Property Journal 337 Junio 2017

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Complimentary Issue

Up to Date Real Estate Junio / June 2017


No. 337 • Año 18

4 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337


An engagement ring with a diamond created from the ashes of Luis Barragán, one of the most important Mexican architects of the 20th century, has aroused great controversy in the country as a centerpiece of an exhibition

Un anillo de compromiso con un diamante creado a partir de las cenizas de Luis Barragán, uno de los arquitectos mexicanos más importantes del siglo XX, ha suscitado gran polémica en el país como pieza central de una exposición


l pasado 27 de abril se inauguró en el Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (MUAC) la polémica exposición de la artista estadounidense Jill Magid: “Una carta siempre llega a su destino”. Los Archivos Barragán. Siendo el objeto de críticas, polarizado las versiones sobre la legalidad de la obra y cuestionado la ética de la institución al albergar esta muestra. 525 gramos de las cenizas del arquitecto Luis Barragán (Guadalajara, 1902-1988) fueron exhumadas por la artista estadounidense Jill Magid (Connecticut, 1973) para convertirlas en un diamante y reemplazadas en la urna por un caballo de plata del CONTINUA PÁGINA 6


n April 27, the controversial exhibition of the American artist Jill Magid was inaugurated in the University Museum of Contemporary Art of the Autonomous University of Mexico City (MUAC): “A letter always reaches its destination”. The Barragán Archives. Being the object of criticism, polarized the versions on the legality of the work and questioned the ethics of the institution to host this sample. 525 grams of the ashes of the architect Luis Barragán (Guadalajara, 1902-1988) were exhumed by the American artist Jill Magid (Connecticut, 1973) to turn them into a diamond and replaced in the urn by a silver horse of the same weight. The 2.02-carat diamond, made CONTINUES PAGE 6

6 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 mismo peso. El diamante de 2.02 kilates, hecho con los restos del único mexicano merecedor del premio Pritzker (1980), fue incrustado en un anillo de compromiso. Magid, artista estadounidense que desde 2011 se interesó en la obra de Barragán, abrió esta exhibición formada por 41 piezas que se ha convertido en una telenovela al más puro estilo mexicano: con acusaciones de ilegalidad, profanación, descalificaciones y señalamientos de objetivos absurdos y, por supuesto, de amor, pues el anillo en cuestión se llama “The Proposal”. The Proposal forma parte de un extenso proyecto multimedia de Jill Magid, The Barragán Archives [Los archivos Barragán] que comienza en 2013 y a través del cual la artista investigó el manejo del acervo, dividido en dos partes, del célebre arquitecto, único mexicano en haber recibido el Premio Pritzker, para ahondar en el control que se ha llegado a ejercer sobre este legado. El archivo personal de Luis Barragán y su biblioteca son manejados por la Fundación de Arquitectura Tapatía Luis Barragán A.C. (FATLB) en conjunto con el Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco, y se encuentra en Casa Luis Barragán en la Ciudad de México, otrora casa y estudio del arquitecto que en 1994 fue establecida como un museo. Mientras que el archivo profesional, manejado por The Barragan Foundation –establecida en 1996 con el apoyo de Vitra, corporación suiza fabricante de muebles–, se encuentra en el campus de Vitra, en Birsfelden, cerca de Basilea. Este archivo fue adquirido en 1995 por el dueño de Vitra, Rolf Fehlbaum, y supuestamente fue un regalo de compromiso para su actual esposa y directora de The Barragan Foundation, la italiana Federica Zanco. A través del acervo de Barragán, Magid cuestio-

with the remains of the only Mexican worthy of the Pritzker Prize (1980), was embedded in an engagement ring. Magid, an American artist who has been interested in Barragán’s work since 2011, opened this 41-piece exhibition that has become a telenovela in the purest Mexican style: accusations of illegality, desecration, disqualifications and absurd targets and, of course, love, because the ring in question is called “The Proposal”. The Proposal is part of an extensive multimedia project by Jill Magid, The Barragán Archives that began in 2013 and through which the artist investigated the management of the collection, divided into two parts, of the famous architect, the only Mexican to have Received the Pritzker Prize, to delve into the control that has come to exert on this legacy. Luis Barragán’s personal archive and his library are managed by the Fundacion de Architectura Tapatía Luis Barragán A.C. (FATLB) in conjunction with the Government of the State of Jalisco, and is located in Casa Luis Barragán in Mexico City, once home of the architect which in 1994 was established as a museum. While the professional archive, managed by The Barragan Foundation - established in 1996 with the support of Vitra, Swiss furniture manufacturer corporation - is located on the Vitra campus in Birsfelden, near Basel. This file was acquired in 1995 by Vitra’s owner, Rolf Fehlbaum, and was supposedly a treat gift for his current wife and director of The Barragan Foundation, Federica Zanco. Through Barragán’s collection, Magid questions power agencies that regulate access to these archives as well as the complexity of copyright in our day and how all this can determine the entire legacy of an artist. How did Barragán’s legacy come to Switzerland? Luis Barragán did not marry, did not have children and inherited his profes-




Real Estate Newspaper Monthly Publication Complimentary Issue • Number 337

PUBLISHER Ana María Platas DESIGNER Rodolfo Preciado

OFFICE Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco • TEL. (322) 224 9258 email: PRINT RUN 10,000 copies Titulo de registro de marca 754392. Toda la información publicada en los anuncios es responsabilidad de los anunciantes.


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8 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 na los organismos de poder que regulan el acceso a estos archivos al igual que la complejidad de los derechos de autor en nuestra actualidad y cómo todo esto puede llegar a determinar el legado entero de un artista. ¿Cómo llegó el legado de Barragán a Suiza? Luis Barragán no se casó, no tuvo hijos y heredó su archivo profesional, no a sus familiares, sino a su socio y amigo Raúl Ferrera Torres. Este archivo profesional comprende planos, dibujos, bocetos, fotografías, diapositivas, negativos y revistas en las que aparecieron proyectos de Barragán. Sus objetos personales los dejó a Óscar Ignacio González González, su biblioteca personal la puso en manos de Ignacio Díaz Morales, ahora en el Museo Casa Barragán,. Raúl Ferrera se suicidó en 1993. El archivo profesional quedó en manos de Rosario Uranga, su viuda, quien, antes que nada, lo ofreció al estado mexicano, a algunas universidades y particulares. Tras la falta de respuesta, Uranga vendió aproximadamente en un millón de dólares el archivo y los derechos de autor ese mismo año a Max Protetch, galerista especializado en temas de arquitectura. A finales de 1994 Rolf Fehlbaum adquirió por 2.5 millones de dólares la totalidad del archivo y sus derechos

para incorporarlo a la empresa de muebles Vitra (de la cual es propietario) , cuya tarea ha sido coleccionar, preservar objetos, planos y archivos de diseñadores y arquitectos icónicos para hacerlos públicos (por medio de Vitra Design Museum, cuenta con archivos de Charles y Ray Eames, George Nelson, Alexander Girard, entre muchos otros). En otras palabras, la compra del archivo profesional de Barragán CONTINUA PÁGINA 10

sional file, not to his relatives, but to his partner and friend Raúl Ferrera Torres. This professional archive includes drawings, drawings, sketches, photographs, slides, negatives and magazines in which Barragán projects appeared. He left his personal belongings to Óscar Ignacio González González, his personal library was put in the hands of Ignacio Díaz Morales, now in the Casa Barragan Museum. Raúl Ferrera committed suicide in 1993. The professional file was left

to Rosario Uranga, his widow, who, first of all, offered it to the Mexican state, some universities and individuals. Following the lack of response, Uranga sold approximately in one million dollars the archives and copyrights that same year to Max Protetch, a gallery specialist in architecture. At the end of 1994 Rolf Fehlbaum acquired for $ 2.5 million the entire archive and his rights to incorporate it into the furniture company Vitra (of which he owns), whose task has been to collect, preserve objects, plans and archives of designers and, through Vitra Design Museum, has archives of Charles and Ray Eames, George Nelson, Alexander Girard, among many others. In other words, the purchase of Barragán’s professional archive implies that today there is Barragan Foundation, with the material concentrated in Switzerland, and not distributed in different parts of the world. The Barragán Archives have entailed an arduous process of almost four years of investigation by Magid following the refusal by the Foundation to access Barragán archives. This research has manifested itself in the creation of various works and exhibitions, however, the project reaches a crucial moment precisely with the piece The Proposal - and the exhibition that bears the same name, as the work not only encompasses the ring, but a daring proposal: the offer of this one by Magid To Federica Zanco, in exchange for opening the profesCONTINUES PAGE 10

10 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 implica que hoy exista Barragan Foundation, con el material concentrado en Suiza, y no repartido en distintas partes del mundo. The Barragán Archives ha conllevado un arduo proceso de casi cuatro años de investigación por parte de Magid a raíz de la negativa por parte de la Fundación, al acceso a los archivos de Barragán.. Esta investigación se ha manifestado en la creación de diversas obras y exposiciones No obstante, el proyecto llega a un momento crucial precisamente con la pieza The Proposal –y la exposición que lleva el mismo nombre , ya que la obra no sólo engloba el anillo, sino una atrevida propuesta: el ofrecimiento de éste por parte de Magid a Federica Zanco, a cambio de abrir el archivo profesional de Barragán al público en México: “El cuerpo por el cuerpo de trabajo”. Magid asegura que Fehlbaum compró el archivo como un regalo de compromiso para su entonces prometida, Federica Zanco, actualmente directora de The Barragan Foundation. El propósito de Magid al crear “The Proposal” era presentar a Federica el regalo de un diamante de 2,02 quilates, creado con

los restos cremados de Barragán y colocados en un anillo, a cambio del regreso de su archivo a México. Para conseguir las cenizas del arquitecto, la artista convenció a 18 familiares de Barragán de hacer las gestiones ante las autoridades para exhumar las cenizas y documentó en video el momento en el que ella misma extrajo los 525 gramos con los que se fabricó el diamante.

sional archive of Barragán to the public in Mexico: “The body for the body of work.” Magid says Fehlbaum bought the file as a treat gift for her then fiancee, Federica Zanco, currently director of The Barragan Foundation. Magid’s purpose in creating “The Proposal” was to present Federica with a gift of a 2.02 carat diamond, created with the cremated remains of Barragán and placed in a ring, in exchange for the return of her file to Mexico. In order to obtain the ashes of the architect, the artist convinced 18 relatives of Bar-


ragán to take the steps before the authorities to exhume the ashes and videotaped the moment in which she extracted the 525 grams with which the diamond was made. However, not all the relatives authorized the exhumation and a controversy was created because a part of the heirs, supported by members of the Mexican cultural circle, condemned the extraction of Barragán’s remains and have requested an investigation, as well as the destruction of the diamond And the return of the latter’s dust to the grave. For the secretary of Culture of Jalisco, Myriam Vachez Plagnol, who endorsed and witnessed the exhumation, “it is not disrespect to anyone that a part of your ashes is turned into a diamond.” Literally, she considered that “very poetic, personally speaking,” and that “there may be a thousand opinions, but I do not think it goes against ethics” (Reforma, August 10) To this artistic-deathly party have been added, of course, the voices of many artists who support the nieces of the passed architect, who are the complainants, writer Juan Villoro, the painter Francisco Toledo and the writer Elena Poniatowska and the most of the Mexican cultural community. Before inaugurating the exhibition, Magid explained that her responsibility as an artist is to ask questions, and this time she was questioned if the archiCONTINUES PAGE 12

Francisco I. Madero 215-A Colonia Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. C.P. 48350 Office Núm. 322-223-9854 Mobile 322-150-6274 VISTA BAHIA II UNIT 21 • $329,000.00 USD. 2 bed, 3 bath, FURNISHED




VILLAS FAIRWAY # 43, VILLA ESPERANZA. Unfurnished. $299,000.00 USD.

This gorgeous house is located in a gated community inside Marina Vallarta. This spacious house includes 3 bedrooms/1 den and 3 full bathrooms. Excellent finishes include marble floors, granite kitchen counters and stainless steel appliances.


150 SQ. MT. of living space. 2 bed, 2 bath, with all the appliances unfurnished.

One of the best locations to Invest for your 2 bedroom condo, in Puerto Vallarta. Just five minutes away from the romantic zone area and old town. Close enough to the fun but away from the night live, when you want to relax and sleep. The perfect property for permanent residents.




Best views in Puerto Vallarta. Panoramic view of the entire bay including gorgeous sunsets daily. This gorgeous condo is located on the north side, which includes a larger, wrap-around balcony and many windows bringing in plenty of light. This spacious unit includes 2 bedrooms/1 den and 3 full bathrooms with a lot of living space at 2,636 square feet/245 Square Meters..


Beautiful ocean front property, includes all utilities. Furnished, 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom. $199,000.00 Easy to show, Motivated Seller!



Private house 3 bedrooms + TV room, large garden area with space to built a swiming pool, zoned a/c with mini split units, kitchen with granite counter tops and large pantry, parking for two cars, automatic garage door, automatic sprinkler system, walking distance to the American school. Unfurnished.


SKY VILLA-SAYAN PH 3 $1,375,000 USD 4 BR, 4 BA MLS #10722

LAS PALMAS F2 $85,000 USD 2 BR, 1 BA MLS#11105


CASA ALEMÁN $1,199,000 USD 4 BR, 4 BA MLS #10308

RIVERA CUALE A-203 $399,000 USD 3 BR, 3 BA MLS #10361


3BR, 3.5BA $375,000 MLS #6822USD 3 BR, 3.5 BA MLS #6822




DECEMBER 4 TO MARCH 4 $84,900 USD 2 BR, 2 BA MLS #6959

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DECEMBER 4 TO JANUARY 2 $15,000 USD 2 BR, 2 BA MLS #6790

12 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 Sin embargo, no todos los familiares autorizaron la exhumación y se creó una polémica porque una parte de los herederos, apoyados por integrantes del círculo cultural mexicano, condenaron la extracción de los restos de Barragán y han solicitado una investigación, así como la destrucción del diamante y el retorno del polvo de éste a la tumba. Para la secretaria de Cultura de Jalisco, Myriam Vachez Plagnol, quien avaló y presenció la exhumación, “no es faltarle al respeto a nadie que una parte de tus cenizas sea convertida en diamante”. Literalmente, consideró eso “muy poético en lo personal, artísticamente hablando”, y que “puede haber mil opiniones, pero no me parece que vaya en contra de la ética” (Reforma, agosto 10) A esta pachanga artístico-necrologica se han sumado, como no, las voces de muchos artistas que apoyan a las sobrinas del fallecido arquitecto, que son las quejosas, se encuentran el escritor Juan Villoro, el pintor Francisco Toledo y la escritora Elena Poniatowska y la mayor parte de la comunidad cultural mexicana. Antes de inaugurar la exposición, Magid explicó que su responsabilidad

como artista es hacer preguntas, y que esta vez se cuestionó si el acervo del arquitecto podía regresar a México, su país de origen. Sobre los cuestionamientos específicos al anillo de diamante en la obra ‘La Propuesta’, Jill Magid ha señalado que

toda la documentación, costos y acuerdos legales se encuentran disponibles como obra en la exposición y en diversas plataformas de Internet, además de que dentro de los apartados de la documentación legal se ha especificado que el anillo no se puede comercializar de ninguna manera y pertenece a la familia Barragán.También señaló que nunca pensó que su obra pudiera causar este revuelo –hay quien ha llamado a la obra una “profanación de los restos de un ilustre jaliciense”-, pero “esa es la belleza del arte, quizá algo que haces es ignorado por todos y descubierto dentro de 20 años, quizá algo que haces provoca reacciones inesperadas o incomprensibles pero nadie, ni siquiera la familia Barragán señaló la posibilidad de que esto sucediera, pero me parece que el debate nos enriquece”. La exposición se presentó exitosamente en Nueva York, París y Londres, se podrá visitar hasta el 08 de octubre en el Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, durante estas fechas también contarán con un programa de mesas de debate que tocarán los temas de el arte contra la ley, la bioética y el tratamiento de restos fúnebres en la obra artística, así como las perspectivas filosóficas y religiosas al respecto. Sin duda, una obra que no quedará en el olvido.

tect’s collection could return to Mexico, its country of origin. On the specific questions to “The Proposal” ring, Jill Magid has indicated that all the documentation, costs and legal agreements are available like work in the exhibition and in diverse platforms of internet, besides that within the apart from the legal documentation it has been specified that the ring can not be marketed in any way and belongs to the Barragán family. She also pointed out that she never thought that her work could cause this disturbance - somebody has called the work a “desecration of the remains of an illustrious Jalisco “- but” that is the beauty of art, maybe something you do is ignored by all and discovered in 20 years, maybe something you do causes unexpected or incomprehensible reactions but nobody, not even the Barragán family have seen the possibility of this happening, but it seems to me that the debate enriches us. “ The exhibition was successfully presented in New York, Paris and London. It will be open until October 8 at the University Museum of Contemporary Art. During these dates, there will also be a panel discussion program that will cover art Law, bioethics and the treatment of funeral remains in the artistic work, as well as the philosophical and religious perspectives in this respect. Undoubtedly, a work that will not be forgotten.






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Los Veneros PH409 Pacifico

Casa Flores

Hacienda Maria Elena + Adjacent Lot

Casa Romantica

Casa Sweet Water

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6 7.5 Expansion potential! Traditional colonial-style estate that exhibits all the wonderment of yesteryear, and yet features today’s modern conveniences. Ideal as a private residence or income property! $1,050,000 USD

5 5.5 Reduced $205k USD! Beautiful 5 BD, 5.5 BA home located in a gated community on the South Shore of Puerto Vallarta. Spectacular views from all the rooms.

6 6.5 San Pancho luxury. Privileged setting on the San Pancho hillside and a few minutes’ walk to the beach. This luxurious Villa will surprise you with the quality of the construction and its Mexican design. $950,000 USD






Villa Nemi

Allende Building

Casa 360


Signature by Pinnacle PH2

7 9 Eco-luxury. Unique environmentally-responsible living experience, constructed using repurposed, local or sustainable materials. Suitable as a private residence, B&B or boutique hotel. $875,000 USD

10 10 Reduced price! A unique investment opportunity! Condo building within walking distance to Malecón and downtown! This complex features four very spacious 2 BD apartments plus and oversized Penthouse. $749,500 USD

4 3.5 Luxury view home. Welcome to Casa 360, a true Vallarta dream home! Perfectly situated with a panoramic view, this 4 BD, 3.5 BA home is the perfect location for you to enjoy all that Puerto Vallarta has to offer! $699,980 USD

4 4.5 Reduced price! Oceanfront bargain. Opportunity awaits. Amazing views and contemporary living on the world-renowned Vallarta’s South Shore. Amazing infinity pool overlooking Los Arcos. $699,000 USD

2 2 Unique penthouse! Sophisticated penthouse perched above Olas Altas, 2 blocks from Los Muertos beach. Stylish kitchen, marble floor, vaulted ceiling, expansive terrace, BBQ with stunning ocean view! $695,000 USD






Villa Luxor

Casa Mariposas 124

Edificio Alta Vista

Vela Vista 5001

Casa Vista de Yates

4 4 Breathtaking home. Villa Luxor a breathtaking home in Conchas Chinas with an amazing architecture design that stands out for being unique here in Puerto Vallarta. 80% finished with 4 BD & 4 BA. 1965.40 m2 $619,000 USD

3.5 4 Golf course home! Rare one-floor living, this elegant and bright residence provides comfort and ease with no stairs! A corner property that features high ceilings with skylights and fronts the golf course fairway. $598,750 USD

12 7 Opportunity! Multi-family structure with an owner’s home and 5 constructed 2 BD apartments that are rented out. In addition there are four additional apartments that are unfinished.

3 2 Corner unit. Beachfront, 250 m2, 3 BD, 2 BA unit in Nuevo Vallarta. Large wrap around balcony with spectacular views of the bay.

3 3 New listing! Enjoy the views of the ocean and marina from both floors. Fully-equipped kitchen with granite countertops and Parota cabinets, a dream for any cook.






Casa las Palmas

Barlovento 503 Torre Playa

Barlovento 201 Torre Playa

Lote Faisanes-El Tigre

Copa de Oro 204

7 8 Turnkey rental! Convenient location and fantastic rental potential. This home has two 3 BD/3 BA units w/ separate 1 BD apartment. Turnkey ready. All furnishings included. Perfect investment opportunity! $395,000 USD

2 3 Intimate lifestyle! The ocean views are unparalleled from your over-sized balcony. Amenities include 2 pools, 2 Jacuzzis, gymnasium, 2 outdoor kitchens and 24 hour security.

2 3 Boutique residence! The ocean views are unparalleled from your over-sized balcony. Amenities include 2 pools, 2 Jacuzzis, gymnasium, 2 outdoor kitchens and 24-hour security.

Best lot available! Privileged location with Lake views! Build the house of your dreams in a quiet and private street at the privileged El Tigre Country Club, 775 m2 (8,339 sq. ft.)

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Casa Fern

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Punta Esmeralda 201

Terreno Del Rio

Casa Belice

3 2.5 Marina Vallarta. From the charming facade to the vaulted atrium over the dining room this home is simply adorable. If you enjoy entertaining, this floor plan is for you!

2 3 Feels like a house! Excellent quality construction, total privacy, only one unit per floor and spacious rooftop terrace. The best condo in the building!

3 3 Boutique complex! Elegant condo in Conchas Chinas that features lovely views of the ocean! An excellent acquisition for rental investment or full time living. Remodeled and furnished!

2 2 Las Juntas lot. Excellent flat spacious lot with office/ residence plus a warehouse. Fully fenced and gated. The office building has a total of 101m2 and the massive 60m x 20m warehouse is located at the back. $259,000 USD

6 4 Family home. Traditional architecture, spacious and great location, only a 5-minute drive to downtown! This Mexican style home is ideal for a large family, it has plenty of space for a pool and lush gardens. $250,000 USD

$265,000 USD

$275,000 USD

$259,500 USD






La Cañada 3

Casa Bella

Condo Ecuador

Casa Jacarandas

Casa Marguerite

3 2 A piece of paradise! Located in Conchas Chinas! This awesome unit has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, laundry, mini-splits, ceiling fans, direct access to the common pool and sundeck. Ocean views and a lush jungle backdrop. $239,000 USD

2 2.5 Mexican home. Close to the Cuale River and in a quaint neighborhood you will find Casa Bella. It enjoys traditional PV architecture, solid construction, exposed brick details, patio with dipping pool and more. $199,000 USD

2 2 Cute charming condo. Beautiful and large 2 BD / 2 BA condominium with incredible views of the ocean and city. Located in 5 de Diciembre.

3 4 Flexible property! Affordable home with income potential. The main home has 2 BD and 3 BA. A separate 1 BD suite that can be incorporated or used as a separate rental. One of the two terraces has views of the Bay and town. $169,000 USD

3 3.5 Ideal location! A must-see for those who are looking for a house in a tranquil area and at the same time, want to be close to everything. Solid construction and high quality finishes. Excellent option for a family! $120,000 USD






$199,000 USD Púlpito 145-A, Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48380

26 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337

Propiedades de la playa (playa y marinas) Waterfront properties (beach & marinas)



By Alejandro Flores Von Borstel / Ramiro Valencia a alegría de adquirir una propiehe happiness of purchasing an dad frente al mar, o bien en los caoceanfront property or in a maEmail: nales de navegación de una maririna, it’s advisable to sustain it na, es aconsejable sostenerla con by carefully reviewing the mala cuidadosa revisión de la zona federal marítimo terrestre. ritime terrestrial federal zone. Esta franja de 20 metros de playa, contados desde la marea más This 20 meter strip of beach, counted from the highest tide, alta, pertenece a la Nación Mexicana, pero puede ser disfrutada por belongs to the Federal Government, but it can be used by means usted, a través de una concesión que expide la Secretaria de Medio of a concession issued by the Environmental Agency. Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. In the case of a Marina, the federal property is smaller, just 5 En el caso de la Marinas, la propiedad federal es menor, sólo 5 metros meters in the main channel and 3 meters in the secondary channels. CONTINUA PÁGINA 28


28 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 en el canal principal y 3 metros en los canales secundarios. Existen numerosos aspectos que un abogado de su confianza y con experiencia en esta materia, debe tomar en cuenta para lograr que los derechos de la zona federal pasen al comprador sin problemas. En este momento, solo mencionaremos dos de ellos como ejemplo: n Es importante revisar la nueva delimitación oficial para conocer exactamente los límites entre la propiedad privada y la federal. n Checar si las construcciones contaron con estudios de impacto ambiental. El medio ambiente ha cobrado una gran relevancia en todo el mundo en los últimos años, México no es una excepción; a mayor revisión de los aspectos legales, mayor seguridad futura para usted.

There are numerous aspects that an attorney of your trust with experience on this field, must consider to achieve the transfer of the federal zone rights into the buyer with peace of mind. At the moment, we will point out two of them as example:

n The importance to review the new official delimitation to acknowledge the meets and boundaries of the federal and private property. n Check out if the constructions have the environmental impact studies.

The environment has claimed a great relevance nowadays in all the world, Mexico is not an exception; the more legal provisions you take, the greater your security will be in the future.


Casa #22 Punta Iguana – Puerto Vallarta 4 suites + 2 servicio / 6.5 baños – US$2,1M

Casa Alebrije – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 5 rec / 5.5 baños – US$1,495M RE PR BA EC JA IO DO

Casa Aqua – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle 5 rec / 5 baños –“Fixer Upper”- US$1,3M RE PR BA EC JA IO DO

Icon 3 - 1001 – Puerto Vallarta 3 rec + Den/TV / 3 baños - US$875K

La Joya Huanacaxtle #218 – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 2 rec / 2 baños – US$163,900

Santa Bárbara Shores - Casa Sur – Puerto Vallarta – 3 rec / 3.5 baños – US$975K

Lote 13D – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 1084 m2 – US$995,000

Casa #5 – Punta Pelícanos La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - US$449K

Huanacaxtle 302 en Punta Esmeralda 2 bed / 2 bath – US$350,000.

Perla #3 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 rec / 3 baños – US$645

Santa Barbara Shores – Casa Norte - Puerto Vallarta – 4 rec / 4.5 baños – US$1,175,000


Caracol #7 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 rec / 3 baños – US$645K




Nuevo Vallarta Vidanta Beach / Sayil 3 bed 3 bath $525,000 USD

Nuevo Vallarta Vidanta Beach / Ixcun 3+ 1 bed 4 bath $775,000 USD


Flamingos Del Canto D Tower 2 bed 2 bath $499,000 USD

NAYRI Basilio Badillo St. Studio $169,575 USD one bed $202,597 USD




Nuevo Vallarta Isla Palmares 3 bed 3 bath


Nuevo Vallarta Vidanta Sayil 2 bed + 2 bath Pent House $385,000 USD









Puerto Iguana totally remodelled 2 Bed Condo $3’600,000 M.N.

#2 1S OL D

El Tigre Green 18 3 & 4 bedrooms Town Home # 19 $7’500,000 M.N. GR


Nuevo Vallarta SUPERB CANAL HOME Got to see it!



Isla Palmares 2 bed 2 bath $4’500,000 M.N. IN


Marina Vallarta Bay View Grand 2 beds 3 baths $298,000 USD HO TR EN TA LS



El Tigre 3 & 4 bed town homes @ around $4’950,000 M.N.

Outstanding service enhancing your buying experience! TY I N U RT O P P O


Unbeatable price on this exceptional 9,086 sq ft. Property with gardens, pool and 4 BR, 4.5 Baths. TRES MARES $1,190,000 USD

CONDOMINIO SHANGRI-LA 14-02 $1,495.000.00 USD

4 BR, 4 Baths, Beachfront Marina Vallarta


1 BR, 1 Bath, 5 min to Old Town

4 BR, 4.5 Baths Marina Vallarta.



1 BR, 1 Bath, Turn key condo

Tel. 322 2212377

38 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337


Prevención, limpieza previa a las lluvias Prevention, cleaning before rains

s el GAS LP el combustible doméstico de uso común en el hogar, indispensable para la limpieza personal y la cocina diaria y sin embargo somos ajenos a su cuidado, mantenimiento y seguridad. Aquí se surte solo por medio de tanques, portátiles o fijos o estacionarios; ambos son manejados por las empresas surtidoras con poca atención y seguridad. Existe un reglamento federal que regula lo anterior pero no se sigue con apego ni la responsabilidad que debiera. Los portátiles son objeto de un mayor desgaste por su propio manejo de reemplazo, transporte y rellenado, los estacionarios son más seguros pero, a veces, deficientemente colocados. El Reglamento exige que tengan un acceso fácil, ventilado, seguro incluyendo una escalera fija permanente cuando están en las azoteas, esto rara vez es cumplimentado, tampoco satisface a ciertas distancias mínimas a puntos de posibles chispas y equipos eléctricos. La vida útil de los envases también es regulada y en lugares como Puerto Vallarta con una alta salinidad en el aire esta es más reducida y casi nunca verificada; hay muchos de ellos caducados que su estado físico implica riesgos ignorados por los usuarios. Se oxidan y corroen en sus cuerpos, soldaduras y cuerdas de sus válvulas, el excesivo calor del verano incrementa su presión interna y sus posibles siniestros. Solicite una verificación gratuita y obtenga seguridad


P GAS is the domestic fuel at home, required for personal daily cleaning and cooking, nevertheless we do not care about it’s safety and maintenance. Locally is supplied in portable or fixed, stationary tanks, both are handled by the supplying companies with rare care and safety. There is a Federal Regulation for all themes related with but it’s not done as it should. The portable ones are exposed to be over worn when replaced, moved and refilled; stationaries are safetier but many times not quite surely located. Regulations say should have an easy, safe, vented permanent acces including a fixed ladder to reach them any moment when they at roofs; its rarely accomplished, it also requires some mínimum safe distances to posible sparks and electric equipment. In ‘use life’ for those tanks is also ruled and at places as Puerto Vallarta is shorter because air salinity stains all steel body, weldings and threads for valves on them; summer over heat increases internal pressure too for posible casualties. Request a free check and make sure your own security.



Grand Venetian 1803 4 bdms, 4 baths PRICE: $599,000 USD - HOTEL ZONE BEACHFRONT

Condo Peninsula 12D T-3 4 bdms, 4 baths PRICE: $715,000 USD – HOTEL ZONE PRICE REDUCED

Rancho el Tuito 204 Hectareas PRICE: $1,100,000 USD - EL TUITO PRICE REDUCED

Casa Leza 4 bdms, 3 baths PRICE: $80,000 USD - PUERTO VALLARTA


Condo Alcazar 2 bdms , 2.5 baths PRICE: STARTING AT $310,000 USD - DOWNTOWN PRICE REDUCED

Casa Terracota 27 3 bdms + studio , 2.5 baths PRICE: $150,000 USD- HOTEL ZONE PRICE REDUCED

Casa Gaviotas 4 bdms, 4.5 baths PRICE: $268,000 USD - PUERTO VALLARTA BEACHFRONT

Condo Tres Mares TB 1003 3 bdms, 3.5 Baths PRICE: $790,000 USD – MARINA VALLARTA


Casa Allain 3 bdms, 3 baths PRICE: $243,000 USD - BUCERIAS


Casa Mantanchen 5 bdms , 6 baths PRICE: $6,080,000 PESOS – SAN BLAS BEACHFRONT

Condo Icon 903 T-2 2 bdms + Den, 3 baths PRICE: $455,000 USD - HOTEL ZONE BEACHFRONT

Casa Miranda 3 bdms, 2.5 baths PRICE: $82,000 USD – PUERTO VALLARTA PRICE REDUCED

Condo Icon 1104 2 bdms + Den, 2.5 baths PRICE: $445,000 USD – HOTEL ZONE BEACHFRONT

Rancho Mita 15,000 m2 $1,809,000 USD - PUNTA DE MITA

Lote Hacienda Phoenix 1,396 m2 PRICE: $168,000 USD - BUCERIAS

42 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337


Muestra maneras de mezclar materiales de diseño Shows ways to mix design materials



istóricamente, la mezcla de muchos materiales de diseño fue un no, no. Hoy en día, sin embargo, es realmente bienvenido y alabado si se ejecuta correctamente. La idea es que usted puede mezclar diversos metales, telas, modelos, tipos de madera, colores, y así sucesivamente. El truco es que todos tienen que trabajar muy bien juntos y ser estéticamente agradable a la vista. Una de las preguntas que recibo de los clientes es “¿Cómo hago eso?” A continuación se presentan algunos ejemplos de cómo ejecutar la mezcla de diferentes materiales de diseño.

istorically, mixing too many design materials was a no no. Today, however, its actually welcomed and praised if executed correctly. The idea is that you can mix different metals, fabrics, patterns, wood grains, colors, and so forth. The trick is they all have to work nicely together and be esthetically pleasing to the eye. One of the questions I get from clients is “how do I do that?” Here are some examples of how to execute the mixing of different design materials. CONTINUA PÁGINA 44

Cabeceras exageradas son, sin duda, el camino a seguir. Una ventaja adicional es el uso del patrón de madera de espiga (que no he visto realmente aquí en México) que es uno de mis patrones favoritos. Las mesitas de noche tradicionales también han evolucionado. Observe cómo la silla de madera de Parota y el mármol blanco y la mesa lateral de acero son dobles como mesas de noche. El árbol flocado, la baldosa de porcelana, la alfombra de la pelusa y el pedestal de la resina todo agregan a la calidez de esta presentación y a la mezcla de materiales.

E xaggerated head boards are for sure the way to go. An added bonus is the use of the herringbone wood pattern – (that I have not really seen locally here in Mexico) but one of my favorite patterns. Traditional nightstands have also evolved. Notice how the parota wood chair and the white marble and steel side table double as nightstands. The flocked tree, porcelain tile, shag rug, and resin pedestal all add to the warmth of this presentation and the blending of materials. CONTINUES PAGE 44

44 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 Es difícil conseguir algo más tradicional con estos increíbles juegos de vajilla barro y vasos de vidrio soplado. El petate debajo de la mesa también guarda dentro el tema mexicano del diseño, sin embargo, está utilizado como alfombra. Esta presentación mezcla metal, madera, vidrio, arcilla, palma y algodón. Lo que hace que este conjunto se vea nuevo y fresco es el entorno y la configuración del lugar. El cristal pulido con mesa de comedor de madera de parota, tallado a mano, la pieza del caballo de Troya, al centro, manteles individuales de algodón , cubertería kostlich, y la combinación de diferentes estilo y materiales en las sillas del comedor añaden a la configuración del ambiente.

It’s hard to get more traditional then with these amazing barro tableware sets and rimmed glasses. The petate under the table also keeps within the Mexican design theme, however, used as a rug. This presentation mixes, metal, wood, glass, clay, palm, and cotton. What makes this set up new and fresh is CONTINUA PÁGINA 45

the surroundings and place settings. The polished glass with parota wood dining table, hand carved trojan horse center piece, fringe cotton place mats, kostlich flatware, and the combination of different style/material dining chairs add to the ambiance of the set up. CONTINUES PAGE 45

No. 337 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | 45

Esta barra de acero - envuelta con cuerda colgante luminaria da una idea industrial pero cumple con el ambiente náutico. Es una manera divertida e interesante de jugar con materiales que no están tradicionalmente emparejados y que funcionan bien juntos, pero que da una sensación de playa con un toque masculino con el acero oscuro. CONTINUA PÁGINA 46

This steel - wrapped with rope round pendant hanging light fixture gives industrial meets nautical vibe. It’s a fun and interesting way to play with non traditionally paired materials that work nicely together, yet still has a beach feel with a masculine twist with the dark steel. This double layered mirrored parota credenza is breathtakingly beautiful. CONTINUES PAGE 46

46 | JUNIO / JUNE 2017 | No. 337 Esta credenza de doble capa de parota es impresionantemente hermosa. El aspecto en capas es tan nuevo y fresco y los vetas mixtas de madera son un espectรกculo. The layered look is so new and fresh and the mixed grains of wood are a showstopper.

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