Psychic Times International - Winter 2009

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Contents: HedgeWitchery My Way …………………

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Music Reviews ………………………………..

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If you like to write, we are looking for articles, stories, poems, recipes, crafts or anything related to the Metaphysical, Paranormal, New Age or Human Interest articles. To submit for review by our Editors, just email your writing to: or look for the "Submit" link on our Psychic Times International web site at:

Safety Through Intuition ………………….

Page 7

Forensic Palmistry - “A Boxer’s Hand” ……

Page 8

Also, if you would like to list your upcoming birthday, anniversary, birth announcements, etc., we will list them for free in our classifieds. Just send us the name, city, state and date of the occasion. Year of birth is optional. We will publish the first poems submitted and to the editor’s discretion.

Presidential Need To Know ……………….

Page 12

*NOTE* - We are international and we do offer our magazine as a free PDF download in color or black and white on our web site at:

The “G.L. Giles” Files ………………………

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“Crafty Ideas” from the Craft Den ……….

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Teen Scene ………………………………...…

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Our magazine is currently free to the public. We only charge for shipping or subscriptions to be shipped.

Musings ………………………………………..

Page 16

Please feel free to check us out on the web at:

Have a business you would like to advertise? We'll give you the very BEST rates including a "LIVE" link on our web site as well as a "LIVE" banner. Contact and just put "Please send rates" in the heading. “Gypsy Remedies” - The Herb Pantry….

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Numerology Corner ………………………..

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Etcetera ……………………………………….

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“Hearty Ham & Beans” - Recipe Corner ..

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What’s Happening Here and There ……...

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This Day In History ………………………..

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Up and Coming Book Signings …………..

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Revan’s Moon Phases ………………...…...

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The Varginha UFO Crash …………………..

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What’s In a Holiday ………………………..

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Classifieds ……………………………………

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Advertiser’s and Distributor’s List ………

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We wish to thank and remember our sponsors of the Psychic Times International. It is through them as well as our advertisers that we can bring this publication to the public free of charge. If you would like to contribute a donation please contact Donna Smith at (302) 6324064 or email for more Information. Page 2

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Disclaimer - The opinions of the writers in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinions of “Psychic Times International” .

Our Growing Business In a New Age World! The “Psychic Times International” is a different magazine. It is a collection of stories, articles and many other features that cover a diverse area of subjects. We are based in Laurel, Delaware. Our readers are as far away as the UK, Romania, Israel and many other countries around the globe! We are best described as a New Age (metaphysical and paranormal) magazine that covers everything from ghosts, how to make your own scented rocks, herbs for majick and healing and so much more! We include religious beliefs and customs as long as it is kept respectable. We feel the views and worship of every individual should be treated with respect as it is an individual choice. We are offered to the public at no cost and are supported primarily by advertising, donations and sponsorship.

In six years, we have watched the “Psychic Times International” take off like a rocket! When we began, this newsletter was merely two sheets of paper stapled together to make a total of four pages. The idea was shared between two friends of many years, who, at the time were both starting their own separate businesses. They figured the cost of advertising was not yet fitting into their budget. In the following issue we added a few advertisements for friends who had already established their businesses. We then asked them to hand out our newsletter to spread the word about all of us. It went over so well, that we now have many volunteers, columnists and writers from all over the United States and internationally that are dedicated to the cause and purpose of the “Psychic Times International” magazine.

We are a great way to get your business noticed! The newsletter itself has been around for over six years and is now a magazine. It has been spreading like wildfire since “day one”.

As a Metaphysical/Paranormal/New Age type newsletter, we have incorporated many beliefs, customs and traditions to blend into a fun, informative, quarterly circulation. We have many distributors in Delaware, USA as well as internationally. You can now download your free copy of the Psychic Times International in a PDF format for reading, distributing and printing in both black and white or color.

We also have a free classified section. Categories include birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, wanted items, items up for sale, coming events, giveaways, and yard sales, etc. Quarterly Featured Articles: Astrology Herb Pantry Moon Phases Musings

Recipes Numerology Corner Crafts And so much more!

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Just reading this issue would be convincing enough to see the success of this newsletter in the projected future. Let us know what you, our readers, think. Please fill out the form to the right and send it to us. Or, visit us at: and sign our guestbook and please send us a review for a possible posting in our review column.



It is at this point that we are looking for sponsorship from those sharing the same vision as we do.





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Publisher/Managing Director Donna Smith

Editor Catherine Owens

Promotions/Sales Sandy Smith

Distribution Manager Jason Russell

Our Purpose: The Psychic Times International is a quarterly publication, with the independent mission of journalistic service, with the ideals of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and to provide a general overview of subject matter only to inform and educate the reader.

With your ad, we include your LIVE link (free of charge) both on our “Psychic Times International ” “WELCOME “page and on our “LINKS” page with your banner. We advertise in our physical copyas well as online in our downloadable PDF format including two pages on our web site. Your “live” links will be posted for the duration of you running ad. For example; a 1/2 page, black and white ad running for 1 issue only (1 quarter - 3 months) would be $80.00 and would be listed in the newsstand version, our downloaded PDF and two “live” links on our popular web site at: Page 3

146 Rehoboth Avenue

Justin Sabia - (302) 226226-2245 Artists in Residence: Todd & Rick

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

The Psychic Times International Reviews Tony Kenyon , Watertown, SD “This is one of the best magazines ever and the friendliest”. Check this out and you will agree. Store owners should give it a try get your magazine noticed. It is great!

Megan McCormick, New Haven, CT “An excellent read! Thanks for the Psychic Times International”!

Marie Adams, Dagsboro, DE “Love the Psychic Times International! Always interesting and informative”! "The graphics and format are as phenomenal as are the informative and interesting articles." Laura Stanton, S.F. California “Dear Psychic Times, I saw your newsletter for the first time two months ago. At first I wasn't sure because I thought maybe it was just for psychics and I'm not a psychic... so why would I read it, right? Well, a friend said I had too... So I opened it. Now I can't get enough! Your magazine really seems down to Earth and to speak directly to me. I don't feel like I'm reading a magazine for millionaires, teenyboppers, or models. Thank you so much! Keep up the good work”! Your Devoted Reader

Amaya Takahashi, Fukuoka, Japan 私は雑誌を非常に好む - I like magazine so much!

Tony Franco, Pescara, Italy Ami il vostro scomparto! Eccellente! Buone storie!

Thank you for being a “Psychic Times International” reader! Page 4

“HedgeWitchery My Way”

although water rituals can also be the cleansing kind where you wash away the unwanted, much like taking a metaphysical shower. Charleston, South Carolina (where I have lived most of my life) is a Peninsular City meaning that it’s surrounded on three sides by water and attached by earth on the other. Then, I might call upon the elemental Undines associated with water, next, to ensure that the Desire I’ve sent off floating on the waterways finds its best pathway to physical fruition. Some ritual might involve elemental salamanders called forth when fires are made in the winter months here. I also call on the elemental salamanders in my candle magick rituals at times. I’m surrounded by many lovely oak trees, birch trees, etc., so I’ll oftentimes beseech these wonderful Nature Spirits as well to aid me in my Path of choice once the answer has been found via Bibliomancy.

HedgeWitchery at its best, in my opinion…the sharing of the fruits of your labor. I love it…I’m elated while harvesting the seeds from out of my front and back gardens. - G.L. Giles

The title of my article could be viewed as a bit redundant as being a HedgeWitch already indicates immense freedom and uniqueness from much of mainstream magical thought, though there are many ways to practice HedgeWitchery. It’s out of respect for other HedgeWitches that I entitled it as such. I like to say that HedgeWitches are much like Green Witches only perhaps a bit more prickly. And I do consider my form of HedgeWitchery a NeoPagan Path of sorts. Many HedgeWitches also follow what I’d call a Solitary Eclectic Path while also practicing Natural Magick. Traditionally, HedgeWitches lived on the outskirts of civilization, generally by choice near hedges. The primary boundary wasn’t the physical hedge, but rather the metaphysical boundary raised. Modern HedgeWitches may live near a spinney (small forest) or other greenery by choice. Greenery is quite important to HedgeWitches as is in many cases our rather hermit-like existence. I personally also hold knowledge in high regard…especially when it’s acted upon accordingly. Many HedgeWitches have reverence for the natural world, sacred trees and groves in particular. In this way, HedgeWitches resemble Ancient Druids and many Modern Druids as well. As an example of one of my informal rituals, I will oftentimes incorporate Bibliomancy and Natural Magick by sitting in one of my favorite clearings. Then I would open a book that’s been beckoning (perhaps shining brighter on my bookshelf than the rest) when I have a particular question in mind that needs an answer. To aid in the process, I’ll ground myself first (before opening the book even). After finding the answer to what I’m seeking (via the book’s guidance), I’ll call upon Water generally first (as I’m a Water Sun Sign) to aid in the manifestation of my desire in the physical world. There’s a stream that flows near the clearing where I generally work/play that lends its focusing help by both visual and auditory means. Water is also used frequently in Geechee/Gullah Magick (practiced in South Carolina where I was born and raised) to add power to spells sent forth~~~As an aside regarding Gullah magick, to this day I won’t eat any red rice unless I know who’s prepared it (though it’s primarily males who need to beware of this more than females)~~~ Water is oftentimes associated with emotions and feelings. Learning how to channel your emotions/feelings for your benefit into the water really helps manifestation to occur…at least for me as a Scorpio. The water can flow them to your desired end.

As a writer, Bibliomancy has long been a favorite tool, even before I knew the correct term for it. HedgeWitchery, my way, isn’t as concerned at first with proper cataloguing or defining so much as it is the feeling of whether or not your desires have reached the correct frequency to have a manifestation occur. After all, a rose or thorn by any other name is still the same. So, it’s up to you to make sure via your true feelings, often reached by accessing your own Deep Intuition, that you’re on the correct path. You don’t want to attract thorns if you’ve been desiring roses though some of my friends do, indeed, prefer the thornsJ. And, speaking of which, I have some friends that follow a Left Hand Path and some that follow a RightHand Path. Personally, I follow both in some ways. Broadly speaking, to me the LHP involves being introspective first and foremost. Whereas the RHP involves being more selfless; reaching out to help others. But, how can you truly help others unless you’ve truly helped yourself first? I focus on helping myself first and then others. Which brings me to energy~~~I believe the reason my spells work are because of symbolic focus, through thought-forms they bring. I’m not a fan of those who believe that only their way, spells-wise or other dogmatic-ways-wise, is the only way. Find out what feels good to you. If you have a lot of Air in your chart, then you might like evoking the air elementals, the Sylphs. Or perhaps the Gnomes (the Earth elementals) would be wise if you have a lot of earth in your chart. (It’s of note that thus far I’ve never invoked, only evoked…I’d suggest not inviting an entity inside you by invoking unless you feel comfortable with it…I haven’t so far, but who knows what the future holds~~~) Do what feels right to you…everyone’s path is different. Don’t let any Spiritual Bullies tell you differently. Though I certainly consider my form of HedgeWitchery a Spiritual Path, I don’t consider it an offshoot of the religion known as Wicca. I’m not Wiccan because I don’t follow “The Wicca Rede”. I personally don’t believe in “The Rule of Three,” though I have many wonderful Wiccan friends who I both love and admire who do. Many people in mainstream society don’t realize that you can be a Witch without being Wiccan. Although I certainly celebrate the Sabbats and Esbats, like many Wiccans. And there are other traits we generally share in common. Such as, I do believe that we are all Divine, so there should be no lording (or ladying…lolJ) over another and that personal power is unlimited and that consciousness can be altered through ritual (as it can be a powerful means of focusing desire through vibration raised and sent forth to accomplishgoals~~~). I’m primarily spiritual although I can also be considered religious in that I have a HedgeWitch Way of Life that I acknowledge. I also believe Con’t on page 6

Highly Recommended Spiritual Jewelry Designer - Yaron Shaool

For anyone who considers the jewelry they wear to be much more than something of beauty, but who understands the power of symbols and intention and seeks truly exceptional designs, Ka Gold Jewelry is the best source of spiritual jewelry I have found. In addition to having an incredibly wide assortment of exquisite rings, pendants, and earrings, Ka Gold Jewelry is the only jeweler I've seen who actively seeks new design concepts from customers, and therefore is constantly improving and expanding an already extraordinary product line. Some of my favorite pieces are the prosperity ring and the gold merkaba pendant, as these items are always noted and admired when I wear them, and I can feel a tremendous positive energetic effect from wearing them, too.

The University of Metaphysical Sciences offers you a higher education for spiritual unfoldment. Visit them on the web at: or call them at: 888-596-6382.

My three favorite items: MUSIC REVIEWS

Ill e. gal? Visit specific category: Sacred Geometry; Jewish Jewelry; New Age Jewelry; Merkaba Jewelry; Kabbalah Jewelry; Tibetan Jewelry Con't from pg.5

in Transcendental Power. However, I personally don’t like anything too formal ritual-wise, at least at this point in my personal - journey. I have followed a more simplistic, folksy kind of magick, more like the honorable cunning folk of old but without many Christian ties, in my case by choice at this point, for quite a long time. So, I could be considered religious in a personal ritualistic sense as well. I am generally informal, though I can assure you it’s not because I lack discipline (as some traditionally trained witches might argue). An example of my simple ritual also occurs when I harvest my morning glory seeds, moonflower seeds, basil seeds, lemon balm seeds, pepper seeds, marigold seeds, zinnia seeds, etc. I give thanks to the wonderful divas for my fruitful harvest and think of the benefits of being able to plant the seeds the following year and the joy they’ll bring as I share my seeds with family and friends...That’s HedgeWitchery at its best, in my opinion…the sharing of the fruits of your labor. I love it…I’m elated while harvesting the seeds from out of my front and back gardens. I’ll spill them on my tiled-tables in separate piles with the wind whipping against my skin as the chimes in my front and back yards play wonderful enchanted and always unique tunes for me to listen to~~~it’s a wyld and wonderful time. Though many HedgeWitches like me generally prefer to be solitary, many of us communicate our voices a lot more frequently now through the ever-increasing Pagan Cyber Community in this wonderful D.I.Y. Tech. Revolution. I’m active on several social networking sites (including MySpace, Yuwie, PaganSpace and Vois), etc. Though Nature is #1 in my book(sJ), I certainly value CyberWorld as well~~~ I professionally came out of the broom closet as a HedgeWitch, etc. when my latest release, Days and Nights in Summerville, came out on July 3, 2008…right before Independence Day…there are no real coincidences! If interested in learning more about Days and Nights in Summerville and my other books, then visit: Page 6

-Frederick T. Williams

Ill e. gal is a headstrong driven woman who knows her way around a mic. This Rhode Island native is looking for much bigger things. With already one fan favorite "Mary Jane" in 2003, she began looking for bigger crowds. Realizing that there was no vent for letting out what this young talented artist had to say in New England, ill e. gal left her family, friends and everything she knew behind for Minnesota. It was your typical cliché; girl from small town heads to big city, heading straight for the underground. While hoping the move she just made to Minnesota was a good one, ill e. gal quickly made some critical friends. These friends were of course Miss Tress AKA TRESS, a young South Korean girl raised in St. Paul, Minnesota and RUTHLESS/PLAYAZ CREW of Loonatix Productions. In 2006, Ill e. gal teamed up with the MISS TRESS to form "True High Class". After their release of "Wings" in 2006, “THC” went on to win the Twin Cities Award under the category of "First Ladies of Hip Hop" two years in a row. They opened for such artists as Tech n9ne and performed at the Marijuana Music Awards in New York. THC was now nationwide in the underground scene. In 2007, Ill e. gal left THC and returned to her once solo status to perform at such venues as the “Annual Gathering of the Juggalos”, a four day music festival much like Woodstock. While in the area, Ill e. gal opened for “Blaze” aka Chris Rouleau of Psychopathic Records for his “Clockwork Gray” Tour. Ill e. gal has since made appearances in “High Times” as well as “Murder Dog Magazine”. Her music, a marijuana fueled mix of hip hop, punk, rock and industrial conveys the message of her beliefs in things like the legalizing of marijuana. Overall, Ill e. gal is a refreshing hit of good cannabis that you want to hold in until you choke. Look for her new album due for release "The Grass is Greener” in 2009. ILL E. GAL

Safety Through Intuition - Jock Brocas

“When you have overcome your fear, you are calm. When you are calm, you can exercise awareness. When you are aware, you can listen to your sixth sense, your intuition. Only then are you really alive!!!” Most people have had experiences such as walking into a bar or a building where there has been a disturbance and the atmosphere seems charged. Your body and your mind will usually give you some indication that this place is not safe and you should leave. This is not as difficult to explain as you might think. Every fuelled situation leaves an emotional trail of energy, and we instinctively tune in to that frequency. Your hair may stand on end and you may feel shivers. Many people will put this down to a psychosomatic symptom of the mind, but in fact you are using your natural intuitive ability and your body and spirit is warning you off. It is up to you to pay attention to this warning. An uncomfortable emotional feeling is akin to an alarm, yet through our own ignorance and machismo, we would rather ignore it for fear of feeling weak. The Aura We all have a vibration field, an energy that surrounds every one of us that holds our personal model of life. This field consists of electromagnetic particles that resonate at a particular vibration and frequency. Scientists have been researching this energy field for a long time, yet it remains at the fringe of scientific acceptance. In the last few years, well-known scientists such as Harry Oldfield and Dr. Barbara Brennan have broken through that barrier to try proving and explaining the existence of the Auric field. With practice and time, we can learn to open up our psychic centres and receive inbound information in many ways using all psychic abilities. These centres when balanced and unblocked can be an effective method of protecting the mind, body and spirit. Negativity is also held within the aura; evidently, thought forms appear within the emotional and mental field of our aura. Fear is that same thought form and is there to be received by a tuned in receiver – even if that receiver has anarchy on his mind. Understanding this process and recognizing the feeling of fear is the first step to controlling it and accepting it. When your mind accepts what it is that you fear and you face up to it, you can begin to transmute this negative thought process into useful energy that can be used as a weapon. For instance, let’s say that you are too frightened to be alone in your own home. The fear you exude makes you an easier target. Your would-be attacker picks up on this negative energy and you are at risk of becoming a victim of terror. Imagine walking along a street at night, and you begin to sense negative energy. Your mind multiplies this a thousand times and creates a terrible fear. This is manifested in your mind and you exude that fear in your aura. The physical body then starts to display the body language of a fearful individual. Now you are a target for attackers. What you fear is attracted to you. The attacker is consumed with negative energy and is attracted to the source of similar energy – the principle of cause-and-effect. Our personal space is an important factor in life. If someone encroaches on our space at home or in the workplace, we feel violated, and that can be a simple action such as disturbing something in your home or removing something from your desk.

This violation is only lifted if we have given the permission for someone to enter our personal space. When someone breaches your personal space, you immediately feel under threat, and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. If someone comes too close you have an overwhelming sense of encroachment and possibly fear because of the energy overlap from the other person’s aura into yours, especially if the incoming energy is denser and more negative. We all have an Aura Everyone has an Auric field, and the attributes of this field are obvious from a spiritual and psychic point of view. Each of us can use this ethereal body as a fearsome weapon – we can enhance our ability to sense and use the information contained within it. By learning to heighten your natural ability, you become more perceptible to the subtle energies that surround you. If you are a potential target, you can learn to anticipate any probable threats or impending danger. “Your own early warning system will keep you alive.” This energy field surrounds your physical being in every way and is commonly known as your Auric field. It consists of the physical, emotional, mental and etheric, or spiritual, bodies. Within this field is every thought and emotion your body exudes, the blueprint of your life-plan for past, present and future. Its colours change with different emotions or physical expressions. Learn to read the Auric field By now, you will have an in-depth idea of the Auric field and its associations to the body on all levels. Understanding how fear or negative energy reacts within the aura is the first step in learning to defend yourself utilizing your sixth sense. Aggression, like any emotional thought form, shows itself within the aura and can be an early warning signal to imminent violence. If you can pick up this negative emotional energy, then you can take the necessary precautions to remove yourself from the vicinity of danger. We must learn how to notice these waves of thought and how we can control them. By simply noticing the thoughts and allowing them to leave our mind in a loving manner, we gain control of the emotional field that surrounds us and we gain control of our fears. To remain positive in the face of adversity shows us that we do not need to allow negative emotion to control our life. Strengthening the aura Remember the stronger the energy surrounding you, the stronger you will be in securing your environment – helping you to heighten your awareness to protect all that you have in mind, body and spirit. There are many ways to ensure that your aura remains strong and impenetrable from outside forces. Meditation is by far the easiest way to strengthen your aura by your intention only. By visualizing and believing in what you are doing, you will succeed in strengthening all levels of your Auric field. Visualize yourself inside a bubble of white light. To increase this light, you must breathe in deeply asking for the universe to cleanse your aura. As you breathe out, use your intention to release any negativity that is within you or surrounds you, and send it back to the universe for transmuting to positive energy. As you breathe out, you will note the white energy filling your aura making it strong and impenetrable. You must learn to visualize this in picture form and believe in what you see, “to - Con’t on pg. 10 Page 7

FORENSIC PALMISTRY ( 2 ) “A BOXERS HAND” Case 210 The hand represents the whole body in microcosm. This hand-print is that of a typical top sportsman inasmuch as the musculature at the palmer base is significant being both red with activity, very firm and wide. This shows the considerable energy available, and is always the sign of a physical athlete. The heel of the hand known to medicine as the “hypothenar eminence” is traditionally ruled by the moon, and this being large means affinity with water. The huge volume of energy available to the subject in this area tells us in high probability that he was a successful swimmer in his latency and teenage years. The few simple line formations in what palmists call “an empty hand” tell that the subject is uncomplicated and non intellectual as is typical with the Mesomorph body typology. The relationship of the body type with the psychological landscape, was initiated by William Sheldon whose hand is an“elementary regressive”. The building blocks of his persona determine that he is a man who can only relate through his physique. We see every day in our newspapers the child like antics of football stars who although physically developed are really just child like intellectuals. Some years ago I had to write psychological assessments for young criminals, for the courts, often before a prison sentence. These physical types would continually be in trouble and regrettably, social workers would get them into boxing as a method of channelling their energy, and aggression. These men would then be trained aggressives that would, as a rule end up as builders, labourers, soldiers, bouncers, bailiff’s, boxers, and pub heavies. The latest statistics in modern Britain, say 1 in 4 young men will be in trouble with the police for drunken, boisterous and loutish behaviour now termed by psychologists as: “footballism “. Many years ago at his constituency office in Woodford Essex, Winston Churchill told me that in peacetime, fighters and brawlers were a menace to society, but when war comes these violent criminal psychopaths were just what the country needed. Reflexology tells of the foot and its relationship to the body as a whole. Palmists have since ancient times

This print was taken with difficulty, his fingers curled tightly into his hand, had to be straightened and tied to the sole on his shoe, for the necessary rigidity to take the print.

since ancient timesused similar techniques with the hand and looking at this mans handprint tells us that the particular developed muscle grouping means many years as a boxer. Boxers can make a lot of money but they usually die in poverty. The British Medical Association’s figures suggest an incorrect cause of death in 50% of death certificates and complementary practitioners of all types are in demand as never before. - Con’t on pg, 15

Directions: From Ocean City, Rehoboth and other points south: Come up on Route 1 North. Pass Kings Highway, bear right at the Exxon Station to Wescoats Road (look for the hospital signs) . Go half a mile, and we're on your left just past Marsh Road in the cluster of buildings with Delaware Rental. Visit Gossamer Hawk online. Page 8

Modern Astrology “Past and Upcoming” - Carl Thompson, MAFA

In a recent article, I had expressed concern over the upcoming world financial situation and had advised some of my friends in the financial services industry to exit from the stock market by September of 2009. I have been chided by several of my friends that I was a year off in my prediction, as things were starting to hit bottom as we came into September of 2008. What is significant here is the premise of how astrology works. The planets do not do anything, in and of themselves. The planets represent currents and changes psychologically in people both personally and in public opinion. If you are viewing a person's natal chart, cast at the moment of their birth, you will look at the current positions and how they relate to that chart. When looking at world events, one looks at the current positions and how they relate to each other. It is, indeed, much easier to look backward and search for the aspects that correspond to the events that we know have already occurred. However, upon doing that, there seemed to be no combinations that were relevant to the scope and depth of the financial crisis worldwide. I have spent some time comparing notes with other astrologers concerning the recent events in the financial sectors. I have been enlightened by several methods of analysis that I had not considered, which played a part in these events. Most significant among them was the use of the chart of the “birth” of the U.S.A., cast on July 4, 1776. The more difficult transits that were occurring during the summer and fall of 2008 were actually in aspect to the 4th house of the U.S.A. natal chart. The 4th house is representative of the home (“housing”), with corresponding aspects to the 2nd and 8th houses, having to do with finance and disruptive events not within any individual person's control. This seems to me to be a pretty accurate assessment of what occurred and I must admit I was not paying any particular attention to the U.S.A. Chart when I had looked forward previously. What concerns me now is that the aspects that I saw leading up to September of 2009 are still there. I have taken a second look at these aspects with fresh eyes, without the pressure of looking for specific financial aspects. I looked again at the Saturn/Uranus opposition and realized I may have been side-tracked in my interpretation. Suddenly I was stuck by a completely different evaluation of the symbolism of the involved planets, more from a socio-political point of view. Traditionally, astrologers have considered the conservative political views to be ruled by Jupiter and the liberal views to be ruled by Saturn. I have always disagreed with this concept, but never had a reason to develop my own approach. When looking at the opposition in the skies, I realized that I would consider Saturn to represent the

in the skies, I realized that I would consider Saturn to represent the conservatives and Uranus to represent the liberal views. It just seemed to make a lot more sense, as Saturn is a representative of the established order, the status quo, et al, while Uranus is more of a defiant nature and always representative of change and unique attitudes and concepts. We now currently have these two planets in opposition and they have been since this past September. My opinion is that the effect on the people of the world has been to polarize their viewpoints and attitudes. This was very apparent in our recent Presidential election. There were very few people with “middle of the road” viewpoints. For the most part, I found the majority of people to be firmly on one side or the other. While there was no doubt as to the winner of our presidential election, it was not a landslide. There were very few, if any landslides in any of the races in the recent elections. We all are aware of several races for which the winner has yet to be announced due to ballot recounts. Upon further investigation of various elections worldwide, I found this polarization of public opinion to be repeated in many countries who have had or have upcoming elections. While I will not claim to be “spot-on” in my evaluation, it does appear to have some merit. Many of the elections worldwide have been very close, with no apparent victor until the very end, or after several recounts of votes. My concern, however, is the effect of planetary positions we have coming in September of 2009. In September of 2009, Pluto will arrive to form what astrologers call a “T-Square” to the opposition of Saturn and Uranus. This will put tremendous pressure on the already existing polarization. Pluto is the planet of transformation and change and is very similar in its interpretation to the “Death” card in the Tarot. My original interpretation of this planetary aspect was from a financial point of view, expecting a stock market crash or similar financial disruption. After my reconsiderations expressed above, I am now of the opinion we will see a socio-political disruption of the sort not seen before by anyone alive today. It is also likely to spill into the monetary and financial arenas, as most major political shifts and crises normally affect the economy and with the world economy we have today, this is likely to be a global effect. But the disruptions we see may very likely be a major shift in social and governmental structures that we never expected to change, or perhaps even topple. Strong words, I agree. I would suggest for anyone reading this to remain as flexible as possible in every way. I only wish I could be more specific. I have never before made predictions of this type but I feel 2009 will bring changes we would never have expected.

Page 9

- Con’t from pg. 7

believe is to conceive”. Certain crystals can be used to increase the strength in the aura and to repel negative vibrations that may be trying to permeate your Auric field. Crystals have a vibration all of their own and exude positive vibrations each on a varying frequency. These frequencies can either attract or deter negativity. A good crystal to use for this is Black Tourmaline. Think on this; if crystals are used in medicine, weaponry, jewellery and power machinery – is it not so that the same can interact with your own frequency. Intention is very simple; if I am sitting on a chair and I decide to stand up and move into the kitchen, I use my intention. Firstly, my thought is conceived in my mind – the feeling of wanting to move from the chair to the kitchen. I see this visually and then make the intent manifest to move. This is the same with any intention that you have in your life. Many years ago, I studied another martial form called “Taekwondo”. Part of learning this art is learning how to break blocks of wood; the first time I tried, I failed. The instructor, Dickie, recognized that I had not visualized breaking the wood and my intention was not focused on that. After a long lecture and a bit of training on visualization I took my place and did it again – this time, to success. You have to have belief in your ability and in yourself. Believe that you can make yourself safe and you will. When you are positive and have positive affirmations, the effect is also positive on your Auric field. Your aura becomes vibrant in colour, and the aura is charged with positive energy – with thought forms that are in vibrational harmony with your affirmations, and as that change is manifested, you will find that your vibration matches that of your conscious thought-process, following the law of attraction. Fear Fear is not always bad; when a crisis approaches, it shows itself in the surge of adrenalin. Fight or flight? In dangerous situations, we experience a process called ‘The adrenalin dump’, which makes us fight or run, depending on the individual. As such, fear is a valuable tool. If an animal is attacked, it instinctively knows what to do – it’s survival depends on it. As human beings, we lose this ability all too easily. We become too comfortable or complacent and often don’t see what is right in front of us. During an attack, several processes happen. It all starts with fear. Fear communicates itself to those around you. It shows in your posture, how you walk and hold yourself, how you approach the world. When you are faced with something you fear, your body responds internally with a faster heart rate and increased breathing rate, and externally with physical signs such as tremors in your hands. We manifest our thoughts so that the fear is shown in body language. Overcoming fear is a state of mind The first lesson to learn is that security is a state of mind. Depending on your personal or corporate circumstances, the condition and the situation of your home location, your office and surrounding environments, you may need extensive security or basic precautions. However, whatever you are likely to face, your personal fears are the main factors you should address. Understand your fears and allow them to manifest as positive energy – your fears cannot harm you unless you allow it to happen. If you feel afraid, even though you have no grounds for fear, you must do what is necessary to feel safe. Page 10

Begin by understanding the emotional nature of fear – face it, feel it, then transmute it. By breathing slowly intently and rhythmically, you will manage to remain calm in the face of adversity. It is no coincidence that martial artists put great emphasis on the breath. When you are nervous and fearful your breathing becomes tight, irregular and shallow, you cannot think positively and clearly and are feeding negative energy. If you find yourself in a serious confrontational situation, you might panic as your fears are instantaneously released and your conscious mind begins to feed your fear. You’re breathing gets faster, adrenalin is released and you freeze. When you use breath as the control, you interrupt the feeding of the negative energy in that thought process, and the heart rate slows as you become calmer. You are then able to defend yourself with a true heart and reverse any situation to your advantage. Everything exists and lives on the breath. The secret to controlling life in a more productive way is through meditation and breath, prana or hara as it is understood in other cultures. The ancient Samurai, Ninja and Buddhist monks used the breath as the form of gaining enlightenment. In Budo, the Way of the Warrior, the breath exists as the catalyst that strengthens the power and understanding of the universal force that is energy, you can manipulate this energy through breathing. You can change it from its normal, low vibration to a higher one. This vibration allows the communion between mind and spirit and allows the physical body to react in a way that is out of the norm, displaying acts of supernormal ability. The development of psychic abilities is within this dimension and it is by this method of breath work that we learn the secrets to the universe. My 10 Tips for remaining safe through Intuition: 1.

Meditate, even if it is for 15 minutes 3 times per week. It will increase your sensitivity. 2. Believe in yourself and know that you can create the safe environment around you. 3. Understand your Auric field and how to sensitize your energy. 4. The power of intention is a marvellous gift. Use this to increase your strength in your aura. 5. Breathe rhythmically and slowly to increase the energy around you. 6. Walk with purpose and keep you head high, this exudes a positive vibration. 7. Understand fear and learn to control it. 8. Use positive affirmations to increase the strength in your Aura. 9. Use Black Tourmaline to repel negativity. 10. Place Black tourmaline in a dish of water to soak up negative vibrations and protect you from the unseen world of spirit. (This is another lesson).

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We review all articles, stories, recipes, poetry and current events for submission. Since we can only list a few every quarter, we will be selective. We do not pay per submission, but reach over 5000 readers to date and will have a PDF copy for free download online. We do NOT charge currently for this newsletter, but do charge for subscriptions and individual copies to offset printing and shipping fees. If you love to write or have a great recipe, even have craft ideas; (PLEASE SEND PICTURES/GRAPHICS WITH THESE IF YOU HAVE THEM) and email us at: We will accept anything for review that deals with the paranormal, metaphysical, human interest, religion; just to name a few. WE ALSO HAVE A FREE CLASSIFIED SECTION! Have a birthday, anniversary or anything you would like to list under classifieds? Send it to us - we'll list it for you! Anyone interested in advertising with us - we’ll not only place your ad in our physical newsletter, but we will include a “live” link and a “live” banner link to your website or local listing online for free! Contact us for a price list!

VERY REASONABLE RATES! Bell, Book & Candle is your one-stop shop for all of your Metaphysical needs! Page 11

Presidential Need to Know - Paul Robinson

Since my last article election season has been and gone...and thank the Gods that it most certainly has gone, Clinton, Obama, McCain – all of them has had a good shot at being the next leader of the most powerful country in the western hemisphere, if not the world. Born in England, and having voted in a couple of General Elections over there, I have to say that I never thought I would see such lies, filth, utter stupidity, or the vast amount of pure ignorance in a campaign for Presidency, but there it was. However, a victory of historic proportions came to pass. And it’s all history now as we look to what the future has in store. And one can only imagine what they want to do on that first day in The White House. Bill Clinton? What did he want first? Well, according to Webster Hubbell, Clinton's associate attorney general, there were two rather specific things; Hubbell's book, “Friends in High Places”, quotes Clinton as asking the following: "I want you to find the answers to two questions for me. One; who killed JFK. and, two; are there UFOs?" I think it goes without saying that these are two of the most abiding mysteries in the world with more than enough conspiracy theories to go around. And it begs the question, "What did President Clinton find out?" Surprisingly, or not, depending on your point of view, there were no straight answers. Clinton did not get to the bottom of either question. This was not because there were no answers to be had, and certainly not for the want of trying, but because he was unable to get to the truth of either issue. It is even alleged that the President actually brought it to a close because he feared he might, "end up like JFK." For the Presidential candidate raising the subject of UFOs could spell political suicide. This is something that Rep. Dennis Kucinich is now acutely aware of. We all saw him get taken out of the candidacy over being asked about his sighting. But how many of us were aware that Hillary Clinton was and is a person far more embroiled in the subject? How so? Well, because of the Clinton White House involvement in what has come to be known as 'The Rockefeller Initiative'. researcher, Grant Cameron, has been fighting the good fight where the subject of Presidents and UFOs is concerned. He has cataloged presidential involvement from Franklin D. Roosevelt onward. For him, and for many who follow his work, the Rockefeller Initiative is a big, big story. So, here's the lowdown… In March of 1993 Laurence S. Rockefeller, through his attorney Henry L. Diamond, contacted the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) with a view to the release of UFO information and thus disclosure. The study lasted for three years and resulted in a report that has since become published as a book entitled, 'UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence' (Berliner 2000). The 'players'? Some big names are in there: Laurance Spelman Rockefeller Dr. John Gibbons Page 12

Henry L. Diamond Dr. C B Scott Jones Rep. Steven Schiff Sec. Sheila Widnall President Bill Clinton (Then) 1st Lady Hillary Clinton Vice President Al Gore Chief of Staff John Podesta Bill Richardson Webster Hubbell Melvin Laird Senator Claiborne Pell Senator Patty Murray One of the most famous, recorded quotes to have come of this was made by Clinton's Chief of Staff, John Podesta, who said, "It's time to open the books on the question of government investigation of UFOs. It ought to be done because it's right. It ought to be done because the American people can handle the truth. And it ought to be done because it's the law."

Now, one would think that after making that statement Podesta would be hounded by the press, but no. He was left untouched as were the Clintons. Kucinich was not so lucky; it would appear to be the case that the press was not too terribly concerned about embarrassing him. Embarrassing a front runner, however, now that's a different matter. And it would not have paid the Republicans well to have used this as ammo against Hillary if it had come down to a race between her and McCain. Why? Because McCain also has an interest in the subject, trying as he did to get answers concerning the 'Phoenix Lights' incident. And so it goes… Could you imagine anyone getting into a position of 'high office' and not having their interest piqued by this most enigmatic of subjects…? Me either! And now we have several ‘people of interest’ in the new transitional administration. Podesta is back as co-chair, Clinton is Secretary of State, Wesley Clark will be an advisor on matters military, Bill Richardson as Commerce Secretary, and Anthony Lake., Foreign Policy Advisor. Remember to check out Grant Cameron's,, and more recently, which is a joint effort between me and Grant. Look Up!

You won’t want to miss this!

The G.L.Giles Files G.L. Giles’ Review of Powers of the Sixth Sense: How to Remain Safe in a Hostile World and Other Articles by Jock Brocas “Sixth Sense Understanding of Circumstances and a General Understanding of the Law of Attraction and Other Equally Important Universal Laws Combined with Concrete Applications” With all the hype around the Law of Attraction these days made popular by movies like The Secret, it may be easy, for some people, to be lulled into a false sense of security; I’ll admit to even being a bit Pollyanna-like for a while not so long ago, even though I’d been a metaphysical student long before the current feel-good movement erupted by my reading of books, like Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain well over a decade ago (which Jock Brocas also mentions to my delight in his book, Powers of the Sixth Sense), etc. It’s true that like attracts like, but there are other Universal Laws out there like the Law of Polarity which I believe Brocas identifies as “Non Judgmental Duality,” the Law of Cause and Effect, etc. It’s to his credit that Brocas presents some of the lesser-known (in mainstream society at least) Universal Laws that must be realized for personal safety, perhaps in that they balance the solely rosecolored-glasses-world- view that alarmingly some L.O.A. junkies have solely espoused. I don’t mean to inveigh against the Law of Attraction; it’s only foolhardy if you’re only studying the L.O.A. because then you won’t know “How to Remain Safe in a Hostile World” (which is the subtitle of Jock Brocas’ book Powers of the Sixth Sense). It’s not that you want to live in fear constantly either. Rather, as Brocas rightly points out: “It is not wrong to fear, but it is wrong to allow fear to take root in your soul” (p. 31). I frequently think of the acronym for the word F.E.A.R. as False Evidence Appearing Real. Yet, another’s malicious intent may not be “false evidence” either, so the situation may not always be so simplistically dealt with by saying to yourself that all fear is false. Some fear can be very real, as it’s sometimes “threats [already] manifest in thoughts” (p. 15 Powers of the Sixth Sense). So, Brocas tells you how to pay attention to what your Deep Intuition/Sixth Sense is saying to you via feelings, visions, etc. The feeling of fear is a warning and can veritably become real in the physical world as well if you’re not aware of the situation at hand. Therefore, it will only remain un-manifested sometimes if you can successfully thwart it or convert it in some way. As Brocas brilliantly points out: “Begin by understanding the emotional nature of fear---face it, feel it, then transmute it” (Powers of the Sixth Sense p. 31). By the way, The Law of Perpetual Transmutation is another Universal Law. In Brocas’ article entitled “The Domino Effect” he points out how “the chain reaction [of events] has begun.” And how you can be a positive influence on the people and events around you knowing this. To me, he’s really talking about the Law of Cause and Effect as he points out that “The domino effect is not a science but a truth that is as old as the laws of the universe.” I was also reminded of one of my favorite movies, “Pay It Forward,” while perusing “The Domino Effect,” so I suggest you check it out if interested in learning more of our human interconnectedness.

available through our subliminal sensitivities” (quote by Dale E. Graff in the “Foreword” of Powers of the Sixth Sense by Jock Brocas). This kind of being-fully-present-and-aware thinking has saved his life many times as he reveals in detail throughout his book. Brocas has had super high-risk professions such as" international security consultant” and “personal body guard for a variety of individuals including celebrities and high risk [themselves] business executives” (Graff p. 2). So, Brocas is proof- positive by even still being alive in this 4th dimension that his methods work! In addition, he’s well qualified to help us all be our own bodyguards by reading and applying what he suggests throughout Powers of the Sixth Sense. In conclusion, I keep thinking about what Lao-Tzu said about 2,500 years ago and Brocas is wise enough to utilize and hopes his readers will to: “The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.” G.L. Giles ©2008

"Airy-Fairies Beware: This Most Hex-cellent Book Is Not for Those Who Are One-Sided!" So, if you're into a One-Way-White-Magick-Mentality (and yes it does happen even amongst "enlightened" ones), then this isn't the book for you. Many Neo-Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc. know that there really is no such thing as "White Magick" anyway, yet many writers have called it such to offset criticism when they've come out of the broom closet, coffin, etc. It's always been what the person brings to the plate (or Zero Point Playing Field as I like to call it:). It takes a brave Witch to own the duality, and Ms. Morrison is such! I'm sure it will/has shocked many of her readers; it even did me to a certain extent, I'll admit. Probably because the last book I read (over and over, by the way) of Ms. Morrison's was Everyday Sun Magic. Let me set the stage for you: It has a smiling sun on the cover with warm orange and yellow tones and the subtitle is "Spells & Rituals for Radiant Living." Contrast that with the cover art of Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions which pictures a probably dead witch beneath a house. It conjures up the image of the wicked witch who Dorothy (also Ms. Morrison's first name:) has killed in The Wizard of Oz. The final touch is the red femme-fatalelike shoes, versus whimsical ruby slippers, also pictured on the cover. So, put on your big girl panties and settle in for some mindexpanding data if you dare!! Curious about why "`for the good of all concerned' codicil doesn't

Brocas also advocates living in the present moment as well by" being aware of our surroundings, including information

Con't on pg. 20 Page 13

The Craft Den

Mystic East Soap

Dish Cloth Towel Britches

Dish Cloth/Towel Britches Mystic East Soap Materials: 6 drops of Sandalwood Fragrance or essential oil 3 drops of Patchouli Essential Oil 2 drops of Nutmeg Essential Oil 2 drops of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil 3 drops of Lime Essential Oil 1 cup grated soap base 1/2 cup water Optional colors You can substitute essential oils for fragrant oils depending on what you have on hand.

Instructions: This Recipe uses the Melt & Pour Soap Making Method Add the soap and water together and melt down in a double boiler method.

Materials: 2 Dishcloths Ribbon Darning needle (depends on open weave of cloths) Instructions: Start by folding the two dishcloths in half, side by side, with the open part facing each other. Use some ribbon to sew/weave the top of the pants by sewing all the way across the pants at one end, this is to make the waist band so about a 1/2 inch from the top. Pull it slightly to gather the waistband and make it ruffled. Make sure you sew/weave through all the layers. Take the ribbon and tie 3 bows down the middle to form the gusset of the pants, a simple in and out of each side of the pant legs will be fine.

Then Pour into your soap molds.

Then place two bows at the bottom of each towel to form the pant legs. Sew/weave the ribbon at the bottom of each pant leg to form a hem around 1/2 inch from the end of the cloth then pull it till it gathers the pant leg to form a ruffle.

**This recipe makes 1 1/4 cups of soap mix. You can add as

Print or write out this poem and attach it to the pants

Once your soap is melted add the essential oils and stir through.

Now don't get excited, Don't be misled. These aren't for you, but your dishes instead. Just pull on the bow, take out the stitches, You've gained two dishcloths but lost your britches


It has come to my attention as well as to the attention of our Editor and Owner that as much as ‘TEEN SCENE’ is liked, it is no longer a ‘teen’ column. Now, having realized this, I will not waste our wonderful reader’s times with my pretending that I still know what I am talking about when it comes to teenagers. In the last year or so this knowledge has escaped me as I delve deeper into adulthood and parenting. Therefore ‘TEEN SCENE’ will not be in this edition of the “Psychic Times International’. Now if you were reading for Rita Jones and not for teen articles, you will find my new column, ‘Etcetera’ on page 21. We are not giving up on our teen readers or ‘TEEN SCENE’, however. I myself will be looking for a replacement with the final say coming from our Editor. It is a volunteer job, but we reach hundreds of millions of readers and to be chosen for this column would be great for an aspiring writer’s portfolio. If you are interested, please send a resume to: . Your resume must include your name, your age, and a few samples of your writing. Although I would prefer a teenager, if a person can prove without a doubt that they can write for teens there will be no basis on age. Thank You, Rita Jones - con’t from pg. 8

It is often the rule that these strong physical men whom you would assume would be so passionate in the love arena’s are strangely usually very placid and cannot relate to other adults but can relate well to animals, children and teenagers. Several boxers, footballers and a top pop star spring to mind. This man is unusual because statistically the best athletes and boxers tend to be black mea. Their dense bone structure means they are not good swimmers, so you rarely see a black swimmer. This hand print shows a superstitious man, a man who with the combination of square palm, heavy knuckles, and short stubby fingers (brachydactyly) can often be the symptom complex of O.C.D. (obsessive compulsive disorder). He was famous for his pre-bout urges to perform a series of complex rituals comprising both mental and physical acts. Everyone had to say 3 times to him that he would win and keep winning. His hands were chapped and sore from the anxiety of constant washing. The headline, is no longer a line at all, it looks in the print like a white blotch being thickened with constant blow and finally broken at 36 years of age, strangely in the month of Aries which rules the head, the white blotch, or gap in the headline signals what looks suspiciously like a sub-dural haematoma, leading rather quickly to cardiac arrest. Doctors have wanted to ban the sport since the introduction of brain scans, but punters say it would drive the sport back to the street corners as in the depression and the dark days of W.W.II. Thousands of pounds are wagered with each fight and

tragically it often pays better to lose, than to win. The money angle attracts the gangsters, and they often fund promising young boxers who see only the bright lights, the applause and the pay cheques. This keeps men in the ring long after they should retire. The London college of psychiatry has a study on Wernickes Aphasia, which links the neurological damage that gives the symptoms, of using inapplicable words in a sentence, or constant verbal repetition, and the small vocabulary that often go with head injuries, which show in the hands communications sector. This formula brings several top boxers to mind. Unfortunately, television and films, regularly glorify violence, and parents send kids as young as 6 to karate and kung-fu lessons. It was psychologists Carl Jung, and Charlotte Wolfe, who correlated that a non appearance in a hand of the fate line as in this print was once recognised criminal marking. It’s non-appearance signifies a drifter, someone who cannot plan ahead, or keep a job and regrettably, pugilism and criminality often go together. The lack of the fate line is a typical marker in the schizoid temperament which shows poor social adaptability, common among career soldiers, and boxers. Some palmists claim the hand cannot tell you your future, as the lines change. But the lines appear on the palm in the first few weeks in the womb before birth. This is in itself a prediction and if changes occur in later life in the main lines, they are almost always of the secondary character, and at the line endings, relating to the emotional and intellectual infrastructure; not to the life purpose. The only exception to this rule is the fate or destiny line, which runs up the hand centre, to the middle or Saturn finger area, and this can change all through life. This mans life line goes on until his seventies, but is broken half way through. Pharmacokinetics is the science of studying the long term effects of drugs on the body. This mans enlarged knuckle formations tell of the overuse of analgesics to deaden the pain in his hands and fingers. Confirmation is found at the root of the index or Jupiter finger in the gastric sector and in the poor health line, which rides from under the little or mercury finger to the lifeline. Its collision is at approx 36 years of age. The heart line (known to medicine as the upper distal transverse crease) speaks of heart failure at the same age, and the life line has a gap at around the same period. This man’s constant need, for “one more come-back” “one more fight” has cost him his life. That such a popular young sports personality should end his days in this way, is indeed a tragedy. The venerable Bede in the 7th century described life as a sparrow which flies swiftly into a great hall through one door only to leave, almost instantly through another Holistic Palmist 50 years established “Happy Palmistry” Character – Health – Destiny Email or postal readings

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Page 15

Deep In Our Hearts - Kirsty Taylor - Port Glasgow, Scotland

When we are together, Our Heart fills up with love When we are apart, our world falls apart But deep in my heart I know you are with me Everyday that I'm alone, you are alone too Together we go through it Always together emotions and memories Bring in warmth and big smiles upon our faces The happy times and the sad Moments of happiness and togetherness that we treasure Photographs, presents that we bought are just special items But its you I love and treasure the most Your smile on your face as you hold me close The cuddles are the thing I miss the most To hear your voice calling my name Its just not the same without you here

True Friendship - J. Russell - Laurel, Delaware What is a true friend? A true friend is defined as follows: A True Friend is there with you when times are bad. A True Friend is there when life is good. A True Friend will stand with you till the end. A True Friend is someone who would never leave you. A True Friend will laugh and cry with you no matter what. What does it all mean? A TRUE FRIEND IS SOMEONE YOU CARE ABOUT TILL THE END OF TIME!!!

Inner Happiness - Micheal Teal, Canada

I hold you close to me in my dreams at night During the day, in my mind and in my heart So when it feels like we are worlds apart Its our love for each other that keeps us together

Discover your own Beauty Explore your Life Purpose Let the Wisdom of your Heart Inspire your Passion

Together we get through it Together again with that special someone We've got each other deep in our hearts and in our soul So we are never truly alone

Inner Happiness Joyful Union Soulful Pleasure Energizing Essence

Deep in our Hearts©2008 Kirsty Taylor

Where Nature and Spirit are One The Soul is Nourished Celebrate all Paths to the Divine While you Cultivate Spiritual Truths Kirsty Taylor is twenty years old and lives with her mum, dad and brother in a small town in Port Glasgow, Scotland. She is also a psychic medium, poet and writer who organizes charity spiritual events in the Port Glasgow Town Hall. She does private readings and also started “Spiritual Eyes” at the age of eighteen. Her spirit guides, Andrew and John, have kept her right along the way and urged her to take her abilities further. “Spiritual Eyes” is a place where members of the public can come along as she and other mediums help by working on the behalf of others with the spirit world. Money collected goes to charity. She believes that life does continue after death and whatever we are going through here on earth, our loved ones in spirit are going through it too with us from that side. “They lend love and support in all we do’ claims Kirsty, ‘never give up on your hopes or dreams and don't let anyone get you down. Always remember your loved ones in Spirit are not away to far, they are always by your side”.

Inner Happiness Joyful Union Soulful Pleasure Energizing Essence Ours is an Earth Ministry Live your Spirit Nourish Destiny Create Peace Within Honour the Emergence of Light Inner Happiness is within your Reach Embrace it.

She currently works in Spiritualist Churches in Scotland and attends courses to further her knowledge and experience at Tony Stockwell's Psychic Studio in Essex. She is working with other mediums at the moment and trying very hard to arrange courses for anyone interested in developing their spiritual interests or abilities, whilst still doing private readings, Spiritual Eyes and looking after my health. I write in truth and in honesty and I hope that the words and meanings can comfort someone in some way. Page 16

If you love to write short stories or poems send us yours!

ST. JOHN’S WORT TEA - To Make Hair Grow and/or poultice for head. SOAPWORT - (aka Fullers Herb) Tea and/or poultice will stop/heal discolorations from bruises. ROSEMARY (“Queen of Hungary’s Water”) Headaches/Nerves/Insomnia Recipe: 2 lbs. Of flowering shoots of rosemary. 3 lbs. Of alcohol. Place together in a closed vessel in a warm place for 50 hours of heat. Add some each day until 50 hours are completed. Strain and bottle. To prevent evaporation, add some almond or castor oil as a layer on top of the liquid.

The Herb Pantry In this issue we thought it would be interesting and informative to bring you some old Gypsy Remedies. This was sent in to us by one of our readers who is from authentic Gypsy origin. Were they all derived from the gypsies? We’re not quite sure. But for some they made be tried and true. Best of all, some of these herbs from nature can be found on many shelves right at home. Is it possible that some of these mixtures of tea, poultice and infusions may be just as good (if not better) than “what the doctor ordered”?

HENNA - Headaches - Apply to the forehead. PEPPERMINT - Nausea/Gas/Headaches - Made into hot tea. GINGER - Sea Sickness - Snack on sugared Ginger - Eat! LEMON JUICE - Poison Ivy/Skin Irritations - Drink slightly distilled lemon juice; drink.

TRAVELER’S JOY - Arthritis - Infusion of leaves

DRIED LEMON & GRAPEFRUIT PEELS - Roaches, etc. - Dry and sprinkle around the base of steam pipes, etc. and it will keep roaches and other unwanted insects away.

WOOD SAGE - Reduce Fevers - Infusion of leaves

ORANGE BLOSSOMS - Entraps & holds love.

VIOLETS: • Cancers (Internal) - Infusion of leaves • Cancerous Growths - Poultice of the leaves, steeped in boiling water.

LEMON BLOSSOMS - Love - Possess even greater love powers. THE BALM PLANT (Melissa) - Brings love • Delays old age • Nervous Tensions - 1 large pinch in a swallow of honey.

PINE & LAVENDER - Sachet - Soak pieces of pine in lavender CABBAGE LEAVES - Burns - A leaf with Mustard powder; another leaf on top. Tie it on for 2-3 days. DOCK LEAF - Cuts - Piece of bread, soaked in water. Tie another leaf on top of the bread. JUNIPER - Flatulence (gas) - Make a hot tea of it. Diuretic - Use as a hot tea. PENNYROYAL - (aka Hop Marjoram) Chills/Colds/Prevention of Insect Bites - Mor chills and colds, use as a tea. - For prevention of insect bites, rub its juice on the skin. THYME, JUMIPER, HONEYSUCKLE, SAGE and HOREHOUND - Colds/Congestion - Use as hot teas - To taste better, add honey to these. THYME - Coughs - Use as a hot tea. PLANTAIN - Bleeding & Cuts - Bruised leaves will stop bleeding and heal cuts.

CAYENNE PEPPER • Nervous Tensions - 1 large pinch in a swallow of honey. • Heart Attacks - Cayenne Pepper - 1 large pinch in a swallow of honey. • Nervous Tensions - Cayenne Pepper - 1 large pinch in a swallow of honey. • To Drive Evil; To Purify a Home; To Get Rid of Insect/Rodents; For Occult Influences; Mental Depression; to prevent business failures, suicides & murders and even vampires, werewolves and ghosts! • Burn dry cayenne pepper; start with a match to light in a pan on the stove. Strong and suffocating fumes will start. The fumes ARE NOT harmful to human beings, etc. When it is burning well, the blackened pepper will begin to glow brightly & the head of the Bengi (DEVIL) may appear with horns and will be orange.

***EDITOR’S NOTE*** This is a page to tear out, copy and print or take notes on and stick to your refrigerator door or inside of your cabinet. Page 17

Numerology Corner “Numerology and Master Numbers” - Jason Russell

Numerology is a science of numbers. We use numbers in everything from names to birthdays and the list grows on and on. There are single digit numbers from 1 - 9, but what about numbers like 11, 22 and 33? These numbers are called ‘Master Numbers’ and cannot be broken down. There are different sites online that say that all double digit numbers are Master numbers. The only Master numbers I know about are the three numbers mentioned above. What is so special about these numbers? Lets look at the four master numbers and see how they differ and how they work together hand in hand:

The Spiritual Dimension - a New Age store with wonderful Metaphysical products and gifts! Check them out online today!

11 - The people who have the ‘Master Number’ of 11 are people who have ideas and very energetic. Elevens’ are known to have vision or psychic abilities. The upside of being an 11 is that you can help others with your abilities but the downside of an 11 is that they cant see anything for themselves. 22 - Those who have the ‘Master Number’ of 22 are known as Master Builders. Twenty-two’s are known to take ideas from like 11’s and put them into action. People like 22’s put their plans into action and they follow their plans to the letter. 33 - The people who have the ‘Master Number’ of 33 are known as Master Teachers. Thirty-three’s are known to teach and lead people by example. They are known to be leaders, teachers, psychics etc and are the inspiration of all the numbers in the numerology. The ‘Master Numbers’ of 11, 22 and 33 are known to work together in a triangle. Eleven’s are visionaries, 22’s are action and 33’s are teachers and leaders. To find out if you are a Master Number can be done two ways. You can do it by birthday or by your name. To do it by birthday, you use the number of your birthday and not the word of the month, the day that you were born and the year that you were born. If you decide to go by your name, you use the name that you use on the everyday basis.

(g.h.o.s.t. ) ghost hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics Holds their meeting on 1st Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. come out and join us.

Examples of both:

Contact Donna Smith (302) 632632-4064 Email:

Year: November 11, 1901 The break down is as follow: 11 + 11+ 1+9+0+1= 33 The person who was born on November 11, 1901 is a ‘Master Number ‘of 33 which is Master Teacher. Name: John M Doe The break down is as follows: First name - John = 1+6+8+4=19=1+9=10=1+0=1 His fist names equals 1. His middle initial M = 4 Hi last name is Doe - 4+6+5=15= 1+5=6 His last name equals a 6. To find the master number add 1+6+4 = 11 The name is a “Master Number” 11 which means ‘someone who has Vision’. Follow either step to find your “Master Number” and read what your “Master Number” means. Page 18

Numerology Chart 1



































Here is a standard chart for your convenience.

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Qtzdijd!U jnft!! Joufsobujpobm! Gps!uijt!ebz!boe!bhf"! !!!It’s!opu!kvtu!gps!qtzdijdt"!

- Con't from pg. 15

the long term effects of drugs on the body, this mans enlarged knuckle formations, tell of the overuse of analgesics, to deaden the pain in his hands and fingers. Confirmation is found at the root of the index or Jupiter finger in the gastric sector, and in the poor health line, which rides from under the little or mercury finger to the lifeline, its collision is at approx 36 years of age. The heart line ( known to medicine as the upper distal transverse crease ) speaks of heart failure at the same age, and the life line has a gap at around the same period. This man’s constant need, for “one more come-back” “one more fight” has cost him his life. That such a popular young sports personality should end his days in this way, is indeed a tragedy.

Friendly, courteous service will be found when you meet Ken Wendler.

The venerable Bede in the 7th century described life as a sparrow which flies swiftly into a great hall through one door only to leave, almost instantly through another. “Happy Palmistry”

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Why wait to lose weight? See Ruth today! Call: 302-6451784 for more information. Page 19

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- Con't from pg. 13

always apply?" (Utterly Wicked p. 13). Or why anger must be the emotion used? Why the Threefold Law, etc. may not apply to everybody? If so, then this is a great book to read for new understanding.. Everyone has a shadow side as well as the face generally presented to the outside world. To place a fluffy-bunny-band aid over the sometimes festering, often subconscious, shadow side doesn't help you grow to your full potential. Even if you never decide to act on any of the curses, etc. presented, it's good, overall, to know that they exist. In this book, she covers a lesstraveled path. In fact, modern followers of the late Anton Szandor LaVey might heartily approve of some of the curses! So, Ms. Morrison might even transcend some former religious boundaries with this discourse in a sense...there is even a "Living Hell Hex" on page 176! In addition, Hoodoo plays a major role in the book via the "tricks" (not to be confused with spells) that can be utilized. The Yoruba Religion is also expressed in the forms of Page 20

the deities Yemaya and Oya in places. Furthermore, Morrison lightens the serious subject matter a bit with section headers like "Got Cavities?" (p. 46) which refers to where poppets can be filled. Finally, you might be surprised to learn that some curses can actually be considered "good." For instance, "The Nurse's Curse" can curse disease and therefore eradicate it. And, for cleaning up the "psychic residue" after performing a curse? "The Beer Bath," of course (as one option). Well, even without having cursed anyone or anything, I know a few friends and fiends of mine that would welcome "The Beer Bath" for that and other things described on page 92. And, like Ms. Morrison points out, "those folks who once called [her] whitesy-lightsy...should've known better!" She has proved herself to be quite a multi-faceted writer. G.L. Giles' Review of: Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions by Dorothy Morrison 2008

Etcetera THE TRIANGLE -Rita Jones “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” -Abraham Lincoln

Obama… We’ve heard so much about him. From his refusing to do simple American things, to Obama's choice of pastors, to the sudden change of thoughts and character, and all the way to his wonderful great change speeches, what is this mans’ game? …Friend or Foe? You tell me. Well for now, let us play the devils’ advocate. Just bare with me. I really don’t know how I feel about a president who would not put his hand over his heart… Not to mention that his sudden personality change is just a little fishy. At the same time though, Obama has promised great things. It also seems that all of the younger presidents really have brought about great change. Could it really get any worse anyway? Perhaps major change is what we need. But is it the right change? Have you looked at America lately? We need help badly. That is for certain. Religion? Ha. Let me laugh at that for a moment. The cornerstone of America? So many religions… so many choices, so many different beliefs. Yet, there are also so many parallels. Now I myself do believe in God and Jesus, but do not believe in the church. I take a little from a lot of different religions. With that said, and knowing that I have no personal problem with any religion… Let us continue. I was on the computer the other day just randomly surfing with my husband. At some point we ended up on Do you know what we found? I was horrified. My husband blew up. All over you tube and the news were so called Christians cursing our fallen soldiers. They back up these going ons with scripture about marriage and how “wrong” it is to be gay. They stand in their groups screaming this at the poor passer-by. America is doomed is what these people are saying. What does this have to do with our soldiers? They are protecting America and so protecting gay people according to these “Christians”. The thing that my husband and I were so disgusted by? We were watching a picket line putting down the right to be gay. In the middle of this mob of people and painted boards was a great big sign that read, “God Hates Crippled Soldiers”.

If all the nuts and idiots coming out are not bothersome enough… there are a few other things that I almost wish I had not found. Going back to Obama… He is a point in a very interesting triangle. Remember when Oprah took on his campaign? Have you kept up with what she is doing now? A friend of Oprah’s, Marianne Williamson, has started a peace alliance to establish a peace branch in our government. This branch would be allowed to go all the way to the president. They plan to have an academy just like the military. This peace alliance hopes to take “a focused strategic approach” from the governments’ arena. Now this may sound great to you… or a little creepy. If you add to this the fact that Oprah is trying to bring about a universal church under her, completing the triangle, a few questions are raised. Now I don’t care who you are, one world everything? Come on now. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. It is supposed to be the free land. I can choose to believe in God and Jesus, and at the same time not go to church. You can live next door and call me crazy while you love your neighbor and Mother Earth. And we’ll all go from there. Seriously, how are you going to put Buddhism, Wicca, Paganism, Atheism, Christianity… etcetera… in the same room let alone roll it all into one big ball and call it one world religion under Oprah? It is America’s right to believe in what they want. Like the picketers are making so clear, you cannot shove your beliefs down a persons’ throat or take things into your own hands. Yet here Oprah is saying “believe in what you want… oh, but make sure you tune in to my church and let’s give you a few ‘classes’ to open up your mind too.” Isn’t that kind of contradictory? Maybe you are laughing at me. Perhaps you don’t know what to think… or even maybe you’re like me… Sitting here wondering what we have just gotten ourselves into. So…Barack Obama… Friend or Foe? We will look at the other side of the story in the next issue. Perhaps Oprah is just getting a little ahead of herself and Obama will be the right change? We’ll find out soon enough!

What is that? What is being said here? Even forget that for a moment. Think about the main reason that that mob was there. Other signs said things like, “God hates fags” and “America’s going to hell.” To be honest, I think that the reverse would be true. God would be upset with these “Christian” picketers. The bible also states that thee not judge lest thee be judged. There is a parable that talks about pulling the plank out of your eye before pulling the splinter from your neighbors. Jesus himself “hung” with the lowly and stood up to the church. He sat with hookers, the tax collectors, thieves, and so many more… the lowly. And he loved them. He did not wave signs in their faces, screaming at them that they were going to hell.

Call Linda and Edward at 302-378-7789 or 302-736-5790. Page 21

Recipe Corner You know all that left over ham you have from the holidays? Here is a simple and delicious way to inexpensively serve up a warm delicious meal that is sure to chase away those winter blues from

“The Starving Artist” Cookbook is having a contest with a January 31, 2009 deadline. Anyone is welcome to enter and the details are in the "Recipe Contest" blog on the MySpace site at: Submissions can also be made Winners will have their recipe included in the book with a short article about themselves, and will be invited to the reception or book signing closest to them after our release date late this spring. They welcome anyone to submit their

Hearty Ham and Beans With Southern Corn Muffins Hearty Ham and Beans: 2 cups chopped ham 1 package of Navy and Pinto Beans 1 tsp. salt 1 tbs. spicy brown mustard 1/2 cup chopped onions (optional) First you will need to wash the beans in some cool water. The easiest way… put them in a strainer and run tap water as you gently toss them with your hands. Then place the beans in a large pot and cover with water until you have about 2 inches of water over the beans. You can either at this point soak the beans overnight (the preferred method) or as I usually do, boil for 15 minutes, then turn to low heat. After turning to low add the salt, ham, onions if desired, mustard and gently stir. Let this simmer for 2 hours, adding water if needed.

Please visit our friends at their MySpace site found at: Page 22

We call ourselves the ThreeMonkeys. Deanna, Marilyn and Jeff. Three artists, all single and struggling to make it in one way or another. Starving Artist doesn't have to mean financially distressed, although that does play into the picture for some of us. Loneliness, hardships, whether health, emotional or financial can place someone in the starving category. We all found each other through our cooperative artist studios in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and developed a strong bond of friendship and cooperation. This past summer we were putting on an event with visual and performing arts to generate traffic to our little gallery, and suddenly realized that none of us had eaten that day, nor did we have the funds to order out. So, they looked to me to generate something out of our little kitchen here at the studio... You have to understand, our kitchen consists of a two burner hot plate, a microwave, a crock pot, and a small toaster oven. Ok, yes we also have a refrigerator. I walk to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator to see what we might have and as luck would have it we had a package of chicken legs. Of course, there was little else as I didn't even have salt or pepper. What I did have was 1 egg, the crumbs left in a bag of flavored Doritos, the chicken legs, butter, and a can of corn. I used the Dorito crumbs as seasoning to fry the chicken, and served it up with the corn... it won rave reviews and the idea for the book was born. How to prepare delicious food with little or no money and sometimes with little or no equipment. The book is nearly finished now and we are looking for a late spring release. Something was missing though... thoughts and recipes from other artists who have survived, or are trying to survive hard times themselves. We came up with the idea for the recipe contest and posted it on MySpace. The best of the entries will be included in the book with a short article about the person who submits it. Being an artist is not a prerequisite, as we all can have hard times. Those whose recipes are included in the book will also receive copies of the book and be invited to the reception or book signing closest to them when the book is released. The deadline for submission is January 31st, and submissions can be sent to or can be submitted online through our MySpace page at:

Southern Corn Muffins: 1 and 1/2 cups yellow corn meal 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup white sugar

1 cup milk 2 tbs melted butter/margarine 1 egg beaten

Before serving this feel good dinner preheat your oven to 400 degrees F (200 C). Lightly grease or line your muffin pan with paper liners. In a large bowl mix your dry ingredients of flour, corn meal, sugar and flour. Add the milk and egg, stirring slowly to mix. Once all dry ingredients are moistened add the melted butter and gently stir until mixed. Spoon your batter into the muffin tins and bake for 15 to 18 minutes. The easiest way to tell if they are done is to stick a toothpick in the center of one of the muffins. If the toothpick comes out clean they are ready to remove from the oven. Set on a rack to cool for 5 minutes before serving. (Hint: if you don’t have a rack, set muffin pan on top of a low baking dish or pot). Serve up together and enjoy!

What’s Happening Here and There These Events can be found on: Jan 17 -Jan 18, 2009 - Black Heritage Festival Tampa, Florida Heritage Street Festival - 2 Days Estimated attendees-8000 813-205-2466 Jan 24 -Feb 01, 2009 Hoggetowne Medieval Faire Gainesville, Florida Step back in time to the middle ages, 160 artisans, 8 stages, jousting on horseback, olde worlde games Estimated attendees-55000 352-334-5064 Jan 29 -Jan 31, 2009 Super Tailgate Throwdown Tampa, Florida Car Show, Games, Food, Live Entertainment, Kid Zone, Cigar Rollers, Sanctioned by Florida Bar-B-Que Assoc Estimated attendees-40000 813-532-1271 Jan 31 -Feb 01, 2009 National Art Festival Fort Lauderdale, Florida This al fresco event showcases the works of more than 100 high-end artists from around the world. Estimated attendees-65000 954-670-2839

This Day In History - Jason Russell

January January 15, 1870 - The first use of a donkey to symbolize the U.S. Democratic Party appeared in a cartoon in Harper's Weekly, criticizing former secretary of war Edwin Stanton with the caption, "A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion." January 23, 1907 - Charles Curtis of Kansas became the first person of American Indian ancestry to serve in the U.S Senate. He later served as vice president under President Herbert Hoover from 1929-33. January 24, 1895 - Hawaii's monarchy ended as Queen Liliuokalani was forced to abdicate. Hawaii was then annexed by the U.S. And remained a territory until statehood was granted in 1959. January 25, 1947 - Gangster Al Capone, who once controlled organized crime in Chicago, died in Miami at age 48 from syphilis. January 28, 1915 - The U.S. Coast Guard was created by an Act of Congress, combining the Life Saving Service and the Revenue Cutter Service. February February 8, 1910 - The Boy Scouts of America was founded by William Boyce in Washington, DC, modeled after the British Boy Scouts.

Feb 07, 2009 Loco For Cocoa Chocolate Fest Alburtis, Pennsylvania Come join us in Alburtis for our 1st Annual Estimated attendees-400 610-966-9315

February 14, 1849 - Photographer Mathew Brady took the first photograph of a U.S. President in office, James Polk.

Feb 14, 2009 A Colonial Valentine Horsham, Pennsylvania Learn about Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson's loves & losses on this special Valentine's Day tour. Estimated attendees-125 215-343-0965

February 26, 1848 - The Communist Manifesto pamphlet was published by two young socialists, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, advocating the abolition of all private property and a system in which workers own all the means of production, land, factories and machinery. March

Feb 27 -March 01, 2009 Gem Faire Costa Mesa, California Fine jewelry, gems, beads, crystals, minerals and much more at the lowest prices. (OC Fair & Event Center) Estimated attendees-7000 503-252-8300

March 1, 1932 - The 20-month-old son of aviation pioneer Charles A. Lindbergh was kidnapped from his home in Hopewell, New Jersey. The Lindbergh’s then paid a $50,000 ransom. However, on May 12, the boy's body was found in a wooded area a few miles from the house.

March 13 -March 15, 2009 Craftsmen's Classic Arts & Crafts Richmond, Virginia Features original designs/creations from over 400 artistians from across America. Estimated attendees-25000 336-282-5550 March 27 -March 29, 2009 Craftsmen's Classic Arts & Crafts Chantilly, Virginia Features original designs/creations from over 400 artistians from across America. List your non-profit current events here for free! Email us at

March 4, 1681 - King Charles II of England granted a huge tract of land in the New World to William Penn to settle an outstanding debt. The area later became Pennsylvania. March 4, 1789 - The first meeting of the new Congress under the new U.S. Constitution took place in New York City. March 12, 1609 - The island of Bermuda was colonized by the British after a ship on its way to Virginia was wrecked on the reefs. March 23, 1775 - Patrick Henry ignited the American Revolution with a speech before the Virginia convention in Richmond, stating, "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" Page 23

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For more information and rates call Tommy D at: (302) 853-0019 or (302) 245-6702 Or email: Visit Tommy:

Up and Coming My Upcoming Signings G.L. Giles January 16, 2009 - 5-9 PM - Barnes & Noble, Northwoods Marketplace, 7620 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC 843-572-2322 January 17, 2009 - 1-4 PM -Waldenbooks 120 Market Street, Charleston, SC 843-853-1736 January 31, 2009 - 1-6 PM - Waldenbooks 14045 Abercorn Street, Savannah, Georgia 912-927-1408 February 14, 2009 - 1-6 PM - Waldenbooks, Orangeburg, SC February 20, 2009 - 5-9 PM - Barnes and Noble Northwoods Marketplace 7620 Rivers Ave, North Charleston, SC 843-572-2322 February 28, 2009 - 1-6 PM - Barnes & Noble Northwoods Marketplace, 7620 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC March 21, 2009 - 1-6 PM - Waldenbooks 14045 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA March 28, 2009 - 1-6 PM - Barnes & Noble at Northwoods Marketplace 7620 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC April 4, 2009 - 2-6 PM - Waldenbooks Hilton Head Island, SC April 18, 2009 - 2-6 PM - Waldenbooks Hilton Head Island, SC May 2, 2009 - 1-4 PM - Waldenbooks, Jessamine Mall 1057 Broad Street, Sumter, SC May 16, 2009 - 1-6 PM - Waldenbooks Savannah, GA June 6, 2009 - 1-4 PM - Waldenbooks - Jessamine Mall 1057 Broad Street, Sumter, SC July 11, 2009 - 2-7 PM - Waldenbooks Huntsville, Alabama July 12, 2009 - 1-4 PM - Waldenbooks Dothan, Alabama

For Better or Worse? - Debi Heaton I've been grappling with this thought lately because our group, Absolute Paranormal, agrees that we are not out for fame or fortune and seeing our names up in the big lights. We prefer to quietly conduct our investigations and help people regain peace back into their lives. Most of our investigation requests have been through word of mouth, so far. Unfortunately, because there are so many groups out there, if you don't get publicity, your group can get lost in the shuffle of those who are getting their names out there in whatever fashion they can. The media attention has been really good for those involved in paranormal investigating, but it has also been really bad for those groups who sincerely just want to help those experiencing unordinary things. The media has done a really good job in getting people to open up about paranormal experiences along with making others be more open to hearing about those experiences. It’s no longer a “dirty secret” or something that has to be talked about in hush-hush tones. Actually, it seems to be very trendy lately to be a “ghost hunter” or live in a haunted house. Although it’s still not wholeheartedly accepted by everyone, media publicity has helped to bring this topic way out of the dark closet from where it was in just 5 to 10 years ago. On the other hand, the media has not done a complete job in conducting a well-rounded review of paranormal groups. There is such a wide variety of paranormal groups, not to mention an overwhelming number of groups in existence, that more education about paranormal investigating needs to get out to the public. The few shows that have been on television or the documentaries that have been made are not the be all and end all of how an investigation should be conducted. Just because those groups in the media conduct their investigations in certain manners does not mean all groups conduct theirs that way. It also does not mean it’s any more right or wrong than another group. However, I have witnessed some who end up on TV or in the media who lose sight of why they got into the paranormal field in the first place as they get caught up in the “stardom”. They also can get overwhelmed by the number of investigation requests they receive to the point that they cannot give any one individual client the complete attention and focus that they deserve and require. The general public who view this media don't know the behind-thescenes workings of a paranormal investigative team and for that reason, will turn to the groups highlighted in the media if they are in need of assistance. These people don't know whether these groups truly have a lot of experience or various in-depth knowledge of the paranormal. The public also doesn’t know that there are a variety of ways to conduct investigations and that they should research the groups and methods available to them. It’s scary to think that the people who see these shows believe that just because the group is on TV, or wrote a book or are highlighted in any fashion are the right people to invite into their private homes and lives. However, unless the quieter groups who also have the experience and knowledge don't get their names out there too, the general public will never know that they can look to them for help. Hopefully, through the media exposure of more various paranormal groups, the public will learn to conduct research on paranormal investigating and - con’t on page 31

Page 25


Full-Jan. 11 (3:27am)

Ice Moon White

New-January 26 (7:56am)


Cold Moon

Wolf Moon

Full-Feb. 9 (2:49pm)

Wild Moon Storm Moon

Feb 2 - Imbolc Mar-09

New-February 25 (1:35am)

Red Quickening Moon

Full-March 11 (2:38am) Chaste Moon

Mar 20 - Ostara

The Dark Moon



This is a time that is very good for cleansing and consecrating new tools and objects you wish to use for up-coming rituals and ceremonies.

The Full Moon


The full moon can be used to for banishing spells of unwanted influences in your life and also for creating protection spells, majick and performing divination. Full moon majick can be  Page 26


New-March 26 (4:06pm)

It occurs three days before the “new moon”. This is also a time for binding and banishing spells. It’s considered a time of rest from majick, but is also good for working dark majick and communicating with dark deities like Hecate and Lilith. These aspects of ourselves we would normally keep hidden.

The New Moon

Storm Moon

conjured during the three days before the rise of the full moon and the three days following.

Waxing Moon


This is a time of increase or building up. Prosperity, love, protection for couples and healing energy.

Waning Moon


A time for banishing things that influence us in a negative way:; emotions, diseases, ailments and bad habits.

Now visit Revan on MySpace at:

The Varginha UFO Crash A True Account of Captured ET Beings Described By Guest - Dr. Roger Leir

Based On The TV Shows Transcript - Let's Talk...Paranormal Written By Tracie Austin-Peters

had observed the craft that night, and more importantly with those who had direct contact with the extraterrestrial beings that had been found wandering around the area.. Yes! There were indeed beings, but more of that in a moment. Dr Leir began to describe his initial journey of traveling on a rather small plane from San Paolo to Varginha, where upon arriving and the plane coming to a complete standstill, noticed out of the window that there was a crowd of people exiting the terminal; perhaps it was security approaching the plane he thought. He went on to explain how he thought this to be a little scary at first, seeing so many people walking forward towards the plane. He and another doctor friend who was acting as his cameraman sat seated at the very back of the plane, and were the last to step off. Once off of the plane, a man suddenly stepped forward and struck out his hand to shake Dr. Leir's, uttering a few words in Portuguese. Then another person stepped forward to welcome Dr. Leir and his companion to Varginha, who happened to be the Mayor. Dr. Leir commented that it was inconceivable to him how the mayor of a city would come over to the plane to give him such a friendly greeting like this. And that Dr. Leir's first impression upon arriving in Varginha was an extremely good one!

It has now been well over a decade since the Varginha UFO Crash took place in Brazil on that fateful night of January 19th 1996. It all began when NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command) detected an unknown mysterious craft flying over the area of Minai Gerais and immediately contacted the Brazilian military to notify them that not only was this craft flying over the area, but that it was quickly coming down and pin-pointed the exact location. At this same instance, a farmer driving his truck approached the vicinity and witnessed the craft descending. It was a cylindrical shaped object that appeared to show some kind of a vapor trail coming out of what he considered to be the back end of it where a piece of the craft was missing. It was definitely showing signs of being in trouble, and raised the question of whether it had been shot at by the Brazilian Military. Within minutes, the military army arrived from Sergeants Camp, a base camp not too far away, and abruptly asked the farmer to leave the area. The farmer didn't immediately follow their orders, and after some hesitation left the area only to cunningly drive around the corner to watch what was going on a short distance away. Varginha is essentially a farming town of approximately 120,000 people, coffee being one of their main produce along with agriculture and dairy. Brazil itself is just one of the many countries that happens to be inundated with numerous visitations of UFOs, for whatever the reason may be. Back in 2005, Dr. Roger Leir who was one of the first investigators to travel en route to Brazil to research the UFO crash firsthand, was invited as a guest to appear on my television show “Let'sTalk...Paranormal”. It was a true honor to talk with Dr. Leir regarding this sensational event and to hear that he had interviewed a number of credible eye-witnesses who

During the hourly show, Dr. Leir went on to describe the physical appearance of the strange creatures that were witnessed during the night of the fateful crash. My mind began to create a mental image of them. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask. I wondered who these beings were. Where had these travelers come from and why were they here? How was the story being accepted by the general public in Varginha? Was planet Earth really their intended destination? These beings were described as less than 5ft tall, brown in color with an oily type skin. Some witnesses claimed to have seen external blood vessels which wrapped around the top of their shoulders. Two important distinct features were their large red eyes up-turned at the corners and three small protuberances on the top of the head that resembled small horns. Their torso was diminutive, childlike in stature, but their legs were more muscular. They had four fingers on each hand which could articulate with each other, and the feet had three fleshy toes. One toe was described as being a vestigial toe that hung down about 90 degrees from its axis of the arch of the foot, and a couple of eye-witnesses had also observed that they made a strange sound like a bunch of busy bees. It was pretty incredible to hear this extraordinary event unfold throughout the hour long conversation and to hear in depth how the investigation took place by Dr. Leir and many other credible people. This was indeed a real event without any shadow of a doubt! I had asked Dr. Leir how it was that he first heard about the crash in Varginha to which he replied that he had a distinct recollection of the case and what had happened because of being familiar and involved with the whole subject of Ufology, and so had heard about the case right away. Also, the fact that someone had called his attention to an article featured in the Wall Street Journal, which read something along the lines of “Stinky Aliens - con’t on page 30 Page 27

Purim Lammas Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Mardi Gra

St. Valentine

Valentine’s Day

Washington’s Birthday

Lincoln’s Birthday Imbolc Ostara

St. Patrick’s Day

What’s In a Holiday? - Rita Jones

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

(January 19) Did you know that it took fifteen years for congress to approve this holiday? Many people thought that it should be the entire civil rights movement as a whole and not just one person. However, after a petition containing six million names was brought forward, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was born. It is now a federal holiday observed on the third Monday in January. This year it falls on the 19th.

Chinese New Year (January 26th) The Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, falls on the last day of the lunar year. The next day, having a new moon, celebrates the beginning and is New Year’s Day. This year in the ox. Unlike, the American New Year, the Chinese New Year festival usually takes about three weeks to prepare for and is celebrated over a span of fifteen days. Another difference is that the Chinese New Year is also a time of worship as well as celebration. Putting up new posters of “door gods”, cleaning the house, and fireworks before the family reunion dinner are all regular sites at this festival. The dinner itself usually consists of ten courses. Every dish has an important meaning behind it. Before midnight, everyone gets back together to watch the Chinese New Year fireworks signifying the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.

Lammas, Lughnasad (Begins S/H : February 1 and N/H : August 1st This holiday which is also known as the grain holiday, celebrates the first harvest of the season. It is a time to Page 28

remember the summers’ warmth and bounty. This is a good time to walk through fields and orchards. It is also good to spend time along rivers, ponds, creeks, lakes and springs in order to reflect on the love and bounty of the lord and lady.

IMBOLC (Begins N/H : February 2 S/H : August 1st) Pronounced “IM-bulk” or “EM-bowlk”, this holiday celebrates growth, light, inspiration, and strength. It is also called Oimealg, IM-mol’g”, by the Druids. This is the festival of the Maiden because it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. This sabbat is a time of Blessing of the Seeds and consecration of agricultural tools. Valentine’s Day (February 14) The celebration of this day and the saint it is for is actually more mystery than fact. Valentine’s Day as we know it now, actually comes from many different venues. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints that have either the name Valentine or Valentinus. There are many legends behind this name alone. Others think that Christians putting the date in the middle of February was an effort to 'Christianize' celebrations of the pagan Lupercalia festival. In ancient Rome, February was the official beginning of spring and was considered a time for purification. During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds' mating season, which added to the idea. All of these and many more stories passed down through the ages have become Valentine’s Day as we know it.

Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln‘s Birthday President‘s Day (February 16) In 1968, Congress passed a bill changing many federal holidays. This was done so that certain holidays would always fall on a This was done so that certain holidays would always fall on a Monday creating a three day weekend. Three years later, in 1971 this bill became acknowledged. Two of the holidays that were affected were Washington‘s and Lincoln‘s birthdays. And although the third Monday in February is “officially“ Washington‘s Birthday and congress never legally changed the name of it, mainstream society has deemed it President‘s Day to honor our fore fathers as well as to acknowledge every other person who has served as our president.

Mardi Gras

(February 24) Mardi Gras was originally a festival bringing about Lent, which is a Roman Catholic tradition. Lent is a long period of fasting and penitence. Thus, Mardi Gras came about as the last opportunity for partying and feasting. Now, however, it has taken on a life of it’s own featuring wonderfully spectacular parades, elaborate costumes, and masked balls.


lessons received during each season. Note : Northern Hemisphere = N/H … Southern Hemisphere= S/H

***Disclaimer: If these small paragraphs are wrong in any way, please forgive me and do not take offense. I researched everything with great care. But there were a few things that confused me, being that I am not Wiccan and do not have any background into the Wiccan Sabbats. This is simply a tribute to all holidays in general.

(March 09) Begins at Sundown

This year, Purim occurs in the Jewish Year 5768. It begins at sunset March 9, 2009 and ends at nightfall on March 11, 2009. This holiday is sometimes referred to as the “Jewish Mardi Gras”. Purim actually commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman, a great Persian king, however. You can find this beautiful story in the Old Testament book of Esther in the Bible.

St. Patrick’s Day

(March 17)

Today, St. Patty’s Day is a well known holiday celebrating being Irish. Although most of the history for this holiday is shrouded in mystery, a few things are agreed upon. If such a man as St. Patrick did exist, he didn’t bring Christianity to Ireland, but did do some major foot work there just as Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t start the civil rights movement, but did bring about great changes for it.

OSTARA, SPRING EQUINOX (Begins N/H : March 20 … S/H September 21st) This holiday celebrates the return of life and growth after winter. It is also the time where night and day are equal. After the equaling the days will start to grow longer again. Great fertility and new growth come during this time. The next full moon (a time of increased births) is called the Ostara and is sacred to Eostre, the Saxon Lunar Goddess of fertility. Many people will feel “reborn”.

The Sabbats, or Wiccan Holidays, are eight equally spaced festivals over the course of the year. They represent the turning of the seasons. Each are celebrated through rituals and strong tradition. The dates do vary depending on whether you are in the northern or the southern hemisphere. All of the Sabbats are for the growth of the Earth, the Spirit, and the mind and body. They are a way in which Wiccans give thanks to the God and Goddess for all the blessings, gifts, and

Dracula Tour is the great travel adventure which takes you to Eastern Europe's most infamous land of the unholy, Transylvania (Romania). Experience the ultimate monster haunted holiday with fellow fans, friends & followers of the macabre on a vacation that is scary, spooky, campy - but most of all - fun for couples, families, solo travelers, vampire lovers and vampire slayers alike. Page 29

Psychic Times International Magazine Publisher, Donna Jackson and Public Relations, Sandy Smith, Tied the Knot!

- Barbara Bennett

Newlyweds, Donna Jackson who is the owner and publisher of the “Psychic Times International” and Sandy Smith, who heads the public relations department for the magazine were wed on Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 2:00 PM. Close friends and family attended the “Holiday” themed nuptials with Reverend John W. Dorey conducting the ceremony. The couple exchanged vows under an archway of poinsettias adorned with doves.

To see the wedding photos visit: http//


- con’t from page 27

When we asked Sandy what the most exciting memory of his wedding day was he replied, “Putting the ring on her finger and having her as my bride”. Donna responded to the same question with, “He’s a wonderful person to know and I’m blessed to have him in my life! It was when we exchanged our vows and we had to struggle with our emotions, but it will always be a special memory in my life”.

Land In Brazil.” Although this article did appear to be somewhat tongue in cheek, it was never-the-less featured on the front page of the newspaper, and proceeded in a more serious tone on succeeding pages. He went on to say that Brazil is probably one of the few countries in the world where you can actually pick up a tour guide and read about which areas to visit to see UFOs. There are certain areas known to be hotspots where activity is more prevalent than others. In the state of Minais Gerais where Varginha is located, there was a lot of UFO activity occurring for several weeks before this January 19th event. It was reported that many of the local natives were used to observing strange craft of an unknown nature frequently flying around the vicinity.

On Monday, December 15, instead of honeymooning, Donna and Sandy were found at their desks, busy at work doing the job they love best - the “Psychic Times International”.

Be sure to read the completion of Part I in our April 2009 issue!

In the newly renovated “Tommy Town USA”, guests enjoyed great music provided by “Tommy D Entertainment ’ while also enjoying a wonderful buffet. It was a reception fit for royalty.

Page 30

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- con’t from page 25

different groups/methods, thus making more educated decisions about the people they want to ask to come into their private lives. My conclusion in this is that all groups need publicity, whether it be a newspaper article, an interview on a radio show or maybe even a short spot within a TV show - it is necessary for the survival of these serious groups and the education the public deserves.

Page 31

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