The Progressive Rancher - July/August 2022

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The Wells FFA ended the year with their annual chapter banquet on the evening of May 4th, 2022, to recognize those who worked hard at the state convention and celebrate the chapter’s successes throughout the year. The meeting room was filled with energy, laughter, and nerves. With social distancing restrictions now gone, members and parents beamed with excitement. The hard work of the 2021-2022 chapter officers paid off and opening ceremonies went smoothly, and sophomore Grant Kington gave the invocation. President Jorie Wright introduced herself as MC for the night, and presented the agenda. Soon after came time to serve food, the best part of the evening! While members and guests were feasting on Advisor Don Noorda’s famous tri-tip and potato casserole, special guests, administrators and school board members were recognized for their efforts and hard work contributed to the chapter throughout the school year. Following the introduction of special guests, the 2021-2022 officer team led the honorary degree ceremony. Don Noorda, Jolene Noorda, Jim Wachtel, Laurel Wachtel, Heather Peavey, Amber Peavey, and Robert Peavey were all recognized for their support and hard work on our behalf. The time came to recognize our graduating senior members and their parents. Lucas Peavey and Kelly Foster escorted their parents to the front, and spoke about the hard work and sacrifices that parents make for the success of their children, inside the FFA organization and in other aspects of life. Another chapter tradition is awarding certificates of appreciation to those who donate their time or efforts to our chapter. Dr. Ken Higbee and Mr. Robert Woolsey were recognized for their continuous support and encouragement. Jolene Noorda, Marianne Johnson, and Jana Wright also received certificates for their chaperoning at various events throughout the year.

(L to R) Elected officers Jackson Dahl, Jorie Wright, Carolina Johnson, Morgan Noorda, and Grant Kington are ecstatic for the coming year. Truman Kington presents the chapter with the state report.

Four members were recognized for their consistent 4.0 GPAs throughout both semesters. Jake Glascock, Carolina Johnson, Madison Wachtel and Jorie Wright were all awarded the Chapter Scholarship Award. The chapter’s golden legacy was continued during the 2022 state convention. Freshmen Evelyn Walz and Truman Kington took the podium to present the state report. The chapter sent competing teams and individuals to 10 CDEs and LDEs. First place teams include Meats Evaluation and Technology, Farm Business Management, Novice Parliamentary Procedure, Best Informed Greenhand, and Rangeland Management. Carolina Johnson earned first place in Extemporaneous Public Speaking, and Morgan Noorda received first in Employment Skills. Noorda also received the Outstanding Chairman award. Silver teams include Environmental Natural Resources, Ag Technology and Mechanics, and Novice Floriculture. Three members received their state degree while at the convention; Jorie Wright, Madison Wachtel and Morgan Noorda. Three additional members were recognized for receiving the highest degree the organization can bestow, the American FFA degree. Aubrey Durant received her American degree in 2021, and members Mckenli Myers and Zion Mckay received theirs in 2022. Each year the chapter recognizes the advisors who sacrifice so much for the success of the students. Don Noorda, Ryan Kindall and Garrett Hylton were called to the stage. They were given various gifts, and the chapter laughed at the inside jokes that came along with the presents. A blanket of tension fell over the chapter as Vice President Madison Wachtel took the podium to present the much anticipated nominating committee report. The results of the committee are as follows: Morgan Noorda is the 2022-2023 Wells FFA Reporter. Jackson Dahl is the 2022-2023 Wells FFA Treasurer. Grant Kington is the 2022-2023 Wells FFA Secretary. Carolina Johnson is the

2022-2023 Wells FFA Vice President. Jorie Wright is the 2022-2023 Wells FFA President. The new officers were installed into their positions, and the retiring officers were thanked for their hard work and dedication to our chapter. Re-elected President Jorie Wright and Secretary Grant Kington led closing ceremonies, and the chapter gathered around to view the chapter slideshow, compiled by Reporter Morgan Noorda, to recount for the amazing memories, fun, and success of the year. As the night came to a close, the chapter bid the graduating seniors and retiring officers their farewells, and wished them the best of luck in their paths in life. The Wells FFA chapter is planning their annual Adopt A Highway for community service in the spring, getting ready for Nevada Summer Leadership Camp, as well as planning their traditional officer retreat.

The Progressive Rancher



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