Gaude/Rejoice: Joyful Choral Music

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gaude / rejoice TOWer new zealand youth choir karen grylls CONDUCTOR

gaude / rejoice TOWer new zealand youth choir karen grylls CONDUCTOR Einojuhani Rautavaara (b.1928) Suite de Lorca


1 | Canción de jinete


2 | El Grito


3 | La luna asoma


4 | Malagueña


Madeleine Pierard soprano solo Ken Ryan baritone so Simon Baskerville bass solo

Javier Busto (b.1949) 5 | O magnum mysterium


Einojuhani Rautavaara 6 | Canticum Mariae virginis


Madeleine Pierard, Victoria Holbrook soprano solos

Antonio Lotti (c.1667-1740) MMT2048 Digital Stereo Recording  2004 HRL Morrison Music Trust  2004 HRL Morrison Music Trust

7 | Crucifixus


Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599) 8 | Duo Seraphim

David Childs (b.1969) 4:02

9 | Herr, erhöre meine Worte from

arr. Donald Patriquin (b.1938) 4:20


10 | Yea, cast me from heights of 1:19

11 | Whether I find


12 | After many a dusty mile


13 | It’s oh to be a wild wind


14 | Feasting, I watched


Anna Griffiths (b.1981) Albert Mataafa tenor solo Jessica Wells alto solo


James Tibbles piano arr. Bob Chilcott (b.1950)

the mountains

15 | Naseby

17 | Ah! si mon moine voulait danser from Six Songs of Early Canada

Edward Elgar (1857-1934) From the Greek Anthology, Op.45


Madeleine Pierard soprano solo

Georg Schumann (1866-1952) Drei Motetten, Op.52

16 | Salve Regina

18 | Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen 3:05 Albert Mataafa TENOR Solo Robert Wiremu piano

Wehi Whanau 19 | Wairua Tapu


Albert Mataafa guitar 2:41

Total 51:35

TOWER New Zealand Youth Choir The TOWER New Zealand Youth Choir has

In 1996 and 1998 the choir provided

achieved considerable success since its

backing vocals on the two ENZSO

formation in 1979. Performances around

album releases, performing the music of

New Zealand and five international tours

New Zealand group Split Enz, and was

have firmly established the choir’s reputation

involved in the ENZSO tours with the New

for consistency, energy and excellence. As a

Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Split Enz

youth choir the members range in age from

and other leading New Zealand singers.

18 to 25 years.

In 1999 the TOWER New Zealand Youth

In 1992 the choir won the Silver

Choir celebrated its 20th anniversary with

Rose Bowl in the ‘Let the Peoples Sing’

a concert in the Wellington Town Hall,

competition as the best choir in a field of

featuring TOWER Voices New Zealand (the

26 choirs from 15 countries. The choir

graduate chamber choir) and a massed choir

represented New Zealand at the 3rd World

of many graduate singers.

Choral Symposium in Vancouver in 1993

Perhaps the choir’s greatest success

as part of a five-week North American

was achieved during its five-week tour to

tour, and in 1996 the choir travelled to

Europe in June and July 1999, the highlight

Australia, appearing at the 4th World Choral

of which was winning the ‘Choir of the

Symposium in Sydney.

World’ title at the International Musical

Eisteddfod in Llangollen, Wales. They

Bay, Rachmaninov’s The Bells with the

followed this with the ‘Grand Prix Slovakia’

New Zealand Symphony Orchestra in

a week later. The tour also included Ireland,

the New Zealand International Festival,

the Czech republic, Vienna, London and

and Mahler’s Symphony No.2 with the


Auckland Philharmonia and the New Zealand

In March 2001 the choir undertook an

Secondary Students Choir. The choir also

international tour to Texas in the USA, having

regularly performs its own concerts at

received an invitation to perform at the

venues throughout New Zealand.

biannual convention of the American Choral Directors’ Association. The choir was one of only three international guest choirs to perform three 30 minute programmes to a combined audience of 6,000 or more choral directors from the USA and worldwide. The TOWER New Zealand Youth Choir runs in three-year cycles, and is currently in the second year of this cycle after three highly successful courses in 2002. Recent performances have included an open-air concert at a vineyard in Hawkes

Choir Members SOPRANOS

Amanda Barclay, Rachel

Mataafa, Andrew Milne, Charles Panapa, Reece Pennington, Brendon Shanks,

Boyack, Katie Douglas, Kiri Ensbey,

Richard Taylor, David Tipi, Vatulele Tusitala.

Roseanna Forsythe, Amelia Giles, Anna


Griffiths, Victoria Holbrook, Georgia

Ben Campbell, Philip Daly, Nick Douglas,

Jamieson-Emms, Eveline Jenkin, Kimberley

Matthew Drake, Michael Gray, Ben Komiti,

Jones, Jessica Kerr, Sarah McCallum, Lucy

Matthew Landreth, Craig Letham, Rowan

Patston-Cox, Madeleine Pierard, Sarah

Payne, Harley Peddie, Ken Ryan, Jonathan

Stevenson, Philippa Walden, Christina

Togiatu, Robert Tucker, Douglas Winter.


Melissa Absolum, Gabrielle Ali, Jenny

Banks, Bronwyn Browne, Wendy Chen, Charene Clarke, Vanessa Clarke, Lucy Cruickshank, Vivian Gang, Jenny Kempton, Claire Nash, Merelina Saseve, Sarah Trevethick, Tania Verdonk, Jessica Wells, Amelia Woodfield. Tenors

Bonaventure Allan-Moetaua,

Stephen Chambers, Hamish Elliott, Gareth Harper, Spencer Kingi, Nick Madden, Albert

Simon Baskerville, James Butler,


1999 International Eisteddfod in Llangollen


and the ‘Grand Prix Slovakia’ also in 1999.

Karen Grylls, Associate-Professor in

Grylls is much in demand as a clinician

Conducting and Head of Choral Studies at

and has several CD recordings to her credit.

the University of Auckland, New Zealand,

Recently she has toured as an international

directed the Auckland Dorian Choir

guest with TOWER New Zealand Youth

from1985 to 1998. She assumed the

Choir to the American Choral Directors

position of Musical Director of the TOWER

Association Convention in Texas and

New Zealand Youth Choir in 1989 and the

with TOWER Voices New Zealand to the

graduate chamber choir TOWER Voices

Asia South Pacific Choral Symposium in

New Zealand in 1998, established under

Singapore. Invitations to adjudicate have

the auspices of the New Zealand Youth

taken her to Australia, Singapore, Spain

Choir. Grylls also directs Auckland University

and Hong Kong. In 1996 the University of

Singers and Campus Cantoris, the two

Auckland honoured her with a Distinguished

choirs at the University’s School of Music.

Teaching Award in Music, and in 1999 she

Under her directorship the TOWER New

was made an Officer of the New Zealand

Zealand Youth Choir has enjoyed notable

Order of Merit for services to choral music.

successes including the Silver Rosebowl in

She has recently been appointed to the

the ‘Let the Peoples Sing’ radio competition

Board of the International Federation of

in 1992, the ‘Choir of the World’ at the

Choral Music.

W.D. Hammond (b.1947), All Along the Heaphy Highway, 1998, oil on canvas, 1070 x 1455 mm. Private collection. Reproduced by permission of the artist.

Bob Chilcott Bob Chilcott (b.1950) is one of Britain’s most popular composers of accessible choral music. He has been involved in choral music for most of his life, having been a boy chorister and choral scholar at King’s College, Cambridge, and also a member of the vocal group The King’s Singers for twelve years. Since 1997 he has worked as a full-time composer, and become involved in a growing number of conducting projects, particularly with children’s and youth choirs. The traditional negro spiritual Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen was specially arranged by Bob Chilcott for Karen Grylls and the Tower New Zealand Youth Choir.

David Childs

David Childs (b.1969) was born in Nelson, New Zealand. He holds a Bachelor of Music in composition and musicology from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, and a Master of Music in conducting from Florida State University. He is currently Assistant Professor of Choral Studies at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Salve Regina is a Marian Antiphon used in services

in the Catholic church from Trinity Sunday to the First Sunday in Advent.

Javier Busto

Javier Busto (b.1949) was born in Hondarribia, in the Basque region of Spain. He was initially a self-taught musician but later studied choral conducting and composition. In addition he is a doctor of medicine. Busto is the founder and conductor of several award-winning choirs and presented his compositions at the 4th World Symposium of Choral Music in Sydney, Australia in 1996. He was guest conductor at Tokyo Cantat in 2000.

Edward Elgar

Edward Elgar (1857-1939) is one of the most important British composers of the 20th century, with a large body of work in every field except that of opera. He drew inspiration from the culture and landscape of his own country, but also studied the work of his European contemporaries. The five unaccompanied part-songs From the Greek Anthology are scored for male voices in four parts.

Anna Griffiths Anna Griffiths (b.1981) is currently a postgraduate student at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, studying both composition and piano accompaniment. She has been a member of the TOWER New Zealand Youth Choir since 2000. Naseby, a small township in Central Otago, New Zealand, was a thriving centre for goldmining in the 1800s, and as a child Anna spent many holidays there playing in the forest, lakes and river where gold was once mined.

Francisco Guerrero

Guerrero (1528-1599), who studied with Cristóbal Morales, was second only to Tomás Luis de Victoria as a major Spanish composer of church music in the second half of the 16th century. He was a prolific composer: eighteeen masses and 150 other liturgical works were published, as well as many secular works. Guerrero’s music was widely performed in his own time, both in Spain and abroad, and was particularly popular in Latin America. Duo Seraphim was composed in 1589.

Antonio Lotti Antonio Lotti (c.1667-1740) served at the Basilica of San Marco in Venice as a singer, organist, and from 1736 till his death as the Primo maestro di cappella, and it was for this choir that much of his sacred music was composed. In addition he wrote solo motets, choral works and oratorios for the female singers of the famous Ospedale degli Incurabili choir, as well as several operas. Lotti’s later works display an elegance and contrapuntal craft of the highest order, and his music successfully bridges the late Baroque and early Classical periods. The Crucifixus is part of a work entitled Credo a 4.

Donald Patriquin

Donald Patriquin (b.1938) was born in Quebec, Canada. His music, both vocal and instrumental, has a decidedly vocal character and idiomatic keyboard writing, as shown in the colourful accompaniment he has devised for this work. This French Canadian folksong from Quebec deals humourously with a once-topical subject – the clergy. A young

lady dreams of what inducements she might offer her monk (her confessor) in order to get him to dance. The text uses a double meaning as ‘moine’ means both a spinning top, and a monk.

Einojuhani Rautavaara

Einojuhani Rautavaara (b.1928) is one of the most significant contemporary Finnish composers, with a large body of works in a variety of styles and formats to his credit. The neo-classicism of his early works was much influenced by Stravinsky, and in the 1950s he wrote in a serial style. His ‘new romantic’ period (perhaps better termed ‘stylistic pluralism’) that began in the late 60s was manifested most clearly in a preference for tonality and a striving to combine modern with traditional techniques. Folk music and birdsong are included in some of his works from this period. Suite de Lorca is one of Rautavaara’s best-known and most frequently performed choral works. Following his murder by the Nationalists at the start of the Spanish Civil War, and despite his books being banned by the government, Frederico Garcío Lorca (1898-

1936) was quickly recognised as one of Spain’s most important poets and dramatists of the 20th century. His imagery is almost universally tortured and dark, and his tragic play Blood Wedding, about an unfaithful bride who is murdered by her husband, has been set as an opera no less than three times, by Wolfgang Fortner, Sándor Szokolay and most recently Nicola Lefanu.

Georg Schumann

Georg Schumann (1866-1952) was a German composer and conductor. In his youth he studied violin, organ, piano and composition. In 1900 he was appointed director of the Berlin SingAkademie with the title of Royal Professor. He remained with that organisation for fifty years, touring extensively throughout Europe and developing a highly individual and acclaimed style of choral performance.

Ngapo Wehi

Ngapo (Bub) Wehi (b.1934) is a leading member of the Wehi whanau (family), and a highly respected figure in almost every aspect of Maori language, culture and

education. He works closely with his wife, Pimia, in tutoring and composing for Te Waka Huia. This prominent cultural group is dedicated to preserving the songs and dances which are an intrinsic part of Maori tribal activity, enhancing special events and emotions such as ceremonies of welcome, mourning, love, war or friendship. The TOWER New Zealand Youth Choir has enjoyed a close working relationship with Te Waka Huia for a number of years.

W.D. Hammond (b.1947), Study, 1998, oil on canvas, 1000 x 600 mm. Private collection, Auckland. Reproduced by permission of the artist.

Einojuhani Rautavaara Suite de Lorca 1 | Canción de jinete Córdoba, Lejana y sola. Jaca negra, luna grande, y aceitunas en mi alforja Aunque sepa los caminos yo nunca llegaré a Córdoba. Por el llano, por el viento, jaca negra, luna roja La muerte me está mirando desde las torres de Córdoba. ¡Ay qué camino tan largo! ¡Ay mi jaca valerosa! ¡Ay que la muerte me espera, antes de llegar a Córdoba! Lejana y sola. The Rider Cordoba, alone and far away. Black pony, great moon and olives in my saddlebag Although I know the way, I’ll never get to Cordoba Through the wind, across the plain, black pony, red moon Death is staring down at me from the towers of Cordoba. On the road, how long it is! Oh how brave my pony is! Oh death, how it waits for me before I get to Cordoba! Alone and far away.

2 | El Grito La elipse de un grito, vade monte a monte. Desde los olivos será un arco iris negro sobre la noche azul. ¡Ay! Como un arco de viola el grito ha hecho vibrar

largas cuerdas del viento. ¡Ay! (Las gentes de las cuevas asoman sus velones) ¡Ay! The Scream The ellipse of a scream goes from hill to hill. From the olive trees a black rainbow will rise above the blue night. Aeee! Like a viol bow the scream has thrilled long strings of the wind. Aeee! (The cave people hold out their lamps) Aeee!

3 | La luna asoma Cuando sale la luna se pierden las campanas y aparecen las sendas impenetrables. Cuando sale la luna, el mar cubre la tierra y el corazón se siente isla en el infinito. Nadie come naranjas bajo la luna llena. Es preciso comer fruta verde y helada. Cuando sale la luna de cien rostros iguales, la moneda de plata solloza en el bolsillo. The Moon appears When the moon rises, bells fade away and paths appear impassable. When the moon rises, the sea covers the earth and the heart feels an island in the infinite. No one eats oranges under the full moon. You have to eat fruit that is green and ice cold. When the moon rises with a hundred faces all alike, silver coins sob in the pocket.

4 | Malagueùa La muerte entra y sale de la taberna. Pasan caballos negros y gente siniestra por los hondos de la guitarra. Y hay un olor a sal y a sangre de hembra en los nardos febriles de la marina. La muerte entra y sale, y sale y entra la muerte de la taberna. Malaguena Death goes in and out of the tavern. Black horses and sinister people move Along the deep paths of the guitar. And there is the smell of salt and of woman’s blood in the feverish spikenards of the seashore. Death goes in and out of the tavern, And in and out goes death.

Javier Busto 5 | Omagnum mysterium O magnum mysterium, et admirabile sacramentum, ut animalia viderent Dominum natum jacentem in praesepio. O beata Virgo, cujus vĂ­scera meruerunt portare Dominum Jesum Christum. Alleluia

O great mysterious and wondrous sacrament, That animals should see the newborn Lord lying in their manger! Blessed is the Virgin, whose womb was worthy To bear the Lord Jesus Christ.

Einojuhani Rautavaara 6 | Canticum Mariae virginis Ave maris stella, Dei Mater alma, Atque semper Virgo, Felix caeli porta. Sutmens illud Ave Gabrielis ore, funda nos in pace, mutans Hevae nomen. Solve vincla reis, profer lumen caecis, male nostra pelle, bona cuncta posce. Monstra te esse matrem, sumat per te preces, qui pro nobis natus tulit esse tuus.

Virgo singularis, inter omnes mitis, Nns, culpis solutos, mites fac et castos. Vitam praesta puram, iter para tatum, ut, videntes Jesum, semper collaetemur. Sit laus Deo Patri, summo Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto, tribus honor unus. Amen Gaude Maria virgo! Cunctas haereses sola interemisti, quae Gabrielis archangeli dictis credidisti. Gaude Maria virgo! Dum virgo Deum et hominem genuisti, Et post partum virgo inviolata permansisti. Dei genitrix, intercede pro nobis. Beatam me dicent omnes generationes, Quia ancillam Deus humilem respexit. Brightest star of ocean, Portal of the sky, Ever virgin mother Of the Lord most high.

Who by Gabriel’s Ave, Uttered long ago, Eva’s name reversing, Bring us peace below. Break the captive’s fetters, Light on darkness pour, All our ills expelling, Every joy implore. Show yourself a mother, Show to him our grief, Who for us incarnate, Came to our relief. Virgin of all virgins, All our love impart, Gentlest of the gentle, Make us pure in heart. Onwards as we journey, Ever guide our choice Till with you and Jesus We shall all rejoice. Praised be God, our Father, Praised be Christ, The Holy Spirit, Glory to the Holy Trinity. Amen Rejoice, Virgin Mary! You who shunned all temptation, Believing in the message of the Archangel Gabriel.

W.D. Hammond (b.1947), Coast Watchers, Songbook, 1994, acrylic on kauri and rimu panels, 1340 x 1000 mm. Private collection. Reproduced by permission of the artist.

Rejoice, Virgin Mary! BecauseYou gave birth to God and Man and yet remained a virgin. Mary, Mother of God, intercede for us. All the generations shall call You blessed, Because He has looked on the humble servant of God.

Pater, Verbum, et spiritus Sanctus: et hi tres unum sunt. Amen Two Seraphim cried out one to the other: Holy, lord God of the Sabbath: The whole earth is full of your glory. There are three who give testimony in heaven: Father, Word and Holy Spirit: and these three are one. Amen.

Georg Schumann Antonio Lotti

9 | Herr, erhöre meine Worte

7 | Crucifixus

From Drei Motetten, Op.52

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis; sub Pontio Pilato passus et sepultus est. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died and was buried.

Francisco Guerrero 8 | Duo Seraphim Transcribed and edited by Bruno Turner Isaiah 6: 1-3 Duo Seraphim clamabant alter ad alterum: Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth: Plena est omnis terra gloria eius. Tres sunt qui testimonium dantin coelo:

Herr, erhöre meine Worte, erhöre mein Flehn, und merke auf meine Rede. Vernimm mein Schrein, mein König und mein Gott; ich will beten vor dir. Herr, sei gnädig und geduldig, denn ich bin elend und bin schwach; meine Seele ist erschrocken, wende dich und errette mich Meine Gestalt ist verfallen vor Trauern, Ich bin alt geworden, da ich allenthalben geängstiget werde. Ich bin so müde vom Seufzen und netze mit Thränen des Nachts mein Lager. Höre mein Weinen, erhöre mein Flehn, ach, Herr! Lord, hear my words, hear my pleas and listen to my speech.

Hear my cries as I pray to thee, my King and my God Lord, be merciful and patient, for I am wretched and weak; My soul is full of dread, turn around and rescue me. My body is racked with sorrow. I have grown old with fear as my constant companion. I am weak with sighing, and my nights are filled with tears. Hear my cries, hear my pleas, oh Lord.

Edward Elgar From the Greek Anthology, Op.45 I. Yea, cast me from heights of the mountains Translated by Alma Strettell, after the Greek Yea, cast me from heights of the mountains to deeps of the ocean, Let the thunderbolt strike me, o’erwhelm me with fire or with snow! Since him whom Love’s burden hath crushed, and whom Eros hath broken, Not even the swift-winged lightnings of Zeus can o’erthrow!

In these thy locks, on that far day, When gold or sable turns to grey!

III. After many a dusty mile Translated by Edmund William Gosse, after the Greek After many a dusty mile, Wand’rer, linger here awhile; Stretch your limbs in this long grass; Through these pines a wind shall pass That shall cool you with its wing. Grasshoppers shall shout and sing, While the shepherd on the hill, Near a fountain warbling still, Modulates, when noon is mute, Summer songs along his flute; Underneath a spreading tree, None so easy-limbed as he, Sheltered from the dog-star’s heat. Rest; and then, on freshened feet, You shall pass the forest through. It is Pan that counsels you.

IV. It’s oh! to be a wild wind Translated by William Money Hardinge, after the

II. Whether I find thee


Translated by Andrew Lang, after the Greek

It’s oh! to be a wild wind – when my lady’s in the sun, She’d just unbind her neckerchief, and take me breathing in.

Whether I find thee bright with fair, Or still as bright with raven hair; With equal grace thy tresses shine, Ah, queen, and Love will dwell divine

It’s oh! to be a red rose – just a faintly blushing one, So she’d pull me with her hand and to her snowy breast I’d win.

David Childs

V. Feasting I watch

Salve Regina, mater misericordiae Vita dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus, exsules filii, Evae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes, in hac lacrimarum valle, Eja ergom Advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, Nobis post hoc exilium ostende. O clemens: O pia: O dulcis Virgo Maria.

Translated by Richard Garnett, after Marcus Argentarius (1st century BC) Feasting I watch with westward-looking eye The flashing constellations’ pageantry. Solemn and splendid; then anon I wreathe My hair, and warbling to my harp I breathe My full heart forth, and know the heav’ns look down Pleased, for they also have their Lyre and Crown.

Anna Griffiths 15 | Naseby Text by James K. Baxter Unchanging mountain scars carry their mane of snow, So for a thousand years the yellow broom will blow When the great wave is spent And earthquake broods no longer, And iron armament Has fed an ocean hunger. When, darkness on their breast Lover by lover lie, And soldier calm at rest knows not his enemy Then the dark peaks will hold Their peace beyond our knowing, While over sunken gold The yellow broom is blowing.

16 | Salve Regina

Hail Queen, Mother of mercy, life, sweetness and our hope, hail To you we cry, exiled sons of Eve. To you we sigh, groaning and weeping, in this valley of tears. Quickly therefore, our Advocate, Turn your merciful eyes towards us. And Jesus, blessed fruit of your womb, appear to us after this exile. O merciful, O pious, O sweet Virgin Mary.

arr. Donald Patriquin 18 | Ah! si mon moine voulait danser

O yes, my Lord! Sometimes I’m almost to the ground, O yes, my Lord!

From Six Songs of Early Canada O danse mon moine danse, tu n’entends pas la danse. Ah! si mon moine voulait danser – un capuchon je lui donnerais. un ceinturon je lui donnerais. un chapelet je lui donnerais. un froc de bur’ je lui donnerais. S’il n’avait fait voeu de pauvreté, bien d’autres choses je lui donnerais! O dance, my monk, dance, you don’t hear the dance. Ah! if my monk would like to dance – I would give him a cap. I would give him a sash. I would give him a rosary. I would give him a homespun coat. If he had not made a vow of poverty, I would give him other things as well!

arr. Bob Chilcott 19 | Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, Nobody knows like my Jesus. Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen, Glory halleluia! Sometimes I’m up, sometimes I’m down,

Wehi Whanau 20 | Wairua Tapu Wairua tapu tau mai ra Wairua tapu mai runga uhia mai taonga mai homai to aroha. Wa hia kia tika akona mai ra kia u ki te pai ho roia kia ma tonu ra Mohau te tino koroia. Holy Spirit embrace me Holy Spirit from up above encase me in the precious gifts give to me your love This place of truth teach me the things that are right bathe me, cleanse me To you goes the glory

W.D. Hammond Bill Hammond was born in Christchurch, New Zealand in 1947. He has exhibited widely since the early 1980s, and in 1994 was the joint winner of the Visa Art Award. He represented New Zealand at the Asia Pacific Triennial 1999 in Brisbane, Australia and the Sydney Biennale, 2000, Sydney, Australia. Hammond has become a celebrated and enigmatic exponent of what is bizarre, surreal and quirky in New Zealand art. Appropriately, he began life as a toy-maker before taking up oil painting in 1981. Since then he has firmly embedded himself into the art history of this country. In 1989 Hammond spent three weeks at the Auckland Islands as part of the Art in the Subantarctic programme and was inspired by the birds he observed there. In his paintings Hammond does not present birds as we know them, but rather as surreal hybrid creatures – half man, half bird – that roam and inhabit his canvasses in much the same way that humanistic machines had in earlier works. These are voyeuristic birds, which, through the artist’s hand, have become the viewers as well as the viewed. Music has always been a passion for Hammond, its influence evidenced by his use of song lyrics and, in these works, with the incorporation of musical notation.

Recorded in the Church of St. John of God, Halswell, Christchurch, New Zealand 26-28 April 2003

The HRL Morrison Music Trust was established in March 1995 as a charitable trust to support New Zealand musicians of international calibre. All funds received by the Trust are used to make recordings, present concerts – both in New Zealand and overseas – and assist artists to undertake projects to further develop their talents.

Producer Murray Khouri Engineer Glen Ruske Digital Editing and Mastering Wayne Laird

HRL Morrison Music Trust PO Box 1395 Wellington, New Zealand

Executive Producer Ross Hendy Booklet Coordinator Janey MacKenzie Design Mallabar Music

MMT2048 Digital Stereo Recording  2004 HRL Morrison Music Trust  2004 HRL Morrison Music Trust ALL RIGHTS OF THE PRODUCER AND OF THE OWNER OF THE WORK REPRODUCED ARE RESERVED.

The TOWER New Zealand Youth Choir would like to thank the many organisations, choirs and individuals whose support and donations have helped towards its achievements including Creative New Zealand and Tower Corporation. General Manager Jenny Jamieson Musical Director Karen Grylls Assistant Musical Director James Tibbles Other releases featuring the Choir on Trust Records


The HRL Morrison Music Trust gratefully acknowledges the support of the following people and organisations in the making of this recording: Gow Langsford Gallery, Webb’s. Naseby reproduced by permission of J.C. Baxter. Published in Collected Poems of James K Baxter ed. JR Weir, Oxford University Press, Australia and New Zealand, 1979.



Winds that Whisper

Choir of the World

gaude / rejoice TOWer new zealand youth choir karen grylls CONDUCTOR Anna Griffiths (b.1981)

Einojuhani Rautavaara (b.1928) 1-4 | Suite de Lorca


15 | Naseby

Madeleine Pierard soprano solo

Albert Mataafa tenor solo

Ken Ryan baritone solo

Jessica Wells alto solo

Simon Baskerville bass solo

David Childs (b.1969)

Javier Busto (b.1949) 5 | O magnum mysterium

16 | Salve Regina x:xx

Einojuhani Rautavaara 6 | Canticum Mariae virginis

arr. Donald Patriquin (b.1938) x:xx

17 | Ah! si mon moine voulait danser from Six Songs of Early Canada

soprano solos

James Tibbles piano

Antonio Lotti (c.1667-1740) x:xx

Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599) 8 | Duo Seraphim


arr. Bob Chilcott (b.1950) 18 | Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen x:xx Albert Mataafa TENOR Solo


Georg Schumann (1866-1952)

Robert Wiremu piano

Wehi Whanau

9 | Herr, erhöre meine Worte from Drei Motetten, Op.52


Madeleine Pierard soprano solo

Madeleine Pierard, Victoria Holbrook

7 | Crucifixus


19 | Wairua Tapu x:xx

Albert Mataafa guitar

Edward Elgar (1857-1934) 10-14 | From the Greek Anthology, Op.45 x:xx MMT2048 | Digital Stereo Recording |  2004 HRL Morrison Music Trust  2004 HRL Morrison Music Trust


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