Up to Date Real Estate Enero - January 2020
No. 359 • Año 20
No. 359 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | 3
U P G R A D E YO U R E X P E C TAT I O N S 24 modern residences
2 & 3 Bedroom Units
Approx. 110-146 M2/1,188-1,578 Sq. Ft. Private Outdoor Areas
Parking Included
Ocean, City, Urban & Mountain Views (according to unit) Rooftop Infinity Edge Pool
Rooftop Clubhouse
Starting Under $180,000 USD The promissory seller/developer reserves the right to change features and specifications without prior notice. All renderings, floor plans, and site plans shown in the office, brochure(s), and other advertising and marketing materials are approximate only and subject to change without prior notice.
taniel@timothyrealestategroup.com www.tanielchemsian.com | www.timothyrealestategroup.com TEL: 322.223.5300 | CEL (ENG): 322.120.5900 | CEL (SPA): 322.180.5768
6 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
Te Deseo...
Estos son unos dias que nos llenamos de buenos desesos hacia los demás y hacia nosotros mismos. Siempre deseamos pasar del negativo al positivo, sea cual fuere este. ¿Qué deseo yo para mi y para Uds en el 2020? lo mismo que el gran Victor Hugo (1802-1885) les deseó a sus lectores hace casi dos siglos. En este poema hace una verdadera hoja de ruta para una vida plena, justa, solidaria y feliz. Un vida humana, vivida entre humanos.
e deseo primero que ames, y que amando, también seas amado.Y que, de no ser así, seas breve en olvidar y que después de olvidar, no guardes rencores. Deseo, pues, que no sea así, pero que sí es, sepas ser sin desesperar. Te deseo también que tengas amigos, y que, incluso malos e inconsecuentes sean valientes y fieles, y que por lo menos haya uno en quien confiar sin dudar. Y porque la vida es así, te deseo también que tengas enemigos. Ni muchos ni pocos, en la medida exacta, para que, algunas veces, te cuestiones tus propias
I Wish You...
These are days that we fill ourselves with good desires towards others and towards ourselves. We always want to go from negative to positive, whatever it is. What do I want for myself and you all in 2020? just as the great Victor Hugo (1802-1885) wished his readers almost two centuries ago. In this poem he makes a true road map for a full, fair, supportive and happy life. A human life, lived among humans.
irst of all, I wish you love, and that by loving you may also be loved. But if it’s not like that, be brief in forgetting and after you’ve forgotten, don’t keep anything. I wish that wouldn’t happen, but if it does and you forget, you could be a person without des-
peration. I also wish you may have a lot of friends, and even if they are bad and inconsequent, they should be brave and true and, at least one of them, shoul be completely reliable. But because life is the way it is, I also wish you may have enemies. Not many or too little, just in the right number so that you will have to question your own
• In the Zona Dorada • Two blocks to the beach 91-foot rooftop pool and sky lounge with 180º bay views Contemporary Pacific Mexican design with high-grade finishes % 70
Level access and elevators LD
Underground parking Sports equipment storage area Fully-equiped gym Appliance package included Pre-construction prices subject to change without notice
Lázaro Cárdenas #62, Bucerías, Nayarit, México T. (329) 298 1860 | C. (322) 779-9283 www.pacifica-bucerias.com victoria@timothyrealestategroup.com
No. 359 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | 3
8 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359 certezas. Y que entre ellos, haya por lo menos uno que sea justo, para que no te sientas demasiado seguro. Te deseo además que seas útil, más no insustituible.Y que en los momentos malos, cuando no quede más nada, esa utilidad sea suficiente para mantenerte en pie. Igualmente, te deseo que seas tolerante, no con los que se equivocan poco, porque eso es fácil, sino con los que se equivocan mucho e irremediablemente, y que haciendo buen uso de esa tolerancia, sirvas de ejemplo a otros. Te deseo que siendo joven no madures demasiado de prisa, y que ya maduro, no insistas en rejuvenecer, y que siendo viejo no te dediques al desespero. Porque cada edad tiene su placer y su dolor y es necesario dejar que fluyan entre nosotros. Te deseo de paso que seas triste. No todo el año, sino apenas un día. Pero que en ese día descubras que la risa diaria es buena, que la risa habitual es sosa y la risa constante es malsana. Te deseo que descubras, con urgencia máxima, por encima y a pesar de todo, que existen,y que te rodean,
seres oprimidos, tratados con injusticia y personas infelices. Te deseo que acaricies un perro, alimentes a un pájaro y oigas a un jilguero erguir triunfante su canto matinal, porque de esta manera, te sentirás bien por nada. Deseo también que plantes una semilla, por más minúscula que sea, y la acompañes en su crecimiento, para que descubras de cuantas vidas está hecho un árbol. Te deseo, además, que tengas dinero, porque es necesario ser práctico, Y que por lo menos una vez por año pongas algo de ese dinero frente a ti y digas: “Esto es mío”. Sólo para que quede claro quién es el dueño de quién. Te deseo también que ninguno de tus afectos muera, pero que si muere alguno, puedas llorar sin lamentarte y sufrir sin sentirte culpable. Te deseo por fin que, siendo hombre, tengas una buena mujer, y que siendo mujer, tengas un buen hombre, mañana y al día siguiente, y que cuando estén exhaustos y sonrientes, hablen sobre amor para recomenzar. Si todas estas cosas llegaran a pasar, no tengo más nada que desearte.
certainties and truths as well. And may there be among them at least one who is just and fair, so that you can never feel too secure in your ideas. I wish you may be useful but not irreplaceable and in your bad moments, when you have nothing else, that sense of usefulness will keep you on your feet. So equally, I wish you to be tolerant, not with those that make little mistakes, because that is easy, but with those that make a lot of mistakes and can’t help it. And make good use of this tolerance to set an example to others. I wish that, being young, you don’t mature too quickly and once you’re mature, don’t insist in getting younger. And when you’re old, don’t feel despaired because each age has its pains and pleasures and we need them both in our lives. By the way, I wish you to be sad at least one day so on that day you may discover that to laugh everyday is good, To laugh often is boring and to laugh constantly is an illness. I wish that you may discover With maximum urgency that, above and in spite of everything, there are people
around you who are depressed, unhappy and unjustly treated. I wish you to caress a dog, to feed a bird and to listen to its chirp as well as it sings triumphantly early in the morning. Because this way you will feel good for no reason. And then I wish you may sow a seed even if it is really small. And may you accompany it in its growth. So that you will discover how many lives a tree is made of. I wish as well that you may have money, because we need to be practical. And that, at least once a year, you put some of this money in front of you and say “This is mine”. So it is very clear who owns who. Also, I wish none of your loved ones may die, but if some of them do, I wish you may cry without regret and without feeling guilty for the things you never said or the things you never did. Finally, I wish for you that being a man, you may have a good woman and being a woman, you may have a good man. Tomorrow and the day after. If all these things would happen to you, then I wish for you nothing more.
Listing Agent
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No. 359 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | 13
n dias pasados se celebró la inauguración oficial y corte de listón de Corales Residencial. Luis Ernesto Zenteno fue el encargado de dar la bienvenida a la gran cantidad de invitados que asistieron al evento que dió empiezo a las 5 pm y se prolongó hasta la noche, disfrutando de animada música, deliciosos bocadillos y buenos vinos. El emotivo corte de listón estuvo a cargo de la Sra. Isabel Arellano (Gerente Comercial ) y Sr. Zenteno (Drector General) que dirigió unas palabras de agradecimiento a todos los implicados en la realización y comercialización de Corales Residencial. Luis Zenteno cuenta con una gran trayectoria profesional en el campo inmobiliario y desde 2016 ha encabezado los proyectos del Grupo Trivor Los desarrolladores Alfonso Vizcaino, Adrian Fernández, Juan Pablo Fernandez, Fernando González, Marcos Malfavon, Rodrigo Cadena y Luis Zenteno han elegido Nuevo Vallarta para la construcción de Corales Residencial , en un área total de 4.5 hectáreas y con un area construida de 20,000 mt2. La primera fase que ya está lista y en proceso de entrega tiene 42 casas; la siguiente etapa tendrá 62 casas y se concluye en julio del 2020. En total el desarrollo tendrá 198 casas en dos condominios en 4 etapas. Los desarrolladoes cuentan con una amplia experiencia profesional en el campo de la construcción : Arrecifes Residencial, Privada Asuncion en Valle Dorado y La Joya Fraccionamiento en San Vicente avalan su prestigio. El desarrollo cuenta con una alberca recreativa y un gran jacuzzi para adultos en una zona de descanso separada de la infanti, 2 casas club, ,3,500 mt de areas verdes comunes, caseta de ingreso, puertas automáticas y barda perimetral con cerca eléctrica. Las casas tienen 110 m2 de construcción con 3 recamaras, 2 baños y medio, sala comedor, cochera 2 autos, completamente equipadas con cocina integral con cubierta de granito. Su precio de $1,967,000 lo hacen un producto sumamente interesante. Muchísimas felicidades a Corales Residencial por este magnifica presentación y deseándoles el mayor de los éxitos con esta nueva y tan necesaria oferta inmobiliaria.
n recent days the official inauguration and ribbon cutting of Residential Corals was celebrated. Luis Ernesto Zenteno was in charge of welcoming the large number of guests who attended the event that began at 5 pm and lasted until the night, enjoying good music, delicious snacks and good wines. The emotional ribbon cutting was in charge of Mrs.… and Mr. Zenteno who addressed some words thanking to all those involved in the realization and commercialization of Corales Residential. Luis Zenteno has a great professional career in the real estate field and since 2016 he has led the projects of the Trivor Group The developers… They have chosen Nuevo Vallarta for the construction of Corales Residential, in a total area of mts with a built area of… mts. The first phase that is ready and in the process of delivery has a total of… houses; the second stage, which will begin to be built in ... 2020 will have ... houses. The developers have extensive professional experience in the field of construction: Residential Reefs, Private Asuncion in Valle Dorado and La Joya Fractionation in San Vicente guarantee their prestige. The development has a recreational pool and a large jacuzzi for adults in a rest area separated from the infant, 2 clubhouses, 3,500 mt of common green areas, entrance booth, automatic doors and perimeter fence with electric fence. The houses have 110 m2 of construction with 3 bedrooms, 2 and a half bathrooms, dining room, garage 2 cars, fully equipped with kitchen with granite countertops. Its price of $ 1,967,000 makes it an extremely interesting product. Congratulations to Corales Residential for this magnificent presentation and wishing you the greatest success with this new real estate.
Bellamar 7 - -Two Level Beachfront Penthouse in Punta Mita Punta Mita / 3 bdms / 3.5 baths /2 Spacious Terraces / Sq. ft. 3,164 / Sq. mt. 294 REDUCED PRICE USD $850K USD $799K
Grand Venetian
Marina Vallarta / 4 bdms / 4 baths USD $650K
Tres Mares 17 B2
Taheima 1201
Marina Vallarta / 3 bdms / 3.5 baths REDUCED PRICE USD $819K - USD $799K
Nuevo Vallarta / 2 bdms / 2 baths REDUCED PRICE USD $309K - USD $299K
Punta Vista II 101
Punta Mita / 3 bdms + Flexrrom / 2 baths USD $775K
Faro de Mita 308
Flores de Obelisco
Punta Mita / 2 bdms / 2.5 baths USD $398K
México 329-291-5470 | U.S. 303-731-3636
San Pancho/ 3 bdms / 2.5 baths USD $349K
202 Av. El Anclote, Local 6. Punta Mita, Nayarit, CP. 63732 / info@NorthShoreRealty.com
26 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
Presidente Mundial de FIABCI visita México FIABCI World President visits Mexico
IABCI MEXICO (Federación Internacional de las Profesiones Inmobiliarias) presidida por Silvia L. Elías se vistió de gala al recibir en nuestro país la visita del Lic. Walid Moussa, Presidente Mundial, de FABCI quien, a pesar de una intensa agenda de viajes internacionales se dió un tiempo para estar presente tanto en la Ciudad de Mexico como la Riviera Maya. En su visita asistió a la inauguración de la Asamblea anual y Junta de Consejo de Directores de AMPI Ciudad de México y AMPI Nacional, respectivamente. AMPI es la Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarias con mayor renombre en el país y presente en más de 70 capítulos. Asimismo, el Sr. Moussa conjuntamente con DBR Antonio Hánna (Presidente Internacional de Intercambios) dio una Conferencia en el Centro Libanés y tuvo reuniones con el Embajador de Líbano en México, los Directivos del Centro; así como con el Presidente de la ADI (Asociación de Desarrolladores Inmobiliarios) y otras importantes personalidades; además de una cena con el Capítulo de FIABCI MEXICO. Durante su visita tuvo asimismo la oportunidad de entrevistarse con el Ing. Carlos Slim Helú, quien recibió el nombramiento de Socio Honorario Distinguido de FIABCI. Posteriormente, el Presidente Mundial visitó las ciudades de Cancún, Playa del Carmen y Mérida en la Península de Yucatán donde fue recibido por miembros de Consejo Directivo Nacional de FIABCI MEXICO, Guadalupe Durán y Beatriz Muñoz y miembros FIABCI de la zona sureste del país. Silvia L. Elias, quiso agradecer el apoyo de todos quienes coadyuvaron en la organización y logística de este magno evento ante el éxito de la visita de tan ilustre personaje en el mundo inmobiliario internacional a nuestro país.
IABCI MEXICO (International Federation of Real Estate Professions) chaired by Silvia L. Elías dressed up to receive in our country the visit of Mr. Walid Moussa, World President, of FIABCI who, despite an intense international travel agenda He gave time to be present in both Mexico City and the Riviera Maya. During his visit he attended the inauguration of the annual Assembly and Board of Directors of AMPI Mexico City and AMPI Nacional, respectively. AMPI is the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals with the greatest popularity in the country and present in more than 70 chapters. Likewise, Mr. Moussa together with DBR Antonio Hánna (International President of Exchanges) gave a Conference at the Lebanese Center and had meetings with the Ambassador of Lebanon in Mexico, the Directors of the Center; as well as with the President of the ADI (Association of Real Estate Developers) and other important personalities; In addition to a dinner with the Chapter of FIABCI MEXICO. During his visit he also had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Carlos Slim Helú, who received the appointment of FIABCI Distinguished Honorary Partner. Subsequently, the World President visited the cities of Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Mérida in the Peninsula of Yucatan where he was received by members of the National Directing Council of FIABCI MEXICO, Guadalupe Durán and Beatriz Muñoz and FIABCI members from the southeast area of the country. Silvia L. Elias, wanted to thank the support of all who helped in the organization and logistics of this great event to the success of the visit of such an illustrious character in the international real estate world to our country.
28 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
uy concurrido estuvo el Open House de 105º Sail View en dias pasados. Mas de 500 personas asistieron al lanzamiento del nuevo PH ; la unidad modelo de 1 recamara con estudio y una gran terraza y el rooftop con espléndidas vistas de 360º para disfrutar lo mejor de Puerto Vallarta. El encargado de desarrollar el proyecto es Geographica-Meridien Global Residence; el diseño de interiores es el resultado del buen gusto de B-Huber y la comercialización recae en Timothy Real Estate Group. Carl Timothy y Taniel Chemsian fueron los encargados de dar la bienvenida a la gran cantidad de público que asistió a la presentación de 105º Sail View y disfrutaron del excelente ambiente, delicioso catering de 116 Púlpito y una barra muy bien atendida. El 65% del proyecto está vendido con una plusvalía del 24% desde su lanzamiento. Por lo pronto solo quedan 21 unidades de un total de 57. La obra ya está concluida y los departamentos vendidos ya han sido entregados. Sin duda, una gran inversión. Muchas felicidades a todos los involucrados en esta presentación de 105º Sail View y sobre todo por el éxito de ventas en el mercado.
he 105º Sail View Open House was very busy in the past few days. More than 500 people attended the launch of the new PH; the 1 bedroom model unit with study and a large terrace and the rooftop with splendid 360º views to enjoy the best of Puerto Vallarta. Responsible for developing the project is Geographica-Meridien Global Residence; the interior design is the result of the good taste of B-Huber and the commercialization falls to Timothy Real Estate Group. Carl Timothy and Taniel Chemsian were in charge of welcoming the large audience that attended the presentation of 105º Sail View and enjoyed the excellent atmosphere, delicious catering of 116 Pulpit and a very well attended bar. 65% of the project is sold with a 24% surplus since its launch. For now, there are only 21 units left out of a total of 57. The work is already finished and the sold apartments have already been delivered. Without a doubt, a great investment. Congratulations to everyone involved in this presentation of 105º Sail View and especially for the success of sales in the market.
From $275,000 USD
Free Storage Locker/Bodega with Sale (up to $6,000 USD)
Features/Amenities • 57 Exceptional Private Residences in the Romantic Zone • Ocean, Mountain & City Views • Studio - 3 Bedrooms • Three Large Common Areas • Rooftop Infinity Pool • Rooftop Fire Pit • Fitness Center • Doggie Park • Indoor & Outdoor Bar/Lounge …and more
Luxurious Penthouse Residences
taniel@timothyrealestategroup.com www.tanielchemsian.com | www.timothyrealestategroup.com TEL: (322) 223 5300 | CEL (ENG): (322) 120 5900 | CEL (SPA): (322) 180 5768
Cel: 322.111.4143 alfredo2@tropicasa.com
Cel: 322.306.0535 jorge@tropicasa.com
Cel: 322.139.0285 roger@tropicasa.com
Cel: 322.170.7016 stewart@tropicasa.com
Lote Paraiso
Sierra Del Mar 2 Norte
Quinta del Mar II 403
Sayan 42
Plaza Mar 303
Oceanfront lot. A piece of paradise facing the sea, with impressive turquoise waters and a lush environment. Road built and compacted surface ready to develop!
3 3.5 Oceanfront living. Waves, Views and Luxury. Sierra Del Mar Los Arcos - just minutes from all the wonderful boutiques, dining and nightlife options that downtown Puerto Vallarta has to offer. $925,000 USD
4 4 Nuevo Vallarta Located in Phase II, the newest tower in the beachfront complex Quinta del Mar is this spacious, beautiful and open residence. The condo is facing directly onto the ocean and has stunning views. $875,000 USD
4 3 Oceanfront condo. Spectacular oceanfront condo at the sought after Sayan Tropical development. Redesigned with an open floorplan concept, the kitchen is a chef’s dream that includes a quartz island, sold partially furnished. $705,000 USD
2 2 New listing! A timeless oceanfront building, Plaza Mar, has captivated the hearts of residents for decades. A highly desirable rental property, extremely well-located in the Zona Romantica. $559,000 USD
Pinnacle Residences 403
Villas de la Colina B9
Lot 151 Amapas
Villas de la Colina A4
Casa Maria
2 2 Reduced price. Amazing condo with gorgeous city and ocean views from the living room and the kitchen. Fully furnished and ready for rental. Underground parking included. Inhouse rental program. $475,000 USD
2 2 New listing! The units at Villas de la Colina feel much more like private homes than condos. The quality construction and use of natural woods and rich stonework create a sense of warmth and comfort in each home. $426,000 USD
Amazing lot. Located directly adjacent to Lots 1, 2, and 3 (FLEXMLS Nos.14632), this large view lot can be sold separately or combined with Lots 1, 2, and 3. Suitable for one or more homes or a condominium project. $418,000 USD
2 2 New listing! Located in the convenient Amapas Hills, this beautifully furnished condo has a spacious layout with a wonderful balcony, complete with a BBQ and a private dipping pool. $412,000 USD
3 4 San Sebastián. Peaceful house in the magical town of San Sebastián del Oeste. This beautiful house has four spacious bedrooms. In the patio there is a small orchard with fruit trees and coffee plantation. $395,000 USD
Villa Magna 267
Royal Pacific 3501
Villa Paraiso Azul
Las Moradas 7
Commercial Local Peru
2.5 New listing! 3 Beautiful 2-bedroom plus den, 3 bath condo located in the famous beachfront Villa Magna complex! As you walk inside, you will be surprised by the open layout and the spectacular panoramic ocean views. $385,000 USD
2 New listing! 2 Enjoy cool breezes, a beautiful garden and amazing pool views. This penthouse corner unit in Marina Vallarta is turn-key!
2 Magical home. 3 Traditional hacienda style property designed with the Puerto Vallarta lifestyle in mind. Wonderful outdoor spaces to enjoy the perfect weather.
3 New listing! 3.5 An independent home for the price of a condo in Amapas? Yes! Act quickly to make this 2-story, bedroom home with partial views yours.
$349,500 USD
$319,000 USD
$319,000 USD
1 Great location. Large commercial space available on a main venue with plenty of car and foot traffic. This would be an ideal spot for a retail store, bar, restaurant, all the way to developing an apartment building. $249,000 USD
Condo Las Palomas
Condo Golondrinas
Lot 11 Las Palmeras
Casa Emma
Casa Portalegre
2 1 New listing! Fully equipped and furnished. Located in the Zona Romantica, close to restaurants, bars, cafés and art galleries.
1 1 New listing! One bedroom condo located just one block from Los Muertos Beach making it a fantastic rental unit. Recently remodeled with a modern and fresh design.
New listing! Great opportunity in Las Palmeras development in San Pancho (San Francisco) Nayarit! Las Palmeras is a beautiful mountain side community with 37 home sites for custom built homes. $180,000 USD
3 3.5 New listing! This fabulous two level house sits on 226 m2 of construction in La Floresta Neighborhood.
3 2 Perfect home. House with a family atmosphere in the Residencial Lisboa area, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, dining room, service area, patio 2, two parking spaces, 120m2.
$1,079,700 USD
$219,000 USD
$185,000 USD
$155,000 USD
$125,000 USD
This offer negates any previously advertised or promoted offer in any media. This offer is subject to change without notice, subject to availability and restrictions may apply.
Local: 322.222.6505 Toll-Free: 1.888.420.0966
info@tropicasa.com Púlpito 145-A, Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco 48380
Don’t miss your opportunity to own in Puerto Vallarta’s award-winning landmark development.
Limited availability, starting under $350,000 USD.
info@tropicasa.com | Phone: 322.222.6505
This offer negates any previously advertised or promoted offer in any media. This offer is subject to change without notice, subject to availability and restrictions may apply.
A DOWNTOWN OASIS OF EXCEPTIONAL LIVING SOHO PV offers private environments of extraordinary quality in a modern design aesthetic. Spacious living areas open to stunning ocean and city views, with spa-inspired amenities for elevated living. All with a prime location in the heart of the Arts & Entertainment District, just a stroll to Los Muertos Beach.
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FOR INQUIRIES, PLEASE VISIT US AT THE PIER 57 SALES OFFICE. Open daily 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Francisca Rodríguez 174 @ Pino Suárez Phone: 322.222.6505 | USA Toll Free: 1.888.420.0966
tropicasa.com/sohopv | info@tropicasa.com
Get more of the downtown lifestyle you’re looking for in the heart of Puerto Vallarta’s vibrant Arts & Entertainment District with sleek condo residences for the modern buyer. Urban II is life where it happens.
$270K USD 1 and 2-bedroom floor plans with private terrace Stylish finishes throughout and full appliance package Roof deck lap pool and lounge with BBQ area
Pe t a n d r e n t a l - f r i e n d l y d e v e l o p m e n t
URBAN II THE NEXT GENERATION OF TROPICAL LIVING This offer negates any previously advertised or promoted offer in any media. This offer is subject to change without notice, subject to availability and restrictions may apply.
On-Site Sales Office Open daily 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Venustiano Carranza 277, Col. Emiliano Zapata Phone: 322.222.6505 | USA Toll Free: 1.888.420.0966
tropicasa.com/urban |
Mauricio Montes de Oca
40 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
Garza Blanca Real Estate Sales Director
ace unos pocos dias acudí a la cita con Mauricio Montes de Oca en su oficina de ventas en Garza Blanca (por cierto una de las oficinas inmobiliarias mas bonitas de toda la bahía) para conocerlo y hacerle una entrevista y cual fue la sorpresa, cuando al vernos nos reconocimos después de 30 años de no vernos. En aquellos tiempos vivíamos ambos en Cabo San Lucas y él ya se dedicaba al negocio inmobiliario. Hoy con toda la experiencia que dan 33 años en el negocio toma las riendas de las ventas inmobiliarias de Garza Blanca, él es el nuevo Director de Ventas Inmobiliarias de Garza Blanca. Es originario de la Ciudad de México y comenzó su carrera profesional en Marketing en la Universidad Tecnológica de México. Durante las siguientes tres décadas, Mauricio se dedicó al campo de bienes raíces, realizando varios estudios en el camino, incluyendo cierres y títulos de bienes raíces, consecuencias legales de transacciones de inmobiliarias en México, legislación fiscal y reforma fiscal, marco legal de bienes raíces en México. , marketing y ventas de desarrollo inmobiliario,.Durante un tiempo escribió una columna de bienes raíces en el periódico internacional Gringo Gazzette e incluso produjo un libro editado anualmente con información general y estadísticas sobre Los Cabos durante muchos años Mauricio tiene una buena educación en derecho de inversión extranjera y sus normas, la zona restringida y los “Fideicomisos”, tasaciones inmobiliarias, corporaciones mercantiles, administración avanzada, inversiones extranjeras en México e impuestos inmobiliarios. Pasó la mayor parte de su carrera en el estado de Baja California Sur en las áreas alrededor de Los Cabos antes de unirse al equipo de Garza Blanca en Puerto Vallarta, vendiendo una variedad de desarrollos de condominios, casas, villas y terrenos, muchos en el propiedades multimillonarias. En 1994, Mauricio y sus socios fundaron la compañía de bienes raíces Procabos, que se especializa principalmente en la comercialización y venta de nuevos desarrollos inmobiliarios, así como en la asesoría a inversionistas extranjeros y nacionales, y en la realización de estudios y evaluaciones de mercado.
Con su vasta educación, experiencia y conocimiento, Mauricio seguramente será un líder valioso en la división de bienes raíces de Garza Blanca. ¡Pasa por su oficina y saluda la próxima vez que estés en Puerto Vallarta!
few days ago I went to the appointment with Mauricio Montes de Oca in his sales office in Garza Blanca (by the way one of the most beautiful real estate offices in the entire bay) to meet him and do an interview and what was the surprise? When we saw each other we recognized us after 30 years of not seeing each other. At that time we both lived in Cabo San Lucas and he was already engaged in real estate. Today with all the experience that 33 years give in the business, he takes the reins of Garza Blanca real estate sales as de new Director. He is originally from Mexico City, and started his professional career at Universidad Tecnológica de Mexico in Marketing. For the next three decades, Mauricio dedicated himself to the field of real estate, engaging in various studies along the way including real estate closings and titles, legal consequences of real estate transactions in Mexico, fiscal legislation and fiscal reform, Mexican real estate legal framework, real estate development marketing and sales, and English language studies, and for a while he wrote a real estate column in the international newspaper Gringo Gazzette
and he even produced a yearly edited book of Real Estate overview and statistics about Los Cabos for many years Mauricio is well educated in foreign investment law and its rules, the restricted zone and “Fideicomisos”, real estate appraisals, mercantile corporations, advanced administration, foreign investments in Mexico, and real estate taxes. He spent most of his career in the state of Baja California Sur in the areas around Los Cabos before coming to join the team at Garza Blanca in Puerto Vallarta, selling a variety of developments of condos, houses, villas and land lots many ranging in the multimillion dollar properties. In 1994, Mauricio and his partners founded the real estate company Procabos, which specializes mostly in marketing and selling new real estate developments, as well as consulting to foreign and national investors, and producing market studies and appraisals. With his vast education, experience, and knowledge, Mauricio is sure to be a valuable leader in the Garza Blanca real estate division. Stop by his office and say hi the next time you are in Puerto Vallarta!
AVIDA 48 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
A New Concept
VIDA hizo la presentación de sus unidades modelo con una animada presentación: ambiente lounge, buena música, bebida y una gran concurrencia que estuvo circulando durante varias horas por el el evento que resultó de lo mas festivo. La organización estuvo a cargo de Applegate Realtors, la agencia comercializadora y se mostraron las 2 unidades modelo de Avida tanto a los profesionales inmobiliarios como a los amigos y clientes Localizado en uno de los puntos mas céntricos y de mayor desarrollo inmobiliario en Puerto Vallarta, sobre la calle Insurgentes, Avida se levanta poderosamente sobre la colonia Emiliano Zapata con una propuesta definitivamente original: 94 units in a new residential community concept where each space has been designed to adapt to the many facets of the personality and lifestyle of the owner. AVIDA is designed to global, sustainable architecture standards that are required for the LEED® for Homes v4 certification. These standards reduce our environmental footprint and result in energy savings. En su planta baja se va localizar la primera Experiencia Gastronómica de PV , concept to delight and overwhelm your inner-foodie. Revel in the international cuisine options that will be on offer, and in the freshest ingredients, flavors, and traditions of the bay. Una felicitación a Moray Applegate que estuvo a la cabeza de su equipo para dar la bienvenida a lo invitados y ofrecer los recorridos por las instalaciones y a Ana Karen Malacara y su esposo el Notario Fernando Castro, los desarrolladores, que departieron amablemente con los invitados explicando las diferentes etapas del proceso de construcción y los detalles del interiorismo. ¡Mucho éxito a todos los involucrados!
VIDA made the presentation of its model units with a lively presentation: lounge atmosphere, good music, drinks and a large audience that was circulating for several hours for the event that was most festive. The organization was in charge of Applegate Realtors, the marketing agency and the 2 Avida model units were shown to both real estate professionals and friends and clients. Located in one of the most central and real estate development points in Puerto Vallarta, on Insurgentes Street, Avida rises powerfully over the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood with a definitively original proposal: 94 units in a new concept of residential community where each space has been designed to adapt to the many facets of the personality and lifestyle of the owner. AVIDA is designed according to the global and sustainable architecture standards that are required for LEED® for Homes v4 certification. These standards reduce our environmental footprint and result in energy savings. On the ground floor, the first Gastronomic Experience of PV will be located, a concept to delight food enthusiasts in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. You will have to enjoy the international cuisine options that will be offered and the freshest ingredients, flavors and traditions of the bay. Congratulations to Moray Applegate and Pedro Robin who were at the head of their team to welcome guests and offer tours of the facilities; Ana Karen Malacara and her husband, the Notary Fernando Castro, the developers, who kindly talked with the guests explaining the different stages of the construction process and the details of the interior design and all those who participated in this great project. Much success to all of the involved
50 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
El Futuro de las Costas Mexicanas The Future of the Mexican Coast
n tiempos de crisis y de mercados de valores volátiles, las inversiones en bienes inmuebles son una opción segura. Los desarrollos residenciales que actualmente están en proyecto o construcción, tienen mucho trabajo legal que hacer, porque para dar seguridad a
By Alejandro Flores Von Borstel / Ramiro Valencia Email: vonborstelsc1@prodigy.net.mx
la inversión se requiere contar con numerosos permisos y licencias. Los tiempos en que se adquirían propiedades sin haber realizado estudios sobre la factibilidad del proyecto han quedado atrás. CONTINUA PÁGINA 52
n times of crisis and volatile stock markets, investing in real estate is a safe option. The residential developments which are currently under planning or construction have
various legal duties to perform because providing security for the investments requires numerous permits and licenses. The era in which properties were purchased without having to conduct studies on the properties feasibility have been left behind. Developers demand legal secuCONTINUES PAGE 52
52 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
El desarrollador demanda seguridad jurídica para su inversión, certeza de que su proyecto será una realidad, y que cumple con la legislación mexicana, especialmente la Ecológica, que tiene múltiples condiciones que observar. Las concesiones de zona federal marítimo terrestre en las propiedades frente al océano y lagunas, así como las resoluciones donde no se delimita la zona federal en los acantilados, son solamente el inicio de un proceso legal extenso. Grandes extensiones de tierra donde nunca se han realizado construcciones, son consideradas por la ley mexicana como de naturaleza forestal, por lo que requieren de un permiso especial para cambiar el uso de suelo autorizando su urbanización. Las propiedades donde se desarrollaran hoteles, condominios, marinas y zonas residenciales necesitan contar con una Autorización de Impacto Ambiental que pruebe que el crecimiento será sustentable, evitándose daños al ambiente. Los humedales costeros pueden ser desarrollados con proyectos ecológicoturísticos, el reto para el inversionista es proteger a la flora y fauna del lugar al mismo tiempo que realiza un negocio, estos proyectos han tenido mucho éxito especialmente en el Caribe mexicano y seguramente lo tendrán también en la Costa Sur de Jalisco y Nayarit. Crisis significa también oportunidad, ahora la oportunidad está en las costas del Pacifico Mexicano.
rity for their investments, and certainty that their projects will be realities which meet Mexican Laws, especially Ecological Rules which have multiple requirements to be observed. The maritime terrestrial federal zone concessions of oceanfront, lagoon and other maritime properties in the zones, as well as the Resolutions where federal zones are not fixed, such as cliffs, are only the beginning of a lengthy legal process. Large tracts of land which have never been developed are considered under Mexican Laws as of forestall nature, therefore they require a special zoning change permit to allow any kind of urbanization. Properties where hotels, condominiums, marinas and residential areas are going to be developed must have an environmental impact authorization to prove growth will be sustainable and will be avoid damaging the environment. Forestall wetland can be developed as ecological-tourist projects; the challenge for investors is to protect the flora and fauna of the area while conducting business, these projects have been very successful, especially in the Mexican Caribbean, as surely they will be on the south coast of Jalisco and Nayarit. Crisis also means opportunity; the opportunity now is in the Mexican Pacific Coast.
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58 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
Decorar con compaĂąeros de cuarto Decorating with Roommates
s un hecho de la vida actual: muchos de nosotros vivimos con compaĂąeros de cuarto. Si bien solĂa ser que tener compaĂąeros de cuarto era solo una breve experiencia en la universidad, hoy en dĂa, vivir con compaĂąeros es un estilo de vida que a menudo continĂşa hasta la mediana edad y mĂĄs allĂĄ. ÂżLa razĂłn? Los alquileres elevados hacen imposible pagar el alquiler solo con un cheque de pago. Para aquellos que no viven con un compaĂąero o cĂłnyuge, la Ăşnica forma de pagar la cuenta es con la ayuda de uno o mĂĄs compaĂąeros de departamento. Pero vivir con roommates puede convertirse en un importante desafĂo de diseĂąo. ÂżCĂłmo se crea un diseĂąo coherente si se producen dos o mĂĄs visiones de diseĂąo diferentes? ÂżQuĂŠ sucede cuando a un compaĂąero de habitaciĂłn le gusta el shabby chic, al otro le gusta el minimalismo y al tercero le gusta el estilo victoriano? ÂżCĂłmo hace que un espacio sea fun-
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t’s a fact of life today: More of us live with roommates. While it used to be that having roommates was just a brief experience in college, today, living with roommates is a lifestyle that often continues straight through middle age and beyond. The reason? Sky high rents make it impossible to pay rent on just one paycheck alone. For those who are not living with a partner or spouse, the only way to foot the bill is with the help of one or more roommates. But living with roommates can become a significant design challenge. How do you create a coherent design if you’ve got two or more different design visions happening? What happens when one roommate likes shabby chic, the other appreciates minimalism and the third is into a Victorian parlor look? How do you make a space functional for two or three people and their significant others? Ironing out all those wrinkles can get a little sticky, but there are a few ways to make your home with roommates a functional, beautiful and stylish place to live. CONTINUES PAGE 60
60 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359
Create zones Before you focus on style, you need to focus on functionality. When you have several independent souls living together in one space, you will need to set up areas where different people can do different things without getting in each other’s way. In the open concept living room above and the kitchen below, areas have been devised that lend themselves to different activities. A couch and chairs provide a conversation area which stands apart from a table that can serve as a place to ser-
ve meals or catch up on paperwork. A separate Eames chair serves as a perfect reading nook, as does a window seat. No one gets left out. In the kitchen below, it’s possible not only to cook a good meal, but a space has been set aside as an office. And in the kitchen below, the simple addition of a couch adds a whole new dimension. Now the kitchen becomes a place not only for food preparation, but a place to relax or have a conversation. If the living room couch is in use, there’s always a backup.
cional para dos o tres personas y sus otras personas significativas? Eliminar todas esas arrugas puede volverse un poco pegajoso, pero hay algunas maneras de hacer de su hogar con compañeros de cuarto un lugar funcional, hermoso y elegante para vivir.
Consider room divider A room divider is an easy way to create space and allow for some separation for privacy and multiple activities. It can be as simple as a screen, or more complicated, such as a sliding door or wall or a bookshelf. Above, we have folding doors, below, a room is divided with the help of an open bookshelf.
Crear zonas Busque inspiración para el diseño de la sala de estar. Antes de centrarse en el estilo, debe centrarse en la funcionalidad. Cuando tienes varias almas independientes que viven juntas en un solo espacio, necesitarás establecer áreas donde diferentes personas puedan hacer cosas diferentes sin interponerse en el camino de las demás. En el concepto abierto de la sala y la cocina , se han diseñado áreas que se prestan para diferentes actividades. Un sofá y sillas brindan un área de conversación que se distingue de una mesa que puede servir como lugar para servir comidas o ponerse al día con el papeleo. Una silla CONTINUA PÁGINA 62
62 | ENERO/ JANUARY 2020 | No. 359 Eames separada sirve como un rincón de lectura perfecto, al igual que un asiento en la ventana. Nadie se queda fuera. En la cocina , es posible no solo cocinar una buena comida, sino que se ha reservado un espacio como oficina. Y en la cocina , la simple adición de un sofá agrega una nueva dimensión. Ahora la cocina se convierte en un lugar no solo para la preparación de alimentos, sino también para relajarse o conversar. Si el sofá de la sala de estar está en uso, siempre hay una copia de seguridad.
Considere los separadores de habitación Un divisor de habitación es una forma fácil de crear espacio y permitir cierta separación para la privacidad y las múltiples actividades. Puede ser tan simple como una pantalla, o más complicado, como una puerta o pared corrediza o una estantería.
Make the most of your bedroom When you’ve got roommates, sometimes, the only retreat you can count on is your own bedroom. That means you’ll need to pay extra attention to creating a bedroom that is also multi-functional. The perfect bedroom has not only a place to sleep, but also a couch or seating area and a work area as well.
Talk it out
Just because you have roommates doesn’t mean you have to settle for less when considering a design aesthetic. Sit down with your roommates and have a discussion about what you each envision for your space, and where you might make compromises on that vision. You might even consider hiring a design professional to help your styles
Descubra las ideas de diseño de dormitorios
Abajo, el uso inteligente de las ventanas vintage crea un comedor separado, aparte de la sala de estar.
Aprovecha al máximo tu dormitorio Cuando tienes compañeros de cuarto, a veces, el único retiro con el que puedes contar es tu propio dormitorio. Eso significa que tendrá que prestar más atención a la creación de un dormitorio que también sea multifuncional. El dormitorio perfecto no solo tiene un lugar para dormir, sino también un sofá o un área para sentarse y un área de trabajo.
Hablarlo Solo porque tienes compañeros de cuarto no significa que tengas que conformarte con menos al considerar una estética de diseño. Siéntese con sus compañeros de habitación y converse sobre lo que cada uno imagina para su espacio y sobre dónde podría comprometerse con esa visión. Incluso podrías considerar contratar a un profesional del diseño para que te ayude en tus estilos.
Real Estate Newspaper Monthly Publication Complimentary Issue • Number 359 PUBLISHER Ana María Platas
DESIGNER Rodolfo Preciado
OFFICE Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco • TEL. (322) 224 9258 email: anamap@prodigy.net.mx PRINT RUN 10,000 copies Titulo de registro de marca 754392. Toda la información publicada en los anuncios es responsabilidad de los anunciantes. www.propertyjournal.com.mx
Hacienda de la Costa $1,200,000 USD | 6bd/8ba, Sayulita Immaculately kept B&B spread over 3,500m² of land overlooking Playa Patzcuaro, Nay marilyn_newman@coldwellbanker.com.mx COMMERCIAL
Hotel Suites Paraiso $5,500,000 USD | Const 38,736 sq.ft. Downtown PV, 11 commercial spaces, 20 suites, 10 hotel rooms, 30 parking spots angeles_fuentes@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Proyecto Miramar $3,072,000 USD | 40,132m² (431,820 sq.ft.) Located in San Pancho, ready to develope, project for 45 lots all with ocean views angeles_fuentes@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Paraiso Colomitos $8,000,000 USD | 21 acres perfect for boutique hotel, private compound or a mix of hotel, condos, and private villas. brock_squire@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Edificio Rio Amarillo $1,500,000 USD | 1,200m² (12,912 sq.ft.) 3 story corner building in Fluvial, Ideal for offices, commercial spaces or condos sebastian_garcia_pimentel@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Haixa A-304 $219,000 USD | 1bd/2ba, (1,440 sq.ft.) Amazing jungle & mountain views, located in the exclusive development of Litibu miguel_rivas@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Las Peñas 801 $499,900 USD | 3+bd/3.5ba (2,280 sq.ft.) Spacious beachfront condo in Playas Gemelas. Perfect home or rental property miguel_rivas@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Four Seasons Private Villa 37 $3,350,000 USD | 4Bd/4.5Ba | 10,134 sq.ft. Inside the prestigious Punta Mita Resort, this villa boasts vivid ocean views brock_squire@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Marina Sol 305-A $245,000 USD | 3bd/2ba - 1,772 sq.ft. Corner Unit with partial marina and golf course views from the terrace enrique_cuadra@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Marina Suites 23-3A $190,000 USD | 3bd/2ba - 1,382 sq.ft. Marina Vallarta, deeded parking, pool, BBQ & lounge area, great investment potential enrique_cuadra@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Villa Aaru $185,000 USD | 3bd/2ba - 1,292 sq.ft. Cute Villa in gated community, 2 blocks from the beach, close to the marina & fish market enrique_cuadra@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Haixa PH 607 $445,000 USD | 2bd/2.5ba - 2,625 sq.ft. Spacious PH with ocean & mountain views in Litibu, near beach, Punta Mita & Sayulita enrique_cuadra@coldwellbanker.com.mx OCEAN VIEWS
Caracol 3, Alta Vista $245,000 USD | 1bd/2ba (882 sq.ft.) Partial ocean & city views, Rental potential, Rooftop terrace, Close to Playa Los Muertos veronica_macias@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Lt 5, Av. México, Jarretaderas $152,000 USD | 523m² (5,633 sq.ft.) 7 minutes from the beach, located in the Growing area of Jarretaderas, Near Vidanta veronica_macias@coldwellbanker.com.mx
V177 PH 2 $380,000 USD | 1bd/2Ba (1,065 sq.ft.) 2-Level PH in Romantic Zone, near beach & restaurants. Rooftop terrace, pool, bar & BBQ jorge_rodriguez@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Casa Sirena $359,000 USD | 3bd/2ba (1,646 sq.ft.) 2 Story condo in Upper Conchas Chinas, ocean & mountain views, near Los Muertos Beach phil_cohen@coldwellbanker.com.mx BEACHFRONT
Condo Oswi
Condo Mi Vi
Fiesta del Mar
Los Caracoles 505
$215,000 USD | 2bd/1ba (1,045 sq.ft.) Located in the Romantic Zone, about a 10 min walk to Los Muertos Beach & near everything cesar_rios@coldwellbanker.com.mx
$215,000 USD | 3bd/1ba (1,045sq.ft.) Alta Vista, Downtown, walking distance to the beach, restaurants, markets & hospitals cesar_rios@coldwellbanker.com.mx
$176,500 USD | 1bd/1ba (656 sq.ft.) Located in Conchas Chinas, close to Los Muertos beach, ideal investment property cesar_rios@coldwellbanker.com.mx
$675,000 USD | 3Bd/3Ba (2,738 sq.ft.) Beachfront condo, with beach views, pool, restaurant, gym, tennis & basketball courts brock_squire@coldwellbanker.com.mx
Marina Office
Olas Altas Office
Punta Mita Office
Guayabitos Information Center
Ancla Local 24, Marina Las Palmas II, 48335 (322) 223-0055 | US-CA (886) 978-8060
Olas Altas 361, Emiliano Zapata, 48308 (322) 222-2604 | US-CA (315) 506-4071
Av. Punta Mita 640, Punta de Mita, 63734 (329) 291-6200 | US-CA (310) 424-5696
Av. de Sol Nuevo 25, Guayabitos, Nay, 63724 (327) 274 2357 | US-CA +52 (327) 274 2357
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