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Qualicer congregó a 600 asistentes de 20 países

El XVII Congreso Mundial de la Calidad del Azulejo y del Pavimento Cerámico ‘Qualicer 2022’ (www.qualicer.org) cerró el martes 21 de junio sus puertas tras dos intensas jornadas que volvieron a convertir la Cámara de Comercio de Castellón en el epicentro de la industria cerámica mundial.

Con casi 600 participantes procedentes de 20 países, el congreso recobró el ‘músculo’ de antes de la pandemia y lo hizo en un doble formato: presencial y on line.

Las sesiones destacadas, ponencias, conferencias y charlas sirvieron para poner sobre la mesa aquellas cuestiones más relevantes en el sector cerámico, donde han cobrado especial protagonismo los asuntos que tienen que ver con la transición energética, las alternativas a las tradicionales fuentes de calor, los avances en la digitalización, la evolución en los canales de compra, la logística o aquellas cuestiones técnicas que repercuten directamente en la calidad del azulejo, entre otros aspectos.

Este congreso tuvo, además, dos momentos de especial significado en esta edición, como fue el homenaje realizado a System España, por sus 30 años de estrecha colaboración con Qualicer, y la correspondiente entrega de un premio que recogió el director General de la división cerámica de la compañía, Massimo Ferrari. Por otro lado, esta edición también sirvió para poner el epílogo a la trayectoria del hasta ahora copresidente de Qualicer, Javier Rodríguez Zunzarren, expresidente del Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Castellón y vinculado al congreso desde su fundación. La propia presidenta de la Cámara y copresidenta del congreso, Mª. Dolores Guillamón, durante el acto de inauguración, tuvo palabras de agradecimiento hacia quien ha formado parte de Qualicer a lo largo de las últimas tres décadas al tiempo que dio la bienvenida al nuevo copresidente y presidente del Colegio, Juan Vicente Bono.

Tras el cierre de esta XVII edición a cargo de la secretaria Autonómica de Economía Sostenible, Sectores Productivos, Comercio y Consumo, María Empar Martínez, Qualicer se puso ya a trabajar en el congreso de 2024, cuyos preparativos y primeras confirmaciones podrán darse a partir de la próxima feria Cersaie, prevista a finales de septiembre en Bolonia, que es la cita más cercana en el calendario internacional de salones que aglutina a la industria mundial de la cerámica y a la que seguirá, en febrero del 2023, Cevisama en Feria Valencia. ◆

Filtech 2023: Call for papers opened

Communicating research results, discussing innovations: In the congress area of Filtech 2023, the focus is on scientific exchange.

Dr. Harald Anlauf, Scientific Committee Chairman, during the opening of Filtech 2022

(Images source: Filtech Exhibitions Germany)

The call for papers for the series of lectures at the world’s largest event for the filtration and separation of all types of media has started. Interested parties can submit their paper proposal until August 31. When Filtech 2023 opens its doors again in Cologne from February 14 to 16, 2023, the organizer is planning well over 200 presentations.

The innovative power in the field of filtration and separation is strong. Particularly in air filtration, fine dust values and gases that affect the climate, germs that are harmful to health, and other impacts are leading to ever new developments. But also for solids separation and solid-liquid separation there are always new developments with the striving for maximum efficiency and higher qualities. At Filtech 2023, researchers can present their innovations to a professional audience: With more than 200 lectures planned in the congress area, the organizer again expects a wealth of impulses for research and manufacturing companies in the filtration and separation industry.

Scientific Committee ensures a program of high quality. The combination of congress and trade fair makes Filtech unique: visitors have the opportunity to experience the latest products and services from over 440 exhibitors live and can find out about current trends in R&D in the congress area. The high quality of the presentations is guaranteed by the Filtech Scientific Committee, chaired by Dr. Harald Anlauf (KIT) and Prof. Eberhard Schmidt (Bergische Universität Wuppertal): Experts from international universities, research institutions and companies review the submitted contribution proposals and compile a program that guarantees valuable information from all areas of the industry.

Prof. Eberhard Schmidt, Scientific Committee Chairman, during the opening of Filtech 2022

The congress at Filtech 2023 is divided into topics covering all relevant subjects. Seven thematic areas will be in focus: • Solid-liquid-separation • Solid-gas-separation • Filter media • Testing; Instrumentation; Control • Simulation and modelling • Product related processes • Membrane processes.

Application-oriented short courses provide information for technical personnel. In addition, the congress at Filtech 2023 will be dedicated to current industry trends such as selective separation, microprocess technology and nanofluidics, mist and droplet separation as well as biological waste gas treatment with biofilters. On February 13, already one day before the opening of the exhibition area, two focused 1-day courses will be held, which will also specifically address engineers, scientists, managers and other technical personnel who need applied knowledge on topics related to solid/liquid separation and fine dust separation.

The early call for papers also supports industry experts in planning their visit to the event: The Filtech 2023 conference program, including short summaries of all abstracts, will be published early on the website. Using the integrated search function, visitors can easily find relevant topics, authors, content, and affiliations.

The industry’s interest in personal exchange at trade fairs and congresses continues unabated. “At Filtech 2022, more than 14,000 participants took the opportunity to experience the range of products and services offered by the 386 exhibitors and the information from 200 presentations,” reports Suzanne Abetz from organizer Filtech Exhibitions Germany. “For the next Filtech, we are already expecting an even higher turnout, both in the exhibition area and at the congress. In a dynamic environment, Filtech proves once again that focused trade shows have a firm role as a regular industry exchange.”

The Filtech is the foremost industry event worldwide for showcasing the filtration and separation of all types of media. The combination of trade show and congress will take place at the exhibition center in Cologne, Germany. Everything visitors, exhibitors and speakers need to know about the Filtech as well as a list of exhibitors and lectures is available at www.filtech.de ◆

The leading companies confirm their presence at Tecna 2022

Tecna, the leading exhibition of technologies and supplies for the surfaces industry, will be back as a revamped in-person event in Rimini from 27 to 30 September 2022.

The technological offering is guaranteed by the participation of some of the leading Italian and international exhibitor companies who have confirmed their presence in 2022 (see www.tecnaexpo.com for the list of exhibitors). Some 30% of exhibitors are non-Italian companies, mostly from Spain, Turkey, Germany, China, Portugal, France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Greece, and the USA.

Tecna will have a new layout with two entrances, the historic South entrance, and the new East entrance. The 70,000 m2 exhibition area will offer a comprehensive overview of the entire supply chain and will provide an ideal opportunity for industry players to discuss innovation and the new prospects for production and the market.

The programme of business meetings organised in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency ITA is expected to be well attended, with buyers from all over the world keen to make new contacts and strengthen their existing partnerships with Tecna exhibitors. Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mozambique, the Dominican Republic and Vietnam are just a few of the countries of origin of buyers.

In 2018 Tecna was attended by 35,000 visitors who came to the show to discover the best of technological innovation for every stage of the production process, from raw materials and processing through to design and finishing.

Thanks to the intense organisational efforts made in recent years along with the high level of innovation achieved by exhibitor companies through their constant R&D investments, Tecna will act as a showcase of technological excellence and an international marketplace located in the heart of the most creative, innovative and technologically advanced country in the world of surfaces. ◆

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