House of St Barnabas - Director of Engagement & Curation

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FINANCIALS Our accounts include the consolidated financials of both the Charity and our Trading Subsidiary. Our income has been steadily growing since 2015. We now have an ambition to grow this further from £2.3m to £3m over the next five years through membership and fundraising growth. This will give us the capacity to fund our strategic ambition above. We also aim to increase the food and beverage income of our catering partner from £1.5m to £2m, which relies on stronger programming and engagement of our music and events programme. The Director of Engagement and Curation will lead this growth, supported by a Head of Income and Fundraising team.

Income and Endowments £0.65M

Expenditure £0.04M £0.59M




Donations and legacies Other trading activites Other



Raising funds Charitable activites Other

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