5 15
Nº 282
Depósito legal B-993-1968 issn (papel) 0211-7975 issn (internet) 2013-6102 Editada por Publisher
Dirección General General Managing JORDI BALAGUÉ • jordi@publica.es JOAN LLUÍS BALAGUÉ • joanlluis@publica.es Ecuador, 75, entlo. - 08029 Barcelona (Spain) Tel. +34 933 215 045 / 046 - Fax +34 933 221 972 E-mail: publica@publica.es www.publica.es
Sumario / Content
Director de la Publicación Editor JORDI BALAGUÉ • jordi@publica.es Redactor Jefe Editor in Chief MIGUEL ROIG • miguel@publica.es Diseño y Maquetación Design & Layout ISABEL FERNÁNDEZ • isabelf@publica.es Publicidad Advertising RAIMON CASTELLS • raimon@publica.es Facturación y Contabilidad Billing and Accounting MAR MIGUEL • mar@publica.es Distribución y Suscripciones Distribution and Subscriptions suscripciones@publica.es Suscripción Anual (6 números) Year Subscription (6 issues) España / Spain: 77,50 euros + IVA Europa / Europe: 124,40 euros Extranjero / Abroad: 133,60 euros Portal Web / Website Registro anual / Yearly registration: 38 euros Impresión Printing Comgrafic - Barcelona
I. NOVEDADES / NEW PRODUCTS Alhambra Internacional, Tejidos Reina, Javier Larrainzar, Cuero Ko, Dedar, Tèxtil Tarragó, Textiles Latinos, Yute’s, Illulian, Nanimarquina, Gancedo, Misha, Essix, Alexandre Turpault, Groupe VDS, Lelievre, Hispano Tex, Rug Spirit, Altran Solutions, Sitap, Sandra Adrubau, Dickson... ... en / in...
Reservados todos los derechos, se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, de los contenidos de este número sin previa autorización expresa por escrito. TEXTILES PARA EL HOGAR no se identifica necesariamente con las opiniones y conceptos expresados por los colaboradores y personas entrevistadas, que son de la exclusiva responsabilidad del autor. “La Editorial a los efectos previstos en el artículo 32.1 párrafo segundo del vigente TRLPI, se opone expresamente a que cualquiera de las páginas de esta obra o partes de ella sean utilizadas para la realización de resúmenes de prensa. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra (www.conlicencia.com; 91 702 19 70 / 93 272 04 47)”.
Disponible también para Available also for
12 Invierno y Navidad Winter & Christmas 22 GROUP PRESSING PLUS
II. MAQUINARIA / MACHINERY ITMA 2019, Gerber Technology/Comesa, Jeanologia, Mimaki, Lindauer Dornier, Electrolux Professional, Kelheim Fibres, Stoll/Shang Gong, Spain at ITMA 2015, Zimmer Austria... ... en / in.... 24 Novedades y noticias New products and news
En este número…
In this issue…
Este número de Textiles para el Hogar contiene, sobre todo, multitud de propuestas para la campaña navideña. También hemos detenido nuestra atención en ferias (celebradas o próximas) en Europa o fuera de ella. A punto de dejar 2015, antes de terminarlo llega una nueva edición de la ITMA y por ello hemos dedicado un buen número de páginas al mundo de la maquinaria, con una selección de novedades. A la Opinión que firma Toni Prat desde hace décadas (¡ya lo podemos decir así!) y otras secciones habituales en la revista se une una nueva colaboración del Prof. Albert Vinyals, quien se ha centrado en esta ocasión en la inminente campaña navideña para elaborar unas interesantes recomendaciones. ¡Hasta el próximo número!
This edition of Textiles para el Hogar contains, above all, a multitude of suggestions for the Christmas season. We have also focussed our attention on festivals (celebrated and forthcoming) in Europe or outside it. On the cusp of leaving 2015, just before it ends, there will be a new edition of ITMA and therefore we have decided to dedicate a good number of pages to the world of machinery, with a selection of innovations. In the Opinion, signed by Toni Prat already since decades ago (and we can say so!) and other regular features in the magazine there will be a new collaboration with Prof. Albert Vinyals, who on this occasion has focussed on the imminent Christmas season to make some interesting recommendations. See you next issue!
IV. Y MÁS... / AND MORE...
36 Heimtextil 2016: ¡de martes a viernes! Heimtextil 2016: from Tuesday to Friday!
COMERCIO / COMMERCE 8 Cinco consejos para vender mejor en Navidad Five tips for improving Christmas sales Albert Vinyals Ros
DOMOTEX 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34-35
53 Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar: Buen estreno Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar: Good premiere 39 Largest ever Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: very glad exhibitors and buyers 42 MoOD: ¡Buen trabajo en Bruselas! Good work in Brussels! Carmen Gisbert / Miguel Roig 34 Señales de una edición Domotex 2016 fuerte e internacional Indications of a strong and highly international Domotex 2016
65 GUÍA DEL COMPRADOR BUYER’S GUIDE 56 NOTICIAS / NEWS OPINIÓN / OPINION 32 Pop-up stores / Pop-up shops Toni Prat
FERIA DEL MUEBLEDE ZARAGOZA 2016 . .15 GROUP PRESSING PLUS . . . . . . . . .21 + 22-23 GUÍA DEL COMPRADOR BUYER’S GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 LIVINGINTERIORS 2016 - IMM COLOGNE . .17 MASH - PRODUCTOS KOL - GRUPO FLEX . . . Interior portada + Pág. 3 / Inside cover + Page 3 MOROCCO HOME TEXTILE EXHIBITION 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 PUBLICA, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . .Interior contraportada / Inside back cover RISART - MUNDOTEXTIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 HEIMTEXTIL 2016 . . .Contraportada + encarte suelto / Back cover + loose insert
Cinco consejos para vender mejor en Navidad Albert Vinyals Ros Profesor de Psicología del consumo en ESCODI/UB y UAB
Ahora que llega la Navidad, vuelven las luces de colores (o no), los belenes, los papás Noel trepando a los balcones, los villancicos, los “Black Fridays” y, para los profesores de Psicología del consumo, las entrevistas para hablar sobre el consumo navideño, esta curiosa costumbre que mediáticamente ha acaparado el interés de lo que sucede durante esta festividad cristiana y que a muchos comercios les salva el año.
Así, debemos plantear las ventas, como soluciones para conseguir que lo regalado sea lo mejor para quien lo recibe Yo, que llevo 7 años hablando sobre Psicología del consumidor, me he acostumbrado a responder a previsiones de si “por fin” se volverá a consumir como antes de la crisis, o a analizar si es útil perseguirnos con villancicos ya a principios de noviembre para incentivar el consumo. De entrada, ya puedo responder “no” a ambas cuestiones. Para evitar preguntas repetitivas y ayudar a comerciantes (y, en parte, a consumidores), me he propuesto concretar cinco consejos para vender y comprar mejor en Navidad. Veamos:
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1. Al consumidor le encantan las ofertas, pero a tu margen de beneficio, no tanto.
Tras 7 años de cambio de hábitos de consumo debido a la crisis, estos se están consolidando y la cultura del despilfarro que tanto creció a principios de la década del 2000, se va transformando en cultura del ahorro, a pesar de seguir siendo muy consumistas, dentro de nuestras posibilidades. No tenemos una crisis del consumo, simplemente hacemos un consumo de crisis. Así, al consumir en Navidad, también se busca el ahorro, la oferta, el low cost, la venta on line, etc. Por ejemplo, el comercio electrónico preveía un crecimiento de hasta un 25% las pasadas Navidades (Adigital) y se cumplieron, con empresas como Amazon que crecieron más de un 20% respecto al año anterior. Este año ya se consolidarán acciones de descuentos como el Black Friday (27-11-2015) y cada vez nos sonará más el “Cyber Monday” (30-11-2015), que apareció en 2005 y en EE.UU. ya es una fecha marcada en rojo en los calendarios de los consumidores. Esta cultura del descuento permanente solo beneficia a las grandes compañías que pueden permitirse tener más stock, incluso líneas de productos a muy bajo precio pensados para que sirvan de gancho, gracias a comprar miles de unidades y a la mano de obra barata. Para el pequeño y mediano comercio, empezar con descuentos puede ser un error,
ya que las rebajas de enero pierden su fuerza, además de reducir aún más el margen de beneficio, cada vez más erosionado. Otras estrategias más allá del precio son posibles, si no que se lo pregunten a Apple, o Nespresso, que en plena crisis, sin ser productos de primera necesidad y sin descuentos, han crecido enormemente. 2. Esto no volverá a ser como antes, aunque seguimos en la “Champions” como consumidores navideños.
Y si vuelven a ser como antes... es que no hemos aprendido nada. Como se comentaba, los nuevos hábitos de consumo se están consolidando y parece que la confianza del consumidor no termina de remontar. Los indicadores sobre consumo han presentado tasas de variación interanual positivas, pero este último trimestre, vuelve a frenarse. El consumidor, a la que percibe una mínima situación de riesgo, contiene su gasto automáticamente y esto se ve en índices como la confianza del consumidor se frena, después de remontar a principios de 2014 (CIS, 2015). Cuando unos cambios de comportamiento afectan a toda una generación, se convierten en hábitos, tal como sucedió a la generación española que vivió la posguerra y cuyo consumo difiere tanto del de los jóvenes. Después de 7 años, ciertos comportamientos de ahorro, de racionalidad y de regalo útil se van a consolidar.
Hemos pasado de gastarnos cerca de los 1.000 EUR en compras navideñas en 2007, a gastar unos 670 por hogar en 2014. Una bajada muy notable, que se ha estabilizado desde hace tres años, pero si comparamos estas cifras con Europa, podemos sorprendernos, y mucho. Es evidente que somos un país muy gregario, que nos gustan las ocasiones especiales y las celebramos a lo grande. Esto se evidencia cuando vemos que en Europa la media de consumo navideño es de “sólo” 450 EUR, con países como Alemania que llegan justo a los 400 EUR, o Francia a los 531 EUR (Deloitte). ¿Será que seguimos midiendo nuestras celebraciones por el dinero invertido en ellas? 3. Sorpréndeme y entraré.
De momento, hemos visto hábitos del consumidor, pero… si no puedo hacer grandes ofertas, ¿cómo lo hago para que entre en mi tienda? Una de las claves es sorprenderle, ofrecerle algo inesperado. Somos consumidores de improbabilidades, lo que sale fuera de lo común nos atrae. Por ejemplo, si todo el mundo pone los “clásicos” villancicos, estos pierden toda su fuerza. Si en todos los escaparates está papá Noel, esto ya no impacta. Está bien recordar que se acerca la Navidad, pero vivimos en un mundo donde el comercio se está homogeneizando cada vez más debido al aumento de las multinacionales mundiales, y el pequeño y mediano comercio no deben caer en el mismo saco. Debemos satisfacer
las necesidades de los consumidores, pero hacerlo de una forma sorprendente. Las empresas pequeñas deben aprovechar que son más flexibles y pueden adaptarse debido a su menor estructura. Además, al tratarse muchas veces de ventas de proximidad, debemos aprovechar que trabajamos con personas y transmitir emociones positivas y con una sonrisa sincera ya basta, sobre todo en unos días donde se “vende ilusión”. 4. En Navidad compramos para los otros: dame una solución y pónmelo fácil.
Más del 40% del gasto navideño corresponde a regalos y, exceptuando cerca del 20% que son viajes, todo el resto se destina al consumo gregario. No compramos el mismo vino si vamos a cenar solos, que si vamos a hacerlo con los amigos o familia. ¿Por qué en casi ningún supermercado te dicen cuál es el mejor vino para quedar bien con la familia, para una comida o una cena, y solo los diferencian por regiones y precio?
beneficio puede suponer para el comprador: ser un buen regalo para adolescentes rebeldes, una experiencia inolvidable con tu pareja (cada vez se regalan más experiencias), el regalo con el que quedarás bien con tu abuela, etc. 5. Ante la saturación del consumo, la venta solidaria.
Uno de los “problemas” de quien va a comprar regalos en Navidad es la sensación de que el destinatario “ya tiene de todo” y perdemos toda la ilusión por comprar. En realidad, para mucha gente es un suplicio.
Así, debemos plantear las ventas, como soluciones para conseguir que lo regalado sea lo mejor para quien lo recibe y la comunicación y publicidad en el punto de venta, como un elemento que facilite encontrar esa solución. El proceso de compra y devolución deben ser lo más fáciles posibles.
Estos “problemas” del ciudadano del mundo occidental se pueden suplir con solidaridad y consumo más consciente. Gran parte de nuestra población tiene un consumo más que suficiente, por lo tanto, ante la bajada de ilusión de los regalos, se puede optar por destinar el dinero en tiempo con la persona que recibe el regalo, a fines benéficos, o mejor aún, implicarse en alguna acción social que realmente ilusione. Lo mismo se puede decir para un comercio. Si existe una acción social que sea de interés para el comerciante, puede destinar un porcentaje de su esfuerzo (económico, de tiempo, material…) a dicha causa y “vender” además de productos, valores. Esto funcionará bien cuando lo vendido y la acción social tengan relación.
Por ejemplo, al presentar el producto en el punto de venta, es interesante mostrar qué
Así que… ¡buenas compras y felices ventas nuevas!
Textiles para el Hogar 282 | 9
Five tips for improving Christmas sales Albert Vinyals Ros Lecturer of Consumer Psychology at ESCODI/UB and UAB
Now that Christmas is approaching, coloured lights are reappearing (or not), and also Nativity scenes, Father Christmases climbing up the balconies, Christmas carols, “Black Fridays”, and, for professors of the Psychology of Consumption, interviews discussing Christmas spending, this curious custom which, through the media, has captured the interest in what happens during this Christian festival and which, for many businesses, is the saviour of the year. I have been talking for 7 years about the Psychology of the Consumer, and have become used to responding to forecasts of “at last” returning to pre-crisis consumption, and to analysing if it is useful to pursue us with carols in November in order to boost consumption. I can reply “no” to both questions from the outset. To avoid repetitive questions and to help storekeepers, (and in part, consumers), I have put forward five tips for improved selling and buying at Christmas. Let’s see: 1. Consumers love offers, but your profit margin not so much.
Over 7 years of change in consumer habits due to the crisis, these have been consolidated and the culture of waste which grew so much at the beginning of the decade of 2000, will be transformed into a culture of saving, despite still remaining very consumerist, within our means. We don’t have a crisis of consumption, we simply have a consumption crisis.Thus, when
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consuming at Christmas, one is also looking for savings, offers, low cost, online sales, etc. For example, e-commerce had predicted a growth of up to 25% last Christmas (Adigital) and it achieved this with companies like Amazon which grew more than 20% compared with the previous year. This year discount actions such as Black Friday (27-11-2015) are already consolidated and we will hear increasingly about “Cyber Monday” (30-11-2015), which appeared in 2005, and is already a date marked in red in consumers’ calenders in the United States. This culture of permanent discounts only benefits large companies which can carry more stock, including product lines at very low prices intended to serve as a hook, by buying thousands of units and using cheap labour. For the small and medium shopkeeper, introducing discounts could be a mistake, since the January sales lose their force, as well as reducing the profit margin even more, each time more pared down. Other strategies beyond the price are possible, but you just have to ask Apple or Nespresso, who have grown enormously during the crisis, even without being essential products, and without discounts. 2. It will not be the same as before, although we are still the “Champions” as Christmas consumers.
And if it does go back to as it was before... it will be as if we have learned nothing. As remarked previously, the new consumer spending habits have been consolidated and it
seems that consumer confidence never ceases to rise again. Consumption indicators have shown positive annual rates of change, but this last trimester, they are slowing down. The consumer, to whom it seems a minimal risk, continues to spend automatically, and one sees this in the indices as consumer confidence slows, after tracing back to 2014 (CIS, College for International Studies, 2015). When some changes in behaviour affect a whole generation, they become habits, as happened to the Spanish post war generation and whose consumption differs greatly from that of the younger generation. After 7 years, certain behaviours of saving, rationality, and of the useful gift will consolidate. We have moved from spending around 1,000 EUR on Christmas presents in 2007, to spending some 670 EUR per household in 2014. A very notable drop, which has been established for three years, but if we compare these figures with Europe, we will be very surprised. It is evident that we (Spain) are a very sociable country, and we love special occasions, celebrating them in style. This is evident when we see that in Europe the average consumption at Christmas is “only” 450 EUR, with countries such as Germany coming in at just 400 EUR, and France at 531 EUR (Deloitte). Could it be that we still measure our celebrations by the money invested in them? 3. Surprise me... and I’ll come in.
Up to now, we have looked at consumer habits,
but... if I can’t do great deals, how can I make them come into my shop? One of the key points is to surprise them, offer them something unexpected. We are consumers of improbabilities, what appears out of the ordinary attracts us. For example, if everybody uses the “classic” Christmas carols, they lose their power. If Father Christmas is in all the shop windows, there will be no impact. It’s as well to remember that Christmas is coming, but we live in a world where trade is increasingly homogenized due to the global multinationals, and the small and medium shops mustn’t fall into the same boat. We must satisfy the requirements of the consumers, but do it in a surprising way. Small companies must take advantage of being more flexible and can adapt themselves because they have a smaller structure. Moreover, talking frequently about proximity sales, we must make sure that we work with people and transmit positive emotions and with a sincere enough smile, especially on some days when one is “selling hope”. 4. At Christmas we buy for others: give me a solution and make it easy.
More than 40% of Christmas spending corresponds to gifts and, excluding around 20% which applies to travelling, all the rest is
intended for social purposes. We don’t buy the same wine if we’re going to dine alone, than if we’re going to dine with friends or family. Why in almost no supermarket do they tell you which is the best wine to go well with the family, for lunch or dinner and only differentiate by region and price? So, we must increase sales, finding solutions for that which is given being the best for he who will receive it, and the communication and publicity at the point of sale, as an element which facilitates finding this solution. The processes of buying and refunds must be the easiest possible. For example, on presenting the product at the point of sale, it would be interesting to show what benefits the buyer can expect: to be a good present for rebellious adolescents, an unforgettable experience with your partner (they are always given more experiences), the gift which will be good for your grandmother, etc.). 5. Before customer saturation, sales support.
One of the “problems” of those going to buy Christmas presents is the feeling is that the target “already has everything” and we lose all enthusiasm for buying. In reality, it is an ordeal for many people.
we must increase sales, finding solutions for that which is given being the best for he who will receive it
These “problems” for the citizens of the Western world can be replaced with solidarity and conscious consumption. A large part of our population has a more than sufficient consumption, accordingly, before the lowering of illusion in the gifts, you can choose to give the money to charity together with the person who is to receive the gift, or better still, get involved in some social activity that really interests you. The same could be said for a shop. If there is a social activity which would interest a shopkeeper, he could assign a percentage of his effort (economic, time, materials...) to the said cause and “sell” values as well as products. This would work well when the seller and the social activity are linked. So...! great shopping and happy new sales!
Textiles para el Hogar 282 | 11
Invierno y Navidad Winter & Christmas HISPANO TEX www.hispanotex.com
1820 Nelion 45 gris. / 1820 Nelion 45 grey. DEDAR www.dedar.com
12 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
1835 Elbrus 10 rojo. / 1835 Elbrus 10 red.
TEJIDOS REINA www.tejidosreina.com
Devi. Boutí marca Libela. / Boutí, Libela brand.
Ikat. Funda nórdica, marca Javier Larrainzar. / Duvet cover, Javier Larrainzar brand.
TÈXTIL TARRAGÓ www.textiltarrago.com
FUTF N32. Funda nórdica. / Duvet cover.
FUTC 43. Cojines. / Cushions.
YUTE’S www.yutes.com
Abril. Estampado de 150 de ancho, 100% lino. / 150 cm wide print, 100% linen.
Turquesa. Tejido de 270 de ancho, 100% lino. / 270 cm wide fabric, 100% linen.
Textiles para el Hogar 282 | 13
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
Alfombras de viscosa de 160x230 cm. 160x230 cm viscose rugs.
LĂĄmparas con diferentes medidas y diseĂąos. Lamps in different sizes and designs.
ILLULIAN www.illulian.com
Design collection: Madama Butterfly.
Palace collection: Granada.
RUG SPIRIT rugspirit@hotmail.com
Alfombras. / Rugs.
14 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Alfombras. / Rugs.
Limited edition: Makan.
SITAP www.sitap.it
Venus metallic. Alfombra. / Rug. NANIMARQUINA www.nanimarquina.com
Alfombras Quill. Dise帽o: Nao Tamura. / Quill rugs. Design: Nao Tamura. ALHAMBRA INTERNACIONAL www.alhambraint.com
Colecci贸n Marais. / Marais collection.
16 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Altamarea beige. Alfombra. / Rug.
ALEXANDRE TURPAULT - GROUPE VDS www.alexandre-turpault.com
Embleme Fraise Libert茅. GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
Almohadones de diferentes medidas, composiciones y dise帽os, rellenos de pluma de pato. Cushions in different sizes, compositions and designs. Filling: duck feathers. DICKSON www.dickson-constant.com
Replay. Colecci贸n eco concebida de lonas de protecci贸n solar. Eco designed solar-protective fabric collection.
MISHA www.mishawallpaper.com
TEXTILES LATINOS www.tex-latinos.com
Bamboo Forest on pearly grey.
SITAP www.sitap.it
Altamarea blue. Alfombra. / Rug.
Vanessa beige. Alfombra. / Rug.
YUTE’S www.yutes.com
Ambres. Estampado de 270 de ancho, 100% lino. / 270 cm wide print, 100% linen.
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Kilimanjaro. Visillo de 280 de ancho, 100% lino. Sheer window curtain 280 cm wide, 100% linen.
ALTRAN SOLUTIONS www.altransolutions.es
Barras de cortina de latón de la colección Duero. Colores: pulido, pátina, cuero y acero. Brass curtain poles. Duero collection. Colors: Gold polished, fluted antique, leather and steel.
Barra de latón para escaleras. Diámetro de la barra: 16 mm. Brass pole set for staircase. Pole diameter: 16 mm.
DICKSON www.dickson-constant.com
Replay. Colección eco concebida de lonas de protección solar. Eco designed solar-protective fabric collection. SANDRA ADRUBAU www.sandraadrubauhome.com
Dark Winter.
20 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Granate oro.
Cairo plack plaid.
LELIEVRE www.lelievre.eu
CUERO KO ww.cuero-ko.com
Residuo de la industria salmonera chilena convertido en piel. Waste of the Chilean salmon industry transformed into leather.
ESSIX - GROUPE VDS www.essix-homecollection.co
Exclusivo sistema de control de producción unitario para pequeñas, medianas y grandes tiradas destinado a pymes y grandes empresas
Si tenemos en cuenta los retos de la fabricación moderna (producciones con repeticiones muy pequeñas, amplia gama de productos, plazos de entrega exprés, etc.) sabemos que el resultado es una solución de muchas soluciones: incremento de m2, externalización, más operarios, inversión en maquinaria más moderna y un largo etc. Nosotros te decimos: Eton Systems. Eton Systems: confección de productos textiles para el hogar Creando tiempo para añadir valor Eton Systems es un concepto flexible de aumento de productividad para las industrias de la confección y textiles para el hogar. Incluye tres elementos principales: know-how, software y un Sistema de Producción en Unidades (UPS, por sus siglas en inglés). Debidamente combinados y sintonizados entre sí, forman una solución excelente para aumentar su rentabilidad: - Know-how. Conocimiento y formación para optimizar su negocio. - Software. Información exacta y puntual para ayudarle a tomar las decisiones adecuadas. - Sistema UPS. Manipulación automática y fluida de todos sus productos a través de todo el proceso. ¿Es posible producir más artículos y mejorar su calidad en menos tiempo? El objetivo es racionalizar el proceso de producción, minimizar el tiempo de inactividad y aprovechar las instalaciones de la fábrica. El concepto se ha desarrollado y perfeccionado continuamente durante más de 45 años y actualmente existen más de 4.000 sistemas Eton instalados en más de 60 países de todo el mundo. Gracias a la menor necesidad de manipulación manual, una mejor visión general y control de la producción, el concepto de Eton Systems
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aumenta la productividad en un 30-100% y mejora la calidad del producto en un 40-150%. Además, nuestras soluciones ofrecen beneficios ergonómicos que se traducen directamente en menos cansancio del operario, aumentando así su capacidad y productividad. Use nuestro conocimiento para aprovechar al máximo su conocimiento Se trata de un software basado en módulos totalmente adaptable a sus necesidades. Le ofrece total trazabilidad y puede proporcionarle exactamente la información que desea: detectar áreas con problemas, capacidad de los operarios, tiempos de procesamiento exactos, etc. El software es fácil de utilizar y puede integrarse con terceros proveedores como GSD (Datos Generales de Costura) y MIS (Sistema de Información Gerencial). Si quiere que sus productos sean número uno, asegúrese de que su sistema de producción también lo sea - Óptimo aprovechamiento del espacio. - Flexibilidad con la capacidad correcta. - Fiabilidad y seguridad. - Generación de información útil. - Un concepto completo con tres elementos básicos que no tendrá éxito si no se combinan correctamente: • know-how - orientación de información y formación profesional. • software - software fiable para controlar y planificar su negocio. • sistema UPS - un sistema modular de producción en unidades adaptable a las necesidades individuales de cada cliente. Nuestras soluciones son útiles y adecuadas para una amplia gama de productos, desde los de confección hasta artículos textiles pesados para el hogar.
An exclusive unit production control system for small, medium and long runs aimed at SMEs and large companies If we take into account the challenges of modern manufacturing (production with very small repeat orders, a wide range of products, express delivery, etc.), we know that the result is one solution for many solutions: to increase m2, outsourcing, more operatives, investment in more modern machinery and length etc. We say: Eton Systems. Eton Systems: making home textiles Creating time to add value Eton Systems is a flexible productivity-boosting concept for the apparel and home textile industries. It includes three main parts: know-how, software and a Unit Production System (UPS). Properly combined and tuned together, they are an outstanding solution for increasing your profitability: - Know-how. Knowledge and training to optimize your business. - Software. Accurate and timely information in order to help you make the right decisions. - UPS System: Automatic and smooth handling of all your products through the entire process. Is it possible to produce more products and improve their quality in less time? The objective was to streamline the production process, minimize downtime and utilize factory premises. The concept has been continuously developed and refined for more than 45 years and today there are over 4,000 Eton systems installed in more than 60 countries worldwide. Thanks to less need for manual handling, improved production overview and control, the Eton Systems concept increases productivity by 30-100% and improves product quality by 40-150%. In addition, our solutions offer improved ergonomics so the employees are more productive and product quality is higher, with less physical effort. Use our knowledge to get the most out of yours We talk about a module-based software fully adaptable to your needs. It provides full trace ability and can give you exactly the information you want: detecting problem areas, operator capacity, exact throughput times etc. The software is easy to operate and can be integrated with third party suppliers such as GSD (General Sewing Data) and MIS (Management Information System). If you want your products to be number one, make sure your production system is - Optimal use of space - Flexibility with the right capacity - Trustworthy and safe - Generates useful information - A complete concept, because The Eton Systems production concept includes three cornerstones: • Know-how, information guidance and professional training • Software, reliable software to control and plan your business • UPS system, a modular unit production system that is adaptable to each customer’s individual needs. This concept result will fail, if the three cornerstones are not properly combined. Our solutions are suitable for a wide range of products, from apparel to heavy home textiles products. www.pressingplus.com
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Novedades y noticias New products and news ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL www.electrolux.it/professional
Designed to run 30,000 cycles, the new lab Dryer provides a reliable system featuring exhaust air temperature control, precisely controlled cooldown periods and dedicated factory-installed programs designed for ISO 6330. This results in: - guaranteed compliance with standards - repeatable results - trouble-free operation - ease of use Through its global network of dedicated experts, Electrolux Professional offers lab customers an annual calibration service following ISO 6330 recommendations to maintain consistently accurate results.
Lavado y secado para el laboratorio textil Washing and drying fot the textile lab Electrolux Professional sets the standard for washing and drying with an integrated system for textile laboratory testing. With the launch of the lab Dryer, Electrolux Professional offers customers a complete professional solution for the lab industry. The new Electrolux Professional lab Dryer is specifically designed and developed to guarantee compliance with ISO 6330 standard. Together with the Wascator reference washer it makes up an unbeatable duo: an integrated system for testing standards, fabrics and garments.
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KELHEIM FIBRES www.kelheim-fibres.com
Since 1969, the well-known Wascator FOM71 CLS is the reference machine for washing performance tests in the appliance industry and for textile-testing. Now, it has the perfect partner: the new lab Dryer offers customers (textile producers, large retailers, fiber laboratories and testing houses...) the same benefits in terms of durability, accuracy and reliability. “This is a unique solution that places us ahead of competitors,” says Eugenio Filoni, Global Segment Manager at Electrolux Professional. “Until now customers had to use modified domestic dryers in order to have them available at the lab. The FOM71 CLS Washer is already a leader and the new lab Dryer now completes the offering.”
Novedades en la ITMA: toallitas desechables por el inodoro y mezclas de fibras Flushable wipes and melange yarns: Kelheim Fibres to present new products at ITMA Viscose short cut fibres from Kelheim Fibres have proven to be the perfect raw material for the manufacture of wet wipes which meet the new flushability guidelines issued by INDA/EDANA (GD III) and can be conveniently flushed down the toilet - without clogging the toilet or downstream waste water treatment plants.
During the last few years the wipes producers have been developing a manufacturing process which masters the balancing act between the stability of a wet wipe in use and its disintegration during the flushing process in the toilet. The perfect blend of the raw materials pulp and short cut fibres is essential for the success of this process - in which short cut fibres are responsible for the stability of the wipe. In practice, Viloft® nonwoven short cut fibres with their flat cross section have proven particularly successful. They deliver the best performance regarding tailor-made flushability – and score at the same time with their quick and easy processability during the manufacturing process. Here, Kelheim benefits from their longterm experience in manufacturing short cut fibres for wetlaid applications. As a result, Kelheim Fibres has now been delivering commercial quantities of this speciality fibre for some time. Kelheim Fibres is the only European manufacturer of viscose short cut fibres, but the Bavarians offer more than just fibres with the ideal properties: Kelheim’s viscose specialities consist of 100% cellulose and can therefore be perfectly integrated in all wetlaid processes. After use, the fibres are completely biodegradable. Finally, you have a product which is conveniently disposable via the toilet without the danger of clogging it and which is not harmful to the environment. Another innovation from Kelheim promises benefits for the environment, too: Danufil® Proshade® is the name of an innovative new viscose melange yarn resulting from a development cooperation between Kelheim Fibres, Linz Textil and DyStar Colours Distribution GmbH. It is a blend of standard viscose fibres and Kelheim’s speciality fibre Danufil® Deep Dye. It is dyed subsequently and then according to the customer’s specific needs. This offers advantages for logistics and warehousing as well as for the dyeing process which can be carried out without the use of salt and deliver savings in terms of water, energy and time. The Bavarian fibre experts will be happy to provide more detailed information in Hall 08 at Booth No A141b at ITMA 2015. Kelheim Fibres GmbH is a leading producer of viscose speciality fibres and the most important supplier of viscose fibres for the tampon industry. Approximately 90,000 tons of viscose fibres are produced and tested every year at Kelheim in South Germany. These are used in most diverse applications – from fashion, hygiene and medical products to nonwovens and speciality papers. Innovative products, flexible technologies and a strong customer orientation form the foundations of the company’s success.
ZIMMER AUSTRIA www.zimmer-austria.com Zimmer Austria lanza la nueva Colaris3 y la Colaris Infiniti en la ITMA 2019 (pabellón 18, stand B112) Zimmer Austria launches the new Colaris3 and the Colaris Infiniti at ITMA (Hall 18, Booth B112) At the ITMA 2015 in Milan, Zimmer Austria -the specialist for printing and coating machineswill launch two new Colaris family members for the digital textile printing industry as well as their newly developed rotary screen printing machine.
Colaris Infinit SK 1800.
• Ink jet printing with extreme fastness properties. Zimmer will show first inkjet print results on cotton furniture-, curtain-, terry-towel and work-wear textiles with extreme fastness properties. This is a development project between DyStar and Zimmer and will lead to complete new applications using inkjet technology. • ChromoJET TableTop Printer is a small digital lab printer to develop new applications, processes and recipes using the Zimmer ChromoJET valve jet technology. New applications of digital coating and printing can be developed easily.
a) Zimmer Austria Kufstein / Digital Printing Systems • Colaris Infiniti is the “off-the-shelf” or “outoff-the-box” solution with a very attractive price. The 1.8 m printer can hold up to 8 colors and 32 SPT 1024GS printheads in total with dropsizes from 7 to 21 picoliter. The speed ranges from 520 sqm/hour at 360x360 dpi at 1 pass to 170 sqm at 360x1080 dpi at 3 pass using 4 heads per color. • Colaris3 is the 3rd generation of the high performance digital textile printer using up to 64 FujiFilm Dimatix Starfire heads with ink circulation system. Printheads are available in 3 different models with dropsizes from 10 to 250 picoliter and a native resolution of 400x400 dpi. The maximum speed of the Colaris3 will be 1.670 sqm/h and will cover resolutions up to 1,600 dpi. Colaris3 is available from 1.8 up to 5 m in width. Colaris3 in combination with ChromoJET digital in-line pre-treatment, drying or steaming fixation units - make the printer the most versatile inkjet workhorse to print textiles, terry towels, polyester fleece and other pile products like carpets.
b) Zimmer Austria Klagenfurt / Screen Printing and Coating Systems • RotaScreen TG/TU is the new developed rotary screen printing machine in modular construction and in approved Zimmer quality. It opens a wide spectrum of applications to cover actual and future market requirements. Top results with single- or multicolour printing on different substrates such as home textile, fashion, towels, blankets, automotive, technical textiles and innovative materials will be achieved. The Original Zimmer Magnet System Plus can be combined with closed (Type TG) or open (Type TU) printing aggregates; single or double sided screen drives; roll rod- and magnet blade squeegee technology. Both sided step less cross adjustment of printing heads enables also narrow printing on wide machines with up to 24 colors and 120 m/minute.
ChromoJET_TapleTop - Printer.
Colaris 2600 line towels I.
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ACR-5-control system permits easy handling, short set-up time, automatic repeat setting, design memory and quick reproduction of reorders. Main technical data: Printing widths: from 160 up to 340 cm; No. of colors: up to 24; Repeat ranges: 64 up to 102 cm; Production speed: 3 - 120 m/minute. • Coating Systems. The Magnoroll is a compact and robust multi-purpose coating machine for universal applications. The Original Zimmer Magnet System including electric magnet roller, high quality coating results with perfect uniform liquid-, paste-, lacquerand foam applications can be achieved on substrates such as textiles, paper, foil, nonwoven, fiber glass, tissues and innovative materials with different application amounts in widths up to 560 cm. The Magnoroll can be installed into an existing stenter coating line or as a special designed coating plant with web infeed, dryer and exit. The modular system allows a combination with: 1. 1 or 2 rotary screen printing aggregates, repeat 640-914 mm, for designed and full surface application with Zimmer roll rod- and magnet blade squeegee technology 2. Magnet roll direct coating and low-addon application 3. Knife coating with knife-on-air and knife-over-roll application technology 4. Slot nozzle device MagnoJET- and/or VarioPress for full surface foam coating. Contact or contactless single or double sided application in horizontal and/or vertical installation can be realized. Main technical data: Working widths: from 500 up to 5,600 mm; Executions: for water based chemicals or explosion proof execution for solvent based application mediums; Production speed: from 3 up to 200 m/minute. Jeanologia www.jeanologia.com Jeanologia presenta en la ITMA la primera planta de acabado de denim que garantiza ‘Zero®Ø’ contaminación Jeanologia is presenting at ITMA the first Jeans finishing plant to guarantee Zero®Ø contamination Jeanologia, a specialist in sustainable technologies for garment finishing, is making an exclusive presentation at ITMA Milan of The Zero Discharge
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Production Center, the first Jeans finishing plant that guarantees Zero®Ø contamination. Zero®Øtechnology recycles 100% of the water used, eliminating the need for water treatment and also the use of pumice stone. The Zero Discharge Production Center will revolutionise the textile industry because, for the first time ever, a Denim treatment plant will achieve Zero®Ø waste, thanks to the efficient combination of Jeanologia’s three technologies: the light of the laser, wet and dry Ozone G2, and the nanobubbles of the reactor eFlow. And Zero®Ø means zero. After 20 years researching and developing technological solutions for the textile industry, Jeanologia is today able to present the first ever Jeans finishing plant that recycles water and avoids any use of pumice stone, optimising the complete process yet with zero concessions on the “final look”. The combination of the company’s laser, G2, and eFlow technologies reduces water consumption by 90%, the use of chemicals by 90%, and energy consumption by 50%. For Jeanologia’s CEO, Enrique Silla, the introduction of the The Zero®Ø “represents a revolution in the textile industry” because “at Jeanologia we have managed to transform the way that jeans are produced, by way of technologies that reduce the use of water, chemicals, and energy, and we are now taking this transformation a step further with our Zero®Ø technology, which recycles the water used and eliminates any waste.” The Denim industry currently uses around 350 million m3 of water, and Jeanologia’s intelligent treatment plant Zero®Ø will achieve a water saving of 315 million m3. Jeanologia believes that by 2020 80% of global production will be generated by zero discharge centers. The Spanish company’s technological innovations have made it the world’s leading player in sustainable and efficient solutions for the garment finishing sector; and with Zero®Ø, it is now making advances in the optimisation of production processes, in the reduction of waiting
times, and in the adaptation to large and smaller scale production. Jeanologia is helping to improve transparency in the textile industry, which at times has been accused of archaic and pollutant production processes. The technological innovation provided by The Zero Discharge Production Center is key when it comes to certifying an industry as sustainable. We are living in a new industrial era, in which automation, sustainability and the intelligent recycling of water will help to make the textile industry a model of transparency, innovation and sustainable practices. Jeanologia is the world’s leading player in sustainable and efficient technologies for the textile finishing industry. Since 1993, its mission has been to improve the industry through its technology and knowhow. Its laser, Ozone G2, and e-Flow systems have revolutionized the textile industry, offering endless possibilities in garment finishing and design, while at the same time saving water, energy, and chemicals, and eliminating harmful waste and emissions. Jeanologia’s clients are based in the 5 continents, and its exports of machines and services account
for 90% of its turnover. It sells its products in 45 countries. The market’s leading brands, such as Levi’s, Polo Jeans, Abercrombie & Fitch, Edwin Japan, Pepe Jeans, Diesel, Hilfiger Denim, Salsa jeans, Jack & Jones, and Replay, as well as retailers including GAP, Uniqlo, and H&M, put their trust in Jeanologia, using the technology it has developed. Mimaki www.mimakieurope.com Impresión textil a toda máquina: Mimaki presenta una nueva impresora textil directa por inyección de tinta en la ITMA Presto textile printing: Mimaki unveils new direct textile inkjet printer at ITMA Mimaki, a leading manufacturer of wide-format
inkjet printers, announced on October 20th that it will be introducing a brand-new directto-textile inkjet printer at ITMA 2015 in Milan, Italy (November 12-19). ITMA is the world’s most established textile and garment machinery exhibition, bringing together industry leaders for a discussion on emerging trends and innovative solutions. In Hall 18, Stand C104, Mimaki will debut the Mimaki TX300P-1800, an innovative 1.8 m roll-to-roll direct-to-textile inkjet printer. Its predecessor, the Tx2-1600, has been used for textile printing worldwide for the last 14 years. “The TX300P-1800 is designed to meet the market demand for smaller lot sizes, faster delivery times and the ability to quickly produce samples,” says Mike Horsten, General Manager Marketing of Mimaki EMEA. “We are also mindful of the shift in textile production from both analog to digital and from centralized to distributed production. We envision a day not too far in the future when consumers will be able to download or create their own patterns rather than being limited to commercially available designs. The TX300P-1800, which is available with a variety of ink types and produces very high
quality, is ideal for this new distributed model of textile printing.” Future-proof technical features: Designed specifically for direct-to-textile printing, the Mimaki TX300P-1800 8-colour inkjet printer features a new printhead that ejects ink droplets at high speed to ensure accurate ink droplet placement with a high head gap. This makes the printer ideal for printing high quality images on all types of fabrics, including thicker and textured materials. Other features include: • Print resolution of up to 1,080 dpi with drop sizes ranging from 6 to 24 pl. Small droplets create beautiful high-resolution printing, and large droplets are useful for high-speed printing. • Print speeds more than twice as fast as that of a conventional printer at up to max 68 m2/hour. • Stable textile transport that maintains optimum tension, based on Mimaki’s unique and reliable techniques developed over years of textile inkjet printer research and development. • A choice of sublimation dye, disperse dye, pigment, reactive dye, and acid dye inks to meet a wide range of application needs. Sublimation dye inks are available at commercial launch with other inks following soon. 2 l ink packs are available for uninterrupted printing on longer runs. • Uninterrupted printing with automatic detection and cleaning of clogged nozzles. The Nozzle Recovery System ensures that good nozzles are used as substitutes when clogged nozzles are not recovered after cleaning. • A choice of powerful digital front ends, including standard Mimaki RasterLink6 or the TxLink3 Lite. The latter offers simple RGB and CMYK colour replacement on raster and vector data to more accurately achieve corporate and other special colours, as well as the ability to produce different colour patterns. • Production of large, seamless patterns from a single image, including repeat and mirror patterns. • Simple creation of multi-colour ICC profiles using Mimaki’s unique profile Wizard. “We are looking forward to hearing what ITMA attendees have to say about the TX300P-1800,” Horsten adds. “We think its quality, speed and affordability will generate ideas about many new opportunities in the eyes of visitors, and we look forward to working with them to change the way textile printing is accomplished in the future.” Commercial availability of the Mimaki TX300P-1800 is targeted for December 2015. Mimaki manufactures wide-format inkjet printers and cutting machines for the sign/
graphics, industrial and textile/apparel markets. Mimaki develops the complete product range for each group; hardware, software and the associated consumable items, such as inks and cutting blades. Mimaki excels in offering innovative, high quality and high reliability products, based upon its aqueous, latex, solvent and UV-curable inkjet technology. Stoll www.stoll.com Stoll establece un acuerdo de colaboración con el grupo Shang Gong Stoll enters into a partnership with Shang Gong Group The German flat knitting company Stoll has announced a partnership with Shanghai based Shang Gong Group (SGG) which is focusing on sewing and textile welding. Together the two companies strive to develop innovative solutions along the textile value chain. Both companies share the vision of Industry 4.0 in the textile industry and of new fields for technical textile applications. Stoll emphasizes that all current corporate values –i.e. innovation, quality, service, support and responsiveness- will remain key priorities. This partnership supports future growth and sustainability and is the basis for further expansion of products and solutions. Stoll will benefit from additional know how and an even broader presence in Asia. SGG is a strong international partner who deeply understands the textile industry. With its German brands Dürkopp Adler, Pfaff Industrial and KSL Keilmann SGG also has a significant footprint with considerable operations in Europe. In addition SGG can facilitate deeper access to the Chinese respectively Asian markets. Shang Gong Europe (SGE) –the Germany based subsidiary of SGG- will join H. Stoll AG & Co. KG as a limited partner with a minority share by means of a capital increase. Also SGE will have one member in Stoll’s supervisory board while the Stoll family will keep the dominate majority in the company. The formal partnership will become effective after clearance by the relevant merger control authorities. • H. Stoll AG & Co. KG is an internationally operating manufacturer of flat knitting machines based in Reutlingen (BadenWürttemberg, Germany). It was founded in 1873 and has about 850 employees worldwide.
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The Stoll product portfolio comprises flat knitting machines and patterning software which are used for the production of fabrics for fashion as well as for technical applications. Stoll exports to more than 70 countries all over the world and offers integrated service through affiliated companies, sales and marketing centers and numerous agencies. With innovative technical developments and a modern production environment Stoll enables a broad spectrum of knitting trends. Some of those are shown in the most current Stoll Capsule Collection. • Shang Gong Group Co., Ltd. is an internationally recognized company with the focus on high end technology products such as automation of industrial sewing and welding equipment as well as Robots. Shang Gong Group was established in 1965 and is a Sinoforeign joint venture that issues A and B shares in the stock market within China and is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The Group Headquarter is located in Pudong, Shanghai. Shanggong is specialized in the R&D, production, and sales of industrial sewing and welding equipment as well as household sewing machines. Shang Gong Group owns global highend brands in the sewing/welding and robot machinery industry including Dürkopp Adler, Pfaff, KSL, as well as domestic brands like Shanggong and Butterfly. Lindauer Dornier www.lindauerdornier.com Las “máquinas verdes” de Lindauer Dornier, en el centro de atención de las innovaciones y “tecnologías verdes” Lindauer Dornier’s “Green Machines” in the limelight of innovations and “green technologies” The Lindauer Dornier GmbH displays at the ITMA in Milan (Hall 1, stand A 108) a multitude of innovations and new machine concepts for particularly sophisticated fabrics. Under the motto “The Green Machine” this family enterprise from Lake Constance, which manufactures all its machines exclusively in Germany, presents comprehensive solutions for sustainable technologies. With this guiding principle Dornier is not just hinting at the well-known green varnish of the weaving machines but, above all, at the “green effect” of the fabrics they produce. These fabrics are vital for many “green technologies” in almost all sectors with products such as
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finest filters to purify water or air, airbags and antiballistic structures for protection of life and limb, glass or carbon fibre composites to reduce moving masses and the CO2 emissions. In all these sectors the Dornier “Green Machines” are indispensable for the production of highprecision fabrics. Especially in these areas, where the highest requirements are placed on quality, Dornier weaving machines unfold their unique performance. This is achieved thanks to the quality of manufacturing, the inventiveness of our developers and engineers as well as the culture of close communication with our customers. In addition to the focus placed on the production of technical textiles to improve sustainability, the German machine manufacturer also presents newest developments for the applications home textiles, clothing and technical textiles. The highlight of the 400 m2 Dornier exhibition stand is a new generation of rapier weaving machines –the P2- that will be revealed to the public for the first time. Further Dornier exhibits are an air-jet weaving machine A1 and two rapier weaving machines P1 in their respectively latest version. At the stand of Stäubli an air-jet weaving machine A1 in Jacquard version and at the stand of Bonas a rapier weaving machine P1 with a directly mounted Jacquard machine are displayed. With regard to the ITMA slogan “Master the Art of Sustainability” Peter D. Dornier, Chairman of the Executive Board, says: “For our company sustainability has been a philosophy for more than 65 years, not just a fashionable trend. At our site, we respect and support ecosystems and nature. As a family enterprise we cherish values such as confidence and respect. Against the background of claims for more sustainability in textile production, we feel it is important to point out which enormous contribution modern technical textiles do make to the environment. Woven high performance filters for instance, due to their importance for pure air and clean water, cannot be appreciated highly enough. In this aspect, our customers with their Dornier weaving machines make an excellent contribution to environmental protection. There is much room for improvement as we will show with the help of our “Green Machines” and, above all, with the new rapier weaving machine P2. Together with our customers we want to unlock this potential. Furthermore, Dornier weaving machines also offer numerous innovations for even more quality in conventional areas such as home textiles and clothing”. Lindauer Dornier GmbH will be presenting many machines and applications at the ITMA. Let’s have a look at some of them. The P2 is a further development of the Dornier rapier weaving P1 machine with positive
Dornier rapier weaving machine P2, TGP 6/S G type, with a nominal width of 320 cm. Article: High density filter fabric
controlled center transfer. At the ITMA stand this machine will produce a high density filter fabric in super heavy design with a nominal width of 320 cm and two warp beams. For this width, this kind of fabric could, up to now, only be produced by means of special machines. The extremely high density is achieved by a specially developed cloth take-up, an absolute uniformity of the filling density and a reed impact force of 5 tons. Such a high reed impact force requires to regulate the warp tensions with the warp let-off and cloth take-up at a constant value. In order to master this warp tension, the Dornier SyncroDrive® with its stable speed is crucial for the shedding. The load peaks in the whole shedding motion are minimized. And the produced uniform fabric has always the same mesh number per cm2. In addition to density this is another requirement for a high quality filter fabric. This new rapier weaving machine P2 provides for weavers a multitude of new fields of application as well as the chance to open up new markets. As real “Green Machine” it will prove its special strength and sturdiness above all in fields that require more efficient, heavier and denser fabrics with highest regularity. This applies, e.g. for filter fabrics for wet, fluid and solid matter filtration or for soot particle separation etc.
Dornier rapier weaving machine P1, PTS 8/S C20 with a nominal width of 190 cm. Article: Upholstery fabrics.
The rapier weaving machine P1 of the latest version produces a sophisticated functional fabric out of different materials, e.g. upholstery fabrics for office chairs. Monofilaments and different flock yarns are used in the filling. The colour of
the fabric can be chosen individually according to customer wishes. This challenging elastic material of high quality can only be woven using a very precise warp regulation. The regulation must ensure a predefined tension curve from full to empty warp beam. For this purpose, the rapier weaving machine P1 is equipped with a warp tension measuring system whose sensors control the actuators by means of the warp let-off control thus ensuring a constant warp tension. amec www.amec.es/amtex El sector textil español muestra músculo en ITMA 2015 The Spanish textile industry shows strength at ITMA 2015 ITMA 2015 at Milan (Italy) is coming up and there are already 58 Spanish companies that will participate in the tradeshow from November 12th to November 19th. These companies will be exhibiting in a total space of 4,445 m2, which ranks Spain in the 7th place regarding to exhibition surface. ITMA 2015 will be an amazing international meeting point for the Spanish textile industries, due to its global importance, which makes the show the world’s largest international textile industry show. At ITMA innovative initiatives which cover the fields of textiles and garments, fibers and yarn, research and training, sustainable production and technical textiles, will be shown. Spanish companies specialized on machinery and associated to amec amtex and participating at ITMA 2015 are: AMC-TEXTIL 2020 / TEXMA MAQUINARIA TEXTIL, AUTIMAK, BLUE REED, CANMARTEX CATGRUP, COMSAT, ELECTRO-JET, ESCARRÉ AUTOMATIZACIÓN Y SERVICIOS, FONTANETRITEX, GALÁN TEXTILE MACHINERY, GOMPLAST, HATAPRESS & GARMENTS, ICOMATEX, IMASD (CLEVLINE BY IMASD), INDUSTRIAL SAGARRA, INÈDIT SOFTWARE, INFORMÀTICA TEXTILPENELOPE CAD SYSTEMS, IQAP MASTERBATCH GROUP, JAC-MONT, JAUME ANGLADA VIÑAS, JEANOLOGIA, JUVER, L. SOLÉ, LAUDATEC, MACSA ID, MARGASA. PROYECTOS E INGENIERÍA TEXTIL, MASIAS MAQUINARIA, MOTOCONO, OPTRON INGENIERÍA, PINTER CAIPO, RATERA, RIUS-CONSTRUCCIONES METALÚRGICAS ESPECIALES, TACOME and TWISTECHNOLOGY (FRIMAL TRADING). After some years of financial crisis and economic slowdown, Spanish companies arrive to this new
ITMA edition in a stronger position. Standing up for market and sectoral diversification, and innovation in several areas, such as technical textiles, Spanish enterprises are better positioned to face the current challenging and changing markets. Moreover, they have decided to focus on equipment that is more efficient in terms of energy, and highly automatization, what reduces considerably costs and time production. Leading-edge technology coupled with personalized service; undoubtedly make Spanish manufacturers ideal providers. Spanish companies have the optimum size and are specialized in the manufacture of equipment tailored to customer’s needs. Exports in textile machinery and garments have increased around 11% in the second quarter of 2015 in comparison to the same period last year. In fact, Europe continues being the leader destination for these exports with 31% of them (in which countries like Portugal, France, Poland and the UK become main importers), followed by Asia, with 22% (main countries: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan), Latin America, with 20 % (main countries: México and Brazil) and North America, with 15%. The Spanish Textile Machinery and Garment Association (amec amtex) is in charge of the coordination of Spanish industries that participate at ITMA 2015. amec amtex belongs to amec (Business Multilateral Association), a private non-profit entity, which has been promoting for more than 45 years Spanish exports of industrial goods in several sectors. Gerber Technology www.gerbertechnology.com
Gerber Technology y COMESA establecen un programa de asistencia técnica y formación en Mauricio Gerber Technology and COMESA establish technical assistance and training program at Mauritius Gerber Technology, the specialist in integrated software and automation solutions for the apparel and industrial markets, announces the establishment of a dedicated program for technical assistance and training at Mauritius. Gerber Technology and COMESA (the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) were invited by the Republic of Mauritius and its Mauritius Business Growth Scheme (MBGS) unit, to collaborate and introduce a program focused on improving the sustained use of premium software solutions for apparel pattern making. This approach is also intended to promote advances in quality control,
collaboration with partners and better efficiency. A primary goal for the initiative will be the deepening of integration and competitiveness of the COMESA region as well as the Mauritius apparel industry. The initiative is financially supported by the regime of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF), issued by the EU. “Choosing Gerber Technology for technical assistance for CAD training and the capacity building program is based on the broad presence of Gerber digital systems and the excellence of services provided to a growing number of apparel manufacturers at Mauritius,” said MBGS spokesperson Naeem Boodhoo, onsite coordinator and consultant to COMESA and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Regional Corporation. “The number of enterprises having invested into Gerber Technology is increasing continuously due to Gerber’s first class services, system reliability and easeof-use, as well as fast return on investment for our companies.” In addition, support by the company’s global CAD/CAM team of service engineers and consultants assures fulfilment for user needs. The project implementation time frame is scheduled for a period of six months, and then Gerber and local representative Automated Garment Technology (A.G.T., Ltd.) will provide on-site support and dedicated classroom training sessions. “Continuous monitoring of progress will be vital for the success of the program,” said A.G.T. founder and shareholder Clet Baba. “Collaboration with COMESA as well as MBGS will be critical to make this initiative most beneficial to the local industry.” Gerber Technology has a history of introducing innovations and technologies that optimize customers’ product development and manufacturing processes. Gerber has launched technologies that have become the benchmarks for pattern design, grading and marker making, as well as material spreading and cutting. “We are delighted to support the technical assistance and customized training program for utilization of our AccuMark® solutions to apparel manufacturers at Mauritius,” said Guillaume Gairin, Gerber service director for the EMEA region. “Beyond our engagement at Mauritius, it is our short- to medium-term goal to intensify support to the apparel and other sewn goods industries in the African region, and thus, the further development of their competitiveness in the world market.” Los fabricantes más rentables de la lista Top 50 de Apparel Magazine utilizan soluciones tecnológicas de Gerber Most profitable manufacturers on Apparel Magazine’s Top 50 list use Gerber technology’s solutions The apparel companies that make it to the coveted Apparel Top 50 list must, as the magazine
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says, be “feverishly pursuing better, faster and more personalized customer engagement.” A majority of those at the top of that list ranked by profit margin have partnered with Gerber Technology, the world leader in integrated software and automation solutions for the apparel and industrial markets, to help them achieve those goals. “Because we understand the entire value chain within the apparel industry, we’re able to provide the end-to-end solutions and global support that help our customers improve profitability, shorten cycle times and achieve optimum results,” said Mike Elia, Gerber Technology CEO. “We’re proud to be the integrated software and hardware supplier of choice for 14 of the top 20 companies on this prestigious list.” “The companies on this list are using a range of Gerber products in their operations,” explained Karsten Newbury, Gerber vice president and general manager of Software Solutions. “Six of the top 10 companies alone on this list are using Gerber AccuMark® software to integrate pattern design, grading, marker making and production
Novedades españolas en ITMA 2015 Spanish new products at ITMA 2015 La feria internacional de maquinaria textil ITMA 2015 tendrá lugar en Milán del 12 al 19 de noviembre. Habrá en ella 58 empresas expositoras españolas, de las cuales 33 están asociadas a amec amtex. ITMA 2015 es el escaparate idóneo para exponer las principales novedades de las empresas, en particular, aquellas relacionadas con los temas centrales de esta edición como la eficiencia energética o los tejidos técnicos. Veamos las principales novedades de varias empresas españolas (se indica su stand en la feria): • AMC-Textil 2020 / Texma Maquinaria Textil (H5-G110): urdidor directo para plegadores seccionales de punto modelo OR-2/S 40 /42 CP. • Autimak (H7-B108): máquina dobladora y embolsadora de camisetas, clase económica, con una producción de 600 prendas por hora. • Blue Reed (H1-A104): recubrimientos antiabrasivos para peines como los XtraHC y XtraDLC. • Canmartex Catgrup (H5-C118): máqui-
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planning software.” AccuMark systems, used by more than 15,000 Gerber customers, automate the design and production processes while providing significant advances in quality control, communication and efficiency. In addition, many of the top companies on the list are using YuniquePLM™, according to Newbury. YuniquePLM is web-based product lifecycle management software that integrates with AccuMark to help fashion and apparel brand owners, manufacturers and retailers collaborate, accelerate workflows and eliminate errors. Many of these top companies are also using Gerber’s industry leading plotters, spreaders and multiply, single-ply and leather cutting systems in their operations. Gerber manufactures its products in the United States from its global headquarters in Tolland, Conn., and has additional manufacturing facilities in Canada and China. “We are dedicated to serving our customers across the globe at every level, and working closely with them to develop and support the comprehensive systems that will work best within their operations,” said Elia.
na circular KT-6 que puede utilizar 6 vías técnicas contras las 3 vías técnicas habituales. • Cematex Village: stand H8-B132. • Comsat (H1-F120): urdidores seccionales UNI-EVO, urdidores directos y filetas, enrolladores fuera de telar, mesas de inspeccionar tejidos, mini-urdidores de orillo, proyectos textiles a medida. • Electro-Jet (H4-E101): mechera automática Rovematic ADR y semiautomática Rovematic AF. Sistemas de transporte automático de bobinas y conos entre las máquinas de producción. Sistemas de paletizado automático de conos y cajas, que puede completarse con diversas máquinas opcionales (enfardadora, pesadora, etiquetadora…). • Escarré automatización y Servicios (H14-D102): módulo de planificación integrada y sistema de monitorización de tejeduría. Sistema de automatización Atlantis PCT-300. • Fontanet-Ritex (H18-E101a): Estampadora de transfer Thermocil Ø 700 mm. • Galán Textile Machinery (H4-H114): reunidoras-retorcedoras de anillos y las bobinadoras de precisión. RTA500/2, retorcedora de aletas para hilos gruesos. EPCA400D, encarretador paralelo con carrera electrónica. Kiss Roll System para
ITMA 2019
Barcelona acogerá de nuevo la feria más importante del mundo en maquinaria textil, ITMA, en 2019 Barcelona will again host the ITMA exhibition in 2019 La ITMA, International Textile Machinery, la feria más importante del mundo para la maquinaria textil, confección y materias primas, se celebrará en el recinto de Gran Vía de Fira de Barcelona en junio de 2019. La capital catalana acogerá nuevamente este encuentro, tras la edición celebrada en 2011, después de que la candidatura presentada por Fira de Barcelona con la iniciativa de amec amtex (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Maquinaria Textil y Confección) se impusiera a otras importantes ciudades europeas.
la impregnación de hilos en línea con máquina retorcedora. • Gomplast (H6-F101): sistema Triflex para las posiciones de alto escurrido de los foulards de acabado textil. Sistema Texblank, desarrollado para resistir las condiciones químicas más agresivas. Sistema Siltex, diseñado para resistir las tintas de base silicato de su foulard de tintura. • Hatapress & Garments (H3-E110): calandras con diámetros de tambor de 42, 60 y 80 cm. Anchos útiles. Planchas de doble plato. • Icomatex (H10-G103): ramas para tejido de punto y plano. Los modelos de Rama IC-10 Plus y IC-8 Plus están actualmente equipados con un nuevo sistema de control de velocidad automático. Este sistema ajusta la velocidad más alta posible en los procesos de termofijado, sin tener que depender de ningún operario. • ImasD - Clevlne by ImasD (H5-B118): máquina Clev_Panel de corte y costura de paneles de colchón. • Industrial Sagarra (H4-D106): tubos de cartón para hilatura sintética y para open end. • Inèdit software (H18-G116): soluciones en impresión digital, diseño y catalogación. NeoStampa 8, rip software de impresión
Los principales factores que han tenido en cuenta los organizadores para volver a Barcelona han sido, además del atractivo de la ciudad, un excelente recinto, la capacidad organizativa y de gestión demostrada por Fira, la positiva edición de 2011, la entrada en funcionamiento de la L9 del metro y la gran prescripción, dinamismo e impulso del sector de maquinaria textil, agrupado en amec amtex, así como un gran trabajo conjunto entre la administración, el sector privado y Fira de Barcelona. ITMA está organizada por CEMATEX (Comité Europeo de Constructores de Maquinaria Textil), entidad formada por nueve asociaciones sectoriales europeas, entre ellas amec amtex. Es una feria itinerante que se celebra cada cuatro años y que es la referencia para el sector de la maquinaria textil mundial. El presidente de amec amtex, Jordi Galtés, el vicepresidente de amec, Pere Relats, y el director General de Fira de Barcelona, Agustín Cordón, expusieron al presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, la importancia de
digital textil con innovadora gestión de color para producción profesional. NeoTextil 8, plugins para Adobe Photoshop®, solución completa para la separación de color, coloración e impresión textil. • Informática Textil - Penelope CAD Systems (H8-B114): software (CAD) para diseño de tejidos fabricados con maquinita de lizos y Jacquard con simulaciones, que permiten su uso comercial en la presentación de las colecciones. • IQAP Masterbatch Group (H8-F124): masterbatch retardantes a la llama, intensificadores de producción, protectores UV, masterbatch fosforescentes o modificadores de tintura. • JAC-MONT (H1-D118): acabados de hilo Jacquard especiales para alta velocidad con un mayor rendimiento. Placas de fibra con recubrimiento deslizante para una menor fricción con el hilo. Nuevos tipos de hilo Jacquard para el sector de la alfombra y el terciopelo. • Jaume Anglada Viñas (H10-F111 y H10- F112): tumblers Turbang, con mejor calidad de acabado y menor coste de proceso. • Jeanologia (H10-C103): diseña láser y sistemas eco como el G2 Cube, que reproduce las condiciones de gas generando ozono para conseguir prendas con una apariencia natural, o el eFLow, que transmite propie-
De izquierda a derecha Galtés, Mas, Cordón y Relats. (Foto: Rubén Moreno.)
esta cita en un encuentro mantenido el 10 de septiembre en el Palau de la Generalitat. La ITMA congrega a visitantes de alto nivel, fundamentalmente altos cargos clave en la toma de decisiones o ejecutivos de empresas del sector. Barcelona es la primera ciudad que consigue repetir en tan poco tiempo (solo 8 años), después de su gran acogida el año 2011 Los datos constatan la importancia de esta fe-
dades a las prendas a través de una tecnología de nanoburbujas. • Juver (H10-F110): Turbo Lab, máquina de tintura para pequeñas partidas (hasta 30 kg). • Laudatec (H6-A102): recuperadores aireaire modelo ECO. • L. Solé (H6-E103): sistemas de combustión de biomasa de alto rendimiento, para generar energía de proceso mediante parrilla móvil semirrefrigerada por agua. • Macsa ID (H10-G116): láseres para aplicar distintos acabados a los pantalones vaqueros. • Margasa. Proyectos e Ingeniería Textil (H3-G106): deshilachadora BEN-1500, ajustable a cualquier necesidad de reciclado. • Masías Maquinaria (H3-A103): maquinaria para el relleno de artículos del hogar, no tejido y reciclaje. Nuevo sistema de alimentación directa para gramajes bajos. • Motocono (H4-C124): Máquinas bobinadoras de hilos de fibras cortadas y las máquinas para la retracción en continuo de hilos acrílicos H.B. • Optron Ingeniería (H5-B119): Clevitron, acolchadora de alta velocidad y producción, hasta 3.000 ppm. Y diseños de 800 mm, trabajo en vertical, modo continuo y tapa/tapa.
ria. Ocupa alrededor unos 100.000 m2 netos de exposición, reúne a más de 1.000 expositores de todo el mundo, y superará los 100.000 visitantes, en su inmensa mayoría internacionales. Amec tiene más de 45 años de experiencia en el fomento de la exportación, la internacionalización y la innovación de las empresas españolas. Las pymes españolas que forman parte de amec gozan de una alta vocación internacional e innovadora, generando un volumen de exportación superior a los 4.900 millones de EUR e invirtiendo en I+D+i de media, el 3,8% de su facturación. El objetivo de amec es facilitar el intercambio de experiencias entre las empresas, networking, para ponerlas en valor, todo ello prestando servicios y organizando actividades en cada una de las fases de los procesos de internacionalización e innovación de las empresas, que se adapten a sus necesidades y al entorno. Este es el compromiso de la asociación empresarial y el beneficio de compartir experiencias desde 1969.
• Pinter Caipo (H2-F115): equipos para la fabricación de hilos Cores (elastómeros y rígidos). • Ratera (H7-A104): máquina de trenzar de 8 husos ecartamiento 724 mm, equipada con el nuevo sistema “Back Twist”. • Rius - Construcciones metalúrgicas Espaciales (H5-B101): Urdidores directos y seccionales, para el urdido de plegadores de urdimbre, plegadores primarios y plegadores destinados a la industria de tejido de punto y tejidos especiales. • Tacome (H10-F115): maquinaria textil para estampado y acabados. Líneas completas, desde la tejeduría y preparación hasta el acabado, pasando por la estampación, vaporizado, lavado, etc., para la fabricación de mantas raschel. Estampado digital. • Twistechnology - Frimal Trading (H4G123): Maquinaria para retorcido e impregnación de hilos. Maquinaria que incorpora tecnología 2.0 y sistemas de torsión en línea para simplificar los procesos productivos en el mundo del retorcido de hilos técnicos e industriales.
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Pop-up stores / Pop-up shops Toni Prat
Una vuelta más de tuerca y un invento nuevo para poder vender o vender más. Después del desencanto del as en la manga que fue el descubrimiento de internet como generador de ventas, los investigadores y promotores en el campo del marketing ahora se han sacado un conejo de la chistera: las llamadas pop-up stores o pop-up shops. Son tiendas concebidas para aparecer y desaparecer en una ciudad concreta con una duración mínima de dos o tres días y máxima de dos meses, aproximadamente, todo ello con el fin de presentar una marca o un producto nuevo en ciudades donde carecían de ello. Según argumentan los expertos en esta cuestión, la finalidad básica es hacer un estudio de mercado y darse a conocer como marca a un público nuevo.
Por consiguiente creo que hemos vuelto a descubrir la pólvora… Lo que me sorprende es que la mayoría de estos establecimientos tan efímeros suelen funcionar bajo la etiqueta de low-cost, lo cual a mi parecer anula gran parte de la efectividad para obtener las conclusiones necesarias de un buen estudio de mercado, ya que en muchos casos, este tipo de comercios pertenecen a grandes marcas de elevado nivel adquisitivo y mientras dura este tipo de “oferta” las ventas, (según algunos estudios in situ) se multiplican de forma exponencial. Eso sí, con descuentos que llegan habitualmente hasta el 80%. De esta manera no creo que se pueda fidelizar a un público nuevo, que consecuentemente solo compra esta clase de artículos a estos precios. Visto que como estudio de mercado parece poco fiable, nos queda por valorar el segundo concepto que es la venta rápida de un determinado stock intentando sacar el máximo partido con la mínima inversión. Aquí 32 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Concepto: Toni Prat. Realización: Pepe Serrano.
habría que destacar que esta última premisa es de muy difícil cumplimiento, ya que estos establecimientos se suelen montar en los sitios más céntricos de las ciudades importantes en las que los alquileres no se caracterizan, habitualmente, por ser muy económicos; por otra parte hay que dotarlos con suficiente personal para absorber posibles aglomeraciones, al mismo tiempo, se necesita también hacer una gran campaña publicitaria en esta localidad un tiempo antes de aparecer en ella con la tienda, también se aconseja contratar algún tipo de espectáculo o a alguien relacionado con el mundo de la farándula para animar el entorno, todo ello sin contar con los gastos de envío y deterioro del material sobrante, etc. Otra de las tesis que los promotores de este tipo de venta argumentan es el hecho de la novedad, de poder llevar cosas “nuevas” a determinados lugares donde la instalación de una tienda permanente no resultaría rentable, pero, en contrapartida, la movilidad de la sociedad que se puede permitir estos “caprichos”
(por decirlo de alguna manera) generalmente ya visita la gran ciudad con frecuencia y disfruta de hacer este tipo de “hallazgos”. Por consiguiente creo que hemos vuelto a descubrir la pólvora… Vamos, los mismos perros con diferentes collares y con el agravante de que suelen ser inversiones a largo plazo y con una rentabilidad muy difícil de cuantificar. Si alguien suele salir beneficiado directamente de este tipo de eventos son los arrendatarios de los locales y los organizadores o promotores de los mismos. Y por lo que se refiere al gran boom de la venta “on line”, creo que con los artículos textiles no ha tenido todo el éxito que se le auguraba ya que a la gente le gusta poder tocar las texturas, las calidades y poder comprobar personalmente las medidas y las tallas. Toni Prat es el gerente de Risart. antonipratoriols@josoc.cat
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Pop-up stores / Pop-up shops Toni Prat
Another turn of the screw and a new attempt to sell or sell more. After playing the ace up their sleeves - the discovery of the internet as a sales channel - market researchers and promoters have now pulled a rabbit out of their hats: the so-called pop-up store or popup shop. These stores are intended to appear and disappear in a specific city for a minimum of two to three days and a maximum of two months, approximately, to launch a new brands or products in cities where they have not yet been introduced. Sector experts say that the basic aim is to market research and to present the brand to a new audience. What I find surprising is that most of these fleeting stores tend to function with a low-cost image, which in my view voids much of their efficacy as a means of drawing conclusions from a well-executed market research study, because many pop-ups sell goods by expensive, highend brands and during these ‘offers’ (according to field studies) sales of their products multiply exponentially. We are usually talking about discounts of up to 80%. Neither do I think that this is a method for securing the loyalty of a new audience, because buyers at these prices will only buy at these prices.
The fact is that I think we’ve discovered gunpowder again. Having discarded the market research idea as unreliable, perhaps these stores are trying to offload certain stock quickly in an attempt to make the most profit for the smallest investment. Here I would argue that this is very difficult to achieve, because these popup stores tend to spring up in the centres
Concept: Toni Prat. Performed by Pepe Serrano.
of the most important cities, which are not known for having low-rent premises. Then they need to employ enough staff to attend to crowds, not to mention a heavy local advertising campaign before launching the shop. They also tend to hire some kind of entertainment or a show business celebrity to give some glamour to the proceedings. Then there are shipping costs and damage to unsold items, etc. Another argument put forward by proponents of this sales channel is the novelty factor, the ability to take something “new” to certain places where a permanent store would not be viable. However, the sector of society able to afford these ‘whims’, if they can be called that, generally makes frequent visits to the city and enjoys making this type of ‘discovery’.
The fact is that I think we’ve discovered gunpowder again. The same two dogs wearing different collars, exacerbated by the fact that these tend to be long-term investments whose viability is very difficult to quantify. If anyone benefits directly from this type of event it has to be the landlords of the premises and their organisers and promoters. With regard to the great boom in ‘on-line’ sales, I do not think that textiles have seen the success they hoped for and that people still like to be able to feel the texture and quality and check measurements and sizes in person. Toni Prat is the manager of Risart. antonipratoriols@josoc.cat
If you have any comment about the visual poems please send it to poemesvisuals.com
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Señales de una edición Domotex 2016 fuerte e internacional La edición 2016 de Domotex está cerca. Cuatro meses antes de abrir sus puertas, la principal feria mundial de alfombras y revestimientos de suelos ya emitía claras señales, indicando una participación internacional del sector especialmente fuerte. “Estamos registrando una resonancia sumamente positiva por parte del mercado“, afirma el Dr. Jochen Köckler, miembro de la junta directiva de Deutsche Messe AG, de Hannóver. “La capacidad de la feria ya está casi completamente agotada.“ Se prevé que casi 1.400 expositores de 60 países se presenten en el recinto ferial de Hannóver del 16 al 19 de enero de 2016. Domotex inaugurará el ejercicio 2016 con fuertes impulsos y el cierre de importantes negocios, presentando las últimas tendencias y novedades. Los fabricantes líderes del mercado mundial de revestimientos de suelos darán a conocer sus nuevos productos y colecciones. “Aproximadamente el 85% de los expositores llegará desde el extranjero y acudirá a Domotex 2016 para abrir nuevos mercados de exportación“, añade Köckler. Los mayores países expositores en cuanto a superficie ocupada serán Alemania, Turquía, India, Bélgica, China, Países Bajos e Irán. Los visitantes profesionales mayoristas y minoristas, pymes, de la arquitectura e interiorismo, así como de la fabricación de muebles y del comercio especializado, encontrarán en Domotex una gran variedad de productos y materiales expuestos en 12 pabellones: desde revestimientos textiles y elásticos de suelos para el ámbito del hogar y los locales públicos, alfombras hechas a mano y de fabricación industrial, parqué, laminado y revestimientos de suelos para exteriores hasta técnicas de colocación, mantenimiento y aplicación. “Los revestimientos de diseño con texturas y estampados decorativos serán uno de los mayores puntos de atracción”, dice Köckler. “La oferta del mercado de revestimientos de diseño será más amplia que nunca. El sector de parqués y laminados se presentará asimismo con un número de expositores y una superficie mayores que en la edición 2014 de la muestra.“ Innovations@Domotex incluirá las mejores ideas del sector Pero Domotex ofrece todavía más: El espacio Innovations@Domotex permite al visitante ver juntas todas las novedades y tendencias interesantes del sector. Entre las mayores atracciones estarán sin duda las tres áreas de los Pabellones 6, 9 y 17 donde se creará un espacio de puesta en escena de las mejores novedades, previamente seleccionadas por un jurado de expertos, presidido por el diseñador muniqués Stefan Diez. Las presentaciones se completarán con charlas y mesas redondas (Dialogues) que contarán con arquitectos y diseñadores de las empresas Alexander Brenner Architekten, Stuttgart, BBP-Blocher Blocher Partners, de Stuttgart, bogevischs buero architekten & stadtplaner, de Munich, Kinzo, de Berlín, D’art Design Gruppe, de Neuss, y JOI Design, de Hamburgo. Algunos invitados especiales, como el diseña-
dor y arquitecto italiano Piero Lissoni (Lissoni Associati, de Milán) o el arquitecto austríaco Wolf W. Prix (Coop Himmelb(l)au, de Viena) van a traer inspiraciones adicionales. Los diseñadores hablarán sobre las tendencias y desarrollos de la arquitectura, en los que el suelo es también un factor importante. Las charlas girarán en torno a los temas de hostelería y gastronomía, oficinas, entornos de cuidado médico, hogares, así como consumo/comercio especializado. Los Dialogues se organizarán en el área de Innovations@Domotex del Pabellón 6 y se celebrarán los cuatro días feriales de 11.00 a 13.30 y de 15.00 a 17.30. Más visitas guiadas orientadas hacia las aplicaciones Las visitas guiadas acompañadas por arquitectos y diseñadores llevarán al visitante a determinadas innovaciones de los expositores, ofreciendo una mirada especial a los productos, fabricantes y stands feriales. Este servicio se ampliará en la próxima edición de la feria. Se ofrecerán por primera vez visitas guiadas orientadas hacia las aplicaciones y relacionadas con los temas de las charlas. El programa está especialmente dedicado a los profesionales creativos procedentes de la arquitectura, del interiorismo y del diseño que van a Domotex para buscar ideas concretas del uso de revestimientos de suelos. Las visitas temáticas se inician directamente después de los Dialogues correspondientes. Carpet Design Awards premia las mejores alfombras de diseño Las creaciones de alfombras de gran valor, hechas por diseñadores innovadores, volverán a ser las grandes estrellas de las presentaciones en el Pabellón 17. Algunas novedades destacadas de este grupo de productos se premiarán en el marco de los Carpet Design Awards. El concurso se considera como el galardón más importante del mundo y su convocatoria levanta cada año grandes expectativas. Un jurado internacional presidido por el diseñador británico Michael Sodeau selecciona las mejores alfombras de diseño en ocho categorías. Los productos premiados se presentarán a continuación en el área Innovations@Domotex, en el Pabellón 17 de Domotex. La entrega de los premios será el 17 de enero. No olvidemos Domotex asia/ChinaFloor, 22-24 de marzo de 2016, en Shanghai, y Domotex Turkey, 23-26 de mayo de 2016, en Gaziantep.
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Indications of a strong and highly international Domotex 2016 Domotex 2016 is shaping up nicely. When opening day was still a whole four months away, there were already very clear indications that the world’s leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings will enjoy a particularly strong and international industry turnout. “The response from the market has been extremely positive,” commented Dr. Jochen Köckler, a member of the Managing Board of Deutsche Messe. “The show is already almost fully booked.” Domotex 2016, which runs from 16 to 19 January, is expected to feature some 1,400 exhibitors from more than 60 countries. Domotex will get the year off to a strong start with a shot of new ideas and business leads and provide an exciting, vibrant overview of all the new season’s carpet and flooring trends and innovations. World-leading providers of floor coverings will use the show as a springboard for their new products and collections. “About 85 percent of the show’s exhibitors will be from outside Germany. They are taking part in Domotex 2016 in order to tap into new export markets,” Köckler said. After Germany, the biggest exhibiting nations in terms of leased space are Turkey, India, Belgium, China, the Netherlands and Iran. In 12 halls, next Domotex will feature a uniquely rich and diverse array of products and materials - an absolute bonanza for trade visitors from the flooring wholesale and retail sectors, architecture, interior design, the skilled flooring trades and the furniture and interior furnishings retail and wholesale sectors. The show’s product lineup encompasses textile and resilient floor coverings for the residential and contract furnishing sectors, machine-woven and hand-made carpets and rugs, parquet and laminate flooring, outdoor flooring solutions, and a comprehensive range of care, cleaning, installation and application technologies. “One thing we can already say with certainty is that LVT tiles and planks will be one of the big attractions at the show. And no wonder, with all those innovative printed designs and textures to choose from,” Köckler said. The LVT offering at the upcoming Domotex will be much bigger than ever before. The show’s parquet and laminate flooring section will also be bigger, with exhibitor numbers and exhibition space both noticeably up on 2014. Innovations@Domotex: showcase for the best new ideas in flooring The power of the new is writ large at Domotex, thanks to Innovations@ Domotex, a special showcase that gives visitors a quick, concentrated
overview of the best and most exciting innovations and trends in flooring. The showcase comprises three Innovations@Domotex Areas - located in halls 6, 9 and 17 - where the best innovations at Domotex are given artistic staging and extra prominence. The products themselves will be selected ahead of Domotex by an expert jury headed by the industrial designer Stefan Diez. The format also includes presentations and discussion panels (Innovations@Domotex Dialogues) featuring high-power architects and designers from Alexander Brenner Architects (Berlin), BBP - Blocher Blocher Partners (Stuttgart), bogevischs buero architekten & stadtplaner (Munich), Kinzo (Berlin), D’art Design Gruppe (Neuss) and JOI Design (Hamburg). Other star guests include the Italian designer and architect Piero Lissoni (of Lissoni Associati, Milan) and the Austrian architect Wolf W. Prix (of Coop Himmelb(l)au, Vienna). These creatives will discuss architectural trends and developments in which floors and flooring play an important role. The discussion will be structured around the keynote themes of Hotel and Restaurant, Office, Healthcare, Living, and Shopping/Retail. The Dialogues will be held at the Innovations@ Domotex Area in Hall 6 and will run from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3 to 5:30 p.m. on all four days of the show. More application-specific guided tours for visitors Since its inception, the Innovations@Domotex format has always included Guided Tours of selected exhibits lead by big-name architects and designers. The tours give visitors a unique perspective on selected products, manufacturers and display stands. The big news for the 2016 season is that the organizers are expanding the tour program to include application-specific tours which directly address the themes covered in the Innovations@Domotex Dialogues. This new part of the tour program is aimed primarily at creatives from the architecture, interior architecture and interior design scenes who are at Domotex scouting for new ideas on floor covering applications. Each of these new tours is timed to depart immediately after its corresponding Dialogue. Carpet Design Awards honor the world’s best designer carpets The big stars in Hall 17 at next year’s Domotex will include exquisite hand-made carpet and rug creations by some of the world’s most innovative designers. What’s more, the products rated the best of the best among these innovative creations will be honored at the Carpet Design Awards. They are the world’s highest accolade for contemporary hand-made carpets and rugs and are always keenly anticipated. In the lead-up to Domotex, an international jury headed by British designer Michael Sodeau will select the best carpets in each of eight categories. The selected carpets will then be displayed during Domotex in the Innovations@Domotex Area in Hall 17. The winners will be presented with their awards at a grand ceremony in the Hall 17 Innovations@Domotex Area on 17 January. Don’t forget Domotex asia/ChinaFloor: Shanghai, 22 to 24 March 2016, and Domotex Turkey: Gaziantep, 23 to 26 May 2016. www.domotex.de
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Heimtextil 2016: ¡de martes a viernes! Heimtextil 2016: from Tuesday to Friday! El 29 de septiembre, Ulrike Wechsung, directora de Heimtextil, se trasladó a Barcelona para dar a conocer las novedades relativas a esta feria principal de los textiles para el hogar, que esta vez será del 12 al 15 de enero de 2016. Esto significa abandonar la tradición de comenzarla el segundo miércoles de enero y la Sra. Wechsung insistió especialmente, en su encuentro con la prensa especializada, en que hiciéramos hincapié en destacar el cambio. Queda dicho. La sede: las instalaciones de Messe Frankfurt, como siempre. On the 29th of September, Ulrike Wechsung, director of Heimtextil, travelled to Barcelona to publicize innovations relating to this leading trade fair for home textiles, which will now take place from the 12th to the 15th of January, 2016. This means that the tradition of launching it on the second Wednesday of January has been abandoned and Ms. Wechsung particularly stressed, when meeting with the trade press, what we might do to emphasize and highlight the change. As already stated. The venue: the facilities of Messe Frankfurt, as always.
Ulrike Wechsung, acompañada por Elena Echániz Michels, delegada de Messe Frankfurt en España y Andorra, hizo un repaso general a la situación del sector textil (en su conjunto, no solo referido al hogar y la decoración) en Europa, Alemania y España.
En el caso español destacó la recuperación que ha registrado esta actividad económica. En un contexto positivo de la industria textil en su conjunto, la específica de textiles de interior facturó en 2014 1.808 millones de EUR (un 0,8% más que en el año anterior). Las exportaciones de ropa del hogar representaron 506 millones (+7,5%) y las de textiles de interior, 465 millones (+22%). Las importaciones también crecieron: 346 millones las de ropa de hogar (+9,8%) y 759 millones las de textiles de interior (+15,8%).
Wechsung. (Fotos / Photos: Messe Frankfurt.)
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Así no es extraño que el número de expositores españoles iguale o supere el del año 2015 (entonces fueron 110) y que algunas empresas (como Crevin y Equipo DRT) hayan decidido a tomar parte en un salón que prevé crecer en cuanto a expositores para superar los 2.723 de 2015. La superficie de exposición también subirá, ya que se utilizará el pabellón 4.0 para telas de decoración y tapicería. En total, Heimtextil utilizará 20 plantas de pabellón del gran recinto de Frankfurt, que exige una cierta buena forma física a los visitantes que quieran recorrerla a conciencia.
Tendencias Las tendencias 2016/2017 que propone Heimtextil (Proteger, Energizar, Alimentar, Enriquecer), sobre las que informaremos en nuestro próximo número, se titulan “WellBeing 4.0”, pero ¡atención! estarán ubicadas en el pabellón 6.0. Un equipo multinacional de 12 especialistas ha trabajado para ofrecer unas sugerencias que nunca dejan indiferente al visitante. Vale la pena entrar en www.heimtextil-theme-park.com para ir haciéndose una idea de lo que nos espera en Frankfurt. Alguna cosa más Ulrike Wechsung indicó a la prensa que los organizadores han detectado un notable crecimiento en el sector de las telas decorativas y de tapicería. Algo parecido sucede con la estampación digital, que dispondrá de más superficie en el pabellón 4.0 y que se complementará con la Conferencia Textil Digital Europea por WTiN el 12 enero en la Saal Europa (pabellón 4).
Ulrike Wechsung indicó que los organizadores han detectado un notable crecimiento en el sector de las telas decorativas y de tapicería So it is not strange that the number of spanish exhibitors equals or exceeds that of the year 2015 (when there were 110) and that some companies (such as Crevin and Equipo DRT) have decided to take part in a show which provides for growth in terms of exhibitors, to exceed the 2,723 in 2015.
Trabajando en las tendencias. Working on trends.
El mundo del contract incluirá por su parte el Finest Interior Award en el pabellón 11.0, con conceptos de interiorismo premiados de diseñadores de interiores internacionales, así como visitas guiadas a la feria para arquitectos (AIT) y empresarios de la hostelería (Hoteldesign/AHGZ). Desde hace años, la sostenibilidad se tiene muy en cuenta en Frankfurt, con el Directorio Verde (listado de expositores con proveedores de producción sostenible); el Green Café (pabellón 8.0), con sostenibilidad para el cuerpo y alma; el Tour verde (visita guiada a la feria con un experto en sostenibilidad), etc. Y esto no es todo, por supuesto; habrá también una nueva edición (la cuarta) del “Young Creations Award: upcycling”, pabellón 4.2 y un espacio en el pabellón 11.1 dedicado al diseño de las tiendas del futuro. Recuerden: del martes 12 al viernes 15 de enero de 2016.
Hall 3.
Ulrike Wechsung, accompanied by Elena Echániz Michels, the representative of Messe Frankfurt in Spain and Andorra, gave a general review on the situation of the textile industry (as a whole, not just referring to home and interior decoration) in Europe, Germany and Spain. In the case of Spain he stressed the recovery registered by this economic activity. In a positive context about the textile industry as a whole, the specific details on interior textiles turned over in 2014 1,808 million EUR (0.8% more than the previous year). Exports of household textiles represent 506 million (+7.5%) and interior textiles, 465 million (+22%). Imports have also grown: 346 million for household linen (+9.8%) and 759 million for interior textiles (+15.8%).
The exhibition area will also increase, as they will use pavilion 4.0 for interior decoration and upholstery fabrics. In total, Heimtextil will use 20 floors of the halls of the Frankfurt exhibition site, which requires some physical fitness from the visitors who want to cover it all properly. Trends The trends for 2016/2017 proposed by Heimtextil (Protect, Energise, Nourish, Enrich), about which we will tell you in our next number, entitle Well-Being 4.0, but take care! these will be located in pavilion 6.0. A multinational team of 12 specialists have worked to offer some suggestions which never leave the visitor indifferent. It is worth going in to www.heimtextil-theme-park.com to get some idea about what is waiting for us in Frankfurt.
Eingang (entrada, entrance) City.
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Trabajando en las tendencias. Working on trends.
More information Ulrike Wechsung told the press that the organizers had noticed a remarkable growth in the decorative fabrics and upholstery sector. Something similar has happened with digital printing, which will take more space in pavilion 4.0 and which will be complemented by the European Digital Textile Conference for WTiN on the 12th January in the Saal Europa (hall 4). The contract world meanwhile will include the Finest Interior Award in pavilion 11.0, with concepts of prizewinning interior design from designers of international interiors, as well as guided tours to the fair for architects (AIT) and businessmen in the hospitality field (Hoteldesign/AHGZ).
Ulrike Wechsung told that the organizers had noticed a remarkable growth in the decorative fabrics and upholstery sector For years, sustainability has been taken into account in Frankfurt, with the Green Directory (list of exhibitors with sustainable product suppliers); the Green Café (pavilion 8.0), with sustainability for body and soul; the Green Tour (a guided visit to the fair with an expert in sustainability), etc. And that’s not all, of course; there will also be a new edition (the fourth) of the “Young Creations Award: upcycling”, pavilion 4.2 and a stand in pavilion 11.1, dedicated to the design of shops in the future. Remember: Tuesday 12 to Friday 15 January 2016. www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com
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Largest ever Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: very glad exhibitors and buyers Taking place for the first time at the National Exhibition and Convention Center, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, China International Trade Fair for Home Textiles and Accessories – Autumn Edition concluded on a high note as exhibitors and buyers praised the 2015 edition as one of the most successful yet. The fair, held from 26 to 28 August, was the biggest in its 21-year history in terms of exhibitors, with 1,402 exhibitors from 30 countries and regions up on the 1,334 recorded in 2014, while the visitor figure edged down slightly to 42,048 (97 countries and regions) from 43,189 (94 countries and regions) last year. The new venue, as well as increased demand to participate, ensured the fair was the largest to date, taking place across 170,520 sqm (2014: 150,400). Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, outlining the reason for the drop in visitor numbers, said: “The small decrease in visitors this year can be put down to the current economic situation in China and the flow on effect this has had on the textile market. However, most overseas exhibitors explained to us that the market situation hadn’t,
...the demand for overseas products in China still remains strong
and wouldn’t, affect their sales in the region, and that the demand for overseas products in China still remained strong. What’s more, many participants reported to us that they were satisfied with the amount of genuine buyers they received to their booths, while they were also pleased that the right type of buyers were visiting them. Those that were in product zones, such as the Intertextile Design Boutique and Whole-Home Style & Digital Printing Zones, also benefited as these areas attracted more of their target buyers.” First-time exhibitors received validation of Chinese market potential Another pleasing aspect for the organisers was the number of new exhibiting countries, first-time exhibitors as well as participation from countries after an absence in recent years. “This year we had our first participation from Moldovan and UAE exhibitors, while exhibitors from Iran, Malaysia, New Zealand and Russia returned to the fair, which shows the strong attraction of the Chinese and Asian home textiles markets at present,” Ms Wen explained. One new exhibitor was Tirotex from Moldova which featured luxury bedding and table linen made of pure cotton. “We thought our products would be in high demand here and it was confirmed at this fair that they are,” Mr Denis Vasilenkov said. “There is potential in this market as Chinese buyers are looking for branded, high-quality products,
so next year we will come back for sure with a bigger booth and a special thematic design.” Grilo Kitchenware from Portugal, which exhibited under Associação Home from Portugal, was another firsttime participant. “We came here to present our new brand to Chinese and Korean buyers, and we’ve had these buyers visit our booth. We target the high-end of the market and we’ve met many retailers from this segment,” Mr Grilo outlined. He continued: “We haven’t noticed any impact from the economic situation. People here still have money and we’re not in the mass market, we’re in the premium range, so we haven’t been impacted.” Exhibitors satisfied with buyer quality and range For many exhibitors at the fair, what was most pleasing for them was the range and quality of these visitors. Korean curtain, upholstery, wallcovering and bedding supplier Decorama have participated at Intertextile Shanghai since 2010, and were targeting the high-end market this year. “We’re completely satisfied with the overall result because there were so many high-end buyers visiting our booth, and a lot were new contacts too. Around half were Chinese and half from overseas,” Mr Thomas Jeong, VP – Sales & Marketing explained. “Nowadays, Chinese buyers’ purchasing ability is very similar to Europe, and many of them even placed big volume orders on the spot.” Debut exhibitor Gustav Gerster from Germany, supplier of curtain accessories, had a similar
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experience. “We were very pleased to see the strong visitor flow as well as the quality of buyers,” Mr Matthias Engel, Area Manager Export said. “Around 40% of buyers were from overseas, and many potential and serious buyers came to our booth. We made numerous new contacts and got a good amount of orders, so this fair is a great platform for us to expand our China and Asian markets.” Chinese exhibitors were also content with the quality and range of buyers. “We’ve met many genuine customers during the fair, especially overseas buyers from Europe, Egypt, Thailand, Singapore and Japan,” Mr Song Hu, R&D Department Manager of Shanghai Sunvim Hometextile said. Other Chinese exhibitors, including those distributing premium overseas brands, were happy their target buyers attended the fair, including Dream Fly Fabric which is an agent for highend European upholstery fabric brands. Mr Chandler Chen, Sales Manager explained: “The key reason for us to join this show is because it has many high-end buyers visiting, and these premium brands are appealing to the Chinese market.”
Signstar Digital Technology participated in the former, with Marketing Manager Ms Lucy Liu explaining: “Being in the Digital Printing Zone is beneficial to us, as it directed the right buyers to our booth. Plus, we’re right next to the Intertextile Design Boutique which increases the awareness from designers and manufacturers. This fair attracted our target buyers from both China and overseas, and the visitor flow remained strong throughout the fair period with many buyers showing strong interest in our machines.”
Product zones attracted exhibitor’s target buyers
A returning favourite to the fair was the Intertextile Design Boutique which featured 22 design studios from 10 countries and regions. This zone is where original service designs and artwork for fabric and product development could be sourced, and was packed with buyers for most of the three days. “We have met many Chinese customers,” Mr Tristan Goodfellow from Diane Harrison Designs, UK said. “I have received good feedback from the fair so I will return next year.”
Over recent years, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles has expanded to cover the entire home textile product spectrum, with special zones created in areas that are particularly popular in the domestic market to assist overseas exhibitors. Two new areas created this year were the Digital Printing and Whole-Home Style Zones. Shanghai
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The other new area was the Whole-Home Style Zone which featured exhibitors with multiple products displayed in a real-world setting. Chinese company Lezai Dongfang Culture participated in this zone, and Mr Jake Ji, General Manager explained: “Being in this zone is a big advantage as it attracts our target buyers to our booth. It has only been one and a half days, but we have already received so many enquiries from China’s top designers, buying offices and agents, and many of them have actually placed orders.”
Strong potential for overseas brands remains despite slower economy The fair took place in the midst of a turbulent time for the Chinese stock market, however most exhibitors remained optimistic the overall economic situation would not affect their business, while there was also general agreement about the continued demand in the Chinese market for overseas brands. Regular Danish duvet and pillow exhibitor Dykon A/S has a good handle on the market having been in China for over 10 years. “When we first started, the market was only demanding really high-end products, but what we see now is while high-end products are still in demand, the majority of orders are for midrange products,” Export Manager Mr Kenneth J. Sorensen explained. He continued: “I think the Chinese market will continue to develop and grow bigger and better. The slow economy has not affected our business too much, and our Chinese business has been pretty stable over the past few years.” Fellow European supplier Mundotextil from Portugal, producer of premium bedding and towelling, also benefited from the overseas brand recognition. “The European brand image and quality are popular here in China,” Ms Marta Santos, Blank Home Sales & Brand Manager said. Japanese firm Toyobo reported that their functional fabrics were in high demand in China recently, with Mr Keiji Sugano from the Apparel / Living Material Department adding: “The
Chinese market is quite positive as people are getting wealthier and have a stronger desire to increase their living standard. They are seeking better quality products like our functional home textiles to improve their lifestyle. Therefore, we are very optimistic about the Chinese market.” High satisfaction levels recorded among buyers This year’s top 10 visitor countries & regions (excluding Mainland China) were Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, USA, Hong Kong, Iran, Turkey, UAE and India. Surveys conducted onsite revealed a high level of satisfaction in terms of overseas visitors achieving their objectives: 90% were satisfied or very satisfied with their ability to source products, while 87% and 91% of respondents, respectively, achieved their objective of making new contacts and maintaining existing contacts. Both statistically and anecdotally visitors were also happy with the standard of suppliers at the fair, with 95% being satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of domestic and overseas exhibitors. Other buyers appreciated the wide range of products on offer. “The range you have on offer here is why we keep coming back,” explained Mr Ceki Altaras from Turkish firm Lotus. “And here we actually place orders too, unlike at other fairs we attend.” Mr Deepak Nishar from Sarom Fab
in India agreed. “I met many potential suppliers here. There is a wide range of exhibitors and products and they are all at a good price. I have also discovered trends and new ideas that I can bring back.” Mr Nishar also appreciated the product zones. Revamped fringe programme provided more opportunities for exhibitors This year’s fringe programme received a makeover to ensure its design and trend elements further reflected the changing lifestyle trends in the Chinese market. The revamp also provided exhibitors with more opportunities to promote their brand, meet potential buyers and learn about the market’s needs. This was particularly true for the Dream Up! 8x8 Intertextile Trend Concept Show which featured special displays designed by China’s leading interior designers made from 8 exhibiting brands’ products including LaCanTouch, Brilliant & Refined, Designers Guild, Uniwal, Jean Paul Gaultier, Pt, Dedar and JAB Anstoetz. Mr Shen Lei, the curator of this project, explained the benefit for the participating exhibitors. “The Trend Concept Show attracted the attention of hundreds of China’s top interior designers, many of whom were looking to work with overseas brands, providing unrivalled promotion for these companies to their target buyers which was our main reason for creating this show.”
Designers Guild also presented their new collection to buyers in a separate presentation. “Participating in this was a fantastic opportunity,” Mr Jerome Avenel, Export Sales Manager explained. “It was great to see our products featured in a very different and creative way, and the results were impressive. The growing interest that we can see here for our brands and products really shows a potential that is getting more and more important.” Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association. The next Autumn Edition will take place from 24 - 26 August 2016, while the Spring Edition returns next year as well from 16 - 18 March 2016. Both fairs will be held at the same venue. www.intertextilehome.com
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¡Buen trabajo en Bruselas! Good work in Brussels! La oferta de MoOD consistió en una selección de más de 200 productores textiles de 30 países que exponían sus colecciones de tapicería, cortinas y revestimientos de pared. MoOD e Indigo Brussels, en una nueva edición celebrada del 8 al 10 de septiembre 2015 en la capital belga, recibieron la visita de 4.600 profesionales de 2.000 empresas. The MoOD offer consisted of a selection of more than 200 textile producers from 30 countries who exhibited their collections of upholstery, window and wall coverings. MoOD and Indigo Brussels, in a new edition held in Brussels from the 8th to10th of September 2015, were visited by 4,600 professionals from 2,000 companies.
Carmen Gisbert, Especialista en tendencias / Specialist in trends
Miguel Roig
Con expositores que cumplen criterios estrictos, los visitantes de esta feria optan por la calidad, servicio y confianza. MoOD se centra en la experiencia del cliente al que seduce con innovaciones, información e inspiración, ya que en su mayoría son gerentes, técnicos y profesionales en los campos del diseño, así como representantes comerciales de empresas activas como editores, mayoristas, agentes de venta, fabricantes de muebles, interioristas y responsables de desarrollo de producto. Las telas de tapicería siguen siendo el foco dominante del encuentro, con el 76% de los visitantes interesados por este grupo de productos. El sector de la cortina atrae al 50%, mientras que el 35% de los visitantes indican que van a la feria interesados específicamente para el de revestimiento de pared. El 87% de los expositores de esta edición se manifestaron muy satisfechos y un 80% de ellos calificó como positiva la calidad de los visitantes.
MoOD se ha despedido este año de su recinto histórico; el año que viene irá a Tour & Taxis. MoOD waved goodbye to its traditional venue; next year it will be held in Tour&Taxis.
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El sector más importante en la feria sigue siendo la tapicería (recordemos los orígenes de esta cita que nació con el nombre de Decosit). En este aspecto fue interesante constatar que la tendencia de telas ecológicas sigue en aumento.
Las telas de tapicería siguen siendo el foco dominante del encuentro, con el 76% de los visitantes interesados por este grupo de productos.
Otra especialidad de MoOD es el Contract. No menos del 25% de los expositores son verdaderos especialistas en el sector, realizando por lo menos el 30% del volumen de negocios directamente en este mercado. La Innovation Platform, con una amplia exposición múltiple de muestras, es siempre un espacio que goza de la máxima atención por parte de los visitantes, ya que en ella confluyen la innovación tecnológica y de diseño, y nuevas propuestas de materias y estéticas. Visto en las colecciones Las propuestas de color en las colecciones expuestas en MoOD tomaron fundamentalmente dos direcciones: • Por un lado las gamas de non-colours, tonos neutros de apariencia natural como los
Textiles para el Hogar estuvo en MoOD. Textiles para el Hogar attended MoOD.
Profusión de variantes del brillo y metálicos, sobre todos los motivos y texturas de las colecciones. Las temáticas que se han expuesto van desde los clásicos renovados por temas geométricos y vegetales que se adaptan a espacios de estilo clásico y contemporáneo, hasta el floral siempre presente e incentivado por tratamiento gráfico de estampación digital y acuarelados. Geométricos de inspiración variada, retro, óptico, étnicos con el ikat que sigue a la cabeza. Alta calidad en la composición y acabado de las telas. Composiciones de 100% lino, algodón, lana y sus mezclas. También se introducen estas materias naturales en hilatura mixta junto con poliéster. Cambio de sede
Indigo registró una actividad intensa, Drapets participó por primera vez en la cita. Indigo had a very intense activity; Drapets took part for the first time.
crudos, topos, grises, el lino natural hasta el nata y blanco óptico. Gamas de grises cada vez más oscuros. Como motivos de desarrollo en estas gamas neutras tenemos marmoleados, texturas, volúmenes construidos por diferentes hilos o ligamentos, tratamientos de acabado, arrugados, plisados, sobre todo se evidencia la importancia de la materia. Y por supuesto, temática de interpretación de motivos naturales.
• En propuestas totalmente diferentes, irrumpen las gamas de coloridos muy vistosos, frescos e intensos, donde se introducen los amarillos, en tonos pajizos suaves y los ocres hasta el mostaza muy intenso, muchas veces junto con gris y verde ácido. Desarrollos con azules, Klein, índigos y nube. Amplia gama de granates, berenjena y suaves malvas y maquillajes, fresa, rojizos y coral. Verdes muy ácidos, pistacho, manzana, oliva en sus variantes y gama de tonalidades secas.
El histórico Tour & Taxis, también en Bruselas, construido en 1910 y actualmente restaurado, será la nueva sede de la próxima edición de MoOD del 6 al 8 septiembre de 2016. Sus pabellones con luz natural son perfectos para mostrar los colores y texturas de las telas. Ubicado cerca del centro de Bruselas es un recinto de acceso fácil, rápido y cómodo, por supuesto también en transporte público.
With exhibitors meeting strict criteria, visitors to this fair choose quality, service and confidence. MoOD is focussed on the client’s experience by drawing them in with innovations, information and inspiration, since its principal profile is managers, technicians and professionals in the field of design, as well as sales representatives of companies active as publishers, wholesalers,
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Dos imágenes de la siempre interesante Innovation Platform Two photos of the interesting Innovation Platform.
Upholstery fabrics remained the dominant focus of the meeting, with 76% of visitors interested in this product group. sales agents, furniture manufacturers, interior designers and product developers. Upholstery fabrics remained the dominant focus of the meeting, with 76% of visitors interested in this product group. The window section attracted 50%, whilst 35% of visitors indicated that they went to the fair with specific interest in wall coverings. 87% of the exhibitors in this edition stated that they were very satisfied and some 80% of them rated the quality of the visitors as positive. The upholstery section of the fair remained the most important (let’s remember that the origins of this event started with the name of Decosit). Regarding this, it was interesting to verify the continuing and increasing trend towards ecological fabrics. Another speciality of MoOD is the Contract. No less than 25% of the exhibitors are real specialists in the sector, directly carrying out at least 30% of turnover in this market. The Innovation Platform, with a wide multiple exposure of samples, is always an area which enjoys maximum visitor attention, since it
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brings together technological innovation and design, plus new proposals for materials and aesthetics. Seen in the collections The colour proposals in the collections exhibited in MoOD basically took two directions: • On the one hand the range of non-colours, neutral tones of natural appearance such as unbleached, browns, greys, natural linen to optical cream and white. Shades of grey tones gradually becoming darker. For development purposes in these neutral ranges we have marbling, textures, volume made up of various threads and weaves, finishing processes, creases, pleats, above all evidence of the importance of the material. And of course, the thematic interpretation of natural motifs.
russets and coral is expanding. Acid greens, pistachio, apple, olive in all its variations and a range of dry shades. A profusion of shimmering and metallic versions, over all the motifs and textures of the collections. The subject matters exhibited ranges from the classics refreshed by geometric and plant themes which are adapted to classic and contemporary styles, up to the floral, always present and inspiring for digital graphic printing and water colours. Varied geometric inspiration, retro, optical, ethnic with the ikat which continues to lead. Highest quality in the composition and finish of the fabrics. Compositions of 100% linen, cotton, wool and wool mixes. These natural materials are also introduced in the spinning, mixed with polyester. Change of venue
• In totally different proposals, the range of very bright colours stand out, fresh and intense, where the yellows are introduced, in soft straw coloured tones and ochres up to a very intense mustard, often together with grey and acid green. Developed with blues, Klein, indigos and cloud.
The historic Tour & Taxis, also in Brussels, built in 1910 and now restored, will be the new venue for the next exhibition of MoOD from the 6th to 8th of September, 2016. The pavilions have natural light which is perfect for showing off the colours and textures of the fabrics. Situated near to the centre of Brussels it is an easily accessible site, quick and convenient, and of course, also good for public transport.
The range of maroons, aubergine and soft mauves and combinations, strawberry pink,
www.moodbrussels.com www.indigobrussels.com
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Visto en MoOD / Seen at MoOD 1
Azules e índigos Blues and indigos.
1. Aydin. 2. Aydin. 3. Casa Moda’s. 4. Globe India. 5. B&T Textilia.
1 1
Blanco, negro, gris White, black, grey
1. Bayart Vanoutryve. 2. Casa Moda’s. 3. Bruvatex. 4. Weverij Van Neder. 5. Marteks Marmara Tekstil. 6. Decor. 7. Bayart Vanoutryve. 8. Castilla Textil. 9. Universal Textile Mills. 10. GM Fabrics. 11. Casa Moda’s. 12. GM Fabrics.
2 46 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Ópticos Opticals
1. Decor. 2. Bruvatex. 3. Evimteks Tekstil. 4. Bayart Vanoutryve. 5. Vilber.
2 1
Colores Colours
1. Globe India. 2. Bon Drap. 3. Globe India. 4. Euromoda. 5. GM Fabrics. 6. GM Fabrics. 7. Casa Moda’s. 8. Casa Moda’s. 9. Universal Textile Mills. 10. Globe India. 11. GM Fabrics. 12. Globe India. 13. Evimteks Tekstil. 14. Casa Moda’s.
4 Textiles para el Hogar 282 | 47
Étnicos Ethnics
1. Casa Moda’s. 2. Castilla Textil. 3. Casa Moda’s. 4. Decor. 5. Euromoda. 6. Bayart Vanoutryve. 7. Algemene Two. 8. Rekor. 9. Rekor. 10. Bruvatex. 11. GM Fabrics. 12. Globe India. 13. Vilber. 14. Weverij Van Neder. 15. Algemene Two. 16. Rioma. 17. Bruvatex.
5 1
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Verdes y mostazas Greens and mustards
1. Marteks Marmara Tekstil. 2. Prestige. 3. Bayart Vanoutryve. 4. Decor. 5. Interfabrics. 6. Marteks Marmara Tekstil. 7. Bruvatex. 8. Globe India. 9. Grupo BC Fabrics. 10. Interfabrics. 11. Bruvatex. 12. Globe India.
6 5
Diluidos / Diluted
1. Rioma. 2. Rekor. 3. Castilla Textil. 4. Casa Moda’s. 5. Grupo BC Fabrics. 6. Decor. 7. Grupo BC Fabrics. 8. Universal Textile Mills.
8 Textiles para el Hogar 282 | 49
Tradicionales Traditionals
1. Albatros International. 2. Vanelli. 3. Globe India. 4. Interfabrics. 5. Imatex. 6. Rioma. 7. GM Fabrics. 8. Rioma. 9. GM Fabrics. 10. Algemene Two. 11. Prestige. 12. Bon Drap. 13. Algemene Two.
9 VolĂşmenes Volumes
1. Universal Textile Mills. 2. Rekor. 3. Fidivi. 4. Globe India. 5. Vanelli. 6. Algemene Two. 7. Bruvatex. 8. Piovano.
10 50 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Granates, fucsias, malvas Maroons, fuchsias, mauves
1. Rekor. 2. Globe India. 3. Rekor. 4. Algemene Two. 5. Omexco. 6. Interfabrics. 7. Rekor. 8. Aydin. 9. Globe India. 10. GM Fabrics.
11 Brillos Shimmerings
1. Vanelli. 2. Vanelli. 3. Decor. 4. Rekor. 5. Torri Lana. 6. Rekor. 7. Vanelli.
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Texturizados Textureds
1. Algemene Two. 2. GM Fabrics. 3. Interfabrics. 4. Algemene Two. 5. Vanelli. 6. Vilber. 7. Bruvatex. 8. Vanelli. 9. Globe India. 4
12 Orgánicos Organics
1. Rioma. 2. Albatros International. 3. Decor. 4. Rioma. 5. Casa Moda’s. 6. Casa Moda’s.
13 52 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
Buen estreno Balance final satisfactorio: la primera edición del salón Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar, celebrada del 17 al 19 de septiembre en la Real Fábrica de Tapices de Madrid, registró la visita de 1.880 compradores. Esta cifra cumple las previsiones y se sitúa en la línea de un encuentro ‘premium’, con una oferta cuidada por parte de unos expositores seleccionados y que ha recibido un perfil de visitante muy profesional, de calidad y con gran poder de compra.
De hecho, los expositores destacaron la apuesta cualitativa del encuentro, algo que se tradujo en la visita de profesionales, muchos de los cuales se mostraron gratamente sorprendidos del nivel, novedad e innovación de las colecciones mostradas por los 47 expositores. La feria registró la visita de 112 compradores internacionales procedentes de mercados como los de Croacia, Estonia, Francia, Polonia, Reino Unido, Chequia, Rumanía, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, México, República Dominicana, Arabia Saudí, Qatar, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Argelia, Marruecos, Líbano, Sudáfrica, Isla Mauricio y Japón. Muchos de estos compradores participaron en la cita en el marco del Plan de Compradores
Internacionales, coordinado por la patronal textil ATEVAL - Home Textiles from Spain y que cuenta con el soporte de Feria Valencia y el apoyo de IVACE Internacional e ICEX. Madrid y Valencia, en cabeza de los compradores nacionales En cuanto al comprador nacional Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar recibió la visita de profesionales de todas las comunidades autónomas. Sin embargo, Madrid con un 29% y la Comunidad Valenciana, con un significativo 16,3% del total de visitantes, encabezan el ranking de compradores nacionales, seguidos ya de los compradores procedentes de Andalucía (9,3%) y Cataluña (7,8% del total).
En cuanto al perfil de estos visitantes y compradores profesionales, según los datos analizados, corresponden en su gran mayoría al segmento del ‘retail’ o tiendas especializadas, seguidos por grandes distribuidores –que escogieron esta feria como plataforma de compra– y el del prescriptor (arquitecto, decorador, interiorista y profesional del segmento del contract). Después de esta exitosa primera edición, la organización de Feria Valencia, con el apoyo de la patronal textil ATEVAL - Home Textiles from Spain, ha iniciado ya los preparativos de la próxima, que se prevé repita ubicación en la Real Fábrica de Tapices de Madrid en septiembre de 2016.
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Good premiere Satisfactory outcome. The first edition of Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar, held at the Real Fábrica de Tapices de Madrid (September 17th-19th), received the visit of 1.880 buyers. This figure fully complies with the forecasts and is completely in line with a ‘premium’ level show, having a well thought out offering from a selected group of exhibitors. Visitors were top quality professionals with a significant purchasing power.
In fact, the visitors have highlighted the commitment to quality of the show that has resulted in the visit of professional buyers, many of which have been pleasantly surprised about the high level of novelties and innovation that they have found in the collections shown by the 47 exhibitors.
Buyers Plan coordinated by the Textile Industry Employers Association ATEVAL Home Textiles from Spain, with the support of Feria Valencia, IVACE Internacional and ICEX.
Among all professional visitors, the fair has recorded 112 international buyers from around twenty territories, among which Croatia, Estonia, France, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Canada, Chile, Colombia, México, Dominican Republic, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, South Africa, Mauritius and Japan.
Madrid and the Valencia regions top the domestic buyers ranking
Many of those buyers participated in the fair within the framework of the International
Regarding national buyers, it should be noted that professionals from all Spanish regions visited Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar. However, Madrid with a 29% and the Valencia Region with a significant 16,3% of the total visitors, top the ranking of domestic buyers, followed by those coming from Andalusia (9,3%) and Catalonia (7,8%).
Regarding the profile of those visitors and professional buyers, according to data analyzed, the majority of them belong to the retail sector or specialist stores, followed by large distributors –who choose the show as their trading platformand specifiers (architects, decorators, interior designers and professionals of the contract market). After this successful first edition, the organization of Feria Valencia, with the support of the Textile Industry Employers Association ATEVAL Home Textiles from Spain, has already begun working on the preparations for the next edition, due to take place again at the Real Fábrica de Tapices de Madrid in September 2016. www.textilhogar.com
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Calendario ferial Anotamos a continuación los próximos salones relacionados de un modo u otro con los textiles para la casa. Textiles para el Hogar no se responsabiliza de posibles cambios de fecha, suspensiones y omisiones que puedan darse en esta lista. Trade fair calendar The provisional trade fair calendar for the next months is included below. Textiles para el Hogar takes no responsibility for any changes in date, suspensions or omissions of those on this list. – III International Textile Fair (Dubai): 11-12 de octubre (www.internationaltextilefair.com) – Home&Tex (Yesilkoy-Estambul): 28-31 de octubre (www.cnrhometex.com) – ITMA (Milán): 12-19 de noviembre (www.itma.com) – World Textile Summit (Milán): 13 de noviembre (https://www.worldtextilesummit.com) – XXXIV Japantex (Tokyo): 18-20 de noviembre (www.japantex.jp) – Home Show (Mascat): 7-9 de diciembre (www.globalexhibitionsoman.com) 2016: – XLVI Heimtextil (Frankfurt): 12-15 de enero (www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com) – XXVIII Domotex (Hannover): 16-19 de enero (www.domotex.de)
Oman’s Premier International Interior Design, Décor & Furniture Exhibition Nueva edición de IDF Oman 3rd IDF Oman - Interior Design, Décor & Furniture Exhibition which is organized by Al Nimr Expo, under the patronage of the Ministry of Housing & Public Authority for Craft Industries, Sultanate of Oman will be held from 15 to 17 February, 2016 at the Oman International Exhibition Centre in Seeb. Oman’s rapid progress in the construction and the real estate sector, has witnessed the launch of numerous commercial, residential & tourism projects, thus creating a demand for interior & outdoor design, décor & furnishings. The key objective is to display the latest in technology, usage of materials and innovative approaches to interior design, décor & furniture. IDF has created to meet the growing demand, by bringing together all the leading companies in the industry under one roof. In its third edition, IDF Oman will be showcasing the Accessories & Art, Bathroom, Building Material, Carpets, Commercial Interiors & Fit Out, Décor, Flooring, Furniture & Furnishings, Interior Design, Kitchen, Lightings, Luxury Life Style, Outdoor Design & Build, Renovation, Retail Fit-Out and Eco Building, Surfaces & Finishes, Textiles, Vastu & Fengshui, to compliment the on-going construction of major infrastructure projects in the Sultanate, making the exhibition an ‘exclusive bazaar’. The marketing of the event kicked off full swing and IDF is set to get over 100 companies from across the globe beating the previous best from the past two editions. The Diamond Sponsor for the event is Kny Design GmbH; The Platinum Sponsor is Décor Collezione / Uday Khimji International LLC; The Gold Sponsors are MAF + Partners & Swiss Open Air Concept and the
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– imm cologne // LivingInteriors (Colonia): 18-24 de enero (www.imm-cologne.com) – Feria del Mueble de Zaragoza (Zaragoza): 20-23 de enero (www.zexpomueble.es) – Maison & Objet (París): 22-26 de enero (www.maison-objet.com) – HOMI (Milán): 29 de enero - 1 de febrero (www.homimilano.com) – NY Now (Nueva York): 31 de enero - 3 de febrero (www.nynow.com) – Feria Hábitat Valencia: 1-5 de febrero (www.feriahabitatvalencia.com) – Intergift (Madrid): 3-7 de febrero (www.ifema.es/intergift_01) – III idf, Interior Design Décor Furniture Expo (Mascat): 15-17 de febrero (www.idfoman.com) – 2nd Morocco International Home Textile & Houseware Fair (Casablanca): 10-12 de marzo (www.moroccohometex.com) – furniPRO Asia (Singapur): 10-12 de marzo (www.furniproasia.com) – Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Spring Edition (Shanghai): 16-18 de marzo (www.intertextilehome.com) – Domotex asia/ChinaFloor (Shanghai): 22-24 de marzo (www.domotexasiachinafloor.com) – 85th IWTO Congress (Sydney): 4-6 de abril (www.iwto.org) – Printsource (abril???) Celebrate Spring with us at Printsource New York. – Proposte (Cernobbio): 27-29 de abril (www.propostefair.it) – III International Decoration & Design Exhibition - Decor Expo (Bakú): 28-30 de abril (www.azerbaijandecorexpo.com) – Domotex Turkey (Gaziantep), 23-26 de mayo (www.domotexgaziantep.com)
Visitor Badge Sponsors are Chiller & Vivid Security. The exhibition is also supported by Paragon International, American Hardwood Export Council, Egyptian Furniture Export Council, Association of Professional Interior Designers & AIA Middle East. One of the main highlights of IDF Oman will be the Italian Area managed by Medinit SRL with over 45 Italian companies. Italy has long been seen as the structure of western art and design. Italian design concepts beautifully allow us to create an identity and express our chosen lifestyle and individuality. Paragon Arts will again promote the art and the artists from both the local and international markets with their non-profit educational, social and entertainment CSR initiative. www.idfoman.com
Wolf D. Prix, estrella invitada en Domotex 2016 El premiado arquitecto Wolf D. Prix (en la foto) será estrella invitada en Domotex 2016. Los espectaculares edificios diseñados por el renombrado diseñador, quien está al frente del estudio vienés de arquitectura Coop Himmelb(l)au, le han granjeado el reconocimiento y admiración mundiales. En la feria clave mundial de alfombras y revestimientos para suelos de Hannover, los visitantes podrán ver de cerca a Prix. En la Innovations@DOMOTEX Area del pabellón 6 discutirá el 16 de enero, junto con otros expertos de la escena internacional del diseño y la arquitectura, sobre las actuales tendencias en suelos y sus efectos en ambos sectores. Hay numerosas tendencias para convertir los revestimientos de suelos en un elemento de diseño que imprima su imprenta interiorista. Para descubrir lo nuevo y lo insólito e inspirarse en ello se requieren ideas y personas que hagan sugerencias. Estas esperan a los visitantes en la Innovations@DOMOTEX Area, que les invita a descubrir novedades escogidas. Pero también es un lugar para la comunicación, para charlar con expertos y ser punto de partida de las visitas guiadas por toda la feria, a cargo de renombrados arquitectos y diseñadores. Como invitado especial de DOMOTEX, Prix hará sugerencias fascinantes a los visitantes. Este proyectista innovador y Coop Himmelb(l) au apuestan por unos diseños de espacios apasionados y una arquitectura emocional. Alerones, ramas de acero y plataformas flotantes – los límites entre la forma y los materiales se redefinen de continuo. En sus bosquejos, los tejados se tornan nubes y las casas esculturas cristalinas. Coop Himmelb(l)au figura entre los inventores del estilo arquitectónico llamado deconstructivista (lenguaje de formas basado en desensamblar y reensamblar estas). Con este estilo constructivo, el citado despacho de arquitectura adquirió fama mundial en los ochenta. Uno de sus proyectos más conocidos es el BMW-Welt (“Mundo de BMW”) en Munich, un edificio escultural en el que algunas partes, como el tejado, parecen flotar. Más trabajos conocidos son entre otros el Museo de Groningen; el UFA-Kristallpalast de Dresde; el Gasometer B, Viena; la Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academia de Artes Plásticas) Munich; y el Akron Art Museum, Akron (Ohio). Entre los proyectos más recientes figuran el edificio nuevo del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) inaugurado en Frankfurt en marzo de 2015; el Musée des Confluences de Lyon; la House of Music de Aalborg, Dinamarca (2013), y el Dalian International Conference Center in China (2012). Coop Himmelb(l)au posee múltiples galardones nacionales e internacionales. Entre sus premios figuran el Deutscher Architekturpreis 1999 (Premio Alemán de Arquitectura) y el Großer Österreichischer Staatspreis 1999 (Gran Premio Estatal de Austria. Además de proyectos arquitectónicos, Prix y su socio Helmut Swiczinsky han diseñado a su vez muebles y otros productos, entre ellos el sillón “Vodöl” para Vitra (1989). Prix ha sido también catedrático de Arquitectura en la Universidad de Artes Aplicadas de Viena.
January at the Innovations@DOMOTEX area in Hall 6. Today there is a growing tendency to treat floor coverings as an exciting design element in their own right with the power to transform the character of a space. In order to discover the new and the unusual and draw inspiration from it, we need ideas and people who can come up with stimulating suggestions. This is exactly what visitors to the show can expect to find at the various Innovations@DOMOTEX areas, which invite the visitor to explore and discover carefully selected new products from flooring manufacturers. They also function as a communication forum for talks given by experts, and as the starting point for guided tours of the show, which are led by noted architects and designers. As the special guest of Domotex, Prix will be a real inspiration for the visiting trade public. The innovative planner and the Coop Himmelb(l) au practice have become synonymous with passionate spatial designs and an emotionalized architecture. Wings, steel branches and flying platforms – the dividing line between form and material is constantly being explored and redefined. In their designs roofs become clouds and houses become crystalline sculptures. Coop Himmelb(l)au is regarded as one of the inventors of the deconstructivist style of architecture (where shapes are pulled apart and put back together in a different configuration). The practice became world-famous for this style in the 1980s. One of its landmark buildings is the BMW World in Munich – a sculptural building whose individual parts, such as the roof, appear to be suspended in space. Other renowned structures include the Museum in Groningen in the Netherlands, the UFA Crystal Palace in Dresden, Gasometer B in Vienna, the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the Akron Art Museum in Akron, Ohio (USA). More recent projects include the new building for the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, inaugurated in March 2015, the Musée des Confluences in Lyon, France, opened at the end of December 2014, the House of Music in Aalborg, Denmark (2013) and the Dalian International Conference Center in China (2012). Coop Himmelb(l)au has won many national and international awards for its work. Its prizes include the German Architecture Prize (1999) and the Grand Austrian State Prize (1999). Alongside their architectural projects, Prix and his partner Helmut Swiczinsky have also designed furniture and various other products, including the “Vodöl” armchair for Vitra (1989). Prix was also appointed to a professorship in the Department of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. www.domotex.de
Wolf D. Prix of Coop Himmelb(l)au will be the special guest at Domotex 2016 The awarded architect Wolf D. Prix (pictured) will be the star guest at Domotex 2016. The spectacular buildings designed by the renowned planner, who heads the Viennese architecture practice Coop Himmelb(l) au, have attracted worldwide recognition, admiration and debate. Visitors can now experience Prix for themselves at the world’s leading trade fair for carpets and floor coverings in Hannover. Together with other celebrities from the international architecture and design world, he will be discussing the latest flooring trends and their impact on the work of designers on 16
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Collages con losetas de moqueta Vorwerk en el Museo de Artes Aplicadas de Colonia Conocidas como “Elementary Shapes”, las losetas de moqueta diseñadas por Vorwerk recibieron un premio Innovations en la Domotex de 2015. La historia de éxito subsiguiente revela cómo estas islas geométricas de moqueta se usaron para guiar a los visitantes, incluyendo niños, a través de la muestra especial “System Design” en el Museo de Artes Aplicadas de Colonia (Alemania). Vorwerk: Carpet tile “collages” employed at Cologne Museum of Applied Arts
SystemDesign MAKK Halle Vorwerk, © René Spitz.
Known as “Elementary Shapes”, the free-form carpet tiles designed by the Vorwerk company received an Innovations award at Domotex 2015. The following success story reveals how these geometric “carpet islands” were used to guide visitors, including children, through the “System Design” special exhibition at the Cologne Museum of Applied Arts. The “Elementary Shapes” carpet tiles designed by Werner Aisslinger can be thought of as a new module for individually configurable area rugs.
Gancedo acogerá una exposición sobre la historia de la decoración textil Gancedo will set an exhibition about the history of the textile decor Con motivo del LXX aniversario del editor y fabricante textil Gancedo se han cedido siete espacios de su emblemático edificio en Madrid (que data de 1903, Premio Nacional de Arquitectura y sito en Velázquez, 21) a siete prestigiosos interioristas para conformar la exposición “7 décadas, 7 decoradores: Un paseo por la historia de la decoración textil”. Cada uno de ellos interpretará una década para mostrar la decoración de todas las etapas de la vida de la firma. Los años ‘50, ‘60, ‘70, ‘80, ‘90, 2000 y “Una visión de futuro”, serán representados por los decoradores Pascua Ortega, Teresa Sapey, Serge Castella, Guille García Hoz, Germán Álvarez, Victoria y Silvia Melián y Francesc Pons. La muestra estará abierta del 27 de noviembre al 31 de diciembre de 2015, de lunes a viernes de 10.00 a 14.00 y de 17.00 a 20.00, y los sábados de 10.00 a 14.00. Firma experta en telas y decoración textil desde 1945, Gancedo ofrece las mejores materias primas, los conceptos decorativos más novedosos y una dilatada experiencia en diseños textiles. Cuenta con nueve puntos de venta propios y numerosos distribuidores en toda España y
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The “Mito” and “Leaf” variants exhibit organic, geometric shapes. On the reverse side, the individual tiles are fitted with a non-slip backing, resulting in handmade, one-of-a-kind tiles which are unique in shape, color and material. These carpet collages add a homey touch to commercial properties. The new Vorwerk collection was put to good use via a public presentation of the Elementary Shapes carpet tiles from January to June 2015. Curated by René Spitz, the “System Design. Over 100 Years of Everyday Chaos.” exhibition at the Cologne Museum of Applied Arts (MAKK) made use of the tiles to mark off waiting areas and define special zones. Designed by Werner Aisslinger, the free-form tiles –colors: curry yellow, aquamarine, grey– helped visitors differentiate between three different color-coded tours. One of the tours was designed to accommodate visitors to the Cologne-based “Möbelmesse” furniture show who were pressed for time, while the other two tours were laid out for design aficionados and children. “Each visitor can find his or her own way, with the colors serving as an orientation aid, even at a greater distance,” explained Anke Landsberg, the person in charge of the interior design concepts at the exhibition. She added that “the carpet tiles make the big MAKK hall particularly inviting, all the more so since you can see the whole layout from above.” Without being part of the actual exhibition, the carpet tiles skilfully reflected the exhibition theme. Their easy combinability, graphic composition and mix of materials helped underscore the “systems” motif of the exhibition. At the museum’s “Design Lounge”, these “elementary” geometric shapes provided additional color accents. Free-form carpet tiles are just one example of the numerous floor covering options available to creative architects and interior designers, who will find a host of crucial ideas for the special use of floor coverings at Domotex 2016 –a trade fair which has long since established itself as a globally leading forum for new flooring ideas, products and services and a networking hub for designers who are keen on discovering the latest trends and innovations. www.vorwerk-carpets.com
el extranjero. Innovación y experiencia hacen de Gancedo una marca de referencia en el sector, tanto para clientes particulares como para profesionales. www.gancedo.com
Altran confirma su participación en Heimtextil 2016 Altran participará en la próxima Heimtextil (Frankfurt, Alemania, 1215 de enero de 2016) en el hall 5, stand A.36, el dedicado al sector del hardware y de los sistemas para decorar ventanas. Heimtextil cambia su situación en la semana para facilitar el acceso a los profesionales del sector. Este año será de martes a viernes, de modo que el perfil del visitante será aún más profesional. Además, este año no coincidirá con la feria de R+T Stuttgart (a la que también asiste Altran) por lo que Frankfurt será el principal escaparate mundial para conocer las novedades del sector de los sistemas para decorar ventanas y del sector textil. A la Heimtextil de 2015 asistieron más de 2.500 expositores de 60 países, cifras que la organización espera superar este año por la visita de fabricantes, detallistas, distribuidores, diseñadores, decoradores, etc. Altran presentará su catálogo de productos entre los que destacan los estores, los paneles japoneses, los rieles y las barras de cortina. El visitante también podrá conocer de primera mano sus galerías, portavisillos, cintas para confeccionar cortinas y, sobre todo, las condiciones de su compromiso de calidad total, a través del que Altran se compromete a: • Ofrecer hasta 2 años de garantía. • Servirle en un plazo de 24-48 horas (en la Península Ibérica y para pedidos con largos inferiores a 3 m). • Incluir los gastos de transporte para pedidos superiores a 100 EUR • Buscar soluciones a medida, exclusivas para el detallista e incluso para los clientes de este. • Poner a su disposición los departamentos de Compras, Ventas y Marketing desde donde se prestará apoyo para que el cliente pueda ejecutar sus proyectos o incluso los de sus clientes sin coste adicional. • Servicio de atención personalizada a instaladores, por parte de su equipo especializado, para informar sobre las múltiples fórmulas de instalación del producto y para resolver cualquier duda. Con estas medidas referentes a la calidad, Altran pretende explicar a sus clientes que confía en la calidad del producto que fabrica y que por tanto, se centrarán en mejorar la atención y el servicio sin aumentar costes. Esta fórmula es atractiva porque creará lazos de confianza con sus clientes que no pueden disponer de la infraestructura que Altran va a poner al servicio de quien lo solicite. Heimtextil es la feria más importante del año y Altran, con esta tercera participación consecutiva, la aprovechará para consolidarse como una de las empresas principales del sector de los sistemas en la decoración de ventanas.
best opportunity to meet the main manufacturers in the field of window decoration. Altran will present at the show their complete catalogue products, the main ones being all kind of blinds, Japanese panels, Rails and Curtain Poles. Visitors will have also the opportunity to see first-hand our pelmets range, net-rods, tapes for curtain making and Altran will be able to confirm them their commitment to Total Quality, through their sales strategies: • Warranty up to 2 years. • Service within 24-48 hours (within the Spanish peninsula and for goods measuring less than 3 m long). • Prepaid freight for orders over EUR 100 (in Spain; for export shipments, please contact Altran staff). • Tailored solutions for Altran clients and even their final customers. • Customer Care & Service through their Sales, Purchasing, and Marketing Departments, in charge of providing the support and guidance needed to carry out any project Altran clients may have. • Personalized service to installers direct from Altran trained specialist staff, to inform of the various installation and/or assembly possibilities and solve any doubt or problem it may arise during the installation process. With this quality strategy, Altran wants to transmit to clients the confidence they have in the product they make and therefore to enhance customer care and service, without increasing costs for it. This formula is quite attractive since it will create bonds of trust with customers who may not have the infrastructure that Altran is able to make available to anyone requesting it. Heimtextil has become the most important fair of the year and with its third participation in a row, Altran will take advantage of the opportunity the fair offers to consolidate its position as one of the most important companies in the window decoration field. www.altran solutions.es
Altran will exhibit at Heimtextil 2016 Altran will participate in the next Heimtextil (Frankfurt, Germany, 12th15th January, Stand A 36 - Hall 5). This edition changes dates to facilitate and increase access to the professionals of the sector. This year, the fair will take place from Tuesday to Friday, so the profile of the visitor will be even more professional. In addition, the fair of R+T Stuttgart (fair also attended by Altran) will not take place in 2016 so the assistance to Heimtextil will be vital for being aware of the latest news related to the window decoration and the textile sector. The last edition was attended by over 2,500 exhibitors from 60 countries, figures that the organization understands will be surpassed this year by the massive visit of manufacturers, retailers, distributors, designers, decorators, and other professionals of these fields. This is the
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Nuevas herramientas funcionales para una colección cada vez más técnica La innovación ha estado siempre en el centro de la estrategia de Mermet, el diseñador de tejidos inteligentes para la protección solar y especialista en este campo desde hace 60 años. Tiene una pericia única basada en la utilización de la fibra de vidrio y un completo dominio del proceso de fabricación que se ilustra en todas las soluciones textiles técnicas que ofrece y se asocia, año tras año, a las realizaciones más prestigiosas, pero también un estado de ánimo permanente que se expresa ahora en sus nuevas herramientas de comunicación. Inscrita en una iniciativa de rendimiento y claridad, la colección 2015-2018 de Mermet se divide en 4 gamas: • Los Screen transparentes, repartidos en 5 familias para aplicaciones exteriores o interiores • Los Screen Nature, con un 0% de energías fósiles • Los Blackout 100% • El Acoustis.
24 tejidos cada vez más técnicos, 670 referencias… Por ello se han creado nuevas herramientas, más funcionales, armonizadas y aún más completas, que facilitan la lectura de la nueva colección de Mermet y permiten a los clientes y prescriptores encontrar con más facilidad el tejido mejor adaptado a su proyecto. Este nuevo contenedor, diseñado en forma de caja, lo forman: • 19 folletos de producto, dedicados a las informaciones técnicas. Gran novedad: cada producto de la colección, tejidos y colores, se presenta ahora independientemente en forma de muestra. • Una guía de elección, para seleccionar el tejido correcto en función de la aplicación y las necesidades buscadas en términos de protección solar. • Un cuaderno técnico con tres partes: un léxico para acompañar la lectura de los valores térmicos y ópticos, datos sobre el mantenimiento de los tejidos y las garantías • Una presentación general de la empresa, de sus valores y sus compromisos de cara a 2020. Con esta misma voluntad de coherencia, la
With Homi, the world of style encountered a warm welcome in Milano With a 15% increase in foreign buyers, but also a decrease in Italian ones (–8%), Fiera Milano’s lifestyles show is rediscovering an exclusive, innovative “Made in Italy”. A trend lab and a format that is ever more evolved when it comes to the new dimensions of the home and the individual. The 2nd autumn edition of Homi, the Lifestyles Show from Fiera Milano came to a close with an increase of 16% in terms of foreign visitors, from 105 countries. Some of the countries most represented included China, France and Russia,
La Feria del Mueble de Zaragoza ya supera las cifras de la pasada edición La quinta convocatoria de la Feria del Mueble de Zaragoza llega con excelentes cifras y grandes perspectivas. Según las estadísticas que presenta el salón FMZ.2016 se convertirá, del 20 al 23 de enero, en la cita por excelencia del sector, que tiene su principal referencia en la capital aragonesa como punto de encuentro de la industria del mueble en España. La muestra volverá a copar las instalaciones de Feria de Zaragoza con una superficie total de más de 100.000 m2 en nueve pabellones. En esta línea, la cifra de expositores que ya han asegurado su presencia en el salón supera en un 100% el número de las que participaron en la anterior edición y los metros brutos de exposición contratados por las empresas se han duplicado con respecto a 2014. Estos datos son más llamativos aún si se consi60 | Textiles para el Hogar 282
web de la empresa incorpora distintas pestañas que permiten al internauta encontrar y seleccionar mejor un tejido en función de sus necesidades gracias a: • ejemplos de aplicación • consejos prácticos en términos de estructuras tendidas, señalización, acústica y protección solar • informaciones sobre las novedades de productos y las últimas obras equipadas. Política de control, compromiso del personal en una iniciativa de excelencia operativa y de servicio al cliente, nuevas herramientas de comunicación... Con las prestaciones como enseña y unos conocimientos y habilidades excelentes, Mermet se manifiesta de múltiples maneras. Los resultados están ahí: 70% del volumen de negocio en la exportación, con presencia en más de 60 países, 3 millones de m2 de tejidos comercializados cada año... Mermet demuestra así que una pyme regional francesa que combine innovación, tecnología, conocimientos y habilidades industriales y dinamismo comercial puede exportar a cualquier rincón del mundo. Una política aún más visible gracias a unas herramientas perennes y eficaces.
with a significant increase for both Spain (+50%) and Japan (+28%). It is these positive results from foreigners, with an increase in absolute figures, that demonstrate that the show has evolved and is able to decisively take on different markets and provide concrete, interesting offerings for style and taste throughout the world. Homi is establishing a new way of conceiving of a trade show, able to change while still being characterised by continuity edition after edition, always finding new lifeblood, coming up with events and initiatives that highlight companies, that offer ideas and explain the trends. With its dynamic nature, which reflects a market that is continuously
dera que un número muy elevado de las empresas que habrá en la V edición proceden de otros países. Es significativa la presencia de firmas de Alemania, Bélgica, India, China, Indonesia, Tailandia, Países Bajos o Lituania, junto a otros como Portugal, Italia y Marruecos, ya presentes en anteriores convocatorias. En cuanto a los españoles, destacan por su apuesta por la calidad de los materiales, una mayor funcionalidad, las líneas de vanguardia y un elevado diseño. En esta edición, la organización del salón se ha fijado como objetivo prioritario pasar a una mayor internacionalización, de manera que no sólo sea una cita obligada en España, sino que se convierta en un foro ineludible para el mercado extranjero. Por ello, desde Feria de Zaragoza se llevan a cabo importantes contactos comerciales en países extranjeros, dentro de una acción promocional exterior, donde se han estudiado algunos de los mercados más interesantes para los productores españoles. Todo ello sirve para impulsar
y dar un mayor valor añadido a las empresas españolas, quienes contarán, en la FMZ.2016, con mayores posibilidades de negocio. Se trata así de conseguir un mayor posicionamiento en el mercado exterior, una vez que la cita refuerce su liderazgo en el plano nacional. El salón se perfila como el lugar de encuentro y de negocio del sector profesional relacionado con el mueble. La Feria del Mueble de Zaragoza contará con el apoyo del mercado, que ya ha confirmado su presencia en esta nueva convocatoria. El epicentro del salón radica en la creación de un espacio de incentivo y de negocio en el que se den cita tanto los fabricantes como los proveedores y los comerciantes directos. En cuatro jornadas, los pabellones de Feria de Zaragoza atraen a toda la oferta y la demanda sectorial del sur de Europa. El salón es exclusivo para los profesionales del mueble. FMZ.2016 espera erigirse como el punto de despegue para el sector del mueble.
New functional tools for a collection offering yet more technical enhancements Innovation has always been at the heart of the strategy of Mermet, the designer of intelligent solar protection fabrics and market leader for over 60 years. Its unique expertise is based on the use of glass fibre and complete control over the manufacturing process, demonstrated by: • The full range of technical textile solutions it is able to offer • The highly prestigious projects it is awarded year after year... But it is also due to an enduring attitude of mind which is now even reflected in its communication tools. Shaped by an approach based on performance and clarity of information, the 2015-2018 Mermet collection consists of 4 ranges: • The 5 product lines of transparent Screens for interior and/or exterior applications • The Screen Nature line, 0% fossil fuel • The 100% Blackout line • The Acoustis line.
24 fabrics with continuous technical enhancements, available in 670 product combinations… The creation of new harmonised tools with greater functionality and variety make it easier to fully understand the new Mermet collection, enabling customers and product specifiers to easily find the most appropriate fabric for their project. The new package designed in the form of a box contains: • 19 product brochures incorporating the technical information. A significant new feature: each product in the collection, both fabrics and colours, is now presented individually in sample format. • 1 selection guide to select the right fabric for the particular application and the required solar protection properties • 1 technical manual in three parts: a glossary to make it easier to read the thermal and optical data, fabric maintenance information and the applicable warranties • 1 general presentation of the company including its corporate values and its objectives for the year 2020. Similarly and in the interests of consistency, the
changing, it focuses on traditions from Italy and elsewhere, and is especially aimed at renewed interest in niche products with a strong personality. “With Homi, we brought an exciting world to Milan - with 1,400 exhibiting companies, 25% of which are foreign and represent 39 countries, as well as established brands and new start-ups in the style industry - says Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Fiera Milano - With such diverse companies, we managed to pair global tastes with the culture of each individual country. A large focus was put on Made in Italy, which is much beloved by the entire world, and has shown that it is able to evolve, globalise and stand out while at the same time remaining exclusive and full of those typical qualities that people like and
The figures for the Zaragoza Furniture Fair already exceed those of the previous edition. The V meeting of the Zaragoza Furniture Fair comes with excellent figures and great prospects. According to the statistics presented by the FMZ.2016 fair from 20 to 23 January, in the citation for excellence in the sector, which has its main reference in the Aragonese capital, it will become a meeting point for the furniture industry in Spain. The exhibition will contain all the facilities of the Zaragoza Fair in a total area of more than 100.000 m2 in nine pavilions. On this subject, the number of exhibitors who have secured their place in the exhibition exceeds by 100% the number of those who took part in the previous edition and the gross metric area of the exhibition contracted by the businesses has doubled, relative to 2014. This data is even more striking when one considers that a higher number of the companies
website of the company presents a wide range of sections enabling users to easily find their bearings and select the right fabric in line with their particular requirements, incorporating: • Examples of different applications • Practical advice in terms of tensile structures, signage, acoustics and solar protection • The latest product innovations and construction projects supplied by Mermet. A policy of quality control, of personnel commitment to operational excellence and customer service, new communications tools… With performance as the guiding principle, the unrivalled expertise of Mermet has many forms of expression. The results speak for themselves: 70% of its sales go to export, a presence in over 60 countries, 3 million m2 of fabric sold each year... Mermet is proof that a regional French SME which combines innovation, industrial knowhow and commercial dynamism is able to export to the four corners of the globe - a policy which now has even greater visibility thanks to effective and enduring communications tools. www.sunscreen-mermet.fr
that satisfy buyers. The buyers at the show came from 71 countries, a result of Fiera Milano’s collaboration with ICE-ITA. It is important to point out that 25% of the exhibitors at the show had already expressed interest in investing in the next edition, signing on even before leaving the pavilions.” The wide breadth of this edition of Homi was seen in the exhibition areas and event areas, with numerous corollary events, from meetings for professionals to initiatives aimed at supporting up-and-coming designers. Next appointment for Homi in Milan: from 29 January to 1 February 2016. www.homimilano.com
which will be present in the V edition come from other countries. The presence of companies from Germany, Belgium, India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, The Netherlands and Lithuania together with others such as Portugal, Italy and Morocco who were already present at previous editions, is significant. Spanish exhibitors stand by their commitment to the quality of materials, increased functionality, avant-garde lines and high quality design. In this edition, the organization of the exhibition has been set as the priority objective in a move towards greater internationalisation, in such a way that it would not only be an absolute must in Spain, but also that it could become an unmissable forum for the foreign market. Therefore, important commercial contacts in foreign countries take place from the Zaragoza Fair within an external promotional activity, where some of the most interesting markets for Spanish products have been studied. This all serves to boost and give greater added value to
Spanish companies, which will have greater business possibilities in the FZ.2016. It also helps to achieve a greater positioning in the overseas market, once the meeting strengthens its lead at national level. This fair is emerging as “the” place for meeting and business in the professional sector related to furniture. The Zaragoza Furniture Fair will have the support of the market, which has already confirmed its presence at this new meeting. The epicentre of the fair lies in the creation of a space for incentive and business which will bring together not only the manufacturers but also the suppliers and direct marketers. In four days, the pavilions of the Zaragoza Fair attract everybody to the offers and the sectorial demands of Southern Europe. The fair is exclusively for furniture professionals. FMZ.2016 hopes to become the take off point for the furniture sector. www.zexpomueble.es
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Persax: telas tecnológicas con factor de protección solar Las lonas Swella Sunvas, patente exclusiva para España de Persax Grupo, son la mejor opción para disfrutar de las estancias exteriores en verano, sin necesidad de grandes esfuerzos por el mantenimiento, y con la tranquilidad de tener un producto de gran durabilidad que protege de los efectos perjudiciales del sol. Gracias a sus materiales y colores, las lonas para toldos determinan en gran medida el ambiente a la sombra, mejorando notablemente el bienestar de las personas. Las lonas Sunvas, de características tecnológicas muy avanzadas, cuentan con innovadores bloqueadores de los rayos ultravioletas que evitan el desgaste del material, la pérdida de color del tejido y, lo que es más importante, ofrecen un excelente factor de protección solar (FPS), muy superior al 50, garantizando así la mejor protección frente al sol. El FPS, en el caso de los tejidos, indica el tiempo adicional que se puede pasar al sol, bajo su protección. Como mínimo el 95% de los dañinos rayos UVA y UVB son absorbidos, incluso en las lonas más claras de la familia Sunvas. “Incluso la piel sensible de los niños se protege así de la mejor forma posible, lo que hace que el tiempo al aire libre con la familia
Sanitized AG appoints Stefan Müller as new Global Head of Sales for the Polymers and Textiles Division Sanitized AG: Stefan Müller, nuevo jefe de Ventas mundial de la división de Polímeros y Textil Beginning October 1, 2015 Stefan Müller (51), the new Global Head of Sales took over the responsibility for the worldwide sales of
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sea seguro y agradable. Todos los tejidos Sunvas cuentan con este factor máximo de protección solar, independientemente del color de la lona”, explica Beatriz Ochoa, directora de Marketing de Persax Grupo. Las telas no solo son entonces un elemento que nos tapa y nos quita de encima el molesto sol en alguna ocasión, sino que nos protegen y por ello son muy importantes la seguridad y calidad de los materiales. Ochoa asegura que “las lonas Sunvas son productos de alta tecnología bien madurados, resultado de muchos años de investigación y desarrollo técnico. Este nuevo tejido de alto rendimiento es fruto de más de 50 años de experiencia en fabricación de lonas y responde a nuestra filosofía de ofrecer siempre lo mejor a los clientes”. Muestra de ello son los estrictos controles de calidad que pasan todos los tejidos, cumpliendo con estándares internacionales y ofreciendo así muy buenos resultados. De esta manera, “la resistencia al desgarre de Swela Sunvas es muy superior al resto de lonas existentes en el mercado, como ocurre con la impermeabilidad del tejido, ya que puede aguantar sin problemas una columna de agua de 35 cm. La resistencia frente a los rayos UV y la fotoestabilidad de sus colores son otros de los resultados que derivan de las pruebas estandarizadas. Probamos todos nuestros tejidos en condiciones de uso ‘reales’”, explica Ochoa. Además de los avances tecnológicos que proporciona para protegernos de las inclemencias meteorológicas, las lonas Sunvas van un paso más allá al ofrecer una superficie impermeable que repele la suciedad, gracias a sus moléculas nano, que crean una unión con la superficie del tejido, impidiendo que la suciedad penetre. La estructura de las moléculas evita que el agua, la suciedad o el aceite se adhieran. El efecto de autolimpieza permite retirar el polen de las flores o el polvo acumulado, mediante la propia lluvia o con agua limpia sobre la superficie, sin necesidad de usar ningún tipo de detergente o jabón, lo que da al toldo un aspecto limpio y cuidado por mucho tiempo. Ochoa añade: “Fue el grupo Schmitz-Werke,
empresa alemana fundada en 1921 y nuestro partner fabricante de las lonas tecnológicas Sunvas, el primero en introducir las lonas acrílicas para toldos en Alemania y Europa, siendo pionero desde sus comienzos en innovación y desarrollo de tejidos tecnológicos de propiedades avanzadas y nosotros hemos seguido perfeccionando continuamente sus cualidades de uso y la facilidad de mantenimiento y cuidado. Así surgió la idea de una lona que ofreciese una protección todavía mayor frente a la suciedad, un nuevo efecto de los colores y diseños más variados. También quisimos mejorar las características técnicas como el comportamiento de enrolle, el grosor del tejido y su resistencia al desgarre. Para alcanzar estas metas, nos decidimos por un hilo especial de poliéster de alta tecnología”. Sunvas combina así lo mejor de las fibras sintéticas con el tacto del acrílico; pero lo que las diferencia es la tecnología Nanoclean, que impide que la suciedad penetre. “Hemos perfeccionado durante décadas el poliéster, que es la fibra sintética que más se trabaja en el mundo, así la nueva lona Sunvas es más lisa y más resistente. Nuestros continuos controles del producto garantizan una calidad homogénea al más alto nivel.” Los colorantes de alta tecnología son otro componente fundamental de esta novedosa lona. Los colores pueden tener un efecto relajante por un lado, o ser luminosos e intensivos como en el caso de las nuevas lonas Swella Sunvas, con un tejido que otorga una brillantez inusual
antimicrobial products for polymers and textiles for the Swiss company Sanitized AG. The business information specialist with German roots has over 25 years of international sales experience to contribute. During his more than 20 years of work for Ciba AG, he was Regional Sales Head EMEA for Inks & Printing as well as Global Sales Head for the Imaging & Ink area. At Hostmann-Steinberg (part of the Hubergroup München) he served as the Managing Director for Sales. Stefan Müller will manage the Sanitized
global sales network. This also includes further development of the sales and marketing partnership with Archroma for the textile area as well as the development of direct sales of polymer additives. Knowing the specialty chemicals industry, Stefan Müller wants to make the benefits of the Sanitized® ingredient brand more available to the manufacturers of textile and polymer products. Stefan Müller commented: “The leading position of Sanitized in the marketplace, its pioneering
a los colores. Las casas se impregnan de una luz muy especial, con un agradable ambiente luminoso y veraniego, gracias a sus colorantes de alta tecnología, y las múltiples combinaciones y mezclas de colores elaboradas en el laboratorio de Schmitz-Werke mediante avanzadas técnicas, produciendo una variedad casi ilimitada de lonas monocromas y con dibujos. “El intensivo trabajo de I+D y el uso de materiales innovadores, han valido la pena porque Sunvas es la lona para toldos del futuro, un producto líder en prestaciones, práctico y bonito”, concluye Ochoa. Persax: high-tech awning fabrics with solar protection factor Swellas Sunvas awning fabrics, patented exclusively for Spain by Persax Group, are the best option for users wanting to enjoy the outdoor life in summertime and require only minimum maintenance. They are guaranteed to be long lasting and to protect users from the harmful effects of exposure to the sun. These awning fabrics feature materials and colours that are ideal for creating shady spots and a far more comfortable environment. Sunvas awnings, which are manufactured using highly advanced technologies, contain innovative components that block sun rays and protect the material from damage and fading. Most importantly of all, they offer an extremely high SPF, far above 50, guaranteeing effective protection from the damaging effects of the sun. The SPF of a textile tells you how long you can spend in sunny conditions under its protection. At least 95% of harmful UVA and UVB rays are absorbed, and that applies to even the lightestcoloured awning fabrics in the Sunvas family. “Even children with sensitive skin will be fully protected and able to spend time outdoors with their families in a safe, pleasant setting. All Sunvas textiles offer the highest degree of solar protection, regardless of their colour”, explains Beatriz Ochoa, marketing manager at Persax Group. Sometimes fabrics need to be more than something to cover us up and block the
status in the antimicrobial treatment field and the lively, open innovation culture in particular were appealing arguments for my decision to join the Sanitized team.” Swiss antimicrobial expertise since 1935. Sanitized AG is a producer of antimicrobial hygiene function and material protection for textiles and plastics. For over 60 years, the company has been undertaking pioneering work in this field and has become an established specialist in individual hygiene concepts. In
harmful rays of the sun. They also protect us, which is why the safety and quality of the materials is so important. Ochoa says that “Sunvas awnings are well-established, high-tech products based on many years of research and technical development. This innovative, highperformance textile is the result of more than 50 years’ experience manufacturing awnings and is an example of our strategy to offer only the best to our customers”. “Our fabrics undergo extremely strict quality controls. They all comply with international standards and give extremely good results.” As she says, “Swela Sunvas products are more resistant to tearing than the other awning fabrics on the market. The same goes for its waterproof qualities, because it is easily able to withstand a 35 cm column of water. Resistance to UV rays and colour photo-stability are other benefits that have been proven in official tests. All our fabrics are tried and tested under “real” conditions, explained Ochoa. As well as their technological advantages that protect us from inclement weather, Sunvas awnings go one step further by offering a waterproof surface that repels dirt, thanks to their nano-molecules, which bind to the surface of the fabric and stop dirt from penetrating. The molecular structure stops water, dirt and oil from sticking to the surface. This self-cleaning effect makes it possible for pollen from flowers and dust to be swept away when it rains or by washing the surface with clean water, with no need for detergents or soaps, giving the awning a long-lasting clean, well-cared for. Ochoa adds: “It was the Schmitz-Werke Group, a German company founded in 1921 and Sunvas’ manufacturing partner for technological awning fabrics that first introduced acrylic awnings to Germany and Europe. The firm has always been a pioneer in innovation and development of technological fabrics with advanced properties. We have continued to perfect these qualities to improve easy care and maintenance. That’s what gave us the idea to offer even better protection against dirt, a new colour range and a wider variety of designs. We also wanted to
improve technical characteristics such as rolling performance, the thickness of the material and its tear resistance. To achieve these goals, we decided to use a special high-tech polyester yarn”. Sunvas combines the best of synthetic fibres with the feel of acrylic, but with Nanoclean technology to prevent dirt from penetrating. “We have spent decades perfecting the polyester, which is the most popular synthetic fibre in the world, and our new Sunvas awning canvas is the smoothest and the toughest on the market. Our continuous quality assurance processes guarantee high-level product standards. High technology colorants are another essential component of this innovative awning fabric. Colours can have a relaxing effect or they can be light and bright, as is the case with new Swella Sunvas awnings, which come in some extraordinarily bright colours. Houses are flooded with a unique light, which has a pleasant, light, summery feel thanks to these high-tech technologies. The numerous combinations and mixtures of colours created in the SchmitzWerke laboratory with advanced techniques create an almost infinite variety of monochrome and printed effects. “This intensive R&D and the use of innovative materials have all been worthwhile. Sunvas is the awning fabric of the future, a groundbreaking, high-performance, practical and attractive product”, said Ochoa. www.persax.com
addition to effective products, the range of services also includes advice on marketing and technical issues, diverse testing services, as well as a well-founded brand and license concept. Sanitized AG only uses scientifically researched and registered antimicrobial active ingredients that have undergone strictest risk assessments for people and the environment in internationally recognized procedures. www.sanitized.com
Textiles para el Hogar 282 | 63
Los españoles limpian el dormitorio... pero se olvidan de la almohada y el edredón Spaniards clean their bedrooms... but forget cushions and quilts! Más del 30% de los españoles padecen alergias a los ácaros del polvo y, para combatirlos, se suelen realizar tareas de limpieza en la habitación semanalmente aunque la limpieza de la almohada y el edredón son dos grandes ausentes. Así se concluye del Estudio Sociológico sobre los Ácaros del Polvo desarrollado por Advansa, especialista europeo en la fabricación de fibras de relleno de calidad y alta tecnología Dacron® para edredones, almohadas y cubrecolchones. Para ser más exactos, un cuarto de los encuestados afirma que nunca lava su almohada y 2 de cada 10 no limpia el edredón. El dormitorio es el lugar de la casa donde más ácaros habitan y al que hay que prestar especial atención. Por este motivo, la limpieza es fundamental para combatir los ácaros del polvo. El estudio resalta que –semanalmente– los encuestados cambian la ropa de cama (74%), realizan la limpieza del polvo (54%) y del pavimento (52%) como medidas
de protección higiénicas contra los ácaros. En cuanto al método que utilizan los encuestados para paliar la alergia a los ácaros el 81% afirma limpiar con un paño húmedo, seguido en menor medida por la utilización de ropa de cama con protección antiácaros (35%) y la limpieza de la ropa de cama a más de 55 °C (29%). Cuando dormimos nuestra piel desprende pequeñas escamas que sirven de alimento para los ácaros favoreciendo así su desarrollo. Por este motivo, la elección de una ropa de cama adaptada es fundamental y, según el estudio, al comprar un edredón los encuestados se centran en primer lugar en el precio (33%) y solo un 20% considera comprar un edredón o una almohada que lleven una protección antiácaros. Afortunadamente, el 22% de los encuestados valora la calidad del relleno como uno de los criterios principales a la hora de elegir un edredón. Para mantener un control ambiental contra los ácaros en la habitación, lo ideal es utilizar rellenos de ropa de cama con protección antiácaros y antimicrobiana con características hipoalergénicas, como el tratamiento Allerban®. Avaladas por la Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC) por tratarse de una protección antiácaros y antimi-
crobiana que impide el desarrollo de los ácaros del polvo en las fibras textiles, las fibras de relleno Hollofil Allerban® y Quallofil Allerban® para edredones nórdicos y almohadas aportan mayor calidad al descanso y un gran confort. Además, su mantenimiento es muy fácil, ya que se pueden lavar y secar en la lavadora. ¿Qué síntomas conlleva la alergia a los ácaros? Según el estudio de Dacron®, los síntomas están compuestos por estornudos continuados (78%), picor de la nariz y/o paladar (77%), conjuntivitis alérgica como lagrimeo, enrojecimiento y picor en los ojos (66%), obstrucción nasal (62%), secreción nasal (58%) y alteraciones del sueño (27%). Asimismo, el 47% de los participantes en el estudio valoran en una escala de 5 a 7 la molestia que le proporciona la alergia a los ácaros en su vida cotidiana. www.advansa.com
Firmado el convenio textil colectivo textil confección hasta 2017 El 30 de julio se firmó el convenio colectivo de la Industria Textil y de la Confección. El acuerdo agrupa a sindicatos y patronales textiles y tiene una vigencia de tres años (2015-2017), lo que ofrece un marco de paz social y estabilidad laboral a un sector que ha empezado a recuperarse en términos de producción y empleo.
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A la firma del convenio asistieron los empresarios y presidentes de las patronales Consejo Intertextil Español, Alejandro Laquidain; Confederación de la Industria Textil - Texfor y Federación Nacional de Acabadores, Estampadores y Tintoreros Textiles, Jordi Ribes; Federación Textil Sedera, Laura Ortiz; Asociación Industrial Textil de Proceso Algodonero - Aitpa, Jaume Balaguer; Federación de la Industria textil Lanera - Fitexlan, Francesc Garcia-Planas y Federación de Industrias de la Confección - Fedecon, Ángel Asensio; así como los representantes de la Agrupación Española de Género de Punto, la Asociación de Empresarios Textiles de la Comunidad Valenciana (ATEVAL), la Unión Nacional de Fabricantes de Alfombras, Moquetas, Revestimientos e Industrias Afines y Auxiliares (UNIFAM), y la Asociación Patronal de Empresarios de la Industria Textil de Poliolefinas y Fibras Duras. Por la parte sindical, asistieron los secretarios generales y las responsables de la negociación de CC.OO. Industria y FITAG-
UGT, Agustín Martín con Carmen Expósito y Antonio Deusa con Paula Alvés, respectivamente, acompañados de los negociadores sindicales. El incremento salarial pactado es de un 0,5% para el primer semestre de 2015; un 0,7% para el segundo semestre de este ejercicio; un 0,9% para 2016 y un 1,3% para 2017. Estos incrementos están en la línea del Acuerdo Nacional para el Empleo y la Negociación Colectiva AENC III, que contempla hasta un 1% para 2015 y de hasta un 1,5% para 2016. El Consejo Intertextil Español, en boca de su presidente, Alejandro Laquidain, ha hecho una valoración positiva del convenio firmado: “Hemos realizado un trabajo a fondo y, aunque la negociación ha sido muy compleja, estamos satisfechos por el resultado, tanto por la simplificación de los textos, la vigencia a tres años y los incrementos salariales pactados en la línea marcada por el AENC III, así como por la adecuación de los contenidos a las necesidades de las empresas y los trabajadores.”
Polígono Industrial I-4 (Parcela 25) Apdo. 101 - 03330 Crevillent (Alicante) Tels. +34 966 68 15 29 / 965 41 07 41 Fax +34 965 40 49 09 E-mail: hispania@alfombrashispania.com alfombrashispania.com
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I N N OVAC I O N E S T E X T I L E S P L A S . L . Ca r re r d e l s Te l e r s , 5 5 - 5 7 – P. O. B ox 4 1 3 4 6 8 7 0 O n t i nye n t ( Va l e n c i a ) S p a i n Te l . + 3 4 – 9 6 – 2 9 1 5 6 1 8 Fax . + 3 4 – 9 6 – 2 9 1 5 2 1 3 E - m a i l : . i n fo @ e s-te l a . co m E - m a i l ex p o r t : t pv @ e s-te l a . co m w w w. e s-te l a . co m
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Inés Ballester
Camí Beniati, 4 - Apdo. 70 - 46860 ALBAIDA (Valencia) - www.belnou.com Tel. +34 962 900 990 - Fax +34 962 900 048 - E-mail: belnou@belnou.com
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Almohadas, edredones nórdicos, cubrecolchones, fundas de almohadas y colchón, colchones y bases. www.mash.com.es
PRODUCTOS KOL, S.L. Pol. Ind. de Rocaforte, s/n - 31400 Sangüesa - Navarra - Tel. 948 430 200 - 900 200 203 - Fax 948 430 444
RAFSOL, S.L. Pol. Ind. IP4 - Passeig de L’Havana nº14 46890 AGULLENT (Valencia) - Spain Tel. +34 96 290 76 00 - Fax +34 96 290 78 66 E-mail: rafsol@rafsol.com www.rafsol.com Dirección postal: P.O. Box/Apdo. 142 - 46870 ONTINYENT (Valencia) - Spain
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TEXHABITAT, S.L. - Rbla. Davallades, 5 - 08500 VIC (Barcelona, Spain) - Tel. +34 93 380 36 31 - Fax +34 93 181 59 97 - E-mail: risart@risart.net - www.risart.net
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C.Trovador, S.L.
Dr. Nicasio Benlloch, 68 46015 VALENCIA (España) Toallas: Telf. +34 96 349 50 33 Fax +34 96 347 55 18 E-mail: info@trovador.es
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UNIVERSAL XXI, S.L. Ctra. de la Estación, s/n • Pol. IP4 • Apartado 35 • 03330 Crevillente (Alicante) España • Tel. +34 96 540 02 50 • Fax +34 96 540 02 66 • E-mail: universalxxi@unifam.es
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