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Water World
2023 Prices And Guidelines
General Admission Tickets
Public general admission tickets range from $28.99 to $54.99 depending on date of visit and purchase method. Visit waterworldcolorado.com for additional ticket details and options.
With Hyland Hills Resident Discount Card
General Admission $21.99 + tax
Child $18.99 + tax
Senior FREE
Tots (heights under 40”)
Child (heights 40”- 47”)
General Admission (heights 48” and above)
Senior (ages 60 +)
Youth groups, family reunions, birthday parties, company picnics or any group of 15 or more save up to 35%!

Hyland Hills Discount Splash Pass
Monday-Thursday Value Splash Pass at a discounted rate of $49.99+tax per guest. This pass offers unlimited MondayThursday visits for the 2023 season! Seniors, ages 60+ receive a free any-day Splash Pass.
To receive the above Hyland Hills Splash Pass offerings, each guest must present their valid Hyland Hills Photo Discount Card at time of pass purchase (Discount Cards are not available at Water World). For the senior pass, a valid photo ID showing age is required. Passes are linked to guest and cannot be transferred. One Splash Pass may be issued per Hyland Hills Discount Card, per season. To purchase/receive your Hyland Hills Discount Splash Pass, you must purchase in person at the Hyland Hills Administrative Building. Pre-purchase reservations are required. For additional information, or to book your reservation to obtain your Splash Pass go to waterworldcolorado.com/plan/hyland-hills-discount/.
Passes available for purchase through May 25, 2023.
May 27-Sep 4, 2023
Times vary. Go to WaterWorldColorado.com for daily hours.
(Weather permitting. We will be closed some school days in August. Please visit website for complete operating schedule.)
8801 N. Pecos Street Federal Heights, CO 80260 waterworldcolorado.com
Public Swim Hours:
12-AUGUST 13
Jun 12-Aug 4 (M-F) 1pm-5pm
Jun 17-Aug 13 (SA/SU) 1pm-5pm (Pools may close early due to weather)
Limited/Rotating Pool Schedule Aug 7-Aug 13
Open Swim Fee: $4 per person Ages 4+ and $2 for guests with a Discount Card
Splashland Aquatics Center 3365 W. 67th Ave. ~ 303-650-7549
Carroll Butts Aquatics Center 9427 Perry St. ~ 303-650-7548
Check Out Water Aerobics Class On Page 34
Pool Rental: Great for Birthday Parties and summer get togethers! Have the pool to yourself on a Saturday or Sunday from noon to 1pm (up to 50 people!).
For Weekend Pool Party pricing and information please call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699.
Ages: 3-12
Session Schedule:
Session 1: Jun 12-Jun 23 (Mon-Fri)
Session 2: Jun 26-Jul 7 (Mon-Fri)
Session 3: Jul 10-Jul 21 (Mon-Fri)
Session 4: Jul 24-Aug 4 (Mon-Fri)
Time Schedule: Same for both pools
Carroll Butts: 10am-10:30am, 10:30am-11am, 11am-11:30am 11:30am-Noon
Evening Lessons: 5:10pm – 5:40pm (Session 2 and 3 only)
Splashland: 9:30am-10am, 10am-10:30am, 10:30am-11am, 11am-11:30am, 11:30am-Noon
Evening Lessons: 5:10pm – 5:40pm (Session 2 and 3 only)
Fees: $45 – All those who provide a Hyland Hills Discount Card at time of registration will receive $15 off the program fee. Registration begins online at hylandhills.org or in person on May 2
Swimming lessons will consist of one two-week session with 10 half-hour daily lessons. Each student will be tested the first day of class. Children must be 3 years old and out of diapers prior to enrollment in class. Lessons cancelled due to weather will be made up on Saturdays.
To register call 303-428-7488 or 303-643-5699, or in person at FIT by Hyland Hills.
Since 1999, the Hyland Hills Foundation has been funding FREE swim lessons for all elementary-aged kids who live within the Hyland Hills District. The “Be-A-Fish” Learn-To-Swim Program consists of a two-week course of daily, half-hour swim lessons given by trained lifeguards from Water World during the summer season at any one of the Hyland Hills two outdoor pools: Carroll Butts Aquatic Center, or Splashland Aquatics Center.

The Foundation fundraises throughout the year to fund the “Be-A-Fish” Learn-to-Swim Program and other recreation scholarships that are granted. We hope all children will learn water safety and develop a passion for swimming that will last a lifetime.
All swim lesson participants will be invited to participate in this year’s special event at Water World for the World’s Largest Swim Lesson on June 22nd!