International Adoption FAQs

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International Adoption FAQs Every year, loving families adopt thousands of children from other countries. With the help of international adoption programs, these couples provide these children with forever families. As with any type of adoption, however, international adoption often raises questions from couples who are trying to decide which option is best for them. Knowing the answers to these questions can help you to choose the type of adoption that will work best for your family. Following are a few of the most common questions (and answers) surrounding international adoption. Why pursue international adoption? The reasons for pursuing an international adoption are almost as varied as the couples who do it. Some families feel called to adopt a child from another country. Others choose international adoption because they feel as if the needs of orphans overseas are greater than the needs of orphans in the United States. Still others have a love for a particular country that drives them to adopt from that country. In the end, however, the choice to pursue an international adoption comes down to what each family believes will work best for them. While an adoption agency such as Providence Place can help provide you with information as you make your decision, the choice must ultimately be yours. What are the requirements for an international adoption? All international adoptions have a few basic requirements:  Each parent must be at least 25 years old.  At least one parent must be a United States citizen.  Each parent must submit either the U.S. Government I-600 form or the U.S. Government I-800 form.  The adoptive couple must complete a home study.

 The adoptive couple must receive child abuse clearances from their state and from the FBI. There will also likely be other requirements that you will need to meet. These can include anything from your age to your income to your health and more. The exact requirements you encounter will depend upon the international adoption agency you use and the country from which you are adopting. What are the costs of an international adoption? In Texas, the costs of an international adoption generally range from $25,000 to $50,000, with the total cost depending primarily upon the country from which you are adopting. While international adoption has a reputation for being significantly more expensive than infant domestic adoption, the truth is that the expenses are similar. The $25,000-$50,000 you will pay for an international adoption generally covers all agency fees, the home study fee, the paperwork fees, and the legal fees. It may also cover fees you incur in the child's country of origin (such as court fees). It does not, however, usually include the costs of a required trip (or trips) to your child's country of origin. Is there financial assistance available for an international adoption? For families who struggle to pay the costs of an international adoption, there are sources of financial assistance available. For instance, there are a number of organizations (i.e. A Child Waits, Gift of Adoption Fund, God's Grace Adoption Ministry) that offer grants to families who are pursuing international adoption. In addition, there is a federal tax credit of up to $13,000 available to help families recoup the costs of adopting.

How long does an international adoption take? There are no guarantees for the length of time an international adoption will take. The exact length of time will depend upon the country from which you adopt, as well as whether or not you encounter any delays. However, while international adoptions have a reputation for taking years to complete, most of them are completed within about a year and a half. What children are available for an international adoption? There are numerous children of both genders waiting for forever families in orphanages across the world, from children of a few months old to children in their teens. Some of them are special needs children, and some are not. Sometimes, you can request a child of a certain age or gender, though doing so may mean that you will need to wait longer to be matched. The exact availability of children will depend upon the country from which you adopt. In general, it is difficult to adopt an infant from another country. In part, this is due to the restrictions that many countries place on the adoption of infants, and in part it is due to the length of the adoption process. For instance, you may be matched with an infant, but need to wait several months before you can bring your child home. How much information is available about a child in an international adoption? Adoptive families naturally want to learn as much about their child as they can before the adoption. In general, you can expect to receive as much information as is available about your child's past, including as much medical and health information as possible. Sometimes, your child will undergo examinations or lab work in their country of origin that will shed light on their health. However, this does not mean that you will always have a

comprehensive record of their past and health. This information is often not available, especially if a child has been abandoned by their parents. As a result, you should be prepared to accept a lack of information and to handle unexpected issues that may arise once your child comes home. International adoption is a way to provide the gift of a forever family to children in other countries. Before you make that decision, however, it is important to know as much as you can about the process so you can be sure it is the right decision for your family. As a result, do not hesitate to turn to your adoption agency with any questions you have as you choose the type of adoption that is right for you.

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