Psychic Times Spring 2008

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April 20, 2008 Vol. 6 - Issue 2

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In This Issue:

“Psychic Times International” is a different kind of newsletter. It is a collection of stories, articles and many other features that cover a diverse area of subjects. The Psychic Times International is a newsletter based in the Dover, Delaware area. We are also now known in the UK, Romania, Israel and many other countries around the globe! The “Psychic Times International” is best described as a New Age (metaphysical and paranormal) newsletter and covers anything from ghosts to how to make your own scented rocks. We include religious beliefs and customs as long as they are kept respectable. We feel the views of every individual should be treated with respect as it is an individual choice. Our newsletter is offered to the public for free and is supported primarily by advertising, donations and sponsorship.

We are a great way to get your business noticed! The newsletter itself has been around for over five years and has been spreading like wildfire since “day one”. We also have a free classified section. Categories include birthdays, engagements, anniversaries, wanted items, items up for sale, coming events, giveaways, and yard sales, etc.


Meeting Your Spirit Guide and Getting To Know Them


Reality Check - UFO - 101


Some Gypsy Religious Beliefs


Music Reviews


Forensic Palmistry - Carboxyhaemoglobinaemia


Modern Astrology - Learning Astrology


To Certify Or Not To Certify - Should Paranormal Investigators Be Certified?

10 The “G.L. Giles Files” - Book Reviews and more! 11 How To Raise Your Psychic Awareness 12 The Craft Den - Make Your Own: Dammit” Doll, Headache Relief Pot and Soda Can Tab Belt 13 Teen Scene - The Big R - On Economics 14


15 Herb Pantry 16 Numerology Corner 16 Revan’s Moon Phases 20 Recipe Corner

Quarterly Featured Articles

21 What’s Happening Here and There

Astrology Herb Pantry Moon Phases Recipes Numerology Corner And so much more!

22 This Day In History 23 What Does It Mean To Be a Pagan In Today’s World 24 Tree Huggers Of America 24 An Uplifting Journey Out Of a Depressed State of Mind 26

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Our Purpose: The Psychic Times International is a quarterly publication, with the independent mission of journalistic service, with the ideals of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and to provide a general overview of subject matter only to inform and educate the reader.

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Psychic Times International

Page 2

Meeting Your Spirit Guide and Getting To Know Them - Lady LavenStar Raene 2008

We all have a Spirit Guide or Guardian (some call them Angels) with us. They are there to protect and guide us and even offer comfort. I want to help you learn how to contact your personal Guide and even introduce yourself to him or her. For the purpose of this article, I will mostly be referring to them as Guides or Guardians, although you may refer to them as whatever you long as it is with respect. Everyone has a Spirit Guide of some sort...most people cannot see or hear them, but they are there, always near you, always loving you. The most important thing to start remembering is that as long as you know that they are there, then... they ARE there! It matters not what you call them or what they look like, just that your mind is open and receptive enough to embrace the fact that they are just as real as you and I.

*When you feel depressed: your Guide can provide you with healing, comfort, and enlightenment in your dark times. *When you need emotional healing: your Guide will provide you with courage and unconditional support. *When you're feeling alone: your Guide will find a way to let you know that he/she is there...and wrap you in their love, if you are willing to accept it. *When you need support: your Guide will not judge your problem as being too big or too small. If you request their guidance, they will be there, a constant shoulder to lean on. Contacting Your Guide 1. Create a sacred space: A peaceful spot just for you. You can use things there that are special to you like a soothing water fountain, candles, incense etc.

*Try sending out a heartfelt thought requesting their assistance.

2. Open yourself, become receptive: It will be hard for your Guide to reach you if your natural shield is negative. Put down your shield. You are CONSTANTLY surrounded by your own thoughts and emotions (whatever is currently going on in your life). If it's negative, than you may have certain feelings surrounding you such as: fear, hate, jealousy, depression or pain. Try to let go and take cleansing breaths so your Guide will feel more at ease with you; and, you with him or her.

*Meditate on who and what your Guardian may look like, then wait to see if they appear.

3. Relax: Just calm yourself. Breathe, relax and think about positive and soothing thoughts. Be in good spirits and STAY CENTERED!

*Before you go to sleep, spend your last moments awake concentrating on the Guide you want to meet and what purpose you need them for. (Remember to have a pen & paper close by to record anything you might remember upon waking.)

4. Concentrate on your aura: Imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of light...a color of light that is easy for you and your Guide to connect to. Some people use silver, gold, or the healing color blue. Now imagine breathing this color you chose in and out until you are encased in it's protective surrounding. This will make things much easier for your Guide when they go to find you and connect with you.

Guides are always available to comfort and support you and will help you when they know you are ready to receive their help. All you need to do is ask. There are many ways to ask your Spirit Guide for help...or maybe just for some reassuring contact:

*Contact me at Laven's Lair for more help if these don't work for you. Keep in mind that your Spirit Guide may change throughout life as you change throughout life...or you might have the exact same one all of this life. When you become in-tune with one, you'll know if he/she decides that their time is up with you and it's time to move'll be able to feel their presence backing away. Soon you'll learn that you have had a "new" one watching over you the entire time. There are some that have more than one Guide at a time...and then there are times when it will feel like he/she is ignoring you or acting odd. This can happen when you have been doing things that your Spirit Guide does not approve of. Just as if you have disappointed your best friend, they will shy away from you. You can fix that by mending your ways and getting yourself back on the right path! Take a look at your soul and make sure you like what you see,. If it needs cleansing, find out what needs to be taken care of on the inside and they will wait patiently. They might even help you out so things can get back to normal! Remember that your Guardian represents your own personal needs. You can call on them and quietly ask for help, no matter what the situation is. He/She can help you or inspire you or even make you laugh at very difficult times - always offering support and comfort,

5. Ask your Guide for confirmation: With your eyes closed, and when you feel ready, mentally ask your Guide to come through your protective aura and touch you. Expect anything - you never know)! You might feel something soft, or it may be just a feeling you get on the inside. You may smell something beautiful...yet hard to describe Maybe you will feel his or her hand on your shoulder. Whatever the unique sensation is, trust that it is YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE or GUARDIAN/ANGEL and that they are there with you. 6. Ask for a name: This part some people find difficult, and yet, some people also find quite simple. All you have to do is just mentally ask for his or her name and accept the first one you receive--no matter what it is! Don't second guess it. He or She probably just whispered it into your ear. Now, do you have anything you want to ask or say? This is a good time. 7. Always remember to thank your Guardian: not just for this meeting, although introducing themselves to you is something to cherish! Thank them for being with you all the time or whenever you feel them present. Psychics and Guides are like best friends because they work as a team. Most likely you'll hear a psychic saying “thank you� to her Guide. I know I do several times a day! Just don't take them for granted. Remember, they'll always be there as your companion, your friend, your Guardian....your Spirit Guide.

Psychic Times International

Reality Check UFO-101

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Welcome Our New Columnist “Paul Robinson” The Psychic Times International proudly presents our newest columnist, Paul Robinson, author of our newest column “Reality Check.” We’ve put in a little bio to help you get to know him a little better. Paul was born and educated in England. While living there he had three UFO sightings. He now resides in Tallahassee, FL and became a U.S. Citizen in 2006.

- Paul Robinson

So, what's this, huh? UFOs in a psychic mag? Well, the one thing you learn when you get into the subject of UFOs is that anything goes. The study of UFOs will lead you down many pathways: physics, cosmology, exobiology, psychology, parapsychology, cryptozoology, psychic phenomena, and on and on…

Paul holds a Combined Honors Degree in Music & Creative Writing. His main instrument is Electric Guitar and found that learning to play increased his interest in matters paranormal. After college he returned to his original 'skill-set', which is web development. Paul now works as a Systems Engineer and is considered something of a jack of all computer trades. Paul's interest in UFOs began in 1984 when he had his first sighting in Wales. This interest resurfaced in March of last year when he awoke from a dream, feeling that something was happening in the field of Ufology and that he should start reading as much as possible on the subject. The quest continues…!

But for now I'd like to start with the basics. Having read a lot of books on the subject I'd like to point the way forward for the interested reader. So, at the cost of sounding like I'm just trying to sell books for other folks, here is my list of the go to guys (and girls!) of UFO logical authoring.

Head on over - You won’t want to miss this!

• •

Richard Dolan - “UFOs and the National Security State” Timothy Good - “Beyond Top Secret” “Need to Know” • Nick Redfern - “A Covert Agenda” “The F.B.I. Files” “Cosmic Crashes” • Jim Marrs - “Alien Agenda” • Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt - “Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up” • Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood - “Clear Intent: The Government Coverup of the Ufo Experience” • Ann Druffel - “Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's “Fight for UFO Science”

Call Rena for more information.

There you have some of the very best ever published, so have at it! If you haven't delved into the realm of UFOlogy before, or even if you haven't delved too deeply, one must be aware that available information is littered with deliberate government disinformation. As with all paranormal subjects you really have no choice but to form your own views. For me, however, the question isn't whether UFOs exist or not. The question is: what does the government know? And why won't they tell us? Look Up!

Friendly, courteous service will be found when you meet Ken Wendler.

Psychic Times International

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Some Gypsy Religious Beliefs

- Marie Adams

Originally, Gypsies were pagans and some still are today. As they went from place to place, they adopted Christian, nonChristian (including Jewish) and other religious beliefs and practices, primarily to appear to be the same as their neighbors. After moving on again, usually these religious practices appeared to change again. Sir Edward Evans-Prichard said (in his preface to Trigg’s Gypsy Demons) the following: “Gypsies have had to assume for protection the guise of Hindus, Moslems and Christians, a cloak not uncommon among minorities. But a cloak for protection does not mean total pretense.” They tended to incorporate these beliefs with their pagan beliefs but kept them hidden among themselves. These outward professions of faith may have appeared to have been genuine but many of their pagan beliefs, practices, rituals, etc. have been passed down throughout the generations.

Saintes Marie de la Mer in the south of France has a statue of Sara Kali in its crypt. For three days in May, Gypsies from all over the world go there to worship her and have celebrations. On May 25th, her statue is taken into the sea and submerged. It then goes back into the crypt. Gypsies put jewelry and rosaries on her statue and some stay in the crypt all night praying to her. Many miracles have been granted, which have been accorded to her intervention. Many Romanies (Gypsies) today belong to a particular religious denomination but still have other beliefs as well, such as reincarnation. Gypsies are often believed to have psychic powers and many of them do, certainly more so than those of any other race! While some do give fake readings, the vast majority give “tatchi” or “true” readings and are nearly always “on target.”

According to Ray Buckland’s (a Romanichal or British Isles Gypsy) Gypsy Witchcraft and Magic, the Gypsies of Central Asia once worshipped the sun as the sun god, Obertashi and Scandinavian Gypsies worshipped the moon as the god, Alako. The Indian elephant-headed god, Chanti, is worshipped during the Festival of Ganesha, which celebrates the sun. Many Gypsies in the West celebrate it at about the time of the Wiccan August eve Sabbat, the Lughnasadh or as Shanti, the summer solstice. Buckland also says that some of the English Rom (Romanichals) worship Gana, who is believed to be similar to Diana. The Wallachian Gypsies call her Dina. Many Gypsies take an infant and sprinkle him/her with salt and/or incense and then name it. (Wiccans also often fumigate a child with incense.) In the old days, a Gypsy woman gave birth in a separate tent or on blankets underneath the vardo (living wagon). If a woman gave birth or if someone died inside the vardo, it had to be burned because it was “marime” or spiritually unclean. My own great-great grandmother was born on quilts underneath her parents vardo, according to my grandmother. The saint of the Gypsies is “Sara la Kali.” She is not Saint Sara of the Catholic church. Sara la Kali, according to legend, was a Gypsy who had a vision that the saints who had seen the death of Jesus would be coming and would need her help. She went to the sea and saw Mary Jacobe and Mary Salome coming in a boat but it was foundering because the sea was very rough. She saved them. The “la Kali” means “the Gypsy woman” as well as “the black woman.” (Because they lived in the outdoors so much, they tended to have dark complexions.) The church at

Dracula Tour is the great travel adventure which takes you to Eastern Europe's most infamous land of the unholy, Transylvania (Romania). For one full week, experience the ultimate monster haunted holiday with fellow fans, friends & followers of the macabre on a vacation that is scary, spooky, campy - but most of all - fun for couples, families and solo travelers, vampire lovers and vampire slayers alike.

Psychic Times International

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Highly Recommended Spiritual Jewelry Designer - Yaron Shaool

For anyone who considers the jewelry they wear to be much more than something of beauty, but who understands the power of symbols and intention and seeks truly exceptional designs, Ka Gold Jewelry is the best source of spiritual jewelry I have found. In addition to having an incredibly wide assortment of exquisite rings, pendants, and earrings, Ka Gold Jewelry is the only jeweler that I've seen who actively seeks new design concepts from customers, and therefore is constantly improving and expanding an already extraordinary product line. Some of my favorite pieces are the prosperity ring and the gold merkaba pendant, as these items are always noted and admired when I wear them, and I can feel a tremendous positive energetic effect from wearing them as well.

The University of Metaphysical Sciences offers you a higher education for spiritual unfoldment. Visit them on the web at: or call them at: 888-596-6382.


My three favorite items:

Livingston’s self-released third album, Blame It On The Margaritas Visit these specific categories: Sacred Geometry; Jewish jewelry; New Age jewelry; Merkaba jewelry; Kabbalah jewelry; Tibetan jewelry

Specializing in Reuniting Love Ones 773 - 776 - 5858 For any information call or email:

Spiritual Psychic & Tarot Card, Reader Julia Roberts Specializing in all types of readings Palm, Tarot Card, Psychic, Full life, Tea leaf, Readings by Phone or in Person.

Love, Marriage, Career, Health, Past, Present, Future

Spiritual Cleansing - Spiritual Healing Solves all problems - Answers questions

Mile Marker 24 Although Howard Livingston lives in the tropics, he was raised in the heartland. Born in the coal mining region of Kentucky and raised in Marion, IN, he first took up guitar at age six. He spent his teenage years playing in a band called “The Juveniles”, absorbing a variety of influences, from the Beatles and the Stones to Elvis, Hank Williams, Bob Marley and Muddy Waters. Once he reached the age of 18 he put music on the back burner and turned his attention to earning a more reliable living. He relocated to Chicago, studying engineering by day and working as a machinist by night. Eventually he started a business that manufactured precision parts for diesel engines, which subsequently occupied his energies for the next 22 years. In the early 90’s, Livingston began making regular sojourns to the Florida Keys, becoming so enamored with the area that he found himself gravitating there at every opportunity. Eventually he gave in to his wanderlust and decided to permanently relocate to tiny Summerland Key. The change in lifestyle prompted him to revisit his love of music, and after assembling Mile Marker 24, Livingston and company have become known as a Portable Party Machine. Livin' On Key West Time (2005), Meet Me In The Keys (2006), and Blame It On The Margaritas (2007) are all available on CD Baby and, along with quality gift and tourist stores in the Keys and other areas. Their fourth CD/DVD will be released in the Spring of 2008. The title cut "Blame It On The Margaritas" from the CD of the same name was announced as Trop Rock Song of the Year 2007 by Island Time Radio Show. To listen to MM24 and read his great reviews visit:

Psychic Times International

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This handprint was sent to me with the request for information of any sort with which to identify the owner. The finger-prints were unlisted with the police and he was officially listed as an unknown D.O.A ( dead on arrival). - T Stokes

The master palmist Cheiro in the early days of the “20th Century” could differentiate between nationalities by inter-palmer markings. But today when the races are so mixed, the same complex system rarely works. The skin coloration was what doctors call “Type 4”, maybe “5”, and the police call “Mediterranean in appearance” such things as a sun tan, vitiligo and a condition called “Dischorea” or unnatural skin coloration along with dermatitc conditions can alter your prognosis. I was given no information on the post mortem results. A full post mortem can take six hours and the cost means it is only done when necessary, and it is a verdict, not a death diagnosis. Some surveys give inaccuracies in autopsy reports as high as 50 per cent. Consequently, they wanted “my take” on the causes of death, or any peripheral information. My previous experience here is that if what you say coincides with what they want to promote, the police take notice, otherwise it is largely ignored. The use of palmistry is not common in Britain in criminal studies for court cases. However, the most noticeable palmer signs in the print was the sudden stop of the lifeline at age 47-48. Sudden stops usually signify sudden death. The bar at the palmer base coming from the fate line tells of being in vigorous health until outside forces claimed vengeance. (See interference of fate line). Incidentally, had the bar come from the thumb or Venus mount,

this would have told of a family related crime as in an “honor killing”. The head line is significant as it shows over imagination and depression. This could relate to the heart line curving from beneath the centre of the Saturn finger. This always shows a “purely physical or promiscuous” type emotional response which is hardly synonymous with smooth running or lengthy relationships. Add to this the horizontal relationship line under the little or Mercury finger with its downward curve and split end, remember as the line splits so does the relationship, alas both poor omens further complicated by the Via Mater or mother line crossing the thumb or Venus crease, coming up to interfere with this relationship line under the Mercury finger and we have the certain knowledge of motherly interference in his adult life, particularly in partnerships. This Via Mater or mother line links in to the four small lines under the Mercury finger, which are know as “the Samaritan lines” and depict someone who was pushed into working in the caring professions, probably medicine, by his mother. The palour of the hand shows someone who did not go out much in daylight. It is usually seen in shift workers. The seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.) is a particular kind of depression often linked to shift workers as is the cardiovascular difficulty. Arrhythmias, shown on the heart line, in recent studies shows a 50% increase in heart related difficulties in long term shift workers. Both the emotional infrastructure and the heart as an organ are symptomatic of the irregular heart line of the print, having its genesis under the Saturn mount. The thickness of the basal phalanges to the fingers and heavy padded palm show both over weight and possible cholesterol problems. In particular, the thickness of the basal phalange to the Jupiter or first finger is technically a sign of: liver intestinal or gall bladder difficulty, but here it shows the cause to be an alcohol problem that is exacerbated by the short first finger depicting an inferiority complex. These people cannot take criticism, and remember many psychologists recognize alcoholism to be a form of self harming. The heavy indications of maternal influence in all areas show, a suspicion of a critical and controlling mother, and of its connection to long term emotional stress. So we have what in essence is a fine example of the “cocktail effect” - the resulting combination of the low self confidence of the inferiority complex with its crippling feelings of worthlessness. There is also alcohol dependency and compulsive womanizing along with the early anxiety depicted - Con’t on pg 8

Directions: From Ocean City, Rehoboth and other points south: Come up on Route 1 North. Pass Kings Highway, bear right at the Exxon Station to Wescoats Road (look for the hospital signs) . Go half a mile, and we're on your left just past Marsh Road in the cluster of buildings with Delaware Rental. Visit Gossamer Hawk online.

Psychic Times International

Modern Astrology “Learning Astrology” - Carl Thompson, MAFA

As we have explored the values of astrology in this column, many of you may have the feeling that you would like to pursue learning how to create and read astrological charts. This is not a field that is exclusive and requires a teacher; any person with the desire to learn can do so at their own pace. My own journey down this path began with a book by Joseph F. Goodavage, entitled “Write Your Own Horoscope”, which is an excellent text to begin the studies of astrology. When I began with that book, the reader was cautioned that if he or she were to take the knowledge to the next level, an investment in several reference books would be required. These were necessary to create an accurate chart, which you could then interpret. I am sure that the latest revised editions now direct the reader to various astrology computer programs that are commercially available. Also, if the reader is interested, a very fine free astrology program is available at and is quite a complete program. With these resources, you can begin the journey considerably quicker than in years past. Once a chart is prepared, it will leave the beginner with a feeling of looking at a mass of information that is totally meaningless. The concept here is to separate the components of the chart and consider the effects individually and then attempt to create a coherent whole out of all of the data. We will cover a few of the major points here. The astrological chart is effectively a picture of the heavens at the moment of your birth. The horizontal line is the horizon. The wheel is divided into 12 signs, each of 30 degrees. Any planet in the lower section of the wheel was not visible, while

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any planet in the upper half was visible. The point at 9 o’clock is the position of the eastern horizon at the time of your birth, which is called the “ascendant” and is a very significant point in the chart. It has to do with how you express your self and project yourself into your environment. This point is defined by the moment of your birth and can be in any sign, at any degree of a given sign. Then, the same area is divided into houses as defined by the position of the ascendant and midheaven. Therefore, a given planet will be in a certain sign and in a certain house. The individual meanings of each position are beyond the scope of this article, but allow me to share a concept with you. Many astrologers like the approach of English language to provide an analogy to understand the meaning of these positions. The Planet is the noun, the sign is the verb and the house is the adjective. I tried using this to teach and was often told by my student “But I failed English!!” Given the fact that not everyone has an easy time with English studies, I came across another analogy that nearly everyone can identify with. Think of a planet (including our own Sun) as an actor, which represents one of your major psychological drives. Think of the sign that the planet is in as the role that the actor is playing. The house that the planet is in represents the stage on which the actor is playing that role. Finally, the aspects (angular relationships) between the planets represent the plot of the story. For example, if you have Mars, which you can think of as the Sylvester Stallone, or the Wesley Snipes of your character (the Ego), found in the sign of Pisces. The “role” Pisces would represent would be that of the cartoon character Charlie Brown. Either of those gentlemen would be horribly mis-cast into that role, but they are good actors and would do all possible to perform the part well. So, a person with that position would tend to insist; no, demand that he put himself into positions where he would end up either being taken advantage of or setting himself up to do without or be denied by - Con’t page 19

Psychic Times International Page 8

To Certify or Not To Certify - Debi Heaton - Lithia Springs, GA

This seems to be a hotly debated topic of the paranormal community these days: whether or not to become a “Certified Paranormal Investigator”. Many groups and individuals offer courses, both online and off, on how to conduct paranormal investigations or to be a ghost hunter, but you will pay for them. While there certainly are parameters already in place to help people learn how to use the electronic equipment as well as how to conduct organized investigations, what parameters are there on ghosts? Can anyone REALLY prove they exist? Of course, there are those who just know they exist because of their own personal experiences and then there are those who feel just as strongly that there are no such things as ghosts. But for those who “know”, or are at least willing to entertain the idea that ghosts exist, what qualifies them to certify others to hunt them? Paranormal investigations have only recently, in this past decade, become a widely accepted hobby throughout the world and the numbers of those conducting investigations have exploded over the past five years. Since this area is so new, no educational institutions offer this topic as a legitimate course with academic criteria. Again, who would qualify to be able to teach the course at this point? There have been a few people, such as Ed & Lorraine Warren and Hans Holzer, who have been investigating alleged hauntings and ghosts for many years, long before it became an accepted topic of conversation. Even Holzer and the Warrens’ disagreed all those years ago on each other’s methods of conducting investigations. However, they both got results and both have been able to help families. For that reason, whatever methods they did choose to utilize probably was neither right nor wrong, but it worked for them. Both the Warrens’ and Holzer are highly respected and well known investigators in today’s paranormal community; however, they are not and never were “Certified Paranormal Investigators”. Having minimum standards for conducting organized paranormal investigations with those educated in the use of technology can be a good idea to help get better documented results. Better documented results will lead to more acceptance in the scientific community. However, because there are so many grey areas outside of the concrete basics of paranormal investigations, can certification be justified at this time or ever? This area may never have a clear answer and will remain just as heatedly debated as the subject of orbs (and that's another whole story.....).

- Cont from pg 6

in what palmists call “the barbed wire entanglement” of the life line under the Jupiter finger, which as palmer-psychologist Carl Jung said of this band of constructs, “these features could point to the Oedipus complex”. Certainly we see emotional baggage or unfinished business here. In a violent hand these features always show aggression toward women. Finally each print I received showed the early difficulties of nocturnal enuresis, or night time bedwetting until about the age of eight years old. The curved line across the palmer base, in the urogenital sector is often a sign of waterworks difficulties, or even prostate weakness or similar, but in this case the subjects lax moral habits. It could mean a venereal problem. With the prognosis from a variety of clues I would deduce this man to be from the Indo-Pak sub continent. Anatomists tell us the length of the palm is normally one fifteenth of the height so this man is a stocky 5 foot 9 inches or close to, and his body type is “mesomorph”. Asian men of this muscular body type are usually “Brach cephalic” which means the skull width is 75 to 80 per cent of the height. These men are traditionally tough fighting men from a few families in certain villages, so with thought I should be able to say specifically which area he is from. I would say he is from the area of East Pakistan around the town of Rangour. Their employment is usually as wrestlers, bodyguards, soldiers etc. His hand shows a diet rich in saturated fats, so he is a Muslim or meat eater, as Hindus are vegetarian. The strain on him to go against his background and use alcohol as an escape mechanism must have been considerable since most Asians are blood type “B” which is largely alcohol intolerant. He was struggling to regain his emotional equilibrium after a difficult marital break up, (see the removal signs of a marital ring). A forceful mother would be the last thing he needs, while doing the hours of a junior doctor. Inherited signals in his hand suggest both his father and mother appear to be successful doctors and the pressure on him was too much. As confirmed on his life line, he took his own life while depressed. The state of the blood as shown in the nail moons (lunulae ) and fingertips tell tales of carbon monoxide poisoning, and is called carboxyhaemoglobinaemia. Thus tragedy overtakes him some short time before the age of fifty. The line attacking the life line at this age is brutally confirmed by the fate line being cut short, at the heart line junction, while intercepted by a damaged relationship line just a little prior to age fifty. Confirmation and final testimony is given by the health lines collision with the life line at this point. He was found after a short search, dead in an abandoned car, the hose from the exhaust still in place. “We all labor against our own cure for death is the cure of all disease”. - Sir. Thomas Browne “Happy palmistry” T Stokes copyright 2001

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Psychic Times International Page 9

Donna Psychic Counselor Tune in to Eagle 97.7 on the last Thursday of every month from 8 am - 9 am. Donna will be taking psychic questions from callers. So have your question ready and call in. Monday - $7.00

LARGE CHEESE PIZZA Tuesday - $6.50


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Call Donna to schedule your individual reading, party or overthe-phone or EMAIL reading. She has 40 years experience as a clairvoyant & clairaudient.

Need your dream interpreted? Call: 302-632-4064 or 302-335-8728

The Psychic Times International is a quarterly Metaphysical/Paranormal/New Age newsletter that is now spreading across the US as well as the entire world! We review all articles, stories, recipes, poetry and current events for submission. Since we can only list a few every quarter, we will be selective. We do not pay per submission, but reach over 5000 readers to date and will have a PDF copy for free download online. We do NOT charge currently for this newsletter, but do charge for subscriptions and individual copies to offset printing and shipping fees. If you love to write or have a great recipe, even have craft ideas (PLEASE SEND PICTURES/GRAPHICS WITH THESE IF YOU HAVE THEM), email us at: We will accept anything for review that deals with the paranormal, metaphysical, human interest, religion; just to name a few. WE ALSO HAVE A FREE CLASSIFIEDS! Have a birthday, anniversary or anything you would like to list under classifieds? Send it to us, we'll list it for you! When you place an ad with the Psychic Times International, we’ll not only place your ad in our physical newsletter, but we will include a “live” link and a “live” banner link in addition to link to your website or local listing online - at NO additional cost! Contact us for a price list . VERY REASONABLE RATES!

A true friend is one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart! - anonymous Bell, Book & Candle is your one-stop shop for your Metaphysical needs!

Psychic Times International

Page 10

The G.L.Giles Files

Review of Mystikka Jade’s “The Love Crisis Survival Guide” - G.L. Giles

My Review of Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc’s "Twilight Innocent" "Romance: Undead and Eternal Even in a Dystopian World" - G.L. Giles

From page one, I was drawn into another world. A darker one, albeit, but one of much beauty, angst, love and sadness. It’s a testament to the author’s ability that no loose ends remained as the storyline came full circle; it starts off with Chapter 1 fittingly entitled "An Escape" (where the reader is first introduced to a centuries-old Farayne living in the 21st century and remembering her former life), and the book also ends with Farayne’s final "escape" in Chapter 13. However, one may well forget where one started as the real story unfolds in the pages in-between. It’s full of interesting characters from different social walks of life which only serves to add to the depth of the book and make the reader more readily lost in another place. Aiding this welcome escape is the colloquial dialect frequently used. While this book can certainly be billed under both “Horror” and “Romance”, it’s much more than that. It covers many socially relevant ideas regarding religion and social classes that still apply today, even though the majority of the book is set in 1620. Farayne’s angst, largely caused by her father, and societal sexism also play a role, which many readers can relate to in their own way in this age as well. It’s a Romance in that it tells the sweet and believable love story of Farayne and Garrison. But don’t let the sweetness fool you, Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc writes with an erotic wielding of her pen as well. Some of the scenes were quite steamy, yet believably brutal (as it was vampyres mating after all) upon occasion as well. The perfect pain and pleasure combination!! Finally, this book was not without its share of humor. A subtle dark humor where humans are called "one-dimensions" and false men of God contradict themselves by their actions and words. I look forward to future releases... To follow G.L. Giles “Book Signing” appearances see page 21. Hear G.L. Giles “LIVE” on the radio as she is interviewed by Joey Ward, host of "Beyond the Boundaries Radio" Show on Thursday, May 22nd from 7-9 PM. For more information visit: and the West Georgia Paranormal Research Society (

“This is one of those books that will most likely have you thinking the entire time reading it; I wish I’d had this book when I was younger! Although, as the title suggests, it’s primarily geared towards readers who haven’t found their way out of “Love Crisis” yet, it is not limited to such. Those who are already in happy relationships can benefit from some enlightenment on how the process probably happened, and the practical love relationship advice can really be applied to those in business situations as well. For example, when reading about Ms. Jade’s advice on heartfelt forgiveness in love relationships, I found myself thinking I’d gone through some of the same processes of forgiveness in my business relationships. Many people, if not most, have felt overwhelmed one time or another in dealing with the emotions often associated with love. Ms. Jade meticulously identifies the true culprits of so-called love, such as ego and other lower energies, and does the seemingly impossible by offering practical remedies for eradicating them. Ironically, it’s pointed out that to be whole in a love relationship, one must first work on oneself and defining a larger purpose for one’s existence (and the larger purpose isn’t roping in a love-mate, by the way;-). I think one of the main reasons that this book is so beneficial is that Ms. Jade bravely tackles issues like dating someone who’s married, etc. without criticism of one’s position. In my opinion, truthfulness can only be reached in a judgment-free state, so this sets her apart from many so-called love advice doctors of this age. Last, but certainly not least, Ms. Jade doesn’t shy away from graphic and brutally honest examples of what disengagement from unhealthy codependency is like which is useful in ultimately coping with the situation because one can see that gutwrenching withdrawal is normal, at least for some time afterwards. Knowing this, and how to not repeat the disastrous actions taken before, one becomes empowered and can break unhealthy “love” cycles and search for what one’s inner being truly wants which is most likely discovering a life purpose.” For further information on The Love Crisis Survival Guide and to order the book, go to

Do you want your book reviewed? G.L. Giles is now accepting your book for review! Remember, you must have it copyrighted and have an ISBN number. Please also understand it will be sent at your own risk since there may not be enough time to read all of them. To submit your book for review send it (postage paid) to: G.L. Giles P.O. Box 812 Summerville, South Carolina 29484-0812

Psychic Times International

How to Raise Your Psychic Awareness Nathalie – “Healing From Heaven”

If you have read some of my past articles you know that I believe everyone has the potential to develop their psychic abilities. With that said, it does not mean that everyone will become a professional psychic. Just like everyone who has a voice does not become Pavarotti; everyone who plays an instrument does not become Mozart. Well you’ve got my drift! However, we all can have the opportunity to develop some type of psychic ability, but at different levels. In the past I’ve also said that I receive many questions on how to develop psychic abilities. You have heard of ESP (extrasensory perception), sixth sense, intuition, gut feeling etc. All of these terms basically are used to describe a psychic ability. In this article I am not just going to discuss how to develop psychic abilities, but what it means when you want to develop psychic awareness and what you should know first. A few months ago, I remember having a private session; the lady was very confused by her psychic awareness and a little bit scared. She did not understand it. She came to me thinking I would give her some "magical" answers; instead I gave her homework! I don't have to tell you that she did not like the session too much. This story brings me to these few points. 1. Psychic awareness takes studying! "What? Do you mean to tell me that I have to study it, like I did in school?". Yes, you have to understand it, and the only way to understand it is to study metaphysics. Understand how the energy intertwines with our physical world. Understand what metaphysical is. How does our physical body, personality and soul all connect together? Which role does each play. Studying is important. You are not going to learn by crossing your legs by yourself in your living room sitting in silence. You will learn by reading about it from professionals who have studied the non physical and physical worlds for years. You will learn from professional psychics. So if you are serious about raising your psychic awareness, start studying to understand it! A great book to start with is, "The Seat of the Soul". 2. Trust! If you don't trust your gut feelings, intuition or any other messages you receive, you will not be able to keep on raising your awareness. Start being aware of how you feel, what you see and what you hear. Keep a journal. Start just being. 3. Meditate! I cannot say this enough! MEDITATE! I can guarantee you that the person who did not like the session did not do any exercises and is still very confused on what is happening and how to control it. This is a major part to raising your psychic awareness. Learn how to meditate. 4. The 4 "Clairs"; Which one are you?

Page 11

Are you more visual, kinetic or auditory? As you raise your psychic awareness, you will be more sensitive to one of the 4 "clairs" and usually if you are more visual, you will be more apt to receive information through Clairvoyance. If you are more auditory, you may be more sensitive to receive information through clairaudience. Of course, just like your five regular senses you can use all of them. No one just uses just one sense. Clairvoyance: Power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. Clairaudience: Information is received outside the range of normal perception through voices, whispers and auditory impressions. Clairsentience: Information is received through physical sensations or smells. Claircognizance: The harder one to explain, actually it does not even show in some dictionaries. That is how it makes you feel, as there are no words spoken, your whole body confirms this with the meaningful message of the information just there. 5. Practice! You cannot raise your psychic awareness unless you practice everyday! Meditate everyday or close to it! Study it on a regular basis. If you want to learn Tarot, use them everyday; practice, practice, practice! You may want to tell your close friends of your new journey, so they are aware you are not just loosing your mind! :) 6. Psychic self-defense! You must always protect yourself and stay safe from a psychic standpoint. I will spend another article digging deeper into what psychic self-defense means and how to do it. What to expect at the beginning? a. Confusion! Information will start coming in spurts unexpectedly. And until you understand how to receive the messages the information may seem confusing. b. Control! Eventually you will want to learn how to turn it on and off! At the beginning this can be a real challenge! c. Learn how to communicate! If you receive negative messages, learn how to communicate them. Remember an old saying, "Don’t shoot the messenger"? Well obviously I don't want this to happen to you! d. You don't have to run around giving messages to everyone! Not everyone will be open to it, and you need to learn when to stay quiet. e. Expect to be judged! Even though psychics are accepted by more people now, still many will judge you negatively. I will stop this article by saying that increasing your psychic awareness is an incredible journey. Psychics are not one hundred percent correct; it is impossible. You will learn to accept that. We are not perfect! It is not because you are not correct ALL of the time, that you do not have the ability to develop your psychic abilities. Only people who expect the impossible, think that any psychics should be one hundred percent accurate!

The Craft Den Headache Relief Pots Materials Needed: 2 oz (55g) Beeswax 3 oz (85g)Shea Butter 4 oz (115g)Olive Oil

“Dammit Doll” by

INSTRUCTIONS: These Pots are great for traveling or keeping in your purse for those sudden headaches.

Materials Needed: Calico or felt Wool or doll hair Toy filling Sewing machine Felt pens

If you cannot get hold of Shea butter, then substitute the 3 oz of Shea butter with 1 extra oz of beeswax and 2 oz of either a massage oil base like Apricot oil, or use Olive Oil.

These make great little “Dammit Dolls” for stressful people. They can be thrown, jabbed, stomped and even strangled till all the frustration leaves you.

Once the bees wax is melted add all the oil's together including the lavender oil.

Attach the little poem to go with it:

Start by melting the beeswax and Shea Butter down in a double boiler method.

Now add the mixture to small lip balm pots or miniature jam jars. This recipe makes 9 0z (250g) of solid Headache relief balm.

When you want to kick the desk or throw the phone and shout. Here's a little dammit doll you cannot do without. Just grasp it firmly by the legs, and find a place to slam it. And as you whack it's stuffing out, yell, "dammit, dammit, dammit!" You need to create a basic doll shape and cut it out of fabric, you can use any color fabric you want, but if you intend on adding facial features you will need to keep the fabric light. Cut out 2 body shapes and sew around the edges. Turn the doll the right side out and using a pen push out any edges in the hands and legs till it is all turned the right side out.

Soda Can Tab Belt

Cut the cord into 2 lengths they should be about 10 ft long each. Tie the two cords together about 8 inches in from the ends. Step 1: Thread the cords through each hole of one tab. Thread on a second tab so it overlaps the 1st tab. Push the cord back through the holes of the second tab and the holes of the first tab. As shown in the picture below.

Then using your toy filling stuff the doll from the leg's up remembering to keep it firm enough so you can write against it. Keep filling the doll till you reach the head, then using some glue or a few hand stitches close up the head. Use your waterproof felt pens to draw on some facial features and glue on the hair along the head seam. You can add as much or as little detail as you want to your doll. For a pattern print out of this doll or for more awesome craft ideas visit:

Step 2-3: Turn it over and cross over the cords. Thread the cords (now crossed over) through a third tab. Push the cord back through the holes of the third tab and the holes in the second tab. Keep using this pattern until you have a belt big enough for your waist and just knot it when you get to the end. Leave enough cord or ribbon to tie the belt and cut off any remaining cord.

Psychic Times International

Page 13

not even get me started on the downfall of the dollar.



America has basically grown into two completely different worlds. There are really two economies. Although few economists will admit it, there is the economy of the rich which is where the side of the fence where everything is fine lays. And then there is everyone else. Personally, I believe that the latter has been in a recession if not a depression for at least most of my life time. Now if you truly think about all of this and really take America into account, I would have to say that our generation and every generation after is truly in trouble.

- Rita Jones Ok. So we have all heard the word thrown around. What exactly does it mean though? Technically speaking… The actual definition for RECESSION is a decline in real gross domestic product for two consecutive quarters. This is the usual definition the media may use. However, many people no longer go by that definition because it does not take everything that is going on into account. Another definition for recession that is a little easier to understand is defined as the time when business activity has reached its peak and starts to fall until the time when business activity bottoms out. This usually lasts about ten months. If you are not politically inclined or prefer not to have things sugar-coated, like myself, the next logical thought would be; “Huh?”. For all of us normal people, all of that fluff really boils down to a major loss of jobs leading to a huge loss in money and confidence. It is basically a huge slowing of the economy. The Nation’s production goes way down if it does not stop all together. I don’t know about you, but my next question was, “well what is the difference between a recession and a depression?” I mean I have heard of “The Great Depression” which seems to basically have the same symptoms as a recession, but on a much larger scale. So why doesn’t everyone just call it a mini depression? Well these questions have bothered me for sometime, so I did quite a bit of research. Guess what I found out? A recession is basically a mini depression. That’s it. I guess economists and journalists just like to confuse the average person. When business falls by ten percent or less it is a recession, if it is anymore than ten percent the time is considered a depression.

Now the real question and the reason for this article is what do we do about it? We are kind of in a lose-lose situation right now. The government is not doing the best of jobs with managing our economy. This is obvious. And as long as we have people in offices and high places who know nothing of hard work and continue to deny the economy that lives and works below the rich marker, things are not going to get any better. However, with a consumer driven economy we would still be beat because you have to consume which is obviously impossible when jobs are moving over seas and disappearing altogether. So that being said, is the government setting a trip wire for our Nation or do the ones who go before us truly not learn from their predecessors mistakes? And can we do any better?

Why wait to lose weight? See Ruth today! Call: 302-6451784 for more information.

Now that the research is complete I have come to the conclusion that there are always two sides to every fence. Depending on who you ask, one side says it’s all good as long as we are careful from here on out. They completely deny anything and everything. Then, the other side of the fence will straight up tell you that we are deep in a recession right now. Putting all of the jargon aside from people who spend their lives studying this and calling themselves economists, it all boils down to the basics; the above issues, the loss of jobs, money, confidence, and the literal halt of the economy. Plus, where is the production? We are importing everything! Because of all of this and other factors everything is going up in price and yet we are lucky if minimum wage goes up a few pennies. And do

Adams & Winters, P.A. - Call: 866-592-4018 Email:

Psychic Times International Page 14

Beautiful Spirit - Kirsty Taylor - Scotland, UK

I am a beautiful spirit With a delightful personality In reality it took me a while to see With my eyes open wide My ears on alert To catch a glimpse of the beautiful one inside I’m free and single Free like a bird With my wings open wide I have nothing to hide

Amatory kisses penetrating my soul lain all over my pulsating body Brought together as one we become Godly Thunder booms and rain streams down Soaking us as he erotically removes my gown Slowly at first not wanting it to hurt Then ravaging my temple it ends with a tremendous spurt Longing for more with each passing day Somehow I vow to make him no longer a stray Agonizing unity with insane craving Hoping each day he wakes to see I'm his last Maiden

The Mother’s Scapegoat Southern Regions - G.L. Giles

Lovely Gaia cried today As her kneecaps buckled in pain. The rest of her Massive Body placed all the blame On the Bent Cartilage of the fair Dame

Like a teacher I know I’m very bright I teach others And they teach me Together we teach in the right spiritual way We don’t shy away

So, her Southern Grids folded in shame Their Latitudes & Longitudes must be unworthy, lame

Like a small animal There is nothing I can say About the hurt that is going on But however I can show you my loving way

However, could it be that Terra Mater, Gaea, Disowned a part of Herself, part of her Nation?

The Angels tonight Told me what to write A short note from them and me Just to show how beautiful a spirit can be Beautiful Spirit©2008

The Last Maiden

Compared to the Mother’s other Geographical Locations with different locations

No way…Gaia laughed, as she treated her injured Knees With care, cotton-bandaged, she slowly stood saying, We are All ONE Transformation’s begun… Let all areas of Me Come together and see How love and true acceptance Allow Green Ways & Perspectives~~~ G.L. Giles©2008

- Nicole Warren - Olive Branch, MS

My love cries out hoping he will hear my call Grabbing, desperately trying not to fall Can he feel me does he know I'm there If he did his heart would never again despair I feel his breath lightly as he passes by Somehow knowing my passion for him will never die Pausing slightly to glance my way I wish he knew my thoughts go to him everyday Eyes bright dimples showing Reflecting me like I spent my whole life with him knowing He comes closer I pray that somehow we touch Goosebumps all over who knew I could feel so much Glowing with warmth as delicately he takes my arm Sliding down his fingers latching mine feeling no harm Eyes locked lips and tongue graze Turning my longing into a gentle craze

If you love to write short stories or poems send us yours!

Call Linda and Edward at 302-378-7789 or 302-736-5790.

The Herb Pantry

“How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince’s daughter”! - Song of Solomon 7 , New American Standard Bible

Tree Oil Treatment for Toe Nail Fungus Get ready for the summer season! Put your best foot forward this summer in your sandals or in the naturale’!

Tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree. Tea tree oil should not be confused with tea oil, the sweet seasoning and cooking oil from pressed seeds of the tea plant (drinking tea) Camellia sinensis or the tea oil plant Camellia oleifera. The term "tea tree oil" is also somewhat of a misnomer since Melaleuca alternifolia is a paperbark rather than a tea tree (genus Leptospermum). Tea tree oil or melaleuca oil is a clear to very pale golden color essential oil with a fresh camphoraceous odour. It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia which is native to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. The oil has beneficial medical properties (including antiseptic and antifungal action), and is also believed to have beneficial cosmetic properties.

Tea Tree Oil Hand or Foot Soak 1/2 cup warm cider vinegar 6 drops of tea tree oil Add one of these four essential oils (your choice) 1 drop sandalwood oil 2 drops peppermint oil 2 drops patchouli oil 2 drops thyme oil Add the three ingredients listed above (vinegar, tea tree, and your choice of secondary essential oil) to a basin filled with warm water. The water should be wrist or ankle deep. Soak your hand or foot for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Fungal Nail Lotion 4 teaspoons cider vinegar 1/8 cup (30 ml) of distilled water or boiled water 10 drops lavender oil 6 drops of tea tree oil Pour vinegar into a dark glass bottle. Add the essential oils and shake well. Then add the water and shake again. Swab affected areas with cotton 3 times daily. Shake well prior to application for each use to disperse the oils.

Fungal Foot Powder 2 tablespoon of corn flour or unscented talc 15 drops of lavender 5 drops of peppermint Put corn flour or talc into a small plastic bag. Add the essential oils. Tie or zip close the bag securely and let sit for 24 hours allowing the oils to spread through base. Shake well before using first time.

Nail Fungus Remedies You can apply 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil directly to infected finger and toe nails 3 times daily. For people who are sensitive to direct application of tea tree oils may try soaking their nails in treated water or applying lotion or powder on them.

Page 16

Psychic Times International

Numerology Corner

Revan’s Moon Phases

- Jason Russell

April, 2008 “Destiny” numbers are numbers that derive from all letters of your full birth name. “Destiny” numerology gives you a true reading of who you are and what you should be in life or gives you suggestions on how your life can turn out. To find out what your destiny number is going to be, use the name you’re given at birth. Don’t use married last names or the suffix at the end of your name. For example, let’s use my name, Jason Neil Russell. First add the letters in your first name: J=1, A=1, S=1, O=6, and N=5. This adds up to “14”. You then add the 1 and 4 together which equals “5”. You’ll then add the letters in your middle name like this: N=5, E=5, I=9 and L=3. Add those numbers and it equals “22”. You can keep this number as it’s a MASTER NUMBER or break it down to 2 and 2 equaling “4”. Finally, do the same with the last name like this: R=9 U=3 S=1 S=1 E=5 L=3 L=3. Add these numbers and then break the number “26” to 2 + 6 = 8. The final number is “8”. Now add all the number from the first, middle and last name. The number in this case is “17” which breaks down to “8”. When you add 1 + 7, it equals “8”. Here are the first three numbers of the Destiny chart. This is the last issue for this topic. The Destiny numbers are 7, 8 and 9.

April 20 - Full Moon (6:25am) - Seed Moon; Planters Moon BROWN April 5 - New Moon (11:55pm) Wind Moon

May, 2008 May 1 - Beltane May 19 - Full Moon (10:11pm) - Hare Moon; Frogs Moon - PINK May 5 - New Moon (8:18am) - FLOWER MOON

June, 2008 June 20 - Summer Solstice June 18 (1:30pm) - Full Moon - Partner Moon; Mead Moon PURPLE June 3 (3:22pm) - New Moon - STRONG SUN MOON

Destiny Number 7 (3+4=7 5+2=7 6+1=7) 7 The number “7” Destiny says that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be toward thought, analysis, and the development of a mind skilled at seeking out the truth. You feel you have to be accomplished at analyzing, judging and discriminating, so that little escapes your observation and deep understanding. In this you will become increasingly introspective and value your “alone” time. Destiny Number “8” (1+7=8 2+6=8 3+5=8 4+4=8) 8 The number “8” Destiny tells you that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be to move up the ladder of success in the material world to achieve financial security and status amongst your peers. They are also very ambitious and goal-oriented. If you are expressing the positive qualities of “8”, you are an good manager because you can plan, initiate and complete projects; you are very dependable and determined and focused. Destiny Number “9” (1+8=9 2+7=9 3+6=9 4+5=9) 9 The number “9” Destiny suggests that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be in humble activities; in compassion and in worldly understanding. You are living up to and growing toward your Destiny when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. You must be willing to help others. You should work well with people, for you have the potential to inspire.

I hope that the information about “Destiny” Numerology has been as helpful to you as it has been enjoyable.

In the next issue, the topic will be about how to find true love with numerology.

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Numerology Chart 1 2 3 4


6 7 8 9



























Here is a standard chart for your convenience.

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Presents “Voices From Beyond” &


Tarot Parties & Individual Readings Have some fun! You deserve it! Get your Full reading free when you host a party! Schedule your party today!

Call: (302) 335-8728 Email:

Donna has been in the metaphysical field for 40 years as a Clairvoyant & Clairaudient •


Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairesient

Tarot Readings on a spiritual level

Teacher on various levels of the

Dream Interpretation


Crystal Gazing

Healing through touch and color


Pathworking & Meditative Guide

Spiritualist, Medium & Channeling


Paranormal Research

A Bit About Beltane It is an ancient Gaelic holiday celebrated around May 1, the date also known as May Day. Historically, this festival was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. There were similar festivals held at the same time in the other Celtic countries of Wales, Brittany and the county of Cornwall. Beltane and Samhain were the leading terminal dates of the civil year in Ireland though the later festival was the most

important. The festival survives in folkloric practices in the Celtic Nations and the diaspora, and has experienced a degree of revival in recent decades. In Ireland during the Middle Ages it was commonly referred to as Céad Shamhain or Cétshamhainin. This term was also used in Scottish Gaelic and Welsh. In shortened form this term is Céadamh(ain) while Dia Céadamhan is May Day and Mí Céadamhan is May. -

Our Growing Business In a New Age World! - Donna Jackson

In over five years we have watched the “Psychic Times” take off like a rocket! When we began this newsletter was merely two sheets of paper stapled together to make a total of four pages. The idea was shared between two friends of many years, who, at the time were both starting their own separate businesses. They figured the cost of advertising was not yet fitting into their budget. In the following issue we added a few advertisements for friends who had already established their businesses. We then asked them to hand out our newsletter to spread the word about all of us. It went over so well, that we now have many volunteers, columnists and writers from all over the world that are dedicated to the cause and purpose of the “Psychic Times International” newsletter. As a Metaphysical/Paranormal/Wiccan/New Age type newsletter, we have incorporated many beliefs, customs and traditions to blend into a fun, informative and energetic, quarterly circulation. We are also proud to announce that you can now download your free copy of the Psychic Times in a PDF format for reading, distributing and printing in both black and white or color. Just reading this issue is convincing enough to see the success of this newsletter in the projected future. Let us know what you, our readers, think. Visit us at: and sign out guestbook. While you’re there, please send us a review that we will be posting in our newsletter. It is at this point that we are looking for sponsorship from those sharing the same vision as we do.

Litha Litha is celebrated and recognized on, or around June 21 of each year. The symbols are the solar disk, mistletoe, feathers and blades. It is also represented by the colors green, gold and yellow and by the herbs, chamomile, cinquefoil, elder flower, fennel, lavender, mugwort, thyme, and vervain may be burned; hemp, larkspur, pine, rose, St John's Wort, and wisteria. “Midsummer is the time when the sun reaches the peak of its power, the earth is green and holds the promise of a bountiful harvest. The Mother Goddess is viewed as heavily pregnant, and the God is at the apex of his manhood and is honored in his guise as the supreme sun. But don't overlook the Celtic Sun Goddesses in your celebration. The Celts are one of several cultures known to also have female deities to reperesent the power of the sun. The Celtic languages are some of the very few in which the names for the "sun" are feminine nouns, which attests to the one-time prominence of these Goddesses. A number of the myths surrounding these ladies of light have been preserved. Among the most wellknown are Sul (Anglo-Celtic), Dia Griene (Scottish), the Princess of the Sun (Breton), and Grian and Brid (Irish). Just as the Holly and Oak Kings battles for supremacy at Yule, this ever-repeating fight is reenacted at Midsummer, this time with the Holly King, as king of the waning year, victorious”. - "Celtic Myth and Magick" by Edain McCoy

Thank you for being a “Psychic Times International” reader! If you are interested in joining this exciting venture or just have comments for us, email: or call Donna Jackson at: (302) 335-8728.

Con’t pg 7

circumstance. Say this person had that position located in the 10th house. This would indicate that he or she would be the 10th house. This would indicate that he or she would be the perfect house. This would indicate that he or she would be the perfect employee, willing to spend long hours at work and being totally dedicated to the lifting their company to great heights. But, the actual realization of the wealth and resources would always elude that person, as he or she would always have unconsciously set things up so that everyone else reaped the rewards of their hard work. This leads to frustration with life, but often the person never realizes that they are doing it to themselves. This is where astrology can be such a tremendous help understanding one’s self. The above is but one interpretation of the position and as a person learns more about astrology, they will find that they will create different ways to express the meanings of the positions. It is a wide open field, available to all. If you have an interest in astrology, by all means pursue it, as it can be very rewarding.

This shot was taken on June 20, 2007 by Sandy Smith, one of G.H.O.S.T.’s investigators. The analysis is that they believe this to be the deity, Manannan Mac Lir, who usually shows himself at the edge of a forest around Litha. Among other titles, he is known as the protector of psychics and lord of the fairies.

Recipe Corner WILDMAN’S POACHER STEW ½ cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp. salt & ¼ tsp. pepper 2 lbs. of venison (chicken, etc.) in 1 in. strips 2 tbsp. of shortening (not oil) 6 cups hot water 3 med. Potatoes (peeled), 1 med. Turnip, 4 med. Carrots, 4 stalks of celery 1 bell pepper (optional)---all cut into 1 inch pieces. ½ cup dried sweet onion 1 lb. small fresh white button mushrooms cut in half 2 beef bouillon cubes 1 bay leaf Add salt to taste

Beltane Bread Preheat oven to 375 degrees, and combine: 4 cups of sifted flour 1/2 cup ground almonds 2 cups sugar 1 tube almond paste 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 5 eggs When dough is worked to medium soft, shape into flattened balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Cool, ice with white Solar Cross. You could try this as a single loaf. I also like to make an almond biscuit with biscuit mix, almond extract, sugar, cinnamon, and eggs, but in smaller proportions. (A lot of my cooking is unmeasured, which doesn't help for making recipes.)

Mix flour, salt & pepper. Coat meat with flour. Melt shortening (preferably in a heavy, cast iron Dutch oven; brown meat Ann Moura (Aoumiel)'s book "Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & thoroughly and add hot water. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat Herb Craft", page 218, Llewellyn Publications, 1996.) and cover; simmer about 2 hours. Stir in remaining ingredients and simmer 30-45 minutes or until Beltane Ranch Raspberry Syrup vegetables are tender. Perfect with a stack of pancakes, preferably ones made with buttermilk, To thicken stew, shake 1 cup cold water and ¼ cup of flour in a this sweet-tart sauce is also great to pour over waffles or vanilla ice covered jar until well blended. cream. Stirring the stew constantly, add the water/flour mix and heat to boiling. Boil for 2 minutes stirring constantly. Remove the bay 5 cups fresh raspberries leaf before serving. Serve with fresh rolls or bread. 1/4 cup of water 1 1/2 cups sugar In a non-reactive saucepan, combine the raspberries and the water. Lightly crush the berries against the side of the pan, then cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Strain the raspberries into a bowl, pressing down on the berries. Wipe out the pan and pour in the raspberry puree. Stir in the sugar, bring to a boil over high heat and cook, skimming, until the sugar dissolves, about 1 minute. Serve warm. MAKE AHEAD The sauce can be refrigerated for up to 1 week or frozen for up to 1 month. - MAKES 1 1/2 CUPS

“OLD” JOEY GRAY STEW RECIPE 4 large potatoes --more or less cubed 2 onions --sliced 2 handfuls mushrooms --sliced 4 large Tomatoes --sliced 2 cloves garlic --minced pinch of mixed herbs vegetable stock (1 box) optional---garlic; salt & pepper; ground peppercorn; oregano; celery salt; Parmesan cheese (grated), etc. *A lot of ground peppercorn will make it a bit spicy. Put all into a crock pot, cover with the vegetable stock , cover and cook. The longer it cooks, the better it gets! Delicious!

Cinnamon Rice 2 cups (500 ml) water 1 one-inch (2.5 cm) piece of cinnamon stick 1 cardamom pod, or 1/2 tsp (2 ml) ground cardamom 1 whole clove 1 cup long-grain rice, preferably basmati Combine the water, cinnamon, cardamom, and clove inn a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Add the rice and stir once. Cover and reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook covered for 15 to 20 minutes, until all the water is absorbed. Remove the cinnamon stick, cardamom pod, and clove before serving. Beltaine Recipies

Psychic Times International

What’s Happening Here and There

Page 21

This Day In History April

April 24, 2008 - 8 am - 9 am - EAGLE 97.7 FM radio Hear Donna Master Psychic “LIVE” and call in with your question! April 26, 2008 - 2 pm - 5 pm - Celebrate Beltane at Gossamer Hawk in Lewes, Delaware - bring a covered dish and join the festivities! Call 302-644-9669 for more info. April 26, 2008 - March For Babies - 302-225-1020 for more information. May 2, 3 & 4, 2006 - Old Dover Days - 302-734-4888 or 800-233-5368

21, 1836 - Battle of San Jacinto, in which Texas wins independence from Mexico. 23, 1616 - William Shakespeare English author, dies, on his 52nd birthday. 24, 1833 - Patent granted for 1st soda fountain. 29, 1813 - Rubber is patented. 29, 1852 - 1st edition of Peter Roget's Thesaurus published. May 2, 1519 - Leonardo Da Vinci artist/scientist, dies at 67.

If you live in any of these areas, you won’t want to miss G.L. Giles’ book signings! Check the location, date and time below! Waldenbooks - Broad Street & Bultman Drive Sumter, SC 803-775-6275 Saturday, April 26, 2008 - 1 to 4 PM Waldenbooks - 120 Market Street, Charleston, South Carolina 843-853-1736 Saturday, May 24, 2008 - 1 to 4 PM Borders -

850 Grand Central Mall, Vienna, WV, 304-424-6664 Saturday, May 31, 2008 - 12 to 3 PM

Waldenbooks - 5901 University Mall Huntsville, Alabama 256-830-0168 Friday, June 6, 2008 - 5 to 9 PM Waldenbooks - Columbia Place Mall 7201 Two Notch Road Columbia, SC, 803-788-6963from Friday, June 13, 2008 - 5 to 9 PM Barnes & Noble -Northwoods Marketplace 7620 Rivers Avenue North Charleston, SC 843-572-2322, Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 5 to 9 PM Waldenbooks - 120 Market St. Charleston, SC Saturday, July 19, 2008 - 1 to 4 PM List your non-profit current events here for free! Email us at

5, 1847 - American Medical Association organized (Philadelphia). 6, 1833 - John Deere makes 1st steel plow. 6, 1889 - Eiffel Tower in Paris, completed. 8, 1794 - US Post Office established. 8, 1886 - Coca-Cola 1st sold after syrup perfected by Dr John Styth Pemberton. 14, 1853 - Gail Borden applies for patent for condensed milk. 20, 1506 - Christopher Columbus explorer, dies in poverty in Spain at age 55. 20, 1874 - Levi Strauss markets blue jeans with copper rivets, price $13.50 doz. 21, 1881 - American Red Cross founded by Clara Barton. 23, 1430 - Joan of Arc captured by Burundians, who sell her to English. 23, 1785 - Benjamin Franklin announces his invention of bifocals. 27, 1647 - 1st woman known to be executed as a witch, Achsah Young in Massachusetts 31, 1790 - US copyright law enacted. June 8, 1824 - Washing machine patented by Noah Cushing of Quebec. 9, 1869 - Charles Elmer Hires sells his 1st root beer (Philadelphia). 13, 323 BC - Alexander the Great dies of fever at Babylon. 15, 1844 - Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber.

The Psychic Times International is currently seeking a volunteer writer for our “History” column.

29, 1863 - Very 1st First National Bank opens in Davenport, Iowa.

Page 22

Psychic Times International

I was sitting by my desk, thinking about topics for classes at my store. Many topics come to mind, but nothing seemed to “jump” out at me. I brought up this subject to a good friend of mine (who is not pagan), and she brought up this topic.

organic eggs! - I keep as many trees as possible on the land that I am blessed to live on. Trees block the sun and keep your home cooler! - I do honor other people’s religions and their chosen paths. - I do love the Goddess and the God, as I would honor my own parents. - I try to use cosmetic products that are cruelty free. - I do try to grow my own herbs and vegetables when possible. - I recycle my paper, bottles, plastic and cans. - I do a full moon ritual once a month and celebrate the eight holidays in the wheel of the year.

What does it mean to be Pagan - a “card carrying” PAGAN?

I guess I could just go on and on!

Many people are still very quiet about their choices in life, even to how they practice their religion or their form of spirituality. Many friends of mine are still in the “closet” about being a Pagan or being Wiccan. That is their choice, but not mine. I have the wonderful opportunity to be open about whatever it is that I do because I own my own business.

Once, a person came in and asked me why I was insulting myself by using the words “HEATHEN”, “PAGAN”, and “WITCH” to describe myself! In his teachings, he was taught that these words were an insult. He was shocked that I was proud of these terms!

What Does It Mean To Be a Pagan In Today's World? - Bernadette Montana

My sons also have choice as far as to what they believe. My oldest was degreed by me, because that was his choice, and I am proud of him because of that. My middle son considers himself to be agnostic (like his dad), but still is always looking. My youngest is still not sure as of yet. He takes in a lot, asks a lot of questions and is processing what he receives. They are fine young men, all of whom I am fiercely protective and proud of. Some keywords that come into my mind are; love, strength, happiness, comfort, inner confidence empowerment, and honor. Being a Pagan has helped to see that I have the ability to make a change in my own life, whether it is on a magical level or a mundane one. A lot of people come into my store asking very similar questions, but what I do most of the time is to explain what I am not: - I am not a Satanist (the term “Satan” doesn’t exist in the pagan world). I don’t work or believe in the devil. - I don’t walk around in black clothes all the time (though it is fun sometimes!) - I don’t sacrifice animals…or use them in any rituals (sometimes my dog does like to run in and out of circles)! - I don’t bash other Pagan traditions. - I am not evil, nor is my spirituality evil. - I don’t run around naked, except in the privacy of my own room (maybe) - I don’t have sex with others in rituals. - I don’t insult or blast other religions. People have done that for far too long in history to Pagans. I won’t do that to others! - Nope…don’t do the orgy thingy either! What I do….hmmm… - I do honor Mother Earth. I see the earth as a living and breathing organism. - I do believe that all animals have a soul, and should be treated and loved as we expect to be loved ourselves. - I do try to live as “chemical free” as possible. This means that no chemicals or bug killers are applied to my lawn. Two of my animals eat the grass on my lawn if the weather permits. - No bleached flour, raw sugar, recycled paper. - A friend of mine raises organically raised chickens, so I have

The word “PAGAN” actually means “country dweller” or “civilian” or “peasant”. 1: Definition: Refers to any of the pre-Christian, (usually) polytheistic religions, or those who practice them. Wicca is one Pagan religion, as is Asatru, Santeria, Voodoo, or Shamanism. The term “HEATHEN” is old English for Germanic paganism. 2: Definition: Among non-Pagans, the term 'heathen' just means anyone who is non-Christian. But Pagans use the term to refer specifically to those who follow a Norse or Germanic path. A WITCH was known as a “wise” person, an herbalist, a midwife or a medicine person. (I’m an Alexandrian Witch!) 3: Definition: A witch is someone who practices witchcraft (either male or female), regardless of their religious standing. Not necessarily the same thing as a Wiccan (someone who follows the religion of Wicca). These are words that I have come to embrace and be proud of. These words open up conversation and dialog, so that others will learn, understand and appreciate. Sometimes people appreciate the information that is given, other times, they don’t. As a Pagan, I’ve raised three fantastic sons, have a “metaphysical” store that I share with my best friend, counsel people, rehabilitate birds, rescued a dog, a chinchilla and a bunny (who think they own my home), teach classes, train special needs people (personal training) and am in love with the most remarkable man. What does it mean to be a “PAGAN”?

It means being a mom, a lover, a caregiver, councilor, herbalist, a cook, storeowner, and a woman dealing with today’s modern world who practices a very old way of worship. Bernadette Montana is a very eclectic 3rd degree Alexandrian Priestess, a pipe carrier in the Sun Bear Native American Tribe, professional Tarot reader, a mom to three sons, one dog, two parrots, a bunny and a chinchilla and owns a metaphysical store named Brid’s Closet in Orange County, New York. Brid's Closet - a WitchVox Sponsor

Page 24

Psychic Times International

Tree Huggers of America

An Uplifting Journey Out of A Depressed State of Mind

- Bahram Maskanian

We, the humankind, should always keep in mind that united we stand and prosper but divided we have been falling for many, many years. Let us learn how to unite and work together. Let us learn how to transform the information offered on our website, into action, in order to solve humanity’s major problems, one problem, at a time. Ranking number one on top of our list of major problems obviously is Global Warming. We must also keep in mind that silence solves nothing. It never has and it never will. Our silence will encourage more violence and corruption at all levels of society all over the world. And helps to defeat and silence the peaceful ethical voices of reason and common sense. It is our civic duty and moral obligation to get involved and never be silent to solve our many problems by simply casting the light of truth and exposing the source of the problem followed by enlightening, educational measures to solve the problem through a peaceful conflict resolution. There are only two ways of spreading the light of truth and hope. Either to be the source of light, truth and hope (the Projector) or be the Mirror that spreads and reflects the light of truth and hope to others. Which one are you? Next time you see the angelic smile of sweet little angels (our children running around) stop and think for just a minute. Think about what kind of a polluted home (planet earth) we are leaving behind for them. Please visit The Tree Huggers of America’s website and learn about what we can all do free of charge - right now - together to ensure a sustainable green future. Bahram Maskanian - Founder http://www.

“I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beechtree,or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines”. - Henry David Thoreau, 1817 - 1862

(g.h.o.s.t. ) ghost hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics Holds their meeting on 1st Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. If this is something you think you would be interested in, please come out and join us. Contact Donna Jackson (302) 335335-8728 Email:

- Lindsay – Brooklyn, NY July 19th, 2007 - Last night, I went to sleep with such heavy depression and sadness. The negative energy caused me to feel physically worn out. My body ached so much and my breath was so short, I could barely calm my nerves. And even though my relaxation CD was aimed to calm, the low volume felt as if it was being magnified second after second. All together, I felt like I was experiencing a full-body migraine. After a while I managed to fall asleep. At around one-thirty in the morning, I lifted (without turning over) out of my body. I floated through my bedroom door, out into the hallway and into the living room. Once I realized I was in the dark, I got scared and quickly floated back to get back into my body. (Funny, I wasn’t scared of the fact that I was out of my body, I was simply afraid of the dark!). My journey back was a bit of a struggle mainly because I rushed my movement. It seemed like the more I tried to speed up the slower I floated. Still facing the ceiling I reached approximately three feet above my body. And in a spasmodic manner my spirit began settling itself. I liken the action to trying to stop fan blades with one’s hands; the blades resist, but slowly give and stop because of the energy you are placing on it. When I finally got back into my body I took the next step to recovery and began forcing my eyelids open. Although I was still disoriented, I managed to open them just enough to see my arms stretched upward in a ninety degree angle with my hands folded together as if I had been praying. As I continued to come to, I gasped three to four very deep breaths. It was as if I was holding it for a very long time. In addition, I realized that there was a possibility that the positioning of my arms and hands were significant to my experience. Back to a normal mental state, I allowed my arms to remain in the praying position so that I could study what was left over from my experience. At this point I was so awestruck! I tried to leave my body again. I was able to begin the process by lifting up just enough to know that my spirit was separating from my body, but failed to actually get completely out of myself. In full recovery, I said out loud, “My prayer was answered; God let me leave my body during this great time of stress. I asked and the creator delivered. My God, I love you. Thank you, Azna, thank you, Om, thank you, thank you”. I couldn’t think of anything else to say except, “Thank you”. I am so blessed in this life to feel, know and experience “Home” so often. For this, I am SO blessed.

Did You Know….. - Bobbi Steele

There were many species of bees in the New World and there are recipes with honey in Sahagun's Florentine Codex. New World bees, however, were not particularly efficient at producing honey. The bee that produces most of our honey today was a European import. American Indians called them "white men's flies". Most wild (naturalized) honeybees in America today are Italian bees, but until the later 19th century, the typical American Honeybee was the German bee.

Classifieds Announcements: If you would like to join our volunteer staff here at Psychic Times International call Donna or Jason at (302) 335-8728 or email: or Listen to “Donna Master Psychic Counselor” LIVE and interactive on Eagle 97.7 FM, Jan. 31 - 8 am - 9 am. Call her with your question on the air! G.H.O.S.T. (Ghost Hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics) - meets every first Monday night of every month at 7:00 PM. Call: 302-335-8728 for meeting place.

Collection of "Boyd's Bears" Figurines - Will sell together or separately. Call for information. Marie W. Adams 302-732-6510 Clan SkyFeather - Native Remedies & Pet Alive Products (302) 331-6916 or Email:

FREE! List your items for sale here - call (302) 335-8728

Giveaways: Have something you no longer want or need?

In Loving Memory: Freelance Typesetting, Layout & Design - Your Whole Life Unveiled - or visit:

Anniversaries Donna Jackson & Sandy Smith - April 28 1 year of awesome happiness! Carl & Cathy Owens - 3 years

Birthdays: Wishing you the very best on your Birthday and throughout the whole year. “Happy Birthday”!

APRIL Sara Griffith - April 15 - 18 years old Niki Price - April 17 - 20 yrs old

MAY Marti Bowman - May 1 Rebekah Kerrick - May 14 Trevor Kaden Owens - May 20 - 1 year old

Remember your loved ones here - call: (302) 335-8728 or email:

Notices Grandmother who is raising her 4 year old granddaughter with the help of her husband. Needs donations of old jeans to make rag quilts for other children that are being raised by family members other then their parents. Please call 302-492-8532 before 9 PM and you might have to leave a message, all calls will be returned. Summer Sensations, 1st Annual Psychic Health Fair -Saturday, July 5, 2008 - 12 noon until 5 PM will be held at Gossamer Hawk in Lewes, Delaware - Call Donna at: 302-335-8728 or Dave at Gossamer Hawk at: 302-644-9669 for more info. Vendors - Tables are ONLY $20 each PLEASE reserve yours now, they are filling up fast! Pagan Pride Day - Dover, Delaware - Sunday, August 24, 2008 10:00am-5:00pm - Legislative Mall, Dover, DE - For more information email: or call 302-678-4545 or after 6pm call 302-331-6858. Visit:

Wanted: AUTHENTIC GYPSY (ROMANY) ITEMS Marie W. Adams 302-732-6510 Volunteers for the Psychic Times International Call Donna (302) 335-8728 or email:

JUNE Jaylin Skyler-Fox - June 14 - 11 years old Cathi Lynn Conomon - June 22

Sponsors for G.H.O.S.T (Ghost Hunters Offering Supernatural Tactics). - (302) 335-8728

For Sale: A SPECIAL “THANK YOU” 1 Dooney & Bourke black LEATHER "Notebook Palm Pilot Cover'" - Has one credit card compartment, one small notebook holder, 2 pen holders and the Duck emblem on the cover. 9" high x 6" across. $35.00 OBO. Marie Adams 302-732-6510 Igniting Ones Spirit - Tony Kenyon - $19.95 (301) 695-1707 or

Five leather coats/jackets for $50 - Call Marie at: 302-732-6510

To all of our writers from around the globe and those who submit their stories, poems, articles, recipes, crafts and wonderful ideas to us! We realize we are recognized because of you. We appreciate you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! - The Psychic Times International Staff

Advertisers/Distributors Delaware - Kent County We are always looking for new distributors. If you would like to be a distributor for “Psychic Times International” just call us at: (302) 335-8728 or email us at:

Bell, Book & Candle 115 W. Loockerman Street Dover, DE 19904 (302) 678-4545

Insight 146 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 (302) 226-2245

Donna Psychic Counselor P.O. Box 762 Frederica, Delaware 19946 (302) 335-8728 or (302) 632-4064

Rainbow Earth Foods 220 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, DE 19971 (302) 227-7215

Distributing comes at no cost to you and is free to your customers or clients.

South Dakota

Out of our local area? No problem, we now provide our newsletter in a PDF format at: chicTimesWelcome.html

G.H.O.S.T. P.O. Box 762 Frederica, Delaware 19946 (302) 698-4440 JNR Computers P.O. Box 762 Frederica, Delaware 19946 (302) 335-8728

Delaware Sussex County

Tony Kenyon 205 9th Street SW Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 880-8851

We invite you to be a part of this phenomenal family - the “Psychic Times International”!

United Kingdom T Stokes 89 Tennyson Road Kings Lynn, Norfolk England PE 305NG

Visit the “Metaphysical Center” Voices From Beyond7

Gossamer Hawk 1150 Wescoats Corner Lewes, DE 19958 (302) 644-9669

Qtzdijd!U jnft! Joufsobujpobm! Joufsobujpobm!

Insight 146 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 (302) 226-2245

PDF ONLINE Free Download & Print Out http://www.voicesfrom Welcome.html

Nutri System 5 Tenley Court Lewes, DE 19958 (302) 645-1784 Downtown Barber Shop 38 N. Walnut Street Milford, DE 19952 (302) 422-7739

Want to become a part of the “Psychic Times International” volunteer staff?

You’ll find our: Gift Shop G.H.O.S.T. The Psychic Times International Donna Master Psychic Counselor Hear EVPs

Call Donna at (302) 335-8728 Email:

To subscribe and have the Psychic Times International delivered to your door just enclose a check or money order in the amount of $20 and mail to: Donna Jackson P.O. Box 672 Frederica, Delaware 19946 or Pay online at:

The “Psychic Times International” would like to thank all of our distributors. &

Psychic Times International Donna Jackson P.O. Box 672 Frederica, DE 19946 (302) 335-8728 Email: Advertise with us where the exposure is wide spread and the cost is so inexpensive it’s almost insane! We believe this newsletter is on it’s way to becoming a magazine! We’d love to invite you to be a part of this phenomena! Call (302) 335-8728 or email: and treat yourself to a visit on our web site at: for more information and our current rates!

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