Earth Day Clean Up
by Annam Kaur Brar Mrs. Baird’s Class
One Sunday afternoon, Maya and Tom were watching TV at home. Maya had brown eyes and blonde hair. Tom had black hair with blue eyes. Tom asked Maya if she wanted to secretly go to Forest World. Maya replied, “Oh, yes!”
Maya and Tom unlocked the entrance door, and Maya and Tom went in. They locked the entrance door behind them.
Maya and Tom shivered. “We need our jackets,” said Tom. “We are late! Forest World is closing in 20 minutes!” replied Maya, as she ran off to Forest World. Tom caught up to her, as Maya reached Forest World. As they went in, they saw everything was frosty. They saw so much trash, too! There were cans, milk cans, and juice boxes everywhere! First, they went home and lied to Mom. They told her that the TV said that Forest World was polluted. They wanted to clean up Forest World. They asked if Mom could help clean it up. Mom was putting dirty clothes in the washing machine. “I have no time! I’m always doing chores!” Mom told them. “Don’t ask me again!” she scolded. Second, Maya quickly stole
Mom’s phone from the pocket of her fuzzy coat. Maya and Tom ran back to Forest World. Maya called her best friend Ruby. Maya asked Ruby if she could help them clean up. Ruby said, “I’m in Mexico!” “Oh! Sorry!” Maya replied. Third, Maya told Tom that they should try to clean it up on their own. Tom said, “Sure!” Maya and Tom cleaned almost all of it up until Tom and Maya were so tired. Finally, a seagull came flying toward them and perched on an apple tree’s branch. It told them to clean up a little bit every day. “Today, you guys cleaned up enough. Go home and rest. Come again tomorrow. Then clean the same amount you did today. Do this again and again until everything is clean and shiny.”
The seagull flew away. Maya and Tom did what they were told. They came again day after day. After seven days, every single plant was clean. The same seagull came and perched on the same tree. Maya and Tom said, “Thanks,” as the seagull said, “You’re welcome.” The seagull flew away. Maya and Tom lived and played happily ever after.
aYbtsPorz dy pMjfbI pihlvfnF dI
arjntfeInf dI DrqI qy JMzI rhI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) arjntfeInf dI
rfjDfnI ibAUns eyarjL ivKy
hoey pYn-amrIkn rYsilMg
cYNpIanisLp 2023 dy kusLqI
mukfbilaF ivwc aYbtsPorz
invfsI pMjfbI pihlvfn
jsmIq isMG PUlkf aqy insLfnpRIq isMG rMDfvf dI JMzI
rhI hY. ijlLf huisLafrpur
dy tFzf nyVly ipMz KwK nfl
sbMiDq qy mIrI pIrI rYsilMg
klwb dy pihlvfn jsmIq
isMG PUlkf ny 79 ikwlo vrg
kusLqI mukfbly’c purdo rIko
dy pihlvfn sLyn joonjL nUM
hrf ky cFdI df qgmf hfisl
kIqf jd ik kpUrQlf nyVly
ipMz vzflf klF dy aqy gurU
goibMd isMG rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfn insLfnpRIq isMG
rMDfvf ny 97 ikwlovrg kusLqI
mukfbly’c arjntfeInf dy
pihlvfn irkfrzo bYj nUM hrf ky kFsI df qgmf ijwiqaf. ienf kusLqI mukfbilaF’c
kYnyzf, amrIkf, ikAUbf, kolMbIaf, brfjIl, arjntfeInf, mYksIko, icwlI, pIrU, guaftymflf, vYnjUeylf qy jmfiekf smyq 17 dysLF dy pihlvfnF ny ihwsf ilaf.
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jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn
quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn
blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk
qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh
quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
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igwl Email: 604-590-9747 OVER muPLq slfh pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI boldy hF. YEARS EXPERIENCE sflf qjLrbykfr
blrfj isMG
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 7
The Patrika
dohrf .. sfKI qfrf isMG kI sun su buwiD inDfn.
bFie zl mD isMG BXo buwtr goq pRDfn..1..
(rqn isMG BMgU, pRfcIn pMQ pRkfsL)
mfJy ivc do ipMz nflo nfl vsdy hn –zwlf
aqy vF, ies vfsqy keI vfr ies nUM zwl-
vF vI boilaf jFdf hY. vF ipMz ivc buwtr
goq dy jwt vsdy hn. ies ipMz ivwc iek
cwGf nfm df ijLmINdfr hoieaf hY. ies dy
iqMn puwqr sn – mfhI, jYqf qy gurdfs.
sB qoN Coty ny gurU goibMd isMG jI dy smyN
aMimRq Ck ilaf sI qy Auh gurdfs isMG
dy nF nfl iswK pMQ ivc jfixaf jfx lwgf. Aus ny bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr dIaF anykF
lVfeIaF ivc sLfml ho ky vIrqf dy jOhr
ivKfey. awgoN ies dy cfr puwqr hoey, ijnHF
ivc sB qoN vwzf BfeI qfrf isMG sI, ijs df
jnm sMmq 1759 ibkrmI Bfv sMn 1702 eI: nUM hoieaf. afp ny BfeI mnI isMG jI qoN aMimRqpfn kIqf qy afpxf jIvn pMQ nUM sprpx kr idwqf.
BfeI qfrf isMG ny ipMz dy nyVy hI afpxy KyqF ivc iek vfVf inrUpx kIqf. Aus smyN jLmIn kfPLI by-abfd peI huMdI sI ijs ivc mlLy vx krIr afid afp muhfry AuWgy huMdy sn. BfeI qfrf isMG ny iek Kyq dy duafly
ienHF dI bVI sMGxI vfV kr ky iek PlHf
bxf ky drvfjLy AuWpr lfieaf hoieaf sI.
vfVy ivc afly-duafly kuJ CMnF (JuwgIaF)
bxfeaF hoeIaF sn qy ivckfr toieaf puwt
ky Aus ivc bVy bVy ruwKF dy muwZ qy zfhxy
vwZ ky moCy pf ky suwty hoey sn. isafl dI
ruwqy ienHF nUM awg lf idwqI jFdI jo pfly ivc
Tur-Tur kridaF nUM inwG bKsLdI. lMgr
gurU df gurU afsry hmysLF aquwt vrqdf
rihMdf. muglIaf hkUmq dIaF njLrF ivc
bfgI, pr Kflsf pMQ dIaF njLrF ivc iswK
rfj leI jUJdy KfVkUaF leI ieh mfJy ivwc
sB qoN vwD surwiKaq Tfhr sI. juJfrU isMG
vI gfhy-bgfih afAuNdy jFdy ieQy afrfm
krdy, awg sykdy, lMgr Ckdy aqy XQf Xog lMgr ivc afpxf ihwsf pf jFdy.
Aus smyN mfJy df Guwg vsdf sLihr pwtI, ijs nUM nON-lwKI pwtI vI kihMdy sn, muglIaf hkUmq dI iek srkfr sI ijvyN ik srihMd. Aus smyN dI srkfr awj kwlH dI kimsLnrI dy brfbr huMdI sI. nusLYhrIey pMnU, nusLYhrIey sMDU aqy JbflIey iZwloN ieh iqMny iqMn lwK dy ajfrydfr sn. Bfv ienHF iqMnF nUM hI iqMn-iqMn lwK ruipaf mfmly df srkfry jmHF krvfAuxf pYNdf sI. ieh afp BfvyN lokF qoN ikMnf Augrfhux, iehnF nUM puwCx vflf koeI nhIN sI.
Aus vyly nOsLihrf sMDUaF df cODrI sfihb
rfie sI jo ik srkfr df pwkf JolIcuwk qy
sUbydfr jLkrIaf Kfn dI muwC df vfl sI.
ies leI ieh isMGF nUM aksr qMg qy pRysLfn
krdf rihMdf sI. nOsLihry dy nyVy hI ipMz
BVfxf, sMDU goq dy jwtF df sI. ies ipMz
ivc do isMG mflI isMG qy gurbKsL isMG
rihMdy sn. cODrI sfihb rfie ienHF dy KyqF
ivc afpxIaF GoVIaF KuwlHIaF CwzI rwKdf
sI. iek iksfn afpxI PLsl nUM DIaF puwqrF
ijMnf ipafr krdf hY. PLslF dI ies qrHF
brbfdI iks qrHF JwlI jFdI? ieh dovyN
isMG sfihb rfie kol gey qy bVI inmrqf
• ibjins plYinMg
For Prompt, Polite & Professional Service Please See Us Abbotsford BC : Unit 101-32883 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2S 2A6 | Tel: 604-852-3201 | Fax: 604-852-3284 s`n vDIE` Eqy Brosywog syv`v~ leI imlo: All Revenue Canada applications and inquiries I N C O M E TA X Nil Income Still Eligible for Refunds • E-File for Faster Refund ienkm tYks Our Difference is the Difference. Khattra Gr oup Sukhvir Chand : 778.549.6851 RCIC, BBA Commissioner of Oaths for British Columbia Member of CAPIC Mandeep Brar: 778.908.3317 “Helping Make Canada Home” • Personal Tax (T1) • Sole Proprietor • Corporate Tax (T2) • Partnerships • GST, PST & HST • WCB • CRA Reviews • Business Planning • prsnl tYks • pRoprfietr • kOrporyt tYks • pfrtnrisLp • jI[aYs[tI, pI[aYs[tI & aYc[aYs[tI • zbilAU[sI[bI[
nOmInysLnj ienvYstr klfs pqI/pqnI spONsrisLp
sLhId BfeI qfrf isMG vF igafnI kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’ Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 8 The
nfl bynqI kIqI, “cODrI sfihb! sfzI
kxk dI Psl insr geI hY, pfxI lfieaf
hoieaf hY. quhfzIaF GoVIaF KFdIaF Gwt
qy imwDdIaF ijLafdf hn. nuksfn Jwl nhIN
huMdf ies qrHF. sfzy kfljy df ruwg Biraf
jFdf hY. qusIN ikrpf kr ky ienHF nUM bMnH
ky rwiKaf kro.” sfihb rfie ieh sux ky
awg bgUlf ho AuiTaf. Aus df pfrf swqvyN
asmfnIN cVH igaf. hMkfiraf hoieaf cODrI
isMGF nUM kihx lwgf, “Eey isMGo! quhfzI
ihMmq ikvyN peI mYnUM
ieh gwl kihx dI?
ieh GoVIaF ievyN hI
afjLfd crngIaF.
ajy mF ny Auh puwq
nhIN jMimaf ijhVf
myrIaF GoVIaF nUM
roky. hF! jy ikDry
bMnHxIaF peIaF qF
quhfzy isrF dy vfl
kYNcIaF nfl kwt ky
Aus dy rwsy vwt ky
hI bMnHFgf.”
aYzy hMkfr Bry bol sux ky, vkq dI njLfkq
nUM pihcfxidaF lhU dy Guwt pI ky cuwp kr
gey qy inrfsL, Audfs, guwsy nfl Bry pIqy
Buwsy ipMz dy amr isMG qy bGyl isMG kol
af gey. jo kuJ sfihb rfie ny ikhf, sB
kih suxfieaf. nfl hI cuwp krn dI mjLbUrI
dwsI ik ies jLflm ny mgroN sfzy pirvfrF
nUM qMg krnf sI. bGyl isMG ny ikhf ik
qusIN pihlF pirvfrF nUM AunHF dy pyky GrIN
Gwl idAu. asIN kwlH nUM afAuNdy hF. mflI
isMG qy gurbKsL isMG ny ieMJ hI kIqf.
bwicaF nUM ipMzoN Byj idwqf. amr isMG qy
bGyl isMG dy afAux ‘qy afpxy KyqF ivc
crdIaF sfihb rfie dIaF GoVIaF nUM PV
ilaf. GoVIaF AunHF ny sR[ lKbIr isMG sMDU
Girafly vfly nUM ilaf ky dy idwqIaF. Aus ny
GoVIaF diraf tpf ky pitafly vfly rfjf
aflf isMG nUM vyc idwqIaF. jo rkm AunHF
GoVIaF dI vwtI, Aus dI rsd ilaf ky sR[
qfrf isMG vF vfly dy lMgr ivc pf idwqI. qy afp vI sfry jxy BfeI qfrf isMG dy vfVy
puwj gey. ikAuNik AunHF nUM BlIBFq pqf sI
ik awgoN kI hoxf hY.
sfihb rfie nUM jdoN pqf lwgf ik Aus dIaF
GOVIaF qbyly ivc vfps nhIN afeIaF qF
Aus nUM swqIN kwpVIN awg lwg
geI. Aus ny Ausy vyly KojI
lY ky pYV nwp leI. pYV
iswDI vF ipMz qfrf isMG dy zyry puwj geI. sfihb rfie ny qfrf isMG nUM ikhf, ‘myry cor qyry kol hn. mYnUM myry cor dy dy. BfeI qfrf isMG
jI kihx lwgy ik ieQy isMG
Kflsy rihMdy ny, cor nhIN. cor qy sB qoN vwzf qUM hYN jo
grIb iksfnF dIaF PslF
AujfVdf hY. dohF pfisaF
qoN grmf grmI ho geI. sfihb rfie kihx lwgf,
iswDI qrHF cor myry hvfly kr idAu nhIN qF juwqIaF mfr-mfr ky cor kZvf lvFgf. BfeI qfrf isMG ny sfihb rfie nUM PV ilaf qy Aus dI cMgI iCwqr pryz kIqI. byiewjLqI krvf ky sfihb rfie iswDf pwtI af igaf qy POjLdfr jLfPr bygL nUM kihx lwgf, “PLOjLdfr sfihb! asIN mfmlf ikQoN iekwTf krIey, mfmlf qF isMG lokF qoN Augrfh ky lY jFdy hn. jdoN asIN AunHF koloN mflIaf mMgdy hF qF Auh awigEN Jwgf cuwk dyNdy hn.”
jdoN jLfPr byg ny puwiCaf, ik ies ielfky ivc isMGF df srgnf kOx hY? qF sfihb rfie ny BfeI qfrf isMG vF df nfm lY idwqf. pRfcIn pMQ pRkfsL dy krqf BfeI rqn isMG BMgU ilKdy hn:-
[[[[qo puCXo hfkm isMG hY ikq Qfie. khI jwt jihN butrn bfieN. qih bhXo qfrf isMG buMgY icxfie. dXo rol Auin igrdY pfie..24..
jdoN hfkm ny puwiCaf ik Aus kol ikMnI ku POj hY? ikMny ku iklHy Aus kol hn? qF
sfihb rfie kihx lwgf, koeI iklHf ivlf Aus kol nhIN. do ku cubfry hn, kuJ JuwgIaF hn. ds-vIh isMG sdf kol rihMdy hn qy ieMny ku hor afAuNdy jFdy rihMdy ny. hiQafr
vI nyjLy, qlvfrF qoN bgLYr hor koeI nhIN. sfihb rfie qoN ieh Kbr lY ky jfPLr byg ny pwtI qoN BfeI qfrf isMG ‘qy cVHfeI kr idwqI. BfeI rqn isMG BMgU ilKdy hn:suin hfkm cVHXo pwtIEN Dfie. mohry qorXo kr sfihb rfie.
awsI pXfdy pMJI asvfr.
ZONE AUTO REPAIR LTD. email: jLon afto irpyar ilimtz aYbtsPorz kMipAUtr rfhI cYkawp, ieMjx vrk, brykF, itAUnn awp, tfiet cyNj, ey sI aqy hIt vrk. #104-31060 Peardonville Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6K5 Services: Servicing, Oil Change, Engine Repair, Exhausts, Brakes, Diagnostics, Schedule Maintenance & much more… kuldIp isMG (Kuldeep) 604-300-4247 jgdIp isMG (Jagdeep) 604-614-7792 spYsLl: sYmI trwkF dI ey sI irpyar kIqI jFdI hY. Special Discount for Students & Senior Citizens
bfkI pMnf 21 'qy TIRES & NEW AND USED Cars, Vans Trucks & Pick-ups JAGDEV 604.850.2425 Phone/Fax #3 - 31272 Peardonville Rd Abbotsford BC k`r~, vYn~ Eqy ip@k-E@p tr@k~ dy t`ier lYx leI phuMco ALL NAME BRANDS 604.825.0085 Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 9 The Patrika PAGE 9
The Patrika Auto Review: 2023 Lexus NX 350 f-Sport: Desirable Luxury CUV!
By Veeno Dewan
Lexus’ new compact NX 350 CUV remains an a stylish, edgy CUV. For 2023 it arrives as a self - charging hybrid only. The NX is sleek and composed of daring sheet metal, with the trademark Lexus “spindle” grille. Standard features include: 18-inch wheels, LED headlamps and a sunroof. Power is via a 275hp, 2.4L turbocharged four-cylinder and 8-speed automatic. transmission
The hybrid Lexus NX 350h has the 25L four-cylinder and Lexus Hybrid Drive unit with 239 net horsepower. Power is sent to via an 8-Speed automatic sequential shift mode transmission with Electronically Controlled Full-Time All-Wheel Drive (AWD). The NX 350h has a fairly good comprehensive standard equipment list, including: as standard All -Wheel Drive, Heated front Seats & heated steering wheel, Digital Latch & Safe Exit Assist ,with Lexus Interface including standard 9.8” HD Touchscreen Display, Lexus Assistant, wireless Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™ compatibility, 3-year trials for Safety Connect and Remote Connect; up to 5-year trial for Service Connect; and available 14” Touchscreen Display. There is also: Drive Connect (Cloud Navigation, Intelligent Assistant, Destination Assist) plus the new Lexus LSS+ 3.0
safety suite with: Blind Spot Monitor, RCTA, Electrochromic Driver Mirror and more. There are multiple trim and option packages for the NX 350 starting with $55,950 Luxury and tops out with the F Sport 3 ($65,450). The NX 350h, lineup ranges from $50,450 - $66,000).
Available Optional Packages include the Premium, Luxury, Ultra Luxury & Executive and F sport packages.
We evaluated a 2023 Lexus NX 350 equipped with the F SPORT Series 2 package ($6,050.) Notable extras such as Ventilated Front Seats, Panoramic Moonroof, Smart Key w/Push Button Start, Power Tilt & Telescopic Steering Wheel, Head-Up Display, Blind Spot Monitor System, Thematic Ambient Illumination – 64 colours, Lexus Interface with Safety, variable Suspension (AVS), 3-Spoke F SPORT Steering Wheel, SiriusXM Audio, Lexus(FCTA), Intelligent High Beam, F SPORT Front Grille, Painted Wheel Arch Mouldings and more.
The Lexus NX350h interior is typical with a sleek, high tech looking cabin. A wide central display is now canted toward the driver and features a hi-tech 9.8-inch touchscreen as standard, which can be upgraded to a 14-inch screen with a thankful to see combination of virtual and physical controls for the climate system. Good Managing Par tner Managing Par tner 604.615.4950 778.552.8936 # 160-32500 South Fraser Way | Abbotsford, BC | V2T 4W1(Beside FreshCo) HOME BUSINESS PROPERTY LIABILITY TRAVEL PRORATE LIFE/HEALTH Gagan Grewal Ravi Dhaliwal Get a Free Rate Comparison Today! 604 744 0999 Open 7 Days A Week Mon-Friday: 9:00 am-8:00 pm Saturday : 9:00 am-5:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm Central Valley Insurance Services Ltd. Fax: 604-744-0998 Looking For Insurance? WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED ryt dI qulnf muPq ivwc pRfpq kro! WE SPECIALIZE IN SUPER VISA INSURANCE hlvfeI aqy kuWk 778.246.2311 gurduafry qy mMidrF dy pRogrfmF leI Kfs izskfAuNt EXPERIENCE 46 Yrs. All Kinds Of Indian Veggie, Non-Veggie Food & Sweets GlotI (rfVf sfihb kMntIn vfly), luiDafxy vfly msLhUr hlvfeI (kwuk) dyv sLrmf), ijnHF kol 50 sflF df qjLrbf hY, ipCly 15 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivWc afp jI dI syvf kr rhy hn| iksy vI iksm dy vYjI jF nfn vYjI Kfxy jF miTafeIaF aqy snYks bnvfAux leI sMprk kro. ivafh sLfdIaF
aqy gurU Gr ivwc hYlprF leI sfnUM Pon kro.
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 10
The Patrika
to see that Lexus have introduced a more intuitive infotainment interface as the remote Touch control pad for the centre screen, takes a while to get used to as the trackpad is so sensitive.
High quality, along with interesting design motifs and a combination of decent plastics and faux leather-look panels dominate on the dash. All the textiles and materials are premium with clever design elements. It is a very interesting and stimulating interior. The dash is also typical Lexus with a sporty, busy, high-tech flavour. Overall front cabin room is
and confident handling. The F Sport package on our test vehicle helps minimize body roll when cornering – it feels taut, refined, and supple. Safety is high with such offerings as a variety of driver-assist safety features including, blind-spot monitoring, adaptive cruise control, emergency front braking, lane departure assist, lane centring, and automatic high-beam headlamps. The Lexus NX 350arrives with the latest version of the Lexus Safety System + (LSS+ 3.0), a suite that has a plethora of advanced safety systems, consisting
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The seats are supportive and amazingly comfortable on long drives, and general driver ergonomics are good. The rear is a tad cramped in terms of legroom and headroom. On-board storage is fine and the cargo compartment is a tad small at 486 litres. Towing Capacity kg (lbs.) is 907/2000.
On the road, — the NX has exem-
of such features as: pre-collision braking with pedestrian and bicycle detection, radar cruise, lane tracing assist, plus more.
The 2023 Lexus NX 350 presents an excellent package to compact luxury CUV buyers who like the brand or want to enter the Lexus fold at an attractive price point. It offers a smooth, comfortable driving experience,
kuafltI bOzI aqy pyNt rIpyar syvfvF
Prym vrk aqy XUnIbOzI rIpyars
pUrIaF pYNt jObs (sOilzs, mYtfolks, trfeIkots, kuaYzkots)
afeI.sI.bI.sI klym aqy prfeIvyt klym hYNnzlz
muPq aYstImyts
kstm pyNt
kmplIt rIstorysLn
plary manners, with a comfortable ride and sharp, responsive handling. Acceleration is good and the UX performs well both on the highway with adequate passing power and in the stop and go of city driving. We tested the F Sport version and found it provides a pleasing blend of comfort
more power, decent fuel economy and performance. A top buy in this sector.
2023 Lexus NX350 F-Sport Series
2. Price as evaluated with options $61,450 plus fees, freight and PDI.
More info at www,
kstm kfr afzIE/ vIzIE
sfrIaF puKqF syvfvF
ijLMdgI Br leI ilKqI grMtI smrwQ aqy dosqfnf syvfvF
A N A N D Irrigation Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 DOWNES RD OLD ALE RD TOWNLINE RD GLADWIN RD HARRIS RD X MT LEHMAN MT LEHMAN GLADWIN RD HWY 11 HWY 11 HARRIS RD DOWNES RD Anand Irrigation 5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems • • • • • •
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 11 The
iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
ikwlf jF ikÜHf gurdyv isMG aflmvflf
ikwl myK df sMbMD nr mFdy vFgr hY. CotIaF vsqF nUM joV ky iewkTf rwKx vfsqy CotIaF iklF, myKf vrqoN ivwc afAuNdIaF hn. pr keI vfr jykr ivwq qoN vwzI vsqU hY qF ikwl dI ËrUrq pYNdI hY. ikwl dy akfr dI koeI ilmt nhI huMdI. bfr dy qwKiqaF qy ryl gwzI dIaF lIhF pwtVIaF qoN lYky, vwzy smuMdrI jhfËF dy vwzy izwkF qwk ikwlF df sfieË vwDdf Gtdf rihMdf, ijvyN zMgr zfktr, pÈU, jfnvr, jnOr dy tIkf lfAux smyN vyKdf ik ieMnjYkÈn, murgI dy lfAuxf jF hfQI dy. mqlv Auho ijhI hI sUeI df sfieË vrqdf, ijwQoN qwk pIVq dI, phuMc pIV dI ilimt huMdI hY. kwcIaF iewtF dIaF kMDF huMdIaF sn ivwc inMm dI lwkV dy ikwly iËafdfqr Toky jFdy sn. inMm dI kOVI lwkV nUM Gux jF isAUNk Gwt
lwgdI sI. lwkV qy lohy dy vwzy ikwl jd
kwcIaF pwkIaF kMDF ivwc gwz idwqy jFdy qF Auh ikwlf jF ikwly awKvfAudy hn. ijs
nUM srl BfÈf ivc tMgxF vI ikhf jFdf.
Gr dIaF vsqF lIVy kwpVy aqy hor KyqI dy sMd jF Gr dIaF vsqF, ieMnf ikwilaf nfl tMgIaF jFdIaF. “tMgy pey ny ikwlI qy Dilafry, sfQoN nhIN mwJF cfr huMdIaF” rFJy ny hIr nUM myhxF mfiraf sI. mYN vI jdoN sfl 2016 ivwc sYmI trwk clfAuxf Cwz idwqf iehI muhfvrf bol ky Dilafrf ikwly tMg idwqf sI. mqlv sYNkVy sflF qoN cwilaf afAuNdf ikwlf hux alop huMdf jf irhf, bws muhfviraF ivwc rih igaf. jd Gry pÈU nhIN rwKxy qF ikwilaF nfl ikhVf bFdr ikwlf Kyzxf.
“puVpVI ivwc ikwl Tokxf” dI khfvq afm pRclq hY. JuwgI, Zfry, ÈMnF nUM byVF, rwsIaF nfl cMgI qrF nwrV ky, bMd bMn ky iqafr kIqI jFdIaF sn. iPr kwcIaF koTVIaF af geIaF. Aunf dI QF koiTaF ny lY leI. bfad ivwc pwkIaF bYTkF bx geIaF, ivwckfr bfr bfrIaF lwg geIaF. AunF ivwc jVIaF cgfTf nUM, ivwc ikwl Tok Tok lfeIaF jFdIaF. Aus nUM hor pwkf mjbUq krn vfsqy Auwpr do vwzy ikwl Toky jFdy, AunF nUM puVpwVI ivc ikwl Tokxf vI kihMdy sn. swQF PiÜaf dI KuMz crcf kridaf, bhuqf bolx vflf jy iËafdf JwK mfrnoN nF hwtdf, Aus nUM awgoN Tokvf jvfb dy ky koeI cuwp krf idMdf qF qrjIh iehI khfvq dI huMdI ik aYsf ‘puVpwVI ivc ikwl’ jiVaf ihwlxoN kuskxoN htf idwqf. cuwp krky bYT
igaf. klfkfr dy gfixaF ivwc ikwl lÌË Gwt iPwt bYTdf krky, ikAuNik bhuqy Auh afp ikwl ikwl ky gfAuNdy, AunF koky jVny ÈurU kr idwqy. kokf nwk ivc jiVaf jFdf hY. qrjIh iqwKy nwk dI, mÈhUrI koky dI. koky ikwl gBrUaF dy KUMizaF ivwc vI jVy jFdy. keIaF dy DOx ivwc vI ikwlf huMdf hY. afkVKor, hMkfrI, ijdIaf, pYsy, ËmIn jfiedfd, pVfeI jF iksy ahudy df DOx ivwc ikwlf huMdf. ieh ikwlf idsdf qF nhIN, iensfn dI bol bfxI ivwcoN bdbo mfrnI, amIrI dI BVfs, jfqI jwtvfd, hmyÈF afPiraf afPiraf rihxf, inmRqf hlImI nf ilafAuxI, ikAuNik DOx df ikwlf. ieho ijhf iensfn iekwlf hI rih jFdf, iksy df ivÈvfs pfqr nhIN bxdf. lokI Aus koloN dUr nUM BwjxF ÈurU kr idMdy.
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Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 12
ikwl ÈfhIaf vI juafnI dy idnF ivwc dwsqk idMdIaF. ÈfhIaf kYlÈIam jF hor iksy cIË dI srIr ivwc Gft kfrn huMdIaF hn. ÈfhIaF bfhrlI nrm sikMn cmVI dy AuprlI qih qwk hI sImq huMdIaF hn. mUMh qy Puwitaf ikwl cmVI dIaF iqMn qYhF nUM pRBfvq krdf hY. srIr aMdr irwD pfk jF sImn jo qkrIbn KUn dy sO quwbky qoN irwJ ky gfVf hoky iewk qFAukf bxdf, iËafdf mfqrf ivwc jmF hoky, Auh pRYÈr nfl inMklx vfsqy srIr dI nrm jgf nUM pfV ky bfhr inkldf hY. ieh ikwl, PoVy, iPnsIaF Aumr dI vwKo vwKrI styj qy ruwq muqfibk inkldy hn. juafnI dy hfv Bfv iËafdfqr ichry Auwqy mihsUs, pihlF huMdy krky vI ikwlF df inklxf muMmikn hY. dUsrf aMdr dI grmI, PAGE 12
The Patrika
guV, Cuafry jF grm cIËF Kfx nfl srIr dy msÜF (mfs pyÈIaF) ivc qwpÈ vD jfx kfrx vI ho skdy hn.
pÈUaF nUM bMnx vfsqy vI ikwlI, ikwlf qy
muMnI muMnf KurnIaF lfgy, GrF dy ivhiVaF, brFizaF aqy pÈUaf vfly aMdrf ivc DrqI ivc cMgI qrF gwzxy pYNdy hn. kuJ Coty
dRKqf jVoN puwtdy nhIN sn, do Puwt Cwz ky vwz idwqy jo muMnIaF vFgUM moty qy mjbUq hn. ienf nfl hI pÈU aVkfey cFdy sn. ikwly
pÈUaF dy ivwq muqfibk huMdy. bwkrI, kwtf
kwtI vwCf, vwCI, JotI, mwJ, bld, boqf, GoVf qy sMzy nUM, AuhnF dy ivwq muqfibk hI
ikwilaF nfl bMn idwqf jFdf hY. vrnf Cotf
ikwlf, vwzf pÈU ikwlf ptf ky Bwj jFdf.
isafl ruwq boqy msq jFdy qF iewk ikwly
muhfr qy dUsry ikwly inAuÜ lf ky igwtf
bMn idwqf jfdF. awQry, mwÈrw GoiVaf nUM vI inAuÜ lwgdy. pwkIaF KurnIaF nUM pwky kVy ikwly lfey huMdy hn.
pihlF dws afey hF ik lwkV dy ikwilaF dI
QF lohy dy ikwilaF ny lY leI hY. ËmInI ikwly vI muwZ kdImF qo cwly af rhy hn. pihlF ieh BfvyN iewk ikwlf ËmIn lfhoN pfhIN ivMgI tyzI hI huMdI, pr igxqI vjoN GumF igixaf jFdf. Gwt ËmInF vfly lok, iËafdfqr ivwiGaF ivwc ËmIn igxdy. pMjfb ivwc ivwGf do knfÜF df hY, XU pI ivwc Èfied pMj knfÜF, rfjsQfn ivwc Cy knfÜF dy brfbr hY. duafby ivwc Kyq igxdy hn. Plfnf isMaF “qyry ipwCy dys ikMny Kyq hY ? “hor sUibaF
pRFqF dyÈF ivwc ËmInI vfD Gft vI hovy gI. aMgryËF dI hkUmq qoN pihlf Bfrq iewk dys
nhI sI. holI holI sfry kbIly ksibaF nUM
kbwjy Qwly krky, ‘ieMzIaf’ df nfm goiraF
ny idwqf. vwKry vwKry sUibaf dy dysf dy iKwqy sn. dyÈ duafbf, dyÈ mflvf, dyÈ mfJf, dyÈ
pMjfb. irafsqF kbIilaF dI bolI qihq
vwKo vwKry kbËy aqy dys sn.
pRqfp isMG kYroN dI vËfrq smyN murwbybMdI
hoeI. ËmIn nUM ikwlf vwt ivwc vMizaf igaf,
jmFbMdIaf ivwc ikwlf nMbr qy srsfhIaF
dy vyrvy drË hoey. lwkV dy ikwly qy nfm
ilKxf sOKf krky, mflk df nfm iliKaf
jFdf. lohy pwQr Auwqy nfm ilKxf sMBv nhIN
sI. iek ikwly qoN dUsrf ikwlf gwz ky ikwly
vwt mÈhUr ho geI. murwibaF dI vMz nUM Qwly
pwQr dwb ky vMizaf igaf. Auws nUM pwQr
vwt df nfm idwqf igaf, Auh idsdI nhI
bhuq zUMGfeI ivwc huMdI hY. jykr loV pvy qF
ptvfrIaF nUM pqf huMdf pwQr vwt ikwQy hY, Auh KudvfeI krf ky imxqI kr lYdy hn.
jykr koeI ryVky vfÜf mslf hovy. pr ikwlf vwt qF sfhmxy idwsdI hY. ikAuNik ieh lwkV dy ikwly gwz ky vwtF bxfeIaF jFdIaF hn. 36 bfeI 40 dIaF krmF srsfhIaF nfp ky iewk ikwlf bxdf. lwkV dy ikwly qoN hI ÈurU hoky, ËmInI ikwlf nfm ipaf. vwzy iËmINdfr, jwgIrdfr ijMnF koly iËafdf jmIn sI, AunF nUM ikwilaF vfly srdfr vI ikhf jfx lwgf. keI ipMzF df nfm vI ‘ikwilaF vflI’ hY. purfxy Bfrq dy smyN ivwc bIGf, do bIGf, cfr bIGf ËmInF df iËkr afAuNdf, ikwilaF df nhI. jMn sMKIaf Gwt qy byabfd ËmIn iËafdf sI. kuJ ku ËmInF df ihwsf hI kfÈqkfr vfhuMdy sn. pfxI dI ikwlq, mIhF jF CwpVF ivcoN Jwl bxf ky Kyq isMJy jFdy (myry nfvl “kYnyzIan bweIafxI” ivwc ivsQfr sfihq vyrvf drj hY) ikAuNik sfry muËfry sn qy mflk rfjy. ijMnI iËafdf ËmIn vfhuxI AunF iËafdf hfÜIaf dyx pYdf. ieiqhfs ivwc bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr jI df iËkr afAuNdf. Aus ny jwd srhMd qy cVfeI kIqI, Auh rsqy ivc jFdf ijhVy ielfky qy kbËf krdf igaf, AuwQy muËfiraF nUM ËmInF dy mflk bxfAuNdf igaf. afp df rfj Bfg bxf ky nfnk iswkf clfieaf.
AudoN ËmInF ibwGy GumFvF ivc igxdy sn. pMjfb dy ‘JroKy ivwcoN’ ikwly bfad ivwc idwsxy ÈurU hoey. jo agFh nUM Èfied eykV nfm BfrU pY jfvy.
rfjy mhfrfjy iKwiqaf Auwqy kbËy krky, afp dy mihPUË rihx vfsqy iklHy Ausfrdy, qFik Auh apxy pRIvfr qy afp nUM suiKawq rwK skx. ieh ikwlHy aqy KyqF dy ËmInI ikMly iewk dUjy nUM inwKyVdy qy vwK vwK krdy, vMzdy hn. ijhVy kMDF koiTaF dy ikwly, Auh joVdy hn. pihly jdoN Gr ivwc iewk sMdUk qy iewk cwkI hoxI, iesqrIaF lfhy pfey kwpVy sMdUk
Auwqy tMgI jfxy, mrdf cwkI Auwqy suwtI jfxy. Jwgy, kuVqy, suQU, pMjfmy kCihiraf dI ZyrI cwkI qy hoxI. ProÜ ProÜ lwB ky pfeI jfxy. iPr GrF ivc lwkV dIaF pytIaF af geIaF. lfhy pfey kwpiVaF dI rOxk AunF Auwqy vfhvf ho jfxI. kMDF ivc gwz ky do ikwilaF qy bxI qxI ny cwkI pytI nUM sfh duafieaf. ies qrF iehnf ikwilaF ny joVn df kMm kIqf nfik inKyVx df. iek ikwlf
bhuq kwpiVaF nUM Jwl jFdf. do lwkVF dIaF
JIQF ikwl Tok ky bMd kIqIaF jFdIaF. ieh lohy df ikMl vI joVx df kMm krdf hY. kdy quhfnUM vI dys vfly ikwilaf dI Xfd afeI hovy gI. qusIN kI mihsUs kIqf !
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 13
The Patrika
2023 Canada Day celebrations at Abbotsford Exhibition Park
The City of Abbotsford is excited to present its annual Canada Day event honouring our community and country at Abbotsford Exhibition Park on July 1.
The daylong event will feature a parade, live entertainment, food trucks and a marketplace.
As part of the community celebrations, the City will once again be presenting the Order of Abbotsford and other civic recognition awards in the evening and
the celebrations will be capped off with a light show finale at dusk.
Applications are now being accepted for parade entries, performers, marketplace booths and volunteers. Organizations and individuals can apply for these activities at www.abbotsford. ca/canadaday. This webpage will also have a complete schedule of the day’s events along with an activities map, entertainment schedule and more information closer to the event.
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kYnyzf’c pMjfbI nUM imilaf bhfdrI snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) rfiel
kYnyzIan mFAuitz puils ny ibRitsL kolMbIaf
dy rihx vfly pMjfbI jiqMdr sLrmf nUM ‘aPsr
ien cfrjL’ df bhfdrI snmfn dy ky invfijaf
hY. puils vloN jiqMdr sLrmf nUM ieh snmfn
sVk hfdsy ivwc gMBIr jKmI hoey ivakqI dI
mwdd krn bdly idwqf igaf hY. Gtnf nvMbr
2022 dI hY jdoN jiqMdr sLrmf afpxI kfr ivwc
svfr ho ky jf rhy sn qF rsqy ivwc sVk qy
brP jMmI hox kfrn do hfdsfgRsq hoey vfhnF
ivckfr Pisaf qy gMBIr jKmI hoieaf ivakqI jdoN AunF dyiKaf qF puils dy afAux
qoN pihlF jiqMdr sLrmf ny Aukq ivakqI nUM surwiKaq bfhr kwz ilaf qy Aus dI jfn
bc geI. snmfn mOky jiqMdr sLrmf dy pirvfrk mYNbr vI hfjLr sn.
kYnyzf dI XUnIvristI’c BfrqI stwzIjL dI cyar
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ikAUbk sUby dy mhFngr mFtrIal siQq nfmvr ivwidak sMsQf mYkigwl XUnIvristI aqy ieMzIan kONsl Pfr klcrl
kYnyzf’c mhfrfjf cfrls dI zfk itkt jLfrI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl)
kYnyzf dy zfk ivBfg ny ieMglYNz dy
nvyN bxy sLfsk mhfrfjf cfrls
qIjy dI qsvIr vIlI zfk itkt
jLfrI kIqI hY. ieh zfk itkt AuWGy
PotogrfPr aYln sfhkrfs vloN
izjfien kIqI geI hY. ieh vI
pqf cilaf hY ik kYnyzf srkfr
mhfrfjf cfrls qIjy dI qsvIr
vflf 20 zflr df iswkf jfrI krn
vfsqy vIcfr kr rhI hY. kYnyzf dy pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo afpxI
pqnI soPIaf smyq mhfrfjf cfrls
dI qfjposLI smyN hfjr sn jd ik
knjLrvyitv afgU pIar pOlIvr
aqy aYn[zI[pI[ afgU jgmIq isMG smfgm qoN gYrhfjLr rhy. vrxnXog hY ik kYnyzf dy zfk ivBfg ny sB qoN pihlF 14 jUn 1851 nUM mhfrfxI ivktorIaf pihlI dI qsvIr vflI 12 pYNs dI zfk itkt jLfrI kIqI sI iPr julfeI 1903 ivwc mhfrfxI ivktorIaf dy puwqr mhfrfjf aYzvrz qy 1923’c mhfrfjf jLfrj pMjvyN dI zfk itkt jfrI kIqI aqy pihlI meI 1953 nUM mhfrfxI ailjbYQ dUjI dI zfk itkt jfrI kIqI.
imsLyl cfvlf kYnyzf kONsl Pfr afrts dI sI[eI[E inXukq
irlysLnjL ny iewk afpsI smJOqf kIqf hY ijs qihq mYkigwl XUnIvristI mFtrIal ivKy ieMzIan kONsl Pfr klcrl irlysLnjL dI BfrqI stwzIjL dI cyar sQfpq kIqI geI hY ijs nUM afeI[sI[sI[afr[ PMz muhweIaf krvfeygI. mYkigwl XUnIvristI ivKy pulItIkl sfieMs dy pRoPYsr qy vfies ipRMsIpl akfdimk ikRstPr mnPrIdI ny kYnyzf’c Bfrq dy hfeI kimsLnr sMjy kumfr vrmf dI hfjLrI ivwc smJOqy qy dsqKq kIqy. ies mOky XUnIvristI dy vfies cFslr ipRMsIpl dIp sYxI qy hor pqvMqy hfjr sn. vrxnXog hY ik mYkigwl XUnIvristI’c vwzI igxqI ivwc aMqrrfsLtrI ividafrQI pVHdy hn. mFtrIal dI mYkigwl XUnIvristI ivKy BfrI stwzIjL dI cyar sQfpq krn leI kIqy gey smJOqy mOky dI qsvIr
Abbotsford’s Miri Piri Wrestling Club alumni wins Silver at the 2023 Pan American Wrestling Championships!
On May 5, 2023 in Buenos Aires, Argentina Jasmit Singh Phulka competed at the Senior Pan American Championships. He wrestled incredibly and took Silver in the 79kg weight class. Jasmit beat Puerto Rico 4-4 on criteria and Mexico 4-2 to reach the finals. In the finals he lost to 6x world champion and 2012 Olympic champion, Jordan Burroughs from the USA. This is Jasmit’s 3rd Senior Pan American Championship medal, winning 2 bronze medals in 2019 and 2020 respectively.
minstr afP kYnyzIan hYrItyj pfblo rOzrIgYjL ny imsLYl cfvlf nUM zfierYktr aYNz cIP aYgjLYkitv aPsr afP kYnyzf kONsl Pfr afrts leI inXukiqaf hY. ieh pMj sfl dI trm hY, jo jUn 26, 2023 qoN sLurU hY. cfvlf ny kYnyzf kONsl nfl 1995 ivwc kMm sLurU kIqf sI. kONsl dI zfierYktr jYnrl afP strYtjI, pbilk aPyrjL aYNz afrts iengyjimMt vjoN afpxI BUimkf ivwc, Auh sMcfr, rxnIqk XojnfbMdI, aMqrrfsLtrI qflmyl aqy swiBafcfrk izplomsI smyq iviBMn kfrjF dI kfrjkfrI agvfeI aqy idsLf leI ijLMmyvfr hY. cfvlf ny kYnyzf kONsl ivwc keI hor sInIar ahuidaF leI vI kMm kIqf hY, ijs ivwc kfrporyt skwqr aqy rxnIqk pihlkdmIaF dy zfierYktr, XUnYsko leI kYnyzOan kimsLn dy skwqr-jnrl aqy klf syvfvF dy muKI sLfml hn. kYnyzf kONsl ivwc afpxy krIb iqMn dhfikaF dy dOrfn, Ausny klf aqy swiBafcfr nIqI, pRogrfm ivkfs, iekuietI, kfrporyt gvrnYNs, srkfr aqy ihwsydfr sbMDF, pirvrqn pihlkdmIaF, aMqrrfsLtrI ruJyivaF aqy swiBafcfrk sbMDF ivwc ivafpk agvfeI df qjrbf hfsl kIqf hY.
pMjfbI aqy ikAUbykoies ipCokV qoN, cfvlf iswK BfeIcfry dI iewk mYNbr hY aqy iewk aijhy mfhOl ivwc kMm krn leI iqafr hY ijwQy klf aqy swiBafcfr duafrf sfrIaF avfjLF suxIaF aqy siqkfrIaF jFdIaF hn. Auh cMgI qrHF nfl do BfsLfvF bol skdI hY.
kYnyzf kONsl Pfr afrts kYnyzIan hYrItyj portPolIE ivwc iewk kRfAUn kfrporysLn hY.
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 15 The
nfmËdgIaF nUM hux svIkfr kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn.
afrzr afP aYbtsPorz AuhnF ivakqIaF nUM idwqf jFdf hY
ijMnF ny ivÈyÈ qOr qy AuWc pwDrI lMbI-imafd dI syvf aqy
Èihr ivwc Xogdfn idwqf hovy.
nfmËdgI dI aMiqm imqI: 15 meI, 2023
awj hI ivKy
iewk Èfndfr nfgirk nUM nfmËd kro.
Abbotsford 31852 Marshall Place 604.556 7477 S a t u r d ay, M ay 13t h R S V P a s s p a c e a n d q u a n t i t i e s a r e l i m i te d. M u s t b e 16 o r un d e r Make Mom a Hanging Basket! $5for a basket afpxI mMmI leI iewk hYNigMg bfsikt bxfE! sLnIvfr, meI 13 sImq jgHf kfrn sfnUM pihloN RSVP kro. 16 sfl jF Aus qoN Gwt Aumr dy hoxy cfhIdf ho. kMm vfly vrkrF dI loV hY. 604-853-2352 . BRAKES . TUNE-UP . GERNERAL REPAIR . AIR CONDITIONING . SUSPENSION . MAINTENCE 33839 Essendene Avenue Abbotsford BC V2S 2H3 Family owned and operated for 69 years Ser vice and Centex Petroleum YOUR CAR READY FOR Summer mhfn lok iewk mhfn BfeIcfrf bxfAuNdy hn. afE AuhnF df jÈn mnfeIey! afrzr afP aYbtsPorz
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 16
The Patrika
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 6
House Size: 4175 sqft
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2667 Sqft
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2667 Sqft
Bedrooms: 7
Bathrooms: 7 House Size: 4624 Sqft
Abbotsford Abbotsford 33383 Silver
33375 Silver
Abbotsford Abbotsford 2785
2790 Silver tree Cour t 2171 Mowbray Cour t 34131 Spruce Street 32308 Slocan Place 32596 Pandora Avenue 50987
Verado Cour t
tree Cour t
tree Cour t
Eagle Mountain
Sophie Crescent
0540 ww SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 80-34248 King Road 33306 Marshall Road 895 McCallum Road Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 17 The Patrika PAGE 17
Murray Avenue
Are you over the age of 65 and need support? Call us, we can HELP Do you need help in picking up Groceries/ Medicines?
kI quhfnUM grosrI jF dvfeIaF ilaOx vfsqy mwdd dI loV hY?
kI quhfzI Aumr 65 sfl qoN vwD hY aqy quhfnUM shfieqf dI loV hY?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
Need guidance? Someone to talk to?
Help when you are in a tough situation? Call us, we can HELP mfrgdrsLn dI loV hY?
iksy nfl afpxy mn dI gwl krnI cfhuMdy ho?
kI qusIN koeI musLkl siQqI ivwc ho?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
In this difficult time, if you are struggling to put food on your table. Call us, we can HELP
Huge Selection of
ROSE SYMPATHY SPECIAL OCCASIONS HOLIDAYS FRIENDLY SERVICE GREAT QUALITY FLORIST We’re a local Abbotsford, British Columbia florist delivering courteous, professional service and the highest quality flowers in Abbotsford. We pride ourselves in an inviting shop. Our experienced designers can create floral arrangements that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery to all local funeral homes and hospitals. | PICK UP OR DELIVERY 33781 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford BC V2S 2C3 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm | Saturday 9:30 am – 4 pm BEST PRICES IN TOWN DON’T SHOW UP EMPTY HANDED TAKE FLOWERS 604-870-2994 BfeI GnweIaf jI aYbtsPorz PfAUNzysLn- kimAuintI sport For More Information Call : hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: Sonny sonI : 604-300-4385 | Navi nvI : 604-825-2799 | Jagraj jgrfj : 604-751-1500 Jag jYg : 778-552-7086 | Shinder isLMdr : 604-832-0540 BHAI KANHAIYA JI ABBOTSFORD FOUNDATION
Community Support
Day Writing Contest Wonderful Mother The heart of a home is a mother Whose love is warm and true, And home has always been "sweet home" With a wonderful mother like you! Contest Deadline: May 19, 2023 Email your submission to Please write a poem, story or article about “Why you l e your Mo er” WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN THE MAY 26TH ISSUE Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 18 The Patrika PAGE 18
Mother's 604-200-1253 Kirti Naslund Address: #220-3720 Townline Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 0G6 • iemIgRyÈn • vpfrk kfnUMn • pirvfrk kfnUMn • rIal astyt kfnUMn • pRobyt aqy astyt aYziminstRysLn • vsIaq aqy jfiedfd • notrI • mOrgyj rIPfienYNs • muKiqafrnfmy kIrqI nYjLlYNz Manmohan Brar 604-807-8828 Unit #1 31087 Peardonville Rd Abbotsford, BC V2T 6K4 CCabinets lassiC An industry leader providing high-quality custom made cabinetry with impeccable service. ABBOTSFORD #9
(TOWNHOUSE) ABBOTSFORD * Quiet MARQ Townhomes * Corner unit * 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 1,680 sq. ft. * SS appliances, high ceilings $849,000 * 2 Storey w/Bsmt * 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,584 sq. ft. * Built in vacuum, instant hot water * Tons of upgrades, open concept 46289 MAPLE AVENUE CHILLIWACK $997,888 * Quality finishings throughout * Large windows, optimal daylight * Prime location near all amenities * Walk to transit * Offers easy freeway access * 1 bedroom Carriage home * Top notch location * Close to shopping, schools, recreation, etc. * Investors Alert $1,499,555 ABBOTSFORD 3430 BLUE JAY STREET • 2 Storey w/Bsmt • 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms • House size: 3,975 sq. ft. • Lot size: 5,978 sq. ft. • 2 bedroom LEGAL suite • Quality finishings throughout • 17’ ceilings in the family room • A/C, granite countertops • Spice kitchen, SS Appliances • Central location near everything ABBOTSFORD CORNERUNIT INVESTORSALERT! 2534 TERMINAL COURT * Brand new MEGA Custom Build * 2 Storey w/Bsmt * 9 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms * House size: 4,794 sq. ft. * Lot size: 7,421 sq. ft * Private cul-de-sac * High quality finishings * Two – 2 bedroom suites * Rooftop patio * Great location in Aberdeen ROOFTOPPATIO $1,899,800 * Mountainview Village * Family friendly complex * Unit Size: 1,383 sq. ft. * Community swimming pool * Playground for kids * In suite laundry w/storage * Upgraded bathrooms * Fenced yard for privacy * Great location for commuters #67 – 36060 OLD YALE ROAD $699,000 SOLD 3037 SANDPIPER DRIVE ABBOTSFORD • 2 Sto • Desired West Abbotsford • 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms • House size: 3,568 sq. ft. • Lot size: 5,840 sq. ft. • 2 bedroom accommodation • Spacious backyard w/huge deck Tons of updates - Call for list • Beautiful mountain views 1,130,000 SOLD SOLD ABBOTSFORD • 2 S • Desired West Abbotsford location • House size: 3,408 sq. ft. • Lot size: 5,978 sq. ft. • 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms • 2 Bedroom LEGAL suite • Loads of great updates • Fully fenced backyard • Double car garage • Tons of windows 1,399,800 • Near everything 3146 MALLARD STREET SOLD * 24 years of Combined Experience * 15 year Medallion Award Winners * Top 10% of Teams in the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board. 34820 MCCABE PLACE • Split Entry home in East Abbotsford • 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms • House size: 2,021 sq. ft. • Lot size: 6,180 sq. ft. • Covered balcony, single car garage • Large windows, open floor concept • SS appliances, granite countertops • Tons of upgrades, large fenced backyard • 1 or 2 bedroom suite, storage shed • Walking distance to schools, ARC, etc. We Have Qualified Buyers Looking For Farms & Homes In Your Area,call Us Today For A Free Maket Evaluation. $1,198,000 NEWLISTING koeI vI quhfzf Gr vyc skdf hY, pr asIN iesnUM vwD ivwc vyc skdy hF, sfnUM iewk mOkf idE! Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 19 The Patrika PAGE 19
, http://oraclepropertygroup com/ T h e N e x t M o v e I s Yo u r s Jim Makkar | Mary Seebach | Sunny Ahuja | David Tsen | Gurjot Kooner $769,900 #210-3281 E Kent Ave Nor th, VANCOUVER $374,900 #324-32690 14 Avenue, MISSION $250,000 1601 Bayshore Dr, VANCOUVER ‘Business Only’ $1,759,999 10131 Kenswood Dr, CHILLIWACK $879,900 33614 7 Ave, MISSION D $619,900 #22-3015 Trethewey St, ABBOTSFORD $268,000 N E W L ISTI N G $849,900 #1907 2180 Gladwin Rd, ABBOTSFORD G $1,669,000 N E W L ISTI N G $599,900 #1206 3150 Gladwin Rd, ABBOTSFORD $1,479,000 2544 Campbell Ave, ABBOTSFORD G $699,000 7287 Mount Thurston Dr CHILLIWACK G $379,900 #116-32850 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford $379,900 $799,900 #26-2033 Mckenzie Rd, Abbotsfordford $676,000 #417-32690 14 Ave, Mission $649,900 #12-45608 Bernard Ave, Chilliwack N E W L ISTI NG REDUCED REDUCED 36448 Carnarvon Ct, Abbotsford 422-32690 14 Ave, Mission 422 32690 14 Avenue Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 20 The Patrika PAGE 20
• rIal aYstyt trfˆsÌr
• mfrgyj
• vsIaq aqy jfiedfd dI plYinMg
• muÉiqafrnfmf
• sfrIaF notrI syvfvF
• aYPIzYvt
• rfhdfrI
• asl kfpIaF qsdIk krnf
ien F a K simaF iv c vI asI q hfzI s vf iv c hfj r hF, sfiraF n s P r Kx leI ikrppf krk k sfz nv sfeIin g
krfA x d nv qrIk n jffnx leI P n kr .
pMnf 9 dI bfkI
qury DuroN krq mfro mfr..26..
jfPr byg 80 (awsI) pYdl qy 25 GoVsvfr lY ky mfro-mfr krdf vF puwj igaf. awgy BfeI qfrf isMG jI dy jbr jMg vfVy
ivcoN aMimRq vyly BfeI bGyl isMG inkilaf
. Aus dy gfqry iqMn PuwtI qlvfr qy hwQ ivc nyjLf ilaf hoieaf Auh mYdfn cwilaf
sI. jdoN dyKI POj afAuNdI qF Aus dy mn ivc ivcfr afeI ik jy mYN aMdr dwsx clf igaf
qF smJxgy ik Bwj igaf. ies leI kwly isMG ny AuQoN hI llkfrf mfiraf, KLbrdfr jy koeI awgy viDaf.
avfjL pihcfx ky sfihb rfie kihx lwgf, iehI qF puafVy dI jVH hY, jy ies nUM mfr
ilaf qF qfrf isMG dI awDI qfkq qF Kqm smJo. isMG iekwlf hI GoV-svfrF ‘qy tuwt
ipaf, pYdl ipafdy ajy ipwCy sn. ieh
Hours: 9:30- 5:30 M-F
GoV svfrF nUM nyjLy ivc pro-pro ky jLmIn ‘qy iltfAux lwgf. iecr nUM iksy ispfhI ny isMG dy golI mfrI ijs nfl BfeI bGyl isMG sLhId ho igaf. golI dI aavfjL sux ky vfVy ivcly isMG jYkfry Cwz ky POj ‘qy tuwt ky pY gey. ies lVfeI ivc jfPLr byg df iek BqIjf vI mfiraf igaf. pfsf puwTf pYNdf vyK k, jdoN AuhnF dy pMjfh jvfn mfry gey qF Auh awzIaF nUM Quwk lf ky Bwj AuWiTaf qy iswDf mfVI kMbo kI puwj ky sfh ilaf.
dohrf.. huie cflU Pujdfr muV AuqrXo kMbo kI jfie.
Aun zyrf lhorY ruK kIXo iPrXfd nbfbih pfie..80..
ieQoN dUsry idn jfPLr byg sfihb rfie nUM nfl lY ky lfhOr jLkrIaf KF dy drbfr puwjf qy afpxI kmjLorI nUM lukfAux leI JUT df shfrf lY ky kihx lwgf, “Kfn sfihb! quhfzy nwk dy QWly isMGF ny AUDm mcfieaf hoieaf hY qy quhfzy kMnF ‘qy jUM nhIN srkdI. vF ipMz df BfeI qfrf isMG afpxy hiQafrbMd isMGF nfl sfrf mfmlf iekwTf kr lYNdf hY qy lok Aus qoN zrdy AuBfsrdy nhIN. hux qF pfxI isr AuproN dI vgx lwg ipaf hY. ielfky df mMinaf hoieaf cODrI qy mugl hkUmq df KYrgvfh sfihb rfie nOsLihry
vflf myry kol afieaf ik isMGF ny myrIaF
GoVIaF idn dIvIN curf leIaF ny. jdoN mYN ies dy dwsy itkfxy qy pVqfl krn leI vF
ipMz puwjf qF awgoN iqafr-br-iqafr Kflsy
ny sfzy ‘qy hwlf kr idwqf. iek BqIjf myrf
qy iek sfihb rfie df jMg ivc sLhId ho
gey. hux jy ies vgdI kFg nUM nf roikaf
qF ieh muglIaf hkUmq nUM kwKF kfinaF
vFg roV ky lY jfvygI. ieh sB kuJ lfhOr
qoN isrP pMdrF solF mIlF ‘qy ho irhf hY.”
ieh sux ky jLkrIaF KF nUM awg lwg geI.
Aus ny Ausy vyly afpxy iek nfieb momn
KF nUM swidaf qy ikhf, ‘POj loV anusfr
ijMnI cfhIdI hY lY jfh, mYnUM qfrf isMG vF
cfhIdf hY jIAuNdf jF murdf. momn KF 2200
GoV svfr, 5 hfQI, 4 rihkly (hlkIaF
qopF, ijs nUM do phIaF ‘qy bMdf iKwc ky iljf skdf hY. 40 jMbUry (AUT AuWqy lwdI jf skx vflI CotI qop, vyKo mhfn kosL) lY ky mfro mfr krdf vF ipMz nUM qur ipaf. iksy hmdrdI isMG (hjLUrf isMG) ny BfeI qfrf isMG nUM awgoN jf ky Kbrdfr kr idwqf ik isMG jI, do cfr idn awgy ipwCy ho jfAu, POjF vfVf KflI dyK ky afpy muV jfxgIaF, iPr af jfxf. BfeI qfrf isMG ny Aus dy iswKI jLjLby dI kdr kridaF Aus df DMnvfd kIqf, pr zyrf Cwzxf kfierqf smJI. iesy qrHF nyVy-nyVy dy hor ipMzF dy hmdrdIaF BfeI qfrf isMG nUM POj afAux dIaF KbrF phuMcfeIaF. ies qoN hI BfeI qfrf isMG jI dI lok-pRIaqf df sfnUM pqf cldf hY, pRMqU BfeI qfrf isMG jI ny rx mMzl df sMklp lY ilaf sI. Aus smyN zyry ivc 22 isMG sn. momn KF ny vF ipMz af ky BfeI qfrf isMG jI dy vfVy nUM Gyrf pf ilaf. ieiqhfs dwsdf hY ik AunHF 22 isMGF nUM BfeI qfrf isMG jI ny afp kysIN iesLnfn krfieaf. iPr isMGF pUrI iqafrI kr ky DONsy ‘qy cotF lf idwqIaF. momn KF vI smJ igaf isMG lVfeI leI iqafr-br-iqafr hn. Aus ny afpxy iek POjI ahudydfr qwkI byg nUM hmlf krn leI ikhf. qwkI byg df sfrf srIr sMjoa pihn ky lohy nfl Zikaf hoieaf sI, kyvl mUMh hI nMgf sI. Aus df tfkrf BfeI qfrf isMG nfl ho igaf. qwkI byg GoVy Aupr sI qy qfrf isMG pYdl. ies qoN pihlF ipMz sFGxy dy BfeI bulfkf isMG syKoN dusLmxF dy afhU lfhuMdf sLhId ho cuwkf sI. qwkI byg ny iek BrvF vfr qlvfr df BfeI qfrf isMG ‘qy kIqf, ijs nUM isMG ny Zfl ‘qy roikaf nfl hI afpxf nyjLf qwkI byg dy mUMh ivc mfiraf. mUMh ivcoN Kun dIaF GrflLF vg qurIaF. qwkI byg Gbrf ky ipwCy nUM GoVy Auqy Bwj quiraf. momn KF ny mKOl nfl afiKaf, “KLfn sfhb pfn Kf rhy ho?” vwt Kf igaf qwkI byg. Ausy qnjL ivc afpxy jrnYl nUM ikhf, “hF momn KF, pfn Kf irhf hF, awgy qfrf isMG bIVy vMz irhf hY, qusIN BI lY lAu.”
jMg bVy Gmsfn df mwicaf. isMGF kol kyvl qlvfrF hI sn, bMdUkF BI bs do cfr hI sn. iPr vI 2200 GoV svfr, hiQafrF nfl pUrI lYs POj df isMGF ny bVI bhfdrI nfl tfkrf kIqf. sR[ krm isMG ihstorIan ilKdy hn ik jdoN jMg miGaf ipaf sI qF vF ipMz dy nyVy hI iek ipMz kurbfn hY, AuQoN dy do sky Brf, jo KyqF ivc kwlr pfAux leI gwzf joV ky af rhy sn qF gwzy nUM rok ky dovyN Brf, jo aMimRqDfrI sn, rx ivc kuwd pey qy bfkI isMGF nfl sLhId ho gey.
(ieiqhfsk Koj Bfg 3, pMnf 37) ieh lVfeI mfG vdI 4, sMmq 1789 ibkrmI dsMbr 1732 eI[ nUM hoeI. ieh lVfeI lgBg cfr iviGaF dy ivc hoeI. AuQy awjkwlH sLhIdgMj AunHF pfvn sLhIdF dI Xfd ivc bixaf hoieaf hY.
LAYOUT HIGHLIGHTED SAHIB SIDHU 604.746.4603 • Real Estate Transfers • Mortgages • Wills & Estate Planning • Power of Attorney • All Notarizations • Affidavits • Sponsorship Letters • Certified True Copies * A Professional Notary Corporation * NOTARY
32090 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B C V2T 1V7
3 BEDROOMS AND LARGE PATIO - This bright 3 bed 2 bath home at Polygon s Elmstone boasts an open layout highlighted by over-height ceilings, laminate wood flooring and a deck. A chef s kitchen features custom cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, engineered stone counter tops, and an island. The master EnSite offers a spa shower with integrated bench seating, tile flooring and dual porcelain vanity. Plus, take full advantage of Club West - the resident-only resor t-inspired clubhouse.
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 21
The Patrika
Investment creates 3,000 techlearning spaces in B.C.
More students will have access to in-demand programs as 3,000 more technology-relevant spaces become available in the public post-secondary education system.
Spaces will include a range of areas, including cybersecurity, software engineering, data science, life sciences, creative tech, clean tech and agritech.
Pamper your mom this Mother’s Day
(NC) Mother's Day is an opportunity to show her how truly thankful we are for everything she has done. Sometimes though, simple flowers or chocolates just don't cut it when you want to say a real thank you. This Mother's Day instead, show her you care by pampering her with one of these more original ideas, all of which will make her feel amazing while also keeping her happy and healthy:
You are what you eat. Nothing says I love you like I want you to be healthy. This year, treat your mom to a consultation with a holistic nutritionist. She will be amazed at the incredible impact nutrition and lifestyle changes will have. From digestive problems, to high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, anxiety or depression, a carefully constructed, individualized program by a holistic nutritionist will give your mom the inspiration, motivation, and guidance she needs to make long lasting healthy changes.
Like a breath of fresh air. Skip a fatty Sunday brunch and escape the hustle and bustle of the city by taking a short
drive to the country. Visit a farm that offers guided tours or fruit picking and enjoy the day together. Some organic farms also have onsite restaurants that offer delicious, gourmet, organic meals. A daytrip to the country with mom will make her feel energized and she will be happy that you chose to spend the day with her.
Give her the gift of natural health. Studies suggest that, despite maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, older women are particularly prone to nutritional deficiencies. To make up for these shortfalls in their diet, some doctors recommend that older women take supplements such as calcium, vitamin D, probiotics and omega 3s. Visit a local natural health retailer and purchase a gift card for your mother to stock up on some of these essential vitamins and minerals. Helpful and knowledgeable staff can help guide her and answer her questions. To locate the nearest natural health retailer and for more tips, visit the Canadian Health Food Association's website at
The new student spaces are possible through a provincial three-year investment of $74.7 million. The spaces and supporting investment are included in the StrongerBC: Future Ready Action Plan, which is working to accelerate talent development and skills training to address workforce challenges across all sectors and throughout B.C.
“We’re facing an enormous challenge –our economy is changing, workplaces are transforming, and we have more job openings in growing and in-demand fields than we have the skilled workers ready to fill them,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. “People with technological skills and knowledge are in high demand within nearly every sector – from agriculture to manufacturing. That’s why we are excited to add 3,000 more tech-relevant spaces for people to learn, grow and thrive in these in-demand jobs.”
Over the next decade, B.C. needs a large and diverse pool of people with the technological skills and knowledge to fill the current and future job openings expected. Post-secondary education and skills training plays an invaluable role in closing the skills gap, supporting economic sustainability and growth in the province.
“The biggest challenge we are hearing from businesses is finding the skilled labour they need,” said Brenda Bailey, Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. “Through this investment, people will have better access to the technological education and skills training they need for rewarding careers, ensuring employers are able to find the world-class talent they need to
grow and prosper in B.C.”
Some of the new technology-relevant spaces will be open to enrolment as soon as September 2023, with others to follow in subsequent years. Through the creation of these spaces, more students will have access to a wide range of responsive programming – from certificates and diplomas to degrees – giving people the flexibility to find a path that works for them and B.C. employers.
“Having had the opportunity to experience incredible hands-on learning at TRIUMF, I am excited that even more students will get work experience at innovative institutions in the tech space,” said Nicolas Fedrigo, a life sciences mechatronic engineering co-op student at TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator centre. “The invaluable learning experiences and supportive environment at TRIUMF have been instrumental in helping me discover career aspirations that I am truly passionate about.”
The StrongerBC: Future Ready Action Plan released May 2, 2023, is a crossgovernment plan that will help make education and training more accessible, affordable and relevant to help prepare the people of B.C. for the jobs of today and tomorrow. The action plan is supported by a provincial investment of $480 million over three years.
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 22
The Patrika
ONLINE REGISTR ATION STARTED JANUAR Y 15th, 2023 ABBOTSFORD UNITED SOCCER CLUB For More Information Please Contact OFFICE: 778-808-6189 Sunny Gill 778-241-4301 Malkiat Kullar Sharnjit Randhawa Gurdip Minhas Baj Mann 604-832-3880 778-552-8911 604-832-2496 778-549-1963 ear of Birth New Player 2017 & UP $465 Returning Player $365 No Uniform AF TER FEB 28, 2023 LATE FEE $50 Iqbal Braich 778-552-0331 ear of Birth 2019/18 $150 APRIL TO JULY NON REFUNDABLE FEES SUMMER SEASON 2023 Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 23 The Patrika PAGE 23
ajYb isMG ilWdV
myrf puwq myrf lfl kihMdI sdf rihMdI
kuWt ky Auh cUrIaF KuafAuNdI sdf rihMdI
jo duWK vyly awKF muhry jfvy af
ies irsLqy nUM kihMdy sfry mF
dWs ikvyN mYN BulfvF qYnUM mF
cuWk ky Auh godI slfAuNdI sdf sfnUM
afp aWDI Kf ky rjfAuNdI sdf sfnUM
sWcy rwb df iDafAuNdI sdf nFa
ies irsLqy nUM kihMdy sfry mF
dWs ikvyN mYN BulfvF qYnUM mF
njLr nf lwg jfvy dunIaF dI qYnUM
kMn ipWCy kflf itwkf lfAuNdI sdf mYNnUM
ijMd jfn dyxI bwicaF qoN vfr
ies irsLqy nUM kihMdy sfry mF
dWs ikvyN mYN BulfvF qYnUM mF
“inafVy vFgUM bwicaF qy duwK jd pYNdf
kol bYT mF ny qF
ieho sdf ikhxf
iehdy duwK dyeIN JolI myrI pf
ies irsLqy nUM kihMdy sfry mF
dWs ikvyN mYN BulfvF qYnUM mF
“ajYb, kry dovy hwK joV ky duafvF
rihx sdf ijAUNdIaF sB dIaF mfvF
mF ijhI sMGxI nF koeI CF
ies irsLqy nUM kihMdy sfry mF
dWs ikvyN mYN BulfvF qYnUM mF
mdr zy mnfE mF df, crnI sIs JukfeIey
mulK rfj bjfj
‘pRymI’ golyvflf
mF isr qy TMZI CF kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’
isr qy TMZI CF huMdI sI.
jd qWk jIAuNdI mF huMdI sI.
anpVH jWtI ipafr dI mUrq.
inrI purI siqkfr dI mUrq.
ijLMdgI ivc bhu jLPr jfilLaf.
sfnMU vKLqF nfl pfilLaf.
Auh nf huMdI ruWl jfxf sI.
jIvn df rfh BuWl jfxf sI.
sdf rhI ivc rjLf dy rfjLI.
pr jIvn dI ijWq geI bfjLI.
iPr jd vkq aKLIrI afieaf.
mYnUM afpxy kolL bulfieaf.
mYKoN iek iekrfr ilaf sI.
jIvn dfqI pflxhfr, mF dI syvf kiraf kr
BYx Brf irsLqy nfqy, duK suK rl vMzfieaf kr
puwqr DI ’c PLrk nf koeI, ieko rfh apxfeIey
mdr zy mnfE mF df , crnI sIs JukfeIey
kr mF nUM pYrI pYxf, Pyr kMm ’qy jfieaf kr
pihlF mF nUM aMn Ckf, Pyr mUMh tuwk Diraf kr
mF dI pUjf rwb dI pUjf, syvf df PLl pfeIey
mdr zy mnfE mF df , crnI sIs JukfeIey
puwqr ivafihaf mF pihlF, nUMh rfxI Gr afeI
poqy dI ieh vMzy lohVI, gLrIbF mOj lgfeI
dyx vDfeI jo vI afvy, lwzU pyVy KvfeIey
mdr zy mnfE mF df , crnI sIs JukfeIey
ijs dI mF nf huMdI Xfro, mF qF cyqy afAuNdI
jF iPr ijs dy kol nf huMdI, mmqf Aus sqFdI
mF ibnF jg suMnf-suMnf, iks nUM hfl suxfeIey
mdr zy mnfE mF df , crnI sIs JukfeIey
nUMh rfxI nUM KLusLI-KLusLI kuMjIaf mF PVfANudI
duwDIN nHfvyN puwqIN PlyN, nUMh nUM afK sxfAuNdI
isafxI nUMh mF dy nfl, Gr nUM svrg bxfeIey
mdr zy mnfE mF df , crnI sIs JukfeIey
mfvF TMZIaF CfvF kihMdy , mF hI duK vMzfAuNdI
bcpn igaf jvfnI lMGy, hux vI cyqy afAuNdI
‘pRymI’ bUtf mF df pilaf hoieaf , TMZI CF dvfeIey
mdr zy mnfE mF df, crnI sIs JukfeIey
mn df boJ Auqfr ilaf sI.
afiKaf mYnUM ieAuN suxfky.
iek iek awKr nUM tuxkfky.
“bwicaF! mYnUM loVF vyly.
aOKy vkqI KoVF vyly.
nxd gvFZx, iksy drfxI.
swsf vrgI suGV ijTfxI.
ibn puwiCaF Gr myry afky.
loVINdI hWK vsq PVfky.
kirxf kwl hoAU jF qyry.
rwK jfvIN afpy Gr myry.
ibn boly ibn mMgy puwqrf. myry idn ieMj lMGy puwqrf.
cwlI hF! nf jLrf duKI hF. gur ikrpf kr bhuq suKI hF.
siqgur qYnMU Bfg jo lfieaf. idn idn dUxf hoey svfieaf. loVvMq ies Gr koeI afvy.
kdy nf droN inrfsLf jfvy.
mYN myrT sI Auh kursLyqr.
mYnUM vI suJ igaf agyqr.
CuWtI lYky mYN Gr afieaf.
aMdrlf iZwz iKwc ilafieaf.
Ausy rfq ieh gwlF krky. myrI godI ivwc isr Drky.
aYsI gUVHI nINdr suwqI. myrI mF muVky nf AuWTI. ijMnI aAuD sI ilKI ivDfqf.
Bogky qur geI myrI mfqf. ajy BuWlf ivkrfr nhIN hY. pr kwlH df ieqbfr nhIN hY. DIE! puwqroN! hosL ’c afE. mfipaF df nf idl qVpfE. suwK qF iml jfvxgy afpy. nhIN imlxy qF kyvl mfpy. mfipaF df jo hsLr krogy.
aMqI aAusr EhI Brogy. sFBo mfpy, PrjL inBfE. ho inrdosL jnm sPlfE.
Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 24 The
siqkfrXog rOs sImnjL jI
myar aYbtsPorz
bjLurg mMdVy hfl jI
bwsF clfAux df kro iKafl jI.
sMpfdk dy nF Kq
aYbtsPorz, imsLn aqy iclfvYk ivwc bIqy zyZ mhIny qoN bws srivs bMd hY. bjLurg hr rojL prmfqmf dy Et afsry leI gurduafry, mMdr, aqy msijd jFdy hn. kfPI jfxy lfiebryrI ivwc aKLbfr qy pusqkF pVH
ky afpxf smf bqIq krdy hn. bwsF bMdf hox nfl bjuLrg qMg ho gey hn. Auh afpxy
GrF ivwc kYd mihsUs krdy hn. ies qoN
ibnF apMg, idivaFg mnuKF dI hflq hor
vI qrsXog hY. Auh ivakqI ijhVy iBafnk
bImfrIaF qoN vI pIVq hn pr bwsF qy hI
inrBr hn. AuhnF dI pIVF byhwd duKdfr
vI hY. AunfnUM zfktrF dI aMpoieMtimMyt kYNsl
krfAuxIaF pYdIaF hn. kfPI pirvfrF nUM
sihXogI aqy jIvn loVF dI pUrqI leI bhuq musLikl afAuNdI hY. sB qoN vwD aMqrrfsLtrI ividafrQIaF Kfs krky pMjfbI bwcy bwcIaF qy musIbq ivwc hn. XUnIvristIaF qy kfljF ivwc jfx
leI BfrI ikrfey pYNdy hn. koeI hor cfry hox kfrn pVHfeI dy nfl nfl Krcy dy boJ df vI qxfa hY. jo Auprokq avsQF afpjI sinmr bynqI hY ik afp peI ijMmyvfrI nfl dKl dy ky bwsF nUM qurMq cflU krfAu qy ies smwisaf df hwl krfAu. aijhf nf hox qy smUh pIVq lok sMGrsL leI mjbUr hoxgy. eyQy dsxf bxdf hY ik ies mMg dI qurMq pUrqI leI Gwto Gwt pirvfrfF ny hsqfKr kr ky idwqy hn.
vwloN: ieMzo knyizan sInIar sosfietI, aYbtsPorz, bI sI
Why every mother needs a time-out
(NC) Mothers are so busy taking care of everyone else, they often put themselves last on the list for me-time. Here are some simple ideas to nurture and pamper busy moms this Mother’s Day to keep that inner spark glowing: Home spa: A woman deserves to be pampered, but she doesn't always have the time or budget to get away for some spa time. Why not turn your bathroom into a home spa to help you enjoy the relaxation and beauty benefits of a sublime soak?
Pursue hobbies: A few hours of pure creative engagement apart from the family (think art class, photography or a pottery workshop) can recharge your batteries.
Volunteer: Volunteering is another way to nurture your interests and connect
with other people. This is especially valuable for stay-at-home moms who may want some extra connection. Find a cause you're passionate about, or get involved with a local organization like Children Believe and help improve the lives of children and mothers living in poverty around the world.
Build your support network: Who's on your speed dial? Develop a set of close connections you can depend on in a pinch, and vice versa.
Most professionals agree that it's important for mothers to aim for balance in their lives. Taking care of yourself, for example, will not only give you time away from your loved ones to reflect and appreciate, but will add vitality and reduce stress. Your entire family will benefit.
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Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 25
The Patrika
New Basement and Bathroom Extension BM Elite Renovations Ltd. We do all types of Renovations • Hardwood • Laminate • Tiles • Painting • Plumbing • Kitchen Cabinets • Framing • Stone Works • Drywall Finishing • Full WCB asIN hr qrF dI rYnovysLn krdy hF: • hfrzvuwz • lYmInyt • ikcn kYbints • PRyimMg • tfeIlF • pyNitMg • ston vrk • zrfeIvfl iPinisLMg nvIN bysmYNt aqy bfQrUm aYkstYnsLn Call at 604-791-3933 BPR Full Home R enovation WE SPECIALIZE IN TILE INSTALLATION AsIN tweIl ieMstwlySn iv`c mwihr hW Full bathroom renovation All kinds of tile installation Kitchen cabinets & counter tops Laminate Flooring Plumbing Pu`l bwQrUm rYnovySn hr qrHW dI tweIl ieMstwlySn ikcn kYbints Aqy kwaUNtrtOp lYmInyt PloirMg plMibMg New basement & new bathroom extension nvIN bysmYNt Aqy bwQrUm bxwauNdy hW Call Param Gill At : Workers Wanted Spl: We Do Cabinet I nstallation for New or Old Houses Basement Dr ywall Laminate Washroom Finishing Kitchen Framing Sundeck Vinyl Paper Painting Siding Plumbing Tile * Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete * Crown, Baseboard * Door, Fireplace kstm Aqy kuAwiltI ikcn kYbints Aqy klozt AwrgynweIzr (pYNtrIz) AsIN ikcn Aqy vwSrUm dy purwxy kwaUNtr tOp vI bdldy hW hrdIp ibrdI Call : H AR DEEP BIR D I : 778-823-076 5 FULL WCB EMPLOYEE INSURANCE COVERAGE Workers Wanted kfimaF dI loV All K inds of Renovations kfimaF dI loV 604 832 3532 kfrIgrF dI loV !! Full Time / Piece work for Kitchen Cabinet Shop aYbtsPorz ivwc kYbint bxfAux vflI kMpnI nUM kMm krn vfly vrkrF dI loV hY. cMgf mfhOl aqy qjLrby anusfr vDIaf qnKfh. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro. Decent Cabinets & Doors Ltd. Full Time Workers Wanted for Finishing Carpentry Company aYbtsPorz dI iPinisLMg kfrpYNtrI kMpnI leI Puwl tfeIm vrkrF dI loV hY. cMgI qnKfh, vDIaf mfhOl. rfeIz df pRbMD hY. LEHRA FINISHING LTD. 604-832-3532 jF 604-864-8122 hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: FULL HOME RENOVATION Puwl hom rYnovysLn GENERAL CONTRACTOR CITY PERMIT FOR LEGAL BASEMENT * * tfeIlF lYmInyt pyNitMg ikcn kYbints iPinisLMg ielYWktRIkl blFeINzs zrfeIvfl PryimMg plMibMg • • • • • • • • • • TILING • • LAMINA TE • PAINTING • PLUMBING • BLINDS • KITCHEN CABINETS • FINISHING • DR YW ALL • FRAMING ELECTRICAL • WORKERS NEEDED - MUST HAVE RENOVATION EXPERIENCE kfimaF dI loVrYnovysLn ivc qjLrbf hovy BEANT DEOL 778.245.2550 Friday, May 12th, 2023 PAGE 26 The Patrika PAGE 26
kfimaF dI loV
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hlkf hY aqy aOrqF vI kr
skdIaF hn| pwkf kMm, sfrf sfl cwlygf, cMgI qnKfh
idwqI jfvygI| aYbtsPorz
qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor
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lVkI dI loV
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asIN ivafh, pfrtI qy GrF ivwc hox vfly hr qrHF dy smfgmF vfsqy sikAuirtI
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syvfvF pRdfn
security services
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Saiyami pledges support for young female athletes
Actress Saiyami Kher has pledged to support young female athletes. The actress said she wants to do her bit for the girls who want to pursue sports. The actress, who will be seen playing a para athlete in the upcoming movie Ghoomer, said: “I have always wished to do something for girls in sports and I am trying to do my bit. I am very glad that there is so much being done for women in sport now. At this point, even if my involvement is in a small way, I believe every drop in the ocean counts.” “Kavita Raut (India's long distance runner) was sponsored first by an NGO started by my parents in Nasik. And I feel so proud to see all that she’s achieved. Just feel that if I can contribute to helping young female athletes achieve their dreams, I would be very happy,” the actress said. She added: “The last three years I have helped a vegetable vendor’s daughter to complete her engineering in electrical and telecommunications and will be helping young individual female athletes in my capacity. I hope I come to a point to start my own organisation because this is something very close to my heart.”
Nushrratt glad to find her dating rumours
Actress Nushrratt Bharuccha is finally in the news for her dating rumours, and she is actually glad to see this. Lately, there have been rumours about the actress dating singer and pop star Yo Yo Honey Singh. She has now broken her silence on the issue and, at the same time, expressed happiness over it. Speaking to a news portal, Nushrratt said, “You know what? This is my life’s first dating rumour. Everywhere that I have been, there has been no rumour. Also, because I have never been with anyone. When this came, I was like, ‘Wow, I finally have one’. Now when people ask me these questions in rapid fire, I can at least tell them that I too had a dating rumour.” Explaining further why she has no issues with the rumours, the Dream Girl actress, who also starred in Honey Singh’s music video Saiyaan Ji in 2021, said, “I think people have no work in life and they also have a great imagination. So, keep them coming I have no problem.” The buzz about her dating Honey Singh went into overdrive last month when the two were spotted at the airport holding hands.
Veteran actor Manoj Bajpayee met his wife and actress Shabana Raza in the 90s, and they tied the knot in 2006. They have a daughter, Ava Nayla. Recently, when Manoj was asked about the secret to a happy married life, The Family Man actor said that one needs to put their partner’s needs before their own in order to sustain a relationship. In a chat show, Manoj insisted that there is no secret since every day is a new day and