Psychic Times International - Fall 2009

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Vol. 7 Issue 4

Tasty Fall Recipes

"The Catacomb� Music Reviews by Dave Wolff

The “Psychic Times International” is a different magazine. It is a collection of stories, articles and many other features that cover a diverse area of subjects. We are based in Laurel, Delaware. Our readers are as far away as the UK, Romania, Israel and many other countries around the globe! We are best described as a New Age (metaphysical and paranormal) magazine that covers everything from ghosts, how to make your own scented rocks, herbs for majick and healing as well as so much more! We include religious beliefs and customs as long as it is kept respectable. We feel the views and worship of every individual should be treated with respect as it is an individual choice. We are offered to the public at no cost and are supported primarily by advertising, donations and sponsorship. We are a great way to get your business noticed! The newsletter itself has been around for over six years and is now a magazine. It has been spreading like wildfire since “day one”. We also have a free classified section. Categories include birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, wanted items, items up for sale, coming events, giveaways, and yard sales, etc. Quarterly Featured Articles: Astrology Herb Pantry Moon Phases Musings

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Recipes Numerology Corner Crafts And so much more!


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If you like to write, we are looking for articles, stories, poems, recipes, crafts or anything related to the Metaphysical, Paranormal, New Age or Human Interest articles. To submit for review by our Editors, just email your writing to: or look for the "Submit" link on our Psychic Times International web site at: http://

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Our Growing Business In a New Age World! In six years, we have watched the “Psychic Times International” evolve into a magazine from a newsletter. When we began, this newsletter was merely two sheets of paper stapled together to make a total of four pages. The idea was shared between two friends of many years, who, at the time were both starting their own separate businesses. They figured the cost of advertising was not yet fitting into their budget. In the following issue we added a few advertisements for friends who had already established their businesses. We then asked them to hand out our newsletter to spread the word about all of us. It went over so well, that we now have many volunteers, columnists and writers from all over the United States and internationally that are dedicated to the cause and purpose of the “Psychic Times International” magazine. As a Metaphysical/Paranormal/New Age type newsletter, we have incorporated many beliefs, customs and traditions to blend into a fun, informative, quarterly circulation. We have many distributors in Delaware, USA as well as internationally. You can now download your free copy of the Psychic Times International in a PDF format for reading, distributing and printing in both black and white or color. Just reading this issue would be convincing enough to see the success of this magazine in the projected future. Let us know what you, our readers, think. Visit us at: www.voicesfrombeyond7.comPsychicTimesWelcome.html and sign our guestbook. Please send us a review for a possible posting in our review column.

Table of Contents: The G.L. Giles Files - Great Book Reviews ……... Page 5 Raven Digitalis - In-depth Interview Page 6 by G.L. Giles ………………………………………. This Day In History ……………………………….. Page 10 Happy Harvest From Etcetera …………………… Page 11 What Really Happened In the Labyrinth ……….. Page 12 The Tortoise And the Hare - Jock Brocas ………. Page 15 Musings ……………………………………………. Page 16 Soulmates by Alma Brown ……………………….. Page 16 Numerology Corner ………………………………. Page 18 Revan’s Moon Phases …………………………….. Page 20 What are UFO’s? …………………………………. Page 21 Halloween Trinket Wreath ………………………. Page 24 “Whiplash” - Review by Dave Wolff ……………. Page 25 Recipe Corner - Holiday Recipes ………………...

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Gypsy Life …………………………………………. Page 29 Candle Magic ……………………………………… Page 30

It is at this point that we are looking for sponsorship from those sharing the same vision as we do.

Who Is G.L. Giles? ………………………………..

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The Herb Pantry - Allspice ……………………….. Page 37

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Page 32

Samhain And the Jack O’Lantern ………………. Page 34

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Page 39

Front cover - Raven Digitalis credited to Anna-Varney Cantodea.

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Our Purpose: The Psychic Times International is a quarterly publication, with the independent mission of journalistic service, with the ideals of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and to provide a general overview of subject matter only to inform and educate the reader.

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Kenneth N Gould’s Time and Time Again: My Family And Reincarnation

John Chambers’ The Secret Life of Genius: How 24 Great Men and Women Were Touched by Spiritual Worlds

Natalie Osborne-Thomason’s The Ghost Hunting Files

(Destiny Books 2009)

This book is the true story of some of the members of Kenneth Gould’s family (both living and dead). Everything is recorded meticulously and truthfully, except the surname of one family (to protect them). As Gould discloses in the prologue, “The knowledge that there are messages from the Spirit World, from the Souls of long-departed bodies in which they once lived and that my grandmother, Alice, has been seen and heard sixty years after her death; that she has asked me to find out specific things for her and, indeed, set certain matters straight for her, are now equally certain to me” (p.11). Gould was greatly aided in setting these matters straight for his Grannie Alice (a.k.a. Alice Soden Gould) by some very psychically gifted clairvoyants of the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain: Evelyn Payne, Vickie Hindhaugh and Julie Johnson. Kenneth N Gould, himself, is what I’d call clairsentient, insofar as he is able to feel Alice’s presence around him, yet he isn’t clairaudient like the clairvoyants (Evelyn, Vickie and Julie) of the S.A.G.B. So, he relies on their help to aid him in piecing his family history together and set a wrong done a long time ago right, as requested by his deceased grandmother, Alice. Alice, as a Spirit, requests Kenneth Gould, her grandson, to be her pen and her savior: a reoccurring phrase she delivers throughout the book. One of Gould’s strengths is that he delivers witty dialogue, laced with subtle nuances, along with great descriptions throughout the book. Moreover, this is also a story of reincarnation. To avoid a spoiler alert, I’ll refrain from saying the unexpected turn of events that reveals that one family member is actually another reborn. In closing, this book is the result of twenty-eight years of hard work by Kenneth Gould and others, including Alice, and the painstaking care Gould has taken to chronicle events is apparent, as is his great love for his family. (Healings of Atlantis - Published 2009) G.L. Giles for Psychic Times International

Pg. 4

Often, the exoteric careers of geniuses such as W.B. Yeats, Madame Helena Blavatsky and William Blake (three of the twenty-four geniuses examined in this book), played second fiddle to their first violin: the attainment of esoteric knowledge. The three aforementioned were already out-of-the closet in their quest, so to speak, and there were others, like Sri Yashoda Ma, that were likewise inclined. However, it was surprising to learn that geniuses like Winston S. Churchill, Doris Lessing, Norman Mailer, Carl G. Jung, etc. had major metaphysical experiences as well. The reader learns on p. 211 that Winston S. Churchill called on “the assistance of that High Power” when he was an escaped prisoner being hunted down by the enemy. Moreover, his asking was “swiftly and wonderfully answered” when he was taken in and hidden, in a mine shaft, by a man sympathetic to his cause (p.211). Carl G. Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, was also “fascinated by the paranormal and prone to psychic experiences” (P. 218). However, he kept most of his psychic experiences to himself; these experiences he recorded were published only after his death. Chambers also touches on the spiritual lives of Benvenuto Cellini, Michel de Nostradamus, Ben Jonson, Sir Isaac Newton, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Alphonse de Lamartine, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Honore de Balzac, Victor Hugo, Jules Verne, Leo Tolstoy, H.G. Wells, Thomas Mann, Harry Houdini, Yukio Mishima and James Merrill. Indeed, by the end of the book, many readers may infer, like I have, that it must truly be a love of the occult world that prompted John Chambers to meticulously chronicle the spiritual lives of these extraordinary twenty-four women and men. G.L. Giles

One of the things I found most validating about this book by natural psychic Natalie OsborneThomason is that instead of her being a pugnacious opponent of a scientific approach to ghost hunting, she embraces it. Many psychics still don’t, and I believe their body of findings, though perhaps true, isn’t taken as seriously. By contrast, Natalie Osborne-Thomason encourages a great deal of skepticism and holds shows like “`Ghost Hunters’…which features the TAPS team” in high regard (p.19). I won’t say which person and show, also mentioned on p. 19, who/that she’s much less impressed with, but having seen both in action, I had to chuckle a bit. Although I’ll certainly own that I did enjoy one year’s Samhain broadcast of the show. Curiosity piqued? You’ll just have to pick up a copy then…lol. Also, personally, I took great delight in learning new terminology like “apports [which are] objects that come from somewhere else and materialize into a séance room” and “stone tape theory [which is] the theory…that when violent and strong emotional acts have taken place something becomes embedded in the fabric of a building or surrounding terrain” (pgs. 34, 85). I knew the concepts, but didn’t know what to accurately call them before. Furthermore, black magic and voodoo are touched upon, and there are many interesting photographs included: a haunted doll, spirit face, moved trigger object, Knowlton Church, etc. In closing, I recommend this book for anyone even remotely interested in the paranormal, and it’s easily a one-sit read at 108 pages, so it’s perfect for those with busy lives. (Healings of Atlantis - 2009) G.L. Giles

Read more - G.L. Giles and her own accomplishments on page 28.

Pg. 5

Ph o ot ed cr ite d to Es a th cN M in ev

Photo credited to Tyler Wilson

Photo credited to Estha McNevin

Raven Digitalis Interview by G.L. Giles Raven Digitalis hails from (Missoula, MT) and is the author of “Planetary Spells & Rituals” (forthcoming in March 2010), “Shadow Magick Compendium,” and “Goth Craft”, all on Llewellyn. He is a Neopagan Priest and cofounder of the “disciplined eclectic” shadow magick tradition and training coven Opus Aima Obscuræ. He is also a radio and club DJ of Gothic and industrial music. Trained in Georgian Witchcraft and Buddhist philosophy, Raven has been a Witch since 1999 and a Priest since 2003, and an Empath all of his life. Holding a degree in anthropology from the University of Montana he is also an animal rights activist. To add to his attributes, he is also a blackand-white photographic artist, a tarot reader and is the co-owner of “Twigs & Brews Herbs”, specializing in bath salts, herbal blends, essential oils, and incenses. He has appeared on the cover of newWitch magazine and is a regular contributor to The Ninth Gate and Dragon’s Blood magazines. Raven has been featured on MTV News and CBS PsychicRadio. Cover shot credit to Anna-Varney Cantodea. Pg. 6

1) First, why the decision to write a book on mostly non-Goth material with your latest release, Shadow Magick Compendium: Exploring Darker Aspects of Magickal Spirituality? Second, do you see yourself writing about primarily Goth Culture, book- wise, again in the future? My first book, Goth Craft: The Magickal Side of Dark Culture, was thankfully met with an unexpected amount of praise, gratitude and appreciation. I wouldn’t take back writing that book for the world! I love hearing from people whose lives have been touched by the book, and who feel more empowered as a result. Few things feel as good as knowing that I’ve been a part of peoples’ spiritual journeys and continue to be a source of inspiration in their lives. Just the same, my contribution to Gothic culture (and, in particular, its correspondence with magickal and spiritual living) both came and went with Goth Craft. I don’t feel that I have too much more to contribute to that front beyond my first book. It’s served its purpose and continues to, for which I’m very grateful. Just the same, there are numerous other areas that I’m being guided to more deeply study, reflect on, and write about. My contribution to “Goth,” at least in the form of writing, can be found in that book, but Shadow Magick Compendium: Exploring Darker Aspects of Magickal Spirituality and onward reflect a new stage in my contribution to occultism, both artistically and personally. The next book is called Planetary Spells & Rituals: Dark & Light Magick Aligned with the Cosmic Bodies. 2) Jumping right in with deep subject matter, you mention being a chaos magician in your Shadow Magick Compendium. I’m sure many might consider chaos a harmful state, so how would you answer their concerns. Plus, many New Agers talk of creating your own reality and paradigm shifts. By contrast, can you explain the chaos magician’s concept of a magical paradigm shift? Though I discuss chaos magick from time to time in my writing, I wouldn’t actually call myself a chaos magician. I know quite a few people who intricately vibrate with the chaos current, and who certainly embody that energy profoundly (the first who come to mind is author Andrieh Vitimus and musician Rachel Haywire), I wouldn’t consider myself a member of that subgroup of the greater magickal tribe. I find myself either completely agreeing, or vehemently disagreeing, with any given principle in the system of esoteric chaos. At the same time, chaos magick, as its own system of the Arts, has been profoundly influential across the board of Western esoterica. I certainly incorporate many of its methods into my own magickal work, and often advise others to consider doing the same. Chaos isn’t necessarily harmful, but it’s untamed. It’s the paradox of order and is the precursor to balance. It can be a very powerful and empowering force, yet it has the potential to keep a person stagnant if discipline isn’t had. Orders like the Illuminates of Thanateros are great for those seeking to deepen their studies into the chaos current. And as for paradigm shifting, the term implies a completely new view of seeing reality! Paradigm shifts are states of ecstatic oneness, and can be accessed via Gnostic techniques such as breathwork (pranayama), exhaustion, deep meditation, fasting, sex, entheogenic drug use, and so on. Indeed, I believe that every spiritual person, regardless of tradition, must experiment with methods of inducing deep, connective mystical experiences. Nothing is more reassuring and fulfilling than touching God Herself (as the Feri traditionalists might say!). 3) I think that many New Agers may believe that to be truly egalitarian all esoteric knowledge should be made exoteric information. Do you agree? Do you think most of this information already has been publicly revealed? Definitely on both accounts! It’s true; nearly all occult information is in print, and this has pros and cons. I understand the view of wanting to keep certain amounts of information esoteric—available only to the properly initiated—and my Priestess and I carry this forth in our own tradition. Still, it has to be realized that spiritual, magickal, and occult information is widely available to the public, whether it be in books, online, or what-have-you. This is just part of 21st century spirituality:

everything is available for those who seek it! Unfortunately, many people seem to be too apathetic or disinterested to seek deep spiritual and magickal wisdom, especially in America. So, as far as I’m concerned, I say that it’s a great, evolutionary thing that such a plethora of magickal and spiritual information—a literally endless amount of knowledge—is available for those who seek it! If, however, people jump too deeply into aspects of magick they don’t understand, I hope that they learn from their experiences and instead pace themselves at a rate that’s best for their own spiritual evolution… and certainly not the perpetuation of the ego! 4) You refer to yourself as a “disciplined eclectic” versus an eclectic. Why? Yep, and this ties in with what I was just mentioning. It’s unfortunate that many “eclectic” Witches, magicians and spiritualists often don’t enact self-discipline. Religions and magickal systems have always known that a person progresses through steps. Awareness is a process. The issue with modern eclecticism, which I actually address as an entire subsection of my first book (Goth Craft), is that people pick and choose what works for them, but remain stagnant in those choices. A person’s spiritual path must constantly be challenged, reworked and analyzed. By setting aside time everyday for prayer, devotion, reading, meditation, ritual, fasting and so on, a person can continually challenge themselves and advance in their personal path. Even if rigorous discipline (or minor discipline) seems difficult, it’s ultimately blissful to know you’re advancing your life to the best of your ability! I should also mention that we now use the term “Eastern Hellenistic Neopagan” in addition to “disciplined eclectic.” In short, this refers to the group’s spiritual approach of integrating the wisdom of numerous cultures (both East and West, ancient and modern, and so on). Deeper, more lengthy descriptions of both of these terms, as well as of the Coven, our progressive system and our goings-on, can be found at by clicking on “Priest/Tradition!” 5) Do you follow a degree system or something else? And why? Yep. The tradition to which I belong, called Opus Aima Obscuræ (a combination of Latin and Hebrew, meaning “Work of the Great Dark Mother”) observes a series of what we call “Marks” rather than degrees. There are 22 of these in our system, and these correspond with the Paths on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, as well as with the traditional Major Arcana Tarot cards, and numerous other alignments much too deep to get into here and now! Anyway, each Mark has monthly assignments and activities for female devotees, and “sunthly” assignments and activities for male devotees. By “sunthly,” a term I use jokingly (and for the lack of a better term!), I refer to the shift of zodiac signs through the Wheel of the Year. Just as women are predominantly aligned to the lunar shifts, our male mystery aspect is aligned to the sun’s cycle. For example, a “Full Sun” is the time that the sun is exalted in any given zodiac sign (at the 15˚ point in astronomy and astrology) and the “New Sun” (or “Dark Sun”) is the time that the sign shifts from one to the next, usually around the 22nd-ish of any month. Estha McNevin, the founding Priestess, worked for years on ironing out a disciplined—yet profoundly enjoyable and empowering—occult system! The work that she and I and our Coven perform together has resonance on both personal and community levels. At the time of this writing, we’re actually in the middle of observing 5 days of Ganesh Chaturthi, an ancient Hindu festival celebrating Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles and the bringer of abundance! We fast all day and feast at night, and perform 108 Ganesha mantras in the morning and evening. The first day of the festival was our public celebration, where people of all types came to sculpt little clay “Kanesheys” (as we sometimes lovingly call him), feast on massive amounts of Indian food, and celebrate as a community. This celebration, which is part of our annual calendar, is a great time to get together as a group and as a greater community to celebrate life and each other. These Ganesh Pg. 7

Chaturthi observations are one example of our “Eastern Hellenistic Neopagan” and “disciplined eclectic” attributes. Jai Ganesha! 6) Wiccans follow The Rule of Three which basically means that what you do, say, and think will come back to you threefold. Do you believe in the Threefold Law or something else? If so, can you clarify the differences and where they both came from in the first place? Nope, I don’t believe in the Rule of Three as it’s commonly understood. Personally, I tend to think that it’s a misinterpretation of the three Wyrd Sisters of Greek mythology, who are also called the Fates. As far as I understand, they can be said to judge an energy threefold. One Sister spins the threads of life on her spindle—creating life, another measures the thread in accordance to each person (we each behold one of these threads)—sustaining life, and the other cuts the thread—severing life. We see these Sisters somewhat personified in Shakespeare’s MacBeth, in classic and modern art, and recreated in modern cinema in different forms! This is the Power of Three, and may have some inspiration to Witchcraft’s Threefold Law. In my friend John J. Coughlin’s newest book, Ethics & the Craft, he explores the Threefold Law in depth. While he comes to no complete conclusion, there are a number of theories he explores that can explain the origin of the Rule of Three as Wiccans—well, most Wiccans—tend to follow it in modern times. In other words, there are historical origins for the Law of Three, and I think all Wiccans should research them and come to their own conclusions. After all, what good is the Craft if its followers don’t know, or even care to know, its history? Unfortunately, there are many who don’t, which certainly doesn’t perpetuate a good name for the path! 7) Have you found being an Empath generally makes life easier or more difficult? (laughs) Oh, where do I start?! Both. I feel that life is much more enriched if it’s deeply emotionally experienced. I can connect with people, and my own emotional body, easily, which opens the door to much healing and progression. The benefits of Empathy, both as an ability (as in “I am an Empath”) and as a skill (as in “I do psychic work and Empathic healing”) is absolutely limitless. But, I can’t neglect the other side of things. There is nothing in my life that isn’t ruled and conducted by my Empathic abilities. It dictates my being! This can “feel” good or bad, but it is what it is. In high school, my emotional sensitivity—particularly the fact that I didn’t know what emotions were mine and what were someone else’s—pushed me to the brink of suicide. Over time, I’ve stepped into my own with the ability, and am able to control, hone and understand it to a much greater degree. What once seemed a curse has transformed into a divine gift, and I’m very grateful for that. 8) Music plays a big part in your life, as you’ve been a radio and club DJ of gothic, EBM and industrial music, so which are your top 5 favorite bands out there right now and why? Music is the language of the gods! Few forces in life have been so valued over time. Music is sacred… its essence is pure Spirit. Like with any other art or energetic force, music can be shaped in any form, with any intention. There’s no limit to the magick of music. If I were to give a list of my top 5 favorite bands or musical acts of all time and why, they would be… drum roll please… 1. The Smashing Pumpkins: Billy and company’s divinely-inspired, abstract, and highly emotional music got me through high school! I was a die-hard fan for many years, and still am in many ways. No one will ever touch me as deeply as the Pumpkins. Amen! 2. Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows: Easily the most quoteunquote “Gothic” music to ever exist, Anna-Varney and her group of guiding spirits have expressed some of the deepest, darkest, most kooky, fun, and creative aspects of the human soul. For those who haven’t heard—or seen—the divine work known as “Sopor,” I ask you to do Pg. 8

so immediately! 3. Tori Amos: There is no limit to the extent Tori taps into the most significant, pertinent aspects of reality and emotion. There’s something undeniably divine and raw-powerful about Tori’s music. You either get it or you don’t, and I’m so very, very glad I do. 4. Faith & the Muse: Monica and William are highly conscious souls who express the state of the world and the Self with precision and depth. One of my favorite “Goth” or “post-punk” bands, Faith & the Muse access the magick of the Earth and emphasize compassion for animals and fellow humans. I’m blessed to feel their art and have endless respect for the other work they do in life. 5. Enigma: We all love Enigma! I find that Michael and company rarely let me down as a listener. There’s much awareness and beauty woven into Enigma’s music; they’ll always hold a special place in my heart. I wish more artists would touch on the topics they do! 9) You mention that Shadow Magick Compendium is an intermediate level book for those readers already somewhat familiar with the basic principles of Witchcraft, spirituality and the magickal arts. What are 5 books you recommend for those who are just beginning their walk in this direction? New to the Craft? I recommend: Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham A Witches' Bible by Janet & Stewart Farrar Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak Pagan Spirituality by River & Joyce Higginbotham 10) Would you please tell us what you offer in your business Twigs & Brews? Where can people go to procure these items and services? Sure. Currently running out of our home (we’ll have an actual storefront eventually), my Coven makes amazing and empowering blends of bath salts-and-herbs, herbal teas, essential oils (never synthetic oil), soaps, incense, and a whole bunch of other items. They can be browsed and purchased on my website by visiting and clicking on “Twigs & Brews.” Soon, fingers crossed, T&B will have its own website, which will make shopping much easier—and visual! 11) What books are you currently working on and when will they be released? What are some of your other plans for the future, both personally and professionally? Sorry, that’s top secret! Anyone who knows that information will selfdestruct within 20 seconds. So, I best spare all the readers. I’ll summarize by saying that, after Planetary Spells & Rituals is released, a fiction book will be next, followed by a tome I believe will be even bigger than my first book—I can’t wait to get writing! 12) Where are your books available? Anywhere books are sold! Well… okay, maybe not at the Christian bookstore down the road, but you know what I mean. They can be ordered from any good-sized book supplier, or online at a variety of sites, including my own, 13) And now for my wildcard/fun question. I know you’re an Animal Rights Activist and vegetarian. I’m a vegetarian, too, and I know many Psychic Times International Readers are as well. What’s your favorite veggie meal? Ooh! I’m one of those Leos who loves food to no end. My favorite things to eat are noodles, veggies, and tofu—deep-fried, as well as veggie burritos and rice-and-dahl. In other words, Chinese, Mexican, and Indian. Okay, I’m salivating now. Snack time! G.L. Giles (Charleston, SC) is an interviewer, reviewer and author. You can read more about her at and

My Reality Being in pain is more than I can explain.

G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics) Paranormal Investigations - now accepting new cases. Contact Jason R. at 302-280-6681 or email:

This Day in History October


October 1, 1961 - South Viet Nam requests a bilateral defense treaty. October 2, 1963 - A hurricane devastates Haiti. October 3, 1863 - President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation designating the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. October 4, 1582 - The Gregorian Calendar took effect in Catholic countries. October 4, 1830 - Belgium gained its independence, after having been a part of the Netherlands since 1815. October 5, 1813 - Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh was defeated and killed during the War of 1812. October 5, 1877 - Following a 1,700-mile retreat, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Indians surrendered to U.S. Cavalry troops at Bear's Paw near Chinook, Montana. October 6, 1908 - Austria and Hungry annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina. October 7, 1765 - The Stamp Act Congress convened in New York City with representatives from nine of the colonies meeting in protest to the British Stamp Act which imposed the first direct tax on Americans. October 8, 1871 - The “Great Fire of Chicago” destroys most of the city. October 9, 1915 - Belgrade falls to Australia and Hungry. October 10, 1877 - General Custer’s funeral is held at West Point. October 11, 1521 - King Henry VIII of England was given the title "Defender of the Faith" by Pope Leo X following the publication of the King's book against Martin Luther. October 12, 1492 - After a 33 day voyage, Christopher Columbus made his first landfall in the New World in the Bahamas. October 13, 1943 - Italy declares war on Germany. October 14, 1947 - Air Force pilot, “Chuck Yeager”, flies the “Bell X-One Rocket Plane over Edwards Air Force Base in California making the first “Super-Sonic” flight. October 15, 1941 - In World War II the Nazi troops advanced to within 100 KM of Moscow. October 16, 1793 - Marie Antoinette, the queen of France was beheaded. October 17, 1931 - Gangster, Al Capone is convicted of tax evasion. October 18, 1867 - The United States formally takes possession of Alaska from Russia. October 19, 1781 - As their band played “The World Turned Upside Down”, the British Army marched out in formation and surrendered to the Americans at Yorktown. October 20, 1882 - Actor, Bella Lugosi is born. October 21, 1779 - Henry Laurens is named minister to Holland. October 22, 1903 - Tom Horn is hanged in Wyoming for the murder of Willie Nickell. October 22, 1957 - American forces suffer their first casualties in the Viet Nam war. October 23, 1925 - Johnny Carson is born. October 24, 1945 - The United Nations is born. October 25, 1774 - Congress petitions English king to address grievances. October 25, 1912 - Minnie Pearl is born. October 26, 1942 - The United States loses the Hornet. October 27, 1995 - An avalanche buries homes in Iceland. October 28, 1886 - The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor. October 28, 1940 - Italy invades Greece. October 29, 1863 - The battle of “Wauhatchie” (Brown’s Ferry) concludes. October 30, 1864 - The city of Helena, Montana is founded after miners discover gold. October 30, 1941 - FDR approves Lend-Lease Aid to the USSR. October 31, 1912 - The first gangster films opens. October 31, 1917 - The third battle of Gaza.

November 1, 1969 - Elvis’ last chart topper. November 2, 1962 - Johnny Carson debuts as host of the “Tonight Show”. November 3, 1883 - Black Bart makes his last stage coach robbery. November 4, 1862 - Richard Gatling patented his first rapid-fire machine gun which used revolving barrels rotating around a central mechanism to load, fire, and extract the cartridges. November 4, 1890 - The first electrified underground railway system was officially opened in London. November 5, 1733 - The first issue of the New York Weekly Journal was published by John Peter Zenger, a colonial American printer and journalist. November 6, 1429 - Henry VI was crowned king of England at age eight. He had acceded to the throne at the age of nine months following the death of Charles VI. November 6, 1860 - Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th U.S. President and the first Republican. November 7, 1861 - During the Civil War the “Battle of Belmont” Missouri begins. November 8, 1895 - X-rays (electromagnetic rays) were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen at the University of Wuerzburg in Germany. November 9, 1938 - The Nazis launched their campaign of terror against the Jews. November 10, 1942 - German forces invade France and take Vichy, France by force. November 11, 1918 - World War I ends at 5 AM. November 12, 1864 - During the Civil War the destruction of Atlanta begins. November 13, 1916 - British statesmen express criticism of the war effort. November 14, 1889 - Newspaper reporter Nellie Bly set out from New York to beat the record of Jules Verne's imaginary hero Phileas Fogg, who traveled around the world in 80 days. November 15, 1857 - The first stocker ticker debuts in New York City. November 15, 1881 - The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada was formed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. November 16, 1946 - The first TV magazine show launches. November 17, 1800 - The U.S. Congress met for the first time in the new capital at Washington, DC President John Adams then became the first occupant of the Executive Mansion, later renamed the White House. November 18, 1883 - A Connecticut school teacher, Charles F. Dowd, proposed a uniform time zone plan for the U.S. consisting of four zones. November 19, 1776 - During the American Revolution, Congress pleads for soldiers. November 20, 1945 - Twenty-four high ranking Nazis go on trial in Nuremburg, Germany. November 21, 1941 - Nazi chief architect requests POWs to labor for a new Berlin. November 22, 1955 - RCA purchases Elvis’ contract. November 25, 1876 - The US Army retaliates for the Little Big Horn massacre. November 26, 1968 - Air Force helicopter pilot rescues special forces team during the Viet Nam war. November 29, 1971 - US troops strength reaches five year low. November 30, 1939 - The USSR attacks Finland.

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-Rita Jones Fall, Autumn, Harvest… There are so many names for this wonderful part of the year; the season between summer and winter. The days are starting to shorten. We get some relief from the hot days of summer, but aren’t thrown head long into the icy coldness of winter quite yet. There are leaves changing and falling. Many crops are harvested around this time. Of these, pumpkins are associated the most with autumn. Native Americans used pumpkins for food and medicinal purposes. They were a major part of their diet. Early pilgrims actually brought the pumpkin back to England from Native Americans. This fruit was considered the first food to be adopted in Europe from America. Apple pie may be huge in the States, but the pumpkin should actually be the ‘All American’ fruit as it is the oldest recorded American fruit. And they continue to be a huge autumn staple from pumpkin pie to jack-o-lanterns to that tasty pumpkin spice that can be found on everything from candy to coffee during this season. They have always been a huge part of Fall in this part of the world.

The holiday season also begins around the world although there are many different events in individual cultures. The word ‘autumn’ comes from an old French word actually; autompne otherwise known as autumnus in modern French. Before autumn became the universal term for this season around the sixteenth century, harvest was the term used by most people. This was of course for the fact that most food was ‘harvested’ during this part of the year. Then, as many people moved from working on the land to living and working in towns and cities, the word harvest was kind of lost. It was used more for the literal term of reaping or harvesting crops. The words fall and autumn gradually began replacing harvest around the world. Well really fall is more of a North American English word. It was used commonly in 17th century England. As people migrated to America they took the word ‘fall’ with them. However, Britain seemed to lean more toward the word Autumn as time went on. Now America is really where the term Fall is most commonly used. Happy Harvest and many Blessings throughout the season! Page 11 Pg. 11

the animals!” And with that, he stomped over to his bear skin rug and kicked the poor expired beast in the head, for emphasis in his mind, I suppose. It just seemed a cowardly move to me, to kick an animal that’d already clearly fallen. Then he started his verbal assault again with, “Next thing I know you’ll be telling me that the Minotaur, a Cretan who still eats human flesh, by the way, is just a misunderstood beast. Try telling that to the fourteen dead Athenian youths, who lost their life to his hunger last year!” I didn’t dare say, at that point, that I did sometimes think that the Minotaur was indeed misunderstood and that his eating human flesh could perhaps be explained. I mean, if I’d been the Minotaur and had had my own grandmother, the fine Brown Cow, served up for all those sitting in the dining hall of King Minos’ palace, then I might have gone a little berserk as well. Especially since King Minos had expected his step-son, the young Minotaur, to eat with everyone else seated there, including King Minos’ wife: the Minotaur’s mother, Pasiphae.

"What Really Happened in the Labyrinth" will also appear in Lucas McPherson's (writer's) and Cyan Jenkins's (illustrator's) forthcoming book, Poetry, Songs and Stygian Stories. My father, the king, was always railing against the Cretans for one reason or another. And, the worst blow he felt he could ever deliver to me was to call me a Cretan, in his frequent fits of anger over things he thought I’d done wrong. His most recent tirade had come about after I’d informed him that I’d become a Vegetarian. Contrary to what he adamantly believed, it was by no means to upset him; rather, it was simply because I hated the idea of eating meat. My father was super miffed because he considered it a demonstration of disrespect to not eat all the animal flesh he’d hunted and brought home for all his family and palace crew to feast upon. Moreover, I wasn’t alone in choosing not to consume animal parts: my six best male friends and my seven best female friends, who were part of our castle crew, had also decided to become Vegetarians a little while after I had. My father was livid at that news, too, especially since it came so close on the heels of my own. He felt that I’d influenced them into becoming Vegetarians and had therefore usurped his wishes. At that time, I remember him pitching a fit, as demonstrated by him throwing his hands up in the air while at the same time pacing back and forth before screaming, “You’re all Cretans! No decent Athenians refrain from ingesting animal flesh! What’s this?! Are you and your friends turning into cannibalistic Cretans?!” “Father, please calm down. It’s not like that at all. For one, Cretans haven’t eaten human flesh for years, and secondly, it just seems wrong to me, an Athenian, to eat animals.” I’ll tell you what’s wrong!! Wrong is empathizing with the animals!” Pg. 12

Pasiphae was eating the mother, the fine Brown Cow, of the beautiful White Bull she’d mated with to produce their offspring: the Minotaur. Pasiphae was eating the Minotaur’s grandmother, right in front of her son, yet Pasiphae had no problem with it. And, no one else seated at the royal spread seemed to have a problem with it either, except the Minotaur’s half-sister, daughter of King Minos and Pasiphae: Ariadne. She had a big problem with eating the animal flesh of her half-brother’s grandmother! It seemed barbaric to her, so she took a stand along with her half-brother, the Minotaur, in not eating the Brown Cow. However, King Minos couldn’t be defaced by his children in front of the other guests dining there, by their refusal to eat the Brown Cow, so he felt he had to punish them!! So, King Minos had his architect, Daedalus, build an elaborate labyrinth to put his step-son in for punishment. The Minotaur was to meditate in the labyrinth for years on how illogical he’d been in not partaking of the royal food set before him. Plus, the Minotaur had also gone a little crazy at that royal dinner by eating some of the king’s guests who were heartily feasting on his grandmother. Feasting on some of the humans who’d eaten his grandmother was quite logical to the Minotaur in an eye for eye kind of way. At least he’d shown restraint in not eating his own family! King Minos was a lot more lenient when it came to the punishment of his own flesh and blood, his daughter Ariadne. He gave her several clews, threads, to weave into a royal robe fit for a king, which was a near impossible task since she was given such coarse threads. Ariadne hated her father for making her do that and for imprisoning her half-brother in the labyrinth just because they’d done the right thing in not eating the Brown Cow. But, I digress, so let me get back to my own conversation with my father, the King of Athens, who was also known as Aegeas. Regarding my being a Vegetarian, I said softly to him, determined to remain rational and calm, “Times change Father.” “Really? I suppose you’ll be saying next that I no longer have to sacrifice fourteen Athenian virgins, male and female, to the Minotaur yearly to keep us from being attacked by the Cretans because he’s become a vegetarian now.” He laughed out loud while saying it, but his eyes betrayed the anger he felt for me as he came mere inches from my face to spit out, “Tell you what son, you go as one of the fourteen to be sacrificed to the Minotaur this year since you feel so strongly for the beast and believe in the supposed Winds of Change.” I looked at him in disbelief for a second; he was, after

all, a father that would sacrifice his own son to appease his own pride. I’d always found him to be verbally abusive (and, if it weren’t an anachronism of sorts, then I’d even say he was a gaslighting abuser), but this turn of events? It was brutal, even for him. He tried to sugar coat it a bit later with, “Fly the white sail when you return son, so I’ll know you survived.” But I secretly thought, If my life is spared by the Minotaur, then I’ll be sure to only fly the black flag, so that perhaps my father’s own guilt will destroy him; he deserves it. So, that’s how it truly came about that I (Theseus is my name by the way) and thirteen of my good friends came to set sail for Crete. When the fourteen of us landed in Crete, I was singled out by a lovely girl toting a big ball of coarse thread. Turns out she was none other than Ariadne! She quickly explained that the Minotaur was her half-brother, known to her as Asterion. She insisted I take her ball of thread with, “Tell Asterion that you were given this thread by me, and he’ll be more likely to listen to you, if need be; plus, it will help you find your way back if you unravel it as you walk.” Ariadne was more than happy to find other, more important, uses for her clews, besides making a royal robe for her father. Believing in her sincerity, I carefully tucked the ball away and smiled at my brave Vegetarian crew. Not long after that, we were marched to the opening of the Labyrinth. A large door was opened and we walked inside the enveloping darkness. I immediately started unraveling the thread as we steadfastly walked forward into the unknown. I could hear Ariadne shout to me from the other side of the door now, “I’ll wait here for your return!” Forging forward, sometimes scraping our arms and legs against the walls of the elaborate maze, the fourteen of us knew it was our destiny to meet the Minotaur. Known as a beast at best and monster at worst to most. But we weren’t most. We all felt like giving Asterion the benefit of the doubt. After all, he was really a victim himself. For his mother was forced, by the vengeful God Poseidon, against her own will (many would call that black magick) to fall in love with the White Bull, his father. It wasn’t long before we saw glowing red orbs in the near distance. My thread had been unraveling steadily and was perhaps about half-way unwound at that point. We kept on walking forward toward the lights till myself and a few others bumped into a wooden table of some sort with various objects on top. We all must have jumped back about a foot when we heard a deep voice simply say, “My altar.” Much as I would question one of my friends, I asked of him, “You have an altar in here?! For…?” I started. “For my shadow magick rituals since it’s always dark in here, even in the broad daylight outside.”

fourteen are different. Your scent is lighter; you don’t smell like death.” Making him out to be about 12 feet tall in the limited light, I looked up at him and answered, “That’s because we all made a choice a while back to become Vegetarians. We made a decision to respect our Animal Friends.” Bending down to get closer to my face as if to study me more, the Minotaur replied thoughtfully, “I see that you are telling the truth and have true honor. I will not kill you all then; it doesn’t seem right to kill such as you.” It occurred to me then that Asterion, the Minotaur, was more logical than most Cretans and Athenians in the outside world. And it seemed to me that he’d probably grown wiser through his lengthy introspection in the Labyrinth (because he had no outside interference). “It certainly wasn’t right that you were supposed to eat the meat of your own grandmother, the Brown Cow,” I stated with growing empathy for him. “True, and I suppose it did drive me crazy trying to figure it all out for a while there. I still don’t have the answers for why it all went down, but now I simply don’t care as much. I’m tired of trying, to tell the truth. I’ve been grateful for the solitude of this Labyrinth, for the opportunity to frequently meditate and for the soothing darkness. But, I’m ready for a change now. My life here has served its purpose. It’s shed light on the darkness of many truths. Follow me now!” the Minotaur gently commanded as he grabbed something from his altar. “And hold onto my tail, it’s long enough for all of you, so you won’t get lost in the darkness.” Then his red demon-like eyes shone the only light for all of us as he led us to the very center of his home. It was there we all quietly circled around him. Don’t ask me why we did. We just felt compelled to. He didn’t look like a monster to us; rather, he looked like a weary creature we wanted to comfort. We saw his very human chest rise and fall with labored breathing. Then he slowly said, “I’m tired of this life, my friends. And, I’m happy to end it soon surrounded by noble souls like you.” And with that, he took his athame (that he’d removed from his altar) and plunged its double-edged blade deep into his heart. With his dying breaths he managed to say to me, “Tell them you killed me, or my step-father won’t respect you and let you leave. And, please tell Ariadne thanks for taking a stand with me; you two will be very happy together…” And with that, his epic body collapsed to the ground with a large reverberating sound. Then we all saw a large bright light, like a huge glowing orb, shoot out of his chest through his self-inflicted wound. One of my friends carefully took his horned head into her lap as she tenderly caressed his lifeless cheek. Instead of being the taurine terror that most thought him, he’d sacrificed himself for the fourteen of us in a sense. Moreover, we all saw that his true form was that of a bright and shining star. I decided from that point on that I’d only refer to him as Asterion. And when I became king, so would all in my kingdom***

“Oh, I thought it might have been for…,” I began. “For my human sacrifices?” the Minotaur kind of snort-laughed, genuinely amused. “Well, you have nothing else to eat except the humans you’ve been fed for sacrifice, right?” “Yes, that’s been the case for quite a while, but they have nothing to do with my shadow magick rituals. And, look…about the eating humans thing. I find it pretty disgusting myself. About as disgusting as eating animals. But I wanted to survive. So, I did. It didn’t bring me any pleasure; in fact, it made me sad. I tried to kill them quickly so that they wouldn’t feel much pain. Plus, I consoled myself somewhat by the fact that they were all humans who’d consumed animal flesh throughout their entire young lives. I could smell them and tell; their bodies gave off an aroma like the graveyards of dead animals to me. But, you fourteen are different. Your scent is lighter; you don’t smell like death.”

The Spiritual Dimension - a New Age store with wonderful Metaphysical products and gifts! Check them out online today!

- Jock Brocas We all know the story of the tortoise and the hair and the lessons to be learned for life, lessons that tell us that we need to slow down and not rush into things such as decisions and more importantly our desires that are often fuelled by our ego. No matter what we do in life, we never seem to learn patience and as one of my students said recently, “I know that I need to learn patience but I just wish I could find a way to speed up the lessons.” This of course meant that you learn nothing at all and what you think you have learned has been fuelled by egotistical desires. In everything that we do in life, we rush in where angels fear to tread and perhaps that statement is a truth of life and a reality of materialism. If we only could take one step back and listen to our hearts rather than our head, we would go through life with less problems and our journey would be rather less troublesome. But unfortunately we never seem to be

happy with what we have or what we do. In the great scheme of things we are always on a path to find enlightenment yet that enlightenment never comes until it is our time to pass. We are governed by deadlines, politics and the general rush to have success and material wealth. At what cost are we willing to give in order to achieve what we want, but you must ask yourself, is it really what you want or what someone else dictates you should want. Many go around oblivious to the beauty in the world and fail to see the wood for the trees. Perhaps that is why you should ask yourself, are you truly happy? Which is what another student said to me, what is happiness? Like the tortoise, we will get there and conserving our energy will give us the enlightenment that we seek for who was more enlightened – the tortoise or the hare. Don’t rush to achieve what you think you deserve for no one deserves more than what the universe is willing to give. Pg. 15

Soulmates - Alma Brown

I've had at least 4 soul mates in my life. I've been blessed to have one who is like a mother to me. Her Name is Janice Asong, my aunt. Without her constant encouragement and LOVE, I would be in a messy life or dead. I had a best friend for 10 years who was very much like a soul mate except for the fact that many of her emotions depleted mine. We shared so much of the same things in life and we even had dreams that were similar to each other. Born 2days apart, we both struggled with the same family issues and even held onto the resentment for the purpose of deliberately wallowing in it. All in all we were addicted to being depressed together, for without this way of bonding, we felt like there was no other way to relate to one another. In the end, we realized how completely different we were. I wanted to let go of the past and anger and she wanted to remind herself of it because she was scared of being happy. I tried to help her but every time I did, she grew angry and eventually she began to mock my personality. Unfortunately, like night and day, our differences could not mix and amount to great accomplishments. I was sad to let her go but I realized that I wanted to be myself without someone making me feel like I was wrong to aim for the real me. Even more, hearing her say "I don't want to change," after she had spent 1hour giving me the negative side to my dreams, made me want to nix her even more. Among other things, her control issues coupled with my need to be free led to the demise of our union. So friends, ask yourself: Does your soul mate want you to be happy or does he/she hold you back from this? Are YOU holding yourself back because you feel that if you change, you will lose them? Does your soul mate change with you, or are you growing apart?

A Helping Hand - Kirsty Taylor , Glasgow, UK

If your going through a rough time don't be sad it isn't all bad You'll get through it like you always do Just remember you've got me and I've got you

A person doesn't have to be your romantic counterpart, in order for them to be your soul mate. They can be a friend, family member or even a co-worker. Altogether, a soul mate is someone whose energy merges with yours to either help you elevate to your highest potential or reflect parts of you that may need to be worked on.

“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower” - Albert Camus

I might be in Spirit, but I'll help you get through it I'll help you fight wait and see you'll see I'm right Just call my name and I'll be there as I love you and I care You may not see me, but I can see you remember I'll always love and guide you I'll love you always so hold your head up high because I didn't really die I live on were many other's have gone And one day we'll meet up and be united. Mean while carry on with your life Don't give up I send you my love and I know it will be tough, but you can do it I'll help you get through it A Helping Hand ©2008 Kirsty Taylor Pg. 16

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Our Presidents will visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers on Veteran’s Day and place a wreath on it to honor them for their dedication and giving their very lives for their country.

A Brief History of Veteran’s Day - Jason Russell

The history of “Veteran’s Day” goes back to the end of World War 1. This date was chosen because World War 1 was over on November 11, 1918 at 11am. At that time it was called “Armistice Day”. Every year since, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th as a day to remember all those who gave their lives to their country. The official name of Veteran’s Day wasn’t changed until 1954. Not only does the US celebrate this holiday, Canada calls it “Remembrance Day”.

This ceremony is done twice a year on both Memorial and Veteran’s Day and was initiated by former President Warren G. Harding on November 11, 1928. This was to honor those who were not identified and were sent to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Today, this holiday is celebrated with parades and speeches thanking those who served in every war from WW1 to Operation Iraqi Freedom. We honor those who fought with their lives and still today, we honor the troops who are still fighting to keep our country free!!! Pg. 17

- Jason Russell

In past issues we have covered everything from our life path, birth path and destiny numbers. In this issue we will cover what the vowels in our names mean. "A, E, I, O, U and in some cases Y" have a special meaning. This is called "soul urge" or "heart's desire". You may find what you have been searching for in life when using this method. To find your soul urge or heart’s desire, use only the vowels in your name. For example; let’s use the name "John Sam Doe". As you can see there is only one vowel in the name "John". That is the letter "o". The number of letter o equals 6. ("o" = 6) In the middle name "Sam" there is only one vowel in which is an "a". The number equivalent for the letter "a" equals 1. ("a"= 1) Finally, we look at the last name of “Doe". This last name has two vowels; "e" and "o". The number for "e" equals 4 and "o" equals 6. (6 + 4 = 10) which added together equal "10" but broken down further is a "1" since 1 + 0 = 1. Pg. 18

Now add the first, second and third sum together. When the sum contains more than one digit, add those numbers together until they break down to one digit. Sum 1 = 6, sum 2 = 1 and sum 3 = 4 + 6 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 (6 + 1 + 1 = 8) Here are the final numbers 4-9 and Master numbers 11 & 22 4’s Characteristics Love, Loyalty and Honesty Excellent in detail and routine work Have the ambition for material power 5’s Characteristics Love change, adventure, travel and new interests Attracted to and liked by the opposite sex Have a quick mind, and are a good mixer 6’s Characteristics Love a home and family Love to give advice to others Enjoy working with others rather than alone Love the arts, harmony and beauty

7’s Characteristics Love nature i.e. the plants and animals. Love mystery, and seek to understand spiritual laws. Wants perfection 8’s Characteristics Wants to be a big business executive or leader. Want to manage and direct, not follow. Have good judgment and a good sense of values. 9’s Characteristics Want to be a humanitarian and philanthropist. Love to travel and broad contacts. Could be a healer. 11’s Characteristics Have psychic ability, and could be a seer. Like to be inventive. May want to be a leader. 22’s Characteristics May want to be a master builder on the material plane. Could do well in governmental services. Have high ideals and aspirations, and can master anything.

“Something Special For Everyone”

gifts and novelties so thoughtfully placed on shelves, counters and cabinets, I wished I could have purchased everything! The proprietor, Gloria Ellis, has an incredible vision that she addd to her decorative skills and talent that makes you feel welcome and possibly not at a loss for what to get Uncle Henry for his birthday. Endless gift ideas line the shop’s interior with lighthouses of various sizes, kitties and puppies, celestial themes for tables and walls, handmade jewelry, tee shirts, porcelain dolls and so much more. If you are in the area or just passing through stop in for a visit with Gloria and browse a bit. 214 Laureltown Laurel, Delaware 302-875-4085 On behalf of myself and the staff here at the Psychic Times International, we send Gloria and “Something Special For Everyone” our best wishes and continued success in her new business!

Psychic Times International - Donna Smith, Publisher, Psychic Times International

“Something Special For Everyone” held their ribbon cutting ceremony in Laurel, Delaware on October 7, 2009 and I was one of the fortunate people invited to be a part of this wonderful celebration. I had the opportunity to meet some new and fascinating members of our Chamber of Commerce here in Laurel. But my focus was on this little shop, nestled in a picturesque setting in the downtown area. As I browsed the displayed

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Page 17

All times are based on Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT)

October 2009 Full Moon - October 4 - (6:10 am) New Moon - October 18 - (5:33 am) The Moon Type - Blood or Hunter’s Moon The Color Association - Blue

November 2009 Full Moon - November 2 - (7:14 pm) New Moon - November 16 - (7:14 pm) The Moon Type - Snow or White Moon The Color Association - Green

December 2009 Full Moon - December 2 - (7:30 pm) New Moon - December 16 - (12:02 pm) The Moon Type - Oak or Long Moon The Color Association - Red Full Moon - December 31 - (7:13 pm) (Known as the “Blue Moon”)

October’s “Blood” moon or otherwise known as the “Hunter’s” moon is the first “Full” moon after the “Harvest” moon. The Hunter’s moon is so named because it gives plenty of moonlight for the hunters while hunting their game for the coming winter season as the farmers would do during harvest time. November’s “Snow” moon is also known as the “Beaver”, “Frost” or “Trader’s” moon. This was usually when the first snow would come. It was a time to gather the beavers from their traps before the streams would freeze solid. It was also a time for the hunters to trade the furs they had collected in their traps and to prepare for the winter months ahead. December’s “Long” or “Oak” moon is “Long Night’s” moon as well as the cold moon. This is the month that winter has it’s grip. The nights are very long and at it’s darkest. Thus, the old name for the “Long” moon. This was a time for sheering up their shelters gathering firewood to keep out the winter’s cold. Pg. 20


the times that will help keep your attention going. A friend to talk to helps as well, you will soon learn the difference between a satellite, an aeroplane, shooting star or whatever. You may have to wait every night for a week but then see three in one night. It is just a question of patience.

- T Stokes

I came late to the subject of U.F.O.’s because for me it was just too unbelievable. This closed mindedness robbed me of some great sightings over the years seen by colleagues. Several countries have recently opened their files on U.F.O.s including many in the U.S.A. For this we need to thank one man, Gary McKinnon, the London man who is accused of hacking the U S defence computers for suppressed info on U.F.Os. The U.S. has yet to explain why. They have repeatedly stated U.F.Os do not exist. So how can they be on ninety seven defence computers? Gary McKinnon could face a seventy year sentence in Guantanamo Bay. The current U.S. administration is the most unpopular on record with it’s faked up wars in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. It’s record on “Human Rights abuses” beat many in the third world. To sentence this man would alienate the U.S. even further from its biggest allies. Consistent cover-up by the government that has brought a new word into the English language; “Rumsfelding” meaning to “verbally fudge, avoid truth or to lie outright.” Some years ago a senior member of the American embassy tipped off a friend and I as to where and when to look in the sky for U.F.O activity. From that moment, what I witnessed had me entranced. I have developed over many years my own technique for sky-watching. This is what I recommend at my lectures:  Pick a clear night.  You’ll need clear view of the sky with not too many obstructive buildings trees or light pollution.  Put out a groundsheet and lay on your back facing up and in a warm sleeping bag while facing the sky centre.  The best times are during the yearly meteorite showers the Persids and the Leonids which is around August and November. These are

Friendly, courteous service will be found when you meet Ken

I and many other people have seen these strange craft and are curious as to what they are. Official explanations consist of nonsensical statements such as reflected light, Venus in the night sky, reports by drunks, as well as Japanese fishing boats etc. A senior U.S.A.F official told me this ridicule is to deter people. But this only means they are not reported. Cases exist on record of photos being “lost” while in for developing, and film being taken by the authorities and not seen again. Experts fall basically into 3 categories, some claim they are extraterrestrial visitors. Some say they are from our future, or they are from the earths centre, and some say all of the above ! Winston Churchill during one of his madness phases in W.W.II discussed whether they were weapons owned by the Germans who could have a base at the earths centre.! I have seen two craft up close. One in broad daylight. But I didn’t see alien beings. And it is only by “self experiencing” that we can really believe. One of the most interesting accounts I’ve heard was from an American Vietnam veteran who said that one night in Vietnam the U.S. soldier’s camp alarm system’s went mad. Lights and sirens were going off all over. Men were running from all directions assuming an attack when overhead a huge craft drifted across in silence, very low with lights ablaze. Suddenly, as many Vietcong fighters snuck up on the base and on seeing the massive U.F.O, ran in panic right through the camp’s protective minefield, to their deaths. It appeared to my informant that the U.S servicemen were afraid it was some sort of a Vietcong attack and the commies thought it was some sort of an American deterrent. The next morning large numbers of personnel on the base were witnesses. They were told this strange happening had to be kept secret. They were told any film would confiscated except one roll that was held back by a camp worker. Now this man was not bothered. I’m not quite sure that I believe this story but on balance, I think I do. This story is typical of others that have passed the various tests. But get out there and sky-look for yourself!

Why wait to lose weight? See Ruth today! Call: 302-6451784 for more information.

Pg. 21

You will need: Wooden, twiggy wreath from craft store Flat Black spray paint Large Paint Brush (optional) Purple Paint (optional) Halloween trinkets Hot glue gun Hot glue sticks

After the 2nd coat dried, I used a purple paint and dry brushed the whole wreath to create just a hint of color.

Using the flat black spray paint, paint both sides of the wreath black. I sprayed it with 3 light coats, waiting 20 minutes between each coat. After it was mostly dry, I then hung it on a pole to dry more evenly.

I didn't press too heavily, only brushed it on very lightly, so it hit only the exposed surfaces of the wreath. (I did this because a lot of the items that I was gluing onto my wreath were black, so I wanted them to stand out and besides, my favorite Halloween colors are black and purple. After picking out which Halloween trinkets I wanted to use. I purchased the 50 count bag of “Creepy Creatures� from Michaels. You can also use plastic spider rings, rubber bats, rubber spiders, glow in the dark skeletons, and finger puppets. Use hot glue to attach these items. For the G-I-D skeletons, I took the heads off of all of them except for one. So I have 5 little skulls and one full skeleton. I also took 4 of the finger puppets that came with the trinkets and glued them on the inner edge of the wreath so they stand up straight gluing the finger openings down. This craft has been given to us by Ashley W. - Bridgewater, NJ. and can be found at: Pg. 24

To glue down the spider rings, put hot glue on both sides of the band of the ring and stick that in between the branches of the wreath. That way the spider lays flat, and stays put really well.

"The Catacomb”

Whiplash Unborn Again Pulverised - Dave Wolff

I remember hearing this band’s debut Power And Pain in 1986, at a time when my tastes were making a transition from mainstream arena metal to its more aggressive counterpart, thrash metal (if it wasn’t for my exposure to Venom’s classic Black Metal a few years earlier this might never have happened, but that’s another story). I remember being floored by the relentless hellish assault delivered by founding guitarist Tony Potaro, an approach to the genre mirrored by other bands I was discovering such as Carnivore, Destruction and Exodus. The music was as gritty and abrasive as the surroundings of the clubs where they performed, and there was a definite hardcore attitude permeating the musicianship. Not only did they have their own sound you could easily discern but, as I discovered looking back on this album now, Portaro channeled a bluesy Ritchie Blackmore edge through their aggression which made for an inventive, groundbreaking album that reached beyond its underground status in the long run. Beginning with Ticket To Mayhem a couple of years later, the band entered an experimental period that lasted several successive albums including Insult To Injury and Cult Of One. Thrashback was a return to form of sorts for the band and even included reworked demo tracks recorded prior to Power And Pain. Earsplit Public Relations and Pulverised Records spent much time and effort plugging Unborn Again for months before its release, as did the band themselves. Their official “YouTube” profile ( posted a succession of video blogs and studio eports to inform of the album’s development, a medium being increasingly employed by bands to connect with viewers around the world. Even if you’ve never heard of the band before now, the in-studio documentation is enough to arouse your interest in checking out this album. Unborn Again manages to combine the aggression of the band during their heyday and the sophistication of later recordings. From the heavier tracks like “Fight Or Flight,’ “Pitbulls In The Playground” and “Feeding Frenzy” to cuts like “Swallow The Slauighter” and their cover of Montrose’s “I’ve Got The Fire,” this album has something for older and newer fans alike. Dave Wolff has been a music journalist since 1993 and has been publishing Autoeroticasphyxium since 1997. He graduated from Long Island University in the mid-00s and has been a contributing writer for a number of fanzines and webzines in the worldwide underground metal community including Brutalism (Netherlands), Zombie Ritual (Mexico), Endemoniada (USA), The Fallout Zine (Australia) and Jen’s Metal Page (USA). Dave currently resides in Garden City, New York.

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newspapers. When her son started first grade, she became an Engineering Recruiter (a “Head Hunter”) and later, Office Manager and Sales Training Director for almost thirteen years. She also helped her husband with their two small restaurants and helped manage their small apartment house. Her husband passed away in early 1997 after almost thirty-three years of marriage. Since 1999, She has been involved in Primary Sales for commercial collection agencies. In 2003, she remarried James Adams. They now have their own commercial collection agency titled “Adams & Winters, P.A.” Her professional name is Marie Winters, her middle and family name. As our columnist she prefers Marie (Winters) Adams. She enjoys their two German Shepherds (Chavi & Zarko), their two cats (Smudge & Pardo), music, reading, and writing articles for two international magazines. Along with all she already does, Marie writes Haiku poetry for herself, loves listening to music, browsing for antiques, traveling, boating, fishing and collecting anything relating to her ethnic background, which is Gypsy (Romany). Marie has also been a frequent contributor to our regular columns, “The Herb Pantry” and “Recipe Corner”.

Welcome Marie (Winters) Adams

She includes a Haiku Poem she wrote when a child fell into the Delaware Bay right in front of her summer cottage. I'll never forget it.).

as our new columnist for “Gypsy Life”. We welcome Marie into our “Psychic Times International” family. Here’s a brief bio to allow you to know a little about her. After obtaining a B.S. Education and almost enough credits for two Master’s equivalencies in Education and Educational Media, Marie married, taught school, had a baby boy. She also wrote articles for two

Death of a Child Death never stranger Than when a child is taken By still, silent waves.

Turkey Dressing?

Pumpkin Roll 1/4 c. confectioners' sugar 3/4 c. flour 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground cloves - 1/4 tsp. salt 3 large eggs - 1 cup granulated sugar 2/3 c. pumpkin puree 1 c. walnuts (chopped)

Cream Cheese Filling 1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese - (room temperature) 1 c. confectioners' sugar, sifted 6 tbsp. butter, (softened) 1 tsp. vanilla extract

Not That Kind! Cornbread Stuffing - Rita Thomas, Long Neck, DE 1/2 cup melted butter 1 cup onions, chopped 2 stalks of celery, chopped 1/2 cup milk 2 eggs, beaten 1/4 tsp pepper 16 oz bag cornbread cubes Melt butter in a large skillet

Beat cream cheese, 1 cup confectioners' sugar, butter and vanilla extract in small mixer bowl until smooth. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease a 15x10 inch jelly-roll pan; line with wax paper. Grease and flour paper. Sprinkle a thin cotton kitchen towel with confectioners' sugar. In a small bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves and salt. In a large bowl of an electric mixer, beat eggs and granulated sugar until thick. Beat in pumpkin. Stir in flour mixture. Spread evenly into prepared pan. Sprinkle with nuts, if desired. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until top of cake springs back when touched. Immediately loosen and turn cake onto prepared towel. Carefully peel off paper. Roll up cake and towel together, starting with narrow end. cool on wire rack. carefully unroll cake; remove towel. Spread cream cheese filling over cake. Re-roll cake. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least one hour. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar before serving.

Add onions and celery over medium heat until tender Remove from the heat and stir cornbread bread cubes, milk, water and eggs. Mix well. Put the stuffing in a buttered casserole dish and bake at 325 for 30 to 35 minutes or stuff a 10-12 lb turkey and bake at 350 for 3-4 hrs (350 F at 20 minutes per pound).

Instant Spiced Tea 2 c. orange breakfast drink mix 1 c. unsweetened instant tea 1/3 c. sweetened lemonade drink mix 2 TB sugar 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. ground cloves In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients. Store in an airtight container. For One Serving - pour 1 c. boiling water into a mug; stir in 1 tbsp. tea mix until dissolved.

Pumpkin Fudge 3 c. sugar 3/4 c. butter 2/3 c. evaporated milk 1/2 c. canned pumpkin 2 tbsp. corn syrup 1/ 1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 1 - (11 oz.) pkg. white chocolate morsels 1 (7 oz.) jar marshmallow crème 1/ 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 1 1/2 c. walnuts, toasted Line a 13x9x2 inch pan with aluminum foil; set aside. In a Dutch oven, combine sugar, butter, milk, pumpkin, corn syrup, pumpkin pie spice, and cinnamon over medium-high heat. bring mixture to a boil, stirring constantly, until a candy thermometer registers 234 degrees. Remove from heat; stir in white chocolate until melted. Stir in remaining ingredients until smooth. Quickly pour into prepared pan. Let cool for 2 hours. Cut into small squares to serve.

Pg. 27

Visit her at:

Gypsy Life - Marie (Winters) Adams

In a simpler time a few decades ago, people did not tend to throw their utensils, knives, etc. Away. In some parts of the world, people still prefer to mend rather than dispose of items that they use on a daily basis. Many relied (and still do) on the Gypsy craftsmen/women to help them to repair or purchase inexpensively these items. The Gypsies (usually women) took the items from door to door to sell. Things that simply needed to be repaired could usually be done right at the person’s home. Repairs were normally done by the men. The women would go down the streets and to the farms calling out their wares, asking for used clothing and offering to tell the housewives their fortunes. The men would also travel the streets as well as the farms yelling out what they were selling and able to repair. Most of the housewives were delighted to have their fortunes told by “crossing the Gypsy’s palm with a piece of silver.” Bartering was also sometimes done as, for example, exchanging some clothes for a “reading.” Brooms and some baskets were made by Gypsies using sheaves of straw. They were gathered, dried and tied into sheaves until they were ready to be used. Some Gypsies were coppersmiths. Since many of the homes had bowls, pans and kettles of all types, these would need to be repaired after awhile. The Gypsy would go from door to door shouting out his business as he came down the street. Housewives would hurry to meet him with their damaged objects. He’d also have such items to sell that he had made beforehand. Others both made and repaired knives, letter openers, pocket knives, pen knives, etc. They also repaired such knives. They’d carry a grinding stone with them and sharpen the knives at the client’s home. This was a good practice since most of the homeowners would never have let their precious objects be carried off by a Gypsy to be repaired at his vardo (living wagon) since they all knew that all Gypsies were thieves! A harsh and usually unwarranted belief! Gypsies as a group tended to have bad reputations because they lived and dressed differently than the homeowners. Homeowners tended to be afraid of Gypsies because they lived so differently and many dislike those who are different from themselves---even today! Some Gypsies made bowls out of wood. Pieces of all sizes had to be cut from a tree (not bought at a store!) and then chopped and carved into the correct size and shape for whatever sort of usage it was meant to be. It was then smoothed and finished. The “bowl” in the photograph was to be used for scalding a pig, hence its huge size. Others were meant for dinner plates, mixing bowls, etc. Again, they were carried to the homeowners. These Gypsies were forced to live in wooded areas and travel in a relatively small geographical area because of their profession. Many Gypsies preferred to make smaller items, such as clothes pegs, carved wooden flowers, flowers made from tissue paper and necklaces made from newspapers. These were easy to make and lightweight to carry to the homeowners/farmwives. Since they were also so very inexpensive, many had to be made! The newspaper necklaces are very pretty and were made in later years when newspapers were available. My mother remembered making some when she was young and I have two of them. She said that she’d get the colored comic pages from the Sunday papers and cut small strips out of them. Using a thin string (elastic strings were best) or a thin wire, she’d roll the small pieces of paper, glue them together and fasten them to the string/wire. Then they’d usually receive a light coating of varnish to preserve them. They had no clasp so they had to be made long enough to slip over one’s head. The finished necklaces are very attractive. Whenever I wear one, I get compliments about it, even from strangers! They all find it quite difficult to believe that it’s made from comics! Of course, some were (and still are) entertainers. Many circus performers are Gypsies. In Spain, they dance the Flamenco. In Granada, there were once thousands of caves where Gypsies lived; because of floods, there are now only several dozen caves left where Gypsies live and work. Some of these are small cantinas where tourists can eat, drink and watch them dance. In some countries, Gypsies have taught bears to perform and take them from town to town. Many Gypsies are blacksmiths, farriers and horse traders. My one grandfather and his brother were both blacksmiths when they were young. My grandfather had made two very small horseshoes for my mother to play with and I still have them hanging on my living room wall. Note: The photos were taken from The National Geographic Society’s Gypsies--Wanderers of the World (1970) by Bart McDowell with photos by Bruce Dale and from The Romany Road journal. The Romany Road is published quarterly in England and is also online. It’s a very interesting and informative. publication about the Romany people. (“Romany” is the correct term for “Gypsy.”) Pg. 29

G.L. Giles writes the books, she reads the books, she reviews the books! She's also a movie reviewer, music reviewer and an interviewer. She regularly contributes to Psychic Times International, MetaCreative Magazine, AEA, Infernal Dreams and Target Audience Magazine. She's also been published in The Witches Digest, Pagan Pulse, Taralora, etc. As a talented and gifted lady she shares the creativity of her mind with all those who read her works. Her opinions, her questions and her ideas come from deep within and easily recognized as sincere and concise. G.L. Giles may also be considered a legend ahead of her time as she continues to dedicate so much of herself to us all through her work. As a wife and mother, she finds time to do for others. It is in our opinion here at the Psychic Times International that if anyone deserves recognition for her achievements in their professional and personal lives, she would deservedly get our vote! Now, get your mouse to clicking on the links below and get yourself an awesome read! G.L. Giles is the author of five books to date: Mind Your Ps and Qs (Poetry & Quotes) Days and Nights in Summerville V3: The Vampire Vignettes ReVamped V2:B4 (The Vampire Vignettes Prequel) The Vampire Vignettes. She regularly contributes to Psychic Times International, MetaCreative Magazine, AEA, Infernal Dreams and Target Audience Magazine. She's also been published in The Witches Digest, Pagan Pulse, Taralora, etc. For more information: on G.L. Giles or thevampirevignettesrevamp

Part 2 - CANDLE BASICS Candle rituals have been around for centuries. You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which you wish for and visualizing it coming true. It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the outcome. Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if they are done correctly and you truly believe. Depending on your goal, one of your first steps will be to choose a candle color that is appropriate for your task. Different colors represent different things, for example, if you want to use this spell to gain money, you choose a green candle, because green represents money (as well as other things). If you wanted love, you would use a pink candle (or red if it's actually lust you want). In candle magic, the two main colors of candles are white and black. Envision the white candle as the waxing to full moon and the black candle as the waning to new moon. For any calling purposes, use the white candle. For any banishing purposes, use the black candle. (Note: Always use candles that are one solid color throughout. Scratch some wax off to test this if you are not certain.) The different colors of candles each have their own symbolism. On the following page is a list of the colors and their meanings:

WHITE Associated with the Moon, truth, purity, protection, cleansing, divination, healing, contacting the gods, clear vision, spirituality, the Goddess, peace, higher self, virginity (which means that the woman's mind is her own, and not controlled by a man) and also white may also be substituted for any other color.

PINK Romantic love (remember that these should never be performed against another's will), planetary good will, healing of emotions, peace, affection, romance, partnerships of emotional maturity, caring, nurturing, morality, honor, friendship, quiet sleep, rekindling trust, and attracting new friends or lovers.

GOLD Worldly achievement, wealth, recognition, long life, The God, to promote winning, safety and power of the male, happiness, and playful humor.

BROWN Locating lost objects, home protection, pet protection, money, ideas, neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation, balance, influence friendships, and special favors

SILVER Divination, awakening different psychic powers (clairvoyance, telepathy, etc), astral projection, invoking the goddess, intuition, repressing unwanted psychic powers or visions.

GRAY Reaching compromises, invisibility, neutrality, and settling negative emotions.

RED Courage, love, fertility, increase life force, determination, sexual passion and potency, lust, survival, physical health, strength, pleasure, willpower, element of fire and the direction of the South, career goals, fast action, Blood of the Moon, vibrancy, and driving force. ORANGE Fertility, creative growth, self-esteem, confidence, abundance of all things, attraction, stimulation, energy, business goals, property deals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling and action COPPER Passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, and career maneuvers YELLOW Mental exercises (breaking mental blocks), gaining someone’s approval, improve memory, increase concentration, sharpen logic, The Sun, the element Air and the direction of the East, intelligence, accelerated learning, and selling yourself. GREEN Earth Mother, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, tree and plant magic, growth, element of Earth the direction of the North, personal goals, gardening, good harvest, prosperity, money, and good luck. GREENISH YELLOW Jealousy, anger, discord BLUE Create confidence, discover truth, expand mental horizons, success, protection and good fortune, opening blocked communication, wisdom, spiritual inspiration, calm, reassurance, gently moving, element of Water and the direction of the West, and creativity. DARK BLUE Depression and changeability LIGHT BLUE Tranquility, patience, and health PURPLE Meditation, power, business progress, ambition, past-life work, divination, astral travel, psychic protection, prevention of nightmares, remembrance for parted loved ones, influencing people in high places, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self assurance, and hidden knowledge.

BLACK Banishing, discord, evil, negativity, confusion, leaving a relationship, acknowledging grief, forgiveness, protection, repelling negativity, binding, and shape shifting. It’s also a good idea if you can match your color of candle to the appropriate day of the week it represents, (As long as the spell doesn’t call for a particular day). This helps to bring planetary energies to your goal. SUNDAY - ruled by the Sun…use yellow or gold candles on this day. MONDAY - ruled by the Moon...use white candles TUESDAY - ruled by Mars...use red or pink candles WEDNESDAY - ruled by Mercury...use purple or silver candles THURSDAY - ruled by Jupiter...use all shades of blue candles FRIDAY - ruled by Venus...use green, brown, copper, or orange candles SATURDAY - ruled by Saturn...use black or gray candles If you are conducting a magical ritual which involves two people (e.g. an absent healing for a person some distance away) then the second person can be symbolically represented during the ritual by another candle. All you need to do is find out the subject's birth date and burn the appropriate candle for that zodiacal sign. These are as follows:

ARIES - red TAURUS - green GEMINI - yellow CANCER - silver LEO - orange VIRGO - yellow LIBRA - pink SCORPIO - red SAGITARIUS - purple CAPRICORN - black AQUARIUS - all colors PISCES - mauve These are the starters for your candle magic to begin! In the next issue I will discuss “dressing the candle” and how to make your own homemade candles!

Pg. 31

Revan Smith

The Celtic festival of Samhain most likely is the source of the present-day Halloween celebration. More than two thousand years ago the Celts lived in what is now Great Britain, Ireland and France. They celebrated their new year on November 1, with a festival that began the night before honoring Samhain, the Celtic Lord of Death. This festival also marked the start of cold, darkness and decay; therefore, it quickly became associated with human death. The Celts believed that Samhain allowed the souls of the dead to return to their earthly homes for this one evening. In Ireland and Scotland people began to make their own versions of Jack's lanterns by carving scary faces into turnips or potatoes and placing them into windows or near doors to frighten away wandering evil spirits. In England, large beets are used. Immigrants from these countries brought the jack o'lantern tradition with them when they came to the United States. They soon found that pumpkins, a fruit native to America, make perfect jack o'lanterns. There is also an old story which can be found about how the jack o’ lantern got it’s name. You’ll find it on the “History” channel website at the-jack-o-lantern/history-of-the-jack-o-lantern.

Turnips, potatoes and beets were carved before the pumpkin was discovered in America by the immigrants. Pg. 34

The following story is a “excerpt” from that page . The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack." According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didn't want to pay for his drink, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree's bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years. Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carvedout turnip and has been roaming the Earth with ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as "Jack of the Lantern," and then, simply "Jack O'Lantern."

Got Ghosts? Las Vegas certainly has and many of them. There's an abundance of paranormal activity in this super hot, dry, and enchanting desert. Come join us on the south side of Las Vegas as we learn about a ghost who gets a home owner's attention by hanging a child's Barbie doll from the ceiling. Listen to a ghost who likes to play the ukulele on the north side of town. Meet the ghost of a grandpa in the area of Sunrise Mountain who won't leave until his new grandchild is born and a spirit in the Summerlin neighborhood who made contact with the residents by writing messages on their bathroom mirrors! Do you believe in ghosts? YOU WILL...after hearing about the specters of Las Vegas! 18 True Ghost Haunts Hunt for ghosts with the Las Vegas Society of Supernatural Investigations Visit ghosts at Nellis Air Force Base, a haunted park, a hotel, an unusual cemetery, and people's homes - both old and new. Tracie Austin-Peters Producer / Host For Let's Talk...Paranormal PO Box 34237 Las Vegas, NV 89133

Ashleigh has been doing photography for six years. Being focused on nature shots she is also does anything from group photos to weddings. Ashleigh can be contacted via e-mail at : and you can view more of her photos at

Ashleigh Goodwin 302-875-4062 Cell: 443-359-7389

Ground allspice is the dried fruit of the Pimenta dioica plant but is not, as some believe, to be a mixture of spices. It is brown in color and when dried resembles large peppercorn. For longer shelf life choose the whole fruit. The powdered product, although more convenient, has a shorter shelf life and loses some of the aroma. The Caribbeans use this in a great deal of their cuisine and is considered the most important ingredient. Some of it is used in Caribbean jerk seasoning (the wood is used to smoke jerk in Jamaica, although the spice is a good substitute), in mole sauces, and in pickling; it is also an ingredient in commercial sausage preparations and curry powders. Allspice is a must in Middle Eastern, Palestinian, Great Britain, Germany and American cuisine just to name a few. Many main dishes call for allspice as the sole spice added for flavoring. Allspice has also been used as a deodorant. Volatile oils found in the plant contain eugenol, a weak antimicrobial agent, Allspice is also reported to provide relief for indigestion and gas.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Crust 1/2 cup gingersnap crumbs Filling 2 lbs cream cheese; softened 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/3 cup all-purpose flour; sifted 1 1/2 Tsp ground cinnamon 1 Tsp grated nutmeg 1 Tsp ground cloves 1/4 Tsp allspice 1/8 Tsp salt 6 eggs 2 cups pumpkin puree Topping 1 cup heavy cream 1/2 cup chopped pecans Sprinkle the gingersnap crumbs onto the bottom and sides of a well-buttered 9-inch spring form pan. Chill until ready for filling. In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, salt, and eggs until smooth. Add the pumpkin puree and continue to beat until very smooth. Pour the mixture into the chilled spring form pan and bake in a preheated 325oF oven for 1 1/2 hours. Turn off the oven and let the cake stand in the open oven for 30 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely. Carefully remove the sides of the springform pan. In a chilled bowl, whip the heavy cream and spread it over the top of the cake. Sprinkle the chopped pecans on top of the whipped cream. Transfer the cake to a serving dish and serve. Pg. 37

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Twin Mattress - Good shape. Only used for about a month by a baby. $30 302-280-6881 ______________________________________

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Leather Jackets - $50.00 each Adventure Brand; Thinsulate - size M - brown Wilson's; Size M; brown Accents; black suede with fringes and Conchos; listed as a size L but really more of a size M Potomac Sport; split pigskin - size L - brown

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A grandmother who is raising her four year old granddaughter with the help of her husband, needs donations of old jeans to make rag quilts for other children that are being raised by family members other then their parents. Please call 302-492-8532 before 9 PM. You might have to leave a message. All calls will be returned. Donna Master Psychic Counselor is now booking parties and individual readings. Call her now to get your scheduled!

Carnival Dish - $30.00 ______________________________________ Hot Dog Cart - has three wheels; one in the front and two in the back, 5 ft. wide and 4 ft. deep. It contains three hot food sections, one for steam, one griddle and a cold beverage compartment. - $1700

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It’s free! And it’s seen throughout the world. Just send the name and date to: In Memory In loving memory of my best friend, Sophie. My faithful companion of seven years. Rest in peace.

Page 2

Would You Like Your Book Reviewed? G.L. Giles is now accepting your book for review! Remember, you must have it copyrighted and have an ISBN number. Please also understand it will be sent at your own risk since there may not be enough time to read all of them. To submit your book for review send it (postage paid) to:

G.L. Giles P.O. Box 812 Summerville, South Carolina 29484-0812

“Happy Halloween” from the Psychic Times International staff!

Advertise with us where the exposure is wide spread and the cost is so inexpensive it’s almost insane! We believe this newsletter is on it’s way to the top! We’d love to invite you to be a part of this phenomena! Call (302) 632-4064 or email: and treat yourself to a visit on our web site at: and for more information and our current rates! Pg. 39

Psychic Times International Donna Smith 241 W 7th Street Laurel, DE 19956 302-632-4064 302-632-7789 Email:

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