63 52 61 table of contents
Caring People Services: A Tradition of Caring ................................................................................. 8
iSupport: $90 for 90 Years The Family Service Agency of Paducah Turns 90 .................. 55
iSupport: A Community Christmas Connection A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out ........................................................ 1 2
iSing: Singing in the Holidays at PTHS ............................................. 57
iSupport: Paducah Professional Women’s Christmas Charity Auction ................................................................... 15
iParent: 5 Tips To Tame The Gimmes This Holiday Season ........................................................................................................ 59
iLove It: Teen Spirit @YAC .................................................................... 17
iLearn: Fun Phone Apps For Kids That Stimulate Thinking and Creativity ............................................................ 61
iCook: Rounding Out Christmas Dinner ........................................ 20
iDoctor: Youth Sports Injuries
iSupport: Kiwanis 79 Annual Charity Auction ....................... 24 th
December Calendar & Community Directory ........................... 2 7 iAge: Too Old To Drive? The Aging Driver Dilemma ............................................................ 52 4
............................................. 6 3
Advertiser's Index ........................................................................................ 65 Clip & Save ....................................................................................................... 66
from the editor May All Your Christmases Be Bright
love Christmas, I truly do - the decorating, the shopping, the catching up with friends and family and the joy of the children at Christmas as they open their gifts. Our family traditions include a live tree, baking cookies and sweets for the neighbors, and calling our relatives around the world on Christmas Day. What I find overwhelming is the kinetic nature of the month before the holidays, and I’m pretty sure a lot of people feel that way, too. I want to be sociable and attend all the seasonal events. I plan to go to the Paducah Symphony Orchestra’s Christmas Concert, the midnight candlelight service on Christmas Eve, to shop at Dickens of a Christmas, and bid on items at the Christmas auctions. But, Christmas Day arrives and I find that I haven’t done half of the things I wrote on my calendar! The truth is that I’m already a pretty busy person who is running a business, a home, and serve on several local charity boards. It’s almost at the point where I have to schedule time with my husband or we barely speak to each other! Adding in concerts, parties, auctions, open houses, and shopping is a wonderful idea but, in reality, it’s not really going to happen. Which is a shame.
So, this year, I’m going to make a concerted effort to focus on the reason for the season. Instead of trying to do it all and failing miserably, I’m going to set aside time for activities that make me smile, fill my heart with Christmas Spirit and help others. I’m challenging you, our readers, to do the same.
I’m going to seek out activities that contribute to my community in a positive way. I’m thinking Family Service Society is a good start, or perhaps Paducah Cooperative Ministry, or Martha’s Vineyard that delivers food to the elderly in need. Maybe your way of getting into the Christmas Spirit is contributing to Toys for Tots or bagging leaves for an elderly or disable neighbor. Whatever it is, I hope it gives you a warm feeling and gives you joy that the season should bring. I may not get all the Christmas cards written by December 5th. I may have boxes under the tree instead of wrapped gifts, but hopefully I won’t feel as if Christmas passed me by and all I got was the dish washing and the laundry! 2018 is just around the corner and with it comes a clean slate - a new year to redesign my life and my schedule. My New Year’s Resolutions will include reading more books, learning a new skill or craft, travel with my husband and smiling more often. Everyone at All Good Media wishes you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a Happy new Year. We thank all our advertisers and readers for their support throughout 2017 and look forward to 2018... our 15th year publishing Purchase Area Family Magazine.
Karen Hammond iListWesternKentucky.com
purchase area family P. O. B ox 8 0 6 1 Pa d u c a h , K Y 4 2 0 0 2
Reach + Readers = Results 270.415.9400 • admin@allgoodmedia.net Editor/Publisher Karen Hammond Artistic Director/Graphic Design Kristal D. Stallion Contributing Writers Britt Allgood, Ryan Beck, M.D., Kimberly Blaker, Sarah Ladd, Amy Noles & Robin Passante Advertising Account Executives Will Brandon, Gina Dunkerson, and Cassie Johnson Calendar of Events Tell our 80,000* plus readers about your event, class, group, church or service! Send an email to admin@allgoodmedia.net or call the office at 270.415.9400. Advertising Want to advertise your business in the magazine? Have a question regarding ad rates, billing or your account? Contact our advertising department at 270.415.9400 or admin@allgoodmedia.net. Subscription & Distribution Want to subscribe or receive a copy of the magazine by mail? Need a back issue? Want to add a location to our distribution? Please call our office at 270.415.9400 or email admin@allgoodmedia.net. Mission Statement PAFM is committed to providing free, accurate, and timely information to readers in western Kentucky, sountern Illinois and all its communities. Our goal is to educate, inform, and enhance family life. We endeavor to support our communities by providing balanced and informative articles, together with the area’s most comprehensive and inclusive calendar of events. *Based on an industry average of four impressions per copy
on the cover
Joni Hogancamp, Carolyn Roberts, Annalee Johnson & Saylor Jackson.
shot on location at the home of John & Sherron Dunaway. The home was built in 1868 by Paducah’s 1st millionaire, Benjamin H. Wisdom.
front cover portrait by Matt Hernandez Creative matthernandezcreative.com 270.554.1057 Purchase Area Family® is published monthly by All Good Media, LLC. Advertising design and layout by Kristal D. Stallion. All Good Media, LLC is not responsible for any injury or harm resulting from the information or advice contained in this magazine. The articles in this issue of Purchase Family Magazine®, may not necessarily reflect the opinions of All Good Media, LLC. All subscription, editorial, and advertising inquiries should be directed to admin@allgoodmedia.net or call 270.415.9400. 6
A Tradition of Caring 8
ur cover this month celebrates Christmas and family. It features Joni Hogancamp and Carolyn Roberts, coowners of Caring People Services (CPS) who are joined by Joni’s grandnieces, Annalee Johnson and Saylor Jackson. At this very special time of the year the staff at Caring People Services are focused on providing all their clients and families care and support.
“The birth of baby Jesus meant that Mary & Joseph were now a family,” said Hogancamp. “They were caring for a new life, the light of the world.” That’s usually where traditions start in a family, and Caring People Services is proud to support the traditions of Christmas.
A Community Need
Together with their dedicated staff, Roberts and Hogancamp have provided home care for seniors with health issues, the frail elderly, and the disabled of all ages, for the past 16 years. “We started the company after both of us experienced caring for numerous family members and experiencing the need for support firsthand,” explained Roberts. “We were where our clients are. Both of us are committed to providing the kind of care we would want for our families – we’re very much a team.” Roberts, a registered nurse and nursing director for over 40 years, has managed many of the same challenges that her clients experience, including being a long-distance caregiver. Hogancamp has also worked extensively in healthcare and has professional recruiting and management training. Both Roberts and Hogancamp are heavily involved in the community. Roberts serves on the board of the St. Nicholas Family Foundation and Hogancamp was the Board Secretary for six years. They are also both members of the Paducah Rotary Club and Hogancamp is on the board of The Purchase Area Senior Games. Hogancamp is proud to be involved with the United Way Reading Pals and is an active member of her church, Broadway United Methodist in Paducah. Roberts was
a member of the Kentucky Home Care Association Board of Directors.
Christmas - Filled with Traditions
“Every family has traditions, and since we consider Caring People Services a family, we have our own,” Roberts explained. “From the beginning we have had a Christmas Open House where all the staff can come in and have lunch. It’s a treat for them because, as they work in our client’s home, they don’t usually meet many other members of CPS. We’ve had staff come to the party and recognize an old friend they didn’t realize was also an employee!”
The Roberts Family
“As far as my own traditions, we were not a large family growing up and most of my relatives were older,” Roberts shared. “But everyone got a stocking bedside their bedroom door or on their porch in the morning – or one that mysteriously appeared beside their chair when they came to diner! Even after the younger ones moved away, the post office helped to ensure that there was a red sock for everyone. Growing up, the family joke was that the Santa Elf who delivered the stockings, looked a lot like Mom, (and the Easter Bunny for that matter!)” “We used to have three tests to determine what was inside our presents - size, shape and flexibility! Does it rattle, can you squeeze it and is it big? One of our presents was always pajamas because we had a Christmas family photo taken with everyone in new pajamas.”
The Hogancamp Family
“I am one of four children so the house was full of kids growing up. My father was really into Christmas and would playfully tease us for days about what was in our wrapped presents. We’d get up early on Christmas morning and tear off the paper of every gift. Dad would rush around picking up all the wrap and ribbon - as quickly as we could make a mess he’d have it cleaned up! Dad passed a few years ago but we still meet at Mom’s house on Christmas Eve, even though it’s small. We pray for good weather and all sit outside for a big family Christmas potluck. It’s lovely to have
the younger children squeezed in around us. Afterwards we go to the candle light evening service at Broadway United Methodist Church which is wonderful.
The Beyer Family
Vanna Beyer is the Office Manager at CPS. “Our home is decorated in red and green for the Christmas holidays with a live Christmas tree,” she told me. “We always decorate a week before Christmas and take the tree down after New Year. We have a big family gathering each year. On Christmas Eve we have a potluck and everybody gets a ‘secret Santa’ gift. Santa leaves presents for the kids and they always open them on Christmas morning.”
The Stuart Family
Mitzi Stuart is the scheduler at CPS. “We always make gingerbread cookies during the week before Christmas” she told me. “It’s very important to use all the dough! We leave cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve – we have a special plate that says Cookies for Santa on it. We decorate our home with my collection of Angels Beside Me, (beautiful ceramic angels,) many of them are placed in my china cabinet. My husband collects Black Peter, Santa’s by Royal Doulton. He has over 100 and each has a place in the house.” “When my dad was alive he always tried to guess what was inside his presents. We would go to extreme lengths to try and disguise what we had bought him – but he always managed to figure it out! Another tradition was have adopted is to make show boxes for Samaritan’s Purse, (a charity that supports international relief efforts.) We also take toys to Toys for Tots.”
The Prather Family
“I collect elephant sculptures – with their trunks up!” Said Carolyn Prather, receptionist at CPS. “My mother started this when I was little and my home is full of them now. I decorate them during the holidays with angel hair and tinsel! When my mom was alive everyone went to her home and opened presents on Christmas morning.”
“Now I have a family and they have their own homes the little kids come over and help to bake cookies – mostly peanut butter and chocolate chip. The whole family gets together on Christmas Eve and we all congregate in the kitchen and cook. We make dressing from scratch and family used recipes of course – we have turkey, ham and all the fixings. It’s very traditional. We have a small amount of chicken for the kids as they love it. On Christmas Day we pack up the food and take everything to my sister-in-law’s and everybody meets there. We have a big family – hers, ours, and all the kids and grandkids, plus friends with nowhere to go! My brother acts like Santa and somehow finds a gift for every person there.”
Changing Traditions
“For the families we serve, the challenging part is that the traditions they love must regrettably change as their aged loved one does,” observed Roberts. “Often, the one that is declining is the person who always carried out most of the traditions. The younger members of the family are sometimes able to take up the slack, but it is always still a painful reminder that mom, grandmother, or grandpa is declining. For some families that makes their time together simply more precious, but for others it is simply sad.” “If the family member has left the home and is now in a facility it is always a question of will they be more comfortable if we go and visit, or would they want us to go and get them so they can share in the festivities?” the best thing is to simply have to ask, who am I doing this for? Will this make them anxious or confused? We always want to be surrounded by our loved ones but the noise and activity that is inevitable with holiday celebrations can be confusing, or upsetting, to someone with dementia. And, frankly, family homes are not always set up to be convenient for someone with specific physical disabilities, or in a wheelchair.”
Care That Works For You
CPS have a large staff of kind, caring and compassionate people who can provide non-medical care for your loved one. CPS can assist clients in the nine westernmost counties of Kentucky, (Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Marshall, and McCracken). While most of their clientele is older, they can assist clients of all ages during brief illnesses or while recovering from surgery. They can come to your home, an assisted living facility, a nursing home, or hospital. As the weather gets colder it gets harder for our seniors to get out and many feel isolated. CPS offers assistance with bathing, dressing, medications, and mobility. They can also do light housekeeping, shopping and meal preparation. But, perhaps most importantly, they offer simple companionship and conversation; someone who visits your loved one regularly and notices any changes or concerns.
Personal Attention, Free Consultation
“It’s often a family member who makes the first inquiries,” explained Roberts. “Everyone receives a free evaluation and initial consultation.” “Carolyn and I usually go together to introduce CPS to a new client,” said Hogancamp. “We come equipped with information about veterans benefits, hospice services etc. We strive to be a comprehensive resource and let our clients know where they can find the help they need. Many of our clients are surprised at how affordable CPS can be. We recognize that resources are limited and haven’t raised our rates in eight years!” “There are no contracts to sign at CPS and you can start with just a minimum of three hours of service. Once you start a caring routine, you can change the hours or the coverage with just a phone call. We try to give just enough help but not more than you need. We strive to not be intrusive - supportive, but not in the way.”
The Caring People Difference
At CPS supervisory staff are available and on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week and even on holidays. (The costs are the same whether
during the week or on weekends, but there is an additional charge for some holiday hours.) CPS staff are bonded, have had background checks, and are screened for health issues, and drugs. “We are always just a phone call away,” Hogancamp told me.” It is not necessary to use Caring People Services exclusively: Clients often have private sitters or family members who provide part of the care while CPS helps to fill in the gaps. Every attempt is made to use the smallest number of different staff possible, as using the same staff minimizes confusion and discomfort. Each client has a “care team” that is able to fill-in for staff illness or scheduling conflicts whenever possible.
The Someone You Were Hoping to Find
“We are not just the someone you were hoping to find for our clients, we are the employer that our staff was hoping to find!” Hogancamp told me. “We offer flexible scheduling that is perfect for someone looking to supplement their income or household finances. If you have the kind of personality who enjoys making someone smile and taking care of their personal needs, we are the right company for you.” “Our staff are the key,” said Roberts. “They are so very special and we depend on them constantly. Our caregivers are doing the face to face visits, but our office staff make it possible for Joni and I to make it all work.” “We tell our clients that while we are not family, we can certainly care for them as if they are. Sometimes, to be honest, a professional is more effective. It’s frankly hard for adult children to provide intimate care for their mothers and fathers. The changing roles are hard and emotional challenging. Many times an elderly person or disabled adult is fiercely independent and just want to live in their own home for as long as they can. That is when Caring People Services can truly be the someone you were hoping to find. To find out more about Caring People Services and to schedule your free consultation with Carolyn Roberts and Joni Hogancamp, please call 270.575.4529. You can also find out more by visiting their comprehensive website at caringpeopleservices.com. This article is paid advertising & the information contained therein is provided by the featured individual or business. They are solely responsible for its accuracy.
iSUPPORT by Amy Noles
A Community Christmas Connection A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out
he Mayfield and Graves County Family Resource/Youth Services Centers (FRYSC) are in full swing with their annual Community Christmas Connection, helping to provide a Christmas of cheer to those that might otherwise not have one.
“The benefits to the Christmas store approach are multiple - they are investing in themselves, in their children’s education, and have hands on involvement in Christmas shopping for their family. Because parents are involved, the stigma of receiving assistance is diminished.”
For over 10 years, FRSYC directors have been working to perfect this amazing program that gives parents an opportunity to attend parenting and empowerment classes, PTA meetings and other qualifying school functions, (including volunteering), to earn points. The points allow them to go ‘shopping’ in the Christmas store for their children.
‘Tis the Timeline
“Parents are given the opportunity to interview with family resource center staff to determine income eligibility,” explained Tana Jones, FRSYC coordinator at Wingo Elementary School. “During the following couple of months they are provided with options to earn points which can be used to select gifts in the Christmas store. Parents are given points for employment and/or enrollment in postsecondary programs. They can also receive credit for activities such as participating in community education workshops, parent teacher conferences, PTO/PTA meetings, and volunteering in the school.”
FRYSC directors and staff are working all year to make the program more successful every year, but when each school year starts, the real work is underway. Families whose children are aged from 0-18 years, enrolled in school, and qualify for free lunches are automatically eligible for the program. The planning preparation begins in August when informational fliers and postcards are sent home. Families are asked to set up interviews to participate in the program. In October, opportunities are offered for participating parents to earn points, up to 70 per child. The more points earned the bigger the Christmas for the child.
Working to make Christmas bright
Jones told me that it’s important to note that this isn’t just a hand-out. “The parents have to work for the
opportunity to shop for their children. Most of the children benefiting from this program have no idea where the gifts come from. It really alleviates the embarrassment factor for children and parents.” While fundraising efforts go on all year long, crunch time comes in November when coordinators work to ensure donations. This program works with local businesses, individuals, civic organizations and churches to obtain monetary or tangible item donations. The Christmas store is located at South 8th Street in downtown Mayfield in a building owned by the First United Methodist Church in Mayfield that houses the FUMC Outreach Center.
A hand up, not hand out
“The Community Christmas Connection store concept has evolved over the past 10 plus years to give families a hand up, not just a hand out. In years past, families receiving assistance were sponsored,” Jones told me. “Sponsors, although generous, of 10 times donated
blindly, not knowing the personality or interests of the children receiving assistance. The Christmas store allows those same donors an avenue to provide help, but their donations help to stock shelves for parents to select the items their children would most likely enjoy.”
To the tractor pull we go!
One of the biggest fundraisers for this program is the Graves County Truck & Tractor Pull. This year was the 10th year that the event has partnered with the program to raise funds. This year the event was held on Saturday, August 19. This event pulls in an average of $20,000-$35,000 annually that is a significant supplement to help fund the program. The Pulling for Kids event always draws numerous entries to the track and a large crowd to the grandstand. As has been the case for the past decade, gate receipts and concession stand proceeds benefit the Mayfield and Graves County family resource and youth services centers, the Graves County youth services centers, and their Community Christmas Connection.
The Family Resource and Youth Services Centers of the Graves County Schools operate a concession stand. All other profits go to the Community Christmas Connection. Additionally, two schools each year get the opportunity to operate concession stands to benefit their schools in whatever ways they choose.
We present you a Merry Christmas!
Graves County has had such success with this program that they were asked to present a program at the annual FRSYC fall conference on how they fund and operate their annual Community Christmas Connection.
Spokesman for the group that organizes the event Larry Wooley says they consistently draw around 3,500 attendees each year.
They presented to their peers statewide who attended the annual Fall Institute conference in Lexington of the Family Resource/Youth Services Coalition of Kentucky. Attendees were given the tools and timeline to implement a successful Christmas program of their own in their respective counties. They also learned that the directors bargain shop throughout the year to make the most of the community donations.
“We really appreciate our sponsors, too,” Wooley said. “Most of these folks have been a part of this for years. They care about the community. They get a little advertising out of it, but mostly, I think they want to help the kids. We give them publicity at the event and we hope people will let them know how much we appreciate them.”
The Mayfield and Graves County FRYSC directors stressed the impact that the community donations have on the program from the Graves County Truck and Tractor Pullers Association Pull in August to countless other donations in December.
In the 10 years that this event has been raising money for this program, they have raised over
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas in 2017
This year around 250 families will benefit from this program. “The number of families we help is fairly consistent, but we have had as many as 400 families,” Jones told me. This program is in place to ensure that students experience the joy of Christmas. To make a monetary or toy donation, call Tana Jones at 270.328.4873 or contact any local family resource or youth services center director.
iSUPPORT by Sarah Ladd
Paducah Professional Women's
Christmas Charity Auction
he holidays are the perfect time to open our hearts and share love and prosperity with those around us. For some, this may take the shape of a plate of cookies for a nursing home. For others, it may be bidding on an item at a charity auction to benefit a great cause. Paducah has many opportunities to buy great items and support community outreaches. Once again this year, Paducah Professional Women (PPW) will host a charity auction – just in time for all your Christmas gift shopping. As with each year, it will benefit a fine charity and promote holiday cheer. For many years, PPW have hosted a Christmas Charity auction. Half of the proceeds from the auction go to Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center (MHDCC) and the other half supports continuing the mission of Paducah Professional Women.
“Merryman House became our club’s chosen charity several years ago and has continued as the beneficiary of the auction,” said Laura Oswald, President of PPW. “Advocating for and empowering women is at the heart of the PPW mission, so supporting Merryman House, and the important work they do in the community, is completely in alignment with our values as an organization.”
The Auction
The PPW auction is always warm, welcoming and full of the spirit of Holiday giving. “The PPW Christmas Charity Auction is one of my favorite traditions and we’d love for anyone interested to join us,” Oswald said. “Take a lunch break to engage with inspiring business women, check some Christmas gifts off your shopping list and support invaluable local charity. What’s not to love about that?” “Our goal this year is to double the funds raised along with doubling our attendance from last year,” said Carolyn Raney, Chair of the Christmas Charity auction committee. “We have just 128 seats available
and those interested are encouraged to RSVP quickly. Our vision is to continue to grow our membership and the Christmas Charity Auction a bit more every year.”
Auction Items
The PPW Christmas Charity event always has fantastic items to auction off. Last year featured University of Kentucky basketball tickets, gift baskets, and various giveaways. Local businesses and individuals always generously donate items for this cause. There are already more than 65 items in the auction and more are expected. “The community has been very gracious in donating to help benefit such a worthy cause, Merryman House,” said Raney. “Among the auction items this year is an autographed signed hockey puck by Viktor Arvidsson of the Nashville Predators. This item is valued at around $150.”
RSVP Today!
The auction will be held at the Country Club of Paducah, located at 6500 Turnberry Drive, and will take place on Tuesday, December 12. The doors will open at 11:30am. and the auction will start around
noon. A lunch buffet from the country club will be available for $13.50 and is purchasable at the door. To RSVP to the event, please visit the PPW social media page at page at facebook.com/ events/831846490329747.
The Merryman House & MHDCC
The Merryman House was named for founder Merryman Kemp and since its 1978 founding, it has been a beacon of hope for persons rescued from domestic abuse. According to their website, the organization began with a small group of concerned women who were willing to open their homes to abused women and children. They answered their phones in the middle of the night, opened their doors to those in need of shelter and opened their hearts to those who needed someone to see the reality of the dangers and trauma they faced. Out of their openness, a dark issue, which remained largely closed to the public, began to be openly addressed. The Merryman House has become a comprehensive advocacy and support center that is devoted to addressing the comprehensive needs of survivors. Both then and now, the MHDCC is committed to saving, building and changing the lives of those affected by domestic violence. MHDCC in the only certified domestic violence program in the Purchase Area Development District. Along with a 24-bed emergency shelter, the MHDCC offers a variety of intervention and prevention programs. Contact the Merryman House by calling 800.585.2686, or 270.443.6001,or emailing info@merrymanhouse.org.
Paducah Professional Women Paducah Professional Women, Inc., (PPW) was previously called the Paducah River City Business & Professional Women. PPW is a women’s organization that supports women in their current business or profession. They accomplish this by providing network, professional and personal development and educational programs on women’s issues. The organization’s focus is supporting one another in our lives and in our community. For more information or to become a member of the PPW, visit their website at paducahprofessionalwomen.org .
iLOVE IT by Amy Noles
ach year, Yeiser Art Center (YAC) looks forward to their Teen Spirit exhibition. It’s a partnership with regional high school and home schooled students, their teachers and parents.
The Teen Spirit Exhibition was created in 1993 as a part of an ongoing effort to support the area’s art programs and to recognize the talented youth of the region. Teen Spirit has come to symbolize the success of art education in the area. This show is a tribute to all the schools, students, teachers and other art professionals, whose outstanding work and enthusiasm have made the show a success each year.
Sculpture by Sarah Moore iListWesternKentucky.com
2 A Truly Regional Showcase
The 2017 show includes a broader range of schools giving it a truly regional feel. This builds on its history as a showcase for secondary school students. YAC received over 250 entries from 9th - 12th graders at eight regional high schools and home school academies including Ballard High School, Community Christian Academy, Massac County High School, McCracken County High School, St. Mary High School, Tilghman High School, Upward Call Christian School and Vienna High School. From these entries juror and artist Ashley Barnett chose 100 pieces for inclusion in this year’s exhibition.
Teen Spirit is Free!
The YAC 24rd annual Teen Spirit exhibition which will be on display from December 3 through December 16, 2017. The opening reception will be Sunday, December 3 from 2-4pm, and is open to the public. There is a wide selection of mediums among the accepted entries this year. Paintings, drawings, photography, digital works, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking and jewelry will all be on display. The cash prizes will be presented on December 3 during the opening reception. The Teen Spirit 2017 Awards include:
First Place $150
Second Place $75
Third Place $50
3 Honorable Mentions $25 each
1. Eclipse People William Seay 2. Fuchsia Foliage Hannah Dawson 3. Otter Boy Alex Edwards
3 The center will be displaying the massive amount of art in the salon style, or stacked, sometimes two or three pieces high on the wall. Using this style accommodates the additional goal of showcasing a far greater number of works, thereby rewarding the efforts of more young artists and encouraging their continued creativity. YAC will be full of art!
many kids. It’s such a gift to see children grow and blossom. There is no greater reward to a teacher than knowing you impacted them in some way.” Yeiser Art Center is open from 10am to 5pm Tuesday - Saturday and admission is free and open to the public for the Teen Spirit show.
Juror Ashley Barnett
The juror for the 2016 Teen Spirit show is Ashley Barnett. Barnett has many years of experience teaching art from preschool to high school and in a variety of mediums. She is currently independently teaching art lessons and was an instructor in YAC’s Fill Your Summer with Art programming, hosting workshops in sculpture, carving, printmaking and drawing. “With the opportunity to be this year’s juror for the Teen Spirit Show, I got to see a different perspective as an artist and as a teacher,” Barnett told me. “For that I am grateful and honored for this opportunity. After viewing all 266 entries, I could visually see the influences of many of the artists. In a community with so many artists, you begin to recognize certain artist styles. You also are familiar with which artists not only produce art, but teach it.” “I have to say, it’s obvious we have a community that supports the arts. To see so many types of mediums and impressive skills is, to me, a direct result of constant exposure to great art. The Yeiser had a hand in this and I am so glad I could yet again support the YAC in all that they do for our community.” Barnett has been a YAC member since 2002. “Over the years I have had the privilege of not only presenting my own work but helping show others,” Barnett told me. “My favorite show, (that I helped install a few years ago,) was the permanent collection. It was so inspiring to look at artist who have come and gone before me. It was then I realized just how impactful the YAC has, and will continue to be, for our community.” “This summer I had the opportunity to teach what I love doing. It was so exhilarating to see such talent and enthusiasm for art in so
iCOOK by Britt Allgood
Rounding Out Christmas Dinner
hristmas time is here and most of us plan on a holiday feast to rival a Norman Rockwell painting. Roast Turkey is usually the main course, but what else do you serve? Stuffing (aka dressing if you are from the south), green bean casserole, and some sweet potatoes generally round out a typical holiday menu with a few desserts thrown in for good measure.
by sweet potatoes, so I make a savory butternut squash dish instead.
We like to mix things up at the iCook household with either multiple courses or non-traditional sides and rarely made signature desserts. Why not start your feast off with a soup like potato leek? The green bean casserole is a tradition at our house, but we aren’t so enthralled
I hope you will consider some of these somewhat different options for your Christmas table. As we draw the year to a close, I just want to thank my readers for your comments, suggestions and emails. Live, Love, Laugh, and Eat Well even at the holidays.
Another possible substitution is my apple, pomegranate, and pearled barley salad instead of stuffing. I hear you muttering, blasphemy or “not in this house”. Well, sometimes you just need to shake things up to just round out a great family meal.
Apple Berry Pie Crust
Serves 8 (depending on size of slices)
1 package of soft pie crust (2 pieces for top & bottom)
1 TBSP lemon juice 2 TBSP all purpose flour ¾ tsp ground cinnamon
5 Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored and sliced thinly (about 5 cups) ¾ cup sugar
¼ tsp salt 1/8 tsp nutmeg 1 to 1 ½ cups fresh blackberries whole
Place the oven rack slightly above middle in your oven & preheat to 425°F. In a large bowl, combine all the filling ingredients except the blackberries; toss lightly. Put the bottom crust in a 9 inch pie pan & press to the sides leaving a bit of overhang around the rim. Spoon in about half of the filling mixture & then add about half of your blackberries. Make sure there aren’t a lot of air gaps or you won’t get all the filling into the pie. Add the remaining filling mixture & then the rest of the blackberries. Place the top crust on the pie & pinch together the overhanging crust & the top crust to get a seal & flute the edge. Cut slits or shapes in the top of the pie in several places on the top pastry. Bake at 425°F for 40 - 45 minutes or until the apples are tender & the crust is golden brown.
Pearled Barley Salad with Apples, Pomegranate Seeds & Pine Nuts 1/3 cup pine nuts (about 2 oz) ¼ cup plus 2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil 3 TBSP White Wine Vinegar 1 small shallot, minced (can
substitute red onion but it is much stronger in flavor)
Salt and pepper
4 cups thyme scented pearled barley (see note below), cooled 1 large tart apple like Honeycrisp, cored & cut into ½ inch pieces ½ cup pomegranate seeds (about ½ of a large pomegranate)
½ cup chopped flat leaf parsley
Preheat the oven at 350°F while the barley is cooking. Place the pine nuts on a cookie sheet and roast in the oven about 5 to 6 minutes and allow them to cool. NOTE: I use regular pearled barley to prepare this salad but add several sprigs of fresh thyme to the pot while cooking. I find that about 1 and ½ cups of dry barley with 4 cups of water makes a bit more barley than I need for the recipe. If nervous, follow the recipe on the bag or box and remove the thyme after cooking and the barley has cooled.
In a bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, and a shallot. Season with salt and pepper. Add the remaining ingredients and toss together. This dish can be made a day ahead and refrigerated. Allow to warm to room temperature before serving.
Potato Leek Soup Courtesy of Robert Irvine at Food Network | Serves 8
8 cups chicken stock
1 bay leaf
6 Russet potatoes, peeled and roughly cut into pieces
1 ½ tsp finely chopped fresh thyme (or ž tsp dried thyme
4 leeks (whites only), thoroughly washed & sliced 3 stalks celery, roughly chopped
Salt & freshly ground black pepper 1 cup heavy cream
Put the chicken stock, potatoes, leeks, celery, bay leaf and thyme in a large pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Boil until potatoes are soft, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the bay leaf. Use an immersion blender (or in batches with a blender or food processor), blend the soup until smooth. Return the soup the pot if necessary and place back on the stove. Add the cream and simmer until the soup has thickened, about 20 minutes.
Spice Roasted Butternut Squash One 3 pound butternut squash, peeled, seeded & cut into 1 inch diced pieces 2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil 1½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander ¼ tsp cayenne pepper Kosher salt & ground pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 425°F. In a large bowl, toss the squash with the olive oil, cumin, coriander, & cayenne & season with salt & pepper. Spread the squash on a baking sheet in a single layer & roast 20 minutes, then toss once & continue roasting another 20 minutes until tender & lightly browned. Transfer to a bowl & serve.
iSUPPORT by Sarah Ladd
Kiwanis 79th Annual Charity Christmas Auction
he holidays are a time for old traditions and shared goodwill. This year, Purchase Area families will have the opportunity to participate in both. The Paducah Kiwanis Club hosts the 79th Annual Kiwanis Charity Christmas Auction this December - just in time to wrap up your Christmas shopping! This is their largest fundraiser of the year for the organization. 100% of the funds raised will go back into the community to serve local children and promote education. Last year, the event raised $25,000. For almost 80 years, The Kiwanis Club of Paducah has supported the community through generous donations. The Paducah club was founded on January 20, 1939 under the statues and bylaws of Kiwanis International. The club’s mission statement mirrors that of Kiwanis International: Their purpose is to improve the quality of life for children and families worldwide, but in particular, those within their communities. The Kiwanis Club of Paducah supports children through scholarships, grants, and donations to organizations such as Oscar Cross Boys and Girls Club of Paducah, and the Paducah Day Nursery.
A Fun & Festive Atmosphere
Combine Holiday spirit, charity, with long-standing tradition such as this auction, and it’s sure to be a fun time. “The Annual Christmas Auction is one of the most exciting fundraisers of the year,” said Mason DeJarnett, Vice President of Kiwanis and Christmas Auction Coordinator. “The energy in the room is electric and everyone is there for one cause – to help the children in our community.” The goal this year is to raise $35,000 towards bettering children’s’ lives in the area. The Christmas Auction will offer both live auction and silent auction items, appetizers such as hors d’oeuvres, and a fun and festive atmosphere. There will
Seven Devils, North Carolina
Gulf Shores, Alabama
be over 100 auction items including condo getaways to places like Seven Devils, North Carolina and Gulf Shores, Alabama. Other items are date nights, distillery tours, and sports tickets. There will be a cash bar available. While already having an impressive selection of auction items, the event is still accepting donations. To donate an item, contact Mason DeJarnett at Mason.DeJarnett@FabickCAT.com
Tickets available December 1st!
The auction will be held at the Carson Center on Tuesday, December 5, 2017. It will begin at 6pm and end around 9pm Tickets open on December 1st and are $25. They can be purchased through the event’s Facebook page: Kiwanis Club of Paducah 79th Annual Charity Christmas Auction or at Allstate Insurance, 2920 Lone Oak Rd., Suite 1, BBQ & More located at 321 Broadway, or online at Eventbrite.com, keywords Kiwanis Christmas Auction in Paducah.
that makes a student’s college dream a reality is a group of dedicated members who work non-stop. The Paducah Kiwanis Club wants to invite more people to be involved in this organization. They meet weekly on Thursdays from 12pm to 1pm at Broadway United Methodist Church at 701 Broadway in downtown Paducah. Visitors and prospective members are welcome and encouraged to get involved with this philanthropic group. First time visitors get a free lunch! For more information on their meetings and principles, visit paducahkiwanis.com or their Facebook page.
Here is the direct link: eventbrite.com/e/downtown-kiwanis-annualchristmas-auction-tickets-39412474773. Reserved tables are also available for $1,000.
Helping Kids & Communities
The money raised through the Christmas Auction is combined with funds generated at BBQ on the River, and through Easter and July 4th Ham sales. It all goes back into the community and provides $18,000 in educational scholarships for local high school seniors and funding to Paducah Day Nursery, Oscar Cross Boys & Girls Club of Paducah, Beyond Uganda, MCHS Drama Club, WKCTCS programs, Family Service Society and many others. “More than $48,000 was donated last year in an effort to fulfill the Kiwanis mission of serving the children of the world by helping one child, and one community, at a time,” said Kelly Davis, Kiwanis member and Member Services Director for Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce.
Get involved with Kiwanis
Kiwanis does a lot of great work, and behind every scholarship check
December 2017 Calendar & Community Directory We make every effort to ensure accuracy of information in this calendar; however, changes & cancellations may have occurred since publication. We recommend that you verify all information.
For up-to-date calendar information, visit
Dinner with Santa 5-7pm Lake Barkley State Resort Park @lake.barkley.1 270.924.1131 Dinner includes fried chicken, chicken strips, baked lasagna, pit ham, mac & cheese, assorted vegetables, salad bar, dessert bar, ice cream bar & holiday cookies. $8.50 per adult; $5.50 per child.
Cookies with Santa 9-11am McCracken Co. High School mccracken.kyschools.us 270.538.4000 Have your child (birth-5th grade) take a photo with Santa for $15, eat
Annual St. Nicholas Charity Roast 7-10pm Paducah-McCracken Co. Convention & Expo Center stnickassistance.org 270.408.1346 A fun, light-hearted opportunity to honor & tease a this year's Roastee, W. David Denton, a managing partner of Denton Law Firm. Please register online. Dickens Downtown 5-8pm Downtown Murray murraychristmasparade.com 270.293.8742 Start the Christmas season off right with the lighting of the community Christmas tree & visiting Santa in his house. Cooking decorating, the community concert & musical entertainment will be available around the court square & the downtown stores will be open for holiday shopping. Town & Gown Community Band & Choir Holiday Concert 7pm First Baptist Church, Murray murraystate.edu 800.272.4678 Enjoy a magical evening filled with sounds of the season that is sure to get you in the holiday spirit.
Beyond Uganda Santa 5k Fun Run 8-11am stnickassistance.org For all ages. Children under 5 are free.
Noble Park 888.421.6878
Breakfast with Santa 8-11am Kentucky Dam Village Conference Center parks.ky.gov 270.362.9205 Gather up the kids & come to a festive morning with Santa & his friends. Enjoy a kid-friendly breakfast buffet, decorate a cookie to take home & more. Bring a camera & take photos you will enjoy forever. 2nd Annual Santa Run & 5k 8am facebook.com/events/192651344618100 One mile Santa fun run & 5k.
Trigg Co. Public Schools 270.522.6075
cookies, & shop at several vendor booths. All proceeds benefit MCHS Project Graduation. American Legion Christmas Bazaar 10am-12pm 321 Market St., Metropolis @AmericanLegionpost306MetropolisIl 618.524.2023 Shop for those on your Christmas list, pick up some new Christmas decorations & enjoy hot chocolate served by local Girl Scouts. Crystal Wire Wrap 10-11am Wildhair Studio's Rock Shop nicerockshop.com 270.444.6115 Create a unique & lovely gift. Learn simple wire wrap techniques incorporating beads to capture your healing crystal. Turn your treasure into a wearable pendant. Registration required. 7th Annual PSAD Holiday Art Sale 10am-5pm Clemens Fine Arts Center facebook.com/events/318035091936884 270.408.4278 Find great artwork from PSAD students & staff for the art lover on your Christmas list. FREE Candy Cane Hunt 12:15pm Carson Center Front Lawn paducahky.gov/candy-cane-hunt 270.408.4278 Children ages 10 & under will race to find as many of the 2,400 candy canes as they can. Registration at 12:15pm. Kids ages 3 & under will begin their hunt at 1pm with kids ages 4-6 starting at 1:10pm, ages 7-10 at 1:20pm. Prizes will be awarded for finding special candy canes, & gift bags will be given out to kids at registration while supplies last.
FREE DIY Christmas Globe Ornament 1-3pm The Yeiser Art Center paducahky.gov/candy-cane-hunt 270.408.4278 Following the Candy Cane Hunt, let your little ones create their own globe ornament, while supplies last. A Paducah Christmas 6:30pm paducahsymphony.org Featuring the PSO Youth & Children’s Choruses.
St. Thomas More 270.444.0065
Christmas with Santa Play 2pm Graves Co. Public Library gravescountypubliclibrary.org 270.247.2911 Bright Star Touring Theatre is visiting the area with their production of Christmas with Santa: Carols, Santa & Christmas Galore. Packed full of sing-a-long tunes, this show is the perfect way to get audiences of all ages into the Christmas Spirit. For grades PreK-5. FREE 6th Annual Santa at the Library 2:30-3:30pm Metropolis Public Library metropolispubliclibrary.com 618.524.4312 Kids are welcome to come & tell Santa what they want for Christmas as well as take a picture with him. Receive a special Christmas treat bags while supplies last. MTB Chili Supper & Santa Photos 3-8pm Murray Middle School facebook.com/events/524894117847190 270.753.5125 Come see Santa & have your picture made with him from 3-4:45pm. After the Rotary parade, warm up with a Chili Supper (chili, hot dog, chips, drink & dessert) for $5. Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban 4pm Maiden Alley Cinema maidenalleycinema.org 270.442.7723 It's Harry's third year at Hogwarts; not only does he have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but there is also trouble brewing. Convicted murderer Sirius Black has escaped the Wizards' Prison & is coming after Harry. FREE Magical Characters Downtown 4-6pm Cadiz facebook.com/events/129791107732356 270.522.3892 Catch a little magic, take memorable photos & get up close to some of your favorite movie characters & Santa. Hot chocolate, warm cider & roasted marshmallows will be served. FREE Let It Glow, Let It Glow, Let It Glow Christmas Parade 5pm Broadway St, Paducah paducahky.gov 270.444.8508 Santa Claus will make a special appearance at the end of the parade & his float will able available for photos after the parade at the downtown gazebo. FREE Rotary Light Up Murray Christmas Parade 5pm Downtown Murray murraychristmasparade.com 270.293.8742 A community parade that kicks off the Christmas season in Murray. Lighting of the Murray Christmas tree will be at 5:30pm.
FREE Christmas Parade After Party with Santa 6-8pm Calloway Co. Public Library callowaycountylibrary.org 270.753.2288 Everyone is invited to an After Party with Santa. Serving hot cocoa &/ or apple cider with Christmas cookies. Murray State Racers Mens Basketball 7pm goracers.com MSU Racers vs Florida A&M Rattlers.
CFSB Center, MSU 270.809.3000
7th Annual PSAD Holiday Art Sale 10am-5pm facebook.com/events/318035091936884 See December 2nd description.
Clemens Fine Arts Center 270.408.4278
FREE WKCTC Community Chorus Holiday Concert 2-3pm Clemens Fine Arts Center westkentucky.kctcs.edu 270.534.3212 The concert features a blend of traditional choral music & popular seasonal music. FREE Teen Spirit Opening Reception 2-4pm The Yeiser Art Center theyeiser.org 270.442.2453 See the entries for the Teen Spirit exhibition.
FREE Christmas Light Bike Ride 6pm BikeWorld to Noble Park bikeworldky.com 270.442.0751 Decorate your bike with lights & holiday glitz. Pedal from BikeWorld to Noble Park, which has transformed into an enchanted kingdom of lights & music. Cookies, snacks, punch & hot cocoa for everyone at the end of their ride. Wilton Drizzle, Dip & Mold Class 6-8pm WKCTC Westkentucky.kctcs.edu 270.534.3335 Discover the magic of candy making with Wilton’s complete line of Candy Melts & tools. Learn all of the tips & tricks needed to make your own candy treats, including dipping, drizzling, molding & more. Recommended for all skill levels.
Intuitive Readings 12-4pm Wildhair Studio’s Rock Shop nicerockshop.com 270.444.6115 Gain insight to the future with a reading from Wildhair Studio's Rock Shop in-house psychic, Brandt Graves. Readings must be scheduled.
The Giving Tree: Sponsor a Foster Child’s Christmas 4pm Necco of Paducah necco.org 270.898.1293 Every child deserves a holiday season to remember. Help make a foster child’s Christmas unforgettable by sponsoring them & making their wish list come true. Love Light Tree 5:30-6:30pm Marshall Co. Hospital marshallcountyhospital.org 270.527.4800 Join the Marshall Co. Hospital as they light their Christmas tree. Santa will be on site along with the Marshall County High School Band. Light refreshments served.
Young Professionals of Murray Lunch Meetup 11am-12pm Tom’s Grille mymurray.com 270.753.5171 Join the YPM as they gave their December Lunch Meetup at Tom’s Grille.
Prenatal Care • Yearly Exams • Infertility Gynecological Surgery • Menopausal Medicine Alt. Hormone Replacement • Aesthetic Services 4-D In-Office Ultrasound • High Risk Obstetrics Dr. Anunciato would like to welcome Meghan Lee, Nurse Practitioner. Our addition will provide shorter wait times for appointments and convenience for you.
Family Service Society Turns 90 5-7pm Paducah Family Service Society fsspaducah.com 270.443.4838 Celebrate the oldest helping agency in the region as it announces a search celebrates 90 years.
McCracken Co. Grant Workshop 8am-3:30pm McCracken Co. Cooperative Extension mccrackenextension.org 859.550.3972 The Kentucky Center for Agriculture & Rural Development’s Grant Workshop is designed to provide information about available funding programs, help applicants understand planning for grants & work on common grant requirements. FREE Adulting: Beginning Entrepreneurship 5:30-7pm McCracken Co. Cooperative Extension mccrackenextension.org 270.554.9520 Adulting is tough, & we're here to help make it easier! In this month's free workshop, we'll cover the steps for starting & owning a small business. Holiday Social 8am-3:30pm Paducah Beer Werks mccrackenextension.org 270.994.0768 An evening of great conversation, food, and holiday cheer! A Charlie Brown Christmas Live on Stage 6:30-8:30pm The Carson Center thecarsoncenter.org 270.450.4444 Join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus, & the whole Peanuts gang as they produce their own Christmas play & ultimately learn the true meaning of the season.
Yule Light Up the Night 5k/Kids’ Fun Run 6:30-8:30pm Noble Park racesonline.com 270.462.2801 Break out the Christmas lights, jingle bells & your running shoes!
FREE Repurpose Glass Items Workshop 8:30am McCracken Co. Cooperative Extension mccrackenextension.org 270.554.9520 Learn how to use those glass bottles & other items as decorations, utensils & more. Make vases, totems, cake stands & more. Participants should bring their own glass items for repurposing. Paducah Young Professionals Lunch & Learn 12-1pm HomeWood Suites Hilton paducahchamber.org 270.443.1746 This professional development luncheon will highlight valuable skills that will help set your career on a path to success. Massac Co. Winter Formal Dance 7-10pm Metropolis Community Center cubscoutpack101.blogspot.com 618.524.8340 Formal Dance for 4th, 5th, & 6th graders. Formal Attire Expected. Dress in White, Black, Blue, &/or Silver. Kids must be dropped off & picked up by parent or guardian. Parent or guardian must be available by phone in case of emergency. No weapons, drugs, alcohol, fighting, or funny business allowed.
Murray Ag Expo MAAX 9am MSU Cherry Expo Center @MidAmericaArenacross 270.498.7237 Mark your calendar for round one of Mid-America Arenacross (MAAX). Paducah Homegrown Holiday Farmers’ Market 9am-2pm Paducah Middle School Paducahky.gov/farmers-market 270.444.8508 This one-day extension of the Paducah Farmers’ Market brings together local homegrown products including meat, produce & eggs in addition to baked goods, artisan items, & seasonal goodies. PSAD Natural Dyes 9:30am-3pm Paducah School of Art & Design Westkentucky.kctcs.edu 270.534.3335 In this day-long class you will learn the basics of making natural dye using everything from traditional light & wash fast dyes like cochineal, to more ephemeral dye materials like onion skins. This experimental process allows for lots of sampling which will lead you to your final product of a set of linen napkins & cotton dishtowels that would make the perfect hostess gift for your holiday gatherings.. Auras – Learn How to See Them 10-11am Wildhair Studio’s Rock Shop nicerockshop.com 270.444.6115 Learn simple techniques to actually see auras with your own eyes, often an Angel will show up for the class to see! Anyone can do it with instruction & a little practice. Fascinating, fun & useful.
FREE Credit & Money Management Class 10am-12pm McCracken Co. Public Library mclib.net 270.442.2510 This course will teach you about establishing or increasing your credit score, creating a budget,how to read a credit report & what can be done to correct errors that may negatively affect your credit rating. Photos with Santa Claws 2017 11am-4pm Humane Society of Calloway Co. forthepets.org 270.759.1884 ALL animals are welcome to visit Santa, & their humans are allowed to be in the pictures with them too of course!
FREE Christmas Cookie Exchange 4pm Graves Co. Public Library gravescountypubliclibrary.com 270.247.2911 Come by the library & decorate your own yummy cookies to eat. This year for Christmas the Graves County Public Library will host a cookie recipe exchange. Please come with a personal recipe to share.
Children's Christmas Party 12-2pm Fancy Farm Vineyard & Winery facebook.com/events/1968088196561787 270.623.8787 Come out to the winery, visit with Santa. John William Carrico will read the Christmas Story & PaPa T will be on site to serve up some lunch.
HANUKKAH begins at sundown FREE Homemade Christmas Cards Craft 4:30-5:30pm Metropolis Public Library metropolispubliclibrary.com 618.524.4312 Variety of materials provided for these homemade cards. Intended for ages 5 & up. Register by December 8th.
A Holiday Celebration 7:30-10pm The Carson Center paducahsymphony.org 270.444.0065 Join the Paducah Symphony Orchestra & choruses as they celebrate the holiday season.
FREE Family Movie Night: Home Alone 5pm Graves Co. Public Library gravescountypubliclibrary.com 270.247.2911 An eight-year-old troublemaker must protect his house from a pair of burglars when he is accidentally left home alone by his family during Christmas vacation. Free Drinks & popcorn will be served. Games with a chance to win a prize.
FREE Walk the Line with Johnny Cash 1-4pm Metropolis Public Library metropolispubliclibrary.com 618.524.4312 David Wolfe will be discussing the life, times, & musical history of Johnny Cash. FREE Snowman Fishbowl Craft 3:30-4:30pm Metropolis Public Library metropolispubliclibrary.com 618.524.4312 All materials provided. Craft might be messy! Ages 8 & up. Please call by December 1 to ensure there are enough supplies.
FREE Read It. Make It. Take It. 10am-12pm McCracken Co. Public Library mclib.net 270.442.2510 This course will teach you about establishing or increasing your credit score, creating a budget,how to read a credit report & what can be done to correct errors that may negatively affect your credit rating. Jesus Birthday Party Fundraiser 2-4pm Robert O. Miller Conference Center @lhousecarecenter 270.753.0700 or 270.753.6333 Area families are invited to celebrate with a party for God's own son that benefits Murray Need Line & Life House Care Center. Enjoy games, activities, Christmas stories, songs, cupcakes & popcorn. Monetary donations as well as non-perishable food items, diapers, toiletries, etc. are accepted for admission. Music by Reggie LaFaye 3-5pm Fancy Farm Vineyard & Winery facebook.com/events/509499556094073 270.623.8787 Listen to the smooth tunes & saxophone music.
Crystal Grids 6-7pm Wildhair Studio’s Rock Shop nicerockshop.com 270.444.6115 The basics of crystal grids & how they work. In this class you will learn how to create your own Sacred Space & a few basic grids. FREE 4-H Dog Club: Holiday Party 6-8pm McCracken Co. Cooperative Extension mccrackenextension.org 270.554.9520 Teens ages 9-19 who love their pups are welcome to join this month's 4-H Dog Club meeting & Holiday Party with games, snacks & holidaythemed festivities. Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker 7-9pm The Carson Center nutcracker.com 270.450.4444 Features Russian artists, puppets nesting dolls & handcrafted costumes.
FREE Response & Survival During a Mass Shooting 9am West Kentucky Community & Technical College paducahky.gov/police-department 270.444.8548 An informational seminar will be hosted by the Police Foundation of Paducah/McCracken County & the Paducah Police Department to help you better prepare in case of a mass shooting.
FREE An Evening with Music from Eddie & Alonzo Pennington 7pm McCracken Co. Public Library mclib.net 270.442.2510 Eddie Pennington received one of 13 National Heritage Fellowships & received an honorary PhD. from Western Kentucky University for his music. In 2005, he received the Governor's Awards in the Arts Folk Heritage Award. Alonzo Pennington is a multi-award-winning guitar player who's been performing his own music since he was 13. FREE Winter Reading Night with the Weather Authority 7-8pm McCracken Co. Public Library mclib.net 270.442.2510 Join the Weather Authority for winter-themed books, hot chocolate, & Christmas cookies for a special reading night.
Music by Christa-Lauran Hopper 7-9pm Fancy Farm Vineyard & Winery facebook.com/events/169129810350578 270.623.8787 Winner of Mayfield's America's Got Talent sings your favorite tunes. Old Salt Union with Fate McAfee & Dylan LeBlanc 8-11pm Maiden Alley Cinema maidenalleycinema.com 270.441.7007 Old Salt Union is a string band founded by a horticulturist, cultivated by classically trained musicians, & fueled by a vocalist/bass player who is also a hip-hop producer with a fondness for the Four Freshmen.
Last Minute Holiday Shopping 10am-8pm Yeiser Art Center theyeiser.org 270.442.2453 Come check out the YAC gift shop for some last minute Christmas shopping. Last Shopping Saturday Before Christmas 10am-8pm Downtown Paducah Riverfront paducahmainstreet.org 270.444.8690 Don't miss the last opportunity to find that special gift for Christmas. Jewelry Make & Take Tree of Life Pendant 10-11:30am Wildhair Studio’s Rock Shop nicerockshop.com 270.444.6115 Easier than it looks. Your choice of beads for personalization. Make for yourself or to give as a gift. Tuition includes supplies for one pair of earrings & instruction. Very limited seating. Please register. FREE Operation HOPE with Tiffini Clemons 1-3pm Metropolis Public Library metropolispubliclibrary.com 618.524.4312 Take the first steps to financial freedom with this credit & money management program. None of the services require commitment, only your time!
FREE Christmas Ornament Workshop 5pm Graves Co. Public Library gravescountypubliclibrary.com 270.247.2911 Make your own Christmas ornaments at the library. All supplies provided. FREE 6th Annual Ballard Co. Christmas Parade 6pm Broadway, LaCenter facebook.com/events/235819320283556 270.832.0758 5:30pm line up at the Ballard Co. Fairgrounds. Four Best Float categories; food drive for local food pantries; Ballard Memorial Project Graduation Annual Chili Supper with a visit from Santa at the First Baptist Church. Murray State Racers Mens Basketball 7pm goracers.com MSU Racers vs Marist Red Foxes.
CFSB Center, MSU 270.809.3000
Othello 10am The Carson Center thecarsoncenter.org 270.450.4444 The classic tale of identity, bigotry, & deceit is examined with contemporary clarity, combining Shakespeare’s language with modern clothing to transform the drama into a powerful story America today.
FREE Diabetic Education Session 3:30-5pm Marshall Co. Hospital Education Room marshallcountyhospital.org 270.527.4800 Come & learn about diabetes. Pet Photos with Santa 5-7pm Kentucky Oaks Mall kentuckyoaksmall.com 270.444.0440 Bring your pets to the mall to have it's picture taken with Santa Clause. It's asked that all animals be on leashes while within the mall.
Smudge Fan Make & Take 6-7pm Wildhair Studio's Rock Shop nicerockshop.com 270.444.6115 Create your one-of-a-kind Smudge for yourself or as a gift. This is a great workshop & includes all the supplies needed for one smudge fan. Additional kits will be available for make & take home projects. Smudge Fans are a Native American inspired tradition. Murray State Racers Mens Basketball 7pm goracers.com MSU Racers vs Auburn Tigers.
CFSB Center, MSU 270.809.3000
Film Brew: The Naked Gun 7pm Maiden Alley Cinema maidenalleycinema.com 270.442.7723 Incompetent police detective Frank Drebin must foil an attempt to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II.
Cartel Christmas for the Columbia Theatre 7pm Columbia Theatre thecolumbiaclub.org 270.443.2481 Celebrate with beer from Paducah Beer Werks & Dry Ground Brewing Company, live music from The Solid Rock'it Boosters, The Savage Radley, Chris Black & the Eagles of Unemployment, Fate McAfee & Leonard the Band along with some yummy soup & sandwiches from Cartel. Preordered meat can be picked up Saturday morning.
NEW YEAR'S EVE New Year's Eve Pick Your Own Party 5pm Kenlake State Resort Park facebook.com/events/502141530154446 270.474.2211 Two parties to choose from! The Stronghold Band will be bringing Live rock & roll, country, & a little R&B while Dirt Road Productions will be spinning today's hits & all the old time Dance Party Tunes with a little Karaoke mixed in. Call for package prices.
KWANZA begins
Basketball Skills & Winter Drills 9am-1pm Paducah Regional Sports Plex facebook.com/events/131134237548093 678.698.7050 Pre-registration is required. Basketball clinic runs through December 30.
New Year's Eve Party with Murr-Vegas! 9pm-12am Big Apple CafĂŠ facebook.com/events/301709450329847 270.759.8866 Bring in 2018 with the Murr-Vegas All Stars & the annual Big Apple Cafe New Year's Bash!
Barkley Bash 9pm-1am Lake Barkley State Resort Park facebook.com/events/513881608996825 800.325.1708 Dance the night away while ringing in the New Year with friends & family. Event package available.
FREE Veteran Job Services 1:30-4:30pm Metropolis Public Library metropolispubliclibrary.com 618.524.4312 Veterans between 18-24 years of ages with some type of employment barrier are encouraged to drop by. Please bring your resume & your DD214. Appointments available. Murray State Racers Mens Basketball 7pm goracers.com MSU Racers vs Eastern Illinois Panthers.
CFSB Center, MSU 270.809.3000
Murray State Racers Mens Basketball 7pm goracers.com MSU Racers vs SIUE Cougars.
CFSB Center, MSU 270.809.3000
New Year's Eve Eve Party 9pm-1am The Riff theriffcenter.com 270.210.7474 New Years Eve Eve party at the Riff with Justen Cayse. Special guest Adam & the H-Bombs.
Eagle Weekend 2018 7pm Lake Barkley State Resort Park facebook.com/events/126031071408209 270.924.1429 The weekend starts with presentations about the bald eagle. Saturday is tour day, both van tours & boat tours have a morning trips & afternoon trip. That evening there will be a live bird show. Sunday there is only one boat trip. Boat trips are $55 & van trips are $25. Wings of Winter Birding Festival 7pm Paris Landing State Park facebook.com/events/725884374275945 270.924.1429 Focused on the areas around Kentucky & Barkley Lake but will be based at Paris Landing State Park, There will be many birding field trips in the area. Keynote speakers include Brian "Fox" Ellis & Julie Zickefoose.
ON-GOING EVENTS & NOTICES FREE 4-H Dog Club: Obedience Class. McCracken County Cooperative Extension. MONDAYS 6pm Ages 9-19 learn tips & tricks for training their puppy. 270.554.9520 mccrackenextension.org FREE Baby & Me McCracken County Public Library. TUESDAYS 11-11:30am; DECEMBER 2 & 16 11-11:30am. Special story time for babies 0-2 years of age. mclib.net Bags of Love McCracken Co. Cooperative Extension. 3 RD TUESDAYS 9:30am-12:30pm Bags provided to care for children's immediate needs. 270.554.9250 mccrackenextension.org Ballard-Carlisle Historical & Genealogical Society Ballard-Carlisle Society/ Library Building, 257 4th St, Wickliffe. 4 TH SUNDAY 2pm (November-March). People who share a common interest in history & preserving the primary & secondary records in these counties. 270.210.3538 Charitable Bingo Ballard County Board of Education, 264 E Kentucky Drive, Barlow. THURSDAYS 270.665.9844 FREE Creation Station McCracken County Public Library, 2nd Floor Conference Room. SATURDAYS 1-4pm Turn your child's creativity into something they can design & build. Parents welcome to help! mclib.net FREE Daughter Date Night. Graves County Public Library. 1ST TUESDAYS 5pm. Moms & daughters (ages 5-12) meet to make a craft.
FREE Lego Night. Graves County Public Library. 1 ST MONDAYS 5pm Children K-6 grade: bring your adult over to the library & build some memories! gravescountypubliclibrary.org FREE L.I.F.E. Community Marriage Enrichment. 1 ST SUNDAYS 6-7pm. Discuss issues that hinder marriage & how to overcome them. 270.575.3823. FREE Love Books & Love Bikes? McCracken County Public Library. Check-out books; check-out a bike lock. (Use your library card.) mclib.net McCracken County Humane Society Pet Adoptions. PetSmart. 3 RD WEDNESDAYS 10am–5pm mccrackenhumane.org FREE Mother Goose. Marshall County Public Library @Benton. WEDNESDAYS Stories, crafts & games for children 2-3. 10-10:30am marshallcolibrary.org FREE Paducah Community Chorus. First Christian Church. TUESDAYS 7pm. Open to the public. 270.443.8251 jnatpat@comcast.net Paducah Farmers' Market. North 2nd & Monroe Streets. MONDAYS-FRIDAYS 7:30am-3:30pm; SATURDAYS 7:30am-2pm; Variety of local, homegrown products including fresh fruit & vegetables, meats, eggs, dairy products, artisan & baked goods as well as good eats from local lunch vendors. 270.444.8508 paducahky.gov/farmers-market Paducah Kennel Club Meeting 1325 Fisher Road. 2ND TUESDAYS 7pm 270.210.8298
FREE Family Game Night. McCracken County Public Library, 555 Washington Street, Paducah. THURSDAYS 5-8pm. mclib.net
Paducah Writer’s Group. Etcetera Coffeehouse. FRIDAYS 8pm. Hear some of the area’s most talented poets & storytellers, along with a great audience.
FREE Family Game Night. Graves County Public Library. 2 ND TUESDAYS 5pm Clue, Monopoly, Apples to Apples Jr., & Blink. Wii also available. Kids under the age of 10 should be with an adult. gravescountypubliclibrary.org
FREE Paws to Read. Graves County Public Library. 1ST THURSDAY Allowing children to read aloud to a therapy dog/cat for 15 minutes. Open to children in grades K-6. gravescountypubliclibrary.org
FREE Family Movie Night. Graves County Public Library. 3RD MONDAY 5pm Free drinks & popcorn served. Children under the age of 10 should be with an adult. Games & a chance to win a prize. gravescountypubliclibrary.org
Paducah Photographer’s Club. Paducah School of Art & Design, 905 Harrison St. 1ST MONDAYS 6:30pm. An opportunity to learn, share, network & form new friendships! pjgrumley@gmail.com
Food4Fines. Graves County Public Library. TUESDAYS-SUNDAYS 9am-5pm. Turn in non-perishable food to removes fines. 270.247.2911
PSAD Polyester Plate Lithography Class 905 Harrison St., Paducah DECEMBER 2 9:30am-3:30pm. Learn how to draw directly on prepared plates, ink plates & pull impressions from the press to create oneof-a-kind or limited edition prints 270.534.3335 ws.kctcs.edu/ westkentucky/course/course.aspx?C=1968&pc=22&mc&sc
Guided Meditation. Wildhair Studios' Rock Shop. 1ST TUESDAYS 6-7pm. 270.444.6115 nicerockshop.com FREE International Story Time McCracken County Public Library. THURSDAYS 10am. Alternating French & Spanish stories each week. mclib.net Karaoke Mondays Big Apple Cafe, Murray, KY. MONDAYS 8pm-Midnight 270.759.8866 bigapplemurray.com FREE Knitting (& Crocheting) Club. McCracken County Cooperative Extension. 1ST MONDAYS 9:30am Beginner through seasonal knitters welcome. 270.554.9520 mccrackenextension.org Lake Barkley Beekeepers Association Meeting Calvary United Methodist Church, Mayfield. DECEMBER 4 6:30pm. Discussions center on the current beekeeper topics followed by a potluck dinner. @ LakeBarkleyBeekeepers
FREE Story Hour. Graves County Public Library. THURSDAYS 10am Stories, games, crafts, playtime, & snacks! gravescountypubliclibrary.org FREE Story Hour. Marshall County Public Library @ Benton WEDNESDAYS 1-2pm; @Calvert City TUESDAYS 10-11am; @Hardin. THURSDAYS 1-2pm marshallcolibrary.org FREE Story Hour. Metropolis Public Library, 317 Metropolis Street. THURSDAYS 11am. 618.524.4312
FREE TAB (Teen Advisory Board). Graves County Public Library. EVERY OTHER THURSDAY Join TAB & help the library. There will be crafts, snacks, library projects, & special programming. Teens receive community service for participating. Must be between the ages of 1318. gravescountypubliclibrary.org FREE Tech @ Night. McCracken County Public Library. MONDAY-THURSDAY 5-8pm. Call 270.442.2510 to register. mclib.net
FREE Story Hour. Metropolis Public Library, 317 Metropolis Street. THURSDAYS 11am. 618.524.4312
FREE Trivia Night Casa Mexicana, Paducah. MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 7pm Get your friends together for a night of great food & fun trivia. 270.442.1122
FREE Story Time McCracken County Public Library. TUESDAYS (except Oct. 10) 10am & 1pm. Join Ms. Nicole, Brary Bear, Ms. Michelle, Ms. Retta & Boby Dog for story time. mclib.net
FREE Trivia Night Casa Laguna, Calvert City. TUESDAY NIGHTS Get your friends together for a night of great food & fun trivia. 270.395.0045 West Kentucky Treasure Preservation Society. Lebanon Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 4620 AT Massa Drive, Paducah. 1ST THURSDAY 7pm. Educational topic related to metal detecting/relic hunting. wktps.com FREE Wonder Time McCracken County Public Library. TUESDAYS 4-6pm. Encouraging curiosity & promoting self-expression. mclib.net
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ART GALLERIES, EXHIBITIONS & MUSEUMS Art Guild of Paducah 115 Market House Square, Paducah. 1ST TUESDAYS 6pm. 270.554.4803, 270.210.1465, 270.331.3087 Downtown Paducah Civil War Walking Tour Paducah Convention & Visitor’s Bureau. Using the map, drawn by hand in 1861 by a Federal Captain of occupying troops in Paducah, follow the path of historical markers to discover the city”s important role during the Civil War. 800.PADUCAH Clara M. Eagle Art Gallery 6th Floor, Price Doyle Fine Arts Building, Murray State University. MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 am -5pm . Closed university holidays. A dramatic & exciting multi-level exhibition space located within the Department of Art & Design at Murray State University. 270.809.6734 murraystate.edu Clemens Fine Art Center Gallery 4810 Alben Barkley Drive, Paducah. 270.534.3212 artsinfocus.org Hotel Metropolitan Museum 724 Oscar Cross Drive, Paducah. Once a hotel (built in 1909) to house African-American travelers, this museum pays tribute to African-American heritage & the well-known people who stayed there including Ike & Tina Turner & Louis Armstrong. 1ST FRIDAYS Fish Fry 11am Enjoy fish, white beans, hush puppies, & desert, & more. Everyone welcome. Call for price. 270.443.7918 thehotelmetropolitan.org Jefferson Street Studios 1149 Jefferson Street, Paducah. MONDAY-FRIDAY 1-4pm ; Home to Helene's Hand-Dyed Fabrics & Robert Wyatt Davis Nerikomi Beads. 270.217.3976 jeffersonstreetstudio.com Lloyd Tilghman House & Civil War Museum 631 Kentucky Avenue, Paducah. Interpreting Paducah & western Kentucky's roles in the Civil War. FRIDAY & SATURDAY Noon to 4pm; 10am-4pm when riverboats in port; group tours by appointment. Adults $3/child 6-12 $1/under 6 FREE. 270.575.5477 paducahky.gov/museums
Murray Art Guild 500 North 4th Street, Murray. TUESDAY-SATURDAY 10am3pm 270.753.4059 murrayartguild.org National Quilt Museum 215 Jefferson Street, Paducah. Scheduled school groups of 10 or more are FREE. Guided tours available if preregistered a minimum of two weeks in advance. Adult Beginner Quilting Class. THURSDAYS 5:30-8:30pm; Volunteer Meeting 1 ST THURSDAY 2-3pm; Light Show from CQA THROUGH DECEMBER 12; Tallgirl Series: A Body of Work THROUGH JANUARY 9, 2018; Quilts of the Lakota. THROUGH DECEMBER 12 270.442.8856 quiltmuseum.org Paducah Railroad Museum 200 Washington Street, Paducah WEDNESDAYFRIDAY 1-4pm; SATURDAY 10am-4pm; Polar Express Party DECEMBER 2 10:30am-4pm; $5 admission for adults, $2 for children under 12. 270.908.6451 paducahrr.org River Discovery Center 117 S. Water Street, Paducah. MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30am-5pm. SUNDAY 1-5pm Celebrating Paducah's maritime legacy & lore. Interactive exhibits tell the story of the Four Rivers Region. Captain a towboat, pleasure watercraft, or Coast Guard buoy tender in the pilothouse simulator. 270.575.9958. riverdiscoverycenter.org Second Saturday Studio/Gallery Walk Lower Town Paducah 2ND SATURDAY Visit galleries & studios; open by appointment & special event weekends. paducahmainstreet.org Super Museum 517 Market Street, Metropolis Features 20,000+ items from the life's work of a longtime Superman enthusiast & collector, Jim Hambrick who has amassed one of the greatest collections of Superman memorabilia in the world. $5 admission. supermuseum. com
COMMUNITY RESOURCES & EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Ballard County Community Food Pantry St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 662 Broadway, LaCenter. Open MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS 9am– Noon for food distribution & to receive non–perishable donations. 270.665.5551 FREE Community Closet 604 S 21st Street, Paducah. Does your family need some extra help with clothes? The community closet at Trinity Baptist Church is open the 2ND & 4 TH TUESDAY & THURSDAY from 10am-2pm for McCracken County residents. Please bring a valid form of ID. Gently-used clothing donations are accepted any day of the week. 270.442.1013 FREE Community Food Pantry 604 S 21st Street, Paducah. Does your family need some extra help with groceries this month? The food pantry at Trinity Baptist Church is open the 3RD TUESDAY from 11am2pm for McCracken County residents. Please bring a valid form of ID. Non-perishable food donations are accepted any day of the week. 270.442.1013 FREE Dental Clinic for Veterans Anderson Technical Building, WKCTC. Dental hygiene clinic with free dental cleanings, fluoride & any necessary x-rays for military veterans. Appointment necessary with proof of military service & photo identification. WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2018 8am-1pm 270.534.3437
Yeiser Art Center 200 Broadway Street, Paducah. A permanent exhibition space & permanent collection as well as rotating exhibits; Art Through the Lens 2017 TUESDAY-SATURDAY 10am-5pm 270.442.2453 theyeiser.org FREE Whitehaven Welcome Center I–24, exit 7, 1845 Lone Oak Road, Paducah Daily tours 1-4pm, every half hour. Featuring period furnishings & memorabilia of Paducah native Alben Barkley. 270.554.2077
CHILD CARE Immanuel Baptist Church Preschool 3465 Buckner Lane, Paducah. Half-day enrichment classes beginning at 9am for 2-5 year olds. Lunch Bunch extended days on TUESDAYS THROUGH THURSDAYS until 2:30pm. Minimum of two teachers per classroom. Professional & dedicated teachers. Imaginative learning environment where your child gets ready for their next step. 270.443.5306 dprice@vci.net ibcpaducah.org
CHILDREN'S & TEEN GROUPS Boy Scout Troop 1 Grace Episcopal Church, 820 Broadway Street, Paducah. MONDAYS 6:30pm 270.559.1515 troop1paducah.com Girl Scout Activity Listings kyanags.org & gskentuckiana.org.
Domestic Violence Information Session McCracken County Courthouse, Family Court, Room “E” , Paducah. 270.443.6071, ext. 5.
Paducah Lifeline Ministries. Counseling & help for life–controlling addictions. Call 270.443.4743. 2801
Feeding the Hungry–Community Ministries 1200 Jefferson Street, Paducah. Volunteers (age 14 & up) are needed to help serve free lunches. Shifts available from 9:45am–1:15pm, MONDAY-FRIDAY. Financial support welcomed! 270.575.3400 community-ministries.org
The Purchase Area Sexual Assault & Child Advocacy Center (PASAC). Provides FREE services for both children & adult victims of sexual crimes. Services include therapy, legal & medical advocacy, forensic interviews, child sexual abuse exams, consultation, assessment & referral services, & education programs. 24-hour crisis line 1.800.928.7273, office 270.928.4422. Volunteers undergo criminal background & central registry check. 40-hour training course. PASAC will accommodate your schedule. 270.534.4422
KY Poison Control Center kypoisoncontrol.com
Kosair Children’s Hospital. 1.800.222.1222
FREE meals served: Family & Community Kitchen Meals/ Fellowship. Broadway UMC, 701 Broadway Street, Paducah Noon-1pm (270.443.2401) SUNDAYS No questions asked. FREE meals served: Family Kitchen Meals/Fellowship Holy House of Prayer, 1001 S. 4th Street, Paducah SATURDAYS 11am.–1pm. 270.443.1724. The Merryman House. Providing FREE services to all victims of domestic violence, including shelter for those in need. Some services include individual counseling, court advocacy, support groups, referral services, hospital advocacy, outreach services, & housing counseling. 1.800.585.2686 or 270.443.6001 merrymanhouse@hcis.net. All services are completely confidential. FREE Meals Served @Marcella’s Kitchen. Draffenville Lions Club, 262 Griggstown Road. Open MONDAY–FRIDAY 11am–1pm. Volunteers welcome. 270.705.3402 For military & their families operationhomefront.org
DANCE, PERFORMING ARTS, FITNESS & SPORTS CLASSES Adult Ballet Class MHT Multi-Use (Finkel) building, Paducah. FRIDAYS 6-7pm Barre exercises, center floor combinations, & across the floor combinations. 270.444.6828 markethousetheatre.org Adult Jazz Dance Class Barre Evolution, 701 Jefferson St, Paducah. WEDNESDAYS 6:45-7:30pm 270.519.2770 barreevolutionco.com Anne of Green Gables. Purchase Players CPAC. DECEMBER 7-10 & 14-17 A delightful, upbeat musical about a red-haired orphan with a vivid imagination who wins the hearts of her new caretakers & the village she adopts as home in spite of a poor start by being a mistake as they clearly requested a boy. The cast covers a wide range of ages & the songs are well dispersed throughout. What a wonderful Christmas gift for the community! 270.759.1752 playhousemurray.org Barre Fitness Barre Evolution, 701 Jefferson St, Paducah. WEDNESDAYS 5:456:30pm; FRIDAYS 9am-9:45pm ; SUNDAYS 2:30-3:15pm Infuses yoga & pilates with fundamentals of ballet. 270.519.2770 barreevolutionco.com Barre/Flexibility Class Barre Evolution, 701 Jefferson St, Paducah. SATURDAYS 1010:45am Infuses yoga & pilates with fundamentals of ballet. 270.519.2770 barreevolutionco.com The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical. Purchase Players Community Performing Arts Center, 302 West Water St., Mayfield. DECEMBER 1 & 2 7pm; DECEMBER 3 2pm. The Herdmans are the worst kids in the history of the world - so when they crash Sunday school & demand parts in the Christmas pageant, the whole town panics. It's up to the 1st time director, Grace & the Reverend to help their community see the Christmas story & the Herdman kids through new eyes in this buoyant musical adaptation of the funny & touching holiday classic. Silent night? Not a chance. But sometimes a little joyful noise is just right for Christmas. 270.251.9035 purchaseplayers.com DanceMHT. Market House Theatre. Children PreK through high school. $30-35 per month. 270.444.6828 markethousetheatre.org Drop Shots Tennis League WKCTC. MONDAYS 11:45am Designed for young adults as a recreational way to play the game of tennis or get back into the game after high school. 270.554.9200 Elf, Jr. the Musical. MainStage School of Performing Arts. DECEMBER 1-3 & 9-19 Enjoy this special Christmas play. mymainstageschool.com FREE Family Track Run Practice Noble Park Picnic Shelter #10. TUESDAYS 6-7pm. 270.444.8508
Footlights. Market House Theatre. Children ages 4-18. Financial scholarships available. 270.444.6828 markethousetheatre.org Group Training Run. West Kentucky Runners Club. Summer Hill Ct (off Friedman Lane between Pines Road & Hwy 60 in Paducah). TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 5am. 8 mile run. Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Auditions Playhouse in the Park, 701 Gil Hopson Dr, Murray. DECEMBER 11 & 12 6pm Show dates are February 1-11. Multiple roles for males, females & a children's chorus. 270.759.1752 playhousemurray.org The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. Market House Theatre. DECEMBER 7 7pm Four children are evacuated from London during the Blitz. While exploring the Professor’s house, they stumble across the gateway to another world, & the adventure begins. The land of Narnia is under the spell of the wicked White Witch, & the four very quickly find themselves caught up in a deadly struggle between good & evil. 270.444.6828 markethousetheatre.org Mat Yoga. WKCTC, Haws Gymnasium. MONDAYS 3:30-4:20pm. Register each semester to join the class. Seniors 65+ are free to audit the class. 270.559.1409 westkentucky.kctcs.edu Morning Power Yoga. True North Yoga, 3121 Broadway, Paducah. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS 5:30-6:30am 270.331.1914 truenorthyoga.com Night Moves Dance Club American Legion. 425 Legion Drive. THURSDAYS 6-9pm, line dancing & couple’s classes. $4 at the door. 270.442.3186
The Santaland Diaries. Market House Theatre, 200 Kentucky Ave., Paducah. DECEMBER 1 7pm; DECEMBER 2 7pm & 9pm. A brilliant evocation of what a slacker's Christmas feels like. Not recommended for children under 16. 270.444.6828 markethousetheatre.org FREE SECOND SATURDAY Hikes. WKCTC, Haws Gymnasium. 10am. Go for a monthly hiking series on the second Saturday of each month at Lake Barkley. Each hike features a new topic of discussion. Participation is free, no reservation necessary! Hikers depart from the Lodge Lobby at 10am. 270.924.1131 Tarzan Auditions MainStage School of Performing Arts, 164 S. 31st St, Paducah. DECEMBER 15 & 16 270.558.4249 mymainstageschool.com Tennis Apprentice Program Chad Gamble Tennis Facility, Paducah Tilghman High School. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6-7:30pm For adult beginners. 270.217.0717 paducahtennis.usta.com YogaFit. Mike's Kettlebell Club, 106 Broadway, Paducah. MONDAYS 6:30am. Designed to improve the health, performance, & mental acuity for those interested in improving their level of fitness. Member & nonmember prices available. 270.331.0366 yogafit.com Yoga Foundations True North Yoga, 3121 Broadway, Paducah. THURSDAYS 10am An ongoing class for beginners & continuing beinners. Everyone welcome. 270.331.1914 truenorthyoga.com Zumba. WKCTC, Haws Gymnasium. For all ages. $20 for 12 sessions. Join the dance fitness program that combines Latin & international music with dance to make exercise fun. MONDAYS 4:45-5:45pm. 270.534.3335. westkentucky.kctcs.edu
FREE Computer Basics for Beginners Class. Calloway County Public Library. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6-7:30pm. 270.753.2288 callowaycountylibrary.org
FREE Adult Sewing. McCracken County Cooperative Extension Office. THURSDAYS 9-11am Whether you’ve been sewing for 10 years, 10 days, or have just been thinking about taking up the craft, this community is for you! They’ll share, learn & practice new skills & encourage each other in our projects. 270.554.9520 mccrackenextension.org
Earth, Moon & Sun. Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory, 238 Visitor Center Drive, Golden Pond. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 12-2:45pm. Learn about the relationship between the Earth, Moon, & Sun with the help of an amusing character adapted from Native American oral traditions. 270.924.2233 landbetweenthelakes.us
Afternoon Animal Encounters. LBL Woodlands Nature Station. MONDAYS Totally Turtles; TUESDAYS Dinnertime for Bald Eagles; WEDNESDAYS For Goodness Snakes; THURSDAYS Mystery Animal Encounter; FRIDAYS Feed the Animals Fridays (help staff feed a different animal each week) 3:304pm. Free to children under 4. 270.924.2299 landbetweenthelakes.us
Families on the Spectrum Lourdes Garden Room. Refreshments provided & guest speakers quarterly. See our Facebook page for upcoming meetings & times. info@familiesonthspectrumky.org
Back to the Moon for Good. Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory, 238 Visitor Center Drive, Golden Pond. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 12-12:45pm. Not since the Apollo missions 40 years ago has there been this much lunar exploration. 270.924.2233 landbetweenthelakes.us Center for Gifted Studies. 3205 Alexander Hall, Murray State University. Professional development programs for teachers, regional & international enrichment opportunities for gifted students during the academic year & summers, informational & assessment services to parents. 270.809.2539 or joy.navan@coe.murraystate.edu FREE C.H.A.M.P., Christian Homeschoolers All Meet & Play. United Methodist Church Gym, Ledbetter. MONDAYS 2:30-4:30pm. Bring skates or sports equipment. Sherry Layne–Smith 270.928.4368 smith731@ localnet.com.
Feeding Time on the Farm. Homeplace 1850s Working Farm & Living History Museum. MONDAY-FRIDAY 3:30-4:30pm. As the day winds down, feeding time starts for the LBL farm animals. Meet at the pig pen to lend a hand & learn how to care for farm animals the 1850s way! Free to children under 4. 931.232.6457 FREE Foster Parent Classes Starting Soon! Open your heart & home to a child in need by becoming a foster parent. Omni Visions, Inc. makes training easy & flexible for your schedule. 270.206.8690 omnivisions.com From Earth to the Universe. Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory, 238 Visitor Center Drive, Golden Pond. EVERY DAY 2-2:45pm. landbetweenthelakes.us Heartland Christian Home Educators offers support, field trips, & fellowship for home school families in western Kentucky & southern Illinois. To 618.638.3289. Parent support group meetings on the 1ST TUESDAY of December, March, & May at St. John’s Church, 6201 Waldo Church Rd, Metropolis, IL. Open to the public. Family Night on the 3RD FRIDAYS Junior Quilters National Quilt Museum, 215 Jefferson St, Paducah. 1ST TUESDAY 2:30-4:30pm. For details, call 270.442.8856 or visit quiltmuseum. org KATS Homeschool Club, Paducah meets twice a month. Christian fellowship, play-dates, field trips & more. Field trips twice monthly. katsofpaducah@live.com Kentucky Wing Civil Air Patrol – National Guard Armory, 8000 Hinkleville Road TUESDAYS 6pm. Offering lessons in aviation & aerospace principles, along with teamwork & leadership training. Members often participate in rescue & disaster relief missions. 270.331.1750 kywgcap.org or kycap201@ calldialog.net Laser Legends of the Night Sky Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory. MONDAY-FRIDAY 10am. Animated laser show where Aesop the
owl leads you on a light-hearted journey as you look at the Greek mythology associated with some of our constellations. 800.525.7077 landbetweenthelakes.us
Toastmasters International Quality Inn, Benton KY. MONDAYS 6:45pm Afraid to speak in public? Learn to speak powerfully in an exciting, fun environment. Visitors welcome. Call Clay Campbell 270.217.1222.
The Little Star That Could. Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 11-11:45am. Join the journey of Little Star, an average yellow star in search of planets to protect & warm. 270.924.2233.
Tonight's Sky - LIVE! Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory. MONDAYFRIDAY 10am. Quietly relax under a 40 foot canopy of stars that represent tonight’s sky. Staff will lead you on a tour of planets, constellations, & special celestial events, such as the 2017 total solar eclipse. Recommended for ages 6 & above. 800.525.7077 landbetweenthelakes.us
Livingston County Adult Education. MONDAY–THURSDAY 8:30am4pm Extended hours on TUESDAYS until 8pm. 270.928.3777 McKAGE (McCracken County Chapter of Kentucky Association of Gifted Education.) Monthly lunch meetings at local schools. Noon– 1pm. Danette Humphrey, 270.442.5172 Paducah Parks Services offers classes for children, teens, & adults. Classes include art lessons, martial arts, soccer & dance. 270.444.8508 paducahky.gov Paducah Kennel Club Agility Classes. Paducah Kennel Club, 1325 Fisher Road. TUESDAYS 6am. Six lessons taught on Tuesday Nights for beginner & intermediate dogs, all ages all breeds. 270.217.0150 Parade of Raptors LBL Woodland Nature Station. EVERY DAY 4:30-5pm. Come face-to-face with a host of raptors including a barn owl, barred owl, screech owl, kestrel, & red-tailed hawk as our staff moves these birds from their outdoor perches to their indoor shelter. 270.924.2299 FREE Parents with Ones, Twos & Threes Storytime Class. Calloway County Public Library. Parents with children ages 1-3 are invited to a special story time. WEDNESDAYS 9:30-10am. 270.753.2288 callowaycountylibrary.org FREE Preschool Storytime Class. Calloway County Public Library. Parents with preschoolers (ages 4-6) are invited to a special story time. TUESDAYS 10:30-11:30am 270.753.2288 callowaycountylibrary.org FREE Quilt Club. McCracken County Cooperative Extension Office. Any age & any skill level is welcome. 3RD MONDAYS 9:30am-2pm. 270.554.9520 mccrackenextension.org Toastmasters Club MSU Paducah Regional Campus, 4430 Sunset, Room 224, Paducah. THURSDAYS 12-1pm Afraid to speak in public? Learn to speak powerfully in an exciting, fun environment. Visitors welcome. Call Clay Campbell 270.217.1222.
FREE Tours for Teachers. Wickliffe Mounds. FRIDAYS 10am-3pm. Must make advance reservations. 270.335.3681 kentuckystateparksfoundation.org Wildest Weather in the Solar System Golden Pond Planetarium & Observatory. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 4pm. Join us aboard the imaginary space ship Erion as we journey through our solar system looking for the planet with the wildest weather. 800.525.7077 landbetweenthelakes.us Women's Self-Defense Training. Emerging Technology Center, WKCTC. TUESDAYS Learn physical & psychological awareness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, & physical techniques to escape, resist, & survive violent attacks. Recommended for adults. Call 270.534.3206 for pricing & more information. westkentucky.kctcs.edu
SENIOR CITIZEN EVENTS FREE Ballroom Dance Classes. MONDAYS Paducah–McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 1–3pm. Must be 60 or over. 270.443.8579 FREE Beginning Crochet & Quilting. Paducah-McCracken County Senior Citizens Center TUESDAYS. 1pm, 2pm. 270.443.8579 FREE Bible Study & Lunch. Broadway Church of Christ. 1ST & 3RD TUESDAYS 11am. All seniors welcome. 270.443.6206 Exercise Classes for Seniors Paducah–McCracken County Senior Center MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS. 10-11am. 270.443.8579 Hot Lunches. Paducah–McCracken County Senior Center MONDAY–FRIDAY 11:30am. $3 donation. Must be 60 or over. 270.443.8579 Informal Coffee Group. Etcetera Coffeehouse, 6th Street & Kirchoff’s Bakery locations MONDAY–FRIDAY 9am.
Kentucky Grandparents over the age of 60 who are primary caregivers may be eligible for state assistance. 877.352.5183 purchaseadd.org FREE Line Dancing Classes. Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. TUESDAYS 1-2:30pm. Must be 60 or over. 270.443.8579 Matters of Life Forum. 2ND THURSDAYS McCracken Co. Senior Center Activities Room. 11am. Topics discussed include ethical wills, passing on important values & bereavement support. nancy.wallace@uky.edu McCracken County Humane Society Senior Days. WEDNESDAYS adopters over 60 years of age who cannot afford the full fee will receive a 50% discount on selected pets. 9am–3:30pm mccrackenhumane.org Senior Dance. Trigg Co. Senior Citizens Center, 127 Joy Lane, Cadiz. 2ND & 4TH THURSDAY 6:30-8:30pm. $5 admission. 270.522.8341 Senior Medicare Patrol Sr. Center 1400 HC Mathis Drive. 8am-4pm most TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS 270.442.8993 FREE Serving Our Senior’s Bingo Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. 1ST & 3RD THURSDAYS 1:30–3pm. Dessert & coffee served, enter at the Rehabilitation wing. To reserve a seat, call 270.443.6543 Super Seniors First Christian Church of Paducah. 1ST MONDAYS 270.443.8251 TUESDAYS for Seniors Wickliffe Mounds. 9am-4:30pm. Special discounted rate. Tour the site & museum; have a leisurly walk around the mounds; view birds & wildflowers along the nature trail; learn about the site's history. 270.335.3681 parks.ky.gov Walk with Ease. TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS 11-11:30am. Six-week fitness program shown to help reduce pain & improve health. Supported by the Arthritis Foundation. Must be 60 years of age or older. 270.442.8993 or 270.443.8579 Water Aerobics Brooks Indoor Pool. Broadway United Methodist Church, 701 Broadway. MONDAY–FRIDAY 10am. $25 per month. 270.443.1778
MULTI-SERVICE PROVIDERS American Red Cross Volunteer Opportunity 232 N. 8th Street, Paducah 2ND MONDAYS at 6pm. Western Kentucky Chapter is looking for volunteers for disaster relief training. To support our area counties, call 270.442.3575. redcross.org
Baptist Health has meetings & groups for: Cancerport Breast Cancer, Prepared Childbirth, Baby Care, Family, CPR, Menopause, Radiation Therapy for New Patients, Weight Loss & more. Call 270.575.2229 or baptisthealthkentucky.com/paducah Dream Factory Volunteer Meetings US Bank Bldg. 4th & Broadway. 5th floor. Interested in helping or donating? Janice Harris, 270.441.7611 dreamfactory.com Four Rivers Behavioral Health provides service in the areas of mental health, developmental disabilities, & substance abuse. Consulting & employee assistance available. Serving Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Marshall, & McCracken. 24–hr. crisis hot-line, 800.592. 3980. Call the office, 270.442.7121, to find out more. Lourdes Hospice Needs Volunteers Behavioral Health meeting Room (adjacent to the ER) Working with hospice patients can grow your faith & teach you about the magic & beauty of life. Volunteers are needed in Ballard, Caldwell, Carlisle, Crittenden, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Lyon, Marshall, & McCracken counties. If interested, contact Susan Mason at 1.800.870.7460 or 270.415.3640. Meetings are MONDAYS (except holidays). Lourdes Hospital has meetings & support groups for: Alzheimer’s, Breast Cancer, Colitis & Crohn's, Childbirth, Breastfeeding, Huntington's, Pancreatic Cancer, Joint Replacement, Caregiver & Grief support, Overeating, & Amputees. 270.444.2444 or eLourdes.com/ classeseventssupportgroups.asp Paducah Area Amputees in Action. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion Rosenthal Room. See Facebook page for meeting times or call 270.538.6844. Amputees who would like printed information can pick up packets at Project CARAT Paducah, located at 911 Joe Clifton Drive in Paducah from 11am to 4pm. Paducah Cooperative Ministry 402 Legion Drive. Provides emergency food pantry assistance, financial assistance for rent evictions, utility disconnections, prescription medications, & stranded traveler needs. Limited to McCracken County residents. Open MONDAY–FRIDAY 9amNoon & 1-4pm. 270.442.6795. paducahcoopministry.org. Starfish Orphan Ministry invites you to be a part of a life changing adventure to El Salvador... First timer? It’s okay! See how you can help make a difference to orphaned children in need! 270.933.1250 starfishorphanministry.org
St. Nicholas Healthcare Payment Assistance Program provides assistance to uninsured working adults in our community by helping pay for basic healthcare needed to stay healthy & employed. Assistance is available for primary care, prescription medicine, dental care, prescription eyeglasses & hearing aids. Clients must live &/or work in the counties of Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Marshall, McCracken & Massac (IL). Eligible individuals receive services from approved St. Nick program partners. 270.538.9010 info@stnickassistance.org St. Vincent de Paul Budget Store A volunteer based ministry that sells used clothing, furniture & other goods at a minimal charge to the community & in turn uses the proceeds to help those less fortunate through the Help Line. Help is offered based on need, regardless of religious affiliation or income. TUESDAY-FRIDAY 10am–3pm & SATURDAY 9am–1pm). Budget Store phone number: 270.442.9351; Help Line phone number: 270.575.1008; stvincentpaducah@yahoo.com
PARENTING SUPPORT FREE Hearts for Babies. Lone Oak First Baptist Church, Room C 200. The group makes layettes for under–privileged & single moms in need & their new babies. Meets 1ST WEDNESDAY of every month from 10am–2pm. We knit, crochet, quilt & sew! 270.554.3818 Hope Unlimited Family Care Center empowers families & supports our community to grow stronger. Some of the free & confidential services include pregnancy testing, mentoring, & job training. The Paducah location has sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, as well as a prenatal care clinic & 4-D ultrasound. All locations have a Hope's Closet Community Store, offering items for the entire family at thrift store prices. 270.442.1166 or 618.524.5730 in Metropolis.
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 3986 State Route 1372, Bardwell | @abcbardwell SUNDAY School 10am; Worship Service 11am; Night Worship 5pm; WEDNESDAY Worship & Youth 7pm Arcadia United Methodist Church 261 Lone Oak Road, Paducah | 270.442.3313 | ArcadiaChurch.org SUNDAY School 9am; Worship Service 10am; TUESDAY Men’s Prayer Gathering 7:30am Bellview Baptist Church Bleich & Old Mayfield Roads | 270.554.3173 | bellviewbaptistpaducah.com SUNDAY School: 9am; Worship Service: 10am; Sunday Evening: 6pm; WEDNESDAY Evening: 6:30pm Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church 12304 Wickliffe Rd, Kevil | 270.876.7239 | @bethalcpchurch SUNDAY Coffee & Donuts 9am; Sunday School 9:15am; Worship Service 10:30am Bethel Christian Church, Kevil 12245 Woodville Rd, Kevil | 270.462.3544 | bethelchurchkevil.org SUNDAY Coffee & Donuts 9am; Sunday School 9:15am; Worship Service 10:30am Broadway Baptist Church 2435 Broadway St, Paducah | 270.442.3739 | broadwaybaptistchurch.org SUNDAY School, 10am; Sunday Worship, 11am; Sunday Evening, 6pm; WEDNESDAY Worship, 7pm
FREE La Leche League of Kentucky 160 South Gum Springs Road, Paducah All breastfeeding mothers & mothers–to–be interested in breastfeeding. 1ST THURSDAYS 10am. 270.534.0512 breastfeedinghelppaducah.blogspot.com FREE M.O.M. Group 100 W 13th Street, Benton KY (Fellowship Hall of First Missionary Baptist Church) Time for moms of all ages to connect with one another & study God's Word in an encouraging, supportive, non-denominational environment. Children play in nursery while mother's meet. 3RD TUESDAYS 9-11am Please preregister. 270.527.7615 themominitiative.com FREE Mothering Through Breastfeeding. Grace Episcopal Church 2ND TUESDAYS 10am. Open to all pregnant & nursing mothers & their children. 270.443.2373 or 270.442.4891 FREE Prenatal Classes by the Lourdes Little Miracles Birthing Center. Borders Community Room, Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion. Nurses provide information on childbirth & breastfeeding. Includes a tour of our birthing center. Available either as a four-week course (four MONDAYS a month, 6-8pm), or as a boot-camp course on a SATURDAY (9am-4:30pm). Call 270.444.2243 to register.
RELIGIOUS SERVICES & MEETINGS Amazing Grace Lutheran Church 1601 Jefferson Street, Paducah | 270.933.1215 AmazingGraceLutheranPaducah.com SUNDAY Service 10am; Education Hour 8:45am
Broadway Church of Christ 2855 Broadway St, Paducah | 270.443.6206 | broadwaycoc.com SUNDAY Morning Worship 9:30am; Bible Study 10:45am; Evening Worship 6pm; MONDAY & WEDNESDAY Precious Pottery Preschool 9am-2pm; TUESDAY Clothing Give Away 10am-Noon; WEDNESDAY Ladies Bible Class 10am; Bible Classes 6:30pm; 2ND FRIDAY Parent's Night Out 5-10pm Broadway United Methodist Church 701 Broadway St, Paducah | 270.443.2401 | bumc-paducah.org SUNDAY Fellowship Time (Igert Hall) 9am; Youth & Adult Sunday School for all ages 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; BUMS Youth group (grades 6–12) 5-7pm; Handbell Choir 7pm; Sunday morning services are streamed live & archived online. TUESDAY & THURSDAY Mother's Day Out 9am-2pm Call to register. WEDNESDAY Children’s Choir 5pm; Fellowship Dinner 5pm; YUMS (4th & 5th graders) 6pm; Chancel Choir 7pm; Senior Pastor Bible Study. THURSDAYS 11am. You do not have to be a member of Broadway UMC to participate. DECEMBER 3 Christmas for Everyone Advent Walk 4-6pm Brookport Church of God 4th & George Street, Brookport, IL | 618.564.2264 | brookportcog.com SUNDAY School 10am; Worship & Junior Church 10:45am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Family Night 6pm; Servant's Heart Meal 6:30pm (W.O.W. Kids, GPS Youth Group Grades 7-12, Shield College & Career, Adult Bible Study) Calvary Baptist Church 270 Clements St, Paducah | 270.443.1552 | Pastor Pail Hatcher SUNDAY School 10am; Worship Service 11am; Evening Service 6pm; WEDNESDAY Service 6:30pm Calvert City First Presbyterian Church 639 Evergreen St, Calvert City | 270.395. 4700 | fpccalvert.com SUNDAY School 9:30am; Fellowship 10am; Worship 10:45am Calvert City United Methodist Church 571 Oak Park Blvd., Calvert City | 270.395.4746 | calvertcityumc.org SUNDAY First Light Worship Service, Contemporary 9am; Sunday School 10am; Traditional Service 11am; WEDNESDAY Children, Youth & Adult Bible Studies 6pm; Adult Choir 7pm Calvary Temple Church 2685 US 641, Murray | 270.753.7389 ctcmurray.org SUNDAY School 9:45am, Worship 10:45am, Prayer Service 6pm; WEDNESDAY Group study 7pm Central Church of Christ 2201 Washington St, Paducah | 270.442.1017 |centralcofcpaducah.org SUNDAY Bible Study Classes 9:30am; Morning Worship 10:30am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm; TUESDAYS Ladies’ Bible Class, 1-2pm; LAST SATURDAY “Dorcas Day” Clothing Giveaway 9am–Noon Christ Chapel UECNA,"The Lighthouse" Hiter Road, Fairdealing | 270.354.9132 | All faiths welcome! SUNDAY Worship Services 8:30 & 10:30am; WEDNESDAY 7pm
Christ Community Church 8270 Hinkleville Road, Paducah | 270.744.0397 christchurchpaducah.com SUNDAY Coffee & Donuts 9am; Bible Classes 9:30am; Morning Worship & Junior Church (ages 10 & under) 10:30am; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm Community Fellowship Baptist Church 90 State Route 408 West, Hickory | 270.856.4463 | cfbc.tv SUNDAY Services 8:30 & 11am; Signed Service for the Deaf/HH at 11am service; Sunday School 10am; WEDNESDAY Adult Bible Study, Kids Zone & Youth 6:30pm Concord Christian Center 3661 James Sanders Blvd., Paducah |270.441.7900 | churchbythemall.com SUNDAY Small Groups 9:45am Worship 10:45am, 6pm; WEDNESDAY Service 7pm Concord United Methodist Church 5178 Hinkleville Road, Paducah | 270.443.2669 |concord.church SUNDAY Worship Times 8:15am, 10:30am & 6pm; Coffee/Donuts/ Fellowship 9am; Sunday School 9:30am Child care is provided in the nursery during Sunday morning services; TUESDAY WISE Bible Study for Women 6:30pm; WEDNESDAY Fellowship Meal 5:15pm call to make reservations; B.L.A.S.T. for Kids, Youth Meeting & Adult Bible Study 6pm; THURSDAY Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8am Prayer Room is open to the public Concord West Church of Christ 4715 Mayfield Metropolis Road, Paducah | 270.744.6329 SUNDAY Bible Study 9am; Worship 10am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6pm
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 415 Audobon Dr, Paducah | 270.443.8251 | fccpaducah.org SUNDAY School 9:30am (Classes for all ages); Worship 10:45am; Study Group 4pm; TUESDAYS Girl Scouts 4:30pm; Choir practice 5:15pm; THURSDAYS Gambler's Anonymous 7pm (618.570.4882); 2ND SATURDAYS Men's Fellowship Breakfast 8-10am; 1ST MONDAYS Blood Drive 11:30am-5:30pm First Presbyterian Church 200 N 7th St, Paducah | 270.442.3545 | firstprespaducah.org SUNDAY Church School 9:30am; Worship 10:45am; Youth Choir (6th-12th grades) 4:30pm; Youth Group 5:30-7pm; Handbells 6pm; WEDNESDAY Children’s Choir & Activities 4-5:45pm; Adult Choir 7pm; DECEMBER 3 Christmas for Everyone Advent Walk 4-6pm First United Methodist Church 100 East 5th Street, Metropolis | 618.524.9325 | fumcmetro.com SUNDAY Worship Service 10am & 5pm; Classes for all ages 9am Fountain Avenue United Methodist Church 300 Fountain Ave, Paducah270.443.1724 | fountainavenuechurch.com SUNDAY Fellowship 9am; Sunday School for all ages, 9:45am; Worship & Children’s Church (ages 4-9) 10:45am; Communion Service; 1ST SUNDAY of each month. Nursery provided for birth-age 3; Evening Services 6pm; MONDAY & THURSDAY Quilting Group 9:30am; WEDNESDAY Church Dinner 5:30pm ($5/call for reservation by noon Tuesday); Program & youth activities 6pm; Choir 6:30pm; FREE DECEMBER 8 Jeff & Sheri Easter in concert 7pm
The Crossing 1225 Broadway St, Paducah | 270.201.2810 | thecrossing.net/paducah SUNDAY Worship 10:45am Elevation Point Church Paducah Exp Convention Center, 415 Park Ave. | 270.705.1045 | elevationpointchurch.org SUNDAY Service 10:30am Faith Center of Paducah 4465 Hansen Rd, Paducah | 270.443.3110 | faithcenter.tv SUNDAY Service 10am; WEDNESDAY Service 6:30pm First Baptist Church, Paducah 2890 Broadway St, Paducah | 270.442.2728 | fbcpaducah.org SUNDAY School 9am; Worship 10:15am; Evening Worship 5pm; WEDNESDAY Fellowship Meal 5pm; Worship 6pm; 252 Basics (children) 5:50pm; Awaken (youth) 6pm; Adult Choir Rehearsal 7pm First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 2515 S Main St, Benton | 270.527.8560 | fccdcbentonky.org SUNDAY Church School 9:45am; Worship 10:45am; WEDNESDAY Youth Night 5:30-7pm; MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Men’s Exercise Group 9-10am First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 420 Catherine Street, Metropolis IL | 618.524.7118 | firstchristianmetro.wordpress.com SUNDAY Fellowship Coffee & Donuts 9am; Sunday School 9:30am; Morning Worship 10:30am; Youth Meeting 5pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6pm; Choir Practice 7pm; DECEMBER 9 Annual Cookie Sale 9am-12pm; DECEMBER 20 Christmas Caroling 6-7pm
Friendship Baptist Church of Paducah 146 S Friendship Rd, Paducah | 270.534.1900 | friendshiponthenet.org SUNDAY School 9am; Morning Worship 10:15am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Evening Worship 6pm; THURSDAY Women's Bible Study 9pm
Harmony Baptist Church 9215 Ogden Landing Rd,W. Paducah | 270.488.3115 | harmonybaptistchurchwestpaducahky.blogspot.com SUNDAY Sunday School 10am; Morning Worship & Children’s Church 11am; AWANA 5:30pm; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Prayer & Praise, Bible Buddies 7am
Gospel Mission Worship Center 6905 Benton Rd, Paducah | 270.898.3613 | gospelmissionworship.com SUNDAY School 9:30am; Morning Service 10:45am; Evening Service 5:30pm; WEDNESDAY Evening Service 6pm
Heartland Worship Center 4777 Alben Barkley Dr, Paducah |270.534.1400 | heartlandworship.com SUNDAY School 8, 9:15 & 10:45am; Sunday Services 9:30, 10:45am & 6pm; WEDNESDAY Evening Service 6pm; Children’s Activities 6pm; Middle/High School, 6–8pm; Bible Journaling 9am-12pm; DECEMBER 3 Christmas Around the World 10am-4pm; DECEMBER 9 Breakfast with Santa 9-11am
Grace Episcopal Church 820 Broadway, Paducah | 270.443.1363 | gracepaducah.net SUNDAY Holy Eucharist 8am & 10am; Christian Formation 9am; Children's Chapel 10am; Middle Schoolers 4pm; Youth Supper 5:30pm; High Schoolers 6:30pm; Nursery available for 10am Sunday Service. WEDNESDAY Holy Eucharist 12pm; Youth Group 5pm; THURSDAY Sanctuary Choir 6pm; 2ND THURSDAY Vintage Grace Luncheon/Program (for Seniors) 11:30am-1pm; DECEMBER 3 Christmas for Everyone Advent Walk 4-6pm Grace United Methodist Church 3752 Paducah Rd, LaCenter | 270.665.5195 | gracechurchlacenter.org SUNDAY Worship 10am; THURSDAYS Celebrate Recovery 7pm; TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS Hot Meal Program (for those struggling & in need of a hot meal) 11am-12:30pm; MONDAYS-THURSDAYS Office Open 8:30-11:30am; DECEMBER 4 Christmas Party 6-8pm
Highland Cumberland Presbyterian Church 3950 Lovelaceville Rd, Paducah | 270.554.3572 | highlandcpc.org SUNDAY School 9:45am; Worship 10:45am; Youth & Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Youth 6pm; Bible Study 6pm Hillcrest Baptist Church 10083 US-60, Kevil | 270.217.2796 facebook.com/pages/Hillcrest-Baptist-Church/116223055104678 SUNDAY School 9am; Services 10am & 5pm; MONDAY-FRIDAY Hillcrest Preschool; 3 RD FRIDAY Family Movie Night House of Hope Ministries 1731 N 11th St, Paducah | 270.933.1069 | hohmin.org SUNDAY Worship Service 11am; WEDNESDAY Fill-Up Service 6:30-7:30pm Immanuel Baptist Church 3465 Buckner Ln, Paducah | 270.443.5306 | ibcpaducah.org SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship 10:45am; 1ST & 3RD SUNDAY Orchestra Rehearsal 9am; WEDNESDAY Shepherd’s Table (Dinner) 4:50-5:30pm. Please call ahead. First time guests eat FREE. $5 for adults & $3 for children. Youth Bible Study 5-7pm; Immanuel Kidz 5:30-7pm; Gathering for Adults 6pm; Adult Handbells 6:15pm; Sanctuary Choir 7:05pm; THURSDAY Discipleship Group 6:30am; Friendship International 9am; 3RD THURSDAY Mission Meal 6:30pm; 4TH THURSDAY Faith & Fiction 7pm Islamic Center of Paducah 760 Berger Rd, Paducah | 270.558.4559 | islamiccenterofpaducah.org FRIDAY Weekly Prayer 1:30-2:30pm; SUNDAY School 11am-1:30pm; DECEMBER 2 Open House 2-4pm The Journey Church, Calloway Co. 304 N 4th St, Murray (3rd floor of Curris Center) | 270.761.4403 | journeycalloway.com SUNDAY Adult Services 9 & 10:30am The Journey Church, Marshall Co. Creason Building, 1600 Park Ave, Benton | 270.761.4403 | journeymarshall.com SUNDAY Service 10am Ledbetter United Methodist Church 200 Golden Meadow Dr, Ledbetter | 270.898.3435 SUNDAY Worship Service 9:30am; Sunday School 10:30am
Living Word Pentecostal Church 907 Husband Rd, Paducah | 270.575.3477 SUNDAY Morning Sunday School/Worship 10am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm; Bus Ministry call 270.564.5706 or 270.210.9086 Lone Oak Church of Christ 2960 Lone Oak Rd, Paducah | 270.554.2511 | loneoakchurchofchrist.com SUNDAY Worship 10am; Sunday School 9am; Evening Service 6pm WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm Lone Oak First Baptist Church 3601 Lone Oak Rd, Paducah | 270.554.1441 | loneoakfbc.org SUNDAY Morning Worship 8:30am, 9:45am & 11am; Evening Worship 6:30pm; WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting 6:30pm Lone Oak United Methodist Church 3835 Old US Hwy 45 S | 270.554.1272 | loneoakumcpaducah.org SUNDAY Coffee & Donuts 9am; Sunday School 9:15am; Service 10:30am; Nursery Available 9–11:30am; WEDNESDAY Kids on a Mission 2:30pm (grades 4-5), 3:45pm (grades 1-3); Bible Study 6pm; Handbell Practice 6pm; Choir Practice 7pm; 3RD SATURDAYS United Methodist Men 8am Lutheran Church of the Cross 2601 North Ave, Metropolis | 618.524.4628 | lutheranchurchofcross.org SUNDAY School 9am; Worship Service 10am; 1 ST & 3RD SUNDAY Holy Communion Margaret Hank Memorial Cumberland Presbyterian Church 1526 Park Ave, Paducah | 270.443.3689 | margarethank.org SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Evening Service 6pm Massac United Methodist Church 2065 Mayfield-Metropolis Rd, Paducah | 270.554.2921 | massacumc.weebly.com SUNDAY School 10am; Worship 11am; Youth Group 4:30pm; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6:30pm Mayfield First United Methodist Church 214 S 8th St, Mayfield | 270.247.5678 | mayfieldfirst.com SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; TUESDAY Celebrate Recovery meal 5:30pm; Meeting 6:15pm; WEDNESDAY Fellowship meal 5:30pm; Bible Study 6:15pm McKendree United Methodist Church 2860 McKendree Church Rd, Kevil | 270.488.3770 or 270.488.2444 | mckendreetoday.com SUNDAY School 9am Worship 10:30am Youth & Children Activities 4:30pm Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6:30pm; 3 RD SATURDAY Senior Citizens Social Dinner 4:30–6pm. Clothes Closet MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 10am–3pm SATURDAY 9am–Noon Milburn Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian 3760 Metropolis Lake Rd, West Paducah | 270.488.2588 | milburnchapel.homestead.com SUNDAY Donuts & Coffee 9am; Sunday School 9:30am; Morning Worship 10:30am; WEDNESDAY Family Meal 5:30pm; Bible Study 6pm
Mt. Sterling Cumberland Presbyterian Church 1780 Mt. Sterlin Rd, Brookport IL | 618.564.2616 SUNDAY School 10am; Worship 11am; Evening Worship 6pm; Youth Group 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6:30pm; Junior Youth Group 6:30pm Mt. Zion Baptist Church 9701 Blandville Rd, West Paducah | 270.554.0518 | mtzionpaducah.org SUNDAY School 9am; Worship 10am & 6:30pm; WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 6:30pm New Geneva Community Church 433 Monroe St, Paducah | 270.443.8866 | ngccarp.org SUNDAY Worship 10:30am, Intergenerational Bible Study meal following; TUESDAY Women’s Ministry 7pm; THURSDAY Men’s
Ministry 5:30pm & 6:45pm; TUESDAY-FRIDAY Biblical counseling available by appointment New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church 7680 New Hope Rd, Paducah | 270.554.0473 | facebook.com/NewHopeCPCPaducah SUNDAY School 9:30am Worship 10:30am Evening Youth & Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm. For youth information, contact the River Youth Ministries. Contact Melanie Rogers 270.978.1761 Oakland Cumberland Presbyterian Church 9110 US Hwy 68 W, Calvert City, KY | 270.350.7262 SUNDAY School 9:30am; Morning Worship 10:30am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Evening Bible Study 6pm. Oaklawn Baptist Church 500 Oaks Rd, Paducah | 270.442.1513 | oaklawnbaptistky.org SUNDAY School 9:45am Worship 11am & 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7pm, God’s Children 7pm Olivet Baptist Church 5186 Hinkleville Rd, Paducah | 270.442.3267 | facebook.com/OlivetBaptistChurchPaducah SUNDAY School 9am; Morning Worship, Kids Worship Time (ages 3 to K) 10am; Awana For Kids (ages 2–6th grade) 5:45pm; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Bible Studies for ages 2–Adult 6:30pm Pathway Baptist Church 229 W 5th Ave, Calvert City | 270.395.5683 | pathwaybaptist.org SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship Service 10:30am; Evening Services Adults, Youth & Children 6pm; WEDNESDAY Adult Prayer, Bible Study 6:30pm; Awana for children 2 years old–6th grade 6:30pm; (during school year) Youth Service 6:30pm; THURSDAY Grief Share 6:30pm; Monthly Men’s Meetings & Ladies Connect Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1110 N 14th Street, Paducah | 270.442.1000 | pgmbchurch.50webs.com SUNDAY Explorer Hour 9:30am; Worship 11am; 1ST SUNDAY Lord Supper ; WEDNESDAY Prayer/Bible Study 6pm; 1ST WEDNESDAY Youth Bible Study 6pm The Potter’s House Baptist Worship Center 881 Cutoff Rd, Smithland | 270.928.9905 | pottershousebwc.com SUNDAY Bible Study 9:30am; Worship 10:45am; Evening 6pm; WEDNESDAY Prayer/Bible Study 6pm Reidland Baptist Church 5559 Benton Rd, Paducah | 270.898.6243 | reidlandbaptistchurch.com Nursery provided for all services & Sunday school. SUNDAY Sunday School (classes for all ages) 9am; Morning Worship Service 10:10am; Children’s Church/Junior Church (ages 3-5th grade) 5:30-7pm; Choir Practice 5-6:15pm Mission Friends (Age 3-Kindergarten) Children In Action (1st-5th Grade) 5-7pm; Youth 6:30pm; Adult Bible Study; TUESDAY & THURSDAY 9:30am; Early Learning & Pre–K Program; WEDNESDAY TeamKID (age 3- grade 5), 6-7:30pm; Youth (grades 6-12), 6-7:45pm; Prayer & Adult Bible Study 6:30pm Reidland Christian Church 5300 Kentucky Dam Rd, Paducah | 270.898.3904 | reidlandchristian.org SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Bible study 6pm; WEDNESDAY Family Meal 6pm; Bible Study for Children/Adults 7pm
Reidland Seventh Day Adventist Church 5320 Kentucky Dam Road | 270.898.3010 | paducah22.adventistchurchconnect.org SATURDAY Sabbath School 9:30am; Worship Service 11am; 1ST SATURDAYS following worship service a FREE delicious vegetarian fellowship meal is served. WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting 6:30pm Reidland United Methodist 5515 Reidland Rd, Paducah | 270.898.2114 | reidlandumc.org WEDNESDAY Faithweaver Friends preschool-6th grade 5:15-7:30pm FREE dinner & fun, interactive bible discussions for kids. Rosary Chapel Catholic Church 711 Ohio St, Paducah | 270.444.6383 | rosarychapel.org SUNDAY Mass 10:30am; DECEMBER 11 Shrimp Boil 4-6pm, $10 Rosebower Baptist Church 1120 Tyree Road, Paducah | 270.898.3385 | rosebower.org SUNDAY School 9:45am; Worship Service 10:45am & 6pm; Adult Choir practice 4:45pm; WEDNESDAY Awana & Youth Service 6:30pm; Evening Service 7pm Spring Bayou Baptist Church 11205 Woodville Rd, Kevil | 270.462.3014 | springbayoubaptist.com SUNDAY School 9:45am; Morning Worship 10:45am; Youth & Children's Programs/Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Services 7pm; DECEMBER 11-15 1st Week of Upward Sports Practices Call coaches for times Southland Baptist Temple 927 Yarbro Ln, Paducah | 270.444.9678 | southlandbaptisttemple.com SUNDAY Topper’s Gospel Show (WKYQ) 7-9am; Sunday School 9:45am; Worship Service, KidzAlive (3–5th grade) 10:45am; Evening Service 6pm; WEDNESDAY Mission Room Open 10am-3pm; Evening Meal 4:30-6pm; AWANA (2-6th grade) & The Light (7th-12thh grade) 6:30-8pm; Adult Bible Classes 6:45pm; FREE DECEMBER 1-2 7pm & DECEMBER 3 6pm The Gift St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church 1518 J H O'Bryan Ave, Grand Rivers | 270.395.4727 | stanthonygrandrivers.org WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY Mass 9am; SUNDAY 8am St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church 116 S 6th St, Paducah | 270.442.1923 | stfrancisdesalespaducah.org Mass Schedule TUESDAY–FRIDAY 12pm; SATURDAY 5pm; SUNDAY 8:30 &11am; Quilt Display & Meal; DECEMBER 3 Christmas for Everyone Advent Walk 4-6pm
St. John Catholic Church 6705 Old Hwy 45, Paducah | 270.554.3810 | stjohnspaducah.com Mass Schedule TUESDAY–SATURDAY 7:30am; SATURDAY 5am; SUNDAY 7:30am & 9:30am St. Matthew Lutheran Church 2701 Broadway St, Paducah | 270.442.8294 SUNDAY Worship 9:30am; 1st & 3rd SUNDAY Potluck & Education 5pm St. Paul Lutheran Church 211 S 21st St, Paducah | 270.442.8343 | stpaulpaducah.org SUNDAY Worship 8 & 10:45am; Bible Study & Sunday School 9:30am; The Lutheran Hour, Christian outreach radio program can be heard locally on WNGO 1320am & WKYX 570AM each Sunday at 6pm St. Peter’s of the Lake Episcopal Church Gilbertsville | 270.362.8301 | stpetersofthelakes.com SUNDAY Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer Service 10am; Children’s Sunday School 10:15-10:45am St. Pius X Catholic Church 723 E 5th Ave, Calvert City |270.395.4727 | stpiusx.us Mass Times TUESDAY 6pm; WEDNESDAY–FRIDAY 8am; SATURDAY 4:30pm; SUNDAY 10am; 1ST FRIDAYS MASS 6pm with Adoration St. Thomas More Catholic Church 5645 Blandville Rd, Paducah | 270.534.9000 |stmore.org Mass Schedule MONDAY & THURSDAY 6pm; TUESDAY & FRIDAY 7am SATURDAY 5:30pm SUNDAY 9 & 11am (1pm En Español) Nursery
available at all services; MONDAY evening Active MOMS group & Active couples group. 270.534.9000; WEDNESDAY Mother’s Day Out; THURSDAY Moms Group Playgroup Temple Israel 330 Joe Clifton Dr, Paducah | 270.442.4104 | templeisrael.us FRIDAY Lay–led Services 5:30pm; Rabbi–led Services 7pm Trace Creek Baptist Church 330 Joe Clifton Dr, Paducah | 270.442.4104 | templeisrael.us FRIDAY Lay–led Services 5:30pm; Rabbi–led Services 7pm Trinity United Methodist Church 6125 Blandville Rd, Paducah | 270.534.9516 | trinitypaducah.com SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; TUESDAY Women’s Bible Study 9-11am (TUMC) & 6-8pm (offsite); WEDNESDAY Awana (2yr old5th Grade) 5-6:45pm; Youth (6th–12 grade) 5:30-6:45pm; Choir 6-7pm Twelve Oaks Baptist Church 2110 New Holt Rd, Paducah | 270.554.4634 | 12oaksbaptist.com SUNDAY School 9:30am Worship 8,10 & 10:45am; WEDNESDAY Awana 5:30-7pm, Mid–Week Service 6pm United Church of Paducah 4600 Buckner Ln, Paducah | 270.442.3722 | uccpaducah.org SUNDAY Worship celebration 10am; Coffee & refreshments 1111:20am; Christian Education until Noon Victory Assembly Worship Center 1345 N. Friendship Rd, Paducah | 270.554.7500 | voiceofvictory.net SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm; WEDNESDAY Worship Service & Bible Study 7pm Waldo Baptist Church 6970 Waldo Church Rd, Metropolis, IL | 618.564.2180 | waldobaptist.org SUNDAY Bible Study 9am; Morning Worship Service 10am; Evening Worship Service 6am; WEDNESDAY Fellowship Meal Ministry 5:30pm; Mid–Week Service 7pm Washington Street Baptist Church 721 Washington St, Paducah | 270.442.8033 | washingtonstreetbaptist.org SUNDAY Morning Alive (Sunday School for All Ages) 9:30am; Worship Service 10:45am; DECEMBER 3 Christmas for Everyone Advent Walk 4-6pm Way of Christ Bible Fellowship Church 1301 Park Ave, Paducah | 270.575.0039 | facebook.com/pages/Way-of-Christ-Bible-Fellowship SUNDAY Morning Service 10:45am; WEDNESDAY Youth Bible Study 5:30pm Adult Bible Study 6:30pm West End Baptist Church 324 S 28th St, Paducah | 270.443.1043 | westendchurchpaducah.com SUNDAY School 9:30am; Worship Service 10:45am; Evening Worship 6pm; WEDNESDAY Fellowship Meal 5:30pm Call by Noon to reserve your spot; TUESDAY Children/Youth Bible Study & Adult Prayer Service 6:30pm
Woodlawn Cumberland Presbyterian Church 3402 Benton Road | 270.442.7713 | facebook.com/woodlawnchurch SUNDAY Corporate Prayer 9:45-10:15am Worship Service 10:30am; WEDNESDAY Worship Service 7pm; THURSDAY Corporate Prayer 8:45-10am Zion Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Fellowship) 1347 S 6th St, Paducah | 270.331.5247 or 5217 | sshauf@hotmail.com SUNDAY School 9:45am; Morning Worship Service 10:45am; WEDNESDAY Bible Study 6:30pm
SUPPORT GROUPS FREE Alzheimer's Support Group. Graves County Public Library 1ST WEDNESDAY Respite provided with one day notice for $6.60/hour. 270.564.4498. FREE Grief Support. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. Sponsored by Milner & Orr. 1ST FRIDAYS 5-9pm 270.898.8796 FREE Grief Support Lunch. Luke’s Truckstop, Arlington. 1ST TUESDAYS 11:30am. lfondaw@lourdes–pad.org 270.415.3607. FREE Healthy Grieving Group. Paducah Lourdes North Plaza. MONDAYS (except holidays). 5pm. 270.415.3636
FREE Hospice Grief Support Group. Lourdes North Plaza, 911 Joe Clifton Drive, Paducah. MONDAYS except holidays. 5-6:30pm. 270.415.3636 FREE Men’s Coffee Grief Education & Support Group. Bob Evans Restaurant, Paducah. 1ST THURSDAYS except holidays. 8am. 270.415.3632 FREE Now & Beyond Grief Support Group for Widows & Widowers. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. 2ND FRIDAYS 6-8am 270.898.8796 or 270.534.4200. FREE Overeaters Anonymous. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Rosenthal Room, Paducah. WEDNESDAYS 5:30-6:30pm Spiritual program of recovery. No weigh-ins, dues or fees.. 270.556.8873 FREE Survivors of Suicide United Church of Paducah, 4600 Buckner Ln. For anyone whose life has been touched by the unique grief of suicide. 1 ST TUESDAYS 270.442.3722
For more local events, recipes and other great features, visit
iAGE by Amy Noles
Too Old to Drive? The Aging Driver Dilemma 52
randpa clipped a car in a parking lot a few months ago – and then, this week he misjudged his stopping distance and bumped another car at a traffic light. Talking with an older loved one about his/her driving abilities is a sensitive issue. The conversation may be difficult but it’s necessary for their safety and because – well, we’re all getting older.
Millions of Senior Drivers
As a society, we are aging. The most recent U.S. Census in 2010 found that more people were 65 or older than in any previous census. The number of Americans 65 or older increased by 15.1 percent between 2000 and 2010. This trend is expected to accelerate as more baby boomers reach retirement. By 2030, about one-fifth of the U.S. population is projected to be 65 or older. By 2050, the number of Americans in the 65-and-older category is expected to total 88.5 million - more than double the 2010 count of 40.2 million. The vast majority of these aging Americans will have driver’s licenses. “We used to say 2030 was far away,” said Elizabeth Head, program coordinator for the Georgia Older Driver Safety Program. “Guess what? It’s not." Five years ago, the National Transportation Safety Board conducted a forum on aging drivers; highway and vehicle designs and how they related to the aging population. State programs that were available to provide help that included effective screening programs and a variety of other topics. Panelists offered research showing that most aging drivers didn’t pose a disproportionate crash risk. However, the fatality risk among aging drivers was higher than for younger populations.
be to eliminate or reduce nighttime driving. Others might limit left turns, long-distance trips and other riskier driving scenarios. “The ultimate goal is not to stop driving,” Head said. “The ultimate goal is mobility. We want our older adults to be as mobile as possible for as long as possible. But does mobility always need to involve a vehicle and you being behind the driver’s seat? Not necessarily. So maybe the conversation opener becomes, Mom and Dad, let’s talk about mobility. You can’t wait until it’s critical. That the most important thing. The further it is from being an issue, the easier the conversation is going to be.
A Good Place to Start
So, it’s time to speak to your parent: You should, of course, approach the conversation with respect. A one-way lecture will not work and it’s important to foster a two-way dialogue. A good way to start is to talk to your parent about what it would be like if a police officer called saying that he/she had been in an accident, and involve the parent in the conversation. Ask them if they’re ever even a little afraid about driving at night, on freeways or other scenarios? They may admit to having concerns or moments when they lack confidence behind the wheel. Didn’t get far with the first conversation – wait a week or so and bring it up again. Check in periodically with your parent about driving and road conditions. Your parent may not always listen to you, but if you make yourself available for the conversation, then it’s more likely to happen.
Smart Choices
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration offers a resource titled, How to Understand & Influence Older Drivers. The guidebook includes a three-step approach for talking with older drivers about safety: •
Collect information.
Develop a plan of action.
Follow through on the plan.
Not everyone ages in the same way, so it’s wrong to assume people need to restrict their driving simply because they’ve turned a specific age. One person might notice a decline in driving skills starting at age 65. Another person might be a safe driver past 80. NHSTA recommends gathering information by observing an older adult while driving. Pay attention to whether the driver stops at every stop sign and looks both ways for cross traffic. Do they respond properly to other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and hazards? Do they stay within the lane, avoids slowing or stopping at appropriate moments and avoids getting lost on familiar routes? By observing the driver and planning ahead, you already may have a good idea about specific areas to address or alternative transportation methods that may be necessary.
Time to Talk about Safe Driving
As time goes on, more and more adults will need to talk with their parents about safe driving. The solution for some older drivers might
It’s Not Going to Happen to me!
Not everyone ages the same way, so it's wrong to assume people need to restrict their driving simply because they've turned a specific age.
“We work our whole lives and plan for retirement. Why don’t we also plan for our mobility? When you have a conversation with your loved one about mobility, ask them if they thought about it? Their response may very well be, That’s never going to happen to me. Which is actually our biggest challenge; we have to address the concept it will never happen to me. But it does. Because we’re all aging - by the second, actually!” “The goal of the conversation should be changing that culture into one of, Let me make a plan for that. If you make some contingency plans for mobility, then you can be a lot calmer about things that do happen along the way.
Their Safety & the Safety of Others
“The good news here is that as we age, we tend to self-limit,” said Head. “So, something that a caregiver might listen for is their loved one talking about how, I can’t go to Suzie’s recital if it’s after 8pm because it’s dark then, and I’m not driving at night anymore. That’s a very healthy sign. If they are self-restricting, that’s a nice window to have a conversation.”
Driving represents independence from the time we are teens, and many older drivers are reluctant to give up some of that independence. Be honest, be fair, and be willing to listen to the older driver about strategies that they think might work. It’s not good avoiding the issue of reduced independence. Not talking about it could threaten the safety of the older driver, as well as others who share the road – and those who ride in the car with them. Communicating and working together on an action plan will allow an older driver to maintain his or her independence and stay safe while doing so.
iSUPPORT by Amy Noles
$90 for 90 Years The Family Service Agency of Paducah Turns 90 “As I sit here and type this response, someone is in the other room, signing up for a Christmas basket, is sobbing their eyes out.” This is the email I received from Family Service Society Development Director Amy Taylor Nolan while gathering information for this article.
amily Service Society (FSS) of Paducah, the second oldest assistance agency in the region, is celebrating their 90th anniversary. They have a special focus - to find the descendants of the original founding members. FSS is holding a celebration on Tuesday, December 5th at Family Service Society’s offices, 827 Joe Clifton Drive in Paducah. The public are invited to join this free celebration from which will take place from 5-7pm.
Connecting with the founders
“We’re calling the event $90 for 90 Years,” said Nolan. “This is because of information I found while on a search for related newspaper articles in the archive at McCracken County Public Library.” Nolan was surprised and delighted when she discovered the frontpage story, published November 30, 1927. It listed the names of the organization’s 24, original board members as well as others that were present for the signing of articles of incorporation in November of 1927. Nolan believes many descendants of those listed may still live in the area. “We’d like to connect with those people and honor them as part of our celebration,” she said.
Do you know one of our founding members?
The founding member are Richard Rudy (President), Mose Simon (Vice President), H. R. Dallam, Charles. G. Vahlkamp, George H. Goodman, Harry L. Meyer, W. C. Shields, Mrs. Irene (Leo F.) Keiler, Mrs. Geo. A. Hannin, Mrs. Sydney H. Loeb, Elizabeth Sinnott, Dr. U. R. Bell, Mrs. Johnnie Woodworth, Gladstone Burns, Mrs. Luther F. Carson, Rabbi Morris Graff, Mrs. Ed. D. Hannan,
Elliott C. Mitchell, Mrs. Jack W. Nelson, Rev. F. H. Olert, Stanley D. Petter, Mrs. Jas. P. Smith, Frank Kirchhoff, Mrs. M. Simon, E.H. Bringhurst, Miss Adah Smith, T.W. Lewis, Alisce Compton, Sam Hubbard, John Donovan and Mrs. Olive Anderson. Nolan asks that anyone who recognizes a family ancestor on the list contact the agency at 270.443.4838.
$90 for 90
The $90 for 90 campaign is to make everyone aware of the organizations longevity. It will also give individuals, families or businesses, the opportunity to donate $90 to commemorate their 90 years of service. “A $90 donation can feed a family of four, three meals a day for a week,” Nolan told me.” “Anyone can donate by going to our website and use their credit or debit card. There is also a PayPal link on there as well.” If $90 is a little more than you can manage right now, FSS encourages everyone to make a donation that fits their budget. “A monthly donation of any size would really help our current needs,” added Nolan.
McCracken County has a $5 million deficit in meeting all of the food insecurities of the county each year.
The need is critical
Family Service Society is a nonprofit organization that serves as a crisis resource to families of Paducah-McCracken County. The need is our area is at a critical point, exacerbated by the impending holidays. “Unfortunately, most people have no idea what is going on with those in financial need in our community,” said Nolan. “Here is a statistic that blew my mind... McCracken County has a $5 million deficit in meeting
all of the food insecurities of the county each year. I think about that every time I whine about the cost of the food I choose to buy.” “Think about what we spend on lunch for one day out with our friends,” said Nolan. “That small amount would allow FSS to supply diapers for a struggling single mother with a disabled child - that WIC will cut off this week when he turns five-years-old. Or, we could supply 10-12 meals for someone that only makes $758 a month and only gets $15 in food stamps. I invite everyone to volunteer with us so they can see the need and how they can help.”
How we can help
The best way to have a positive impact is by supporting FSS financially. They accept monetary donations through cash, check, credit and debit card. You can also make a donation in honor or in memory of someone you love. Time is a precious commodity these days and the FSS understands that. They appreciate all their volunteers at the center who help with their clothing closet, collecting, sorting and distributing canned food, and other daily activities. They are seeking extra volunteers during the holiday season.
FSS Seasonal Help
FSS provides Christmas Assistance Baskets to approximately 300 seniors and disabled adults - an often overlooked
population, but a growing one with the many aging baby boomers in our community. These baskets must be filled, wrapped, and distributed. This is definitely an event where the public can participate and volunteer.
Clothing Closet, Food & Personal Pantry
Physical donations of clothing, food and personal toiletry items are always accepted. FSS has a clothing closet that is open two days a week on Tuesday and Thursday. All the clothing is free to its clients. Donors may drop off the clothing at the center and receive a tax receipt for their donation. They also would welcome any non-perishable items for their food pantry. FSS also offers personal items to its clients. You can donate personal products such as shampoo, conditioner, men’s and women’s razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, lotion, and deodorant. These items are always needed in the FSS personal pantry for clients to receive.
History of FSS
In 1927, a group of men and women from Paducah came together to form a service agency that would help the working poor in our area. They saw a need that was not being filled by the government and stepped in to fill it. They were a mix of prominent business men, housewives, and physicians that felt this need was essential. 90 years later, Family Service Society is still essential to this community of Paducah-McCracken county and they are so grateful that those men and women came together to form this agency. They work hard to meet the needs of those in crisis needs situations in our community. In 2003, Family Service Society moved from its location on 3rd Street to 827 Joe Clifton Drive. The City of Paducah had generously allowed Family Service Society to remain rent free in this space but the building issues from the original location cost too much to repair and the building was eventually torn down by the city. The Executive Director at the time, Karen Mayer, sought out a new home for FSS and that home was 827 Joe Clifton Drive. Again the City of Paducah helped out with a City Grant and the building was granted to FSS for $1 a year for five years. Find out more at the website familyservicesociety.com.
iSING by Amy Noles
y mid-December many of us are already a little burned out by the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We need something to reinvigorate our Christmas spirit and get us truly ready for the most wonderful time of the year. For many years the Choral Department’s at Paducah Tilghman High School (PTHS) have put on a wonderful Christmas concert. This long standing tradition has been continued by successive music directors and is always a huge hit with the audience. The Concert features the many award-winning choral groups from the school and is a show case for the many talented students.
An Annual Celebration
This year the Choral Department’s annual Christmas concert will be held on Friday, December 15th at 7pm. The free concert will be held in Immanuel Baptist Church, on Buckner Lane in Paducah. It’s the department’s Christmas gift to Paducah residents for the support and encouragement that they receive throughout the year.
This concert will be filled with Christmas songs and music and is sure to get you in the season’s spirit. Matt Hinz, who is in his 6th year as the Director of Choral Activities at PTHS, directs the concert. There will be feature performances by the PTHS Concert Choir, Choralaires, Prime Rib, Concordia, and Another Shade of Blue. Hinz told me that the concert will showcase the talent of over 90 students. “It’s not only the audience that gets to feel the Christmas spirit,” said Hinz. “After a long semester of hard work, the choral department is able to turn its eyes and hearts to the reason for the season and get ready to enjoy this most wonderful time of the year. This concert is not just a blessing for the audience and the families that attend, but for the students and faculty who get to share this with them.”
A showcase of music & musical styles
Paducah Tilghman high school choirs have always been some of the best in the region. Prime Rib (men) and Concordia (women) a capella groups have been a part of the choral department’s tradition for over 20 years. They have featured some of the most talented vocal students from the Choral programs. Another Shade of Blue is a relatively new group at the high school. It is a combination of students from Prime Rib and Concordia. The name pays homage to a musical production that was very popular in the music department during the 70s & 80s. “One of the things that makes Christmas Concert so unique and special is that I program it with the intention that there is always a wide variety of music and styles,” Hinz told me. “This year will be no exception. There is something for everybody who comes to the concert, I guess that’s why so many people keep coming back to hear us sing year after year.”
The Spirit of Christmas
Every year they end the concert with two songs that leave everybody in the Christmas spirit. O Holy Night where some of their outstanding seniors are featured and Peace, Peace which has been a tradition of the Christmas program. During this song, all PTHS Choir Alumni are invited to join the current members as they circle the audience. Then they ask the audience to join in singing Silent Night. The beautiful voices, surrounded by the beautifully decorated church, combine to make this a truly special event. “We are proud of all the excellent traditions in our music department that have been put in place by those who came before me and we always hope to make alumni proud of being a graduate of Paducah Tilghman High School,” said Hinz. For more information about the concert and the choral programs at Paducah Tilghman HS, please contact Musical Director Matt Hinz at 270.444.5650.
by Robin Passante
5 Tips to Tame the Gimmes this Holiday Season
e watch a lot of PBS Kids and Sprout in my house, and when I say “a lot” I mean “those are basically the only networks the kids are allowed to watch.” This is a decision we’ve made based largely on the fact that PBS Kids and Sprout programming are mostly commercial-free. Except, that is, for last December, when suddenly commercials for Pillow Pets started popping up before “Bob the Builder.” And then my children, ages 1 and 3 at the time, saw them in every store we entered, recognized them from TV, and had to have them. Please Mommy, please Mommy PLEASE, WE WANT PILLOW PETS! Have you been there? This is the worst time of year for The Gimmes, largely because there are heaping piles of extra stimuli working against us. Toy catalogs arrive daily. Sunday newspapers are stuffed with flyers advertising everything under the sun. We shop more, indulge more, generally talk more about giving and getting gifts, and we use presents as leverage. “If you’re good, maybe Santa will bring X, Y or Z.” But the month of peace and goodwill doesn’t also have to be the month of pleading and gimmes. Here are a few tips I’ve gleaned from the experts, and from other parents who’ve been down this road before (also known as the real experts.)
Establish family traditions around gift giving, not receiving.
Make sure the traditions involve something kids can help with and get excited about year after year, whether it’s baking plates of cookies to deliver to the neighbors, or
Reduce greed by reducing gifts.
Severely limit yourself (and overly generous relatives) to just a few special presents. Keep expectations low, or at least realistic, to help them learn the difference between the happiness of receiving a gift they love, and the simple thrill of “getting.” Most “gimme” tantrums and episodes are over the getting, not the actual gift.
Limit the gimme inducers.
Pare down TV time, so kids are less exposed to commercials filled with toys they think they must have but will forget about by February. And whenever possible, don’t bring them shopping with you. The more they see, the more they want.
Model gratitude. swinging by the local no-kill animal shelter with food for the puppies and kitties. The key here is to keep the focus on the pleasure of giving rather than receiving.
Stick to the “One In, One Out” rule.
When a new toy comes in the house, an old one has to go. Make this rule clear, and remind your child of it as her letter to Santa begins to resemble the entire American Girl catalog in list form. “Have you thought about which of your things you’d like to give to a needy child?” will either get her spinning her generosity wheels or backpedaling on some of her Kris Kringle requests.
Teach your child the proper way to accept a gift. When you get a fruitcake from the neighbor, don’t toss it aside as soon as the door closes behind her; slice it up and serve it for breakfast. Make a big deal that every kind gesture and every small gift means a lot; doing so will help them understand that a presents price is not the same as its value. And, write a thank you note if you can, which they can sign too.
Robyn Passante is a freelance journalist and mother of two who’s shocked that her boys still love the Pillow Pets they received last year for Christmas.
by Kimberly Blaker
Fun Phone Apps for Kids That Stimulate Thinking & Creativity
ith a massive sea of kids phone apps, where does a parent begin to choose ones that’ll maximize their kids’ media time? Try this selection of kid-tested and parent-approved apps to help boost kids’ critical thinking skills and creativity.
with an image facing out for the other players to see. The player’s teammate then acts out the image on the phone while the teammate holding it up tries to guess the picture that’s on their head.
Piano Kids – Music & Songs
Free for all platforms Ages 1 – 4 Toddlers and preschoolers can build tall towers with colorful blocks while learning their colors and numbers. When they’re done building, children thrill at crashing the tower. The good news is your child can never lose in this game. The app features fun sound effects and animations.
Free for Android Ages 3+ This top-rated app teaches kids and parents how to play musical instruments including the piano, xylophone, and drums. It exercises children’s memory, concentration, creativity, listening skills, and motor skills.
Flow Free
Kids Build & Crash Blocks Game
Free for all platforms Ages 8+ This color-based game offers various levels of play to sustain the interest of grade-school kids right on through to adults. It improves complex thinking skills as players try to connect the dots to create pipes without crossing over another color.
Super Family Hero Free for all platforms Ages 4+ Kids and parents can enjoy this family game with individual levels of difficulty that make the game both challenging and fair to all players. Create custom Avatars, then use Interactive Stories to play minigames, and attempt to defeat Dr. Excuses. Heads Up! Free for Android $1 Apple Ages 6+ Based on the Heads Up! game created by Ellen DeGeneres, this family game is a blast for all ages. A player holds the phone on their head iListWesternKentucky.com
Lego City My City 2
Free for Android Ages 7–14 With 15 mini-games in all, players go on thrilling car chases to catch thieves, blast off into space, and go underwater for exploration. As they move through the game, players earn blocks and components to build vehicles to complete their missions.
Magic Tiles 3 Free for all platforms Ages 7+ This massively popular piano game requires players to tap the black tiles while avoiding the white tiles to generate beautiful, high-quality music. It features additional instruments such as guitar as well as a battle mode where kids can compete with other players around the world.
Doodle Magic Joy
ColorMinis Kids Free for all platforms Ages 3+ With this color and design app, kids experiment with a variety of colors and materials including Real 3D gloss, clay, glass, metal, and more. They can color and design anime figures, animals, robots, castles and much more. When their design is complete, they’ll create animated gifs of their creations.
Free for Android Ages 3+ This drawing app with colors ranging from soft pastels to bright neons offers a variety of art tools including pen, calligraphy, airbrush, crayon, pastel, sponge, eraser, and more. When doodles are complete, they can be saved and even played back as a cartoon. This is an excellent app for kids to adults.
Unblock Me Free Free for all platforms Ages 7+ This mental workout boasts 16,000 puzzles in all. The object of the game is to unblock the red block in as few moves as possible. Kids and adults can compete with friends and players around the world. 3/2 Chess Free for Android Ages 5+ Played much like standard chess for two players, this game is designed for up to three players. Chess is a strategy game that boosts creativity and critical thinking skills. Hoopa City 2
$3.99 for all platforms Ages 5–10 Kids can build the city of their dreams in this 3D game app with skyscraper apartments, shopping malls, and beach resorts. Then they can play inside the city they’ve built, dress up their citizens, and even switch to night mode to watch their city light up.
PBS Kids Video
Free all platforms Ages 2+ Wherever you go, kids can watch their favorite PBS Kids shows. It’s a great form of educational entertainment for young children in the car, while waiting for appointments, and on shopping trips. In addition to thousands of videos of their favorite shows, they’re also introduced to the Weekly Pick of educational videos.
Drawing for Kids! Learning Games for Toddlers
Free for Android Ages 2–5 This app is an easy way for even the youngest toddlers to learn how to draw. It includes fun sounds and animations as each drawing comes to life.
Kimberly Blaker is a parenting and lifestyle freelance writer. She also writes a blog, The Young Gma’s Guide to Parenting at www.theyounggma.com
iDOCTOR by Ryan T. Beck, M.D. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Specialist The Orthopaedic Institute of Western Kentucky
Youth Sports Injuries It is no surprise that sports injuries are the second leading cause of emergency room visits for children and adolescents. Approximately three million youth are taken to hospital emergency rooms for sports-related injuries and another five million youth are seen by their primary care physician for injuries. These numbers do not include the injuries not seen by a doctor.
Why Are There So Many Youth Sports Injuries? Kids Are Competing... and Experiencing Injuries at a Younger Age
Youth athletes commonly begin their competitive sports careers as early as age seven, some participate in organized sports as early as age four. And, the chance for injury comes day one.
Physical activity is a healthy part of growing up. But, when the activity level becomes too intense or too excessive in a short time period, tissue breakdown and injury can occur. While overuse injuries were once seen in mostly in adult recreational athletes, they are now being seen more and more in children. The single biggest factor contributing to the dramatic increase in overuse injuries in youth athletes is the trend of focusing on more intense, repetitive and specialized training at much younger ages.
Sports Injury Treatment... R.I.C.E. If your child does get injured while playing sports, the best injury treatment is a sports medicine treatment plan referred to as R.I.C.E.
Do not use the injured area until seen for further evaluation by a physician
If walking with a limp, have the athlete use crutches
Overuse injuries such as stress fractures, tendinitis, bursitis, inflammation and osteochondral injuries of the joint surface were once rarely seen in children. However, these risk factors are causing young athletes to develop overuse injuries:
Apply ice to the injured area to help decrease pain and swelling
Use ice 15 - 20 minutes at a time
Crushed/cubed ice or frozen peas/corn works best, avoid using chemical cold packs
Always ice for the first 48 - 72 hours after injury
Never sleep with ice on the injured area!
Elastic wrap/compression sock should be used to reduce swelling
Apply wrap beginning below the injured area and wrapping upward
Sport specialization at a young age
Imbalance of strength or joint range of motion
Anatomic malalignment
Always leave toes/fingers exposed
Improper footwear
Pre-existing condition
Watch for numbness, discoloration or temperature changes (loosen wrap if needed)
Growth cartilage less resistant to repetitive micro-trauma
Do not sleep with wrap on the injured area
Intense, repetitive training during periods of growth
What Should Parents Do If Their Child Is Injurred?
Immediate recognition and treatment of injuries is critical to return young athletes to their sport safely. Any injury that causes obvious swelling, deformity, and/or loss of normal movement or strength should be seen by a physician immediately. Other injuries that appear to be minor should resolve themselves within a few days. However, if your child is not back to full participation without pain after a few days, they should be evaluated by a physician. Minor injuries that go untreated often turn into chronic problems that require a much longer time away from the sport for the injury to heal properly. Chronic problems should be evaluated and treated by a sports medicine specialist. Physical therapy and training are often prescribed for this type of condition.
The Physician Must Know That Your Child Is Competing
Competitive youth athletes should be assessed and treated differently than children who only participate in normal physical activity. Parents should always be transparent with medical professionals when being asked for information about how much physical activity their child is participating in.
Use gravity to control swelling
Prop injured area higher than the heart
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