Complimentary Issue
Up to Date Real Estate Abril / April 2017
No. 335 • Año 18
4 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Premio Pritzker 2017 Estudio de arquitectura RCR Arquitectes
Pritzker Prize 2017: RCR Arquitectes
l ganador del Premio Pritzker 2017 ha sido el estudio de arquitectura español RCR Arquitectes, un despacho catalán de fundación local y grandes miras internacionales. Sus magníficos proyectos y su estilo único los avalan y lo convierten en merecedor de este gran premio de arquitectura. El estudio de Olot (Girona) RCR ha sido reconocido con el Premio Pritzker 2017, considerado Nobel de la Arquitectura, por su unión del paisaje y de la arquitectura en sus edificios íntimamente conectados con el espacio y el tiempo, destacó el jurado en el fallo del premio en Chicago.Según el presidente de la Fundación Hyatt, Tom Pritzker, el trabajo de los arquitectos demuestra un compromiso con el lugar y sus narrativas que armoniza materialidad y transparencia con conexiones entre el exterior y el interior, creando una “arquitectura emocional y experiencial”, anunció la organización.El estilo del estudio RCR destaca por su tendencia CONTINUA PÁGINA 6
he winner of the Pritzker Prize 2017 has been the Spanish architectural firm RCR Arquitectes, a Catalan office of local foundation and great international sights. Its magnificent projects and unique style endorse them and make it worthy of this great architectural award. The study of Olot (Girona) RCR has been recognized with the Pritzker Prize 2017, considered Nobel of Architecture, for its union of landscape and architecture in its buildings intimately connected with space and time, said the jury in Chicago. According to the Hyatt Foundation President, Tom Pritzker, the work of the architects demonstrates a commitment to the place and its narratives that harmonize materiality and transparency with connections between the exterior and the interior, creating an “emotional and experiential architecture”, the organization announced. The style of the RCR studio stands out for its minimalist trend and love for nature, a team that creates spaces that are in total dialogue with their respective contexts, an architecture that, as well deCONTINUES PAGE 6
Nuevo Vallarta Vidanta Beach / Sayil 3 Bed 3 Bath $529,000 USD - $499,000 USD
Nuevo Vallarta Vidanta Beach / Ixcun 3+ 1 Bed 4 Bath $775,000 USD $745,000 USD
Flamingos. Del Canto D Tower 2 beds 2 baths $9,975,000 PESOS
Nuevo Vallarta El Tigre La Privada House 3 Bed 3 Bath $325,000 USD
Playa Punta Negra South Mirablau 3 + 1 Bed 4.5 Bath $899,000 USD
Zona Romantica Nayri Basilio Badillo St Studio $161,000 USD 1 Bed $193,000 USD
Nuevo Vallarta Green 18 Starting $265,000 USD - $465,000 USD
Nuevo Vallarta El Tigre Isla Palmares Golf Resale $275,000 USD
Marina Vallarta Beach Tres Mares 4 Bed + 4 Bath $1,195,000 USD
6 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
minimalista y amor por la naturaleza, un equipo que crea espacios que están en total diálogo con sus respectivos contextos, una arquitectura que, como bien describen los integrantes del estudio, contribuye al bienestar físico y espiritual. Creyentes de la función, la forma y las sensaciones que los materiales transmiten, sus trabajos son reflejo de un estudio dirigido por un equipo que defiende la belleza como forma de vida, exigiendo el máximo rendimiento y funcionalidad a sus diseños.Pritzker destacó que los tres arquitectos Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem y Ramon Vilalta han estado trabajando de forma colaborativa du-
scribed by the members of the study, contributes to physical and spiritual well-being. Believers of the function, form and sensations that the materials transmit, their works are a reflection of a study directed by a team that defends the beauty as a way of life, demanding the maximum performance and functionality to its designs. Pritzker emphasized that the three Architects Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta have been working collaboratively for almost three decades, impacting with their discipline their immediate environment. According to the president, the works of the RCR study, which go from private spaces to culturCONTINUA PÁGINA 8
8 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
rante casi tres décadas, impactando con su disciplina su entorno inmediato. Según el presidente, los trabajos del estudio RCR, que van de espacios privados a equipamientos culturales o educativos, muestran una “profunda integración” con el entorno.Se trata de la primera vez en que tres arquitectos ganan juntos este premio, considerado el más alto galardón internacional que distingue a trabajos relacionados con la arquitectura. Además, es la segunda vez que un arquitecto español gana este premio, después de que Rafael Moneo se hiciera con este galardón en 1996, en el marco de la 39 edición internacional.
al or educational facilities, show a “deep integration” with the environment. This is the first time that three architects win together this award, considered the highest An international award that distinguishes works related to architecture. In addition, it is the second time that a Spanish architect wins this award, after Rafael Moneo won this award in 1996, within the framework of the 39th international edition.
En casa con la naturaleza • At home with nature
ARCO NORTE es la nueva fase de condominios frente al mar en Sierra del Mar Los Arcos, comunidad privilegiada que brinda exclusividad y seguridad en un entorno natural único. ARCO NORTE is the new phase condominium residences within Sierra del Mar Los Arcos, an exceptional community that integrates exclusivity and security in a unique natural setting. • 14 lujosos condominios de 250 m2 • Acceso directo a playa • Vistas espectaculares de Los Arcos y de la Bahía • Club de Playa con alberca, jacuzzi, restaurante, bar, gimnasio y otros servicios
• • • •
14 luxury condominiums of 2,700 sq.ft. Direct access to beach Spectacular views of Los Arcos and the Bay Beach Club with swimming pool, jacuzzi, restaurant, bar, gym and other services
50% VENDIDO - ENTREGA DICIEMBRE 2017 50% SOLD - DELIVERY DECEMBER 2017 TELÉFONOS México: (322) 228 0001 / 228 0229 • EU y Canadá: (206) 701 7571 •
16 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Pagos Por Uso De La Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre Payments For The Use Of Maritime Terrestrial Federal Zone By Alejandro Flores Von Borstel / Ramiro Valencia
n gran interés se ha despertado entre los propietarios de terrenos, casas, hoteles y restaurantes colindantes con la playa (Zona federal Marítimo terrestre) debido a que la Procuraduría del Medio Ambiente ha estado revisando su situación legal y exigiendo mediante la instauración de procedimientos administrativos el cumplimiento de todas las obligaciones que marca la ley. Además de que se les solicita exhibir su título de concesión de Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre y la regularización de las
obras existentes en Zona Federal, la mayoría de las cuales ni siquiera fueron construidas por los actuales propietarios, se encuentran con la obligación de pagar los derechos por el uso de esta zona. La mayoría quisiera primero que se les explicara que es la Zona Federal, la cual puede ser descrita como la franja de 20 metros de ancho en forma horizontal a partir de la pleamar máxima registrada en terrenos cuyo ángulo de inclinación no rebase los 30 grados, en acantilados desde su parte superior, en las riberas de los ríos de 100 metros arriba, a partir de su desembocaduCONTINUA PÁGINA 18
reat interest has arise among the owners of real state, houses, hotels and restaurants adjacent to the beach (Maritime Terrestrial Federal Zone), due to the fact that the Attorneys Office for the Environment has been reviewing its legal situation and demanding through the initiation of administrative procedures, the compliance of all the obligations stated by law. Likewise it is requested to present the title for the concession over the Maritime Terrestrial Federal Zone and the regulari-
zation of the existing works on the Federal Zone, which a great number of said works have not been constructed by the current owners, and have the obligation to pay duties over the use of said zone. The majority will like in first instance, to be explained what the Federal Zone is, which can be described as the stripe of 20 meters wide in a horizontal from, from the maximum high tide mark register on the land which angle of inclination is not over 30 grades, in cliffs from its superior part, in the riversides of 100 meters upwards, from the outlet to the sea and of 3 meters in CONTINUES PAGE 18
18 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335 ra en el mar y de 3 metros en caso de marinas artificiales.
ESTAS SON ALGUNAS DE LAS PREGUNTAS MÁS COMUNES QUE HE RECIBIDO Y QUE ME GUSTARÍA COMPARTIR CON USTED. PORQUE SE TIENEN QUE PAGAR DERECHOS POR EL USO DE LA ZONA FEDERAL? Los derechos se pagan por el uso o aprovechamiento de los bienes de dominio público de la Nación y la Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre esta considerada dentro de estos bienes. De acuerdo a la Ley Federal de derechos están obligadas a pagar estos derechos todas aquellas personas que usen, gocen o se aprovechen de este bien. La misma ley, divide a los municipios costeros de todo el País en 10 zonas, cada una de las cuales paga de manera diferente. Puerto Vallarta, está considerado en la Zona Décima -una de las más caras– junto con Cancún, los Cabos y Acapulco.
EN ESTE PUNTO VALE LA PENA HACER LA SIGUIENTE REFLEXIÓN: Hay personas que piensan que no deben pagar estos derechos porque ellos no solicitaron la concesión, o adquirieron un inmueble donde el dueño anterior llevo a cabo las construcciones en la Zona Federal, o bien porque cambio la línea de Zona Federal y su inmueble se encuentra ahora invadiendo dicha zona. CONTINUA PÁGINA 20
the event of artificial marinas.
The duties are paid for the use or development of the real property of public domain of the nation and the Maritime Terrestrial Federal Zone is considered among said real property. According to the Federal Law of Duties, every person that uses, possesses or develops said real state, is obligated to pay these duties. The law itself, divides the municipalities on the coast in all the Country in 10 Zones, each one pays in a different way. Puerto Vallarta, is considered in the Tenth Zone – one of the most expensive –along with Cancun, Los Cabos and Acapulco.
IN THIS REGARD IT IS IMPORTANT TO PRESENT THE FOLLOWING OPINION: There are some persons that believe that such duties should not be paid because they did not request the concession, or acquire the real state in which the previous owner carried out the construction in the Federal Zone, or because the line of the Federal Zone changed and their real state is now located invading such zone. CONTINUES PAGE 20
$175,000 USD
4 BR, 5 BA MLS #8888
$1,375,000 USD 4 BD, 4 BA, MLS #10722
$390,000 USD
2 BR, 2 BA MLS #9844
$399,000 USD
3BR, 3.5BA $375,000 MLS #6822USD 3BR, 3.5BA MLS #6822
$1,199,000 USD
3 BR, 3 BA MLS #10361
4 BR, 4 BA MLS #10308
FRANCISCO VILLA APARTMENT BUILDING $350,000 USD 1 2BR/1BA, 2 1BR/1BA Full Apartments MLS #10476
2 BR, 2 BA MLS #6959
2 BR, 2 BA MLS #6960
2 BR, 2 BA MLS #6790
$84,900 USD
$35,000 USD
$15,000 USD
20 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335 Esto es un error muy común que puede dar lugar a multas y recargos y al querer vender la propiedad, tendrán que liquidar 5 años de derechos, más recargos, más multas, si la transmisión se quiere hacer libre de cargas, gravámenes o responsabilidades futuras. Es fundamental saber que si el propietario o fideicomisario de un inmueble con frente a la Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre no se interesa por obtener dicha concesión, su colindante e incluso un tercero, podrían solicitarla e incluso llegar a explotarla comercialmente.
QUE PASA CON LOS FONDOS QUE SE RECAUDAN? Aunque la facultad de cobro de este derecho corresponde al Gobierno Federal, este realiza convenios con cada uno de los Municipios para que se encarguen de la recaudación. Los fondos se deben destinar en un mínimo del 50% para la vigilancia, limpieza y administración de las playas.
COMO SE DETERMINA EL USO DE LA ZONA FEDERAL? Los dos usos más comunes en la Costa Sur de Nayarit y Puerto Vallarta son: * ORNATO: Que es el uso que se de a aquellas superficies en las que se hayan realizado obras de ingeniería cuya construcción no requiera de trabajos de cimentación y que estén destinados exclusivamente para el embellecimiento del lugar y para es-
parcimiento (siempre y cuando esta área no esté destinada a actividades lucrativas). *GENERAL: Es el que se da a las superficies ocupadas, en las cuales se hayan realizado trabajos de construcción con cimentación o se lleven a cabo actividades lucrativas.
This is a common error that could generate fines and surcharges and when wanting to sale the property, they will have to liquidate 5 years of duties, plus surcharges and fines, if the transmission By Alejandro Flores Von Borstel / is desired to be done free Ramiro Valencia of charges, liens or future Email: responsibilities. It is fundamental to know if the owner or the CUANTO SE DEBE PAGAR POR METRO CUADRADO trustee of the real state in front of the Maritime DE ZONA FEDERAL? Terrestrial Federal Zone is not interested in obPara el Municipio de Puerto Vallarta, taining said concession, their adjacent and even el costo actual para protección y ornato es a third party, could request it and even may de$39.45 pesos por M2 y en el uso general de velop it in a commercial form. $113.09 pesos por M2 (anuales). WHAT HAPPENS Para el Municipio de Bahía de BandeTO THE FUNDS RECEIVED? ras (Riviera Nayarit), protección y ornato: $14.71 pesos por M2 y en el uso general Even though the faculty of collection of said de $42.34 pesos por M2 (anuales). duties corresponds to the Federal Government, the latter executes agreements with Y LAS OPCIONES DE PAGO? each one of the municipalities to be in charSe puede pagar por anualidades adelan- ges of the collection. The funds must be destadas durante los primeros tres meses del tined in a minimum of 50% for surveillance, año; o bien, de forma bimestral, durante los cleaning and administration of beaches. meses de enero, marzo, mayo, julio, sepHOW IS DETERMINED tiembre y noviembre. THE USE OF THE FEDERAL ZONE? Podemos concluir que por la seguridad de su inversión, es fundamental que en re- The two most common uses are in the South lación con la Zona Federal Marítimo Te- Coast of Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta are: rrestre consulte con expertos especialistas. *GARDENING: Is the use given to those
surfaces in which engineering works have been performed that its construction does not requires of foundation works and that is destined exclusively for beauty of the place and for recreation (as long as this area is not destined to lucrative activities). * GENERAL: Is the use given to the occupy surfaces, in which construction works have been performed with foundations or lucrative activities are carried out.
HOW MUCH SHOULD BE PAID PER SQUARE METER OF FEDERAL ZONE? For the Municipality of Puerto Vallarta, the current cost for protection and gardening is $39.45 pesos per M2 and general use is $113.09 pesos per M2 (annually). For the Municipality of Bahía de Banderas (Riviera Nayarit), the current cost for protection and gardening is $14.71 pesos per M2 and general use is $42.34 pesos per M2 (annually).
WHICH ARE THE PAYMENT OPTIONS? Can be paid annually in advanced during the first three months of the year; likewise, every two months, during the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. We can conclude that for the security of the investment, it is fundamental that in regard to the Sea-Land Federal Zone you must seek advise from the experts.
Casa Joanne $239,900
163 Lázaro Cárdenas, Bucerias, Nayarit,
Villa Las Rosas $298,000
México Office : 329 298 3314 Toll free from US or Canada: 866 210 1324
Bucerias Zona Dorada Ed 322 111 5870 SO Grand Marina Villas #2208 LD $285K
Paradise Village Marina Robert 322 135 5979 Delcanto Center Penthouse $699K
Flamingos Beachfront Robert’s cel 322 135 5979 Albatros 408 $259K
Flamingos Beachfront Robert 322 135 5979 SO #202 Flamingos Beach Area LD $198K
Flamingos Beach & Golf Robert 322 135 5979 Terreno Azam $180 m2
Carr. 200 Nvo Vallarta Robert 322 135 5979
Punta Arena Luxury 2/2 $449,000
CasaVerano $190,000
Nuevo Vallarta Robert 322 135 5979 Condos Francisco I. MaderoS#202 OL D $299K
Bucerias Golden Zone Bucerias Bucerias Zona Dorada Beach Front Call Ed 322 111 5870 Robert 322 135 5979 Robert 322 135 5979 Condo Beachfront 3/3! Casa de Arte Playa Royale Tower IV, #4603 JUST $295,000 $498K! $398K Furnished
Bucerias Robert 322 135 5979 Playa Royale Residences 304 $419K
Paradise Village Beachfront Robert’s cell 322 135 5979 Casa Doris $399K
Bucerias Robert 322 135 5979 Lot(s) Phoenix $20,000/$22,000
3 kms to Bucerias Call Ed’s cel: 322 111 5870
Virreyes 2, Beachfront Paradise Village, Flamingos Beach Area Nuevo Vallarta Call Robert 322 135 5979 Robert 322 135 5979 Casa Ficus $180,000 USD
Flamingos Residential Robert 322 135 5979 Green Bay I, PH 1 Bdrm. $218,000
El Tigre, P. Village Robert 322 135 5979 Bahia del Sol 2/2 229K
Nuevo Vallarta Beachfront Robert’s cell 322 135 5979
Casa Valerie $229K
Los Arboles Bucerias Ed’s cel 322 111 5870 Casa Cascada Duplex SOL D $298K
Bucerias Zona Dorada Robert 322 135 5979 Villa Los Sauces $234,900
Flamingos Residencial Robert 322 135 5979
Cel: (322) 292-2312
Cel: (322) 111-4143
Cel: (322) 183 4327
Cel: (322) 306-0535
Casa Peregrina
Los Veneros PH409 Pacifico
Casa Flores
Plaza Mar PH3
Casa Romantica
10 10 Magnificent villa. A grand home on the scale of traditional haciendas in Mexico, truly a masterpiece! There is simply no comparison to the stature, elegance and detailed beauty of this magnificent villa. $1,800,000 USD
3.5 3.5 Beachfront PH! Directly facing the ocean, this luxury two level townhouse was built using only superior materials. A warm yet modern Mexican décor is displayed in the furnishings throughout. $1,325,000 USD
3 3.5 Sayulita life! Only 5 minutes away from downtown Sayulita! This home enjoys casual elegance in a tropical setting. Ideal villa for Sayulita lovers, all the comfort that you need at your favorite surfer´s paradise! $1,250,000 USD
4.5 4.5 Feels like a house! Colonial-style beachfront PH with oversized terrace and panoramic views. All the wonderment of yesteryear, with the features of today.
5 5.5 South shore beauty. Beautiful 5 BR 5.5 BA home located in a gated community on the South Shore of Puerto Vallarta. Spectacular views from all the rooms.
Hacienda Maria Elena + Adjacent Lot
Casa de Arriba
Casa Sweet Water
Casa El Cerrito
Villa Nemi
6 7.5 Expansion potential! Traditional colonial-style estate that exhibits all the wonderment of yesteryear, and yet features today’s modern conveniences. Ideal as a private residence or income property! $1,050,000 USD
4 4+3½ Panoramic views! Gorgeous Mexican-style home. Truly amazing villa located in a gated community. Spacious living areas, beautifully decorated and meticulously maintained. Breathtaking views. $950,000 USD
6 6.5 San Pancho living! Privileged setting on the side of the hills in San Pancho, a few minutes walk to the beach. This luxurious villa will surprise you with the quality of the construction and its Mexican design. $950,000 USD
3 4 Enchanting home! Traditional colonial house set on nearly 1/3 of an acre in Gringo Gulch. This property has tremendous expansion potential for a boutique B&B or simply a large private estate. $897,500 USD
7 9 Eco luxury. One-of-a-kind environmentally-responsible living experience, constructed using repurposed, local or sustainable materials. Suitable as a private residence or B&B or boutique hotel. $875,000 USD
Casa Mariposas
Villa Luxor
Casa Las Cascadas
Pinnacle Signature 402
Vela Vista 5001
4 4.5 Relaxation! This property consists of a main home with 2 BR + den and 2.5 BA, a 1 BR and 1 BA guest house and caretaker’s quarters, on over 6,000 m2 of estate land. Space for future expansion, if desired. $750,000 USD
4 4 Breathtaking home. Villa Luxor, a breath-taking home in Conchas Chinas with an architectural design, unique here in Puerto Vallarta. 80% finished with 4 BR 4 BA 1965.40 m2.
4 4 Hacienda style! Recently renovated hacienda-style home! This house offers comfort, privacy and spaciousness and features a spectacular garden and pool with a soothing cascade.
3 2 New listing! Beachfront, 250m2 unit in Nuevo Vallarta. Large wrap around balcony with spectacular views of the bay.
$750,000 USD
$689,000 USD
2 2 Best investment! This stylish condo is in the heart of Zona Romantica and within walking distance to restaurants, shops, schools & nightlife. It features front row seats to amazing views overlooking the ocean. $599,000 USD
Copa de Oro Penthouse
Pinnacle Residences 102
Icon Vallarta 1-2003
Posada Rio Cuale PH 606
Lote Faisanes-El Tigre
2 2 Penthouse for sale. Only 4 blocks from the beach and close to shops, galleries and excellent restaurants. It features two large bedrooms and a studio/media area.
2 2 Investment property. Pinnacle Residences 102 provides both the comforts of home and the luxurious amenities of a 5-star resort. This condo features amazing views of the ocean, city and the mountains. $419,000 USD
2.5 3 Your next home. Get a Puerto Vallarta lifestyle and forget your problems as soon you arrive to Icon Vallarta, let the staff pamper you.
2 2 Great rental potential. Located only 2 short blocks from Los Muertos beach and walking distance to downtown Puerto Vallarta. The unit looks almost “brand new” and up-to-date. Enjoy the ocean, city and mountains views. $325,000 USD
Best lot available! Privileged location with Lake views! Build the house of your dreams on a quiet and private street at the privileged El Tigre Country Club, 775 m2 (8,339 sq. ft.)
$438,000 USD
$410,000 USD
$1,250,000 USD
Local: 322.222.6505 Toll-Free: 1.866.978.5539
$1,195,000 USD
$495,000 USD
$295,000 USD Púlpito 145-A, Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48380
There Are Those Who Dream It
....and there are those who live it. Finally, condos for the sophisticated homeowner have arrived in the Puerto Vallarta Romantic Zone. Custom European finishes, sleek design and unmatched amenities for those who demand exceptional living, both at rest and at play. Only a select few units remain, all created to keep up with your changing lifestyle needs. Contact Tropicasa Realty for your private tour today.
the life you should be living.
Casa Betsy - Villa Esmeralda
Casa Linda Buenos Aires
Punta Esmeralda 201
La Cañada 3
Casa Blue Parrot
3 4 Solar-powered home. This beautiful house is within walking distance to golf, beaches, shopping, buses, schools & more. This solarpowered home satisfies electricity needs keeping expenses low. $260,000 USD
2 3 A must see! Only minutes away to downtown! Distributed on 3 floors, with open layout, this house has also an oversized sunny terrace, pool and BBQ area. Great family home with spacious parking and potential! $259,500 USD
3 3 Boutique complex! Elegant condo in Conchas Chinas that features lovely views of the ocean! An excellent acquisition for rental investment or full time living, remodeled and furnished!
3 2 A piece of paradise! Located in Conchas Chinas! This awesome unit has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, laundry, mini-splits, ceiling fans, direct access to the common pool and sundeck. Ocean views and a lush jungle backdrop. $239,000 USD
3 3 Featured on HGTV. Casa Blue Parrot is an urban sanctuary located in Puerto Vallarta’s “Independencia” neighborhood. Located near Costco and Walmart, this home is close to restaurants, parks, hospitals. $225,000 USD
Casa Bella
Condo Ecuador
Perlas de las Lomas 502
Casa Jacarandas
Casa Marguerite
2 2.5 Traditional home. Close to the Cuale River and in a quaint neighborhood you will find Casa Bella. It enjoys traditional PV architecture, solid construction, exposed brick details, patio with dipping pool and more! $199,000 USD
2 2 Charming condo. Beautiful and spacious condominium with incredible views of the ocean and city. Located in 5 de Diciembre, within walking distance to the beach, restaurants and grocery stores. $199,000 USD
2 2 Panoramic views! Are you looking for the right location, views, and price? Look no more! Spacious traditional style condo that will enchant you with its panoramic views of the whole bay!
3 4 Flexible property! Affordable home with income potential. The main home has 2 BR and 3 BA. A separate 1 BR suite that can be incorporated or used as a separate rental. 1 of the 2 terraces has views of the Bay and town. $169,000 USD
3 3.5 Must-see! A must-see for those who are looking for house in a tranquil area and at the same time, want to be close to everything. Solid construction and high quality finishes. Excellent option for a family! $120,000 USD
$259,500 USD
$189,500 USD Púlpito 145-A, Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48380
32 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335 Tulum” (“muralla” en maya), en sus orígenes, fue nombrada como Zamá (“amanecer”). Es una de las ciudades mayas mas bellas y uno de los sitios arqueológicos más visitados de México , solo es superada por Teotihuacán y por Chichen Itzá. De acuerdo a varios estudios arqueológicos, se sabe que Tulum fue un importante centro de veneración, en honor del llamado “dios descendente”. Y aunque se han hallado en Tulum inscripciones que se remontan al año 564, la mayoría de las estructuras del lugar, pertenecen al periodo posclásico , esto es, entre el 1200 y el 1450. Se sabe que Tulum estuvo habitada durante los inicios de la colonia española, pero a finales del siglo XVI, ya había sido abandonada por completo. Todavía en los comienzos del siglo XX algunos indígenas de los pueblos cercanos a Tulum acostumbraban llevar ofrendas al yacimiento prehispánico, pero el incremento de los turistas en la zona acabó con esta tradición. En 1842, John Lloyd Stephens y Frederick Catherwood, quienes previamente ha-
Tulum” (“wall” in Maya), in its origins, was named as Zamá (“dawn”). It is one of the most beautiful Mayan cities and one of the most visited archaeological sites in Mexico, is only surpassed by Teotihuacán and Chichen Itza. According to several archaeological studies, it is known that Tulum was an important center of veneration, in honor of the so-called “descending god”. And although Tulum inscriptions have been found dating back to 564, most of the structures of the place belong to the postclassic period, that is, between 1200 and 1450. It is known that Tulum was inhabited during the early Spanish colonial period , but by the end of the sixteenth century, it had already been abandoned altogether. Still in the early twentieth century some indigenous people from the villages near Tulum used to bring offerings to the pre-Hispanic site, but the increase in tourists in the area ended this tradition. In 1842, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, who had previously been in Copan, Palenque and
Francisco I. Madero 215-A Colonia Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. C.P. 48350 Office Núm. 322-223-9854 Mobile 322-150-6274 VISTA BAHIA II UNIT 21 • $329,000.00 USD. 2 bed, 3 bath, FURNISHED
VILLAS FAIRWAY # 43, VILLA ESPERANZA. Unfurnished. $299,000.00 USD.
This gorgeous house is located in a gated community inside Marina Vallarta. This spacious house includes 3 bedrooms/1 den and 3 full bathrooms. Excellent finishes include marble floors, granite kitchen counters and stainless steel appliances.
Best views in Puerto Vallarta. Panoramic view of the entire bay including gorgeous sunsets daily. This gorgeous condo is located on the north side, which includes a larger, wrap-around balcony and many windows bringing in plenty of light. This spacious unit includes 2 bedrooms/1 den and 3 full bathrooms with a lot of living space at 2,636 square feet/245 Square Meters..
Beautiful ocean front property, includes all utilities. Furnished, 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom. $199,000.00 Easy to show, Motivated Seller!
150 SQ. MT. of living space. 2 bed, 2 bath, with all the appliances unfurnished.
One of the best locations to Invest for your 2 bedroom condo, in Puerto Vallarta. Just five minutes away from the romantic zone area and old town. Close enough to the fun but away from the night live, when you want to relax and sleep. The perfect property for permanent residents.
Private house 3 bedrooms + TV room, large garden area with space to built a swiming pool, zoned a/c with mini split units, kitchen with granite counter tops and large pantry, parking for two cars, automatic garage door, automatic sprinkler system, walking distance to the American school. Unfurnished.
34 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
bían estado en Copán, Palenque y Uxmal, decidieron conocer Tulum y Catherwood no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de dibujar dichas ruinas. Es evidente la combinación de arquitectura maya y del centro de México. Uno de los edificios más importantes, El Castillo, está construido frente al mar, es probablemente una de las construcciones más antiguas de la ciudad y sin duda, la mas bella. Presenta elementos que hacen referencia al Sol y a Venus, además se asienta sobre un acantilado, donde hay una cueva que, para los mayas, representaba la entrada al inframundo. Recientes investigaciones arqueológicas hacen ver la relevancia que tuvo este edificio, para la navegación en el México Prehispánico. Y es que, cuando los navegantes mayas, lo contemplaban en el horizonte, les daba una referencia valiosísima para sortear los peligros del segundo arrecife coralino más grande del planeta. El Casti-
Uxmal, decided to go to Tulum, and Catherwood could not miss the opportunity to draw such ruins. The combination of Maya architecture and central Mexico is evident. One of the most important buildings, El Castillo, built facing the sea, is probably one of the oldest buildings in the city and undoubtedly the most beautiful. It presents elements that make reference to the Sun and to Venus, in addition it sits on a cliff, where there is a cave that, for the Mayas, represented the entrance to the underworld. Recent archaeological investigations show the relevance of this building for navigation in Pre-Hispanic Mexico. And, when the Mayan navigators looked at it on the horizon, it gave them a most valuable reference to overcome the dangers of the second largest coral reef on the planet. The Castle worked as
36 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335 llo funcionaba como faro, ya que el sol, al iluminar dos ventanales de la fachada , les daba una guía para poder navegar de forma paralela al arrecife, y no chocar con él. Tulum fue una de las urbes mayas más significativas de los siglos XIII y XIV, por ser una escala imprescindible para las rutas comerciales de los mayas, en su explotación de las riquezas marítimas de las costas del actual Quintana Roo. En su mejor momento, Tulum fue el nexo entre la dinámica comercial marítima y terrestre de los mayas. De hecho, en Tulum se han encontrado objetos procedentes de varias regiones de la Península de Yucatán y Centroamérica, lo cual nos habla de la importancia que tuvo esta ciudad para el comercio del México Antiguo. Pero si Tulum no sobrevivió a la conquista mas que unos pocos años, los mayas no se olvidaron de ella. A mediados del siglo XIX Tulum volvió a tener participación en la vida de la comunidad a raíz de la Guerra de Castas (1847-1901), una movilización social maya contra la explotación de los criollos y mestizos yucatecos. Durante ese período apareció un culto llamado La Cruz Parlante. Sincretismo de la religión católica y las antiguas creencias mayas este movimiento pretendía, además construir una sociedad independiente con los pueblos insurrectos. La cruz parlante fue encontrada en un pequeño cenote, al iniciar la guerra de Castas y fue usada para convertir a los mayas al catolicismo. Un par de vivales, José María Barrera y Manuel Nahuatl,su socio ventrílocuo, colocaron la cruz sobre un altar y empezaron a responder verbalmente a las peticiones de los mayas. Estos pensa-
a lighthouse, as the sun, illuminating two windows of the facade, gave them a guide to navigate parallel to the reef, and not to collide with it. Tulum was one of the most significant Maya cities of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as it was an essential stopover for the commercial routes of the Maya in their exploitation of the maritime wealth of the coast of present-day Quintana Roo. At its best, Tulum was the nexus between the maritime and land commercial dynamics of the Maya. In fact, in Tulum have been found objects from various regions of the Peninsula of Yucatan and Central America, which tells us the importance that this city had for the trade of ancient Mexico. But if Tulum did not survive the conquest more than a few years, the Maya did not forget it. In the mid-nineteenth century, Tulum again had a share in the life of the community following the Caste War (1847-1901), a Mayan social mobilization against the exploitation of the criollos and mestizos from Yucatan. During that period a cult called The Talking Cross appeared. It is syncretism of the catholic religion and the old Mayan beliefs; this movement also tried to build an independent society with the insurgent people. The talking cross was found in a small cenote and when initiating the Caste War was used to convert the Mayas to the catholicism. A pair of upstarts, José María Barrera and Manuel Nahuatl, his ventriloquist partner, placed the cross on an altar and began to respond verbally to the Mayan’s requests. People thought that the cross was miraculous and that through it their gods could communica-
Real Estate Newspaper Monthly Publication Complimentary Issue • Number 335
PUBLISHER Ana María Platas DESIGNER Rodolfo Preciado
OFFICE Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco • TEL. (322) 224 9258 email: PRINT RUN 10,000 copies Titulo de registro de marca 754392. Toda la información publicada en los anuncios es responsabilidad de los anunciantes.
38 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335 ban que la cruz era milagrosa y que a través de ella sus dioses podían comunicarse con ellos. Una parte del templo de la Cruz Parlante estaba separada del resto por un altar velado. En él, se encontraba la Santa Cruz vestida a la usanza maya con huipil. Los adoradores de la cruz se autonombraron “cruzoob” (todavía existen y el día 3 de mayo hacen su celebración anual en Tulum) y estaban dirigidos por jerarquías militares cuyo objetivo era custodiar la cruz, extendiendo su fé por toda la región. Llegaron a tener 17 santuarios y conformaron su capital en Chan Santa Cruz (hoy Carrillo Puerto, capital de Quintana Roo). Tulum fue uno de sus santuarios y era dirigido por una sacerdotisa llamada Maria Uricab. Bajo su liderazgo Tulum se convirtió en el centro religioso mas importante del área. Hoy en día todavía se pueden ver en muchas partes de Yucatán cruces vestidas; éstas son la el testimonio directo de la vigencia actual del culto de la Cruz Parlante.
te with them. A part of the Temple of the Talking Cross was separated from the rest by a veiled altar. In it, was the Holy Cross dressed with the Mayan custom the “huipil”. The worshipers of the cross were called “Cruzoob” (they still exist and May 3 hold their annual celebration in Tulum) and were led by military hierarchies whose aim was to guard the cross, extending their faith throughout the region. They arrived to have 17 sanctuaries and conformed their capital in Chan Santa Cruz (today Carrillo Port, capital of Quintana Roo). Tulum was one of its sanctuaries and was directed by a priestess named Maria Uricab. Under her leadership Tulum became the most important religious center in the area. Nowadays, dressed crosses can still be seen in many parts of Yucatan; These are the direct testimony of the current validity of the cult of the Talking Cross.
40 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Real Estate Fair Puerto Vallarta 2017
or cuarto año consecutivo Timothy Real Estate Group organizó su Real Estate Fair el cual resultó un verdadero suceso, ya que asistieron mas de 1,000 personas al evento. Desde las 9:00 de la mañana los 25 expositores estaban listos y el público empezó a acudir temprano al evento que duró hasta las 2:00 pm. Se proporcionó información acerca de Bienes Raíces, Seguros, Bancos, Servicios Médicos y de Salud, Servicios Notariales, Renta y Administración de Propiedades, etc. La Feria tiene como objetivo poner en contacto al público, sobre todo extranjero, con los expertos de Puerto Vallarta en diferentes áreas como: impuestos, inmigración, salud, vacaciones, dinero, hipotecas. Hubo conferencias donde se tocaron los aspectos prácticos y legales involucrados en la compra-venta de inmuebles en nuestra región. Una felicitación a Carl Timothy y a todo su equipo por el esfuerzo realizado para llevar a cabo la Real Estate Fair que en mucho ayuda a generar la confianza necesaria a nuestros clientes e inversores inmobiliarios.
or the fourth consecutive year, Timothy Real Estate Group organized its Real Estate Fair which turned out to be a true success, as more than 1,000 people attended the event. From 9 in the morning the 25 exhibitors were ready and the public began to go early to the event that lasted until 2 pm. Information was provided about Real Estate, Insurance, Banks, Health and Medical Services, Notary Services, Rental and Property Management, etc. The fair aims to bring the Puerto Vallarta experts in touch with the public, especially foreigners, in different areas such as taxes, immigration, health, vacations, money, mortgages. There were lectures that touched on the practical and legal aspects involved in buying and selling real estate in our region. A greeting to Carl Timothy and his entire team for the effort made to carry out the Real Estate Fair that in a lot helps to generate the necessary confidence to our clients and real estate investors.
Casa #18 Punta Iguana – Puerto Vallarta 4 suites + servicio / 5.5 baños – US$2,6M
Casa Alebrije – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 5 rec / 5.5 baños – US$1,675M
Casa Aqua – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle 5 rec / 5 baños –“Fixer Upper”- US$1,3M RE PR BA EC JA IO DO
Icon 3 - 1001 – Puerto Vallarta 3 rec + Den / TV / 3 baños - US$875K
La Joya Huanacaxtle #218 – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 2 rec / 2 baños – US$172,500
Santa Bárbara Shores - Casa Sur Puerto Vallarta – 3 rec / 3.5 baños – US$975K
Lote 13D – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 1084 m2 – US$995,000
Casa #5 – Punta Pelícanos - La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 3 rec / 2.5 baños - US$449K
Arena #6 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 3 rec / 3 baños – US$585K ¡!!
Perla #3 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 rec / 3 baños – US$645
Santa Barbara Shores – Casa Norte - Puerto Vallarta – 4 rec / 4.5 baños – US$1,175,000
Caracol #7 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 rec / 3 baños – US$645K
44 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Hoy es el momento para impermeabilizar Today is time to waterproof
he realestate maintenance should be a priority for the owners of them all, we say so because experience and its advantages. Time and money invested in this concept is an importan huge economical saving, shortly will have the rain season, now roofs are dry and let a long term and safe waterproof sealing. Act now ¡! Properties are permanently exposed to time and weather when not atended. Just an on time permanent and profesional supervisión are the solution for higher comnsecuences. Unfortunately in most cases there is not a preventive culture, just the last minute emergency, late and expensive solution. All cancepts involved on your property, instalations, carpentry, paint, water sealing, hardware, gates, windows and glasses should be periodically checked and much more important if they are not in constant use. Prevent and be safe, get a maintenance policy for your realestate. Miguel Vazquez.
PV PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY CARE. Request an estimate Cell 322-227-1880
l concepto de mantenimiento inmobiliario debe ser una prioridad para los propietarios de bienes raíces, lo decimos por experiencia y por sus ventajas. El tiempo y el costo invertido en este concepto es un ahorro económico y de importante cuantía, en breve estaremos en época de lluvias, ahora los techos están secos y permiten una impermeabilización duradera y segura. Actúe hoy ¡! Los inmuebles son ajenos al transcurso del tiempo y este es agresivo cuando se desatienden. Solo una oportuna atención profesional y periódica pueden ser la solución a problemas mayores. Desafortunadamente, en la mayoría de los casos no existe una cultura preventiva, solo existe la solución emergente, costosa y tardía. Todos los conceptos de su propiedad, instalaciones, madera, pintura, impermeabilización, herrería, puertas, ventanas y cristales deben ser atendidos periódicamente y con mayor razón si no se encuentran habitadas. Prevenga y tenga tranquilidad adquiera una póliza de mantenimiento para sus bienes raíces. Miguel Vazquez.
PV PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY CARE. Solicite una cotización Cel. 322-227-1880
Outstanding service enhancing your buying experience! TY I N U RT O P P O
Unbeatable price on this exceptional 9,086 sq ft. Property with gardens, pool and 4 BR, 4.5 Baths.
4 BR, 4 Baths, Beachfront Marina Vallarta
RIO CUALE 312 $110K USD 1 BR, 1 Bath, 5 min to Old Town
TRES MARES $1,190,000 USD
CONDOMINIO SHANGRI-LA 14-02 $1,495.000.00 USD
4 BR, 4.5 Baths Marina Vallarta.
VILLAS PACIFICO $199K USD 2 BR, 2 Baths, Marina Vallarta
4BR, 4 baths; Marina Vallarta Golf course view.
RIO CUALE 207 $90K USD 1 BR, 1 Bath, Turn key condo
Tel. 322 2212377
Grand Venetian 1803 4 bdms, 4 baths, beachfront PRICE: $599,000 USD - HOTEL ZONE
Condo Alcazar 2 bdms , 2.5 baths – 173.2 m2 PRICE: STARTING AT $310,000 USD - DOWNTOWN
Casa Islas 3 bdms, 4 baths PRICE: $1,500,000 USD – SAN PANCHO,NAYARIT
Villa Magna 338 4 bdms, 4 baths PRICE: $449,000 USD – NUEVO VALLARTA
Casa Terracota 27 3 bdms + studio , 2.5 baths PRICE: $150,000 USD- MONTESSORI
Condo Icon 903 T-2 2 bdms + Den, 3 baths PRICE: $455,000 USD - HOTEL ZONE
Marina Suites Casa Lupita 3 bdsm, 2 baths 4+ bdms, 4.5 baths PRICE: $129,000 USD – MARINA VALLARTA PRICE: $325,000 USD - VERSALLES PRICE REDUCED
Casa Miranda 3 bdms, 2.5 baths PRICE: $80,000 USD – FRACC. LISBOA
Casa Las Ceibas Condo Tres Mares TB 1003 3 bdms, Gated Community 3 bdms, 3.5 Baths PRICE: $2200,000 PESOS – NUEVO VALLARTA PRICE: $790,000 USD – MARINA VALLARTA
Condo Icon 1104 2 bdms + Den, 2.5 baths PRICE: $445,000 USD – HOTEL ZONE
Condo Costa Sol 3 bdms , 2 baths PRICE: $125,000 USD - HOTEL ZONE
Rancho Mita 15,000 m2 – Punta de Mita $1,809,000 USD
Casa Gaviota 4 + bdms , 4.5 baths PRICE: $268,000 USD
48 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Mikel Bowman abre su estudio y showroom Mikel Bowman’s Open House
ikel Bowman es un talentosísimo diseñador de interiores proveniente de Boston, el cual acaba de abrir su estudio en la ciudad. Con un estilo ecléctico y fascinado por los motivos mexicanos Bowman lanza una propuesta muy novedosa en el campo del interiorismo en Puerto Vallarta. Mikel trabajó en la industria de la moda por más de 20 años. La mayor parte de ese tiempo lo pasó en Nueva York y recientemente en Los Ángeles. Ha trabajado para algunas de las marcas premium e internacionales más famosas del mundo, como Lacoste, Limited Brands, Ann Taylor y Macy’s, por nombrar algunas. Ha colaborado y diseñado espacios interiores, muebles, ventanas de venta, tiendas y salas de exposición. Ahora con sede en Puerto Vallarta , Mikel se centra en trabajar con clientes residenciales y comerciales para ayudarles a diseñar / amueblar sus casas y negocios de ensueño. Mikel encuentra inspiración para su trabajo en la música, la moda, el arte, los viajes y su propia y vívida imaginación. Le encanta usar maderas, metales y telas naturales para crear sus divertidos y característicos interiores, siempre con un elemento inesperado. Para presentar su showroom ubicado en la calle de Aquiles Serdán, con una sensacional vista al Rio Cuale, Mikel ofreció un fantástico cocktail party donde no hizo falta nada.: la música quedó en manos de un excelente DJ que puso a todo mundo a moverse, el delicioso catering fue ofrecido por Cayo 3 y los invitados, que se reunieron en gran cantidad para disfrutar la hospitalidad y el gran trabajo decorativo de Mikel. ¡Mucho éxito!
ikel Bowman is a talented interior designer who has just opened his studio in the city. With an eclectic style and fascinated by the Mexican motives, Bowman launches a very novel proposal in the field of interior design in Puerto Vallarta. Mikel worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years. Most of his time was spent in New York City and just recently in Los Angeles. Working his way to the top he held vice president positions in his last 2 roles in visual merchandising and Interior/store design. He’s worked for a number of the world’s most famous premium and international brands, such as Lacoste, Limited Brands, Ann Taylor, and Macy’s – just to name a few. He has collaborated and designed interior spaces, furniture, retail windows, stores, and showrooms. Now based in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, Mikel is focusing on working with residential and commercial clients to help them design/ furnish their dream homes and businesses. Mikel finds inspiration for his work in music, fashion, art, travel, and his own vivid imagination. He especially loves to use woods, metals, and natural fabrics to create his fun and distinctive interiors – always with an element of the unexpected. To present his showroom located in the street of Aquiles Serdán, with a sensational view to Rio Cuale, Mikel offered a fantastic cocktail party were nothing was needed : the music was in the hands of an excellent DJ that put everyone to dance, the delicious catering was offered by Cayo 3 and the guests, who gathered in great quantity to enjoy the hospitality and the great decorative work of Mikel. Much success!
50 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Abre Mac Store en Puerto Vallarta Mac Store in Puerto Vallarta
Localizada en La Isla Puerto Vallarta, el nuevo centro comercial, esta será la tercer tienda MacStore en el Estado de Jalisco. MacStore, con 10 años en el mercado, se ha posicionado como uno de los principales Premium Reseller de Apple en México con 24 tiendas a lo largo del país ofreciendo la mejor experiencia de compra, soporte técnico y asesoría de la mano de los expertos en Apple. El objetivo primordial se centra en que los clientes puedan ser orientados en realizar la mejor elección que cubra sus necesidades y expectativas de toda la línea de productos Apple, entre los que destacan toda la linea MacBook, iMac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV & Apple Watch, además de poder encontrar una gama de productos y accesorios de primer nivel con marcas de renombre como Bose, GoPro, Parrot, Hue de Philips, Marshall, Belkin por mencionar algunas.
MacStore La Isla Puerto Vallarta abrió sus puertas a partir del día 30 de Marzo y con horario de operación de 11:00 a 21:00 horas. La tienda manejará descuentos únicamente para este fin de semana (viernes 31 de marzo, sábado y domingo 1 y 2 de abril) en donde destaca 15% de descuento en Mac, 10% en iPad ó hasta 24 Meses sin Intereses con tarjeta participante.
¡MacStore el experto de Apple llego a Puerto Vallarta!
Located in La Isla Puerto Vallarta, the new shopping center, this will be the third MacStore store in the State of Jalisco. MacStore, with 10 years on the market, has positioned itself as one of the top Apple Premium Reseller in Mexico with 24 stores throughout the country offering the best shopping experience, technical support and advice from Apple experts. . The primary focus is on customers being guided to make the best choice to meet their needs and expectations of the entire line of Apple products, including the entire line MacBook, iMac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV & Apple Watch, in addition to being able to find a range of top-level products and accessories with renowned brands such as Bose, GoPro, Parrot, Philips Hue, Marshall, Belkin to mention a few. MacStore, La Isla Puerto Vallarta opened its doors on March 30 and with hours of operation from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The store will handle discounts only for this weekend (Friday, March 31, Saturday and Sunday April 1 and April 2), where it stands out 15% discount on Mac, 10% on iPad or up to 24 Months without Interests with participating cards.
MacStore the Apple expert came to Puerto Vallarta!
52 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335
Baldosas decoradas Patterned Tile Floors
on el “maximalismo” como la tendencia de diseño más reciente para 2017, estamos viendo mucho más patrones en casa. Y uno de los lugares donde estamos viendo la fascinación más reciente de los patrones es en los azulejos de piso o baldosas . Tradicionales en Europa, en lugares como Italia y España, así como ampliamente utilizado en México, especialmente en los estados de Yucatán y Jalisco. Las baldosas de piso con motivos han sido menos populares en los Estados Unidos. Pero cada vez más, algunos propietarios audaces están cediendo al deseo de ir más allá de los neutros seguros en la elección de un material para el suelo. El movimiento hacia los pisos dibujados también refleja una nueva fascinación por todo lo “vintage” y muchos de estos pisos eran comunes en las casas del siglo XX. Instalarlo tiene su riesgo y tiene que estar muy seguro ya que un piso estampado es una afirmación bastante permanente que no puede ser cubierto fácilmente. Pero si elige sabiamente tendrá un estilo muy individual y elegante. CONTINUA PÁGINA 54
ith “maximalism” as the newest design trend for 2017, we’re seeing much more pattern at home. And one place we’re seeing it is in the newest fascination with patterned floor tile. Traditional in Europe, in places like Italy and Spain, as well as used widely in Mexico, especially in the states of Yucatan and Jalisco. Patterned floor tiles have been less popular in the United States. But increasingly, some bold homeowners are ceding to the desire to move beyond safe neutrals in choosing a flooring material. The move toward patterned floors also reflects a new fascination with all things “vintage” and many of these floors were standard in houses in the early 20th Century. Installing one now is a risk, to be sure, as a patterned floor is a fairly permanent statement that can’t easily be covered up. But if you choose wisely, the pay off can be substantial. You will have a look that is highly individual and very stylish. CONTINUES PAGE 54
54 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | No. 335 Éstos son algunos consejos para agregar con éxito un suelo estampado en su casa: n Si usted es un principiante con los patrones, elija estampadar el piso en un área pequeña. Un pequeño vestíbulo, un baño, una cocina, son lugares perfectos para introducir el azulejo donde es menos probable experimentar remordimiento.
n Above, for instance, a London townhouse makes a strong design statement by choosing a black, white and brown patterned tile in the entryway.
n Adhierase a las combinaciones de colores y apariencias clásicas. A pesar de que puede ser tentador hacer algo realmente audaz y colorido, lo mejor y mas seguro es quedarse con estilos probados que han resistido la prueba del tiempo.
n Although the tiles appear to have been laid diagonally, they have actually been laid in a standard grid layout.
n Los patrones más pequeños se leen como “neutros”. Otra manera de no arriesgar mucho es optar por uno más pequeño, que el ojo leerá como menos “ocupado” que un patrón muy grande y audaz.
n Their pattern tricks the eye into seeing a diagonal line. These tiles have an Old World feel, as they were typical in many turn of the century houses in Europe.
No. 335 | ABRIL / APRIL 2017 | 55
n Deje que su piso sea el punto focal. Mantenga el resto de su mobiliario discreto si va con un azulejo muy audaz.
n Here, another entry also sports patterned tile, but by choosing gray and white, offering less of a contrast, the look comes off as more modern.