Psychic Times International - Special Holiday Edition 2009

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The “Psychic Times International” is a different magazine. It is a collection of stories, articles and many other features that cover a diverse area of subjects. We are based in Laurel, Delaware. Our readers are as far away as the UK, Romania, Israel and many other countries around the globe! We are best described as a New Age (metaphysical and paranormal) magazine that covers everything from ghosts, how to make your own scented rocks, herbs for majick and healing as well as so much more! We include religious beliefs and customs as long as it is kept respectable. We feel the views and worship of every individual should be treated with respect as it is an individual choice. We are offered to the public at no cost and are supported primarily by advertising, donations and sponsorship. We are a great way to get your business noticed! The newsletter itself has been around for over six years and is now a magazine. It has been spreading like wildfire since “day one”. We also have a free classified section. Categories include birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, wanted items, items up for sale, coming events, giveaways, and yard sales, etc.

If you like to write, we are looking for articles, stories, poems, recipes, crafts or anything related to the Metaphysical, Paranormal, New Age or Human Interest articles. To submit for review by our Editors, just email your writing to: or look for the "Submit" link on our Psychic Times International web site at: http://

Also, if you would like to list your upcoming birthday, anniversary, birth announcements, etc., we will list them for free in our classifieds. Just send us the name, city, state and date of the occasion. Year of birth is optional. We will publish the first poems submitted and to the editor‟s discretion.

Quarterly Featured Articles: Astrology Herb Pantry Moon Phases Musings

*NOTE* - We are international and do offer our magazine as a free PDF download in color or black and white on our web site at:

Recipes Numerology Corner Crafts And so much more!

Quarterly Advertising Prices Black & White Business Card 3,7" W x 2.5" L 1/4 Page 3.7" W x 5.012" L 1/2 Page 7.5" W x 5" L Full Page 7.5" W x 10" L










Black & White










Do you have a business you would like to advertise? We'll give you the very BEST rates including a "LIVE" link on our web site as well as a "LIVE" banner. Contact and just put "Please send rates" in the heading. Our magazine is currently free to the public. Your support is welcome and needed. Please feel free to check us out on the web at: http://

Yearly Advertising Prices Business Card 3,7" W x 2.5" L 1/4 Page 3.7" W x 5.012" L 1/2 Page 7.5" W x 5" L Full Page 7.5" W x 10" L

Ask about our sale prices! We wish to thank and remember our sponsors of the Psychic Times International. It is through them as well as our advertisers that we can bring this publication to the public free of charge. If you would like to contribute a donation please contact Donna Smith at (302) 632-4064 or email for more Information.

Pg. 2

Email: On the Web: PsychicTimesWelcome.html

Our MySpace: Disclaimer - The opinions of the writers in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinions of “Psychic Times International” .

Our Growing Business In a New Age World!

Table of Contents:

In six years, we have watched the “Psychic Times International” evolve into a magazine from a newsletter. When we began, this newsletter was merely two sheets of paper stapled together to make a total of four pages. The idea was shared between two friends of many years, who, at the time were both starting their own separate businesses. They figured the cost of advertising was not yet fitting into their budget. In the following issue we added a few advertisements for friends who had already established their businesses. We then asked them to hand out our newsletter to spread the word about all of us. It went over so well, that we now have many volunteers, columnists and writers from all over the United States and internationally that are dedicated to the cause and purpose of the “Psychic Times International” magazine.

The Yule Log ..…………………………………….....

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Yule ................................................................................

Page 5

Tracie Austin ................................................................

Page 6

Interview With Tracie Austin by G.L. Giles .............

Page 7

A Typical Near Death Experience ..............................

Page 9

The Geppetto Of Puppetry ..........................................

Page 10

Stunning Gift Ideas From KA Jeweler........................

Page 11

This Day In History ......................................................

Page 12

Revan‟s Moon Phases ..................................................

Page 13

As a Metaphysical/Paranormal/New Age type newsletter, we have incorporated many beliefs, customs and traditions to blend into a fun, informative, quarterly circulation. We have many distributors in Delaware, USA as well as internationally. You can now download your free copy of the Psychic Times International in a PDF format for reading, distributing and printing in both black and white or color.

Yummy Holiday Recipes .........................................

Page 15

The Craft Den ...............................................................

Page 16

Magical Herbs Of Christmas .......................................

Page 17

Numerology Corner .....................................................

Page 18

“Your Magickal Cat (book review) ............................

Page 19

Just reading this issue would be convincing enough to see the success of this magazine in the projected future. Let us know what you, our readers, think. Visit us at: www.voicesfrombeyond7.comPsychicTimesWelcome.html and sign our guestbook. Please send us a review for a possible posting in our review column.

Holidays Celebrated Around the World. ...................

Page 20

Holiday Movie Guide ...................................................

Page 23

Unexplained Phenomenon in “Return To Babylon”

Page 24

Musings .........................................................................

Page 26

King Diamond Music Review by Dave Wolff ............

Page 28

It is at this point that we are looking for sponsorship from those sharing the same vision as we do.

Christmas and Boxing Day ..........................................

Page 31

Dressing A Candle For Ritual .....................................

Page 32

Classifieds ......................................................................

Page 35

If you are interested in joining this exciting venture or just have comments for us, please call Donna Smith at: (302) 280-6450 or email: Although we still accept payment for your ad via check or money order we also accept Pay Pal for your convenience. Visit us on our website at:

Tell your friends - “Psychic Times International”! Download your copy at:

Publisher/Managing Director Donna Smith

Editor Catherine Owens

Promotions/Sales Jason Russell

Distribution Manager Jason Russell

Take the advice of a wise one … “Read the „Psychic Times International‟ and tell all of your friends, too!

Our Purpose: The Psychic Times International is a quarterly publication, with the independent mission of journalistic service, with the ideals of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and to provide a general overview of subject matter only to inform and educate the reader.

With your ad, we include your LIVE link (free of charge) both on our “Psychic Times International ” “WELCOME” page and on our “LINKS” page with your banner. We advertise online in our downloadable PDF format including two pages on our web site. Your “live” links will be posted for the duration of you running advertisement. For example; a 1/2 page, black and white ad running for 1 issue only (1 quarter - 3 months) would be $80.00 on our downloaded PDF and two “live” links on our popular web site at: Pg. 3

- Chantel Cloak

The ceremonial “Yuleâ€? log was the highlight of the Yule festival. In accordance to tradition, the log must either have been harvested from the householder's land or given as a gift; it must never have been bought. Once dragged into the house and placed in the fireplace it was decorated in seasonal greenery, doused with cider or ale and dusted with flour before set ablaze. This would have been a piece of last yearâ€&#x;s log that was held onto for just this purpose. The log would burn throughout the night, then smolder for the twelve days following before being ceremonially put out. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. It is the sacred world tree of the Teutons, known as Yggdrasil. An herb of the sun, ash brings light into the hearth at the Solstice. The origins of the Yule log can be traced back to the midwinter festivals in which the Norsemen indulged. The nights were filled with feasting, "drinking Yule" and watching the fire leap around the log burning in the home hearth. The ceremonies and beliefs associated with the Yule log's sacred origins are closely linked to representations of health, fruitfulness and productivity. In England the Yule was cut and dragged home by oxen or horses as the people walked alongside and sang merry songs. It was often decorated with evergreens and sometimes sprinkled with grain or cider before it was finally set alight. A different type of Yule log and perhaps one more suitable for modern practitioners would be the type that is used as a base to hold three candles. Find a smaller branch of oak or pine and flatten one side so it sets upright. Drill three holes in the top side to hold red, green, and white (season), green, gold, and black (the Sun God), or white, red, and black (the Great Goddess). Continue to decorate with greenery, red and gold bows, rosebuds, cloves, and dust with flour. Pg. 4

Symbolism of Yule: Rebirth of the Sun; the longest night of the year; the Winter Solstice; Introspect; Planning for the future Symbols of Yule: Yule log or small; Yule log with three candles; evergreen boughs or wreaths; holly; mistletoe hung in doorways; gold pillar candles; baskets of clove studded fruit; a simmering pot of wassail; poinsettias; Christmas cactus Herbs of Yule: Bayberry; blessed thistle; evergreen; frankincense holly; laurel; mistletoe; oak; pine; sage; yellow cedar Foods of Yule: Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider; fruits; nuts; pork dishes; turkey; eggnog; ginger tea; spiced cider, wassail, or lamb's wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples) Incense of Yule: Pine; cedar; bayberry; cinnamon Colors of Yule: Red; green; gold; white; silver; yellow; orange Stones of Yule: Rubies; bloodstones; garnets; emeralds; diamonds Activities of Yule: Caroling; wassailing the trees; burning the Yule log; decorating the Yule tree; exchanging of presents; kissing under the mistletoe; honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule Spellworkings of Yule: Peace; harmony; love and increased happiness Deities of Yule: Goddesses-Brighid; Isis; Demeter; Gaea; Diana; The Great Mother; Gods-Apollo; Ra; Odin; Lugh; The Oak King; The Horned One; The Green Man; The Divine Child; Mabon Pg. 5

The Executive Producer and Host of “Let‟s Talk Paranormal”.

International best-selling author and Life Coach, Gary Quinn poses with Tracie.

Dr. Leir researcher, scholar, author and one of the worlds most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology is interviewed on “Let‟s Talk Paranormal.”.

Tracie at her first book signing.

Tracie Austin was born in England 1965. Having completed various studies at Cauldon College of Further Education in 1984, Tracie re-located to London a year later to study at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama as a concert pianist and to teach her instrument in schools. Her interest in UFOs first began there when she witnessed a UFO, an event that would later change her life! In 1989, Tracie moved back to her hometown of Staffordshire to teach piano/keyboard to numerous students and became Project Manager of a popular music tuition agency. Her second daylight sighting occurred in May of 1996. A profound sighting of a black, boomerang object that changed shape, was observed by other witnesses, and made a second appearance that day over her house! The Television channel "BBC Digital" became aware of her sighting, and during the making of their TV documentary titled "Over the Moon", Tracie told her story and re-enacted her sighting. It was in June of 1996, that she hosted her first UFO conference, which became a major success. Radio appearances followed, as well as articles in local newspapers and invitations to speak on the subject at various organizations. A second conference followed in 1998. Research into the UFO phenomena has been an on-going process since her first sighting in 1987, and she has investigated some highly strange UFO activity. Personal sightings of UFOs continue to date. Tracie was invited as MC, and a guest speaker at the 2005 annual MUFON symposium in Denver. She is author of the newly published book titled “Welcome to Haunted Las Vegas, Nevada” which is published by Schiffer, which details true ghost accounts in the Silver State as researched and documented by LVSSI (Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigations). Tracie is the executive producer and host of her own cable TV talk show originally produced in California and now located in Las Vegas called "Let's Talk...Paranormal" which has become quite a success in the USA. Page 6

Tracie Austin-Peters Interview by G.L. Giles 1) Were you interested in Unidentified Flying Objects before you actually saw one? No, not really. I hadn't paid too much attention to the subject to be honest with you G.L., or even the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the Universe before having the experience of my very first UFO sighting. My focus had always been on my musical career up to that point, and so all of my entire time had been focused in that direction and my plans to be a professional musician. 2) What was hosting your first U.F.O. conference like? Actually G.L., it was very exciting for me. But most of all very, very rewarding! I had the idea back in 1996 to host my own UFO conference in the small town of Stoke-on-Trent where I lived at the time and to 'test the water' so to speak of how many other people had the same interest in the subject matter, but more importantly, who had had genuine sightings and experiences of the phenomena. The whole event turned out to be a great success; so successful, in fact, that I organized and hosted a second conference two years later. 3) Would you please share with our readers some of the strangest topics you‟ve covered? Yes, one topic that comes to mind is my show with Dr. Roger Leir when he discussed the capture of several “LIVE” ET beings in the town of Varginha, Brazil. He told of the whole circumstance of NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command) first detecting an unknown, strange cylindrical shaped craft flying over the area of Minais Gerais and the craft being in some kind of trouble. The Brazilian military quickly learned of this and arrived at the scene. A few days later, three teenage girls witnessed the strange creature for themselves when they took a short cut to their home from school, as well as other witnesses that came forward a little later. This is a fascinating and quite detailed account, to detailed to go into during this interview, but clips of this particular show can be seen at my website – The second strangest topic, or maybe I should say intriguing topic, is that discussed with my guest Gary Quinn, during the show – May The Angels Be With You. Gary explained how his path in life was chosen for him when he experienced the presence of Archangel St. Michael appearing in front of him while sitting and praying at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. St. Michael gave him the message of what his true path was going to be in life. Thinking that his path was going to be that of a musician, it was revealed to Gary that he was going to, in fact, educate the world of the Angelic realm and of their presence and interaction with us on many levels. 4) You have a recommended reading selection of books at your Let’s Talk Paranormal website: Some of the titles include 21st Century Vegetarians, Challenges of Change, Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth and God/Goddess the Astrologer: Soul, Karma and Reincarnation~~How We Continually Create Our Own Destiny. Judging by the titles, they all sound like fascinating and cuttingedge reads. How do you choose which books are selected? Well that's an easy answer for me because I seem to understand which topics are most appealing to people, ones that are of interest to them and ones in which they would be 'drawn' to. I think all of the books I've selected or at least the majority of them do connect with the readers. I also have many authors who send me their books to take a look at and to have them featured in the “Recommended Reading” section of my website, and so I select an author every month and promote their book for that particular month to bring awareness of the author and their field of expertise.

5) Speaking of books, your own book, “Welcome to Haunted Las Vegas, Nevada” was recently published by Schiffer Publishing. How did your book come to be written? Well, I was approached and asked by Schiffer if I would be interested in writing a book about ghosts in Death Valley. But after researching the area I discovered that there wasn't really not enough information or true accounts that I could write about, and so we decided to change the books content to true accounts of ghosts and hauntings here in Las Vegas. And that's how “Welcome to Haunted Las Vegas, Nevada” came about. 6) Has it been fun meeting your fans at book signing events? When and where are you signing next? My very first book signing event will actually be taking place on October 30th at a Barnes & Noble bookstore here in Vegas, and I can't wait to meet and greet the buyers of my book and the fans who support what I do in the paranormal subject. It's sure to be a great night! Especially as it's the night before Halloween. 7) You offer a complimentary copy of “Mysteries Magazine” at your Let’s Talk Paranormal website. What topics are covered in the magazine? Mysteries Magazine is an excellent and highly respected magazine within the field of the paranormal subject and features a wide variety of topics and articles such as the UFO phenomena; Strange Creatures and Monsters; Psychic Phenomena; Past Lives, and other subjects that are related to science and new discoveries, both ancient and new. 8) When on a paranormal investigation, do you personally believe in provoking spirits, as in basically taunting them into making contact, or do you allow them to make contact only if/when they want to? Well to be honest I've only been involved with a couple of paranormal investigations to date, but I can tell you that I personally don't believe in taunting or provoking any spirit to make contact. I think it's too much of an aggressive kind of contact, and it doesn't matter how provoking an investigator wants to be, you can't always make a spirit communicate with you in that way. And if you do, expect the unexpected to happen; especially a situation of uneasiness and an aggressive interaction from the spirit in return! 9) How do you see Let’s Talk Paranormal branching out in 2010? Well 2010 is just around the corner, but I'd like to see Let's Talk...Paranormal growing to a much larger audience, even internationally, and to have it's own studio here in Las Vegas. Also to locate a new creative producer and an investor who would be willing to help transform the show into a much bigger entity. I would also like to be able to offer more opportunities to the shows' fans through the website, and most definitely for it to reach a network on national television as the show so rightly deserves, because a tremendous amount of effort has been placed in creating the show from day one of it coming into being. 10) Where can readers pick up a copy of your book Welcome to Haunted Las Vegas, Nevada? Readers can pick up a copy of my new book directly from my website at: by using Paypal. Also, most bookstores such as Barnes & Noble as well as Borders have copies in their stores. I truly hope readers enjoy the fascinating true accounts of ghosts in Las Vegas, which is home to many a ghostly visitor!

Pg 7

My Reality

G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics) Paranormal Investigations - now accepting new cases. Contact Cathy Owens at 302-280-6681 or email:

Pg. 8

- T Stokes

We have all read of near death experiences. But to go through one yourself can be very meaningful. All impressions we receive on a daily basis will be shaped and conditioned by the bodily container that holds our true inner self where these experiences are understood and stored. Our upbringing and religion can also impede our understating of these important events which should act as landmarks in our spiritual life. This adverse mental conditioning can also brought about by education. Some religionists and psychologists are in favour of an afterlife and many are not. Author Victor Zammit has had an offer for many years of the sum of £1000,000 to anyone who can show there is no afterlife. My mother was for many years the hospital night sister and saw many people pass into the next world. As a child I would hear her tell my father when she got home of the nights events. Unfortunately, her up bringing as a strict Roman Catholic coloured the facts of what often occurred. But for over thirty years I would hear the same stories from her lips; always the person dying would reach what is termed the “plateau”. This is a comfortable place experienced by the dying where long dead friends and relations will come to welcome them across the river of death. They often mention a tunnel with a light at the end. This conforms to the birth experience into this world descending the birth canal into the light. And remember that just as a baby is born into this world, so it dies to the world it knew before and so it is with the next. I remember my mother saying that the dying will so often say that so and so is there in the room can‟t you see them ? But my own experience was that I was in hospital and not expected to live. I was lapsing in and out of consciousness. When in the small hours I could see from my small room through the partially open door, a party of about five spirit people standing in the corridor watching the door to the next room where a man was very ill. I heard the party of people say to a spirit lady in an off white suit, grey hair and a string of pearls who seemed to be in charge that a sick man did not want to come with them. She would have to speak to him; intuition said she was his mother. The man's voice from the room was raised as he said, “Go away! I am not coming with you! Leave me alone! Just F*** off, will you?” This went on for some time as the party standing outside got more anxious about how long it was all taking. I looked at the clock and it was ten to four in the morning when it all went quiet. The lady and the little group left with the confused man from the next room. At breakfast I joked with the nurse that the man in the next room had had nocturnal visitors who had come to help him away. Her reply was that she was there as one of the night staff and no-one had died during the night. I insisted he had died at ten to four in the morning. This nurse came back white faced some short time after and said; “How did you know he died at 4 in the morning, I was on duty and even I did not know until I checked the night book “? I then told her in detail how the party of people outside had kept me awake debating who would go to fetch him as it was his time. and that they decided on the grey haired woman to persuade him. The nurse was in some shock as she had told the other night staff of my earlier comments which seemed to fit the known facts. This meant that over my stay in hospital I was visited by the nursing staff, caterers, doctors and admin, all wanting me to see what I could see for them. Most took what I said well. A couple were scared and a doctor was quite hostile to what she said was „pandering to superstition‟.

A philosopher once said three things in life are guaranteed “birth, taxes and death”. We have so much knowledge about the first two, but death is for many families a forbidden topic. These words of Newman sum it up nicely; “And with the morn these angel faces smile, which I have loved long since and lost, a while”. Further reading: Dr Karlis Osis “Deathbed Observations By Doctors and Nurses” Prof. Ian Stevenson “Studies in Reincarnation” G.N.M. Tyrrell “Aparitions” Frederich. H. Myers “Human Personality and It‟s Survival Of Bodily Death” J. B. Rhine “Death and E.S.P” Dr. Carl Wickland “30 Years Among the Dead” Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross “On Death and Dying” “The Tibetan Book Of the Dead” Victor Zammitt “A Lawyer Presents the Case For the Afterlife Prof. Robert Crookal “The Supreme Adventure” Lewis B Smedes “A Father Grieves the Loss Of a Child. Arthur Findlay “On the Edge Of the Etheric” Dr. Wambach “Past Lives” Dr. Glenn Williston “Death and Psychics

Pg 9

as well as a variety of colorful clowns, gypsies and many more. As I browsed his magical booth I noticed the finished products hanging proudly for sale while bringing vast contrasts of color and patterns, side by side as displayed by this amazing artist. But of all the characters he seemd to bring almost to life one of his favorites is the dinosaur. You can order custom marionettes, but you'll also want to browse this lovely collection. So call now for more information and get that perfect gift just in time for the holidays. And let me also mention that Jim is also available for hire and can only be contacted by telephone.

Entertaining the young and old alike as an a puppeteer has been a passion as well as his career for fifty years. And dressed in a way that one would believe that Geppetto, Pinocchio's creator, had just stepped out of Walt Disney's animated 1940 feature.

This past October, I had the pleasure of meeting Jim Stark while attending Ocean City, Maryland's annual Oktoberfest. Charming and full of interesting conversation, this talented gentleman allowed me a glimpse into his magical world of bringing wood, cloth, wire and string to life as a marionette, a term that began around 1600, which is now considered a dying art form. According to Wikipedia " a marionette is a puppet controlled from above using wires, formerly strings but dropped due to increased durability of wires." The "puppet man", James Stark, who told me to call him Jim, will be referred to as such for this enchanting story. Entertaining the young and old alike as an a puppeteer has been a passion as well as his career for Jim for over fifty years. And dressed in a way that one would believe that Geppetto, Pinocchio's creator, had just stepped out of a Walt Disney animated 1940 feature. His first gig was at "Sea Watch" across from the Gold Coast Mall in Ocean City, Maryland. He has been entertaining and working in the area ever since, "having a lot of fun�, says Jim. To add to the fascination and creativity Jim is also is a magician having at one time worked for Jolly Roger Amusement Park until the stage was eventually torn down. German born, the first puppet he created was back around 1960 and was a spider. He soon began adding a vast collection of amazing characters such as Yoda, Howdy Doody Pg. 10

James F. Stark Puppet Shows 13 Clipper Court Berlin, Maryland 21811 410-641-7883

Click on the photo for a direct link.

Flower Of Life Pendant shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Click on the photo for a direct link.

Merkaba Pendant shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Mother Earth in silver (also comes in gold)

Labyrinth shown here in gold (also in silver)

Genuine Egyptian Scarab in gold

Genesa Crystal Pendant with crystal (also comes in silver)

KA Bracelet shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Ana Bechoach Ring shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Key Of Love shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Gordian Knot Pendant shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

God‟s Word Shown here in silver (also in gold)

Lotus Ring shown here in gold (also comes in silver)

Cosmic Wish Box shown Tree of Life Pendant here in gold shown here in silver (also comes in silver) (also comes in gold)

Five Metal Ring in silver

Merkaba Prana Sphere Medium in silver or gold

Runes Ring shown here in gold (also comes in silver)

Masterfully Crafted From the Heart Of An Artist "My name is David Weitzman, and I‟m a cosmic jewelry artist. My biggest inspiration in designing sacred and symbolic jewelry comes in knowing I can impact people‟s lives. My work harnesses the power of spiritual symbols and sacred geometry from around the world to bring those wearing my sacred jewelry happiness, vitality, excitement and love. My jewels are painstakingly crafted to work on conscious and subconscious levels to inspire people‟s lives." Encouraged By the Flood of Responses “I started making cosmic jewels in the year of 1998. The flood of responses from people telling me of the enormous changes in their lives and their experiences caused by these jewels encouraged me to continue creating and distributing these symbols all over the world.” Timeless Gifts from the Heart Our jewels make for a perfect and loving gift to show someone how much you care. The enduring sacred symbols will be treasured for years. By choosing symbols with meaning to your loved ones, you'll be giving a thoughtful, inspiring gift of hope, love and well-being.

Seed Of Life Pendant shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Four Winds Ring shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Genesa Crystal Pendant with crystal in gold (also comes in silver)

Ankh shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Coutrage Pendant shown here in gold (also comes in silver)

Inlaid Star of David shown here in gold (also comes in silver)

Ring of Courage shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Cats Eye Abundance Ring In gold or silver

Runes Bracelet shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Christ Conciusness shown here in silver (also comes in gold)

Mobius Ring shown here in gold (also comes in silver)

Jewelry for Healing and Strength Many grateful comments from happy customers illustrate how wearing these talismans and jewels fill people with hope, strength and courage. These sacred symbols have a positive impact by helping people to see the world from a different and brighter perspective. With designs available in both silver and gold options, these symbols can fit into any budget and brighten the life of any buyer. "I got your package today! I instantly felt inner strength. I suffer from a terminal illness and these shapes are so comforting." Special Energizing Process Each jewel prototype goes through a special energizing process consisting of a special meditation to invoke inner contentment and self-realization. Each individual jewel is hand-crafted and hand-finished to facilitate healing, balance and self-discovery while inspiring the wearer‟s journey towards the totality and unity of their whole self. Page 11



November 15, 1923 - Accused of rape, James Montgomery's struggle for justice begins.

December 2, 1823 - President James Monroe introduced his "Monroe Doctrine" during his annual message to the Congress prohibiting any further colonization of the American continents by European powers.

November 16, 1945 - German scientists brought to the United States to work on rocket technology. November 17, 1758 - Queen Mary I, the monarch of England and Ireland since 1553, dies and is succeeded by her 25-year-old halfsister, Elizabeth. November 18, 1978 - Mass suicide at Jonestown led by Jim Jones. November 19, 1966 - Notre Dame and MSU play to a classic tie. November 20, 1962 - Kennedy announces fair housing legislation. November 21, 1931 - USC ends Norte dame winning streak. November 22, 1783 - During the American revolution John Hanson, so-called first president, dies. November 23, 1903 - Colorado governor sends militia to Cripple Creek. November 24, 1963 - Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald.

December 4, 1791 - The Observer, now the oldest Sunday newspaper in the world, was first published in England. December 6, 1877 - At his laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, Thomas Edison spoke the children's verse "Mary had a Little Lamb..." while demonstrating his newly invented phonograph which utilized a revolving cylinder wrapped in tinfoil to record sounds. December 7, 1787 - Delaware became the first state to adopt the new constitution of the United States of America. December 10, 1896 - Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel died at San Remo, Italy. December 12, 1870 - Joseph Hayne Rainey of Georgetown, South Carolina, became the first African American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. December 13, 1577 - Francis Drake departed Plymouth, England, in the Golden Hind on his voyage around the world.

November 26, 1924 - First Macyâ€&#x;s Thanksgiving day parade is held.

December 19, 1732 - Benjamin Franklin first published Poor Richard's Almanac containing weather predictions, humor, proverbs and epigrams, eventually selling nearly 10,000 copies per year.

November 27, 1868 - Custer massacres Cheyenne on Washita River

December 20, 1957 - Elvis Aaron Presley is drafted into the army.

November 28, 1989 - Czechoslovakian Communist Party gives up monopoly on political.

December 21, 1988 - Pan Am flight 103 explodes over Scotland.

November 29, 1947 - The United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine and the creation of an independent Jewish state. November 30, 1939 - USSR attacks Finland. Pg. 12

December 25, 1776 - George Washington leads his troops on a raid into Trenton, New Jersey. December 27, 1831 - Charles Darwin set out from Plymouth, England, aboard the ship HMS Beagleon his five-year global scientific expedition.

All times are based on Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT)

December 2009 Full Moon - December 2 - (7:30 pm) New Moon - December 16 - (12:02 pm) The Moon Type - Oak or Long Moon The Color Association - Red Full Moon - December 31 - (7:13 pm) (Known as the “Blue Moon”)

January 2010 Full Moon - January 30 - (1:18 AM) New Moon - January 15 - (2:11 AM) The Moon Type - Wolf‟s Moon or Ice Moon The Color Association - White

December‟s “Long” or “Oak” Moon is called the “Long Night‟s” Moon as well as the Cold Moon. This is the month that winter has it‟s grip. The nights are very long and at it‟s darkest. Thus, the old name for the “Long” moon. This was a time for sheering up their shelters gathering firewood to keep out the winter‟s cold. This will be a special December with a full moon before the winter solstice being on December 2 - 7:30 pm EST. The next “Full Moon” or “Blue Moon will be right after the Winter solstice on December 31, 2009 (7:13 pm EST). The blue moon was referred to as the 4th full moon in a season. That is, each of the four seasons of the year has three months and will usually have three full moons. Each of these twelve moons has a name like "Harvest Moon”, "Hunter's Moon" and the like. But when a season occurs that contains four full moons there is no name for this occasional moon and was thus given the name, "Blue Moon." January‟s Wolf Moon - The “Wolf Moon” is a full moon that occurs in January. It‟s name comes from hungry wolf packs that would howl outside the villages of Native Americans. This full moon is also known as the “Old Moon” or the “Moon After Yule”. Page 13

Ahh...the holidays - chestnuts roasting on a open fire; family, friends and what to prepare for dinner. Here are some wonderful and delicious recipes for the holidays whether it’s an intimate dinner for two or a dinner party. - Marianne Perez

STUFFED MUSHROOMS 12 - 16 large mushrooms, cleaned and stems removed 1 lb. crab meat 1 can mushroom soup 1/2 c. mayonnaise 1/4 c. shredded cheese (your choice) 1 tsp. onion powder - salt and pepper to taste 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tsp. hot sauce 2 oz. parmigiano-reggiano cheese, grated Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place mushroom caps on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. In a large bowl, mix together crabmeat, onion powder, 1/4 shredded cheese, hot sauce, salt, mayonnaise and the parmigiano-reggiano. Place a heaping tbsp. of the crab mixture into the cap of each mushroom. Sprinkle a little paprika on top for garnish. Bake the mushrooms for 30 minutes.

PORK WELLINGTON This recipe can be easily doubled since most pork tenderloins come in package of two and since it would probably be for a holiday dinner you might even want to triple the recipe. 1 whole egg - 1 tbsp. water 1-ounce dried apple rings 1 whole pork tenderloin, 4 1/2 ounces thinly slice prosciutto ham 1/4 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme leaves 1 tsp. all-purpose flour 1 sheet puff pastry, thawed completely 1 tbsp. whole-grain mustard Place a rack in the upper third of the oven and heat to 400 degrees F. Whisk the egg and water in a small bowl and set aside. Place the apple rings into the bowl of a mini food processor and process for 30 to 45 seconds or until they are the size of a medium dice. Set aside. Trim the pork tenderloin of any excess fat and silver skin. Slice the tenderloin down the middle lengthwise, creating 2 separate pieces. Lay the tenderloin pieces next to each other head to tail, so when laid back together they are the same size at the ends. Pg. 14

create solid layer that is as long as the tenderloin. Top with a second piece of parchment, and using a rolling pin, roll over the prosciutto to help adhere the pieces to each other. Remove the parchment paper and sprinkle the prosciutto with the salt, pepper, and thyme. Set the tenderloin down the middle of the prosciutto. Spread the dried apples in between the 2 pieces of tenderloin and push back together so the apples are held between them. Using the parchment paper to assist, wrap the prosciutto around the tenderloin to completely enclose in a package. Sprinkle the counter with flour and roll out the pastry to 12 by 14 inches. Spread the mustard thinly in the center of pastry and lay the prosciutto wrapped tenderloin in the center of the pastry on the mustard. Fold the puff pastry up and over the top of the tenderloin, then roll to completely enclose, brushing the edges of the pastry with the egg wash in order to seal. Turn the tenderloin over so the side of the tenderloin with the double thickness of pastry is underneath. Pinch the ends of the pastry to seal. Brush the entire pastry with the egg wash. Place the tenderloin on a parchment lined half sheet pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the pork reaches an internal temperature of at least 140 degrees F. Remove the tenderloin from the oven, transfer to a cooling rack and let rest for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

BEST EVER GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE For the topping: 2 medium onions, thinly sliced 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 tbsp. panko bread crumbs 1 tsp. kosher salt Nonstick cooking spray For beans and sauce: 2 tbsp. plus 1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 1 lb. fresh green beans, rinsed, trimmed and halved 2 tbsp. unsalted butter 12 ounces mushrooms, trimmed and cut into 1/2-inch pieces 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 tsp. freshly ground nutmeg 2 TB all-purpose flour 1 cup chicken broth 1 cup half-and-half Preheat the oven to 475 degrees. Combine the onions, flour, panko and salt in a large mixing bowl and toss to combine. Coat a sheet pan with nonstick cooking spray and evenly spread the onions on the pan. Place the pan on the middle rack of the oven and bake until golden brown, approximately 30 minutes. Toss the onions 2 to 3 times during cooking. Once done, remove from the oven and set aside until ready to use. Turn the oven down to 400 degrees F. While the onions are cooking, prepare the beans. Bring a gallon of water and 2 tbsp. of salt to a boil in an 8-quart saucepan. Add the beans and blanch for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and immediately plunge

and blanch for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and immediately plunge the beans into a large bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. Drain and set aside. Melt the butter in a 12-inch cast iron skillet set over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms, 1 teaspoon salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms begin to give up some of their liquid, approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Add the garlic and nutmeg and continue to cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over the mixture and stir to combine. Cook for 1 minute. Add the broth and simmer for 1 minute. Decrease the heat to medium-low and add the half-and-half. Cook until the mixture thickens, stirring occasionally, approximately 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in 1/4 of the onions and all of the green beans. Top with the remaining onions. Place into the oven and bake until bubbly, approximately 15 minutes. Remove and serve immediately.


Pour into crust and bake for 35 minutes or until the center sets. Allow to cool to room temperature before serving.

GREEK CHRISTMAS COOKIES (Kourambiedes) 3 sticks unsalted butter, soft 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 1/4 cup powdered sugar, plus additional for coating 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons brandy 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 cups all-purpose flour, sifted About 45 whole cloves In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, combine the butter and salt and whip until light and fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the sugar, egg, brandy, and vanilla and beat until all of the ingredients are integrated. With the mixer on low speed, gradually add sifted flour to the butter mixture. Using a rubber spatula, remove the dough and transfer it onto a piece of waxed paper or parchment. Refrigerate for about 45 minutes before rolling. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. After the dough has cooled, pinch off small pieces and roll them into about 1-inch balls. Place them in a single layer with space in between each, on a greased baking sheet. Repeat the process until all of the cookie dough has been rolled. Place a clove in the center of each cookie. Alternatively, shape the ball into half moons with a clove in the center of each. Place the sheets in the oven and bake until the cookies are just slightly brown, about 15 minutes. Allow them to cool thoroughly, and then roll them in powdered sugar.

2 cups graham cracker crumbs 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons hazelnut creamer divided 1/2 cup butter, melted 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese 3/4 cup light brown sugar 3 eggs 1 (15-ounce) can pumpkin puree 1/2 cup heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon salt Heat oven to 350 degrees F. To make crust, mix graham crackers, sugar, 1 tablespoon of hazelnut creamer and butter until combined. Press into a 9 to 10-inch springform pan or cake pan making sure to press mixture up the sides and bottom as well, set aside. For filling, in a large bowl mix in order cream cheese, brown sugar, eggs 1 x 1 and pumpkin puree. In a small cup stir remaining 2 tbsp. of hazelnut creamer, allspice and salt into heavy cream. Pour heavy cream mixture into pumpkin mixture and blend until combined.

CHRISTMAS CANDY COOKIES 1 c. butter or margarine, softened 1 c. sugar 1 c. confectioners sugar 1 c. vegetable oil 2 eggs 1 tsp. almond extract 3 1/2 c. flour 1 c. whole wheat flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cream of tartar 1 c. chopped almonds 8 oz. pkg. mini green and red M&Mâ€&#x;s Cream butter, sugars and oil. add eggs and almond extract. mix well. Beat in the baking soda, salt and cream of tartar. Gradually add the flour and whole wheat flour. Stir in almonds and the M&Mâ€&#x;s. Shape into 1 inch ball and roll in sugar. Place on ungreased baking sheets. flatten with a flat-bottomed glass. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 - 18 minutes or until lightly browned and cool on wire racks. Yields: about 8 dozen Page 15

Victorian Ornaments Wreath

Pine Cone Kissing Ball

Supplies Artificial Wreath/wreaths (mixed evergreen is the best, approximately 26 inches). Victorian ornaments. Cream/Antique white color wired velvet ribbon - (approximately 16 yards of ribbon) Clear Mini Lights (set of 50 was used here) Floral Wire Ornament for center of wreath

Supplies 3 Inch Round Styrofoam Ball Mini Pine Cones White Berries or Beads 1/4 Inch Wide Ribbon Decorative Ribbon of Choice Hot Glue Gun and Glue Small Piece of Mistletoe Instructions Using hot glue and cover the entire ball with pine cones. Make small bows using a 1/4 inch ribbon and 20 bows and berries. Randomly glue a bow and a berry over the pinecone. Create a hanger and bow with decorative ribbon and glue to the top. Accent the with small clippings of holly or evergreen glued to the top.

Instructions Place all of your ornaments on the wreath to first get an idea of the placement. The lights are put on after all the ornaments are in place and secure. Put an ornament of your choice in the center of the wreath and secure with a little wire to the wreath.

Doily Ornaments Supplies Small Doily Glass ornament or styrofoam ball (you'll need to add a ribbon hanger to the styrofoam ball) Hot glue Ribbon Embellishment of choice Instructions: Use a glass ornament, styrofoam ball or pretty much anything that is round and can accommodate a hanging ribbon. Just wrap your doily around your ornament and tie with a ribbon to secure. Use a little hot glue to attach a few tiny flowers, pinecones, Christmas greenery, etc. Page 16

Holiday Dog Treats Biscuit dough 1 1/2 cups flour 3/4 cup oatmeal 1/4 cup wheat germ 1/3 cup peanut butter 1/4 cup vegetable oil 2 Tablespoons honey 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup water Glaze 1 large egg 2 Tablespoons milk Preheat the oven to 275° In a large bowl combine the flour, oatmeal, wheat germ, peanut butter, vegetable oil, honey, baking powder and water. Mix the ingredients until thoroughly combined. Roll the dough out to a ½-inch thick on a lightly floured surface. Cut into desired shapes and place on baking sheets. In a small bowl, mix together the egg and milk. Brush the glaze on the biscuits. Bake for 30 minutes. Rotate the pans, and bake for an additional 20 - 30 minutes, until biscuits are golden and firm.

cloak changed the color of the rosemary blossoms from white to blue. Bedstraw, chamomile, horehound, thyme and sweet woodruff were the herbs mixed with the manger grasses. Mistletoe of course dates back to the ancient Celts whose high-ranking priests or druids believed it to be sacred because it remained green all year round. It was also due to its sacred status that was brought in on winter solstice and hung for protection. It is in high revere especially when growing on the oak. English and old Norse myths and customs contributed to its reputation as a symbol of love. “Kiss your love beneath the mistletoe and you shall stay in love.” The cloves from which one of our most beloved holiday scents is derived is also an herb containing both medicinal and culinary properties and is particularly desirable in our holiday foods, crafts and decorations. Burned as an incense, cloves attract riches, drive away hostile and negative forces, produce spiritual vibrations and purify the area. There are so many other herbs that we includ in our holiday trimmings. I wish I could list them all. Some ideas are pomanders, miniature wreaths, sachets, potpourri, spice balls, ornaments, Yule logs, candles and soaps, large wreaths of fresh or dried herbs, arrangements and centerpieces.


Charlene Sandifer

What would our winter holiday season be without our traditions? Such as, our decorated fir trees, the Yule log, flavors of our favorite food and drink and the giving of our hearts through gifts. Herbs have been associated with spiritual stories for thousands of years. Bedstraw, chamomile, horehound, lavender, rosemary, thyme and sweet woodruff are associated with legends of the babe in a manger.

Holiday foods include many uses for herbal seasoning. Sage is a staple in our dressing and easy to grow. Clove is used in pumpkin pie and fruitcakes, anise and mint in breads, herbal vinegars, herbal butters, dips. The holiday season is the perfect time to really enjoy the many uses of herbs as seasonings. They add a splash of gourmet to your meals without much in added cost. And your guests will be wowed by the excitement of the fresh flavor and the unique taste while trying to figure out just what that spice is. Gifts from herbs can be a lasting favorite as the scent lingers for years to come and many times may be enjoyed season after season. These gifts from the heart can as easily found on walks through the woods, near the beach or down by the creek or river. Mother Nature has given us a bounty of gifts from the earth. This costs us nothing but your time and love. It can‟t be found in the store window and there is no other gift like it in the world. And for a child, small tokens of love and affection are what they will carry with them in their lives. Be sure to include these magical, seasonal herbs in your holiday this year. What ever holiday you are celebrating may it be blessed and beautiful!

We are mostly familiar with the gifts of frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus from the wise men. Both are small trees or shrubs found growing in the southern Arabic peninsula and Africa. Frankincense has been used for thousands of years in India for making incense for worship. Burn this for protection and purification of your home. Myrrh, generally burned with Frankincense is also used My prayer to you is that you find peace. Not only in for protection, lifting vibrations and creates peace. your lives but also in the lives you touch. May you have According to Phyllis V. Shaudy‟s, “Herbal Treasures”, the legend Warmth not only in your home, but also through the goes; Mary draped her wash to dry over lavender and rosemary helping your fellow man. And Hope, that we all find plants and as a result the swaddling clothes of the baby Jesus gave hope in our future and that peace will follow. the previously unscented lavender its lovely fragrance while her

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year throughout!

Page 17

- Jason Russell

In past issues, we have covered everything from our life path, birth path and destiny numbers. In this issue we will cover what the vowels in our "names" mean. A, E, I, O, U and in some cases, Y, have a special meaning. This is called "soul urge" or "heart's desire.” You may find what you have been searching for in life when using this method. To find your soul urge or heart‟s desire, use only the vowels in your name. For example; let‟s use the name "John Sam Doe.” As you can see there is only one vowel in the name "John”. That is the letter "o.” The number of letter o equals 6. ("o" = 6) In the middle name "Sam" there is only one vowel in which is an "a". The number equivalent for the letter "a" equals 1. ("a"= 1) Finally, we look at the last name of “Doe". This last name has two vowels; "e" and "o". The number for "e" equals 4 and "o" equals 6. (6 + 4 = 10) which added together equal "10" but broken down further is a "1" since 1 + 0 = 1. Pg. 18

Now add the first, second and third sum together. When the sum contains more than one digit, add those numbers together until they break down to one digit. Sum 1 = 6, sum 2 = 1 and sum 3 = 4 + 6 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (6 + 1 + 1 = 8)

A 7‟s Characteristics Loves nature Loves mystery; seeks to understand spiritual laws Wants perfection

Here are the final numbers 4-9 and Master numbers 11 & 22

An 8‟s Characteristics Wants to be a big business executive or leader Wants to manage and direct - not follow. Has good judgment and a good sense of values

A 4‟s Characteristics Love, Loyalty and Honesty Excellent in detail and routine work Have the ambition for material power

A 9‟s Characteristics Could be a humanitarian and philanthropist Loves to travel and have many contacts Could be a healer

A 5‟s Characteristics Love change, adventure, travel and new interests Attracted to and liked by the opposite sex Have a quick mind and are a good mixer

An 11‟s Characteristics Posses psychic ability and could be a seer Likes to be inventive May want to be a leader

A 6‟s Characteristics Love a home and family Love to give advice to others Enjoy working with others rather than alone Love the arts, harmony and beauty

A 22‟s Characteristics Could be a master builder on the material plane Could do well in governmental services Has high ideals and aspirations and can master anything.

G.L. Giles Review of “Your Magickal Cat: Feline Magick, Lore, and Worship

My husband bought me this book about eight years ago and it sat on my bookshelf till recently, unopened. He bought it for me because, at the time, we had two black cats (Luna & Eclipse), and he thought I‟d enjoy it by the looks of the cover. The cover art has a black cat and a crystal ball on it. Well, I did like the cover, and though other obligations had to be met before I actually began reading it years later. It always made me smile seeing it on my shelf. But, opening it up to read was even better! I especially enjoyed reading about astrology for cats in “Chapter 8” as it pretty much described my cats‟ personalities spot-on. However, I was both angered and saddened reading about all the cats killed during the Burning Times, much like many of their human counterparts. Switching gears, having three black cats now, I love how it‟s pointed out that some parts of the world consider black cats good luck. Plus, there‟s a chapter titled “The Totem Cat” and a section on suggested cat names (and their meanings). Also, felidomancy is brought up as well as dream-meanings (where cats are involved). In addition, Bastet, the cat goddess, is touched upon, as well as other feline deities. I highly recommend this for any cat lover, as well as for anyone who wants to learn about how witches came to be associated with their cat familiars, etc. My six familiars (Eclipse, Luna, Vega, Nova, Anubis Star, and Comet) and I highly recommend it!

(Citadel Press, Kensington Publishing Corp. 2000)

by Tracie Austin Peters Got Ghosts? Las Vegas certainly has and many of them. There's an abundance of paranormal activity in this super hot, dry and enchanting desert. Come join us on the south side of Las Vegas as we learn about a ghost who gets a home owner's attention by hanging a child's Barbie doll from the ceiling. Listen to a ghost who likes to play the ukulele on the north side of town. Meet the ghost of a grandpa in the area of Sunrise Mountain who won't leave until his new grandchild is born and a spirit in the Summerlin neighborhood who made contact with the residents by writing messages on their bathroom mirrors! Do you believe in ghosts? YOU WILL...after hearing about the specters of Las Vegas! 18 True Ghost Haunts Hunt for ghosts with the Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigations. Visit ghosts at Nellis Air Force Base, a haunted park, a hotel, an unusual cemetery and people's homes - both old and new.

We regret that G.L. Giles will not be doing future reviews for the Psychic Times International for awhile. But we are thrilled for her as she has went on to other exciting projects! Look for our new book and movie reviewer, Lucas McPherson with our new column, “Lucas McPherson's Literary Lair!”

Tracie Austin-Peters Producer / Host For Let's Talk...Paranormal PO Box 34237 Las Vegas, NV 89133

Remember to support the troops who are protecting us this holiday season.

“You are in our thoughts and prayers always as we wish you the best this holiday season”! Page 19

Holidays Celebrated Around the World - Jason Russell

Christmas is celebrated in many different ways around the world. In the United States we celebrate Christmas by singing carols and having dinner with our families, attending church, exchanging gifts and much more. Within the U.S., different cultures and traditions contribute to celebrating Christmas with their customs and a combination of customs.

Christmas in Africa Different countries in Africa have their special ways of celebrating Christmas. In the Congo they celebrate Christmas by singing Christmas carols and setting presents at the alter before church service. In South Africa, since its summer there during Christmas time, the people there can go to the beach and then after wards have a big feast by serving traditional food like turkey and duck and other trimmings. South Africans also wear their traditional tribal wear during the church services.

Christmas in Australia The traditional Australian Christmas is celebrated in shorts and tee shirts. While the northern half of the world is getting snow, Australia‟s average temperature is 100 degrees F or 30 degrees C. Their Christmas dinner consists of turkey, duck and a special pudding. In their custom they put a nugget inside of the pudding. Whoever finds that nugget will have a happy new year to come.

Christmas in France Christmas in France is celebrated by children by putting their shoes by the fireplace so they can have them filled with gifts. Small toys, sweets, fruits and nuts are hung on the tree as well. France had one tradition - that whoever found a bean inside of the “Three Kings” cake would be a king or queen for a day. Today they use a chocolate log to burn from Christmas to New Years Eve.

Christmas in Greece Sailors in Greece don‟t leave the port till they have a Saint Nicholas figurine on their ship. Children beat on the drums and triangles while going out caroling. Families fast for forty days and then afterwards have a huge feast. Priests sometime go from house to house sprinkling holy water around to get rid of the bad spirits who may be hiding in people's houses.

Christmas in Italy In Italy, children usually wait till January 6, to receive gifts from an ugly witch instead of Saint Nicholas. Italians fast twenty-four hours before their huge feast. They then go to the Vatican at noon time for a Christmas message from the Pope. Children dress as shepards and sing carols. Instead of sweets they are given money for presents.

Christmas in Germany Children in Germany would leave their letters on the windowsills for “Christkind.” Christkind is an angel that Germans believe is sent as a messenger on Christmas Eve. The angel leaves gifts to the children of Germany. German boys dress up like kings and carry a star while singing carols.

Christmas in Portugal In Portugal on Christmas Day they believe in setting a place at the feast for the spirits of those who passed on. It is to be said that it will bring them good luck in the following year. They also burn a Christmas log all day long in homes. Page 20

Christmas in Spain In Spain during the weeks before Christmas, families gather around the manger and sing while the children play tambourines and dance. The Spanish also honor the cow because Mary gave birth to Jesus and the warmth of the cow kept the Baby Jesus warm.

Christmas in Romania

Children sang a special carol (more of a poem) while caring a paper star in their hand with the biblical painted in water colors while singing: “Do you receive the pretty star, Pretty and so very bright? It Haseko we did in the sky Just like God thought it would be right, Stand it could be seen on high, Just like we did in the sky” Then the children would hold up the paper of Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus asking this question: “Do you receive the pretty star, Pretty and so bright? It has appeared on the earth Just like God through it would be right And it could be seen on high, Just like we did, in the sky.”

Christmas in Japan Japan celebrates Christmas by putting evergreen leaves as decorations around their homes and businesses. Since the Japanese do not celebrate Christmas around the table, they go to the hospitals and visit the sick people and hand out gifts to those who can‟t be home for Christmas.

Christmas in China In China children decorate their trees with ornaments made from paper in the shape of flowers, chains and lanterns. They also hang their stocking up for “Christmas Old Man” to give those gifts and treats.

Christmas in Russia

Instead of Christmas, Russia celebrates the season with Festival of Winter. Russians would do special prayer and even fast for thirty-nine days until January 6, Christmas Eve. They have a twelve special dishes in honor of the twelve apostles; fish, beet soup (Borsch), cabbage stuffed with miller, coked dried fruit and more. Russians gather in churches which have been decorated with the usual Christmas tree with flowers and colored lights.

Christmas in Brazil Since Brazil has a variety of different backgrounds they celebrate Christmas in a different way. Brazilians have a huge Christmas dinner which includes turkey, ham, colored rice, vegetables and fruit dishes. Those who are devoted Catholics attends a midnight mass. Brazilians call Santa Father “Noel” or “Papai Noel”. According to their legend, Father Noel lives in Greenland and when he comes to Brazil, he wears silk clothing due to the summer heat.

Christmas in Austria Austrians celebrates Christmas by a festival called the “Feast of Saint Nicholas”, which in Austria marks this as the beginning of Christmas. Brass instruments play and carol singers carry blazing torches and a manger from house to house and gather on the church steps. Austrians serve baked carp as part of their traditional Christmas dinner.


National Lampoon‟s “Christmas Vacation”

Miracle on 34th Street

All I Want For Christmas

A Christmas Carol - 1984

A Christmas Story

Santa Clause The Movie

Babes In Toyland

Home Alone

Home Alone 2

Home Alone 3

Home Alone 4


One Magic Christmas


Call Me Claus

The Santa Claus


Bad Santa

Chasing Christmas

A The movies listed above can be ordered online at many movie and DVD stores. And while you‟re out doing your holiday shopping, you can always purchase them at your favorite video store. Page 23

“Return to Babylon” and Unexplained Anomalies! A film by writer-director ALEX MONTY CANAWATI

The “silent film” that is screaming to be heard! Return to Babylon is a film set in the silent movie era that tells the tales of the true life scandals and tragedies of Hollywoodland that rocked the nation. Starring Jennifer Tilly as CLARA BOW Maria Conchita Alonso as LUPE VELEZ Tippi Hedren as MRS. PEABODY Debi Mazar as GLORIA SWANSON Phillip Bloch as RAMON NOVARRO Ione Skye as VIRGINIA RAPPE Rolonda Watts as JOSEPHINE BAKER Morganne Picard as MABEL NORMAND And many others that make up this wonderful cast. Pg. 24

As seen on Wikipedia “Return to Babylon” is a 2008 film directed by Alex Monty Canawati designed and filmed in the silent film style that is part mystery, part comedy and part psychological drama. The film is in black and white and is silent except for an orchestral music score composed especially for the film by the Italian composer Peitor Angell. The filmmakers, Alex Monty Canawati and Boothe Jouvet made a short film called “The Birth of Babylon” in 2000. This won the "Best Short" at the American Film and Music Festival in 2000. They decided to make the short into a feature length film.

The principal photography was shot between 2001 and 2004, but was shelved due to post production issues. The plot is scandal, crime and intrigue which takes place during the silent movie era in 1920‟s Hollywood involving some of the most famous stars of the day, including Rudolph Valentino, Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson, Norma Talmadge, Lupe Velez, Fatty Arbuckle, William Desmond Taylor and others. The filming features locations in and around Hollywood, California, including the original Rudolph Valentino and Norma Talmadge estates and at the "Magic Castle" in the Hollywood Hills. The film was shot using nineteen rolls of film that the director found sitting on the sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California.

Maria Conchita Alonso as “Lupe Velez”.

Shooting was performed using original hand-cranked movie cameras. However, while viewing this phenomenal film it was discovered that strange and unexplainable frames such as “Christ-like” images and other anomalies were in the film. These are guaranteed not to be the results of any CGI or any special effects. The film is unique in the sense that "spontaneous morphing" occurred. No reasonable explanation can be given as to why the actors morphed into "unnerving" characters and “Christ-like” images. This phenomenon has baffled not only film and photography experts, but religious scholars as well.

In the frame just before the following photo.

Maria Conchita appears “Christ-like” in this frame. Film writer, director and actor, Alex Monty Canawati

View the trailers at: and

Visit Alex and view this trailer on MySpace:

Montebello Films, Hollywood, CA 90028

A closer look of the above photo frame.

The photo frames above can be viewed larger at: Pg. 25

Moving on - Kirsty Taylor - Port Glasgow, Scotland

You can love something too much Squashing what‟s left behind When you love something too much Things can become stale You no longer know what you feel Worried inside things will go wrong With no idea where this feeling comes from Nervousness, builds in tension An Atmosphere between others No one likes Becoming more tired with each effort The thought of the situation You start the day with a hesitation Then comes the frustration It‟s a full circle round It‟s hard like this, to find the ground But know the love and good you‟ve found Will never be forgotten Its time to move on Be free, Be happy, While with the things, People, Pets you love Sometimes moving on Is the best love to be Moving On©2009 Kirsty Taylor Page 26

My Gypsy Grandma’s Christmas - Marie Winters Adams My grandmother told me about one of her Christmas times when she was a child in about 1900 and living in a rural area. Being Gypsies, they looked at gifts differently than did their non-Gypsy (gorgio) neighbors. When they went back to school after the Holidays, the teacher asked each of them what gift they had received for Christmas. The other children had received handkerchiefs, oranges, articles of clothing, shoes, etc. Each child mentioned gifts that were very practical and needed. Her sister (Myra) said that she had got beautiful gold hoop earrings. My grandma told about her beautiful pen. It was made out of mother-of-pearl with a gold tip and small rubies that were inlaid in the mother-of-pearl. (I still have it.) The teacher scolded them and said that their parents were foolish to have given their daughters such expensive and impractical gifts! When they went home they told their father what the teacher had said. He told them that practical things are always needed but that a gift should be something that the person would want but wouldn‟t buy for himself and that it should be lovely. He said that such gifts should be admired for as long as you can keep them but if times get hard, they can always be turned into cash. He also told them that if something has been passed down from another generation, it can never be sold but must always be kept! My father (also Gypsy) had been taught this, too and always followed it. Since then I‟ve found that this philosophy seems to be shared by most Gypsies. The gift may be gold or it may be faux gold BUT it will be lovely and it will NOT be practical!

King Diamond Voodoo and House Of God re-releases - Dave Wolff

Since Mercyful Fate released Melissa in 1983 King Diamond has become one of metal‟s most unique personalities. In a time before the PMRC launched a campaign to attach warning labels to albums with “offensive” subject matter King made an impression on the independent metal industry channeling an extensive occult knowledge and experience into his lyrics Inspired by Judas Priest and Alice Cooper, the musical and visual aspects of Mercyful Fate resonated with such songs as “A Dangerous Meeting” and “Curse Of The Pharaohs” which to this day remain underground classics. The most significant difference between Mercyful Fate and others was Diamond‟s lyrics weren‟t inspired only for shock value, but reflected the showmanship and philosophy of LaVeyan Satanic beliefs and practices, placing heavy metal in a different light than it was seen in previous years and helping set new standards in the genre for years to come. Beginning his solo career with Fatal Portrait, Diamond compounded the showmanship he established with Mercyful Fate writing conceptual metal operas with guitarist Andy LaRocque. The most memorable of these is 1987‟s Abigail, sequeled in 2002 with Abigail II: The Revenge. As much as Them and Conspiracy are based on past experiences. The Eye, The Graveyard and his latest recording Give Me Your Soul… Please reflect real-life occurrences, historical and modern, he always felt strongly about. First released in 1998 and reissued by Metal Blade, Voodoo is among his most well-thought conceptual recordings to date, having resulted from extensive research into the centuries-old practices for which it is named. Taking place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1932, the story takes several unexpected twists and turns with a malevolent feeling hovering over each new development. Likewise reissued by Metal Blade, 2000‟s House Of God presents the idea that nothing is exactly as it appears to be, and not even religion should be taken at face value. Both of these re-releases have been completely remastered by LaRocque and include bonus material purchasers can obtain digitally. Diamond is likewise preparing to release a first-ever live DVD which is planned for release in late 2009 or early 2010; visit the websites below for further information.

Mr. Bojangles

Born on July 29, 2009, these adorable Havanese puppies are for sale. Havanese - “The Dog World's� Best Kept Secret Non shedding Great for people with allergies Happy all the time wonderful temperament The original Circus dogs Champion AKC bloodlines from Hungary. Where quality not quantity counts.

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Miss Soleil

Pg 29

- Marie Winters Adams

Most Gypsies (“Romanies”) celebrate the holidays according to their religious beliefs and/or the way that their country celebrates them. In the U.S., most celebrate the way that their religion dictates. Most Gypsies in the United Kingdom celebrate Boxing Day, as do their neighbors. A Gypsy friend of mine told me about Boxing Day last year. She said that this is when they exchange gifts instead of on Christmas Day. It‟s celebrated on December 26, in the U.K. as Boxing Day but in Ireland and Wales it‟s called St. Stephen‟s Day. According to my friend Mary (a full-blooded “Romanichal” or British Isles Gypsy), the following is a history of Boxing Day: This was the day to open the “Christmas Box” and to share the contents with the poor. It was a wooden or clay container in the shape of a box. Sometimes they were made of hollow clay balls and each had a slit in the top. The people placed money in them and they were never opened until December 26th. Historians say that they were used to protect ships. The priest would bring one aboard and bless it. The sailors would put currency in it and the priest would seal it. If the ship returned safely, it would be given to the priest for a mass of gratitude and he would keep it until the 26th of December. He would then distribute the contents to the poor. Most churches also had a Christmas Box for their parishioners to put currency in for the poor, who would receive shared portions on December 26th. Many workers who had to work on Christmas Day would get a Christmas Box from their employers to take home for their families to open the next day. The wealthy landowners would put their small gifts and their extra food into boxes and distribute them to their tenants on December 26th. Even now, many people give small gifts to tradesmen on this day. The normal activities that the historians list for this day are having fox hunts, going shopping, having family dinners and reunions and hunting and killing wrens! Supposedly, to kill a wren at any other time of the year is quite unlucky but it is lucky to kill one on “Boxing Day”! In Ireland, it‟s called St. Stephen‟s Day. The basic same traditions are done, except that they have “Wren Boys.” In days of long ago, boys would use cork to make their faces black and would kill a wren. Then they would tie it to a pole and go around the town. The townspeople would give them money for the poor. Today, artificial birds or stuffed wrens are tied to a pole and carried about for people to give money for the poor and the “Wren Boys” wear women‟s wigs and clothes. The people who give them money receive a feather in return! This ensures good luck for the coming year!

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You can make your own spells or rituals. Think of your desire, then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire in it. It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about - Chantel Cloak will power, the power of positive thinking and In some of the more elaborate spells, a candle should be creative visualization. You can also write out what you properly dressed. I enjoy this personally because it gives want in rhyme and burn it after saying it like an incantation me time to concentrate harder on the spell and put more per- (3x3 times works well). If the spell calls for you to leave sonal growth into my spells. So I almost always dress my the candle burning, make sure you leave the candle to burn candle in all of my spells. The purpose of dressing the can- in a safe place. If you think it would help, sit in front of the dle is to establish a psychic link between it and the witch candle for a few minutes and concentrate on your goal. through a primal sensory experience. By physically touch- Meditate on it. Before you leave your candle to finish burning the candle during the dressing procedure, you are charg- ing, repeat a few times what your wish is for the spell to ing it with our own personal vibrations and also accomplish. concentrating the desire of your magical act into the wax. The candle is becoming an extension of the witchâ€&#x;s mental It should take about 24 hours to start working, depending power and life energy. on the goal.


The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your particular desire or ritual. Cleanse the candle prior to ward off any negative energies, you may use water, salt, pure soap, or baby oil (all previously blessed and consecrated). Bless and consecrate oil to be used, appropriate to ritual. State and engrave (if you wish) what the candle is to represent. Anoint the candle with oil and focus on desire (purpose of ritual). For ritual of achievement: anoint oil from the top of the candle to the middle in a downward motion, then from the bottom of the candle to the middle in an upward motion. For ritual of banishment: anoint oil from the middle of the candle to the top in an upward motion and then anoint oil from the middle of the candle to the bottom of the candle in a downward motion. Bless and consecrate the candle. Meditate on desired outcome. Place candles in a sturdy candle holder (preferably metal, as glass may shatter). Some do not use matches to light candles since the sulfur is considered unclean. If you feel this, use an incense starter/stick, or a working candle to light your candles. Then sit and meditate some more on your desire after lighting the candles, read your spell or chant your appropriate mantra. You don't need an elaborate spell with a lot of big words or words you don't even know how to pronounce. Page 32

Keep in mind that for any magic, it is best (though not necessary) to do calling magic, such as money, love, health, luck or anything that brings something to you during the waxing moon (first quarter) to the full moon. Banishing magic, such as bindings, quitting bad habits, curses or anything pushing energy away should be done during the waning moon (last quarter) to the new moon. These are optimal times, but you cannot always base your magic around the moon. If you can do these things then you will send those vibrations out into the universe and eventually they will materialize. To extinguish a candle, snuff it out or wave your hand over it hard enough to make a breeze to put it out. Do not blow or pinch it out. Blowing a candle out blows desires away and pinching a flame pinches out desires. This is a good time to iterate how closely Karma and ethics are intertwined. You choose your own color of magic, not once, but each time you practice. Some traditions believe in Karma as "What you do comes back to you". Me, personally, I am a HUGE believer of the Karma Rule. Next Issue: How to make homemade candles and some of the reasons people burn candles.

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