2 minute read
Adult Sports Leagues
Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports around… we’ve got the courts!

Sponsor A Program
Area businesses, civic and school organizations are invited to co-sponsor a community special event with Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. Multiple events are held at our diverse facilities throughout the year. Call Joann Cortéz at 303-650-7644 for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities
Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District invites members of the community to participate by becoming a volunteer. Support your community and share your special talents with others. Volunteer by calling 303-428-7488.
New Class Ideas
Your creative input is important in developing new classes and programs, or improving existing ones. Please email your suggestions and ideas to info@hylandhills.org.
Special Disabilities Mainstream Program
Hyland Hills participates in a mainstreaming program to help integrate persons of all ages with disabilities into general recreation programs. To help facilitate mainstreaming, we encourage volunteers from the community to participate in a program as a helping “partner.” In most cases, the recreation partner participates free. If you would like more information on the program or on volunteering, please email info@hylandhills.org.
Special Olympics
This international organization offers training programs and competitions year-round to participants ages eight through adult with mental and/or physical disabilities. Sports include weight lifting, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, equestrian and aquatics. Participants pay either no fee or a very minimal fee, thanks to contributions and the efforts of volunteers. For more information on participating, coaching, volunteering or contributing, call 303-592-1361.
The Gift Of Giving
Trees, shrubs and flowers can be living memorials for important events in your family’s lives. Donated park benches, picnic tables and bike racks can also enhance your favorite park. New or gently used equipment gifts such as basketballs, soccer balls, toys or books are also appreciated.
Real estate bequests, memorial gifts, endowment funds, securities and cash are also options for contributing to the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. Please discuss your giving ideas with Joann Cortéz, 303-650-7644.

Americans With Disabilities Act
The Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District is committed to supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. If you have any questions regarding this act or are an individual with a disability in need of accommodation, please email info@hylandhills.org.
Hyland Hills Foundation offers financial assistance for kids!
The mission of the Hyland Hills Foundation is to promote and support the recreational and cultural opportunities of the residents of the Hyland Hills Park and Recreation District. One of the following forms of income verification will be required from the parent/legal guardian for all foundation grant applications:
• A copy of the Notification of Approval/Denial letter for free or reduced meal benefits from your child’s school.
• A copy of proof of participation in a Federal or State Government approved assistance program.
• If neither of the above can be provided the parent/legal guardian will need to provide a copy of the prior year’s Federal Tax Return.
Income verification will only be required once per calendar year. Certain programs are not available for foundation grants. Applicants must apply seven days prior to program registration deadline. Please allow two to three business days for approval of all grant applications.
For more information call FIT at 303-643-5699 or Hyland Hills Administrative Office at 303-428-7488.