A Feast for the Senses: Shen Yun Returns to Vancouver
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kI quhfnUM grosrI jF dvfeIaF ilaOx vfsqy mwdd dI loV hY?
kI quhfzI Aumr 65 sfl qoN vwD hY aqy quhfnUM shfieqf dI loV hY?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
Need guidance? Someone to talk to?
Help when you are in a tough situation? Call us, we can HELP mfrgdrsLn dI loV hY?
iksy nfl afpxy mn dI gwl krnI cfhuMdy ho?
kI qusIN koeI musLkl siQqI ivwc ho?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
In this difficult time, if you are struggling to put food on your table. Call us, we can HELP
Be prepared for a theatrical experience that will take your breath away! Shen Yun Performing Arts is returning to
Shen Yun’s tour of Canada in 2023 drew many appreciative comments from audience members.
Vancouver Queen Elizabeth Theatre from March 20–25, bringing the majestic traditions of ancient China to the stage once again in an all-new show.
Shen Yun, which means “the beauty of divine beings dancing,” has been playing in Vancouver annually since 2006 and has become one of the city’s most beloved and anticipated entertainment spectacles.
Based in New York, Shen Yun was founded by a group of leading Chinese dancers, choreographers, and musicians in the United States who endeavoured to foster cultural renewal by reviving the authentic artistic traditions of China’s rich 5,000-year history. Shen Yun has become a global phenomenon due to its authentic depiction of China’s traditional culture through music and dance. It has eight companies, each with its own orchestra, that tour simultaneously across four continents every year. Its performances portray the essence of Chinese arts and culture which are marked by a devotion to virtue, kindness, loyalty, good character, and a reverence for the divine.
“It was just done so, so professionally that I was simply immersed—I was completely immersed in this wonderful experience. It was a very educational experience. It was a very cultural experience, but it [also] really touched me on different levels, mind, body and soul,” said Maria Marchyshyn, a political analyst who attended the show at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in Toronto.
Flora Karas, an actress and business owner who saw the performance at
the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver, said she experienced it on a deep level.
“The show is so filled with light. It’s exactly what this city needed. We needed to hear the story. We needed to see the dancing. We needed to feel it in our bones. It’s absolutely the best thing that we could have had,” she said.
“It’s impeccable.”
Shen Yun will play seven shows at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver from March 20–25, 2024.
Shen Yun features performances in classical Chinese dance, ethnic dances, and vocal soloists, all accompanied by a live orchestra that combines traditional Western and Chinese instruments. Vividly animated backdrops extend the stage, transporting audiences to another place and time.
Round-trip shuttle service is available for matinee shows from Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Tsawwassen Mills, Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Langley, and White Rock.
For more information on the shuttle service and to buy tickets, please visit https://www.shenyun.com/vancouver
hmyÈf KuÈ rihx leI ivigafnIaF ny dwsy kuJ sOKy qrIky, qusIN vI kro ienHF nUM
afpxI iËMdgI ‘c Èfml
hrijMdr soZI
asIN sfry cfhuMdy hF ik ÉuÈI hmyÈf iËMdgI df ihwsf bxy. ies tIcy nUM pRfpq krn leI asIN hr roË svyry AuwTdy hF qy dyr rfq qwk sÉq imhnq krdy hF. ieh sfrI imhnq ies leI kIqI jFdI hY qF jo ivakqI KuÈ rih sky pr iPr vI ivakqI nUM KuÈI nhIN imldI sgoN ies kfrn aksr ivakqI qxfa jF izprYÈn df iÈkfr ho jFdf hY. ies leI ieh smJxf ËrUrI hY ik KuÈI iksy iek vwzy kMm nfl nhIN imldI sgoN inwky inwky kMmF qoN imldI hY, ijvyN asIN afpxf psMdIdf pkvfn Kf ky KuÈI pRfpq krdy hF jF iksy purfxy imwqr nUM iml ky KuÈI df anuBv huMdf hY. bhuq sfry lyKkF qy pRBfvkF ny KuÈ rihx dy afpxy qjrby sFJy kIqy hn aqy ikqfbF ilKIaF hn, ijnHF ‘c ieh dfavf kIqf igaf hY ik koeI vI ienHF qrIikaF nfl KuÈ rih skdf hY. hflFik KuÈI df mqlb hr ivakqI leI vwK-vwK huMdf hY pr ivigafnI tYlI ÈYrot aqy kYs afr sMstIn ny bhuq Koj kIqI aqy iek ikqfb ilKI ik KuÈI kI huMdI hY aqy iek ivakqI ikvyN KuÈ rih skdf hY. ies ikqfb df nF hY- ‘luk agyn: id pfvr afP notIisMg, vt vfË aflvyË dyar’. ies ikqfb ivc AunHF ny KuÈ rihx dy kuJ ivigafnk qrIky dwsy hn, jo quhfzI KuÈI dI Koj nUM pUrf krn ivc quhfzI mdd kr skdy hn. pusqk ivc AunHF ny mnuwK dy mUl suBfa dI Koj kr ky KuÈ rihx dy qrIikaF dI gwl kIqI hY. jfxdy hF KuÈI df Auh ikhVf mMqr hY, jo quhfzI roËfnf iËMdgI df ihwsf bx skdf hY. aksr jdoN asIN hr roË iewko ijhy kMm krdy rihMdy hF qF sfzf idmfÊ Aus vwl iDafn dyxf bMd kr idMdf hY. qusIN Èfied iDafn idwqf hovygf qy jy nhIN, qF soco ik hr roË Gr qoN dPqr afAuNdy smyN qusIN ikMnIaF gwlF vwl iDafn idMdy ho. ÈurUafqI kuJ idnF ivc qusIN afpxy rsqy ivwc afAux vflIaF cIËF vwl iDafn idwqf hovygf,
pr ijvyN-ijvyN idn bIqdy gey, qusIN Èfied AunHF vwl iDafn dyxf bMd kr
idwqf hovy. ieh afm mnuwKI ivhfr hY. ies leI afpxI rutIn ivc nvInqf ilafAux leI nvIaF cIËF dI koiÈÈ kro. Audfhrn leI qusIN dÌqr qwk
phuMcx leI iek nvyN rsqy dI vrqoN kr skdy ho jF qusIN iek nvF pkvfn trfeI kr skdy ho. iksy nvIN QF ‘qy jf skdy ho. aijhf krn nfl nf isrP roËfnf
iËMdgI ‘c kuJ vwKrf hovygf sgoN quhfnUM nvyN anuBv vI imlxgy, jo quhfnUM KuÈI dy skdy hn. aksr jdoN asIN bor huMdy hF qF afpxy Pon KolHdy hF aqy soÈl
mIzIaf rfhIN GMitaFbwDI skRol krdy hF. kuJ mËfkIaf mImË dyK ky qusIN Aus pl ‘qy hws skdy ho pr ieh quhfnUM KuÈ
nhIN kr skdf aqy GMitaF dI skRoilMg kfrn bhuq sfrf smF brbfd huMdf hY. ies dI bjfey qusIN koeI cMgI ikqfb pVH skdy ho.
jy quhfnUM ikqfbF pVHnf psMd nhIN hY, qF ÈurU ivc quhfnUM ieh kfÌI boirMg lwg skdf hY pr hOlI-hOlI ies dI afdq bxfAux qoN bfad qusIN kdy vI ikqfb pVHn nUM boirMg nhIN khogy. ikqfbF quhfzy leI nvIN dunIaf df rsqf KolHdIaF hn aqy quhfnUM cIËF nUM nvyN qrIky nfl socx
aqy dyKx leI pRyirq krdIaF hn. ies dy nfl hI jy qusIN cfho qF qusIN iPlmF, QIeytr, imAUËIam afid nUM vI afpxI iËMdgI df ihwsf bxf skdy ho. gfxy qF qusIN vI suxdy hovogy. hr ivakqI dIaF qrjIhF vwKrIaF huMdIaF hn, kuJ nUM purfxy bflIvuwz gfxy psMd hn, jdoNik kuJ tylr sivPt nUM suxnf psMd krdy hn. AuNJ qF asIN aksr Gr ‘c ÈFqI nfl gIq suxnf psMd krdy hF pr kI qusIN jfxdy ho ik jy qusIN ÈorÈrfby vfly mfhOl ‘c sMgIq suxdy ho qF ies nfl qusIN hor vI KuÈI mihsUs kr skdy ho. aijhf iek Koj ‘c pqf lwigaf hY ik jo lok rOly-rwpy ‘c sMgIq suxdy hn, Auh iËafdf KuÈI mihsUs krdy hn. ies df iek kfrn ieh vI ho skdf hY ik ÈorÈrfby ivc sMgIq suxn nfl quhfnUM Aus
Èor-Èrfby ivcoN bfhr inklx df mOkf imldf hY aqy sMgIq Aus rOly ivc vI ÈFqI idMdf hY. lok afpxy kMm qoN bRyk lYx leI sYr ‘qy jfx dI Xojnf bxfAuNdy hn pr aksr AunHF nUM ieh icMqf rihMdI hY ik ies kfrn asIN kMm ivc pwCV skdy hF, bjt kI hovygf, aijhy keI kfrnF krky asIN aksr lMby smyN dIaF CuwtIaF ‘qy jfx df plfn bxfAuNdy hF. ies ipwCy sfzI iek soc ieh vI huMdI hY ik lMbIaF CuwtIaF iËafdf mËydfr hoxgIaF qy iËafdf lMbf afrfm imlygf pr asIN quhfnUM dwsxf cfhuMdy hF ik lMbIaF CuwtIaF dI bjfey CotIaF CuwtIaF iËafdf ÉuÈnumf huMdIaF hn. aijhf ies leI ho skdf hY ikAuNik lMbI CuwtI dy ÈurUafqI idnF ‘c asIN KuÈI mihsUs krdy hF pr Aus qoN bfad idmfg nUM afdq pY jFdI hY. ies leI sfl ivc iek lMbI CuwtI lYx dI bjfey Coty-Coty bRyk lvo. aksr jdoN sfnUM mn nhIN huMdf, asIN kMm nUM kwlH leI mulqvI kr idMdy hF. ies kfrn sfzy kMm df boJ aqy qxfa vI vD jFdf hY. keI vfr asIN aijhf vI krdy hF aqy koeI kMm aDUrf Cwz idMdy hF. ieh socdy hoey ik asIN ies nUM bfad ivwc Kqm kr lvFgy pr aijhf krn nfl quhfzy mn nUM koeI pRfpqI hox qoN rokdI hY, ijs kfrn asIN KuÈI mihsUs nhIN krdy. ies leI qusIN jo kMm ÈurU kIqf hY, Aus nUM iewk vfr ivwc pUrf krn dI koiÈÈ kro. Aus nUM pUrf kro aqy kwlH qwk kMm nUM tflo. ies nfl quhfnUM KuÈI vI imlygI.
The Patrika
Friday, March 1st, 2024 PAGE 4
Unit #24 - 3275 McCallum Road Abbotsford
B.C. V2S 3M7 (Across from Air Care)
According to Statistics Canada, one in four Canadians avoid visiting an oral health professional because of the cost.
Beyond cavities and other issues with your teeth and gums, ignoring your oral health can lead to many more serious health problems, including lung disease, complications with
diabetes, cancer and increased risk of heart problems and strokes.
“Dental care is an essential part of overall health,” says Marika Nadeau, director general with Health Canada’s Oral Health Branch. To help ensure Canadians get the oral health care they need, the federal government has launched the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP). Nadeau explains,
“The CDCP will help cover the cost of essential dental services, including regular exams, cleaning and X-rays.”
age group. You’ll get a letter inviting you to apply via the telephone if you might be eligible.
The CDCP is for Canadian residents with an annual family income under $90,000 and who do not have access to dental insurance.
As of December 2023, the plan is accepting applications from seniors by
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gurdIp isMG gryvwl
prmjIq isMG kMfw eykm bYnIpwl gurmIn bYnIpwl gurjIq kOr muhwr
Administration Assistant : Gurneet Sidhu AYfiminstrysæn AisstYNt : gurnIq is`DU
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dy lyKF aqy sMpfdkI ivwc pRgt kIqy gey
the engagement
ivcfr aqy ivcfr ivakqIgq lyKkF dy hn aqy ËrUrI qOr 'qy pRkfÈn dI aiDkfrq nIqI jF siQqI nUM nhIN drsfAuNdy hn. asIN jfxkfrI dI irport krn aqy pyÈ krn ivwc ÈuwDqf leI koiÈÈ krdy hF, pr asIN smwgrI dI sMpUrnqf jF smFbwDqf dI grMtI nhIN idMdy hF. pfTkF nUM jfxkfrI dI puÈtI krn aqy afpxy inrxy bxfAux leI AuqÈfihq kIqf jFdf hY. aKbfr aqy iesdI sMpfdkI tIm pRdfn kIqI geI jfxkfrI dI vrqoN qoN pYdf hox vflI iksy vI glqI, Buwl jF nqIijaF leI iËMmyvfr nhIN hY. ies qoN ielfvf, ivigafpn smwgrI sMpfdkI smwgrI qoN vwKrI huMdI hY, aqy ieÈiqhfrF nUM Èfml krn df mqlb aKbfr duafrf smrQn nhIN huMdf. asIN afpxy pfTkF dI ÈmUlIaq dI ÈlfGf krdy hF aqy inrMqr suDfr leI PIzbYk df suafgq krdy hF.
Minimum wage increases to $17.40 an hour on June 1
B.C.’s lowest-paid workers will get a pay raise when the general minimum wage increases from $16.75 to $17.40 per hour on June 1, 2024.
This represents a 3.9% increase, consistent with B.C.’s average rate of inflation in 2023.
The alternate minimum rates, for residential caretakers, live-in home-support workers and camp leaders, will receive the same 3.9% increase on June 1. On Dec. 31, 2024, the minimum piece rates for 15 hand-harvested crops will also increase by the same percentage.
“B.C. has gone from having one of the lowest minimum wages in the country to the highest of all the provinces. We made a commitment to tie minimumwage increases to the rate of inflation to prevent B.C.’s lowest-paid workers from falling behind,” said Harry Bains, Minister of Labour. “And today, we are enshrining that commitment into law.”
With the amendments in Bill 2, future increases to all minimum rates will be automatically determined by the previous year’s average inflation rate for B.C. This will provide certainty and predictability for workers and employers. Minimum-wage earners will be able to count on increases every year.
Most wage rates will increase on June 1 of each year, except for agricultural piece rates that will increase on Dec. 31 of each year to ensure crop producers will not have to adjust wages in the middle of the harvesting season.
“As a fast-food worker earning minimum wage, I welcome the government’s rule to increase wages with inflation annually, providing much-needed financial stability to cope with the rising cost of living,” said Carmen Velasco in Richmond.
The changes align with government priorities to help lift more people out of poverty, make life more affordable and build a strong and fair economy for B.C.
Budget 2024: Taking action for people, families in B.C.
Budget 2024 takes on the big challenges people are facing today by helping with everyday costs, delivering more homes faster, strengthening health care and services, and building a stronger, cleaner economy.
“Wherever we live – city, town, rural or First Nations community – we all want a decent, affordable home, quality health care, help when we need it, and a strong future full of opportunity for everyone,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Finance. “In the face of global challenges, like inflation and high interest rates, we are taking on big challenges and supporting people to build a good life in B.C.”
Budget 2024 provides immediate support while making significant investments to secure a brighter future for people and their families. To help people through the impacts of global inflation, a BC Family Benefit Bonus will mean more money for more families. More than 340,000 families will receive a 25% bonus with their monthly family benefit in 2024. This includes an estimated 66,000 fami-
lies that haven’t received the BC Family Benefit previously.
A one-time BC Electricity Affordability Credit will help reduce electricity bills for people and businesses in the coming year. Small and growing businesses will also receive help with the impacts of inflation and labour shortages, through a higher Employer Health Tax exemption threshold, doubled from $500,000 to $1 million.
To make sure housing is used as homes for people, starting in 2025 the Province is introducing a property flipping tax to further crack down on speculators and those driving up the cost of housing.
Expanding the First Time Home Buyers program will help more people save more money when buying their first home, while other tax changes will lower the cost of new home and rental construction. New investments in BC Builds will speed up the development of housing by bringing together underused land, low-cost financing and grants to deliver
more homes for people and families with middle incomes.
“Some say we should respond to global challenges by cutting services and leaving people to fend for themselves, but we know we are stronger when we work together,” Conroy said. “Budget 2024 builds on B.C.’s solid foundation to deliver the hospitals, schools and homes people need.” B.C.’s population is growing faster than ever before, and is aging. To continue to strengthen the services people count on, Budget 2024 makes significant investments in health care, including building on B.C.’s 10-year cancer plan, and increasing the healthcare workforce, and supports that will improve the lives of seniors and enable them to live safely in their own homes longer.
Everyone who wants to start a family will have that opportunity. For some people, in-vitro fertilization is one of the few or only options. No one will be denied the opportunity to have a child because of how much money they make, who they
love or whether they have a partner. Starting in 2025, people will be able access one cycle of in-vitro fertilization for free.
A growing population means more children in school, which is why Budget 2024 adds new teachers and support staff, including special-education teachers, teacher psychologists, and counsellors, along with record-level investments to build, renovate and seismically upgrade schools and playgrounds.
The budget provides a record $43 billion in capital funding for schools, postsecondary facilities, housing, health-care facilities, roads and other infrastructure over the next three years.
“Building a stronger B.C. for everyone means always working hard to improve opportunities and services for people,” Conroy said. “With one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country and strong job growth, we will keep building a cleaner economy that works better for people.”
statement on RCMP,
Abbotsford police dismantling organized crime group
Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, has released the following statement in response to the B.C. RCMP Federal Serious and Organized Crime (FSOC) Program, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) and the Abbotsford Police Department’s significant actions in dismantling an organized crime group:
“I commend the collaborative efforts of the B.C. RCMP’s Federal Serious and Organized Crime Program, the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team and the Abbotsford Police Department in dismantling a B.C.-based organized crime group.
“Gangs and organized crime are fuelling the toxic-drug crisis, killing thousands of British Columbians every year and hurting communities across our province. This is a problem that crosses borders within Canada and across the world, and we are determined to do what it takes to stop it.
“With the combined efforts by BCRCMP FSOC, IHIT and the Abbotsford Police Department, they have successfully seized:
356,000 counterfeit pills such as Adderall, Xanax, Percocet, OxyContin and Oxycodone, which also contained carfentanil and other drugs;
168 kilograms of precursor chemicals including fentanyl, benzodiazepines, methamphetamine and carfentanil, which could have produced an additional 185,000 fentanyl contain-
ing pills, 28,000 methamphetamine containing pills and 258,000 MDMA containing pills;
four illegal firearms; and
more than 1,500 rounds of ammunition.
“This significant seizure has kept millions of potentially lethal doses of toxic drugs from reaching our communities. Further, by arresting these nine individuals, these agencies have disrupted violent gang conflicts, helping to keep people safer from dangerous criminals in our province.
“Our government continues to prioritize strong prevention, intervention, intelligence and enforcement initiatives, with more than $100 million invested to support specialized enforcement activities to stop criminals from bringing violence and toxic drugs into our communities.
“The BC RCMP Federal Serious and Organized Crime program is requesting the public’s help in locating Kevin Moebes. If you have information regarding his whereabouts, please contact your local police agency, or anonymously report it through the BC Crime Stoppers hotline at 1 800 222-8477. For your own safety, do not approach him.
“We will continue to work with law enforcement to combat gangs, fight organized crime, and go after the criminals who are making and trafficking deadly drugs and firearms, so people and communities can feel safe.”
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sws-shury qoN vwK rihx vflIaF aOrqF ‘c izpRYÈn df hY iËafdf joÉm ! nvIaF mfvF nUM ËrUr pVHnI cfhIdI hY ieh Ébr
ieh gwl iksy qoN lukI nhIN hY ik iek aOrq leI ivafh qoN pihlF Aus dy mfqf-ipqf qy dfdf-dfdI qy ivafh qoN bfad Aus dy sws-shurf ikMny mhwqvpUrn ho jFdy hn. drasl, hux iek aiDaYn qoN pqf lwgf hY ik ishqmMd shury pirvfr jF iPr mfqfipqf nfl rihx nfl izprYÈn df Éqrf Gwt ho jFdf hY.
iPnlYNz dI hylisMkI XUnIvristI dI pRoPYsr zf[ nInf myqsf-ismolf df kihxf hY ik jykr mfqf-ipqf dI Aumr 70 sfl qoN Gwt hY, Auh kMm kr rhy hn qy AunHF nUM koeI gMBIr ishq smwisaf nhIN hY, qF bwcy nUM jnm dyx vflIaF aOrqF dy.aYNtI izprYÈn dvfeIaF KrIdx dI sMBfvnf Gwt huMdI hY. irport muqfbk KojkrqfvF ny 2000 qoN 2014 drimafn iPnlYNz ‘c Coty bwicaF dIaF 4[88 lwK mfvF dI ingrfnI kIqI.
Koj ‘c ieh vI iDafn rwiKaf igaf ik kI nvIaF mfvF kol AunHF dI dyKBfl krn vflf koeI hY jF nhIN.
ies qoN ielfvf mfqf-ipqf, dfdf-dfdI jF sws-shury dI Aumr, ishq aqy nvIaF mfvF nfl AunHF dI dUrI vI Èfml kIqI geI. zf[ myqsf-ismolf df kihxf hY ik Coty bwicaF vfly pirvfrF ‘c lokF nUM izprYÈn qoN bcfAux leI afpsI sihXog ËrUrI huMdf hY. aiDaYn ny idKfieaf hY ik aYNtI-izprYÈn dvfeIaF AunHF aOrqF nfl vDyry juVIaF sn jo afpxy sfQIaF qoN vwK ho geIaF sn. mfihrF dy anusfr bwcy dy jnm qoN bfad aOrqF ‘c izprYÈn iek afm smwisaf hY. hflFik ieh kuJ aOrqF ivwc lMby smyN qwk dyiKaf jf skdf hY, aijhI siQqI ivwc ies vwl iDafn dyx dI loV hY.
vflF dy JVn qoN lY ky Bfr vDx qwk, afieEzIn dI kmI hox kfrn srIr ’c nËr afAuNdy hn ieh lwCx
sImF rwl
afieEzIn sfzI ishq leI bhuq ËrUrI poÈk qwq hY. ieh iewk Kixj hY jo Qfierfiez hfrmon bxfAux leI ËrUrI hY. ies dI kmI kfrn quhfzI ishq nfl juVIaF keI smwisafvF ho skdIaF hn. afieEzIn dI kmI kfrn Qfierfiez glYNz TIk qrHF kMm nhIN kr pfAuNdI qy Qfierfiez nfl juVIaF smwisafvF ÈurU ho skdIaF hn. ies leI srIr ivwc afieEzIn df shI mfqrf ivwc hoxf bhuq ËrUrI hY.
Qfierfiez hfrmon mYtfboilËm, idmfg dy ivkfs qy srIrk ivkfs leI ËrUrI hY. afieEzIn dI Gft df ishq dy iehnF pihlUaF ‘qy mhwqvpUrx mfVf pRBfv pYNdf
hY. sfzf srIr afpxy afp afieEzIn pYdf krn dy Xog nhIN huMdf, ies leI afieEzIn dI splfeI krn leI afpxI Kurfk ivwc afieEzIn nUM Èfml krnf ËrUrI hY. ies
dI kmI dy kfrn quhfzy srIr ‘c keI lwCx idKfeI dyx lwgdy hn, ijnHF dI mdd nfl
qusIN ies dI kmI nUM pCfx skdy ho. afE jfxdy hF afieEzIn dI kmI nfl ikhVyikhVy lwCx idKfeI idMdy hn. afieEzIn dI kmI kfrn goietr dI smwisaf ho skdI hY. ies ivwc, grdn ivwc iewk soj jF gMZ bx jFdI hY jo ik Qfierfiez gRMQI ivwc soj dy kfrn huMdI hY. ies ivwc pUrI Qfierfiez glYNz vwzI ho skdI hY jF iewk pfsy df afkfr vDxf ÈurU ho skdf hY. ies kfrn gly ‘c qMg mihsUs hoxf qy bolx ‘c idwkq vrgIaF smwisafvF ho skdIaF hn. afieEzIn dI kmI kfrn Qfierfiez glYNz TIk qrHF kMm nhIN kr pfAuNdI, ijs kfrn mYtfboilËm pRBfivq huMdf hY. ies kfrn Bfr vDx dI smwisaf ho skdI hY. mYtfboilËm hOlI hox kfrn kYlorI brn nhIN huMdI aqy crbI dy rUp ivwc srIr ivwc jmHf hox lwgdI hY. ies leI afieEzIn dI kmI kfrn Bfr vDx dI smwisaf ho skdI hY. afieEzIn
isrdrd qoN cutkIaF ‘c rfhq idvf skdI
hY ieh cfh, ishq leI hY PfiedymMd
sImF anMd
isrdrd iek afm smwisaf hY, jo keI kfrnF krky ho skdI hY. lokF nUM aksr ies smwisaf nfl jUJxf pYNdf hY. kMm, irÈqy, krIar, pVHfeI, pYsy dI icMqf afid keI kfrn ho skdy hn, ijnHF krky ivakqI rfq nUM afpxI nINd guaf lYNdf hY. aksr ienHF icMqfvF kfrn ivakqI nUM sOx ‘c qklIP hox lwgdI hY jo ishq leI kfPI hfnIkfrk hY.ies kfrn hox vflI sB qoN afm smwisaf hY isrdrd, jo ik ies smwisaf nUM hor vI drdnfk bxf idMdf hY. isrdrd dI smwisaf kfrn ivakqI nUM afpxy roËfnf dy kMmF nUM krn ‘c bhuq muÈklF df sfhmxf krnf pY skdf hY. ies kfrn ivakqI nUM aksr dvfeIaF df shfrf lYxf pYNdf hY ijs nfl isrdrd qoN rfhq imldI hY pr ienHF dI vrqoN nfl mfVy pRBfv vI ho skdy hn. ies leI GrylU nusiKaF nUM apxf ky vI isrdrd dI smwisaf nUM dUr kIqf jf skdf hY. awj asIN quhfnUM kuJ aijhIaF cfhF bfry dwsx jf rhy hF ijnHF ivc kYPIn nhIN
huMdI qy ijnHF nUM pIx nfl qusIN isrdrd qoN Cutkfrf pf skdy ho. afਓ jfxdy hF ikhVI cfh nfl isrdrd dI smwisaf Gtf skdy ho. ipprimMt jF pudIny dI cfh ‘c myNQOl pfieaf jFdf hY jo mfnisk ÈFqI pRdfn krdf hY. ies nfl mfspyÈIaF nUM afrfm imldf hY qy isrdrd qoN rfhq imldI hY. adrk ‘c aYNtI-ieMPlymytrI gux pfey jFdy hn, jo isrdrd qoN rfhq idvfAux ‘c mdd krdy hn. ies df syvn krn nfl qxfa Gwt huMdf hY. kYmomfeIl cfh ‘c aijhy gux huMdy hn jo srIr nUM afrfm idMdy hn aqy mn nUM ÈFq rwKdy hn. ies df syvn krn nfl qxfa dUr huMdf hY aqy cMgI nINd afAuNdI hY. lYvyNzr cfh dI KuÈbU qxfa nUM dUr krn ‘c mdd krdI hY, ijs nfl mn ÈFq rihMdf hY qy isrdrd dI smwisaf qoN vI rfhq imldI hY. ajvfeIn dI cfh ‘c QfeImol dI mfqrf iËafdf huMdI hY, jo ik drd qoN rfhq dyx vflf imÈrx hY. ies nUM pIx nfl isrdrd qoN rfhq imldI hY.
dI kmI kfrn Qfierfiez hfrmon TIk qrHF pYdf nhIN huMdf. Qfierfiez hfrmon dI kmI idmfg nUM pRBfivq krdI hY, ijs kfrn boDfqmk kfrj kmËor ho skdy hn. ies kfrn XfddfÈq Gtx aqy bRyn Pfg vrgIaF smwisafvF ho skdIaF hn. afieEzIn dI kmI kfrn vfl JVn dI smwisaf ho skdI hY. Qfierfiez hfrmon vflF dy romF nUM mËbUq krn leI ËrUrI huMdy hn. ies dI kmI nfl vfl JVny ÈurU
ho jFdy hn aqy lMby smyN qwk ies dI kmI rihx nfl gMjypn dI smwisaf vI ho skdI hY. aOrqF ivwc afieEzIn dI kmI nfl ainXimq mfhvfrI dI smwisaf ho skdI hY. Qfierfiez hfrmon pIrIazs nUM kMtrol krdf hY, ies leI afieEzIn dI kmI dy kfrn Qfierfiez hfrmon TIk qrHF kMm nhIN kr pfAuNdf aqy ainXimq mfhvfrI dI smwisaf ho skdI hY.
5 tips for managing allergies this season
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Many of us dread the uncomfortable itching and sneezing of seasonal allergies. Roughly one in every five Canadians deals with allergic rhinitis – what we typically call hay fever –according to the Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation. Here are five tips to help you avoid them.
Follow the forecast
Your weather forecast will likely include reports on how much pollen is circulating in your area, like the familiar updates on humidity and air quality. Since hay fever is an allergy to pollens from plants, staying up to date on this information can help you avoid exposure to your allergen and reactions to it. Consider staying inside on days when the pollen count is high, or conditions are particularly dry or windy.
Block it out
As nice as the fresh air might feel –allowing you to crack open your windows – it can also bring lots of pollen into your home. The same goes for your vehicle when you’re on the road. Also, turn on the air-recirculating setting on your ventilation system to avoid bringing pollen-saturated air inside.
Get covered
When you do need to go outside on bad pollen days, it might help to wear a hat and sunglasses. They can act as a barrier to keep pollen from blowing into your face and triggering allergy symptoms like watery eyes or a scratchy throat. They can also help prevent pollen from settling in your hair and getting onto your pillow and then face while you sleep.
Clean up
You should regularly wash your bedsheets, but did you know this can also help with allergies? Dust mites, flakes of dead skin, pet hair and pollen that hitched a ride on your hair or skin can accumulate on your pillows and sheets and repeatedly trigger your allergy symptoms. It’s not a bad idea to change into fresh clothes after you arrive home from outdoor activities either.
Take action
If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies like hay fever, or you’re not sure that’s what it is, you can get some advice from your pharmacist.
Pharmacists in Ontario, including those at Rexall, are licensed to diagnose and treat 19 minor issues and illnesses, including allergic rhinitis and the uncomfortable watery, itchy eyes, nose, and throat that often come along with it.
4 tips to help you stick to your personal finance resolutions all year
Was getting your personal finances organized one of your New Year’s resolutions? If so, here are four tips to help you hit your goal and stay on track.
Create a budget
There’s a reason why every article you’ll ever read about better managing your personal finances says to create a budget: It’s the only way to accurately understand your financial situation. Simply put, a proper budget tallies all of your expenses and all of your income. You can make one yourself or use an online tool.
Cut back on unnecessary expenses
Once you have a clearer picture of your reoccurring expenses, you’ll be able to see areas where you might be able to cut back. Do you still have a landline that only ever seems to receive telemarketing calls? It might be time to cancel that. What about that list of streaming services and other subscriptions you aren’t really using? And while that other resolution is admirable – you know, the one where you make space for exercise in your regular routine – if you’re not actually going to the gym, you may want to look into other options to cut out that monthly fee, such as working out at home or going for daily walks.
Plan for the unexpected
Sometimes spending money is a wise investment. Take insurance, for example. Vacationing is wonderful. But if you get sick or have an accident abroad and you don’t have travel coverage, you could face financial ruin. Similarly, health and life insurance are relatively small monthly investments that help protect your family in the event of illness, or worse.
“Insurance helps to provide a financial cushion for unexpected life expenses,” says Cathy Preston, vicepresident of individual markets at RBC Insurance. “Having that safety net gives peace of mind, especially during an emergency or a difficult time when finances should be the last thing on your mind.”
Revisit your insurance policies
Speaking of insurance, it’s a good idea to periodically review your various policies to make sure you’re properly covered. But also check to make sure you aren’t overpaying or paying for coverage you no longer need. If your job, for example, allows you to work mostly or entirely from home, you may be able to lower payments on your car insurance. Lower premiums may be available with some policies if you pay the full annual amount upfront, rather than making monthly payments.
PlYt irpyar
tIpI aYm aYs zfiegnoiejLj
24 GMty sWqy idn
kuafltI bOzI aqy pyNt rIpyar syvfvF Prym vrk aqy XUnIbOzI rIpyars pUrIaF pYNt jObs (sOilzs, mYtfolks, trfeIkots, kuaYzkots) afeI.sI.bI.sI klym aqy prfeIvyt klym hYNnzlz promptlI
muPq aYstImyts kstm pyNt kmplIt rIstorysLn kstm kfr afzIE/ vIzIE sfrIaF puKqF syvfvF ijLMdgI Br leI ilKqI grMtI smrwQ aqy dosqfnf syvfvF
Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog.
iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
gurduafry sfihb awj imwTU df Bog sI | aMiqm ardfs aqy ÈrDfËlI rsm sB irÈqydfr, dosq, snyhI, muhwlydfr afid Èfiml hoey | srFDËlI smfroh ivc Dfrimk lok, rfjnIqk, lyKk-pwqrkfr vI Èfiml sn | ÈrDFËlI rsm ivc imwTU dy qfieaf jI jo iek lyKk-pwqrkfr sn, ny bVy duKI ihrdy nfl imwTU nUM ÈrDFËlI aripq krdy hoey ruaFsI afvfË ivc ikhf, awj asIN afpxy ipafry puwqr, vDIaf dosq imwTU dI aMiqm ardfs aqy srDFËlI dyx leI, ies duwK dI GVI ivc ÈrIk hoey hF | Aus dI afqimk ÈFqI dIardfs leI iekwqr hoey hF | imwTU myrf BqIjf hI nhIN sI blik asIN Aus nUM puwqrF vFg pfilaf sI | Auh iek vDIaf dosq sI, iek smJdfr BolfBflf lVkf | Auh sMq suBfa df imlfpVf swjx sI | prmfqmf Aus nUM afpxy crnF ivc invfs dyvy | iÌr Auh mnuwKI jfmy ivc hI ies DrqI qy pRvyÈ kry | keIaF hornF ny vI ÈrDFËlIaF arip kIqIaf | sfrf mfhOl duwK Biraf ruaFs ivc, aqy hMJUaF ivc qYrn lwgf | imwTU dI khfxI vI bVI ajIb hY | imwTU afpxy qfey nfl Grbfhr dIaF sB gwlF kr lYNdf sI | imwTU dI Aumr lgBg bfeI sfl dy krIb sI pr Aus dI ishq qoN lwgdf sI Aus msF ds-
khfxI: imwTU vfps af jf
bfrHF sfl df hovygf | pqlf ÈrIr, nfËuk
pqMg hwzIaF, drimafnf kwd | imwTU jdoN pYdf hox vflf sI qF Aus dI mMmI nUM sqvyN mhIny dy grB ivc qklIÌ hoeI | Aus dI mMmI nUM iek vwzy hspqfl iljfieaf igaf | zfktrF ny sfrf muafienf krn qoN bfad dwisaf, mF dy pyt ivc pfxI Br igaf hY | siQqI Éqrnfk hY | dovF coN iek nUM hI bcfieaf jf skdf hY | bwcy nUM bcfieaf jf skdf hF jF mF nUM | pr imwTU dy zYzI aqy Aus dy qfey ny qurMq ÌYsly lYNdy hoey ikhf, dovF nUM hI bcfAuxf hY | zfktrF ny ikhf, apryÈn awj hI rfq nUM krnf hovygf ikAuNik mrIË dI siQqI nfËuk bx cuwkI hY. zfktrF ny ikhf jy dovF nUM bcfAuxf hY qF kuJ GiMaF dy ivc-ivc hI 20-25 KUn dIaF boqlF dI ËrUrq hovygI, ies qoN ijafdf vI pY skdI hY KYr, soc ivcfr qoN bfad ÌYslf ilaf igaf ik KUn df ieMqËfm kr ilaf jfvygf | dovF nUM hI bcfieaf jfvy | Aus Èihr dy iek Auc puils aÌsr, imwTU dy qfey aqy zYzI dy dosq sn | Aus Auc aÌsr nUM Ìon kIqf ik 25 qoN 30 dy krIb ÉUn dIaF boqlF dI ËrUrq hY | rfq df smF hY kI kIqf jfvy, sfzI qurMq mdd kro | Aus Auc aÌsr nUM sfrI siQqI qoN jfxU krvf idwqf | Aus Auc aÌsr ny ikhf qusIN icMqf nf kro, ieMqËfm
ho jfvygf Aus puils aÌsr ny imldy ÉUn gruwp dy 30 qoN 35 dy krIb puils krmcfrI gwzI ivc Byj idwqy | zfktr hYrfn sn ik eynIN jldI KUn df ieMqËfm ikvyN kr ilaf?
keI GMty apryÈn cwilaf | keI KUn dIaF boqlF cVHIaF ikAuNik zfktr eyDroN ÉUn cVHfAuNdy sn qy AuDroN apryÈn dI cIr PfV dOrfn ÉUn bfhr inkldf jFdf sI | afiKr apryÈn dI sÉq jwdo jihq dy bfad dovF nUM hI bcf ilaf igaf | imwTU iek ibwlI dy blUMgVy ijMnf mfs df loQf hI sI | Aus nUM ienkUbytr ivc rwiKaf igaf | keI mhIny Auh ienkUbytr ivc irhf | Aus dy ÈrIr dy kuJ aMg pUrI qrHF ivksq nf hoey | zfktrF ny ikhf ik vIh-bfeI sfl dI Aumr ivc ies dy aMg ivksq ho skdy hn | smF pf ky imwTU vwzf huMdf igaf | Aus dIaF hwzIaF kmËor sn aqy ÈrIr ivc crbI Gwt hI bxdI sI | pyÈfb shI qrIky nfl iPltr ho ky nhIN sI inkldf | ÈrIr ivc QoVHf pyÈfb rih jFdf sI | anykF zfktrF qoN imwTU df ielfj krvfieaf pr pUrI qrHF sÌlqf hwQ nf lwgdI pr imwTU idmfgI qOr iblkul TIk sI | pUrI Éurfk lYNdf sI aqy hr gwl smJdf sI | pUrf cyqn | ÈrfrqF ivc vI Auh bwicaF vFg inpuMn sI | ishq kmËor hox krky Aus nUM afpxy inwjI skUl
blivMdr bflm
ivc hI Byijaf jFdf sI | imwTU dy zYzI df afpxf pRfeIvyt skUl sI | ijs nUM Aus dI mMmI sMBfldI sI | imwTI afpxI mMmI nfl hI skUl jFdf qy afAuNdf sI | Aus nUM hornF skUl ivc ies krky nhIN sn pfAuNdy ik Aus dI ishq bhuq kmËor sI ijs krky Auh zrdf sI | BfvyN imwTU ÈrIrk qOr qy kmËor sI pr nfnky-dfdky Aus nUM bhuq ipafr krdy | Auh hrmn ipafrf qy lfzlf sI | vYsy vI kmËor bwcf kuJ iËafdf hI mohipafr Bfldf hY aqy Aus nUM sB ipafr vI ijafdf krdy hn | muhwly ivc irÈqydfrIaF ivc sB Aus nUM rjvF ipafr siqkr idMdy | imwTU ny afpxy Gr ivc rihMidaF CotI Aumr ivc hI keI vwzy-vwzy duwK vyKy sI, Jwly sI, jdoN Auh 14 qoN 15 sfl df sI qF Aus dy zYzI ikznI ny nuks krky ies sMsfr nUM alivdf kih gey | imwTU dy zYzI nUM bcfAux leI imwTU dI dfdI mF ny ikznI dfn kIqI sI pr ies dy bfvjUd vI Auh lMbI aqy ÉrcIlI ibmfrI nfl jUJdy hoey ies dunIaF nUM alivdf kih gey | Aus dy dfdf vI lMbI ibmfrI qoN bfad sMsfr qoN ruKsq ho gey | Aus dI vwzI BYx jo kuJ mhIinaF qoN ivafhI sI iek ibmfrI nfl JUjdy hoey ies sMsfr qoN clI geI | imwTU df sfrf pirvfr duwKF dI hnyrI ivc iGr igaf | imwTU dI mMmI
aqy Aus df vwzf vIr vI ipwCy rih gey | imwTU nUM afpxy zYzI dI Xfd bhuq sqfAuNdI | Auh iekwlf bYTf hI roNdf rihMdf | imwTU nUM afpxy zYzI nfl aMqF df moh sI | rwb vrgf moh sI | Aus dy zYzI vI Aus qoN ibnF nhIN sn rih skdy | zYzI df shfrf tuwtx nfl imwTU AudfsInqf dy KUh ivc Dkyilaf igaf | ies coN inklxf Aus dy vws df rog nhIN sI | imwTU afpxy qfey nUM pfpf kih ky bulfAuNdf sI | imwTU aksr afpxy qfey nUM duKI ho ky, qVp ky, awKF ivc vwzy-vwzy qubkydfr glyzU Br ky buskdy hoey kihMdf pfpf (qfieaf) jI, myry zYzI ikwQy cly gey hn? kI hux Auh vfps neIf afAuxgy?
pfpf, myry zYzI nUM ikMny mfiraf ey? mMmI jI kihMdy sn, qyry zYzI rwb kol cly gey hn
| myry zYzI nUM rwb ny mfiraf ey? pfpf mYnUM ikqy jy rwb iml jfey nf mYN Aus nUM jfn qoN mfr idaFgf, Aus dy toty-toty kr dvFgf
| Aus ny myry zYzI nUM mfiraf ey | rwb ikwzf BYVf ey pfpf | pfpf jI mYnUM zYzI kol lY cwlo
| myrf idl nhI lwgdf, zYzI qoN bgYr | mYnUM rfq nINd neIf afAuNdI | hux mYN ikhdy nfl sOvFgf? zYzI mYnUM bhuq ipafr krdy sI pfpf | pfpf, qusIN myry zYzI nUM neIf ilaf skdy | myry zYzI ikvyN af skdy ny? Auh ies qrHF dy anykF hI idl kMbfAU svfl jd afpxy qfey nfl krdf qF Aus df qfieaf aMdroN-aMdrIN hubkF mfr-mfr ky roNdf pr hMJU bfhr nf afAux idMdf aqy imwTU dIaF gwlF dy JUTy mUJy jvfb idMdf rihMdf Aus dI qswlI leI, Aus df idl bMnx leI | imwTU Audfs rihx lwg ipaf| Aus df idl ikqy nf lwgdf | Auh kdI dfdky aqy kdI nfnky ipMz cwilaf jFdf pr jldI hI vfps af jFdf | Aus dy qfey df Gr do glIaF Cwz ky nfl hI sI | Auh jdoN vI iËafdf Audfs huMdf afpxy qfey kol af jFdf | afpxy zYzI dIaF gwlF krdf rihMdf | smF bIqdf igaf | kuJ XfdF DuMdlIaF huMdIaF geIaF pr mukMml qOr qy jIvq | miraF nfl miraF nhIN jf skdf kudrq df atwl inXm hY | pr jIAuNidaF dy rfh nhIN muwkdy | smF BivwK ivc afpxy hfx df bxf hI lYNdf | hux imwTU kuJ jvfn ho igaf sI | Auh GroN bx Tx ky bfhr inkoldf qF Aus dI bVI tohr huMdI | kflf kurqf pËfmf, kflI aYnk, pMjfbI iqwlydfr juwqI, vflF df romFitk stfeIl qy hwk ivc kMGI PVHky jd Auh vflF ivc tyZy aMdfË ivc Pyrdf qF lok Aus vwl vyK-vyK hwsdy | vfl vfhuMdf jFdf aqy keI mÈhUr gIq guxguxfAuNdf jFdf | Auh sfrf idn Kyzx mwlx ivc hI guËfrdf | Aus nUM rsqy ivc keI hm Aumr dosq iml jFdy | skUl ivc mrËI
nfl hI jFdf sI | jy koeI Aus nUM puwCdf;imwTU, qUM ajkl kI krdf ey? qy Auh awgoN vKry aMdfË ivc kihMdf,;mYN skUl df ipÙMsIpl hF | ikAuNik AunHF df inwjI pRfeIvyt skUl jU sI | sfrf skUl Aus qoN zrdf sI | bwcy kI aqy aiDafpk kI? ikAuNik Auh ÈrIr df
plf dublf aqy kmËor jU sI | Ërf ijhf vI izwg jFdf hwzI tuwtx df Kqrf bx jFdf | Auh BMgVf bhuq kmfl df pfAuNdf sI | BMgVy dy keI mnmohn hfsohIxyN aYkÈn Aus nUM KUb afAuNdy sI | jdoN Auh pMjfbI gIq lgf ky tyZy-myZy aMdfË ivc BMgVf pfAuNdf qF nyrHIaF ilaf idMdf | Aus ivc awlHV Aumr dy sfry qwq AuBr afey jo iek jvfn gwBrU | pihnx df ÈONk, sjx-bxn df sONk, bolcfl dy aMdfË df slIkf, nIJ kMn awKIaF dy ieÈfry nfl awK dwb ky gwl krnf | Aus ivc jvfnI vfly sfry rumFitk qwq AuqpMn ho cuwky sn | rIJF, AumMgF, cfa, mlfl AuqpMn ho ky sunihrI BivwK dI qlfÈ ivc sn | jo jvfnI df inXm hY | imwTU dIaf lwqF QoVHIaF tyZIaF sn | zfktrF ny ikhf sI ik apryÈn qoN bfad TIk ho jfxgIaF | imwTU qF ies qfk ivc sI ik jdoN Aus dIaF lwqF TIk ho jfxgIaF qy Auh lMzI jIp aqy ipsqOl lvygf | Aus dy dfdky-nfnky Aus nUM mfKOl krdy rihMdy vy lOiTaf, iknHF nUM Pon krdf rihxf ey? koeI cMn nf cVHf ky afvIN |imwTU awgy afpxI dfdI nUM kihMdf jf mfeIey ijhIey cuwp kr jf, iknUM Pon krdf ipaf sI, aYvyN Èwk krdI rihMdI ey | cuwp kr jf mfeIey imwTU sfl bfad nvF mobfiel lY lYNdf | Auh lYptfp clfAux df bVf ÈONkIn sI |BfvyN Aus nUM BfÈf pVHxI Gwt hI afAuNdI sI pr kMipAUtr icMnHF dI mdd nfl mobfiel aqy lYptfp clf lYNdf sI | kuJ sflF bfad imwTU dy vwzy Brf dI ÈfdI kr idwqI geI qF jo Gr ivc koeI KuÈI df mfhOl qF bx jfey | duwK musIbqF aqy duKd GtnfvF afdmI nUM Gux lgf idMdIaF hn aqy imlxsfr aqy imwTU bolVy suBfa dI | cMgy sMskfr lY ky afeI sI | isafxp dI guwQlI | Aus ny bI[aYs[sI[ nrisMg kIqI hoeI sI | hux Gr ivc suKd mfhOl bxn lwg ipaf | iek idn imwTU ly afpxy vwzy vIr nUM ikhf, mYN kuwqf rwKxf hY | bVI iËwd dy bfad iek kfly rMg df kqUrf (bwcf) Aus nUM ilaf ky dy idwqf | imwTU ny Aus kuwqy nUM rIJF cfvHF nfl pfilaf | hr vyly kuwqy df iKafl | ies Ausny afpxI BYx dI ÈfdI qoN pihlF ilaf sI | AusdI BYx ies kuwqy qoN bhuq zrdI sI | imwTU nUM Gr dy sfiraF jIaF ny ikhf sI ik imwTU qUM kuwqf nf rwK | pr imwTU ny iËwd krky, bfiËwd ho ky kuwqf lY ky hI Cwizaf | kfly rMg df kuwqf BuwcV ho igaf sI | imwTU awTy pihr kuwqy nfl Kyzdf rihMdf |hr iek nfl kuwqy dIaF gwlF krdf rihMdf | afpxy qfey nfl kuwqy dIaF ÈrfrqF, hrkqF, Éfx-pIx afid dIaF gwlF krdf rihMdf | kuwqf hux Br jvfn vwzf ho igaf sI | kuwqy nUM bfhr iljfx vfsqy iek bMdy dI ËrUrq huMdI | iek idn imwTU qVk svyry AuiTaf aqy dMd burÈ krdf hoieaf, bfQrUm ivc jfx leI Gr dy kmry dy drvfËy qoN bfhr inklx lwgf qF awgy dihlIË ivc kuwqf suwqf hoieaf sI | Ausdf pYr suwqy hoey kuwqy Aupr sihbn
aqy axdyKI ivc pY igaf | kuwqf cIkdf
hoieaf awbVvfhy imwTU nUM pY igaf aqy imwTU
buVkdf hoieaf hyTF jf izwgf | imwTU dIaF
cIkF inkl geIaF aqy izwgdy sfry hI Aus
dI swjI lwq tuwt geI | Aus dIaF cINkF
sux ky Aus dI mMmI, Brf aqy BfbI bfhr dOVy | imwTU Qwly izwgf cIkF mfr irhf sI | Aus dI tuwtI lwq vyK ky jldI jldI Aus df Brf aqy BfbI ny kfr ivc pfieaf aqy hspqfl lY gey | Aus dy qfey nUM vI Pon kr idwqf igaf | jo mOky qy hspqfl phuMc gey | imwTU dI lwq dy aYksry hoey aqy Aus dI lwq Aupr ËrUrq muqfibk plwsqr cVHf idwqf igaf | dvfeIaF dy idwqIaF geIaF | zfktr ly ikhf GbrfAux dI koeI loV nhIN jldI TIk ho jfeygf | hwzI tuwtI ËrUr ey pr lmkI nhIN ey ; kuJ GMitaF dy bfad imwTU nUM Gr lY afey | plwsqr qF keIaF idnF bfad KuwlHxf sI | dvfeI aqy hor ielfj cwldf irhf | jdoN imwTU hspqfl ivc sI qF Aus smyN Ausny afpxy zYzI nUM bhuq Xfd kIqf aqy dvfeIaF dy nÈy dI hflq ivc bol-bol ky kihMdf, zYzI jI, af jfE, zYzI jI ikwQy ho, myry drd bVI huMdI peI ey | zYzI jI jldI af jfE | jldI af jfE myry drd huMdI ey zYzI df nFa lY-lY ky busk-busk ky roNdf hoieaf cINkf mfrdf | Aus smyN hspqfl ivc Aus dy kol Aus df Brf, BfbI aqy qfieaf hI sn | jo Aus dIaF
illkVIaF sux dy aMdroN- aMdrI ro pYNdy | imwTU afpxy Gr iek kmry ivc ibsqr Aupr lyitaf rihMdf, zfktr dIaF hdfieqF muqfibk ielfj aqy dyKBfl huMdI rihMdI | Auh iekrfq tIikaF dy nÈy ivc keI gwlF krdf irhf | qVk svyry lgBg cfr vjy dy krIb imwTU df bolxf iekdm bMd ho igaf | Aus dI mMmI Aus dy nËdIk hI jfg rhI sI | qurMq imwTU dy Brf aqy BfbI Aus nUM gwzI ivc pf ky hspqfl lY gey | Ausdf qfieaf aqy hor ivakqI vI AuQy phuMc gey | zfktrF ny jldI-jldI gulUkoË aqy dvfeIaF dy idwqIaF | imwTU df blwz pRYsr ËrUrq qoN vI iËafdf hyTF clf igaf | vyKdy-vyKdy hI ryq vFgUM hwQF ikr igaf | sBnF df ro-ro ky burf hfl ho igaf | pl iCx ivc hI imwTU df cilaf jfxf aiqaMq duKd Gtnf ho geI | AusdI mMmI, Brf, BfbI df bhuq burf hfl ho igaf | ijvyN Auh pwQr hI ho gey hox | irÈqydfrF ivc, muhwly ivc qRfhI-qRfhI mwc geI | sBnF dy idlF ivc gihrf duwK KMËr dI qrHF KuBdf jf irhf sI | imwTU dI mOq df kfrn Aus df kuwqf hI bx igaf | Aus kuwqy nUM kqUry qoN pfilaf, vwzf kIqf, qy Auh hI imwTU dI mOq df kfrn bx igaf | Aus dy Brf ny AucI-AucI roNdy hoey rwb df vfsqf pfAuNdy hoey afpxy mobfiel Pon dI Pysbuwk qy ilK idwqf-imwTU vfips af jF |
We all deal with stress at various times in our lives, from looming deadlines at work to worrying about being able to pay our bills on time. Stress is a natural reaction to challenges in life, but it can also have significant impacts on our overall health if it becomes long-lasting and we aren’t able to deal with it. Here are seven tips to help you alleviate the stress in your life.
Get enough rest
A good night’s sleep is essential for taking care of both your physical and mental health. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Practising good sleep habits, like going to bed at a consistent time each night and keeping the room cool and dark can help you get a more restful sleep. If you’re a light sleeper, consider using a white noise machine or fan to block out external sounds.
Eat well
Eating a variety of healthy foods supports your overall nutritional
7 Healthy Stress-Busting Tips
health and physical and mental well-being. A healthy eating pattern includes plenty of vegetables and fruits, whole grain and protein foods, and healthy fats instead of saturated fats. Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat, it is also the where, when, why and how you eat. This can include taking time to eat without distractions, enjoying your food by creating a positive eating environment and using mealtime as a chance to connect with others.
dementia or other cognitive issues. If you’re not into jogging or hitting the gym, low-impact exercises like yoga or going for a walk are great ways to clear your mind and reduce your stress while getting your body moving.
Get your exercise
Regular physical activity has been shown to improve our ability to learn and problem solve, while also reducing the risk of developing
Unplug your devices
The constant exposure to social media and the news can be overwhelming and have an impact on our mental health. If you find that it is negatively affecting you or adding additional stress to your life, consider reducing the amount of time you spend “doom scrolling” or taking a break from it altogether. Shutting down your screens at least an hour before bedtime can also help with better sleep.
Spend time with loved ones
If you can, prioritize some time to meaningfully connect with friends or family, whether in a group or oneon-one. If you are feeling stressed out, it can help to talk things through with someone you trust.
Set a schedule
Stress can make it challenging to keep track of the things we want to get done from day to day. Setting a regular schedule for things like mealtime, chores and exercise will help you remember important tasks and feel more in control of your life.
Seek help when needed
Sometimes we aren’t able to sort things out on our own and need more support. If feelings of stress or worry are long-lasting and are having a negative impact on your daily life, know there is help. There are a number of free mental health supports that you can access at anytime, from anywhere.
Affordable Ways to Eat for a Greener Future
As many of us experience both a high cost of living and growing effects of climate change, such as unseasonable temperatures or extreme weather events, it might be reassuring to know that some steps that save you money at the grocery store will also cut back on food waste.
With sustainability in mind, here are some core tips to help you buy, store and prepare food in a way that helps you, your community and the environment.
Buying food:
1. Use your list: The age-old, walletfriendly tip to make a list before grocery shopping helps you avoid buying more than you need. That can mean less food ends up rotting in the back of your fridge or going stale in your cupboards.
2. Embrace imperfection: Many grocers sell “imperfect” looking fruits and vegetables, often at a discount. Think apples that don’t have a perfect peel, or carrots that are a little knobby. They are just as healthy, and you prevent them from going to landfill, while saving a few cents.
3. Go exploring: Try one of the many apps or programs that aim to reduce food waste. They connect users with discounted foods from nearby grocers. You can try new foods without breaking the bank and divert good food from going to waste.
Storing food:
4. Perishables up front: As a reminder to eat foods that will go bad first, place ones you’ve opened at the front of the fridge or pantry.
5. Freezer advantage: If you’re not sure you’ll use something before it
goes bad, freeze it to use later. Label it with the name of the food and date to remind yourself what it is and when you froze it.
6. Label wisdom: Know that a bestbefore date is not an indicator of food safety, but about freshness, nutritional value and quality. You can buy and eat foods after the best-before date has passed. However, foods that are likely to spoil should be stored properly, and they should be eaten as quickly as possible. For example, because of the potential for contamination, once a package of lunchmeat is open, for safety reasons, it should be consumed in three to five days. Use your judgment when deciding if food is still safe to eat. You can’t always tell by its smell or taste.
Preparing food:
7. Cook fresh first: Try to use the most perishable items in your fridge or pantry, such as berries or spinach, before the hardier foods like apples, potatoes or carrots, which will last longer.
8. Mix up leftovers: You can make leftovers more appetizing by turning them into something new, like quiche, stir-fries, soups or casseroles – all versatile meals that taste great with a mix of leftover vegetables and proteins.
9. Make waste work: Some food waste is inevitable, but instead of just throwing it out, make use of the compost program in your community if there is one or start composting at home. You can save on fertilizer for your garden. If you’re already composting, try freezing waste to prevent odours and help the composting process along.
The 2024 Nissan Altima SR Sedan: Remade and better than ever!
Auto review by Veeno DewanThe Altima is Nissan’s mid-size family sedan that’s has been a popular seller over the last two decades or so. For 2024 it comes off a 2023 revamp with bolder front-end styling, standard LED lighting, new wheel designs, expanded standard safety features and available 12.3inch display. The facelifted Altima looks sharper, inside, and out, and updated technology. One extremely attractive feature is that All-wheel drive is standard with the Altima, perfect for wintry weather provinces. The Altima is powered by a 2.5L four-cylinder engine rated at 182 hp and 178 lb-ft of torque. This unit is teamed with Nissans proprietary Xtronic continuously variable transmission while paddle shifters are standard on the SR sports model.
and wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity. Also standard for all models is Safety Shield 360 that includes emergency braking with pedestrian detection, rear automatic braking, lane departure warning, radar-based blind spot warning, rear cross traffic alert and high beam assist. The list of standard features is well suited to Canadian winters with heated front seats and heated outside mirrors as well as AWD.
The 2024 lineup includes four
We tested the sporty SR version which adds additional slight suspension tuning an exclusive version of the updated V-Motion grille with “black chrome” accents exclusive to the SR model. The nice 19inch wheels are also new. On the SR trim, it also includes wireless phone charging and a Wi-Fi hotspot. The upsized display has a hugely
models: S AWD, SR AWD, SR Premium, and Platinum. The Altima starts from $31,598 to $37,998 MSRP. The entry S is $30,098. The SR Midnight Edition is $32,698. The price for the mid-range SR trim (As tested) is $34,498 plus options and freight/PDE. The fully loaded Platinum version is priced at $37,998. Freight and PDI is $2,030. One of the biggest changes to the Altima is the arrival of a new 12.3inch touchscreen with navigation
improved interface with a cleaner home screen and artfully arranged apps,
The Altima’s cabin looks neat, with controls logical and human friendly, and the front seats are comfy. The Altima’s interior is a mix of hard plastics and nicer soft-touch points with dual-stitched accents on the door armrests and seats. It feels on par for the segment in terms of quality and overall look.
The inside of the Altima is roomy and offers excellent visibility the leather trimmed “Zero Gravity” front seats are excellent. They have eight-way power adjustability with lumbar support and heating functionality. Altima interiors offers a luxury feel in both design and materials – including revised instrument panel finishings and a new dual-stitch interior fabric design for SR models. It also delivers an elevated level of convenience and connectivity features – including an available 7.0-inch Advanced DriveAssistTM Display, NASA-inspired Zero Gravity seat design with dualdensity foam and bolstering, available leather-appointed seating, and available 8-way power driver’s seat.
to miserly fuel-saving mode for highways cruising. You can thank the CVT transmission’s revised mapping for that. The impressive AWD system is calibrated for three driving conditions with a 50/50 split on power front to rear for hard starts; a fuel-efficient front-wheeldrive mode when cruising; and a 70/30 split for slippery surfaces. The 19-inch wheel and tire combo, plus the tuned suspension, both affect the ride quality.
Altima’s AWD system automatically redistributes torque to the wheels (from 100 per cent up front up to a 50/50 split front-to-rear) according to road and driving conditions.
On the road, the standard 2.5-litre engine puts the emphasis on economy (an impressive 6.5 litres/100 kilometres on the highway) with its 182 horsepower and 180 lb.-ft. of torque. Response to throttle inputs is instantaneous; the transmission enables passing power and acceleration as needed, but also reverts
Handling is good thanks to the implementation of a stiff , light platform combined with monotube rear shocks and suspension reinforcements. Meanwhile electric power steering makes the Altima feels defter with an easy progressive steering feel on the twisties. It’s a wonderfully fast, light quick reflexed car that’s fun to drive. Not a lot to complain about. Fuel economy is rated at 6.7L - 9.3L fuel / 100 km, highway/city/combined.
To sum up, the Altima’s well priced model range is a bargain-priced, especially with as availability of AWD as standard, which sets it above the crowd. Highly recommended.
2024 Nissan Altima SR priced from $34,998. Price as tested with options, Freight and PDE: $39,028.
Website www.nissan.ca
KyqIbfVI sfzI sQfnk afriQkqf df iewk mhwqvpUrx ihwsf hY, aqy PryËr vYlI bI sI dy awDy Bojn df Auqpfdn krdI hY.
ies leI ieh bhuq mhwqvpUrn hY ik asIN qknIkI-smJdfr iksfnF aqy Bojn AuqpfdkF dI aglI pIVHI nUM isKlfeI dyeIey aqy AunHF nUM iewQy aYbtsPorz ivc sPlqf leI sQfpq krIey.
ieh aYbtsPorz dI agvfeI krn df smF hY - clo cwlIey!
A gr i cu l tu r e i s a cr u ci a l p a r t of ou r l oca l econ om y, a n d th e
Fr a ser V a l l ey p r od u ces h a l f of B C’s food .
Th a t’s w h y i t’s so i m p or ta n t th a t w e tr a i n th e n ex t gen er a ti on of tech -sa vvy fa r m er s a n d food p r od u cer s a n d set th em u p for su ccess r i gh t h er e i n A b b otsfor d .
It’s A b b otsfor d ’s ti m e to l ea d - l et’s go!
zf[ gurivMdr isMG lgfqfr 10vIN
bxy ibhqrIn iraYltr
rIal astyt aYvfrz smfgm ivwc plYnt gruwp ds sflf mzYlIan aYvfrz nfl snmfinq
lYNglI : plYnt gruwp iraYiltI vwloN sflfnf avfrz smfgm 2024 iewQoN dy lYNglI bYNkut hfl ivwc krvfieaf igaf. ies mOky ‘qy rIal astyt aqy mIzIaf dI jfxI-pihcfxI ÈÉsIaq zf[ gurivMdr isMG ny lgfqfr 10vIN vfr ‘ibhqrIn iraYltr’ vjoN ienfm hfisl kIqf. AunHF nUM ds sflf plYint gruwp mzYlIan afAUtstYNizMg aYvfrz’ dy ky snmfnq kIqf igaf. iewQy iËkrXog hY ik PryËr vYlI rIal astyt borz dy cfr hËfr qoN vwD mYNbrF ivwcoN zf[ gurivMdr isMG 2017 sylË qy 2021 sfl leI ‘sylË aqy zflr vflIam’ ‘c pihly sQfn ‘qy afey hn. plYnt gruwp dI smuwcI mYnyjmYNt df DMnvfd kridaF zf gurivMdr isMG ny ikhf ik Auh afpxy smUh BfeIcfry dy lgfqfr sqfrF virHaF qoN iml rhy sihXog sdkf byimsfl sÌlqf leI DMnvfdI hn. zf[ gurivMdr isMG nfl 604 825 1550 ‘qy ivcfrk sFJ leI sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. Poto : ‘10 sflf mzYilan ibhqrIn iraYltr aYvfrz’ nfl zf[gurivMdr isMG.
pRBU rfjn ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy puils kMplyNt kMimsLnr bxy rvI isMG prmfr ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy sMsdI skwqr bxy
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL kolMbIaf ivDfn sBf dy smUh swqfDfrI aqy ivroDI iDr dy mYNbrF nUM sMsdI kmytI dI isPfrsL qy BfrqI mUl dy sInIar vkIl pRBU rfjn nUM ibRitsL kolMbIaf df puils kMplyNt (isLkfieqF) kimsLnr inXukq kIqf hY. pRBU rfjn dI kimsLnr vjoN inXukqI 5 sfl vfsqy kIqI geI hY. ibRitsL kolMbIaf df puils kMplyNt kMimsLnr iewk afjLfd qy inrpwK aiDkfrI huMdf h Yijs dy kMm kfjL ivwc srkfr qy puils koeI dKLlaMdfjI nhIN kr skdI qy kimsLnr puils aYkt qihq imAuspl puils bfry lokF vwloN kIqIaF isLkfieaF dI pVqfl krky ibnF iksy BydBfv qoN AuhnF df inptfrf krdy hn. Bfrq dy kyrlf sUby nfl sbMiDq pRBU rfjn ENtfrIE dy cIP kfrnr qy cIP PrFnsYk pfQoloijst qy atfrnI jnrl dy cIP kONsl vjoN syvfvF inBf cuwky hn qy AuhnF dy mfqf ipqf kYnyzf dI iewk XUnIvristI ivKy pRoPYsr sn.
vflF nUM sMGxf qy cmkdfr bxfAux leI lfE kYstr
afiel hyar mfsk, jfxo bxfAux df qrIkf
sMdIp kOr
kYstr afiel, ijs nUM arMzI df qyl vI ikhf jFdf hY, afpxy keI PfieidaF leI jfixaf jFdf hY. ies ‘c keI poÈk qwq pfey jFdy hn, jo ishq aqy suMdrqf leI PfiedymMd huMdy hn. ies ivwc mOjUd irsInolIsInoilk aYisz joVF dy drd qoN rfhq idvfAuNdf hY. nfl hI, ies ivwc mOjUd amIno aYisz cmVI nUM bhuq nrm aqy cmkdfr bxfAux ivwc mdd krdy hn.
ieMnf hI nhIN, kYstr afiel pfcn qMqr nUM ibhqr bxfAux aqy srIr nUM aMdroN mËbUq krn df kMm krdf hY. ishq dy nfl-nfl kYstr afiel dI vrqoN cmVI aqy vflF dI dyKBfl leI vI kIqI jFdI hY. cmVI dy nfl-nfl kYstr afiel vflF leI vI PfiedymMd huMdf hY. kYstr afiel nfl roËfnf mfilÈ krn nfl kfly vfl lMby aqy sMGxy ho jFdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf, Auh cmkIly vI huMdy hn[ awj asIN quhfnUM vflF leI PfiedymMd kuJ hyar mfsk bfry dwsx jf rhy hF, jo vflF dy vfDy aqy surwiKaf
ivwc mddgfr ho skdy hn. afE jfxdy hF kYstr afiel qoN bxy kuJ hyar mfsk. ies nUM bxfAux leI do cmc kYstr afiel, do cwmc bRfhmI qyl aqy QoVHf ijhf pfxI imlf ky lgfE. lgfAux qoN bfad ies nUM 45 imMt leI Cwz idE aqy bfad ivc vflF nUM Do lE. ies nUM bxfAux leI do cmc kYstr afiel, do cmc myQI dfxf pfAUzr aqy QoVHf ijhf pfxI imlf ky pyst bxf lE aqy vflF ‘qy lgfE. ies pyst nUM qIh imMt leI rwKo aqy Do lE. iewk aFzy nUM do cmc kYstr afiel dy nfl cMgI qrHF kuwto, iewk cmc dhIN dy nfl cMgI qrHF imlfE aqy vflF ‘qy lgfE aqy 45 imMt bfad hlky ÈYNpU nfl Do lE. do cmc kYstr afiel ‘c do cmc aYlovyrf jYwl aqy iek cmc Èihd imlf ky vflF ‘qy lgfE aqy qIh imMt bfad afm pfxI nfl Do lE. do cmc kYstr afiel ‘c iek cwmc nfrIal qyl aqy iek cwmc Èihd imlf ky vflF ‘qy cMgI qrHF lgfE aqy iek GMty bfad ÈYNpU nfl Do lE.
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) ibRitsL
kolMbIaf dy muwK mMqrI zyivz eIbI ny 29 sflf
pMjfbI ivDfiek rvI isMG prmfr nUM ieMtrnYsLnl krzYNsls Bfv aMqrrfsLtrI pRmfx
pwqr df sMsdI skwqr bxfieaf. Auh sUby dI nvIN bxI AucyrI iswiKaf mMqrI lIsf byar nfl syvfvF inBfAuNxgy. ijLlHf huisLafrpur dy
mfihlpur nyVly ipMz jMglIafxf nfl sbMDq
rvI isMG prmfr bIq sfl 24 jUn nUM ivDfn sBf hlkf lYNgPrz-juafn dy ivDfiek cuxy gey sn. lYNgPorz-juafn dy Pukf ivDfn sBf sIt
ijmnI cox ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy 2 vfr muwK mMqrI rhy jOn horgn vwloN isafsq qoN sMinafs lYx qoN bfad hoeI sI. rvI isMG prmfr 2014 ‘c
pihlI vfr sUky sLihr dy skUl borz df trwstI cuixaf igaf sI. jdoN Auh 20 sflF df sI rvI sUk skUl borz df 3 vfr trwstI qy 2 vfr cyarmYn rih cuwkf sI. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy ieiqhfs ivwc ieh pihlI vfr h Yik 10 pMjfbI ivDiek swqfDfrI inAU zYmokrYitk pfrtI dy hn ijnF ‘c iewk spIkr, iewk atfrnI jnrl, cfr kYbint mMqrI qy iqMn sMsdI skwqr hn.
kYnyzf ‘c pMjfbx dy kfql pqI nUM Aumr kYd
aYbbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) qkrIbn svf sfl pihlF cfkU mfr ky byrihmI nfl kql kIqI geI pMjfbx 40 sflf hrpIRq kOr igwl dy pqI nivMdr isMG igwl nUM ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI adflq ny Aumr kYd dI sjLf suxfeI hY qy 10 sfl Auh pYrol leI arjI nhIN dy skygf. Gtnf 10 dsMbr 2022 dI hY jdoN puils nUM rfq smyN iewk tfAUn hfAUs ivwc CurybfjI hox hox bfry sUcnf imlI sI. puils qurMq jdoN Gtnf sQfn qy phuMcI qy AuQy Kun nfl lwQpwQ hrpRIq kOr igwl izwgI peI sI ijs qy cfkU nfl keI vfr kIqy gey sn. puils vwloN pYrfmYizkF dI shfieqf gMBIr jLKLmI hoeI hrpRIq nUM hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf ijwQy Auh jLKLmF dI qfb nf JwldI hoeI dm qoVH geI. Puils ny 16 dsMbr 2022 nUM hrpRIq kOr dy kql dy dosL ‘c Aus dy 40 sflf pqI nivMdr isMG igwl nUM dUjy drjy dy kql dy dosL qihq igRPqfr kr ilaf sI. 3 bwicaF dI mF hrpRIq kOr iewk skUl ‘c kMm krdI sI.
For children in Kindergarten to Gr. 6. Children Gr. 7 & older may volunteer.
A 4-day camp of learning and excitement: Gurmat, Sikh history, Gatka, arts & crafts, game time, daily prizes, certificates!
Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar (30640 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford, BC)
Monday, March 18 to Thursday March 21, 2024 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
The camp will allow young Sikh children to grow emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Other opportunities include making friends, interaction with positive role models, Gurmat & Sikh history education, and lots of fun!
Spring Gurmat Camp 2024
• Campers who register after March 4th will not receive a t-shirt on the first day of camp.
• Lunch and snacks will be provided.
• Parent Sevadars needed! Sign up at reception to do Seva for lunch/snacks preparation.
• If families would like to sponsor lunch for a specific day, please contact the office.
Applications are available online (must be Gr. 7 or higher)
Deadline to apply is Sunday, February 25, 2024 (7:30pm)
Is your home-based business protected? Key insurance considerations
(NC) Operating a small business out of your home may have many convenient perks, but you can face some costly headaches if you don’t have the right insurance coverage. This goes beyond your standard home insurance policy.
Your home policy may cover certain activities for your business, however, the coverage limits are generally much lower than what you would receive through a small business insurance policy. Make sure you’re covered by exploring your options.
There are also certain types of coverage that your home insurance policy would not cover. For example, if your business is temporarily shut down
due to an insured event, you would not be covered for any loss of income during this period. Or if a customer is visiting your home-based business, and slips and injures themselves on your premises, you may not be covered under your home insurance policy if you are found liable. With providers such as TD Insurance, you can customize your small business insurance policy based on the needs of your business.
You can learn more by contacting a licensed insurance advisor who can help you address questions about insurance for your home-based business. You can also find more information at tdinsurance.com.
How to navigate food rules for businesses
(NC) When running a business, rules, regulations and guidelines seem to come with the package.
Learning to navigate everything can be a challenge, but these requirements play an important part in ensuring the Canadian marketplace is safe, consistent and fair to everyone.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s Safe Food for Canadians Regulations are a set of federal food safety rules that apply to many types of food businesses. These include licensing, preventive controls and plans, and traceability.
For food businesses, following these rules helps to keep the food system safe. Here are some of the ways to do that:
Start by confirming which rules apply
In general, these regulations apply to all businesses that import or prepare food for export or interprovincial trade. They apply to all foods, including manufactured foods such as snacks, coffee, cereals, beverages and pastas.
Requirements vary, but they typically include having a valid food safety licence, having preventive controls in place and keeping traceability records.
Have a valid food safety licence
Your licence application must include the activities you conduct, the location where they will occur, the types of food involved and a declaration that you have preventive controls in place for food safety.
Businesses importing food or beverages into Canada must have a valid food safety licence. Without a valid
licence, shipments may be denied entry into Canada.
Create a preventive control plan
You may also need to have a preventive control plan written down. It outlines the measures you need to put in place to prevent contaminated food from entering the market. Most businesses are required to document how they identify and control food safety risks for the foods they handle. While some small businesses may not need a written plan, they must still have preventive controls in place.
Create a traceability plan, if applicable
In case of a food safety incident or recall, businesses must be able to trace the movement of a food product. As the food system has many steps, and a product may be
processed and packaged in different places, keeping track of where it’s been and where it’s going is essential to quickly protect consumers if a problem occurs.
Preventive controls and traceability records are usually required even for food businesses that do not need a licence. For example, retailers need to keep records of receiving the food (tracing back where it came from), but do not need to trace the food forward to the consumer.
Depending on your product(s), where you are selling them and where you are located, your business may need to comply with various other federal, provincial and municipal requirements.
Find more information on these steps at inspection.canada.ca/safefood.
How to pack the whole family for March Break
(NC) At this time of year, many of us are ready to escape winter for a week on the beach or some other warmer location. If you’ve got plans for a March Break getaway with the family, here are some packing tips for all ages.
Babies and infants
As anyone who has done it knows, travelling with babies and young children can be a challenge. In addition to their clothes, you also want to make sure you pack their bottles, soothers, a hat and their favourite stuffed animal.
If it’s a beach destination you’re heading to, don’t forget swim
goggles and floaties. If the trip will include some more adventurous outings, make sure you pack appropriate footwear and rugged clothing.
You may also need to bring a portable crib. But note that airlines will not count a stroller as a piece of luggage and, in most cases, you can check it at the gate.
For the flight, pack some snacks, plus some books, arts and crafts materials, and other items to pass the time.
Tweens and teens
For this age group, keeping them engaged and entertained is the key
factor. So, while they’ll be sure to pack their phones and other devices, you’ll want to make sure all the right charging cables are packed as well. You should also set some ground rules ahead of time on screen time limits.
Kids this age are old enough to pack their own suitcase but double-check to make sure they bring essentials like swimwear, sunglasses and hats, suitable footwear and some books or magazines to read when you tell them it’s time to put their phones away.
As the adults in the group, you’re going to be the one responsible for packing vacation essentials like sunscreen, a first aid kit and any medication family members require. You should also look into travel insurance for the whole family.
And don’t forget that novel you’ve been meaning to finally crack open.
Of course, the essential wardrobe items for a beach vacation are your swimsuit and a coverup. If Mom is in the market for a new swimsuit, find tips on how to select the perfect fit for her body type at lavieenrose. com/en/women-swimsuit-guide.
mfÌI Èbd
Éqrnfk hiQafr sfibq ho irhf hY, nf mfÌI mMgo nf mfÌI idAu!
jdoN keI ÈÉs afpxI kIqI ÊlqI dI mfÌI mMgdf hY qF ieh mMn ky Aus nUM mfÌ kr idwqf jFdf hY ik Aus nUM afpxI ÊlqI df pCqfvf hY. pr keI ÈÉs mfÌI nUM afpxI Zfl bxf lYNdy hn. Auh mfÌI numf ZfÜ nUM bfKUbI vrqdy hn. Auh vfr-vfr ÊlqI krdy hn, jfx-buJ ky krdy hn, socsmJ ky krdy hn.AunHF nUM pqf huMdf hY ik hr ÊlqI qoN bfd PVy jfx ’qy AunHF mfÌI ikvyN mMgxI hY? hwQ joV ky mMgxI hY, ichry ’qy AudfsI ilaf ky mMgxI hY, awKF Jukf ky mMgxI hY, pYrF ’c izwg ky mMgxI hY, Ëubfn ’qy imTfs ilaf ky mMgxI hY, ivcfry ijhy bxky mMgxI hY, DrqI ’qy lyt ky mMgxI hY, srkfry drbfry mMgxI hY. hlImI nfl mMgxI hY. AuwcI-AuwcI rOlf pf ky mMgxI hY. pr mfÌI koeI ZfÜ nhIN iewk pCqfvf hY. jo isrÌ mfÌI mMgx nfl pUrf nhIN huMdf. blik Éud nUM suDfr ky, afpxy aOguxF nUM kwZ ky,
rÈipMdr kOr igwl
jo nuksfn hoieaf Aus dI BrpfeI kr ky hI pCqfvf pUrf huMdf hY. pr jo ÈÉs mfÌI numf ZfÜ QMm ky ivcrdy hn, Auh bhuq hI Gfqk sfibq huMdy hn, ikAuik AunHF dI ibrqI hr vkq nuksfn phuMcfAux Auwpr huMdI hY. nuksfn cfhy lÌËF nfl hovy, isDFqk hovy, smfijk hovy, rfjnIqk hovy, bOiDk hovy, Dfrimk hovy, ivakqIgq hovy cfhy afriQk hovy. sfnUM afpxy cfr cuPyry ies qrHF dy ÈÉs awj kwlH afm iml jFdy hn. Gr ivwc iml jFdy hn, guaFZ ivwc iml jFdy hn, irÈqydfrF ivwc iml jFdy hn, bfËfr ivwc iml jFdy hn, swjxqfeI ivwc iml jFdy hn jF smfj ivwc ivcridaF iml jFdy hn.
myry ivcfr hn ik mfÌI Èbd iËMdgI ivwc hoxf hI nhIN cfhIdf. mfÌI jy idmfÊ ivwc nhIN hovygI qF idmfÊ kuJ vI Êlq krn
bfry nhIN socygf. jy kdy ÊlqI ho jfvy qF mfÌI mMgx nfloN afpxI ÊlqI mMno aqy afpxI ÊlqI nUM suDfrn dI koiÈÈ kro. jo nuksfn quhfzy krky hoieaf hY Aus dI BrpfeI kro aqy dubfrf ÊlqI nf krn df pRx kro. mfÌI Èbd afpxI iËMdgI ivwcoN kwZ idE. nf mfÌI mMgo nf mfÌI idAu. ikAukI jo ÈÉs vfr-vfr quhfzy koloN mfÌI mMgx af irhf hY qF smJ lAu Auh hux quhfzy leI Gfqk hY. quhfzI iewk cuwp Aus ÈKs leI BFbV df kMm krygI aqy afpxI eIn mnfAux leI quhfzy Auwpr Gfqk hmly ÈurU kr dyvygf. cfhy Auh hmly ivakqIgq hox cfhy smfijk hox. awj kwlH mfÌI numf ZfÜ vrqx vfly ÈÉs quhfnUM smfijk aqy rfjnIqk pwDr ’qy afm iml jfxgy. mfÌI
Èbd Éqrnfk hiQafr sfibq ho irhf hY.
nf mfÌI mMgo nf mfÌI idAu.
zfiebtIË dI ibmfrI bx skdI hY ikznI PylH hox df kfrn, jfxo ikvyN
jsivMdr dUhVf
zfiebtIË mYtfboilËm nfl juVI iewk
smwisaf hY, ijs ivwc mrIË dy KUn ivwc
glUkoË df pwDr vwD jFdf hY. dunIaf ivwc lgBg 422 imlIan (42 kroV) lok ÈUgr qoN pRBfivq hn. zfiebtIË iewk aijhI ibmfrI hY jo srIr dy keI ihwisaF nUM pRBfivq krdI hY, pr ieh sB qoN vwD ikznI nUM pRBfivq krdI hY, ijs nUM aksr nËraMdfË kIqf jFdf hY. zfiebtIË vfly hr 3 ivwcoN 1 bflg gurdy nfl sbMDq smwisafvF qoN pIVq hY. zfiebItIË aqy gurdy dy kfrjF ivckfr ieh sbMD bhuq icMqf df kfrn hY. glUkoË df pwDr vDx kfrn srIr dy keI aMgF, Kfs krky kfrzIEvYskulr pRxflI aqy guridaF dy Krfb hox df sB qoN vwD Éqrf rihMdf hY. gurdy dy nuksfn dI siQqI nUM zfiebIitk nYPropYQI ikhf jFdf hY. zfiebIitk nYPropYQI gurdy dI purfxI ibmfrI dI iewk iksm hY. hfeI blwz pRYÈr aqy ikznI dI smwisaf qoN pIVq lokF nUM iËafdf Éqrf huMdf hY. gurdy srIr dy aMdrUnI sMquln nUM bxfeI rwKx aqy KUn ivwcoN kUVy aqy vfDU qrl pdfrQF nUM iPltr krn ivwc mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBfAuNdy hn. zfiebItIË ivwc, lMby smyN qoN hfeI blwz ÈUgr guridaF dIaF
nfËuk iPltr XUintF nUM nuksfn phuMcfAuNdI hY, ijsnUM nYPron ikhf jFdf hY. hfeI blwz ÈUgr dy pwDr glomyrUlI (gurdy dy nYPron dy aMdr CotIaF KUn dIaF nfVIaF) nUM nuksfn phuMcf skdy hn, ijs nfl AunHF dI rihMdKUMhd nUM iPltr krn dI smrwQf Gt jFdI hY. ieh BVkfAU jvfbF nUM cflU krky aqy PRI rYzIkls dy gTn nUM AuqÈfihq krky guridaF nUM nuksfn phuMcf skdy hn. hfeI blwz ÈUgr dy pwDrF ‘qy pRotIn dy lMby smyN qwk sMprk AGEs dy gTn vwl agvfeI krdf hY, jo ik gurdy dy kMm nUM ivgfV skdf hY aqy soj aqy PfeIbroiss df kfrn bx skdf hY.
zfiebItIË aksr hfeI blwz pRYÈr dy nfl huMdf hY, donF ivckfr iewk hfnIkfrk prspr pRBfv pYdf krdf hY jo ik ikznI dy nuksfn nUM hor vDfAuNdf hY. viDaf hoieaf blwz pRYÈr guridaF ivwc pihlF hI Krfb ho cuwkIaF KUn dIaF nfVIaF ‘qy vfDU dbfa pfAuNdf hY, jo ik zfiebIitk nYPropYQI nUM hor qyË kr skdf hY.
ijvyN ik zfiebItIË guridaF nUM nuksfn phuMcfAuNdI hY, AuhnF dI rihMd-KUMhd aqy vfDU qrl nUM iPltr krn dI smrwQf Gwt jFdI hY. ikznI PMkÈn ivwc ieh kmI KUn
ivwc ËihrIly pdfrQF nUM iekwTf krn df kfrn bx skdI hY, ijs nfl keI qrHF dIaF ishq smwisafvF ho skdIaF hn. zfiebIitk nYPropYQI vfly ivakqIaF nUM idl dy dOry aqy stRok smyq kfrzIEvYskulr rogF df vwD Éqrf huMdf hY. zf[ sMjIv gulftI, pRYËIzYNt, ieMzIan sosfietI afÌ nYProlojI aqy pRmuwK inrdyÈk, nYProlojI, Porits aYskfrts, idwlI df kihxf hY, ‘zfiebIitk ikznI dI ibmfrI iewk cuwp kfql hY. ÈUgr dy gurdy dI ibmfrI vfly iËafdfqr mrIË lwCx nhIN idKfAuNdy. ies leI, ipÈfb aYlibAUimn-tU-kRIeytInfeIn anupfqaqy
aMdfËn glomyrUlr iPltrryÈn ryt vrgy tYstF rfhIN gurdy dy kMm dI inXmq ingrfnI ies ibmfrI df CyqI pqf lgfAux aqy smyN isr ielfj krn ivwc mdd kr skdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf, ÈUgr dy mrIËF ivwc ÈUgr dy pwDrF nUM dvfeIaF, Kurfk aqy jIvn ÈYlI ivwc qbdIlIaF duafrf inXMqirq krnf ÈUgr dy gurdy dI ibmfrI nUM rokx aqy pRbMDn leI mhwqvpUrn hY. hfeI blwz pRYÈr nUM kMtrol krnf vI Enf hI ËrUrI hY. jIvnÈYlI ivwc bdlfa aqy dvfeIaF blwz pRYÈr nUM shI sImfvF dy aMdr bxfeI rwKx ivwc mdd kr skdIaF hn.
avqfr isMG iZwloN (aMbrsrIaf)
klm cuwkI nhIN jFdI
Èbd iliKaf nhIN jFdf
ikMnHI vfr sI mYN tuwitaf
swcI mYQoN ikhf nhIN jFdf
vyiKaf sB ny sI jFdy hoey iksy ny mYnUM roikaf nhIN, jfx mgroN inMidaf hoxf kdy AuhnF nUM toikaf nhIN
sB qoN aOKf pihlF pYr puwtxf jo dfqy ny afp mYNQo rwKvfieaf, BivwK dI iÌkr hox lwgI sI ies krky roNdf bfhr afieaf
pqf hY iksy ny puwCxf nhIN
qUM jIAUNdf hY jF iPr miraf, bygfinaF qy qomqF lfAuNdy ny
mYN qF afpixaF qoN hiraf
gurU nfnk dy crnI ardfs
ik iZwloN dI Ébr vI nf afvy, ijhVy mrËI hflfq ivwc rwKIN Buwl ky vI iksy nUM cyqf nf afvy
suixaf iËMdgI iemiqhfn lYNdI iqafr hF hr pfso qyry sdky, ijwq qy hfr rwb dI bÉÈI dfq bÉÈy svfs cwlx qyry sdky.
The Patrika pMjfbI
ivdfiegI gIq
bldyv suKI rozy
pUrI krky iqafrI, mfro ieMzIaf AuzfrI
suK sFd nfl jfieE CyqI CyqI muV afieE
asIN krFgy AuzIkF, asIN krFgy AuzIkF.
jfky bYT ky GlfVI Auqy qWqf guV KfxF
nF hI Buwl jfxF sfg ivWc mWKx rlfxF
qfjf mWkI dIaF rotIaF nMU ibxF igxy KfieE
asIN krFgy AuzIkF, qusI CyqI muV afieE.
lWB lWB ky imlf ieE sMgI sfQI jo ipafry, syko DUxIaF qy gWpF mfr luitE njfry, mfr KysF dIaF buklF nMU muK nF CupfieE,
asIN krFgy AuzIkF, asIN krFgy AuzIkF. dys DMud bVI pYNdI, gwzI sMBl ky clfxI, lMG geI BfvyN lohVI qusF jfky mnfxI
guV irAVIaF dI mWuT sBnF dI JolI pfieE
asIN krFgy AuzIkF, asIN krFgy AuzIkF.
jfky gurF dy duafry, krny drsLn dIdfry, KfieE pwkIaF pkfeIaF bfbf atWl jI pukfry
asIN krFgy AuzIkF, qusI CyqI muV afieE.
asIN krFgy AuzIkF, qusI CyqI muV afieE.
bfpU twpy
kulvIr isMG zfnsIvfl
dhIN aqy lwsI zflzf
jgHf iGE dI nI lY skdy
cfcy qfey cMgy huMdy af
jgHf ipE dI nI lY skdy
awj Guwt ky klLfvf BirE bfpU jI dy nfl bYT ky
qusIN iznr jLrUr kirE
gwl solLF afny swcI af
ijhnF dy ijENdy bfp ny
Auh DIaF puwq lucky af
kYsf kljug afieaf ey
EhnUM afKyN byaklf
ijhny pVHnf isKfieaf ey
suMny pYNizaF dI vft rVky
pUrIaF cVHfeIaF jwg qy
iewk bfpU qyrI Gft rVky
muwCF KVHIaF huMdIaF sI
jdoN bfpU, qUM ijENdf sI
jybF BrIaF huMdIaF sI
cyqy afpxf pMjfb rwiKE
jIhny vfry puwq kOm leI
Aus bfpU nUM vI Xfd rwiKE
kwK mMigaf nI puwq vfr ky
mMgdf eyN kfrF koTIaF
kulvIr qUM rupeIaf cfVH ky
adrk df pfxI hY srdIaF dIaF keI smwisafvF leI rfmbfx, jfxo 5
sMdIp kOr
idwlI smyq pUrf Auwqr Bfrq ies smyN kVfky dI TMZ kfrn kMb irhf hY. lgfqfr izwg rhy qfpmfn ny lokF dI hflq qrsXog kr idwqI hY. kVfky dI TMZ aqy sMGxI DuMd ny sfiraF nUM kMbx leI mjbUr kr idwqf hY. aijhy ‘c ies mOsm ‘c afpxI ishq df Kfs iKafl rwKxf ËrUrI hY. srdIaF ‘c aksr sfzI ieimAUintI kmËor ho jFdI hY, ijs kfrn asIN afsfnI nfl keI bImfrIaF
aqy ienPYkÈn df iÈkfr ho jFdy hF.
adrk iewk aijhf Bojn pdfrQ hY, ijs dI BfrqI rsoeI ivwc ivafpk qOr ‘qy vrqoN kIqI jFdI hY. lok cfh ivwc adrk vI imlfAuNdy hn jo Kfxy df suafd vDfAuNdf hY aqy ies nUM bVy cfa nfl pINdf hY. ieh nf isrP svfd vDfAux ‘c mdd krdf hY sgoN quhfzI ishq nUM vI keI Pfiedy idMdf hY. qusIN adrk nUM keI qrIikaF nfl afpxI Kurfk df ihwsf bxf skdy ho. afA jfxdy hF srdIaF ivwc adrk df pfxI pIx dy kuJ PfiedysrdIaF ivwc pfcn sMbMDI smwisafvF aksr lokF leI pryÈfnI df kfrn bx
jFdIaF hn. aijhy ‘c adrk df pfxI quhfzI pfcn ikiraf nUM ibhqr bxfAux ‘c mdd krdf hY. roËfnf ies nUM pIx nfl
qusIN soj, pyt Puwlx vrgIaF smwisafvF nUM dUr kr skdy ho.
ÈUgr dy mrIËF leI vI adrk df pfxI bhuq Kfs huMdf hY. jykr qusIN ÈUgr dy mrIË ho, qF afpxy afp nUM hfeIzryt rwKxf bhuq
ËrUrI hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc, adrk df pfxI quhfnUM hfeIzryt rwKx dy nfl-nfl quhfzI blwz ÈUgr nUM kMtrol krn leI jfixaf jFdf hY. ies dy aYNtI-ieMPlymytrI gux zfiebItIË kfrn hox vflIaF hor smwisafvF df pRbMDn krn ivwc mdd krdy hn.
adrk afpxy sfV ivroDI guxF leI jfixaf jFdf hY. iehI kfrn hY ik ieh gTIey dy drd qoN rfhq pRdfn krn aqy soj nUM
GtfAux ivwc vI mdd kr skdf hY. ieh mfspyÈIaF dy drd qoN Cutkfrf pfAux leI vI bhuq vDIaf hY.
srdIaF ivwc aksr sfzI ieimAUintI kmËor ho jFdI hY, ijs kfrn asIN afsfnI nfl ibmfrIaF aqy ienPYkÈnF df iÈkfr ho jFdy hF. aijhy ‘c adrk df pfxI pIx nfl quhfzI ieimAUintI mËbUq huMdI hY, ikAuNik adrk aYNtIafksIzYNt aqy aYNtIieMPlymytrI guxF nfl BrpUr huMdf hY. srdIaF dy mOsm ‘c keI lok afpxy vDdy Bfr kfrn aksr pRyÈfn rihMdy hn. aijhy ‘c adrk df pfxI Bfr nUM bxfey rwKx ‘c mdd krdf hY. ies ivc kYlorI Gwt hox kfrn ieh Bfr GtfAux ivc mddgfr ho skdI hY.
gfjr-ckMdr nUM nvyN qrIikaF nfl kro Éurfk ‘c Èfml, rhogy cusq
qy ishqmMd
srdIaF ivc sbËIaF Kfx df vwKrf hI mËf huMdf hY ikAuNik ies mOsm ivc qrHF-qrHF dIaF sbËIaF imldIaF hn. Kfs krky
hrijMdr soZI
gfjr, mtr aqy ckMdr. ivtfimn, Kixj aqy aYNtIafksIzYNts nfl BrpUr ienHF sbËIaF nUM Kfx nfl
nf isrP ieimAUintI mËbUq huMdI hY sgoN awKF dI roÈnI qy mYtfboilËm vI vDdf hY. gfjr qy cukMdr Kfx nfl
srIr ‘c ÉUn dI kmI nhIN
huMdI qy nfl hI srdI-KMG vI dUr rihMdI hY. ies dy Ìfiedy jfx ky qusIN vI ienHF nUM afpxI Éurfk ‘c Èfml krnf cfhogy. gfjr-ckMdr sUp bxfAux leI kwtIaF hoeIaF gfjrF qy cukMdr nUM ipafË, lsx qy
sbËIaF dy Èorby nfl AudoN qwk pkfE, jdoN qwk ieh pk nf jfx. hux ies imÈrn nUM blyNz kro qy ies ivc adrk, hldI aqy
QoVHI ijhI kflI imrc imlfE. ieh msfly nf isrP sUp df suafd vDfAuNdy hn sgoN ies ivc mOjUd imÈrn qy aYNtIafksIzYNt vI ieimAUintI nUM mËbUq krdy hn. gfjr qy ckMdr nUM pqlIaF sitRks ivc kwto. hux iek ktorI ivc isrkf, lfl imrc dy tukVy, inMbU df rs, cInI aqy nmk pfE aqy cMgI qrHF imlfE. hux ies ivc gfjr qy ckMdr dy tukVy pf ky cMgI qrHF imks kr lE qy ies nUM eyar tfeIt zwby ivc pf ky Duwp ‘c rwKo. acfr nUM kuJ idnF leI Aublx idAu qy iPr ies df mËf lE. gfjr qy ckMdr
nUM hlkf pkfAux qwk BuMn lvo. hux ies nUM TMZf hox leI Cwz idE. hux iek ktorI ivwc hrIaF sbËIaF, ijvyN pflk nUM imlfE. ies ivc QoVHf ijhf cUiraf hoieaf pnIr, aKrot, jYqUn df qyl, inMbU df rs aqy QoVHf ijhf Èihd imlfE aqy snYk dy rUp ivc ies df mËf lE. gfjr qy ckMdr dI smUdI bxfAux leI ienHF dy iClky kwt lvo. iek pwkf kylf, iek kwp gRIk dhIN, dflcInI aqy Èihd pfE aqy ies nUM imlfE. ivtfimn, Kixj aqy PfeIbr nfl BrpUr ies smUdI nUM qusIN dupihr dy Kfxy jF rfq dy Kfxy ivc pI skdy ho. ies dy syvn nfl pfcn ikiraf ‘c suDfr huMdf hY aqy ieimAUintI vI mËbUq huMdI hY.
cOlF nUM afpxI zfeIt ‘coN krnf cfhuMdy ho afAUt qF ienHF ishqmMd afpÈnF nfl kro irplys qijMdr iQMd
cOl BfrqI Bojn df iewk mhwqvpUrn ihwsf hY, ijs qoN ibnF bhuq sfry lokF df Bojn aDUrf rih jFdf hY. keI lokF nUM cOl ieMny iËafdf psMd huMdy hn ik Auh svyry-Èfm ies nUM afpxy Bojn ‘c Èfml krdy hn. hflFik, iksy vI cIË dI iËafdf mfqrf ishq leI hfnIkfrk hY. cOlF df vI iehI hfl hY. ies df iËafdf syvn krn nfl keI smwisafvF ho skdIaF hn. aijhI siQqI ivwc, qusIN ies nUM iksy ishqmMd ivklp nfl bdlo. jykr qusIN vI cfvl Kfx
dy ÈOkIn ho, qF qusIN ies nUM ienHF ivklpF nfl bdl skdy ho. qusIN cOlF nUM glutnmukq kuienoaf nfl bdl skdy ho. ieh
cOlF nfloN PfeIbr aqy pRotIn ivwc bhuq iËafdf huMdf hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc, ieh
cOlF df iewk ishqmMd aqy glUtn mukq ivklp sfbq hovygf. jykr qusIN cOlF df cMgf bdl lwB rhy ho, qF kfrnmIl iewk
vDIaf ivklp sfbq hovygf. ies nUM Kfx nfl ishq nUM keI Pfiedy huMdy hn. mwkI dy Kfxy ivwc PfeIbr dI cMgI mfqrf pfeI jFdI
hY, jo awKF dI ishq nUM ibhqr bxfAuNdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf, inXmq qOr ‘qy mwkI df Bojn Kfx nfl pfcn ikiraf nUM siQr rwKx ivc vI mdd imldI hY. aYNtIafksIzYNt nfl BrpUr kUskUs vI cOlF df vDIaf bdl hY. ÈUgr aqy PYt PrI hox kfrn ieh srIr dy Krfb hoey sYwlF nUM TIk krn ‘c mdd krdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf ies nUM Kfx nfl ieimAUintI vI vDdI hY. lfl cfvl ivwc aYNtIafksIzYNt huMdy hn, jo afm qOr ‘qy lfl rMg dy PlF aqy sbËIaF ivwc pfey
jFdy hn. ies nUM afpxI Kurfk ivwc Èfml krky, qusIN aYlrjI nUM rok skdy ho aqy afpxy Bfr nUM vI kMtrol kr skdy ho. afm qOr ‘qy ÈUgr dy mrIËF leI icwty cOlF nUM iËafdf vDIaf nhIN mMinaf jFdf hY. aijhy ‘c jykr qusIN zfiebtIË dy iÈkfr ho qF qusIN sPyd cOlF dI jgHf bRfAUn rfeIs lY skdy ho.qusIN afpxI Kurfk ivwc jON dy nfl cOlF dI QF vI lY skdy ho. ieh Ets dy smfn hY aqy ishq leI bhuq PfiedymMd mMinaf jFdf hY.
Give your kitchen cabinets a facelift in 6 easy steps
New kitchen or fresh paint? With some simple preparation, a little paint and a free weekend, you can transform the look and feel of your kitchen in just a couple of days. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started.
Prep the area
Empty your cabinets and remove the doors by unscrewing the hinges and pulling the doors away from the units. Wipe the surfaces clean with a damp cloth.
Clean and sand
If your cabinets have a glossy finish, you’ll need to sand that away before you start painting. Take a sanding sponge or high-grit sandpaper (100-
to 150-grit), and sand until you have a matte finish. Once you’ve sanded, wipe the dust away with a damp cloth and allow the cabinets to completely dry.
Pick the right paint
An on-trend gloss or semi-gloss paint is recommended for cabinets because it provides a harder, and therefore more durable, finish. If you choose latex paint, make sure it’s completely acrylic. Oil-free paints called alkyds are great for durability as well. When choosing your colours, you can’t go wrong picking from a designer-endorsed palette like Behr’s colours of the
year, which is only available at The Home Depot.
Prime the cabinets
If you’re going lighter than the current colour or your cabinets are new, you will need to prime them. Apply your primer by painting the edges with a brush first, then rolling the middle for the fastest coverage. Allow them to dry completely. Paint doors and drawers
Once your frames are painted, you can let them dry and move on to the doors. Put boards on the ground and then lay your cabinet doors flat on top of them. This keeps them off the ground while painting. Start painting from the middle of the door
and work your way out towards the edges. Let them dry completely. If you want a more vibrant colour, consider adding a second coat. Don’t be worried if there are brush marks, they’ll even out as the paint dries.
Once your paint is dry, reassemble your cabinets by putting the hardware back on the doors if you removed it and then reattaching the doors to the cabinets. Once everything is assembled, you can stand back and take in your brand-new kitchen look.
Find more weekend do-it-yourself projects at homedepot.ca.
New to farming? Here are 3 resources you might not know about
Canada has a long history of farming, and many farms have been in the same family for generations. Others are trying their hand at farming for the first time, whether they are newcomers or long-time residents interested in a hands-on career in tune with the environment.
Whether you’re a new farmer or come from a long line of farmers, here are three programs designed to help you manage the risks and finances of running a farm.
Training and incentives
Whether you are new to farming or established in the field, it might be worth considering an alternative to private loans, such as the Canadian
lVkI dI loV
Agricultural Loans Act Programknown as the CALA Program. This
the federal government guaranteeing 95 per cent of the loan, which
ividafrQI vIjy qy kYnyzf rih irhf jwt isWK sMDr lVkf Aumr 23 sfl kWd 5’9”
kYnyzIan istIjLn jF pI afr jF vrk primt qy rih rhI lVkI dI loV hY.
sMprk kro: 778-551-9720, 778-551-9730
program can help those looking to establish, improve or expand their farming business with lower interest rates and down payments, as well as flexible repayment options and incentives. You may qualify for up to $500,000, with
means access to better interest rates and lower minimum equity.
Cash advances
Any business owner knows that managing cash flow can be a challenge. It is particularly difficult when the product you are selling can take weeks, months or even years to be ready for market. To help farmers get by while their crops or livestock are growing, the federal
government developed the Advance Payments Program. Under this program, farmers can access up to $1 million in advanced funds based on the value of the eligible agricultural products they will produce or have in storage, with the Government of Canada paying the interest on the first $100,000. Applications for 2024 will open on April 1, 2024. Depending on what is being produced, farmers will have 18 to 24 months to fully repay their advance.
Debt management
Sometimes things do not work out how we want them to. If you are struggling to manage your debt, you can apply to the voluntary, confidential Farm Debt Mediation Service to receive credit counselling and to have a meeting arranged with your creditor(s) to develop a recovery plan.
Learn more about these and other financial resources at agriculture. canada.ca/manage-farm-risk-andfinance.
mhInf jyT sMkRFqI 12/02/2024 qoN 13/03/2024
joiqS,S EqyEijqyiEijqj, i, Eiq Eqy7 1 qyo iqESE 1S E E E
myK-ipwq-ivkfr, mn-asLFq, GrylU-ivvfd sulJx, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-sihXog, sMpdfsuwK, sMqfn vfsqy Krc, iesqrI-ksLt kfrobfr TIk, PrvrI 19, 20, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
After the pressure you have likely experienced since the year began, you are now moving into a period to 23rd March where you can work out what needs to become your main priority in life. You could make decisions this week you had not planned but suddenly realise are necessary, based on what you don’t want to do anymore.
New responsibilities could come your way which might be something you have been aiming for in a work situation but this could also take place on a personal level. There could be a lot more to this than is initially presented. Be mindful of what you are prepared to take on from now to late March, so to avoid getting bogged down.
ibRK-isr aqy nyqr-ksLt, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-sihXog, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-ksLt, rog-BY, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 12, 13, 21, 22, 23; mfrc 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
iS Eiy S iS Ei
imQn-ishq TIk, Dn-hfnI, bMDU-suwK, sMpqI-ivvfd, sMqfn-ksLt, iesqrI-pwK vfsqy Krc, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 14, 15, 24, 25; mfrc 4, 5, 13 asLuwB hn.
S Ejjo
krk-ishq TIk rhy, afriQk lfB hovy, injI-jn-icMqf, sMpqI-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB rhy, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr gVbVfey. PrvrI 16, 17, 18, 26, 27; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
iS Ey j
isMG-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, injI-jn-ksLt, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI. PrvrI 19, 29, 28, mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-ishq TIk, mfnisk ksLt, GrylU JgVy, imwqr-bMDU qoN mdd imly, sMpdf-lfB, Drmkrm ivwc AuWnqI, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 12, 13, 21, 22, 23; mfrc 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
7qS E qqqy q S
qulf-Audr-ivkfr, mn asLFq, sLuwB-Krc, bMDU-suwK, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn bfry icMqf, iesqrIksLt, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 14, 15, 24, 25; mfrc 4, 5, 13 asLuwB hn.
8iS Eqo
ibRsLick-ishq TIk, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, bMDU-suwK, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-suwK, dusLmx aqy rog-BY, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 16, 17, 18, 26, 27; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
S Ei q
Dn-ishq TIk, ivsLysL Krc, Brf dI icMq, sMpqI-suwK, sMqfn-ksLt, dusLmx dby rihx, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI. PrvrI 19, 20, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.
1S Ejo j jj S
mkr-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB, injI-jn sihXog, sMpdf-ivvfd, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. PrvrI 12, 13, 21, 22, 23; mfrc 2, 3, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.
11S E Si S
kuMB-vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB, injI-jnF nfl ivgfV, sMpdf-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf. PrvrI 14, 15, 24, 25; mfrc 4, 5, 13 asLuwB hn.
1S E q
mIn-ishq TIk, GrylU-JMJt, injI-jnF nfl myl, sMpdf-lfB, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 16, 17, 18, 26, 27; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Pressure from the expectations of somebody else that has been upon since the year began will be released, giving you a sense of freedom. This can open up all sorts of new possibilities where the future is concerned, which can include looking at possibilities you could only dream about before. Focus on this to late March.
New directions can take shape in your life when it comes to other people, either those you know or somebody new. They will be determined when it comes to their own agenda and you need to be careful about the level of commitment or responsibility you take on. Those in business could be very busy to late March.
Be satisfied with whatever you have managed to organise and put in place since the year began. It is time to relax and involve yourself in some pleasurable activities up to 23rd March. The way somebody else deals with their life might be a good example to follow, especially if you realise you have become too serious of late.
There can be a lot to think or communicate about from now to late March which could stem from new information coming your way right now. Be mindful of what you can reasonably manage because something small asked of you could turn out to have a lot more work attached than is obvious. Be across the detail – ask questions.
With Mars entering your sign until 23rd March you will begin a new 2 year cycle but this one is like no other you have experienced so far in life. The New Moon has also just taken place in your sign, so it is all about new beginnings. For some this may mean beginning to alter your attitude to things that can’t be changed, which oddly enough could make you feel a new person.
Any challenges you may have had to deal with from somebody else since the beginning of the year may now become less obvious to 23rd March. Their determination to either do things or have things their way won’t waver. They could just be less open. You will have support elsewhere but keep your wits about you.
More pleasurable activities or a desire to relax since the year began will wind up now. Something may have changed as well when it comes to future goals which will now require some proper focus to get organised up to late March. This could also bring changes to your usual routines, which might take a while to get used to.
From now to 23rd March you could become more certain about what needs to be put in place for ongoing security when it comes to any changes that could have taken place since mid October. This could involve home and family but also any other area of life that is important to you. Focus on this step involving the next 2 years.
Your finances come under focus to late March. This would be a good time to make any adjustments to loans but be mindful of not committing yourself to anything that could become difficult to manage later. This could also be favourable for getting a job, changing jobs or receiving an increase in pay. Don’t be tempted to waste it though.
You will need a lot of patience to 23rd March, especially with any situations that seem out of your control. More information might be needed so that you can eventually move forward without hindrance. A possible new direction may begin to develop but exactly how that will play out could take a month to fully emerge.