Coedie Donovan Praha () Showrm B Tyr Whnd
BEL/LUX : 5,50€ - DOM : 5,50€ - CAN : 8,25$CAD - CH : 9,40FS
intro / issue 4 The end of the year is approaching, Christmas is coming up and the scooter world keeps on evolving step by step towards its future. As you will be able to see, this issue is turned towards a main subject in order to make you realize what the scooter is and where we want it to head next. The first goal of this magazine is not only to sell you dreams but also to bring you informations and describe you the best we can this world as it appears to us : without the sparkles whether it is from a riders point of vue or from the up and growing industry whom we belong to. We hope that you will then discover the nicety and the many mechanisms that very few notice but have a real impact on the scooter’s future. We also hope that you will all feel integrated and aware of how things are done and how the sport is evolving so that you will also be able to understand the interviewed riders a bit more along with the aim of the projects these days, the current affairs, the role of events and mainly so that you can all contribute a little yourselves as well. Kevin demay
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sommaire / #4 industry / Dissidence
itw / Coedie Donovan
Si l’industrie de la trottinette tourne actuellement, c’est essentiellement grâce à toute la chaîne de distribution qui fait que votre joli plateau arrive dans votre boîte aux lettres. Pensez simplement à la complexité de la livraison d’un tee-shirt de la bonne couleur et à la taille souhaitée alors qu’on constate que les riders en trottinette ont généralement du mal avec le simple rangement de leurs chaussettes. Entre le moment où une pièce est fabriquée en Asie et celui où elle arrive chez vous, le chemin est long et de nombreux acteurs entrent en jeu. La particularité de Dissidence, c’est qu’ils sont à la fois un distributeur et un shop, ce qui veut dire qu’en plus de vous vendre du matos à vous, riders, ils fournissent aussi vos shops préférés.
Photos : Nick Hodgskin
Salut Coedie, est-ce que tu pourrais te présenter à nos lecteurs ? Salut je m’appelle Coedie Donovan, j’ai 23 ans, je viens de Penrith en Australie. Je roule actuellement pour District et Eagle. Et je ne suis pas sûr de connaître ma taille attends… Je viens de vérifier et je mesure 1m 69.
Les origines Si on remonte aux origines de Dissidence en 2008, Kévin rencontre Cyrille et ils décident d’investir dans la création d’un magasin, à la base destiné à distribuer French ID en France. Ca permettait aussi à JD (Jean Yves Randriambelson) et Maxime (Legrand) de ne plus avoir à subir les pénuries de matériel destiné au team French ID. La première vidéo sort en août 2008 avec une belle dose de pâté, une bouchée de fraîcheur sur un son d’Outkast. Le team était à la base composé de Kévin Demay, Lucas Wisdorff, Jean Yves et Maxime Legrand. Deux potes sont ensuite venus rejoindre les rangs pour agrandir la petite famille de hippies, Shinpei
(rires) Sérieux tu viens de te mesurer ? (rires) Ouais, j’ai un mètre chez moi.
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Haha, très bien alors. Avant tout, racontes-nous comment tu as commencé la trott. Je me suis mis à la trott le jour où j’ai découvert que c’était possible d’en faire. A Penrith à la patinoire, il y avait un gars qui faisait des figures en trott sur un petit kicker. Donc je crois que c’est à ce moment là que j’ai commencé. Après avoir regardé quelqu’un en faire, j’essayais de plaquer des tricks de débutant, du genre Tailwhip ou No Foot…et en plus je me disais « c’est trop stylé », je ne savais pas que c’était possible de faire ça en trott, du coup je me suis mis à essayer le même genre de figure que je faisais en skate ou en bmx. Du coup, petit à petit j’ai progressé. Exactement, vu que tu étais déjà bon dans d’autres sports, n’estce pas? A l’époque, je faisais du roller, du bmx et du skateboard, comme la plupart des gens l’ont vu sur mes vidéos YouTube. J’ai commencé très jeune à vrai dire à faire tout plein de sports extrêmes, mais maintenant je suis à fond dans la trott, et je crois bien atteindre bientôt ma treizième année de ride.
city report / Prague
Treize ans! Exactement comme l’un de nos rédacteurs, Balthazar Neveu. Ben ouais mon gars ! C’est bon d’entendre ça, ça fait plaisir de savoir qu’il y a toujours des anciens dehors, toujours présents en trott, même si certains n’envoient plus autant qu’à l’ancienne ils sont toujours là. C’est la même pour moi d’ailleurs, il y a des trucs à l’ancienne faciles pour moi qui sont aujourd’hui flippants. On est en train de vieillir (rires). C’est malheuresement le cas. Revenons à toi. Vu que tu étais déjà bon dans tous ces autres sports, qu’est-ce qui t’a fait continuer la trott? Ben, je voyais ça comme un nouveau sport, je voulais m’essayer à quelque chose de nouveau et regarde où ça nous a conduit aujourd’hui : des photos et vidéos de professionnels et même un MAGAZINE. C’est ça mec ! Et toi-même, penses-tu être un acteur responsable du développement de l’énorme scène australienne ? Oui étant donné que je fais parti des touts premiers. Je me rappelle qu’on venait me voir sur Msn en me disant « mince alors t’es vraiment trop fort » et aujourd’hui ce sont ces mêmes personnes qui sont les meilleurs riders en Australie. T’as des gars qui te sortent des trucs qu’on aurait jamais cru possible. C’est incroyable ! Il y a des nouveaux riders qui viennent
Condor - Perth / Australie
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Texte : Jean-Yves Ranbriambelson
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review / Go 4 Broke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jXPSqkkLzA
Vous pourrez voir la video d’après le Qr code ou sur youtube à l’adresse suivante :
Photos et Texte : Balthazar Neveu
Playlist / Georgie Louis
Le problème, dans notre restreinte communauté, est le manque de recherche et d’investissement personnel, et il est souvent rare de tomber sur de bonnes vidéos, dont le montage et la réalisation ont été pensés en amont. « Habituellement, les gens prennent leur caméra et filment pendant une seule et unique journée. Ils font ensuite un montage à partir de ça. J’ai simplement voulu essayer de donner au sport un standard différent quant à la façon de filmer, de monter, et d’éditer une vidéo qui vaille la peine d’être vue. » Mais Tyler Garcia a un avantage, et cet avantage s’appelle Kmac. Kmac, c’est un ami, caméraman et skateur, qui a donné accès à Tyler à certains spots habituellement « réservés » aux skateurs. C’est d’ailleurs peut-être la raison pour laquelle cette vidéo peut parfois rappeler certaines parts de vidéos de marques comme Zero ou Emerica. Cette part nous fait voyager de spot en spot, et découvrir un Tyler Garcia gaper, poncer ou casser du rail dans tous les sens. D’ailleurs au sujet de son last trick (ou presque), Tyler nous a gratifié d’un rail de 15 marches bien fat. « Mon cousin, qui me filme de temps en temps, me l’a montré après avoir filmé le clip du Front Board to Whip. Du coup, nous sommes revenus le lendemain avec la volonté de ne pas repartir sans clip. On est resté toute la journée là-bas jusqu’à ce que je prenne mon courage à deux mains et me lance dessus.»
Si l’industrie de la trottinette tourne actuellement, c’est essentiellement grâce à toute la chaîne de distribution qui fait que votre joli plateau arrive dans votre boîte aux lettres. Pensez simplement à la complexité de la livraison d’un tee-shirt de la bonne couleur et à la taille souhaitée alors qu’on constate que les riders en trottinette ont généralement du mal avec le simple rangement de leurs chaussettes. Entre le moment où une pièce est fabriquée en Asie et celui où elle arrive chez vous, le chemin est long et de nombreux acteurs entrent en jeu. La particularité de Dissidence, c’est qu’ils sont à la fois un distributeur et un shop, ce qui veut dire qu’en plus de vous vendre du matos à vous, riders, ils fournissent aussi vos shops préférés.
Pour finir en beauté cette vidéo bien rythmée, c’est dans le silence de l’après last trick que vous pourrez apercevoir le monumental gap de Wallenberg dressé par Tyler en un essai en Whip. Et de mémoire, il est le premier à avoir réussi à rentrer un trick sur ce spot en first try. Ca a donc le mérite d’être noté.
Les origines
En résumé, cette vidéo reste une vidéo à voir et dont le rendu final devrait donner envie à tous ceux qui montent de se diriger vers un taf qualitatif plus que quantitatif.
Backside Feeble
Enfin, quant au choix de la musique, il s’agit de Stadiums and shrines 2 de Sunset Rubdown. Son plein de mouv’ et qu’on sent monter en puissance au fur et à mesure que la vidéo avance, et ce jusqu’au last trick.
Photos : Jordan Garceau
Comment te procures-tu de la musique?
Toutefois, si j’avais un bémol à émettre sur cet édit, ce serait sûrement le côté répétitif des tricks. Même si le style fait plaisir à voir et que la maitrise de ces tricks n’est pas discutable, il aurait été bon d’en voir encore plus (on n’en a jamais assez).
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Tyler Garcia - Lipside
Ah oui, dernière mise au point. Mais pourquoi ce titre « Go 4 Broke » ? « Go4broke » est un groupe de la seconde Guerre Mondiale dont mon grand-père faisait parti. Il s’est récemment éteint. C’est pour ça que je l’ai appelé «Go 4 Broke». Pour toujours me rappeler de lui et d’à quel point il a compté dans ma vie. Cela signifie aussi qu’il faut toujours se donner à fond. Nous n’avons qu’une vie donc vivons la à fond.
Si on remonte aux origines de Dissidence en 2008, Kévin rencontre Cyrille et ils décident d’investir dans la création d’un magasin, à la base destiné à distribuer French ID en France. Ca permettait aussi à JD (Jean Yves Randriambelson) et Maxime (Legrand) de ne plus avoir à subir les pénuries de matériel destiné au team French ID. La première vidéo sort en août 2008 avec une belle dose de pâté, une bouchée de fraîcheur sur un son d’Outkast. Le team était à la base composé de Kévin Demay, Lucas Wisdorff, Jean Yves et Maxime Legrand. Deux potes sont ensuite venus rejoindre les rangs pour agrandir la petite famille de hippies, Shinpei
D’une façon des plus bizarres. J’ai téléchargé une application sur mon téléphone, ce qui me laisse accès à toute la musique dont j’ai besoin. Du coup, je peux les télécharger puis les mettre plus tard sur mon ordinateur.
Je n’ai pas un truc en particulier à écouter. Dans ces moments là, je mets ma musique en mode aléatoire et je tombe toujours sur un bon truc à écouter.
1. “Mc hammer” - Rick Ross
Nous avons tous des chansons préférées qui nous font revenir en arrière, quelles sont les tiennes ?
2. “Niggas in Paris” - Jay-Z and Kanye West
Oh mec…si tu savais. J’en ai tellement. Des trucs comme “Welcome back” de Ma$e, “I miss you” d’Aaliyah, ou encore “Through the wire” et “All falls down” de Kanye West…et j’oubliais “Overnight celebrity” de Twista.
3. “Gotta have it” - Jay-Z and Kanye West
As-tu dans ta playlist une chanson dont tu aurais honte ?
4. “Interlude” - Tech N9ne and Andre 3000
Umm…Je ne suis pas sûr d’avoir ça, je crois que je les ai toutes retirées au moment où mes potes les avaient entendu… (rire) !
“Grove street”, “Snakes in the grass”, et “Bustin at em”. Toutes interprétées par Waka Glocka!
Moufy est un rappeur underground originaire de Boston, qui, je pense, a de bonnes chances de devenir quelqu’un.
Enfin peux-tu nous donner ta propre définition de la musique ?
Généralement après une mauvaise journée, quel genre de chanson vas-tu écouter?
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06. intro / 08. sommaire / 10. news / 12. spot / Wallenberg 14. showroom / Bars 20. playlist / Georges LYess 22. look / Papa Noël 24. city report / Prague 34. Zoom / Tepi 36. event / K124 Jam 40. review / Go 4 Broke 42. toasted face / Fernando Young 44. interview / Coedie Donovan 50. mecanic / les roues 52. how to / Nose manual 54. industry / Dissidence 58. view / Tyler Wheeland 60. scooter check / Kiara Meade 62. mini view / Alexis Letellier 66. portfolio / 72. candy girl / Elo 74. crash / Morgan Delhaye 76. distribution / 78. informations / 80. outro / WWW.FRENCHTOASTMAGAZINE.COM
Ca peut être n’importe quoi du moment qu’il y ait un beat ou un tempo, et même si c’est de la merde ça reste de la musique !
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5. “Snakes in the grass” - Waka Flocka Flame
3 sons à écouter pour une session, tu mets quoi?
Selon toi, quel groupe ou artiste encore underground percera dans un futur proche?
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news /
By Kingsley Okocha Traduction : Jean-Yves Randriambelson
/ australia
• Coedie Donovan is the legend of scootering. He is capable of riding that is still unheard of, Madd Gear was his home for the last year but sadly things did not feel right. Coedie Donovan is now on District World Wide and will be receiving a full Pro Model in 2012. • Envy Scooters hosted a contest in where the Aussies main obstacle was a giant bowl. Their event named “ King Of the Bowl”. Brendon Smith went home with the win followed by Max Peters and Jackson Bartlett respectively. • Apex Pro Scooters prepares to unveil their new deck. Apex already supplies the community with Australia’s favorite forks and soon will have a deck out. • Jessica Boland is on the MGP Girls Team. • Aaron Bransdon left Envy Scooters over the direction of the company but wasn’t a free lancer for long as he decided to go with American brand Tilt Scooters.
/ europe
Flavio Pessenti, InGreen in Bercy skatepark , Paris / France during the Blunt Europe Tour
The first titane fork by Stunt Scooter !
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• Addict Scooters prepare to make their release for Christmas 2011. For 3 years now they have been preparing and perfecting their products. • Luke Painter left Madd Gear. A new brand called Crisp got ahold of him. • Blunt Scooters went on tour with their Europe Team and made multiple appearances in countries such as Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, France, and Switzerland. • Lucky Scooter Parts has created an international Flow Team to support significant dedicated riders from Europe. The three Lucky ones were Baptiste Nicolas Laurent “ Ninos “ Giraud and Rémi Bouchard. • Taravana Clothing went to Switzerland for a filming session at Empire Skate Building. They can be checked out online. More, their collection is available in shops in Europe. • We’ve been talking a lot about Tyler Garcia’s latest part released, but at the same moment, was released two days before Aurélien Delamare’s Eagle Promo. Our French Toast Very Favorite.
/ usa • A rider that dedicates himself to raising himself to a higher level and uphold himself on a professional level is Raymond Warner. He has consistently gotten himself on the podium and can dominate a skatepark. • Tyler Wheeland is quite the interesting character. Tyler is a strong believer in “Rider Owned” companies and he had to make the decision to make a mover. Now he has moved to the upcoming brand Tilt. • It isn’t often that scooters go down south but the Razor Global Domination Tour went to Texas. Dakota Schuetz destroyed the contest. Zig Short made an Impact and got his name in the top 2. A highlight of the afternoon was definitly Tyler Bonners 180 to fakie half cab flair off a 1 foot ledge. With that he won Best Trick. • If you check them out on youtube you can go see the new commercials from Boxes Limited. Boxes is a new clothing company from the California. Riders Matt Mckeen, Addison McNaughton, Brandon Kilbury, and Dylan Kasson are all riders for Boxes Limited. • Blunt Scooters hosted a Street Jam in New York with riders Ryan Upchurch and Jonathan Zegarra leading the event. • Lucky is a worldly renown team for their street riders. On November 11th they launched their first Opus part and continuously dropped them every week. The first video part was Evan Yamada who busted out an 18 stair railhop. • Tyler Garcia released his Go 4 Broke video part. Probably one of the best videos of the year. After some weeks of thinking it over, Tyler Garcia is apart of lucky Scooter Parts. • Chris Gascoigne decides to leave Razor. He had to take time for himself.
spot / Wallenberg
Text & phtos Johann Morreau
All across the world, you will find thousands of potential spots, waiting for a rider to come and use his creativity. However, some of them reached the “ famous spot” status through their appearance in famous riding videos, or simply through events with lots of people gathered round. Placed on the American west coast, in San Fransisco, California, the spot will have appeared for the first time in 1991, in Blind “Video Days”, hit by Mark Gonzales, then later, will have been used several times for best trick contests organized by Trasher Magazine. In the small scooter world we are living in, Addison McNaughton have been for long the only one to hit it ( cf French Toast #3 ). Three other riders have manned up in front of the set since : George Justiniano three years ago, Matt McKeen last summer with a banger you may see when the Addict “So What ?” video comes out, and in last, on the same day Tyler Garcia who murdered it first try in tailwhip that you can see in his latest edit “ Go 4 Broke “ recently released ( cf page …) During our trip 4 months ago, we got the chance to chill with the four of them, gathered round on this exact location, that will have given them a sweat drop due to their common surpassing.
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showroom / Bars
Today the bars are the parts most important on scooters. Many brands have created a multitude of models for the most varied forms that work with different compression systems. french toast tested for you 14 top models, to help you in your choice. Texts & Photos : Jeremy Lanfranchi
Price : 65€ / 90$ Weight : 1230 gr High : 600 mm Large : 560 mm Outside diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Black, White, nude Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS / SCS Backsweep : 5° Upsweep : No Collar clamps: No
Price : 99€ / nc $ Weight : 1015 gr High : 540 mm Large : 560 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Blue Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : 3° Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
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Phoenix / Suicide This handle differs from the other ones with its upper reinforcement in a square shape. It differs from all the other handles’ style. It is a really good handle but its style will probably please you most.
Addict / Maxime Legrand Here is exclusively for you the future pro model by Maxime Legrand. A handle with a design that suits him with a very cartoon look. Personally we love it here! In regards to the riding of it, Addict spoke it is light and comfortable. The must if you like riding on all sorts of surfaces.
Price : 90€ / 125$ Weight : 1125 grammes High : 550 mm Large : 560 mm Outside diameter: 31,8 mm Coulor : Black, Nude Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : SCS Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
Price : 90€ / 120$ Weight : 1130 gr (taille M) High : M : 500 mm / L : 550 mm Large : 490 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Red, Blue, Purple, Nude, Black Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
Price : 60€ / 85$ Weight : 1125 grammes High : M : 520 mm / L : 570 mm Large : 490mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Red, Blue, Purple, Nude, Black Material : CrMo 4130 Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
Apex / Jess Boland The Jess Boland pro design is the most simple of the whole comparaison. It’s flattened shape at the top reassures a little regarding its resistance. The soldering is very high quality! Especially made to be used within compression systems SCS, it is very pleasant to ride and has a very good finish.
Blunt / MP
This pro model by Max Peter is perfect to catch up on a badly started barspin with its original design and its tubular gusset. On the other hand if you like to rider width, you will probably be disappointed. The quality of the soldering esthetic wise is also a bit unpredictable.
Blunt / Stripper The stripper handle is a handle for park and flat from Blunt. A simple design and its upper reinforcement make it a piece of reference. The soldering quality is very good as well!
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French ID / VodkID
Price : 90€ / 120$ Weight : 1140 gr High : 560 mm Large : 600 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Black Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : 8° Upsweep : 2° Collar clamps : Yes
The Vodkld handle is a 100% park orientated.With its unusual shape and its crazy proportions. This handle is very technic and requires a bit of experience. But once you get around it, you will have a lot of fun with it!
Price : 95€ / 130$ Weight : 1305 gr High : M : 460 mm / L : 530 mm
XL : 600 mm
Large : 560 mm Outisde diameter : 35mm Color : Black, White, Nude Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : HIC Backsweep : 5° Upsweep : No Collar clamps : Yes Price : 80€ / 110$ Weight : 750 gr (Taille M) High : M : 500 mm / L : 550 mm / XL : 600 mm Large : 520 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Black Material : 6061-T6 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
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Phoenix / iHIC The heaviest handle of this comparaison table. We really didnt like its look with its flared shape at the top that gives it this weird general shape. This handle is to advise to riders that find their equipment way too light and would like some BMX feeling in their hands.
District / AL2 Rory Coe The pro model by Rory Coe brings something new with its design that has totally been redone. The gussets are now rounded plates in order to avoid body harm. The serigraphy is always something added to it as well.
French ID / Steel Tree
Price : 75€ / 100$ Weight : 992 gr (Taille M) High : M : 520 mm / L : 560 mm
This steel tree handle is the one used by French Id streeters. First handle to integrate a butted tube (diameter variation with a constante thickness), it is light and resistant. It’s only down side is the gussets that you will often notice.
XL : 600 mm
Large : M & L : 520 mm / L : 600 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Black Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : 8° Upsweep : 2° Collar clamps : Yes
Zero Gravity / Drop V
Price : 55€ / 80$ Weight : 1130 gr High : 450 mm to 580 mm Large : 450 mm to 510 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Black Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
This handle is for all the flat riders, it does not have any upper reinforcement and brings a certain lightness. It allows a longer length to catch up on whilst you do a barspin. Its sleek and discrete design gives it a sober look!
Price : 95€ / 130$ Weight : 1090 gr (Taille L) High : L : 570 mm / XL : 620 mm XXL : 680 mm
Large : 600 mm Outisde diameter : 31,8 mm Color : Nude Material : CrMo 4130 ICS / HIC / SCS : ICS Backsweep : 8° Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
Rad / Vulture The RAD Vulture is a legendary handle that allowed the biggest riders to evolve. First brand pushing an enlargement of the handle and the use of steel. These handles are a 100% handmade and could be considered like the Rolls of handles. The only inconvenient we find is that they are all brut colored and get rusty... but as long as you keep your equipment dry, the handle will age more naturally and will get rusy on the surface but will not alter its resistance.
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Price : 65€ / 90$ Weight : 1045 gr High : 530 mm to 600 mm Large : 450 mm to 580 mm Outisde diameter : 35 mm Color : Grey Material : Aluminium ICS / HIC / SCS : HIC Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
Price : 65€ / 90$ Weight : 1045 gr High : 530 mm to 600 mm Large : 450 mm to 580 mm Outisde diameter : 35 mm Color : Gris Material : Aluminium ICS / HIC / SCS : HIC Backsweep : No Upsweep : No Collar clamps : No
Price : 60€ / 85$ Weight : 1090 gr (Size L) High : M : 500 mm / L : 560 mm / XL : 600 mm Large : 580 mm Outisde diameter : 35 mm Color : Black Material : 25CD4 S ICS / HIC / SCS : HIC Backsweep : 3° Upsweep : 1° Collar clamps : No
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TSI / Scepter The TSI Scepter bar is a very good handle that is not pushed forward a lot. It is the only handle of this comparaison table that allows you to switch width by unscrewing 4 screws. A good mix of aluminium makes it comfortable, light and a good balance to the scoot. The quality is here too. For all the riders that are not sure which width to pick, have a look at this model it is worth it!
Lucky / Pry Bar This handle Pry Bars from Lucky is incredible in terms of width/weigth. It’s weak backsweep will please more than one and so will its innovative HIC system using a plastic piece.
Raw / Vegas This still growing french brand brings us a new model. One of the widest handles of this comparaison table, it will please all the street addicts. If you are looking for quality and want to democratise riders brands made by riders, you will need this one!
Playlist / Georgie LYess
Thanks to Steve Jobs’ journey on Earth, it has become now impossible for most of us to spend a single day without putting our headphones on, listening to some of our favourite artists’ melodies. Georgie LYess is no exception! He has been shredding Beverly’s street spots for the past 7 years. His inspiration: the streets and music. Let’s see what he hides in his playlist. How do you get your music?
Photos : Jordan Garceau
I get my music the weirdest way. I downloaded an app on my phone that lets me get music so I can get it on the run and then put it on my laptop later. According to you, which underground band or artist will make it in the future? Moufy is an underground rapper from Boston who I think has a really good chance of making it big. What record do you listen to back home after a bad day? I don’t have a certain record I listen too,I just put my music on shuffle and something
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Backside Feeble
good always comes on. We all have favourite songs that take us back in time, what are yours? Oh man…I have so many like “Welcome back” by Ma$e, “I miss you” by Aaliyah, or “Through the wire” and “All falls down” by Kanye West…and “overnight celebrity” by Twista. Do you have on your playlist a song that you are ashamed of ? Umm…I don’t think I have, I took all them off when my friends heard them hahah. You have a 3-song mix to get ready for a session, what are you playing? “Grove street”, “snakes in the grass”, and “Bustin at em”. All of them by Waka Glocka
1. “Mc hammer” - Rick Ross 2. “Niggas in Paris” - Jay-Z and Kanye West 3. “Gotta have it” - Jay-Z and Kanye West 4. “Interlude” - Tech N9ne and Andre 3000 5. “Snakes in the grass” - Waka Flocka Flame 1
Can you give me your definition of music ? To me music is anything with a beat or tempo, even if it’s wack it’s still music!
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Look / Boxes / Green
841 / Roulette
Vans / Core Basics Red
ALK13 / Casque
Go Pro / HERO 2
Etnies / Malto 2
Wax / Pig
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Proto / Catalyst 2010
AllisPossible / Just it
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city report / Praha
Whereas Greece is in everyone’s mind in Europe, Cezch Republic is the place we chose to go to for this edition. It has been over 2 years and we haven’t been to Prague yet to enjoy a ride along the Vltava riviera.We will leave this magnificent country after 3 days spent within their local scooter scene with a lot of nostalgy. Photos : Jeremy Lanfranchi Text : Jean-Yves Ranbriambelson
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city report / Praha We were welcomed by Dobry den Jakub, czech OG and pionner here, he will be our guide all weekend and will present you this scene the best way possible with its riders, its sports, its shop… Speaking of which it would be impossible to introduce you to the Prague scene without mentioning Gizmania. Historical shop through its work within the riding world and the influence it has. Is is host to unbelievable equipment and mini rail open to all its customers. It was created by Jakub over two years ago and started up in a garage, only to developp itself into what we believe is now the best and widest choice of scooters around for Cezchs. We can only congratulate the shop for its work since then. A shop full of good vibes with a real will to push things forward in a good way. And we can already feel its effect localy. 11am in the morning, the shop riders are already hot and throw a few tricks like a flair double whip to fight the freezing cold. Once the session has ended, we are getting to the main : the Mystic Skatepark ! Martin Nogol, OG of the Czech scene came all the way from his native city Harivov for this occasion. He came bearing gifts from his new shop Scootshop. cz to distribute at the mini jam organized that day. And I’m not gonna lie but the presence of Scoot For Life photographers and French Toast got them to send us some good stuff. It all started with the destruction of a flat bar with double peg grind whip 180 out followed by a backside hurricane to barspin fackie out from Daniel Baudys. Then coming out of nowhere, a backflip whip to barspin was presented to us by Michal Tesar after a few tries whilst Petr Machacek was doing an ice pik and 50-50 condor out on the long flat bar … all of that whilst his friend Johan Walzel was on it doing a toothpick. Really good these Cezch when you think about it !
Jakub Volf - Superman
Tom Jumgvirt - Backside Feeble Grind to frontside 360째
city report / Praha After a Pepsi drink and with a triple whooper we went to Stalin Plaza who hasn’t seen that many scooters in one place before. The sun was setting down early at this time of the year and it is in total darkness and with 5 degrees out that we will end this day. We then meet Tom Jungvirt who will then motivate himself for a feeble transfert from a bench to a curb. This young shredder has lived in France for 7 years and who is totally billingual turns out to be one of the guys from Prague to keep an eye on considering his level. The easiness and the style he learned in less than a year and a half riding is suprising. His good spirit is his main quality and you can feel that instantly in his riding. Jakub’s and our photographer Jeremy Lanfranchi’s presence pushed some to surpass themselves and we can find Honza Dunovsky and his blond hair imported from Pardubicel throw himself in bench to bench transfers in a bunny to smith. Finally this session will end with a massive ledge improvisation, covered in dead leaves, from Jakub Volf. I think that between the pegs Kubars in a joint shape, we will have seen everything on that day. Last day in Prague and we are heading to the infamous Quicksilver bowl, the most popular spot around here. It is free and has a family feeling, which might explain why. The first thing to notice is the amount of riders. It is hard to tell how many scooter riders were present considering how many they were « too many kids ride like idiots, without understanding how a skatepark works » complains Johan Walzel. This is the recurring issue that deteriores the image of our sport… But let’s go back to the important stuff. From the bench we were sa tat we watched the bowl and the riders executing condor to smith stall and 50-50 stall to fackie drop in. We spotted young Richard Zelinka do a bowl briflip late double whip ! This kid is totally a part of those who have already have an amazing level but also has a totally tailor made scooter,
Petr Machacek - Ice Peek
Richard Zelinka - Briflip Late Double Whip
city report / Praha fitting his riding needs exclusively : handle and deck cut to his size. A good example to follow for all the young ones that buy equipment just by copying others and not necessary following their own needs. Just a big up for this ! We saw a lot of tricks in front of our eyes that day. Petre or mini Smirnoff like he used to be called when he started, did an Icepick first try on the 8 steps rail in the park. Riding for MGP and Redbull he managed a flair condor in the air and a massive ice pick and a 50-50 on both curbs and rails of an unbelievable height. Our beloved Daniel Bausy had fun in the bowl, throwing massive inGreens and other comply hang-5drop ins. If you didnt know him before reading this article, you will probably hear about him in the near future, especially in his next documentary on the birth of the scooter in Cezch Republic. « Prague is the biggest scene in the Czech Republic but there isn’t a lot of events organized as the parks are held by skaters and skaters hate us » we were nicely explained. An observation that Jeremy and
city report / Praha myself noticed too. We hope that this documentary will make mentality evolve. Here ends our report. Escorted back to the airport by Jakub, Rookie and myself found ourselves in the same terminal than two days ago, before getting back to our respective beds at home. Diky moc !!
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Homza Dunovfky - Bar Spin
Š Jean-Yves Ranbriambelson
Zoom / Tepi Quick introduction for our readers. To make it simple, Charles “Tepi” Cantin, 24 years old and I’ve been riding scooters since 2003 and I am also a photographer. You’ll find me riding around the city of Nantes this year. Some of you might have found out about me through my photos in French Toast #1. About the nickname Tepi, I got it from Graffiti that I’ve been doing since around 2000 and now it has stayed and become a name in the scooter world. You are an OG now. Can you explain how you started riding scooters and how has it effected in your life? I started riding scooters around 2003 with my best friend we were messing around with it on sidewalks and stairs in front of our houses. Later I met Jean-Yves ( Randriambelson aka JD ) wuth whom I spent a lot of times riding. Through internet we found out we were not the only one there were Cary Mosbrucker, Kc Corning, the Micro Team… there were the first videos I had ever seen and it got me stuck to the sport. After 8 years, I can now say we were the only few first French riders at that time. And when we look at what it has become today, there’s nothing to be disappointed about, except that sometimes the sport does evolve not always in the good way. I just hope our image is not going to deteriorate in the future… Let’s talk about your passion for photos. How has it changed your vision of riding ? E It became more than a passion, I’m hoping to make a career out of it, that’s why I’ve been attending to exposiions with sport, art, portraits, landscapes. I have also had the chance to make a tour with the Addict and Dissidence team for many
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© Claire Girard
years across all Europe, in which I took beautiful photos, and met people I think I will never forget. Has it effected my vision of riding? Definitely. It has helped me analyze many many things on riders and it still helps me today in my riding but also in my every day pictures… angles, luminosity, everything. Still in the game, on events, even forums… But where have you been lately ? I used to live in Paris so events were easier to attend. It’s been now 4 years that I’ve been living in the region of Bretagne so it costs more money to travel. I don’t forget nobody though and I will be going to Paris in 2012. I now ride street and park around my hometown, and my daily routine is mostly about friends, taking photos, going to expos and to an indoor “ ghetto spot “ we are currently building, which takes a lot of times…. Anyways, I would like to thank the people who have been supporting me and following me along the years, Dissidence, Addict, Eagle District and that’s the least of it. Thank you all again !
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Table Top
© Mathieu Toucanne
event / K124 Jam
If you paid good attention to our first issue,you witnessed how important the local scene in Lyon is. Lyon is famous for it’s park riders even though street riders are also present in good numbers there. This latter scene is pushed forward by a street jam that is starting to spread with the organization from the K-124 shop House, the help of rider Martin Andre and manager Kevin Jacob. For this second edition of the street jam, a lot of people were present. Texte et photos : Jeremy Lanfranchi
When we got there (about 20min just before the jam was supposed to leave), the crowd started to pile up in front of the shop, which gave us enough time to head down to the local Subway where our hispanic Javi Trepat and his homie were waiting for us… but then a lot of riders started heading in the direction of the first spot. The street jam officialy started. It was hard to leave this delicious meal behind and meet up with the lot on the spot the quicker we could ! To start slowly, nothing better than a rail above 8 steps famous because of Boris Germain’s latest video. The first tricks remain simple until the calfs start to heat up and the brain starts to discon-
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nect itself. From then on, we start seeing a little frontscoot from Amine Walaii achieved with no problems and followed by a neat 360 heelwhip ! But the Lyons scene is not impressed easily and Flavio Pesenti does a 360 whip to start with and follows it up with a boardslide rail. Boris Germain follows him without issues and then does a hurricane to fakie then lipslide. To follow are various truck driver, bar to whip, boarslide and nose manual to double whip attempts from Arnaud MarcheBlack, a few whip rewind and decade from Alexis Letelier aka Porcial. From then on, the level goes up a bit and a young
Jojo Cajas - Boardslide one foot
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event / K124 Jam guy from Lyons does an impressive 540 on the set. Flavio breaks the rail with a back lipslide and Benjamin Friant joins him with a Boardslide to whip.
Amine Walai - Frontscooterflip
The tension goes up until a rider from Lyons does a huge front scoot over the rail that impresses everyone. Well…everyone but Jojo Cajas who came especially for that and does a 270 to backlipslide on the rail…
Now on to the second spot. All the brains are now switched off and we arrive on a big set of 14 steps with two rectangular rails on each side. Whilst the photographers and cameramens are getting ready, some riders give it a go and was the rails while some others practice on a small rail on the floor and try out really technical tricks. Jojo Cajas, yes hima gain, does not seem like he i shaving any fun on a rail 30cm high and decides to throw the first boarslide foot !! Tension is here again and Amine Walaii raises the bar with his famous frontscoot !
face with a superwhip.
Following are Boris Germain and Charles Padel who will gently sand the rail with boarslides. The man of the day will definitely be Jojo Cajas.This one hasn’t finished yet and throw himself on the gap with an impressive 360 with its unique style.A sort of 360 with a big bunny hop and a rotation that looks like a 360 table top. From this moment on, another guy from Lyons no one heard about comes in and destroys the spot with a huge Truck driver ! Massive big up for him as the set was already high and so were the tricks. We will attribute the biggest fall on this spot to Javi Trepat who fell on his
All the riders then met at the K-124 shop at the end of the day for the prizes.
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It is now time for us to move on to the third and last spot. The jam will end on a square with loads of angled surfaces and curbs ! The curbs are tackled and the technical combos are flowing ! Then it is the turn of a massive angled surface to be the favorite surface to ride and we can witness loads of whip rewind, bar to whip 180, 540 and other icepicks or toothpicks from JD. We can only see Christophe Stefanuto aka Choco BN and Arnaud MarcheBlack throw some flairs on this angled surface !
A really good day of ride and chilled times like we would like to see around more often.
Video available on this following link or flash the Qr Code :
review / Go 4 Broke Finally released on the internet. For those who already knew, it had been over a year that Tyler Garcia had filmed for his “Go 4 Broke” part project.The result of this labour is all summed up by three minutes and half of mind-blowing street footage as in a skateboard video part skaters are already used to see. Texte : Jean-Yves Ranbriambelson
The major problem of our small community is the lack of creativity and personal investment which means good videos with a good filming and editing behind have become hard to find. “kids will take their camera to the skatepark for a day and film for a single day and release an edit from that. I just wanted to try and help give scootering a different standard of making videos where you can put time and effort into filming and editing a worthy video “ Well Tyler has an advantage over most of scooter riders, and its name is Kmac. Kyle McFadden is a friend of Tyler’s and also happens to be skateboarder and filmer, which gave Tyler access to certain spots usually “reserved” for skaterboarders. It must be the reason why this part reminds of skate videos from Zero or even Emerica. Go 4 Broke makes us travel from spot to spot, and discover Tyler’s world, gaping, shredding rails all over the place. Besides, Tyler blew our minds with a 15 stairs rail banger he landed as a last trick ( or second last one ). “My cousin that partially films me, showed me that after I got the front board whip clip, and he showed me it. So we came back the next day and I told him I am not leaving this rail until I’m getting a clip, so we stayed all day until I manned up and hucked myself to it haha “. A great rhythmical video ending in an after-banger silence with the famous Wallenberg Set that Tyler perfectly tailwhipped first try. I even think he was the first to ever land a trick on a scooter first try on this gap. You got to give a lot of props to him for landing it. Anyway, about the music choice, they put “ Stadiums and shrines II “ by Sunset Rubdown. A song full of energy, constantly going bigger and bigger as the video goes by, up to the last trick. However, the only drawback I would have to talk about would be the repetitive side of the tricks. Even though his good style favors him, and the control of his tricks is undebatable, it would have been to good to have even more (we are never fed up). At last, I would sum it up by saying this part NEED to be seen. The result may help those who already edit, improve their work in a qualitative way rather than quantitative. Oh Yea, I almost forgot. Why does it call “ Go 4 broke “ “ ‘Go4Broke’ is a group in World War 2 that my great grandpa was in, and he recently passed away, so i called it Go4Broke to always remind me of him and how much he meant in my life, and also because it means to just go all out in everything you do, because you only get one life so live it up.”
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Tyler Garcia - Lipside
toasted face / Fernando Young A first rider to have had his Eagle wheels pro model, Fernando is also the most recognized scootrider in Latin America. Straight out from the Peruvian Pampa, is one of those people that the scooter istraveling,andthatthe street ridingvibrate him. saw Inthe street jam in NewYork, the last year, and in Paris this year, Fernando Young is one of those sportsMAN that takes up our sport, on both his eternal enthusiasm and motivation to ride. It is with pleasure that we offered you this interview...a little bit strange. How would you describe your typical weekend ? I have lessons on the Friday between 8 and 10 (pm !!!) . I try to see some friends afterwards. Saturday morning I have lessons all morning and it is usually quite hard because I am still hangover from the Friday night… And the rest of the weekend I ride. Are you proud of being one of the only riders in Peru ? Of course ! But the sport is slowly growing here, more and more people start riding scooters and they are progressing very fast. Is long hair a trend in South America or is it just you ? ah ah ah. Not at all. I just have one other friend that rides and has dreads Could you tell us more about this whole zebra crazyness ? is it your african side coming out ? ah ah ah ah, I dont know… I find it cool Does being a scoot pro rider helps you with the girls ? No, not really. And I dont think i would fancy having a girlfriend within this world
Ok, lets finish on a few short questions, What if you had to choose between : Back flip or handrail on 18 steps ? The handrail with no hesitation / USA or Europe ? Europe / Eagle ou District ? Both / Alcohol or illicit products ? Alcohol / Evian ou Redbull ? Toilet Water / Machu Pichu or Tour Effeil ? The Machu Pichu, even if I’ve never been / Streeter on park, or ride street like park ? Streeter on park of course !
So what is the best method to find a girl in Peru then ? Google (laughs) Could you tell us a secret about you ? mmmmh, its secret. If you had to spend the night with a scooter rider, who would it be ? I think there is an ok rider at Blunt … When are we going to see a Machu Pichu street ride ? We could still ask the government, that would be mad ! Do you feel the power from the mayas when you ride Totally, it makes me feel completely mexican. (nb : mayas come from Mexico) This is the worse interview we have ever done, I apologize for all these questions ! Ok, we’ve got a few more. What is your best memory linked to the scoot ? The New York jam last year and the Dissidence street jam in Paris this year. What about the worse one ? A cramp i had in my leg when I was participating at the TIC 07 contest.
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© Axiomev
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itw / Coedie Donovan
Punk Scooters, MGP Edit, DSC Footage, mini vid, of course you already know what I’m talking about. All these videos are related to one single man, Coedie Donovan, also known as The Legend. A true OG like him, in the game since the very beginning of our history doesn’t need to be introduced anymore. He has lately left MGP for going to District.We tried trough this interview, to summarize the highlights of his career. Photos : Nick Hodgskin Introduction. Hello my name is Coedie Donovan I’m 23 years of age, I’m from Penrith Australia and I ride for District and Eagle sport. and I’m not to sure how tall I am……… I just checked and I am 1690mm Really you just did? (laughs) Yeh I have a tape measure at home. Haha fair enough. First of all, how did you get into riding scooters ? I first started riding scooters when I found out that we could ride scooters at my local skating rink in Penrith. I saw this guy riding scooters and doing tricks off the small kicker. So that’s pretty much how I started off, seeing someone doing tricks so I started trying to do bask start like the tail whip and no footers…and I was thinking that’s sick I didn’t think tricks were possible on a scooter so I started pulling off tricks like I would normally do on skateboard and bmx, then just progressed bit by bit. Yeah, since you used to ride other thing apart from scooters, right ? Back in the days I use to ride inlines, bmx and skateboards as most of use might have seen on my YouTube videos. I just started off young doing heaps of extreme stuff but now I’m a 100% scooter, getting close to his 13 years of riding. 13 years ! Just like our redactor Balthazar Neveu. F**ck yeah! That’s good to hear man, it’s good to know there are still some OGs out there still riding even if it may not be as crazy as they use to be but at least they still ride good. It’s the same for me. Some things that were easy for me back in the days are now a bit scary. We are getting old … ( laughs )! Unfortunately we are ^^. Let’s go back to you. Since you were already good at all these other sports, why would you keep on riding scooters? Well, I just saw it as a new sport and wanted to try something new and now look at where it’s got : videos and photos of professional scootering, and even a MAGAZINE ! Feel you! And do you see yourself as a factor of today’s huge scene in Australia? Yes, since I was one of the firsts. Plus a lot of the top riders these days in Australia started off by chatting to me on msn talking about how do you get so good on a scooter and now look at where all these riders have gone. A lot of riders everywhere pulling off tricks that people couldn’t even imagine. It’s just crazy! I still get a lot of props from a lot of the new riders because they know I was here from the start which I thank everyone for that and I’m glad to still be here. And we are of course glad to still have you around. So how did you manage to get the sport famous at that time? Well I wasn’t the only one. There was Phil Lagettie and Jordan Bates, two OGs I use to ride with. We made a video called Australian Scooters, at that time
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Condor - Perth / Australie
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itw / Coedie Donovan scooters weren’t that big and there wasn’t many known riders, so that was a pretty big step, making scooters big in Australia. Then we made Australian Scooters 2 in which appeared new riders from all around Australia. We wanted to show how big our scene was getting through a huge video. Hoping again we can make another one like that… Phil Lagettie edited the video, back in the days. If it wasn’t for him making me progress I probably wouldn’t be here today so I got to thank him for that. Yea, I remember this guy from all his mini vids, does he still ride ? He retired because of his back, he always had problems with his back but these days he rides like every now and then plus he is now a manager on Razor Australia. Nice. Back to you. Tons of “world firsts”, what the hell was that frontflip manual to whip in your DSC Footage edit ? ( laughs )… dunno. I was thinking about it on the day like what if I could fronty to manual… So I gave it a few goes then nailed it. I Wish I was still stupidly crazy like I was back in DSC footage to do crazy stuff like that again. Let’s now talk about your very first sponsor. My first sponsor was a shop company called Manly Blades which these days is now called SkaterHQ because it is no longer just blades sponsor that’s why they changed the name. How I got sponsored by them, it was because my mate Phil Lagettie who got me to send a DVD into manly blades. The owner was shocked when he saw the video he’d said that he has never seen anything like this before on a scooter, so straight up he sponsored me on the spot gave me a contract to sign and clothing. It was a really good day for me as I’d never been sponsored before. After that me and Phil helped Jim out by getting in the best of quality scooter parts and scooters into the shop. I’m 100% sure that I was the first Austalian guy to ride the razor pro model. After like 6 months or more they decided to change the name to SkaterHQ since it was no longer just blades sponsor but also skateboards, scooters and blades. What an interesting story. I believe then your next sponsor was eagle, right? Yeh, and it had a lot to do with SkaterHQ helping me out with that
one because Bill, the owner was the manufacturer for eagle in Australia at that time so he sponsored me and a few of the team mates, I’m pretty sure that’s how I first got the sponsorship with Eagle I could be wrong but I just can’t really remember to much about that
And then a few time later you had your own wheel promodel, how did that happen ? Well when I was talking to Marcel he wanted me to design
the signature wheel and be the first in Austalia to have my very own signature wheel. So we chatted about it and I did some designs and sent them through and they just redid it on their program. As soon as all that was done they started making them. I was told that the first batch they made of my first signature wheels were all pre-ordered which I was shocked they were the number 1 wheel selling as I was told. But I could be wrong ( laughs ).
You must have had reactions from your friends and family. In a way, it was the beginning of your scooter career, wasn’t it? Well in some sort
of a way yes, because it got my name out there even more. But scooters weren’t so big then so it wasn’t much of a paying thing so I had no royalty out of it. But I was happy, my family was really happy for me too because I always wanted to become a known scooter rider and when they saw the wheel they were so happy for me.With friends they were all shocked and couldn’t believe what they were seeing and even today people are still shocked too see it. It was a good thing that I stuck with eagle now because there’s plenty more to come. A shop and wheel sponsor. Then MGP came out of nowhere with you sponsored by them. Can you tell us a bit more about how this sponsorship started? Well all started off with a few friends saying that
Madd Gear is now sponsoring riders and I had heard of them before because they were a cheap scooter from Kmart (shop). First thing that came to my mind was it’s gonna be another shit company but when I saw the scooters I was like pretty shocked cause they weren’t too bad and my friends were telling me that they were taking them already to California
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for a big tour. I didn’t believe it but I got my friend Nickeh to talk to the owner Mike. So Mike rang me up hearing that I was one of the best in the country so we had a long chat and that’s how I new I was on the team. And that’s when things big things began for you, first the United States, then Europe…Can you tell us these experiences you lived? Well 2
months after I got sponsored, I was heading out to California for the big SD4 comp. It was probably the best trip I’ve been on besides Europe. It was a big experience for me because I thought I would never travel the world but Madd did help me with a lot of that.We did little tours around Austalia called East Coast tours and few others. Then the next big one for me was Europe tour which we got to travel around 10 different countries. that was the most amazing tour I’ve ever been on, travelling around in a double-decker-bus which had beds, lounge area with TV, DVD and stereo system and pretty much everything you’d need to live. We saw some amazing places like Germany, Belgium, London, France and many more.
Australia, USA, Europe. You must have noticed a few differences between those destinations. What are they? Umm… well I got to say
Europe was definitely the most different very different styles of riding I’ve seen, because a lot of kids ride street and District scooters out there, which is a good thing to see since I’m now on :). Plus all the places are very old but very nice to look at. In Australia, everything is very new, they are always updating stuff. With America, it wasn’t too much of a difference, except for driving on the wrong side of the road (laughs). So if you were having the best time of your life, why would you leave MGP? Well after being on the team for quite along time the team started falling apart, some quit and others got put off due to not sending videos or promoting. I was always hanging out with my mates Rory and Chris that are also on District and Eagle and there were telling me to leave to get on District. I thought it through and knew it was the right path for me as I can ride with my mates and travel all the time on the same company. So the word went out, I got off
So here you are on district now.Tell us a bit about your set-up and about how it feels. I have at the moment is my Siganture wheels v2, District v3
deck, Kubars forks that some European from Gizmania gave to me, Madd Gear Coedie Signature bars, ODI longneck grips and Apex pegs front and back. That’s pretty much my current set-up and to be honest they feel so much better than all the other scooters I’ve had. They are much better for grinding the slide so good, I’m happy with the results and I’m thankful for Marcel for letting me on because I know he has been trying to get me on for a while.
Should we expect you to get your own pro-model or something like that? Well as soon as I got on the team I’ve been doing designs with the
District designer. I still haven’t got it quite right but I’m pretty close to how I want it done.
What about the trip you’ve just done with the FSP Group? Yeh, we made a Western Australia Tour with Rory, Chris and Cory Geisler. In addition to that, Maxime Legrand and Johann Moreau came all the way from Paris, France on the tour with us. Driving around with all of them and going to different parks and riding with other riders was fun. It was sick to meet them crazy French street riders, Maxime is f**king one funny c**nt. Perth has a lot of dero people though. I remember those stupid bikers jumping in the bowl while Maxime was already in there, so he got mad and threw his scooter at the biker and told him off…haha, that was funny but the bikers full bitched it when Maxime walked up on them, …Loved it! Haha yeah we all know that around here. So now at 23 years old, can you make a living from scooters?
Well now yes. At first I did have a casual job doing labour machine operator. I quit my job recently to just ride for District and promote for them as a full time job. I love it!
Front Briscooterflip Perth
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Frontside boardslide - Perth
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itw / C.Donovan I want to end this interview with some little questions. What would you be doing if you wasn’t riding scooters ?
I would probably be drinking with friends and partying or hanging with my girlfriend Emma Kelly. Your best riding memory? My best riding memory would have to be traveling every weekend to a different park it was fun and I wish I could do that again and again. Your worst riding memory? I don’t think there is A part of your body you often break? I’ve never really had a break to be
Now that you’re on District, are going to miss footjams? I did start the
footjams and all but I don’t really do them much anymore it’s to overated now like the backflip.
Street or Park? I don’t really have a preference because every time I ride I’m
always doing lines with quarters, rails, and ledges a lot haha, so I’m just an all rounder. I love them both.
The weirdest place on which you signed an autograph? Probably on
someone’s forehead and I’ve done this so many times.
Honestly, does being an Australian professional scooter rider help with girls?
Well since I’ve got a girlfriend I can’t run around getting laid but I do meet a lot of girls at demos and tours so it is a good thing. How long do you think your career is going to last ? Hoping it will last for
ever because I’ve always wanted to do stuff with scooters it’s something I know very well how to do.
Does people often merge you with Chris Hart? ( laughs )Not really it’s the other way around people think Chris Hart is me, Coedie Donovan. Should we expect another huge Coedie Donovan video? I’m hoping that yes. There will be another huge video, it even might be the last big one but I’ll make it worth like all my old videos. What should we expect the most from you in the early future ? Just a few little edits. Nothing too crazy, but just me promoting District as much as I can. Last words. Thanks to all my sponsors that I’ve had in the past and I want to thank my family and friends for telling me to never stop chasing your dreams because it’s coming true for me. Thank you Coedie.
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mecanic / Wheels The size The first characteristic that attracts your attention when you are picking a wheel is its diameter. There are all sorts of sizes for scooters, from 84mm to 125mm, but the 100mm and 110mm are the most common ones. The smaller the wheel is, the lower the deck will be, which means i twill be more stable on the ground. It will also be lighter with a 100mm than a 110mm. You should know that because the wheel is located at the edge of the scooter, their weight has a real impact on the feeling you get when riding, especially for tricks like whip (where the deck is then more reactive and nervous). On the other hand, with a wider wheel and similar proportions , you won’t feel the bumps as much. Also, a 110mm wheel will be a little faster than a 100mm one.
Even if it might seem stupid, scooter wheels are the main link between you and the ground or other various spot surfaces. It is therefore important to know their different characteristics in order to make of your choice the better one possible. We will try here to analyse each wheel parameter and tell you how to use them accordingly.Beforehand, you should all know that all the wheels are based on the rollerblades wheels standard, which consists of ball bearing systems 608z, 24mmwide. Everything is possible from then.
The materials Nowadays, core metal wheels are common, and most of the wheels are now made of these. On middle grounds, low quality aluminium will be used (no need for stronger material, the design makes the wheel oversized), but if you were after lighter and of better quality you would have to get on the 6061 or even 6082. There are also wheels of plastic hub that are of a lower range that are really light but would not last as long.The softness of the plastic makes the riding a bit less intense as well.
The shape It is the shape the gum takes. There are different ones that varies depending on the brand, from the most acute to the slimmest. A slimmer wheel will not need to be broke in as much (it already has the shape of an used wheel) and will be less sensitive to lateral efforts, the grip will be stronger as the radius will be larger. An « acute » wheel will be on the other hand a bit faster (less surface touching the floor) and a bit lighter.
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@ Jeremy Lanfranchi
The gum thickness The thickness of the gum is generally about 15mm but could vary depending on the brand. The thicker the gum is the softer the feeling will be. But the gum will then be sensitive to lateral efforts. You should also know that with lower quality gums (chinese gums for example), you will need an internal structure linking the core to the gum, which would significantly and effectively reduce the height .
The gum hardness The lifetime is the parameter that plays the most with the feeling. It could vary from 78A (tender) to 95A (hard), but the wheels usually are 88A. A harder gum will be faster and will grip better, therefore will be more solid. A tender gum will do the opposite and will be nice to ride but a bit less reliable. There are loads more parameters that could play with your choice of wheel, esthetic ones (paint, anosizing, adjustement, finishing…) but they will need to be treated case by case and will depend on a more personal choice rather than technical.
how to / Nose manual
This month it’s our favorite Luluss turn to turn himself into a scooter teacher for a few minutes (yes it is hard to believe ) in order to show you how to master the art of his OWN trick : the nose manual..
Lucas Wisdorss - Musée d’Orsay - Paris / France
The nose manual is a hard trick to learn and master, but once these two steps are assimilated, it is easy to do on demand. To do a nose manual you only have to focus on two parts of your body, forget about the rest ! These are your legs and your arms. The second step would be to find your balance point. This will be THE perfect position to do a nose manual. It’s the position in which you will end up in when you are not bending forwards or backwards too much. In order to find this balance point, you could help yourself by putting some pression on the folding with your foot. If you bend forward too much, you will have to relax your arms and push on your heels in order to put some weight on the back of the scooter and recover your balance. If you bend backward too much you will have to tense your arms forward and push with the tip of your toes to recover your balance.
The best technique to become the king of nose manual is : PRACTICE !
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09 81 71 13 79 onlinesales@axone-shop.com
Dominator Scooter Accessories #1 Scooter Products Distrubutor in America
industry / Dissidence Created by the duo made of Cyrille Vietti Benzidane and Kevin Demay, Dissidence is, first, an online scooter shop, hence the scootershop. With time, Dissidence became way more than a simple online shop. This is the success story of strong friendships around the scooter itself and its number of interns and broken arms… Photos et Texte : Balthazar Neveu
Economic The scooter industry is taking a big turn nowadays and this is mainly because of the massive distribution system that brings you your lovely frame at your doorstep. Just think about how complex it can be to deliver a t-shirt of the desired color and size when most of the riders already have issues organizing their own socks. The transportation of the goods from a factory to a client is now a science called logistic. To resume, famous brands produce scooters, often in Asia for the most popular ones. Then the product is transported in containers onto boats or planes towards different countries. In each country you will then have distributors that receive these…. Computer science allows us to classify everything in a massive database, record and deal with the orders from the retailers. This is all taken very seriously, we are not joking about with the products. Then the distributors transport the products to your local shop that needs to sell them locally. The complication with Dissidence is that it is a shop and and a distributor altogether. And what makes the difference between the theory and the practical side of this is that here. Is that sometimes the employees have to go and collect the products themselves with their vans…. As the soldiers that they are.
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industry / Dissidence Creation If you go back to the creation of Dissidence in 2008, Kevin met Cyrille and they decided to invest in the creation of a shop, mainly to distribute French ID in France. At the time you had to go through CDK in Lyon in order to get your hands on this brand. Dissidence allowed JD and Maxime to access the equipment intended to reach the French ID team. This is how the first video came out in August 2008 on an Outkast soundtrack. The team was then Kevin Demay, Lucas Wisdorff, Jean Yves and Maxime Legrand. Two other friends then joined them, Shinpei Nakata and Jeremy Lanfranchi aka Rookie.
Brands Dissidence distributes a lot of scooter brands. It is mainly impressive to see the amount or rider brands you can find. Nowadays, a lot of affordable freestyle scooter brands are not involved in our market. They are only here to take money off the young riders and make profit without investing in the riders again. Dissidence is making an ethic choice towards scooters. You will not find leisure scooters there. You will find rare elements, coming from the States like R.A.D handles, Lucky, Phoenix frames of even the famous DSA cambo fork. It is now also possible to purchase Zero Gravity equipment and TSI. Proto frames that reached France with the help of Dissidence. R.A.W handles from Julien Perret will be there for Christmas as well. The French Touch can also relate to the clothes you will find in Dissidence : Taravana, All Is Possible and soon Wise and Boxes.You can find all the classics like District, Eagle and Madd as well of course.
Projects Dissidence spends a lot of time with the riders and invests in the field. Dissidence regularly organises money price draws in the riders favorite competitions : Montreux with a massive cheque that Jojo Cajas won two years in a row, XWheels in Lyon. Dissidence works on videos displaying the whole team, which is quite hard to edit. Cyrille and Kevin went especially to New York to pick their video and photo equipment. There is also the ghetto box project, a « perfect rail » project is also on the go so expect a lot from this coming winter.The successful street jam is renewed each year. Dissidence managed to get together about ten pros from different places (USA, Spain, Australia, Peru, Switzerland, Finland) this year. A new video from the Go big or Go home contest is also in preparation this year with even more gifts for the participants Let’s just say that Dissidence isnt done with you.
The warehouse All the scooters are stocked in a warehouse in the outskirts of Paris that is also a place of meeting… along with Kevin’s house. A real Ali Babouane cavern where more than one secret is hidden. The warehouse was envied in the winter of 2010 when the first edit of the dissidence curb came out. To be precise, the ghetto box edit was shot in the first warehouse before everything was moved. The curb is so heavy that you can’t carry it without a motorized car. An old ghetto blaster would not be able to re create a ambiance that street like the Dissidence session with the stretches and punching ball preparations. In the small living area there is a pool table from the 16th century that creates an old fashioned atmosphere. The best part being that the only heated area is the office. French Toast headquarters, interns nest and main office , it is mainly a place where you can chill and where you really need to log out your facebook account or you will end up fraped with a penis image as a profile photo…
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view / Tyler Wheeland He has been a Lucky rider for years from the beginning, it is understandable to see the community shocked by this move he has made. Instead of letting rumours get bigger and bigger, we decided to get in touch with him in order to have more information on the reasons of this decision. Texte : Cyrille Vietti Benzidane
180° over the bouche to incendie - Whittier, Ca
Hi Tyler. Second interview we are doing with you. You’re a superstar ^^. If we decided to do it, it is in order to understand why you left Lucky. So, let’s start with this question. You and lucky are over for good? Yea, I have decided to leave the team but I am still good friends with most of the riders. So again, why? Many kids’ dream is to get sponsored, but you decided to stop that. Moreover, on your latest interview, you mentioned Lucky as family. Exactly and that’s why it was so hard for me. The riders on Lucky are all close and I realized I would
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rather ride for a company that was owned by a scooter rider rather than a scooter dad. I still love all those guys. People have to understand there’s no hard feeling with Lucky and the guys. I just wanted to ride my scooter for myself again, go out and have fun. It became hard doing that because I was working so hard on the video and making sure everybody was riding and it was just time to move on I think. Is it different now that you’re riding just for yourself again? Yes, that is just what I needed. Plus, Alex Steadman came up to L.A. and we just cruised around and
Double Whip - Chicago, Il
had the best time. I have been riding a Proto deck and I love it. So should we expect you to become the next Proto rider? No, I don’t ride for Proto, I only ride their decks and I support the company though since Andrew Broussard is an OG scooter rider. But I ride for Tilt Scooters now. Erik Feenstra, Jordan Jasa, Josh Young and Tom Kvilhaug. I feel like everybody has a different style and we definitely all ride street. I like the fact that Collin is a scooter rider and I have ridden with him. It’s awesome seeing him ride and it gives me confidence in the parts because they are designed and made by a rider.
It sounds good. Good to hear that another “oned rider “ brand is growing up, hoping everything will be for the best. I hope so too! y video soon. I’ve filmed for almost two years. I don’t think I’ll be at contests and I think I’ll just be road-tripping during the summer time. Ok. By the way, is riding scooters the only thing you do in your life? No, I’m about to finish up high school and then I should be going off to school but I wish I was 100% scooter rider. Matter fact, for the moment nobody in the US can do that yet, except maybe the dudes with Elyts.
Nope. It was hard to do but it was time to move on.Like a new start. Do you have any information about the future parts coming up?
The industry has reached a new step in which pros are paid for riding. What do you think about these brands paying riders, do you think it is a good or a bad thing for the sport?
Kind of, yes. The forks are awesome. I have been testing wheels and we have a lot more parts coming out in 2012 like SCS, and I believe decks will be in the further future
Ah man I don’t know. I think it all depends on the company. My opinion is that riding for a company just for money is wack, but riding for a company you actually love and getting paid for it is just the
best thing that could ever happen to you as a rider. Just awesome! Do you have something to say to all the kids believing all “pro rider” are paid by brands, and just want to stop everything because they believe riding scooters is an easy way to make a living ? Ride for fun, ride for style, ride for life! - Steven T! What a beautiful saying. Anything else you want to add? Thanks to everybody who has helped me out over the years, especially my parents who are the coolest people I know. Thanks What a beautiful saying. Anything else you want to add? Thanks to everybody who has helped me out over the years, especially my parents who are the coolest people I know. Thanks
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scooter check / Kiara Meade
Our community is growing so much that,we expect to see the sport welcoming more and more diverse people from diverse backgrounds, cultures or countries. What is unexpected remains girls representing our big family’s name. We have Jessica Boland in Australia, but when it comes to the US, Kiara Meade comes to mind. Those who read the latest issue know we had the chance to meet her at XW6 Competition. The first thing I’ve noticed about her is how mature she is for her young age. The fact she has been going to many scooter events for a couple of years now must have me her this way.Traveling from skatepark to skatepark with the support of her father and all the love for the sport she brings from New Jersey.TIC being one of her locals, it is no surprise to see her flying on transitions.That is the reason why she got herself a “ flow “ set-up,as she like to define her type of riding. That’s why I decided to dedicated the issue’s scooter check section to her. It was a pleasure to meet Kiara! © Anthony Cresp
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Fistful :
Pink ODI Longneck grips
Bar :
FSP MX bars
Collar clamps:
Proto SCS
HeadSet :
FSA sealed headset
Fork :
Lucky SMX fork
Deck :
Non- intergreated Phoenix deck
Brake :
Phoenix brake
Wheels :
Eagle 110 Spoked wheels
Grip :
FSP clear griptape avec stickers
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mini view / Alexis Letellier Young and up coming rider Alexis Letellier deserves to be put in the spotlight. Progressing a little bit more each day, doing flairs at very impressive heights, and with a never ending will to learn, he is now part of what the future of scooter will be.
Hey Alexis, for a start, could you present yourself quickly ? My name is Alexis Letellier aka porcial, I am 16 years old and I have been riding pretty much everywhere around Paris for about 3 years now. Why Porcial ? Where does this nickname come from ? About a year ago I was in a macdonalds with some friends from the Chromatik Crew and instead of saying « porcine flu » I said « porcial flu ». It remained and now everyone calls me it. Ok ok. Lets go back to your past year. We saw you a lot this year. French Cup, NL contest, Gerlan contests… It’s like you motivated yourself and decided to move around to tackle the best riders ? Could you explain to us what happened this year for you ? I just stopped school last february (and went back there last september). I started riding pretty much everyday with Maxime Legrand. My level increased quickly and it made me want to progress even more and learn new things constantly. And that’s what made you want to move around for all these contests ? All of this is because of Maxime (Legrand) that talked about me to Cyrille (from Dissidence). One day
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Tail Grab - Salon des sports - Paris / France
mini view / Alexis Letellier
Backside Lipslide - Austerlitz - Paris / France
Maxime took me to the Dissidence depot where there was a mini ramp at the time. Cyrille was there and I gave everything I could to show him what I could do. Since then, Dissidence brings me to events whenever they can. Do you love contests ? Yes, there is pressure and the riders are different from the ones I am used to ride with. It is motivating I think. Regarding this, are there riders that motivate you more than others ? whether it is to ride or just inspirational ? My mates motivate me and give me inspiration ! Nice answer ! Personally it’s Maxime (Legrand, aka le baron) that introduced me to you. We often think that your riding in park is quite similar, agressif and engaged. Is it someone that has had a certain importance in your evolution Yes, he made me progress. When I was riding on the weekends with my friends, they would say : « Porcial, you are reaching an impressive level cos you ride with Maxime so much ». Regarding the style, I am often told that I have the same than him in park but I don’t do it on purpose. I guess it’s cos I’ve been riding with him so much. We rarely see you in street. Are you a 100% park rider or do you try yourself at concrete every now and then ? I am a park rider but I am starting to enjoy things like rail, curb etc… Right now I want to do some street ! Are there any chances to see you doing some street in videos with the skills that you have in park . Yes, for sure even. I dont know if i twill be as good as park, I don’t think but we can only hope. Let’s speak about sponsors. You were more or less unknown last year and are now part of the best european riders. You teamed with Eagle and Elyt’s this year, did that change anything for you ? First, I do not ride in the aim to have sponsors. It is true that it helps a lot regarding equipment and travels but I mainly ride for fun. Elyt’s came to me through Cyrille from Dissidence who spoke about me to Gautier who is in charge or Elyt’s France. Regarding Eagle, that is also Cyrille. He said to me : « If you go back to school, you have your place in Eagle » and that is what happened.
Your last grade at school ? 13/20 in sales. Is this part of the interview that question ?
And concretely, how is it going with them ? Do you have a salary, equipment, travels and girls ? … Just so people know exactly what it means to be sponsored within the scooter industry. No I do not get paid but I have equipment if I need some. Regarding events I go with them, and regarding girls well it doesn’t help at all.
Do you like the faceplant ? 111 AHAH not at all it hurts (even if I do it now and then) !!!
Of course Ah ah What’s your dream spot ? All the spots in the States The piece of your scoot that you have had for the longest. My handle (Rad mini vulture), I’ve been riding with it for 5 months.
Which tricks marked you the most ? Flair, it’s the one I love.
ah ah that is sad ! Ok otherwise you have any bangers in mind right now ? Are you going to be part of the video contest « Go big or go home » this winter ?
Let’s end on an current question : what do you think about the greek economic crisis Nothing at all.
I don’t know yet what I will be doing but yes I will be there. There is a lot of things that I would like to try. A double flair would be the must but that’s only a dream right now. Recently, I tried a 720whip to condor and I think that I will soon master it.
Thank you
Let’s end on a few quick questions. What was your biggest fall ? Nothing major. I never broke anything. Just a few sprains but the pain disappeared fast.
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asin Margisien
Merci à nos riders: Garvey Tagheu, Ulysse Mac Garry, Jeffrey Corlay, Andres Laroche Joubert
01 46 720 710
69 av. Danielle Casanova 94200 1vry sur Seine Metro : Station Mairie d’1vry, ligne MyPack 7
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WWW.FRENCHTOASTMAGAZINE.COM Ce qui est visisble est dispo
/ Jojo CAJAS TRICK : Tail Grab LOCATION : Lyon / France PHOTO : Jeremy Lanfranchi
/ Ryan Williams TRICK : Flair LOCATION : Brisbane / Australie PHOTO : Dale Travers
/ Kenny Yap TRICK : Gap LOCATION : Paris / France
TRICK : Flair LOCATION : Perth / Australie PHOTO : Johann Moreau
/ Cory Geisler
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candy girl / Elo
PHOTO : Damien Capozzi
crash / Morgan Delahaye
Morgan Delhaye - Flair try on the hip de Marseille / France
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Découvrez e l l e v u o n de E GAMM
notre �
m o c . s e n i l a www.vendett
distribution / Monde FRANCE Dissidence Distribution 5 rue des Erables 78780 Maurecourt - FRANCE Phone : 01 39 27 83 66 Email : contact@dissidencedistribution.com Website : www.dissidencedistribution.com GERMANY Fuchs Edv Greenriebs Gmbh Gasstraße 16 22761 Hamburg - GERMANY Phone : +49 40 808013100 Email : info@stunt-scooter.de Website : www.stunt-scooter.de HUNGARY Rollers.hu / PiCar Ltd. Ágnes street 38/b HU-1121 Budapest - HUNGARY Phone : +36 30 320 7921 Email : info@rollers.hu Website : www.rollers.hu
French Toast IS CURRENTLY SOLD WORLDWIDE THROUGH newspaper shops and specialty scooter stores. VISIT OUR SITE TO SEE OUR POINTS OF SALE LIST.
press / Local FRANCE / CANADA / SUISSE BELGIQUE / LUXEMBOURG LA REUNION / LA GUADELOUPE MLP Parc d’activité de Chesnes 55 boulevard de la Blackée - BP 59 38291 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier Cedex FRANCE Phone : +33 (0)4 74 82 14 14 Website : www.mlp.fr
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distributeurs / Monde CZECH REPUBLIC Gizmania Bubenska 1536/43 170 00 Prague 7 - CZECH REPUBLIC Phone : +42(0) 602 121 145 Email : info@gizmania.cz Website : www.gizmania.cz DANEMARK SkatePro ApS Katrinebjergvej 95 DK-8200 Arhus N - DANEMARK Phone : +45(0) 69 69 36 96 Email : purchase@skatepro.dk Website : www.skatepro.dk FINLAND FinScooter Kasperinkuja 15 G 405 00870 Helsinki - FINLAND Phone : Email : info@finscooter.com Website : www.finscooter.com
POLAND Xc Life ul. Okrezna 82 PL-58-500 Jelenia Gora - POLAND Phone : +48 693436733 Email : xclife@xclife.pl Website : www.xclife.pl SWEDEN Tobias Westman Ernst torulfsgatan 19C SE-416 73 Göteborg - SWEDEN Email : sprinttobias@hotmail.com
THE NETHERLANDS Flowhouse Agency Hoofdstraat 7, 4265 HH, Genderen -THE NETHERLANDS Phone : +31(0) 6 12548315 Email : info@flowhouse.nl Website : www.flowhouse.nl USA DSA Scooter 1674 Elm Dr. Norco, CA 92860 - UNITED STATES Phone : +1 951 402-8862 Email : info@dsascooters.com Website : www. dsascooters.com
TO get more informations about the magazine distribution please contact Mr OCCELLI Vincent a vincent@publish-in.com
A v a i l a b l e o n DECATHLON.FR
informations / Internet / ADDICT - www.addictscootering.com ALLIS - www.allispossibleclothing.com APEX - www.apexscooters.com BLAZER PRO - www.blazer-pro.fr BLUNT - www.bluntscooters.com BOXES - www.boxesltd.com CRISP - www.crispscooters.com DISTRICT - www.districtscoot.com DSA - www.dsascooters.com EAGLE - www.eagle-sport.com ELYTS - www.elyts-shoes.com EXODE - www.exodewear.com FLAVOR - www.flavor.net.au FRENCH ID - www.frenchid.com GRIT - www.gritscooter.com JD BUG - www.jdbug.com KOTA - www.kotascooter.com LUCKY - www.luckyscoot.com MADD - www.maddgear.com MAGRAY - www. magrayscooterco.com MICRO - www.micro-mobility.com PHOENIX - www.phoenixproscooters.com PRO RIDE - www.proridescooters.com PROTO - www.protoscooters.com QUEBEC SCOOT - www.qcscooters.com RAZOR - www.razor.com SCOOTERZONE - www.thescooterzone.com TARAVANA - www.taravanascooterwear.com TILT - www.tiltscooters.com TSI - www.tsiscooters.com ZERO GRAVITY - www.ridezg.com
Schedule / GO BIG OR GO HOME Du 1er au 31 décembre 2011 Vidéo compétition
SCOOTER CAMP Du 17 au 20 Février 2012 Woodward West - USA
7 Janvier 2012 Clairemont skatepark - San Diego, Ca - USA
BARCELONA JAM Du 4 au 5 Février 2012 Barcelone - Espagne
BLOG FS - www.freestyle-scooter.com IMPACT - www.impactscooternews.com INSIDE - www.insidescooters.blogspot.com THEWONTUE - thewontue.blogspot.com TROTIRIDER - www.trotirider.com FORUM MX - www.mxscooter.com SCOOTER RESOURCE - www.scooterresource.com TROTIRIDER - www.trotirider.com/forum
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Andréas Laroche Joubert - Flair - Blunt Europe Tour
Connect with us again at next year’s ISPO MUNICH from January 29–February 1, 2012. Get your ticket now and save almost 50%* The early bird catches the worm, so book early for almost 50% off the on-the-door ticket price for ISPO MUNICH 2012. The convenient Print@home ticket also gives you direct access to the show, so get in early and jump the queue. www.ispo.com/ticket
ispo information center France phone +33 (0)4 76 06 50 91 marchionni@ispo.com *Discount applies only to online tickets bought before 15-12-2011
ours / French Toast Magazine est édité par PUBLISH’IN - 8 Quai Zorn - 67000 Strasbourg / Fr Tél +33 (0)3 88 21 97 13 / Email : contact@publish-in.com Numéro de commission paritaire : 0716 K 90949 Dépot légal to parution. CHIEF EDITOR : Gauthier LEGRIX gauthier@publish-in.com CHIEF REDACTOR : Kevin DEMAY kevin@frenchtoastmagazine.com CHIEF REDACTOR ASSISTANT : Cyrille Vietti-Benzidane cyrille@frenchtoastmagazine.com REDACTOR ASSISTANT : Emma NUSSBAUMER emma@publish-in.com ADS MANAGER : Julien LAFARGE julien@frenchtoastmagazine.com TRANSLATION : Amandine Eap Correction : Sydney FiBlueil & Mélanie Metz-Matheis Photos : Kevin Demay, Jeremy Lanfranchi, Balthazar Neveu, Axiome, Cyrille Vietti Benzidane, Dales travers, Josh Young, Anthony Cresp, Nicolas Nicourd, Shelby Grimmes, Nick Hodgskin, Jordan Garceau. Texts : Kevin Demay, Jean Yves Randriambelson, Jeremy Lanfranchi, Balthazar Neveu, CyrilleVietti Benzidane, Kingsley Okocha, Mourad Mabrouki, Christopher Keopraseuth, Lucas Wisdorff COVER : Maxime Legrand - Double Whip © Balthazar Neveu RELEASE FRENCH TOAST N° 5 : March 1th 2012 Thank you to all our supporters, riders, the shops or brands that encourage us regularly. And thank you to all the team that makes this magazine exists. Thank you to Rookie to make his work always comes first, thanks to JD who writes better and better, thank you Bricorama that delivered the new home of KK, thank you Balth to write articles without spelling mistakes, thank you to Gauthier who are stealing hours of sleep in every issue, thank you to Amanda who were taf balance to finish for 10 minutes in, thank you to Paul Bichet for making me discover a new level of shlaguerie, thank you to all brands sent us some gear for the comparison of bars, thank you to McDonalds Conflans that feeds us, in short, thank you all. Imprimé en espagne par grupo impressa PRINT IN spain BY grupo impressa
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© Roots Boy Prod
Maxime Legrand a.k.a Le Baron
outro / As you read this, you probably will be thinking of your Christmas tree, thinking what will be found at its base on December 25th. Will there be some bars, some forks, or maybe even a new deck? We hope that our 4th issue can help you become aware of how important you choices are for the future of our sport. With French Toast, we hope to defend and promote the future of Freestyle Scootering.We need to support people who love the sport, organize events, manufacture and launch products along with apparel lines. It is them who must represent our sport as we show we deserve a place in the extreme sport industry. Never forget that you are apart of the beginning of something great and every initiative taken by the community has lasting effects on our sport’s future