its business partners to get into foreign markets, including the Chinese one. If you are interested, write to


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as you come out of the darkness SE gives you light and commercial energy

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î “e fortnightly online bilingual magazine distributed in 45 countries

SE is committed to expanding borders inside and outside of Italy

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Date di uscita per l’anno 2013 release dates for the year 2013 10/01/13 11/03/13 11/05/13 11/09/13 11/11/13

25/01/13 26/03/13 26/05/13 26/09/13 26/11/13

11/02/13 11/04/13 11/06/13 11/10/13 11/12/13

26/02/13 26/04/13 26/06/13 26/10/13

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382,50 720,00 1.012,50 1.260,00 1.462,50 1.647,00 1.827,00 1.980,00 2.106,00 2.250,00

IVA 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21% 21%

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PROGEMA S.R.L. Via De Amicis 2-21020 Varano Borghi VA (Italy) Cell. +39 331 8118840-Secretary - Tel. +39 02 9374175 Office- Tel. +39 0332 948.948 Fax +39 02 700537124 - Skype Name: lorenzolovecchio -


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business partner SE is geared towards operators and institutions SE is the follow-up on global opportunities SE is published in both Italian and English SE looks for partnership occasions for you SE proposes you on international markets

An article in SE, 2012, which signals the request for a significant collaboration between a smart company and a large Italian metropolitan center

For information and contacts write to 21

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n our blog at the discussion was opened about the fact that 50% of the costs incurred for the transformation of traditional lighting to LED lights are deductible from the overall calculation of taxes due to the State. On the blog we promised that we would talk about it in this issue of SE. The Revenue Agency states the following: "From January 1, 2012, the tax deduction on the renovation of buildings no longer expires. The provision introduced in 1998 and extended several times, was made permanent by Decree-Law n. 201/2011 (art. 4), which inserted it among the charges deductible for income tax." "In recent years, the legislation governing the matter has been amended several times. The most recent innovation was introduced by Decree-Law n. 83 of June 22, 2012 (Urgent measures for the growth of the country) that raised, though for a limited period of time, the extent of the deduction and the maximum expenditure eligible for the benefit." In particular, for costs incurred between June 26, 2012 (the date the Decree took effect) and June 30, 2013, the income tax deduction was increased to 50% and the maximum spending limit was doubled (96,000 euros per housing unit). According to the August 2012 update by the Revenue Agency i) only "interventions aimed at the wiring of buildings, to reduce noise, to achieve energy savings, the adoption of safety measures such as earthquake-proofing buildings, and the execution of in-

terior work, all fall under the scope of renovation charges." This is valid for all taxpayers subject to the income tax on individuals (personal income tax), whether they reside in the country or not. Finally, the same update specifies what innovation efforts are eligible for income tax deduction. Among these, we may read precisely: "Work for energy saving, made even in the absence of construction work as such. (Tax deductible provided that it is certified to achieve the standard required by law)." Of course, all requests to obtain a tax deduction must be accompanied by the required certificates and asseverations. SE has obtained an agreement on a flat fee of 800 euros for its business partners, excluding the costs of transport outside the territories of Lombardy and Veneto.

Do you want to take advantage of SE’s agreement for certification of work for energy savings, in order to obtain tax deductions? Scrivi a:


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55% Tax Deduction or Thermal Account? F

or energy saving measures in buildings is it more convenient to rely on the incentives provided by the Thermal Account or is it better to opt for the 55% tax deduction for energy requalification (at least until June 30, 2013)? In fact, the two options overlap, and therefore it is possible to choose one solution or the other. The Thermal Account can rely on the availability of a total of 900 million euros, divided between incentives for private parties (700 million) and incentives for public administration (200 million euros). The 55% deduction, instead, is a measure of general taxation and therefore does not include an overall ceiling. There are, of course, maximum deductible spending limits, as is already the case for the deduction of 50% on building renovations. The installation of solar panels to produce hot water for domestic and industrial uses, and to meet the demand for hot water in swimming pools, sporting facilities, nursing homes and care facilities, schools and universities allows for a maximum deductible expenditure of 60,000 euros. Replacements of winter heating systems with systems running on condensing boilers and the simultaneous

development of the distribution system are approved for a 55% deduction on expenditures up to 30,000 euros. The manner in which benefits are delivered is different for those who choose the incentive of the Thermal Account and for those who, instead, rely on the additional 55% tax deduction provided. For the Thermal Account, in fact, the incentives will be paid directly by the GSE, who will deposit the benefits accrued through a bank transfer to the account of the producer. The 55% deduction, however, provides a "discount" on the IRPEF payment, the extent of which depends on the fiscal capacity of the declarant and the extent of the total tax. Who can ask for what? While the Thermal Account is open, with some variations for private and public administrations, the 55% deduction applies only to individuals, that is, to recipients of income subject to income tax or IRES. Depending on the type of intervention, the incentives provided by the Thermal Account last 2 or 5 years. The 55% deduction rate, however, lasts for 10 years, depending on tax capacity (source Ediltecnico)


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he first LED diodes were available only in the color red. They were used as indicators in electric circuits and in seven segment displays in opto-isolators. Later, LED lights that emit yellow and green light were developed and devices were made that integrated two LED lights, one red and one green, in the same container, thereby yielding four perceptibly different states (off, green, red, green + red=yellow) with the same device. In the 1990s LED lights were made whose efficiency increased gradually, and that had a continuously wider gamma of colors until the day that, with the creation of blue light LEDs, it was possible to create devices that, combining three LED lights (one red, one green, one blue) could generate any color. In 1993 we were one step away from


white light, whose conversion dates back to 1995. In parallel, the quantity of light emitted, competitive with common light bulbs, leads to the prediction that in time LED lights will be utilized in all fields Looking back down the road of LED lights, we can say that in 1907 Henry Joseph Round discovered the physical effects of electroluminescence, but since he was working on a new radiogoniometric system, the discovery was disregarded. In 1962 the first red luminescent diode was released, of the GaAsP type. In 1971 LED lights of other colors were introduced, as mentioned above, and since then more efficient and luminescent LED technologies have continuously been produced. LED lights were used for more than 30 years in numerous industrial appli-

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cations, from switchboxes to measuring instruments, as well as in products for consumers, such as HiFi technologies, telephones and personal computers, in traffic lights on roads and train tracks, or in lighting for automobiles. In the last years the efficiency of colored LED lights reached 100 lm/W and beyond, depending on the color and the supply system. These values are destined to increase. Since white LED lights currently have an efficiency of 40-100 lm/W (which depends on the temperature and color of the chromatic scheme), they are being used continuously more and more in lighting in general and are already in the implementation phase in emergency lighting in addifluorescent (neon) tube of a normal tion to decorative applications. Also luminous advertisements take advan- power level of 18 watts, for example, can be replaced with an LED tube of 8 tage of the benefits of LED lights, watts, obtaining the same quantity of through the use of colored LED light lumen, as in the perception of light modules. The industrial story of LED lights for il- given by the light efficiency of a light source (see the box below). For examlumination starts in Japan in the ple, an incandescent light of 100W 1990s, when LED devices appeared with a tungsten filament, set to 220 V, on the market that had a consistent has a lighting efficiency of 13.8 lm/W. flow of light, capable of emitting blue colored radiation. And it was precisely A halogen light with the same characteristics has a lighting efficiency of the advent of blue LED lights with a high flow of light that made it possible 16.7 lm/W.nosa di 16,7 lm/W. to generate heterochromatic light through the synthesis of the three primary colors, red, green, T? eENWAT M U L and blue, or rather through is the r A e S c I r T u A WH wer ht so white tonality, which is most of a lig w and the po y c n e i c adapted for lighting. in lulight flo ting effi he ligh between the is expressed ed on T Such technology based on color is as hip nally th is defined b lations o i s n human e e w combination was put alongside m h i o t D fl f . t o t ligh of ion inpu ercept ctrum tt. The another method of generating p e a p e w s / v i s t e n c h me bje in t side white light, obtained through the rage su ar curve with adiation out e v a e th ed ts r cul filtration of the light emitted from a parti ght bulb emi eneral infrar iai eye of d g l ell, in blue LED by a part of a special iolet ra ight. A w l v s a e l r a t b l i d u s vi or ban ion coating with a phosphorus base. visible e joule effect o the sensat t t is of the when i n for th t contribute Today LED lighting is commonly t o i n t e a i i c d ra no effi e used in homes, stores, and busiis mor hich do light is more t w a , h n t o i t um .A nesses in virtue of its long lasting inosity ting a spectr . of lum t i n devices, which persist for more than e of em an perceptio l b a p a c m d to hu 50,000 hours, and because of its siadapte gnificant energy savings. In fact, a


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how much do we save through photovoltaics? A

conference organized by Centrosolar was held recently in Padua. The main installers of photovoltaic plants from the Veneto region and other Italian regions participated. SE was present as a mediating observer. In our opinion, the most interesting part of the day of work was the speech presented by the engineer Emanuele De Biasi, who we asked to send us a few of the slides that were projected during his presentation, and we are publishing them here. Engineer De Biasi actually presented an analytical excursus on Enel bills, examining the business costs and strategies, not without also pointing out that Enel is utilized at a rate of 31% by the Italian State, and that its credit rating was recently downgraded by Moody’s Investor’s Service, mainly because of the wind and the sun, or in other words because of its use of renewable energy. It seemed so curious that Enel filed rates in Range 1, that is when photovoltaics produce energy, increasing considerably to Ranges 2 and 3 when the photovoltaic plants do not produce, or produce less, with the immediate effect (though not very transparent) of a 2% increase in the energy bill. It was curious also to ob-


serve how Enel’s alchemy brings about the same economic result on the electric bill, no matter the consumption balance during the three daily time slots, now reduced to two. Getting into what really interests those that work in the photovoltaic sector, it is wise to pay attention to the true costs per kilowatt, also in order not to “cut supply” with calculations and mistakes. Let’s examine some of the tables proposed by the engineer De Biasi.

IAbove all the study examines Enel contracts, subdividing them into D2 contracts (bi-hourly and 3 kw meters) and D3 (bi-hourly and 3 kw to 16.5 kw meters). For each of these contracts a range of meters and consumption are examined and for the former, span from the traditional 3 kw to 6 kw (to

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remain within the scope of monophase) and, for the latter, go from a minimum of 1,800 kilowatts per year (1st echelon – commonly utilized for the lighting of the stairs in apartment buildings) to 4,400 kilowatts per year (4th echelon), not rare in a modern family, passing to the tradition 3,000 kw per year (3rd echelon) of a more common family. Let’s take a look at the costs. From the table on the adjacent page it seems clear that the most convenient of all is the first echelon, in which habitual consumption is really very low. Through the autoconsumption of a lot of the energy produced by a photovoltaic plant, and therefore concentrating the consumption in Range 1, one can possibly obtain an energy value like the one expressed in the first echelon. But in drawing up a business plan it is good to take the values expressed in the third and fourth echelon into account, which are quite different from those that are seen in the most common business plans. We aren’t in fact talking about 0.18 or 0.20 or a maximum of 0.25 Euros per kilowatt, but rather a hefty 0.30 or 0.34 Euros. The use of photovoltaic energy therefore provides an absolutely superior savings. The discussion becomes even more macroscopic if we move to the D3 contracts, as we observe in engineer De Biasi’s table shown below.

Another helpful element is provided by the following table, where the real costs of the bills of Italians are examined. The cells distinguished by green color indicate the most common costs. Obviously it is necessary to condense, for lack of space, some elements that appeared in the much broader and more complete speech

delivered by Engineer De Biasi. There is however one phrase that we would like to share with you, which seems particularly significant: "Photovoltaic energy allows for the effect of "shaving" the bill, breaking down first the most expensive kWh, the maximums, of the higher echelons, in the "Daily" ranges…after draining the most expensive levels, you pass gradually to the less expensive levels! "

(source Centrosolar)


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wind, thermal and a bit of hybrid


t the GSE headquarters in Rome, a meeting organized by the Corrente was recently held to put Turkish and Italian companies and opportunities of the energy sector side by side. We wrote about the conference in advance in the last edition of SE, but now we would like to elaborate on a few insights of particular interest, which emerged during its course.


The Turkish energy system is characterized by a strong dependence on imports. In 2009, for example, Turkey relied on imports from abroad for about 70% of energy: Their domestic production of primary energy amounted to 30 MTOE, 97% of gas was imported (of which almost half was used for the high cost generation of electric energy), as well as 94% of oil and 46%

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doing business in the world doing business in the world doing business in the world of coal (source: IEA). Another characteristic of the Turkish energy circumstance is the prevalence of fossil fuels in the composition of the national mix; in 2011 these satisfied 90% of total national energy needs. Turkey represents one of the most promising emerging markets for the energy sector. This market is gaining a gradually more competitive structure, capable of attracting foreign investments. With the Strategic Plan 2010-20143 and the other recent regulatory actions, the national energy policy has assumed a position in line with that of the other Countries of the OCSE. It aims to achieve the following objectives, which are all interconnected: - Promote the liberalization of energy markets; - Encourage and stimulate more investments in renewable energy resources; - Increase energy efficiency; - Reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, environmental risks and risks related to pollution; -Diversify the energy mix. The increase in energy demand, liberalization of markets, promotion of renewable energy sources, increased energy efficiency, and a strategic position between Asia and Europe, are all factors conducive to development and investment opportunities in Turkey. According to the ETKB, The Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, in order to meet the growing demand for energy by 2023 approximately $130 billion worth of inve-

stments will be required. Since 2000 the Turks have recorded very strong growth in electricity consumption (5.7% per annum in the 2000-2011 period) and the IEA predicts growth in consumption of 4% per year from 2011 to 2017. Prices have increased over the past decade in line with the trend in the prices of fossil fuels. Among these, gas contributes most to the production of electric energy (45%), followed by coal (28%) and by FER (25%), of which the majority is composed of hydro-electric energy (23%). The Turkish electricity market has begun a process of liberalization and privatization, which is still in progress and which has favored the increase of installed electric capacity needed to meet the increased demand. This demand is expected to continue to grow in the coming years thanks to the contributions of foreign investors. In the medium term the most important goal for the Turkish electric system is the integration of new capacity from renewable energy sources in the network. The Turkish TSO, TEIAŞ, must give priority of connection to FER. With the predicted expansion, especially for wind power,

Vuoi ricevere ulteriori informazioni sulle opportnità di business, partecipazioni a fiere, a incontri b2b e di partnership in turchia? Scrivi a: 31

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the increase in transmission capacity for efficient management of the network will be fundamental. In 2011 Turkey was connected to the European Network of Transmission Service Operators (ENTSO-E), which should increase the flexibility of electricity that flows in and out of the country in order to optimize the operation of the internal network as well. With regard to the role of renewables in electricity generation, the current goal is to reach a contribution of 30% by 2023. In particular, the ETKB’s 2010-2014 strategy plans the following for 2014: - 10 GW of total installed wind power; - 300 MW of total installed capacity of geothermal power plants; The government's objectives for 2023, as part of the Strategic Vision for the centennial of the Turkish Republic, are the following: - 40 GW total installed capacity of hydroelectric plants; - 20 GW total installed capacity of wind power plants; - 600 MW total installed capacity of geothermal power plants. Law no. 5346 of May 18, 2005 is the reference standard that defines the incentives for the sector of renewable electricity. The 2010 reform redefined the incentives for renewables (water, wind, solar, geothermal and biomass) and the value of incentives due. Hy-


brid plants are also eligible for incentives. The incentives take the form of a feed-in rate granted for 10 years. The rates are available for plants that came into operation from May 18, 2005 until December 31, 2015. The incentive rates are defined in cents per kWh. To support employment and the development of local renewable energy, additional bonuses have been provided for a limited period of five years, if machinery and components manufactured in Turkey are utilized. Bonuses are distinguished for each source depending on the product and machinery used, with amounts ranging from a minimum of 0.5 dollar cents per kWh to a maximum of 3.5 dollar cents per kWh. To access the incentive mechanism on a voluntary basis, in the case of plants of a capacity above 500 kW, it’s necessary to be a limited liability company, or for shares it is necessary to hold a production license (called EPLY) granted by EPDK. If the system is smaller than 500 kW is not necessary to hold this license. The operator must also receive, for each of its facilities, the YEK certificate (which entitles the holders to benefit from incentives) by submitting an application to the EPDK by October 31 of the year before initiating the operation. On November 30 of each year the EPDK announces the facilities approved for the incentive. Renewable energy plants can take advantage of additional tax incentives. (source GSE-Corrente)

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CHILE: mini hydro full speed ahead T

he APEMEC 2013 Expo will take place on June 25 and 26, 2013, starting at 9 am in the Conference Center Espacio Riesco, Av, El Salto 5000, Huechuraba, Santiago. The objective of the APEMEC Expo is to be the platform for meetings between owners of mini-hydro projects in Latin America and the Government authorities, investors and suppliers for goods and services, in order to promote and facilitate the development of this important and unconventional renewable energy resource (URER). In the APEMEC 2012 Expo more than 90 exhibitor companies were present, and there were more than 50 seminars with more than 80 specialized speakers and 2,500 attendees. The mini-hydro potential in Chile is

estimated at about 10,000 MW and there are currently 110 projects in the phases of operation, construction, environmental evaluation, which contribute as a whole more than 1,400 MW of clean energy. At the same time, the mini-hydro sector represents one of the principle sources of clean energy generation because it is competitive, safe, and sustainable. The invitation to participate in the APEMEC Expo is therefore not only valid as an occasion for meeting and for the development of renewable energy and promotion of a network for clean, sustainable, safe, competitive, and autonomous source of energy in Chile, but also an interesting business opportunity for companies that intend to invest, become familiar with projects, enter into the market for suppliers of goods and services, and ďŹ nd local partners. (source ICE - Santiago)

Do you want to receive further information on business opportunities, participation in fairs, and B2B meetings, and partnerships in Chile? Write to: 35

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Coperture tetti

Ancoraggi Linea vita

Smaltire l’eternit

Le coperture ed i tetti sono una delle parti più importanti dell’edificio dovendo garantire protezione isolamento e stabilità strutturale ad eventi atmosferici esterni.

Ci occupiamo della progettazione ed installazione di ancoraggi linea vita i migliori sistemi anticaduta per la sicurezza tetti civili, tetti industriali e coperture.

Rimuovere rifiuti contenenti amianto è di grande attualità nella normativa che prevedepiani di intervento e misure tecniche per la individuazione ed eliminazione del rischio.

Un tetto è per sempre. L’azienda COSTRUZIONE TETTI di Fracassetti Sergio da molti anni eroga servizi per la progettazione, costruzione, manutenzione, riparazione, impermeabilizzazione di tetti e coperture. Operiamo da anni su tetti e coperture civili e industriali. Per ogni richiesta, per ogni esigenza, contattami, sono Sergio Fracassetti e sono pronto a risolvere ogni esigenza per il Tuo tetto di casa o della Tua Azienda. Mi trovi tutti il giorni al numero 347-14.89.729 oppure inviami una mail all’indirizzo 36

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I’M SELLING A DANFOSS TLX 10 KILOWATT TRIPHASE INVERTER AT THE PRICE OF 2,100 EUROS. THE INVERTER, WHOSE PHOTO IS INCLUDED BELOW, IS STILL INSIDE ITS ORIGINAL, SEALED PACKAGING, AS I RECEIVED IT FROM DANFOSS. I AM AN INSTALLER AND MY CLIENT CANCELLED THE CONTRACT AFTER I HAD ALREADY BOUGHT THE NECESSARY SUPPLIES. WRITE TO SE@PROGEMAENERGIA.IT Hello, I am trying to rent a piece of land in the area of Nola Naples for photovoltaic greenhouses, a surface area of about 3600mq. If interested please send me an e-mail thank you I have 17,600 square meters of flat industrial land available in the municipality of Villa Literno facing the provincial road, 30 meters from Ischitella and 3 km from the sea. I would be interested in renting it out. I have about 40,000 square meters of uncultivated land ... I would like to rent it for photovoltaic uses ... it is south facing without any barriers! ... on the provincial road (LIZZANO-TORRICELLA.)

Electrician wanted for the replacement of traditional light bulbs with LED lights, in Gallico, province of Reggio Calabria. I have some pieces of land in the province of Benevento (Sannio) between Puglia and Molise. One piece is 1600 square meters at an elevation of 920 m, and the other is 13,000 square meters in area downstream of Val Foiano Fortore (BN), about 520 m in height. I would be willing to rent for the use of solar panels or a photovoltaic system. I am the sole proprietor of a warehouse with an asbestos roof of 1000 square meters. The adjacent square has an area of 180 square meters. Suburbs of Terni. I would like to rent the area for a PV system. I have a large piece of land of 14.000 square meters, located in the province of Ragusa in Sicily in the territory of Ispica , near Santa Maria del Focallo to be precise, I would like to invest in photovoltaics, maybe through renting.

SE does not publish private addresses or contact information. All announcements are managed directly through SE’s email at this address:


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New partnership SE - LEDrevolution here are very few true LED light professionals, many companies are attached to particular design products. Many designers are pursuing large projects, so that if an individual, a company, or a public entity wants to replace their current traditional lighting, they cannot find reliable references or concrete proposals. Starting with the next editions, SE will open a column, in collaboration with LEDrevolution, solving problems proposed by readers, by writing to 38

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TUNISIA launched: the city of future project


n Tunisia, a project is under way that could involve many Italian companies operating in the sectors of construction, renewable energy and home automation. It’s called "The Economic City" and represents a bold initiative for the future of North Africa, with which the Tunisian gover-

nment is closely involved. As will be quite evident from subsequent information that SE will provide as a preview, the Economic City needs to create a development group, consisting of economic agents and operatives in order to establish a hub of international importance.


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The project involves different branches of the economy and of life in the Mediterranean regions, promoting free trade, logistics, international expositions, culture, commerce, communication, free time, tourism, health, and university education. As intended by the Tunisian authorities, the Economic City will provide new stimulus to the economy of the country, demonstrated through the growth of national pride and job availability. One step ahead for Tunisia, which is today wrapped up in a popular rebellion, towards a bright and peaceful future. The new city will take shape on the Tunisian coast and the project has taken into the account the history of the country, while also adopting a vision of a modern smart city. Tunisia maintains that the present can learn a lot from the past, and therefore, also in the modern age it is necessary to follow traditions. In this cultural context, the present has the responsibility of safeguarding the future, through focusing on the sustainability of the project, on zoning of the structures, and on an energy mix that re-


spects nature. In this sense it is therefore necessary to delocalize businesses and productive activities, leaving ample space for enjoyment of daily life. A project, therefore, that presents itself to the avant-garde of an international concept of the smart city. The Economic City will extend over about 180 million square meters, occupying only half of them. INDUSTRY The industrial area will cover only 15% of the city and it will include genuine businesses, material logistics, and accommodations for workers and for their nuclear families. Particular attention will be reserved for road design, so that the environment is not marred by traďŹƒc, not just for the transportation of people, but also and above all for the transporting of goods. On this subject, the road network must be agile in its connections with train lines, airports, and sea routes. THE PORT Located on the coast, the new Tunisian city will incorporate an extraordi-

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nary tourist and commercial port, where the efficiency of port operations will be maximized, making it a reference point for the Mediterranean and North Africa. A large part of the territory of the new city on which SE is reporting will be reserved for exposition areas, banks, offices, hotel buildings, restaurants, bars and leisure. TOURISM Tourism will not be limited to the traditional variety. Rather, the plan is to involve a significant flow of business tourism, from both the West and the East, as well as from Africa itself. The touristic city will occupy about 9% of the entire space of the project. Tunisia is already an important international tourism destination, and this area will increase its current status, raising it to another level. Ultra-modern hotels

and skyscrapers will appear on a façade of more than 20 kilometers along the seaside. The touristic city will be adjacent to the downtown, thereby providing other attractions. DOWNTOWN Two 600 meter towers are included in the plan. They will overlook the downtown area, in which the principle functions of daily, cultural and religious life will take place. This space will cover about 3.30% of the whole area. A sort of salt water lagoon, coming from the sea, will create quite impressive landscape effects, reminding one of a desert oasis. In this confined area of the city, the main entertainments will also be found. RESIDENCES The residential area, on the other hand, will occupy about 28 million


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doing business in the world doing business in the world doing business in the world square meters. Not just mansions, but especially villas, chalets, luxury houses or homes for the middle class. The locations of the homes are planned to intensify human relationships, which are a strong element of African tradition. The public administration will follow strategies so that public and private life can interact with high quality support. HEALTH Regarding health, 4% of the city’s area will be occupied by hospitals, laboratories, university research centers,


specialized recovery institutions, wellness parks, spas, wellness centers, centers for the development of disciplines such as yoga, meditation, and various sporting activities. The project dedicates particular attention to health, regarding curative medicine as well as preventive medicine, integrating itself with the most modern international trends, also from the point of view of new medical technologies and planning techniques. THE UNIVERSITY The university city will cover 6% of the

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doing business in the world doing business in the world doing business in the world entire area and it will include numerous international faculties and places dedicated to services related to student entertainment. The idea of the city’s university is geared toward the Tunisian population, but also towards those coming from other countries. The intention is to coordinate university work with research centers and companies, who will be able to develop their project within the university itself, making use of the support of recent graduates. Graduates, therefore, will also have the immediate possibility of finding a job in their field. THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY This is an activity that will be extrapolated from the industrial context that was discussed above. Logistically, in fact, the pharmaceutical industry will be found within the university city and the residential zone, with the specific intention of interacting economically with these two activities. The pharmaceutical industry receives particular attention based on the conviction that the most recent technologies will play a primary role in the future of this sector, and Tunisia would like to be a part of it on an international level. THE CITY OF SCIENCE This particular area will take up 12% of the entire project and will include research laboratories, conference centers, science institutes and museums. It will be immediately adjacent to the university. SPORTS As in every respectable metropolis, sporting events and activities are planned for relaxation and entertainment. This area includes stadiums, arenas, an Olympic village, training structures, spaces dedicated to horsemanship and reception activities such as hotels and restaurants. The new

Economic City intends to organize the Olympic Games and the Football World Cup in the near future. This would be a significant opportunity for the international launch of the whole project. In this context, among other things, there will be structures and services dedicated to international media and more general communications. ENTERTAINMENT As is necessary for a modern city, a broad area is reserved for fun and leisure, roughly 10%. The plan is to include theme parks, villages, theaters, edutainment areas, which will attract those who want to develop businesses in tourism. The idea is to develop a sort of international magnet, which could even prolong the stays of foreign visitors. OPEN SPACE All the activities and areas described above will be connected by open and accessible spaces, both on the level of the natural image, and for the development of a social life that conforms to natural human needs. Fountains and water features, boulevards, walking paths will be the real focal point of life in the whole area, guaranteeing the new Economic City its own unique identity in the world. (Lorenzo Lo Vecchio based on IEG)

Do you want to receive further information about how to participate in the creating othe “Economic City”in tunisia? Write to: 43

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klimahouse a fair in Bolzano, where Tyrol is teaching The future is already here in the houses under Brennero, as demonstrated by the success of this Alto-Adige exposition, with an eye for energy savings and ecology. 44

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addition to typically Austrian and German ones. Particular success was observed in furnishing components, from electric fireplaces to fireplaces running on bio ethanol, from the home automation of appliances to equipment for calculating energy consumption and for smart reorganization of them.


n these last days the 2013 edition of Klimahouse was organized, the traditional Bolzano fair that brings together the best productive and design experiences in the field of the smart house, of energy efficiency of the house, and construction that respects and finds harmony with nature. SE was present at the expository event, and was able to collect the vibrant interest of the visitors, who were not only many, but also proved themselves to be sensitive to the subjects presented by the exhibitors, showing much more competence than many of our amateurs. Wood showed itself to be a leader, and is catching up to cement, both for its natural qualities of sealing of heat insulation, as well as for the environmental integration of such homes. Although the photovoltaic sector was scarcely present—also because in that part of Italy the roofs are already equipped with solar panels—energy savings was essentially the leitmotif of the booths: heat pumps, pellet boilers, bricks and tiles containing strong insulators, LED lights, small and large inventions typical of Italian PMIs, in


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how much is your photovoltaic plant worth today? I

t’s a real innovation in the photovoltaic sector. A system that calculates the sales value of plants that are already connected. Owners of plants that want to know the total sales price can freely access this online service. The tool for calculation is applicable to all countries and includes various parameters such as the plant’s date of connection, the period of connection to the electric network, and the quantity of energy produced for autoconsumption. The calculation suggests the price of the plant for an exact period, predicted for the sales and income, that the potential buyer may have from that particular plant. The calculator is the product of collaboration between the Berlin companies of Milk the Sun and Solarpraxis. Whoever intends to sell his or her own solar power plant a few years after it was connected often experiences difficulties defining a resale price. Many factors determine the value of a plant. Beyond the incentivizing rates, costs of management and the loss of power, factors such as tax deductions, interest rates and inflation are also relevant. These and other factors are considered by the online calculator in deter-

mining the value and profitability of a solar power plant. Thanks to this detailed calculation, the potential seller is capable of establishing through a reliable simulation, how the price of a plant can vary in relation to the time of sale and other variables. This calculation instrument provides sellers and buyers with a first objective way to establish the current price of a solar power plant, and it is particularly interesting for large photovoltaic plants. The formula adopted for the calculation is based on commercial data and on the technical experience of the SolarPraxis company in the photovoltaic sector. Using the portal the owner of a photovoltaic plant can also request a free quote from an expert specific to his or her plant. In addition, one has the possibility to present his or her plant for sale through the portal. The online calculator is available in German, English, and Italian, through the website, but a password is required in order to access it.

(source Solarpraxis)


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Mediterranean Wind Power Expo 2013, the conference on wind energy in the Mediterranean, which will take place from September 18 to 20 at Rome’s Fairgrounds, as part of ZeroEmission Roma (the most complete and representative fair on renewables in Italy, attended by the principle operators of the green economy). It will be characterized by important innovations at the conference and exposition level, and it is destined to further reinforce its role as the principle conference of the sector in the Mediterranean region as far as numbers of visitors and presenters. Wind power and photovoltaics could supply a distribution network for 99.9% of time, already from 2030. According to a study by the University of Delaware, at the current network management cost, by that date, the two principle renewable energy sectors, if integrated with the appropriate energy accumulation systems, could guarantee clean energy systems and very wide-ranging networks, like those of European States. The researchers, in fact, carried out simulations on a network model (PJM Interconnection) equivalent to one fifth of the U.S. network. The key point is precisely to combine the production of energy considered "unpredictable" with the latest generation of storage systems that come into effect when the production from wind or solar power is low or absent. To arrive at an annual growth rate of 1 GW by the end of 2013. This is the ambitious target set for the natio-


nal photovoltaic sector by the French minister of ecology, Delphine Batho. The new measures, announced by Minister Batho on the occasion of a visit to the MPO, a small solar panel company in western France, aim to double the annual production capacity target of solar power, which was at a standstill at 500 MW in 2012. Minister Batho then displayed two different types of mechanisms related to power plants: for installations on buildings with a capacity greater than 100 kWp and ground systems there is a tender, while for the installations on the roofs with a power inferior to 100 kWp, incentives will be set every quarter. The world record for efficiency of ten thin-film cells in CIS (copper indium diselenide) was beaten by the Japanese company Solar Frontier. The result was obtained in collaboration with researchers at the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) by a process of spraying the metal layers followed by selenization, which made it possible to achieve an efficiency rate of 19.7%, against the 18.6% of the previous world record. The Revenue Agency confirms that the installation of photovoltaic systems for the production of electricity may qualify for the 36% tax deduction, amounting to a maximum expenditure of 48,000 euros. For costs incurred from June 26, 2012 (the date of entry into force of Decree-Law No. 83, June 22, 2012 - Urgent measures for the growth of the country) to June

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30, 2013 the tax deduction is increased to 50%, up to a maximum of cost of 96,000 euros per housing unit. Consequently, from July 1, 2013, the 36% deduction for renovation costs, provided for a maximum of 48,000 euros in expenses, will be permanent, replacing both the transitional regime (50% tax deduction), which is in effect only until June 30, 2013, and the deduction for energy savings (tax deduction of 55%). The installation of photovoltaic panels for the production of electricity, therefore, may fall within the tax deduction, but in this case the electricity cannot also be supported by the "Energy Account" provided by the July 5, 2012 Ministerial Decree (Fifth Energy Account). The prices of modules will continue to decrease, many other companies will come off the market, struck by the overproduction crisis. However, in 2013, the photovoltaic situation will begin to settle and things will get better. Although there are still contracts based on flattened prices, installations will still grow and the balance between supply and demand will be recovered, thanks to the development of emerging markets, such as China, which will become the largest in the world. This is the prediction of IHS. The production of energy accumulators, the new generation of distributed energy and the microgrid are likely to be the strength of the market in the next five year period. These technologies will allow for the further development of smart grids and the development of new markets for soft-

ware for domotics. This is what emerges from Zpryme Grid's annual report, noting that the majority of research in the field of energy efficiency is aimed in this direction. Rimac Automobiles, a Croatian company founded in 2009 with its headquarters in Sveta Nedjelja (near Zagreb), has delivered to the buyer— who currently remains anonymous— the first electric car produced in Croatia. The model is based on the Concept One, with 1088 horsepower, an acceleration of 2.8 seconds and batteries that guarantee 500 kilometers of travel and speeds over 300 km / h. The car was built over the course of four months and the price is unknown. A new report by the WWF, released on the sidelines of the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi shows that solar photovoltaics alone could meet the global energy demand in 2050, occupying less than 1% of the total surface of the globe, a negligible amount of total area, contrary to the common perception. The report "Solar PV Atlas: solar energy in harmony with nature," proves through seven cases—six countries and one region—that photovoltaics alone, if supported by smart grids and new infrastructure, could provide energy to the whole world, with no significant environmental impacts. (fonti Casaclima, Zeroemission, Innovation Cloud, IEEE, ICE)


SE 3-2013 english:Smart Energy 24/02/13 12:55 Page 52

Project management: pv plants led lights energy saving ________________________________________ PROgEMA Srl – Via De Amicis 2 – 21020 Varano Borghi VA (Italy) Tel.: +39 02 9374175 – +39 0332 948.948 – Fax: +39 02 700537124 – Cell.: +39 331 8118840 internet site: email: ________________________________________

Progema Ltd., although recently established, has been on the market for over ten years in the project management. Back in the 90s dealt with the current team core of renewable energy and energy conservation in the project called Blue Line. On 2005, in collaboration with professional firms specializing in engineering, has developed the brand Ecoplanet for the construction of photovoltaic projects advanced public and private business. the technical expertise and financial capacity taken at that time have since given birth to Progema Ltd. the increasing business and complexity of the projects were invited to go on a road of new investment and capacity certified by EnEa (national agency for Energy and the Environment). Progema, which maintains partnerships with academics and leading European companies in the production of solar panels, inverters and industrial systems, also with reference to the integrated energy-saving solutions, like led lights. Progema recently collaborated with the Italian Institute for Foreign trade in China, Japan and arab Emirates missions.

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