Property Journal 348 Noviembre 2018

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Complimentary Issue

Up to Date Real Estate Noviembre/November 2018


No. 348 • Año 19

4 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

Arte y cultura: Porque no solo se vive de Sol y mar en el paraíso Art and culture: Because not only you can live from Sun and sea in paradise



Por Diego Arrazola

By Diego Arrazola

entada en un café en la Zona Romántica, Susan se refresca con una botella de agua. Esta Gerente de Proyectos retirada, procedente de Toronto, es una “happy resident” de Puerto Vallarta, ciudad que dice gozar al máximo. Además de disfrutar su condominio, goza de calidad de vida: clima, gastronomía, bellezas naturales, nobleza de la gente, y no menos importante para ella: el acceso a satisfactores para el espíritu. Creadora y consumidora de arte, esta canadiense asegura apreciar enormemente la diversa oferta que tiene a su disposición. Junto con muchos locales, residentes, visitantes, Susan está pendiente y participa en cursos y talleres, exposiciones de pintura y escultura,

itting in a café in the Romantic Zone, Susan refreshes herself with a bottle of water. This retired Project Manager, coming from Toronto, is a “happy resident” from Puerto Vallarta, a city that says she enjoys to the fullest. In addition to enjoying her condo, she enjoys of quality of life: climate, cuisine, natural beauty, nobility of the people, and no less important for KHU DFFHVV WR VDWLVÀHUV IRU WKH VSLULW Creator and consumer of art, this Canadian ensures to greatly appreciate the diverse offer she has at her palm of the hand. Along with many locals, residents, visitors, Susan is pending and participates in courses and workshops, exhibitions of painting and sculpture, guided tours of the sculptures of the Malecón, musical shows in restaurants and bars,



6 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

recorridos guiados por las esculturas del MalecĂłn, shows musicales en restaurantes y bares, exhibiciones de ballet folklĂłrico en parques, etcĂŠtera. A lo que aĂąade las festividades de su nueYD SDWULD FRPR ORV GHVĂ€OHV GH FKDUURV ODV Ă€HVWDV GH VHSWLHPEUH 'tD GH 0XHUtos, preparaciĂłn y degustaciĂłn de comida tĂ­pica... “Hay mucho que hacer aquĂ­â€?, comenta sobre las actividades artĂ­sticas y culturales que saturan su agenda, ademĂĄs de ir a la playa, gozar de la naturaleza y participar en grupos de amantes de la gastronomĂ­a. Pintora y dibujante, Susan estĂĄ orgullosa de ser una de las artistas que decoraron recientemente con mosaicos las columnas del parque LĂĄzaro CĂĄrdenas, y seĂąala que estĂĄ considerando tomar clases de escultura. AsĂ­ como ella, centenas de residentes y turistas disfrutan de Puerto Vallarta algo mĂĄs que Sol, mar, montaĂąa, spas y buenos restaurantes. Porque el visitante no solo vive de playa y brisa. Necesita tambiĂŠn alimentar el espĂ­ritu, algo para lo que esta poblaciĂłn costera se pinta sola. 3XHUWR 9DOODUWD HV XQD Ă€HVWD Sin temor a exagerar, esta ciudad es XQD Ă€HVWD GH DUWH \ FXOWXUD WRGR HO DxR con mĂşsica en vivo en restaurantes y bares, conciertos y baile en Los Arcos del MalecĂłn, danzĂłn en la Plaza de Armas, cabaret en el Centro y la Zona RomĂĄntica, exposiciones de fotografĂ­a en galerĂ­as o al aire libre, conferencias de diversos tĂłpicos, ferias del libro, fun-

ciones de cine en el Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUC), cursos y talleres en el Centro Cultural Los Mangos o bien en locales de la Zona Romåntica. Incluso, centros comerciales como La Isla o Galerías se han preocupado por programar exposiciones de artes plåsticas, música o baile para sus visitantes. Una de las características que hacen diferente a esta ciudad es que, a diferencia de otros sitios de playa, es un lugar asociado al arte y la cultura. A ello se suma su arquitectura de pueblo típico de la montaùa, con calles empedradas, o bien el creciente número de murales callejeros por todas partes, lo que convierten a la población en una suerte de museo vivo. El arte brilla por todas VXV FDOOHV DGHPiV GHO 6RO GHO 3DFtÀFR No pocos artistas o coleccionistas han elegido esta Bahía para vivir o venir a descansar. Puerto Vallarta es tierra tambiÊn fÊrtil para la creación de pintores, escritores, fotógrafos, escultores, artesanos, músicos, arquitectos, decoradores‌ Es una meca para crear y gozar. Galerías y mucho mås Tan solo galerías es uno de los puntos a destacar, para alegría de los artistas y compradores. Ninguna ciudad de playa en MÊxico tiene la cantidad y calidad de lugares para exponer y adquirir pintura, escultura e incluso artes deFRUDWLYDV 'H DFXHUGR FRQ VLWLRV FRPR Trip Advisor, en las Cosas quÊ Hacer en Puerto Vallarta el Art Walk ocupa el Q~PHUR (QWUH ÀQHV RFWXEUH \ PDyo, una docena de galerías del centro CONTINUA Pà GINA 8

folkloric ballet exhibitions in parks, and so on. To which she adds the festivities of her new homeland: like the parades of charros, the parties of September, Day of the Dead, preparation and tasting of typical food ... “There is a lot to do here,â€? she says about the artistic and cultural activities that saturate her agenda, as well as going to the beach, enjoying nature and participating in groups of gastronomy lovers. A painter and drawer, Susan is proud to be one of the artists who recently decorated the columns of LĂĄzaro CĂĄrdenas park with mosaics, and points out that she is considering taking sculpture classes. Like her, hundreds of residents and tourists enjoy Puerto Vallarta more than just sun, sea, mountains, spas and good restaurants. Because the visitor does not only live on the beach and breeze. It also needs to feed the spirit, something for which this coastal population is very good at. Puerto Vallarta is a party Without fear of exaggeration, this city is a celebration of art and culture all year round, with live music in restaurants and bars, concerts and dancing in Los Arcos del MalecĂłn, danzĂłn in the Plaza de Armas, cabaret in the city centre and the Zona Romantica, photographic exhibitions in galleries or outdoors, FRQIHUHQFHV RI YDULRXV WRSLFV ERRN IDLUV Ă€OP shows at the University Center of the Coast (CUC), courses and workshops at the Los Mangos Cultural Center or at the Zona Romantica. Even, shopping centers such as La Isla or Galerias have been concerned to schedule exhibitions of plastic arts, music or dance for their visitors. One of the characteristics that make this city different is that, unlike other beach sites,

it is a place associated with art and culture. Added to this is its typical mountain village architecture, with cobblestone streets, or the growing number of street murals everywhere, which make the town a kind of living museum. Art shines through all its streets, in DGGLWLRQ WR WKH VXQ RI WKH 3DFLÀF Not a few artists or collectors have chosen this bay to live or come to rest. Puerto Vallarta is also fertile ground for the creation of painters, writers, photographers, sculptors, craftsmen, musicians, architects, decorators ... It is a mecca to create and enjoy. Galleries and much more Just alone the galleries are one of the highlights, for the joy of artists and buyers. No beach city in Mexico has the quantity and quality of places to exhibit and acquire painting, sculpture and even decorative arts. According to sites such as Trip Advisor, in Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta the Art Walk occupies the number 20. Between October and May, a dozen galleries of the city centre are organized to receive the public, on Wednesday afternoons and offer them sandwiches and drinks, at the time, obviously, to show off their works on display. Although there is no precise record of the existing galleries in the city, which date back to the 1980s, there are at least a score of decent establishments in the city centre and Zona Romantica with works by national and foreign artists. You do not necessarily have to EX\ \RX FDQ VLPSO\ ORRN DQG ÀOO \RXU H\HV and hearts with beauty and creativity. While visual arts predominate in Puerto 9DOODUWD VXGGHQO\ RQH FDQ ÀQG GDQFH H[hibitions or collective photography exhibitions in the Rosita hotel lobby, and frequent CONTINUES PAGE 8

8 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

se organizan para recibir al público, los miércoles en la tarde y ofrecerles bocadillos y bebidas, al tiempo, obviamente, de presumir sus obras en exhibición. Aunque no hay un registro preciso de las galerías existentes en la ciudad, que datan desde los años 80, hay por lo menos una veintena de establecimientos decentes en el centro y Zona Romántica con obras de artistas nacionales y foráneos. No necesariamente hay que comprar, uno puede simplemente a mirar y llenarse la vista y el corazón de belleza y creatividad. Si bien predominan artes visuales en Puerto Vallarta, de pronto uno puede encontrar exhibiciones de danza o exposiciones colectivas de fotografía en el lobby del hotel Rosita, y frecuentes conciertos musicales o exposiciones al aire libre en el Malecón. La galería OPC, un ecléctico y activo centro difusor del arte ubicado en la avenida Juárez 598, en el centro, es sede de exposiciones, música, confeUHQFLDV« TXH QR KD\ TXH SHUGHUVH 'H igual modo, la Biblioteca-Centro Cultural Los Mangos, en Francisco Villa 1001, colonia Versalles, es un must para locales y residentes; conviene anotar en la agenda su subasta anual de arte, con venta de obra de artistas reconocidos y otros apenas en ascenso. Es muy conveniente estar atentos también a la cartelera del Instituto Vallartense de Cultura (, al igual que a la del Centro Universitario de Costa (cuc. Siempre habrá algo digno de hacer o

ser disfrutado en ambas opciones. Una caja de sorpresas es Puerto Vallarta. No se cansa uno de tantas opciones para alimento del intelecto y el espíritu. Aburrirse es una palabra que no existe en el vocabulario de locales y residentes, como sugiere Susan, canadiense que fue atrapada por esta costa y decidió pasar el resto de su vida aquí. Mientras comparte su gusto por vivir en esta ciudad y enumera su agenda de actividades artísticas y culturales, pasa por su mesa un pintor ofreciendo algo de su producción, obras que iluminan su mirada y parecen alegrarle el día.

musical concerts or outdoor exhibitions on the Malecón. The OPC gallery, an eclectic and active center that diffuses art located on Avenida Juarez 598, in the city centre, is the venue for exhibitions, music, conferences ... not to be missed. Similarly, the Library Los Mangos Cultural Center, in Francisco Villa 1001, Colonia Versalles, is a must for locals and residents; It is advisable to write your annual art auction on the agenda, with the sale of works by well-known artists and others that are on the rise. It is very convenient to be attentive to the billboard of the Institute of Culture (, as well as the

University Center of the Coast (cuc.udg. mx/coordinacion-de-extension). There will always be something worth doing or being enjoyed in both options. A box of surprises is Puerto Vallarta. No one gets tired of the many options to nourish the intellect and the spirit. Bored is a word that does not exist in the vocabulary of locals and residents, as suggested by Susan, a Canadian who was trapped by this coast and decided to spend the rest of her life here. While she shares her joy for living in this city and lists her schedule of artistic and cultural activities, a painter passes and offers at her table of his production, works that illuminate her look and seem to brighten the day.


RETORNO DE LOS MALVONES 206 $420,000 USD 4 BR, 5 BA, MLS #12957

CASA PEDREGROSO $475,000 USD 6 BR, 4 BA , MLS #13140

BASILIO BADILLO 423 $675,000 USD 6 BR, 6 BA, MLS#14194

GRAND VENETIAN 2503 AND 2504 $1,538,000 USD 4 BR, 4 BA

PORTAMAR $222,000 USD 3 BR, 2 BA, MLS #3859

OLAS ALTAS 509 $789,000 USD 2 BR, 3 BA, MLS#14163


PENINSULA TOWER III, UNIT 17-A $799,000 USD 4 BR, 4 BA MLS #13058



Cel: (322) 306-0535

Cel: (322) 170-7016

Casa Peregrina

Lot 9 Amapas

Quinta del Mar II 501

Grand Venetian T2000-2004

Pier 57 Unit PH6

11 12 Sierra del Mar. A grand home on the scale of traditional old-world Haciendas in Mexico, the Casa Peregrina estate is a masterpiece.

Investment opportunity. Spectacular residential development view lot in the hillside of Amapas near La Cima III.

3 3 New listing! More like a single-floor home than a condominium, this bright unit offers plenty of space for the entire family.

4 5 Beachfront condo. Beautiful condo located on the 20th floor of this exclusive beachfront complex, professionally decorated, in the middle tower with beautiful panoramic ocean and city views. $749,000 USD

2 2 Romantic Zone. Innovative & adaptable are two words that best describe the cleverly-designed Pier 57. This is certain to be a benchmark in new construction. Act now for best pre-construction pricing opportunities! $585,000 USD

$1,698,000 USD

$1,200,000 USD

$895,000 USD






Las Peñas 1002

La Cueva de la Iguana

Villa Magna 234-A

Bahia Alegre 3

Casa Verde

3 3.5 New listing! Located in one of the most beautiful beaches in the bay - Playas Gemelas - with clear blue water and soft white sand! This spacious 3-bedroom 3 bath condo plus maid’s quarter is the perfect family home. $549,000 USD

4 5 Boca de Tomatlan. Panoramic views from each room of the house. At the top of the hill above the charming town of Boca de Tomatlan, south of Puerto Vallarta.

3 3 Nuevo Vallarta. Resort lifestyle! Incredible beach, 3 incredible pools, 5 restaurants and beautiful views. This unit has a flexible floor plan with 2 full bedrooms plus den and 3 bathrooms. $385,000 USD

2 2 New listing! Bahia Alegre 3 has a beautiful contemporary Mexican style, it is conveniently accessed from the main entrance. As you walk into the unit, you will be surprised by the breathtaking view and its open layout. $379,000 USD

6 5.5 New listing! This is much more than a house! It is a complete 3-story building with a rooftop terrace in an excellent location in the central neighborhood of Versalles.






Casa Las Brisas

Villas Santa Barbara PH602

Las Moradas Casa 4

Scala 304

Plaza Mar 306

3 3.5 Reduced price! Contemporary designed two-story house set within a beautiful and well-kept gated community in Riviera Nayarit: B Nayar. Easy access from the main highway and a short drive/walk to the beach club facilities. $335,000 USD

2 2 New listing! The best location within the Villa Santa Barbara building! This landmark building has access at the top from the highway and below through the Santa Barbara Street, walking distance to Los Muertos. $325,000 USD

3 2.5 Amapas. Three-story home inside the gated community of Las Moradas. Beautiful panoramic views and tropical lush setting only a 5-minute drive to downtown Puerto Vallarta and the Romantic Zone. $320,000 USD

1 1 New listing! Scala Residences is a recently renovated landmark building with great location and beautiful panoramic views. Located in the heart of Puerto Vallarta, only a few blocks away from downtown. $310,000 USD

1 1 New listing! A great investment property (10% ROI!) in an ideally-located building in the Romantic Zone steps to the sand of Los Muertos Beach! Beautifully upgraded and redecorated, with great views of the town. $300,000 USD






Villa Puesta Del Sol

Ikal 73

Selva Romantica Iguana 2

Selva Romantica, Safari 5

Valle Flamingos 37

2 3 Agua Azul. Traditional Hacienda style property designed with the Puerto Vallarta lifestyle in mind. Wonderful outdoor spaces to enjoy the perfect weather.

3 2.5 Nuevo Vallarta. Great opportunity to own a property for an excellent price within IKAL, an exclusive community in Nuevo Vallarta!

Studio 1 Romantic Zone. Located in one of the most iconic buildings around the Romantic Zone and close to Los Muertos Beach. Amazing and lush gardens, infinity pool, gym, 24-hr security and parking within the development. $249,500 USD

1 1 Romantic Zone. Decorated with comfort in mind, this charming colonial unit is ideal for both the vacationing owner or for rental.

4 3 Nuevo Vallarta. Beautifully upgraded family home at the gated community of Valle Flamingos with only 66 homes. Located a few minutes away from beautiful sandy beaches!



$289,000 USD


$475,000 USD

$285,000 USD


$240,000 USD

$349,000 USD

$159,000 USD


This offer negates any previously advertised or promoted offer in any media. This offer is subject to change without notice, subject to availability and restrictions may apply.

Local: 322.222.6505 Toll-Free: 1.866.978.5539 Púlpito 145-A, Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48380

This is Not A Vacation. This Is Life.

Stop counting the days until your vacation time. With incredible resort-style amenities like the largest roof-top pool in Latin America complete with private cabanas, chic lounge areas and stunning ocean views, a luxury holiday is always only an elevator ride away from your front door.

Pier 57

The new standard of condo living in the Puerto Vallarta Romantic Zone.

On-Site Sales Office | Open daily 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Francisca RodrĂ­guez 174 @ Pino SuĂĄrez | Phone: 322.222.6505 | This offer negates any previously advertised or promoted offer in any media. This offer is subject to change without notice, subject to availability and restrictions may apply.

La Joya Huanacaxtle 314 – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle 2 Rec / 2 Baños – US$190,000

Alamar – Amura 501B – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 1 Bed / 1 Bath – US$199,000

Palma 201 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Tabachín 103 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 2 Rec / 2 Bath + TV/Den US$425,000 Huanacaxtle - 2 rec / 2 bath – US$399,000

Casa #5 – Punta Pelícanos La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - US$449,000

Amura 101 – Alamar – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – US$498,000

Perla #3 – Punta Esmeralda – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 3 Rec / 3 Bath – US$645,000

Villa Arrayán – Punta Esmeralda - La Cruz de Huanacaxtle – 4 Rec / 4 Bath – US$849,000

Casa Por Fin – La Cruz de Huanacaxtle 6 Bed / 7 Bath – US$995,000

Casa Palmquist – Bucerías 5 Bed / 5 Bath – US$1,150,000











3.5 3.5



2 2

3 3

28 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

Como comprar una casa en Puerto Vallarta? How to Buy a House in Puerto Vallarta? By Alejandro Flores Von Borstel / Ramiro Valencia


ahía de Banderas, con su exuberante vegetación y agradable clima ha logrado posicionarse como un importante destino entre inversionistas extranjeros que desean adquirir un inmueble con el objeto de usarlo para descanso, o bien para aprovechar las excelentes oportunidades de hacer negocios. 'H DFXHUGR D OD /H\ 0H[LFDQD OD IRUPD de adquirir derechos sobre los bienes inmuebles en el caso de extranjeros es a travÊs de XQ FRQWUDWR GH ÀGHLFRPLVR TXH VH FHOHEUD con la intervención de una Institución Bancaria Mexicana, este documento les garantiza seguridad jurídica en cuanto a la adquisición de derechos sobre la propiedad. Sin embargo, hay importantes aspectos perifÊricos de la operación que deben ser revisados cuidadosamente. Primero tenemos el anålisis del título de propiedad, que es el documento que prueba que la persona que ofrece la casa en venta es realmente su dueùo, en este documento GHEH FRQVWDU DGHPiV OD VXSHUÀFLH GHO ORWH \ la descripción de las construcciones, así como los datos de inscripción en el registro público de la propiedad. Es necesario que el posible comprador solicite la licencia de construcción, un plaQR GHO ORWH \ TXH YHULÀTXH TXH OD SURSLHGDG se encuentre al corriente en el pago de sus CONTINUA Pà GINA 30



ahĂ­a de Banderas, with its exuberant vegetation and pleasant weather, has accomplished to be consider as an important destiny among foreign investors that wish to acquire real property for relaxation purposes, as well as to take advantage of the great opportunities to do business. According to Mexican Law, the procedure to acquire rights over real property for a foreign is through a trust agreement, entered into by an between a Mexican Financial Institution, said agreement guaranties legal certainty over the acquisition of rights over the real property. Notwithstanding, there are important peripheral aspects of the operation that must be review and revised carefully. First of all, we must analyze the title of property, that is the document that proofs that the person offering the house for sale is a real owner, such document must state the surface of the lot and the description of the constructions, as well as the recordation data in the Public Registry of Property. It is necessary that the possible buyer request a license to construct, a plat RI WKH ORW DQG YHULĂ€HV WKDW WKH SURSHUW\ CONTINUES PAGE 30

30 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348 impuestos y servicios y; por supuesto, libre de gravĂĄmenes. Un aspecto que debe ser atendido se relaciona con los trabajadores que hayan prestado sus servicios en la casa; ellos deberĂĄn ser liquidados ante la Junta de ConciliaciĂłn y Arbitraje por el patrĂłn anterior, para que el nuevo dueĂąo no adquiera responsabilidad laboral alguna. Se recomienda revisar con cuidado la situaciĂłn de la Zona Federal MarĂ­timo Terrestre, en el caso de las residencias, condominios y hoteles que colindan con la playa. Varios fenĂłmenos meteorolĂłgicos –como “el niĂąoâ€?-, han afectado a la bahĂ­a en los Ăşltimos aĂąos, ocasionando movimienWRV PDULQRV TXH KDQ PRGLĂ€FDGR OD =RQD Federal, por lo que hay inmuebles que fueron construidos originalmente en propiedad privada y ahora se encuentran en propiedad de la NaciĂłn. Estas propiedades deberĂĄn contar con un TĂ­tulo de ConcesiĂłn vigente, expedido por la SecretarĂ­a de Medio Ambiente o cuando menos, presentar la constancia de haber iniciado el trĂĄmite de solicitud, ademĂĄs de comprobar que han cubierto los Ăşltimos 5 aĂąos de derechos por el uso de la playa. Las propiedades construidas invadiendo la Zona Federal MarĂ­timo Terreste, merecen especial atenciĂłn, puesto que las terrazas, albercas, recĂĄmaras, muros de contenciĂłn y andadores que comĂşnmente se localizan en la propiedad Federal, deberĂĄn contar con un permiso autorizando su construcciĂłn; o bien, constancia de haber sido regularizado. No obstante que la LegislaciĂłn EcolĂłgica tiene varios aĂąos de haber sido publicada, no es sino hasta fechas recientes en que las autoridades se han dedicado a revisar su aplicaciĂłn, por lo que la ProcuradurĂ­a del Medio Ambiente ha dictado fuertes multas, clausuras y en algunos casos Ăłrdenes de demoliciĂłn en contra de inmuebles que

fueron construidos con violaciĂłn a la Ley. El alto valor de las casas representa una inversiĂłn importante para quien las adquiere y un ingreso considerable para quien las transmite; es necesario que las partes cuenten con un marco de seguridad jurĂ­dica que proteja sus intereses. Son varias las Leyes Mexicanas que inciden en este tipo de transacciones y ademĂĄs son complejas para quien no se encuentra familiarizado con la materia, por lo que es recomendable que tanto vendedor como comprador se asesoren de un abogado titulado; y ademĂĄs, especialista en la materia.

is in good standing and has all services and taxes paid, and of course, free of all liens and encumbrances. Another important aspect to be aware of are the workers that have render services in the house; the previous employer must have terminated the labor relationship before the Conciliation and Arbitration Board, therefore the new owner will not acquire labor responsibility whatsoever. It is recommended to carefully review and revise the situation of the Federal Maritime Zone, in the cases of residencies, condominiums and hotels adjacent

to the beach. Several meteorological phenomenon – such as “el niĂąoâ€? -, have affected the bay in the past years, causing mariWLPH PRYHPHQWV WKDW PRGLĂ€HG WKH IHGHUal zone, therefore there are real properties that were constructed originally over private property and now are located in the nations property. Such properties must have a current concession title, issued by the current Environmental Department or at least, exhibit the evidence of initiation of the procedure to request such concession, along with evidence of payment of the duties for the use of the beach for the last Ă€YH \HDUV The properties invading Maritime Federal Zone need special attention, since the terraces, pools, bedrooms, contention walls and paths that are commonly located in federal property, must have a permit authorizing the construction or evidence of the regularization. Even though the Ecological Provisions have been published for several years, the authorities have just started in recent times to review and revise its applicability, therefore the Environmental $JHQF\ KDV LPSRVHG VHYHUDO Ă€QHV FORVings and in some cases demolition orders against real property erected in violation of the law. The highest value of the houses represents an important investment to the person that acquires it and a considerable income to the transferor; it is necessary for the parties to have a legal certainty that protects their interests. There are several Mexican Laws that determine this type of transactions and are also complex to those not familiarized with such matter, therefore it is recommended for the seller as well as the buyer to be advised by a licensed attorney as well as an expert on the matter.

38 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348 l pasado mes de agosto se realizĂł E OD SUHVHQWDFLyQ RĂ€FLDO GH OD FDVD muestra de PUNTACALA dentro de El

Tigre en Nuevo Vallarta. El Grupo Nova, los desarrolladores, echaron la casa por la ventana para agasajar a casi 200 invitados que se dieron cita al atardecer en las instalaciones del desarrollo, el cual cuenta con un extenso frente al campo de golf, que brinda una vista espectacular del hoyo 13. Muchísimas caras conocidas se dieron cita para acompaùar a los DQÀWULRQHV HQ WDQ LPSRUWDQWH PRPHQWR El director del proyecto Lic Brando Gonzålez comentó que las primeUDV YLYLHQGDV VH HQWUHJDUiQ D ÀQDOHV GHO 2018, y el objetivo es concluir el pro\HFWR D ÀQDOHV GHO 'HVWDFDQGR que Puntacala es el único conjunto residencial de casas dentro de El Tigre que cuenta con sus propias åreas comunes (seguridad 24hrs., terraza de usos múltiples, alberca, årea de chapoteadero, jardín con årea de juegos para niùos). Ivan Koloffon, director de desarroOORV GH 'RPXV DJHQFLD HQFDUJDGD GH OD FRPHUFLDOL]DFLyQ QRWLÀFy TXH HVWi YHQdida la tercera parte del proyecto en su 1era etapa de preventa y presentó la casa muestra aunque hay seis diferentes modelos de casas, todas con tres recåmaras, tres baùos completos, estudio, årea servicio (algunos prototipos cuentan con cuarto de servicio con baùo), bodega, terraza con asador, la mayoría de las casas cuentan con su propia alberca y cochera techada para dos autos. ¥Muchísimas felicidades al Grupo Nova por tan exitoso evento!



he Nova Group, the developers, spared no expense to entertain almost 200 guests who gathered at sunset in the development facilities, which has an extensive front of the golf course, which provides a spectacular view of the hole 13. Many well-known faces gathered to join the hosts at such an important moment. The project director Brando GonzaOH] FRPPHQWHG WKDW WKH ÀUVW KRPHV ZLOO be delivered by the end of 2018, and the goal is to complete the project by the end of 2020. Emphasizing that Puntacala is the only residential group of houses within El Tigre that has its own common areas (security 24 hrs., multipurpose terrace, pool, wading area, garden with playground for children). Ivan Koloffon, director of developments of Domus, agency in charge of the FRPPHUFLDOL]DWLRQ QRWLÀHG WKDW WKH WKLUG part of the project is already sold in its ÀUVW VWDJH RI SUHVDOH DQG SUHVHQWHG WKH house shows although there are six different models of houses, all with three bedrooms, three complete bathrooms , studio, service area (some prototypes have service room with bathroom), cellar, terrace with barbecue and most of the houses have their own pool and covered garage for two cars. Congratulations to Grupo Nova for such a successful event!

40 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

EL CASTILLO DE MIRAMAR Donde se gestĂł la tragedia THE CASTLE OF MIRAMAR Where the tragedy was born

l castillo de Miramar, localizado soE bre el golfo de Trieste, en un idĂ­lico paraje de la bahĂ­a de Grignano, fue

diseĂąado y construido por el arquitecto vienĂŠs Carl Junker entre 1856 y 1860 por encargo del archiduque Maximiliano de Habsburgo archiduque de Austria. Su objetivo: una residencia para compartir con su esposa Carlota. (O PDJQtĂ€FR \ EODQFR HGLĂ€FLR HV un verdadero castillo que estĂĄ dividido en varias salas que el turista hoy puede visitar para maravillarse ante su decoraciĂłn y mobiliario originales. Las habitaciones de la planta baja estĂĄn todas abiertas al pĂşblico (la residencia particular de Maximiliano I y Carlota de Belgica, y el piso suSHULRU UHVLGHQFLD GHO 'XTXH $PDGHR de Aosta de 1934 a 1939)) tambiĂŠn estĂĄ abierto pero aquĂ­ vemos mobiliario tĂ­pico de los 30. En el enorme parque que rodea al castillo se encuentra el “Castelletoâ€?, un palacete mas pequeĂąo para inviWDGRV 7RGR HVWR VREUH XQD VXSHUĂ€FLH de 22 hectĂĄreas. CONTINUA PĂ GINA 42

El interĂŠs por esta esplĂŠndida mansiĂłn se origina en la historia protagonizada por Maximiliano de Austria, que junto con su esposa Carlota abandonĂł la residencia en 1864 para ser coronado emperador de MĂŠxico. Tres aĂąos des-


he castle of Miramar, located on the Gulf of Trieste, in an idyllic setting of the Bay of Grignano, was designed and built by the Viennese architect Carl Junker between 1856 and 1860 by orders of Maximilian of Habsburg archduke of

Austria. His goal: a residence to share with his wife Carlota. 7KH PDJQLĂ€FHQW DQG ZKLWH EXLOGLQJ LV D WHUULĂ€F FDVWOH WKDW LV GLYLGHG LQWR VHYHral rooms that tourists can visit today to marvel at its original decoration and furQLVKLQJV 7KH URRPV RQ WKH JURXQG Ă RRU are all open to the public (the private residence of Maximilian I and Charlotte of %HOJLXP DQG WKH XSSHU Ă RRU UHVLGHQFH of Duke Amadeo de Aosta from 1934 to 1939) is also open but here we see typical furniture of the 30´s decade In the huge park that surrounds the castle is the “Castelletoâ€?, a smaller palace for guests. All this on a surface of 22 hectares. The interest for this splendid mansion takes place in the story starring Maximilian of Austria, who along with his wife Carlota left the residence in 1864 to be crowned Emperor of Mexico. Three years later, harassed by the republican forces of Benito JuĂĄrez and after having sent Carlota to Europe to seek support in different courts and before Pope Pius IX, Maximilian was imprisoned and shot. He was 35 years old. CONTINUES PAGE 42

42 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348 The couple did not live much in the castle, but the atmosphere is still impregnated by the historical and sentimental atmosphere of the couple. Maximilian of Habsburg was born in Vienna in 1832 as Archduke of Austria and was brother of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary. Carlota Amalia of Belgium was the daughter of King Leopold I of Belgium, born in Brussels in 1840 and died in 1927. Under pressure from Carlota’s father, Francisco JosÊ granted his brother the title of Viceroy of the Lombardo-Veneto Kingdom. But this Austrian dominion falls a few years later (1859). Maximilian loses his position and they return to Miramar, as the castle was not completed they settle in the Castelletto, which was the house of the spouses during the construction, this later became instead of Charlotte’s temporary conÀQHPHQW ZKHQ WKH GDPDJH WR KHU PHQ-

puĂŠs, acosado por las fuerzas republicanas de Benito JuĂĄrez y tras haber enviado a Carlota a Europa para buscar apoyo en distintas cortes y ante el Papa PĂ­o IX, Maximiliano fue hecho prisionera y fusilado. TenĂ­a 35 aĂąos. La pareja no llegĂł a vivir de forma larga y continuada en el castillo, pero el ambiente sigue impregnado por la atmĂłsfera histĂłrica y sentimental de la pareja. Maximiliano de Habsburgo naciĂł en Viena en el aĂąo 1832 como Archiduque de Austria y era hermano del Emperador Francisco JosĂŠ de Austria-HungrĂ­a. Carlota Amalia de BĂŠlgica era hija del rey Leopoldo I de BĂŠlgica, nacida en Bruselas en 1840


y muriĂł en 1927. Por presiones del padre de Carlota, Francisco JosĂŠ concede a su hermano el tĂ­tulo de virrey del Reino Lombardo-VĂŠneto. Pero este domino austrĂ­aco cae unos pocos aĂąos mĂĄs tarde (1859). Maximiliano pierde su cargo y regresan a Miramar, como el castillo no estaba concluido se instalan en el Castelletto, que fue la casa de los cĂłnyuges durante la construcciĂłn , ĂŠste posteriormente se convirtiĂł en lugar de encierro temporal de Carlota, cuando empeorĂł el daĂąo a su razĂłn tras el fusilamiento de su marido en MĂŠxico y dando manifestaciones clĂ­nicas de locura. Mientras tanto en MĂŠxico, en octubre de 1861, EspaĂąa, Francia e Ingla-



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44 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348 terra intervinieron el gobierno de Benito Juårez debido al incumplimiento del pago de la deuda. Luego de acorGDU XQD UHÀQDQFLDFLyQ GH OD PLVPD Espaùa e Inglaterra se retiraron pero no ocurrió lo mismo con las tropas francesas. Estas presentaron batalla y en 1862 acabaron con las fuerzas republicanas de Benito Juårez. Luego de esta derrota republicana se acordó la restauración del Imperio Mexicano. El Partido Conservador fue el encargado de buscar un príncipe europeo que ocupase el trono. Se buscaba que fuese católico y que respetase las tradiciones mexicanas. Luego de largas discusiones se aprobó proponer el trono a Maximiliano de Austria. El día 3 de octubre de 1863, una comisión de notables se entrevistó con Maximiliano de Habsburgo en el Castillo de Miramar para ofrecerle el imperio de Mexico, Êste de forma por demås ingenua, aceptó la iniciativa propuesta por su hermano Francisco JosÊ de Austria y Napoleón III para ceùir la corona de MÊxico, avenWXUD GH WUiJLFR ÀQ Pese a no haber podido residir sus últimos aùos en Miramar, el recuerdo de la pareja estå presente en todos los rincones de la esplÊndida mansión.

tal health got worst after the execution of her husband in Mexico and giving clinical manifestations of madness. Meanwhile in Mexico, in October 1861, Spain, France and England intervened the government of Benito Juårez due to the failure of the payment of the debt. After DJUHHLQJ D UHÀQDQFLQJ RI WKH GHEW 6SDLQ and England withdrew but the same did not happen with the French troops. These GLVSOD\HG EDWWOH DQG LQ ÀQLVKHG ZLWK the republican forces of Benito Juårez. After this Republican defeat, the restoration of the Mexican Empire was agreed upon. The Conservative Party was in charge of ÀQGLQJ D (XURSHDQ SULQFH WR RFFXS\ WKH

throne. It was sought to be Catholic and to respect Mexican traditions. After long discussions it was approved to propose the throne to Maximilian of Austria. On October 3, 1863, a commission of notables met with Maximilian of Habsburg in the Castle of Miramar to offer him the Empire of Mexico, and he, in a naive way, accepted the initiative proposed by his brother Francisco JosĂŠ of Austria and Napoleon III to have the crown of Mexico, adventure of tragic end. Despite not having been able to reside his last years in Miramar, the memory of the couple is present in every corner of the splendid mansion.

50 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

Inicio de Obra de AVIDA AVIDA’S Ground-breaking ceremony

DVDV 0DEX 'HYHORSHUV \ $SSOHJDWH C Realtors conjuntaron a la comunidad local para celebrar la colocación de OD SULPHUD SLHGUD HQ $ 9 , ' $ VX SULmer proyecto de desarrollo residencial de colaboración en el corazón de Vallarta. La ceremonia realizada el 10 de septiembre marcó el lanzamiento de un proyecto ambicioso e innovador concebido hace muchos aùos. (O SUR\HFWR FX\D ÀQDOL]DFLyQ HVtå programada para junio de 2020 con la entrega de 94 unidades residenciales con 16,000 pies cuadrados de åreas comunes y 16,000 pies cuadrados de una Experiencia Gourmet, se ubica en la esquina de Insurgentes y Francisco I. Madero en el barrio de Emiliano Zapata, en la zona tradicional de Puerto Vallarta. /RV GHVDUUROODGRUHV GH OD HGLÀFDción Arq. Ana Karen Malacara BusCONTINUA Pà GINA 52

tamante y su esposo Fernando Castro Rubio estuvieron acompaĂąados por Carlos Castro Segundo y el equipo de construcciĂłn, Luis Sedano, Mario CalderĂłn, Miguel, Pablo Arteaga, Luis Robles y los corredores de bienes raĂ­ces, Pedro Robin y Moray Applegate. El equipo se reuniĂł para celebrar el lanzamiento de un importante proyecto de desarrollo residencial amigable con el ambiente. El lugar fue bendecido por Roberto Gradilla Ulloa, sacerdote de la comunidad vecina de la iglesia de La Santa Cruz. $ 9 , ' $ HV HO QXHYR \ PiV HPRcionante concepto residencial en la bahĂ­a en los Ăşltimos aĂąos, fue diseĂąado para adaptarse a las mĂşltiples facetas de cada personalidad y estilo de vida. Avida cuenta con 5 diferentes de unidades, que incluyen algunas en dos nive-


VIDA Casas Mabu Developers and Applegate Realtors were joined by the local community to celebrate the laying of WKH ÀUVW VWRQH DW $ 9 , ' $ WKHLU ÀUVW FRllaborative residential development project in the heart of Vallarta. The ceremony held on September 10th marked the launch of an ambitious and innovative project that was conceived many years ago. The project, scheduled for completion in June 2020 with the delivery of 94 residential units boasting 16,000 sq ft of common areas and 16,000 sq. ft of a Gourmet Experience, is located on the corner of Insurgentes and Francisco I. Madero in Emiliano Zapata neighborhood, in historic Puerto Vallarta. The building developers Arq. Ana Karen Malacara Bustamante and her husband Fernando Castro Rubio were accompanied by Carlos Castro Segundo and the cons-

truction team, Luis Sedano, Mario Calderon, Miguel, Pablo Arteaga, Luis Robles, and real estate brokers, Pedro Robin, and Moray Applegate. The team came together to celebrate the launch of major residential, environmentally friendly development project. The site was blessed by Roberto Gradilla Ulloa, the community priest from neighboring La Santa Cruz church. A V I D A is Vallarta´s newest and possibly most exciting residential concept on the bay in recent years and was designed to adapt to the many facets of your personality and lifestyle. Avida boasts 5 distinct unit styles, including several 2 story, loft-style units, and All SUPER units feature a Builtin Murphy bed in the living room to provide additional accommodation for guests. A V I D A’s innovative LEED for Homes FHUWLĂ€HG GHVLJQ VXSSRUWV VXVWDLQDELOLW\ E\ DGhering to international standards. Smart LiCONTINUES PAGE 52

52 | NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER 2018 | No. 348

les, unidades estilo Loft, y las SUPER que cuentan con una cama plegable incorporada en la sala para brindar alojamiento adicional a los huĂŠspedes. (O LQQRYDGRU GLVHxR GH $ 9 , ' $ IXH FUHDGR SDUD DSOLFDU D OD FHUWLĂ€FDFLyQ /((' SDUD KRJDUHV TXH SURmueve la sostenibilidad mediante el cumplimiento de estĂĄndares internacionales. Una vida Smart tambiĂŠn es poVLEOH HQ $ 9 , ' $ D WUDYpV GH OD DXWRmatizaciĂłn en las unidades y Building Intelligence para ĂĄreas comunes. En correspondencia con su valor como coPXQLGDG LQFOXVLYD $ 9 , ' $ HV WRWDOmente compatible con las regulacioQHV $'$ $PHULFDQV ZLWK 'LVDELOLWLHV Act) en ĂĄreas comunes y apartamentos. Las comodidades incluyen un ĂĄrea de Experiencia Gourmet de 16,000 pies cuadrados en la planta baja que estarĂĄ abierta al pĂşblico, una extensa terraza privada en el techo con piscina semiolĂ­mpica, bar, hamacas y un ĂĄrea de “playaâ€? con arena y palmeras, asadores y salĂłn de usos mĂşltiples. Las ĂĄreas comunes interiores incluyen sala de lectura, sala de juegos, centro de negocios, sala de televisiĂłn, gimnasio de 2 pisos y mĂĄs.

ving is also set in A V I D A through Home Automation in Units and Building Intelligence for common areas. In line with its inclusive “communityâ€? brand value, A V I D A is fully ADA (American Disability Association) compliant in common areas and apartments. Amenities include a 16,000 sq ft ground Ă RRU *RXUPHW ([SHULHQFH ZKLFK ZLOO EH open to the public, a private and expansive Roof Top with Semi-Olympic Pool, Bar, Hammocks and Sand/Beach Area, Multi-Purpose Event Area and Barbecue. Interior common areas include a Reading Room, Games Room, Business Center, TV Room, 2-Story Gym, and more.

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Arco Playa - SDMLA Starting at $745,000 USD | 3bd/3.5ba Spacious luxurious beachfront residence in Sierra del Mar Los Arcos, last 6 units

Casa Rana $375,000 USD | 3bd/3.5ba (442 m²) Rincón de Guayabitos, 3 blocks from the beach, guest house, pool & large garden

Seibal 603 $350,000 USD | 3Bd/3Ba (1,738 sq.ft.) Spacious open floor condo located in the Mayan Island Vidanta, close to the beach

Vela Vista PH3 $985,000 USD | 4bd/4ba (3,873 sq.ft.) Beachfront 2-level PH, 2 terraces, bright & airy living area, open-planned living area

Villas de la Colina I B6 $599,000 USD | 4Bd/5Ba (5,939 sq.ft.) Excellent 2-level condo, 2 large terraces, natural light, parking, storage, Ampas Area


Ancla Local 24, Marina Las Palmas II C.P. 48335 Tel. 011 (322) 223-0055 | US-CA (886) 978-8060

Residencial Kupuri Starting at $347,000 USD | 3bd/3ba New private community near beaches & golf courses in Nuevo Vallarta

Lote Mily $235,000 USD | 1,053m² (11,330 sq.ft.) Large building lot with panoramic views of Sayulita, Zoning is designated H127.

Casa Las Higueras $239,000 USD | 3Bd/2.5ba (2,324 sq.ft) Luxurious contemporary home, with top RI WKH OLQH ƬQLVKHV LQ /DV *DYLRWDV

Condo Punta Diamante 4 $245,000 USD | 2bd/2.5ba (1,617 sq.ft.) Amazing ocean & city views, spacious airy rooms with abundance natural sunlight.

Casa Tesoro

Aria Ocean Starting at $166,294 USD | 1, 2 & 3 Bd 160 beachfront condos, 492 ft beach, 2 pools, restaurant, beach bar , spa & gym.

Casa Vela $325,000 USD | 3bd/3ba, (4,304 sq.ft.) Hacienda-style home in Las Gaviotas, large swiming pool, patio and two buildings.

Lote Amapas $214,900 USD | 424m² (4,568 sq.ft.) Offers you views and quietness of Amapas Hill, ideal for home or small complex

Rancho San Pancho $1,000,000 USD | 60,793m² (654,132 sq.ft.) Ranch close to San Pancho, 2 level home, waterhole, electricity, excellent zoning &

Lot Mariposa

Isla Iguana Villa 17 $850,000 USD | 4bd/3ba (3,207 sq.ft.) Corner waterfront villa, 2 piers for boats up to 50ft, large terrace with private pool.

Casa Fiesta $399,000 USD | 4bd/4ba (5,164 sq.ft.) Amazing property in the quiet neighborhood of Las Gaviotas on double-lot.

Casa de Carmen $799,000 USD | 11bd/11ba (8,080 sq.ft.) Investment property, rental history, this property is to be sold with adjancent lot

Haixa PH 607 $468,000 USD | 2bd/2ba (2,625 sq.ft.) Spacious penthouse with magnificent ocean and golf course views, Litibu

V399 - 501

$499,500 USD | 3bd/4.5ba (557m²) Only 5 minute walk to the beach, 3 separate living quarters, 2 car garage

$199,000 USD | 910m² (9,801 sq.ft.) Canal front lot in Nuevo Vallarta

$249,900 USD | 1bd/2ba 84m² (903 sq.ft) Amazing turnkey condo, stunning rooftop terrace, near Los Muertos Beach.




Olas Altas #361, Emiliano Zapata C.P. 48308 Tel. 011 (322) 222-2604 | US-CA (315) 506-4071 |

Ave. de las Redes, Punta de Mita, BDB C.P. 63734 Tel. 011 (329) 291-6200 | US-CA (310) 424-5696

Av. de Sol Nuevo 25, Guayabitos, Nay, 63724 Tel. 011 52 (327) 274 2357

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