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Follow us @USABMX on PULL-(ISSN 1082-4108), (USPS 459-630) is published January, April, June, July, September and November by the American Bicycle Association.Offices are located at 1645 West Sunrise Blvd., Gilbert, Arizona 85233. Phone 480-961-1903. Periodical postage is paid at Gilbert, Arizona and additional mailing offices. Annual subscription rate is $26.00 PULL does not knowingly accept fraudulent or objectional advertising. Readers will please report misrepresentation by an advertiser.
This powerful double district champ is ready for her BMX glory. Twelve-year-old Grace McMillin is powering through the 2022 season with ferocity, taking home big local, regional, and national scores. Most recently seen battling through Central Wiscon sin BMX, McMillin is looking to take her BMX skills to the next level in class and cruiser. Training and racing locally at Imagination Glen BMX, McMillin is sitting at the top of her district again. However, she is looking for that coveted grey N.A.G. background. With the progression we’ve seen so far, we think she will be on her way to accomplishing the goal.

All Box stems are engineered and crafted using our Oversized Technology. As we follow the load paths down the handlebars we have focused our attention on the stem-to-bar interface. Since the Oversized handlebars have an increased wall thickness and tube diameter in this sector we have reciprocated with an augmented stem interface with greater surface area. We’ve done this by moving material from low stress areas. This has greatly minimized twist and contributed to responsiveness. As the stem in mated with the handlebars we have contributed to increased pedaling stiffness by providing a backstop to the “lifting” phenomenon. There is no point pushing hard on your pedals if you can’t pull up on your handlebars and deliver that power. Power can easily be lost to handlebar-to-stem deflection and the consequences can be poor power delivery and steering control. When combined with Box’s other Oversized components, you’ll experience heightened responsiveness and reduced latency.


CARVE NATIONAL OPEN/TOPFREESTYLEEVERYTHINGAROUNDSCHEDULETHEPITSGRANDSSTACYCSCHEDULETHROTTLETEAMSCANADIANSCHEDULESCHEDULENATIONALPOINTSBIKECHECKNAGPOINTSGRITSQORZTBTROPHIESROOKIEBUSINESSTRACKDIRECTORYBEYONDTHEBERMGUNJACKETSDISTRICTPOINTS RACIN’ THE GRAM 16 FEATURE: SEAN DAY 2021 National Number One Amateur 36 VANCOUVER ISLAND NATIONALS Greater Victoria BMX, Victoria, BC, Canada 42 FREESTYLE ROUND SIX CVBMX, Newburg, Oregon 50 TAR HEEL NATIONALS Burlington BMX, Burlington, North Carolina 60 BADGER STATE NATIONALS Central Wisconsin BMX, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 72 UCI BMX RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS USA BMX Team in Nantes, France 82 GREAT SALT LAKE NATIONALS Rad Canyon BMX, West Jordan, Utah ON THE COVER: National No.1 Ama teur & 2021 15 Challenge Champion Sean Day and his Camo Carbon Radio show race fans his El Suavé speed at Rockhill earlier this year. 105104102989690807870686640353428262012104110 SEPTEMBER 2022 PULL Magazine 09 SEMIS MAINS ON THIS PAGE: WOOOOOD! Cam Wood returns to the USA BMX Pro series in West Jordan, Utah repping his new numbers. #CW12 CONTENTS

FEB. 18-20 Winter Nationals Black Mountain BMX Phoenix, AZ 3 Day MAR. 4-6 Lone Star Nationals Rockstar Energy Bike Park Houston, TX 2 Day MAR. 18-20 Carolina Nationals Rock Hill BMX Supercross Rock Hill, SC 2 Day
JULY 22-24 Tar Heel Nationals Burlington
29-31 Badger State Nationals
APR. 22-24 Cajun Nationals Ike Hamilton Expo Center W. Monroe, LA 3 Day MAY 6-8 Dixieland Nationals Cobb County BMX Atlanta, GA 2 Day MAY 13-15 Legacy Nationals Hardesty National BMX Stadium Tulsa, OK 3 Day MAY 27-29 Music City Nationals Music City BMX Nashville, TN 3 Day MAY 27-29 Spring Nationals Duke City BMX Albuquerque, NM 3 Day
26-28 Hub City Nationals
AUG. Aberdeen Hub Area BMX Aberdeen, SD 2 Day
Derby City Nationals
JAN. 28-30 Blue Ridge Nationals Virginia Horse Center Lexington, VA 3 Day
JULY Central Wisconsin BMX Wisconsin Rapids, WI 3 Day
OCT. 21-23 Fall Nationals Metro
NOV. 23-27 Grands & ROC SAGENET Center Tulsa,
JULY South Point Las Vegas, NV 3 Day BMX Burlington, NC 3 Day
JAN. 7-9 Silver Dollar Nationals South Point Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, NV 3 Day
SEPT. 2-4 Derby City BMX Louisville, KY 3 Day BMX Oldsmar, FL 2 Day
FEB. 11-13 Sooner Nationals Ford Center Expo Square Tulsa, OK 3 Day
JUNE 10-12 East Coast Nationals Chesapeake BMX Severn, MD 3 Day
MAR. 25-27 Golden State Nationals Santa Clara Pal BMX Santa Clara, CA 2 Day APR. 8-10 Great NW Nationals First Interstate Bank Center Redmond, OR 3 Day
15-17 Las Vegas Nationals
JUNE 24-26 Lumberjack Nationals Columbia Basin BMX Richland, WA 3 Day
OCT. 7-9 Gator Nationals Oldsmar
AUG. Rad Canyon BMX West Jordan, UT 2 Day BMX Trumbull, CT 2 Day
OCT. Capital City BMX Pflugerville, TX 2 Day BMX Bakersfield, CA 2 Day OK 2+2 Day
JULY 1-3 Stars & Stripes Nationals Akron BMX Akron, OH 3 Day
AUG. 19-21 New England Nationals Trumbull
5-7 Great Salt Lake Nationals
14-16 Texas Nationals
JUNE 17-19 Midwest Nationals Rockford BMX Rockford, IL 3 Day
JAN.14-16 Sunshine State Nationals Okeeheelee BMX West Palm Beach, FL 2 Day

Debuting to the BMX Racing community at the Great Salt Lake Nationals, the Fly Racing 2023 Radium kits give new meaning to Professional Grade riding wear. Featuring some of the favorite amenities we have seen in years past, the 2023 lineup is ready to make your practice and race days look good. What has the BMX racers really excited is the new lightweight and breathable four-way stretch material throughout each kit to better fit all racers. Not featured in the photos above are the revolution ary mesh gloves coming to bike shops near your. Fitted with a palm comfort pad, velvet thumb patch for goggle cleaning, as well as, smart touch capabilities to get all those iPhone clips with ease.
The design crew over at BOX BMX is bringing your matte dream bikes to life with a Matte Black colorway coming to all models of BOX forks! It’s safe to say Ray Hudson is pumped for a FLY 2023.
Designed and built by J&D in Fresno, CA, these brake levers bring the old school two finger feel with new age components and technology. With vintage shows and components coming back into the scene, these would be a perfect addition to anyones daily ride. Track builder extraordinaire, Billy Allen dropped the design for this year’s Canadian Grand Nationals. With the BMX Canada Series almost wrapped up, which one of our northern BMX family members will take home the Canadian National No.1 Titles?

As the team’s resident 17-20x, Ryan Bramer has earned himself the Captain’s “C” for his hard work and team camaraderie within the J&R Team Pit; Keep it up, Rhino! Utilizing sensors and their own patented software, Hightag is bringing automatic photogra phy to action sports. Check out on Instagram After an illustrious career, the USA BMX and Interna tional legend, Connor Fields, hangs up his racing shoes on his own terms. In a three minute long video, Fields ex plains his triumphs, his shortcomings, and his appreciation for the sport that took him across the globe and to heights no rac er has gone before. With three USA BMX National Titles, five USA Cycling National Championships, and a 2016 Olympic Gold Medal to his name, the BMX community will always re member #CF11 as that Vegas local who loved to ride his bike. Fields wrote on Instagram, “After much thought and consideration, it is time to officially announce my retirement from professional BMX racing. I’ll still be around BMX racing, just not in the gate. It’s hard to put into words what the last 23 years have meant, so we put together this video. Thank you BMX.”

For Grands, it (the track) was short, so that was better for sure, but most of the day at Grands, I was trying to think that same mentality to myself ‘I need to get NAG 1 before anything else. Just win my race, and then ev erything else falls into place.”
With any size of a mental hit lead ing up to a big race, the recovery back to the point of confidence is crucial. With less than three weeks between that Jacksonville BMX state race and the greatest race on earth, the turnaround to mental fortitude is quick.
From sitting around in the Factory Full Tilt/Radio pits on Thursday and Friday to dominating laps on Sat urday and Sunday, what was the soon-to-be National No.1 Amateur focused on?
With so many laps in a single race, the mental and physical fortitude to continue to chip away at those nec essary laps is a must-learn trait in BMX.
National No.1 and now the fastest 15-year-old in the world. The Full Tilt kid from Tacoma, Washington, has had a whirlwind past three years. From heartbreak in 2020, redemption in 2021, and being on top of the world in 2022, we called up the National No.1 bike to talk all things racing, training, and winning the big races in JumpingBMX.back to that Grand’s Prep ahead of the 2021 Grand Nationals, Sean Day was coming into Tulsa as the National points leader, racking up an impressive 48 regular season wins; however, the goal was to lock in that 49th. “Coming into Tulsa, it was very simi lar to the year before (2020). I was trying to think to myself, “I can’t think I have it in the moment,” because, as we saw in 2020, things took a turn. The entire weekend and the entire preparation going into Grands, I was trying to think ‘any thing can happen. The only goal I should have right now is to get NAG one first, then everything else falls into place the way it falls.” Not just the top-of-the-top train and preparation for Tulsa’s Grand Nationals, the entire sport jumps on a program, but what does that entail for the Full Tilt ride of Sean Day? “That preparation was a lot of gym training and some riding as well. It rains quite often in Florida, so for two weeks before, we went to Tul sa, but before we left, we went to a state race in Jacksonville for Mck enzie’s (Gayheart) state team. My mental strength coach told me to race it like a Grands race. I was try ing my best, but it didn’t necessar ily feel like I was racing at a speed I would be at the Grands’ main. It kind of bothered me that I wasn’t doing as good as I thought I was, even though it was only a state race. It wasn’t too big on my mental, but it made me think a little.”
“Especially at Worlds, I didn’t know exactly who I was up against except for those few riders who came to America to race. I was just trying to take it as a ‘Do as best as I can every lap,’ After every lap, I felt like I was going to throw up, but I kept going.
“I didn’t ride that much after that race. When I got to Grands, I did practice, and I felt good in practice, but on Thursday and Friday, I wasn’t able to race because I didn’t qualify for the ROC; I think I missed it by 11 points... but preparation wise that was it with practice on Wednesday then I sat at the track for two days, watched some racing, then Satur day felt good then Sunday felt good as well.”
“I raced open that weekend too, I think I had s16ths in both open and class, and that was really difficult for me because I don’t normally race that many laps in a single weekend, let alone a single day. Worlds were also difficult; there were so many laps at once.”
The “win my race first” mentality is a great one to have, but the Grands’ pressure will sit heavy on anyone

My dad also runs a skate park which I spent some time at while they did activities for the lo-
“I spent a lot of time at home dur ing the BMX off-season, but for my Christmas vacation from school, I went down to my dad’s house in Mexico, about 40 minutes north of Cabo. Going down there to see some of my family that I haven’t seen in a while, it was great, hang ing out with some of my family from California. My dad’s big into surfing and has another son who I believe was a Junior Olympian for surfing.
PULL Magazine 17
who is sitting in the gate with the words “WITH A WIN AND ONLY A WIN” booming through the arena. “Man, honestly, I couldn’t even tell you. There were so many things go ing on in my head during those few moments... My mental coach (Gregg Frederick) tries to make sure I ride to my best ability even though sometimes I don’t feel like I am. He also tells me things to get my mind off think ing about the race before I even race. That’s a big thing for me. I con stantly think of a race two months ahead of time. I’ll think of a race I haven’t even gotten to and hasn’t even been talked about. He (Gregg Frederick) gives me other things to do with my days, so I’m distracted.” Even though BMX Racing is an individual sport, it takes an army to climb the ranks and reach the sport’s top. For Day he got some added help from teammate and best friend, Mckenzie Gayheart. “It’s been an amazing experience and a good time for me, just allaround training and traveling. As you may have seen, they have their mountain house now up in North Carolina, so I’ve been there a few times. With training, it’s been a lot better having some one to train with. I haven’t trained outside of riding here (Tacoma, WA). When I went to their house, that was the first time I did any real gym train ing. Being there and having some one to train with really helped me. It was a better all-around experience.” After all the preparation, the hard work, Sean Day finally lifted the sil ver cup above his head at the end of the 2021 season. But afterward, what did the newly crowned Na tional No. 1 Amateur do in his short off-season?


cal kids in the area... It’s super nice there because it’s in a small town off on its own with a beach and some super good food.” With a relaxing off-season and reset button being hit during those short two months, Day was ready to get back to it for the 2022 season.
“I had one bad race, which was my quarter where I got fourth, and it bothered me a little bit, but I brushed it off and got ready for my semi. In that semi, I had seventh gate pick, so I had to make that one count for sure.” Throughout Day’s World Champi onship run, a unique switch up to his normal race day flow came in the form of gate pick strategy. “I ended up with gate five in the semi after having seventh gate pick in my semi somehow. Gate five worked for me for some reason, so I chose gate five again..” Coming across the line with the World 1 title added to his accolades, he watched two more USA team mates conquer the same goal. “We were all just in disbelief that we all had that title to our names at that moment. Cedric Cade and I were talking, and we couldn’t believe it. We thought it was a semi that we had won...We just couldn’t believe it when we crossed the line.” Wire-to-wire wins showed the world that the future of USA racing is alive and well, partially because of the team pit environment. “For about the first three motos, 16ths, and eighths, it was a lot of shenanigans, talking to each other, really just trying to have a good time. But once eights hit, the pits thinned down a little bit, but we were still having conversations about any thing, just keeping ourselves busy...
He is planning to advance to the next tier (Junior, U23, and Elite) after evaluating his performance and en suring he’s ready for that next jump.
With his main goal of making his main at Worlds accomplished and exceeded, what is next for Sean Day in 2022? “At this point, I’m going to Ken tucky, Oldsmar, and Bakersfield as well as some state races in Florida, but really just consistent training week after week.”
No matter what BMX pathway El Suavé takes, we are confident that he’ll rise to the top with the crew around him and his forever-growing skill.
“Coming into the season, my main goals were to get to Worlds and make the main was my first ini tial goal. After I made the main at Worlds, I was going to get a plate regardless, but the obvious want is to get World 1.” That 15 to 16-year-old age range is the pinnacle age range before racers jump into the Junior ranks of international racing. And with such a stacked field lining up to battle for the World 1 title, we were curi ous how the National No.1 bike got locked in for race day. “For me, it was kind of nerve-rack ing because I had never seen, heard of, or come across them on social media before, so it was different for me. I just tried to take it race by race because you never know, you never know who’s going to be there.”
PULL Magazine 19
Rewatching his World 1 winning lap, you can see the dominance as he charged through Nantes, but with a long race day with staked competi tion, even a quarter main can be a battle.
Some people stuck around to watch the racing from the pit side of the fence. Personally, I was having con versations with Deegan Brown and my team manager (Jim Buchanan), laughing and having a good time.”
It’s safe to say Sean Day has a bright future, but that success comes with a realistic plan for his progression into the next tier of rac ing. His progression plan is based on results with plans to test out his first two years of 17-20x while he competes in the Junior Men ranks.

NOVEMBERSATURDAY, 26th Grands First round & second round of motos BE A PART OF BMX HISTORY NOVEMBERWEDNESDAY,23rd All Day Practice by Age Group For exact times and ages, go to: USA NOVEMBERTHURSDAY, 24th Race of Champions FirstInvite-Onlyround & second round of motos NOVEMBERFRIDAY, 25th Race of Champions Finals 1/16’s, 1/8’s, 1/4’s, semis & mains. FRIDAY NIGHT Pro FinalsChampionship *Ticketed Event - $10 at the Door NOVEMBERSUNDAY, 27th Grands Finals 1/16’s, 1/8’s, 1/4’s, semis & mains. National & NAG awards given out at the end of race USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 820

SAVE UP TO $40 PER ENTRY l Closest Full Service hotel to SageNet Center l Complimentary Wi-Fi in all guestrooms l Complimentary Covered Self-Parking for overnight guests l 20% Discount on Food (not including alcohol) in The Daily Grill and Topeca Coffee Shop l Bikes are allowed in guestrooms l Bike wash area USA BMX’S officiAl 2022 GrAnd nAtionAl HoSt Hotel tHe HyAtt reGency tUlSA For reservations online go to SAVE UP TO $40 PER ENTRY including Open Class by staying at The USA BMX Host Hotel for the Race of Champions & the Grands. USA BMX has negotiated the lowest rates possible at a variety of hotels within all price ranges. PULL Magazine 21

ROC FIRST MOTO SCHEDULE l Open classes will not start before 9:00am l Cruiser classes will not start before 10:00am l Age classes will not start before 10:45am ROC SECOND MOTO SCHEDULE l Open classes will not start before 1:20pm l Cruiser classes will not start before 2:20pm l Age classes will not start before 3:00pm
RACE OF CHAMPIONS DAY 1 l Gates Open at 7:00am l Parade Lap starts at 7:50am – 2021 ROC #1’s l Racing starts at 8am (Pros will start the day) l Mongoose Title Tots (Balance Bikes) – 8:30am – Warm-Up & GoodieRacingBagpickup from 12:00pm – 3:00pm REGISTRATION TRAILER WILL BE CLOSED ON THIS DAY (ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR GRANDS WILL BE OPEN)
RACE OF CHAMPIONS DAY 2 l Gates open at 7:00am l Racing starts at 8:00am (Pros will start the day) l 1/16th’s & 1/8th’s will not start before 8:20am l ¼’s will not start before 9:30am l ½’s will not start before 11:30am l Mains will not start before 1:00pm
16 & UNDER GIRLS CRUISER 7:00-7:30 AM 17 & OVER WOMENS CRUISER 7:30-8:00 AM 9 & UNDER BOYS CRUISER 8:00-8:30 AM 10-12 BOYS CRUISER 8:30-9:00 AM 13-16 BOYS CRUISER 9:00-9:30 AM 17-40 MENS CRUISER 9:30-10:00 AM 41 & OVER MENS CRUISER 10:00-10:35 AM 10 & UNDER GIRLS 20” 10:35-11:05 AM 11-14 GIRLS 20” 11:05-11:35 AM 15 & OVER GIRLS 20” 11:35-12:10 PM 5 & UNDER BOYS 20” 12:10-12:40 PM 6 BOYS 20” 12:40-1:10 PM PRO 1:10-2:00 PM 7 BOYS 20” 2:00-2:30 PM 8 BOYS 20” 2:30-3:05 PM 9 BOYS 20” 3:05-3:40 PM 10 BOYS 20” 3:40-4:15 PM 11 BOYS 20” 4:15-4:50 PM 12 BOYS 20” 4:50-5:25 PM 13 BOYS 20” 5:25-6:00 PM 14 BOYS 20” 6:00-6:35 PM 15 BOYS 20” 6:35-7:10 PM 16 BOYS 20” 7:10-7:40 PM 17-20 MEN 20” 7:40-8:15 PM 21-25 MEN 20” 8:15-8:40 PM 26-30 MEN 20” 8:40-9:05 PM 31-35 MEN 20” 9:05-9:30 PM 36-40 MEN 20” 9:30-9:55 PM 41-45 MEN 20” 9:55-10:20 PM 46 & OVER MEN 20” 10:20-11:00 PM GRANDS PRACTICE SCHEDULE ONLY DAY OF PRACTICE l Gates Open at 6:15am l Practice starts at 7:00am l Bicycles will be inspected in staging, so allow ample time (behind the starting hill) l Registration: 9:00am-3:00pm (WEDNESDAY IS THE ONLY DAY TO REGISTER FOR RACE OF CHAMPIONS) l Grands 9:00am-3:00pmregistration: l RACE OF CHAMPIONS TEAM SHEETS MUST BE TURNED IN BY 3:00PM WEDNESDAY l Motos will be posted online by 4:00pm for Race of Champions l Race of Corrections:Champions4:00pm-6:00pm l ABSOLUTELY 6:00PMCORRECTIONSNOAFTERONWEDNESDAY Goodie Bag pickup from 9am-3:00pm ROC PLATES WILL BE GIVEN FOR OPEN, CRUISER & CLASS. RIDERS MUST RACE THE AGE & SKILL LEVEL THEY WERE AS OF AUGUST 31ST. LAST CHANCE NAGCHAMPIONSHIPFRIDAYBMXBYNAGFRIDAYTURNEDGRANDSREGISTRATION:GRANDS9:00AM-3:00PMTEAMSHEETSMUSTBEINBYTHEENDOFTHERACE5RIDERS–MUSTSIGN-UP3:00PMFRIDAYATTHEUSATRAILERNIGHTPROFINALS/5CHALLENGE Presented by l Gates Open – 6:00pm l Warm-Up - 6:30pm l Event Starts – 7:00pm NOVEMBERSATURDAY, 26th GRANDS DAY 1 l Gates open at 7:00am l Motos will be posted online at 7:00am l Grands 7:00am-7:30amcorrections:ONLY l Parade Lap-7:50am 2021 Overall #1’s l Racing starts at 8:00am GRANDS FIRST MOTO SCHEDULE l Open classes start at 8:00am l Cruiser classes will not start before 9:30am l Age classes will not start before 10:30am GRANDS SECOND MOTO SCHEDULE l Open classes will not start before 1:30pm l Cruiser classes will not start before 3:00pm l Age classes will not start before 4:00pm NOVEMBERSUNDAY, 27th GRANDS DAY 2 l Gates open at 7:00am l Racing starts at 8:00am l 1/16th’s will not start before 8:00am l 1/8th’s will not start before 8:30am l ¼’s will not start before 10:00am l ½’s will not start before 12:00pm l Mains will not start before 2:00pm Mains take around 3.5 to 4 hours to run. Each title will be given out at the conclusion of each class division. Example: Girl Cruiser title will be given out after the last Girl Cruiser NAG/NATIONALmain.AWARDS WILL BE GIVEN OUT ON THE UPPER LEVEL AT THE BLUE USA BMX SEMI TRAILER during mains.
MOTOS POSTED motos.usabmx.comONLINE

USA BMX TULSA HEADQUARTERS EVENTS HAPPENING IN TULSA NOVEMBERSATURDAY, 19th l 2:00-8:00pm Private Rentals Available l 2:00pm-8:00pm Hall Of Fame Open l 6:00-7:00pm NOVEMBERSUNDAY,MayesSinglePractice/RegistrationPointRaceAtCountyBMX20th l 8:00am-2:00pm Private Rentals Available l 10:00am-4:00pm Hall Of Fame Open l 10:00am-1:00pm Nic Long Clinic At Sand Springs BMX l 2:00-3:00pm Practice/ Registration Race & Pro-Am Race At Sand Springs BMX l 5:00-630pm NOVEMBERMONDAY,HardestySinglePractice/RegistrationPointRaceAtBMX21st l 9:00am-1:00pm Private Rentals Available l 2:00-4:00pm Connor Fields Clinic At Hardesty BMX l 1:00-9:00pm Hall Of Fame Open l 5:00-9:00pm Open NOVEMBERTUESDAY,Practice 22nd l 8:00am-2:00pm Private Rentals Available l 1:00-9:00pm Hall Of Fame Open l 2:00-5:00pm Nic Long Clinic At Hardesty BMX l 5:00-7:00pm USA BMX Foundation VIP Deck Taco Party With Connor Fields l 5:00-9:00pm Open Practice NOVEMBERWEDNESDAY,23rd l 8:00am-4:00pm Private Rentals Available l 9:00am-9:00pm Hall Of Fame Open l 5:00-9:00pm Open NOVEMBERTHURSDAY,Practice 24th l 10:00am-3:00pm Hall Of Fame Open l 9:00am-3:00pm Private Rentals Available l 4:00-7:00pm USA BMX ClosedNOVEMBERFRIDAY,FundraiserThanksgivingFoundationDinner25th For The Conclusion of the Race of Champions NOVEMBERSATURDAY, 26th l 10:00am-3:00pm Hall Of Fame Open NOVEMBERSUNDAY, 27th Closed For The Conclusion of the USA BMX Grands To reserve or register for any event at the USA BMX Headquarters and The Hardesty National BMX Stadium visit or contact Jacob Nelson at for more information. 490 N. Lansing Avenue E. l Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120

NAG 5 LEADERS AFTER THE GREAT SALT LAKE NATIONALS SAGENET CENTER - TULSA, OKLAHOMA GATES OPEN - 6:00 PM TICKETS $10 AT THE TICKET BOOTH Girls 14 1 L. Jonjevic 2146 2 D. Merten 2123 3 A. Jones 2089 4 S. Herrera 2080 5 T. Pingitore 2072 Girls 15-16 1 A. Corley 2160 2 D. Anderson 2149 3 G. Cristodulo 2119 4 A. Alden 2102 5 H. Leakey 2102 Girls 17-20 1 J. Moore 2115 2 B. Winter 2101 3 A. Hill 2091 4 K. Shea 1932 5 C. Kappen 1924 Girls 21-30 1 K. Larson 2048 2 D. Murphy 2015 3 L. Sutton 1994 4 K. Gilbert 1988 5 K. White 1986 Girls 31-40 1 E. Jones 2044 2 A. Hill Pettinelli 1987 3 A. Hale 1921 4 C. Tomei 1805 5 H. Huvard 1770 Boys 15 1 S. Day 2346 2 J. White 2230 3 N. Quintana 2219 4 B. Oneil 2157 5 K. Leblanc 2132 Boys 16 1 C. Cade 2254 2 T. Maturano 2200 3 T. Bailey 2120 4 R. Kim 2069 5 B. Howell 2016 Boys 17-20 1 D. Polk 2362 2 J. Callum 2257 3 M. Moore 2200 4 P. O’brien 2118 5 G. Stazetski 2111 Boys 21-25 1 D. Hammond 2102 2 T. Judd 2045 3 K. Bjerk 1880 4 J. Elliott 1873 5 R. Weber 1727 Boys 26-35 1 N. Palacios Munoz 2039 2 A. Mckan 2023 3 C. Harris 1964 4 C. Franzwa 1955 5 S. Harlow 1947 NOVEMBER 25th - Event Begins 7:00 PM

10 PUSHSIZES/MICRO / MINI / JUNIOR EXPERT / EXPERT XL / PRO / PRO XL PRO XXL / CRUISER PRO 2 TEALCOLORS/BLUE *Bikes are estimated to start shipping out on Mid-September PRE-ORDER* NOW on

202 2 U S A B MX SER I E S T O UR 2022 SCHEDULE For more information, event details and race entries - please visit or today! MARCH 19th Grand Prix BMX Perris, CA APRIL 9th Sarasota BMX Sarasota, FL MAY 21st Camp Woodward Woodward, PA JUNE 12th Hesperia BMX Hesperia, CA JULY 30th Badger State Nationals Wisconsin Rapids, WI AUGUST 14th Chehalem Valley BMX Newberg, OR SEPTEMBER 17th Desoto BMX Desoto, TX OCTOBER 29th Hardesty National BMX Stadium Tulsa, OK #RIDESTACYC “Share the LOVE of RIDING”

Aria Alessi throttles down the first straight on her 12eDrive Dual GoPro views getting all the action in 16eDrive. Big battles diving into turn one. Big snaps equal big holeshots in the 16eDrive. Podium photos are a must after some heated eDrive battles. USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 828

PULL Magazine 29


PULL Magazine 31 Locked, loaded, and ready to shred!

Anyone can ride a BMX, but the elite racer knows that to truly ride, is to evolve. Being able to adapt to any track, to alter with any gate lineup, or to adjust your holeshots is the mark of a true champion. Race Inc. knows this and has built a bike able to adapt to anything, just like you. Introducing the NEO RETRO and the AAA dropout system. The AAA system, Adapt, Alter, Adjust is a floating dropout hanger which features post mount brakes, support for 10, 15, and 20 mm axles, as well as a 140 mm rotor. This means that anytime you make an on the fly adjustment to your chain tension or wheel base you do not have to readjust your braking system. This post mount system has other advantages over the traditional IS (International Standard) brake mount system. The integrated posts of the post mount system stand up better to vibration, thus reducing wear and tear as well as providing longer lasting, more accurate braking. As you evolve as a rider, the NEO RETRO evolves with you. Race Inc. BMX PAST PRESENT FUTURE American BMX Company

Team Roster: Nathan Anderson Alex MasonTreysonKellerBrandonKaylieTayaJordonBarbiAntilBaldwinBeaudryBoeckerCerasaCoyourCrottyDillonDummer Caitlyn Farmer Grant Gerke Cole DevinValentinaMarcusAshleyAdalynnJennaveciaAndrewIsaacsKirbyKlemzMccauleyMclennanMooreMu¥OzVanegasNelson Tomas Palmezano Tayden Pollock Tyler MarliePollockRietschel Jackson Stauffer Jacob Theisen Lucas Theisen The web slinging, styled out minnesota based team has been making big moves up the Bike Shop Team standings the past couple years and they aren’t done yet. With a big presence in the boys and girls expert classes at each national around the country, Black Widow is supporting their racers to new heights in BMX. Lucas and Jacob Theisen as well as Tomás Palmezano competeing at the 2022 UCI BMX World Championships in Nantes, France. TEAM RESULTS After the Great Salt Lake Nationals FACTORY 1 FULL TILT/RADIO 3919 2 FACTORY BABS 3703 3 FACTORY LSG 3597 4 ALPHA FACTORY 3576 5 FACTORY SSQUARED 3408 6 FACTORY ANSWER 3335 7 FACTORY RIFT TANGENT 3182 8 CLAYBORN BICYCLES/ANSWER BMX 3025 9 BOMBSHELL 3011 10 FACTORY ZERONINE 2981 11 FACTORY BLACKCROWN BMX 2950 12 SPROCKET KINGZ NATIONAL FACTORY 2139 13 REMIX BMX 2083 14 SEAN CARVAJAL’S LDC 1402 15 VELOCITY BIKE CO 1218 16 FACTORY POWERS BMX 1071 17 FACTORY MANGLER 678 18 MAYHEM/MONGOOSE/ONEAL 629 19 FACTORY POWERLITE DFR 597 20 VENDETTA/ELITE BICYCLES 174 21 ALLTOW WRECKING CREW 103 BIKE SHOP 1 BMX SHARKS 2919 2 J & R BICYCLES/SPEEDCO/AVIAN 2691 3 ALBE’S BIKE SHOP 2600 4 BLACK WIDOW BMX 2528 5 IMPACT BMX RACING 2494 6 SSQUARED NATIONAL TEAM 2376 7 FALL RISK RACING 2312 8 NORCAL NEXT GENERATION 2204 9 GORDYS BICYCLES 2127 10 TIME2SHINEBMX.COM 2067 11 PHYRE 2031 12 PREMIER RACING NATIONAL TEAM 2020 13 ALL STAR RACING 1979 14 BIOLAB-BOX-RACE, INC. 1791 15 NAPA VALLEY PULL 1755 16 REGGIE’S BIKE SHOP 1754 17 ROCKET RACING 1668 18 PAK BMX RACING 1410 19 BAY AREA BMXERS 1297 20 BIKE MASTER 1135 21 HRPDESIGNS NATIONAL TEAM 1126 22 ACME BMX RACING 961 23 TOXIC RACING 956 24 POWER FX SPEEDCO 882 25 WRENCHMAN RACING/RECYCLES BIKE SHOP 814 26 PROJECT ALPHA NATIONAL 809 27 MANTIS RACING 772 28 KROWN APPAREL 767 29 CHIP N DALE 758 30 WIKID RACING 663 31 BMX WORLD STORE 624 32 DIRT ADDICTION BMX 517 33 SPROCKET KINGZ NATIONAL BIKE SHOP 480 34 CHAOS SQUAD NATIONAL BIKE SHOP TEAM 453 35 GATEKEEPERS 377 36 LONE WOLF BMX 367 37 F1 DESIGN/STAY STRONG/HIGHTOWER 232 38 NORTHWEST BMX 175 39 POWERS BIKE SHOP 71 40 FULL THROTTLE BMX 60 41 CC BIKE CO 53 USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 834

May 6th-8th FRASER VALLEY NATIONALS Chilliwack, BC Heritage Park June 10th-12th FIRESTORM NATIONALS Kelowna, BC Kelowna BMX June 24th-26th CAPITAL CITY NATIONALS Nepean, ON Nepean BMX July 1st-3rd VANCOUVER ISLAND NATIONALS Victoria, BC Greater Victoria BMX August 12th-14th MAPLE LEAF NATIONALS Milton, ON Milton BMX September 2nd-4th SEA TO SKY NATIONALS Squamish, BC Squamish BMX September 9th-11th GREATER TORONTO NATIONALS Stouffville, ON Stouffville BMX October 7th-9th CANADIAN GRANDS Chilliwack, BC Heritage Park 2022 CANADIAN NATIONAL SCHEDULE BMX CANADA.ORGPULL Magazine 35

The stoke at Victoria BMX was high during the Canada Day long week end, as things kicked off for the Vancouver Island Nationals! This was the first three day National on the Island in three years and all the riders have been waiting in vain for it to come back. The track was looking and running great, with the two stretches of pro sets cleaned up and ready to launch. It was about to see more action in the next three days than it has in half a decade. All the team tents were setup with last minute bike tweaks and fixes taking place in anticipation for the racing to start. The brand new Greater Victoria BMX President, Kyle Bestler, was excited for his first ever National race experi ence and he was pumped to be host ing it! We had a celebrity announcer come up North for his first time, Mr. Ca ca ca caaaaaruuuuuuuuzierrrrrr Charlie Borland was in the house dropping random facts and nuggets of knowledge, while having the Canadians correct him that not all the stereotypical Canadian cliques about the Great White North were true, eh. His wife Suzanne Borland, aka Factory Flannel, fit right in with the lumberjack crowd. We ensured that their very first ever taste of the legendary Nanaimo Bar was a classic Canadian experience. With Pros from all over Western Cana da surfacing, we saw the likes of Alex Tougas, Evan Mattershead, Monroe Hutton, Holden Dipazza, Lukas Fergu son, Nathan Martin, Teigen Pascual, words & photo Skinny G

The Victoria track has a nice steep start hill which feeds into a fun step up with a mellow double and table before carving into the first sharp asphalt corner, which creates high low lead takeovers. Second straight splits off after a smooth roller, to either the pro set or the two “sendy” doubles and into a step-table to merge back with the pro set, and into the next sweeping corner, but it was at the merge point that we saw more than a few collisions in the boys’ expert classes upon re-entry from the pro gaps. In straight three, the track breaks off again with the choice of three Pro set gaps, or into what
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and Molly Simpson; fresh off her Gold Medal finish at the BMX Racing World Cup in the Netherlands last month. Alex Tougas set the pace on his blue Chase, staying ahead by 20 feet, he showed us all what it takes to be BMX elite. He had the track and the one spot on lock the whole weekend leaving nothing but dust for the competition behind him. Second spot was taken by Evan Mattershead all weekend and third and fourth were a battle between Monroe Hutton, Holden Dipazza, and Lukas Ferguson. Women’s Pro Teigen Pascual and Molly Simpson raced on Saturday combined with the Men’s Pro, with Molly and Tei gen putting the pressure on.

The 5 & Under Novice class had a strong turnout of up to 12 riders and all three days were won by Crew Clarke of Maple Ridge, and I think everyone’s ears perked up when they heard “Cru” was racing and out front. The next biggest group was 6 Intermediate with a total of 11 riders, which was won by local boy Matthew “Maniac” Wood on Saturday and Sunday.
In Expert Girls we saw Logan Lee of team Remix Canada from Calgary take the 10 Girls Expert class, with Al lie Mclean in Alpha Factory hot on her heels for all three days. The 12 Expert Girls was held down by none other than “Turbo” Tiffany Brosius on Factory Motofill of Victoria for the duration of the National weekend, giving her more No.1 trophies for her collection. Island
seems like a never-ending rhythm section with 13 deep whoops until you reach a super sharp corner three, going into the final stretch over a table and another rhythm section to the finish Theline.17-20 Women Cruiser was led by the freshly graduated hometown girl, Makayla Brosius, of Factory Motofill. She took first solidly every day and judging by the sound of the crowd Vic toria was loving it! Nobody quite knows the real age of Daniela Martinez, she had a weekend of firsts while being shuffled around in three different age classes ranging from 21-30 Women Cruiser to 36-40. Boys Cruiser 9-10 class was held down by plate No.1 Chase (Hummingbird) Harp on Factory Bassett from Los Alamitos, CA, with two team Daylight riders, Milo Menchaca and “Wild” Will Jupp in hot pursuit. The 14 cruiser class was swept all three days, and we saw why CJ “Kamikaze Kid” Cariaso, Biolab-Box-Race Inc. from Tucson, has a No.1 plate on his bike, which I believe he was sharing with his father Chris “Kamikaze,” who also happens to rock a number one plate. I’ve never seen this before and I am now looking forward to the day I can share a race bike with my son, as that means we can justify spending twice as much on it, right? The 15 cruiser class saw Cameron Elliott, Factory Motofill, Maple Ridge, BC, and Carter Cos man, Bandits Racing, Sooke, BC, battling for first and third place while Campbell “The Cobra” Maybon, Crown Mountain Bike Park, Carbondale, CO, came in consistently with second throughout the weekend. Island local Darcy Glencross of Nanaimo for Team Pure, had the one spot and the pro set gaps every race in the 31-35 Cruiser class. Victoria local “Rad Dad” Randy Riches, of team Sendt, was getting the hole shots and sending the second straight with style all the way to the finish line, except for Saturday when Chris “Kamikaze” Cariaso, Rise BMX, Tucson, AZ, hit the pro set and took it to the sky and landed in the lead head ing into turn two and holding on till the finish line in the 41-45 Cruiser class.

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girl Rhyan “RJ” Barfoot of Rift/Tangent from Nanaimo didn’t have to come too far to destroy her competition repetitively from Friday on. She is always looking super smooth and has added some air to her repertoire by gapping the doubles in second straight for some extra buttery style points in the 14 Girls Expert class. Meanwhile, the moto to watch was 17-20 Expert Women’s, where “Turbo’s” sister, Makayla Brosius, had some unbelievably tight races going tire to tire the whole track with Keria Murphy, who kept taking the win out of Makayla’s hands right at the line. On to the Expert boys and men, where the 9 Expert category had a good turnout of riders. Chase “Hummingbird” Harp, riding for Factory Bassett, came all the way from Los Alamitos, CA, to sweep the field, leaving Milo Menchaca of Factory Daylight based out of Napa, CA, in the rear-view mirror and hungry for another chance at the win. Taoh Cofield, riding for Team Pure out of Nanaimo, had some stacked competition with 12 riders in the 12 Expert class, he won on Saturday and Sunday, but local legend Dominic Buch of Sendt Bikes in Victoria was flexing his jump skills by taking the first pro set, which worked out in his favor on Friday. Victoria’s Nicolai Martinez, of team Alpha Factory, was showing his class whose hometrack it was on Friday and Sunday in the 13 Expert class, but it was team mate Kameron Drombolis of Langley who would take the win on Saturday. Fourteen expert was also being won by Alpha Factory rider, Lucas Zhou, from Surrey, BC. Brady “Scooby Snacks” Oneil was out front for Daylight Cycles taking all the races for 15 experts, he must have been properly conditioned to race in the heat, coming up from Nevada. Na naimo’s Hunter “Wildthing” McGill, Team PURE, waited for Sunday’s race to put his West Coast rain riding experience to the test for the win. To nobody’s sur prise, former Worlds No.1, and Victoria’s favorite, Cid Martinez, Alpha Factory, dominated the 36-40 expert class while preparing to head back to the upcoming worlds this year in France. The motos were finished off with Gerry Erickson, Jon Rondeau, Rob Dodd, and Georges Kreuzkamp, four men whose total years of BMX racing experience would out number everyone else’s combined. But never showing their age, they looked gracefully smooth in the 51 & Over Ex Class. Dodd’s even showed he still has some of his 1980’s freestyle skills by busting a sweet 360 to cap off the end of the race. After two days of blazing sun, the week end concluded on day three with a clas sic Pacific Northwest downpour, remind ing everyone of the capricious power of a West Coast rainforest environment. With the rain coming down hard, ev eryone started packing up quickly, the breakdown of tents and farewell wishes happened at lightning speed. The unfin ished business, battles, and rematches will have to wait until the Squamish National coming up in September.

January 28-30 Round 1 Tucson, AZ February 25-27 Round 2 Stallion Springs, CA April 1-3 Round 3 Dodson Sports Park Longview, TX May 20-22 Round 4 Woodward, PA June 24-26 Round 5 Cary, NC August 12-14 Round 6 CVBMX Newburg, OR September 9-11 Round 7 Milwaukee, WI October 14-16 The Finals Woodward, PA DATE EVENT VENUE CITY, STATE Presented by @usabmxfreestyle USA BMX Freestyle W:

CENTER: John Battreal won 15-30 Men with a compilation of tricks as good or better than this massive tucked-no hander over the Mongoose hip.ABOVE-TOP: We love it when the best of both worlds collide for an amazing weekend. This was our 2nd “Festival” feel of the year with BMX Race and Freestyle (along with STACYC World Qualifier) taking place at the same time. Everyone loved it. ABOVE LEFT & RIGHT: Liam Bowersox seems to be the one to beat in the 9-10 Mens class. With flips, trucks, barspins and tech tricks, we think the future is pretty bright for this one....... >>> ...where those above-mentioned tricks earned him the award for SNAFU “Trick of the Day” and a hundred bucks.

A bunch of FIRSTS! Our first time in the Pacific Northwest. Our first comp in a concrete park. Our first time using industry icon announcer Steve Nowak (our regular MC, Andrew Fox had a baby....well his wife did). Our first time in perfect weather...Sunny and 84 degrees. We honestly didn’t know what to expect. PNW/Oregon is known for their rainy days and would the concrete park be loved by the riders? Both questions were quickly answered and we can’t wait to come back. To make the event that much better, USABMX had a race happening right next door and immediately following was the STACYC World Championship Qualifier at the track. Three events in one day! It was awesome.It’s always nice to share the weekend with our racer family. The photos tell a better story than I can...ENJOY! -tonyd.
ABOVE LEFT & RIGHT: On most occasions, when a rider ages up to the next class, there’s a period of adjustment. Someone forgot to send that memo to Mateo Fonseca who won the 11-14 Men’s class. Congrats to series new-comers Ryken Hendren and Arro Humphries on taking the 2nd and 3rd place spots. The 11-14 Men class is so stacked with talent. >>> .....and to make Mateo’s trip just THAT MUCH BETTER, Mongoose TM awarded Mateo with a new Kevin Peraza v2 signature frame for Most Creative Rider. When you’re hot, you’re hot.
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Presented by

12 and Over Women Alexis Buckholz 8 and Under Men Elijah JoederRamboNyjahByronCarterEmeryWeaverLishKellyJohnsonBrom 9-10 Men Liam CashBridgerBowersoxWeaverMcGee 11-14 Men Mateo Fonseca Ryken Hendren Arro AKAustinHumphriesMcFarlandNault Maximus Luysterborghs Porter Weaver Evan AsherLeatonJordan 15-30 Men John GavinChaseFateDamiamBattrealAnhderSnyderBlanchardJensen Expert Men Nathan Glade 31-39 Men Leonardo Tedesco Tope JoshJakeSamarSosanyaCarilloBegayeBargo MASTERS KC JWChanceDeanMartinJamesBadgerBromMcFarlandWeaverBowersoxSnyder RESULTS ROUND SIX

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BOTTOM ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: And speaking of old guys, Samar Carillo made the drive from Nor Cal and jumped on the podium in the 31-39 Mens class. We’re loving the old school-new vibe flavor of these older age-group classes.
Maximus Luysterborghs not only has the coolest name of the series, but his aggressive style makes him fun to watch. A 6th place in the 11-14 Mens class is not an accurate representation of how good of a bmx rider this Goods BMX rider is (see what we did there?). Also- We think he lives in the town where The Goonies was filmed. Bonus points.
<<< LEFT: Industry legend and PNW icon KC Badger entered the fun and won the MASTERS class. It’s an honor and a privilege watch ing you ride, KC. We were trying to come up with a funny business name for Battreal, Anhder and Snyder...but truth be told, it’s hard to be funny with 3 dudes who can ride circles around us. So let’s just say these 3 guys were amazing earned every bit of the podium. The crazy Argentinian was back at it. His english is limited but his riding is pretty incredible. Leonardo Tedesco for the W, followed by Tope Sosanya and Samar Carillo. Barely missing out on the podium was Jake Begaye, who was there repre senting his crew from the Navajo Nation. So awesome.
>>> Damian Anhder can ride anything. His style goes for miles and we think he’s a sleeper when it comes to winning an overall National Title. 2nd place in the highly competitive 15-30 Mens class. >>> Is it politically correct to say “Tabes for the Babes” anymore? Regardless, flowy tables are in Liam’s arsenal.

LEFT TO RIGHT: A mix of the 31-39 and Masters men... certainly an eclectic group of talent. >>> KC Badger and his HYPER BIKES Rider of the Day award! Congrats legend. >>> Ol’ Tex graced us with his presence again. JW Snyder is our spirit animal.

>>> BOTTOM ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: The youngest Weaver is starting to make a name for himself. Carter Weaver with the hard carve and second place for the day. >>> Rambo Extreme Johnson. Let’s just face it, he’s cooler than us. >>> Canada’s AK Nault is slowly chipping away at an amazing run. Once he com pletes the run he’s attempting, this 11-14 Men’s class may have a new winner.
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CENTER: Imagine your first contest was in 1986....and the last comp you rode was in 1991. We introduce you to Martin McFarland, the 52 year old dad who came out and competed for the first time in 31 years. We’re honored! He even got on the podium with a solid 3rd place! >>> ABOVE: S&M Bikes Fate Snyder leveled up and got that long-awaited Podium spot. 3rd place on the day for Techy Texan. >>> Mateo Fonseca will most likely be the one who dethrones Jamie Bestwick in Vert. He was airing out of the vert pocket all day.


Forty percent humidty and 100 percent BMX awesome ness! Tucked into Fairchild Park in Burlington, NC, the 2022 Tar Heel Nationals rolled into Burlington BMX, ready to deliver HOT racing all weekend long. Between the local legends and traveling hot shots, Friday’s practice had race fans lining the fences to see who was looking fast and who had the bike skills to dominate the weekend.
Matthew Weerts (Dist. 6) and Josh White (NAG 16) power to the front of Sunday’s 15x main event into turn one. at Burlington BMX
Right out of the gate, dominators arose throughout the track. Local siblings Cali and Jaxon Kopetskie stuck their wheels in with some of the best of them in the 9x girls and 10x classes. Racing around their home turf brought a new mix of excite ment as they used their racing instincts to make the most out of each and every lap. Joining the Kopetskie siblings in their local ripper ways was the 26-35x high sty ler, Thomas Missal. Joining the USA BMX Instagram page for Track Talk to kick off the weekend, Missal set his home track ablaze, showing off the secret land manual Mongoose’s Mason Hayes kept the airtime low and speed cranked high throughout Magazine

LEFT TO RIGHT: Kylee Niederberger showed off her high flying skills all the way down Burllington’s second Liamstraight.“Turtle”
Canida (Dist. 3) charges to the inside line in 8 cruiser making him the fastest turtle in the world. The NAG 6 bike of Tommy Bruney puts the blue fly gloves to the top spot while going Fulltilt on his Radio in 14x.
and jump-on jump-off lines through the second and third straights. At the end of the weekend, the Deluxx Bikes rider went undefeated with three cruiser and three class undefeated weekend on the mind, one racer had the velocity turned up all weekend long. Headed into the Tar Heel Nationals, Camryn Searfoss had one goal, nine for nine. Mixed open, cruiser, and class all had to battle with the New York power Searfoss brought to the race. Showing us that she had the speed to get it done at previous nationals, Searfoss was determined to succeed all the way to Sunday’s 12x girls main event, where she got out in front early to complete the nine-pack. Around the track, the speed our racers brought to Burlington BMX kept ramping up during the weekend, however, the style was at a con stant 100 percent. From the little groms of 6 & under mixed open all the way to 51 & over expert, the last straight table and double featured some of the best style shots of the season so far. This skill-building last straight was on display all throughout practice, but it was 31-40x women who showed us its true potential as every single racer in the ABOVE: On the search to continue his streak, Chris Felker (NAT 65) had a lot of competition looking to spoil his domi nance including his teammate Jason Sterlinski.

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J&R Bicycles’ Griffin Kelleher gets tweaked and ready to carve around Burlington’s second turn.
RIGHT: Full concentration while Camerin Cooper leads the pack in 7 novice.
class manualed, jumped, and styled their way to the finish line. We’ve seen the progression of the women in BMX for the last couple of years, so to see it on display at Burlington BMX was truly inspiring to all the little ladies watching the girls club put their skills on display. With a late July National, hot temperatures are a given, but it seems to be a direct correlation between hot temps and heated battles. That correlation showed its colors in a few classes but none as much as the 17-20 women experts. Switching up the podium all three days, the battles started early with a Friday main event that showed the textbook definition of first turn swoop. Charging down the front straight away, the All Tow Wrecking colors of Angelina Tacti was waiting to strike. Sitting in fourth place over the double into turn one, Tacti utilized the inside line to carve low and charge the leader with her elbows out. Giving a little love tap to Peyton Pulaski, Tacti got her elbow in front of the Zeronine jersey and put the power down all the way to the Friday win. Pulaski later went on to holeshot the Saturday main event, with Chloe Kappen taking top honors to round out the weekend on Sunday. From high-speed action to full-blown third turn blast, (13x Sunday main event), the Tar Heel Nationals had everything the summer national schedule hopes to accomplish, fun times on a BMX bike. After hours and hours of hard work in preparation for the event, the Burlington BMX crew should be beyond proud of the racing they helped produce. It’s easy to say this North Carolina BMX track is a must-visit for any family traveling through the region.
TOP-LEFT TO RIGHT: Mad Max Meinel is go ing fast and making a run for ODI Style King with his impressive can-can skills. Harrison King takes his “One Man Show” nickname to the sky with his stealthed out Fly Racing kit.

DETAILS Date: JULY 22-24, 2022 Location: Burlington BMX City/State: Burlington, NC States Represented 35 Countries Represented: 2 Moto Counter Friday SocialSundaySaturday199205185Engagement: 305,711 Social Media Reach: 4,167,128 Bike Shop Team Winners All Three Days: J&R Bikes / Speedco Factory Team Winners Friday & Sunday: Bombshell Saturday: Clayborn / Answer SQORZ Fast Times Overall Men NOLAN CARDWELL 26.991 sec Overall SHELBYWomenELDER 30.718 sec Flat Pedal Boys BRADY KING 30.919 sec Flat Pedal Girls CAMRYN SEARFOSS 31.757 sec TRIPLES x 3 !! CAMRYN SEARFOSS 11-12 Gcru, 11-12 Mixed & 12 Girls DOUBLES x 3 CRUZ GALLEGOS 7-8 Open & 8 Cruiser (or 8x) SUSIE LEVAN 41+ Women & 46-50 Wcru THOMAS MISSAL 26-30 Cru & 26-35 X LUKE PEAPER 6under Open & 6 X DOUBLES x 2 GONZALO BERTOLINI 46-50 Cru & 46-50 X EVAN DOUGLASS 12 Cru & 12 X DOUBLES AVEN BEATY 10under Gcru & 9-10 Mixed CHARLES DAVIS 36-40 Cru & 36-40 X LEVI HART 11-12 Open & 12 X MASON HAYES 13 Cru & 13-14 Open ANDREW HERRERA 16 Cru & 16 X CHLOE KAPPEN 17-20 Wcru & 17-20 Women CALI KOPETSKIE 10under Gcru & 9 Girls BRENDAN LOOBY 31+ Open & 36-40 Cru SEAN NICOSIA 15 Cru & 15 X KYLEE NIEDERBERGER 15-16 Gcru & 15-16 Girls THAREL SIMON 6under Mixed & 6 Inter SAWYER SMITH 7-8 Mixed & 8 Girls ELI SNYDER 6under Mixed & 6 Inter JEREMY THOMPSON 51+ X & 51-55 Cruiser COURTNEY TOMEI 21-30 Wcru & 31-40 Women ANTHONY TRINCA 10 Inter & 9-10 Mixed HARPER VESCUSO 10under Gcru & 10 Girls CODY YOUNG 9 Cruiser & 9 X


CHAMPIONS RIDE HERE The Oldsmar BMX Supercross Track is open and ready for riders and teams to train year-round in the Florida sunshine. The track is centrally located in the Tampa Bay region, 20 minutes from two International Airports, and a short drive to award-winning beaches along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. T he Supercross Track is avail ab le t o rent for in dividual or team training by the hou r, da y, we ek, or month. It n ow features improv e d access to the Amat eur Start H ill at 16-feet/5m and the Elite Start H ill towering at 26-feet/8m, in a ccordance with UC I stan dards. C ontact us for your t raining opportun iti es . Designated as an Official USA BMX Training Site in the State of Florida Oldsmar BMX Supercross 3120 Tampa Road Oldsmar, Florida 34677 USA +1 (813) 749-1242

Jaxon Cooper (E) takes the top spot lead in a heated 11x semi main.

BREAK OUT YOUR CHEESE HEADS, BMX Racing returns to Wisconsin Rapids for the Badger State Nationals. Surrounded by trees and the elec tric energy of the BMX family, Central Wisconsin BMX was primed and ready to take on three days of BMX fun. And while some heavy hit ters were still making their way home from the World Championships in France, others rose to the top to lock in big scores for their late season points chase. The hype was rising for racers around the north, with the Badger State Nationals draw ing a big crowd from Wisconsin itself as well as Minnesota and Illinois. Racers from the sur rounding states were eager to get the dairy fueled speed on the track. With the iconic water tower in the background and fast racers in the foreground, the views throughout our weekend in Wisconsin Rapids were nothing shy of extraordinary.CentralWisconsin BMX gave racers a fast “V” shaped U in a U track layout that tested their speed and backside landing capabilities. It was safe to say the track had something for every racer that snapped out of the gate. From the high speed first straight to the boost able double into turn two, or even the on-off ca pabilities down the last straight Friday’s National practice had race fans excited for what was about to go down.
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Charging through the first day of racing, Friday’s mains gave us a glimpse into what classes to watch as the weekend rolled on. Classes like the 13-14 Girls Cruiser class where Taya Boecker and Kenadie Neelan battle to the stripe. Or the 51-55 Cruiser class where Hall of Famer, Billy Griggs, and big man Scott Moreland bump bars ending, in a Moreland win and a Griggs offroad adventure. As we changed into the expert classes, the girls club brought the battles up a notch. The 14x girls domination came from the National No. 37 bike, with Tristin Pin gitore showcasing her first straight power to lock in the top spot for all threeSpeakingdays. of all three days, the battle that just wouldn’t quit came from younguns looking to make their late-season charge. Albe’s Easton Johnson and Black Widow BMX’s Jacob Theisen laid down hot lap after hot lap, chasing each other down in every main event. Back to the National series in record time, Theisen wasted no time returning to the battles taking home the Satur day, and Sunday 10x wins. Black Widow BMX came out in force, especially in the 17-20x main, where three out of the eight gates were repping the spider web kits. With a significant team presence, the Black Widow crew took the bike shop teamsheets over with Friday and Saturday wins, losing to the sharks by only seven points on Sun day
LEFT: Jordan Beaudry (DIST 7) and Brett Stripling join forces to style it out into turn two.
BOTTOM: “2022 Hot Shot” Kendall Ehlen takes charge of the top spot in 11x girl.
MIDDLE: Devlin Lamke (DIST 3) and Dakota Schaetz (DIST 74) get up close and personal as they fight for the final transfer spot.
TOP: Dan Hurley (NAG 9) Jayson Lindsay (GC 3) and Richie Good (GC 2) charge to the front of the pack in 36-40 Cruiser.
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BOTTOM LEFT: Jethro Salva pow ers to the Expert class with two killer Badger State wins.
MIDDLE LEFT: A big weekend for racers and parents as USA BMX staff member, Justin Travis, sees his son’s first National race.
RIGHT: Mariana Mejia takes point in 8x girl.
DETAILS Date: July 29 - 31, 2022 Location: Central Wisconsin BMX City/State: Wisc. Rapids, WI States Represented: 36 Countries Rep’ed: 2 (US & Canada) Moto Counter Friday SocialSundaySaturday159164155Engagement: 425,927 Social Media Reach: 7,735,179 Team Winners Friday: Bike Shop - Black Widow Factory - Zeronine Saturday: Bike Shop - Black Widow Factory - Alpha Bikes Sunday: Bike Shop - BMX Sharks Factory - Alpha Bikes SQORZ Fast Times Overall Men O 28.627 sec Overall Women S 33.338 sec Flat Pedal Boys BG 34.069 sec Flat Pedal Girls CAMSS 35.641 sec TWO DOUBLES / ONE TRIPLE JEMMA TOLLEFSON 10under Gcru, 9-10 Mixed & 10 CRUZGirls GALLEGOS 7-8 Open, 8 Cru & 8 X DOUBLE-DOUBLE-DOUBLES BRANDON COYOUR 9 Cru & 9 X SHEILA KAUPPI 41+ Women & 46-50 Wcru KENADIE NEELAN 13 Girls & 13-14 Gcru BLAKE REAM 7under Cru & 7 X DOUBLE-DOUBLE LANDON BURIAN 11-12 Gcru & 12 Girls GRAYSON COX 6under Mixed & 6 Inter EVAN DOUGLASS 12 Cru & 12 X DEVIN GOSNELL 13-14 Open & 14 X WESTON HICKS 6under Open & 6 X JACOB THEISEN 10 Cru & 10 X DAILY DOUBLES MALIA ALVAREZ 7-8 Mixed & 8 Girls ANDREW COLLING 16 Cru & 16 Expert MARIANA MEJIA 7-8 Mixed & 8 Girls RUNYAN ELLIS 13-14 Mixed & 14 Inter ALFONSO GIGANTI 51+ X & 56-60 Cruiser RICHIE GOOD 46-50 Cru & 46-50 X EASTON JOHNSON 10 X & 9-10 Open ACE LAACK 11 Cru & 11 X JAYSON LINDSAY 46-50 Cru & 46-50 X KYLEE NIEDERBERGER 15-16 Girls & 15-16 Mixed TRISTIN PINGITORE 13-14 Mixed & 14 Girls JASON PINSKE-TUFTY 26-30 Mixed & 26-35 Inter DYLAN ROGERS 7-8 Mixed & 8 Inter MATTHEW WEERTS 15 X & 15-16 Open NATIONALS
CENTER: Black Widow BMX’s Nathan Anderson keeps it tweaked down the second straight.

NATIONAL POINTS After the Great Salt Lake Nationals 20 M. Moore 17 2200 21 T. Maturano 16 2200 22 M. Warner 10 2192 23 T. Wagoner 12 2176 24 D. Johnson 8 2174 25 J. Perkins 13 2173 26 L. Idarraga 9 2168 27 H. Passanisi 12 2163 28 B. Oneil 15 2157 29 K. Ireland 12 2150 30 C. Durkin 12 2144 31 R. Robinett 14 2144 32 T. Bruney 14 2137 33 G. Kelleher 14 2136 POINTSCANADA AFTER THE MAPLE LEAF NATIONALS BOYS 1 L. Leavy 10 1494 2 C. Brereton-Stiles 1467 3 L. Zhou 14 1441 4 D. Bursey 36 1391 5 T. Cofield 13 1362 6 D. Buch 12 1358 7 Z. Frier 21 1340 8 N. Martinez 13 1267 9 D. Brereton-Stiles 1267 10 C. Martinez 42 1218 11 K. Drombolis 13 1214 12 B. Erb 9 1170 13 C. Disterhoft 8 1144 14 L. Mclean 8 1073 15 R. Brosius 19 1031 16 C. Schley 8 1028 17 G. Schwandt 9 998 18 J. Woods 9 983 19 G. Erickson 51 982 20 R. Cofield 15 964 21 F. Mchale-Boulter 959 22 L. Erb 11 953 23 J. Kaiser 16 942 24 Z. Kaiser 14 920 25 F. Rohl 7 912 26 A. Colling 16 905 27 H. Mcgill 27 897 28 T. Popove 12 881 29 B. Lockhart 6 871 30 T. Clarke 38 864 31 I. Johnson 11 796 32 B. Otterson 56 783 33 G. Kreuzkamp 61 782 34 G. Bidwell 40 775 35 A. Martinez 10 769 36 J. Shaw 19 760 37 R. Hiemstra 22 739 38 J. Haamers 28 737 39 E. Deane-Freeman 735 40 J. Booth 8 734 41 B. Sullivan 11 733 42 M. Creciun 13 720 43 S. Woodward 42 714 44 G. Campbell 14 712 45 L. Jones 21 710 46 E. Hunt 15 702 47 J. Blakely 13 699 48 R. Alain 42 696 49 D. Fuller 15 690 50 F. Frame 6 686 GIRLS 1 T. Brosius 13 1488 2 R. Barfoot 14 1472 3 L. Lee 11 1434 4 A. Mclean 11 1314 5 E. Bell 16 1308 6 K. Thompson 13 1263 7 V. Ooms 13 1229 8 K. Murphy 17 1148 9 H. Stocks 9 1111 10 M. Brosius 17 1073 11 Z. Mchale-Boulter 993 12 V. Cejalvo 19 987 13 M. Honeysett 11 987 14 S. Walter 13 976 15 S. Inglis 10 919 16 E. Foo-Donais 10 913 17 P. Duffy 13 829 18 D. Kettle 14 824 19 K. Doucette 13 816 20 J. Holinski 15 814 21 K. Carthy 45 813 22 P. Buch 8 795 23 M. Lambert 7 749 24 S. Godin 14 696 25 P. Graaten 12 633 26 Q. Reiling 12 630 27 T. Baillie 15 622 28 E. Hanlon 13 603 29 L. Backman 11 594 30 M. Winger 18 586 31 M. Bursey 11 569 32 C. Donaldson 8 548 33 S. Colling 15 545 34 E. Johanson 7 542 35 C. Barfoot 9 516 36 A. Reeve 17 486 37 K. Cook 12 440 38 A. St Dennis 14 424 39 V. Albert-Gauthier 387 40 N. Reiling 9 372 41 R. Hilland 13 336 41 M. Muys 20 336 43 R. Leclair 17 330 43 S. Damm 14 330 45 E. Cheek 7 329 46 N. Loucks-Crosbie 328 47 A. Mcquaig 11 326 48 P. Reid 17 317 49 C. Alisch 12 310 50 S. Semmens 12 299 CRUISER 1 C. Elliott 15 1386 2 R. Riches 42 1111 3 D. Solmes 13 1103 4 G. Erickson 51 1065 5 D. Bouch 48 988 6 A. Colling 16 977 7 C. Spence 51 972 8 D. Glencross 36 898 9 G. Kreuzkamp 61 861 10 H. Donais 38 858 11 G. Honeysett 45 834 12 J. Ingram 54 823 13 C. Cosman 15 822 14 J. Kaiser 16 817 15 D. Gosselin-Berg 772 16 C. Duffy 11 692 17 M. Halle 52 619 18 R. Whittall 33 614 19 A. Gregg 38 574 20 M. Wood 12 571 21 R. Kirby 11 540 22 D. Berends 13 533 23 B. Otterson 56 503 24 A. Berends 11 500 25 B. Mclean 14 497 26 M. Devlin 57 379 27 P. Schiavone 55 375 28 C. Milliken 62 370 29 G. Scase 46 367 30 S. Nelson 42 365 31 J. Wing 41 338 32 Q. Parsons 17 337 33 M. Mckay 39 334 34 T. Lambert 52 327 35 J. Turner 47 326 36 N. Bass 54 255 37 K. Besler 38 254 37 S. Hutton 33 254 39 A. Maclean 19 250 39 E. Hunt 54 250 41 G. Baker 15 248 42 R. Leboudec 50 225 43 R. Mckenna 45 204 44 L. Warren 13 203 45 E. Boerger 14 180 46 T. Brinston 33 174 47 S. Johnson 14 167 48 K. Kurpiela 28 165 48 A. Masters 35 165 50 S. Carney 51 163 50 G. Noel 64 163 50 R. Dodds 54 163 CRUISERGIRLS 1 M. Brosius 17 1424 2 D. Martinez 40 1224 3 P. Duffy 13 973 4 M. Rensby 34 896 5 P. Reid 17 777 6 C. Crockett 46 774 7 J. Landolt 41 736 8 R. Nielsen 25 661 9 R. Bajnoczi 33 611 10 J. Bitz 51 579 11 K. Cook 12 573 12 L. Stewart 44 532 13 T. Rickey 17 503 14 L. Wilcox 15 499 15 C. Ross 46 449 16 L. Kuyvenhoven 373 17 C. Uskoski 43 373 18 H. Wing 44 370 19 S. Wark 46 370 20 B. Mccormack 36 366 21 H. Tufts 17 332 22 R. Leclair 17 332 23 V. Albert-Gauthier 326 23 A. Mcquaig 11 326 25 A. Forman 32 218 26 A. Muniak 37 209 27 M. Mckenna 15 205 28 H. Pennie 42 204 29 K. Carthy 45 203 30 K. Thompson 13 168 31 E. Baker 11 167 32 H. Wells 34 163 32 A. Frame 27 163 34 L. Bachinski 32 125 35 T. Hunt 23 91 36 S. Underwood 41 13 37 K. Whowell 16 12 38 L. Mccormack 58 9 39 N. Di Paolo 45 4 BOYS 1 D. Polk 19 2362 2 S. Day 15 2346 3 K. Perkins 10 2282 4 W. Christensen 10 2279 5 E. Staton 12 2257 6 J. Callum 17 2257 7 S. Marulanda 14 2256 8 C. Cade 16 2254 9 P. George 10 2249 10 G. Sneed 9 2243 11 G. Gomolicke 14 2241 12 W. Williams 10 2240 13 B. Shatswell Iii 13 2237 14 J. Howell 9 2232 15 R. Holzer 13 2231 16 J. White 15 2230 17 C. Felker 14 2226 18 N. Quintana 15 2219 19 G. Novak 9 2212 34 K. Leblanc 15 2132 35 C. Rivera 12 2131 36 T. Bailey 16 2120 37 P. O’brien 17 2118 38 L. Schuman 7 2115 39 G. Stazetski 17 2111 40 T. Palmezano 15 2107 41 D. Hammond 24 2102 42 B. King 12 2102 43 C. Harp 10 2097 44 J. Theisen 10 2095 45 R. Bunker 41 2093 46 L. Donnelly 11 2091 47 H. Leners 11 2090 48 H. Griffith 7 2088 49 H. Novotny 8 2086 50 T. Henry 18 2084 GIRLS 1 A. Corley 16 2160 2 L. Ashley 12 2154 3 D. Anderson 15 2149 4 L. Jonjevic 14 2146 5 C. Burian 11 2126 6 D. Merten 14 2123 7 J. Tollefson 10 2122 8 G. Cristodulo 16 2119 9 J. Moore 17 2115 10 S. Gomolicke 10 2112 11 K. Vescuso 8 2109 12 V. De Vera 10 2106 13 A. Alden 15 2102 14 H. Leakey 15 2102 15 B. Winter 17 2101 16 P. Gould 13 2097 17 R. Sessa 7 2095 18 P. Spanel 8 2095 19 S. Smith 9 2094 20 A. Hill 18 2091 21 A. Jones 14 2089 22 M. Alvarez 9 2088 23 M. Fry 8 2088 24 C. Searfoss 13 2082 25 L. Lee 11 2081 26 S. Herrera 14 2080 27 E. Newton 11 2078 28 L. Gibbons 9 2075 29 C. Gay 7 2074 30 M. Gadbois 10 2073 31 T. Pingitore 14 2072 32 H. Cramer 48 2071 33 T. Rungaitis 14 2068 34 L. Burian 12 2067 35 A. De Vera 8 2067 36 E. Artzner 41 2059 37 J. Gonzales 6 2059 38 G. Palacios 13 2056 39 H. Greer 6 2053 40 K. Larson 28 2048 41 K. Ehlen 12 2048 42 E. Jones 32 2044 43 K. Neelan 13 2044 44 S. Kauppi 47 2039 45 H. Latimer 43 2035 46 A. Southwell 6 2033 47 O. Alvidrez 10 2029 48 Z. Lomeli 9 2026 49 B. Salemme 7 2024 50 K. Cyrus 13 2023 CRUISER 1 M. Warner 10 2171 2 G. Novak 9 2159 3 C. Young 9 2159 4 R. Robinett 14 2157 5 J. Scoggins 9 2147 6 D. Johnson 8 2145 7 J. Howell 9 2144 8 G. Sneed 9 2136 9 L. Theisen 12 2133 10 R. Holzer 13 2129 11 J. Theisen 10 2129 12 E. Douglass 13 2126 13 H. Novotny 8 2126 14 C. Buller 16 2124 15 C. Gallegos 9 2120 16 L. Donnelly 11 2120 17 T. Helsel 14 2117 18 R. Eddy 8 2117 19 B. Shatswell Iii 13 2114 20 D. Gardner 17 2113 21 K. Ireland 12 2112 22 N. Loy 16 2102 23 D. Archibald 53 2099 24 B. Kintzler 38 2098 25 S. Nicosia 16 2096 26 D. Velador 17 2095 27 B. Oneil 15 2094 28 J. Nelson 50 2091 29 G. Menditto 14 2090 30 C. Cariaso 15 2087 31 C. Kopczyk 16 2087 32 S. Lehew 12 2087 33 J. Basaj 18 2085 34 H. Leners 11 2081 35 K. Mccain 15 2079 36 M. Amaris 18 2075 37 J. Elliott 23 2074 38 J. Smith 10 2073 39 J. Silva 47 2069 40 G. Merriam 10 2064 41 E. Baca 43 2061 42 D. Myers 8 2061 43 M. Devore 18 2060 44 A. Giganti 57 2055 45 B. Griggs 54 2054 46 L. Caldwell 14 2051 47 A. Robinson 16 2048 48 B. Korman 34 2046 49 C. Willert 36 2041 50 A. Colling 16 2038 CRUISERGIRLS 1 C. Burian 11 2161 2 J. Tollefson 10 2125 3 A. Alden 15 2125 4 C. Searfoss 13 2118 5 P. Gould 13 2109 6 L. Burian 12 2105 7 D. Anderson 15 2096 8 L. Ashley 12 2084 9 E. Pierce 11 2079 10 K. Niederberger 15 2075 11 S. Elder 16 2074 12 H. Leakey 15 2074 13 M. Kelly 18 2070 14 N. Steinmetz 45 2068 15 I. Nelson 16 2062 16 A. Hale 40 2060 17 H. Cramer 48 2059 18 S. Kauppi 47 2058 19 E. Roffi 37 2052 20 C. Piper 49 2052 21 C. Gayler 39 2050 22 C. Kappen 17 2047 23 E. Jones 32 2046 24 K. Turner 54 2040 25 K. White 29 2038 26 C. Allen 44 2038 27 N. Kirchmeyer 52 2034 28 K. Sifford 17 2027 29 K. Piotti 37 2027 30 P. Maresh 58 2025 USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 866

31 R. Robison 24 2025 32 I. Sargent 20 2020 33 M. Kaminski 57 2016 34 M. Senger 52 2013 35 E. Newton 11 2000 36 L. Ambroziak 39 1994 37 J. Sagendorf 25 1991 38 H. Huvard 32 1989 39 C. Tomei 35 1981 40 A. Mitchell 38 1980 41 S. Cugler 42 1974 42 C. Ramsey 49 1966 43 S. Harmeson 55 1964 44 A. Solano 13 1943 45 C. Cunningham 15 1931 46 K. Neelan 13 1923 47 L. Rowley 16 1918 48 A. Libich 45 1917 49 O. Alvidrez 10 1914 50 J. Iverson 37 1913 MEN PRO 1 J. Mclean 24 2063 2 I. Kennedy 22 1716 3 N. Kimmann 26 1678 4 C. Sharrah 30 1421 5 C. Wood 21 1382 6 S. Andre 30 939 7 J. Smith 28 890 8 J. Daudet 31 851 9 A. Nakai 22 669 10 S. Marquart 26 628 11 C. Moore 24 589 12 J. Leto 21 571 13 A. Campo 29 564 14 A. Filho 26 552 15 N. Adams 20 477 16 Z. Vankammen 28 456 17 K. Larsen 23 455 18 R. Mahieu 27 399 19 K. Jensen 20 355 20 J. Welch 21 354 21 C. Bramer 21 343 22 R. Lankford 21 338 23 B. Querales 21 319 24 B. Kempel 20 311 25 A. Lacroix 24 310 26 R. Bearman 19 307 27 S. Cole 21 295 28 J. Rencurel 27 287 29 F. Villegas 28 281 30 R. Shimada 21 277 31 J. Palmer 28 272 32 T. Klumper 24 259 32 R. Graham 19 259 33 D. Arboleda 26 255 34 J. Vance 25 251 35 B. Turner 28 230 36 P. Coo 20 222 37 M. Hopson 25 210 38 E. Clerte 24 202 39 L. Howes 24 199 40 N. Dawson 25 196 41 M. Molina 21 193 42 M. Krasevskis 23 192 43 D. Cody 29 190 44 Y. Masuda 21 187 45 S. Aslaksrud 26 184 46 A. Bucardo 24 178 47 C. Mason 20 170 48 M. Calixto 28 169 49 C. Krey 20 168 50 Z. Jacobs 19 165 PROWOMEN 1 A. Willoughby 31 1788 2 L. Smulders 28 1544 3 D. Vaughn 21 1466 4 F. Stancil 27 983 5 L. Reynolds 31 934 6 M. Simpson 19 924 7 O. Armstrong 22 882 8 R. Mydock 26 812 9 M. Gayheart 20 787 10 A. Verhagen 31 778 11 P. Ridenour 20 457 12 L. Colby 20 449 13 S. Sakakibara 23 411 14 E. Beeman 24 368 15 C. Kane 20 271 16 S. Hatakeyama 23 242 17 E. Hayes 21 196 18 V. Petersone 23 158 19 K. Tanno 22 142 20 S. Miller 26 132 21 S. Altendorf 19 128 22 B. Craft 18 113 23 M. Lixandru 25 99 24 N. Nishimura 18 96 25 A. Escobar 25 93 26 M. Roldan 18 92 27 D. Smith 26 89 28 N. Nomura 19 86 29 C. Maire 28 81 30 M. Gigliuto 21 77 31 P. Reis 23 67 32 A. Etienne 24 61 33 S. Ospina 21 47 34 C. Farmer 19 31 35 T. Pascual 19 21 VET PRO 1 B. Nobles 35 2032 2 J. Suarez 40 1475 3 J. Upshaw 35 1471 4 E. Falla 36 1286 5 S. Salazar 36 835 6 L. Da Silva 33 710 7 D. Lacombe 33 668 8 A. Hudson 35 568 9 L. Correa Roque 43 544 10 A. Jimenez 36 456 11 J. Smith 36 382 12 S. Chandler 32 372 13 M. Swearingen 34 371 14 D. Jacobs 33 236 15 C. Sutton 37 214 16 K. Romero 30 173 17 T. Brown 37 148 18 G. Garcia 40 131 19 H. Johnson 37 123 20 W. Suarez 31 104 21 C. Mejia 43 100 22 R. Baez 37 91 23 J. Peebles 32 84 24 M. Acosta 51 80 25 B. Romer 38 74 26 M. Buffington 37 72 27 B. Foster 40 67 28 A. Curbelo 36 60 29 S. Hammett 35 58 30 T. Dias 43 57 31 S. Ruprecht 41 46 32 S. Chavez 38 45 33 R. Everett 38 39 34 C. Acevedo 44 34 35 E. Carneiro 39 28 35 T. Fernandez 36 28 36 T. Starkey 33 24 36 T. Tafoya 37 24 37 C. Pierson 40 15 38 C. Bryan 39 13

Frame/Fork/Headset/Disc Brake Mounts: Supercross BMX VISION F1 - Carbon Fiber Racing Chassis, Gold Metal Flake with Pink Accents, Pro XL Bars: Supercross BMX Carbon BMX Pro Bar, Gold Metal Flake, 7.5” Rise Grips: ODI Vans Lock-on Grips, Black Stem: Profile Nova Stem, 31.8 Rims: Speedline Parts Slashers, 28h/White with Pink Ac cents, Gold Ti Spokes Hubs: Onyx Racing, White with gold accents Tires: Tioga Fastr React & Fastr-X Tubes: Presta Cranks: Speedline Parts NEW Elite Car bon Cranks, 175mm (Prototypes) Gearin: CXP Racing Chain Ring, Speedine Parts Cog Clipless Pedals: HT Components, T1-SX BMX-SX, Stealth Black Flat Pedals: Speedline Parts Ultra Thins, Alloy Platform Chain: KMC, X9SL Gold Finish Brakes: Shimano Zee Disc Brake Lever: Shimano Zee Seat: Supercross BMX | Pro Pivotal Racing Saddle, Tuxedo Seat Clamp: Speedline Parts | Quick Release Pro Seat Post Clamp, White Tensioners: Supercross BMX Vision Idler Arm (Comes with the Chassis Kit) Number Plate: Speedline Parts Team issued, National 67 or Junior 888 Side Plate: Speedline Parts Extras: Speedline Parts Titanium Bolt Up grades on Stem, Seat, Disc Brake Rotor and Chain Ring USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 868

PULL Magazine 69

2O22 NAG POINTS NATIONAL AGE GROUP After the Great Salt Lake Nationals GIRLS CRUISER Girls Cruiser 10 & Under 1 J. Tollefson 2125 2 O. Alvidrez 1914 3 A. Pasowicz 1858 4 M. Alvarez 1840 5 C. Kopetskie 1554 6 H. Smith 1422 7 A. Beaty 1193 8 P. Johnson 1165 9 T. Durfee 1163 10 S. Smith 1141 Girls Cruiser 11-12 1 C. Burian 2161 2 L. Burian 2105 3 L. Ashley 2084 4 E. Pierce 2079 5 E. Newton 2000 6 C. Cole 1746 7 H. Vescuso 1676 8 K. Cerasa 1674 9 D. Appenzeller 1669 10 K. Starkey 1657 Girls Cruiser 13-14 1 C. Searfoss 2118 2 P. Gould 2109 3 A. Solano 1943 4 K. Neelan 1923 5 V. Cramer 1872 6 T. Boecker 1863 7 K. Sherrill-Hill 1852 8 M. Custer 1825 9 S. Williamson 1737 10 M. Rietschel 1717 Girls Cruiser 15-16 1 A. Alden 2125 2 D. Anderson 2096 3 K. Niederberger 2075 4 S. Elder 2074 5 H. Leakey 2074 6 I. Nelson 2062 7 C. Cunningham 1931 8 L. Rowley 1918 9 M. Palmer 1756 10 K. Amaris 1704 Girls Cruiser 17-20 1 M. Kelly 2070 2 C. Kappen 2047 3 K. Sifford 2027 4 I. Sargent 2020 5 G. Crane 1874 6 P. Pulaski 1866 7 A. Gaither 1806 8 D. Romero 1750 9 M. Flynn 1742 10 M. Desantis 1728 Girls Cruiser 21-30 1 K. White 2038 2 R. Robison 2025 3 J. Sagendorf 1991 4 M. Kuesthardt 1848 5 L. Brown 1788 6 C. Nelson 1705 7 M. Jackson 1560 8 J. Jeffers 1538 9 S. Mulvihill 1385 10 A. Turner 1311 Girls Cruiser 31-35 1 E. Jones 2046 2 H. Huvard 1989 3 C. Tomei 1981 4 B. Patrick 1785 5 A. Reed 1704 6 H. Binford 1679 7 D. Jolicoeur 1653 8 D. Sagendorf 1515 9 N. Otto 1438 10 A. Hill Pettinelli 1368 Girls Cruiser 36-40 1 A. Hale 2060 2 E. Roffi 2052 3 C. Gayler 2050 4 K. Piotti 2027 5 L. Ambroziak 1994 6 A. Mitchell 1980 7 J. Iverson 1913 8 S. Strayer 1772 9 A. Warner 1721 10 N. Martinez 1662 Girls Cruiser 41-45 1 N. Steinmetz 2068 2 C. Allen 2038 3 S. Cugler 1974 4 A. Libich 1917 5 H. Latimer 1811 6 R. Campos-Moreira 1775 7 S. Petrie 1664 8 N. Mendoza 1642 9 A. Lust 1627 10 T. Murphy 1575 Girls Cruiser 46-50 1 H. Cramer 2059 2 S. Kauppi 2058 3 C. Piper 2052 4 C. Ramsey 1966 5 R. Threatt 1859 6 S. Badanik 1839 7 S. Levan 1827 8 S. Wunder 1807 9 C. Fields 1702 10 B. Lathan 1652 Girls Cruiser 51-55 1 K. Turner 2040 2 N. Kirchmeyer 2034 3 M. Senger 2013 4 S. Harmeson 1964 5 M. Davis 1717 6 B. Hutelin 1700 7 S. Black 1669 8 A. Lee 1434 9 L. Bohne 1423 10 J. Bitz 1239 Girls Cruiser 56 & Over 1 P. Maresh 2025 2 M. Kaminski 2016 3 D. Gatz 1866 4 G. Sherin 1755 5 S. Borland 1706 6 L. Jones 1705 7 L. Bell 1544 8 D. Beach 1504 9 J. Schmeichel 1470 10 E. Schwartz 1394 CRUISER Cruiser 7 & Under 1 R. Waters 1760 2 A. Improta 997 3 D. Redmond 705 4 K. White 616 5 J. Stubbs 613 6 P. Carlson 604 7 N. Moulton 518 8 S. Sullivan 500 9 H. V Talbott 481 10 B. Hudzik 462 Cruiser 8 1 D. Johnson 2145 2 H. Novotny 2126 3 R. Eddy 2117 4 D. Myers 2061 5 B. Ream 2031 6 L. Montero 1990 7 J. Colwell 1901 8 R. Autry 1826 9 R. Huneycutt 1779 10 D. Williams 1576 Cruiser 9 1 G. Novak 2159 2 C. Young 2159 3 J. Scoggins 2147 4 J. Howell 2144 5 G. Sneed 2136 6 C. Gallegos 2120 7 J. Stauffer 1913 8 B. Coyour 1878 9 J. Cravenho 1808 10 T. Paxman 1792 Cruiser 10 1 M. Warner 2171 2 J. Theisen 2129 3 J. Smith 2073 4 G. Merriam 2064 5 J. Horne 1984 6 T. Vrotney 1982 7 D. Fisher 1919 8 K. Perkins 1875 9 B. Chandler 1864 10 C. Harp 1851 Cruiser 11 1 L. Donnelly 2120 2 H. Leners 2081 3 C. Backer 1954 4 E. Wilke 1811 5 J. Kopetskie 1786 6 J. Morgan 1747 7 A. Trompeter 1745 8 R. Merki 1700 9 M. Hoffman 1654 10 J. Greenwell 1652 Cruiser 12 1 L. Theisen 2133 2 K. Ireland 2112 3 S. Lehew 2087 4 J. Walkington 2029 5 J. Montano Iii 1987 6 A. Laack 1964 7 W. Hicks 1957 8 T. Lawson 1945 9 R. Neubauer 1869 10 C. Prescott 1614 Cruiser 13 1 R. Holzer 2129 2 E. Douglass 2126 3 B. Shatswell Iii 2114 4 D. Comeau 2002 5 E. Gibson 1913 6 D. Waters 1843 7 P. Tramposch 1812 8 T. Koll 1722 9 H. Yahnke 1712 10 B. Vrettos 1643 Cruiser 14 1 R. Robinett 2157 2 T. Helsel 2117 3 G. Menditto 2090 4 L. Caldwell 2051 5 C. Sheffield 2007 6 M. Hayes 1835 7 I. Westerman 1795 8 H. Thomson 1763 9 D. Carr 1759 10 C. Campbell 1664 Cruiser 15 1 B. Oneil 2094 2 C. Cariaso 2087 3 K. Mccain 2079 4 C. Mcconnell 2029 5 W. Westover 1951 6 B. Blumer 1951 7 I. Larson 1886 8 P. Ramsey 1813 9 J. Manosca 1732 10 C. Hopson 1719 Cruiser 16 1 C. Buller 2124 2 N. Loy 2102 3 S. Nicosia 2096 4 C. Kopczyk 2087 5 A. Robinson 2048 6 A. Colling 2038 7 M. Marshall 1902 8 D. Brown 1868 9 Q. Duran 1861 10 D. Pedotto 1773 Cruiser 17-20 1 D. Gardner 2113 2 D. Velador 2095 3 J. Basaj 2085 4 M. Amaris 2075 5 M. Devore 2060 6 A. Herrera 2023 7 R. Carter 2006 8 B. Powell 1915 9 E. Heaney 1840 10 B. Sereni 1837 Cruiser 21-25 1 J. Elliott 2074 2 J. Medeiros 2007 3 T. Mcguire 1938 4 E. Sinchak 1935 5 T. Williams 1865 6 A. Waltke 1831 7 N. Elliott 1821 8 C. Miller 1735 9 J. Moyer 1596 10 K. Mooney 1514 Cruiser 26-30 1 S. Harlow 2021 2 T. Missal 1993 3 J. Shepherd 1957 4 T. Shutts 1844 5 C. Oneal 1824 6 R. Vargo 1752 7 L. Dominguez 1651 8 D. Prisbrey 1409 9 T. Wilborn 1285 10 R. Gould 1274 Cruiser 31-35 1 B. Korman 2046 2 C. Harris 2036 3 J. Phillips 1968 4 J. Morris 1858 5 B. Carrillo 1813 6 J. Markie 1759 7 A. Fisher 1614 8 M. Shaw 1533 9 C. Hill 1493 10 R. Bradford 1487 Cruiser 36-40 1 B. Kintzler 2098 2 C. Willert 2041 3 J. Wike 2008 4 C. Daily 1984 5 A. Andree 1926 6 R. Pettinelli 1856 7 S. Wade 1848 8 A. Erickson 1755 9 M. Mecham 1594 10 C. Davis 1560 Cruiser 41-45 1 E. Baca 2061 2 P. Moreira 2022 3 T. Prewitt 2009 4 W. Hardman 1978 5 J. Russell 1924 6 M. Swap 1882 7 K. Funk 1847 8 C. Cariaso 1799 9 R. Porter 1794 10 J. St Romain 1519 Cruiser 46-50 1 J. Nelson 2091 2 J. Silva 2069 3 C. Street 2021 4 G. Bertolini 1950 5 C. Diaz 1931 6 R. Good 1826 7 B. Lee 1794 8 T. Swager 1675 9 D. Hurley 1672 10 G. Deleon Jr 1633 Cruiser 51-55 1 D. Archibald 2099 2 B. Griggs 2054 3 J. Bramer 2037 4 D. Motley 2017 5 J. Thompson 2015 6 C. Kennedy 1986 7 M. Nunley 1961 8 C. Prince 1929 9 S. Moreland 1759 10 M. Halle 1526 Cruiser 56-60 1 A. Giganti 2055 2 C. Smart 2025 3 B. Troia 1940 4 J. Turner 1888 5 E. Sweets 1883 6 S. Sloan 1865 7 D. Miller 1855 8 R. Raymonde 1795 9 E. Rupe 1612 10 S. Angus 1457 Cruiser 61 & Over 1 H. Leary 1976 2 C. Milliken 1901 3 W. Woodruff 1859 4 B. Strain 1844 5 D. Ybarra 1823 6 T. Henry 1691 7 G. Turnage 1621 8 T. Trew 1566 9 M. Schwartz 1481 10 J. Rhodes 1433 BOYS Boys 5 & Under 1 C. Reynolds 1303 2 J. Salva 1041 3 C. Gibbons 1005 4 J. Sherrill 925 5 M. Fox 827 6 D. Reaves 740 7 N. Gonzalez 677 8 M. Alvarez 623 9 P. Mulhause 620 10 D. Finney 600 11 L. Koroi 598 12 P. Eleton 594 13 J. Lavoie 588 14 K. Cannon 582 15 J. Eberts 578 16 T. Alder 560 17 H. Adams 496 18 S. Griffith 476 19 E. Van Gelder 465 20 W. Osaki 447 Boys 6 1 H. Svikss 2056 2 W. Burnsworth 1931 3 K. White 1792 4 J. Melvin 1724 5 A. Novy 1655 6 E. Emery 1595 7 W. Hicks 1571 8 S. Sullivan 1369 9 A. Gerken 1345 10 D. Wilson 1227 11 W. Christensen 1138 12 E. Snyder 1080 13 A. Armstrong 1075 14 E. Oldenkamp 1023 15 M. Ayers 994 16 P. Monegro 994 17 J. Jones 975 18 W. Irwin 971 19 E. Meyer 956 20 G. Cox 953 Boys 7 1 L. Schuman 2115 2 H. Griffith 2088 3 C. Prescott 2081 4 N. Moulton 2070 5 L. Peaper 1921 6 D. Reyes 1662 7 J. Lafreniere 1636 8 A. Improta 1590 9 C. Eckl 1484 10 M. Scholten 1464 11 B. Pieterse 1415 12 L. Reinke 1227 13 W. Allen 1221 14 M. Southwell 1204 15 L. Hernandez 1123 16 K. Kintzler 1106 17 J. Wood 1078 18 D. Murray 1076 19 T. Williams 1065 20 M. Sayers 1048 Boys 8 1 D. Johnson 2174 2 H. Novotny 2086 3 C. Gassaway 2045 4 D. Myers 2044 5 C. Weidner 2042 6 R. Eddy 2041 7 D. Williams 2015 8 J. Colwell 1939 9 B. Ream 1890 10 J. Zuniga 1777 11 R. Huneycutt 1603 12 R. Autry 1548 13 L. Kovacs 1534 14 D. Caputo 1502 15 T. Addison Jr 1423 16 L. Mclean 1406 17 J. Kerr 1405 18 R. Cunningham 1320 19 R. Levy 1278 20 N. Paul 1182 Boys 9 1 G. Sneed 2243 2 J. Howell 2232 3 G. Novak 2212 4 L. Idarraga 2168 5 J. Scoggins 2069 6 Q. Williams 2056 7 C. Young 2054 8 C. Gallegos 2040 9 T. Greene 1983 10 B. Coyour 1850 11 J. Cravenho 1837 12 T. Paxman 1777 13 A. Hester 1723 14 J. Stauffer 1691 15 R. Johnson 1551 16 P. Graves 1536 17 D. Byker 1489 18 H. Svikss 1453 19 M. Menchaca 1413 20 B. Thompson 1398 Boys 10 1 K. Perkins 2282 2 W. Christensen 2279 3 P. George 2249 4 W. Williams 2240 5 M. Warner 2192 6 C. Harp 2097 7 J. Theisen 2095 8 L. Leavy 1962 9 A. Andrade 1915 10 J. Smith 1870 11 G. Merriam 1848 12 L. Walkington 1822 13 D. Fisher 1794 14 T. Vrotney 1736 15 K. Hart 1703 16 S. Reaux 1680 17 J. Gonzales 1577 18 W. Jupp 1505 19 A. Agraan 1484 20 J. Horne 1249 Boys 11 1 L. Donnelly 2091 2 H. Leners 2090 3 E. Johnson 1964 4 B. Danielo 1960 5 C. Backer 1901 6 E. Wilke 1799 7 R. Merki 1695 8 C. James 1652 9 J. Morgan 1569 10 N. Williams 1520 11 R. Rabinowitz 1438 12 J. Kopetskie 1437 13 D. Hurley 1361 14 C. Martin-Kersey 1346 15 J. Greenwell 1318 16 K. Garcia 1316 17 C. Fink 1313 18 A. Trompeter 1278 19 C. West 1193 20 M. Meinel 1191 Boys 12 1 E. Staton 2257 2 T. Wagoner 2176 3 H. Passanisi 2163 4 K. Ireland 2150 5 C. Durkin 2144 6 C. Rivera 2131 7 B. King 2102 8 C. Kidd 2030 9 W. Hicks 2006 10 C. Brereton-Stiles 2002 11 S. Lehew 1918 12 A. Laack 1839 USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 870

CANADA NAG After the Maple Leaf Nationals Boys Boys 5 & Under 1 E. Crawford 391 2 J. Han 228 3 Z. Cajee 178 4 G. Beaulieu 140 5 J. Guan 132 4 B. Erb 866 Boys 6 1 B. Lockhart 871 2 F. Frame 686 3 M. Wood 436 4 R. Lolacher 425 5 E. Poznikoff 375 Boys 7 1 F. Rohl 912 2 K. Purvis 637 3 S. Erb 607 4 A. Gayler 548 5 L. Rathe 408 Boys 8 1 C. Disterhoft 1144 2 L. Mclean 1073 3 C. Schley 1028 4 J. Booth 734 5 L. Foo-Donais 674 Boys 9 1 B. Erb 1170 2 G. Schwandt 998 3 J. Woods 983 4 H. Sherman 650 5 S. Ryan 570 Boys 10 1 L. Leavy 1494 2 A. Martinez 769 3 E. Deane-Freeman 735 4 O. Cornbill 659 5 D. Hanlon 625 Boys 11 1 L. Erb 953 2 I. Johnson 796 3 B. Sullivan 733 4 B. Mitschke 566 5 M. Wenzel 381 Boys 12 1 C. Brereton-Stiles 1467 2 D. Buch 1358 3 F. Mchale-Boulter 959 4 T. Popove 881 5 C. Schwandt 607 Boys 13 1 T. Cofield 1362 2 N. Martinez 1267 3 D. Brereton-Stiles 1267 4 K. Drombolis 1214 5 M. Creciun 720 Boys 14 1 L. Zhou 1441 2 G. Campbell 712 3 Z. Kaiser 498 4 H. Robiliard 485 5 E. Boerger 456 Boys 15 1 R. Cofield 964 2 D. Fuller 690 3 D. Kerluck 525 4 M. Gonzalez 502 5 E. Mcalister 414 Boys 16 1 E. Mcleod 600 2 J. Kaiser 486 3 T. Stacey 476 4 A. Colling 450 4 R. Cormier 450 Boys 17-20 1 R. Brosius 1031 2 J. Shaw 760 3 M. Nault 653 4 M. Ganakovsky 426 5 A. Grecht 373 Boys 21-25 1 Z. Frier 1340 2 L. Jones 710 3 B. Friesen 530 4 R. Hiemstra 488 5 A. Grecht 293 Boys 26-35 1 H. Mcgill 897 2 J. Haamers 737 3 K. Kurpiela 448 4 R. Cochrane 408 5 M. Backman 341 Boys 36-40 1 D. Bursey 1391 2 T. Clarke 864 3 G. Bidwell 489 4 J. Rensby 370 5 D. Murchison 329 Boys 41-45 1 C. Martinez 1218 2 S. Woodward 714 3 R. Alain 696 4 D. Cornbill 496 5 D. Worrall 346 Boys 46-50 1 C. Macdonald 365 2 A. Kapanen 330 3 T. Thomas 246 4 J. Rondeau 243 Boys 51 & Over 1 G. Erickson 982 2 B. Otterson 783 3 G. Kreuzkamp 782 4 J. Ingram 663 5 M. Halle 487 Girls Girls 5 & Under 1 F. Rensby 83 2 A. Ludvigson 60 3 A. Chorneyko 52 Girls 6 1 D. Mahumane 110 2 H. Chorneyko 92 3 L. Li-Fritz 31 Girls 7 1 M. Lambert 749 2 E. Johanson 542 3 Q. Hickey 227 4 M. Nychyporuk 194 5 S. Acchione 185 Girls 8 1 P. Buch 795 2 C. Donaldson 540 3 C. Clarke 226 4 V. Acchione 207 5 P. Lockhart 177 Girls 9 1 H. Stocks 1111 2 C. Barfoot 516 3 N. Reiling 372 4 M. Kinsella 192 5 L. Hunt 126 Girls 10 1 S. Inglis 919 2 E. Foo-Donais 913 3 V. Albert-Gauthier 387 4 H. Rush 252 5 F. Graaten 230 Girls 11 1 L. Lee 1434 2 A. Mclean 1314 3 M. Honeysett 987 4 L. Backman 594 5 M. Bursey 569 Girls 12 1 P. Graaten 633 2 Q. Reiling 630 3 K. Cook 440 4 C. Alisch 310 5 S. Semmens 299 Girls 13 1 T. Brosius 1488 2 K. Thompson 1263 3 V. Ooms 910 4 P. Duffy 829 5 K. Doucette 816 Girls 14 1 R. Barfoot 1472 2 D. Kettle 824 3 A. St Dennis 424 4 S. Godin 408 5 S. Damm 330 Girls 15 1 E. Bell 1308 2 J. Holinski 814 3 T. Baillie 622 4 S. Colling 410 5 M. Reid 179 Girls 16 1 J. Mccarty 43 2 S. Bidwell 8 Girls 17-20 1 K. Murphy 1148 2 M. Brosius 1073 3 Z. Mchale-Boulter 993 4 V. Cejalvo 987 5 A. Reeve 486 Girls 21-30 1 S. Damm 125 2 E. Gizmen 9 Girls 21-30 1 S. Damm 125 2 E. Gizmen 9 Girls 26-35 1 S. Bramhall 185 2 R. Bajnoczi 78 Girls 31-40 1 R. Alva 180 Girls 36-40 1 L. Lachance 5 Girls 41-45 1 K. Carthy 406 2 R. Keogh-Smyth 163 3 L. Kuyvenhoven 96 Girls 46-50 1 A. Purdy 43 Cruiser Cruiser 11 1 C. Duffy 692 2 A. Berends 406 3 R. Kirby 326 Cruiser 12 1 D. Gosselin-Berg 772 2 M. Wood 571 Cruiser 13 1 D. Solmes 1103 2 D. Berends 326 3 L. Warren 203 Cruiser 14 1 B. Mclean 497 2 E. Boerger 180 3 S. Johnson 167 Cruiser 15 1 C. Elliott 1386 2 C. Cosman 822 3 E. Mcalister 18 Cruiser 16 1 A. Colling 487 2 J. Kaiser 407 Cruiser 17-20 1 Q. Parsons 327 2 C. Jackson 4 Cruiser 26-30 1 K. Kurpiela 165 Cruiser 31-35 1 R. Whittall 614 2 S. Hutton 254 3 T. Brinston 174 Cruiser 36-40 1 D. Glencross 898 2 H. Donais 858 3 A. Gregg 574 Cruiser 41-45 1 R. Riches 1111 2 G. Honeysett 834 3 S. Nelson 365 Cruiser 46-50 1 D. Bouch 988 2 J. Turner 326 3 R. Leboudec 225 Cruiser 51-55 1 G. Erickson 1065 2 C. Spence 972 3 J. Ingram 823 Cruiser 56-60 1 B. Otterson 503 2 M. Devlin 379 Cruiser 61 & Over 1 G. Kreuzkamp 861 2 G. Noel 163 3 G. Mcgill 4 Girls Cruiser Girls Cruiser 10 & Under 1 V. Albert-Gauthier 326 Girls Cruiser 11-12 1 K. Cook 573 2 A. Mcquaig 326 Girls Cruiser 13-14 1 P. Duffy 973 2 K. Thompson 168 Girls Cruiser 15-16 1 L. Wilcox 499 2 M. Mckenna 205 3 K. Whowell 12 Girls Cruiser 17-20 1 M. Brosius 1424 2 P. Reid 777 3 H. Tufts 332 Girls Cruiser 21-30 1 R. Nielsen 661 2 A. Frame 163 Girls Cruiser 31-35 1 M. Rensby 896 2 R. Bajnoczi 611 3 A. Forman 218 Girls Cruiser 36-40 1 D. Martinez 1224 2 B. Mccormack 366 Girls Cruiser 41-45 1 J. Landolt 736 2 L. Stewart 532 3 L. Kuyvenhoven 373 Girls Cruiser 46-50 1 C. Crockett 774 2 C. Ross 449 3 S. Wark 370 Girls Cruiser 51-55 1 J. Bitz 579 Girls Cruiser 56 & Over 1 L. Mccormack 9 896 13 J. Locke 1772 14 T. Lawson 1746 15 J. Eland 1686 16 J. Montano Iii 1645 17 C. Prescott 1625 18 L. Harashe 1574 19 T. Bennett 1551 20 E. Hancock 1501 Boys 13 1 B. Shatswell Iii 2237 2 R. Holzer 2231 3 J. Perkins 2173 4 E. Douglass 2003 5 K. Drombolis 1864 6 L. Ruiz 1824 7 O. Rowe 1795 8 E. Gibson 1783 9 T. Cofield 1709 10 W. Tyler 1673 11 D. Brereton-Stiles 1661 12 R. Crawford 1627 13 D. Waters 1511 14 M. Pigo 1469 15 B. Cauley 1329 16 N. Martinez 1275 17 D. Comeau 1238 18 P. Tramposch 1232 19 T. Koll 1200 20 A. Wuenschel 1182 Boys 14 1 S. Marulanda 2256 2 G. Gomolicke 2241 3 C. Felker 2226 4 R. Robinett 2144 5 T. Bruney 2137 6 G. Kelleher 2136 7 L. Zhou 2048 8 C. Sheffield 1998 9 J. Sterlinski 1969 10 I. Peddle 1920 11 G. Menditto 1870 12 Z. Kaiser 1640 13 M. Barone 1509 14 M. Hayes 1509 15 E. Raymond 1488 16 T. Helsel 1474 17 E. Forster 1219 18 A. Deblasio 1110 19 L. Smith-Tarango 1076 20 I. Torres 1063 Boys 15 1 S. Day 2346 2 J. White 2230 3 N. Quintana 2219 4 B. Oneil 2157 5 K. Leblanc 2132 6 T. Palmezano 2107 7 R. Santos 2039 8 T. Fields 2033 9 D. Gosnell 2025 10 H. White 1923 11 C. Eaton 1907 12 K. Mccain 1842 13 C. Hopson 1788 14 J. Drawenek 1782 15 I. Larson 1682 16 C. Cariaso 1679 17 B. Delany 1546 18 E. Ziel 1504 19 R. Cofield 1497 20 C. Mcconnell 1359 Boys 16 1 C. Cade 2254 2 T. Maturano 2200 3 T. Bailey 2120 4 R. Kim 2069 5 B. Howell 2016 6 R. Connelly 1983 7 N. Loy 1980 8 T. Martinez 1884 9 W. Worth 1843 10 F. Capello 1836 11 C. Kopczyk 1822 12 M. Weerts 1793 13 A. Colling 1789 14 A. Rassi 1674 15 D. Brown 1575 16 A. Hernandez 1548 17 S. Nicosia 1384 18 C. Buller 1287 19 J. Kaiser 1274 20 C. St Romain 1249 Boys 17-20 1 D. Polk 2362 2 J. Callum 2257 3 M. Moore 2200 4 P. O’brien 2118 5 G. Stazetski 2111 6 T. Henry 2084 7 P. Elizondo 2050 8 M. Bryant 1993 9 E. Popovich 1992 10 A. Andersen 1986 11 N. Cardwell 1963 12 D. Velador 1907 13 R. Carter 1829 14 A. Herrera 1825 15 W. Meurlot 1717 16 K. Altendorf 1709 17 C. Wing 1709 18 B. Crain 1689 19 G. Freewalt 1678 20 J. Trerise 1665 Boys 21-25 1 D. Hammond 2102 2 T. Judd 2045 3 K. Bjerk 1880 4 J. Elliott 1873 5 R. Weber 1727 6 E. Sinchak 1717 7 A. Sanchez 1707 8 T. Mcguire 1668 9 C. Miller 1612 10 C. Bromley 1537 11 J. Medeiros 1534 12 W. Mckay 1507 13 Z. Mann 1500 14 L. Kaminski 1401 15 T. Williams 1309 16 N. Elliott 1244 17 N. Barton 996 18 R. Lazar 992 19 D. Ramos 951 20 R. Lee 875 Boys 26-35 1 N. Palacios Munoz 2039 2 A. Mckan 2023 3 C. Harris 1964 4 C. Franzwa 1955 5 S. Harlow 1947 6 R. Spanyard 1912 7 T. Missal 1909 8 T. Smith 1869 9 L. Novy 1735 10 J. Knapper 1684 11 C. Harper 1640 12 O. Patera 1495 13 D. Widdows 1485 14 M. Calvin 1462 15 T. Pearce 1410 16 S. Fahy 1397 17 T. Shutts 1173 18 N. Stodolski 1167 19 B. Korman 1165 20 A. Fisher 1065 Boys 36-40 1 J. Wike 2080 2 B. Kintzler 2074 3 C. Daily 1937 4 A. Andree 1766 5 C. Willert 1711 6 R. Pettinelli 1652 7 C. Davis 1643 8 A. Erickson 1567 9 C. Wright 1559 10 M. Mecham 1495 11 J. Dodson 1335 12 N. Branch 1329 13 S. Bruna 1275 14 S. Maclaskey 1134 15 T. Assagai 1019 16 J. Giraldo 994 17 P. Bucholtz 993 18 P. Baur 943 19 J. Michaelson 927 20 N. Post 918 Boys 41-45 1 R. Bunker 2093 2 G. Andrews 2076 3 A. Contes 2062 4 G. Custer 2054 5 J. Russell 1929 6 E. Baca 1872 7 T. Prewitt 1825 8 P. Moreira 1657 9 B. Powell 1541 10 K. Funk 1535 11 T. Mccollister 1508 12 M. Swap 1468 13 B. Patterson 1467 14 R. Porter 1432 15 C. Martinez 1427 16 W. Hardman 1302 17 A. Welter 1255 18 J. Svoboda 1204 19 D. Taylor 1086 20 F. Boulanger 1049 Boys 46-50 1 J. Silva 2045 2 R. Lowry 2001 3 J. Nelson 1992 4 C. Diaz 1992 5 C. Street 1982 6 Q. Norton 1979 7 G. Bertolini 1961 8 R. Good 1704 9 T. Swager 1595 10 B. Lee 1573 11 D. Downey 1469 12 R. Drolet 1448 13 G. Deleon Jr 1445 14 J. Lindsay 1432 15 F. Topper 1309 16 S. Smallwood 1269 17 B. Strieby 1225 18 R. Hudson 1127 19 F. Gonzalez 1121 20 J. Deyoung 1079 Boys 51 & Over 1 B. Griggs 2067 2 J. Thompson 2025 3 M. Nunley 1935 4 D. Motley 1922 5 C. Prince 1920 6 D. Miller 1837 7 S. O’gorman 1828 8 R. Silva 1779 9 C. Kennedy 1704 10 M. Halle 1597 11 D. Lammoglia 1572 12 S. Mcclain 1552 13 J. Ingram 1501 14 M. Blankstrom 1401 15 D. Smith 1367 16 A. Giganti 1343 17 J. Franco 1296 18 H. Leary 1280 19 E. Sweets 1255 20 R. Raymonde 1203 GIRLS Girls 5 & Under 1 A. Hardy 1471 2 T. Donnell 1031 3 R. Evans 777 4 S. Orn 731 5 A. Marsh 607 6 R. Johnson 547 7 E. Currie 354 8 O. Leeper 353 9 K. Blair 349 10 J. Lindner 321 Girls 6 1 J. Gonzales 2059 2 H. Greer 2053 3 A. Southwell 2033 4 K. Burkholder 1872 5 R. Snover 1851 6 M. Holladay 1842 7 L. Ures 1731 8 I. Mcginley 1713 9 C. Word 1696 10 A. Gonzalez 1522 Girls 7 1 R. Sessa 2095 2 C. Gay 2074 3 B. Salemme 2024 4 I. Smith 2011 5 E. Ireland 2007 6 M. Reyna 1992 7 W. Bonomi 1922 8 Z. Snyder 1853 9 L. Slattery 1851 10 A. George 1662 Girls 8 1 K. Vescuso 2109 2 P. Spanel 2095 3 M. Fry 2088 4 A. De Vera 2067 5 E. Christensen 1942 6 B. Campbell 1895 7 D. Noyola 1631 8 L. Hegberg 1586 9 A. Dowdy 1578 10 Z. Urena 1540 Girls 9 1 S. Smith 2094 2 M. Alvarez 2088 3 L. Gibbons 2075 4 Z. Lomeli 2026 5 M. Cristancho Mejia 1881 6 C. Kopetskie 1852 7 G. Burnsworth 1772 8 M. Baird 1688 9 H. Stocks 1581 10 G. Dyer 1564 Girls 10 1 J. Tollefson 2122 2 S. Gomolicke 2112 3 V. De Vera 2106 4 M. Gadbois 2073 5 O. Alvidrez 2029 6 Z. Barnes 1938 7 A. Pasowicz 1825 8 T. Durfee 1724 9 P. Johnson 1629 10 H. Smith 1615 Girls 11 1 C. Burian 2126 2 L. Lee 2081 3 E. Newton 2078 4 N. Kovacs 2020 5 E. Pierce 1990 6 D. Appenzeller 1941 7 M. Pena 1914 8 A. Mclean 1888 9 H. Vescuso 1842 10 J. Klemz 1814 Girls 12 1 L. Ashley 2154 2 L. Burian 2067 3 K. Ehlen 2048 4 L. Rodriguez 1981 5 K. Cerasa 1959 6 A. Spencer 1901 7 B. Gilman 1829 8 B. Wilson 1778 9 B. Riley 1635 10 K. Green 1504 Girls 13 1 P. Gould 2097 2 C. Searfoss 2082 3 G. Palacios 2056 4 K. Neelan 2044 5 K. Cyrus 2023 6 M. Custer 2013 7 Z. Dannenberg 1865 8 A. Solano 1775 9 A. Thompson 1773 10 T. Huffman 1576 Girls 14 1 L. Jonjevic 2146 2 D. Merten 2123 3 A. Jones 2089 4 S. Herrera 2080 5 T. Pingitore 2072 6 T. Rungaitis 2068 7 S. Rodriguez 1880 8 T. Boecker 1867 9 R. Herrera 1814 10 M. Samhammer 1714 Girls 15-16 1 A. Corley 2160 2 D. Anderson 2149 3 G. Cristodulo 2119 4 A. Alden 2102 5 H. Leakey 2102 6 K. Niederberger 2003 7 I. Nelson 1894 8 S. Garcia 1861 9 S. Elder 1849 10 B. Van Renselaar 1776 Girls 17-20 1 J. Moore 2115 2 B. Winter 2101 3 A. Hill 2091 4 K. Shea 1932 5 C. Kappen 1924 6 K. Boustead 1913 7 L. Jones 1797 8 T. Stoflet 1774 9 A. Hammonds 1757 10 M. Ramos 1733 Girls 21-30 1 K. Larson 2048 2 D. Murphy 2015 3 L. Sutton 1994 4 K. Gilbert 1988 5 K. White 1986 6 H. Collman 1898 7 M. Willsey 1874 8 J. Sagendorf 1801 9 M. Kuesthardt 1529 10 R. Stripling 1467 Girls 31-40 1 E. Jones 2044 2 A. Hill Pettinelli 1987 3 A. Hale 1921 4 C. Tomei 1805 5 H. Huvard 1770 6 E. Roffi 1755 7 C. Gayler 1631 8 T. Hayer 1542 9 A. Carr 1490 10 K. Piotti 1473 Girls 41 & Over 1 H. Cramer 2071 2 E. Artzner 2059 3 S. Kauppi 2039 4 H. Latimer 2035 5 A. Libich 1887 6 S. Levan 1836 7 N. Steinmetz 1709 8 B. Lathan 1647 9 S. Cugler 1502 10 S. 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Challenge riders took the trip over to the land of baguettes and be rets to find their place in the interna tional competition. Even with Team USA representing only 5.47% of the competitors, the JMC-inspired kits powered their way to 10 percent of medals with a total of 6 World Chal lenge winners. With coaches and competitors eager for their return to the international scene, race day couldn’t come fast enough. Day One charged through for “cruiser day,” which ended with the first two W1 plates for Team USA, with Ronnie Kim and Justin Wike taking top honors. One of the most impressive and USA-dominant cruiser mains came from the 12 Cruiser class, where Lucas and Ja cob Theisen joined Ryder Merki and Sean Lehew for a battle-heavy lap. As the Team USA racers crossed the line, the world plates went like this: Lehew grabbed the W3 plate on the last straight, Lucas Theisen battled for the lead into turn three, but a

Alexis Alden rocked the rounds throughout her race days, however, that dominance put a target on her back as the main events charged through the track. Business on the track but a whole lot of fun off the track. Social D, Dylan Myers grabbed the W4 but not before he checked on his USA team mate after a crash. Teresa Esquivel locked up the double W7 plates in 25+ and 30-39 Women Cruiser. Nick Valencia snaps out of the gate in 35+ Men.
The big winner of the day, however, came out of 12 challenge where LYLY Eli Staton put down the second straight speed boost to take home the World 1 title. The team pit was electric, and as fans at home were eagerly waiting to Malia Alvarez put on an amazing performance in Nantes finishing with a W5 plate and a hunger for redemption.
see their favorite amateurs battle the world, the second day of 20” racing delivered as expected. After a long day and lots of laps in the French sun, the USA colors came out on top, winning three of the most chal lenging classes in the world. Sean Day, Ava Corley, and Cedric Cade exceeded expectations with wireto-wire wins putting an American flag stamp of domination in the fu ture of BMX racing. Corley and Day being the USA BMX National No. 1 title holders and Cedric being Na tional No.2, their world titles are just an addition to their dominance over the past few years.
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With so much excitement still ready for the final day of challenge racing, Justin Wike prepared to let loose and add to his world plate collec tion. He did precisely that by pow ering his way into the main event and crossing the line on the podium in third. With the challenge racers wrapped up in their World Challenge experience, there was still one Team USA racer to take the track. Former Frenchman and now eagle scream ing, Chevy driving, American, Damien Lacombe, lined up in the Masters class in front of his home country crowd and family. Making the main event, Lacombe towered over the competition, locking in a hard-fought W5 plate to kick off his international racing in the Team USA kit. bobble cost him some momentum leaving him with the W5, Merki put his mullet speed to use with a solid W6 plate, and Jacob Theisen battled with racers two years older than him all day long and finished with a hard-fought W8 plate. The race day excitement was high as the 20” battles began to roll. With USA BMX girls club racers like Elinor Christensen, Malia Alva rez, Vida, and Ameri Devera, along with Sequoia Gomolicke, Danica Appenzeller, and Zoe Dannenberg, all charging to make that end-ofthe-day main, they all made the USA proud with some killer battles and well-deserved worlds plate.



Most racers’ battles occur in the first turn, up and over doubles, and Growing up and getting involved at an early age, Logan’s love for BMX began by watching his older broth er Cole who also has hearing loss. Starting at only five years old, Logan and Cole learned ways to overcome and adapt to perform their best at the BMX track. Getting help from two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Maris Strombergs, they were taught early on to watch the light, making gate form second nature as they battle in the expert classes. With Logan’s hearing loss being degen erative, the nerves in his ear drum could eventually reduce to com plete deafness; however, right now, he can still pick up on certain tones andSomefrequencies.maythink having only 30% of your hearing functionality would be a make-or-break obstacle, but Logan’s dad has another way of looking at it. Mr. Burton explains, “As a dad, I think one advantage is you don’t hear all the noise from the crowd, but the disadvantage is he doesn’t hear the cadence.”
The Hearing Impaired Teen Thriving on Two Wheels
Logan’s gate proceedure can vary depending on the speaker volume at local and national races throughout the country. For those times when the gate speakers are quiet, Logan will stand with the other 14x riders at the beginning of the cadence and then look for an arm motion from his dad to know “Rider’s Ready” was said. From there, watch the lights and go; boy, does he go. Putting in a lot of work in SoCal tracks and now moving up to NorCal near Oak Creek BMX, Logan truly enjoys that two-wheeled life. Looking at his social media (@lo gan.mtb.1.35), Logan is big into the BMX and Mountain bike scenes, documenting it all on Instagram. Logan shows all aspects of his rid ing by creating unique content while training on the track or riding down the mountain.

Logan Burton powers his way around Santa Clara PAL BMX at the Golden State Nationals.

l Transponder is situated at the bottom of the forks. l It must be placed vertically in line with the forks. l Either side of the wheel is fine. l The cap is usually at the top (numbers are upside down).
Bringing Sqorz timing to USA BMX tracks.
“Live timing on the track has elevated my personal training and racing over the years. It provides insight and gives you real time data to track, allowing you to make informed decisions in training and now on race day. Bringing in Sqorz timing to USA BMX events will be both fun and functional for racers to elevate their performance.”
MY SQORZ Shows all times for your transponder from any track in the USA that has Sqorz Timing System. Open on a browser on your Entersmartphone.yourtransponder number. Sqorz - Home Contact details: Martin
Note: Transponders are not rechargeable. MYLAPS will replace the transponder free of charge when the battery expires.
Alise Willoughby: World Champion and Olympic Silver Medalist
l Use 2 x cable ties to ensure the transponder does not fall off.
Sqorz transfigures action on the track to powerful data. Feature packed and easy to use software for running BMX training and race events. A fully integrated solution utilising the latest technology and bringing live data to riders, spectators and event organisers via smartphones.
Select Your Track > Scroll down LeaderboardClickLeader-boards.toontheyou want to see. Click on each column to sort in order from fastest first. Click on Show to display filter options, filter the results by: l Age l Track l Bike type l Gender Or just show all times Remember the Leaderboard shows PB times only, for all other times to go to My Sqorz. Shows the PB times only for all riders with transponders from the start gate to the timing loops. Open on a browser on your smartphone.

Here at Spot Insurance, we appreciate the ones who go big on the track—you know, like yourself. And we know how much hard work and effort goes into giv ing a kick-ass performance. So here are a few tips on how and when to fuel your body so you can get the most out of your sends.
Two to three hours before riding, eat a high-carb meal with some protein, like a bowl of whole-grain cereal with a banana and nonfat milk.
How to perform your best on race day
What to drink
Between motos - Pack your lunch box
For peak performance, eat a snack up to about 30 to 60 min utes before you’re slated to hit the track, and eat a full meal two to three hours before your next moto.
Post-race - Power up with protein
Bring a variety of nutritious foods with you to the track. Opt for snacks like bananas, carrots, apples, cheese, nuts, Greek yogurt, pretzels, and cereal/granola bars. For heavier meals, go for sandwiches with nut butter (peanut butter, almond but ter, etc.) and jelly or turkey and cheese.
When it comes to muscle repair, protein is key. It’s made up of amino acids, which act like building blocks for the body. When you eat protein after exercise, your muscles get the amino acids they need to repair and rebuild. Eating enough protein after exercise helps reverse damage, build muscle, and get you ready to dominate your next race. Within 30 minutes of finishing your race, eat a nutrient-rich, lean source of protein to max your nutritional health and rid ing power. Good sources include lean meat, poultry, seafood, beans, soy foods, eggs, and low-fat dairy. Send it on the track—you’re covered
PULL Magazine 81
These macronutrients are the body’s favorite source of ener gy, so eat them in the highest amounts—go for healthy carbs like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Unlike breads and pastas, these types of carbs are packed with the nutri tional value you need to feel hyped for longer.
Pre-Race - Don’t be afraid to carb load
Go for sports drinks that contain electrolytes, especially on longer race days. Why? Electrolytes are minerals that main tain your body’s ionic balance. And when we sweat, these minerals leave the body in droves, leaving us dehydrated and susceptible to cramps and exhaustion. Yep, total per formance killers. Another potential performance killer? Energy drinks. They contain large amounts of caffeine, added sugars, and other additives that can have a harmful effect on your nervous sys tem (think anxiety). And no one wants extra jitters on race day.
Now that you know what to put in your body pre- and postrace, make sure your body and your wallet are covered with Spot: the injury insurance policy that can cover your medical bills so you can hit the track stronger than ever.Visit to learn more.

been a FIVE-in-a-row win streak. (Instead, it’s a three-consec, which still ain’t shabby.) To get the job done, McLean had to hold off the Olympic gold medal ist - Niek Kimmann, who scored a third on Friday and took second on ForDay-Two.Sunday, it was the opening of UCI Olympic points - which count for country qualification in 2024.
FRESH FROM FRANCE Elite Elite World Champions. An Olympic gold medalist. The current Pro points leader and a whole lotta title-chasers. All of ‘em were all in Utah, direct from Nantes, France, where the UCI Worlds had just wrapped up. That meant that it was time to put full focus on the USA BMX Pro title chase from here on out. This Utah weekend would be two of
Speedco’s Anderson Souza was photos by Wahlly / story by gOrk
the last eight available scores in the regular season. ...and all of the No.1 title contenders were present and accounted for. Your current points leader - Aussie Josh Mclean, was feelin’ good once U.S. customs allowed him back in the States. He and his Full Tiltequipped Radio would add two more wins to his Pro standings - wins number five and six for him. If not for sixth place in Ohio, this would’ve

suddenly on fire and dominated the final day to give himself and Brazil a head start toward the Paris games. In the Pro ladies ranks, points com ing into Utah were TIGHT! It is still anybody’s race, especially since cur rent Pro points leader Laura Smul ders decided to skip this weekend to recover from The Worlds. That was good news for the U.S. women, who came out in full force to bump up their current status in the USA BMX title NINE-timechase.
National No.1 Pro Wom an Alise Willoughby had told us in Nashville that the title chase wasn’t over ‘til it’s over; and after adding two more wins this weekend, the points gap between her and Smulders just got a LOT closer. With Louisville (big hill), Oldsmar (big hill), and Bakersfield (regular hill) left on the schedule and Smulders confirmed to be at those races, and the skillet is going to be getting hotter than heck as the 100-day countdown to Grands was just about to start. Will Alise earn her 10th National No.1 title in Tulsa this Thanksgiv ing? Judging by her consistency at Grands and her decades of experi ence handling the pressure of The Greatest Race in Earth, we’d have to admit the odds are in her favor.
DK’s Grands-winner from 2021, Daleny Vaughn - currently seeded in the No.2 spot of points, remained Theconsistent.VETPro class continues to gain momentum, with Answer’s multitime NAG No.1 - Christ Sutton, and head-honcho of JET Racing - Jake Peebles, both making the switch to Vet Pro in Utah. Thus far in 2022, The ‘Bama Slam ma’ - Barry Nobles, has been pretty solid, and he has always thrived in Utah, layin’ down stylish whips or flatties down the jump-filled second straight. Nobles is on a roll right now, winning every single race since Olympic gold medalist Niek Kimmann (#313) returned to the States for his next conquest - the USA BMX No.1 Pro title.
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Just in case you’ve never heard of Colorado’s Cashton Benge (Peak 10 Customs); don’t say we never warned ya. Keep an eye out for this rising star in 16x. USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 884

The hottest girl’s club battle to watch all week end was in 17-20, where Kira Boustead used her Napa Valley pull to hold off Tangent’s Breanna Winter, Albe’s Leyna Jones, and Su percross’ Annabella Hammonds on Saturday. But Winter owned the main on day two.
Saturday also happened to be Drew Polk’s birthday, and he celebrated with another huge win in 17-20. All indicators are pointing toward Polk hoisting a big silver cup above his head this November. In the girls’ classes, one of the hottest upand-comers of 2022 - Eliza Newton, for Fall Risk Racing, scored a couple more wins to go along with her W#3 plate.
Saturday at the Legacy Nationals - including both days here in Utah.
Cruiser-wise, one of the best battles of the weekend has to go to the 14 cruiser ranks. The modern-day Kamakazi kid, Cariaso, held the lead until Answer’s Kaleb McCain made a clean inside swoop to steal away the win. With so many fast cats calling Rad Canyon home, there are always some great battles going down with the Utah locals. That’s what makes the Great Salt Lake Nationals one of those annual stops on the National circuit that you don’t ever wanna miss!
Bay Area’s Ezekial Forster. Velocity’s 13x winner Jacob Sorensen Vegas’ Damon Fisher (#6) made an IMPACT in the 9 cruiser class. The 17-20 ladies class was loaded!
PULL Magazine 85
Bay Area’s Gaige Gomolicke was hitting Mach-10 like he was Tom Cruise when he slid out in the lead, launching his BABS bike skyward like it was an F-18.
In the older expert mains, it was common to see at least two or three riders lose traction, in turn, two due to muddy tires into a wet turn.
ALL AM’s Whether it was on 20-inch or the bigger wheels, the Amateurs really put on a show at Rad Canyon. The track got an assist from Mother Nature during Saturday’s semis and early mains, making obstacles (such as turn two) a matter of survival. For example, in 15x, seven out of eight would slide out, handing lone-survivor Gabriel Trerise his first big win.
Answer’s Preslie Gould continued her winning ways in 12g, as did Taylor Rungaitis in 13 girls. Newly crowned UCI World Champ, Ava Corley, was all smiles, adding two more wins to her already long resume to defend her No1 title.

Haro’s Derin Merten (NAG#5) won 14 girls both days.
Speedco’s Anderson Souza turned things up a notch on UCI Sunday, scoring Brazil its first Olympic-qualification points. Having style is a team requirement for being on Goods. Just ask Francois Boulenger (#37).

DETAILS Date: August 5-7, 2022 Location: Rad Canyon BMX City/State: So. Jordan, UT States Represented 38 ! Countries Represented 6, plus USA Moto Counter Friday 143 Saturday 238 Sunday 220 Social Media Engagement: 261,795 Social Media Reach: 4,526,426 Team Winners Both Days: Bike Shop - BMX Sharks Factory - Rift~Tangent TRIPLE-DOUBLE GRAYSON NOVAK 7-8 Open, 8cru & 8x DOUBLE-DOUBLES (Two Wins, both days) JAYDEN BROCKER 15 Inter & 15-16 Mixed HIDI CRAMER 41+ Women & 46-50 Wcru CHRISTOPHER DIAZ 46-50 Cru & 46-50 X PRESLIE GOULD 11-12 Gcru & 12 Girls DERIN MERTEN 13-14 Mixed & 14 Girls TOMMY PREWITT 41-45 Cru & 41-45 X < Three key players in the Tangent cartelCutter Williams, Breanna Winter and Nick Adams. The traditional gathering of the Ladies cruisers class saw a huge turnout in Utah. Alpha dog T-Mac McGuire (#95) -vs- Utah’s Wyatt McKay (#11) Terrapin’s fast 8x, Quincy Williams (#3). TAYLOR RUNGAITIS 13 Girls & 13-14 Gcru SAWYER SMITH 7-8 Mixed & 8 Girls DAILY DOUBLE (Two Wins, same day) OLIVIA ALVIDREZ 10under Gcru & 10 Girls ANDY ANDREE 36-40 Cru & 36-40 X JORGE MONTANO III 11 Cru & 11 X DYLAN MYERS 7under Cru & 7 X ROWDY HOLZER 13 Cru & 13 X DJ LOERTSCHER 31+ Mixed & 36-40 Novice KNOX PERKINS 10 Cru & 10 X BRIELLA SALEMME 6under Mixed & 6 Girls LEVI WALKINGTON 9 Cru & 9 X BREANNA WINTER 17-20 Women & Jr. Women PULL Magazine 87

Photos and Story by Justin Wahl
Four screen print carousels and two heat tunnels pump out thousands of event wear for nationals around the country.

e see their shirts, hats, bags, and awards at every national weekend around the coun try, but no one has seen behind the curtain into the family business until now.Located in Cincinnati, OH, smack dab in the middle of Bengal terri tory, sits two industrial warehouses that TB Products calls home. Built by BMX and grown through innova tion, the family business is now in the hands of Tyler (COO) and Tory (ounder) Borgmann. With an inhouse and traveling staff, Dyllon Reeder, TB Products is THE award and apparel company for USA BMX. As we began our tour through the shop, we were greeted by decades of history. From shirt designs, we have forgotten about until that mo ment to gems that showed the evo lution their father Toby began. Tory explained, “My dad was selfemployed. He had a washer/dryer business here in Cincinnati. Most self-employed people can do what they want when they want, he was pretty tied down to where he only had a certain amount of time. He said, “Okay, track, how can I help you out? I can build trophies for you guys; I can build trophies until mid night if I have to.” And that’s what he did; he started building trophies for River Valley BMX.”
Tyler (Left) and Tory (Right) show us around their secondary building that houses their laser cut ting and trophy building hardware.
PULL Magazine 91

From that point on, the Borgmann family started its journey into the awards realm, and as demand be gan to grow, Toby handed the tro phy building down to his son. From there, the award business grew to the National level bring ing its products to the NBL circuit during the 1995 season. Traveling around the circuit, they quickly real ized awards alone wouldn’t pay the bills in the long run, making the ad dition of their own apparel business a no-brainer.
Packed with four screen printing carousels, the shop can produce hundreds of shirts and sweatshirts in hours. A single color at a time, their staff lay down the designs that travel to the Nationals around the country. However, not all of the ap parel filling your closets come from the mass production style, while other products have a more per sonal touch. Hats, coolers, and USA BMX logoed items travel up to the shop loft, where they’re assembled and tagged in their unique process.
Dyllon Reeder (Big D) explained, “Each item has its own process. With a new material or brand, a lot of trial and error has to happen to see how designs and logos are able to be pressed on.” Big D is the main face bringing awards and apparel around the country and is also a TB Products staff member who has developed a true passion for the business. From bringing new ideas to the design team to being a part of promot ing the local riders at each track the national series rolls through, Reeder has developed a passion for the Big D, Dyllon Reeder, shows us his favorite piece of history hanging in the TB Products building. A design space fit for any artists, especially one that brings hot designs to the BMX family.
Proudly hanging on the wall in the TB Products offices is an essential piece of that apparel evo lution. Faded and well used, the first screen print hangs on the wall to re mind their team where they started. With memorabilia and new designs sitting side by side, the TB Products shop is constantly bouncing ideas through their decades of experience and design knowledge to bring new and fresh ideas to the award and ap parel game. That innovation begins upstairs on the design floor. A loftstyle second floor houses design ers and employees who begin the journey for your favorite apparel and event shirts. Those designs then travel into one of three areas to be created. The largest of which is the TB Products screen printing room.

products and awards he gives out week in and week out. As Big D takes us through the loft tour down into the embroidery room and to the newest room in the shop, Tory and Tyler join us to explain the new machine bringing the new era of awards to BMX. The hot topic around the BMX world at the beginning of the season was the new awards coming to the na tional series, and with the change, the new machine creating them is equally exciting. The ‘EFI Pro 30f Flatbed Printer’ is a game-changing addition to the family business as it brings high-tech, high-resolution printing to the sport of BMX. Tyler, the master of the flatbed, showed us their new toy’s process and ca pabilities.Withalarge print base, Tyler can maximize production and print highresolution designs onto an 8’x10’ sheet, each with a unique code to track and cut out. From speed, print height, and even 3D effects through ink stacking, a whole new host of awards are now in reach for TB Products and USA BMX. From printing their designs to laser cutting them into assembly-ready three-dimensional awards, the pas sion for innovating and testing their abilities shines out of the TB Prod uctsFromshop.starting in their garage to ex panding into a second warehouse, the TB Products crew is passionate about creating. They create apparel and awards for their local communi ty and the BMX community around theGrowingcountry.up in BMX, you see the designs all your life, but to tour the shop and see the progression of the business these designs are cre ated by is a fantastic reminder of the countless people behind the scenes that make BMX racing at the local and national levels possible.
COO, Tyler demonstrating the capabilities of their new flatbed printer.
Tory and Tyler Borgmann pose proudly with their design elevating flatbed printer.
PULL Magazine 93

BOX PRIZES Prize 1: Complete Bike Prize 2: Box One X5 Pro Carbon Fork Prize 3: Box One M35 Crank Prize 4: Box Two 20mm Front Hub 36H Black Prize 5: Box One Cromo Triple Taper Handlebar Prize 6: Box One Top Load Stem Prize 7: Box One V-Brakes Prize 8: Box One Genius Brake Lever Prize 9: Box Two Seatpost USABMX PRIZES Prize 1: Top Fundraiser Nationwide • $500.00 Travel Stipend to the 2022 Grand Nationals • One FREE Hotel Room • Entry fees FREE for the 2022 Race of Champions and Grand Nationals Prize 2: $500 & Over Entry fees FREE to 2022 Grand Nationals Prize $300.003: - $499.99 Jacket Prize $50.004:- $299.99 T-Shirt & Wristband POWERED BY

The rookie season for any athlete is a nerve-racking experience. New sights, new flow, and new challenges arise with stepping up to a higher level of the sport. But for one BMX Racing rookie, it’s business as usu al as he makes a name for himself in the Men Pro class.TheNorCal boy, Nick Adams, has been a name heard through the national level of BMX for years, but with his 2022 jump to the Men Pro ranks, his name is heard even more alongside the names of established athletes in the BMX. We sat down with Rockstar/RIFT/Tangent’s new hot shot to hear his thoughts on his jump to the pro ranks.

PULL Magazine 97
fter an entire year away from racing due to a thumb injury in 2021, Adams de cided with his coach, Con nor Fields, to make the jump into the pro class this past March, but with his injury, we were curious what his training was like through that time. “Man, I didn’t stop,” said Adams. “When I originally got injured, I thought I was going to come back and do Houston, do Grands, and more amateur races. I wasn’t prepping straight for pro. That was routine as usual, hoping right back into training and making sure I was ready for whatever came at me.” With his inevitable jump into his rookie season, Adams came in hot yet calculated, getting his racing legs back with Pro Opens leading up to his “true” de but at the Music City Nationals. “After 7-9 months without racing, Con nor and I decided it was far smarter to do a couple of Pro Opens and test the waters, get back into the race mindset, the race stresses. And you know it worked like we hoped it would.” With a long-awaited first pro lap snapping down the Nashville drag strip, the crowd erupted as he came out of turn one in the
“This year’s a little more fun than others. It’s my rookie year, and there’s not a whole lot of expectations, just go out swinging, and no matter how I perform, nobody’s mad or disappointed. So expectation wise there’s not much. I’m looking forward to these races more than being nervous or dreading them.”
With Adams grinding away at his rookie season, testing his speed, and having fun while doing it, what is the rookie looking forward to?
“I’m really looking forward to Grands. USA BMX has the new gate, and I haven’t been able to ride that yet; it seems super inter esting, so I’m looking forward to riding that at Grands. It will be my first professional Grands, and while I’ve been in the NAG 5 Challenge but the NAG 5 guys aren’t the main guys in the show, so I want to be in the main event rolling out and doing three finals, putting it in there. Obviously, my small hills are ok, and with Grands racing, I really like the vibe there, so I’m excited for my profes sional Grands.”
Looking to the future races for Adams, Derby City is next on the list, which will be his first 8-meter race since his Junior Na tional Championship in 2020. He explains his preparation for the event. “It’s been two years since I’ve raced on one and a year since I rode on one since March of last year. The plan is to get on one this month, basically just getting comfortable on that while still keeping in mind that it’s the same mentally. We show up to race day, and there are still 5-6 race laps. The only differ ence is we’re starting on a taller hill.” Ad ams said, “Being in NorCal, you really don’t have access to an 8-meter; you really have to travel far. There is Chula down south and Tulsa now. With Tulsa being the cheaper op tion, I’ll spend some time there around your (USA BMX Foundation’s) Pro Exhibition race in September.”
“I love the time schedule... There’s more consistency to the race day now. When I show up, it’s against dudes that are put ting in the work day to day, we’re all on that schedule. We all know when we’re racing, it’s a professional race. I love it ten times more because every lap, you’ve gotta give it gas. You can’t float your way to the final and then pop off a heater. You have to put in the work all day to get that win...Having to be in that zone for five to six hours that your racing is some of the biggest adrena line rushes that I’ve ever had.”
With any rookie season for BMX’ers, a looming award at the end of the season is the Golden Crank award. With that member chosen title, there is sometimes an added pressure to perform.
“The first race in Nashville was an interest ing one mentally since it was my first pro race. It wasn’t the biggest pro race ever, but it also wasn’t the easiest. I was racing guys that I have watched and looked up to. It was weird to line up in the gate instead of cheer ing for them. It was more of a ‘just go, see where we’re at physically. So I went out and tried to go as fast as possible, and that gave us a good gauge of where we were at, and we were pretty happy.” With those race weekends come the feed back from those training you for success. Walking by the Tangent pit between pro rounds, you will oftentimes see Adams on the phone. On the other side is a coach with the experience to do it, Connor Fields. “He (CF11) keeps it pretty simple. Treat it the same way you treated amateur last year. If you have a good lap, you reassess, see what you did good, see what you did badly, and what to work on. It makes ‘being a pro’ easier mentally in a way because he’s show ing me how to work on myself and not worry about where I’m at versus the competition. There’s always this procedure of trying to better yourself, and that’s how he’s guided me through this year.” Once you go into that next level of BMX, one of the most significant changes is the race day flow with the pro time schedule. With that, the race mindset is stretched out all day instead of multiple times a day for short periods.

FOUNTAIN-CO 03 Cross Creek BMX Garret
HANFORD- CA 05 Hanford BMX Derek
JACKSONVILLE-FL 05 Jacksonville BMX Chad jacksonvillebmx.com904-386-1750Grace MIAMI-FL 04 Miami South BMX Juan miamisouthbmx.com305-417-3858Rocha NAPLES-FL 03 Naples BMX Steve naplesbmxinc@gmail.com239-290-1907Kennedy
Colorado River BMX Turnell
NOTE: This track directory is as of SEPTEMBER 2022 - and subject to change. Always call your track or check their website and/or before going to the track.
PUNTA GORDA-FL 03 Charlotte BMX Sean charlottebmx.net941-205-8752Lehew RIVERVIEW-FL 01 Triple Creek BMX Kurt triplecreekbmx.com813-305-0070Laing
MERIDEN-CT 01 Falcon BMX Joe falconbmx.org860-833-4155Therriault
DURANGO-CO 03 Durango BMX Riley Shea (714) durangobmx.com504-2951
CAPE CORAL-FL 03 Cape Coral BMX Nick
NAPA-CA 04 North Bay BMX Stephanie
SIMI VALLEY-CA 07 Sycamore BMX Anthony SOUTH LAKE TAHOECA South18 Lake Tahoe BMX Duane tahoebmx.com775-399-3888Trevethan UKIAH-CA 15 Rusty Bowl BMX Jared
PELHAM-AL 01 Oak Mountain BMX Marshall oakmountainbmx.com205-586-2863Mooney
CHANDLER-AZ 01 Chandler BMX Rachael chandlerbmx.com480-469-4949Blackwell
MANTECA-CA 10 Spreckels Park BMX Jon
DACONO-CO 02 Dacono BMX Wyatt Ball/Chris Wooten
Dothan-ALALABAMA 01 Circle City BMX Travis circlecitybmxracing.com334-793-0189Roettgen
GREELEY-CO 02 Greeley Indoor BMX Brian racks/
TORRINGTON-CT 01 Foothills BMX Jason foothillsbmx.com860-999-4313Lyman
GOODYEAR-AZ 05 Goodyear BMX Raceway Paul Goodyearbmx.com623-670-6279Moore
GRAND JUNCTION CO 01 Grand Valley BMX Nick grandvalleybmx.com970-812-3394Adams
SPRINGS-C0STEAMBOAT 01 Steamboat Springs BMX Gina
ST. CLOUD-FL 02 St. Cloud BMX Jim TAMPA-FL 01 Tampa BMX Brian tampabmx.com813-265-1269Bigelow
ST. AUGUSTINE-FL 05 Ancient City BMX Carl
N. LITTLE ROCK-AR 01 Bonzai BMX Gary
FT. COLLINS-CO 02 Twin Silo BMX Crystal Toureene (970) epicbmxfc.com619-9732
SARASOTA-FL 03 Sarasota BMX Jon sarasotabmx.com941-960-1578Doty
RIO LINDA-CA 11 Elkhorn BMX Tammy & Brian Ford
PRATTVILLE-AL 01 Fountain City BMX Gabe fountaincitybmx.com334-435-0295Wright ALASKA
CONNECTICUT BETHEL-CT 01 Bethel Supercross BMX Don bethelbmx.com203-744-7962Olson
TRUMBULL-CT 01 T.R.A.C.K BMX Chris trumbullbmx.com203-257-4988Gombos DELAWARE MILFORD-DE 01 First State BMX Kimberly 302-422-413Hill
SHOW LOW-AZ 04 Show Low BMX Josh showlowbmx@gmail.com928-369-8443Bagge
SANTA CLARA-CA 08 Santa Clara P.A.L. BMX Joey
ARKANSAS CABOT-AR 01 Cabot BMX COMPLEX Joe Cabotbmx.com501-239-3026Douglas
CHULA VISTA -CA 02 Chula Vista BMX Tyler chulabmx.com949-973-0949Brown EL CENTRO-CA 23 Imperial Valley BMX Tommy
CORTEZ-CO 03 Cortez BMX Stacey cortezbmx.org970-570-9157Baxter
PRUNEDALE-CA 08 Manzanita Park BMX Erik
PHOENIX-AZ 04 Black Mountain BMX Debbie blackmountainbmx.com602-999-5979Kelley
TUCSON-AZ 03 Tucson BMX Andy
EAGLE-CO 01 Eagle County BMX Jay
KINGMAN-AZ 02 High Desert 66 Interstate BMX Shannon Patterson (928) 542-1018
APPLE VALLEY-CA 01 Apple Valley BMX Moto Park Melissa BAKERSFIELD-CA 06 Metro BMX Eric racemetrobmx.com661-900-3210Simpson BELLFLOWER-CA 22 Bellflower BMX Tammy 562-716-0487Estep Camarillo-CA 07 Freedom Park BMX Raceway Richard freedomparkbmx.com805-824-7854Huvard
LAKE HAVASU CITY-AZ 02 Lake Havasu City BMX Sean Rice (602)
CHICO-CA 12 Silver Dollar BMX Phil
PERRIS-CA 24 Grand Prix BMX at SoCalFair Mike
DENVER-CO 02 Mile High BMX Brian
FAIRBANKS-AK 01 Far North BMX Paulette farnorthbmx.com907-455-7148Buth
LUCERNE VALLEY-CA 01 Stars & Stripes BMX Aaron
YUMA-AZ 02 Yuma BMX Scott
HESPERIA- CA 01 Hesperia BMX Dan
LITTLETON-CO 02 County Line BMX Gabrielle Schott (303)
TUCSON-AZ 03 Sports Park BMX Julie & Kirk
LEMOORE- CA10 Lemoore BMX Raceway Derek frameworkracing.org559-816-7954Weisser
OLDSMAR-FL 01 Oldsmar BMX Raceway Jason myoldsmar.com813-749-1260Conklin
LANCASTER-CA 17 Antelope Valley BMX Eddie antelopevalleybmx.com661-317-5188Trejo
SANTA MARIA-CA 28 Santa Maria BMX Jeff
WHITTIER-CA 13 Whittier Narrows BMX Roland whittiernarrowsbmx.com626-692-6055Leal
ORLANDO-FL 02 ORL BMX Bryan orlbmx.com407-297-3589Isaacson
EUREKA-CA 15 Redwood Empire BMX Carl redwoodempirebmx.com707-845-0094Kester
FRESNO- CA 10 Woodward Park BMX Ryan
DAYTONA-FL 02 Daytona BMX Bill
YUCCA VALLEY-CA 23 Yucca Valley BMX Keri COLORADO CARBONDALE-CO 01 Crown Mountain BMX Park Matthew crownbmx.com970-274-3013Bunn SPRINGS-CO 03 Pikes Peak BMX Crash pikespeakbmx.org719-232-8880Warren
YUCAIPA-CA 23 Yucaipa BMX Tim yucaipabmx.com951-818-9777Hansen
SANTA BARBARA-CA 07 Elings Park BMX Race way Mike
HIGH SPRINGS-FL 05 High Springs BMX John hsbmx.com352-474-8105Pringle
REEDLEY-CA 10 Air Time BMX Paul airtimebmx.moonfruit.com559-859-0949Huebert
LAKESIDE-CA 02 Cactus Park BMX Vincent cactusparkbmx.com619-561-3824McCurdy
NATURITA-CO 03 Montrose West BMX Jay & Dana
ROSEVILLE-CA 11 Oak Creek BMX Amanda oakcreekbmx.org916-784-8269Lowry SAN DIEGO-CA 02 San Diego BMX Tyler
ROCKFORD-IL 01 Rockford BMX Jake & Candy Karau rockfordbmx.com815-964-8657
LAFAYETTE-LA 01 Cajun BMX Park Desiree SHREVEPORT-LA 01 Cargill Park BMX Craton MONROE-LA 01 Twin City BMX Jason
ST. PETERS-MO 02 St. Peters BMX Mike & Laurie Demmin
FORESTDALE-MA 02 Cape Cod BMX Tammy capecodbmx.com508-326-2472Gibbs
PEACHTREE CITY-GA 01 Peachtree BMX Shayne ptcbmx.com678-770-1750Robinson
Caldwell BMX David O’Malley
Snake River - ID02 East Idaho Indoor BMX Derek Smith (208)
SEVERN-MD 01 Chesapeake BMX Charles chesapeakebmx.com410-969-5177Ellis
MOUNTAIN HOME-ID 01 Rocky Top BMX Vance Griffin
HAGERSTOWN-MD 01 Hagerstown BMX Amanda hagerstownbmx.com301-748-8276Warner
LOUISIANA GRETNA-LA 01 Gretna BMX Raceway Clark Dufrene Jr.
WICHITA-KS 02 Emery Park BMX Garret
ROCK ISLAND-IL 01 Rock Island Indoor BMX Paul
IDAHO FALLS-ID 02 Snake River BMX Casey
GREAT FALLS-MT 01 Electric City BMX Shyla
FLEMINGTON-NJ 01 Hunterdon County BMX Carol hcbmxracing.org908-391-2670Hample HOWELL-NJ 01 Central Jersey BMX Ken cjbmx.org732-863-1010Indiero
ST. MICHAEL-MN 06 St. MA (Michaels) BMX Dan stmabmx.com320-260-1338Isaacs
GLENCOE-MN 06 Buffalo Creek BMX Darron buffalocreekbmx.com320-224-6655Alsleben
Blanchard Woods BMX Chris blanchardwoodsbmx.com762-233-9609Pittman
MONTANA BOZEMAN-MT 01 Gallatin Valley BMX Kristin Burian (406)
NEW YORK BEMUS POINT-NY 02 Charlie’s BMX Track, Inc. Douglas charliesbmx.org716-499-8020Sundquist
NEW JERSEY EGG HARBOR TWP-NJ EHT01 BMX Dave ehtbmx.org609-927-9089Dorofee
WARSAW-IN 01 Hire Park BMX Dan hireparkbmx.com574-268-7433Rumple
PULL Magazine 99
MCDONOUGH-GA 01 Sandy Ridge BMX Paul sandyridgebmx.org912-531-8400Rothenbuhler
EVANSVILLE-IN 02 Burdette Park BMX Andrew burdetteparkbmx.com812-480-4321Damin
MARQUETTE-MI 07 Marquette BMX Doug marquettebmx.com906-360-2446Pennala MIDLAND-MI 01 Midland BMX Vince
WATERFORD-MI 01 Waterford Oaks BMX Mike waterfordoaksbmx.com248-858-0915Boyd
KANSAS CITY-MO 01 Raytown BMX Harley raytownbmx.org913-749-8071Kennedy
EAGLE ID 01 Eagle Park BMX Andy
CUMBERLAND-MD 01 Riverside BMX Jospeh riversidebmx.org240-362-6280Faidley
POWDER SPRINGSGA Cobb01County BMX Margie Hatfield cobbcountybmx.com678-614-9702 HAWAII
NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE-NM 01 Duke City BMX Justin Hawkinson (505) dukecitybmx.org250-2264
FT. WAYNE-IN 01 Fort Wayne BMX Barney ftwaynebmx.com260-222-7384Goodwin HOBART-IN 01 Steel Wheels Indoor Jackie steelwheelsbmx.com219-406-9833Altizer INDIANAPOLIS-IN 02 Indy Cycloplex BMX Dean indycycloplex.com317-995-6654Peterson
MISSISSIPPI RIDGELAND-MS 01 Mag-Ridge BMX Bernie magnoliaridgebmx.com601-750-2456Brenneman
LINCOLN-NE 01 Star City BMX Josh starcitybmx.com402-570-5734Larson
OMAHA-NE 01 Omaha BMX Justin omahabmx.com402-306-4339Johannes NEVADA BOULDER CITY-NV 01 Boulder BMX, Inc. Tay
Cherry Hill BMX Andrew
PORTAGE-IN 01 Imagination Glen BMX Jackie steelwheelsbmx.com219-406-9833Altizer
TRAVERSE CITY-MI 01 Grand Traverse County BMX Richard
MANKATO-MN 02 Mankato Area BMX Jim
EAST MOLINE-IL 01 East Moline BMX Speedway Paul
LAS VEGAS-NV 01 Nellis BMX John RENO-NV 02 Reno Battleborn BMX Shawn
WESTFIELD-MA 01 Whip City BMX Al whipcitybmx.com413-562-6651Pighetti
ST. LOUIS-MO 02 Sunset Hills BMX Johnny
NEW ULM-MN 02 River Valley BMX Josh SPICER-MN 06 Green Lake BMX Brandon greenlakebmx.com320-403-2473Michaelis
DES MOINES-IA 01 80/35 BMX Casey KANSAS PARK CITY-KS 02 Park City BMX Jamie Johnson (316) parkcitybmx.com670-6893
ST. CLOUD-MN 06 Pineview Park BMX Mark pineviewparkbmx.com320-230-7820Post
HENDERSON-NV 01 Whitney Mesa BMX Mac
BRIDGEWATER-NY 03 CNY BMX Jamie cnybmx.comSherwood HAMBURG-NY 02 South Towns BMX Louis (Butch)
SPRINGFIELD-IL 03 Springfield BMX Club Jeff WAUKEGAN-IL 02 Waukegan BMX Eric waukeganbmx.com847-782-3300Muhlbach INDIANA COLUMBUS-IN 02 Columbus BMX Andrew columbusbmx.com317-372-3419Yoder
Okeeheelee BMX Tommy okeeheeleebmx.com561-248-9267Cross GEORGIA AUGUSTA-GA 01
ELGIN-IL 02 The Hill BMX Jackie FARMER CITY-IL 03 Farmer City BMX Rene farmercitybmx.com217-778-7293Dunnam PEORIA-IL 03 Detweiller BMX Hans
FARIBAULT-MN 02 Faribault BMX Stuart
DEMING-NM 01 Five Seven Five BMX James
CALDWELL-ID 01 Idaho Indoor BMX Andy
GRAND RAPIDS-MI 01 Rock City BMX Tracy rockcitybmx.com616-696-3368Salisbury
WAKEFIELD-MA 01 Wakefield BMX Roger
CARSON CITY-NV 02 Carson City BMX Mary ELY-NV 02 White Pine BMX Chet Gardner (775) whitepinebmx.com293-3747 FERNLEY-NV 02 Fernley BMX Gabe fernleybmx.com530-321-5621Leija
MICHIGAN DAVISON-MI 01 Richfield Park BMX Austin 810-4441-6193Kelly GOODELLS-MI 01 CanAm BMX Curtis Brown canambmx.com586-612-1809Jr.
MINNESOTA BRAINERD-MN 04 Lakes Area BMX Clayton lakesareabmx.com218-820-4889Caird
MARYLAND CHAPTICO-MD 01 Southern Maryland BMX Gregory somdbmx.com240-925-3825Wheeler
Sandbox BMX Kris islandbmx.org808-478-7085Moniz IDAHO CALDWELL-ID 01
LAS CRUCES-NM 02 Wild Chile BMX Edward Sanchez (575)
TOPEKA-KS 01 Heartland BMX Corey heartlandbmx.org785-817-3706Shepard
LAS VEGAS-NV 01 Ed Fountain Park BMX Raceway Turnell www.efpbmx.org702-219-5660Henry
MARIETTA-GA 01 Noonday BMX Margie Hatfield cobbcountybmx.com678-614-9702
LANSING-MI 01 Capitol City Family BMX Steve
SPRINGFIELD-MO 03 Spokes BMX Raceway Aleisha
ISANTI-MN 01 Rum River BMX Josh Robinson / Alissa rumriverbmx.cominfo@rumriverbmx.comChartrand
MISSOURI BLUE SPRINGS-MO 01 Blue Springs BMX Ben bluespringsbmx.com816-598-4303Harves
PETERSBURG-VA 01 VMP BMX Bud vmpbmx.com804-301-5059Higgins
SPARTANBURG-SC 01 Spartanburg BMX Jared
GRANTS PASS-OR 02 River City BMX James
VIRGINIA HAMPTON-VA 01 Hampton BMX Addam hamptonbmx.com757-951-6175Parker
EL PASO-TX 08 Sun City BMX Eric tracks/
YORK-PA Revolution02Bike Park Brandt bumpsnberms.com717-881-7487Wilson
OSHKOSH-WI Winnebagoland02BMX Troy winnebagolandbmx.org920-573-5037Kasper
RICHLAND-WA 03 Columbia Basin BMX Jeremy Barton (509) columbiabasinbmx.com551-2109
YUKON-OK 01 Yukon BMX Levi YukonBMX.org405-880-3680Wilson PRYOR-OK 02 Mayes County BMX Cindy & Dale
NEWARK-NY 02 Upstate BMX Stephanie upstatebmx.com585-233-2026Liechti
JOHNSTOWN-PA 04 Johnstown BMX Tony johnstownbmx.org814-932-0550Luther
TITUSVILLE-PA 04 Drake Well BMX Mike drakewellbmx.com814-795-6734Howard
BURLINGTON-NC 02 Burlington BMX Paul burlingtonbmx.com336-558-5284Constantino CHARLOTTE-NC 01 Hornet’s-Nest Park BMX Mark ncbmx.com704-226-8420Coates
ERIE-PA 04 Lake Shore BMX Brian lakeshorebmx.org814-440-3553Trick
USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 8100
ROTTERDAM-NY 03 Tri-City BMX Sarah tri-citybmx.org518-382-2691Robichaud
SAINT HELENS-OR 01 Columbia River BMX Paul PENNSYLVANIA ATHENS-PA 01 Valley BMX Ed CLARKS SUMMIT-PA 01 Cedar BMX Candy cedarbmx.com570-855-8191Rosencrance
MORRISTOWN-TN 02 Morristown BMX Michael
SOUTH DAKOTA ABERDEEN-SD 02 Aberdeen Hub Area BMX Kyle aberdeenbmx.com605-216-1910Oswald
VIRGIN-UT 03 Virgin Utah BMX Katrina www.virginbmx.com702-539-7109Dye
RICHMOND-VA 01 Richmond BMX Gary richmondbmx.com804-516-9162Craig WINCHESTER-VA 01 Winchester BMX Nathan
HOUSTON-TX 13 Rockstar Energy Bike Park Lee tracks/2002www.usabmx.com936-217-9401Lewis
HAMILTON-OH 01 Hamilton BMX Barb hamiltonbmx.com513-804-5438Johnson
TEXAS BOWIE-TX 01 Bowie BMX Sean tracks/2008www.usabmx.com940-366-2170Reno
PFLUGERVILLE-TX 06 Capitol City BMX Tanner centraltexasbmx.com512-508-5001Sebesta SAN ANTONIO-TX 06 Lone Star BMX Amber Sterriker (512) lonestarbmx.com590-5611
NEWBERG-OR 01 Chehalem Valley BMX Richard
WEST MORELAND-PA 04 Westmoreland BMX Anthony westmorelandbmx.com412-799-3342Palombo
CLEMMONS-NC 01 Tanglewood BMX Braden
OGDEN-UT 01 Legacy Raceway BMX Zach
VERMONT BENNINGTON-VT 01 Catamount BMX Andre-Anne catamountbmx.org802-779-6097Chenaille
NASHVILLE-TN 01 Music City BMX Assoc. Trey Andre’ musiccitybmx.com615-506-3597
MOLALLA-OR 01 Molalla BMX Ryan molallariverbmx.com503-575-0336Powell
BISMARK-ND 01 Fastrax BMX Jamy GRAND FORKS-ND 01 Red River BMX Danny OHIO AKRON-OH 02 Akron BMX Joe akronbmx.org330-622-1297Legnasky
DAYTON-OH 01 Dayton Indoor BMX Bob bmxdayton.com937-866-1414Bruns
KATY-TX 13 Katy BMX Billy
DESOTO-TX 01 Desoto BMX Christopher desotobmx.net214-864-5653Allen
Tooele - UT02 Deseret Peak BMX Danielle Radford (801)
KINGSTON-NY 01 Kingston Point BMX Michael
KLAMATH FALLS-OR 02 Klamath Falls BMX Joe
PEARLAND-TX 13 Pearland BMX Ed pearlandbmx.com281-229-9650Dorrian
WASHINGTON BELLINGHAM-WA 01 North Washington BMX Jason Braden (360) bellinghambmx.com820-6710
EVERETT-WA 01 Bigfoot BMX Marlena
MIDLAND-TX 07 West Texas BMX Dineka
SEA TAC-WA 01 North Sea Tac BMX Joe & Yvonne Stropko seatacbmx.org206-243-4411
SPOKANE-WA 03 Spokane BMX Cicely
SANTA CLARA-UT 03 Santa Clara BMX Brooke SantaClaraBMX.com435-862-9386Seely
NEW PALTZ-NY 01 New Paltz BMX Amy newpaltzbmx.org845-255-1269Gigliuto
EUGENE-OR 02 Emerald Valley BMX Stephen Depews (541)
RAPID CITY-SD 01 Rapid City BMX Jamie Muth (605) rapidcitybmx.com431-0688
MEMPHIS-TN 01 Shelby Farms BMX John shelbyfarmsbmx.comcomshelbyfarmsbmx@yahoo.Powell
FT. WORTH-TX 01 Cowtown BMX Craig cowtownbmx.com817-834-0279Prince
CLEVES-OH 01 Cleves BMX Rob
SOUTH JORDAN-UT 02 Rad Canyon BMX Kelly radcanyonbmx.com801-520-5651Day
RALEIGH-NC 02 Capital City BMX Geoff ccbmx.org919-669-5257Gray NORTH DAKOTA
LEXINGTON-SC 01 Lexington BMX Ralla ROCK HILL-SC 01 Rock Hill BMX Mike rockhillscbmx.com803-325-2630King
REDMOND- OR 01 Smith Rock BMX Seth
MT. VERNON-WA 01 Bakerview BMX Holly Braaten (360) bakerviewbmx.com391-3342
OKLAHOMA SAND SPRINGS-OK 02 Sand Springs BMX Jerry sandspringsbmx.com918-630-6525Jenkins
MEDFORD-OR 02 Rogue Valley BMX Curtis
ROSEBURG- OR 02 Umpqua Valley BMX Hilary
KETTERING-OH 01 Kettering Park BMX Eric bmxdayton.com937-726-2868Jones
WESTERVILLE-OH 02 Westerville BMX Chad westervillebmx.org614-581-7859Buehrer
PORT ANGELES-WA 02 Lincoln Park BMX Sean
RICHFIELD-UT 03 Red Hills Indoor BMX Jason Christensen & Jacy
WOODBRIDGE-VA 01 Northern Virginia BMX Curtis novabmx.org703-951-7269Dowdy
SUMNER-WA 02 River Valley BMX Mark Hutko & Tammy rivervalleybmxracing.com253-350-5129Funke WALLA WALLA-WA 03 Walla Walla Valley BMX Jessika
LAKE-WA 03 Moses Lake BMX Jeff www.moseslakebmx.com509-998-0100Niehenke
HORSEHEADS-NY 04 Horseheads BMX Gary
SOUTH JORDAN-UT 02 Rad Canyon BMX Indoor Kelly radcanyonbmx.com801-520-5651Day
SHOREHAM-NY 01 BMX@ Shoreham Chris shorehambmx.org631-821-5569Hess
RHINELANDER-WI 03 Hodag BMX Rob hodagbmx.com715-360-6822Deede
RICHFIELD-UT 03 Red Hills BMX Tara & Kurt
WEST GREENWICH-RI 01 Woodland BMX Carl woodlandbmx.com401-702-2269Knott
PORT ORCHARD-WA 02 Peninsula Indoor BMX Joel & Erin gobmx.com360-850-8200Moore
MARYSVILLE-OH 02 Marysville BMX Chad TOLEDO-OH 02 Speedway BMX Michael toledospeedwaybmx.com419-260-5335Rice
PITTSBURGH-PA 04 South Park BMX Jon spbmx.net412-368-6147Spynda POTTSTOWN-PA 02 Trilogy Park BMX Glen
EL PASO-TX 08 Desert Downs BMX Bobby
WISCONSIN RAPIDSWI Central03 Wisconsin BMX Chris cwbmx.org715-572-2075Severin WYOMING CASPER-WY 01 Mike Sedar BMX J.B.
ABBOTSFORD-BC 02 Abbotsford BMX Libby
ABBOTSFORD-BC 02 Abbotsford Indoor BMX Libby
CUMBERLAND-BC 01 Coal Hills BMX Corby
GREEN RIVER - WY01 Southwest Wyoming BMX Artiz
ROCK SPRINGS-WY Wyoming01SW Indoor BMX Siobhan
LANGLEY-BC 02 Langley BMX Peter langleybmx.ca778-231-8158Kuyvenhoven NANAIMO-BC 01 Nanaimo BMX Tania nanaimobmx.com250-714-1512Walton NORTH VANCOUVERBC North02 Shore BMX Alan northshorebmx.com604-809-1008Moat PEMBERTON-BC 02 Pemberton BMX Graham www.pembertonbmx.com604-966-2311Turner PENTICTON-BC 04 Penticton BMX Len pentictonbmx.com250-689-0220McLean PRINCE GEORGE-BC 02 Supertrak BMX Dawn Jarabek SALMO-BC 02 West Kootenay BMX Lyndon QUALICUM-BC 01 Oceanside BMX Robert SQUAMISH-BC 02 Squamish BMX Todd squamishbmx.com604-815-9010Pope VERNON-BC 04 Vernon Ranger Park BMX Shylo vernonbmx.com250-306-8882Orchard VICTORIA-BC 01 Greater Victoria BMX Kyle WHISTLER-BC 02 Whistler BMX Jody whistlerbmx.com604-905-9026Hallett MANITOBA WINNIPEG-MB 01 Destination X BMX Melissa & Jason Osadac destinationxbmx.ca204-291-7198 ONTARIO CHATHAM-ON 01 Wolfe Creek BMX Tom Maciejowski CANADA CORNWALL-ON 01 Cornwall BMX Dan cornwallbmx.ca614-662-1790Drouin KINGSTON-ON 01 Kingston BMX Jason kingstonbmx.com613-572-2893Kelly MILTON-ON 01 Milton BMX Racing Tim mbmxracing.com519-716-1379Walter NIAGARA FALLS-ON 01 Falls BMX Park Jason OTTAWA-ON 01 Nepean BMX Jay nepeanbmx@gmail.comParsons STOUFFVILLE-ON 01 Stouffville BMX Brendan stouffvillebmx.ca416-802-4727Arnold CURACAO WILLEMSTAD-CW 01 Global BMX J.H. Lucien goglobalbmx.com599-9-737-0908Isenia NEXTCOMINGMONTH Digital Only Issue Canada-Maple Leaf Nationals Freestyle Round 7-Millwaukee,WI New England Nationals-CT Hub City Nationals-SD Derby City Nationals-KY MAGAZINE
GRAND FORKS-BC 02 Grand Forks BMX KAMLOOPS-BC 04 Greater Kamloops BMX Martin KELOWNA-BC 04 Kelowna BMX Kirk Van Cornewal (No Phone abmx.comtrackmanager@kelownNumber)
GILLETTE-WY 01 Razor City BMX Garett Massey (701)
CRANBROOK-BC 02 Cranbrook BMX Laura

Knippenberg’s generosity, hard work and tireless efforts in making our vision materialize resulted in an in-kind donation of well over $500,000. Johnson Tree Service helped clear the numerous trees to make room for first a parking lot, and then the track. The new facility features a replica of the 2016 Grand National Track created for us by Billy Allen. It also has a pump track, speed strip, and fully developed strider track offering something for all ages and abilities of riders, all in the quaint seaside town which showcases all the natural beauty of Cape Cod. Once the track was built, volunteer efforts shifted to focusing on installing other necessary infrastructure needs such as electricity, water, drainage, etc. Without enough time to construct new buildings for registration and concessions, several small buildings from the former location were trucked over and given a new life. Chesapeake BMX President, and close family friend, Tom Sinchak, picked up, delivered, and installed the new starting gate.
Cape Cod BMX as an organization has existed for over 36 years. It was first organized in the late 1970’s and originally located in Dennis, MA. After moving locations to both Mashpee and Sandwich during the 80’s, Cape Cod BMX found a semi-permanent home on the Joint Base Cape Cod in Bourne, MA, where it remained until 2020. Unfortunately, over time, the location of the track started to become problematic. Due to increasing global security issues and related safety measures, access to the Joint Base, a military facility, became increasingly more difficult for our riders and guests. To keep Cape Cod BMX alive, Track Operator Tammy Gibbs, knew she needed to start looking for a new home for our track. As she began to look for possible locations, Sandwich, MA, seemed like an ideal location. After several years of working on securing a new home for Cape Cod BMX, in November of 2021, Cape Cod BMX was added once again to the Selectmen’s agenda for discussion where it was met with unanimous support. It didn’t take long for the project to get up to full speed. The committee met with Don Bracken from Bracken Engineering who had offered to perform all the site work and engineering for us. Local business contractor, Bob Bevilacqua, provided us with advice and guidance what the process would be. The true hero of the project, former Sandwich resident and Sandwich High School graduate, Kevin Knippenberg, owner of Coastal Excavation Corp., reached out to us offering his bulldozer after hearing about a plea on Facebook looking for the of a bulldozer. Knippenberg stepped up and offered to help from start to finish.
October 2021, Cape Cod BMX held an Open House with over 300 people in attendance. Several elected officials were present including MA State Rep Steve Xiarhros, and members of the town board. Selectman Sampson served as the MC for the event which was covered by a local radio
USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 8102

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many significant goals including the completion of two permanent buildings, asphalting three berms, a sprint strip has been added and our accessible parking area improved. The balance bike track has been improved and slurry coated, a pump track has been constructed and the general parking area has been given a Cape Cod appeal with nautical ropes and pier pilings. Cape Cod BMX is open for racing, practice, and training from April to December depending on the weather. The track holds two nights of practice, as well as one race night per week. We also host Ladies Nights, Ladies Ride Wine and Dine Events, and many other different and fun events throughout the season. Our highlight event is our Harvest Hoopla which takes place in October. Additionally, Cape Cod BMX has partnered with a wellness recovery group and is sponsoring monthly events for anyone in recovery. In September the track will be host a BMX Adaptive Program with the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and Sandwich Recreation Department. Cape Cod BMX hopes to develop more partnerships with community groups, and to continue to welcome new and returning riders. Thank you just isn’t enough for all the donations and support we have received from the local community. The track would not have been possible without such generosity. The list is over 100! And none of this would have happened without the dedication of our team of volunteers. Special thanks to our Building Committee which consisted of Tammy Gibbs, Brian Thierwechter, Kayla Thierwechter, Charlene Chartier, Erin Marinelli, Dominic Marinelli, Meaghan Brooks, Matt Brooks and Josh Rainville. And our Fundraising Committee which consisted of Tammy Gibbs, Kayla Thierwechter, Charlene Chartier, Erin Marinelli, Matt Brooks, Jennifer Hurst, Gary Sheehan, Mandi Piltzer and Cindy Marti. Thank you to Gary, Jennifer, and Cindy Marti who were able to obtain funds for us through grant writing and sponsorships.Andthanks to our corporate donors: Coastal Excavation Corporation, Bracken Engineering, Cape Cod Aggregates and Gibbs Rubbish Removal.
station. The festivities included a bounce houses, raffles, food, and drinks–and of course, racing! In a ceremony, all donors were presented with a plaque and a balloonednewmembers.thetheonlyadedicationtheirTammybouldercommentaryandCapeBrothersgenerouswasgrassrootsparticipated.awardsback.thet-shirt,CodcommemorativespecialCapeBMXOpenHousewhichlistedallofdonorsbynameontheWealsogaveplatetoallriderswhoKeepinginthespirit,thiseventmadepossiblebythedonationsofTwoPizza,Coca-Cola,CodSportswearCritBMX.Also,aengravedwaspresentedtoandherfamilyforcountlesshoursandtobringingsuchgreatcontributiontonotCapeCodBMXbuttoentirecommunity.CapeCodBMXstarted2021seasonwith84Thankstothetrack,membershipto251members.Despitethesuccessfulopeningseason,therearestillmanythingsthatneededtobedonetofullyestablishourpermanenthome,sotheworkhascontinuedduringthe2022season.Thisyearalone,wehaveaccomplished


GIRLS 1 H. Anderson 13 7234 2 A. Hale 40 5296 3 R. Hyler 7 5100 4 H. Haggerty 16 2999 5 M. Olson 11 2523 6 A. Miller 13 2461 7 B. Berg 12 2442 8 B. Adair 14 2428 9 J. Hill 36 1979 10 K. Moss 13 1929 CRUISER 1 Z. Sinsel 9 6092 2 S. Jones 12 5265 3 S. Desomber 11 4955 4 L. Desomber 9 4645 5 T. Harris 8 3683 6 T. Harris 10 3175 7 J. Mcgee 51 3092 8 M. O’malley 10 3055 9 M. Payne 49 2958 10 J. Desomber 13 2939 GIRLS CRUISER 1 H. Anderson 13 8168 2 A. Hale 40 5810 3 J. Hill 36 4163 4 J. Schmeichel 57 3762 5 H. Haggerty 16 3567 6 B. Berg 12 3452 7 M. Olson 11 3034 8 A. Anderson 37 2942 9 A. Miller 13 2934 10 R. Hyler 7 1833 Id02 BOYS 1 T. Nicholls 13 8273 2 M. Cureton 15 6064 3 M. Hernandez 11 5945 4 G. Ludlow 12 5715 5 A. Jones 17 5655 6 J. Call 17 5622 7 T. Nicholls 14 5175 8 K. Norris 10 4769 9 L. Schroeder 28 4138 10 T. Call 14 4119 GIRLS 1 M. Palmer 15 7389 2 J. Avila 16 5147 3 D. Loder 17 4165 4 L. Smith 9 4121 5 T. Call 10 2249 6 H. Sexton 9 1185 7 E. Bott 7 884 8 K. Utter 11 790 9 H. Browning 5 760 10 K. Ramirez 9 721 CRUISER 1 M. Cureton 15 7100 2 T. Nicholls 13 6431 3 C. Steed 7 3280 4 H. Jaramillo 13 2824 5 M. Nardi 10 2212 6 L. Smith 13 2163 7 K. Browning 36 1929 8 S. Hardee 32 1735 9 D. Dingman 46 1308 10 G. Ludlow 12 1080 GIRLS CRUISER 1 K. Hernandez 32 7207 2 M. Palmer 15 6573 3 D. Loder 17 2045 4 L. Smith 9 1923 5 D. Havens 30 1859 6 J. Avila 16 1114 7 J. Rasmussen 11 481 8 C. Scanlan 42 249 9 V. Jewett 42 231 10 K. King 32 84 Id03 BOYS 1 M. Scholten 7 7069 2 N. Roby 16 5937 3 H. Schlager 14 5436 4 K. Quiring 10 4941 5 D. Roby 16 4568 6 K. Quiring 12 4535 7 M. Cavadini 56 3543 8 S. Kaelberer 8 3424 9 P. Beamesderfer 3325 10 C. Bates 14 2463 GIRLS 1 H. Emerson 10 4180 2 B. Layton 11 3726 3 J. Spindler 14 900 4 R. Northington 14 583 5 E. Mannel 14 367 6 L. Robbins 14 175 7 M. Budvarson 6 160 8 S. Mannel 39 41 9 D. Beardsley 7 18 10 K. Kegley 6 18 CRUISER 1 M. Cavadini 56 3918 2 N. Perry 41 2600 3 K. Rauschenbach 905 4 C. Krebs 39 231 5 J. Paul 50 213 6 D. Roby 16 186 7 N. Roby 16 186 8 D. Paul 14 148 9 T. Guthrie 45 140 10 J. Berger 44 104 GIRLS CRUISER 1 A. Bates 38 2128 2 M. Cavadini 55 2097 3 B. Layton 11 294 4 H. Curtzwiler 30 63 ILLINOIS Il01 BOYS 1 E. Shelton 10 6985 2 R. Pavelonis 8 5889 3 A. Armstrong 6 5530 4 J. Elder 17 4474 5 L. Roberts 22 4084 6 Z. Swan 10 4010 7 G. Andrews 41 3886 8 A. Beard 12 3600 9 L. Lee 12 3595 10 E. Adams 13 3592 GIRLS 1 K. Cerasa 12 7913 2 M. Mecum 14 3608 3 T. Donnell 6 3495 4 A. Mecum 14 2763 5 A. Mandujano 13 2753 6 R. Gifford 12 2645 7 K. Mecum 14 2039 8 J. Omalley 39 1997 9 R. Hirst 8 1594 10 A. Sala 11 1496 CRUISER 1 E. Shelton 10 7521 2 R. Pavelonis 8 6914 3 Z. Swan 10 3995 4 D. Jackson 18 3556 5 O. Bunge 11 3459 6 L. Lee 12 2790 7 K. Zanoni 15 2307 8 C. Gork 13 2217 9 J. Scrowther 8 2083 10 C. Jared 14 2080 GIRLS CRUISER 1 J. Omalley 39 4816 2 K. Cerasa 12 4211 3 R. Gifford 12 3824 4 A. Mandujano 13 3626 5 A. Goldsmith 32 2344 6 D. Melton 55 1701 7 S. Whidby 37 1404 8 S. Pearson 13 1086 9 L. Kasper 47 994 10 A. Bunge 13 485 Il02 BOYS 1 C. Kopczyk 16 10968 2 W. Wetendorf 11 7264 3 L. Hedger 10 6366
CALL: • When you call in to the office, press 3 to reach one of the membership team members
• If you click on Riders…there you will find a PDF version of the Rulebook If you are contesting a finish at a race, you will need to reach out to the track, ask them to review their score sheets and explain why. If a correction is required, the track will reach out to us directly.
Remember, be safe, have fun and we will see you on the track!
Dear MEMBERSHIP….Gabi, we are here to help!
• If we are all on the phone, you will be prompted to leave a message…be sure to include the name of the rider and if you have it handy, the membership serial number and/or date of birth of the rider
WEBSITE: • If you go to the website and click on About…there you will find under FAQ a list of frequently asked questions and answers
Id01 BOYS 1 Z. Sinsel 9 5822 2 L. Desomber 9 5729 3 S. Jones 12 5577 4 J. Darnell 14 5152 5 S. Desomber 11 4897 6 L. Anderson 53 4748 7 J. Mallett 21 4701 8 J. Darnell 17 4563 9 J. Desomber 13 4419 10 R. Hudson 47 4408
We have an exceptional team in the Membership Department and would love to assist you with your questions. Here are some helpful tips on how/where to get your answers!!
USABMX.COM H VOL. 12 / ISS. 8106
4 S. Mcmillian 8 540 5 S. Denton 4 28 6 L. Largent 5 11 CRUISER 1 A. Harnden 55 5354 2 M. Partee 48 3951 3 M. Mendoza 8 2338 4 R. Williams 52 1526 5 T. Mcguire 22 1044 6 J. Schones 54 914 7 E. Warrington 48 640 8 M. Berg 32 621 9 L. Canale 20 409 10 B. Kreig 44 204 GIRLS CRUISER 1 V. Harnden 18 5943 2 S. Denton 10 822 3 E. Gallagher 52 146 Ca28 BOYS 1 L. Donnelly 11 9777 2 E. Gibson 13 8625 3 T. Clark 14 6082 4 D. Kuhry 18 5704 5 D. Schmidt 10 5684 6 C. Boyer 9 5039 7 G. Tillema 17 4435 8 L. Huvard 17 4431 9 V. Slipich 9 4349 10 L. Folkrod 19 3451 GIRLS 1 E. Cardenas 11 4801 2 S. Martin 7 2799 3 L. Jones 20 1798 4 J. Cardoso 11 1311 5 H. Huvard 32 881 6 M. Ramirez 11 706 7 J. Pillado 9 519 8 U. Woods 11 417 9 K. Arnold 7 390 10 D. Cundieff 45 317 CRUISER 1 L. Donnelly 11 6977 2 T. Clark 14 5543 3 E. Gibson 13 5010 4 V. Slipich 9 4172 5 G. Tillema 17 3825 6 W. Cardenas 11 3625 7 L. Huvard 17 3612 8 C. Boyer 9 3367 9 D. Schmidt 10 3134 10 E. Stevens 14 2873 GIRLS CRUISER 1 E. Cardenas 11 3693 2 D. Cundieff 45 858 3 H. Huvard 32 763 4 M. Ramirez 11 432 5 A. Huvard 30 111 6 K. Arnold 7 63 COLORADO Co01 BOYS 1 K. Mccain 15 8297 2 G. Merriam 10 8147 3 M. Gunning 13 8123 4 C. Maybon 16 6366 5 T. Peterson 15 6186 6 C. White 12 6020 7 I. Westerman 14 5917 8 J. Eakins 11 5692 9 A. Gutmann 14 4690 10 T. Taggart 8 4427 GIRLS 1 M. Joseph 15 6883 2 V. Merriam 9 5645 3 S. Matthews 18 4028 4 I. Sargent 20 3580 5 T. Barney 15 3280 6 T. Trulove 8 2591 7 R. Noteware 9 2365 8 J. Bunn 6 2267 9 M. Zimmerman 20 1099 10 A. Tezanos 12 977 CRUISER 1 M. Gunning 13 8070 2 G. Merriam 10 6774 3 C. Maybon 16 6754 4 J. Eakins 11 6144 5 I. Westerman 14 6131 6 A. Gutmann 14 5326 7 T. Taggart 8 4516 8 C. White 12 4364 9 K. Mccain 15 4141 10 T. Noteware 10 3919 GIRLS CRUISER 1 S. Matthews 18 4869 2 V. Merriam 9 4113 3 T. Barney 15 3026 4 I. Sargent 20 2386 5 R. Noteware 9 1959 6 J. Bunn 6 394 7 M. Zimmerman 20 183 Co02 BOYS 1 B. Gibbs 12 9182 2 Z. Martinez 10 9107 3 A. Burnside 9 8180 4 C. Noyola 10 7592 5 W. Westover 15 6759 6 C. Benge 16 5434 7 T. Dunning 10 5070 8 N. Branch 36 4709 9 A. Steuart 17 4604 10 D. Steuart 11 4289 GIRLS 1 D. Noyola 8 10198 2 K. Gannon 9 5137 3 Z. Dannenberg 13 4126 4 R. Fedewa 16 3073 5 I. Troxell 14 2473 6 T. Mattheis 11 2471 7 P. Maresh 58 1676 8 M. Johnson 10 1263 9 S. Heeren 16 1211 10 I. Meyer 15 1127 CRUISER 1 D. Steuart 11 4435 2 D. Miller 57 4356 3 J. Cavallaro 20 3736 4 W. Westover 15 3314 5 A. Steuart 17 3146 6 S. Mcmenimen 9 3045 7 M. Elhardt 53 2757 8 M. Parada 47 2756 9 C. Wooten 9 2725 10 M. Thomas 12 2290 GIRLS CRUISER 1 P. Maresh 58 3536 2 I. Meyer 15 2360 3 A. Reed 33 2179 4 C. Gannon 36 2161 5 A. Lee 55 1931 6 N. Steinmetz 45 1899 7 C. Toureene 43 1469 8 S. Levan 50 1302 9 A. Fetch 33 1175 10 S. Heeren 16 785 Co03 BOYS 1 D. Pawlicki 16 5481 2 W. Speicher 13 4746 3 J. Duffy 13 3728 4 N. Foutz 12 3400 5 S. Jones 14 3275 6 G. Hartley 10 3174 7 E. Markley 15 3169 8 B. Markley 18 3140 9 B. Bryson 12 2990 10 B. Starkey 57 2778 GIRLS 1 L. Hinton 13 6604 2 O. Hinton 16 5454 3 K. Dodge 15 3205 4 A. Dunne 11 2435 5 A. Cabrera 10 1712 6 J. Koskinen 6 1241 7 L. Blacow 13 804 8 Z. Waage 8 550 9 W. Winebarger 9 479 10 A. Simpson 12 476 CRUISER 1 W. Speicher 13 4559 2 G. White 16 3666 3 B. Starkey 57 3230 4 G. Hartley 10 2882 5 H. Gossage 19 2035 6 W. White 14 2014 7 J. Richard 7 1781 8 O. Moore 16 1724 9 G. Martinez 43 1610 10 R. Nunez 42 1245 GIRLS CRUISER 1 L. Hinton 13 5756 2 K. Dodge 15 4387 3 A. Dunne 11 2247 4 S. Dragan 10 1829 5 L. Blacow 13 1383 6 B. Tabor 35 371 7 E. Weber 33 244 8 O. Hinton 16 210 9 S. Weese 23 128 10 H. Farris 10 83 CONNECTICUT Ct01 BOYS 1 S. Spence 12 6236 2 C. Palmer 11 5885 3 W. Hamel 15 5882 4 M. Meinel 11 5562 5 M. Savage 56 5550 6 R. Waters 7 5230 7 L. Rice 9 4441 8 G. Tirendi 53 4234 9 B. Nuzzo 13 4124 10 C. Gordon 16 4028 GIRLS 1 I. Nelson 16 4698 2 P. Pulaski 17 4277 3 C. Stone 12 3484 4 M. Sloan 15 3283 5 S. Sperrazza 17 2785 6 D. Murphy 23 2550 7 M. Lyman 17 2092 8 C. Rothstein 8 1994 9 K. Spence 7 1913 10 R. Olson 11 1778 CRUISER 1 R. Waters 7 6226 2 M. Meinel 11 5942 3 C. Palmer 11 4971 4 L. Rice 9 4454 5 M. Aquilio 14 4416 6 C. Pedersen 16 4290 7 M. Savage 56 3737 8 L. Carroll 7 3689 9 B. Bruns 9 3442 10 E. Stone 14 3419 GIRLS CRUISER 1 P. Pulaski 17 5470 2 C. Stone 12 4945 3 I. Nelson 16 3457 4 E. Urban 15 3350 5 R. Olson 11 3172 6 J. Dohan 39 2838 7 V. Fullam 27 2826 8 D. Vyce 42 2737 9 M. Lyman 17 2166 10 L. Roy 35 1907 DELAWARE De01 BOYS 1 K. Hill 19 2908 2 A. Yoder 10 2860 3 N. White 14 2835 4 A. Moore 10 2697 5 A. Hevner 14 2667 6 L. Hill 15 2345 7 A. Pettit 10 2303 8 N. Ternahan 11 2209 9 J. Reed 11 2035 10 P. Mcnamara 16 1915 GIRLS 1 A. Willin 7 5530 2 C. Gallagher 19 1563 3 K. Piotti 37 1461 4 E. Parsons 19 1222 5 A. Ternahan 6 1214 6 L. Usilton 8 961 7 R. Donohue 12 847 8 A. Teran-Wilhelm 724 9 A. Teran-Wilhelm 665 10 M. Teran-Wilhelm 606 CRUISER 1 B. White 50 2583 2 A. Moore 10 2206 3 A. Hevner 14 2115 4 S. Hevner 49 1781 5 J. Kramer 41 1633 6 L. Decento 9 1449 7 A. Yoder 10 1354 8 L. Moore 4 1270 9 P. Van Vechten 58 898 10 J. Usilton 10 693 GIRLS CRUISER 1 I. Usilton 13 1936 2 K. Piotti 37 1527 3 L. Usilton 8 1457 4 A. Teran-Wilhelm 1377 5 T. Pettit 49 1376 6 E. Parsons 19 1192 7 A. Willin 7 1150 8 K. Werner 16 1084 9 A. Siwarski 9 745 10 N. Figgs 16 686 DISTRICT COLUMBIAOF Dc01 BOYS 1 M. Shank 8 1330 2 M. Pearce 40 274 3 J. Queen 55 63 4 L. Kusmierz-Pearce 13 GIRLS 1 P. Shank 5 903 2 Z. Kusmierz-Pearce 383 FLORIDA Fl01 BOYS 1 R. Bunker 41 9960 2 M. Monegro 11 7980 3 L. Bowles 10 7375 4 K. Goto 10 6689 5 L. Montero 8 6462 6 P. Monegro 6 5312 7 L. Schultz 11 4598 8 J. Mitchell 15 4162 9 N. Robles 8 4006 10 A. Erdmann 16 3798 GIRLS 1 L. Hegberg 8 6644 2 M. Fuchs 16 4033 3 H. Canida 13 3365 4 S. Pearce 13 2104 5 G. Shrawder 13 1495 6 A. Srsic 42 1400 7 E. Mccracken 17 1298 8 L. Jones 57 1041 9 C. Mulhern 16 1027 10 J. Wyllie 15 1007 CRUISER 1 L. Montero 8 8652 2 K. Goto 10 8114 3 R. Monegro 41 5158 4 W. Schmitz 44 5067 5 J. Mitchell 15 4942 6 L. Canida 9 4676 7 N. Robles 8 4384 8 M. Reveron 48 3869 9 S. Gulley 48 3246 10 M. Warren 56 3182 GIRLS CRUISER 1 M. Fuchs 16 5745 2 H. Canida 13 3867 3 S. Pearce 13 3191 4 L. Fresneda 27 2854 5 V. Mateo-Batz 36 2518 6 E. Mccracken 17 2477 7 M. Batz 11 2322 8 A. Novak 17 2050 9 A. Srsic 42 2046 10 K. Young 63 1951 Fl02 BOYS 1 D. Williams 8 9792 2 W. Lindbery 9 9419 3 L. Ruiz 13 9049 4 D. Motley 52 8677 5 T. Koll 13 6749 6 J. Koll 11 6043 7 G. Wood 12 5689 8 R. Silva 53 5685 9 W. Meurlot 19 5609 10 W. Caccavale 9 5379 GIRLS 1 S. Smith 9 13123 2 M. Cristancho Meji A 10262 3 E. Pierce 11 9392 4 I. Franco Soares 8922 5 A. Trimm 14 4919 6 K. Wren 11 4842 7 L. Pringle 13 4592 8 S. Cunningham 8 3933 9 T. Pierce 12 3775 10 K. Pringle 11 3686 CRUISER 1 T. Koll 13 7960 2 D. Motley 52 7577 3 C. Peebles 23 6865 4 J. Kinnard 58 5241 5 J. Phillips 35 4671 6 J. Pringle 56 4575 7 T. Lehman 54 4205 8 P. Deats 58 3950 9 M. Da Luz 34 3909 10 R. Carpenter 17 3755 GIRLS CRUISER * E. Pierce 11 8952 1 S. Smith 9 7056 2 M. Hinson 37 6260 3 R. Palmieri 16 5679 4 L. Pringle 13 4888 5 T. Pierce 12 3994 6 I. Franco Soares 3903 7 P. Allred 44 3810 8 S. Anderson 65 3601 9 K. Pringle 11 3598 10 R. Campos-Moreira 3290 Fl03 BOYS 1 C. Beckley 9 9336 2 M. Abbott 11 9234 3 A. Marlowe 14 8968 4 S. Lehew 12 8931 5 C. Young 9 7703 6 N. Moulton 7 7211 7 C. Gamm 13 6301 8 B. Danielo 11 6220 9 B. Varndell 15 6119 10 A. Nunez 7 5951 GIRLS 1 A. Jones 14 9382 2 G. Clark 12 7368 3 O. Chambers 10 4639 4 N. Alvarez 16 4246 5 S. Caldwell 13 3903 6 V. Galan 13 3816 7 A. Taylor 18 2985 8 M. Graham 13 2612 9 R. Bumgardner 14 2571 10 A. Moore 45 2432 CRUISER 1 A. Marlowe 14 10120 2 C. Beckley 9 8926 3 W. Hardman 42 8074 4 S. Lehew 12 7432 5 A. Smith 15 7133 * C. Young 9 6574 6 L. Caldwell 14 6067 7 B. Jones 15 6030 8 N. Zuchegno 15 5855 9 B. Schulte 12 5543 10 S. Erwin 9 5491 GIRLS CRUISER 1 A. Jones 14 8737 2 S. Erwin 38 6604 3 S. Strayer 39 6356 4 A. Moore 45 5290 5 S. Caldwell 13 4636 6 B. Griffin 33 4469 7 R. Bumgardner 14 3764 8 A. Carr 32 3314 9 D. Wilson 39 1900 10 H. Murphy 17 1648 Fl04 BOYS 1 N. Williams 11 11672 2 T. Greene 9 9833 3 R. Crawford 13 8619 4 J. Zuniga 8 7625 5 E. Esposito 14 7444 6 M. Proctor 17 6218 7 W. Desrosiers 53 6143 8 A. Andrade 10 5867 9 L. Clements 13 5644 10 A. Lindner 11 5316 GIRLS 1 L. Rodriguez 12 8807 2 Z. Urena 8 8641 3 B. Gilman 12 8081 4 I. Zitelli 16 7251 5 G. Dyer 10 5994 6 M. Munoz Velez 17 5011 7 J. Desrosiers 10 4722 8 I. Cruz 14 4152 9 J. Martinez 14 4064 10 R. Smeltzer 10 4007 CRUISER 1 L. Besin 14 7148 2 J. Carbo 60 5327 3 N. Ewing 15 4632 4 N. Mendez 9 4527 5 J. Brooks 42 3421 6 G. Bertolini 48 3149 7 D. Sunday 14 3043 8 M. Lynn 61 2601 9 G. Gonzalez 54 2539 10 D. Ellenberger 56 2534 GIRLS CRUISER 1 S. Dammers 12 3558 2 R. Smeltzer 10 3005 3 M. Campbell 11 2954 4 M. Wisniewski 33 2342 5 A. Scheurer 14 2165 6 I. Fresneda 36 2111 7 M. Grieve 28 1384 8 A. Burgess 10 607 9 J. Allen 51 252 10 V. Kraatz 12 166 Fl05 BOYS 1 K. Leblanc 15 9253 2 J. Horne 10 9166 3 K. Jackson Jr 11 5858 4 H. Grace 17 5298 5 J. Boyd 11 4657 6 A. Burgess 16 4213 7 L. Snowden 12 3852 8 K. Pinner 13 3524 9 L. Claypool 14 3456 10 A. Restrepo 17 3451 GIRLS 1 R. Jordan 15 7705 2 J. Horne 14 6718 3 W. Boyd 9 6058 4 V. Williams 13 5346 5 A. Burgess 15 4000 6 S. Thompson 10 3416 7 H. Penson 15 2659 8 C. Waltman 12 1510 9 M. Manor 15 1323 10 A. Mcintosh 18 920 CRUISER 1 J. Horne 10 5753 2 J. Turner 58 4975 3 K. Hird 51 4596 4 M. Kilpatrick 52 4474 5 K. Claypool 20 4356 6 A. Fulton 49 3850 7 D. Wright 20 3671 8 B. Maule 54 3129 9 C. Whitham 14 2480 10 D. Blackstock 53 2396 GIRLS CRUISER 1 S. Thompson 10 3787 2 K. Turner 54 3762 3 A. Turner 29 3317 4 J. Horne 14 2147 5 T. Shugart 21 1815 6 S. Garcia 39 1521 7 J. Burgess 36 1438 8 A. Fink 33 1229 9 V. Williams 13 969 10 E. Amos 51 967 GEORGIA Ga01 BOYS 1 E. Douglass 13 8833 2 M. Southwell 7 8110 3 A. Herrera 17 8012 4 C. Hardy 8 7691 5 M. Pigo 13 7456 6 B. Gray 11 6550 7 E. Ziel 15 6156 8 K. Pommells 10 5971 9 D. Howard 10 5814 10 W. Gordon 10 5798 GIRLS 1 A. Southwell 6 9862 2 A. Alden 15 7161 3 R. Iverson 12 5753 4 A. Hardy 5 5618 5 S. Herrera 14 5521 6 A. Douglass 16 4756 7 S. Williamson 15 4584 8 J. Iverson 37 4353 9 C. Yarborough 6 2863 10 A. Cantrell 13 2727 CRUISER 1 C. Hardy 8 8225 2 E. Douglass 13 7806 3 M. Seabrook 12 7304 4 A. Herrera 17 4939 5 L. Mathis 12 4520 6 W. Hicks 12 4072 7 G. Azarraga 9 3896 8 B. Workman 36 3857 9 M. Broom 53 3846 10 C. Beyer 12 3508 GIRLS CRUISER 1 J. Iverson 37 6503 * A. Alden 15 5528 2 S. Williamson 15 5090 3 M. Brady 41 3776 4 A. Mathis 14 3071 5 S. Herrera 14 3021 6 T. Broughton 40 2197 7 B. Hutelin 52 2152 8 A. Hallberg 13 1851 9 J. Noles 53 1097 10 S. Robinson 64 1052 HAWAII Hi03 BOYS 1 A. Alensonorin 19 2582 2 D. Quigley 10 238 3 S. Anzai 34 216 4 N. Eharis 34 111 5 D. Parages 49 63 6 K. Smakula 26 15 CRUISER 1 A. Alensonorin 19 349 2 N. Eharis 34 78 3 K. Smakula 26 12 IOWA Ia01 BOYS 1 K. Reaves 8 7704 2 M. Collingwood 14 7001 3 P. Collingwood 9 6095 4 B. Petersen 8 5752 5 W. Quijas 13 4918 6 K. Collingwood 18 4718 7 V. Demuynck 8 4589 8 F. Tremmel 10 4233 9 A. Jacob 14 4095 10 J. Denniston 54 4084 GIRLS 1 L. Cooke 12 1931 2 M. Kidman 6 1298 3 A. Welty 6 1232 4 J. Cherniss 15 680 5 N. Behrens-Sion 12 668 6 O. Trader 5 602 7 H. Cooke 5 528 8 V. Jaffe 7 494 9 P. Anderson 9 472 10 T. Cherniss 15 430 CRUISER 1 K. Reaves 8 8407 2 V. Demuynck 8 7239 3 W. Quijas 13 5345 4 L. May 8 4577 5 P. Collingwood 9 4172 6 J. Kidman 30 3983 7 J. Denniston 54 3784 8 J. Obrien 51 3653 9 T. Vanginkel 12 3029 10 B. Giaffoglione 10 2732 GIRLS CRUISER 1 L. Cooke 12 3008 2 T. O’brien 50 2641 3 K. Weston-Knauer 2114 4 A. Appleby 61 1574 5 C. Crotts 56 1228 6 N. Behrens-Sion 12 826 7 W. Colton 33 521

The dynamic duo blazing the freestyle scene styles out of the park and onto Instagram from Team Goody. Tyler and Chase Bruno are the twin brothers progressing their own skills and their social status with reel after reel of new tricks.
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