Property Journal 340 Diciembre 2017

Page 1

Complimentary Issue

Up to Date Real Estate Diciembre / December 2017


No. 340 • Año 18

4 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340

Da Vinci, el mas caro de la historia Da Vinci, the most expensive in history



n cuadro de Leonardo Da Vinci pintado hace cinco siglos se coló en una subasta de arte contemporáneo de Nueva York y fue vendido por 450,3 millones de dólares (382 millones de euros), el precio más alto logrado hasta ahora por una obra que llega a una puja pública. Según la casa Christie’s, Salvator Mundi es la única obra del artista italiano (14521519) que permanece en manos privadas, y su valor real cobró notoriedad cuando se confirmó en 2011 la autoría del pintor renacentista. La obra pasó por muchas manos, incluyendo las de Enriqueta María de Francia y las de tres monarcas ingleses, hasta las del coleccionista multimillonario ruso Dimitry Rybolovlev, que lo compró hace cuatro años por 127,5 millones de dólares. Aunque en la subasta se vendieron 58 lotes de arte contemporáneo de autores como Andy Warhol, Cy Towmbly o Mark

painting by Leonardo Da Vinci painted five centuries ago slipped into an auction of contemporary art in New York and was sold for 450.3 million dollars (382 million euros), the highest price ever achieved for a work that arrives to a public bid. According to the Christie’s house, Salvator Mundi is the only work of the Italian artist (1452-1519) that remains in private hands, and its real value gained notoriety when it was confirmed in 2011 the authorship of the Renaissance painter. The work went through many hands, including those of Henriette Maria of France and those of three English monarchs, to those of the Russian billionaire collector Dimitry Rybolovlev, who bought it four years ago for 127.5 million dollars. Although the auction sold 58 lots of contemporary art from authors such



6 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340 Rothko, Christie’s quiso colar el Da Vinci porque sabe que a subastas como ésta llega mucho dinero y de muchos lados. La puja por el Da Vinci duró unos 20 minutos, un tiempo rara vez visto, y comenzó con un precio inicial de 70 millones de dólares. Christie’s llevaba varias semanas promocionando esta subasta y aseguraba que la obra tenía un valor superior a los 100 millones de dólares, aunque otros expertos elevaban la suma hasta los 200 millones. La casa de subastas no dio a conocer inmediatamente quién estaba al teléfono del agente de arte que mantuvo un pulso intenso con otro compañero, a quien apabulló completamente cuando pasó desde 370 millones de dólares a 400 millones, en precio martillo, al que se agregan las primas que debe abonar el comprador. Momentos antes, la puja llegó a manejarse con una diferencia mínima de dos millones de dólares, aunque en la parte final ya sólo servían cantidades de decenas de millones. Se llegó a los 200 millones de dólares a los tres minutos del inicio, los 300 millones a los diez y el precio final a los veinte minutos de que se iniciara la puja, en el puesto 9 de la subasta. El autor renacentista pin-

tó pocos cuadros en su vida, una veintena. Lo que se vendió es una obra que muestra a un Jesucristo retratado como un “ser humano”, según los expertos, con un fondo de penumbra, su mano derecha alzada levantando dos dedos en señal de bendición y en la izquierda sujetando una esfera de cristal. Salvator Mundi, pintado a finales de 1490 o comienzos de 1500, ha arrastrado muchas dudas sobre la autoría de Da Vinci, con versiones que inicialmente apuntaban a que el responsable fue uno de sus discípulos, lo que ha derivado en muchos años de debates. Una vez restaurado y eliminado un ligero bigote que se agregó, y cuando aún había dudas sobre su autoría, el cuadro fue comprado por Sotheby’s en 1958 por 45 libras esterlinas, que al cambio de hoy equivaldrían a 59 dólares. La obra fue redescubierta en 2005 por el tratante de arte neoyorquino Robert Simon, y posteriormente fue sometido a nuevos exámenes y una restauración más a fondo, hasta que en 2011 se llegó a la conclusión de que Salvator Mundi fue pintado por Da Vinci. El autor renacentista pintó pocos cuadros en su vida, una veintena. El que se vendió, una pintura sobre tabla CONTINUA PÁGINA 8

as Andy Warhol, Cy Towmbly or Mark Rothko, Christie’s wanted to strain the Da Vinci because he knows that auctions like this one come a lot of money and from many sides. The bid for the Da Vinci lasted about 20 minutes, a time rarely seen, and started with an initial price of 70 million dollars. Christie’s had been promoting this auction for several weeks and claimed that the work had a value over 100 million dollars, although other experts raised the amount to 200 million. The auction house did not immediately disclose who was on the phone of the art agent who kept an intense pulse with another partner, who completely went off when he went from 370 million dollars to 400 million, in hammer price, to which are added the premiums that the buyer must pay. Moments before, the bid was handled with a minimum difference of two million dollars, although in the final part only served amounts of tens of millions. It reached the 200 million dollars at three minutes from the start, 300 million at ten and the final price at twenty minutes, at the 9th place of the auction. The Renaissance author

painted few paintings in his life, a score. What was sold is a work that shows a Jesus Christ portrayed as a “human being”, according to experts, with a background of twilight, his right hand lifted raising two fingers as a sign of blessing and on the left holding a glass sphere . Salvator Mundi, painted at the end of 1490 or the beginning of 1500, has dragged many doubts about the authorship of Da Vinci, with versions that initially pointed out that the person in charge was one of his disciples, which has resulted in many years of debates. Once restored and removed a slight mustache that was added, and when there were still doubts about its authorship, the box was bought by Sotheby’s in 1958 for £ 45, which at today’s exchange would be $ 59. The work was rediscovered in 2005 by the New York art dealer Robert Simon, and later underwent further examination and further restoration, until in 2011 it was concluded that Salvator Mundi was painted by Da Vinci. The one that was sold, a painting on a walnut table, had several copies made by his disciples, some with more success than others. CONTINUES PAGE 8

163 Lázaro Cárdenas, Bucerias, Nayarit, México Office: 329 298 3314 Toll free from US or Canada: 866 210 1324 Casa Sirena $649,000

Green Bay 1, El Tigre Golf Course, P. Village $329,000

Bucerias Golden Zone Robert 322 135 5979 Grand Marina Villas 3 bdrm $369,000

Paradise Village Marina Robert 322 135 5979 Green Bay I, PH 1 Bdrm. $218,000

Casa Segura $549,000

El Tigre Golf Course Robert 322 135 5979 Villa Los Sauces $234,900

El Tigre, P. Village Robert 322 135 5979 Casa de Arte $498K!

Flamingos Residencial Robert 322 135 5979 Delcanto Center Penthouse $699K

Virreyes 2, Flamingos Beach Area Call Robert 322 135 5979 IN #202 Flamingos Beach Area ES $198K CR OW

Flamingos Beach & Golf Robert 322 135 5979

Flamingos Beachfront Robert’s cel 322 135 5979 Condo Beachfront 3/3! SO LD JUST $295,000

Bucerias Robert 322 135 5979

UN Punta Arena Luxury DE2/2 RC $449,000 O


Bucerias Golden Zone Beach Front Robert 322 135 5979 Villa Las Rosas $298,000



Nuevo Vallarta Robert 322 135 5979 Casa Joanne $239,900

Bucerias Zona Dorada Robert 322 135 5979 Lotes Azam De $190 USD m2

Dan En Carretera 200 Nuevo Vallarta Robert 322 135 5979

Gorgeous Condo 2/2.5 Robert 322 135 5979 Flamingos Beach & Golf 303 $230,000 2/2

Robert 322 135 5979 Playa Royale Tower IV, #4603 $398K Furnished

Beachfront Paradise Village Nuevo Vallarta Robert 322 135 5979 SO Grand Marina Villas #2208 LD $285K

Paradise Village Marina Robert 322 135 5979 Casa Ocean View $275,000

Bucerias Golden Zone Robert 322 135 5979

8 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340 de nogal, tuvo varias copias hechas por sus discípulos, algunas con más éxito que otras. El cuadro, de 65,7 por 45,7 centímetros, ha sido expuesto los últimos meses en Hong Kong, San Francisco, Londres y Nueva York, hasta que ha sido vendido en la sede de Christie’s en el Rockefeller Center de Nueva York.

Otras obras subastadas

Aparte de la estrella de la noche, la casa de subastas vendió otras obras importantes, esta vez sí de arte contemporáneo. Inmediatamente después de la puja por el Da Vinci le tocó el turno a uno de los favoritos, un cuadro del estadounidense Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988), con un precio estimado de entre 25 y 35 millones de dólares, pero la venta fue declarada desierta. Teniendo en cuenta el valor final de los lotes, a Leonardo da Vinci le siguió Andy Warhol (1928-1987). Su obra Sixty Last Suppers, un lienzo en acrílico de cerca de diez metros de ancho y casi tres de alto completado en 1986, fue vendido por 60,9 millones de dólares. También destacó un enorme Untitled de la serie Bacchus del artista estadounidense Cy Twombly (1928-2011), un lienzo de casi cinco metros de ancho y tres de alto que se vendió por 46,4 millones de dólares. Entre los artistas que lograron precios récords para sus obras se encuentra el estadounidense Kerry James Marshall, cuya obra Sill Life with Wedding Portrait (2015) consiguió 5 millones de dólares, tres veces más del precio máximo que calculaba Christie’s. En la subasta, que se prolongó casi dos horas, el valor de las obras vendidas alcanzó los 786 millones de dólares, más de la mitad de ellos aportados por el Salvator Mundi de Da Vinci.

The painting, measuring 65.7 by 45.7 centimeters, has been exhibited in Hong Kong, San Francisco, London and New York in recent months, until it has been sold at Christie’s headquarters in the Rockefeller Center in New York.

Other works auctioned Apart from the star of the night, the auction house sold other important works, this time of contemporary art. Immediately after the bid for the Da Vinci it was the turn of one of the favorites, a painting by the American JeanMichel Basquiat (1960-1988), with an estimated price of between 25 and 35 million dollars, but the sale was declared deserted Taking into account the final value of the lots, Leonardo da Vinci was followed by Andy Warhol (1928-1987). His work Sixty Last Suppers, an acrylic canvas about ten meters wide and almost three high completed in 1986, was sold for 60.9 million dollars. He also highlighted a huge Untitled from the Bacchus series by the American artist Cy Twombly (1928-2011), a canvas of almost five meters wide and three tall that sold for 46.4 million dollars. Among the artists who achieved record prices for their works is the American Kerry James Marshall, whose work Sill Life with Wedding Portrait (2015) got 5 million dollars, three times more than the maximum price calculated by Christie’s. In the auction, which lasted almost two hours, the value of the works sold reached 786 million dollars, more than half of them contributed by the Salvator Mundi of Da Vinci.


Real Estate Newspaper Monthly Publication Complimentary Issue • Number 340

PUBLISHER Ana María Platas DESIGNER Rodolfo Preciado

OFFICE Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco • TEL. (322) 224 9258 email: PRINT RUN 10,000 copies Titulo de registro de marca 754392. Toda la información publicada en los anuncios es responsabilidad de los anunciantes.




Casa #18 Punta Iguana – Puerto Vallarta 4 suites + servicio / 5.5 baños – US$2,6M

Casa Alebrije – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 5 rec / 5.5 baños – US$1,475M CAPRO SA YE IN CT CL O D UI E DO


Icon 3 - 1001 – Puerto Vallarta 3 rec + Den/TV / 3 baños - US$650K

Casa Aqua – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 5 rec / 5 baños –“Fixer Upper”- US$1,3M

Lote 13D – Real del Mar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 1084 m2 – US$995,000

Casa #5 – Punta Pelícanos La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - US$449K


Arena #6 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 3 rec / 3 baños – US$585K ¡!!

Caracol #7 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 rec / 3 baños – US$645K

Bucerías Grand 3A – Bucerías Playas de Huanacaxtle Casa Donna – Bucerías 3 rec + Servico / 5 baños – US$595K 1 rec / 1 ½ baños – US$90K

Perla #3 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 rec / 3 baños – US$645K

Harbour 171 Vallarta - Puerto Vallarta 1 rec / 1 baño - US$165,000



Cel: (322) 306-0535

Cel: (322) 139-0285

Casa Peregrina

Plaza Mar PH3

Villa Suzannah

Casa Sweet Water

Casa El Cerrito

10 10 Price reduction! A grand home on a scale of traditional old-world haciendas in Mexico, truly a masterpiece! There is simply no comparison to the stature, elegance and detailed beauty of this magnificent villa. $1,698,000 USD

4.5 4.5 Feels like a house! Colonial-style beachfront PH with oversized terrace and panoramic views. All the wonderment of yesteryear, and the features of today.

4 6 Privileged location! This fantastic residence provides casual colonial elegance and comfort. Its layout is designed for entertainment as well as privacy. Overlooking the spectacular jungle and the Mismaloya Bay. $1,199,000 USD

6 6.5 San Pancho luxury. Privileged setting on the San Pancho hillside and a few minutes’ walk to the beach. This luxurious villa will surprise you with the quality of the construction and its Mexican design. $950,000 USD

3 4 Enchanting home! Traditional colonial house set on nearly 1/3 of an acre in Gringo Gulch. This property has tremendous expansion potential for a boutique B&B or simply a large private estate. $897,500 USD






Villa Nemi

Mirablau 5

Grand Venetian T2000-2004

Casa Las Cascadas

Signature by Pinnacle PH2

7 9 Rental potential. One-of-a-kind environmentally-responsible living experience, constructed using repurposed, local or sustainable materials. Suitable as a private residence, B&B or boutique hotel. $875,000 USD

3 4.5 Beachfront condo. Exclusive Mirablau complex, located in Playa Punta Negra! You will be surprised by the beautiful panoramic views and large open living spaces, only 10 minutes south of downtown. $799,000 USD

4 5 New listing! Beautiful condominium located on the 20th floor of this exclusive beachfront complex, professionally decorated, with panoramic bay and town views!

4 4 Hacienda-style! Recently renovated home! This house offers comfort, privacy and spaciousness and features a spectacular garden and pool with a soothing cascade.

$775,000 USD

$689,000 USD

2 2 Unique penthouse! Sophisticated 2 bedroom, 2 bath, penthouse perched above Olas Altas, 2 blocks from Los Muertos beach. Stylish kitchen, marble floor, vaulted ceiling, expansive terrace, BBQ with stunning ocean view! $675,000 USD






Allende Building

Montemar 9

Ventanas Al Mar

Casa Mariposas 124

Pinnacle Residences 404

10 10 Reduced price! A unique investment opportunity! Condo building within walking distance to the Malecón and downtown. This complex features four very spacious 2 bedroom apartments plus and oversized penthouse. $649,500 USD

3 3 Spectacular views. This modern Mexican-contemporary unit is located in one of the best buildings in Conchas Chinas, Villas Montemar. It offers total privacy and comfort!

4 5 Mexican style. Designed with Hacienda architecture, this contemporary Mexican styled home enjoys a free-flowing floorplan with open spaces. The most affordable house in Sierra del Mar! Great ocean and jungle views. $599,000 USD

3.5 4 Golf course home! Rare one-floor living, this elegant and bright residence provides comfort and ease with no stairs! A corner property that features high ceilings with skylights and fronts the golf course fairway. $598,750 USD

2 2 Rental income! Stunning corner unit 2 beds/2 baths + large wraparound terrace. Breathtaking views of the ocean and city. Number 1 rooftop pool with bar in Vallarta! Designer furniture and many upgrades. $549,000 USD






Casa Alegre

Casa Tordo 103

Alamar Borneo 803

Terreno Del Rio

La Joya 506

2 2 Perfect rental unit! Small boutique complex, walking distance to the Romantic Zone! This condo has been professionally decorated and it’s being sold furnished. Enjoy some of the best views from your own terrace & pool! $299,000 USD

3 5 New listing! Beautiful 2-story home located just half a block from Francisco Villa Ave., Costco, several malls, theaters, restaurants, schools, etc. Built with great quality finishing materials! $299,000 USD

2 2 Rental potential. Panoramic ocean and marina views, surrounded by nature, excellent amenities and quality of construction, only 5 minutes to the beach and the beach club, spacious terrace, ready for you to move in! $275,000 USD

2 2 Las Juntas lot. Excellent flat spacious lot with office/ residence plus a warehouse. Fully fenced and gated. The office building has a total of 101m² and the massive 60m x 20m warehouse is located at the back. $259,000 USD

3 2 Great price! Modern penthouse unit, located in the heart of the hotel zone, close to downtown and easy access to the beach, nicely decorated unit in a safe area, perfect fulltime residence or rental property! $219,000 USD






$1,250,000 USD

$599,000 USD

Local: 322.222.6505 Toll-Free: 1.866.978.5539 Púlpito 145-A, Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48380


URBAN was created for experience-based living, with a boutique collection of homes located in the center of Puerto Vallarta’s arts and entertainment district. With spacious 2 and 1 bedroom floor plans, all featuring private terraces and stylish finishes. URBAN IS EVERYTHING YOU NEED – NOTHING YOU DON’T.

PRICES START UNDER $220K USD Púlpito #145-A, Olas Altas, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, C.P. 48380 Phone: 322.222.6505 | Toll Free: 1.866.978.5539 |

34 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340


ona Davies presentó este pasado noviembre los nuevos estudios y apartamentos que el Edificio Scala pone a la venta. Desde las 11 de la mañana muchos colegas del mundo inmobiliario se dieron cita en el Edificio Scala para conocer las nuevas unidades que Donna Davies tiene a a la venta. La locación es excelente ya que se encuentra justo al principio de la carretera a Conchas Chinas. El edificio fue construido por el Arq. Diaz Escalera con un proyecto de Tatiana Diaz Borioli, la cual se encuentra a la cabeza de las remodelaciones del edificio. Todas las unídades tienen vista y algunas son realmente increibles, además que se puede ir andando tanto al centro como a la Zona Romántica, que se encuentran a pocos metros. Exito para Donna con sus nuevos listigs.


ona Davies presented this past November the new studios and apartments that the Scala Building offers for sale. From 11 in the morning many colleagues from the real estate world gathered at the Scala Building to learn about the new units that Donna Davies has for sale. The location is excellent since it is located right at the beginning of the road to Conchas Chinas. The building was built by Arch. Diaz Escalera with a project by Tatiana Diaz Borioli, which is at the head of the remodeling of the building. All units have a view and some are really amazing, plus you can walk to both downtown and the Romantic Zone, which are just a few meters away. Success for Donna with her new listigs

No. 340 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | 3

Celebrating 20 years


with Tropicasa Realty

four-day vacation, 22 years ago changed Wayne Franklin’s life. Falling under Puerto Vallarta’s spell, he returned to put his real estate background to use and founded Tropicasa Realty, a leading real estate agency celebrating its 20-year anniversary in 2017. We talked with this well-respected expert to reflect on the last two decades and what the future will bring for Puerto Vallarta real estate. What do you consider your greatest successes in creating a company that has been synonymous with real estate for 20 years? I would say there are many. Having built a brand that is trusted not only by clients, but also by associate agents and agencies. Providing opportunities for the many employees and agents that we have had over those 20 years, seeing their growth and knowing that I had some small part to play in their progress. And, of course, having helped literally hundreds of clients achieve their dreams and goals.

What do you think defines and separates the Tropicasa brand from other agencies? It is certainly safe to say that we have a reputation of being detailoriented through every step of the real estate process. Clients have very high standards for their Realtor and we do our best to meet those standards. In addition, we are not pressure-based. We realize that not only is this a real estate decision, but it is a lifestyle decision, which can come with a great deal of emotion and sometimes uncertainty. We simply guide the client down the most logical path to buy or sell, without pressuring them.

If you had to do it all over again? Any changes? Any regrets?

As the city continues to grow and develop, what is the role of the real estate industry in preserving the unique flavor of Puerto Vallarta? I think it is incumbent on AMPI as a real estate organization to guide and/or counsel the local government about growth and development. Who is better positioned to provide detailed data on the wants/needs of the growing community of investors, buyers and even sellers? Growth management should be a specific plan and guideline that we not only can support as an industry, but foster and promote to our clients. It is the uncertainty of development as it relates to site lines, view perspectives, density, height limitations, and overall infrastructure requirements that creates doubt and apprehension in the market, as there sometimes do not seem to be strict guidelines or the adherence of those rules and regulations. A level of certainty is important for the strength and health of a real estate economy, yet you can certainly over-regulate and cause damage that way as well, so there needs to be balance.

What is the major trend happening in the local real estate market now? Clearly, new development has returned in a significant way recently. The shift has been ¨inner city infill¨ type projects, condo buildings located in central locations so that the client can walk out their front door to their favorite restaurant, the beach or the Farmers Market. In some cases, views are exchanged because convenience is the predominant factor. Ten years ago, nobody would have thought about building anything in the Romantic Zone as you could not guarantee views, which is what everybody wanted then. Now, they want convenience and walkability – it’s the ever-changing world of real estate based on the ever-changing needs of the client.

I regret nothing in my life. There are certainly decisions I could have made and others that perhaps should not have been made. But getting here, today, took all of them to occur for the NOW to happen. How could I possibly regret any of that?

Púlpito #145-A, Olas Altas | Phone: 322.222.6505 |

Casas en El Tigre

Vista campo de golf El Tigre 1










N +4.45



CL 0.90 m


N +1.55 h=0.30 p=0.161










9 8

0.75 m








h=0.28 p=0.175





0.85 m

PEND 25%


B.A.P. Ø4"





PEND 25%


2 1




h=0.30 p=0.172



N +- 0.00



0.85 m



N +1.55

0.90 m

0.85 m




0.85 m

2.70 CL.

N +7.35











B.A.P. Ø4"


N +4.45







N +4.45



N +7.90


0.90 m






0.90 m


N +1.55


15.90 2.30


N +1.55


N +4.45


N +4.45


N +1.55





0.90 m



N +7.35



0.90 m

N - 1.40








N +1.55

N - 1.40




0.90 m





0.90 m

N +4.45


B.A.P. Ø4"



N +4.45

N +1.55





0.75 m


PEND 25%


N +1.55

N - 1.40

PEND 25%




N +4.40

N +4.40

PEND 25%

PEND 25%


N ± 0.00



COCINA 0.90 m





N ± 0.00 N ± 0.00


N ± 0.00



Planta Baja

PLANTADepartamento ALTA 3 recámaras

Planta Alta




9 Town Homes ¾ recámaras $450,000.00 USD 13 Departamentos 3 recámaras $325,000.00 USD PLANTA DE AZOTEA USD 3 Departamentos 2 recámaras $245,000.00 7.00





ESC. 1:75

Casa Regina El Tigre 4 recámaras $875,000.00 USD

Casa GerryYubarta MarinaVallarta 4 recámaras $550,000.00 USD

Casa Maggie El Tigre 5 recámaras $760,000.00 USD

Bay View Grand 2 recámaras $298,000.00 USD

Casa Tesy Yubarta Marina Vallarta 3 recámaras $350,000.00 USD

Nuevo Vallarta Sayil 3 recámaras $499,000.00 USD

TORRE A Mirablau South Conchas Chinas 3 recámaras $899,000.00 USD

No. 340 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | 3

Indulge yourself for a lifetime Happy Holidays from your friends at Talbot Real Estate



$279,000 USD


3-Bedroom, 2.5- Bath Located just above the ”Zona Romantica” in the hillside of Alta Vista and just steps away from fine restaurants, cafes, art galleries, charming outdoor markets and beaches. This comfortable and well-designed condo offers stunning ocean, city and mountain views.




$399,000 USD

2-Bedroom, 2- Bath + Den Spacious and fully furnished condo featuring quality finishes, luxurious upgrades, deeded under-building parking and sweeping views of the river, town, mountains and ocean. Arrive in style direct from the elevator into your condo.

10-Bedroom, 10-Bath



$118,000 USD

250 Sq. m / 2,690 Sq. ft Build your dream home in one of the most exclusive beachfront residential community in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, situated north of Puerto Vallarta between the prestigious resort destination of Punta Mita and the authentic Mexican town of Bucerias.



1-Bedroom, 2-Bath Centrally located in the heart of Downtown Vallarta, just steps away from all town’s attractions. With over 900 square feet of living space and quality finishes. This fully furnished unit is the perfect pied-a-terre or rental investment at an affordable price.

Multi-suite property conveniently located in Old-Town Vallarta. This well-maintained property features nine fully furnished, bright and roomy guest suites in four different layouts and also one spacious apartment for the proprietor or caretaker. Other pluses include laundry facility, flex space, parking, rooftop, lounging area, panoramic views and a repeat clientele. With the growing number of tourists coming to Puerto Vallarta for vacation or extended stay, this turnkey property presents great possibilities.


$199,000 USD




Tel.: +52 (322) 145 1257 Address: Prol. Invierno No. 70, El Caloso, 48360 Puerto Vallarta, Jal.

3-Bedroom, 3.5 Bath On parle français – Hablamos español

46 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340

Mitos y realidades de la Zona Federal


Myths and truths about Beachfront Properties

n gran interés despierta en los inversionistas y agentes inmobiliarios la situación legal de las propiedades localizadas frente al mar y que, por lo tanto, colindan con la zona federal marítimo terrestre, ya que el frente marino es el que les da valor y plusvalía. La información que circula sobre esta materia muchas veces es contradictoria, a pesar de estar claramente regulada en la Ley Mexicana. Que es la zona federal marítimo terrestre? La Ley General de Bienes Nacionales define a la zona federal marítimo terrestre como la franja de 20 metros de tierra firma, transitable y contigua a la playa, que por su naturaleza jurídica, no puede ser objeto de transacción comercial. Como puedo protegerme al comprar una propiedad que colinda con la playa? Primero hay que conocer perfectamente la situación legal en la que se encuentra la propiedad. Para ello, debe solicitarse al propietario copia de la concesión y del pago de los derechos de zona federal. En caso de existir construcciones en la propiedad federal, se deberá contar con un permiso expedido por la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente o bien, una constancia de haber regularizado las construcciones ante la Procuraduría del Medio Ambiente. El adquiriente debe obtener un levantamiento topográfico que delimite la zona federal con precisión, para determinar cuál será el objeto de la transacción; es decir, cuál es la superficie de propiedad privada susceptible de ser transmitida y cuál la superficie de zona federal, que no podrá ser adquirida en propiedad, pero sí podrá ser concesionada Por qué me conviene solicitar la concesión? En este punto me gustaría compartir dos historias reales que me han tocado observa. El primer caso fue en Sayulita, donde, aprovechando que un título de concesión se venció y su beneficiario no so-

By Alejandro Flores Von Borstel / Ramiro Valencia



licitó la renovación se instaló en la playa un restaurante de mariscos. El segundo caso en Vallarta una persona compró un departamento y nunca se preocupó por revisar la concesión. En la zona colindante se encontraba un puesto de frutas en situación irregular. Un día, el dueño del puesto obtuvo recursos económicos y construyó dos niveles que bloquean la vista al mar desde el departamento. Si los propietarios del predio colindante hubieran contado con su título de concesión en regla, no tendría que enfrentar estos problemas, que son complejos, largos y caros. Cuál es la situación actual? Actualmente, las modificaciones a las leyes han hecho el trámite más corto para recibir una concesión, pero a su vez lo han complicado, ya que ahora es necesario ser un abogado especialista para comprender y coordinar los aspectos legales, topográficos y ecológicos que se involucran. Usted puede obtener un título de concesión para preservar la playa en el estado en que se encuentra; o bien, puede solicitar un permiso federal de construcción para ampliar su propiedad construida o hacer nuevas construcciones. Si vende su propiedad, puede ceder los derechos del título de concesión a favor del nuevo dueño, siempre y cuando se apegue a los procedimientos legales diseñados para dar seguridad jurídica a los vecinos de la zona federal. Las Leyes Ecológicas Mexicanas están diseñada para proteger a nacionales y extranjeros por igual, por ello, es necesario conocerla para obtener su beneficio y protección.

reat interest has awakened among investors and real estate agents in regards to the oceanfront properties, which inevitably neighbor the maritime terrestrial federal zone, since it is precisely the beachfront what provides value and surplus to them. The information surrounding this matter is most of the time contradictory, even though it is clearly ruled in the Mexican Law. What is the maritime terrestrial federal zone? The General Law on National Assets defines the maritime terrestrial federal zone as the 20 meter strip of passable land, adjacent to the beach that due to its nature, cannot be object of commercial transaction. How can I protect myself when purchasing property adjacent to the beach? First, you have to know the exact legal status of the property by asking the owner for a copy of the concession and the payments made for the rights to the federal zone. In case there are constructions on the federal property, the owner should count with a permit issued by the Secretary of Environment, or else, a document stating that said constructions have been regularized before the Prosecutors Office for the Environment. The buyer needs to have a topographical survey that shows precisely the limits of the federal zone. That will be important to establish what the object of the transaction will be; this is, what is the surface of the private property suitable to

be transferred and what is the federal zone that cannot be acquired as property, but can be achieved in concession. Why should I ask for the concession? I would like to share two real stories that I had the opportunity to witness. The first case was in Sayulita, where a person installed a seafood restaurant in the beach, taking advantage that the concession title had expired and that the concessionary didn’t renew it. The second case occurred in Puerto Vallarta. Someone purchased an apartment and never bothered to review the concession documents. On the adjacent federal zone there was an illegal fruit stand. One day the owner of the stand got some financial resources and built two levels that now blocks the ocean view from the apartment. If the owner of the adjacent land had his concession documents in order, he wouldn’t have to face these problems, which are complex, long and expensive. What is the current situation? Nowadays, the modification to the Laws have shortened the procedure to achieve the concession, but at the same time they made it more complex, since now it is necessary to be an attorney with expertise in this field to understand and coordinate the legal, topographic and environmental aspects involved in this matter. You can obtain a concession title to preserve the beach in its natural state; or else, you can request a federal permit to build and extend your existing constructions or make new ones. If you sell your property, you may transfer the rights of the concession to the new owner, provided that you stick to the legal procedures designed to provide legal security to the federal zone neighbors. The Mexican Ecological Laws are designed to protect nationals and foreigners alike, and it is necessary to acknowledge them to achieve the benefits and protection.

48 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340

Vallarta Charm


h, the charm of Vallarta. I hear all the time these days about how all the new development is taking the charm out of the city, and I had to stop and reflect a bit of my own knee-jerk reactions. Look, when I first moved here the sidewalks were something I told my family implicitly to pay attention to when we went out for a walk. Moreover, that they should never assume that they would be flat, nor that objects like metal would not protrude randomly and for no reason, we could understand. That being Canadians we often took for granted that when things were built all kinds of codes were in place to allow us to walk aimlessly around not fearing we would break a toe on the odd piece of construction here and there. Often this began my conversation with them about many of the differences that living in Vallarta had as it related to personal safety, water, electricity, balconies to name a few. So as I see the transformation, the city is undergoing I have to stop and ask myself? What was the charm and why are so many so concerned about it being lost? Yes, the small houses and lower density were nice, we enjoyed the slower pace and easy access to parking in the summer. However, the small houses were connected to birds nest like electrical wiring in poles just waiting to be blown around in the first big wind storm. The streets in front of those homes were quiet and the families around more. It was nice. The problem was, the slower pace also impacted the only real source of constant income people have here tourism! Vallarta is and always has been a bit out of the way. It makes no sense to build and sell to other parts of the world as we have no shipping port, and the roads thru the mountains are just not feasible for large-scale truck traffic. So if you want to grow an economy, you have to focus on the areas that are feasible. With the new roads and the rising middle class in Mexico and in particular Guadalajara where technology companies are expanding, the Vallarta area and the region will most certainly grow. I have to wonder what the people in the cottage country areas in Canada were thinking when all these city folk kept moving to get away from it all on the weekends. I have no doubt they were also concerned about the charm. Towns however that were almost dead from a lack of population and a demographic of only people over 50 faced the possibility of closing for good. Like it or not tourism was the first shift in these regions. I have been writing recently about all the new and talented people moving to town, and I am truly impressed by how they are planning a life here. Not a short-term stay in a beach town as so many used to do, but a thoughtful approach to how to live and participate locally. Sure some will move on but with amazing and talented professionals come new opportunity. I for one realize that education and opportunity to work where you grew up are critical to keeping a community vibrant. This change to the Vallarta demographic will help our local community thrive and grow. Tourism will most certainly always be the main driver of our economy locally, but with new infrastructure and housing, I am seeing the empty buildings during the summer months fill up. The streets alive and restaurants open ten or eleven months, not eight of nine. Business owners still struggle but more make it through the difficult summer months by offering quality and service to those who live here. So what of the charm you say! It is being lost, stripped away by high-density housing. Well, the houses were never the charm. It was always the people and the community spirit. The many families who were down by the river hanging out on Sundays laughing and enjoying life. It was the many holidays when the beach is alive with locals and tourists sharing the beauty together and participating in parades and festivals. Do not let some changes in the way Vallarta looks like new construction change the charm, help the charm instead to stay alive. Continue to participate locally, and make sure to smile and say, Buenos Dias, Por Favor, and Gracias. Engage locally, and enjoy life. That, in my opinion, was always the charm here and I for one will keep smiling even with the odd jackhammer in the background! Until next time, Saludos!

James Nash 322 142 1352



acido en Chihuahua, Chihuahua pero afincado en Puerto Vallarta desde 1995 Salvador Zúñiga se ha ido abriendo paso de forma firme y segura en el mundo inmobialiario vallartense. Llego a Vallarta para trabajar en el Hotel Fiesta Americana donde trabajó hasta el año 2000; ese mismo año marchó a Filadelfia a trabajar para una constructora hasta el 2005,año en que volvió a PV. En 2005 PV se encontraba en una expansión inmobiliaria nunca antes conocida por lo que decidió incorporarse al negocio en Venegas Realty como asociado de ventas que fue donde aprendió todo del comercio de los bienes raíces. En 2008 se independiza y crea Blue Oceanside Reallty como broker y duño la cual se transformó este año a Rainbow Realty. En Vallarta y Riviera Nayarit ha sucedido un fenómeno interesante; a medidos de la década pasada cuando empezo el gran boom inmobiliario los desarrolladores empezaron a convertirse en sus propios comercializadores, introduciendose en áreas que estaban solo en manos de los agentes inmobiliarios, a algunos desarrollos les funcionó y otros volvieron a dejar que las ventas quedaran a cargo de los expertos y muy preparados brokers de la

región. Ahora Salvador Zúñiga se adentra en terrenos inversos, ya que en muy poco tiempo él se estrena como desarrollador de sus propios productos, creando El edificio “Rainbow” que en su etapa inicial contara con 2 town houses con 2 recamaras y 2 baños y medio; y 2 departamentos de 2 recamaras y 2 baños y medio, este edificio contara con elevador, estacionamiento común, areas verdes, terrazas y alberca. Poniendo a su propio servicio toda la experiencia y conocimiento adquirido en casi 13 años como agente inmobiliario/broker está prácticamente listo para poner en el mercado nuevas obras generados por su nueva compañía. Salvador marca todo un hito dentro del mundo inmobiliario local siendo pionero en este tipo de negocios y habla del nivel de confianza que se tiene en las inversiones en Puerto Vallarta. Por lo pronto para apoyar tanto sus proyectos como las compras y ventas de propiedades de sus clientes cuenta con una oficina localizada en Francisco I Madero 336 en la Zona Romantica. Muy seguro de sus planes, Salvador Zúñiga proyecta una nueva imagen del broker inmobiliario que ha trabajado duramente para lograr poner en manos de los inversionistas toda la gama de opciones que ofrece Vallarta para adquirir una propiedad.

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orn in Chihuahua, Chih. but settled in Puerto Vallarta since 1995, Salvador Zúñiga has been steadily and securely making his way in the real estate world of Vallarta. Arrived to Vallarta under contract with the Fiesta Americana Hotel, he worked there until 2000; then he went to Philadelphia to work for a construction company until 2005 and returned to PV. In 2005 PV was in a real estate expansion never before known so he decided to join the business in Venegas Realty as sales associate, which was where he learned everything from the real estate trade. In 2008 he became independent and created Blue Oceanside Reallty as broker / owner, which was transformed that year into Rainbow Realty. In Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit an interesting phenomenon has happened; As measured over the past decade when the big real estate boom began, developers began to become their own marketers, introducing themselves in areas that were only in the hands of real estate agents,

some developments worked for them and others returned to let sales remain at charge of the experts and very prepared brokers of the region. Now Salvador Zúñiga goes into reverse lands, because in a very short time he is released as a developer of their own products. Putting to your own service all the experience and knowledge acquired in almost 13 years as a real estate agent / broker is practically ready to put on the market new works generated by his new company. Salvador marks a milestone in the local real estate world, being a pioneer in this type of business and speaks of the level of confidence that investment in Puerto Vallarta has. For now, to support both of its projects and the purchases and sales of its clients’ properties, it has 2 offices located in Francisco I Madero 336 en la Zona Romantica. Very sure of his plans, Salvador Zúñiga gives a new image of the real estate broker that has worked hard to get into the hands of investors the full range of options offered by Vallarta to acquire a property.

Palacio 199, Puerto Vallarta’s premiere adults only Lifestyle Bed and Breakfast located in the heart of the Romantic Zone of Old Town Puerto Vallarta IS NOW FOR SALE. This7 bedrooms 7.5 bath established bed and breakfast boasts skydeck, heated pool, Palapa, gourmet kitchen, private entrances and modern bathrooms, patios, individual AC controls, in-room safes, mini-fridge, HDTV and WIFI. This Villa and business is for sale at $1.595 M USD

Salvador Zuñiga-Broker Rainbow Realty

Cel: 322 150 76 05

50 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340



Decorative Glass Doors


uede que esté acostumbrado a ver puertas de vidrio decorativas en restaurantes, entornos comerciales y oficinas, pero ¿sabía usted que el vidrio decorativo también se está abriendo camino en casa?

ou may be used to seeing decorative glass doors in restaurants, retail environments and offices, but did you know that decorative glass is making inroads at home too?

Eso es porque las puertas de vidrio ofrecen muchas ventajas:

That’s because glass doors offer a whole lot of advantages:


Son un detalle arquitectónico que rápidamente establece el tono de una habitación, creando un punto focal y una sensación de elegancia de un solo golpe. Sabes que una habitación es realmente especial cuando entras por una puerta espectacular. Por esta razón, las puertas de vidrio han sido durante mucho tiempo un elemento básico en las bibliotecas y comedores victorianos y de principios de siglo, donde las majestuosas puertas de vidrio (a menudo puertas francesas con paneles) podrían impresionar a los visitantes y huéspedes.




They are an architectural detail that quickly sets a tone for a room, creating a focal point and a sense of elegance in one fell swoop. You know a room is truly special when you enter via a spectacular door. For this reason alone, glass doors have long been a staple in Victorian and turn of the century libraries and dining rooms where stately glass doors (often paneled French doors) could impress visitors and guests.

Permiten la luz en los rincones oscuros de su hogar. Si no puedes derribar una pared para dejar entrar la luz, instalar una puerta de vidrio es tu próxima mejor opción.

They allow light into the dark recesses of your home. If you can’t knock down a wall to let light in, installing a glass door is your next best option!



52 | DICIEMBRE/ DECEMBER 2017 | No. 340

LOFT 268 E

ste pasado 16 de noviembre se celebró el increíble Open House del departamento modelo de Loft 268, en pleno corazón de la Zona Romántica. Carl Timothy y Taniel Chemsian de Timothy Real Estate Group junto a todo su equipo, Karen Malacara y Fernando Castro ( los desrrolladores) fueron los anfitriones de una muy concurrida y animada reunión que sirvió para dar a conocer la unidad modelo de este nuevo desarrollo. En un ambiente muy festivo y con un excelente catering del restaurante Trio, los invitados ,entre los cuales destacaban muchas caras conocidas, estaban el Lic Castro Segundo, Marcelo MIcó, Michael Yolin, Stella Levit, Jorge Guillen y un largo etc que disfrutaron una muy agradable tarde This beautiful seven-story building consists of 64 private residences, with Studios, One and Two bedroom residences and 8 commercial spaces on the ground floor tiene hasta este momento un 60% de unidades vendidas. Ademas cuenta con a large infinity edge pool with waterfall, gym, glassed Sky Bar, BBQ area, fire pit, Jacuzzi and multiple sunning areas. El edificio estate terminado y entregará sus unidades en … No hay duda que no hay mejor inversión inmobiliaria en Mexico que Puerto Vallarta y en especial la Zona Romántica. Muchas felicidades a los desarrolladores y Timothy Real Estate Group que comercializa el proyecto


ovember 16, was the date to celebrate the incredible Open House for the model unit in Loft 268, in the heart of the “Zona Romantica”. Carl Timothy and Teniel Chemsia from Timothy Real Estate Group along with all his staff and the developers Karen Malacara y Fernando Castro, hosted the event, that turned out to be very interesting by presenting the unique was enjoyed by the all the guests among them Lic. Castro Segundo, Marcelo Mico. Michel Yoelin, Stella Leavit and Jorge Guillen. This beautiful seven-story building consists of 64 private residences, with Studios, One and Two bedroom residences and 8 commercial spaces on the ground floor with 60% of their inventory sold. The development has a large infinity edge roof top pool with waterfall, gym, glassed Sky Bar, BBQ area, fire pit, Jacuzzi and multiple sunning areas. The building will be inished delivering unitis in April 2018. There is no doubt that the best real estate oppotunities are in Puerto Vallarta, specially in ZonaRomantica Congratulations to the developers and Timothy Real Estate Group promotinng and handleing the sales of this important development.

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Pueden ser hechos a medida para adaptarse a cualquier necesidad. Si necesita privacidad, puede congelar o texturizar vidrio. Si tiene techos altos o una puerta abierta, no es un problema. Además, las puertas de vidrio decorativas hechas a medida no son tan caras como se podría imaginar. Los precios oscilan entre aproximadamente $ 300 uso para las puertas de línea de base hasta $ 1,000 usa + para las puertas adornadas.

Vidrio con textura Si está buscando una manera de agregar un poco de pizazz manteniendo la máxima privacidad, el vidrio con textura es el camino a seguir. Debido a que son tan hábiles para permitir la entrada de la luz a la vez que preservan la privacidad, el vidrio texturizado es una opción natural para las duchas oscuras.

Vidrio grabado Si le preocupa menos la privacidad, puede optar por una puerta de vidrio grabado. El vidrio grabado es el resultado del tallado artístico de la superficie de vidrio para dejar un acabado blanco y mate. Es el mismo tipo de grabado que siempre has admirado en copas de vino finas. Hay tres formas de crear una pieza de vidrio grabado: chorro de arena, grabado químico y grabado ácido. La belleza del grabado es que proporciona una cantidad casi ilimitada de patrones y diseños personalizados y puede parecer particularmente elegante y refinado, si se hace bien. :


They can be custom made to fit any need. If you need privacy you can frost or texture glass. If you have tall ceilings or a wide door opening, it’s not a problem. Plus, custom made decorative glass doors are not nearly as expensive as you might imagine. Prices range from roughly $300 for baseline doors to $1,000+ for ornate doors. Let’s take a look at how some homeowners have gotten creative with decorative glass doors:

Textured glass If you’re looking for a way to add a little pizazz while still maintaining ultimate privacy, textured glass is the way to go. Because of they are so adept at allowing light in while preserving privacy, textured glass is a natural for dark shower stalls.

Etched glass

Diseños personalizados y tratamientos

If you’re less worried about privacy, you might opt for an etched glass door of the sort pictured above. Etched glass is the result of artistic carving of the glass surface to leave a white, frosted finish. It’s the same sort of etching you’ve always admired on fine wine glasses. There are three ways to create a piece of etched glass: sandblasting, chemical etching, and acid etching. The beauty of etching is it provides for an almost unlimited number of custom patterns and designs and can seem particularly tasteful and refined, if done well.

Más allá del vidrio texturizado y el grabado tradicional, hay una gran variedad de diseños y tratamientos que trasladan el vidrio al mundo artístico. El único límite es tu imaginación. Las puertas no son el límite en vidrio decorativo. Muchos propietarios que admiran la versatilidad y el arte del vidrio optan por agregar divisiones de vidrio y paredes de vidrio. Las ingeniosas particiones de vidrio que se encuentran debajo permiten que la luz se filtre de una habitación a la otra mientras se preserva la sensación de separación. La conclusión es que las puertas de vidrio decorativas pueden abrir una gran cantidad de posibilidades. Si nunca ha considerado usar puertas de vidrio en casa, ¡finalmente puede ser hora de hacerlo!

Beyond textured glass and traditional etching, there are a myriad of designs and treatments that move glass into the artistic realm. The only limit is your imagination. Doors are not the limit in decorative glass. Many homeowners who admire the versatility and artistry of glass opt to add glass partitions and glass walls. The artful glass partitions below allow light to filter from one room to the next while preserving a sense of separation. The short take is that decorative glass doors can open up a wealth of possibilities. If you’ve never considered using glass doors at home, it may finally be time to do so!

Custom Designs and Treatments


Casa Moderna

Hacienda Los Mangos 2

$1,200,000 USD | 3Bd/4Ba (7,790 sq.ft.) Stunning residence located within the exclusive Sierra del Mar community.

The Park 202

$355,000 USD | 3br/3.5ba (4,056 sq.ft.) Small luxury condo building located on the hillside of 5 de Diciembre.

Libertad Barlett

$299,000 USD | 2br/2ba (1,091 sq.ft.) Located in the heart of Zona Romantica.

$1,599,000 USD | 5br/5ba (5,789 sq.ft.) Stunning & picturesque estate encompasses an entire city block.

Los Palmares 403 $458,000 USD | 3Bd/4Ba (2,690 sq.ft.) Spacious beachfront condo with amazing views to Los Arcos, Punta Negra Beach.

Haixa PH 607 $430,000 USD | 2br/2.5ba (2,625.q.ft.) Private residential retreat in Litibu that offers great views to the Pacific Ocean.

Arco Menor 5 - SDMLA $1,200,000 USD | 3br/3.5ba (3,238 sq.ft.) Spacious luxurious beachfront residence in Sierra del Mar Los Arcos.

Los Tules Starting at $271,400 USD Beachfront development close to restaurants, shopping malls and downtown.

Consider this:

Casa Esmeralda $150,000 USD | 3br/2.5ba (1667 sq.ft.) Spacious home located in an 8 home gated community in Nuevo Vallarta.

Casa Blake’s Restaurant $225,000 USD | 162m² (1,743 sq.ft) Profitable Restaurant, openened & operating for 11 yrs. Seats 100 people.

Lote Laguna $3,030,000 USD | (210,336.48 sq.ft.) Great development opportunity to build commercial & residential , Nuevo Vallarta.

Casas La Amistad Starting at: $136,111 USD New Homes for Sale! Located in a quiet residential area close to Macroplaza.

Ready To Join the Most Progressive Realtor in Puerto Vallarta? Casa San Blas

Nima Bay G-901

$500,000 USD | 5br/6ba (5,670 sq.ft.) Beach house located in Los Cocos Beach. Modern, spacious, well detailed home.

$566,000 USD | 3br/3ba (2,528 sq.ft.) Pet-friendly development featuring 5 star amenities for an active-leisurely lifestyle.

Consider this:

Under Contract

B&B Casa Virgilio $1,430,000 USD | 12br/14ba (13,751 sq.ft.) Business is booming, a guaranteed success factor! All suites are fully equipped.

Marina Office

Ancla Local 24, Marina Las Palmas II C.P. 48335 Tel. 011 (322) 223-0055 | US-CA (886) 978-8060

COLDWELL BANKER La Costa Realty is currently looking for a few high-energy, professional individuals to join our team.

◦ Weekly coaching sessions and access to the latest tools available.

Villa Delfines $880,000 USD | 4br/5.5ba (4,002 sq.ft..) Mexican Colonial Villa in the exclusive gated community of Punta Iguana.

Olas Altas Office

Olas Altas #361, Emiliano Zapata C.P. 48308 Tel. 011 (322) 222-2604 | US-CA (315) 506-4071 |

◦ Advanced live seminars on working with buyers and sellers, creative financing, closings, contracts, disclosures, ethics, sales training and more. ◦ A name people know and trust world wide. ◦ Full-time hands on leadership and support.

Punta Mita Office

Ave. de las Redes, Punta de Mita, BDB C.P. 63734 Tel. 011 (329) 291-6200 | US-CA (310) 424-5696

◦ Non-stop training, motivation and production events. ◦ Multiple offices; Punta Mita, Marina Vallarta and the Romantic Zone. ◦ Referrals, incentives, awards, recognition and bonus programs. ◦ Graduated commission schedule. ◦ Non-competing Broker. Email for a confidential interview today: Contact Dean Robbins – Sales Manager (322) 120 7718

Rincon de Guayabitos Office

Av. de Sol Nuevo 25, Guayabitos, Nay, 63724 Tel. 011 52 (322) 168-4856

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