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sumari_Maquetación 1 22/12/16 12:39 Página 2
Nº 289
Depósito legal B-993-1968 issn (papel) 0211-7975 issn (internet) 2013-6102 Editada por Publisher
Sumario / Content Dirección General General Managing JORDI BALAGUÉ • jordi@publica.es JOAN LLUÍS BALAGUÉ • joanlluis@publica.es Ecuador, 75, entlo. - 08029 Barcelona (Spain) Tel. +34 933 215 045 / 046 - Fax +34 933 221 972 E-mail: publica@publica.es www.publica.es Director de la Publicación Editor JORDI BALAGUÉ • jordi@publica.es Redactor Jefe Editor in Chief MIGUEL ROIG • miguel@publica.es Diseño y Maquetación Design & Layout ISABEL FERNÁNDEZ • isabelf@publica.es Publicidad Advertising RAIMON CASTELLS • raimon@publica.es Facturación y Contabilidad Billing and Accounting MAR MIGUEL • mar@publica.es Distribución y Suscripciones Distribution and Subscriptions suscripciones@publica.es Suscripción Anual (6 números) Year Subscription (6 issues) España / Spain: 81 euros + IVA Europa / Europe: 129 euros Extranjero / Abroad: 139 euros Portal Web / Website Registro anual / Yearly registration: 38 euros Impresión Printing Comgrafic - Barcelona
Reservados todos los derechos, se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, de los contenidos de este número sin previa autorización expresa por escrito. TEXTILES PARA EL HOGAR no se identifica necesariamente con las opiniones y conceptos expresados por los colaboradores y personas entrevistadas, que son de la exclusiva responsabilidad del autor. “La Editorial a los efectos previstos en el artículo 32.1 párrafo segundo del vigente TRLPI, se opone expresamente a que cualquiera de las páginas de esta obra o partes de ella sean utilizadas para la realización de resúmenes de prensa. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra (www.conlicencia.com; 91 702 19 70 / 93 272 04 47)”.
Disponible también para Available also for
I. NOVEDADES / NEW PRODUCTS Misha, Gancedo, Komett, Rubio, Creaciones Euromoda, Zoro Textile, Fotomurales, AMR, Biés Osona, Persax, Es Tela, Altran Solutions, Dedar, Risart, Khama, Revert, Cassa Luyton, Circu, Divayne, Gamanatura, Hispanotex, Lelievre, Sampedro, Textiles Visatex, Koket, Dickson... ... en / in... 22 Propuestas para el hogar Proposals for the home ALFOMBRAS / RUGS Brabbu, Universal XXI, Brintons, Farhadian, Illulian, Koket, nanimarquina, Nodus, Sualsa… …en / in… 38 Pensando en el suelo With floors in mind
En este número...
In this issue...
En este número de Textiles para el Hogar volvemos a Bruselas, de la mano de nuestra especialista Carmen Gisbert, para conocer más y mejor las investigaciones y novedades que detectó en MoOD. Toni Prat se refiere en su artículo a cuestiones relacionadas con la industria, el comercio y sus nuevas formas (o ya no tan nuevas) y los consumidores. La revista física va a estar, como todos los años, en las principales citas de enero: Heimtextil en Frankfurt y Domotex en Hannover. Así pues ofrecemos dos apartados especiales en el que las firmas, expositoras o no en dichos salones, les sugieren una gran cantidad de novedades para suministrar a sus negocios. Solo nos queda desearles un 2017 lleno de éxito y felicidad. ¡Hasta el próximo número!
In this issue of Textiles para el Hogar we are back to Brussels hand in hand with our expert Carmen Gisbert to share some in-depth information about the research and innovations she discovered at MoOD. Meanwhile, Toni Prat’s article shines a light on aspects of industry, new (and not-so-new) ways of doing business, and consumers. Once again this year, our print magazine will be available at the year's leading events, such as Heimtextil in Frankfurt and Domotex in Hannover. We have included two special sections in which exhibitors (and also non-exhibitors at these events), suggest a plethora of new products for supplying your business. All that’s left now is to wish you a highly successful and very happy 2017. See you next issue!
IV. Y MÁS... / AND MORE...
III. FERIAS / TRADE FAIRS DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR 54 Carpets and textile floor coverings remain the biggest display 45 Tecnología, artesanía e inspiración oriental: HOMI acoge las nuevas tendencias 46 IHGF Delhi Fair: All set for Super Spring 2017 edition 42 Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: strong business results
I+D / R&D 46 La Innovation Platform de MoOD 2016 (y II) The Innovation Platform at MoOD 2016 (and II) Carmen Gisbert 55 NOTICIAS / NEWS OPINIÓN / OPINION 36 Dicotomía 37 Dichotomy Toni Prat TENDENCIAS / TRENDS 8 El Theme Park de Heimtextil aviva el espíritu científico Heimtextil "Theme Park" sparks the spirit of research
BIÉS OSONA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 CAÑETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-18 DIVAYNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pág. 33 + Págs. 20-21 HEIMTEXTIL 2017 . . . . . . . . . . .Interior contraportada Inside back cover IHGF DELHI SPRING FAIR 2017 - EPCH . . .27 ISHT 2017 - INTERTEXTILE SHANGHAI HOME TEXTILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 GAMANATURA . . . . . .Contraportada + Pág. 12-13 Back cover + Pages 12-13 GUÍA DEL COMPRADOR BUYER’S GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65-66 LAMINATS ORIENT / TINTES ORIENT . . . .31 MASH – PRODUCTOS KOL GRUPO FLEX . . .Interior portada + Pág. 3 + Pág. 41 Inside cover + Page 3 + Page 41 RIEL CHYC . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pág. 35 + Págs. 18-19 TEXTIL CASA MODA . . . . .Pág. 29 + Págs. 14-15 TEXTILES VILBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
El Theme Park de Heimtextil aviva el espíritu científico Heimtextil 2017 invita a un viaje a lo desconocido lleno de curiosidades y fascinación. «Explorations» es el lema ad hoc del Theme Park de Heimtextil, (Frankfurt, 10-13 de enero de 2017). El 6 de septiembre del 2016, los responsables de la feria mostraron, en el hotel Lindenberg de Frankfurt, una primera aproximación a las nuevas tendencias decorativas 2017/2018 en una mesa redonda en vivo para todo el mundo. En el acto participó Natalie Weinmann, de la oficina de diseño Carlin International/Exalis, que en esta ocasión se ha encargado de la concepción y el diseño del Theme Park. Junto con Anne Marie Commandeur del Stijlinstituut Amsterdam y Felix Diener, del estudio de diseño homónimo, otros integrantes del grupo de debate Heimtextil Trend Table participaron en la charla y lanzaCultural Explorations
8 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
ron una previsión para el diseño de interiores textiles de la próxima temporada. Los expertos en moda de Heimtextil atendieron en sus análisis a las disciplinas del comercio minorista, la tecnología, la hospitalidad, el transporte, el trabajo y el hogar y mostraron numerosas novedades. Siguiendo el lema «Marketing Decoding», la publicación descifra qué novedades podrían suponer una ventaja para las empresas y sus marcas en el futuro. Se presentaron proyectos pioneros e ideas de empresas innovadoras, además de lanzarse propuestas creativas y reflexiones más allá de lo convencional. Estos buscadores de tendencias siguen el ambicioso impulso de exploración y el deseo de abrirse a mundos desconocidos. También la introspección creativa y la necesi-
Los expertos en moda de Heimtextil atendieron en sus análisis a las disciplinas del comercio minorista, la tecnología, la hospitalidad, el transporte, el trabajo y el hogar dad de investigar y comprender cómo funcionan las personas desempeñan un papel fundamental. «Basándonos en el tema de la exploración, hemos buscado materiales, texturas y elementos que dan vida a innovaciones.
Así hemos descubierto tejidos que, fundidos con otros materiales, dan lugar a combinaciones sorprendentes. Estas nuevas sustancias de mundos desconocidos nos encantan. Al mismo tiempo, los aspectos naturales revelan una sensualidad inesperada», explica Weinmann. Tanto el nuevo catálogo de tendencias que se presentó durante la conferencia como el Theme Park de la feria invitan a investigar de forma autónoma y a descubrir nuevos enfoques de producción y marketing. Puede conocer las opiniones de estos marcadores de tendencias online: en www. heimtextil-theme-park.com se proporciona información y se presentan proyectos de diseño. Theme Park Heimtextil (pabellón 6.0) Como una de las mayores ferias del mundo especializadas en textiles para el hogar y el contract, Heimtextil tiene la función especial de ser barómetro de tendencias y unidad de medida para textiles de calidad con un diseño y una funcionalidad innovadores. Por ello, Messe Frankfurt dio vida ya en 1991 a la presentación de tendencias Heimtextil y la ha mantenido desde entonces. Año tras año, el grupo internacional Trend Table muestra las corrientes generales más importantes y proporciona a los desarrolladores de productos, equipos creativos, instaladores y diseñadores una valiosa orientación, además de unas previsiones de tendencias fiables. A propósito de la Heimtextil 2017, los responsables de la feria avanzan en las tendencias y han creado para el pabellón 6.0 el Theme Park como área central de moda e inspiración de la Heimtextil.
La concepción y la implantación de la puesta en escena de la feria, así como el diseño de la publicación para la ocasión y de la nueva página web, ha correspondido al estudio de tendencias francés Carlin International, bajo la dirección de Exalis, de Berlín. «Explorations» – Trends 2017/2018 Virtual Explorations
Los procesos digitales permiten reinterpretar la transparencia. Gracias al brillo nacarado, el tejido se despierta a la vida visiblemente vibrante. Las láminas y la seda recuerdan, gracias al brillo holográfico, a un reflejo en el agua. Los extravagantes estampados florales, los bordados, el jacquard y el encaje prevalecen y despiertan una intrigante fascinación. Surge una nueva forma de exotismo digital. Las estructuras y los organismos celulares inspiran y aportan una nueva comprensión del 3D. Las estructuras orgánicas y animales proporcionan a los tejidos técnicos una flexibilidad sensual y poética. Los colores son vivos y nos recuerdan al agua. Cultural Explorations
Se despliega una nueva multiculturalidad urbana: diferentes influencias culturales se funden en una única cultura interna multinacional. Esta transformación también se consuma en el interior. El reconocimiento de una cultura en particular va desapareciendo. Las técnicas tradicionales se modernizan y se combinan entre sí. El resultado son modificaciones muy modernas y lujosas. Las tintas de pigmentos se
funden con unos tonos de color urbanos hasta lograr un aspecto étnico universal. Planetary Explorations
En un mundo desconocido e interplanetario, las materias primas se utilizan y el interior se convierte en mineral. De los materiales se logra un nuevo brillo encantador equipado con propiedades protectoras. De esta riqueza de materiales se obtienen extractos de tejidos y texturas hasta ahora desconocidas. Nuevas técnicas de frotamiento componen delicadas estructuras de delicadeza mineral. El principio de la aleatoriedad controlada conduce a nuevos tonos. Las telas marcadamente voluminosas recuerdan a la superficie lunar y sirven de concha suave y protectora. La paleta de colores juega con la luz y la oscuridad y cambia entre blanco luminoso y tonos ceniza. Natural Explorations
El camino hacia la reinvención de lo urbano pasa por la naturaleza. El uso de materiales naturales en procesos de fabricación industriales es ahora más actual que nunca, además de ser importante para respetar el planeta. Sin embargo, con eso no basta: el interior es una simbiosis con la naturaleza. Las hápticas se ven moldeadas por efectos de fibras naturales, tales como relieves similares a la madera o estructuras de corteza. Los materiales hacen uso de elementos geométricos para imitar el mundo vegetal. Con ayuda de las texturas se emplean detalles del mundo animal. Así se crean patrones de camuflaje, originalmente como refinados, de los mundos animal y vegetal. Los tonos verdes intensos se mezclan con los colores de la corteza y de la tierra.
Virtual Explorations
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 9
Heimtextil “Theme Park” sparks the spirit of research Heimtextil 2017 invites us on a journey into the unknown, full of curiosities and fascination. With “Explorations”, the “Theme Park” will provide exactly the right theme for Heimtextil (Frankfurt) from 10-13 January 2017. A first glimpse of the new furnishing trends for 2017/18 was presented by those responsible for organising the trade fair in a discussion session transmitted live across the world on 6 September 2016 at the Hotel Lindenberg in Frankfurt. Those present included Natalie Weinmann from the design agency Carlin International/Exalis, responsible for the conception and design of this year’s “Theme Park”. With Anne Marie Commandeur from the Stijlinstituut Amsterdam and Felix Diener from the design studio of the same Planetary Explorations
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name, additional members of the Heimtextil Trendtable also took part in the conference and gave their prognoses for textile interior design for the coming season. The Heimtextil trend experts have examined the disciplines of retail, technology, hospitality, transport, work and home and made numerous new discoveries. Bearing in mind the key phrase “marketing decoding”, the book informs readers which new aspects could be of benefit for companies and their brands in future. Pioneering projects and start-up ideas are presented and creative suggestions and unconventional approaches offered. In doing so, the trend researchers are answering the
The Heimtextil trend experts have examined the disciplines of retail, technology, hospitality, transport, work and home
ambitious call for exploration and the desire to tap into unknown worlds. Creative selfobservation and the need to investigate and understand how people function also play
an important role. “Based on the theme ‘exploration’, we have looked for materials, textures and elements to bring innovations to life. In doing so, we discovered fabrics that gave rise to surprising combinations when merged with other materials. It is these nine fabrics from unknown worlds that captivate us. At the same time, the natural aspects reveal an unexpected sensuousness,” explains. Both the new trend book that will be presented during the conference and the “Theme Park” at the trade fair invite visitors to carry out their own explorations and discover new production and marketing approaches. An initial overview of the statements provided by the trend researchers is already available online: background information is supplied and design projects presented at www.heimtextil-theme-park.com. “Theme Park” at hall 6.0 As the world’s largest specialist trade fair for home and contract textiles, Heimtextil functions as a barometer for trends and yardstick for quality textiles with excellent design and innovative functionality. This is why Messe Frankfurt got the Heimtextil trend underway in 1991 and has consistently expanded it ever since. Every year, a Trendtable with international members investigates the most important universal trends and supplies product developers, creative teams, furnishers and designers with valuable advice and reliable trend statements. At Heimtextil 2017, those responsible for organising the trade fair will continue the trend concept and implement the “Theme Park” as the central trend-related and inspirational area of Heimtextil in Hall
6.0. The conception and realisation of this showcase at the trade fair, as well as the design of the accompanying book and new website, will be managed by the French trend agency Carlin International under the leadership of Exalis from Berlin. “Explorations” – Trends 2017/2018 Virtual Explorations
Digital processes enable a new interpretation of transparency. Thanks to a mother-ofpearl-like shimmer, fabric is brought to life in a vibrant way. Films and silk are reminiscent of reflections in water thanks to dazzling holographic brilliance. Extravagant floral patterns, embroidery, jacquards and lace dominate and give rise to astonishing fascination. A new form of digital exoticism is born. Structures from cell organisms inspire and convey a new understanding of 3D. Organicanimal structures give technical materials a sensuous-poetic flexibility. Colours are lively and reminiscent of water. Cultural Explorations
A new urban multiculturalism unfolds: various cultural influences merge to form a unique multinational in-culture. This transformation can also be seen in interiors. A focus on particular cultures is increasingly disappearing. Traditional techniques are being modernised and merged together, resulting in highly modern and luxurious modifications. Pigment colours merge with urban shades to form a universal ethnic look.
Planetary Explorations
In an unknown, interplanetary world, raw materials are used and the interior becomes a mineral itself. A new, magical brilliance is extracted from the materials, which are given protective characteristics. From this wealth of materials arise material extracts and textures hitherto unknown. New wipe techniques form fine structures of mineral-like delicacy. The principle of controlled chances leads to new kinds of shading. Deliberately voluminous materials are reminiscent of the surface of the moon and serve as soft, protective shells. The colour palette plays with light and dark and oscillates between bright white and ash-coloured tones. Natural Explorations
The way to rediscovering urban aspects takes us through nature. The use of natural materials in industrial manufacturing processes is more contemporary now than ever before – not least out of respect for our planet. But this isn’t enough: the interior is entering into a symbiosis with nature. Touch is dominated by natural fibre effects such as wood-like reliefs or bark structures. The materials make use of geometric elements in order to imitate the plant world. Details from the animal world are incorporated with the help of textures. This gives rise to camouflage patterns, both original and finished, from the animal and plant world. Intensive green tones mix with colours inspired by tree bark and earth. www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com
Natural Explorations
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 11
Colecciรณn Licencias. Licenses Collection.
Peonia Story. Funda nรณrdica. Duvet cover.
12 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
City. Funda nรณrdica. Duvet cover.
¿Quiénes somos? Gamanatura es una empresa que ofrece soluciones para su hogar, con una cultura empresarial basada en su compromiso con el medio ambiente. La calidad, diseño y alto grado de innovación (apostamos fuerte en I+D+i) en nuestros productos son, sin duda, uno de nuestros estandartes. Somos una empresa joven, dinámica y proactiva, pero que a su vez conserva en su ADN las señas de identidad de su empresa madre, con más de 40 años de experiencia en fabricación y distribución en Moda y Hogar. Todo esto, con un claro objetivo: transformar tu casa en hogar y buscar soluciones para personas con gusto como tú. Estamos en las mejores tiendas especializadas del textil hogar y decoración. En nuestro afán de liderazgo, obtenemos para el mercado español las marcas y licencias de máxima actualidad. Sin duda, este hecho nos ayuda a ser un referente, lograr una gran reputación dentro del sector y a consolidarnos día a día, gracias a la reconocida calidad de nuestros productos y al prestigio de nuestras marcas. Nuestro equipo Uno de los grandes patrimonios de Gamanatura es su cualificado equipo profesional. Nuestro objetivo es atender y satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Una actitud positiva y respetuosa son valores que marcan la diferencia, pero sin talento, conocimiento, habilidad y experiencia, no hubiéramos logrado las cotas de éxito actuales que nos sitúan a la vanguardia del sector. En representación de este magnífico equipo, Javier García Martínez.
Premium. Juego de sábanas de satén 300 hilos. Satin sheets set, 300 threads.
Who are we? Gamanatura is a company that offers solutions for your home, with a corporate culture based on the commitment to the environment. The quality, design and high degree of innovation (strongly betting on R+D+i) in our products are without doubt one of our banners. We are a young, dynamic and proactive business, however we keep in its DNA the hallmarks of its parent company, with over 40 years of manufacturing experience and distribution in Fashion and Home. All this with the clear purpose to transform your house into a home and find solutions for people with taste like you. You will find us in the best stores and home textile decoration. In our efforts to achieve leadership, we obtain for the Spanish market the top trademarks and licensings. Undoubtedly, this fact helps us to be a leader, achieve high reputation within the industry and consolidate day by day, thanks to the high quality of our products and the reputation of our brands. Our team One of the great assets of Gamanatura is its qualified professional team. Our goal is to meet and satisfy the needs of our customers. A positive and respectful attitude are values that make a difference, but without talent, knowledge, skill and experience, we would not have achieved the current levels of success that place us at the forefront of the sector. On behalf of this great team, Javier García Martínez.
Gamanatura, S.L. Tea Rose. Juego de sábanas de franela. Flannel sheets set.
Tel. marcas: +34 932 389 246 Tel. licencias: + 34 933 686 190 Mail: info@gamanatura.com
Rambla Cataluña, 124, 1º 2ª 08008 BARCELONA www.gamanatura.com
Hall 11.1 Stand B21
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 13
Nikoleta 91 gris Funda nordica Nikoleta 91 grey duvet cover.
Kabira -Mad-Nuru-Zaka
Gap-Lille-Cholet antimanchas / Antistain.
16 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
Cañete, S.A. Pol. Ind. El Plà C/Borreres,23 (cruce con C/ Dels Diables) 46870 ONTINYENT (Valencia / España) T +34 962 911 338 F +34 962 910 980 at_cliente@canetesa.es www.canetesa.es
Hall 4.1 Stand B86 Nikoleta 30 beig Funda nordica / Nikoleta 30 beig duvet cover.
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 17
18 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
Riel Chyc, S.L. en Heimtextil Tras más de 40 años fabricando barras, rieles y mecanismos para la decoración de la ventana, mantiene más vigente que nunca su espíritu innovador. Riel Chyc está en constante adaptación a la demanda del mercado, siendo hoy el fabricante español líder en mecanismos para la decoración. Nuestra gama de rieles de aluminio, tanto en sus modalidades manuales como en las que incorporan mecanismos eléctricos, están al día con nuevas gamas de colores nuevas soluciones que hacen más fáciles los montajes y enriquecen la decoración. Nuestras instalaciones de 22.500 metros cuadrados junto a su almacén inteligente de altas prestaciones con 2.500 huecos, permiten una amplia capacidad fabril y una estructura logística ágil y precisa. En la actualidad contamos con organizaciones comerciales y logísticas propias en Reino Unido, Francia y Portugal, y mantenemos relaciones comerciales estables con más de 50 países. Dentro de nuestros planes de futuro, están seguir agilizando nuestra organización logística, profundizar en nuevos mercados sobre todo en el área iberoamericana y la ampliación de nuestro catálogo con productos vanguardistas. El experimentado equipo humano de la empresa, complementado con las nuevas incorporaciones, nos permiten afrontar el futuro próximo con fundado optimismo. Le atenderemos en la próxima edición 2017 de Heimtextil (Hall 3.0 E10)
Riel Chyc, S.L. at Heimtextil Having been manufacturing curtain tracks and poles, roman and roller blinds and all other accessories for window dressing for over 40 years, we keep innovating and trying to keep up to date with current trends. Riel Chyc keeps adapting itself to the new demands of the market, and is the Spanish manufacturing leader in its sector. Our aluminium tracks, manual or motorised, are up to date with new colour ranges and with new solutions to make its fitting easier and improve the interiors. Our factory expands over 22,500 sq. m., and we have a “smart warehouse” comprising over 2,500 different products to increase the productivity. Currently we do have different branches within Spain, plus our sister companies in United Kingdom, France and Portugal. Besides that, we do have a network of customers and agents in over 50 different countries. Currently we are trying to expand our market specially in Iberoamerica, and to keep increasing our range of products to fulfill market demand. Our experienced team of professionals combined with newcomers to our project helps us envisage the future with optimism. We will be attending Heimtextil this coming January 2017 (Hall 3.0 E10)
Polígono industrial “El Forseguer” S/N. 03460 Beneixama, Alicante - Spain Tel. +34 902 411 111 Fax +34 902 411 110 rielchyc@rielchyc.com Unit 5, Watermill Business Centre Edison Road Enfield EN3 7XF, United Kingdom T. +44 20 3441 6620 Fax +44 20 8043 0035 rielchyc-uk@rielchyc.com
ZAC Naturopole 9, Rue Gustave Eiffel 66350 Toulouges, France T. +33 468 54 09 88 Fax +33 468 55 56 90 rielchyc-france@rielchyc.com Rua dos Mourões, 757 4410-137 São Félix da Marinha, Portugal Tel. +351 227 330 750/8 Fax +351 227 330 759 norte-calhas-chyc@rielchyc.com
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 19
20 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
Divayne es una firma fundada en 1982 con el propósito de la fabricación de textiles para el hogar. Hoy, con más de 30 años de experiencia, nos sentimos orgullosos de estar en el mercado y elaborar productos con la más alta calidad y confort para su hogar. Contamos actualmente con diversas colecciones de modalidad, características y diseño, para satisfacer todas las necesidades, crear las casas más modernas, sofisticadas y con más color. Una multitud de texturas y colores reflejan las últimas tendencias en decoración para que usted pueda componer un espacio contemporáneo, rodeado por la comodidad. En nuestros catálogos puede ver algunos tipos de artículos que producimos hoy. Calidad y comodidad desde 1982. Founded in 1982 with the purpose of manufacturing home textiles. Today with more than 30 years of experience, we pride ourselves to be on the market and only produce products with the highest quality and comfort for your home. We count these days with varied collections of colors and standards to meet all sorts of needs to make homes more modern, sophisticated and with more color. Textures and colors that reflect the latest trends in decor so you can compose a contemporary space, surrounded by comfort. In our catalogs you can see some types of articles we produce today. Quality and comfort since 1982. www.divayne.com
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 21
Propuestas para el hogar Proposals for the home DIVAYNE www.divayne.com
DIVAYNE www.divayne.com
DIVAYNE www.divayne.com
Suya 15.
RUBIO cuadernos.rubio.net
SAMPEDRO www.sampedro.pt
ZORO TEXTILE www.zorotextile.com
22 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
REVERT www.revert.es
TEXTILES VISATEX www.visatex.com
Melin. CREACIONES EUROMODA www.creaciones-euromoda.com Percy cobre. Funda nรณrdica. Duvet cover.
Azania. CREACIONES EUROMODA www.creaciones-euromoda.com
ZORO TEXTILE www.zorotextile.com
ZORO TEXTILE www.zorotextile.com
James. Colección de lujo hecha en Portugal. Funda nórdica y sábanas de 100% algodón; cubrecama matelassé. Deluxe Jacquard bedlinen collection made in Portugal. Duvet cover and sheets in 100% cotton 300TC; matelassé bedspread. ES TELA – INNOVACIONES TEXTILES PLA www.es-tela.com
CASSA LUYTON tonopla@cassaluyton.com
CASSA LUYTON tonopla@cassaluyton.com
CASSA LUYTON tonopla@cassaluyton.com
Andrea. Funda nórdica perla. Duvet cover, pearl.
Kabul. Funda nórdica perla. Duvet cover, pearl.
Florencia. Funda nórdica piedra. Duvet cover, stone.
24 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
ZORO TEXTILE www.zorotextile.com
CASSA LUYTON tonopla@cassaluyton.com
CIRCU www.circu.net
Claudia. Funda nórdica blanco. Duvet cover, white.
Algunos niños han nacido para volar. Some kids are born to fly.
FOTO MURALES www.fotomural.com
FOTO MURALES www.fotomural.com
FOTO MURALES www.fotomural.com
26 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
FOTO MURALES www.fotomural.com
FOTO MURALES www.fotomural.com
GAMANATURA www.gamanatura.com
Dory Deep. CASSA LUYTON tonopla@cassaluyton.com
CASSA LUYTON tonopla@cassaluyton.com
KHAMA www.khama.es
Cachemir. Juego de sรกbanas. Sheets set.
Topos. Juego de sรกbanas crema. Sheets set, cream.
Colchones con cara de verano y cara de invierno. Mattresses with winter side and summer side.
KHAMA www.khama.es
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
Colchones con cara de verano y cara de invierno. Mattresses with winter side and summer side.
Ian Mankin. Ashfield collection.
Sanderson. Waterperry collection.
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GAMANATURA www.gamanatura.com
GAMANATURA www.gamanatura.com
GAMANATURA www.gamanatura.com
Paw Patrol Team.
Star Wars.
LELIEVRE www.lelievre.eu
LELIEVRE www.lelievre.eu
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
Robert Allen. Enchanting collection.
CREACIONES EUROMODA www.creaciones-euromoda.com
CREACIONES EUROMODA www.creaciones-euromoda.com
Paprika Deco.
Fifi y Fifi. Coord. sofรก.
REVERT www.revert.es
REVERT www.revert.es
PERSAX www.persax.es
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TEXTILES VISATEX www.visatex.com
PERSAX www.persax.es
ALTRAN www.altransolutions.es
ALTRAN www.altransolutions.es
Slim. Riel decorativo de aluminio cepillado. Slim. Decorative track; brushed aluminium.
Coimbra Cortina Pared. Riel decorativo de aluminio con dos lados (ovalado y plano). Coimbra Cortina Pared. Two sided aluminium decorative track.
PERSAX www.persax.es
DICKSON www.dickson-constant.com
BIÉS OSONA www.biesosona.com
BIÉS OSONA www.biesosona.com
BIÉS OSONA www.biesosona.com
DEDAR www.dedar.com
DEDAR www.dedar.com
DEDAR www.dedar.com
KOMMET www.komett.es
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KOMMET www.komett.es
KOMMET www.komett.es
KOKET www.bykoket.com
Finland fox natural brown throw.
KOMMET www.komett.es
RISART www.risart.net
Organic. Algodรณn orgรกnico de alta calidad. Organic high quality cotton.
Bicicleta. Colecciรณn Romรกntica. Romรกntica collection.
KOKET www.bykoket.com
KOKET www.bykoket.com
MISHA www.mishawallpaper.com
Mink cream throw.
Laser cut rabbit jet black throw.
Metallic wallpaper collection.
HISPANO TEX www.hispanotex.com
HISPANO TEX www.hispanotex.com
MISHA www.mishawallpaper.com
Sakura negro / black.
Berna perla / pearl.
Metallic wallpaper collection.
34 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
RISART www.risart.net
RISART www.risart.net
RISART www.risart.net
Stilettos. Colección Chic. / Chic collection.
Gabbie. Colección Romántica. Romántica collection.
Maniquíes. Colección Chic. Chic collection.
Dicotomía Toni Prat
Según se consolidan las redes sociales como canales de prescripción, se va perfilando el mercado en dos grandes opciones de consumo: uno, la de los artículos más personalizados, de calidad, producidos a menudo de una manera sostenible y la de “los artículos de producción masiva”, a precios ultraeconómicos y fáciles de conseguir, por otro. Al mismo tiempo se confirma un descenso de atractivo para los productos “medianos”… los que cumplen una relación calidad/precio correcto, pero sin el atractivo de un marketing que enfatice precisamente este equilibrio.
Ya que no hay ningún canal de televisión que no tenga al menos un programa de cocina, ni una revista de índole social que no incluya alguna receta o artículo en el que se hable de la alimentación… los productores de los textiles para estos menesteres se ven obligados a introducir sigilosamente y con astucia a intentar “colar” algún delantal, manopla, agarrador o paño de cocina para poder reclamar la atención de un consumidor que estaba en peligro de extinción. Quizás los fabricantes de textiles para el hogar deberían fomentar algún tipo de reclamo para que los medios de comunicación hablaran de sus productos, sobre sus cualidades, sus aportaciones al bienestar, sus comodidades cuando la calidad les acompaña, sobre la capacidad de impacto plástico-visual con capacidad para cambiar el ambiente de una estancia, la salubridad que comporta un producto equilibrado ecológicamente y otras consideraciones que cabría resaltar para conseguir dignificar su atractivo.
La proliferación de marcas que se venden solo en internet o en tiendas específicas es obvia. Parece que esta “pseudoexclusividad” que adquieren los productos les ponga un toque de glamour que permite incrementar significativamente su precio de venta. En consecuencia, si el valor de mercado de un artículo es superior al de otro similar seguramente exigiremos a éste el respaldo de una gran marca, una calidad excepcional y tangible o un excentricismo especial que nos cautive y que marque o esté dentro del mundo de las “tendencias”.
Quizás los fabricantes de textiles para el hogar deberían fomentar algún tipo de reclamo para que los medios de comunicación hablaran de sus productos Llegados a este punto solo nos quedan dos opciones para producir artículos con etiqueta de “autor”. Partir de artículos estándares y modificarlos con alguna intervención artesana sobrepuesta para diferenciarlos y
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personificarlos o aceptar costes significativamente más elevados por el hecho de utilizar máquinas de gran producción y hacer series reducidas o limitadas. Cabe resaltar que, en el caso de querer utilizar las máquinas antiguas que permiten menos producción, el resultado nos reportará unos costes de producto insostenibles para cualquier mente de nuestro siglo. No deberíamos de dejar de tener en cuenta que las prendas de textil-hogar no están de moda en este momento… excepto las que colateralmente entran en el mundo de la cocina, el cual cada día está más en boga. La figura del cocinero, en cuestión de pocos años ha pasado de ser el “pringado de los fogones” de los restaurantes a ser el “artista” plástico-gustativo más preciado de la sociedad.
Muy probablemente se deba a que las celebraciones de todo tipo, incluidas las cenas con amigos, cada vez van celebrándose más fuera de casa, pasando ésta a ser un espacio tan privado en que la lencería de hogar no tenga, ni mucho menos, la misma oportunidad de lucirse como sucede con la ropa de vestir, donde generalmente se suele invertir mucho más, por no hablar de la ropa interior que a raíz de gimnasios, spas, saunas, cambiadores para la práctica de deportes, etc., que está logrando un auge dentro del mundo de la moda tan significativo que a menudo su importancia supera al resto de sus competidores textiles en todos los campos. Toni Prat es el gerente de Risart, S.L. antonipratoriols@josoc.cat
Si desea comentar el poema visual puede dirigirse a poemesvisuals.com
Dichotomy Toni Prat
As social networks become established as recommendation channels, the market is dividing into two large consumer areas. On the one side there are high quality, personalised items, often manufactured using sustainable methods, and on the other, “mass produced” goods at ultra-low prices, which are readily available. In the meantime, the products falling between these two camps, that is those that offer good value for money but lack the marketing that emphasises their virtues, are on the decline. The proliferation of brands that are available exclusively online or in specific stores is evident. It seems that the “pseudo-exclusivity” of these products gives them a patina of glamour which allows them to charge higher prices. As a result, one item has a higher market value than another, similar product, we expect this to be backed by a great brand, boast excellent,
tangible quality or to have something exceptional that we find captivating or which is trendy. At this juncture, there are two only two options for producing ‘signature’ items. You can either start with standard items or make some kind of artisanal improvement so that they stand out or are personalised, or you can accept the significantly higher costs of using mass production machines and producing small runs or limited editions. It should be pointed out that if you consider using older machines that produce smaller runs, the costs make the results unsustainable to our modern way of thinking. It is worth remembering that home textiles are not fashionable at the moment... with the exception of kitchen textiles, which are experiencing a boom. In just a few years, chefs, who were once just ‘guys in the kitchen” have been elevated to the status of ‘artists’, creating society’s most highly prized ‘taste creations’.
There isn’t a TV channel today that doesn’t broadcast at least one cooking show, and every society magazine features recipes and articles on the subject of food. Textile manufacturers who make these types of products have to move with stealth and intelligence to introduce their aprons, oven mitts, gloves and kitchen wares and reawaken the almost defunct attention of consumers.
Maybe home textiles manufacturers should get in touch with the media and demand that they pay attention to their products Maybe home textiles manufacturers should get in touch with the media and demand that they pay attention to their products, their qualities, their contribution to wellbeing, the benefits of good quality and the artistic-visual impact they have on a room, the healthiness of ecologically balanced products and other considerations that can be stressed to draw attention to their attractiveness. This could be because all types of special occasions, including dinners with friends, now take place outside the home. The home is becoming a private place and there are far fewer opportunities to show off your household linen than there are your best clothes, which is where we are making the big investments. Then there is underwear, thanks to the time we spend in gyms, spas, saunas and changing rooms before exercising etc., which is enjoying higher growth than other types of garment. Toni Prat is the manager of Risart, S.L. antonipratoriols@josoc.cat
Concept: Toni Prat. Performed by Pepe Serrano.
If you have any comment about the visual poem please send it to poemesvisuals.com
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Pensando en el suelo With the floor in mind BRABBU www.brabbu.com
BRABBU www.brabbu.com
BRABBU www.brabbu.com
UNIVERSAL www.universalxxi.es
UNIVERSAL www.universalxxi.es
BRINTONS www.brintons.net
Delta 1216.
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KOKET www.bykoket.com
ILLULIAN www.illulian.com
Cobra jet.
NANIMARQUINA www.nanimarquina.com
NANIMARQUINA www.nanimarquina.com
NANIMARQUINA www.nanimarquina.com
NODUS www.nodusrug.it
NODUS www.nodusrug.it
SUALSA www.sualsa.es
Density. Collection from a concept by Cédric Ragot.
Density. Collection from a concept by Cédric Ragot.
Persia 881.
Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 39
ILLULIAN www.illulian.com
ILLULIAN www.illulian.com
ILLULIAN www.illulian.com
KOKET www.bykoket.com
KOKET www.bykoket.com
KOKET www.bykoket.com
Cowhide with merino lamb.
Cowhide with metallic bronze.
Stingray embossed cowhide pewter.
SUALSA www.sualsa.es
SUALSA www.sualsa.es
SUALSA www.sualsa.es
Bali 795.
Nerea 251.
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Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles: strong business results Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles’ 22nd edition (24-27 August) concluded with exhibitors and buyers positive overall about the results of the fair and the future of the market in China and Asia. 1,158 exhibitors from 30 countries and regions that participated was down on last year (1,402) due mostly to the majority of domestic bedding & towelling suppliers switching to the Spring Edition held earlier in the year, while this had an impact on the visitor number as well which decreased to 37,779 from 98 origins (2015: 42,048, 97 origins). The fair covered 160,000 m2 gross.
Premium editors and Whole-Home exhibitors flourish in hall 5.1 Editors and Whole-Home exhibitors were a big highlight this year, with their placement in the premium hall 5.1 attracting much attention. Being foreign brands with subsidiaries in China, JAB and Prestigious were two editors pleased to see the growing demand for their products in
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the Chinese market. JAB Anstoetz remarked that Intertextile Shanghai was an effective platform for them to develop the Asia and China markets. “We received more orders and got more useful contacts than before,” Ms Elsa Leung, Account Executive said. “Overseas products are of high quality and they are not very expensive compared with domestic products nowadays. Thus the demand from Chinese buyers keep increasing.” She also commented that Chinese customers are
looking for more quality products which benefits editors like them. Prestigious from the UK shared a similar view. Their booth attracted a large visitor flow of which more than 60% were new domestic customers. “Our products are high-end-positioned imported fabrics. The current market demand for mid and high-end fabrics is rising, while domestic customers also have improved style,” Ms Niki Zhang, General Manager Assistant explained their growing popularity.
Overseas exhibitors achieve strong results in the International Area The international participation was enhanced this year with seven country and region pavilions from Belgium, India, Morocco, Portugal, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey in the International Area. As a regular exhibitor, velvet supplier Boyteks Tekstil from Turkey views the fair as the most effective one in Asia. “In addition to China, we’ve had buyers from South America, New Zealand, Australia and the US, and many placed sample orders with us which we believe will develop into good business afterwards. We are already thinking about expanding our booth space,” Marketing Manager, Mr Mevlut Baydar said.
The Trend Concept Exhibition in hall 5.1, which many editors participated in, also helped attract more visitors to their booths. An agent for brands from different countries including France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and the UK, Jasonite’s Mr Jason Zhao Yu, Managing Director said: “The show has brought us a lot of visitors, thus we are satisfied. We had visitors including retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and designers from both China and overseas visit our booth.” Jasonite confirmed during the fair they would attend for the coming three years as well. “We value this platform a lot. The fringe programme including forums, seminars and design events, which high-end customers pay attention to, has upgraded the show a lot,” Mr Yu continued. Also bringing more than 10 well-known European brands to the fair, Beijing Yada considers that it is now the golden age for the mid and high-end home textiles market in China. “Customers can have a better understanding of our imported brands through the display in the Trend Concept Exhibition. Some of the visitors decided to cooperate with us after seeing our products in the display area,” Ms Ailing Gao, Manager said. European suppliers have success targeting high-end market Pavilions from European countries featured in the International Area, and were a favourite for buyers looking for premium products. One exhibitor in the Belgium Pavilion, Libeco-Lagae NV, considered the show useful for them. “We chose to participate in the fair because this is one of the only shows where we can really attract
the higher-end buyers. This is definitely the most important home textiles fair in Asia. We only do one show in Asia, and this is the one,” Mr Thomas Luys, Sales Manager said. They made 66 contacts on the first day alone, with a number of these likely to become future customers. “The market for our products is small at the moment but growing rapidly. In the last four years, we’ve seen the market continue to grow because the middle class is expanding every year and more people have higher purchasing power.” Enzo Degli Angiuoni from Italy had a similar experience targeting high-end buyers with their jacquard velvet. “We’ve met many buyers here, and around 90% of them were new. Most of them are likely to have serious business cooperation with us. The buyers’ quality has improved over the years, and now when they enter our booth they are serious about establishing a business relationship with us. The luxury market here is still doing well, so our business is continually growing,” Mr Davide Goria, Managing Director said.
Selling products from yarn and fabric to linen, Crescent Textiles Mills Ltd from Pakistan was positive about the fair as well as the growth of their business. “It’s been a good experience for us, and buyers have been coming to our booth, especially the big brands. The Polo Ralph Lauren buying office visited us, as well as big Australian brands and others,” Mr Mansoor Tariq, Manager Marketing said. Original design artwork and digital printing gain in popularity in China Designer artwork and digital printing are two of the emerging trends in the Chinese home textiles market, so the Intertextile Design Boutique and
Adding to the fair’s range of events was the Trevira CS Design Challenge organised for the first time at Intertextile Shanghai by Trevira GmbH. According to Ms Anke Vollenbröker, Director Marketing & Business Development, the main goal of the event was to support European editors and connect them with Chinese buyers, and positive feedback was received from the editors. “It’s a new concept for us, and it’s given them a platform to display their works. We feel the concept has worked as they’ve been approached by potential customers. Having the Design Challenge at the fair has helped us to be seen as an integrator of the industry. Overall we’ve had a very good response from our partners to what we’ve done here this year.”
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Digital Printing Zone attracted a number of local and overseas companies this year. Design studio Teceland from Portugal came to Intertextile Shanghai this time because many Chinese buyers at Heimtextil Frankfurt requested them to attend, and designer Mr Miguel Pereira believed both fairs could work well for them. “Chinese buyers appreciate European designs. We sold a lot of designs in the first two days, and after the first hour here I was sure we would come back next year,” he said. He also regarded the fair as a good occasion to learn about the Chinese market, make sales and contacts, as well as receive requests for new designs. Local studios also see the opportunity in the design artwork market. Regular exhibitors, Ten & Co were satisfied with the result generated in the fair, with Ms Emma Yin, commenting: “The sales for design artworks have kept growing in recent years; there’s a lot of potential here. Being allocated in the Intertextile Design Boutique is an advantage for sure as it is easier for customers to locate us and helps generate more business,” Ms Yin added, also saying they will return next year. As a first-time exhibitor in the Digital Printing Zone, the Korean company, D.gen Inc found the show worthwhile. Mr Kilhun Lee, President & CEO explained: “We were busy during the four-day fair. Not only Chinese buyers visited our booth, but overseas buyers too.” Among the visitors they met, more than 80 to 90% were their target. “A fair like this one helps us to collect new contacts and meet new buyers. There is
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definitely a high demand for our products and digital technologies in this fair,” Lee concluded. Chinese exhibitors satisfied with number of overseas buyers they can meet Domestic exhibitors also found the fair rewarding for their business. The booth of Zhejiang Kaidiya Fabrics Co Ltd was crowded throughout the fair. “We have received hundreds of orders from different countries’ buyers so far including from new and old customers, and it is only day two of the fair,” Mr Chen Hua, General Manager said. Buyers value fair’s quality exhibitors and trend events as orders remain strong As many exhibitors mentioned, buyers at the fair were still buying this season, whether they were from China or overseas. Mr Kelven KS Lit from Censpot Trading of Hong Kong was searching for overseas companies which he felt offered very good quality and innovation. “We’ve met with eight companies from Korea and Turkey so far, and will potentially buy from four of them. Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is definitely the best home textile fair in Asia in terms of exhibitor quality & quantity and hospitality to the fairgoers.” Many Chinese buyers were at the fair to place orders with international suppliers, as well as
learn from the trend displays and events at the fair which featured participation from overseas brands. Mr Zhijiang Wang from Airland Home Textile Technology, one of China’s largest home textiles brands, began in the various trend areas before choosing which materials they would use for next season. “Today is only the first day of the fair, but we’ve already purchased patterns from British and Japanese exhibitors,” he said. When asked about the potential of the Chinese market in the coming year, he mentioned: “I believe that the home textile market will continue to grow, and that there will even be a small increase in the next year.” Other Chinese buyers were searching for overseas brands. “The quality of products here is really good, and I’ve already placed two orders and plan to learn more about high-end brands such as JAB Anstoetz,” commented Mr Wu Yichun of Yulan The Design of Soft Decoration. Mr Qin Baowen, a Designer at Shangdong Hengtai Textile discovered Trevira through their seminar and the Design Challenge: “I’ve gained a lot of knowledge about flame-retardant products now, so I will go to their booth to know more about their products.” Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition was organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). The next Autumn Edition will take place from 23 – 26 August 2017, while the Spring Edition runs from 15 – 17 March 2017. www.intertextilehome.com
Tecnología, artesanía e inspiración oriental: HOMI acoge las nuevas tendencias Áreas y acontecimientos se centrarán en Milán en hábitos originales que se van difundiendo cada vez más. Así el estilo personal se comparte.
HOMI, el Salón de los Estilos de Vida de Fiera Milano, volverá de 27 a 30 de enero de 2017 con todas las facetas de las nuevas tendencias que caracterizan los objetos para el hogar y los complementos de uso personal. En un mundo que cambia constantemente, HOMI acepta el desafío y ofrece a las empresas un formato siempre nuevo, con áreas dedicadas a la experimentación y centrado en las tendencias y hábitos que se van difundiendo cada vez más. De hecho, la que más destaca es la tecnología, nuestra compañera habitual gracias a tabletas y smartphones, pero también muy presente en nuestros hogares, en los objetos de decoración e incluso en los complementos que llevamos puestos. Para acoger esta tendencia, también en esta edición de HOMI volverá a estar el espacio HOMI Smart, centrado en ofrecer pistas de reflexión y en exponer ejemplos concretos de
la relación cada vez más estrecha entre diseño y tecnología, entre la belleza experimentada mediante los objetos y la compartida a través de las redes sociales. El compartir on line los objetos que nos emocionan, junto con la costumbre muy difundida de buscar consejos e ideas en la red para la decoración, son el hilo conductor que guía a concebir iniciativas nuevas para dar protagonismo a la experiencia de los blogueros más influyentes y con más seguidores sobre el tema de los complementos para el hogar y uso personal. En HOMI las ideas y las sugerencias de estos nuevos “gurús” del estilo se concretarán en instalaciones y espacios temáticos, talleres y demostraciones que pondrán de manifiesto tanto el mundo del menaje de mesa, ámbito en el que la originalidad, la belleza y las normas pueden armonizarse para crear composiciones siempre sugestivas, como en el mundo de la
joyería, presentando interesantes laboratorios de investigación. Pero HOMI, enfocada en las tendencias del futuro, no puede olvidar tanto las influencias de la tradición, de la artesanía italiana, con todas sus expresiones territoriales, algunas de ellas protagonistas de un nuevo capítulo de “La Magnifica Forma”, como tampoco las étnicas. Para acoger la riqueza y las excelencias que proceden del más grande de los continentes, Asia, HOMI inaugurará en enero un área nueva cuyos protagonistas serán el estilo y la artesanía orientales. Una forma nueva para conocer mejor una de las culturas más antiguas y evocadoras, que ya convive y se mezcla con la estética actual y los patrones de belleza europeos. Por tanto, esta edición de HOMI promete ser muy sugestiva, un puente entre pasado y futuro, mucho más abierta y multicultural que antes. www.homimilano.com
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IHGF Delhi Fair: all set for Super Spring 2017 edition Biggest & busiest ever Autumn edition (14-18 October) paves the way for a grand 43rd Spring edition.
An essential meeting ground for the international gifting and lifestyle products industry-IHGF Delhi Fair (India) has taken shape over 42 editions as the one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive sourcing event, encompassing the complete supply chain of home fashion & utility, collectibles, gifting and fashion accessories. The recently concluded Autumn 2016 edition garnered rave reviews from buyers who turned out in large numbers from over 110 countries with impressive patronage from USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, South America, Middle East and Asia. Wide-ranging selections presented by leading export houses in 14 well defined product segments at the show inspired buyers to replenish their merchandise and add new product lines for seasons ahead. With such excellent business tidings, while the top manufacturers, exporters and artisan groups queue up to be amongst the nearly 3,000 participants in the forthcoming Spring edition of this distinguished sourcing show, overseas buyers too are expected to turn out in large numbers. The show is scheduled from 16th to 20th February, 2017, at the plush India Expo Centre & Mart, New Delhi NCR. Visitors to the fair also get access to the 900 permanent showrooms in the Mart, spaced out on four levels at the India Expo Centre. Heralding an enriching sourcing experience, Spring 2017 would see significant expansion in all categories with a promising assortment of creations, varied in inspiration, processes and materials - art metal ware, EPNS ware, wood carvings, furniture & accessories, glassware,
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fashion jewellery & accessories, hand-printed textiles, shawls, stoles & scarves, embroidered goods, lace, toys, houseware, decorative, gifts & general handicrafts, home textiles and home accessories, candles & incense, pottery, terracotta & ceramics, nautical instruments, Christmas and floral decorations, dry flowers & potpourri, handmade paper products, crafts made of leather, lacquer, marble, etc., offering unparalleled access to exhibitors drawn from all major manufacturing hubs, artisan clusters and craft pockets of India. Theme Pavilions and regional representations would bring in opportunities to source directly from artisans and new entrepreneurs besides-established exporters from these provinces. Visiting buyers agree with the fact that Indian manufacturers fulfill demand for the exclusive, the handcrafted and the hand embellished. This strength sets IHGF apart and the crucial balance between size and quality of display and number
of buyers creates a winning combination, giving unique business value to all trade partners. According to the feedback, visitors always find new accentuations in the showcased themes. Many wholesalers and importers sourcing from India like the work culture of Indian manufacturers. IHGF Delhi Fair is organized by the Export Promotion Council for handicrafts (EPCH), a non-profit apex organization representing Indian handicraft manufacturers & exporters. It provides comprehensive information about the sector to international buyers and ensures optimal interface between the Indian handicrafts industry and international buyers, facilitating business. Among its regular activities, EPCH organizes trade shows, buyerseller meets, conferences and study tours. EPCH has facilitated its 9,000+ member exporters to customize and offer unique styles and quality products to the global sourcing community. It is recognized as a model organization for its continuous pursuit of excellence. Need more information? Please contact: Export Promotion Council For Handicrafts, “EPCH HOUSE”, Sector – C, Pocket – 6 & 7 LSC, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070 India Tel.: +91-11-26130692/ 26135256 Fax: +91-11-26125892/26135518/19 E-mail: visitors@epch.com Toll Free: 1-888-664-8664 (USA & Canada) www.epch.in
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I+D / R+D
La Innovation Platform de MoOD 2016 (y II)* The Innovation Platform at MoOD 2016 (and II)*
Carmen Gisbert Especialista en tendencias Specialist in trends
Radiation Layer of the Mars Exploration Suit by Alexandra Lucas UK - www.alexandralucas.net The radiation layer is one of six protective layers on the Mars Exploration Suit, as part of the The Mars Odyssey project (TMO). When a layer is no longer needed, it could be taken off and would reveal the next layer of the space suit. Over time, the Mars Exploration Suit World no longer be needed, thanks to the human body adapting to become natively Martian. Application: Concept layer for the Mars Exploration Suit Status: Prototype concept Used material(s): Polyester & Mylar/Lurex Technique: Jacquard Finishing: Ironed.
Stella by Tessitura Tele Metalliche Rossi Italy - www.ttmrossi.it These are weaves that can be individually used, because are characterize from originals and unique effects created by a refined weaving. They can also be matched or put one on top of the other, making curtains offering an attractive play of transparency, light and volume. From this weave you can obtain infinity of changing reflex; it depends on which kind of material are weaving. A soft gathering gives it a nice movement. Manufacture and fixing: sewing with synthetic yarns; double bend in fixing perimeter and clipping on wood frame; closed between two frames. Maintenance: in order to prevent not uniform ladders, we suggest air jet cleaning, do not wash with water; ironing does not completely remove rubs. Applications: Curtains, pillows, scenery, furnishing, glass laminated, exhibit. Status: Finished product Material: Polyester wire weaved with stainless steel or brass or copper Flammability: Not fireproof.
*La primera parte se publicó en Textiles para el Hogar nº 288, págs. 41-43. **The first part was published in Textiles para el Hogar 288, pages 41-43. 48 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
Géométrie rythmique By Anne-Sophie Muller Belgium Ma recherche textile questionne la découpe. L’ensemble de ma recherche utilise le principe d’imbrication de matière. Attirée par la régularité qu’offre la géométrie, je cherche à développer des compositions ou formes, couleurs et rythmes font échos. Chaque textile, joue sur l’emboitement de formes pouvant induire un jeu d’ouverture et de fermeture de la matière. La matière est realisée en contre-collant différents textiles. J’ai choisi cette technique car elle a l’avantage de rigidifier et de donner une épaisseur au textile, tout en lui permettant de posséder deux faces diferentes, que ce sois a un niveau de la matièrre, des couleurs os des motifs. Elle me permet aussi d’apporter du volume à mes textiles. Application: Furniture / Accessories Status: Prototype Material: Cotton, 3d knitted Technique: Découpe laser, thermocollage
Atelier Maury - www.atelierpcmaury.com Lacquer painted on linen or cotton canvas which allows to create authentic decors, restoring the richness and nobility of antique lacquer. As a flexible base is used, once applied and dried the lacquer can create cracks which, surprisingly, bring interesting effects and sublimate the depth of the lacquer. Made in the workshop, simple and fast to apply, it fits perfectly on all your surfaces, walls, decorative panels, furniture, etc., and lends itself to all variations of colour, patterns and effects (smooth, cracked, patterned). Application: Walls, decorative panels, furniture, etc.
Buxkin By Buxkin BV Netherlands - buxkin.com 3D recycled leather for interior design. The salvaged leather is shredded, mixed with latex and then combined with an acoustic backing. Since leather is a naturally warm and dirt resistant material, with good acoustic, it is an excellent product for both floor and walls. Ribbed sizes: medium / large / small, Natural colours: natural / black / siena.
Solmu black by Floor van Doremalen Netherlands - www.floorvandoremalen.com Thick yarns 3D knotted fabric. Application: Room divider / separation curtain Status: Prototype Material: 100% cotton Technique: Macrame Dying: Yarn dyed
Application: Walls and grounds / Acoustic medium Status: Finished product Material: Loss of leather from the shoe industry mixed with latex and glued Flammability: Fire retardant properties
L722 oyster cupper printed by Libeco-Lagae NV Belgium - www.libeco.com Transparent linen sheer with cupper print. Mix of natural fabric with contemporary look / finish. Denim Treasure, Extremity by Charlie Mitchell Textile Design England - www.charliemitchelltextiles.com
Denim Treasure, Breach by Charlie Mitchell Textile Design England - www.charliemitchelltextiles.com
Layering structural and colour extraction processes inspired by a collective of ageing urban surfaces. Secondary sourced denim is individually hand tested for its furthest depths to extend existence as a fashion fabric sustainably.
Featuring hand selected secondary sourced denim, analysis of strengths and weaknesses work hand in hand with colour and surface techniques. Hand embroidered metallic fragments, directionally placed resist processes providing structure support to delicate dreamy fraying. Celebrating imperfect urban surface qualities, highlighting denim’s versatility, a true wardrobe treasure.
Applications: Layers of colour and structural extraction methods Status: Prototype Material: Denim (mixed natural/synthetic) Finishing: Hand Dying: Colour extraction dying, printing Abrasion resistance: Medium Flammability: Slow burn Light fastness: Exceptional Colour fastness: Exceptional Water resistance: None Ecological certificate: Secondary sourced denim, reuse of existing materials
Application: Layers of colour and structural extraction methods, detailed with hand embroidery Status: Prototype Material: Denim (mixed natural/synthetic), DMC metallic thread Finishing: Hand Dying: Colour extraction dying, printing Abrasion resistance: High Flammability: Slow burn Light fastness: Exceptional Colour fastness: Exceptional Water resistance: None Ecological certificate: Secondary sourced denim, reuse of existing materials
Application: deco Used material: 100% linen Technique: Flat weave Ecological certificate: Masters of Linen®: 100% Made in Europe from European Flax®, the most sustainable fibre, to transformation - yarn and fabric.
Surface Synergy – Stripe by Johanna Samuelsson Sweden - www.johannasamuelsson.com Woven 3D texture merged with pattern. Application: Interior, fashion, sound absorbent Status: Prototype Materials: Elastane, lurex, cotton, polyester, viscose Technique: Digital jacquard weaving; Innovative bindings based on double weave Finishing: Steam Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 49
Capsule 1 washed color 8/1 by Deltracon Belgium – www.deltracon.be Combination of jacquard weave with fancy yarns. Applications: Curtains Used material(s): 93% linen / 5% acrylic / 25 polyester Technique: Jacquard Finishing: Washed & softened Dying: Yarn dyed Ecological certificate: Masters of Linen®: 100% Made in Europe from European Flax®, the most sustainable fibre, to transformation – yarn and fabric.
Biaxial by DesleeClama Belgium - www.bekaerttextiles.com The generous stretch of the Biaxial mattress fabrics is not only perfect for ergonomic sleeping solutions, it also makes quilting unnecessary. What’s more, Biaxials’ extreme flexibility also allows you to create new looks and cover complex mattress shapes. Up to 50% stretch in all directions. Superior point elasticity and conformability. Standard width of 230 cm / 90 inch. Comfortable knitted bulkiness and volume. Exclusive designs, compositions and colours. New knitting technology especially developed for stretch control.
TRO53660 By Dimora by Martinelli Ginetto Italy – www.martilelliginetto.it Chenille velvet effect and rope effect linen, for an embroidery fantasy. Application: Decoration Used materials: 36% linen, 34% cotton, 30% viscose Ecological certificate: Masters of Linen®: 100% Made in Europe from European Flax®, the most sustainable fibre, to transformation – yarn and fabric.
Application: mattress fabrics Status: Finished product Material: 2% EL, 98% PES
Beaufort by Carpet Sign - www.carpetsign.nl In at the Deep End- Windows by Eleanor Nixon-Hill UK - www.eleanornixonhill.wix.com/textiles This piece has gone through several stages. I start by using a variety of materials including silks, satins and chiffons. Then using my base imagery I create laser cut pieces to lay together. By doing this it creates different patterns and depth. These are then trapped together through the use of digital stitch creating more detail, then using the sonic welder to cut out each flat shape leaving a clean smooth and fused edge. The final step is to hand stitch the 3D units individually before creating them together. This process means that every unit has an individual character about it and when put together the movement and function can be interpreted in different ways. Usage: Interior - Wall hanging as final or prototype for larger scale room divider or lighting piece Status: Wallhanging: Finished. Lighting/room divider: Prototype Material: Silk, satin, maderia thread, invisible thread Finishing: Hand finished by stitching the 3D units together Water resistance: No 50 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
Outdoor rug Be Tweed by Dickson-Constant France - www.dickson-constant.com The weaved vinyl floor covering, non toxic certified, is a stratification of several materials with many properties. It guarantees a pleasurable comfort due to the texture of its non slip and rot-proof surface, easily cleanable, and to a high acoustic and thermal insulation. The weaving of filaments creates texture effects with silver or coloured reflects, for a unique design / the weaving of filaments creates optic effects. Application: This floor is used in public areas with an intense traffic such as hotels, offices, shops, restaurants… Status: Finished product, rolls 25x2 m, slabs 50x50 cm Materials: Polyester thread, compact vinyl, glass fibre sheet, expanded vinyl Technique: Weaving Abrasion: Resistant to wear and tear Flammability: Fire resistant Light fastness: High Colour fastness: High Water resistance: Waterproof
Application: rugs Material: 100% high tenacity yarn Technique: Tufting Flammability: No Light fastness: Yes Colour fastness: Yes Water resistance: Yes
Blossoming Ply By Emma Rose England - www.byemmarose.com Application: Laser Etched Illustration Status: Prototype Material: Plywood Dying: Procion Dye
Outdoor by Weverij Van Neder n.v Belgium
Stella by Tessitura Tele Metalliche Rossi Italy - www.ttmrossi.it
Double faceby InnTex Italy - www.inntex.com
These upholstery textiles for outdoors are non allergenic, resist mould and bacteria and are protected against seawater, chlorine, acid, sunscreen, perspiration and stains. Above all the fabric adapts to the temperature: it warms you when it’s cold and prevents you from perspiring when it’s hot. The fabric is ecological and 100% recyclable. The construction of the fabric consists of two different fabrics intimately interwoven together. Easy care and maintenance. Non toxic and environmentally friendly – Strong and durable – Recyclable – Washable (30 ºC).
These are weaves that can be individually used, because are characterize from originals and unique effects created by a refined weaving. They can also be matched or put one on top of the other, making curtains offering an attractive play of transparency, light and volume. From this weave you can obtain infinity of changing reflex; it depends on which kind of material are weaving. A soft gathering gives it a nice movement. Manufacture and fixing: sewing with synthetic yarns; double bend in fixing perimeter and clipping on wood frame; closed between two frames. Maintenance: in order to prevent not uniform ladders, we suggest air jet cleaning, do not wash with water; ironing does not completely remove rubs.
Fabric made of stainless steel and polyester. Double face has stainless steel fibres on one side and polyester on the other side for wonderful transparency effects. It can be used for curtains, decoration of shops and fashion.
Application: Outdoors Status: Finished product Material: Not disclosed Technique: Weaving Abrasion: Very high abrasion resistance Light fastness: High / UV resistant Colour fastness: High / The colour is locked into the fibres and lasts as long as the fabric does. Water resistance: The fabric is water (salt and chlorine) and weather resistant, and moisture resistant
Application: Furniture and fashion Status: Finished product Materials: 61% AISI316L stainless steel, 39% polyester Technique: Knitted Dying: Skin compatible Flammability: Fire resistant Light fastness: Medium Colour fastness: Medium/high Water resistance: Low
Applications: Curtains, pillows, scenery, furnishing, glass laminated, exhibit. Status: Finished product Material: Polyester wire weaved with stainless steel or brass or copper Flammability: Not fireproof.
Futura / Winter / Kira by Kova Textiles USA - www.kovatextiles.com
Neweave by Iseabal Hendry Scotland - www.iseabalhendry.com Benu Flock 14214 by Christian Fischbacher B.V. Netherlands - www.fischbacher.com Benu Flock is a flocked, floral design that is a cool nod to the recycled concept of our Benu Recycled Collection. Application: Decoration Status: Finished product Material: 50% WO, 40% PES, 5% PA, 5% others Technique: Plain Finishing: No special finishing treatment Dying: Design flocked Light fastness. 6
Leather scored and woven through using a combination of mesh, wire, copper and lamafix bonded at high heat at several different stages of the process. When held up the light can be seen through the mesh and copper areas which juxtapose the thick, durable feel of the leather against sheer areas. Application: Woven Used materials: Leather, wire, mesh, copper, lamafix Tecnhique: Handwoven Finishing: Handcut, bonded Ecological certificate: Leather sources from Muirhead leather that have the lowest carbon footprint of any leather manufactures in the world
The Kova for Bendheim Collection is the latest addition to Bendheim’s extensive selection of safety laminated decorative architectural glass. This exclusive collection is the result of the collaboration between Bendheim and Kova Textiles, renowned for its solar-shading window treatments and wall hangings. The collection transforms the signature fabrics into safety building products, creating new possibilities for dividing interior spaces. Bendheim’s ultraclear low-iron glass perfectly accentuates the translucent textiles made form vinyl-coated polyester yarns. Inspired by the sparkling beauty of hand-cut crystalware, five woven patterns range from contemporary deco lace to wispy tulle, with touches of soft white, black and bronze hues. Laminates in Bendheim glass, the diaphanous fabrics become a versatile architectural material delivering a sense of privacy, while maintaining light and a sense of openness. Application: Decoration/ Accessories / Fashion Status: Finished product Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 51
Q401 silvercoated washed by Libeco-Lagae NV Belgium – www.libeco.com
Latex Ribbon 201601 by Manuela Menzi Switzerland - www.manuelamenzi.com
P955 indigo stonewash by Libeco-Lagae NV Belgium - www.libeco.com
Silver coating on structured heavy weight fabric with soft handfeel.
Referencing human organs, a traditional hand knit piece features a classic ribbon and contemporary latex fabric.
Heavy dobby weave with indigo dyeing process.
Application: Deco & upholstery Status: Yes Used material: 100% linen Technique: Stonewash Dying: Piece dyed Flammability: 0 Ecological certificate: Masters of Linen®: 100% Made in Europe from European Flax®, the most sustainable fibre, to transformation – yarn and fabric.
K1S1 Extreme Knitting Yarn by Little Dandelion Australia - littledandelion.com A unique premium felted woollen yarn specifically designed for high end interior applications. The yarn possesses a clever and innovative combination of extreme scale with a high degree of functionality and resilience whilst maintaining a soft and luxurious handle. Importantly, unlike other large scale yarns, K1S1 has a low pilling quotient and will not tear or pull with use. Care and maintenance of the yarn is straight forward. The quality of their yarn on this scale is unparalleled. Application: Textiles, soft furnishings, interiors, fashion, decorative arts Status: Finished product Material: Commercially felted 23 micron merino woollen tops, 20 mm in diameter. The yarn is not upholstery grade. Technique: Knitting, crochet, macrame, weaving Dying: Excellent Abrasion: Not tested Flammability: Low flammability Light fastness: Excellent Colour fastness: Excellent Water resistance: Good Ecolabel: No 52 | Textiles para el Hogar 289
Application: Fashion / High-end / Accessories Status: Prototype Material: Vintage ribbon and prefabricated latex fabric Technique: Hand knitting, knit stitch Light fastness: Yes Colour fastness: Yes Water resistance: No
Lotus by Liz Ramsay UK - lizramsaytextiles.com Unique, high definition raised-surface (altorilievo) fabric created with 100% natural fibres. Usually, synthetics would have to be employed to create a cloth with such a defined profile. Careful hand-finishing reveals the ridges and furrows built into the weave structures. The design was inspired by the stunning Damascus tiles of Leighton House, London, and the patterning was created from hand-drawn artwork. The vision was of a highly textural, soft-handle fabric with contemporary appeal. Fresh and bold, the ancient glaze colours and traditional motives are re-imagined here for the discerning consumer. Applications: Soft furnishings, light upholstery Status: This hand-finished fabric is a finished product; however a machine-finished version is in development Materials: 100% merino weft, 100% cotton warp Technique: Jacquard Finishing: Hand finished Light fastness: BS EN ISO 105-B02: Shade Change 4, Optic White: Shade Change 2.5-3 Colour fastness: Wash 40 ºC: Staining 4, Shade change 4, Dry/Wet Rub: Staining: 4/3.5-4, Acid/Alkaline Perspiration: Staining 4, Shade change 4
Application: Deco & upholstery Status: Yes Used material: 100% linen Technique: Dobby weave Finishing: Stonewash Dying: Indigo dyed Flammability: 0 Ecological certificate: Masters of Linen®: 100% Made in Europe from European Flax®, the most sustainable fibre, to transformation – yarn and fabric.
Constructing Reality, Piece Two, Yellow by Anna Helgesson Sweden – annahelge.weebly.com What is reality? What do we see and to what extent do factors such as norms, aesthetic standards, and inherited knowledge affect how we are influenced by objects and design? Are our eyes and minds reliable at all times, and what happens when one is tricked into seeing something that in reality is not there? Can the design in itself momentarily change or perception of our surroundings and reality? Constructing reality is an investigatory project where the eye meets 3D surfaces and illusion via the techniques of transfer print, weaving, and textile sculpture. Application: Heat transfer printing Status: Textile print applicable for interior/ fashion Material: Polyester and disperse colours Finishing: Heat transfer print Flammability: Not flame resistant Light fastness: Unexplored Colour fastness: Yes
Painting Embroidery Sample by Sabatina Leccia France - www.sabatinaleccia.com It’s a new way to do embroidery. I have a contemporary and artistic approach of embroidery. I do it without any sketches in order to give an important place to the unexpected and the intuition in my work. All my embroidery is handmade and intuitive. I like to mix it with “stains ink” of “stains dye” because I found interesting to mix the idea of stain which is something incontrollable with the delicate stitches of embroidery. Application: Art piece, household linen, fashion Status: Prototype Material: Linen, cotton threads and dying Dying: YesColour fastness: Strong colour resistance Water resistance: Yes Ecolabel: No
Flexible Transparency by Studio Lamb England
Barista by Sofacover bvba Belgium – www.sofacover.be
A careful selected fabric base has been manipulated with an 8-layered screen printed Flock FL (Puff Binder) print, which has then been set by applying large amounts of heat and pressure. The development is continued by applying resin to the material. Once cured by room temperature, the material becomes transparent and allows the resin to become flexible, whilst having created a 3Dimensional tactile surface made from the Flock FL print.
Application: Upholstery Status: Finished product Used material: Linen Technique: Dobby Finishing: Washed+softened Abrasion resistance: 30,000 Flammability: Passes BS Light fastness: Natural
Application: Screen print and resin Status: Prototype Material: Fabric, flock FL, resin Finishing: Cured by room temperature Water resistance: Yes
Woven Air, Cubic Colorized by Mirjam Hemström - Sweden Referencing human organs, a traditional hand knit piece features a classic ribbon and contemporary latex fabric. Plastic pleating by Rose Maddison United Kingdom - www.rosemaddison.com Dyed-Wooden-Textiles by Studio Elisa Strozyk Germany www.elisastrozyk.de TWooden Textiles” is a material that is half wood-half textile, between hard and soft, challenging what can be expected from a material or category. It looks and smells familiar but feels strange, as it is able to move and form in unexpected ways. For this collection the wood is dyed with a special technique which emphasizes the naturally grown structure of the wood. Size: 120x160 cm available in different colours; each piece is unique. Application: Wall hangings, plaids Status: Prototype Material: Wood: dyed maple wood; textile: cotton Finishing: Natural Dying: The wood is dyed with a special technique Water resistance: Yes
Stretchy restrictive sample. My research began by looking at bones, muscle structures, ligaments and tendons - the internal structure of the body being to me, a natural starting point when designing performance material. These materials are inherently tactile and intended to be touched and handled. I find vitally important in an overwhelmingly intangible digital age to connect to material through the human senses. During my initial experimentation with materials I found that I was adding tension into my textiles by exploring hard and malleable materials combination. This concept challenged how structure can be applied to material exploiting the dynamic resistance between the two. The resulting samples are kinetic. This motivated me to further explore movement and develop previously unforeseen material combinations. Application: Multiple Status: Thinking piece Material: Acrylic, polymer, crepe fabric
Application: Fashion / High-end / Accessories Status: Prototype Material: Vintage ribbon and prefabricated latex fabric Technique: Hand knitting, knit stitch Light fastness: Yes Colour fastness: Yes Water resistance: No
Yoroke by Hosoo Kyoto Japan - hosoo-kyoto.com A washi paper coated with lacquer, then finely cut as thin stripes and then woven with silk... A luxurious textile, silky and intriguing! The same can be done with gold or silver leaves instead of the lacquered coating. Waterproof! Textiles para el Hogar 289 | 53
Carpets and textile floor coverings remain the biggest display Always a big part of Domotex asia/ChinaFloor, carpets and textile floor coverings will remain the heart and soul of the show in 2017 (Shanghai New International Expo Center, 21-23 March). In all, there will be five exhibition halls dedicated to these core product categories, covering everything from hand-made rugs to fitted carpets, carpet tiles, machine-made carpets and mats to raw materials and the latest production technologies.
More than 400 manufacturers of carpets, rugs, fitted carpets and production technology from China and around the world have already confirmed their participation. In fact, the carpet section of the show is benefiting from increased participation by international brands. Highlights here include national pavilions from Belgium, the Netherlands, and the USA, which will be clustered in Hall W1 (machine-made carpets/ fitted carpets). Among the international exhibitors is Belgium’s Balta Group, a leading European manufacturer of textile floor coverings. Marketing Director Geert Vanden Bossche explains his company’s strategy: “Developing new markets is a key part of our strategy. We recently opened a new sales office in Singapore in order to facilitate sales of our carpet tiles in the Asia-Pacific Region. Other countries like Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and the Philippines are also gaining in importance.” Vanden Bossche is also very clear about the key strategic role that Domotex asia/ ChinaFloor plays in the development of his company’s markets in the Asia-Pacific region: “It is important for us to have a presence at Domotex asia/ChinaFloor every year. The show is a hugely efficient platform for networking with existing and potential customers. Moreover, its visitor reach is not confined to China, but extends to the entire Asia region.”
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Always a big part of Domotex asia/ChinaFloor, carpets and textile floor coverings will remain the heart and soul of the show in 2017. (Photo: Deutsche Messe AG.)
From Hall W1 it’s a quick walk to Hall W5, home to exclusive, one-off originals and designer creations from the hand-made carpets sector. Hall W5 will be also home to the InnovAction showcase – a celebration of the latest products and innovations. Meanwhile, Hall W3 houses the Carpet Technology section, where visitors will find
the latest carpet manufacturing technologies. There, Aquafil, Bonar, Freudenberg, GrozBeckert, Kolon, Owens Corning, Trützschler, Universal Fibres, Van de Wiele and other providers will showcase the latest materials and machinery and carpet cleaning and care products. www.domotexasiachinafloor.com
Calendario ferial Anotamos a continuación los próximos salones relacionados de un modo u otro con los textiles para la casa. Textiles para el Hogar no se responsabiliza de posibles cambios de fecha, suspensiones y omisiones que puedan darse en esta lista. Trade fair calendar The provisional trade fair calendar for the next months is included below. Textiles para el Hogar takes no responsibility for any changes in date, suspensions or omissions of those on this list. - XLVII Heimtextil (Frankfurt): 10-13 de enero de 2017 (www.heimtextil.messefrankfurt.com) - XXIX Domotex (Hannover): 14-17 de enero (www.domotex.de) - Homi (Milán): 27-30 de enero (www.homimilano.com) - Expohogar (Barcelona): 21-24 de enero (www.expohogar.com) - ExportHome (Oporto): 15-18 de febrero (www.exporthome.exponor.pt) - imm cologne // LivingKitchen (Colonia): 16 -22 de enero (www.imm-cologne.com) - IHGF Delhi Fair Spring (Delhi NCR): 16-20 de febrero (www.epch.in)
New surface material from ContiTech meets the highest demands of the industry Ultra wear-resistant, fire retardant, easy to maintain, and effective against bacteria and viruses – the Dynactiv product portfolio of surface specialist Benecke-Kaliko offers exactly what the hotel industry needs. On December 8, 2016, Benecke-Kaliko presented its comprehensive solutions for the hotel industry, architects, and interior designers for the first time at the Profit Hotel trade fair in Warsaw (Poland). The foils specialist had an ace up its sleeve for its debut – Dynactiv 675 is a new product, which can be put to optimum use in the hotel industry thanks to its innovative surface structure. “The product offers completely new possibilities for the market, as furniture with this textile looking surface can now be used indoors and outdoors without any problems thanks to the properties of the specially developed material,” says José-Antonio Segura, Responsable of Dynactiv Surfaces R&D Department at Benecke-Kaliko. Benecke-Kaliko showcased surface materials for the areas of hospitality, health and home to visitors. “We not only presented high-quality materials with an extremely broad selection of colors and designs – our materials stand out mainly for their strong properties,” explained Segura. “We also develop customized surfaces based on their individual requirements. Our solutions are therefore of extreme interest to interior designers in the hotel industry.” Hospitality products for interior and exterior
- Feria Hábitat Valencia (Valencia): 21-24 de febrero (www.feriahabitatvalencia.com) - Domotex asia/ChinaFloor (Shanghai): 21-23 de marzo (www.domotexasiachinafloor.com) - XI Homedeco Houseware (Almaty): 27-29 de marzo (www.homedecofair.com) - Index17 (Ginebra): 4-7 de abril de (www.index17.org) - XXV Proposte (Cernobbio): 3-5 de mayo de (www.propostefair.it) - Texprocess (Frankfurt): 9-12 de mayo (www.texprocess.com) - 86th IWTO Congress (Estambul): 15-17 de mayo (www.iwto.org/events) - IV Domotex Turkey: Gaziantep: 22-25 de mayo (www.domotexturkey.com) - I Homedeco Nigeria (Lagos): 5-7 de julio (www.homedecofair.com/Nigeria) - Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles (Shanghai): 23 - 26 de agosto (www.intertextilehome.com)
areas are used in hotels, restaurants and bars, cinemas, and shopping malls. The materials in this range are all highly resistant to wear and aggressive substances, as well as being very easy to clean. Moreover, the surface materials of the Home series are highly durable and very easy to maintain. The products for seating are designed for daily, heavy-duty use and can also be exposed to the weather. Health products were developed for the health sector, day care facilities, and also fitness studios. The properties of these products are also of interest to hotel chains due to their characteristics; no additives that are harmful to health and are resistant to bacteria, fungus, and viruses – thereby conforming to the highest hygiene standards. In addition Benecke-Kaliko is also able to manufacture products according to a number of different fire protection certifications to cater to a wide range of countries and requirements. Benecke-Kaliko, part of the ContiTech division of the Continental Corporation, develops and manufactures surface materials for a variety of important industries – for example indoor and outdoor furniture but also for passenger and commercial vehicles and the off-highway sector – at seven locations in Germany, China, Mexico, Poland, and Spain, and operates 16 international sales offices in North and South America, Asia, and Europe. The Dynactiv surfaces stock product portfolio stand for dynamic and active products and comprises eight different product groups overall. In addition to the hospitality, health and home series, the portfolio also includes surface material
for mobility (durable, fire-retardant, and easy to use in public transport), blend materials (blends, granulates, and recycled material blends), power products (state-of-the-art and energy-producing protective covers for natural conservation of resources), protection surfaces (protective and work clothing), and fashion products (base materials for the fashion industry). „Our customers benefit from a wide range of products of the highest quality and an optimum on-site service through the global development and competence as well as a strong network worldwide,” explains Fernando Elizburu, marketing manager of Dynactiv at Benecke-Kaliko. www.benecke-kaliko.com
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Crevin viste el ‘lounge’ del restaurante Akelare
Rubio: del cuaderno a la cama
En el sector de la restauración y la alta cocina, el cuidado del espacio y de su diseño es tan importante como la calidad de la comida. Por ello el restaurante Akelare, del chef Pedro Subijana, ha apostado por los tejidos de Crevin y el mobiliario de Stua para vestir su nuevo espacio. El emblemático restaurante donostiarra (tres estrellas Michelín), ha sido rediseñado por Mikel Forcada y Juan Mari Indo.
¿Cuántos habéis aprendido a sumar y a restar con los Cuadernos Rubio? Más de seis generaciones reconocerán la original impronta de la firma en la ropa de hogar de la colección Números de Rubio Hogar, con unos diseños que te harán soñar y con los que los peques se divertirán y aprenderán a contar. La colección Números de Rubio Hogar incluye sábanas y nórdicos para arroparles en sus cunas o en su camas, cuadrantes y cojines de ensueño, suaves toallas y hasta divertidos baberos, en los que los números de los Cuadernos Rubio son los auténticos protagonistas. Pero además, gracias a sus cuidadas ilustraciones, la ropa de cama te servirá también para enseñar a los niños a repasar, de manera divertida, la mejor manera de sumar y enumerar. Números forma parte de la primera línea de ropa de hogar que lanza la compañía bajo la nueva marca Rubio Hogar, disponible en su ecommerce rubio.net y que destaca por la calidad de sus tejidos 100% algodón. Completan esta línea textil las colecciones Abecedario, Oink, Cósmicos, Marinero y Circo, con diseños que nos harán soñar con la magia de la caligrafía y los dibujos de nuestra niñez. Rubio Hogar amplia el universo de productos desarrollados por la marca que, además de sus cuadernos didácticos para niños y adultos, cuenta ya con otras propuestas personalizadas e inspiradas en la esencia de la firma como tazas o material de papelería. Rubio nació hace 60 años de la mano de Ramón Rubio, creador del Método Rubio, y es la editora de unos cuadernos basados en potenciar la plasticidad del cerebro, a través del desarrollo de las competencias básicas, como la escritura y el cálculo. Desde su fundación, ha vendido más de 300 millones de ejemplares de cuadernos, que han acompañado a seis generaciones de españoles. La firma vuelca gran parte de sus esfuerzos en la Fundación Cuadernos Rubio, una entidad sin ánimo de lucro de carácter educativo, cultural y solidario.
El tejido empleado ha sido la tela Nomad, un clásico contemporáneo de Crevin que conjuga una textura natural con una atractiva gama de colores en tonos cálidos y que en este caso se ajusta elegantemente al nuevo sofá, Costura, de la firma Stua, empresa vasca fundada por Jesús Gasca como vehículo para crear y distribuir mobiliario de diseño contemporáneo en todo el mundo. Crevin y Stua unen sinergias en este proyecto para lograr un resultado fresco, con un carácter que sigue los principios del diseño moderno: simplicidad e intemporalidad. Después de 40 años en sector de la tapicería y con un marcado ADN industrial, Crevin se posiciona como marca de diseño que fusiona el estilo mediterráneo con unas excelentes prestaciones técnicas, fabricando el 100% de sus tejidos en Barcelona. Este ADN industrial unido a la creatividad dota a Crevin de una destacada habilidad para fusionar estética con funcionalidad: “Nuestro know-how surge de entender y amar los tejidos. Exploramos constantemente nuevas ideas, texturas, materiales… pero solo mediante el conocimiento del proceso de tejeduría y acabado somos capaces de transformar las ideas en un buen producto que ofrezca un alta durabilidad y un fácil mantenimiento.” www.crevin.com
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Veteco 2016: la ‘onda perfecta’ llega con fuerza a la cortinas Parece que el reinado de los enrollables hace un año que tocó a su fin. Desde hace tiempo se ha visto en el sector un resurgir de la cortina tradicional confeccionada con estilo y primando la selección cuidada de tejidos y caídas por parte de decoradores, interioristas, confeccionistas y arquitectos. De entre todas las formas de confeccionar una cortina (frunce, triple pliegue, panel de abeja...), hay un sistema que actualmente acompaña a la barra de cortina en la decoración de hogar por encima del resto: la onda perfecta. Como la definen en Altran, el principal fabricante español de sistemas para decorar ventanas (barras de cortina, rieles, sistemas motorizados, estores...), la onda perfecta es un sistema de confección profesional sencillo, mediante el cual se crea una ondulación continua que da profundidad al tejido de la cortina, desde la parte superior a la inferior, manteniendo siempre la misma forma y por tanto creando un estilo decorativo moderno y elegante. No se ven frunces ni tablas, dando la sensación de que son ondas casuales, casi mágicas. Este sistema de confección nació en EE.UU. hace un par de décadas y en España se conoce desde hace unos 10 años, pero ha sido en los últimos tres años cuando mayor auge ha alcanzado este sistema de confección. Actualmente, con el retorno de la cortina tradicional, los fabricantes de tejido ven una excelente oportunidad en este sistema de confección puesto que permite trabajar con diferentes tejidos (organza, visillos, incluso
lonetas) y rapports (de media 2,3 pero que podemos trabajar desde el 2 hasta el 3,5 de rapport), lo cual nos permite manejar presupuestos muy ajustados sin tener que cambiar la decoración. Altran Solutions, S.L., fue la encargada de dar tres ponencias durante la celebración de Veteco (Madrid) sobre las posibilidades de la onda perfecta. El aforo del Box 8 de Veteco destinado a ello estuvo siempre completo y supuso el mayor éxito de afluencia según los organizadores de Veteco, lo cual permite comprender el interés de esta técnica profesional. Altran dispone de 13 sistemas para emplear la onda perfecta puesto que ha ido modificando las características de sus rieles patentados para atender este mercado. Los rieles Sintra, Coimbra y Ovidos son los principales sistemas, aunque podemos encontrar desde sistemas manuales y/o a cordón, hasta los motorizados con aplicación domótica (que fueron los productos triunfadores en Veteco). En las ponencias de Veteco se mostró que es posible confeccionar la “Onda Perfecta” de varias formas. Las opciones para confeccionar este estilo son las “Correderas para Cinta Onda Perfecta” de paso 5’5 cm, 6 cm y 8 cm, también disponemos de la opción “Cinta Acordeón con Automáticos”, y por último (y a diferencia de las anteriores que sólo se emplean para rieles), existe una nueva opción que se puede emplear en rieles pero también en barras de cortina que Altran comercializa bajo el nombre de “Onda Confort”. La onda perfecta se está empleando en residenciales, pero también para hoteles, donde empleando un riel asimétrico, un riel múltiple o cualquier otro sistema con un soporte do-
ble, es posible poner en paralelo dos tejidos diferentes pero con el mismo diseño de onda, creando con ello una profundidad gracias a los tejidos que dejará encantado a cualquier usuario. Además podemos emplear un paso y un rapport diferente para la onda y el tejido más cercano a la ventana (que suele ser un visillo), y otro más amplio para la cortina en primer plano que suele tener un tejido con más cuerpo. Altran forma a muchos decoradores y confeccionistas para que puedan ofertar más servicios a sus clientes, ya que el mercado está viendo en esta técnica una forma de dar estilo a un hogar y a la vez, presupuestar a la medida de cada cliente. El sistema de confección no encarece, es el cliente quien decide hasta donde quiere invertir en la calidad de los tejidos. www.altransolutions.es
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Carl Hansen & Son: nuevo shop-in-shop en Barcelona Carl Hansen & Son continúa con su plan de internacionalización y abre en Barcelona el primer shop-in-shop español, dentro del histórico showroom Casamitjana, lugar de referencia para amantes y apasionados del diseño, que ha demostrado ser el socio ideal y la ubicación perfecta para una marca como la danesa que, en este marco, aparte de presentar algunas de las últimas novedades de producto, muestra algunos iconos históricos del diseño, como las piezas firmadas por Hans J. Wegner, diseñador de talla mundial. El nuevo Shop-in-shop by Carl Hansen & Son at Casamitjana está en la C/Johann Sebastian Bach, 15, en la zona alta de la ciudad, y nace del deseo de Carl Hansen & Son de presentar al público español el estilo y la excelencia daneses en un contexto especializado. El área de 100 m2 en la primera planta del showroom se reserva a los productos de Carl Hansen & Son, que se montarán integrados en escenarios domésticos pensados con Casamitjana. Podremos encontrar productos clásicos y que nunca pasan de moda, como la Wishbone Chair, firmada Wegner, junto con algunas de las últimas novedades o
reediciones de productos. Desde la CH22 hasta la nueva versión de la Metropolitan Chair, desde las mesas de Poul Kjaerholm hasta la colección de alfombras de Naja Utzon Popov. El shop-in-shop permitirá a los visitantes tocar estos hitos del diseño y descubrir todo el atractivo y la elegancia del estilo danés. Casamitjana ha demostrado ser el socio ideal para esta iniciativa ya que, desde su fundación en 1918, es un lugar de referencia en Barcelona para amantes y apasionados del diseño que busquen excelencias internacionales y grandes clásicos. Con este proyecto, Carl Hansen & Son pretende reafirmar su interés por un país que, cada vez más, demuestra gran atención y pasión por el diseño danés, del que aprecia no solo su estilo atemporal sino también la elevada calidad y artesanía de sus colecciones. Knud Erik Hansen, CEO y miembro de la tercera generación de la familia a cargo de la empresa, dice: «Deseamos fortalecer aún más nuestra posición en el sur de Europa y asentarnos en el mercado español con nuestro nuevo shop-in-shop en Barcelona. Es un mercado al alza, con numerosos arquitectos y diseñadores de interiores que trabajan en Barcelona, así que creemos que ha llegado el momento de traer el universo de Carl Hansen & Son a esta ciudad en la que el diseño tiene tanta importancia.» «La apertura del nuevo shop-in-shop en Barcelona nos llena de orgullo a todos los que trabajamos en Carl Hansen & Son», afirma Ottorino Castegnaro, Area Manager del sur de Europa. «El mercado español presta especial atención a la arquitectura y, en especial, al diseño de interiores. Este nuevo espacio permitirá a arquitectos, diseñadores de interiores y a todos los amantes de nuestra marca admirar todas las colecciones icónicas e históricas de la empresa, así como la tradicional manufactura de carpintería encerrada en cada pieza.» «A punto de cumplir los cien años, nuestra empresa familiar está en continua evolución», declaran los Casamitjana. «Siempre nos hemos mantenido fieles a objetivos bien definidos, como la búsqueda del buen diseño, eficiente y funcional, que nace del trabajo artesanal y de la pasión de personas comprometidas con el medio ambiente y dedicadas a rendir tributo a la historia. Estos valores, que compartimos con Carl Hansen & Son, son los mismos a los que se dedica este proyecto, que tiene como finalidad celebrar años de colaboración y compartir la historia y la tradición de ambas marcas.» www.casamitjana.com www.carlhansen.com
Alp Carpets: nuevo showroom en Granada Alp Carpets dispone de un nuevo showroom en Granada, un espacio imprescindible y exclusivo para profesionales, donde estos podrán encontrar todas las colecciones de la firma de alfombras y contar con el asesoramiento necesario para cualquier proyecto. El showroom, situado en la calle García Lorca, 30, La Zubia, abre de lunes a jueves de 10:00 a 18:00 y los viernes de 10:00 a 14:00, en este caso con cita previa. www.alpcarpets.com
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Las persianas de Persax, un paso adelante en el ecodiseño “Las persianas son un elemento clave para conseguir un buen aislamiento. Lo que supone evitar hasta un 50% de fugas de calor, ya que éste puede escaparse a través de ventanas y acristalamientos, marcos y molduras de puertas y ventanas, lamas y cajones de persianas, etc.”, explica Beatriz Ochoa, directora de Marketing de Persax. Entre el 25 y el 30% de la energía que se produce en los hogares se destina a cubrir lo que se pierde por las ventanas, según el IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía), que también afirma que las medidas relativas a la envolvente y elementos constructivos son fundamentales para conseguir el ahorro deseado. La utilización correcta de soluciones de control solar, como las persianas, constituyen un elemento viable para reducir el consumo energético y minimizar el uso de climatizadores en el hogar. Además, permiten una reducción de entre el 30 y el 50% del consumo eléctrico en la climatización de las estancias, según el estudio realizado por el Centro de Fomento de la Investigación Sostenible, de la Universidad de Minnesota. Tan fácil como abrir o cerrar una persiana para modificar la temperatura. La envolvente de la fachada por tanto, es uno de los sistemas constructivos que mayor importancia cobra en el diseño sostenible por su función de filtro entre el exterior y el interior, estableciendo el espacio habitable. Su posición hace que en ella se produzca la mayoría del intercambio de energía que genera el edificio con el medio ambiente, sirviendo de elemento de recolección de las aguas de lluvia, producción de energía renovable, control de la iluminación y ventilación natural, entre otras. Por su condición de fachada tiene un trato estético compositivo que representa la imagen del edificio, integrándolo en la ciudad, por tanto debe ser un elemento estético que busca una imagen atractiva, pero sin olvidar conseguir la mayor eficiencia del mismo. Si además tenemos en cuenta que la factura de la luz sigue suponiendo un gran porcentaje del gasto eléctrico del hogar, contar con un óptimo aislamiento parece fundamental. Para comprobar si nuestras persianas y cajones de persiana sufren filtraciones de corriente, ya que son en muchos casos el punto débil dada la gran cantidad de energía que se escapa a través del cajón y la gran cantidad de frío que se filtra, no hay nada mejor que pasar una vela una vez que quitamos el frontal del cajón. Para asegurarnos de evitar estas fugas y conseguir optimizar la energía de nuestro hogar, hay tres partes que tienen un papel fundamental: la lama, el cajón y el motor de las persianas. “Es clave para nosotros poder mantener la estancia cálida aprovechando la luz natural y evitando perder el máximo de energía, punto en el que el aislamiento se hace fundamental”, explica Ochoa.
Uno de los puntos elementales para conseguir un mejor aislamiento es el cajón de persiana, pero no todos los que existen en el mercado son iguales. Un aspecto fundamental para diferenciar los más eficientes es conocer cuál es su coeficiente de transmitancia térmica (U), que es el flujo de calor (W) entre la superficie (m2) y la diferencia de temperatura (K). De este cálculo se obtiene un resultado, y cuanto menor valor resulte, mayor es su eficiencia. En una ventana de buena calidad, el coeficiente de transmitancia térmica es de 2 W/m2K, por tanto el cajón tiene que tener, al menos, el mismo valor para que no se produzcan pérdidas de calor/frío en la vivienda y aportar un mayor ahorro de energía en la vivienda, evitando que el aire frío o cualquier inclemencia se adentre en el recinto. Aquí entran en juego productos como el nuevo cajón Energy de Persax, con valores de aislamiento térmico y acústico de los más altos que existen en el mercado (1,20 W/m2k), y el cajón túnel (< 1 W/m2K), especialmente indicado para persianas de grandes dimensiones, muy habituales en la arquitectura moderna, gracias a su capacidad de enrollamiento. Se integra en la pared, quedando totalmente oculto a la vista y mejora la estética del interior. Son la mejor opción que existe, ya que son los que mejor aislante térmico poseen, evitando que el aire frío o cualquier inclemencia se adentren en el recinto. “Para la consecución de este coeficiente y de esta calidad en los productos, en Persax estamos en constante investigación con nuevos materiales que supongan una mejora térmica, consiguiendo así un mayor ahorro energético”, explica Ochoa. La lama de persiana es otro aspecto que contribuye eficazmente a mejorar el aislamiento de la ventana. Con un simple gesto como abrir o cerrar una persiana se puede controlar la temperatura de la estancia en varios grados, así como la entrada de ruidos desde el exterior. En Persax “aconsejamos lamas de aluminio perfilado rellenas de poliuretano, en especial los modelos de alta densidad, que se caracterizan por su alta resistencia debido a su mayor densidad de poliuretano, proporcionando a la ventana una excelente resistencia térmica y, por tanto, mayor eficiencia. Al igual que la utilización del motor como sistema ideal de accionamiento para subir y bajar la persiana, ya que su instalación dentro del cajón evita aperturas por donde se pueda filtrar el aire, como pueden ser el recogedor, pasacintas, etc.”, finaliza Ochoa. www.persax.com
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El Consejo Intertextil Español reclama un pacto de Estado para el desarrollo de la industria
Senfa Decoprint: a European success story made in France
El Consejo Intertextil Español (CIE), junto a UGT y CC.OO. y las organizaciones empresariales integradas en la Alianza por la Competitividad de la Industria Española, se adhiere a la firma de una declaración instando a las fuerzas políticas al desarrollo de un Pacto de Estado por la Industria. Los agentes sociales industriales reclaman al nuevo Gobierno una Secretaría de Estado de Industria con competencias para desarrollar la agenda industrial y coordinar todas las políticas industriales de Estado con todos los departamentos involucrados. La Declaración solicita el diseño y desarrollo de nueve políticas para impulsar la competitividad industrial: energética, de I+D+i y Desarrollo tecnológico digital, de Formación y Empleo, de Regulación Inteligente, de Ordenación y Control de medidas de carácter fiscal, de Inversión, Internacionalización y Comercio Exterior, de Financiación y Potenciación del tejido industrial y de Sostenibilidad industrial. Las organizaciones firmantes apelan a un compromiso de Estado que contribuya a que España alcance el objetivo marcado por la Unión Europea de incrementar hasta el 20% el peso de la industria en el conjunto del PIB hasta 2020. Los primeros firmantes de la Declaración por la Industria, abierta a la adhesión de otros sectores industriales, son: El secretario General de UGT FICA, Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agroalimentaria, Pedro Luis Hojas; el secretario General de CC.OO. Federación de Industria, Agustín Martín; el secretario General de CC.OO. Federación de Construcción y Servicios, Vicente Sánchez; el secretario General de CC.OO. Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía, Javier Jiménez; el vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles y Camiones (Anfac), Mario Armero; el presidente de la Asociación Española de Operadores de Productos Petrolíferos (AOP), Federico Molina; el presidente de la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Pasta, Papel y Cartón (Aspapel), Enrique Isidro Rincón; el presidente de la Federación Empresarial de la Industria Química Española (Feique), Antón Valero; el presidente de la Federación Española de Industrias de la Alimentación y Bebidas (FIAB), Mané Calvo; el presidente de la Agrupación de Fabricantes de Cemento de España (Oficemen), Jaime Ruíz de Haro; el presidente de la Unión de Empresas Siderúrgicas (Unesid), Gonzalo Urquijo; el presidente de la Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales del Metal (Confemetal), Antonio Garamendi; la presidenta de la Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y Componentes para Automoción (Sernauto), María Helena Antolín; el presidente del Consejo Intertextil Español (CIE), Manuel Díaz; y el presidente de la Confederación Moda España, Ángel Asensio.
Senfa is probably one of the biggest companies you’ve never heard of. However, all that is set to change as the France-based manufacturer –part of the Chargeurs Group– sets its sights on further expanding its operations throughout Europe, the Americas and beyond. In spite of a very turbulent period in the second half of the 20th century –with globalisation and competition from overseas bringing the European textile industry to its knees– Senfa has combined a hard-work ethic and constant search for excellence to remain at the top of its game.
Based in Sélestat, south of Strasbourg –and within a three-hour drive from Lake Como in Northern Italy, the historical centre of textile activity– the headquarters are also close to Switzerland and Germany and ideally located for European distribution and growth. In 2001, Senfa saw an opportunity and invested in a new purpose-built 3.2 m coating line to diversify its core product offerings to encompass wider widths for the burgeoning large format print sector. In 2004, Senfa formalised its entry into the wide-format space by creating the Decoprint division to focus on the manufacture and coating of textiles specifically for the large format digital print market. The core product line was diversified to incorporate other functions such as fire resistance, light diffusion, block-out and more, and over the years, Senfa developed a full range of printable Decoprint textiles –suitable for solvent, UV and latex print technologies– for visual display applications. Blaise Humphries, Decoprint’s business unit manager, explains: “The initial adoption of textiles for visual display was slow but gradually the advantages of printing onto textiles made more and more sense to the marketplace: Textiles are free of PVC and are therefore much less damaging for the environment than vinyls or banners; they are lighter in weight, so cheaper to transport and easier to install; and finally –perhaps most importantly– they simply look better than many prints produced on other types of media.” Fast forward a few more years and Senfa’s flagship product - Decoprint Pearl – has become a world leader. It is a premium fabric for backlit applications installed in lightboxes in retail outlets, shopping malls and airports all over the world. The smooth finish, the excellent white point and of course all the necessary fire certification renders it the number one choice for many international brands. The product line doesn’t just stop at Decoprint Pearl. Year-on-year sales are growing at a healthy rate and Senfa has many new Decoprint products in the pipeline which it plans to bring to the wider market. Boosted by the success of the Decoprint product range, Senfa opened an EUR 8 million, 5 m wide coating line in 2015 to meet the ever-growing needs of its customers and the company is now focusing its efforts on new international markets. www.decoprint.eu/en
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Textile machinery: Foreign orders on the rise for 3rd quarter 2016 Italy’s domestic market slows down The orders index for textile machinery recorded an increase for the third quarter of 2016, thanks to positive sales figures abroad. Based on an industry survey conducted by ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, for the period from July to September 2016 the overall order intake increased by 16% compared to the same period last year. The third quarter value for 2016 stood at 101.1 points (2010 basis = 100). However, this growth applied to foreign markets only, where the index recorded an absolute value of 112.3 points (+20% compared to July September 2015). In Italy, the index stood at 48 points, dropping off by 14% over the same quarter in 2015. ACIMIT President Raffaella Carabelli commented on these figures from Shanghai, where ITMA Asia + CITME, one of the industry’s major trade fairs took place. “This data on orders confirms the significant vitality in foreign markets,” states Carabelli. “Here too in Shanghai, we’ve met many entrepreneurs who want to invest; and not just the Chinese.” The trade fair closed with over 100,000 visitors, fully 20% of which hailed from abroad. On the other hand, the situation in Italy’s domestic market appears to fluctuate somewhat. “The order intake has declined after two consecutive quarters of growth,” observes Carabelli. “We’re still far from an effective recovery for the domestic market. However, we’re confident that the plan
Cámara Valencia y Ateval firman un convenio de colaboración El presidente de Cámara Valencia, José Vicente Morata (a la izquierda en la foto de la derecha), y el presidente de ATEVAL-Vall d’Albaida, Càndid Penalba, firmaron el 8 de noviembre un acuerdo que establece líneas de colaboración entre ambas organizaciones en servicios a empresas. La iniciativa pretende permitir a las empresas de ATEVAL acceder a un catálogo de servicios de Cámara Valencia en materia de formación empresarial, internacionalización y servicios de apoyo al emprendimiento y empleo. En concreto, el convenio prevé que las empresas de la comarca de la Vall d’Albaida puedan
put forward by the Italian Government for 2017 fiscal year can give confidence to businesses that need to invest.” ACIMIT represents an industrial sector comprising around 300 manufacturers (employing close to 12,000 people) and producing machinery for an overall value of about 2.6 billion euros, with exports amounting to 86% of total sales. Creativity, sustainable technology, reliability and quality are the characteristics which have made Italy a global leader in the manufacturing of textile machinery. www.acimit.it
acceder en condiciones especiales a los programas de perfeccionamiento directivo, seminarios de actualización profesional en modalidad presencial u online y los cursos de posgrado para recién titulados. En paralelo, la Cámara diseñará una oferta formativa a medida que centre su foco en la industria de la Vall d’Albaida. En el ámbito de la promoción internacional, Cámara Valencia proporcionará a ATEVAL soporte técnico especializado (información, conocimiento y recursos humanos) relacionado con las actividades de promoción exterior, asesoramiento internacional y tramitación exterior, para que esta pueda ofrecer a sus empresas una cartera de servicios en el ámbito de la internacionalización de las pymes.
Por último, ambas entidades consideran prioritario el impulso de proyectos encaminados a la mejora de la empleabilidad, el autoempleo y las posibilidades de inserción laboral de los jóvenes desempleados de la zona de la Vall d’Albaida. En este apartado, la Cámara pondrá a disposición de Ateval Vall D’Albaida y de sus empresas, las ventajas y ayudas que ofrece el programa Integral de Cualificación y Empleo PICE, programa que beneficia a las empresas facilitando la incorporación a sus plantillas de trabajadores jóvenes, a los que se les prepara mediante un conjunto de acciones de orientación y formación. www.atevalinforma.com
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Mermet amplía su gama de tejidos de ocultación de gran anchura Tras los acuerdos de la COP 21, las exigencias para afrontar el cambio climático se endurecen y los ahorros de energía desempeñan un papel crucial en la construcción. Un universo donde la protección solar, que puede minimizar las necesidades de energía y limitar la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, tiene una misión esencial. El nuevo tejido de gran ancho Karellis 11301 completa la gama de los Blackout 100% de Mermet, especialista en el diseño de tejidos técnicos para la protección solar. Karellis 11301 ofrece numerosas ventajas: • Disponible en ancho de 300 cm, ideal para equipar los ventanales de gran anchura sin empalmes: actualmente es el más ancho de la gama Blackout 100% de Mermet y uno de los tejidos opacos más anchos del mercado. Además, ofrece la posibilidad de uso tanto en su sentido normal como transversal en estores de grandes dimensiones, lo que permite optimizar su confección. • Permite responder a las exigencias de edificios públicos tanto en temas de salud como de seguridad gracias a sus clasificaciones de resistencia al fuego M1 en Francia (NFP 92 503, 92 504, 92 505) y B1 en Alemania (DIN 4102-1). Dispone de la etiqueta Greenguard® (garantía de calidad del aire interior). • 100% opaco, tejido de poliéster recubierto sin PVC: - detiene el 100% de la radiación luminosa (500 W) y UV, - proporciona un confort térmico sin igual ayudando a regular la temperatura en verano e invierno, - fácil mantenimiento: se limpia con una esponja húmeda. • Fino (espesor de 0,35 mm +10%) y muy ligero (350 g/m2 ±5% según el color), puede insertarse en estores con cajón pequeño incluso para grandes dimensiones. • Finalmente, garantiza: - una excelente estabilidad dimensional y una buena planaridad, - una excelente duración (ensayo de resistencia mecánica de 10.000 ciclos – clase 3 NF EN 13120). Ofrecido en 6 colores armoniosos y cálidos para adaptarse a cualquier decoración: Negro 606, Loutre 609, Chartreux 608, Sahel 623, Mississippi 618 y Blanco 600, Karellis 11301 presenta el mismo color por ambas caras para conseguir la armonía de la fachada vista desde el exterior. Gracias a este tejido, la intimidad nocturna, la confidencialidad y la eliminación de la luz para permitir unas condiciones de proyección óptimas (en salas de reuniones, cines…) están ahora garantizadas. Este tejido 100% ocultante (con la adecuada colocación de cajón y guías), es elegante y decorativo en una combinación perfecta: • desarrolla las calidades recomendadas en el plano ambiental, ayuda a reducir el consumo de energía de los edificios (climatización y calefacción) y ayuda a obtener créditos en los programas de edificios ecoeficientes (BBC, LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, Passiv-Haus...)
• responde plenamente a las expectativas de los arquitectos tanto en el aspecto del confort térmico como visual y de estética. Tecnicidad, calidad, carácter innovador... la eficacia de los tejidos Mermet está más que demostrada. Durante su participación en EquipBaie 2016, Mermet realizó una presentación del Karellis 11301 junto a todas sus gamas. Esta cita fue también la ocasión para recordar que la tela es un elemento esencial del estor, y para encontrarse con clientes, prescriptores y usuarios. Mermet extends its range of large-width blockout fabrics The COP 21 agreement introduced stricter measures to tackle climate change, with energy saving playing a critical role in the construction industry. A world where solar protection minimises energy demand and restricts greenhouse gas emissions is now becoming essential. A new large-width fabric, the Karellis 11301 supplements the 100% Blackout range by Mermet, the market leader in the design of technical solar protection fabrics. The new Karellis 11301 from Mermet offers numerous advantages: • Available in a large width of 300 cm, it is ideal for equipping wide bay windows without a join: it is now the widest in the 100% Blackout range by Mermet and one of the widest blackout fabrics on the market. In addition to its usual vertical installation, it can also be used railroaded for wide blinds, thereby minimising fabric waste. • It meets the health and safety requirements of public buildings thanks to its M1 fire safety classification in France (NFP 92 503, 92 504, 92 505) and B1 classification in Germany (DIN 4102-1). It also meets the requirements of the Greenguard® label (guaranteed indoor air quality). • 100% opaque, this PVC-free fabric made of coated polyester: - blocks out 100% of light rays (500W) and UV; - offers unequalled thermal comfort by regulating temperature in summer and winter alike - is easy to maintain, cleaning simply requires a damp sponge. • A fine fabric (0.35 mm thick + 10%) and extremely light (350 g per m2 ±5% depending on the colour), even large dimensions fit perfectly into small blind cassettes. • It guarantees: - excellent dimensional stability and flatness; - excellent durability (10,000 cycle mechanical endurance test – Class 3 NF EN 13120). Available in 6 harmonious and warm colours adaptable to all decorative styles: Black 606, Loutre 609, Chartreux 608, Sahel 623, Mississippi 618 and White 600, the Karellis 11301 has identical colours on both sides for a harmonious façade effect when viewed from the outside. The Karellis 11301 ensures nocturnal privacy, confidentiality and elimination of light for optimum projection conditions (meeting rooms, cinemas, etc.). This fabric provides 100% blackout when correctly installed and is elegant, decorative with an immaculate finish: • It offers the required environmental qualities, reduces energy consumption (air conditioning and heating) and qualifies for credits awarded to eco-efficient buildings (BBC, LEED and BREEAM, DGNB, Passiv Haus...); • It fully meets architects’ demands in terms of aesthetics and thermal and visual comfort. Hi-tech, high quality and innovative… Mermet has nothing left to prove regarding the effectiveness of its fabrics. During its participation in EquipBaie 2016, Mermet offered a preview of the Karellis 11301 alongside the rest of its range. This exhibition was also an opportunity to underline the critical role of the fabric in all blinds and to enjoy meetings with customers, specifiers and users. www.sunscreen-mermet.com
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Crevin toma la presidencia de Hábitat Clúster Barcelona
Crevintakes over the presidency of Habitat Clúster Barcelona
Crevin, empresa fabricante de tejidos para tapicería con más de 40 años de trayectoria, ha tomado la presidencia de Hábitat Clúster Barcelona (HCB), asociación que promueve la competitividad del sector hábitat en Catalunya. Hasta ahora, Crevin formaba parte de la junta directiva de HCB junto a otras empresas catalanas (Arquima, Cosmic, Estiluz, HP, Ros, Kibuc, 30 M2, Grassoler, Estellé Parquet, Madersenia, Sonpura, Kriskadecor, Casals Ventilación y La Mallorquina) y la fundación privada Elisava-Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona. En su conjunto estas entidades facturan 140 millones de EUR y dan trabajo a unas 1.000 personas (estos datos no incluyen HP). “Tomar la Presidencia de HCB –exponen los responsables de Crevines un reto para nosotros. Como marca la esencia del Clúster seguiremos promoviendo iniciativas que impulsen el negocio del Hábitat, así como estimulando las sinergias entre todos sus miembros.” HCB acoge empresas proveedoras de materia prima y maquinaria, fabricantes de muebles, iluminación, textil hogar, pequeño electrodoméstico, etc. También incluye distribuidores mayoristas y minoristas, prescriptores como arquitectos e interioristas y otros agentes como centros de formación o tecnológicos. Se sitúa como nexo entre la Administración Pública, las empresas del sector y los centros de formación e investigación.
Crevin, an upholstery fabrics manufacturer with more than 40 years of experience, has taken the chair of Habitat Clúster Barcelona (HCB), an association that promotes the competitiveness of the habitat sector in Catalonia. Until now, Crevin was part of the board of HCB along with other Catalan companies (Arquima, Cosmic, Estiluz, HP, Ros, Kibuc, 30 M2, Grassoler, Estellé Parquet, Madersenia, Sonpura, Kriskadecor, Casals Ventilación and La Mallorquina) and Elisava Private School Of Design and Engineering of Barcelona. Together these entities invoice 140 million EUR and give work to about 1,000 people (these data do not include HP). “Taking the presidency of HCB -explained the responsible for Crevin- is a challenge for us. As the essence of the Cluster marks we will continue promoting initiatives that drive the business of the Habitat, as well as stimulating the synergies between all its members”. HCB hosts companies that supply raw materials and machinery, furniture manufacturers, lighting, home textiles, small household appliances, etc. It also includes wholesalers and retailers, prescribers as architects and interior designers and other agents as training or technological centers. The Cluster is positioned as a link between the Public Administration, sector companies, and training and research centers.
ITMA ASIA + CITME 2016: strong interest with large showcase of latest technology for the textile machinery industry Featuring the largest showcase in the series since its launch in 2008, the ITMA ASIA + CITME 2016 textile machinery exhibition received a very strong response from visitors. By the end of the five-day show on 25 October, the fifth combined showcase registered a visitorship of over 100,000 from 102 countries and regions. 20% of the visitors came from outside China. In terms of visitor numbers, Chinese mainland visitors ranked first, followed by India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan China, Indonesia and Bangladesh, and exhibitors commented very favorably on the high quality of professional and trade visitors attending the show. A total of 1,673 exhibitors (a record figure) from 28 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, which covered over 170,000 m2 of gross exhibition space (12% larger than the last edition. It is the biggest showing since the first year.) Another first was the staging of the combined show at a new venue – the National Exhibition and Convention Centre, Shanghai. Occupying six halls, the modern exhibition centre is easily accessible from the Hongqiao Transportation Hub. ITMA ASIA + CITME 2016 attracted major machinery manufacturers from around the world to participate in the biennial showcase. In terms of exhibit space, China fielded the biggest
number of participants. The Chinese exhibitors occupied 69.4% of the exhibition space. This was followed by Germany (6.5 %), Italy (5.5%), Japan (4.7%) and Switzerland (3.2%). By product categories, spinning is the largest sector, occupying 30% of the total exhibit space. Dyeing, finishing and printing machinery form the next biggest group at 27%, followed by knitting and weaving at 17%. Mr Fritz Mayer, President of CEMATEX, said: “We are delighted that this was our largest show since its launch back in 2008. The majority of our visitors were serious buyers, and as a result our exhibitors were very happy with the overall quality. We are looking forward to another successful presentation of the next combined show in 2018.” Mr Wang Shutian, President of China Textile Machinery Association (CTMA), agreed: “The combined show continues to be a ‘must’ for textile machinery manufacturers and their customers, and we are delighted to present the very best technologies from both East and West to Chinese and other Asian buyers.” With the rapid development of information technology, the organiser provided some brand new services to visitors. Visitors could download an interactive map to navigate the exhibition halls, and visitors were also given the option of registering and paying for their badges via WeChat, a popular mobile app in China. ITMA ASIA + CITME 2016 is jointly owned by CEMATEX (the European Committee
of Textile Machinery Manufacturers) and its partners in China - the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT (CCPIT-Tex), China Textile Machinery Association (CTMA) and China Exhibition Centre Group Corporation (CIEC). The next combined show will be held at the same Shanghai venue from 26 to 30 October 2018 and will be organised by BJITME, and coorganised by ITMA Services. www.itmaasia.com www.citme.com.cn www.cematex.com
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Finalists nominated for Carpet Design Awards 2017 at Domotex Finalists for the 2017 Carpet Design Awards have been chosen. On 24 November, a jury of design and carpet industry experts shortlisted a total of 24 carpet creations in eight categories. The Carpet Design Awards are a coveted international badge of excellence in quality of execution and uniqueness of design for modern hand-made carpets. This year, the organizers reported another increase in the number of entries, with the current competition attracting a total of 386 submissions from 21 nations (up from 320 in 2016). The winners in each category will receive their awards at a ceremony to be held at 4:30 p.m. on 15 January 2017, at the Innovations@DOMOTEX area in Hall 17. The Carpet Design Awards are highly regarded in the international carpet industry, and so the awards ceremony is rightly one of the big highlights of each year’s Domotex. This time the fair will be held in Hannover, from 14 to 17 January 2017. At the start of each year, specialist carpet dealers, owners of carpet and rug exhibition galleries and visitors from the interior design industry look to the shortlisted creations on show at Domotex for ideas and inspiration for their own new season’s collections. Modern hand-made carpets are where traditional values meet contemporary design, where exquisite materials and visionary, imaginative motifs are woven together to create inspiring works of art for modern floorscapes, and where the world’s best designers set new standards and spark new trends in a mesmerizing display of innovation, design expertise and technical know-how. The eight categories of the Carpet Design Awards reflect a range of production methods, price segments and design philosophies and hence also correspond to various distribution channels and carpet use scenarios. It is never easy choosing the best of the best, and this year’s jurors, chaired by multi-award-winning New York designer Stephanie Odegard, certainly had their work cut out for them, considering the great wealth of topquality creations submitted. The selection process involved judging the carpets in terms of design and design concept, material, execution, structure and quality, and sustainability and branding. “For me, it was a great honor to serve on the jury and have a part in judging the submissions for the Domotex 2017 season of the prestigious Carpet Design Awards. I had the privilege of viewing many designs that are both beautifully crafted and sustainably produced. And so I would like to thank everyone two took part in the competition,” commented jury chair Stephanie Odegard. The other four jury members are: Vanessa Brady, interior designer (UK), Wilhard Kühne, carpet expert/buyer (DE), Kustaa Saksi, designer and visual artist (NL),
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The Carpet Design Awards are highly regarded in the international carpet industry, and so the awards ceremony is rightly one of the big highlights of each year’s Domotex. (Photo: Deutsche Messe AG.)
and Hadi Teherani, architect and designer (DE). All 24 of the shortlisted carpets will be on display in the Hall 17 Innovations@ DOMOTEX area at Domotex 2017 in Hannover, Germany. Visitors to the show will be able to view them and vote for their favorites. The carpet that receives the most visitor votes will be presented with the “Best Liked by Domotex Visitors” prize at the end of the show. And in a new development, Houzz, the world’s largest online collection of interior design and decorating ideas, will also be running a competition in which members of its interior design community can select their personal favorites. Each participant will go into a prize draw, with the winner receiving a free trip to Hannover to attend Domotex and the grand Carpet Design Awards prize-giving ceremony. Nominated carpets and designs in each category • Category 1 - Best Studio Artist Design Original small-scale-production design by an artist or designer. Note: Entry is open to both exhibitors and nonexhibitors. - Chosrau’s Spring Reloaded, Atelier for Textildesign, Beate von Harten (AT) - Wrap, Dena Lawrance (AU) - Vlisco Recycled Carpet, Simone Post (NL) • Category 2 - Best Modern Design Superior Superior contemporary designs showing optimum use of materials. - Threads, Mariantonia Urru SRL (IT) - Dresden Brown, Rug Star GmbH (DE) - Supermoon, Sterling Rugs (IN) • Category 3 - Best Modern Design Deluxe Original contemporary designs showing optimum use of materials. - Summit, Wool and Silk Rugs (US)
- Stalagmite, Choudhary Exports (IN) - Rapture 4 – The Kundan Pure Silk Collection, Zollanvari (CH) • Category 4 - Best Traditional Design Most successful interpretation of a traditional rug design. - Kamal from Artisan Originals, Jaipur Rugs Company PVT. Ltd. (IN) - Vase Green, Ayka Design (AE) - Nandi, Indigo Looms (IN) • Category 5 - Best Transitional Design A new rug that uses traditional designs but in a contemporary style. - Ariana Barchi Collection, Ariana Rugs Hamburg GmbH (DE) - Shiraz Sabz, Hossein Rezvani Design OHG (DE) - Allure, Rug Art International, INC. (US) • Category 6 - (New): Best Flatweave Design Original rug design demonstrating the flatweave technique. - Souf Collection BJT-18, Art Resources (US) - Scandinavian Flatweave 2, R & K (US) - Alhambra, Rug Art International, INC. (US) • Category 7 - Best Modern Collection Contemporary design collections demonstrating a common theme. - Unstring by Kavi, Jaipur Rugs Company PVT. Ltd. (IN) - Pattern Mix Collection, Galleria Battilossi SAS (IT) - The Winter Series, Tissage (IN) • Category 8 - Best Transitional Collection Traditional and transitional collections demonstrating a common theme. - Marrakesh Collection Morocco-21, Art Resources (US) - Alasht Collection, Edelgrund GmbH (DE) - Dalga Kilims Collection, Kirkit (TR) www.domotex.de
Polígono Industrial I-4 (Parcela 25) Apdo. 101 - 03330 Crevillent (Alicante) Tels. +34 966 68 15 29 / 965 41 07 41 Fax +34 965 40 49 09 E-mail: hispania@alfombrashispania.com alfombrashispania.com
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I N N OVAC I O N E S T E X T I L E S P L A S . L . Ca r re r d e l s Te l e r s , 5 5 - 5 7 – P. O. B ox 4 1 3 4 6 8 7 0 O n t i nye n t ( Va l e n c i a ) S p a i n Te l . + 3 4 – 9 6 – 2 9 1 5 6 1 8 Fax . + 3 4 – 9 6 – 2 9 1 5 2 1 3 E - m a i l : . i n fo @ e s-te l a . co m E - m a i l ex p o r t : t pv @ e s-te l a . co m w w w. e s-te l a . co m
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TEXHABITAT, S.L. - Rbla. Davallades, 5 - 08500 VIC (Barcelona, Spain) - Tel. +34 93 380 36 31 - Fax +34 93 181 59 97 - E-mail: risart@risart.net - www.risart.net
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Gamanatura, S.L. Rambla Cataluña, 124, 1º 2ª U 08008 Barcelona (Spain) U T Tel. Tel. e el. licencias / licenses: +34 933 686 190 el. marcas: +34 932 389 246 U T www.gamanatura.com .gamanatura.com Mail: info@gamanatura.com U www
Hall 11.1 Stand B21