Psychic Times International

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Vol. 8 Issue 1

Winter 2010

The “Psychic Times International” is a different magazine. It is a collection of stories, articles and many other features that cover a diverse area of subjects. We are based in Laurel, Delaware. Our readers are as far away as the UK, Romania, Israel and many other countries around the globe! We are best described as a New Age (metaphysical and paranormal) magazine that covers everything from ghosts, how to make your own scented rocks, herbs for majick and healing as well as so much more! We include religious beliefs and customs as long as it is kept respectable. We feel the views and worship of every individual should be treated with respect as it is an individual choice. We are offered to the public at no cost and are supported primarily by advertising, donations and sponsorship. We are a great way to get your business noticed! The newsletter itself has been around for over six years and is now a magazine. It has been spreading like wildfire since “day one”. We also have a free classified section. Categories include birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, wanted items, items up for sale, coming events, giveaways, and yard sales, etc.

If you like to write, we are looking for articles, stories, poems, recipes, crafts or anything related to the Metaphysical, Paranormal, New Age or Human Interest articles. To submit for review by our Editors, just email your writing to: or look for the "Submit" link on our Psychic Times International web site at:

Also, if you would like to list your upcoming birthday, anniversary, birth announcements, etc., we will list them for free in our classifieds. Just send us the name, city, state and date of the occasion. Year of birth is optional. We will publish the “editor’s choice”. poems submitted and to the editor’s discretion.

Quarterly Featured Articles: Astrology Herb Pantry Moon Phases Musings

*NOTE* - We are international and do offer our magazine as a free PDF download on our web site at:

Recipes Numerology Corner Crafts And so much more!

Quarterly Advertising Prices Black & White Business Card 3,7" W x 2.5" L 1/4 Page 3.7" W x 5.012" L 1/2 Page 7.5" W x 5" L Full Page 7.5" W x 10" L

$25.00 and

Color $40.00







Black & White








Do you have a business you would like to advertise? We'll give you the very BEST rates including a "LIVE" link on our web site as well as a "LIVE" banner. Contact and just put "Please send rates" in the heading. Our magazine is currently free to the public. Your support is welcome and needed. Please feel free to check us out on the web!

Yearly Advertising Prices Business Card 3,7" W x 2.5" L 1/4 Page 3.7" W x 5.012" L 1/2 Page 7.5" W x 5" L Full Page 7.5" W x 10" L

Email: $310.00


Ask about our sale prices! We wish to thank and remember our sponsors of the Psychic Times International. It is through them as well as our advertisers that we can bring this publication to the public free of charge. If you would like to contribute a donation please contact Donna Smith at (302) 715-5230 or email for more Information.

Pg. 2

On the Web: http://www.voicesfrombeyond7.comPsychicTimesWelcome.html

and Our MySpace: Disclaimer - The opinions of the writers in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinions of “Psychic Times International” .

Our Growing Business In a New Age World!

Table of Contents:

In six years, we have watched the “Psychic Times International” evolve into a magazine from a newsletter. When we began, this newsletter was merely two sheets of paper stapled together to make a total of four pages. The idea was shared between two friends of many years, who, at the time were both starting their own separate businesses. They figured the cost of advertising was not yet fitting into their budget. In the following issue we added a few advertisements for friends who had already established their businesses. We then asked them to hand out our newsletter to spread the word about all of us. It went over so well, that we now have many volunteers, columnists and writers from all over the United States and internationally that are dedicated to the cause and purpose of the “Psychic Times International” magazine.

Interview With The Publisher .............................................

Page 4

Our Differently Similar Journeys .......................................

Page 7

Buffalo Chicken Salad and More ........................................

Page 8

The Evolution Of Fools - Jim Larsen .................................

Page 10

Poetry, Songs And Stygian Stories - Dave Wolff ..............

Page 13

Lucas McPherson‟s Literary Lair ......................................

Page 14

More Than Just a Scent - Lighting a Candle ....................

Page 18

The Herb Pantry - “Herbs & Weight Loss?”.....................

Page 22

Moon Phases .........................................................................

Page 24

As a Metaphysical/Paranormal/New Age type newsletter, we have incorporated many beliefs, customs and traditions to blend into a fun, informative, quarterly circulation. We have many distributors in Delaware, USA as well as internationally. You can now download your free copy of the Psychic Times International in a PDF format for reading, distributing and printing in both black and white or color.

Gypsy Life .............................................................................

Page 25

Musings .................................................................................

Page 26

This Day In History ..............................................................

Page 28

Numerology Corner .............................................................

Page 30

T Stokes - “Plates Of Nephi Found .....................................

Page 32

Just reading this issue would be convincing enough to see the success of this magazine in the projected future. Let us know what you, our readers, think. Visit us at: www.voicesfrombeyond7.comPsychicTimesWelcome.html and sign our guestbook. Please send us a review for a possible posting in our review column.

Craft Corner ........................................................................

Page 34

It is at this point that we are looking for sponsorship from those sharing the same vision as we do. If you are interested in joining this exciting venture or just have comments for us, please call Donna Smith at: (302) 280-6450 or email:

Publisher/Managing Director


Donna Smith

Catherine Owens


Distribution Manager

Jason Russell

Jason Russell

Although we still accept payment for your ad via check or money order we also accept Pay Pal for your convenience. Visit us on our website at:

Tell your friends - “Psychic Times International”! Download your copy at:

Take the advice of a wise one … “Read the „Psychic Times International‟ and tell all of your friends, too!

Please take a moment and fill out our survey... http:// www.voicesfrombeyond7.comPsychicTimesWelcome.html

Our Purpose: The Psychic Times International is a quarterly publication with the independent mission of journalistic service, with the ideals of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and to provide a general overview of subject matter only to inform and educate the reader.

With your ad, we include your LIVE link (free of charge) both on our “Psychic Times International ” “WELCOME” page and on our “LINKS” page with your banner. We advertise online in our downloadable PDF format including two pages on our web site. Your “live” links will be posted for the duration of you running advertisement. For example; a 1/2 page, black and white ad running for 1 issue only (1 quarter - 3 months) would be $80.00 on our downloaded PDF and two “live” links on our popular web site at: Pg. 3

It was August, 2003, and I wanted to advertise for myself as a psychic and for my friend who was a seamstress specializing in Medieval and Renaissance clothing. Of course, we were looking at the cheapest and most effective way to do it. With the help of Microsoft Publisher, I designed a newsletter with both of us sharing the front cover announcing our businesses. We also thought of a few more things to inform people of such as herbs; naming a few an some uses. We included a recipe or two and managed to fill up two whole sheets of paper. We printed out about 50 copies, stapled the two sheets of paper together and went to Bell, Book & Candle the Metaphysical shop in Dover, Delaware. We left twenty copies and handed the rest out to friends. Two days later, the shop called and asked us to print out fifty more as soon as we could. The first supply was completely gone and customers were asking for more! Thus, the Psychic Times was born.

the feedback you received from those who read it? How did this lead to your decision to start publishing the Psychic Times International as a newsletter? I'm not really sure about how many physical copies were distributed, but would guess about 1000 per quarter issue. In our local New Age/ Wiccan shop (Bell, Book & Candle) in Dover, Delaware, we couldn't keep them in stock. But it started there and some people would visit the shop at times just to pick up the latest copy. One fellow emailed me about four years ago. He is from the UK. He introduced himself as T. Stokes and had told me he had discovered a physical copy somewhere in the UK. This amazed us since we had never sent a copy to the UK. T. Stokes became a dear friend to me and one of our regular writers and is still to date. We also received a photo from a gal in Romania, who was photographed while holding a copy of our then, newsletter. It grew faster than we ever imagined until a about a year ago and we went to our on-line magazine. This was to off-set the rising cost of ink and printing.

2) How many copies of your newsletter did you end up distributing altogether? Describe

.3) Describe the first official issue of Psychic Times International, then called the Psychic

1)What year did you start Psychic Times International? What inspired you to create it?

Pg. 4

Times. What sort of articles were published in this issue? In what ways do you believe Psychic Times International differed from other publications in the paranormal community? It was just supposed to be a one-time, inexpensive way for me to advertise for myself and my friend. I found Microsoft Publisher to be most useful for doing this type of advertising. I thought it may be more appealing and people may want to actually read it if it included a recipe and a spell or two. My friend wrote an article of herbs and natural healing and I included a recipe and a few other items. We then printed out two pages and stapled them together. I think it's the fact that we include the Paranormal, New Age, Wicca, Metaphysical and human interest stories. We are open to diversity because we know every individual is unique. 4) Was Psychic Times International always available online? Or, did it start off in physical (paper) form? Where do you see it going in the future? For the past two years our magazine has been available online. We did this to reach a larger audience and our issue had become popular

with so many contributors that we went from two sheets of paper to thirty to thirty-five pages. It became too expensive for printing costs. I see it becoming available wherever magazines are sold and flying off of the shelves. Maybe when the economy shows improvement - maybe before that. 5) At what point did the Psychic Times become Psychic Times International, and what made you decide to release the newsletter online? Since it became available online, how much has the readership increased altogether? We changed our title when we discovered there was a website and domain with that title. We also figured since we were going around the world at this point, adding the "international" seemed appropriate. With the high cost of printing and shipping in a tight economy, we decided that it would be best to do it that way. We initially just had a PDF on our website that anyone could download to their desktop and print out. Then, we discovered where the publication is converted from a PDF upload to a flash magazine with the look and feel of a virtual magazine or book. We have two sites where they can either download in a PDF to read from their desktop at: or read it magazine style at: 6) How long have you been a psychic? Were there certain experiences in your lifetime that aroused your interest in psychic phenomena to the extent where you considered studying it for a living? Which of these experiences do you remember most vividly today? I've been a psychic for over forty years. I always wanted to help others. And, as a child had an unfortunate accident where I had lost the sight in my right eye. After six months of treatment, my sight was restored. But during my time of healing, I knew I had abilities that were what some people would consider out-of-the-norm. As a young adult, I began applying my psychic abilities to give others insight and hope. I began doing research and to learn, to read, to listen to other accomplished healers and psychics. Many years ago a woman in a wheelchair had a psychic party just to ask me if I ever saw her walking again. It was the first time I had been asked a question of that nature. I closed my eyes and an answer came immediately. Yes, she would take her first steps in seventeen years in the same year, in the month of October. She called me in November of that year and told me she had taken her first three steps in seventeen years. Other experiences are with those people who are about to end their lives from a hopeless situation or depression. I hope I was able to help them see a better path and help save some lives. 7) Donna, you’re what I’d call a “Master Psychic Counselor.” When did you realize that you wanted to help people professionally? When I was about 18 years old. I knew by then I had a gift and wanted to share it helping others find the light and hope again in their lives. 8) Do you believe that your Romani heritage has aided you in counseling? No, I feel we are all born with an ability, but not everyone chooses to use or believe in it. 9) When did you begin to employ your abilities toward helping others? How did you advertise for clients, and how beneficial were your abilities proven for them? How many people contact you who are interested in seeking your counsel? I've always wanted to help those in need ever since I was a young child. Actually, except for a few classifieds many years ago (and before the internet), it was word-of-mouth. I still have clients of many years who would travel whatever distance is necessary to get that insight. It is an honor to be trusted and respected by those people who have and still are dedicated. In the past two years, however, I have had my own website at: I don't have a

specific count, but I have a database of over 10,000 currently. 10) I’ve heard some of the EVPs you’ve recorded, and I found them quite impressive. Would you discuss what EVPs are and discuss some of the clearest ones you’ve recorded? Also, how important do you think the scientific gathering of evidence is to an investigation? The scientific approach is most important to an investigation because it deals with those things that have (for the most part) a proven basis. But that which many are working on to become sound facts (the psychic) we find cab be most helpful. I believe we are comprised more of the spirit than the physical, so that spirit can communicate with spirit. And with the help of technical (scientific devises such as digital recorders and sound boxes) we can now record these voices being transmitted to us from the next dimension. This gives us an opportunity to share the EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena - disembodied voice and sound) with anyone that may choose to listen. My favorite was "This is the ancient book' and "For I'm thou Merlin". These can be heard by going to the G.H.O.S.T. website at: 11) If memory serves, you were also on T.A.P.S. Family Radio two times in 2008. What were those experiences like? Where can AEA Readers listen to the archives? The first time was in 2007. I was just a caller who wanted to share a spiritual point of view on that night's topic. I forget now what that was. About a year later, TAPS Family Radio invited me to be on their show as a guest. But both times I found the hosts and hostesses of these shows to be wonderful, entertaining and informative. 12) Would you tell us about your G.H.O.S.T. team? What does G.H.O.S.T. stand for? Where do most of the investigations take place? G.H.O.S.T. stands for "Ghost Hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics". We have a great team and I'm proud of them from the technical knowledge to work ethics. We do most of our investigations locally within and surrounding our state here in Delaware but will be going to the Winery At Marjim Manor in Appleton, New York this midNovember. And we're excited about that one - we've heard it's really haunted! 13) You and G.H.O.S.T. have several profiles on MySpace. Which of these have gotten the largest response on the Internet? Well, actually, it's one for each. That's a profile for me as a psychic, one for Psychic Time International, for G.H.O.S.T. and one for Voices From Beyond. 14) Do you watch the Sci Fi Channel program Ghost Hunters? If so, how closely are the methods those investigators employ toward contacting spirits similar to the methods employed by you and G.H.O.S.T.? We are similar only in the technical. Where we are different is in using the spiritual tactic along with the technical. We feel if we are going to communicate with spirits we should be talking their language :). 15) There is a method employed by paranormal investigators known as “provoking spirits” which is basically goading spirits to make contact with them. Do you utilize this method while investigating, or do you prefer to allow spirits to contact you of their free will? We treat spirits as we would a person still alive; as we would want them to treat us We will not be offensive to these entities, not unless they cannot be reasoned with. No, provoking is not allowed within our group. 16) Describe some of the most bizarre and interesting experiences you have had while conducting investigations? Hearing the spoken voice of a spirit, an audible response to a question asked is probably the most interesting. Seeing a candle come up out of a candle holder, travel about seven inches horizontally, and then falling to the floor was the most bizarre. - Con’t pg. 6 Pg. 5

Spring Craft & Vendor Show Bowers Fire Company

Saturday April 3rd, 2010 9am – 2pm

FREE ADMISSION Come & Meet the “Official” Donna Master Psychic Counselor

FM Radio Eagle 97.7 Petch & Paula Morning

    

- Con’t from pg. 5

But making an acquaintance with Sara Winchester, who passed in 1922, has to be my favorite. She also appeared (we believe it's her) for a picture. Then after we saw the unbelievable photo, asked her in a recorded session if it was her, she responded with, "Yes, it's my picture that you spoke of." 17) Do you see G.H.O.S.T. investigating with T.A.P.S. one day, if you haven’t already? I don't see us as investigating with TAPS (although that would be interesting). They don't rely on the assistance of a psychic or seem to utilize the spiritual aspect. However, Ryan Buell of "Paranormal State” has offered to send us any Delaware cases they may get. And we've met Ryan and most of his team and found them to be down-toearth, knowledgeable and great people. I would love to do an investigation with them. 18) Where can readers go to learn more about your counseling services, “Psychic Times International,” “G.H.O.S.T.,” etc.? Anyone wanting to visit my "Metaphysical Center" can visit: and choose from there. 19) Would you like to have your own program on cable TV or radio sometime in the future? If this was ever to happen, what would it offer that was original and inventive? It would be nice to have our own show on TV. I am a guest on quite a few radio shows online and have my own show here locally in Delaware on EAGLE 97.7 FM. Original? So far, I think it's all been done. At least as far as we have understanding and knowledge of the afterlife. And even though it's not an exclusive gift I have, I can connect with spirits, have them answer questions and have spoken and recorded many thousands of conversations and direct answers as EVP (electronic voice phenomena). It's been said, when I call them, they come to me. 20) What does the future hold for Psychic Times International? Now that's a question most dear to my heart. And probably why it is hard for me to make a prediction. But many people have said they see this magazine growing phenomenally and I would have to agree. Since it's birth, it has taken on a life of it's own with the help of so many wonderful writers such as G.L. Giles, Tracie AustinPeters, T. Stokes, Kirsty Taylor and so many more. And, you, Dave Wolff, who we are delighted to have as a part of our Psychic Times International family.

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Page 6

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Our Differently Similar Journeys - Robin Linke

So many of us feel like we‟re on different journeys, but in the end, the only difference is the path we choose to follow and how we choose to experience it. The bottom line is, our journeys and destinations are all the same. We may call our destinations by different names and apply various definitions, but that doesn‟t change where and what it is. We travel down our chosen roads, separate but together. Some may pick a circuitous route, while another decides the straight and narrow is the way for him. Others may pick a path filled with complications or even joy. The possibilities are infinite. They say life is about the journey, not the destination. I have to admit, there are times when life feels more like Mr. Toad‟s Wild Ride. Yet even that is a unique experience for those who decide to hop on and take a chance. Your dramatic, emotional friend is not going to have the same experience as the one who only views life through the eyes of fear. Then, there‟s that one person who is happy just because he is able to be a part of the experience. He‟s the one who notices the daisies on the side of the road, or stops his car to admire the sunset. He‟s the person who stops everything to truly savor his first sip of coffee in the morning. He notices the scent, color, temperature, strength and the million other nuances that make that first taste a brand new occurrence every day. He creates small moments of peace. Now don‟t get me wrong, tragedy and chaos may still hit this person‟s life. The thing is, he‟s got the resources, emotionally and spiritually, to deal with it when it does. As he adjusts his path to fit the new circumstances, he may find a different flower to admire, or discover the wonders of the sunrise. Or, he may simply continue to fully enjoy his first taste of morning coffee. When chaos hits, there will be occasions when we‟ll only have time for a sip of peace. Go ahead and take it. It‟s only a moment and certainly not long enough to get in the way of the rest of your day. They payoff is immeasurable, especially when the moments add up. Do your best to enjoy the journey, you‟ll reach your destination soon enough. Pg 7

Good Eats From Chef Robert Janus Ingredients


     

Preheat a skillet over medium-high heat. Combine lettuce, carrots and celery in a salad bowl. Combine ranch dressing and blue cheese crumbles in a small bowl.

2 hearts romaine lettuce, chopped 1 cup shredded carrots, available in pouches 2 ribs celery with greens, chopped 1/2 cup ranch dressing 1/2 cup blue cheese crumbles 1 package, 3/4 to 1 pound, chicken tenders, cut into bite size pieces  1 tablespoon vegetable oil - 1 turn of the pan  2 tablespoons butter  Salt and black pepper 1/4 cup hot sauce Pg. 8

Add oil and butter to hot pan with the chicken. Season with salt and pepper and sear for 2 or 3 minutes, then add hot sauce. Reduce heat a little and cook 5 minutes more. Toss salad with dressing and season with salt and pepper. Top salad with Buffalo chicken and serve.

Chef Robert M. Janus studied at culinary arts A B Tech College in North Carolina and resides in Houston, Texas.

Steak Salad

He is currently working on his Bachelor Degree at Colorado Tech Online Hotel/Hospitality/ Culinary hopes to have his own bed and breakfast inn here in Texas. Chef Robert has worked in many fine five star restaurants in Fredericksburg does volunteer work with his local police department with their search & rescue team. Chef Robert enjoys helping and making others happy.

1/2 head romaine lettuce, cut into bite-size pieces 1 large head Belgian endive, thinly sliced crosswise (about 1 1/2 cups) 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced into rings 3 cups fresh baby arugula 12 cherry tomatoes, halved 4 ounces Gorgonzola, coarsely crumbled Red Wine Vinaigrette, recipe follows Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 pound steak (such as New York, rib-eye or filet mignon), pan-fried or grilled and chilled

Fried Egg Sandwich Ingredients 2 slices bacon 2 tablespoons good olive oil 1 Bagel, toasted 2 ounces cream cheese, room temperature 1 teaspoon minced fresh parsley leaves 2 slices red onion 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/8 teaspoon minced garlic 1/8 teaspoon basil leaves - chopped 2 large eggs 2 slices tomato 1/2 avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced 1 leave roman lettuces


Directions In a large bowl, combine the romaine lettuce, Belgian endive, red onion, baby arugula and cherry tomatoes, and half of the cheese. Toss the salad with enough vinaigrette to coat. Season the salad with salt and pepper, to taste. Arrange the salad on a platter. Cut the steaks crosswise into thin slices. Arrange the steak slices atop the salad and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Drizzle more vinaigrette over the steak slices and serve.

If you are a professional chef or just like to cook and have a recipe or more you would like to see published, just send us yours along with your first and last name, city and state, and a photo of your prepared recipe.

Directions In a small skillet cook bacon over medium-high heat until crispy. Add brown sugar. Remove from pan and drain on paper towels. Drain grease from pan, reserving. Butter the bagel face down in the skillet in until it is toast-like and add 2 tablespoons good olive oil. Crack the yolks adding the kosher salt and ground black pepper, minced garlic, basil leaves, chopped. Flip the egg. Place the bagel on a serving plate. In a small bowl, add cream cheese, parsley and red onions together. Spread onto one side of each toast bagel slice and the same on the other side. Add the roman and tomato , avocado and the bacon. Enjoy!

And if you like, a photo of yourself . Email with “Recipe” in the subject line and send to: Publications of your recipe is “Editor” chosen. Pg 9

- Jim Larsen

If you hope to reach enlightenment, the best way to make that happen is to become a Fool. Not a Fool though, like what would be synonymous with “idiot.” To me, an idiot is one who is caught up in the traps of the ego- that part of the brain that needs control- control of everything. That bit of being that is unable to surrender to the natural flow of what is and what was always meant to be, what you figured out for yourself before you even incarnated for this go-around on the planet. The ego- that is the greatest foe of The Fool. The ego is what separates a Fool from an idiot. Pg. 10

What is this word, though,“ enlightenment?” It‟s a word people like to use a lot. I hear it all the time; people saying things like, “get Deeksha Blessings and you will be enlightened.” Or “Do Kundalini yoga a few times a week for so and so many years and then you‟ll be enlightened.” Do these things really work? Is Deeksha the blessing of enlightenment? Is Kundalini the yoga of spiritual empowerment? I don‟t know. Maybe they are. They certainly help improve the human condition if nothing else, but enlightenment? Really, it depends on your definition of the word.

“Enlightenment.” I can answer for myself what it means, but you have got to come up with your own definition, based on what you need it to mean. For me, “enlightenment” means to have figured out the grandest and best way to live your life based on what is in the highest and best interest for yourself. In other words, what are you doing here? Why were you born? For what reason did you choose to spend a little time on the earth right here and right now? It means to become aware of the unique purpose of your life, or to sim-

ply realize that yes, you do have a unique purpose. Maybe you don’t exactly know what that purpose is. That’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Just the awareness that you indeed do have a unique purpose, that you came to the earth to accomplish something special is a form of enlightenment in itself. All you can really do is follow the synchronicities and your intuition and know that somewhere in it, while following your bliss that your purpose will be somehow, some way achieved. Trying to figure it all out and pinpoint the exact purpose really only serves the ego. The ego needs to know the how, the when and the why of everything. Spirit simply says “It shall be.” And it will be. Put the ego on the back burner and let your spirit fly.

as far away from the ego as you can possibly get. Remember, the ego is the foe of the Fool.

To put the ego in your rearview mirror as you travel along the Fool’s path to enlightenment is to become an example to others, proof that it can be done. Proof that the spirit knows better than the mind what the body needs. Trust me on this. Undoubtedly you’ve experienced this too. Would a rational person quit a high paying job, get rid of pretty much everything they own and move to Hawaii just because they feel like that’s where they should be? Do you know many times have I have heard from those in the outer world that they are envious of me? That they wish they could do what I did? Well, they can! But their ego doesn’t allow them to see that. Their ego, their mind A free spirit is an unburdened spirit- a spirit tells them that they must remain the same. without weight or shackles, a spirit that is That change is unattainable, that they not bound to that which saddens it. This is must remain as they are. But to be a Fool the spirit of the Fool - a light spirit, a spirit is to be proof to them that they are wrong, not made heavy by the ego’s weighty cargo, that they can change. In this change, a spirit made light by the setting free of that enlightenment can be found - just which does not serve its highest good. understanding that if they don’t feel right When all that does not serve the spirit is cast in their life, they should re-examine, off, that which remains is your truth. read just, redo. Follow this truth. This is your path to your personal enlightenment. So be the example! Be willing to make mistakes as you figure it all out. It is the Fool’s path - a noble and divine Understand that you need to be a road that will take you to where you need to complete Fool to ever achieve enlightengo, wherever that may be. It may be an ment. Be willing to set out on a path not uncertain road, but it is not a scary one. knowing where the path leads or even Any fear simply indicates new horizons are why you are on it. Be willing to trust your being reached. Maybe you can’t see your faith and your inner voice. Know that feet when you are on this road. A true Fool, even in hardship there are lessons that are a true wanderer of light, would not be being learned. Know all in the knowing of concerned. Just trust. If your intuition tells nothing. Value silence as well as noise. you, and you wouldn’t be on this road if you Be sure of your steps even when you can’t intuition didn’t tell you, then that means you see your own feet. Know that nothing is are headed in the direction you need to go, for nothing in the universe, that every-

body and everything has its purpose even when no logical sense can be made of it. Fear not the journey. Fear not the idea of the journey. Be an alchemist, transforming fear into opportunity. Be willing, if necessary, to go it alone. Never be blind to the humor of it all. Be a Fool for others! Show them the way! As The Fool, it is up to you to remind people of the infinite possibilities that exist for them. When they are in doubt or feeling uncertain, help them to see things clearly. What would a Fool do? Remember, the Fool approaches the situation without a preconceived notion as to what it is or what the outcome should be. The Fool will, without a doubt, offer a fresh perspective every time. Where thoughts are rigid, so are attitudes and your perceptions. Keep a soft and flexible mind. This will help to see through the cracks of rigid thinking to see the situation in a new light. As a Fool, be a friend to all and share your genius. This will not only help, but also inspire others to embrace their own inner Fool and allow their inner light to shine. That is something this planet needs - all the Fools it can get. Think about it, so many Fools, all escaping the traps of the ego and social conditioning, marching down the path to their personal enlightenment, their own songs playing in their head, not the song society says they ought to be listening to, but the song that brings them the most joy. Perhaps this is what it takes for the human race to evolve - all the Fools it can get, all elevating the vibration of the planet through the achievement of their own bliss. This is the evolution of Fools. Be a part of it and be proud. It can be a glorious thing.

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302-715-5230 Pg. 12

Written by Lucas McPherson Illustrated by Cyan Jenkins - Dave Wolff Compiled in 2009, Lucas McPherson‟s Poetry, Songs and Stygian Stories is a collection of prose and fiction that swings open doors previously sealed by the rigidly enforced conformity fostered both by religion and media; two apparently opposing forces that operate together more effectively than some might suspect. The ideas and theories presented in this written work establish an alternative to both, even it we don‟t realize it until we sever the bonds they secure on our minds through a level of contradictory social pressure that seemingly persists in rising each passing day. Those who criticize the anger and indignation in these words, all for the man upstairs, are reminded by the other guy to practice what they preach and consider the logs in their own eyes first. What‟s important to keep in mind is this book is not so much a challenge to readers to “better” themselves by changing what they are or conforming to society‟s demands as it is a reminder of one‟s own will and personal power that continues to thrive regardless of how zealously it is suppressed by those too consumed by the status quo to think for themselves. The conceptual pieces offered here for scrutiny call to mind the words and images of another gifted poet, Jillanna Babb of the dance troupe Corpsewax Dollies, who writes “I have better things to do/places to go/Pleasures and Torments/You will Never Know” in “She Killed,” but that of course is another story. The same mode of thought exists in the poems and song lyrics of Poetry, Songs and Stygian Stories, in relation to the roles of male and female, popular culture and independent thought, as well as adoptive parents, alcoholism/addiction, psychic/emotional vampires and people who say one thing while doing another. The relation to psychic and emotional vampirism and the effect it has on the vampirized is intriguing to consider while assimilating this book as a whole. The fiction written for Poetry, Songs and Stygian Stories is equally compelling, relying heavily on vampire lore to get their point across regarding human nature. With illustrations by freelance illustrator Cyan Jenkins, this book is another veritable time bomb waiting for the moment to explode… “at the moment we conquer the lurking fear in our own souls” as the preface of Necronomicon would have it. Page 11

Chasing the Green Set in the 1990s, Chasing the Green is inspired by the true story of two brothers who became millionaires in their twenties. Remarkably, they do this without following a typical money rules/ herd mentality. Ross and Adam Franklin are the brothers who start two companies basically fromscratch: A & R Cellular and A & R Bancard. There are many golf metaphors in the movie, and “Chasing the Green” is certainly one of them, for it means going after each and every hole with determination and not letting anything stop you, no matter how overwhelming it mightseem. Adam is seen in many scenes skillfully chasing the green on the golf course and, likewise, the brothers are “Chasing the Green” as they go after making the big bucks in their companies. Indeed, they are quite successful and basically profiting exponentially until they repeatedly ignore letters from the F.T.C. (Federal Trade Commission). In fact, it’s mentioned that Adam’s character feels untouchable till all the problems with the F.T.C. start. What's more, it was the first case ever brought by the Federal Trade Commission against an Independent Sales Organization in the electronic transaction processing industry. There were twenty-nine complaints against A & R, and they were charged with fraud. There was a lengthy investigation that ensued and during this time their company sales suffered. Adam takes the investigation better than his brother Ross in a sense because Adam isn’t all about the money. Adam, aided by his love interest, Lynn, actually yearns for a permanent vacation away from work. He’s also helped by remembering lessons-learned, via flashbacks from his past, including good advice from his mother. And, Adam gets his heart’s desires at the end as they end up selling their company, so he gets enough money for a permanent vacation and he gets the girl. Ross also gets his heart’s desire as he can stay on with the company, under new ownership, to see that his baby, the business, is handled correctly. Ryan Hurst brings a lot to the role of Ross, the ultra-driven brother who never really has time for a love interest. You might know him currently in the role of Opie on Sons of Anarchy. Truly a versatile actor, he brings the character of Ross to life, from the scenes in his businesses to the scenes in their local bar. I’ve been a fan of William Devane since his role of the villainous Greg Sumner on Knots Landing; he also makes a very convincing villain as the F.T.C. agent, Victor, who is guilty of extortion. Well worth picking up a copy, especially if you’re into movies where determination triumphs, and the little guys become heroes for standing up to the system. For more information, visit their website at: Chasing the Green. Dir. Russ Emanuel. Perf. Jeremy London, Ryan Hurst, Heather McComb, Dan Grimaldi, Robert Picardo, William Devane, etc. 2009. DVD. Executive Producer Craig Frankel, Producer Howard Nash, IGOLF Productions, LLC, USA, 2008, HD Digital, Color, 102 minutes. Lucas McPherson for Psychic Times International

Myopic This fictional eBook of just forty-two pages is easily a one-sit read; as once you begin you won’t want to stop reading till you’re finished. Having read two of Starta’s novels previously, This fictional eBook of just forty-two pages is easily a one-sit read; as once you begin you won’t want to stop reading till you’re finished. Having read two of Starta’s novels previously, who is contacted by microscopic organisms known as EROs (Environmental Restoration Organisms). Basically, they inform Diamond that unless Earthlings clean up their pollution within 1800 days,

they’ll be destroyed by beings known as Purifiers (extraterrestrial bug-like creatures). Starta dedicates this eBook “To the Planet and those who love her,” so it should come as no surprise that a saving-Mother-Earthmotif is found throughout. In addition, a dominant theme of the rational scientific mind versus the often-irrational artistic mind plays out. As revealed in this story, the scientific mindset is the more dangerous one as it doesn’t allow for “behav[ing] irrationally when necessary,” as in throwing caution aside to save the planet (p. 42). You’ll be guessing up to the very end as to which wins out. Plus, there’s a nice love story included between the formerly mostly rational Sonja, an EPA scientist, and Diamond, the emotional novelist. Definitely worth a read! Review of Gary Starta’s MYOPIC (Gypsy Shadow Publishing 2009 Lucas McPherson for Psychic Times International

Welcome To Haunted Las Vegas Tracie Austin-Peters deftly evokes real ectoplasmic entertainment and goosebumps galore in this book containing eighteen true ghost stories that take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. She recounts investigations of the Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigations (LVSSI). Founder and director of LVSSI, Tina Carlson is often at the heart of many of the investigations, some of which include a creepy hanging Barbie doll, a ghostly gunshot, a house infested with unwanted spirits, etc. Other investigators include Nancy Riggs, Matthew Winn and Steve Carlson. A couple of the main things that set LVSSI apart from many investigative teams is their professionalism and that they’ll try to remove unwanted spirits (only at the homeowner’s request, however, as some families like the spirits of former family members to still remain with them after an investigation) with the use of salt, sage, prayers, etc. after investigating. In short, they aren’t just there to record spirit activity; they are also there to help homeowners who’re being plagued by unwanted spirit activity. Also included in this book are Guidelines for Ghost Hunters like “Never go alone. Take a friend with you when you go ghost hunting. Never go to a quiet or deserted site alone, and never explore risky neighborhoods on your own” (p. 158). In addition, there’s a Ghost Hunter’s Glossary included for those not familiar with common ghost hunting terminology. Review of Tracie Austin-Peters’ Welcome to Haunted Las Vegas Nevada (Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 2009) Lucas McPherson for Psychic Times International Page 15

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- Chantel Cloak

Pg. 18

Lighting a Candle Some of the Reasons People Burn Candles: Talk to God/Goddess Obtain Money Win the Love of Man or Woman Settle a Disturbed Condition in the Home Obtain Work Conquer Fear Conquer Addictions Develop Understanding Break up a Love Affair Unfavorable Vibrations Gain Prosperity Rainbow Bridge Change One1s Luck Develop Spiritual Understanding Learn the Truth Stress Management - Soothe and Quiet the Nerves Regain or Retain Health Gain Power Over Others Arouse Discord or Anger or Jealousy in Another Awaken Spiritual Understanding in Another Protect Against Evil Influences Stop Being Slandered Achieve Goals Win or Hold Happiness Attain and Maintain Success Heal an Unhappy Marriage or Other Family Situations The wick is the quintessence of the candle. Quintessence is the vertical reflection of Essence into matter and is at the center of every material thing. Although quintessence is a material principle because it is a perfect reflection of the Spirit to become one with the quintessence is in effect to become one with the Spirit. When the candle burns while air is flowing directly into the flame the wax is flowing into it indirectly by means of the wick. The lower action reflects the higher.

HOW TO MAKE A PRESSED FLOWER CANDLE These candles are a great bathroom accent. Pansies make some of the best candles. You can also use greenery such as fern or leaves, those purple leaves are great. You display the flowers and greenery on the candle beneath a thin layer of wax. Materials: Pillar candles Pressed flowers (your choice) Pressed greens (your choice) Raffia, (optional) Craft glue or hot glue Paraffin wax Sauce pan Metal bowl Tongs News paper, An old towel, or use wax pa-

Celestial Love

Melting candles that drip - can produce patterns from the dripping that can have meaning for the person near the candle. Candle burning is one of most simple forms of magic. It can be performed most anywhere and candles are really easy to purchase. The basic principles are to concentrate, visualize and focusing (willpower) on the candle as a symbol.

HOW TO MAKE A HOMEMADE CANDLE First you will need to buy a sheet of wax from a craft or hobby store. Cut it into several chunks and fill a coffee can roughly half full with it. Place the can in a pot that has water in it. The water level should not be higher than the can because sometimes water will spill or boil over. Heat the pot of water and when the wax has turned into a fairly clear liquid, use a pair of tongs to pour it into a frame. Some people make their own frames out of sheet metal. Keep the frame upside down and suspend a wick with an extended rod, letting the wick hang down with a little extra at the end to light. It's okay to use empty tuna fish cans to create votives and feel free to experiment with other designs. Love

Four Elements

per. To make these lovely candles very carefully, or with tweezers, pick up flowers and greenery. Arrange on candle. Also very carefully add a touch of glue to the backs of the flowers and greenery; you can use a tooth pick or Q-Tip to make it easier. Let it sit for Animals about 15 minutes to allow glue to dry completely. Fill sauce pan with water and warm over medium low heat. Balance metal bowl on rims so it sits above the water’s surface. Melt wax this way. Hold candle by the wick, either with your fingers (long wick) or for safety with piers or tongs. Dip candle into the wax entirely. Remove slowly. Place candle on wax paper and allow drying very well. Most flowers are great with this idea, and fern, cedar and oak leaves are very nice. You can also splash things up a bit by adding colored leaves around the candle before dipping for a stunning effect. You can also adorn with wheat or cat tails. Next Issue: Working with Candle Gazing Page 19

The “Psychic Times International” wishes you a 302-736-1073 Monday - Lrg cheese pizza - 7.50 Tue. - small Cheesesteak & French Fries - 6.50 Wed. - 1/2 lb. Cheeseburger & French Fries - 4.50 Thurs. - Lrg Cheese Pizza & 12 Jumbo Wings - 11.75 Fri. - Veal Parmesan & French Fries - 4.25 Sat. - 12 Jumbo Wings - 5.75

Pizza Takeout and Delivery ($8.00 order minimum) If you prefer to indulge in steaming hot pizza and fresh sandwiches in the comfort of home or office, we offer convenient takeout and delivery services. Call us and we will bring piping hot pizzas, appetizers, and more right to your front door. Or you can call from work and pick up your order from our pizza restaurant on your way home. Simaron also offers overnight delivery service of your favorite sandwiches using Fedex or UPS.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

 The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martias) is the name of March 15 in the Roman calendar. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July and October. The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that Julius Caesar was assassinated in 709 AUC or 44 B.C. The term idūs (ides) originally referred to the day of the full moon. The Romans considered this an auspicious day in their calendar. The word ides comes from Latin meaning "half division" (of a month) but is probably of non-IndoEuropean origin. - Excerpts from Wikipedia - Page 20

My Reality

G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics) Paranormal Investigations - now accepting new cases. Contact Jason Russell at 302-715-5230 or email:

 Here are some herbal combinations that not only go well together but may also help you to lose weight!

Sage, Savory and Parsley Mint and Marjoram Thyme and Parsley Oregano and Rosemary Tarragon and Chives Oregano and Marjoram

Allspice Allspice tastes/smells like a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. It‟s often used with sweet potatoes, turnips and squash and enhances a cranberry juice cocktail.


may be used whole or dried. Whole and dried herbs should be kept in a cool and dry place. Whole herbs are best used in dishes that are slow cooked while dried herbs should be added to a dish about 15 minutes before the dish has fin-

Remember that herbs (whole or dried) are all the flavorings from plants while spices are the plant parts (buds, dried seeds, fruit, roots or bark of plants). Herbs will usually keep their aroma and flavor for about 6 months while whole herbs, if stored properly, should last longer. More herbal information next time!

Basil leaves are good when added to stews, poultry, seafood, cooked vegetables, any tomato-based dish and salads. The leaves should be crushed before using them.

Caraway seed has a tangy, licorice-like flavor. Try adding it to melted butter to put over macaroni/noodles. It‟s also good added to carrots, cabbage, sauerkraut, and cheese spreads/dips.

Whole cardamom has a rather exotic flavor and aroma and makes a great sugar substitute! It helps to flavor cookies, coffee cakes and pies such as apple, pumpkin, sweet potato, etc. Try adding whole cardamom seed to demi-tasse coffee for a delicious change of taste!

Celery flakes have a variety of uses. Celery flakes must be rehydrated before being added to most dishes, such as casseroles, stews, poultry dressings/ stuffing, meat sauces and soups.

Anise Seed is good used with baked goods and with poultry. Try boiling it with the syrup in canned pineapples. Then strain it and pour it over the pineapples.

Bell pepper flakes may be used in many ways, such as with vegetables, stews, sauces, salads, Spanish rice, Creole meals, soups, chili sauce and even in sandwich fillings. It‟s especially tasty in egg salad.

Bay leaves are excellent in casseroles, soups, stews, kebabs and sauces. For kebabs, use a bay leaf between the meat cubes. Remember that this is a strong herb and should be used sparingly! Also, remember to ALWAYS REMOVE the bay leaves before eating or they could cut your tongue! An old Gypsy custom and still used by some people is to take basil leaves and make a small wreath with them and then keep it close to where they work, such as on or near their computer, desk, where they do their “readings,” etc. Remember that this is a strong herb! Page 23

All times are based on Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT)

January 2010 New Moon - January 15 - (7:10 am) First Quarter Moon - January 23 - (10:55 am) Full Moon - January 30 - (5:29 pm) The Moon Type - Wolf Moon The Color Association - White

February 2010 Last Quarter Moon - February 5 - (11:50 pm) New Moon - February 14 - (2:51 am) First Quarter Moon - February 22 - (4:40 am) Full Moon - February 28 - (4:40 pm) The Moon Type - Storm Moon The Color Association - Red

March 2010 Last Quarter Moon - March 7 - (3:40 pm) New Moon - March 15 - (10:00 pm) First Quarter - March 23 - (11:00 am) Full Moon - March 30 - (2:25 am) The Moon Type - Chaste Moon Color Association - Green

Some Moon Symbols Waning Moon: Let go, surrender, release, time to be still, resting New Moon: New beginnings; rebirth Waxing Moon: Growth, manifestation, attainment and gravidity Full Moon: Power is at it’s peak, the height of clarity and fullness and obtainment of desire Pg. 24

A Gypsy Funeral in Southern PA., U.S.A. - Marie Winters Adams

Sixty years ago, when I was about 5 years old, my Great-Uncle, Lloyd Winters, died. After the embalming was completed, his body was returned to his home in its ornate coffin. The open coffin was placed in his large living room. Two tall, torch-like lamps with soft-colored bulbs were placed at each end of the coffin. The bulbs were “soft-colored” because scarves were placed over the shades. All kinds of cold food was placed on the dining room table; cooking was not permitted. All kinds of drinks, too, including alcoholic ones, were also available. Relatives from all over arrived to visit and some stayed all night taking turns watching over the body. At least two relatives were with him until his body went to the funeral home the next day. While his body was still in his home, relatives placed small items in the coffin, under his “blanket,” that he could use in the after-life or were tokens of love. When the coffin arrived at the funeral home, it was opened and all those who wished walked past it to say a last goodbye; some of the women kissed him. I still remember the smell of the floral arrangements that filled every spare square inch of the room. A minister came in and gave a homily and a relative gave a eulogy. The room was very large and every chair was taken. When the service was over, most of the crowd and all of the relatives went to the cemetery where the minister held a graveside service. The relatives then went back to his home for more food, drink and reminisces. This was the first body and funeral that I had ever seen and I have always remembered it. I don‟t know if this is a traditional Gypsy funeral, but that‟s how, at that time, my family did it.

“None of the Government‟s Business!” - Marie Winters Adams

Some years ago, we were taking a trip to Ireland and we wanted my mother to go along. We went down to the Passport Office to see what we needed to get our passports, thinking that it would be a simple thing to do. The passports were for my husband, our son and me. Not so for my mom. My mom could not find a copy of her birth certificate and neither could the office in Harrisburg. She asked my grandma if she had a copy and Grandma said that she had never registered her birth because “it was none of the government‟s business; that they had had a daughter!” It seems that she had been delivered by an alcoholic, country doctor who had been pleased when they said that they‟d take care of the certificate. Naturally, they had not done so. The officer suggested that they check the appropriate census year. She wasn‟t on it for the same reason! Every suggestion given failed for the same reason. Months later when she had almost given up, the officer relented and permitted her aunt and older cousin to come in and swear that they knew that she HAD been born in the U.S.A.! He told her to PLEASE not lose her passport! She did get to visit Ireland after all! This attitude is well understood by most Gypsies---at least by those of that time period!

Pg. 25

Little Fish - Kirsty Taylor - Glasgow, Scotland

Sometimes I feel like a small fish Tiny and wee In the deep blue sea When I grow up I wonder what kind of fish I‟ll be Adorable or territorial Bossing the other fish around Or the nice fish who gets pushed around The future is uncertain Some say your life‟s mapped out Time will tell if I sink or if I swim

Robert M. Davies - Lufkin, Texas

You are the reason There will be a season, Please draw nearer For me to see you clearer. You are the fire That ignite and inspire Please re-kindle I don‟t want to be single. Its another day For us to make hay Lets sing While you wear this ring You are the path That leads to my HEART.

The Scent of Love Evil Lily - Columbia, South Carolina

Damp Earth smells of beautiful decay. Remembered agony. Twisted ivy languishing on rotting branches. Misty dreams of forgotten innocence, fraying the edge of sanity. Moss covered stumps slick with dew, glisten unaware. Torment. And I think of you.

Sometimes I live like, in a bubble Where I don‟t see trouble ahead Most fish want to attack But I always get away without a scratch People underestimate me As I‟m small and weak But really I‟m strong I know where I come from I do what my heart feels right So sometimes it‟s worth the fight In the deep sea, out of my depth I always make it along I still continue to make it home Little Fish ©2009 Kirsty Taylor

- Robert Janus - Houston, Texas

I look at your face and what do I see A kindness perhaps unknown to many I look at your eyes and I can almost read The overwhelming love you willingly give The soothing words you speak gently The loving words you whisper endlessly The time you spent that sometimes costly Means the whole world to a gal like me We maybe a thousand miles apart Not able to hug each other at night We maybe separated by distance But in our hearts, we truly are one There are simply no ways that I can use To thank you for this amazing gift There are no words enough to describe How you made me feel deep inside If you like to write poetry and would like to see it published here in the Psychic Times International, simply send your poem to and put “Musings” on the subject line. We look forward to reading your thoughts. All submissions will be viewed by the editor who will contact you if yours is chosen. Page 26

Leaving You Behind - Kirsty Taylor - Glasgow Scotland

You thought when I died That I left you behind Gone and forgotten... Read More No love left inside Don't begin to hide away Snuggled in a blanket Wipe the tear away I haven't left you behind I bring you with me to the other side Our love stays forever And we remain together You stay here And I move on To a place beyond this earth But together our love stays strong Keep a smile near Because I'm always here For you, I'm the Spirit person you always knew By your side, I too smile with pride

CAUTION! Jillanna Babb - Chattanooga, TN

Turn away She notices! Turn away! Before she comes She moves closer Quickly! Fascination You fall prey Jillanna Babb has been a professional bellydancer and bellydance instructor for a decade. She and her dance troupe Corpsewax Dollies are currently performing in Tennessee, Georgia and New Orleans. Babb appears in the Minty Pineapple Productions internet horror/ comedy series Monsters Anonymous and has poetry published in issue #16 of Autoeroticasphyxium. For more information visit the following addresses:

Watching over you I wish you to know When its your time to go I'll be the one you love and know Together again we'll be In a Spirit form, We'll be free I never left you behind Leaving You Behind ©2009 Kirsty Taylor

Visit where Tracie Austin-Peters discusses “topics from A - Z of the strange but true”, hear about the “exploration of other realities residing on and off of our planet”!



Metropolitan Museum of Art opens.

January 15, 588 B.C. - Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon lays siege to Jerusalem under Zedekiah’s reign. The siege lasts until July 23, 586 B.C.

February 1, 1327 - Teenaged Edward III is crowned King of England, but the country is ruled by his mother Queen Isabella and her lover Roger Mortimer.

February 20, 1872 - In New York City the Metropolitan Museum of Art opens.

January 17, 1287 - King Alfonso III of Aragon invades Minorca.

February 3, 1112 - Ramon Berenguer III of Barcelona and Douce I of Provence marry, uniting the fortunes of these two states.

January 18, 1486 - King Henry VII of England marries Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV. January 19, 1520 - Sten Sture the Younger, the Regent of Sweden, was mortally wounded at the Battle of Bogesund.

February 6, 46 B.C. - Julius Caesar defeats the combined army of Pompeian followers and Numidians under Metellus Scipio and Juba at Thapsus. February 9, 1621, Gregory XV becomes Pope, the last Pope elected by acclamation.

January 20, 1523 - Christian II is forced to abdicate as King of Denmark and Norway.

March 3, 1791 - The United States Mint is created by Congress of the United States.

January 24, 1826 - Mississippi College is founded in Clinton, becoming the first college in the state of Mississippi.

January 29, 1936 - The first inductees into the Baseball Hall of Fame are announced. January 30, 1948 - Indian pacifist and leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Godse, A Hindu extremist. January 31, 1950 - President Harry S. Truman announces a program to develop the hydrogen bomb. Pg. 28

February 28, 1827 - The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad is incorporated, becoming the first railroad in America offering commercial transportation of both people and freight.

March 2, 1855 - Alexander II becomes Tsar of Russia.

January 23, 1789 - Georgetown College becomes the first Roman Catholic College in the United States in the city of Washington, D.C.

January 28, 1921 - A symbolic Tomb of the Unknown Solider is installed beneath the Arc de Triomphe in Paris to honor the unknown dead of World War I.

February 25, 1901 - J.P. Morgan incorporates the United States Steel Corporation.

March 1, 1790 - The first United State census is authorized.

January 22, 1771 - Spain cedes Port Egmont in the Falkland Islands to England.

January 27, 1918 - The first hostilities occurred in the Finnish Civil War.

February 24, 1868 - The first parade to have floats is staged at Marti Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana.


January 21, 1643 - Abel Tasman was the first European to reach Tonga.

January 25, 1881 - Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell form the Oriental Telephone Company.

February 23, 1904 - The United States gains control of the Panama Canal Zone for $10 million.

March 6, 1477, Nicholas V becomes Pope.

February 9, 1621, Gregory XV becomes Pope, the last Pope elected by acclamation. February 10, 1763, French and Indian War: The 1763 Treaty of Paris ends the war and France cedes Quebec to Great Britain. February 12, 1816 - The San Carlo, the oldest working opera house in Europe, is destroyed by fire. February 13, 1258 - Baghdad falls to the Mongols, and the Abbasid Caliphate is destroyed.

March 7, 1814 - Napoleon I of France wins the Battle of Craonne. March 8, 1817 - The New York Stock Exchange is founded. March 9, 1276 - Augsburg becomes an Imperial Free City. March 10, 1902 - A United States court of appeals rules that Thomas Edison did not invent the movie camera. March 11, 1845 - British baker Henry Jones invents self-raising flour.

February 14, 1014 - Pope Benedict VIII recognizes Henry of Bavaria as King of Germany.

March 12, 1894, Coca-Cola is sold in bottles for the first time.

February 17, 1621 - Myles Standish is appointed as first commander of Plymouth colony.

March 14, 1794 - Eli Whitney is granted a patent for the cotton gin.

February 20, 1872 - In New York City the Metropolitan Museum of Art opens.

March 15, 1919 - The American Legion is formed in Paris.

Finding That Better Career - Jason Russell

Every day, some people are looking for ways to better their financial status. Many jobs in this economy are harder to find. But is there an alternative to finding a better job or a better career? Numerology maybe an option. To do this you must find your “Life Path or Expression” number. Your career suggestions will stem from this. Write down your name (for best results, the way it is written on your birth certificate. 

Use the table on the right to get your numbers and add them up until you arrive at a single digit. Read the number career path for your suggestions.

Pg. 30

Numerology is a great way to tell of events to come. On the following page is a chart made of single digits 1 - 9. Each letter vibrates to one of the nine numbers. Remember to spell the name out and add the corresponding numbers up until you reach one single digit. Only when you arrive at a double digit such as 11, 22, 33, etc. that you leave it at this. These are “power numbers” and meaning can be derived from it‟s power number as well as the sum of it. Example: 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. So, 11 and 2 should be applied. If possible, memorize this chart and amaze your friends! I hope that this method of finding a career will help you find the best way to put you into a better financial status.

1 - President of a company,

4 - Realtor, contractor and manu-

7- Psychic, psychoanalyst, teacher,

manager, law enforcement, military, as well as self employment of professions and businesses.

facturer, athletes, accountants, bankers, financial planners, engineers, architects, landscapers and tax lawyers.

accountant, bank worker, Math, physics, chemistry, military, strategy, business, inventor, analyst and occultist .

Natural-born leader Detail oriented Other choices include: consultant, program writer, actor or actress and commissioned salesperson

Logic and intelligence

Other choices include: organizational and management positions.

Other choices include: arts, performance, and religious calling.

2 -Teacher, counselor, personal

5 - Waiter, waitress, actor or

8 - Professional athlete, movie

assistant, office worker, dancer, doctor, nurse, therapist, musicians, bank worker, and numerologist.

actress, chauffeur, sales, psychologist, investigator, writer and detective.

producer, management and business leader and body-builder.

Care givers.

Diversity and versatility

Strong leadership - power and authority

Other choices include: fashion, real estate, bartender or waiter

Other choices include: advertising, public relations, sales and dealing

Other choices include: surgery and psychiatry.

3 - Hair stylist, actor or actress,

6 - Choices: doctor, nurse, many

9 - Doctor, lawyer, decorator,

writers and film makers, fashion designer, makeup artist and craft designer, advertising, marketing or public relations, media, journalists and broadcasters

branches of healing, teaching, construction worker, environmentalist, store owner, artist, singing, musician, civic worker, homemaker, Interior decorator, and cook.

clergyman or clergywoman, dental, hospital worker, humanitarian, writer, painter and dancer.

Creative and unconventional

Multi-tasking and loving numbers

Other choices include: psychology, psychotherapy, biology, pharmaceutical and medical sciences.

Other choices include: working with others, carpentry, mechanics and engineering.

Other choices include: human resource specialists, archeologists, anthropologists, sociologists, coaches, social workers and visual arts.

Service to others and diplomacy




































This chart is offered for a reference. Enjoy! Visit:: Pg 31

- T. Stokes George Stokes was a London born Englishman who spent much of WWII both in India and the Western desert. Because he spoke Arabic he was dropped into the desert to gain information on troop movements from passing Bedouins. He was to radio back to base. Once a month a plane would fly past and drop medical provisions water and food. The Bedouins would curiously stop at his tent and have any wounds treated. George, an army doctor found many of these simple people were amazingly generous and impressed him by being spiritual and non- material. The simplicity and warmth of these passing people stayed with him all his life. George spoke of Lawrence of Arabia, who promised the Arabs if they fought for Britain they could keep the land and be autonomous. But all the while the same government they fought for was promising it to the Jews who funded the war effort. Lawrence knew he had been lied to and although warned to stay silent, kept telling of the treachery. He was later murdered in a high speed motorcycle chase. Dr. David Kelly was also used as a conduit to pass false information to the Arabs and he too was murdered, there is a saying, "deep inside himself, each man knows his own future". Dr David Kelly, Lawrence of Arabia, Princess Grace of Monaco, Princess Diana and Gerald Bull of supergun fame all knew they would soon be killed. One of the strangest people he met during his time in India was the fakir kuda Bux, whom George befriended. He told George he had been given seven gifts. These he demonstrated many times to the British army soldiers. These are the only ones I remember: (1) The ability to be buried alive for several days (2) To see with a blindfold on - on top of dough wound round his head. (3) To stop his heart, in front of the doctors of the Royal Army Medical Corps ( RAMC ) (4) To walk through red hot embers of a burning fire in bare feet. (5)He told a fit young man digging a trench, he would soon die, he was later stung by a scorpion and died within 4 days. George would seek out Kudu Bux to learn of his cultural and spiritual philosophy. From him he learned how to see with the inner eye and to discern the real from the unreal. George was angry about Winston Churchill’s decision to withhold help from India during the famine which killed four million people while India was fighting England’s war. Churchill gave huge amounts of aid to Russia, whom our own intelligence people said were our real enemies all along. Not many Englishmen understood the religious and cultural zeitgeist of Page 32

the Indo/Pak subcontinent, but George did and said Gandhi was a wonderful man who achieved everything by peaceful means or Ahimsa, Bhakti devotion to god and Prema love of god. When Churchill wanted Gandhi murdered as a troublemaker, George was one of the group of Englishmen who protested. After the war, George never forgot the lessons and the kindness he received from the desert Bedouins, Kuda Bux, Gandhi, Lawrence and the Indian people. And on his return to England began to devote his life to good works and meditation. He became known throughout London as “The Coin Man” because he could hold a coin in his hand and could relate everything depicted on the coin to the “Book of Revelations” and tell of both past and future events. Over fifty years ago he foretold of Britain begging to enter the Common Market after fighting W.W.II. to keep out. He foretold the Marxist dictator, Tony Blair, coming to power with his faked up wars, and Britain’s economic decline, with corrupt banks and drug companies taking over and the British people being betrayed into a "captivity". He told of Isaiah 9-20 where each man will eat the flesh of his own arm in state inspired famines; the collapse of the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church through corruption and perversion and with a dehumanizing lowering of all standards in public life. He also told of China and India becoming world powers as both America and Britain declined; the Cold War changing from a war with armaments to a war of words where communism would sweep Europe and replace God with the state. He said the state would control everything. He spoke of cataclysmic world events such as hurricanes, earthquakes and tidal waves until man returned to god. He found organizations would consult him as he was known as the “London Seer” to the Roman Catholic theologians, Seventh Day Adventists and the Black Muslim association. When asked by the local Mormons now known as “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” to look at their literature, he said he had found the missing “Plates of Nephi” which was the basis of their religion and were presumed lost. They were actually coins of the realm, proving God’s plan yet again by being full of scriptural prophecies. Over the coming months many senior Latter Day Saints came over from Salt Lake city to discus the finds, one man said within my hearing, “For anything to be accepted into the dogma of our church it must have from between five to ten complex similarities” George replied quietly, “I have thirty-five hundred and have stopped counting” The upshot was that a group of Latter Day Saints’ top theologians came over to George’s home in East London when they heard a series of lectures on the meaning of the find. This confirmed God’s hand in their religion and others as well as the right way for the future. The find was discussed at length in Salt Lake City HQ, and was narrowly defeated. This meant the finding of the Plates of Nephi was hidden from the devout followers and all further news suppressed. But those of us who watched the proceedings on a day to day basis, know the wonder of its truth. George died just eight years ago. Many devout Latter day saints still make the trip to George’s little East London home to ponder on the Plates of Nephi, but I know the depth and magnitude of its truth, as George was my father!

Pg 33

Find out how you can create beautiful luminaries by recycling a tin can! Supplies: Tin Can Paper Duct Tape Nail Hammer

and nail. By freezing water in the can it helps the can to keep it's shape while the nail is pounded into it. While your can is freezing you can plan your design. Using the measurements you took, you can draw out a design. You can also make up a design as you go. Once the water in your can is frozen you are ready to make your luminary! If you drew out a design, tape it around the can. Use the hammer and nail to tap holes into the can and ice.

You can use any size can for this project.

Follow the lines of your design, making sure to leave space between the holes. When your design is complete, remove your pattern and let the ice melt.

Wash your can well, removing the label. Measure your can so you know how big of a design to draw. Fill your tin can with water, leaving about an inch of room from the top edge. Put the can of water into the freezer and leave until the water is frozen solid. The luminary will be made by tapping holes into the sides of the can with a hammer

After the ice melts, place a candle into the can and light it! Step back and look at the wonderful design! These tin can luminaries can be used for any special occasion simply by choosing a suitable design! Make them for holidays, birthday parties, graduation, parties, and more.


Pg. 34

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