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The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
afpxy nOjvfn pqI dy hwQ ivc hwQ pfeI
nOjvfn mflqI plytPLfrm qy tihl rhI
sI. BfvyN gwzI dy do GMty qoN vI vwD lyt ho jfx krky Auh Auqfvly vI sn, pr nvyN
ivafihaF leI hwQ ivc hwQ pf ky rylvy
plytPLfrm qy tihl ky vkq lMGfxf vI
koeI Kfs aOKf nhIN huMdf. sgoN iek qrHF dI
axcyqI KusLI huMdI hY ijs df suafd virHaF
bwDI Xfd ivc rihx vflf huMdf hY.
mflqI df pqI dyv pRkfsL, ies jMg sdkf, aYm[ey[ pfs krdy hI POLj ivc afrjLI
kimsLn lYx ivc kfmXfb ho igaf sI qy
iqMn sfl dI nOkrI ipCoN hI hux kpqfn ho igaf sI. ienHF dy ivafh hoey nUM hflI iek sfl vI nhIN sI hoieaf. ieh ivafh hflI qwk hoxf vI ikWQy sI jy jMg nf lwgdI qy ies dy lwg jfx qy kimsLnF dI Brmfr dy kfrn drimafnI jmfq dy pVHy ilKy muMzy kuVIaF df muwZlf svfl, afriQk Xogqf, BfvyN afrjIN qOr qy kuJ icr leI hI shI, hwl nf ho igaf huMdf. qy afrjLI hwl dI vI ikhVI aYzI gwl hY? hr iek hwl kuJ hwd qwk pihloN afrjLI hI huMdf hY iPr smF pf ky
pwkf QoVHf bhuq ijqnf vI koeI hwl ies dI
ijLMdgI dy msilaF df ho skdf hY, ho jFdf hY. ikAuNik ieh afrjLI kimsLn vflf hwl bhuq afm, suKwlf qy qswlIbKsL hY, bhuq aDyV Aumr dy lok hsd nfl ies nUM kuJ
GtIaf smJdy hn. pr AuhnF df aijhf smJxf bhuq XQfrQk nhIN ikhf jf skdf.
ies Jbdy hwl ny iek hor svfl mflqI qy dyv pRkfsL leI KVHf kr idwqf, jo svfl hflI keI sfl n AuWTdf jy lVfeI n lwgdI, dyv pRkfsL nUM kimsLn n imldf qy iehnF df ivafh n huMdf.
sLfied plytPfrm qy ieDr AuDr tihldy Auh ies svfl qy hI bihs kr rhy sn. nvyN ivafihaF leI bihs leI ies qoN vwD hor koeI muafiPk mjLmUn vI ikhVf hY? ieh hI AunHF df BivwK huMdf hY, jy rotI df svfl hwl ho cuwkf hovy.
“nwby rupey qF myry Aucycy hI quhfnUM imldy hn”, mflqI ny jLrf lfcV ky ikhf.
“pr nwby rupey nfl qF qyry isLMgfr dIaF pUrIaF cIjLF vI nhIN afAuNdIaF. dyv pRkfsL ny jvfb ivc ikhf, “qUM myry pfsoN iewk sO nwby lY ilaf kr.”
“nhIN, nhIN! awD qF myrf AuNj hY n quhfzI qnKfh ivc, ieh nwby qF Aus qoN ielfvf hn.”
“vfh jI vfh! KUb ihsfb bxfieaf jy! pr quhfnUM ienHF ihsfbF dI loV ikAuN pRqIq ho rhI hY? myrI sfrI qnKfh hI quhfzI hY.”
“loV ies leI hY ik ies qnKfh nfl qF asfzf msF hI srdf hY, iksy aOx vfly jI leI kI bMdobsq hoAU?”
“ikAuN koeI jI af irhf hY?” dyv pRkfsL ny hYrfn ho ky puwiCaf.
“af hI jfeygf,” mflqI ny nKLry nfl jvfb idwqf. “zrdy eI ieqnf ho.”
“zrnf hI pYNdf hY axjMimaF qoN” dyv pRkfsL ny hws ky ikhf.
“axjMimaF dI khfxI suxI jy?”
“suxI qF nhIN, suxf idE.”
“ihMdusqfn df sB qoN aOKf svfl axjMimaF dI igxqI hY”, dyv pRkfsL ny buJfrq vFg afiKaf.
mflqI hws peI, qy dyv pRkfsL dI bFh qy sfrf boJ pf idwqf. ipwCy nUM Jukx nfl Auhdf pYr kuJ AuWKV ijhf igaf qy Aus ny Jt pt afpxf afp sMBfilaf, ijs ivc Aus nUM dyv pRkfsL ny vI kuJ afsrf idwqf.
“izwg hI pYx lwgy sI?” dyv pRkfsL ny, jfxo, zr ijhf anuBv krky ikhf.
“qusIN gwlF hI aijhIaF krdy ho”, mflqI ny jvfb idwqf.”ijvyN jMimaF df hwl ho cuwkf huMdf hY.”
cldy cldy Auh plytPLfrm dy drimafn hI atk gey ijQy iek grIb pUrbx iesqrI cfr bwicaF smyq gMd mfl iKlrI bYTI sI. hux qwk sLfied dyv pRkfsL qy mflqI df iDafn Aus vwl nhIN sI igaf.
“jI qusIN ienHF ieafixaF nUM jMmy smJdy ho,” mflqI ny afpxy pihly vfk nUM ivsLysL arQ dyNdy ikhf.
“do kuVIaF qy do muMzy, do-do sfl df Prk pf ky, ieh sB ipCly dhfky dI pYdfvfr hn,” dyv pRkfsL ny ihsfb ijhf lf ky jfxo afpxy afp nUM hI ikhf. msLIn vflI bkfiedgI nfl. asfzy lok hor iksy kMm-kfj ivc ieqny bkfiedf nhIN. hor hr kMm ivc avysly, lyt, byvkq huMdy hn. asfzy dysL dy kfrKfny ieh roxf hI roNdy rihMdy hn. mjLdUrF ivc vkq dI pfbMdI dI Gft hY, gYr hfjLrI dI afdq vDyry hY, keI keI mhIny leI GrF nUM gey muVdy nhIN. srkfrI dPLqrF dy klrkF qy hor krmcfrI hmysLF iek zyZ GMtf lyt aOxgy, mfmUlI bhfnf lf ky gYrhfjLr ho jfxgy qy dPLqrF ivc vI jfxo, pihlf PrjL AunHF df ieh huMdf hY ik koeI kMm PurqI nfl nijwiTaf n jfvy.”
“hF, kwlH mYN bYNk geI sF qF iek cYk kYsL krn ivc hI ds imMt lgf idwqy. do imMt qoN vwD df kMm nhIN sI. ijx ijx krdy ihwldy hI n QF qoN ieh klrk. Pyr KLq ieMny BYVy. sB BYVy KLqF vfly KLbry, klrk hI bx gey ny.”
“cMgy KLqF vfly sB POjL ivc cly gey hn.”
“TIk hY, quhfzf Kq ikhVf sohxf hY?”
“asl ivc mYN klrk cfhIdf sI.”
“hF, hF, klrk dI vI koeI ijLMdgI hY?”
mflqI ny afpxy sfry nksLF, mwQf, nwk, buwlF, gwlF qy klrk dy jIvn dy ivruwD iGrxf iKlHfr ky ikhf.
“jy lVfeI nf lgdI qF mYN ikqy klrk hI msF hoxf sI.” dyv pRkfsL ny ierfdy nfl mflqI df svY-aiBmfn jLrf Tukrfx dI nIaq nfl afiKaf ‘qy iek ihMdU iesqrI dI jLubfn ivc ikhf, “qy jd sMjog hI quhfzI iKLdmq ivc af hfjLr hoxf sI” mflqI ieh gwl kih ky bVI KusL sI qy dyv pRkfsL nUM vI iesLk ivc aOrq nUM ijwqx ijhf afnMd af igaf.
“qy Pyr asfzI iksmq ny lVfeI lvf idwqI. ies df kI jvfb idEgy?” mflqI ny hor vDf ky afiKaf.
hux dyv pRkfsL nUM vI aOV peI. “hF, ieh gwl iblkul TIk hY, quhfzI iksmq ny lVfeI lvf idwqI qy myrI iksmq ny, qy asfzy ijhy hor sYNkiVaF, hjLfrF, lwKF dI iksmq ny,” dyv pRkfsL ny bVy PLlsPfnf aMdfjL ivc kihxf sLurU kIqf. pr ieh pwkf pqf nhIN jo iksmq dI hflI asfzy quhfzy ijihaF vwl kI nIXq hY? ieh lVfeI AunHF dI iksmq nUM vI lwg geI hY jo cVHdI jvfnI ivc cly gey hn, Xf aMghIx ho ky sfrI Aumr leI duKIey bx gey hn.”
“aijhIaF gwlF nf kro, qusIN qF sfrf suafd hI guvf rhy ho” mflqI ny mUMh bsUr ky ikhf.
“qy kI pqf iksmq sfnUM aPsr hI vfps ilafvygI Xf qfr rfhIN iek KLbr df mjLmUn!”
“mYN ikhf quhfnUM kI afdq hY rMg ivc BMg pfx dI?” mflqI ny nrfjLgI Bry sur ivc afiKaf. “gwzI qF nKLsmI pqf nhIN ieqnI lyt ikAuN ho rhI hY?”
“Ausy lVfeI df sdkf ijs ny asF nUM aPLsr bxfieaf hY,” dyv pRkfsL dy mUMh qy swc dI AudfsI ijhI Cf geI.
“awCf, Ausy dy sdky shI, koeI hor vI gwl afAuNdI ey ik ieho hI?” qy mflqI ny dyv df hwQ PV ky Guwitaf qy Aus nUM iKwc ky tor ilaf.
dyv pRkfsL afpxI AudfsI ivcoN inkl afieaf. aijhI AudfsI Aus AuWqy KusLI dIaF gwlF dy aYn mwD ivc afm qOr qy af jFdI sI. kuJ plF leI auh pUrf ies dy leI zuwb jFdf sI, pr iPr jd koeI PV ky Aus nUM
ivcoN kwZ lYNdf sI qF Auh TIk hI Aus kwZx vfly df iek qrHF df DMnvfdI huMdf sI.
“pqf nhIN quhfnUM KusLI dIaF gwlF dy ivckfr
ikAuN aijhy cMdry vihm AuWTx lwg jFdy hn?”
“ieho hI mYnUM hYrfnI hY. myry idmfgL qy kuJ gubfr ijhf af jFdf hY qy bybs hI myry pfsoN aijhIaF gwlF khIaF jFdIaF hn.”
hux Auh iPr tihlx lwgy. “pqf jy gwzI hflI awDf GMtf hor lvygI aOx ivc.”
“hF, Auh axjMimaF dIaF gwlF kI krnIaF hn, jMimaF hoieaF dIaF krdy hF. hflI qF do hI hF nf?”
“iPr dwsFgI,” mflqI ny CyVKfnI vflf jvfb idwqf. “hflI qF mhInf qusIN myry pfs rihxf hY.”
“aqy ieh mhInf asF iksy axjMmy df iPkr nhIN krnf, cMgf?”
“ijvyN quhfzI mrjLI”
“hF.” dyv pRkfsL nUUM mflqI dI ies hfr qy bhuq moh ijhf afieaf. qkrIbn hr gwl ivc Auh kuJ icr aV ky ‘awCf, ijvyN quhfzI mrjLI’ kih ky mMn jFdI sI aqy dyv pRkfsL nUM jfxo, iksy aijhy mOky df afnMd af igaf. plytPfrm dy isry qoN muV ky iPr Auh Aus pUrbx qy Aus dy bwicaF pfs af gey. dyv pRkfsL dI njLr AunHF qy peI qy Aus ny afpxy ipCly bfkfiedgI vfly ivcfrF nUM Pyr CyV ilaf, “myN kih irhf sF hor hr kMm ivc asIN iZwly-mwTy hF, vkq Kusf idMdy hF, pr ies mfmly ivc dyK, sBnf ieafixaF ivc do-do sfl df Prk hY. ieh kih ky Auh hws ipaf.
mflqI vI muskrfeI. “ies ivcfrI dy kI ieKLiqafr hY?”
“ies jLbr pr qo jLok bsLr kf iXh hfl hY, nf jfny ikaf kry jo Kudf ieKiqafr dy.” dyv pRkfsL ny mjLy nfl isLar piVHaf. “quhfzy asfzy ijihaF nUM qF kuJ ieKiqafr idwqf hoieaf ey nf?”
pUrbx nUM sLfied ieh sLMkf hoieaf ik Auh Aus dI BYVI dsLf qy hws rhy ny. Auh kuJ nfrfjLgI ijhI nfl AunHF vwl dyKx lwg peI. “mfeI asIN afpxIaF gwlF qy hws rhy hF.” dyv pRkfsL ny Aus nUM KusL krn leI ikhf. “awCf bfbf, qum ko pRmfqmf ny jvfnI aOr Dn-dOlq dIaf hY. KUb hso.” pUrbx ny ieh kih ky AuhnF vloN mUMh prqf ilaf. Auh Aus QF qoN qur pey qy plytPfrm dy dUjy pfsy jf ky sfh ilaf. AuQy gey qF awgoN iek mMgqI iml geI. “bIbI, rwb quhfzI joVI kfiem rwKy.”
mflqI ny dyv pRkfsL vwl awKF cuwk ky qwikaf qy Aus nUM afpxI joVI bhuqI suhxI qy ZukvIN lwgI.
“rwb qYnUM bwcf dyvy, bIbI qyry sfihb ijhf,” mMgqI ny iPr ikhf. mflqI df hwQ avwsL hI Aus dy pyt qy jf iPrn lwgf. iPr Aus ny mflqI vwl qwikaf ijs vwl dyv pRkfsL pihloN hI ghu nfl dyK irhf sI. mMgqI dI kuwCV iek Cy mhIny dI kuVI sI qy Aus dI GwgrI nUM pkVI ZfeI ku vrHy df muMzf sI. kwpVy iqhF dy lMgfr pey hoey sn.
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 3
sMq isMG syKoN
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
DrqI idvs 22 apRYl nUM mnfieaf jfx
vflf slfnf smfgm hY, jo vfqfvrx
sMbMDI muwidaF bfry jfgrUkqf pYdf krn
aqy sfzy gRih dI rwiKaf nUM AuqÈfihq
krn leI smripq hY. pihlI vfr 1970
ivwc mnfieaf igaf, DrqI idvs iewk
ivÈvivafpI lihr bx igaf hY ijs ivwc
sfry sMsfr dy lok iewk ishqmMd BivwK vwl kdm cuwkx leI iekwTy huMdy hn.
DrqI idvs mnfAux dI loV kdy vI ies
qoN vwD mhwqvpUrn nhIN rhI. jlvfXU
qbdIlI, jMglF dI ktfeI, pRdUÈx, aqy jYv iviBMnqf df nuksfn awj cuxOqIaF bx
geIaF hn. ienHF muwidaF df sfzy roËfnf
jIvn ‘qy iswDf pRBfv pYNdf hY, ijs hvf
qoN asIN sfh lYNdy hF Aus Bojn qoN lY ky jo
asIN KFdy hF, aqy jo pfxI asIN pINdy hF. ieh spwÈt hY ik sfnUM iehnF muwidaF nUM
hwl krn leI kfrvfeI krn dI loV hY, aqy DrqI idvs aijhf krn df shI mOkf
pRdfn krdf hY.
DrqI idvs dy muwK tIicaF ivwcoN iewk
vfqfvrx sMbMDI muwidaF bfry jfgrUkqf
pYdf krnf hY. ies ivwc lokF nUM vfqfvrx
Auwqy AuhnF dIaF kfrvfeIaF dy pRBfv bfry jfgrUk krnf Èfml hY, nfl hI
kudrqI sroqF dI rwiKaf dy mhwqv nUM
Aujfgr krnf Èfml hY. vfqfvrn rYlIaF, ruwK lgfAux dIaF pihlkdmIaF, aqy
kimAUintI klIn-awp pRojYktF vrgy
smfgmF rfhIN, DrqI idvs lokF nUM
vfqfvrn dI surwiKaf ivwc srgrm BUimkf
inBfAux leI AuqÈfihq krdf hY.
DrqI idvs df iewk hor mhwqvpUrn
pihlU itkfAU aiBafsF nUM AuqÈfihq
krnf hY. iesdf mqlb hY ik sfzy kfrbn
PuwtipRMt nUM GtfAux, sroqF nUM bcfAux aqy
nivafAuxXog AUrjf nUM AuqÈfihq krn
leI kdm cuwkxf. afpxIaF roËfnf dIaF
afdqF ivwc CotIaF-CotIaF qbdIlIaF
krky, ijvyN ik zRfeIivMg, rIsfeIkilMg aqy
kMpost bxfAux dI bjfey jnqk tRFsport
jF sfeIkl dI vrqoN krnf, aqy AUrjf dI
Kpq nUM GtfAuxf, asIN sfry vfqfvrx ‘qy mhwqvpUrn pRBfv pf skdy hF.
DrqI idvs dI sB qoN mhwqvpUrn pRfpqIaF ivwcoN iewk amrIkf ivwc vfqfvrx surwiKaf
eyjMsI (eIpIey) dI isrjxf hY. eIpIe pRdUÈx nUM inXmq krn aqy vfqfvrx
sMbMDI kfnUMnF nUM lfgU krn leI iËMmyvfr hY, qF ik kMpnIaF aqy ivakqI vfqfvrx sMbMDI inXmF dI pflxf krn.
Bfrq ivwc kudrq nfl kI CyVCfV nfl keI jfnvrF dI igxqI bhuq ijLafdf Gwt geI hY aqy keI jfnvrF df alop hox df zr mMzrf irhf hY ijnHF ivc iek isMg vflf gYNzf, nIligrI, bMgflI tfeIgr, eyÈIafeI Èyr, kflf ihrn, kÈmIrI ihrn, lfien tylz mYkfk, ihm qyNdUaf, zfliPn, vylH, iPiÈMg kYt, lfl pFzf, kwCU, bMgfl PlorIkn, icwtI igwD, kflf kF, kTPoVf, sfrs, icVI aqy koiel afid pRjfqIaF dy nfm Èfml hn. jykr ivÈv Br ivc aflop hox kMZy puwjIaF pRjfqIaF dI gwl kIqI jfvy qF AunHF ivc sfeIgf ihrn, DruvI BflU, iPlIpIns eIgl, lMby nwk vflf bFdr, snb noËz mMkI, jugnUM, pfeIz tYmyirn, tRI pYNgoiln, aÌrIkI hfQI, dirafeI GoVf, golzn noËz mMkI, sI eyNjls, pwCmI qrfeI gorIlf afid dy nfm Èfml hn.
hfl hI dy sflF ivwc, DrqI idvs swcmuwc iewk globl aMdoln bx igaf hY, ijs ivwc pUrI dunIaf dy lok iewk ishqmMd aqy
itkfAU BivwK vwl kdm cuwkx leI iekwTy af rhy hn. DrqI idvs 2021 dI QIm hY
“sfzI DrqI nUM bhfl kro”, jo sfzy gRih nUM hoey nuksfn dI murMmq krn aqy iewk hor itkfAU BivwK leI kMm krn dI loV ‘qy kyNdirq hY.
aMq ivwc, DrqI idvs iewk mhwqvpUrn Gtnf hY jo sfnUM sfzy gRih dI rwiKaf leI kfrvfeI krn dI qurMq loV dI Xfd idvfAuNdI hY. vfqfvrx sMbMDI muwidaF bfry jfgrUkqf pYdf krky, itkfAU aiBafsF nUM AuqÈfihq krky, aqy ivakqIaF nUM vfqfvrn dI surwiKaf ivwc srgrm BUimkf
inBfAux leI AuqÈfihq
krky, DrqI idvs
iewk Xfd idvfAux df
kMm krdf hY ik asIN
sfry iewk Ìrk ilaf
skdy hF. ijvyN ik asIN
ies sfl DrqI idvs
mnfAuNdy hF, afE asIN
sfry afpxy aqy afAux
vflIaF pIVHIaF leI
iewk ishqmMd aqy
vDyry itkfAU BivwK
leI kdm cuwkx leI vcnbwD hF.
Chief Editor/Publisher : Dr. Andy Sidhu | General Manager : Dave Sidhu | Administration Executive: R onnie Sidhu
mu`K AYfItr/pRkwsæk: fw: AYNfI is`D jnrl mYnyjr: dyv is`DU AYfiminstrysæn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI is`DU
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AisstYNt : bRhmjoq kOr
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kOr muhwr
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sMpfdkI Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 4
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
PAGE 5 KALER • ICBC Claims • Slip & Fall Claims SUNNY S. KALER, LL.B. An Independent Law Firm Assault Charges Drinking & Driving Charges Traffic Violations Theft & Fraud Charges All Other Criminal Charges MONEY S. KALER, B.A., LL.B. 604-746-7777 | money@kalerlaw.ca | www.kalerlaw.ca • Real Estate Transfers • Mortgage Refinance • Wills • Power Of Attorney • • • • • • An Independent Law Firm 604-832-5712 | sunny@sunnykalerlaw.ca | www.sunnykalerlaw.ca Legal Services Provided By Sunny Kaler Law Corporation GURDIP KALER Certified Technician www.kalercarpetcleaning.com • Residential Carpet Cleaning • Commercial Carpet Cleaning • Furnace & Duct Cleaning Carpet Cleaning 34316 CLAYBURN RD.ABBOTSFORD, B.C. ICBC klymjL iqlkx aqy igrfvt dy klym rIal astyt tRFsPr mOrigj dubfrf krfAuxf vsIaq muKiqafrnfmf hmly dy dosL pIx aqy zrfeIivMg dy dosL tRYiPk dI AulMGxf corI aqy DoKfDVI dy dosL hor sfry aprfiDk dosL • irhfiesLI kfrpYt dI sPfeI • vpfrk kfrpYt dI sPfeI • Prnys dI sPfeI Cell: 604.864.7125 110 - 3710 Townline Road Abbotsford BC V2T 5W8 110 - 3710 Townline Road Abbotsford BC V2T 5W8 KALER LAW TOWNLINE RD BLUERIDGE DR
Secondary schools from Mission, Chilliwack, Langley, and Abbotsford competed last Wednesday at Rotary Stadium in the first track and field meet of the season. This track meet is the first meet in a series of local
imÈn, iclIvYk, lYNgly aqy aYbtsPorz dy sYkMzrI skUlF ny sIËn dI pihlI tRYk aqy PIlz mIitMg ivwc ipCly buwDvfr rotrI styzIam ivwc mukfblf kIqf. ieh trYk mIt lokl hfeI skUl mIitMgF dI lVI ivwc
high school meets. The athletes are preparing for the Eastern Valley Championships, which take place on May 23 and 25th and are also at Rotary Stadium. Our local athletes from Yale Secondary, W.J. Mouat,
pihlI mulfkfq hY. aQlIt eIstrn vYlI cYNpIaniÈp leI iqafrI kr rhy hn, jo ik 23 aqy 25 meI nUM hoxgIaF aqy ieh vI rotrI styzIam ivwc hn. Xyl sYkMzrI, zblXU[ jy[ mfAUt, irk hYnsn sYkMzrI,
Rick Hansen Secondary, Abbotsford
Traditional School, and Abbotsford
Senior Secondary had excellent performances. Well done athletes!
aYbtsPorz tRYzIÈnl skUl, aqy aYbtsPorz sInIar sYkMzrI dy sfzy lokl aYQlItF ny Èfndfr pRdrÈn kIqf. ÈfbfÈ afry aYQlItF nUM!ies smfgm nUM sMBv
Thank you to all of the coaches, teachers, and volunteers for making this event possible. Good luck at the next track meet!
bxfAux leI sfry kocF, aiDafpkF aqy vlMtIarF df DMnvfd. agly trYk imlx 'qy cMgI iksmq!
How is antimicrobial resistance spread?
(NC) Antimicrobial resistance, known as AMR, is when a microbe develops a resistance or immunity to the drugs we use to treat it. It happens over time as the microbes causing the disease adapt and make medications that treat them less effective, or not effective at all.
Once AMR develops, the problem gets worse when the resistance spreads.
We often need to rely on antimicrobials and antibiotics to keep people and animals healthy. But any environment
where those treatments are regularly used is an ideal ground for microbes like bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi to develop AMR.
Disease prevention is the best strategy to reduce AMR and help ensure antimicrobial medications remain effective. That also means using antibiotics responsibly, as prescribed, to slow the development of treatment-resistant bacteria and keep animals and people safer and healthier.
yorkhomedesign@yahoo.ca GrF dy nksLy bnfAux leI awj hI Pon kro 34870 Champlain Crescent , Abbotsford, BC YORK HOME DRAFTING QUALITY PLOTTING TREND CHANGE HOME PLANS Manjit S. Cheema Bachelor of Engineering
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 6
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
George Ferguson Way S Fraser way Simon Ave G ar den St . #100A - 2860 Trethewey St., Abbotsford, V2T 4X5 30993 Peardonville Rd, Abbotsford, BC 604 850-1212 Open 6 Days A Week Premium Auto Repair Kuljit Singh Brar Raja Sohal Government Certified Technicians F R E E Brake Inspection on Most Cars & Trucks mkYink aqy hYlpr dI loV hY MECHANIC & MECHANIC HELPER NEEDED WE SELL NEW & USED TIRES! Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 7 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 7
ikhI ieh iek JwlI lgnI ey! ikhy ieh mfrUQl ny!
ijLMdgI dI qRyh ny mn
Btkf idwqf ey. swsI dy pYrF Qwly ivCy qpdy QlF
vFg mn dI qpsL df koeI pfr Aurfr nhIN idsdf, kIhnUM kosF?
koeI isLkvf isLkfieq
iehnF vIrfnIaF nfl sfvF nhIN quldf. hMJU anykF vfrI awKF ivc af jFdy ny. Biraf mn zuwlH pYNdf ey. afKr ikAuN?
kI afKF? ipafr df duKFq jLmfnf anykF vfrI sux cuwkf ey. pr cMnF, mYN koeI ivvrijq Pl qy mUMh nhIN
sI lfieaf jo myrf rwb nrfjL ho jFdf. myry ipAu dy Gr qF qUM ishry bMnH ky Zuikaf sYN. myrf pwlf PVn lwigaF qYN afpxy rwb dy rU-b-rU iekrfr kIqf sI ik hr aOK sOK ivc qUM myry nfl rhyNgf. ikhf JUTf inkilEN!
ikhf JUTf inkilaf qyrf rwb jIhny AudoN jLfmnI BrI sI.
qUM mYQoN corI BrqI ho igEN. mYN afpxy qOKly dwsy, qUM afiKaf, “rfxo, isvl ivwc swTF rupeIaF df klrk ho ky ies mihMgfeI dy jLmfny ivc afpF ikvyN gujLfrf krFgy? [[[
* AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog.
* ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
sbMDI smwisafvfˆ.
www.cvinsurance.ca Managing Partner Accounts Manager 604.615.4950 rdhaliwal@insurebc.ca 778.552.8936 ggrewal@insurebc.ca # 160-32500 South Fraser Way | Abbotsford, BC | V2T 4W1(Beside FreshCo) HOME BUSINESS PROPERTY LIABILITY TRAVEL PRORATE LIFE/HEALTH Gagan Grewal Ravi Dhaliwal Get a Free Rate Comparison Today! 604 744 0999 Open 7 Days A Week Mon-Friday: 9:00 am-8:00 pm Saturday : 9:00 am-5:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm Central Valley Insurance Services Ltd. Fax: 604-744-0998 Looking For Insurance? WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED ryt dI qulnf muPq ivwc pRfpq kro! WE SPECIALIZE IN SUPER VISA INSURANCE G o v e r n m e n t C e r t i f i e d L a d y 4 , I n s t r u c t o r f o r C l a s s 5 & 7 sfz nfl tr k tr lr l n l x sb DI s prk kIqf jf skdf h . Since 2007 35 LIFECARE HOMEOPATHY UNIT OF NATURAL HOMEOPATHIC SOLUTIONS INC. SURREY LOCATION:231-8138 128ST.SURREY (2ND FLOOR PAYAL BUSINESS CENTRE) 604-502-9579 www.banihomeopathy.com 604-304-2236 FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL DR.SHVETA SAINI MBBS,MD,DHMHS(ONTARIO) PRACTICE SINCE LAST 10 YEARS ABBOTSFORD LOCATION :UNIT NO1-32056 CEDAR PARK (NEXT TO NATIONAL MORTGAGE OFFICE) ENTRY FROM SOUTH FRASERWAY SIDE anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy. * mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn
Xfd zf[dlIp kOr itvfxf Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 8 The
Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
nfly qUM vyiKaf nhIN ik POjI aPsr afpxy bwicaF nUM vlYq qwk pVHf lYNdy ny.”
“qusIN eyQy hI rho. afpF ruwKI-imwsI Kf ky gujLfrf kr ilaf krFgy”, mYN qrly nfl afiKaf.
“myrI rfxo, jwtIaF vflf hOslf rwK, mYN CyqI hI qYnUM nfl lY jfvFgf.”
mYN idl krVf kr ilaf. pr iKLafl afAuNdf ey ikhIaF ieh mjLbUrIaF ny ijnHF dfxy
pfxI leI sYaF kohF dUr prdysF ivc qYnUM Gwl idwqf.
iPr qUM CuwtI afieaf. myry BuieM qy pYr nhIN sn lgdy. vrdI pf ky qUM ikwzf sohxf lwg irhf sYN. ksLmIroN qUM myry leI ikMnIaF sfrIaF cIjLF ilafieaf. grm sLfl, moqIaF dI mflf, isLMgfr bks qy iek ksLmIrI isEaF dI BrI hoeI pytI. “ksLmIrnF dy rMg iehnF isEaF vrgy huMdy ny. Drm nfl, dyK ky nsLf af jFdf ey”, qUM sLrfrqI awKF nfl myry vl qwkidaF afiKaf sI.
mYnUM hrK lwigaf. mYN aMdr af ky pY geI. Aus idn ikMnI rfq qwk qUM mnfAuNdf irhf. afKyN, “rfxo, qyry nfl AunHF df kI mukfblf. qUM axKI pMjfb dI jwtI ijwQy qIvIN nUM Eey afKx qy isr lwQ jFdy ny qy Auh dildrI ksLmIrIaF dIaF ivkfAU jnfnIaF.”
mhIny dI qyrI CuwtI muwk geI. mYnUM roNdI nUM
Cwz ky qUM qur igaf. aijhI lMmI AuzfrI
mfrI ik muV nhIN priqEN. kihMdy ny morcy qy pfiksqfnI ispfhIaF qyry golI mfr idwqI.
KLbrY iksy ksLmIrn jfdUgrnI ny qYnUM boJy
pf ilaf.
myry cMnF, ijhVy puwqr nUM vlYq pVHfAux
vfsqy socdf qUM mOq dy mUMh awgy jf Kloqf, Auh awj skUl dI PIs muafPL krfAux dI
arjLI lY ky jf irhf ey. pwcI rupey mhIny
dI pYnsLn ivc mYN ikvyN qorf qorF? keI
skUlF ivc arjLIaF idwqIaF pr isPLfrsL
qoN ibnf kOx suxdf ey. Gr hI do cfr bwicaF
nUM pVHfAux nfl aOKf sOKf Jwt tpf lYny aF.
kdy kdy isr bVf eI duKdf ey. AudoN qF ibwlU
leI rotI vI nhIN pkf huMdI. ivcfrf duwD
dwD pI ky hI sON jFdf ey. kdy qUM hovyN, qYnUM afpxy duwK dwsF.
jfxdI hF, qUM aijhy rfhIN qur igaf eyN, ijnHF rfhF qoN kdy koeI prq ky nhIN afieaf.
iPr vI hr GVI hr pl myrf mn qyry leI Btkdf rihMdf ey.
kuJ isafixaF bMidaF afiKaf, “BrI Aumr
ikvyN kwtUMgI, jLmfnf Kotf ey[[[ pr cMnf, rUh
qF myrI qyry nfl hI rfhI ho geI ey[[[ KflI ijsm dy sOdy krn nUM mn nf mMinaf. bQyry
cMgy bMdy vI ny dunIaF ivc, pr jo kuJ qUM sYN, hor koeI nhIN ho skdf.
ies mhIny sIq df ivafh hoieaf. BYx ny vIr nUM pYNcF ivc KVf nf dyK ky, idl cIrvIaF lyrF mfrIaF. mYN kI afK ky Aus nUM vrfAuNdI? DI qurdI ey qF, kihMdy ny, Gr dy cfry KUMjy ihwldy ny, pr bydrdIaf qUM prdysF ivc hI suwqf irhf.
myry koloN jo kuJ siraf bixaf mYN idwqf.
“rihx dy BfbI qyry kol kOx kmfAU ey”, jdoN Auhny afiKaf, myrIaF BuwbF inkl geIaF qy idl kIqf sYaF kohF qy suwqy nUM qYnUM afKF, “qyrI BYx awj shury cwlI ey. vIr BYxF nUM ivdf krdy afey ny, af myry suhixaf, afpF ieAuN mUMh CupfAuNdy cMgy nhIN lgdy.”
sIq muV afeI. kfkf vI nfl afieaf. sIq ny qyry bfry Auhdy nfl jLrUr bVIaF gwlF
kIqIaF hoxIaF ny. qd hI jdoN vI Auh myry vwl qwkdf, apfr snyh AusdIaF awKF ivc huMdf. myrf mn Br afAuNdf ijvyN virHaF ipCoN iksy myrf drd jfixaf hovy. keI vfrI myrf idl kIqf Auhdy nfl qyrIaF ikMnIaF sfrIaF gwlF krF. pr Aus KusL joVy dI KusLI nUM mYN AulMGxf nhIN sF cfhuMdI.
kfky dy pMGry mUMh nUM qwk ky mYN DrqI inmskfrI ik iezy zUMGy aihsfsF vflf muMzf afpxI sIq nUM qwqI vf nhIN lwgx dyvygf.
cfr ku idn Auh eyQy irhf. Gr Biraf Biraf lgdf sI. afdmIaF dIaF hI qF rOxkF
huMdIaF ny. Auhdy hfsy nfl hwsdI sIq nUM vyK
virHaF mgroN pihlI vfrI mYN KusLI anuBv
kIqI. anykF aOiKaF plF ivc mYN qYnUM Xfd
krdI rhI sF. pr awj KusL GVIaF ivc
vI mYnUM qyrI Xfd afeI ik kfsL ies vyly qUM
vI myry nfl huMdf.
hr GVI hr pl qyrI ieh Xfd myry nfl
rihMdI ey. hux iehI myrI ivrfsq ey. iksy
jrvfxy rwb df jLor ies Xfd nUM hux myry
koloN Koh nhIN skygf.
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn
quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn
blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk
qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM
quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 9 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 9
(Reggie) Gill R.D. B.Sc. Registered Denturist Surrey #211-8334-128St, Surrey BC V3W 4G2 (Second floor Khalsa Business Center) www.newtondentures.ca blrfj isMG igwl Email: newtondentures@hotmail.com 604-590-9747 OVER muPLq slfh pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI boldy hF. YEARS EXPERIENCE sflf qjLrbykfr
Family and Cosmetic Dentistry
Province takes action to protect supply of diabetes drug in B.C.
The Province is enacting a new regulation effective immediately to ensure that diabetes patients in B.C. do not experience a shortage of the diabetes drug semaglutide, known widely as Ozempic.
Semaglutide is in a class of medications called incretin mimetics that help the pancreas release the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Drugs with the active ingredient semaglutide treat Type 2 diabetes mellitus under the brand name Ozempic, an injectable, and Rybelsus, a tablet, as well as treat obesity under the brand name Wegovy.
“The immediate action we are taking today will ensure patients in British Columbia and Canada requiring Ozempic to treat their Type 2 diabetes can continue to access it,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “Through this new regulation, we will protect the supply of drugs in B.C. – not only for Ozempic, but for other drugs that may require it in the future.”
A new drug schedules (limits on sale) regulation has been enacted to impose conditions on the sale of semaglutide by pharmacies.
Through the new regulation, British Columbians, other Canadian citizens and permanent residents can buy Ozempic through B.C. pharmacies both in person and online. Others can only purchase the drug in person at a pharmacy. The regulation will help prevent online or mail-order sales of Ozempic to people who do not reside in Canada and who are not in B.C. to make the purchase.
Currently, the regulation includes semaglutide drugs, including Ozempic, Rybelsus and Wegovy, but other drugs can be added as needed to protect patients and ensure they continue to have regular access to and supply of the drug they need.
The BC College of Pharmacists will be responsible for ensuring its
registrants comply with the new regulation.
“British Columbians’ access to a stable supply of therapeutic medications will ensure that patients are not at risk,” said Suzanne Solven, CEO and registrar, College of Pharmacists of British Columbia. “The college will work with the provincial government to ensure that all new regulatory requirements are met and practice standards continue to be followed by every pharmacist in B.C.”
Regulatory action will protect the supply of Ozempic in B.C. and Canada in direct response to information learned from a B.C. PharmaNet data review indicating that an unusually high percentage of prescriptions for Ozempic were coming from one practitioner in Nova Scotia and that these prescriptions were being dispensed by two internet pharmacies in British Columbia to American residents. Increasingly, United States customers are turning to Canadian online pharmacies to purchase drugs at prices lower than at home.
“I have directed BC PharmaCare to continue to monitor and review the data regarding the number of dispenses of semaglutide drug prescriptions as a measure of the impact of this new regulation,” Dix said.
BC PharmaCare provides coverage for Ozempic as a second-line therapy for Type 2 diabetes to help patients manage blood-sugar levels when metformin is not effective. The cost is not reimbursed for weight loss. Currently, pharmacies in B.C. can fill prescriptions for patients written by U.S. doctors if they are co-signed by a Canadian practitioner.
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Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 10
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
Historic investment promotes stability, jobs for B.C.’s creative sector
The Province is providing a historic contribution of $42 million to support people and businesses working in motion picture, music, publishing and interactive digital media industries in British Columbia.
“In honour of Creative Industries Week, we are pleased to announce the largest-ever single investment in the creative sector,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport. “We know the pandemic has been especially hard on the people in this area and that not every business has fully recovered. We want to help them recover, move forward with success and strength, and continue to create the content we all love.”
The new funding includes:
$22.5 million over three years for Amplify BC to build the province’s music talent and help launch careers;
$15.9 million over three years to support B.C.’s domestic motion picture productions, workforce and creators, which includes $900,000 for programs that focus on developing workers’ skills, recruiting more workers from under-represented groups, and supporting practices that are environmentally friendly;
$3 million over three years for a new program to support innovation and growth for independent B.C.-owned interactive digital media companies; and
$600,000 over three years for the publishing industry, as announced on April 17, 2023, to address immediate supply-chain challenges and provide additional support for a sustainable future.
“It is exciting to have the opportunity to support B.C.’s creators,” said Bob D’Eith, Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film. “Whether they are performers, producers, designers or publishers, people and businesses in the creative industries tell our stories
and share our culture with the world, and we are proud of the amazing work they do every day.”
New funding to the creative sector supports B.C. businesses and jobs, and maximizes value for local communities. The Province heard from the sector that the music and publishing industries were continuing to struggle and that the motion picture and digital media industries needed support to take advantage of new opportunities. The funding will strengthen the entire sector to better weather global shifts, making it more competitive and sustainable in the years ahead.
“We are absolutely thrilled for the sector for this new investment of $42 million into B.C.’s creative industries,” said Prem Gill, CEO, Creative BC. “This multi-year strategic funding could not come at a better time to help elevate the province’s creative sector. From film and music to publishing and digital media, this support will position B.C. storytellers and their companies for success at home and around the world.”
Nearly 120,000 people work in B.C.’s creative industries. The funding will support content creation by local creators and businesses. It will also help attract business and promote more activity in B.C., while fostering development, innovation and partnerships. That means more opportunities for B.C. creators and more secure jobs for people throughout the province.
The creative sector helps promote and showcase B.C. on the global stage, and it supports the province’s reputation as a prime destination for tourists, as well as talent and creators from around the world. The sector also plays an important role in building healthy and vibrant communities by providing jobs, inspiring youth and fostering opportunities for community connections through festivals and events that support local businesses and workers.
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Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 11 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 11
Dave’s current position as an agriculture account manager in your area, focuses on helping farm and agribusiness customers and prospects reach their nancial goals. Using a suite of specialized nancial products and services, he can tailor competitive lending solutions to match the requirements of your farm or agribusiness.
He has over 25 years of banking experience and has held various positions including Financial Advisor and Small Business Advisor providing support to a business portfolio of clients. Dave hails from a rst generation family of farmers; he has solid and proven expertise in the agriculture business.
Dave understands agriculture and the speci c needs of your enterprise. From day-to-day nancing to acquisition of machinery/equipment and quota or real estate requirements, he can help you choose products and services that best suit your unique agriculture business needs.
afpxy byrI Pfrm mYnyjr nMU imlo
dyv igwl ipwCly 25 sflF qoN bYNk dy vwK vwK ahuidaF ‘qy kMm krdy af rhy hn. dyv awj kl tI zI aYbtsPorz Pfrm srivs dy akfAUNt mYnyjr hn.
dyv quhfzy ielfky dy Pfrm srivs dy akfAUNt mYnyjr hox dy nfqy quhfzy KyqIbfVI dy byrI ivwc mdd krdy hn qF ik qusIN afpxy ivwqI tIicaF nMU skfr kr sko. ivwqI Auqpfd aqy syvfvF dI vrqoN kr ky, dyv quhfzy KyqIbfVI dy kfrobfr muqfibk quhfzIaF loVF nMU pUrf krdy hn.
dyv igwl PfeInYNsLl azvfeIjLr aqy Coty kfrobfr dy slfhkfr rih cuwky hn. iksfn pRIvfr ivwc pYdf hox dy nfqy AuhnF nMU KyqIbfVI dy kfrobfr ivBfg df pUrf qjLrbf hY.
dyv quhfzIaF sfrIaF KyqIbfVI aqy byrI Pfrm/ nrsrI/ grIn hfAUs dIaF loVHF nMU pUrI qrHF smJdy hn. rojL hox vflIaF KRIddfrIaF qoN lY ky msLInF aqy sfmfn dI KRIddfrI jF rIal iestyt sbMDI loVF leI Auh quhfnMU quhfzI loV muqfibk syvfvF pRdfn kr skdy hn.
Our goal is to help you succeed. sfzf mksd hY quhfzI sPlqf ivwc mwdd krnI.
aiDafie 1
muwZlf jIvn
pRBU dI sfjI invfjI kudrq bhuq hI inrflI, ivsmfdI aqy ivkfssLIl hY. ieh srb ivafpk hox krky ies ivc aMqF
dy afkfrF aqy sfkfrF dI Brmfr hY. aYsy
mUrqImfn jIvF ivcoN mnuwKI jIvn bhuq
hI durlwB, soJIvfn, ivkfsmeI aqy srb
pRDfn hY. ieh afm dyKx ivc afAuNdf hY
ik jdoN kdy mnuwKI swiBafcfr, sMklp, ivcfrDfrf, smfijk, afriQk aqy Dfrimk
kdrF-kImqF ‘qy koeI qfkq swt mfrn dI
koisLsL krdI hY qF Auh mflk suDfeI leI
kRFqIkfrI rUhF nUM afpxI klf vrqf ky
sMsfr ‘qy Byjdf hY. Auh rUhF afpxy jIvn
PlsPy nUM amlI rUp dyx leI aqy rUhfnI
bulMdIaF dI pRfpqI leI qqpr ho ky jIvn
Gol jfrI rwKdIaF hn, BfvyN AunHF nUM ikqny
vI ksLt ikAuN nf shfrny pYx.
awj qoN do sO sfl pihlF sMn 1817 ivwc aYsI
hI iek mhfn rUh srdfr mMnf isMG aOlK, ipMz cfhV, qihsIl jPLrvfl, ijLlHf isaflkot (pfiksqfn) dy gRih ivKy Aus
dI CotI DI vjoN pYdf hoeI. ieh bflkI bhuq
hI suMdr, KUbsUrq, gorI-insLoh aqy husIn
jIvn gfQf: mhfrfxI ijMdF (ijMd kOr)
zf: hrBjn isMG syKoN, dfKf
sI. pirvfr ny ies df ichn-cwkr qwk nF
ijMdF (ijMd kOr) rwK idwqf. ijvyN ieh vwzI huMdI geI, ies df gol ichrf, cOVf mwQf, iqwKf nwk ies dy rUp nUM cfr cMn lf irhf sI. ijMdF dIaF motIaF motIaF awKF ivc awq dI cmk-dmk sI. jdoN ieh muitafr hoeI qF ies df bybfk bdn aqy BtkIlf ichrf mfno apwCrF (hUrF-prI) df pRqIk sI. ieh idl dI dlyr, axKvflI aqy mnsUbyvfj sI. ijMdF dI soc bhuq sMjIdf, gMBIr aqy jjLbfqI sI. ies df idl vI bVf ikRpflU, idaflU aqy KuwlHy suBfa vflf sI. ies df afcrn kMcn vrgf aqy guriswKI dy amol ivrsy ivc pRpwk sI. pirvfr ny afpxI ipafrI aqy sicafrI bytI nUM duwD, dhIN, mwKx afid cMgf Kuaf ky bVy lfzF, cfvF aqy mlHfrF nfl pfilLaf. ies nUM gurmuKI ivwidaf, gurbfxI pVHn df aiBafs aqy smyN dI loV anusfr isMGxIaF vfly krqwv
dI isKlfeI vI idwqI. ieMJ ieh suwGV, inzr aqy guxvMqI hox krky pirvfr dy
ivhVy df isLMgfr sI. sohx isMG sIql ny ies dy guxF nUM ieiqhfskfrF dIaF ilKqF
pVH ky klmbMd kIqf hY:
mMnf isMG srdfr dy, mihlI afeI bhfr.
jMmI dyvI surg dI, rUp ijMdF df Dfr.
pwt, pMGUVy JUtdI, hoeI jd muitafr.
moihaf mn rxjIq df, Auh dy rUp apfr.
ikAuNik ijMdF sLyir-eypMjfb mhfrfjf rxjIq
isMG dI rfxI bx geI sI.
ies ny Aus dI mOq AuprMq iswK rfj nUM PLrMgIaF dy kbjLy qoN bcfAux leI kfPLI sMGrsL kIqf sI. ies leI ieiqhfskfrF ny mhfrfxI nUM vwK vwK ruqibaF nfl slfihaf hY. iksy ny ies
nUM pMjfb dI msIhf, iksy ny pMjfb dI mlkf, iksy ny pMjfb dI axK, iksy ny pMjfb dI sLyrnI, iksy ny ijMdf idl vflI, iksy ny aMgryjLI srkfr leI kMZy dI inafeIN afid iKqfbF nfl Xfd kIqf. pr ivroDIaF ny ies nUM bfgI, rfj
DRohI, ivdrohI, gdr mcfAux vflI, awKV, clfk aqy mwkfr qIvIN vI iliKaf hY. lfrz
aYln bro ilKdf hY ik bflk dlIp isMG dI mF mrdF vflI dlyrI rwKx vflI aOrq hY. lfrz zlhOjLI ibafndf hY ik ijMdF ivc coKI qy zUMGI sUJ hY. Aus nUM pMjfb ivc rihx dyxf aMgryjLF leI Kqrnfk hovygf, so pMjfboN dUr hI rwKI jfvy. (cwldf)
205-2580 Cedar Park, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3S5 bYirstr sfilstr aqy notrI pbilk shfrf lfa kfrporysLn SAH ARA L AW CORPORATION BARRISTER SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC saharalawcorp@gmail.com (778)-347-7525 Areas of Practice Family Law Immigration Law Criminal Law Real Estate Law Notary Services (Provide all kinds of Notary Services) FREE CONSULTATION 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AS A LAWYER IN INDIA Also, member of Punjab & Haryana High Cour t Bar Association and Free consultation About your litigation matters in India. srivss PYmlI lfa iemIgRysLn lfa ikRmInl lfa rIal astyt lfa notrI syvfvF (hr qrF dIaF notrI syvfvF AuplbD hn) Gurmeet Singh Chaina Mon-Sat 9am - 5pm
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 12
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
Serving the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland
We are hiring! We are looking for an experienced bookkeeper, please email resume to Parminder.parmar@parmarca.ca
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V2T 6T6 www.parmarca.ca
mnuwK dI ijLMdgI df anoKf sPLr iksy shfry
dI qlfsL krdf hY. kdm kdm qy irsLiqaF
dI jLrUrq pYNdI hY qy sfzy jIvn ivwc keI
Auqrfa cVHfa afAuNdy rihMdy hn. kdy mn
duwK nfl Br jFdf hY qy kdI KusLIaF dI
JVI lwg jFdI hY. ienHF dovF siQqIaF ivwc
mn krdf hY iksy awgy afpxf duwK Poley qy
KusLI vMzIey pr iks nUM hmrfjL bxfieaf
jfvy? ieh iewk vwzf mslf hY. dUijaF
Auwpr ivsLvfsL krky keI vfr asIN mn
dI gwl kr lYNdy hF, pr kuJ lok qF KMBfN
dIaF zfrF bxf lNYdy hn. aOrqF ivsLysL
krky vDyry sMvydnsLIl huMdIaF hn. Auh
afpxy GrF dIaF anykF gwlF pqI pqnI c
huMdI qkrfr qy hor qxfE jd pqI dIaF
kmjLorIaF afpxI shylI nfl sFJIaF kr
lYNdIaF hn. ieh TIk hY ik duwK dwisaF
Gwtdf hY pr ikhVI gwl dUijaF nfl sFJI
krnI cfhIdI hY qy ikhVI nhIN, ieh socx ivcfrn vflI gwl hY. aksr keI vfr ies
qrHF huMdf hY jfxy axjfxy jdoN asIN qxfa jF duwK ivwc huMdy hF qF Gr ivwc sfnUM suxn vflf koeI nhIN huMdf qF bfhr vfilaF df
shfrf lwBdy hF qy pRysLfnIaF dy cwkr ivwc
kdO kdI asIN ieh Buwl jFdy hF ik ijs nfl
asIN afpxIaF Byd BrIaF gwlF kr rhy hF, Auh ies Xog hY jF nhIN arQfq sfnUM pihlF
XkInI bxfAuxf pvygf ik Auh ivakqI sfzf ihqYsLI jF ivsLvfsLpfqr hY jF nhIN.
smfj ivwc ijLafdfqr lokF df njLrIaf
AusfrU nhIN huMdf. Auh dUijaF df Gr jlf ky
qmfsLf dyKdy hn., dUijaF dIaF kmjLorIaF
df Pfiedf AuTfAuNdy hn. Auh dUijaF nUM ruaf
ky KusL huMdy hn. ieh insLicq krnf bhuq
jLrUrI hY ik ijs nUM
asIN afpxf hmrfjL
bxf rhy hF, Auh
gwl Aus qwk sIimq
rhygI jF bfq df
bqMgV bxf ky Gro
GrI qF nhIN phuMc
jfvygI. hmrfjL qF
Auh iensfn huMdf
hY jo quhfnUM idloN
jfn nfl cfhuMdf
hY. bhuq sfry
aijhy kfrn hn
ik shylIaF dI afdq ijLafdf gwlF krn
dI huMdI hY qy gwlF kridaF Auh Buwl
jFdIaF hn ik AuhnF nUM kI dwisaf igaf
sI qy kI CupfAux leI ikhf sI. afpxI
sB qoN njLdIkI shylI nfl bhuq kuJ
sFJf kIqf jf skdf hY pr Kbrdfr
rihxf pvygf. keI vfr irsLiqaF c
drfV pYNidaF dyr nhIN lgdI qF Auh
quhfzIaF kmjLorIaF jwg jLfhr kr
dyvygI. ivafhuqf leI jLrUrI hY ik
Auh afpxy pyikaF dI cMigafeI jF
buirafeI shury Gr dy mYNbrF nfl
sFJI nf kry. vkq afAux qy lYxy dy
dyxy pY skdy hn. hux prsLn pYdf huMdf hY ik awj dI Bwj dOV dI ijLMdgI ivwc mn dI
Gutn vD jfx qy iks nfl idl Poilaf jfvy? afpxy mn dy duwK, Bfr, boJ, gm dUjy nfl vMzx ivwc koeI hrjL nhIN pr aijhI shylI jF dosq dI qlfsL kro jo quhfnUM shI
msLvrf dy sky. jykr koeI ivsLvfsLpUrvk
sfQI nhIN imldf qF mn dI pIV mn ivwc hI
rwKo qF ik gwl sulJx dI bjfey AulJy nf. jykr Kud hwl nf inkly, cfry pfsy iensfn nUM koeI rsqf nf lwBy qF hI iksy nfl gwl kro nhIN qF idl diraf smuMdroN zUMGy qy ies smuMdr ivwc rfjL sMBflI rwKo.
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iks nfl krIey gwlF sFJIaF ? pRo: kuljIq kOr Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 13
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
New strategy positions B.C. as a global hub for life sciences
More innovative companies will have opportunities to grow and create high-paying jobs while advancing health and pandemic preparedness at home and internationally through a new made-in-B.C. Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Strategy.
“With the launch of the B.C. Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Strategy, we are building on B.C.’s reputation as a place where we value and invest in innovation – because it makes life better for people, and cultivates a sustainable economy for everyone,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “Through the StrongerBC Economic Plan, we are maximizing our competitive advantage with our world-class talent and the innovators, entrepreneurs and anchor companies that will create high-quality jobs for British Columbians.”
As part of the StrongerBC Economic Plan, the new B.C. Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Strategy provides five pillars to secure B.C.’s position as a leading global hub for life sciences and biomanufacturing, and to develop commercial-scale biopharmaceutical and medical manufacturing.
Virtually every COVID-19 vaccine candidate that reached late-stage development in 2020 used components that were initiated, developed or manufactured by a B.C. company or scientist. This strategy will build on those and many other made-in-B.C. accomplishments.
The strategy outlines how the Province will capitalize on the industry value chain from discovery through to clinical trials and manufacturing by supporting targeted investments in people and infrastructure. To help grow innovative local companies, the Province is investing $10 million in a new wet lab facility with adMare Bioinnovations. The expanded operation will help grow early-stage, local biotech companies by providing access to turnkey-ready wet labs with cutting-edge equipment, as well as meeting and office space. A wet lab is a specific type of facility adapted for biotechnology and biopharmaceutical companies for the safe handling of chemicals and contaminants.
“British Columbia researchers and companies demonstrated their remarkable innovative capacity during the pandemic,” said Gordon C. McCauley, president and CEO, adMare BioInnovations. “Literally billions of people around the world benefited from the strength of the B.C. life sciences ecosystem. This investment into new, flexible wet lab facilities will grow the life sciences sector, attract investment, and help ensure that the globally relevant companies of tomorrow can launch and scale in British Columbia.”
The strategy outlines key actions developed in close consultation with industry and academia to help meet the challenges faced by life sciences
businesses and to attract new talent and investment.
To address the skills shortage, B.C. announced the National Biomanufacturing Training Centre (NBTC) that will train new and existing professionals with industry-recognized skills and knowledge. The strategy will also expand B.C.’s clinical trials capacity to help keep more companies and their intellectual property anchored here, and build stronger connections between research and care, creating benefits in health, employment and new discoveries.
“The launch of the B.C. Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Strategy is a significant step toward improving health care and patient outcomes by investing in clinical trials capacity,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “By expanding B.C.’s clinical trials capacity, we are creating opportunities for more innovative companies to
anchor and grow in B.C., which will benefit patients by increasing access to new treatments and therapies.”
The Province will also collaborate with First Nations and municipalities to streamline access to lightindustrial-zoned land and buildings for biomanufacturing activity, so more anchor companies will choose to make their home in B.C. or expand their existing operations here. Increased seamless co-ordination between researchers and industry will help ensure new discoveries can more quickly be turned into commercially profitable products and processes.
B.C.’s Life Sciences and Biomanufacturing Strategy is part of the StrongerBC Economic Plan, moving British Columbia forward by tackling the challenges of today, while growing an innovation economy that works for everyone.
Changes to act ensure every vote counts in provincial elections
In response to recommendations from the independent Electoral Boundaries Commission, the Province is introducing amendments to the Electoral Districts Act to make sure votes are weighted evenly across B.C.
“Every vote counts,” said Niki Sharma, Attorney General. “As our province continues to grow, it’s critical that our provincial electoral districts equitably represent the people of B.C. These changes will make sure British Columbians can continue to have
confidence their voices will be heard in the B.C. legislature.”
The amendments repeal the existing Electoral Districts Act and replace it with a new act to establish 93 electoral districts. This is an increase of six districts, with four new districts in the Lower Mainland, one on Vancouver Island, and one in the Interior.
The population of each electoral district should be within approximately 25% of the “electoral quotient,” which is the population of B.C. divided by the number of electoral
districts. With the addition of six new districts, B.C.’s electoral quotient is 53,773. The usual deviation range is between 40,330 and 67,216 people per district. As a result of the new districts, 72 districts will have their boundaries adjusted. In addition, 41 districts will have their names changed.
These changes are in response to the independent and non-partisan recommendations of the Electoral Boundaries Commission’s report on electoral boundaries in B.C. The
commission presented its preliminary report to the legislative assembly in October 2022, and the final report in April 2023. The legislative assembly voted unanimously to adopt the commission’s final report proposals on April 6, 2023.
The commission held 63 public meetings in 43 communities and received more than 1,800 submissions as part of the consultation process. If passed, these amendments will take effect for the scheduled 2024 provincial general election.
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 14
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
Ned Welcomes All Friends & Customers To King
Visual Arts for Adults Workshop Series
The Abbotsford Arts Council and the Central Fraser Valley Graphic Guild are working together to host Visual Arts for Adults - All Levels. This visual art course, which will run from April 22-May 27, is designed for adults of all levels who
• Classes will be held on 6 Saturdays, starting April 22, from 3:00-4:30pm
• Classes will take place at the Kariton Art Gallery, located at 2387 Ware St, Abbotsford, BC
• Pre-Registration is required and can
wish to explore various mediums and techniques in drawing and painting. Participants will learn the principles of composition and design, colour, values, focal points and edges. The classes will be led by communitybased artists and members of the Central Fraser Valley Graphic Guild.
Course Logistics:
be done so through our website at abbotsfordartscouncil.com/visualarts-for-adults/
• The fee is $60 for all 6 classes
• Participants should bring their own materials, which will be specified by the instructors at the beginning of each class.
Address: The Healing Oak 2632 Pauline Street #111, Abbotsford BC, V2X 1S2 (Wed, Sat,Sun) 0800-1630 The Healing Oak- 101-7408 Vedder Road, Chilliwack , BC, V2R 4E6 (Tue, Thu , Fri) 0830-1700 BOOK YOUR MANUAL OSTEOPATHY - INTRODUCTION CONSULTATION FOR FREE! Dr.Raj K Salaria MBBS DOMP muPq slfh leI huxy kfl kro Myofascial Release Therapy Manipulation Manipulation (Manual Osteopath) nYWz sfry dosqF aqy gfhkF df ikMg jOrj nIsfn aqy imzvy mfjLdf ivwc svfgq krdy hn 3050 King George Blvd., South Surrey B.C Tel: 604-536-3644 | Cell: 604-308-4944 www.kinggeorgenissan.com nYWz
syljL mYnyjr
George Nissan and Midway
for any vehicle
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 15 The
Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
PrI pRogrfm
pRvfsIaF leI nOkrI pRogrfm (JCI)
gRfhk syvf aqy irtyl ivc kYrIar sLurU kro
ies pRogrfm ivc 10 hPLqy dI tRyinMg klfs ivc aqy 2 hPLqy pRYktIkl plysmyNt hovygI. pRvfsIaF leI nOkrI df ieh PrI pRogrfm quhfzI mwdd
kr skdf hY :
• afpxy gwlbfq krn dy qrIky nUM suDfrn ivc
• prYktIkl plysmyNt dy nfl nOkrI pvfAux ivc
• rojLgfr ivc pihcfx bxfAux ivc
• AudXog dvfrf mfnXqf pRfpq srtIiPkyt lYx ivc
klfs ivc : aMgryjLI BfsLf, kMipAUtr, nOkrI d Bfl aqy jIvn hunrF dI isKlfeI
UFV XUnIvristI qoN srtIiPkyt : gRfhk dI syvf (Customer Service), afiPLs Pfst trYk (Word, Excel, etc), kMipAUtr sMbMDI muZlI isKlfeI (Digital Literacy), ikwqfmuKI zfktrI shfieqf (Occupational First Aid), PUz syP (Food Safe)
Xogqf dIaF jLrUrqF : hyT ilKy lfjmI hoxy cfhIdy hYN :
• kYnyzIan BfsLf df bYNcmfrk lYvl 3 jF AuWqy
• ipCly 5 sflF ivc EI (eI afeI) klym kIqf hovy jF ies smyN EI lY rhy hovo.
• kYnyzf dy pwky vsnIk (PR) jF istIjLn (NCC)
hor jfxkfrI leI, sMprk kro : ruipMdr, mfrkIitMg spYsLilst
#301 – 2975 Gladwin Road
Abbotsford BC V2T 5T4
istI ivwc nvF kI hY apRYl
sog df idn
28 apRYl nUM nOkrI 'qy mfry gey aqy ËKmI
hoey kfimaF leI sog df rfÈtrI idvs hY. ies idn df Poks hY guafc gey sihkrmcfrIaF, dosqF aqy pirvfr nUM jnqk qOr 'qy Xfd rwKxf, aqy kfrj-sQfn dI surwiKaf pRqI sfzI vcnbwDqf 'qy Jfq pfAuxf. Èihr dy amly aqy mihmfnF dy mYNbr bxo jd asIN ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivcly
AuhnF kfimaF nUM Xfd krdy hF ijMnHF ny kfrj-sQfn 'qy lwgI swt aqy ibmfrI krky afpxIaF jfnF guaf idwqIaF sn. ieh smfgm isivk plfËf (istI hfl ivKy PuhfiraF dy nyVy) ivKy svyry
10:30 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk huMdf hY.
nYÈnl vlMtIar hÌqf
16 - 22 aprYl qwk vfpr rhy hox dy nfqy, ieh hPqf svYsyvI syvf dy pRBfv aqy Aus ÈkqI df jÈn mnfAux df iewk mOkf hY jo hryk svYsyvI vDyry mËbUq BfeIcfiraF df inrmfx krn leI
ilafAuNdf hY. aYbtsPorz KuwlHy idl vfly aqy inwGy lokF nfl
BrpUr hY ijwQ vsnIk iewk dUjy dI
mdd krn ivwc mfx mihsUs krdy hn.
11 meI nUM iewk muPq kfmyzI nfeIt leI
sfzy nfl juVo ikAuNik asIN afpxy
vflMtIarF nUM afpxI pRÈMsf idKfAuNdy hF.volunteer@abbotsford.ca
qy sfnUM eImyl krn duafrf sfeIn awp kro.
dUiÈqqf GtfE
sfrIaF rIsfeIklF nIly rMg dI rIsfeIkilMg kfrt ivwc nhIN jf skdIaF! surwiKaq aqy kuÈl rIsfeIkilMg nUM XkInI bxfAux leI bhuq sfrIaF cIËF nUM izpU jF hor sQfn 'qy Cwzx dI ËrUrq hY. isrP ies leI ik koeI cIË plfsitk dI
hY iesdf mqlb ieh vI nhIN hY ik ieh rIsfeIkl krn Xog hY. ieh XkInI bxfAux ivwc mdd kro ik iehnF cIËF nUM shI QF 'qy rwKky asIN vDyry muV vrqoN ivwc ilaf skdy hF. vDyry jfxkfrI vfsqy, ikrpf krky abbotsford.ca/crp 'qy jfE.
grmIaF dy idnF leI kYNp grmIaF dIaF ruwqF mËy bfbq huMdIaF hn aqy aYbtsPorz pfrks, rIkRIeyÈn aYNz klcr ivwc iehnF grmIaF ivwc quhfzy bwicaF vfsqy afpxy afp df mËf lYx leI kuJ Èfndfr aqy srgrm kYNp hn. afpxy bwicaF nUMiewk pUry idn jF awDy-idn dy kYNp ivwc Bfg lYx leI kho ijs ivwc ikzs aYksplorr kYNp, suprhIro aYNz ivlynË kYNp, smr ien df pfrk kYNp, jurfisk klfisk, mrIn mynIaf aqy hor vI bhuq kuJ Èfml hY. direct2rec.com 'qy awj hI aOnlfeIn pMjIkrn kro.
istI kONsl jfxkfrI
sfrIaF bYTkF, jd qwk ik iesqoN Ault qYa nf kIqf igaf hovy, somvfr nUM mYqskeI sYNtynIal aOzItorIam ivwc vfprngIaF, jo istI hfl, 32315 sfAUQ PryËr vy, aYbtsPorz dy nfl siQq hY. kfrjkfrI bYTkF mhIny ivwc do vfr dupihr 3 vjy qoN ÈurU huMdIaF hn aqy jnqk suxvfeIaF (qYa Èudf smyN anusfr) aqy bkfiedf kONsl (mhIny ivwc do vfr) bYTkF Èfm 6 vjy ÈurU huMdIaF hn. smuwcI kmytI mhIny ivwc iewk vfr afXoijq kIqI jfvygI, jo svyry 11 vjy ÈurU hovygI. istI kONsl bRfzkfst
istI kONsl dIaF bYTkF aqy eyjMzy abbotsford.ca/ams 'qy AuplbD hn. abbotsford.ca/watchcouncilonline ivKy kONsl dIaF bYTkF aOnlfeIn dyKo.
2023 dI kONisl mIitMg df vyrvf
apRYl 24: 3:00 vjy aYgjLYkuitv kmytI
sLfm 6:00 vjy pbilk hIairMg/ rYgulr kONsl
meI 1: koeI mIitMg nhIN
meI 15: kmytI afP df hol
meI 22: koeI mIitMg nhIN
meI 29: 3:00 vjy aYgjLYkuitv kmytI
sLfm 6:00 vjy pbilk hIairMg/ rYgulr kONsl
2023 PAGE 16
Friday, April 21st,
ABBOTSFORD.CA FACEBOOK /CityofAbbotsford TWITTER @City_Abbotsford INSTAGRAM @TheCityOfAbbotsford
The Patrika Auto Review: 2023 Toyota Sequoia Limited TRD. Recent changes and improvements
The 2023 Toyota Sequoia is a large luxurious SUV, which although well equipped can be optioned up to even more lavish levels.
If you need to haul around seven or eight people and tow a boat or trailer in style and comfort, you really could not do any better. The 2023 Toyota Sequoia has a number of changes in the styling, technology, and powertrain departments. On the design front, the new Sequoia bears a strong resemblance to the 2022 Toyota Tundra with its bold chunky styling, and aggressive lighting and grille treatment.
Key changes include a new multimedia system, interior content upgrades according to trims line. Bench seating or captain’s chairs are available for the second row, and both can recline or fold forward for additional cargo space. New interior features include a Sliding Third Row with Adjustable Cargo Shelf, which allows the third row to slide with 150 mm of travel.
In terms of powertrains, the hefty Sequoia has always been powered by a 5.7-litre V8. That is now history as the 2023 model has a 3.5-litre twin-turbo hybrid i-FORCE MAX V6 engine. Output is rated at 437 horsepower and 583 lb-ft of torque. A 10-speed automatic transmission is hooked up to as standard 4 Wheel Drive.
By Veeno Dewan
We tested a fully loaded Sequoia Limited model with the TRD option adding such features as: TRD Shift Knob, TRD Pro Heritage ‘TOYOTA’ Grille w/ LED light bar, 2nd Row Captain Seats, TRD Platform Roof Rack, TRD Pro Hood Badge, ‘18” TRD Pro Black Forged BBS® Wheels, System, Multi Terrain View Monitor, TRD Pro Triple Beam LED Headlamp, TRD Pro Logo / technical camo pattern inserts on front seats, TRD Skid Plate, TRD Pro Off-road Suspension with 1.1-in. front lift (2.5-in. FOX® and much more.
The 2023 Sequoia’s body-on-frame chassis and fully boxed frame is shared with the 2022 Tundra and has increased rigidity, weight reduction and offers better ride comfort. The Sequoia also has an independent front suspension, a revised multi-link rear suspension and a new rack-mounted electronic steering system, all aimed at offering an improved ride and better steering feel. A Load-Leveling Rear Height Control Air Suspension and Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS) is also available as an option.
Towing capability is a crucial factor for large SUV purchasers, so Toyota has increased the 2023 Sequoia’s maximum towing capacity to 4,080 kg, which is a 22 percent increase over the outgoing model.
In the interior Toyota’s new multimedia system in the Sequoia is a highlight, with two touchscreens sizes offered: a standard 8-inch display and an optional 14-inch unit. The system comes standard with wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto and dual Bluetooth phone pairing. features include Drive Connect, a subscription service that includes Intelligent Assistant, which can be summoned with a “Hey Toyota” prompt to allow users to ask for directions, find points of interest (POIs), check weather forecasts, and more. Drive Connect also comes with embedded Cloud Navigation which supports real-time traffic, dynamic routing and is powered by Google POI data.
The interior in our TRD tester was simply stunning, a deep red colorway with the contrasting black trim. The red camo effect on the leather seats was so radical- such a great theme with subtle TRD logos and red accents that looked really classy. It looks cool with a neat tidy feel, a nicely designed dash, There is ample room and comfortable big seats for long drives and plenty of first row and second row storage nooks, trays, and crannies. The third row is really only suitable for kids with its raised floor and skimpy legroom, although it does slide back.
Also note the third row does not fold flat into the floor due to hybrids electric systems, The rear cargo area does however offer the very clever Adjustable Cargo Shelf System, which is a removable shelf that can be used in a variety of storage positions.
On the safety front, all 2023 Sequoias comes standard with Toyota’s excellent Safety Sense (TSS) 2.5 system.
On the road, the ride is soft and comfortable and the big Sequoia takes all matter of road conditions, pot holes and transitions in its stride. The Sequoia is no nimble athletic SUV and needs care in negotiating tight urban streets and parking lots. It is however in its element on the highways and on long trips when its smooth V6 power and sheer comfort make it a relaxing effortless cross-country tourer.
The Sequoia is highly recommended if you need the full weight of its formidable attributes. Luxurious, and well - equipped the 2023 Sequoia remains a three-row SUV with a focus on space and utility.
2023 Toyota Sequoia MSRP of $78,550. Price as tested: $93,113 with options, PDI and freight.
More info at www.toyota.ca
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 17 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 17
vYnkUvr dy pMjfbI ividafrQI nUM imilaf
1 lwK zflr df vjIPf
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ivwidak
Kyqr ivwc aihm Xogdfn pfAux vflLI nfmvr sMsQf lorn
skflrjL PfAUNzysLn vloN vYnkUvr dy hoxhfr pMjfbI ividafrQI josL KuxKux nUM 1 lwK zflr Bfv qkrIbn 61 lwK
rupey vjIPf dyx df aYlfn kIqf hY. josL KuxKux vYnkUvr dy syNt jfrj sYkMzrI skUl ivKy 12vIN jmfq df ividafrQI hY
aqy kYnyzIan sLosl sfieMsjL aYNz ihAUmntIjL src kONsl df rIsrc ko ienvYstIgytr qy sitgmf PrI susfietI df
XUQ aMbYszr hY. ijwQy Auh ividafrQIaF nUM mfnisk ishq bfry jfgrUk krdf hY vrxnXog hY ik lorn vjIPy leI kYnyzf Br dy 500 skUlF dy 4830 ividafrQIaF ny arjI
idwqI sI ijMnf’coN 90 ividafrQI PfeInl ivwc phuMcy sn qy kuwl 36 ividafrQI hI iewk lwK zflr dI rfsLI vflf vjIPf lYx ivwc kfmXfb hoey hn ijMnF’coN josL KuxKux iewko iewk pMjfbI ividafrQI hY.
vYnkUvr’c Kflsf sfjnf idvs nUM smripq sjfieaf ngr kIrqn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG
gryvfl) AuWqrI amrIkf’c
iswKF dI sB qoN purfxI
Dfrimk sMsQf KLflsf dIvfn susfietI vYnkUvr dy
pRbMDkF vloN Kflsf sfjnf
idvs nUM smripq ngr
kIrqn sjfieaf igaf.
BfrI mINh pYx dy bfvjUd
koivz kfrn iqMn sfl
bfad sjfey ies mhfn
ngr kIrqn mOky dUr durfzy qoN hjLfrf sMgqF sLfiml heIaF. rMg ibrMgy PuwlF nfl sjfey
Plot’c pflkI sfihb ivwc sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI susoiBq sn. pMjfb ipafry ngr kIrqn dI rihnumfeI kr rhy sn qy ngr kIrqn dy awgy cwl rhy iswK motrsfeIkl
klwb kYnyzf dy motrsfeIkl svfr gurU jI dy purfqn GoiVaF dI Xfd qfjf krvf rhy sn qy vYnkUvr dI myn strIt qy hjLfrF sMgqF df ivsLfl iekwT sRI afnMdpur sfihb dI Jlk pysL kr irhf sI. ngr kIrqn mOqky vYnkUvr puils vloN sKq surwiKaf pRbMD kIqy hoey sn. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy muwK mMqrI zyivz eIbI, kYbint mMqrI hYrI bYNs, jgrUp brfV, rcnf isMG, atfrnI jnrl inwkI sLrmf, kYnyzf dy kyNdrI mMqrI hrjIq isMG swjx, sMsd mYNbr suwK DflIvfl, vYnkUvr dy myar ikn ism, ilbrl afgU kYivn Pflkn vI ngr kIrqn ivwc sLfiml hoey.
gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn susfietI vYnkUvr ivKy
Kflsf sfjnf idvs mOky aMimRq sMcfr krvfieaf igaf
qy 12 pRfxI aMimRqpfn krky gurU vfly bxy
vYnkUvr’c ivsfKI dy rMg’c rMgI bws
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI bws kMpnI trFsilMk vloN ivsfKI nUM smripq iewk ivsLysL bws iqafr kIqI geI hY. vwK-vwK rMgF nfl isLMgfrI ies bws AuWpr pMjfbI’c ‘afp sB nUM ivsfKI dIaF lwK-lwK vDfeIaF’ aqy aMgryjLI ivwc ‘hYpI ivsfKI’’ iliKaf igaf hY. bws AuWpr rMg ibrMgy Puwl qy kxk dIaF bwlIaF
vI AukrIaF geIaF hn. ieh pihlI vfr hY ik ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI srkfrI bws kMpnI vloN ivsfKI nUM smripq ies qrHF dI bws iqafr kIqI geI hovy. kuJ idn iewh bws vYnkUvr ivwc idKfeI dyvygI aqy 22 apRYl nUM srI ivKy krvfey jf rhy Kflsf sfjnf idvs nUM smripq ngr kIrqn mOky srI ivKy clfeI jfvygI. idlcsp gwl ieh hY ik keI aMgryj vI ies bws kol KVH ky qsvIrF iKcvf rhy hn.
anIqf bfT nUM imilaf ‘bYst inAUjL aYNkr’ df snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzIan isnymf aYNz tYlIivXn akYzmI vloN sfl 2023 leI kYnyzIan skrIn aYvfrzjL df aYlfn kr idwqf hY. ies vkfrI snmfn vfsqy kYnyzf dy kOmI aMgryjLI tI[vI cYnl sI[bI[sI dI vYnkUvr siQq pMjfbx inAUjL aYNkr, anIqf bfT vI cuxI geI hY jo BfeIcfry leI mfx vflI gwl hY. akYzmI vloN anIqf bfT nUM ‘bYst inAUjL aYNkr’ df snmfn dy ky invfijaf jfvygf. kYnyzIan isnymf aYNz tYlIivXn akYzmI vloN iPlmI klfkfrF, tI tI qy izjItl mIzIaf nfl juVIaf AuhnF sKsIaqF nUM hr sfl kYnyzIan skrIn aYvfrzjL idwqy jFdy hn ijMnf ny afpo afpxy KyqrF ivwc vDIaf Xogdfn pfieaf hovy. aYbtsPorz dI jMmpl anIqf bfT ny ibRitsL kolMbIaf ieMstIitcUt afP tYknflojI brnbI qoN brfzkfst aqy mIzIaf kimAUnIkysLn df izplomf kIqf hoieaf hY qy bIqy 7 sfl qoN sI[bI[sI[ adfry nfl kMm kr rhI hY.
vYnkUvr siQq BfrqI kONsl jnrl mnIsL qy kONslyt aimqfb rMjn aYbtsPorz dy ihMdU mMdr ivKy nqmsqk hoey ijwQy mMdr dy pRbMDkF qy pMizq jI vloN AunF df snmfn kIqf igaf
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 18
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
mVHk nfl EhI qurygf, ijs iensfn ny ijLMdgI dy msly hwl kr ley hox qy hux Auh mVHk nfl qur ky ijMLdgI nUM mfxn dy rONa ivwc hovy. awj-kwlH dI GVmws BrI qy qyjL rPLqfr
ijLMdgI ivwc koeI iensfn mVHk nfl qurn df vkq ikvyN kwZ skdf hY? isafxy kihMdy hn ik
jy qusIN vDyry KusL ho qF quro qy jy qusIN bhuqy
Audfs ho, iPr vI quro. qurn nfl hI iensfn
nUM afpxIaF keI smwisafvF dy hwl lwB pYNdy
hn qy qurn nfl hI iensfn hOlI-hOlI qur ky
afpxy nfl iewk-sur huMdf hY. ijhVf iensfn
mIlF dy mIl qur ky, iksy dUjy ipMz phuMcdf hY, Aus dy srIr dI aijhI ksrq ho jFdI hY ik
jy srIr ivwc iksy ibmfrI ny Gr kr ilaf
hovy qF Auh vI dUr ho jFdI hY. bhuq lok bfgLF
ivwc qur ky svyry dI sYr df afnMd mfxdy hn
qy sYr kridaF hI Auh afpxy mn ivwc awj dy krn vfly kMmF dI qPLsIl iqafr krdy hn. keI gwlF vI kyvl qurn vyly hI PurdIaF hn.
keI iensfn qurn dy eyny sLONkIn huMdy hn ik
Auh sfeIkl jF motr-sfeIkl nfloN qurn nUM
qrjIh idMdy hn. afpxy Gr dy nyVy vgdI
ndI jF nihr kol qur ky phuMcdy hn qy iPr
ndI iknfry bYT ky Aus dI kl-kl nUM mfxdy hn. ieMj ndI nfl Byd sFJy kridaF idl df boJ hlkf ho jFdf hY qy iensfn nvF-nroaf ho ky Gr prqdf hY. iksy vI nvIN QF ‘qy jF
mDUbflf: mDUbflf df jnm 14 PrvrI
1933 nUM nvIN idwlI ivKy hoieaf. Aus dy
bcpn df nfm mumqfjL bygLm jhF dyhlvI
sI. Auh musilm pirvfr nfl sbMD rwKdI
sI. Aus dy ipqf df nfm aqfAuWlf KLfn sI.
Auh afpxy mfqf-ipqf dy 11 bwicaF ivwcoN
5vIN sMqfn sI. Aus dy ipqf dI nOkrI Cut
jfx qoN bfad Auh idwlI qoN muMbeI af gey.
Aus dy pirvfr nUM kfPLI sMGrsL dy dOr
‘coN lMGxf ipaf. mDUbflf qy Aus dy ipqf
aksr bMby iPLlm stUzIE ivwc kMm lwBx
jFdy sn.
bflIvwuz dI mfriln munro vjoN jfxI jFdI
mDUbflf ny bfl klfkfr vjoN 9 sfl dI
Aumr ivwc pihlI vfr iPLlm bsMq(1942)
ivwc kMm kIqf. Aus ny keI hor iPLlmF vI
bfl klfkfr vjoN kIqIaF. dyivkf rfxI
Aus dI adfkfrI qoN pRBfivq ho geI aqy
Aus ny Aus df nfm mumqfjL bybI qoN bdl ky
mDUbflf rwK idwqf. Aus nUM zFs, sMgIq dI
iswiKaf bcpn ivwc hI idwqI geI. isrPL 12
sfl dI Aumr ivwc hI Auh kfr clfAux lwg
peI sI. 1947 ivwc kydfr sLrmf ny iPLlm
‘nIl kml’ bxfeI ijs ivwc rfj kpUr dy
nfl mDUbflf ny muwK BUimkf inBfei. ies
iPLlm ivwc Aus ny sLfndfr adfkfrI kIqI.
lMmIaF vftF qy srIrk qMdrusqI
nvyN sLihr ivwc quridaF sfnMU vDyry jfxkfrI imldI hY aqy asIN vDyry cIjLF dy sMprk ivwc vI afAuNdy hF. bfgF-byilaF dI suMdrqf vI kyvl qurn nfl hI mfxI jf skdI hY. ijhVf iensfn afpxI gwzI ivwc bYT ky sLihr GuMmdf hY, Aus nUM aijhf anuBv kdy nhIN ho skdf. inwky bwcy dI AuNgl PVH ky quro. bwcf iklkfrIaF mfrdf, quhfzy nfl qurdf jfvygf. ieMj krn nfl ijwQy bwcf qurnf iswK jFdf hY, AuWQy Aus ivwc vDyry afqm-ivsLvfs vI pYdf huMdf hY.
lMmI vftF dy pFDI sdf qur ky ijLMdgI gujLfrdy hn. lMmIaF sYrF krnIaF qy afpxy afp nfl gwlF krI jfxIaF, afpxy afp nUM Kojx qy pVqflx vFg huMdf hY ikAuNik jdoN asIN ‘kwly iksy bfgL jF pgzMzI’ ‘qy qurdy hF qF sfzy iewk-iewk kdm ivwc iewk vwKrf hI afnMd Biraf huMdf hY. iewk-iewk kdm nfl sfzy ivwc qfkq BrdI jFdI hY qy aijhf krn vfly iensfn dy goizaF ivwc kdy drd vI nhIN ho skdf. sMinafsI, XogI, Pwkr qy PLkIr qur ky sfrI ijLMdgI gujLfr idMdy hn. zfktr vI mrIjL nUM hmysLF qurn dI slfh idMdy hn.
purfxy vyilaF ivwc lokI qVky AuWT ky qur pYNdy sn qy dupihr qIk afpxy iksy irsLqydfr dy ipMz phuMc jFdy sn. iPr iml-igl ky KLbr lY
ies iPLlm qoN do sfl bfad Aus dI iPLlm mihl afeI aqy hr pfsy mDUbflf ho geI. Aus dIaF sfrIaF iPLlmF ihwt rhIaF. Aus ny asLok kumfr, rihmfn, idlIp kumfr qy dyvfnMd afid nfl mwuK BUimkfvF inBfeIaF
1970 dy dhfky ivwc mDubflf dIaF kuJ iPLlmF asPLLl vI rhIaF. asl ivwc Auh iPLlmF dI cox shI ZMg nfl nhIN krdI sI. drasl Aus df ipqf hI Aus dy mYnyjr sI qy Auh iPLlmF dI cox krdf sI. mDUbflf df pirvfr bhuq vwzf sI aqy Aus dy pflx posLx dI ijLMmyvfrI Aus isr sI. ies krky pYsy dy lflc ivwc Aus df ipqf hr qrHF dI iPLlm dI hI cox kr lYNdf sI ijs krky
kuJ iPLlmF asPLl ho geIaF, pr ies qoN
bfad mDUbflf dIaF iPLlmF ijvyN- Pfgun, hfvVf ibRj, kflf pfxI aqy clqI kf nfm gfzI bhuq hI ihwt rhIaF.
mDUbflf ny iPLlm jvflf, sLrfbI, hfP itkt, buafeyPrYNz, pfsport, jfalI not, mihloN ky Kvfb, brsfq kI rfq, do Ausqfd, iensfn jfg AuTf, klH hmfrf hY, bfgLI ispfhI, hfvVf ibRj, pulIs, kflf pfxI, clqI kf nfm gfzI, Pfgun, gytvy afPL ieMzIaf, eyk sfl, XhUdI kI lVkI, amr, ryl kf izwbf, armfn, sMgidl, sfkI, KLjLfnf, afrfm, nfdfn, bfdl, qr-
ky sLfmI qur ky vfps afpxy ipMz phuMcdy sn. AunHF vyilaF ivwc vDyry qurn kfrn srIr nUM ibmfrIaF Gwt lwgdIaF sn qy lok vDyry ishqmMd huMdy sn.
awj-kwlH dy nvyN Xuwg ivwc amIr lok pYrIN qurn nUM hwqk smJdy hn aqy iehI
vjHf hY ik Auh jdoN vI iksy
kol jfxf hovy qF afpxI gwzI ‘qy hI jFdy hn. gwzI ‘coN pYr Qwly DridaF hI Auh iksy kursI
jF soPy ‘qy bYT jFdy hn. ieMj aijhy lokF dI ishq ivwc ivgfV pYdf ho jFdf hY. gYs jF qyjLfb
qoN pIVq aijhy amIr lok, zfktrF dy cwkr kwZdy afm dyKy jf skdy hn. keIaF nUM vDyry lMmy smyN qk bYTx nfl pyt dIaF ibmfrIaF ho jFdIaF hn. keI vDyry qxfE BrI ijLMdgI ijAUx kfrn ies sMsfr qoN jldI hI kUc kr jFdy hn.
svyry-sLfm ijhVy lMmIaF sYrF krn dy sONkIn hn, Auh jfxdy hn ik qurn nfl AunHF dI ishq ikvyN TIk rihMdI hY. AunHF df hfjLmf vI TIk kMm krdf hY. aijhy lokF nUM zfktr kol jfx dI
kdy loV hI nhIN pYNdI ikAuNik qurn nfl srIr dy sfry aMg iewk qfl-myl ‘c iml ky kMm
qk df sPr
fnf, inrflf, mDUbflf, byksUr, insLfnf, prdys, aprfDI qy hor anykF iPLlmF ivwc sLfndfr adfkfrI kIqI.
mDUbflf aqy idlIp kumfr dI adfkfrI nfl sjI iPLlm mugly afjLm awj qwk drsLkF dy ijLhn
‘c vsI hoeI hY. ies iPLlm ivwc Aus ny ijs isLwdq nfl afpxy ikrdfr nUM inBfieaf Auh ihMdI isnmf dI imsfl bx geI.
mDUbflf aqy idlIp kumfr dy pRym ikwsy vI kfPLI msLhUr hoey.
mDUbflf qy idlIp kumfr ivafh
krvfAuxf cfhuMdy sn. pihlF
mDUbflf dy ipqf nhIN mMny qy iPr
idlIp ny ienkfr kr idwqf. idlIp kumfr qy mDUbflf dI pihlI mulfkfq iPLlm jvfr
Bftf dy sYWt ‘qy hoeI sI. AudoN mDUbflf dI
Aumr isrPL 18 sfl sI. mDUbflf df ivafh
iksLor kumfr nfl hoieaf.
mDUbflf idl dI bImfrI qoN pIVq sI.
pihlF qF Aus ny afpxI ibmfrI iPLlm
vfilaF qoN lukfeI rwKI pr bfad ivwc
sB nUM pqf cwl igaf. keI vfr qF sLUitMg
krdy smyN hI Aus dI hflq Krfb ho jFdI
krn lwg pYNdy hn. zfktr ies gwl nuM jfxdy huMdy hn qy Auh afp svyry qy sLfm sYr krn df afnMd lYNdy hn. keI aijhy vI sLYdfeI huMdy hn jo sYr krn nUM PjLUl smJdy hn. keI ies nUM smyN dI brbfdI vI smJdy hn qy GroN bfhr hI nhIN inkldy.
jdoN iksy bfgL ivwc pqI-pqnI iekwTy sYr kr rhy hox qF ieh iewk sbUq huMdf hY ik AunHF ny afpxI ijLMdgI ikMny sohxy ZMg nfl gujLfrI hovygI. iewk-iewk kdm dI qfl nfl iekwTy qur ky Auh KusLIaF ivwc msq afpxf iewk vwKrf svrg vI Ausfr skdy hn.
jy qusIN qurnf iswK ilaf qF smJo qusIN afpxI ijLMdgI dIaf sB smwisafvF sihjy hI hwl krn dy kfbl ho gey ho ikAuNik sYr krdf vI EhI hY, jo sucwjI qy KULbsUrq ijLMdgI ijAUx df afsLk hovy.
jgmohn isMG lwkI
sI. afpxI ijLMdgI dy afKrI 7 sfl Aus ny ibsqr ‘qy hI lMGfey. aMq 23 PrvrI 1969 nUM ibmfrI dy kfrn hI Aus dI mOq ho geI. mDUbflf bfry dyvafnMd df kihxf sI ik Auh ntKt, mfsUm, pr idl df hIrf sI. mnmohn dysfeI Aus nUM iewk swcI aqy pivwqr iensfn mMndf sI. lqf mMgysLkr df kihxf sI ik Auh isrPL mYnUM hI gfxy gfAux leI kihMdI sI. sMgIqkfr nOsLfd df kihxf sI ik mDUbflf dy rUp aqy vqIry dI imTfs kdy vI nhIN BulfeI.
mumqfj bybI
ajIq isMG cMdn Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 19 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 19
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 6
House Size: 4175 sqft
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Bedrooms: 4
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“Karen was commissioned as a Notary Public by the Supreme Court of Canada in July 2016. Previous to founding
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Call Jim Braich at 604-859-3141 to view. Approx 17 acres in Blueberries Desirable corner property 2 road frontages 2 homes on property 32702 Harris Rd & 5541 Gladwin mls# R2749556 Up to 3000 sq ft available High Traffic Mall anchored by Liquor Store & Dollarama. 31940 South Fraser Way & Clearbrook Rd, mls# C8047901 19.97 ACRE FARM FOR SALE IN MATSQUI RETAIL LEASE SPACE IN MEADOW FAIR MALL Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 21 The
pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 21 Services / syvfvF
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professional background includes working
Surrey Provincial Court and with multiple, well-known non-profit organizations,
individuals who were battling mental health and addictions. Karen chose to pursue her Master's degree and become a Notary as it allowed her to combine her passion for legal work with her passion for working with people. Her background in Psychology assists her in understanding client concerns while offering a friendly, approachable service. She is also fluent in three languages: English, Punjabi and Hindi.” Real Estate Transactions Estate Planning Personal Planning rIal iestyt tRYNjLYksLn jfiedfd plfinMg inwjI plfinMg notrfeIjLysLn spONsrisLp icwTI Xfqrf icwTI notrI syvfvF bhuBfsLfeI gfhk aDfirq syvfvF Notary Services Multilingual Client Oriented Service Notarizations Sponsorship Letters Travel Letters Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5 pm 604-287-8600 604-287-8601 Call us today Visit us for more info: www.kbnotary.ca Fax 604-287-8601 Call: 778 552 8840 Call: 778 552 8840 Call: 778 552 8840 GREAT LOCATION !!! West Abbotsford. This Upper Unit townhome features 3 bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, spacious living room, dining area, family room, kitchen with tons of storage, laundry room & sunny sundeck to relax. Well maintained complex, spacious unit, family friendly neighborhood, tons of visitors parking & much more. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, parks, trails, High Street Mall, restaurants, Cineplex & easy access to highway. Call: 778 552 8840 2675 PLATFORM CRESCENT This home has it all ! Large living area for your family, legal basement suite offering you a mortgage helper opportunity. A 2 year old home, in a great subdivision this may be the one for you! This two storey with basement home features: Main floor: Living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, family room, bedroom and laundry. Above floor has four bedrooms. Basement and three bedrooms, living room, a kitchen and a rec room. Great location close to Aldergrove shopping, Rec Centre, and public transportation. SOLD 3514 CRESTON DR Huge Rancher with basement in Fairfield Estates with a legal suite. This home features 6 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor features - 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, bright living room, dining area, spacious kitchen with tons of storage, family room, laundry room & a sundeck. Basement has a 2 bedroom / 1 bathroom legal suite as a mortgage helper. Plus basement area has another portion with a big rec room, bedroom & a full bathroom for upstairs use. Some of the upgrades are, new paint inside / out, 4 years old roof, newer windows & blinds, pot lights, shoe closet, bar & new fence. Close to schools, shopping, SOLD 416 33960 OLD YALE ROAD OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 FROM 12- 2 PM. Old Yale Heights! Investors or 1st Time Home Buyers ALERT! This cozy unit features bright & spacious living room, dining area, kitchen with stainless steel appliances, 1 bedroom, 1 den, bathroom, in suite laundry & a nice balcony to relax. Rentals allowed, no age restrictions, well maintained complex, short walk from historical downtown Abbotsford, storage locker, 2 covered parking spots with this unit. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, parks, malls and restaurants. Call today to view this well cared for unit ! Call: 778 552 8840 Call: 778 552 8840 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Fully Renovated Ground Level Unit. This unit is ready to move in to. This home has 2 spacious bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, bright living room, good size kitchen, dining space, patio and gives you a feeling of having your own private yard. Some of the updates are new flooring, new paint, new bathrooms, new kitchen with stainless steel appliances, new counter tops, new fixtures and much more. The building has been well maintained & well managed. Call: 778 552 8840 This home features 4 Bedrooms / 3 bathrooms, spacious living area, dining, 2 covered parking in side-by-side double garage and a sunny sundeck to relax. Other features- Low Strata Fee, Stainless steel appliances/ granite counter tops with island in the kitchen/ tons of storage, Rentals allowed, Pets friendly complex, No age restrictions & lots of visitor's parking. Close to US Border, Easy access to Hwy, schools, shopping, recreation, parks, public transit, mall & much more. SOLD SOLD 3681 QUALICUM STREET Perfect Family Home in Central Abbotsford. This 2 storey w/ basement home features 4 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms & a private backyard for entertainment which backs onto Green Belt (Downes Bowl & Trails). Main floor features a bright living room, formal dining area, large kitchen with tons of cabinets, cozy family room, nook, laundry room & a half bathroom. Top floor has 4 Bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms, with an ensuite in the master. Basement has a separate entrance, big rec room, laundry area, full bathroom and can be easily converted into basement suite. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, restaurants, parks, malls & easy access to highways. Call: 778 552 8840 45925 BOGEY PLACE Elegant and spacious family home located in great neighbourhood. The main floor contains beautiful kitchen includes high end appliances, great room, dining room, den and mud room. Upstairs has four bedrooms, two full washrooms &, laundry room. 2 Bedrooms Legal Basement Suite as a mortgage helper with recreational room for upstairs use. This beautiful home is conveniently located near Kinkora Golf Course, all level of schools, shopping centres & parks in one of most desirable neighborhoods in Chilliwack and easy access to Highway 1 SOLD SOLD SOLD 32427 PANDORA AVENUE Custom built in 2020 this three storey home in West Abbotsford still feels like Brand NEW! Built with quality and great layout. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms located in a quiet cul de sac and carries no traffic. Main floor has a welcoming foyer, bright living room, dining area & a spacious kitchen with tons of storage. Top floor has 3 spacious bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in master. Basement has 2 bedrooms & a bathroom with great living 36090 SOUTHRIDGE PLACE Million Dollar Views! Huge Rancher with w/o Basement (Plus Crawl- Lots of storage) LEGAL SUITE, wheelchair ramp. Very open kitchen with raised oak cabinets, tons of cupboards & roll-out drawers. Lots of South facing windows for natural light and "BIG VALLEY/MT.BAKER VIEW!! Rare triple garage & abundant driveway parking. Huge front parking area & good sized flat, usable backyard. Dedicated RV parking for 30+ ft. RV. Easy care porcelain tile & laminate flooring on main, plus much more. Close to #1 & Shopping. Over 250sq. ft. upper deck and over 200 sq. ft. lower deck.
Karen Bungar Notary Corporation, she worked as an associate Notary at an established firm in Abbotsford. Her
Don’t overlook these 3 creative home design ideas
(NC) Interior design is a world of creativity. Your home has endless opportunities for expression and personalization. Here, Sharon Grech, Benjamin Moore colour and design expert, shares some commonly overlooked design opportunities to expand your design canvas in creative and bold ways.
Don’t forget about your fifth wall
Found in any room is a fifth and forgotten wall with infinite design possibilities – the ceiling. “Use a shade lighter than your surrounding walls to brighten a room and create the illusion of a larger space,” suggests Grech. For a space with lighter, neutral-toned walls, expand your creativity up high and opt for a bold and rich hue that will draw your guests’ gaze upwards.
your mouldings
Whether they are plain or feature an intricate Victorian-inspired design, mouldings contribute to a home’s
charm and personality. Often made with wood and painted, updating the mouldings appears to be an under-used interior design hack. “If your walls fea ture a neutral or light colour, paint the mouldings a deep hue to add dimension and bring appealing framing to a room” shares Grech. “They are also a great way to play with perceived room size. Extend your wall colour onto mouldings to bring an elongated, uniform feel and a sense of expansion to the space.”
Add character to your home’s exterior
The change in season brings better weather and reveals new chances to play with exterior design. “Pay attention to an exterior’s potential-rich accents such as front doors, window frames and shutters, garage doors, pillars and sheds,” suggests Grech. “Giving these a fresh coat of colour with an outdoor-friendly paint such as Element Guard can be a time-efficient way to change the look of your home and add curb appeal.”
Nav Singh C. 778.883.6337 E. navjot.singh86@gmail.com B310 20020 84 AVENUE Langley, British Columbia V2Y5K9 FOR SALE EXCLUSIVE LISTING : Secure your spot in one of the most desirable commercial locations in the lower mainland area COMMERCIAL USE UNIT medical office or clinic | dental or chiropractic office | education | financial institutions | retail or office. OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE CONTACT 778.883.6337 FOR SALE Harpreet Mann 604.832.8485 Davinder Brar 604.302.2222 hrpRIq mfn divMdr brfV sfzy kol quhfzI pRfprtI leI kuaflIPfeIz KRrIdfr hn, huxy Pon kro. YOUR PROPERTY GUARANTEED SOLD Personal Real Estate Corporation Personal Real Estate Corporation 2347 Broadway Abbotsford #4-3270 Blue Jay St, Abbotsford Welcome o your own private hidden gem in a secu e well-established ownhouse communit This 4 bed &4 bath home boasts a g eenbelt & c eekway sur ounded by rees. Flower beds & shrubs adorn the ya d. A ve y a e find for any complex unit. Featu es high ceilings th oughout & visitor parking in ont of the unit. Includes spacious deck off the kitchen for BBQ. #102-32059 Hillcrest Avenue Abbotsford COMMERCIAL UNIT FOR SALE NEW MALL Cedar Park Plaza. Ideal for etail/offices for doc pharmacy lawyers, jewel fabric/clothing s or video/music s ores, pizza, accountants, professional offices. Excellent opportunity for opening your business in a high t affic/exposu e a ea & A/C. G eat investment. Ve easy show #136-1779 Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford 900 sqft ground floor retail/office space for sale in the brand new commercial/strata building located at 1779 Clearbrook Rd. in Abbotsford. Featuring a finished space with 1 office storage and a bathroom, ample parking and very quick and easy Highway 1 access. C4 Zoning allows for a wide variety of commercial uses including assembling, brewing and venting outlet, indoor recreation facility, retail, trade school and more. Contact for details! COMMERCIAL UNIT FOR LEASE family by owning a restaurant franchise. This store is well kept and located in the Fraser Valley Very busy location in a free-standing building with a low lease. Need to sign Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to get location information. Welcome to this Elite home that was Custom Built in 2021. Quality craftsmanship throughout with a bonus Spice Kitchen. Bathrooms are very elegantly finished. Low maintenance yard and a Mortgage Helper. Close to Abbotsford Hospital, Seven Oaks Mall, Mill lake park, City Centre, all public amenities & easy access to Highway 1. Custom Built basement entry Home features Bedrooms and bathrooms with 2 Master bedrooms with ensuites. PLUS All the bedrooms have Walk-In Closets! Very spacious family room with open high ceiling. Lots of Sunlight. Large Maple Kitchen boasts granite countertops, island, flood of ceiling lights and high quality finishing and fixtures. New Refrigerator & New Water Tank. 2 bedroom mortgage helper legal suite on the side with separate entrance. Huge Patio great for entertaining & BBQ's. Fenced backyard with privacy for kids to play or to have garden. Security system included. Quiet family oriented street. 3412 Headwater Place, Abbotsford Welcome to this Beautiful home that was Custom Built in 2018 in the heart of West Abbotsford. This home has 4 bedrooms with 2 walk in closets & 3 bathrooms upstairs. The main floor has a bedroom and a full bathroom, a spice kitchen & pantry. Fenced in yard with shed and garden, A/C and 2 Laundry's. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING $3,500/mth 32028 Scott Ave. Mission BC 1 Year CUSTOM Old 7 bed, 7 bath 4000/- sq.ft. home on 9500 sq. flat lot 2 basement suites 3000 rent huge driveway and backyard, Close to wallmart, superstore, Gurdiwara sahib and Lougheed Hwy NO GST SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Big corner 3-story Townhouse, 3 car driver way, double garage, low strata fee. West Abbotsford 27-31501 Upper Maclure Rd. 46446 Ferguson Place 2815 Victoria Street Abbotsford 35791 Eaglecrest Dr, Abbotsford $949,888 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME On this 7383 sq ft lot.Principle uses such as Residential Care, Single Detached Dwelling & Supportive Recovery. Accessory uses such as Bed & Breakfast, Boarding & Home Occupation Level 2. Lot coverage 40%, Floor density 50%. Close to parks, shopping, restaurants, Hwy 1 with Amazing view. Drive by today and have a look, you don't want to miss out on this opportunity. No GST 2081 Windsor St Abbotsford $1,499,999 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY. Very unique zoning which allows a residential dwelling and industrial space on the same lot. Make a Brand New house and your legal workshop on the same lot. Some of the permitted uses are: Manufacturing, Automobile Business, Commercial Vehicle Repair, Courier and Delivery, Farm Equipment Repair and Recreational Vehicle Repair etc. Only two lots available. New Price 2081 Windsor St Abbotsford 35791 Eaglecrest Dr, Abbotsford NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Well Built house on a large and fenced lot in a very quiet area. 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Own and grow your family in the most desirable area of Chilliwack or invest to see your bucks soar. Renovated 6 bed, 3 bath basement entry home located on a quite cul-de-sac in West Abbotsford. The main floor features 3 spacious bedrooms, living room and kitchen with a walk out covered patio with an amazing view of the water. Fenced backyard with a patio for basketball or entertaining your guests. Brand new shed. Mortgage helper 3 Bed bsmt suite with separate entry. Many updates include new windows, all doors, paint, roof, and many more. Discovery Trail is right in your backyard for those of you who enjoy nature. Short walk to Rotary Stadium INVESTOR/DEVELOPERS ALERT. This old timer Renovated home comes with 90'X102' 9270 sq. ft. lot and with Land assembly with 2 homes in a prime location with a big frontage plus a big rental income. RV parking. Super nice tenant is willing to stay. Walking distance to all amenities, schools, recreation & parks, this area of Mission has already seen new development and is primed for further growth! Solid home with excellent rental income. 31819 Saturna Cres, Abbotsford NEW LISTING 32965 9th Ave Mission Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 22 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 22
TEAM ELITE REAL ESTATE TOP 1% FRASER VALLEY REAL ESTATE BOARD FOR 9 YRS 14 YEARS Medallion Member 15 YEARS of Experience HOME HOME NEW LISTING T'S A GREAT TIME TO BUY. GIVE US A CALL SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD FOR SALE SOLD IN 2023 40 - 5248 Goldspring Abbotsford Abbotsfor 10522 McVee bbotsford 2403 Adelaide Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 3358 Sqft Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 3356 sqft House Size: 2988 sqft Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 5 House Size: 3548 sqft 15 23710 133 Avenue Abbotsford Abbotsford 5 23710 133 Avenue 2 23710 133 Avenue Abbotsford Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 1378 sqft Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 1378 sqft Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 1378 Sqft 6 23710 133 Avenue 7 23710 133 Avenue 8 23710 133 Avenue 11 23710 133 Avenue 14 23710 133 Avenue 16 23710 133 Avenue 32929 Desbrisay Avenue SOLD SOLD SOLD PARV H ARRY 604 832 0944 ww w.par vharr ygroup.com Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 23 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 23
ONLINE REGISTR ATION STARTED JANUAR Y 15th, 2023 ABBOTSFORD UNITED SOCCER CLUB For More Information Please Contact OFFICE: 778-808-6189 Sunny Gill 778-241-4301 Malkiat Kullar Sharnjit Randhawa Gurdip Minhas Baj Mann 604-832-3880 778-552-8911 604-832-2496 778-549-1963 ear of Birth New Player 2017 & UP $465 www.abbotsfordunitedsc.com Returning Player $365 No Uniform AF TER FEB 28, 2023 LATE FEE $50 Iqbal Braich 778-552-0331 ear of Birth 2019/18 $150 APRIL TO JULY NON REFUNDABLE FEES SUMMER SEASON 2023 Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 24 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 24
PlJVI susLIl kOr
ieh kuVI jo myry pfs KVI, hY cMcl qy sLYqfn bVI
mYN gwl kIqI, myry nfl lVI, iek sLoalf ijhf iek PulJVI
myry idl ivc awg jhI lf geI ey, qy pRym dI joq jgf geI ey.
iek idn sfzy Gr afeI sI, myrI BYx dI jdoN sgfeI sI
mYnUM vyK ky Auh sLrmfeI sI, qy kuJ kuJ Auh GbrfeI sI
myry idl qy pUrI Cf geI ey, mYnUM msq mlMg bxf geI ey.
nF joqI sI ik ijEqI sI, dMd moqI lVI pRoqI sI
cuwp cfp Auh prHF KloqI sI, igaf kol nf gfl gloqI sI
Auh sulHf df rMg ivKf geI ey pr idl df cYn guaf geI ey.
ieh cMcl qy sLYqfn kuVI, iek sLoalf ijhf iek PulJVI
myry idl ivc awg lgf geI ey AumrF df roxf pf geI ey.
Auh TihrI nf Auh dOV geI, mYnUM sLhu diraf ivc roVH geI
kr Juwgf myrf cOV geI, myry idl df BFzf PoV geI
hwsdy nUM roxf pf geI ey, mYnUM jIAuNdy mfr mukf geI ey
EnUM vyKx dI idl iewC myry, EnUM pfx dI idl ivc iswk myry
iek qFG imlx dI idl myry, kIhnUM khF gey buwlH isl myry
myrI jfn nUM vKLq pf geI ey, mYnUM ipafr df rog lgf geI ey. ieh cMcl qy sLYqfn kuVI, iek sLoalf ijhf iek PulJVI myry idl ivc awg lgf geI ey AumrF df roxf pf geI ey.
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
afpxy Gr prdysIaF vFgUM, prqx df aihsfs ikAuN hY?
gulnfr gurBjn igwl
mYN sMqflI mgroN jMimaF, myry ipMzy lfs ikAuN hY?
sLihr lfhOr ‘c af ky jy nnkfxy vI mYN jf nhIN skdf, Dfh glvwkVI pf ky imldf sqluj nfl ibafs ikAuN hY?
iewko PFsI, iewko golI, rihmq alI, srfBf, ibsiml, afjLfdI qoN mgroN sfzf vwKo-vwK ieiqhfs ikAuN hY?
idwlI vrgy cONk cursqy, kfr ivhfr, bfjLfr vI EhI, imknfqIsI iKwc dI sLkqI,
sLihr lfhOr’c Kfs ikAuN hY?
buwlHysLfh df pRym ipaflf, ibnf ksUroN pI nhIN skdf, hr vfrI hoTF qy afAuNdI, ajb qrHF dI ipafs ikAuN hY?
vfrs dy jMizafly bYTy, msq aOlIaf hIr suxfAuNdy, rFJx Xfr PkIrF nUM ieh, ipr imlxy dI afs ikAuN hY?
sfzy pMj dirafeI GoVy, jd vI vyKF tFgy iKwcdy, GoV svfr guafcx vrgf, zMg irhf aihsfs ikAuN hY?
sfzy ipMz dI sMqI vrgf, mYlf sUt anfieqF pfieaf, pOxI sdI guafcx mgroN, rfvI pfr ilbfs ikAuN hY?
aDUry rih gey cfvF nUM hws ky tfl CwzFgy
Bry myly nUM jd Cwizaf slIky nfl CwzFgy
qyrf aY ijLMdgI aYvyN nhIN jMjfl CwzFgy
ijgr dI awg ivc koeI kVI qF Zfl CwzFgy
jdoN DrqI ‘coN AuWTI hUk cIrygI KlfvF nUM
asIN ies zoldy asmfn nUM sMBfl CwzFgy
iswiKaf dyx afcrn dI, pRvcnf ivckfr.
asfzy aks ieh KMizq kry jd rUbrU hoeIey
qyry sLIsLy dy pfxI nUM asIN hMGfl CwzFgy
ajy vI iesLk dI isLwdq lhU aMdr slfmq hY
gvfcI pYV zfcI dI QlF ‘coN Bfl CwzFgy
ajy qF irjLk dI aOKI cVHfeI rojL cVHdy hF
imlI jy ivhl afpF vI kbUqr pfl CwzFgy
ieh kfhqoN
lKbIr ‘lwkI’ gwKV
ikAuN ieh sB kuJ ho irhf hY?
kyhVy KMB lfky qUM AuWz geI nI.
jwg nUM cfnx vMzdy, Drm dy Tykydfr.
ikwQoN pfr lMGfAuxgy, jo afp Psy mMJDfr.
afpUM dr dr mMgdy, vMzdy duwD qy puwq.
idny Drm prcfrdy, rfq nsLy ivwc Duwq.
BoilaF nUM BVkFvdy, bfby nfhry mfr.
zFg vrHI qy Bwjdy pf sfVHI slvfr.
corF nUM qF lwgxI, afp hI zfZI mOj.
kwZxf sfD hY zyirEN, lfeI puils qy POj.
krdy sfD blfqkfr, zr BAu mnhuM ivsfr.
ihMsf krIey kdy nf, ieh hY vwzf pfp.
lokF nUM AupdysL dy, kql ny krdy afp.
igrigt vFgUM bdldy, sfD jo nIqI vfn.
bxdy jfey gAU dy, bVHk jo mfrn sfnH.
awjkwlH kVy kfnUMn nUM, sfD smJdy itwc.
kort kcYhrI jwj sB, AunHF dI muwTI ivwc
bfibaF koly not vot, qwk sB hox KfmosL.
dosLI huMidaF Pyr vI, bfbf jI ‘inrdosL’.
iks df sB kuJ Koh irhf hY?
iks dy pwly kI kuJ afvygf?
iks df kI kuJ Kus jfvygf?
eyh qUM jfxy jF aOh jfxy?
iksdy ivlkxgy inafxy, qUM iewk hAumf lY ky bih geI nI.
cuwp huMdI vI bhuq kuJ kih geI nI.
kyhVI hvf qYnUM lY geI nI.
qYnUM cuMmx idaF myry buwl kMbdy ny,
qYnUM Guwt ky cuMmf myry hwQ kMbdy ny,
ikAuN qUM myrI buwkl ivc bih geI nI,
ikAuN myry ipwCy pY geI nI.
nf mYN Aus dr df hF, nf ies dr df hF.
nf mYN ijAuNdf hF, nf mYN mr df hF.
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 25
agrbwqI jsivMdr (dohy)
bfby aqy kfnUMn ig[ kyvl isMG inrdosL
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
hY aqy aOrqF vI kr
skdIaF hn| pwkf kMm, sfrf
sfl cwlygf, cMgI qnKfh
idwqI jfvygI| aYbtsPorz
qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor
jfxkfrI leI Pon kro:
Email: jobs.mandairfarms@gmail.com 889 Clearbrook
DRIVING LESSON FOR CLASS 4,5,7 Class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | Air Brake | Citizenship NSC
klfs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | eyar bryk | istIjLnisLp NSC
qy nOlj tYst dI iqafrI | klfs 4 pRI-itRp
Area: Abbotsford, Mission And Aldergrove
pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI | aYbtsPorz, imsLn
aqy aYlzrgrov
New Basement and Bathroom Extension BM Elite Renovations Ltd. We do all types of Renovations • Hardwood • Laminate • Tiles • Painting • Plumbing • Kitchen Cabinets • Framing • Stone Works • Drywall Finishing • Full WCB asIN hr qrF dI rYnovysLn krdy hF: • hfrzvuwz • lYmInyt • ikcn kYbints • PRyimMg • tfeIlF • pyNitMg • ston vrk • zrfeIvfl iPinisLMg nvIN bysmYNt aqy bfQrUm aYkstYnsLn Call at 604-791-3933 BMeliterenovation@outlook.com www.WeedManCanada.com Abbotsford 604-854-8712 •Vital-Lawn Fertilizer Treatment • Nature’sTouch Premium Weed Management •Insect Control for Infestations • RootBuilder Mechanical Core Aeration • Moss Control •Licensed & Professionally Trained “Trust the Professionals” Promotional Code: “JORDY” kfimaF dI loV hfrvuwz lMbr ilmitz (myplirwj) vfilLaF nuM imwl ivwc kMm krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY| kMm bhuq hlkf
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Farm Workers needed for MANDAIR FARMS LTD. Work will be starting on February 2023- November 2023 Duties include picking, sor ting, weeding, pruning, tying, packing, unloading trucks, etc. Must be productive and self motivated as work is physically demanding and will be outdoors in all weather conditions. Farm work experience would be an asset. 45-60 hour/week. Worker Wages $15.65/hour
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Please call at 604 849 5252
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 26
Farm Workers Wanted
Spl: We Do Cabinet I nstallation for New or Old Houses Basement Dr ywall Laminate Washroom Finishing Kitchen Framing Sundeck Vinyl Paper Painting Siding Plumbing Tile * Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete * Crown, Baseboard * Door, Fireplace kstm Aqy kuAwiltI ikcn kYbints Aqy klozt AwrgynweIzr (pYNtrIz) AsIN ikcn Aqy vwSrUm dy purwxy kwaUNtr tOp vI bdldy hW hrdIp ibrdI Call : H AR DEEP BIR D I : 778-823-076 5 FULL WCB EMPLOYEE INSURANCE COVERAGE Workers Wanted kfimaF dI loV All K inds of Renovations BPR Full Home R enovation WE SPECIALIZE IN TILE INSTALLATION AsIN tweIl ieMstwlySn iv`c mwihr hW Full bathroom renovation All kinds of tile installation Kitchen cabinets & counter tops Laminate Flooring Plumbing Pu`l bwQrUm rYnovySn hr qrHW dI tweIl ieMstwlySn ikcn kYbints Aqy kwaUNtrtOp lYmInyt PloirMg plMibMg New basement & new bathroom extension nvIN bysmYNt Aqy bwQrUm bxwauNdy hW Call Param Gill At : Workers Wanted Abbotsford, B C LT D For more information call: All Instructions are given in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu & English Seema or Raj (Bobby) 32393 Adair Ave., Abbotsford, B.C. V2L 4L7 Ph: 604-870-0869 Cell: 778-552-4481 Raj (Bobby) We Serve Mission, Aldergrove & Abbotsford Govt. Certified Instructor for Class 4, 5, 7 & Uber • quhfzI syPtI leI kfrF dy dUhry styairMg aqy brykF hn. • Gr qoN PrI lY ky jfx aqy CWzx df pRbMD hY. • asIN quhfzy leI roz tYst buWk krdy hF. • roz tYst leI kfr vI idMdy hF. • nrvs ividafrQIaF leI KLfs tryinMg idWqI jFdI hY. • asIN afeI sI bI sI qoN mnj rsLudf ieMstrktr hF. • asIN pMjfbI, ihMdI, AurdU aqy ieMgilsL boldy hF. 2006 qoN afp dI syvf dy ivwc kfimaF dI loV 604 832 3532 kfrIgrF dI loV !! Full Time / Piece work for Kitchen Cabinet Shop aYbtsPorz ivwc kYbint bxfAux vflI kMpnI nUM kMm krn vfly vrkrF dI loV hY. cMgf mfhOl aqy qjLrby anusfr vDIaf qnKfh. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro. Decent Cabinets & Doors Ltd. Full Time Workers Wanted for Finishing Carpentry Company aYbtsPorz dI iPinisLMg kfrpYNtrI kMpnI leI Puwl tfeIm vrkrF dI loV hY. cMgI qnKfh, vDIaf mfhOl. rfeIz df pRbMD hY. LEHRA FINISHING LTD. 604-832-3532 jF 604-864-8122 hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: FULL HOME RENOVATION Puwl hom rYnovysLn GENERAL CONTRACTOR CITY PERMIT FOR LEGAL BASEMENT * * tfeIlF lYmInyt pyNitMg ikcn kYbints iPinisLMg ielYWktRIkl blFeINzs zrfeIvfl PryimMg plMibMg • • • • • • • • • • TILING • • LAMINA TE • PAINTING • PLUMBING • BLINDS • KITCHEN CABINETS • FINISHING • DR YW ALL • FRAMING ELECTRICAL • WORKERS NEEDED - MUST HAVE RENOVATION EXPERIENCE kfimaF dI loVrYnovysLn ivc qjLrbf hovy BEANT DEOL 778.245.2550 Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 27
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
rfsLIPl cyq sMkRFqI
joiqS,S EqyEijqyiEijqj, i, Eiq Eqy71 qyo
myK – ishq TIk rhy, svfrI qoN cot df Kqrf, inwjI lokF nfl anbn rhy, jfiedfd sMbMDI JgiVaF qoN dUr rho. sMqfn suwK imlygf. DoKybfj qoN sucyq rho. apRYl 14,15,23,24 meI 1,2,3,11,12,14 asLuwB.
ibRK – nyqr rog, zr, Dn lfB, inwjI lokF nfl lVfeI JgVf, imwqrF qoN mdd imlygI, iesqrI pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. apRYl 16, 17 25,26, meI 4,5 asLuwB hn.
imQun – ishq TIk rhygI. afmdnI nfloN Krcf vDyry hovygf. imwqrF qy irsLqydfrF qoN suwK imlygf. sMqfn leI sLuwB kMmF qy Krc hovygf. iesqrI ksLt aqy AulJxF ivwc vfDf hovygf. apRYl 18, 19, 27, 28, meI 6,7,8,asLuwB hovygI.
krk – pyt qy nyqr rog, sLrIrk ksLt, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. BrfvF df sfQ pRfpq hovygf, rfhdfr qoN lfB, XsL dI pRfpqI hovygI. purfxy JMjt dUr hoxgy. kMm bdlx nfl lfB pRfpq hovygf. apRYl 20,21,22,29,30 meI 9,10 asLuwB hovygI.
isMG - ishq TIk rhy, Dn lfB, Krcf vI aiDk hovygf, imqrF nUM ksLt ho skdf hY. PflqU lVHfeI JgVy qoN dUr rhy. aOrq pwK qoN icMqf rhygI. Kfrobfr drimafnF rhygf, apRYl 14,15,23,24 aqy meI 1,2,3,11,12,14 asLuwB hovygI.
kMinaf – ishq TIk rhygI, gupq icMqF vDygI, BfeI aqy imwqrF qoN pRysLfnI, sMqfn dI icMqf, kMm df sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf, apRYl 16, 17, 25,26 meI 4,5 asLuwB hovygI.
qulf – rfj drbfr qoN icMqf dUr hovygI, pqnI suwK imlygf, PjLUl dy Krcy JgiVaF qoN dUr rho, afpxy lokF nfl anbn ho skdI hY. ishq TIk rhygI. apRYl 18, 19, 27, 28, meI 6,7,8,asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick – KUn qy ipwq ivkfr, afriQk sMkt hovy, mfnisk pRysLfnI vDygI, iesqrI pwK qoN lfB hovy qy kfrobfr ivwc rwdobdl df ivcfr bxygf, apRYl 20,21,22,29,30 meI 9,10 asLuwB hovygI.
DnU – kRoD ivwc vfDf, PjULl KrcI, corfN qoN sfvDfn rihx dI loV hY, afpxy lokF df sihXog rhygf. sMqfn suwK rhygf, iesqrI ksLt rhygf. kMm bdlx qoN lfB imly, Xfqrf suKkfrI rhy. apRYl 14,15,23,24 aqy meI 1,2,3,11,12,14 asLuwB hovygI.
pyt dI KrfbI, nyqr Xog, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF qoN suwK dI pRfpqI hovy iesqrI pwKoN icMqf qy kfrobfr ivwc suDfr rhygf. apRYl 16, 17, 25, 26 meI 4, 5 asLuwB hovygf.
sMkRmx (ienPYksLn) nfl pRysLfnI ivwc vfDf, afmdn qoN Krc ijLafdf rhy. imwqr- ipafiraF df sfQ bixaf rhy. ivroDI pwK kmjor rhygf. iesqrI pwKoN KuwsLI imlygI. apRYL 18, 19 , 27 ,28, meI 6, 7 , 8 asLuwB hovygI.
KFsI qy vfXU rog rhygf. afriQk siQqI TIk rhygI. PjUl KrcI bI ho skdI hY, imwqrF nfl JgVf vI ho skdf hY. iesqrI pwKoN suK qy kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt af skdI hY. apRYl 20, 21, 22, 29, 30 meI 10 aswuB hn/
The Solar Eclipse occurs at the end of your sign this week. It might be time to think about what might be better let go of and new directions you could take over the next six months. This may have a connection to finances. This could be more about lowering things than increasing. You could benefit in the long term.
Mercury, the planet of decision making has been in your since the 4th April. It will begin to retrograde this week until the 15th May. This is especially beneficial for self-reflection upon where you find yourself in life at the moment. Don’t be surprised if you decide that certain obligations need to be dropped. It can’t be instant though.
You could recognise that something you felt was important to continue with long term might be better let go. It is more about not putting your energies into maintaining that direction, as these things cannot necessarily be altered quickly. You will do well to contemplate what is becoming important to you up to mid May.
You are setting up a new 2 year personal cycle at the moment. You need to be mindful of situations where you are not listened to. You could realise that you should not be as willing as you have been in the past to take on extra obligations. There are ways of working around those who demand a lot. Reflect on these to mid May.
You could suddenly realise that something you wanted to be part of your future in the long term might be better dropped, particularly if it will increase the burden somebody else could place upon you. You will not be without obligations, either personal or work related. What is most important should be considered to mid May.
It might be time to rethink the directions you want to take in the long term in your life, particularly where security might be concerned. Finding time to yourself to mid May to consider these things would be beneficial. If you have realised of late that somebody else could expect a lot from you in the future, you must be prepared to put yourself first.
The ending of a way of life for somebody else could put a lot of pressure on your own enjoyment. This might seem momentary now but could turn into a long term situation from next year. They maybe dealing with something they don’t expect to mid May. They are unlikely to be open about what they actually think, so be cautious.
Life is heading towards getting busier with other people. This could require you to bring an end to certain regular routines and create new ones. Not that this has to be done overnight but something you begin to consider. Somebody else could change their mind from now to mid May. It might all seem unpredictable to you.
You will need to get in the habit of becoming strong-minded when it comes to the manner in which your normal routines can be affected through the expectations of others. You can be tested on this between now and mid May. Part of the test will be to break habit patterns to generously accept things without first thinking of the consequences.
You might be tempted between now and mid May to return to something you have enjoyed in the past. There can be significant new directions associated with home and/or family that will alter the whole structure of things in the long term. This could seem overwhelming to begin with but will settle down to some extent from mid May.
A sense of having to be prepared to make definite decisions to let things go can be part of feeling as though you need to be more in control in your life. Gaining this control will be a slow process and will come into play more next year. What you need to think about to mid May is what you would like to put in place in life to build upon.
There will be many decisions to make up to mid June. What you thought you wanted might change between now and mid May. It is possible you do not have enough information and if so, you should put in the effort to become better informed. A lot of responsibility is on you personally now with Saturn in your sign.
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 28 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 28
iqESE 1S E E E iS Eiy S iS Ei S Ejjo iS Ey j iES E 7qS E qqqy q S 8iS Eqo S Ei q 1S Ejo j jj S 11S E Si S 1S E q
Our industry is too superficial : Aahana
Aahana Kumra becomes the latest celebrity on the list to talk about the campism in the Hindi film industry. In her recent interview, the actress also discussed how she went two years without a job because she wasn’t a member of any camp. Aahana opened up to a news portal and said, “I didn’t get any work for the last two years. I was not being approached for roles. In the industry, I have noticed that actors who hang out with a certain set of people get hired again and again. I am not part of any of that circle. So if you ask me, does it affect me? I’d say yes, it does.”
She also added, “I don’t go to parties or award shows. Our industry is too superficial. It also bothers me that people have made such a circus out of this business. It cannot be so unreal. For me, my camp is my close friends and my college friends. When I work with my colleagues, we finish our work, have a good time, and go back to our homes.”
The actress will soon be seen in Cancer, starring alongside Sharib Hashmi.
Raveena opens up about nepotism
The debate over nepotism in the film industry refuses to die down with one star kid after other getting launched in recent years. Now, it is rumoured that Aaman Devgn, the nephew of Ajay Devgn, and Raveena’s daughter Rasha will soon make their debut in films. When asked about the prevalence of nepotism in the film industry, Raveena responded, “Our kids will obviously learn what they see and if they have that in their bloodstream, if they have talent, I’m not going to tell her ‘no, sorry you cannot live your dreams, you have to become a NASA scientist.’” She insisted that the film industry is brutal to the star kids. “There is, in fact, so much more pressure because of the fact that if they have no talent you will make one film for them. You are the audience, if you don’t want to watch them, then don’ t. Audience is king. They will tell you whether you are worth being here or not,” asserted Raveena. The Mohraactress also claimed that the audience had turned away several filmy kids, “They have to go through much more pressure because they have to live up to a certain expectation also. It’s even tougher for them.”
Aamir earns praise for cracking jokes on self
Aamir Khan is currently dominating ad breaks during IPL matches with his Dream11 commercials as he sportingly takes jokes on himself, including those on his last film Laal Singh Chaddha.The ad shows Bumrah teasing him for the failure of the film. Another ad features cricketer Rohit Sharma mocking Aamir for not attending award events. Aamir has now been earning praise for how he didn’t mind being mocked for Laal Singh Chaddha’s failure in one of the ads. It shows Aamir telling Bumrah to bowl carefully as he gives ‘bade bade hits (big hits)’ with his bat. Mocking him in return, Jasprit says, “Itne hits
maarte ho sir…to Laal Singh ka kya hua (if you give so many hits, what happened to Laal Singh Chaddha)?” A user tweeted about the same in sarcasm, “Aamir Khan made more money with Laal Singh joke in Dream11 ad than Laal Singh the movie.” Many others however, praised the actor for cracking a joke on himself. A Twitter user wrote, “The latest adseries by Dream11 proves that why AKPPL Official AamirKhan is actually Mr. Perfect. Dude is taking jokes on his absence in Award Shows and even LaalSinghChaddha's bad performance in the box office. Respect.”
Yami recollects being asked for a nose job
Actors turning to surgery to look better isn’t something new in the film industry. Out of these, a nose job is one of the most well-known. Actress Yami Gautam Dhar has recently opined on the topic, as she was advised to get her nose job done. Speaking to a news portal, Yami revealed, “I was advised to get a nose job! There is so much advice floating around. What is people’s obsession with others faces? There are girls and people who take it seriously.” The 34-year-old also believes that people’s choices in such
matters should also be respected. “I mean, it is a personal choice; to each his own. I am not someone to comment on anybody else. But I feel it is not right. If you want to do something, that should be your choice. It shouldn’t be coming from anyone that, ‘Oh, this is what you need to do so that you will get cast or look better.’ I don’t agree with all those things,” the Lost actress added. Yami is currently basking in the rave reviews for her latest film streaming on Netflix, Chor Nikal Ke Bhaga and her performance in it.
Popular singer and songwriter Lisa Mishra, who is known for her songs such as ‘Tareefan’ from ‘Veere Di Wedding’, ‘Wakhra Song’ from ‘Judgemental Hai Kya’, ‘Nadaaniyan’ from ‘The Sky is Pink’, ‘Coka 2.0’ from ‘Liger’, among others, shared that she is open to dating Aditya Roy Kapur if he agrees. She was on the chat show ‘By Invite Only’ when she enjoyed banter with other guests including singers Anuv Jain and Zaeden. Lisa said: “I am open about dating Aditya Roy Kapur.” About being part of the show, she said: “It’s going to be a lot of fun to be stupid and goofy while also disclosing and discussing topics you’ve never discussed before, so get ready for that. The show has a unique idea that goes well beyond a simple chat show, which adds to the experience’s excitement and enjoyment.”
While Lisa is open to dating Aditya, Zaeden revealed that Tara Sutaria is his crush and Anuv shared his liking for Janhvi Kapoor. The ‘Baarishein’ singer Anuv added: “To be honest, I am actually curious to see how this feels and works. Being at the radar of the questions and unveiling things you barely reveal. I eagerly anticipate the special performance segment, as this is something I can very well relate to.”
Filmmaker and producer Sajid Qureshi’s daughter Amrin Qureshi, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Rajkumar Santoshi’s ‘Bad Boy’, said that her biggest inspiration as an actor has always been the late Bollywood actress Sridevi. Speaking about her inspiration, Amrin said: “Coming from Hyderabad, I used to watch a lot of Sridevi ma’am’s films. I have always looked up to her because of her charisma and her diverse expressions.” Amrin added that she has learned a lot from the ‘Nagina’ actress in terms of her acting skills, her choice of projects and also as a person. “She has always inspired me through her film choices and her performance in all her iconic songs. I have heard how reserved she was off screen and that’s how I am as a person, hence I relate to her at a personal level too,” added Amrin. The film also marks the debut of Mithun Chakraborty’s son Namashi Chakraborty. Helmed by director Rajkumar Santoshi and produced by Sajid Qureshi and Anjum Qureshi, ‘Bad Boy’ is all set to release on April 28.
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 30 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 30
'I am open to dating Aditya Roy Kapur' : Lisa Mishra
Debutante Amrin Qureshi, Sridevi has always inspired me'
Huge Selection of Flowers
We’re a local Abbotsford, British Columbia florist delivering courteous, professional service and the highest quality flowers in Abbotsford. We pride ourselves in an inviting shop. Our experienced designers can create floral arrangements that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery to all local funeral homes and hospitals.
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Funding options are changing for Canadian small businesses
(NC) With supply chain issues, inflation and labour shortages, it can be tough running a small business these days. Fortunately, a government program is stepping up to help.
The improved Canada Small Business Financing Program has recently been updated to offer businesses new financing options, including lines of credit and higher loan amounts.
If your company earns less than $10 million in revenue a year, you could qualify for a line of credit of up to $150,000. This money can be used to cover day-to-day operating expenses. This means you can use it for practical things like payroll, rent, website software, inventory and much more.
If you’re looking for a term loan, know that the program’s maximum
OBITUARY sLok smfcfr
In our hear ts Forever and always Gurmej Singh Gill
gurmyj isMG igwl
Dec 10th, 1944 –April 12th, 2023
We are sad to announce the passing of Gurmej Singh Gill on April 12th, 2023. His love, laughter and generosity will be dearly missed by all.
bVy hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy ipafry gurmyj isMG igwl 12 apRYl 2023 nUM akfl clfxf kr gey hn. AuhnF dy ipafr, hfsy aqy Audfrqf nUM sfry bhuq Xfd krngy.
The Memorial Service was held on Wednesday, April 19th at 12PM
At Fraser River Funeral Home in Abbotsford
Antim Ardaas at 2PM
Followed by Guru Ka Langar
At Khalsa Diwan Society
aMiqm sMskfr, buwDvfr apRYl 19 dupihr 12 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy kIqf igaf. aMiqm ardfs, bfad dupihr 2 vjy gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPotz ivKy hoeI
Community Support
BfeI GnweIaf jI aYbtsPorz PfAUNzysLn-
Are you over the age of 65 and need support? Call us, we can HELP Do you need help in picking up Groceries/ Medicines?
kI quhfnUM grosrI jF dvfeIaF ilaOx vfsqy mwdd dI loV hY?
kI quhfzI Aumr 65 sfl qoN vwD hY aqy quhfnUM shfieqf dI loV hY?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
Need guidance? Someone to talk to?
amount for a borrower is $1 million. Of this, $500,000 can be used for equipment and leasehold improvements, which includes a maximum of $150,000 for intangible assets like good will, and working capital costs such as inventory.
To see if you’re eligible for these new financing options and expanded categories, speak to your lender or find more information at canada.ca/csbfp.
Help when you are in a tough situation? Call us, we can HELP mfrgdrsLn dI loV hY?
iksy nfl afpxy mn dI gwl krnI cfhuMdy ho?
kI qusIN koeI musLkl siQqI ivwc ho?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
In this difficult time, if you are struggling to put food on your table. Call us, we can HELP
For More Information Call : hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: Sonny sonI : 604-300-4385 | Navi nvI : 604-825-2799 | Jagraj jgrfj : 604-751-1500 Jag jYg : 778-552-7086 | Shinder isLMdr : 604-832-0540
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 31
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
Jasbir Bhogal
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-300-2885
Email: jbhogal@murraygmabbotsford.com
e d
30355 Automall D riv , Abbotsfor , BC V2T 5M1
All prices, Details , Pictures & Description may change .
“All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details” Some ter ms and conditions apply
Rushal Chawla
Financial Services Manager
Phone: 604-300-7015
Email: rchawla@murraygmabbotsford.com
Sunil Desai
Sales Manager
Phone: 778-868-5757
Email: sdesai@murraygmabbotsford.com
Jasdeep Aujla (founder)
jsdIp aOjlf (sMsQfpk)
ALG Lawyers was founded by Jasdeep Aujla. ALG established its roots in Abbotsford, BC and now provides legal services and has lawyers across the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley with offices in Surrey and Vancouver. Jas has been acknowledged and has the distinction of being the first South Asian from the city of Abbotsford to play CIS football at UBC. On account of pioneering that achievement he continues to ensure that ALG is involved in local youth and sports organizations amongst other local community initiatives. Most recently, he was named as a director for the 55+ BC Summer Games..
Family Law
Criminal Law
Estate Planning (Wills/Probate)
Slip and Fall
Property Disputes
Construction Disputes
Estate Litigation
Business Law
Friday, April 21st, 2023 PAGE 32 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 32
dy ivvfd
kfrobfrI kfnUMn.
AusfrI dy
jfgIr mukwdmybfËI
XojnfbMdI (vsIaq/pRobyt) iqlkxf aqy izwgxf asIN hyT ilKy KyqrF ivwc knUMnI syvfvF dI pRdfn krdy hF: Vancouver address: #720 – 999 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K5 Surrey address: #200 – 7404 King George Blvd Surrey, BC V3W 1N6 Abbotsford address: #104 – 32615 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 1X8
| www.alglawyers.ca | 604-337-6254
Arpan Parhar Neha Giri
Pamela Kooner Caroline Daly
Sharlene Wilson Rani Birk Christine Giltrow