Purchase Area Family Magazine September 2015

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by: Rick Epstein, Place of Employment

Purchase Area Family Reach + Readers = Results Editor/Publisher: Karen Hammond Office 270.415.9400

Karen@purchasefamilymag.com ilistwesternkentucky.com Contributing Writers: Britt Allgood, Dr. LaNita Flanary, Karen Hammond, Dr. Evelyn Jones, Amy Noles, Harvest Prude and Ellen Walsh Calendar of Events: Tell our 80,000⃰+ readers about your event, class, group, church or service! Send an email to Calendar@purchasefamilymag.com or call the office at 270.415.9400. Art Director: Angie Wyatt Design Graphic Design: Ingram Design, Walter Pfeifer-Thompson Advertising: Want to advertise your business in the magazine? Have a question regarding ad rates, billing or your account? Contact our advertising department at 270.415.9400 or by email karen@purchasefamilymag.com Advertising Account Executives: Brooke Bomar, William Decker, Gina Dunkerson, Victoria Dycus, Cassie Johnson and Jasmine Rhea Subscription and Distribution: Want to subscribe or receive a copy of the magazine by mail? Need a back issue? Want to add a location to our distribution? Please call our office at 270.415.9400 or email karen@purchasefamilymag.com Mission Statement: Purchase Area Family is committed to providing free, accurate and timely information to readers in western Kentucky, southern Illinois and all its communities. Our goal is to educate, inform, and enhance family life. We endeavor to support our communities by providing balanced and informative articles, together with the area’s most comprehensive and inclusive calendar of events.

⃰ Based on an industry average of 4 impressions per copy.

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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S F E AT U R E S Gunner’s Magic Train: Pediatric Cancer Foundation by: Karen Hammond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 A Small Miracle of a Southern Island: Quilts of Caohagan by: Harvest Prude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A Parent’s Guide to Minecraft by: Amy Noles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Downtown Paducah Guide to Arts and Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

D E PA R T M E N T S iPET Spay and Neuter: A Responsible Choice by: Dr. LaNita Flanary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

iCOOK Slow Cook: Good, Clean and Fair by: Britt Allgood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

iAGE Hands that Heal Submitted by Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

Purchase Area Family • P.O. Box 8061, Paducah, KY 42002 Purchase Area Family® is published monthly by All Good Media, L.L.C., Advertising design by Angie Wyatt Design and Ingram Design and layout design by Angie Wyatt Design. Purchase Family Magazine®, Angie Wyatt and Ingram Design are not responsible for any injury or harm resulting from the information or advice contained in this magazine. The articles in this issue of Purchase Family Magazine® may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Purchase Family Magazine®, Angie Wyatt Design and Ingram Design. All subscription, editorial, and advertising inquiries should be directed to publisher@purchasefamilymag.com 270.415.9400

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iCALENDAR Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

iSUPPORT The Dinner Table Project by: Ellen Walsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Fall Fun on the River: The 2015 Dragon Boat Races by: Amy Noles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70

iREAD Paducah Parks Service ‘Spooktacular’ Halloween Short Story Contest. . . . . . . . 68

iDOCTOR Men’s Skin Care Needs by: Dr. Evelyn Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

i P R E PA R E Are You Disaster Prepared? by: Amy Noles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

ENDING NOTES Clip and Save Locally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Advertiser’s Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Snapshots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 front cover portrait by:

270.442.0199 • studio@bradrankin.com cover models:

Garlynn Gillespie Bryce Powell Hadley Pagel ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 7


ur cover story this month features Gunner’s Magic Train Foundation. Gunner Gillespie, also known as “G-Man,” was born prematurely at 26 weeks gestation. He weighed just one pound, 14 ounces and began his life fighting. He always loved trains, and had a large collection of trains and train memorabilia. The cover features Gunner’s sister Garlynn Gillespie and his two best friends, Bryce Powell and Hadley Pagel. They are “hanging out” on one of Gunner’s favorite train which is located in front of the Paducah flood wall. On November 30, 2007, when Gunner Henry Gillespie was only 7 years old, he was diagnosed with a DIPG (Diffused Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) Brain Tumor. It was located on his brain stem and the doctors told his parents it was inoperable. On October 23, 2008, after fighting this tumor for eleven months, Gunner lost his fight with Pediatric Cancer and will forever be 8 years old.

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Gunner’s father and mother both teach at Marshall County HS: Gus, teaches Geography and is the head basketball coach, Janna, teaches in the business department. It's been eight years since Gunner passed away; his family havve almost lived as long without him as we did with him. “I teach many freshman high school students,” Janna told me. “Gunner would have been a freshman at Marshall County HS this year and should be with his classmates. I can't help but think about the sports he would be playing, how tall he would be and what subjects would have been his favorite. I look at my current students and wonder if they truly know how lucky they are. This year I wanted to focus on Gunner's classmates, friends and his sister. My hope is that these kids realize the amazing opportunities that lie ahead of them. So many children with cancer never get the chance to participate in high school. My hope is that they will become proactive in the ‘This article is paid advertising and the information contained therein is provided by the featured individual or business. They are solely responsible for its accuracy.’

fight against children's cancer. It is after all their children that we will be trying to make a difference for.

A New Chapter for the Foundation My husband and I would like Gunner’s foundation to begin a new chapter in our fight against cancer and to make a difference in the lives of Gunner’s classmates. We plan to raise money for a scholarship so that when Gunner’s classmates are seniors, we can recognize those that have made a difference during their four years of high school. We want his classmates to strive to be the best they can and to live happy, healthy lifestyles. We would really like for them to get involved and make a difference in the lives of those around them. Gunner’s Magic Train has been fortunate because the local high school students have been very involved in helping the foundation make a difference in the lives of the community’s children. We have been able to support those who have faced cancer and raised funds to donate for research. The Student Council hosts Mr. MCHS and, for several years, has donated the proceeds to Gunner’s Magic Train. Last year the cheerleaders hosted a Donut Run which was very successful. We are so very thankful for the students of MCHS and their desire to remember Gunner and his dreams for the foundation.”

How You Can help Please join the Gillespie family in their fight to provide information and support for families affected by brain tumors and other childhood cancers. Through the foundations web site and local events you can help promote awareness, and most importantly, raise money to fund research and maybe a cure! They are always in need of volunteers to help plan and run the events.

‘Behold the Gold’ You can purchase a Gunner Magic Train yellow t-shirt and

a “behold the Gold” t-shirt which are sold through the foundation. Help to spread the word by placing a message about Children’s Cancer Awareness Month on your business sign during September. Just as we turn the town pink for breast cancer awareness we need to boldly display our gold for the kids with cancer! Perhaps your businesses could donate a percentage of sales on one specific day to Gunner’s Magic Train Foundation? Janna is always looking for creative ideas to make a difference and help publicize the foundation and pediatric cancer.

‘Bounce Outs’ and ‘Kick Outs’ During soccer, football and basketball seasons, Janna asks colleges, high school and middle schools to host a ‘Bounce Out or Kick Out Children's Cancer’ event. You could also start a chapter of Gunner’s Magic Train in your area. The foundation is always in need of new ideas and new hands to help!

Upcoming Events The Gillespie family wants their events to contribute to the community and each year, to honor Gunner's birthday, they contribute to a local event or charitable organization. This year would have been Gunner‘s 16th birthday and they are supporting Marcella’s Kitchen, a community kitchen that feeds those in need in Marshall County. ”We hope you will join us in a simple act of remembrance by releasing a blue balloon (his favorite color) on his birthday of September 4th,” Janna said.

Save These Dates! January 22 – 23, 2016 Gunner's Magic Train Basketball Classic Marshall County High School

May 2016 (runs the month of May) Brain Tumor Awareness Month ‘Penny and a Prayer’ Campaign along with a fundraiser walk! You can help by not only attending these events but raising awareness about Pediatric Brain Tumors and other types of children’s cancer in your community. “We are always in need of volunteers to help host, plan, set up or clean up fundraising events,” Janna old me. Visit Gunner’s website at caringbridge.org/visit/gunnergillespie or gunnersmagictrain.org. v

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10 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

Our growing family, caring for yours

Mercy Medical Associates is pleased to welcome Holly Payne, MD to Mercy Pediatrics. Dr. Payne joins partners Rachel Lowdenback, DO and April Dunning, PA-C on our growing Mercy Pediatrics team. Affiliated with Lourdes Hospital, Mercy Medical Associates is ready to serve you and your family. We’re right in your neighborhood, with nearly 30 locations throughout Western Kentucky.

The care you need. The warm, personal treatment you deserve. This is what we were meant to do. Now accepting new patients. Call 270-442-6161 to make an appointment with a Mercy Pediatrics provider. Learn more at mercy.com.

ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 11 3770PADADV (7/15)

A Catholic healthcare ministry serving Kentucky and Ohio

by Harvest Prude


or several weeks this August, two quilters worked on their latest creations right in the middle of the National Quilt Museum in Paducah. This duo travelled half way around the world to share a unique gift with the people of western Kentucky – their beautiful, whimsical quilts. They represented the residents of Caohagan, a tiny island in the Philippines, who have built one-third of their economy on making quilts. The exhibition of these lovely works of art can be seen at the National Quilt Museum through October 13, 2015.

Caohagan The island of Caohagan is a small island in a coral reef

lagoon. It is located in the central Philippines. Caohagan is 13 acres of exotic paradise with pristine beaches, crystalclear waters, palm trees, and around 600 permanent residents. Japanese businessman Katsuhiko “Saki” Sakiyama visited Caohagan on what was meant to be a short scuba-diving trip. That was 25 years ago. Captivated by the peaceful way of life he found there, he decided to change his entire lifestyle and move to the island. Caohagan gave him the gift of tranquility and inner peace. He and his wife, Junko, were able to give a gift in return; they brought the art of quilting to the island. Photos Courtesy of Dana E. Jones

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Saki & Junko Saki and his wife Junko Yoshikawa, came to Paducah with two quilters, Matea Manilag, and Jacqueline Babatu’an. They were joined by author and quilter Dana Jones who has written a book about the quilters of Caohagan. She is now their publicist and mentor. Saki had a high pressure, fast-paced job in the publishing industry. It had led him to an appreciation for the simpler things in life. His favorite hobbies, which included swimming, sailing and scuba diving, gave him an excuse to travel frequently. Anything that helps him connect with nature is something he loves. Caohagan was meant to be a short trip for scuba-diving but it became something more. “I fell in love with it,” Saki told me. “So I decided to move there.” Saki was captivated by the fact that his love for nature was shared by the Caohagan people; “The island is very small…they rarely go outside of it,” he explained. “So they’re living always on the island. They watch every day, the things there: palm trees, the birds, the fish, the dogs. They know the island, they love it.” He related to the simplicity of this existence.

Photos Courtesy of Dana E. Jones

Junko’s Gift Junko Yoshikawa was an important executive at a leading art and craft school in Japan. She also visited Caohagan and fell in love with the island - and with Saki. Junko brought something very important with her - quilting. Surprisingly, Junko was not a quilter herself, but rather a teacher and artist. She taught the natives how to sew and showed them a quilt. The islanders picked up the skill and process of quilting by trial and error. They learned to quilt in a very organic way.

Quilts – Expressions of Happiness The islanders inner sense of happiness, joy, and their closeness with nature is evident in their quilts. Each quilt bursts with life, vivid colors and scenes from the quilters’ everyday lives. They speak deeply of their culture. Quilts show picturesque huts, brightly colored birds, fish, dogs, and exuberant palm trees. Into each piece of cloth, these quilters have lovingly stitched their stories and their way of life. “These are some of the poorest people in the world,” Saki told me. “But they are very happy. They told us, they are given many, many gifts from nature - fish, shells, sunlight, water, and wind. They share them and they are very thankful for that. I think that is the reason for their happiness.” ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 13

It takes around three to four months to make each quilt. Each quilt is washed in the sea and line-dried. The salt water helps to wash off any dirt or sand and to keep the colors from bleeding. It also saves a precious resource on the island - water. Before they are sold they are washed in rain water. Rather than working with a detailed design and stretching the quilt across a frame, the islanders often work with the quilt on their lap, or thrown over a bamboo pole. Instead of using a pattern, they simply allow their imagination to flow – cutting out the fish, cats, dogs and huts and laying them out on the background fabric. This unique local art collective continues because Caohagan quilters pass their skills around to those in the community who want to learn. Some of the most accomplished and well known quilters on the island are men. Now, quilting has become integral to the economy and the culture that is on Caohagan.

Treasured Heirloom Pieces The imaginations of the islanders not only created beautiful quilts, but captivated others in the process, leading to a booming quilting business. The lighthearted and spontaneous quality of the quilts fascinated consumers in Japan. There, quilts from Caohagan are considered treasured heirloom pieces. Over 120 of Caohagan’s 600 permanent residents are quilters. They create beautiful art that is sold to quilt lovers around the world. The proceeds fund health care, education, housing, and other necessities for this community. In fact, the income from quilt sales make-up one-third of the entire revenue of the island. Before quilting the island functioned through a barter system. Quilting didn’t replace any previous systems of generating income, but instead augmented the fish trade that was already there. The quilts provide a currency based income for the residents of Coahagan.

Caohagan Comes to Paducah The Caohagan quilts are whimsical and fun - and now they have come to America! You can find them right here in Paducah at the National Quilt Museum through October 13, 2015. The exhibit is perfect for old and young alike so don’t miss out on this wonderful cultural experience! For more information on the Quilters of Caohagan please visit quiltmuseum.org. v 14 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

by: Amy Noles

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by: Dr. LaNita Flanary – Flanary Veterinary Clinic

Spay and Neuter The Responsible Choice


s a responsible pet owner, one of the most fundamental things you should do for your pet is to have him or her spayed or neutered. This will allow your pet to live a healthier, longer life in many ways. It will also decrease the amount of animals euthanized each year due to lack of homes.

Myths about Breeding Many people decide they want their pet to have puppies or kittens for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, far too often, it is for the wrong reasons. Some people believe that because their pets are purebred, they should reproduce. Did you know that one in four animals in shelters today are purebred? Just because an animal is purebred, does not mean it needs to be bred. Others believe that they can make money by selling puppies and kittens. Once you figure the cost of veterinary care, feeding the puppies or kittens, and the cost of any complications, you may actually end up losing money. Even wellknown breeders are fortunate if they break even when raising purebred litters; stud fees, vaccinations and other health care costs consume most of the “profit.” Finding good homes for the kittens and puppies

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can be difficult and shelters are already crowded with unwanted pets. I strongly advise leaving the breeding to professional cat and dog breeders. Another myth is that when an animal reproduces, it calms down and its personality improves. No studies have ever shown this to be true. In fact the reverse may be true: After being altered, your pet may be less aggressive toward other animals.

Good for Your Pet’s Health You also need to consider the health impact of your pet being intact. Male dogs have a much higher incidence of prostate disease,

prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and perianal adenocarcinoma. All of these can be eliminated, or greatly reduced, by neutering. Males neutered early in life are less aggressive toward other males and are not distracted by females in heat. A neutered male will be less tempted to leave your property and cross that dangerous street searching for a mate. Male cats that are not neutered will spray urine to mark their territory. Tom cat urine has such a strong odor that it is virtually impossible to eliminate the smell. Spraying is the most common reason for male cats to be euthanized in the U.S. Additionally, intact male cats are much more likely to become infected with feline leukemia and feline aids, both of which are fatal. Female cats and dogs are at a much higher risk of breast cancer if not spayed and one in four females will develop breast cancer. The good news is that if they are spayed before sexual maturity, the chance is less than five percent. Spaying also eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer. Additionally, because neutered cats are less likely to roam, the threat of abscesses caused by bites and disease transmitted by fighting are greatly reduced.

Safe, Low-Risk Procedures Many people are concerned about the safety of the procedures. Thousands of companion animals are spayed and neutered every day. Both operations are low-risk procedures, usually without complications. Consult with your vet about the particular procedure that will be performed on your pet. Remember that spays and neuters are the most common surgical procedures veterinarians perform. Placing a pet under anesthesia is a very common concern of owners. Although there is always a slight risk involved, the procedures currently used by veterinarians are very safe. The medical benefits of having your pet spayed or neutered far outweigh the slight risk involved with undergoing anesthesia. Consult a vet if you are concerned about this aspect of the procedure. Anesthesia has become much safer with the new anesthetics such as sevoflurane and isoflurane which are used by hospitals for infants. When you weigh the risk of anesthesia verses the health impact of not spaying or neutering your pet, the responsible choice is obvious. Spaying or neutering your feline or canine companion helps contribute to better health and a longer life for the pet - and v peace of mind for you and your family. ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 17


by: Britt Allgood

Slow Food Good, Clean and Fair


ately, I keep seeing the phrases “Slow Food” and “Good, Clean, and Fair” in social media. Is it a method of cooking like sous vide or a squirrel that wasn’t fast enough? Or is it the opposite of fast food, in effect a home cooked meal? Well it’s both and neither.

It’s a “New” Movement Being the curious sort, I fired up the computer and did a bit of research. What I found was a whole lot of stuff and some interesting facts about Slow Food. The first thing that caught my eye was that the Slow Food Movement began in Italy. Back in 1986, someone wanted too open a McDonald’s right next to the iconic Spanish Steps! A man called Carlo Petrini was incensed and started a protest. The International Slow Food Movement picked up steam and was formalized in 1989 when 15 countries signed the

founding Manifesto. That means that Slow Food isn’t a new concept – it started almost 30 years ago!

Good, Clean & Fair There are three driving principles behind Slow Food; Good, Clean and Fair. Good: quality, flavorful and healthy food using regionally available produce and meats. Clean: referring to food that is organic or raised in a method that reduces the impact on the plants, animals and Environment. Fair: refers to food being a universal right for everyone, regardless of income or status. It also means that producers are treated with respect and justly compensated for their labors. Being a country boy, I have been living the Slow Food movement my entire life. We raised our own beef and pork, grew our own vegetables, picked wild berries, and hunted and fished for our food. I didn’t realize I was a trend setter!

Slow Food is a Lifestyle Slow Food takes a commitment of time and energy as well as planning. One has to be selective on where you shop, how the food was produced and even how it is packaged. I used to steer clear of the bulk food area in stores, but no longer. I’m not taking in my own reusable contains yet, but I’m considering it. Slow Food is meant to be an alternative to fast food by striving to preserve traditional and regional cuisines and encouraging farming and processing of local sources of food; plants and animals.

Taking the First Steps There are some simple ways you can become active in the Slow Food movement. You don’t realize it but you are taking the first step by reading this article and becoming informed of the issue and understanding what Slow Food means. If you want to be a part of a formal group, check the internet for listings of the local Slow Food chapters also known as a “convivium.” Slow Food Bluegrass is the local chapter of Slow Food USA and is based in Louisville, Kentucky. There is 18 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

a fee to join, (isn’t there always a fee?) if you are interested but you can also do many things to aid the cause without joining. If you just have to be in the know, join and look to the local chapters organize events for the community.

Cooking Cooking is a great place to begin your journey into Slow Food. Dig out your grandmother’s or mother’s cookbook and look at some of the recipes they used. You will reconnect with some family memories and may just keep a family tradition alive. Be selective in your choices as some of the ingredients may be exotic so consider locally available substitutions. It’s kind of hard to make a coconut cake in the south as coconuts aren’t exactly locally grown. Same goes for most citrus, vanilla, and avocados.

Buy Local I’m a fan of buying local but our society has become accustomed to a variety of foods not native to our area. Can you imagine baking without vanilla (it’s grown at the equator) or no bananas in your cereal? How about giving up your coffee as it’s grown in South America? Most of us will continue to buy some things that must be shipped in; just use common sense and buy locally produced items when possible.

Shop Local Shopping locally is another way to promote slow food. The Farmers’ Market or neighborhood fruit and vegetable stands help the local economy. The prices tend to be better and the food is fresher. Your neighbor may have a bumper crop of tomatoes or zucchini and be willing to share with you. Better yet, grow some of your own food. Even while living in apartments, I grew some of my own herbs and vegetables in pots.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Buying organic locally grown food, or growing it yourself if done responsibly, helps to insure that you are getting fresh flavorful food. It also reduces the carbon footprint of shipping fruits and vegetables halfway around the world. Organic food also tends to have less of an impact on the ecosystem due to small scale production and less exposure to chemicals. There are also other ways you can reduce your carbon footprint like drinking water. Yes, water, but drink it from the municipal supply filtering it if necessary instead of buying overpriced bottled water. Gallon for gallon, bottled water is more expensive than the fuel used to ship it. The other benefit to our planet is less plastic bottles and therefore less petroleum products used to make them!

Can & Preserve Fresh foods are great, but what about the winter months? It may be time to delve into the world of canning or preserving. This topic is near and dear to me and I’m making new attempts to stock up for those long winter months. I won’t go into a lot of depth here, but I bet your grandmother or even your mother have some canning tricks up their sleeve. They may also have a supply of mason jars that you can have.

Share & Teach Slow Food also has a large social aspect. Share what you cook with friends, family, or those less fortunate. Not all cooks

Support Biodiversity Slow Food promotes biodiversity by not recommending GMO’s (genetically modified organisms). I love an heirloom tomato just as much as the next person. Being a scientist, I try to weigh the pros and cons of this topic. If possible, grow or buy heirloom foods but if you can’t please don’t skip eating vegetables just because they might be GMO. ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 19

are created equal so if cooking is your talent, why not share it with others? I’m sure the elderly person down the street would appreciate a hot meal if you brought one by their home. This is also a prime opportunity to teach your children how to eat well. How does that old saying go? Teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry. Teach a child to cook, and they will not be dependent on the fast food industry for rest of their lives.

Plan I typically cook most evenings and make extra for lunch the next day. A bit of planning allows me to control what I eat and saves me time and money. I also tend to eat better if I’ve packed my lunch versus a quick trip for a burger. Don’t think you have time to cook? Spend a few hours on the weekend cooking and splitting the food into meals sized containers and then freezing them. I keep a few containers of chili or homemade soup in the freezer in case there aren’t enough leftovers for my lunch.

Pass It On All of these activities; cooking, gardening and shopping, can be teaching tools for your children. I suppose I was lucky for spending my youth on a farm. I know where a pork chop comes from or what it takes to grow a mushroom or an eggplant. I learned to cook from my mother and my extended family. All these things give me an appreciation for what I eat, where it comes from and what it took to make it to my plate. If I hadn’t been able to cook in college, I would probably have weighed 300 lbs by graduation!

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Slow Food is Global Food is universal. This movement can reshape how we eat and live. I also know that this will be an uphill fight. Society has become so fast paced that most of us don’t have time to sleep enough, much less grow our own food. Many of us have forgotten how to cook, or worse, were never taught. This amazes me but I guess I was lucky. According to Slow Food International in 2011, there were over 100,000 members with branches in 150 countries. This number fluctuates from year to year based on economic trends. The movement is also a force for change within agribusiness industries. By being an informed consumer, you can shape how your food is produced and its impact on the environment. Slow Food has its criticisms some of which are socioeconomic. Some people feel that the burden of the slow food movement will fall on women as they are traditionally the ones who prepare the food. Others say that only the affluent of society can afford to pay increased prices for organic foods and have the time to purse this lifestyle. In the end it’s your choice. Slow Food is an increasingly popular concept. I don’t know about you, but I spent my late morning making some homemade marinara sauce with tomatoes and basil that I grew. If that isn’t slow food, I don’t know what is! v

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By Amy Noles

Editor’s Note: This article came about because my grandson spent years playing Minecraft. It became clear to me that if I wanted to talk to him I had better talk about Minecraft – so I asked if I could play in his Minecraft world with him. It turns out that I’m not very good at mining, or building trees, or even running up

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and down stairs in this game – clearly I need a lot more practice. But it’s fun – even for Nana! And, more importantly I got to see that the game has an educational side and it really teaches a lot of skills. Now my nephew is obsessed with Minecraft so maybe I’ll get some more practice.


Three years ago, when my daughter wanted a Minecraft-themed birthday party, I had to do some research. I had heard her talk about ‘creepers’ and this online world, but I was most definitely a novice on the subject. Last year, my son wanted to be a ‘creeper’ for Halloween. We had to make our own costume because there weren’t any for sale. I couldn’t believe that something that was so popular in my home wasn’t as prolific everywhere else. The fact that I am writing this article on Minecraft shows that it is currently one of the most popular videogames among children. Behind the millions of downloads are more than a few curious parents. With the help of my children, I will try to give you a crash course in the art of Minecraft.


This question seems basic enough: What exactly is Minecraft? Many parents, including myself, have looked at Minecraft and are puzzled by the game. At first glance, the game doesn’t look at high-tech as many videogames today. It’s very blocky and reminds me of games that I used to play

on my ColecoVision in the 80s! Once you enter its world though, you will quickly learn that it’s much different than the Donkey Kong of my childhood days. Minecraft is a sandbox style game created by Swedish programmer and gamer Markus Persson. The game is focused on resource gathering, crafting items, building, and (if the player is interested) combat. Most videogames today are linear games. You start the game, you go through several different levels, completing objectives until you reach the end of the game. This is the basic formula for almost every videogame.

sanDBox GamES Sandbox games are essentially the opposite of linear game play. Sandbox games allow you to do practically anything within the constraints of the game engine just like a real life sandbox allows you to build and play how you wish. You can play however you want in the sandbox, build what you want, and guide your play to be the game you want it to be. Whether you want to explore the great wide open, build a giant castle, play hide and seek with your friends, collect all the items in the game, or whatever else your heart desires.

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wakes up on the freshly generated map and has to break blocks to gather resources, use the blocks to craft tools, and then use those tools to keep breaking more blocks, building and exploring all the while. What players do with all that time is really the beauty of Minecraft. You can build a castle or a farm, or mansion, explore the oceans, recreate your entire town, or whatever your little creative heart desires.

iS iT kID fRIEnDLy?

In the sense that kids absolutely love it, Minecraft is obviously kid friendly. As adults, we know our kids love it, but is the content appropriate for them? The Minecraft experience is different. Every single Minecraft map, the space in which players play and explore, is unique. The game’s engine combined with the “seed” (a player supplied or randomly generated alphanumeric string) generates a unique world filled with different biomes, caves, creatures, and more.

so wHaT’S THE PoInT?

While many people ask this question, the question itself is exactly what makes it appealing to so many kids. It’s a game that doesn’t come with a rulebook, any instructions, or even the slightest bit of guidance. Players start the game as a castaway type character that

Minecraft has some violence, but it’s not graphic. There are different modes you can play in without ever striking anything or anyone. You don’t need to kill sheep or cows to get the items that are dropped near you, nor do you have to fight hostile mobs if you choose not to. For example, in Creative Mode, nothing is trying to attack you so there isn’t even a threat of violence in any form if the player wants to play without conflict.

iS iT GooD foR kIDS?

The game encourages many positive and prosocial behaviors. When my kids aren’t figuring out what they are going to make and whether it’s feasible to make it, they are talking to other kids, reading articles, or doing research about the game. Further, Minecraft is a game in which you can focus your specific strengths. Whatever you like doing, whatever you have a knack for, you can find a way to incorporate it into Minecraft. With most all other videogames where every player is in the same role (basketball, football, or soccer for example) Minecraft allows for people to focus on what interests them and what they’re good at.


& lEaRnIng

Jason Lindsey of Hooked on Science saw for himself just how popular Minecraft was becoming and began giving workshops to show kids engineering principles as they are related to Minecraft. Lindsey presents these workshops all over the four-state region. “It’s important to remember that even when kids are playing they can still be learning,” Lindsey told me. “Learning doesn’t always occur in the classroom. Minecraft reinforces that kids can learn while having fun.” Bill Kunnecke, the Director for Program Facilitation of the STEAM Initiative at WKCTC, is no Minecraft expert but does acknowledge the huge impact that Minecraft is having on teaching kids about math, science, and technology. He is in awe at Minecraft’s ability to engage, challenge, and inspire kids to apply principles learned in this videogames into real life scenarios. 24 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

Now CLaSSRoom soFTwaRE “In July 2015, Minecraft coordinated with an educational software company and has developed classroom software for teachers to use,” Kunnecke told me. “Minecraftedu.com sells this software package license and gives teachers the ability to set up classroom modules at different levels and allows the teacher to track each student’s progress while giving feedback.”

sEE foR YouRSELF As with anything, parents should always monitor what their children do online. Talk to your kids about Minecraft; ask them questions. If your kids are anything like mine, then they will be more than happy to tell you all about the Minecraft experience even if you are totally confused. Watch them play Minecraft. Kids love to have anyone watch them play and you will be surprised at the challenges that are presented to them in this game. You’ll be even more surprised at how fast they can solve them. To find out more about Lindsey’s programs or the educational software mentioned here, visit hookedonscience.org or minecraftedu.com. As always, watch out for the creepv ers!

ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 25

EVENTS CALENDAR We make every effort to ensure accuracy of information in this calendar; however, changes and cancellations may have occurred since publication. We recommend that you verify all information. For up-to-date calendar information, visit ilistwesternkentucky.com

SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 1 Microsoft Excel 2013 Intermediate Workshop. WKCTC. 6-8PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Story Time: Rock Around the Clock with Father Time. McCracken County Public Library. 10AM & 1PM. mclib.net Tech Help Tuesdays. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net

WEDNESDAY 2 Brunch & Learn. CFSB Center-Murray. 9-10AM. mymurray.com From Off the Shelf Discussions: Pearl in the Storm: How I Found My Heart in the Middle of the Ocean by Tori Murden McClure. McCracken County Public Library. 12-1PM. mclib.net

THURSDAY 3 Quick & Delicious Meal Ideas: Chef’s Favorites. WKCTC. 6-9PM. $45. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Microsoft Excel 2013 Intermediate Workshop. WKCTC. 6-8PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Make-Up Application. Livingston County Extension Office. 12-3PM. FREE. 270.928.2827. Family Game Night & Chess Group. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. mclib.net

FRIDAY 4 Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Leadership Launch. MSU Paducah Campus. 8AM-4:30PM. murraystate.edu Teen TGIF. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE for ages 11-17. mclib.net Project United. Salvation Army Gymnasium. 8:30AM-1PM. unitedwaypaducah.org.

SATURDAY 5 Engineering with Minecraft. WKCTC. 9AM-4PM. $60. Grades 1-5. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Paducah Farmers’ Market. Downtown Paducah. 7:30AM-3:30PM. 270.444.8508. paducahky.gov

26 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Disney Princess Tea Party. GCMS. 1-2:30PM. graves.kyschools.us Arts & Crafts Festival. Downtown Grand Rivers. 9AM-5PM. kentuckylakebarkley.org Music in the Gazebo. Downtown Paducah. 6:30-8PM. FREE Legos at the Library. McCracken County Public Library. 1-4PM. mclib.net

SUNDAY 6 Arts & Crafts Festival. Downtown Grand Rivers. 9AM-5PM. kentuckylakebarkley.org MCEC Fish Fry. Mike Miller Park. 11AM-2PM. $10. 270.527.1327.


Story Time. Paducah Railroad Museum. 11AM, 1PM, & 3PM. FREE. paducahrr.org

Arts & Crafts Festival. Downtown Grand Rivers. 9AM-5PM. kentuckylakebarkley.org Riverside Art, Wine & Blues Festival. Riverside Park. $10. murphysborochamber.com Resume Help. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net

TUESDAY 8 Microsoft Excel 2013 Intermediate Workshop. WKCTC. 6-8PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu

Jackson Purchase Foundation Annual Family Float Event. Clarks River. 8AM1PM. FREE. jpf.org Super Saturdays Workshop. MSU Paducah Campus. 9:30AM-12:30PM. $100/three sessions. murraystate.edu/cgs

Tech Help Tuesdays. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net Story Time: Apples & Bananas. McCracken County Public Library. 10AM & 1PM. mclib.net

WEDNESDAY 9 Getting the Most out of your Apple device. WKCTC. 6-8PM. $35. westkentucky.kctcs.edu

USW of Western KY 2nd Annual “Chipping In For Our Communities Charities Golf Tournament.” Silo’s Country Club. 8AM. $300/team. $75/person. Siloscountryclub.com Murray 5K & Walk to Defeat ALS. Murray State CFSB Center. 8AM. FREE. web.alsa.org/Murray

THURSDAY 10 Basic PC (Computers for Beginners). WKCTC. 1:30-8PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Microsoft Excel 2013 Intermediate Workshop. WKCTC. 6-8PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Lourdes Auxiliary $5 Jewelry Sale Masquerade. Lourdes Hospital. Scourtney@mercy.com Family Game Night & Chess Group. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. mclib.net Southern Illinois Women’s Connection Luncheon. Kokopelli Restaurant Marion, IL. 11:45AM. $14.50. 618.889.2167

FRIDAY 11 Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Teen TGIF. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE for ages 11-17. mclib.net 2015 Hickman Pecan Festival. Jeff Green Memorial Park. kygrro.org/hickmanpecanfestival HeArt & Soul: Easter Seals West Kentucky Annual Art Auction. Walker Hall. 69PM. $30. aharris@eswky.com Parents’ Night Out. Broadway United Methodist Church. 5-10PM. $20 per child. bumc-paducah.org Step Up for Students. Julian Carroll Convention Center. 6-8PM. westkentucky.kctcs.edu/Giving

SATURDAY 12 Paducah Farmers’ Market. Downtown Paducah. 7:30AM-3:30PM. 270.444.8508. paducahky.gov Corvettes on the River 14th Annual Charity Corvette Car Show benefitting Cassidy’s Cause. Jefferson & N. 2nd St. 9AM. 270.705.5657 Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Trail of Tears Intertribal Pow Wow. Trail of Tears Commemorative Park. 10AM5PM. kentuckytourism.com 2015 Hickman Pecan Festival. Jeff Green Memorial Park. kygrro.org/hickmanpecanfestival/ Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com 3rd Annual Paint Me RAD Fun Run. WKCTC. 5-8PM. $35. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Jesus Prom. Central Church of Christ. 3-5PM. FREE. 270.252.0330

ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 27

Legos at the Library. McCracken County Public Library. 1-4PM. mclib.net

Make & Mingle: Fused Glass Pendants. Janice Mason Art Museum. 6PM. jmam.org

SUNDAY 13 Trail of Tears Intertribal Pow Wow. Trail of Tears Commemorative Park. 10AM-5PM. kentuckytourism.com Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com

MONDAY 14 Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com

Women Who Loved Lincoln. Anna Arts Center. 7PM. $15. vabchlee@ gmail.com Get That Job! Emerging Technology Center at WKCTC. 9-11:30AM. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Family Game Night & Chess Group. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. mclib.net

FRIDAY 18 Resume Help. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net

Teen TGIF. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE for ages 11-17. mclib.net

App-Palooza. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net

Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365

TUESDAY 15 Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com

Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com

Story Time: This Little Piggy. McCracken County Public Library. 10AM & 1PM. mclib.net


Tech Help Tuesdays. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net Love on a Leash. McCracken County Public Library. 6:30-7:30PM. mclib.net

Concord United Methodist Church Country Breakfast Buffet 5178 Hinkleville Road Paducah Kentucky $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12. Proceeds will be used for mission projects. For more info please call the church office (270) 443-2669 Paducah Farmers’ Market. Downtown Paducah. 7:30AM-3:30PM. 270.444.8508. paducahky.gov

WEDNESDAY 16 Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com Introduction to Genealogy. McCracken County Public Library. 2-4PM. FREE. By reservation only. mclib.net

Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Adventures in Archeology. Wickiffe Mounds State Historic Site. 10AM-3PM. $5 adults/$4 children. kentuckytourism.com

THURSDAY 17 Meet Mykonos. WKCTC. 6-9PM. $45. westkentucky.kctcs.edu

Gourd Patch Festival. Historic Ice House. 9AM-4PM. kentuckytourism.com

Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com

Fulton Banana Festival. Fulton, KY. thebananafestival.com Dirt Races. West Kentucky Raceway. 6-10PM. westkentuckyraceway.com Women Who Loved Lincoln. Anna Arts Center. 7PM. $15. vabchlee@gmail.com Super Saturdays Workshop. MSU Paducah Campus. 9:30AM-12:30PM. $100/three sessions. www.murraystate.edu/cgs Pope County, IL Shrimp Festival. 8AM-10PM. mainstreetgolconda.org/ events/shrimp-festival/ The South’s Great Lake Fish Festival. Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park. 7AM-7PM. thesouthsgreatlake.com The Time Jumpers featuring Vince Gill. Clemens Fine Arts Center. 7:30PM. $40. artsinfocus.org Ladies’ Day. Broadway Church of Christ. 8:30-11:30AM. FREE. www.broadwaycoc.com Golf Scramble for RareDisease Awareness. Drake Creek Golf Club. 7AM. $300/team. 270.254.0506 Legos at the Library. McCracken County Public Library. 1-4PM. mclib.net

28 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

SUNDAY 20 Women Who Loved Lincoln. Anna Arts Center. 3PM. $15. vabchlee@gmail.com Read Like a Girl: Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater. McCracken County Public Library. 3-4PM. www.mclib.net

MONDAY 21 Resume Help. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net

TUESDAY 22 Windows 8.1. WKCTC. 1:30-8PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Story Time: In the Garden. McCracken County Public Library. 10AM & 1PM. mclib.net Tech Help Tuesdays. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net Biking for Beginners by BikeWorld. McCracken County Public Library. 7-8PM. FREE for all ages. mclib.net

WEDNESDAY 23 Barbecue on the River & Market Days. Historic Downtown Paducah. bbqontheriver.org

THURSDAY 24 Smile: Have fun with photographs using Word. WKCTC. 9AM-4PM. $95. westkentucky.kctcs.edu Barbecue on the River & Market Days. Historic Downtown Paducah. bbqontheriver.org Sashay Scarves. PACS Senior Center. 1-4PM. FREE. 270.928.2827 Evenings Upstairs-On Bended Knees: The Night Rider Story. McCracken County Public Library. 7-8PM. mclib.net Family Game Night & Chess Group. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. mclib.net

FRIDAY 25 Barbecue on the River & Market Days. Historic Downtown Paducah. bbqontheriver.org Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Teen TGIF. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE for ages 11-17. mclib.net Perkins MotorPlex Community Golf Classic. Miller Memorial Golf Course. 8:30AM. $300/4-person team. Mymurray.com

SATURDAY 26 Barbecue on the River & Market Days. Historic Downtown Paducah. bbqontheriver.org Paducah Farmers’ Market. Downtown Paducah. 7:30AM-3:30PM. 270.444.8508. paducahky.gov Private Cinderella Carriage Tours. Downtown Paducah. 5:30-9:30PM. $35. 270.243.4365 Annual Butterfly Festival. Oak Grove, KY. 12-6PM. kentuckytourism.com Scout Merit Badge Day. Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site. 10AM-3PM. kentuckytourism.com Super Saturdays Workshop. MSU Paducah Campus. 9:30AM-12:30PM. $100/three sessions. www.murraystate.edu/cgs Walk MS Paducah. Noble Park. 9AM. FREE. 502.526.5303 United Way 5K. Paducah Bank Main Office. 9AM-12PM. $10. 270.442.1691

ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 29

EVENTS CALENDAR Myasthenia Gravis Walk and Myasthenia Gravis Charity Fall Fest. 8th & Market in Metropolis, IL. 9AM-3PM. Donations encouraged. join.mgwalk.org/paulaburnettmcginnis#.Vczz0FeFND8 Legos at the Library. McCracken County Public Library. 1-4PM. mclib.net Resume Help. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net First Addition Walking Tour. McCracken County Public Library. 5-6:30PM. FREE. By reservation only. mclib.net

TUESDAY 29 Story Time: Jazz Cats with Saxophonist Reggie Lafaye. McCracken County Public Library. 10AM & 1PM. mclib.net Tech Help Tuesdays. McCracken County Public Library. 5-8PM. FREE. mclib.net

Art Galleries, Exhibitions & Museums THROUGH AUGUST: Paducah School of Art and Design hosts the second Master Artist Workshops Program, featuring leading artists and educators from across the country that will share their expertise in ceramics and small metals. Individuals can select from two, three and five-day intensive workshops with master artists.All workshops will be held PSAD’s Ceramics and Small Metals Building located at 919 Madison Street in LowerTown. To register for a workshop, visit paducahschoolofartanddesign.org or call 270.408.4278.

SECOND SATURDAYS Gallery Walk . Visit Lowertown’s great galleries and studios on the second Saturday. 12PM – 8AM.

30 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

National Quilt Museum. 215 Jefferson St. 270.442.8856 • quiltmuseum.com THROUGH OCTOBER 13 A Small Miracle of a Southern Island: Quilts of Caohagan THROUGH NOVEMBER 11 To Honor and Comfort: Quilts of Valor Yeiser Art Center. 200 Broadway. 270.442.2453 • theyeiser.org THROUGH SEPTMEBER 23 SHAYUKOU: the Paintings by Paul Lorenz Mayor’s Art Club Exhibition at Paducah City Hall. 500 S. 3rd St. 270.444.8800 • paducahky.gov THROUGH SEPTEMBER 25 Ashlea McMillan, on exhibit Glass Artisan Guild. Meets in Murray and is open to all. For information, contact Judi Little at 270-436-5132 or visit artisanglassguild.com. MEETS THE 2ND TUESDAY at 6PM Usually at the Murray Transit Center- but we also meet in members studios for special projects and demonstrations. Civil War Walking Tour. Paducah Convention and Visitor's Bureau. Using the map, drawn by hand in 1861, by a Federal Captain of occupying troops in Paducah, follow the path of historical markers to discover the city"s important role during the Civil War. Call 1.800.PADUCAH for more information. Market @ 315. An array of original art forms. Quilts, Paintings, Turned Wood, Bead Art, Fiber Arts, and much more! All to your "Arts Desire"! 270.442.6151. National Quilt Museum. 215 Jefferson Street. For more, call 270-442-8856. nationalquiltmuseum.org. Scheduled school groups of 10 or more are free. The museum offers guided tours to pre-registered groups. Please schedule your group at least two weeks in advance.

Paducah Railroad Museum - 200 Washington St. Wed-Fri: 12-4PM; Sat 10AM-4PM or by appointment. $5/adult; $2/child, ages 12 years & under. 270.908.6451. paducahrr.org PAPA Gallery. Works by 100 local artists. 124 Broadway, Paducah. . MondayFriday, 10AM-4PM. FREE. 270.575.3544 or thepapagallery.com Lowertown Gallery information available at paducaharts.com.

River Discovery Center – 117 S. Water Street. Monday-Saturday 9:30AM-5PM. Sunday 1-5PM . $7 adults, $5 children (ages 3 - 12), $6 seniors 60 and over. 270.575.9958. riverdiscoverycenter.org Lloyd Tilghman House & Civil War Museum - 631 Kentucky Ave. Interpreting Paducah's & Western KY's roles in the Civil War. Fri/Sat Noon to 4PM; 10AM-4PM when riverboats in port; group tours by appt. Adults $3/child 6-12 $1/under 6 free 270.575.5477. The William Clark Market House Museum – 121 Market House Square. Mon-Sat 124PM. $3 ages 12 and up, $1 ages 6-11, 270.443.7759 Whitehaven Welcome Center – I-24, exit 7. Tours 1-4PM daily, Tours every half hour, daily 1:30-4PM. FREE. 270.554.2077.

Religious Services & Meetings Amazing Grace Lutheran Church - 270.933.1215

amazinggracelutheranpaducah.org • unbridledword@yahoo.com 1601 Jefferson • Paducah SUNDAY Service: 10AM Education Hour: 8:45AM

Arcadia United Methodist Church - 270.442.3313 261 Lone Oak Road, Paducah. arcadiachurch.org SUNDAY School: 9AM; Worship Service: 10AM TUESDAY: Men's Prayer Gathering, 7:30AM

Bellview Baptist Church – 270.554.3173 bellviewbaptistpaducah.com

SUNDAY School: 9AM; Worship Service: 10AM; Sunday Evening: 6PM; WEDNESDAY Evening: 6:30PM

Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church - 270.876.7239 12304 Wickliffe Rd, Kevil (Hwy 286 in Gage community) bethelcpchurch@gmail.com, Find us on Facebook!

SUNDAY: 9AM, Coffee & Donuts, 9:15AM, Sunday School; 10:30AM, Worship Service WEDNESDAYS: 5:30PM, TeamKIDS & Youth Group (during school year)

Broadway Baptist Church 2435 Broadway • Pastor: Brother Steve Gorham Sunday School, 10AM; Sunday worship, 11AM; Sunday evening, 6PM; Wednesday worship, 7PM

Broadway Church of Christ - 270.443.6206

2855 Broadway Street, Paducah. broadwaycoc.com SUNDAY: Morning Worship, 9:30AM; Bible Study, 10:45AM Evening Worship, 6PM MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: Precious Pottery Preschool, 9AM – 2PM TUESDAY: Clothing Give Away, 10AM – noon WEDNESDAY: Ladies Bible Class, 10AM, Bible Classes 6:30PM

Broadway United Methodist Church - 270.443.2401 bumc-paducah.org

SUNDAY: Fellowship Time 9AM. Youth & Adult Sunday School for all ages - 9:30AM. Worship 10:30AM Youth group (grades 6-12) – 6PM

WEDNESDAY Praise & worship, 6PM, Igert Hall. SELECTED FRIDAY NIGHTS: Parent’s Night Out. Safe, reliable babysitting available for special event or dinner out. Contact the Mother’s Day Out department at 270.443.2401 Mother's Day Out- Children 3 months -5 years meets TUESDAY AND THURSDAYS from 9AM -2PM Call 443-2401 ext. 216 for more information. Counseling Services: New Directions Counseling for stress, sadness, abuse; office hours by appointment, call 270.217.2753 Choirs available for all ages. Contact Art DeWeese @270.443.2401 for information. Brooks Pool is open to the community for Year-Round Swimming in our indoor heated pool. Swim lessons, and lifeguard certification are available. Pool Rental for private parties. Water Aerobics: MONDAY – FRIDAY 10AM. Power Water Aerobics: TUESDAY/THURSDAY, 9AM; WEDNESDAY, 5PM

Calvary Baptist Church

Clements & Powell St, Paducah • Pastor Pail Hatcher Sunday School: 10AM; Worship Service: 11AM; Evening Service: 6PM; Wednesday Service: 6:30PM.

ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 31

EVENTS CALENDAR Calvert City First Presbyterian Church - 270.395. 4700 639 Evergreen Street , P.O. Box 95 • Calvert City, KY

fpccalvert.com • firstprescc@windstream.net Everyone Welcome! Sunday School: 9:30AM; Fellowship: 10AM; Worship: 10:45AM

Calvert City United Methodist Church 571 Oak Park Blvd., Calvert City, KY

SUNDAY: 9AM, First Light Worship Service – Contemporary; 10AM, Sunday School; 11AM, Traditional Service WEDNESDAY: 6PM, Children, Youth & Adult Bible Studies; 7PM, Adult Choir

Central Church of Christ – 270.442.1017

2201 Washington Street

SUNDAY: Bible Study Classes for all ages 9:30AM, Morning worship 10:30AM, Evening worship 6PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study classes for all ages 7PM EVERY TUESDAY: Ladies' Bible Class, 1 - 2AM last SATURDAYS: "Dorcas Day" Clothing Give-Away 9AM-Noon (except for Oct, Nov, and Dec)

Christ Chapel E.M.C. Pastor Dr. Tom Hiter. Traditional Anglican--1928 BCP. SUNDAYS 8:30AM, "The Lighthouse" floating Chapel on Kentucky Lake (moored at Southern Komfort Marina). WEDNESDAYS 7PM, Hiter Chapel in Fairdealing. Call for directions 270.354.9132.

Christ Community Church - 270.744.0397

christchurchpaducah.com • facebook.com/christchurchpaducah Youth Pastor: Hamilton C. Ashley 270.727.0188 • Childrens Ministries: Jessica Watkins 270.575.3120 SUNDAY: Coffee and Donuts, 9AM; Bible classes, 9:30AM; Morning Worship and Junior Church (ages 10 and under) 10:30AM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 7PM

Concord Christian Center- 270.441.7900 3661 James Sanders Blvd., Paducah KY (Across from Hutson's and Sam's) • churchbythemall.com SUNDAY: Small Groups: 9.45AM, Worship: 10.45AM, 6PM WEDNESDAY Service: 7PM

Concord United Methodist Church - 270.443.2669 concord.church

SUNDAY Worship Times - 8:15AM, 10:30AM & 6PM; Coffee/Donuts/ Fellowship – 9AM. Sunday School - 9:30AM Tuesday - 6:30PM - WISE Bible Study for women WEDNESDAY Fellowship Meal- 5:15PM (call to make reservations); B.L.A.S.T. for Kids, Youth Meeting & Adult Bible Study 6PM THURSDAY- Men's Prayer Breakfast – 8AM The Prayer Room is open to the public Monday - Friday 9AM 4PM • Plus Homemakers, Scouts, Blood Drives and other Occasional Events. Child care is Provided in the Nursery during Sunday Morning Services

Concord West Church of Christ - 270.744.8440

4715 Mayfield Metropolis Road

SUNDAY Bible Study 9AM, Worship 10AM, Evening Worship 6PM WEDNESDAY Bible Study 7PM

First Baptist Church, Paducah - 270.442.2728 fbcpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Early Morning Service, 8:30AM; Bible Study, 9:50AM; Late Morning Service, 11AM , Sunday night prayer service, 6PM. WEDNESDAY: Fellowship Meal, 5PM; AWANA, 5:45PM; Worship, 6PM; Adult Choir Rehearsal, 7PM.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - Benton

fccdcbentonky.org 270.527.8560 - 2515 S Main St. Facebook: First Christian Church Disciples of Christ Benton YouTube: youtube.com/user/RevTim1000?feature=mhee

Community Fellowship Baptist Church - 270.856.4463

SUNDAY: Church school 9:45AM, Worship: 10:45AM • WEDNESDAY: Youth night 5:30-7PM • MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY: Men's exercise group: 9-10AM

SUNDAYS: 8:30, 10 & 11:30AM cfbc.tv

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 270.443.8251

90 State Route 408 West, Hickory, KY

415 Audobon Drive Paducah, KY fccpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School 9:30AM, Traditional Worship 10:45AM, (Sanctuary Upper Level), 10:45AM; Celebration Contemporary Worship (Fellowship Hall – Lower Level), 10:45AM

First Presbyterian Church - 270.442.3545 SUNDAY: Church School 9:30AM; Worship 10:45AM; Youth Choir (6TH - 12TH grades), 4:30PM, Youth Group 5:30 - 7PM, Handbells, 6PM WEDNESDAY: Children's Choir & activities 4 - 5:45PM; Adult Choir 7PM

Fountain Avenue United Methodist - 270.443.1724 SUNDAY: Fellowship, 9AM; Sunday School for all ages, 9:45AM; Worship and Children’s Church (ages 4-9), 10:45AM. Communion service first Sunday of each month. Nursery provided for birth - age 3. Evening Services: 6PM MONDAY/ THURSDAY: Quilting Group, 9:30AM WEDNESDAY: Church Dinner, 5:30AM ($5/ call for reservation by Tuesday Noon); Program and youth activities, 6PM; Choir, 6:30PM.

Four Rivers Covenant Church – 270.444.6598 or 1.866.733.7245

Paducah Campus: 1200 Broadway Lakes Campus: 109 Main Street, Calvert City SUNDAY: Worship- 9:30 & 11AM

Friendship Baptist Church of Paducah - 270-534-1900 SUNDAY: Sunday School 9AM, Morning Worship 10:15AM, Evening Worship 6PM. WEDNESDAY: Evening Worship 6PM.

Grace Bible Church - 270.554.0808 SUNDAY: Celebration Service, 9:45AM - Potluck following Sunday services. WEDNESDAY: Service, 6:30PM

Harmony Baptist Church – 270.488.3115

9215 Ogden Landing Road • harmonypastor@gmail.com - Find us on Facebook! SUNDAY: 10AM, Sunday School; 11AM Morning Worship, Children's Church; 5:30PM AWANA; 6PM Evening Worship WEDNESDAY: 7AM Prayer and Praise, Bible Buddies

32 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

Heartland Worship Center - 270.534.1400

Lutheran Church of the Cross - 618.524.4628

School, 6-8PM.; Divorce Care, 6:30PM.

SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Sunday School - 9AM, Worship Service 10AM. (Holy Communion 1ST AND 3RD SUNDAYS)

SUNDAY: Sunday School - . 8, 9:15, 10:45AM; Sunday Services – 9:30, 10:45AM & 6PM WEDNESDAY: Evening Service – 6PM; Children’s activities - 6PM; Middle/High

Highland Cumberland Presbyterian Church – 270.554.3572

SUNDAY: Sunday School - 9:45AM, Worship -10:45AM, Youth and Evening Worship 6PM. WEDNESDAY: Youth - 6AM, Bible Study - 6AM

Hillcrest Baptist Church - 270.217.2796

SUNDAY Sunday School 9AM, Services 10AM and 5PM. Hillcrest Preschool, MONDAY-FRIDAY Family Movie Night , THIRD FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH

House of Hope Ministries, 270.933.1069 hohmin.org • Pastor Michael Pryor

SUNDAY - 9:30 – 10:15AM, Purpose Driven Life Class and Sunday School; 11AM, Worship Service WEDNESDAY – 6:30 – 7:15PM, Midweek Fill-up Service

Immanuel Baptist Church - 270.443.5306 Join us as we live in the spirit of Jesus.

SUNDAY: Prayer, 9 AM; Sunday School, 9:30 AM; Worship, 10:45 AM. WEDNESDAY: Shepherd's Table Dinner - Food served from 4:50-5:30PM.

2601 North Avenue, Metropolis, IL 62960

Margaret Hank Memorial Cumberland Presbyterian Church 270.443.3689 • margarethank.org SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:30AM; Worship, 10:30AM; Evening service, 6PM

McKendree United Methodist Church 270.488.3770 or 270.488.2444

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9AM Worship, 10:30AM Youth and Children Activities, 4:30PM Evening Worship, 6PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study, 6:30PM EVERY 3RD SATURDAY, Senior Citizens Social Dinner - 4:30 to 6PM. Clothes Closet: Open MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, 10AM - 3PM.; SATURDAY: 9AM - Noon. Most items 25 cents to $1.

Milburn Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian - 270.488.2588 SUNDAY: Donuts & Coffee, 9AM.; Sunday School, 9:30AM.; Morning Worship, 10:30AM.; Evening, 6PM. • WEDNESDAY: Evening meal, 5:30PM.; Bible Study (all ages), 6:15PM

Mt. Sterling Cumberland Presbyterian Church - 618.564.2616

$5 for adults and $3 for children. JourneyKidz (Preschool Missian Friends and Children's Choir & Handbells/Chimes) - 5:45-7AM Youth Group (Grades 612) - 5:45-7PM. Discipleship Groups: Faith & Fiction - Last THURSDAYS, 7:00 PM. Thursday Morning Study Group - 6:30 AM-noon Service Opportunities: Mission Meal for River City - 3RD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH at 6PM

Contact:Bro. David LeNeave, contact@mscpchurch.com

Jesus Christ Little House of Prayer - 270.898.9875

SUNDAY: Sunday school, 9AM; Worship, 10AM & 6:30PM WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, 6:30PM.

SUNDAY: Morning Worship 10AM. Evening Worship 6PM. THURSDAY: Evening Service. 6:30PM.

SUNDAY: Sunday school 10AM, Worship 11AM, Evening worship 6PM, Youth group 6PM. WEDNESDAY: Bible study 6:30PM, Junior youth group 6:30PM

Mt. Zion Baptist Church - 270.554.0518 mtzionpaducah.org

Murphysboro United Methodist Church - 618.687.2317

The Journey Church – Calloway County

1500 Pine St., Murphysboro, IL 62966 murphysboroumc.com • facebook.com/murphysboroumc

Service Times: SUNDAYS, 9:30AM & 11AM

SUNDAY: Traditional Service, 9AM; Sunday School for all ages, 10:10AM;

3rd Floor Curris Center, Chestnut Street, Murray, KY 42071

Praise Service, 11:15AM

The Journey Church – Marshall County 198 Old Symsonia Rd., Benton, KY 42025 Service Time: SUNDAYS, 11AM

Ledbetter United Methodist Church 200 Golden Meadow Drive, Ledbetter

SUNDAY: Worship Service 9:30AM; Sunday School 10:30AM

Living Word Pentecostal Church - 270.575.3477

SUNDAY: Morning Sunday School/Worshi- 10AM. Evening Worship - 6PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study - 7PM Bus Ministry: 270.564.5706 or 270.210.9086

Lone Oak Church of Christ - 270.554.2511 loneoakchurchofchrist.com

SUNDAY: Worship 10AM, Sunday School 9AM Evening Service 6PM. WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 7PM

Lone Oak First Baptist Church – 270.554.1441 loneoakfbc.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 7:30AM; Morning Worship – 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11AM; Sunday School – 8:30AM, 9:45AM, 11AM & 6PM Evening Worship – 7PM

WEDNESDAY: Children’s Choir, 5:45PM Middle & High School Choir, 6PM Prayer meeting, Children’s Missions, Worship Choir & Orchestra, 6:30PM

Lone Oak United Methodist Church - 270.554.1272 loneoakumcpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Contemporary Service 8AM, Fellowship in Narthex: 9AM, Sunday School 9:15AM, Traditional Service 10:30AM Nursery Available 9-11:30AM WEDNESDAY: Church Dinner 5:30PM, Bible Study 6PM, Bell Choir 6PM, Chancel Choir 7PM

Lovelaceville United Methodist Church 143 N Broadway, Lovelaceville

SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Sunday School - 10AM Worship Service – 11AM Sunday Evening Service – 6PM Communion is held every FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH.

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New Covenant Fellowship of Reidland – 270.898.9664 SUNDAY: Worship Service 10:30AM

New Geneva Community Church--Paducah – 270.443.8866 ngccarp.org SUNDAY: 10AM worship; 11:30AM intergenerational Bible Study; meal following TUESDAY: Women's ministry 7PM THURSDAY: Men's ministry 5:30PM and 6:45PM TUESDAY – FRIDAY: Biblical counseling available by appointment

New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Church- 270.554.0473

7680 New Hope Road, Paducah

Pastor: Curtis Franklin, brocurtis@kybiz.net • Youth Pastor: Dusty Shull SUNDAY School 9:30AM Worship 10:30AM, Sunday Evening Youth & Worship 6PM, WEDNESDAY Bible Study, 7PM For Youth Information: The River Youth Ministries. Contact Melanie Rogers 270.978.1761 or email: melattheriver@yahoo.com

The Potter's House Baptist Worship Center -270.928.9905 pottershousebwc.com

SUNDAY: Bible Study, 9:30AM; Worship 10:45AM; Sunday evening 6PM WEDNESDAY: Prayer/Bible Study, 6PM

Reidland Baptist Church – 270.898.6243

rbaptist@bellsouth.net • reidlandbaptistchurch.com SUNDAY: 9AM Sunday School (classes for all ages), Morning Worship Service 10:10AM; Children's Church/Junior Church (ages 3 to 5th grade); 5:30 - 7PM. Choir practice, 5 - 6:15PM., Mission Friends (Age 3-Kindergarten), Children In Action (1st-5th Grade), 5 - 7PM Youth, 6:30PM Adult Bible Study. WEDNESDAY: TeamKID (ages 3 – 5th grade), 6 - 7:30PM; Youth (grades 6 – 12), 6 - 7:45PM; Prayer & adult Bible study, 6:30PM Nursery provided for all services and Sunday school. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS: 9:30AM – 2PM, Early Learning & Pre-K Program

Reidland Christian Church – 270.898.3904 reidlandchristian.org

Oakland Cumberland Presbyterian Church - 270.898.2630 SUNDAY: 9:30AM Sunday school; 10:30AM Worship; 6PM Bible study or 270.350.7262 WEDNESDAY: 6PM Family Meal; 7PM Bible study for children/adults . Rev. Danny York, Pastor • 9104 US Hwy 68 West, Calvert City, KY 42029 SUNDAY School: 9:30AM; SUNDAY Morning Worship: 10:30AM; SUNDAY Evening Worship: 6PM WEDNESDAY Evening Bible Study: 6PM Visit us on Facebook.

Oaklawn Baptist Church – 270.442.1513 oaklawnbaptistky.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:45AM; Worship 11AM & 6PM WEDNESDAY: Bible Study 7PM; God's Children 7PM

Olivet Baptist Church - 270.442.3267

Reidland Seventh Day Adventist Church - 270.898.3010 5320 KY Dam Road, Paducah

SATURDAY: Sabbath School, 9:30AM; Worship Service, 11AM. A FREE delicious vegetarian fellowship meal is served 1st Sabbath of each month following worship service. WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting, 6:30PM.

Reidland United Methodist - 270.217.0400 Faithweaver Friends, preschool - 6th grade. WEDNESDAYS: 5:15 - 7:30PM. Free dinner & fun, interactive bible discussions for kids. For more, call 270.217.0400.

email: office@obcpaducah.org

Rosary Chapel Catholic Church - 270.444.6383

SUNDAY: 9AM - Sunday School; 10AM - Morning Worship, Kids Worship Time (ages 3 to K); 5:45PM – Awana For Kids (ages 2 to 6th grade); 6PM – Evening Worship; WEDNESDAY: 6:30PM – Bible Studies for ages 2 through Adult


Mass Schedule: WEDNESDAY, 6PM; SUNDAY, 10:30AM

Open Door Baptist Church - 270.443.6522


theopendoorbaptistchurch.com • 227 Farley Place, Paducah Pastor - Mark Armstrong, pastor@theopendoorbaptistchurch.com SUNDAY: Sunday School, 10AM; Morning Worship and Children's Church, 11AM. Sunday Evening, 6PM; WEDNESDAY: 7PM. If you need a ride or more information, call the church office.

Pathway Baptist Church – 270.395.5683

pathwaybaptist.org • 229 W. 5th Ave., Calvert City, KY SUNDAY: Sunday School – 9:30AM, Worship Service 10:30AM, Evening services: Adults, youth & children, 6PM WEDNESDAY: Adult prayer, Bible Study

Spring Bayou Baptist Church- Kevil- 270.462.3014 SUNDAY: Sunday School - 9:45AM; Morning Worship & WeeWorship - 10:45AM; Awana Program - 5PM; Evening Worship - 6PM • WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7PM

Southland Baptist Temple - 270.444.9678 southlandbaptisttemple.com

SUNDAY: 7 - 9AM Topper's Gospel Show (WKYQ); 9:45AM Sunday School; 10:45AM Worship Service, KidzAlive (3 - 5th grade); 6PM Evening Service,

WEDNESDAY: 10AM - 3PM Mission Room Open; 4:30 - 6PM Evening Meal; 6:30 - 8PM AWANA (2 - 6th grade), The Light (7th - 12th grade); 6:45PM Adult Bible Classes

6:30PM, Awana for children 2 year olds thru 6th grade, 6:30PM (during school year), Youth service 6:30PM THURSDAY: Grief Share, 6:30PM Monthly men’s meetings and Ladies Connect.

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Grand Rivers, KY -

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church – 270.442.1000


1110 N. 14th Street, Paducah

SUNDAY: Explorer Hour: 9:30AM; Worship 11AM, 1st Sunday: Lord Supper WEDNESDAY: Prayer/Bible Study 6PM, 1ST WEDNESDAY: Youth Bible Study 6PM

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270.395.4727 • stpiusx.us

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church - 270.442.1923 stfrancisdesalespaducah.org

Mass Schedule: MONDAY –FRIDAY: 12:05PM SATURDAY: 5PM; SUNDAY: 8:30, 11AM and 5PM An Invitation to Catholics Wanting to Come Home: If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church – no matter how long or for whatever reason – we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with God and the Catholic Church. Join us for informal listening sessions and an update of the Catholic faith facilitated by parishioners. Contact Cindy at 270.559.4606 for information, without obligation.

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church – 270.554.3810 stjohn-theevangelist.org

Mass Schedule: TUESDAY – SATURDAY: 7:30AM

SATURDAY: 5AM; Sunday: 7:30AM & 9AM

St. Matthew Lutheran Church – 270.442.8294 SUNDAY: 9:30AM, Worship, 1ST AND 3RD SUNDAY: Potluck and Education, 5PM.

St. Paul Lutheran Church - 270.442.8343 SUNDAY: Worship, 8 & 10:45AM; Bible study & Sunday School, 9:30AM The Lutheran Hour, Christian outreach radio program can be heard locally on WNGO 1320AM and WKYX 570AM each Sunday at 6PM Sponsored by St. Paul Lutheran Church.

St. Pius X Catholic Church, Calvert City – 270.395.4727

stpiusx.us Pastor: Father Anthoni Ottagan Mass Times: TUES: 6PM. WED – FRI: 8AM. SAT: 4:30PM. SUN: 10AM.

St. Thomas More Catholic Church - 270.534.9000 stmore.org


SATURDAY: 5:30PM • SUNDAY: 9 & 11AM (1PM En Español) Nursery available at all services WEDNESDAY: Mother’s Day Out THURSDAY: Moms Group Playgroup MONDAY EVENING: Active MOMS group Active couples group. Call 270.534.9000 for more information.

Temple Israel - 270.442.4104 templeisrael.us

FRIDAY: Lay-led Services: 5:30PM; Rabbi-led Services: 7PM

Trinity United Methodist Church - 270.534.9516

facebook.com/TUMCPaducah • office@trinitypaducah.com SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:30AM;Worship 10:30AM; TUESDAY: Women's Bible Study 9-11AM (TUMC) & 6-8PM (offsite) WEDNESDAY: Awana (2yr old- 5th Grade) 5-6:45PM Youth (6th-12 grade): 5:30-6:45PM, Choir: 6-7PM

Twelve Oaks Baptist Church - 270.554.4634 SUNDAY: Sunday School: 9:30AM Worship. 8,10 and 10:45AM WEDNESDAY: Awana: 5:30 - 7PM, Mid-Week Service 6PM.

United Central Presbyterian Church – 270.442.6414 unitedcentralpres.org • info@unitedcentralpres.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School 9:45AM, Sunday Worship 10:45AM, Nursery provided, service ASL interpreted.

United Church of Paducah – 270.442.3722 uccpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Worship celebration–10AM; Coffee and refreshments–11-11:20AM; Christian Education until noon.

Waldo Baptist Church - 618.564.2180 waldobaptist.org

SUNDAY: Bible Study, 9AM; Morning Worship Service, 10AM; Evening Worship Service, 6AM WEDNESDAY: Fellowship Meal Ministry, 5:30PM; Mid-Week Service, 7PM

West End Baptist Church - 270.443.1043 SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9:30AM; Worship Service, 10:45AM; Evening Worship, 6PM. WEDNESDAY: Fellowship Meal 5:30PM - Reservations required. Call church office by noon Tuesday. Children/Youth Bible Study and Adult Prayer Service: 6:30PM

Westminster Presbyterian Church - 270.443.2919 westminsterpresbyterianpaducah.org

SUNDAY: Sunday School, 9AM; Worship, 10:15AM; Women's Circle Bible Study, 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH at 1PM.

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EVENTS CALENDAR World Harvest Church – 270.442.8949 3250 Steele Road, West Paducah, KY • Pastor: Dr. Chris Cody SUNDAYS: 9:45-10:15AM Corporate Prayer; 10:30AM Worship Service WEDNESDAYS: 7PM Worship Service THURSDAYS: 8:45-10AM Corporate Prayer

Zion Cumberland Presbyterian Church (formerly United Central Presbyterian Church) – 270.442.6414 zioncpcinfo@gmail.com • sites.google.com/site/zioncpc/ SUNDAY: Sunday School: 9:45AM, Worship: 10:45AM. Nursery provided, service ASL interpreted.

On-Going Community Events & Notices The Great Rivers Group, Sierra Club, meets the FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH. For information: 270.236.2317 or 270.753.8910. Foster Parent Classes Starting Soon! For more information, contact Nicole Kowalczyk at Omni Visions, 270.309.3167, visit omnivisions.com, or attend a Foster Care Informational Meeting. Informational Meetings are held EVERY THURSDAY EVENING at 5AM at the Paducah Omni Visions office located at 450 Park Avenue in Paducah. Information will be shared about how to become a Foster Parent, as well as Omni Visions' free Foster Parent training. Starfish Orphan Ministry invites you to be a part of a life changing adventure to El Salvador...First timer? It's okay! Don't be afraid to see how you can help make a difference to orphaned children in need! We would love for you to join us on thisAMazing experience! For more information, please call 270.519.7340 or 270.748.6970 Love Books and Love Bikes? Check-out books; check-out a bike lock! Something good to know - the McCracken County Public Library has bike locks at the front desk for check out. (Use your library card.) So, when you ride to the library and impulsively stop in for a browse, you don't have to leave your bike unattended and in danger of being stolen. Just go to the front desk and check out a lock. Leadership Paducah applications now available. Selection of class participants is conducted by the Leadership Paducah Foundation Board of Directors. Visit the Chamber’s website at paducahchamber.org or leadershippaducah.org or contact Stacy Thomas at the Paducah Chamber for an application form 270.443.1746 or sthomas@paducahchamber.org.

American Red Cross Volunteer Opportunity. SECOND MONDAYS of every month. 6AM Paducah-area chapter is looking for volunteers for disaster relief training. To support Ballard, Livingston & McCracken counties. Call 270.442.3575 for more information. Are you a “homebound” book lover? If you are elderly, critically ill, or temporarily unable to come to the McCracken County Public Library, you may be able to have the books come to you! The library is offering Homebound Service to those who qualify. Residents of Paducah and McCracken County can apply for the free service by calling the library and having an application sent to them by mail or by going on-line to mclib.net and clicking on the application site. Materials can be mailed to private homes. Those in nursing homes, assisted living facilities or hospitals may receive materials by hand delivery from the staff. Free service homebound. Questions, contact Cathy Edwards at 270.442.2510 ext. 118 Young Professionals of Murray increasing their efforts to engage YPs in Murray-Calloway County facebook.com/groups/720326178057511/

MONDAY – SATURDAY: Downtown Farmers Market. paducahky.gov/paducah/farmers-market Doll Adoption Center at Learning Railroad. Kids fall in love with their own baby doll and go through an adoption process and check up. Open MONDAY SATURDAY, 10AM - 5PM. 2695 Jackson Street. For more, call 270.444.9986 or visit thelearningrailroad.com.

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ONGOING EXHIBITS A Small Miracle of a Southern Island: Quilts of Caohagan. National Quilt Museum. To Honor & Comfort: Quilts of Valor. National Quilt Museum. SHAYUKOU: The Paintings by Paul Lorenz. Through Wednesday 23. Yeiser Art Center. TUESDAY 1 Junior Quilters. National Quilt Museum. Mr. Holmes. Maiden Alley Cinema. WEDNESDAY 2 Mr. Holmes. Maiden Alley Cinema. THURSDAY 3 Volunteer Meeting. National Quilt Museum. Lew Jetton & 61 South w/Alonzo Pennington. Maiden Alley Cinema. FRIDAY 4 The End of the Tour. Maiden Alley Cinema Fridays @ 5. The Carson Center. Williams Family Terrace SATURDAY 5 The End of the Tour. Maiden Alley Cinema. Land Before Time. Maiden Alley Cinema. SUNDAY 6 The End of the Tour. Maiden Alley Cinema. MONDAY 7 LABOR DAY The End of the Tour. Maiden Alley Cinema.

Fridays @ 5. The Carson Center. Williams Family Terrace

TUESDAY 8 The End of the Tour. Maiden Alley Cinema. THURSDAY 10 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. FRIDAY 11 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. Ron White: The Nutcracker Tour. The The Carson Center. Irrational Man. Maiden Alley Cinema. Fridays @ 5. The Carson Center. Williams Family Terrace SATURDAY 12 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. Paul Lorenz & Todd Birdsong. Yeiser Art Center. Irrational Man. Maiden Alley Cinema. Brahms’ 2nd Piano Concerto by The Paducah Symphony Orchestra. The Carson Center.

SATURDAY 19 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. Dark Side of the Wall. The The Carson Center. The Third Man. Maiden Alley Cinema. Woody Pines w/ Solid Rock'it Boosters. Maiden Alley Cinema. Dragon Boat Festival. A River Discovery Center Event. Paducah Riverfront. SUNDAY 20 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. The Third Man. Maiden Alley Cinema. MONDAY 21 AND 28 AND TUESDAY 22 AND 29 Auditions: Market House Theatre.

FRIDAY 25 Fridays @ 5. The Carson Center.Williams Family Terrace SUNDAY 13 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. Piano Recital by Fabio Bidini. A PSO event. First Baptist Church. SATURDAY 26 Misaligned Minds: A PSO Event. Noble Park Irrational Man. Maiden Alley Cinema. MONDAY 14 The Judge. Maiden Alley Cinema.

SUNDAY 27 2015 “Made in America� Chorus Concert. A PSO Event. Lone Oak First Baptist Church.

THURSDAY 17 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. Robocop. Maiden Alley Cinema.

WEDNESDAY 30 Miracles of Modern Science w/ Fairseas. Maiden Alley Cinema.

FRIDAY 18 Farce of Nature. Market House Theatre. The Third Man. Maiden Alley Cinema.

Please visit each organization’s website for times and additional information.


SEASON BRAHMS’ 2ND PIANO CONCERTO 12 September 2015 | 7:30pm | Fabio Bidini, piano


3 October 2015 | 7:30pm | Wesley Skinner, cello

MAHLER’S 1ST SYMPHONY 7 November 2015 | 7:30pm

A CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION 12 December 2015 | 7:30pm PSO Choruses & MSU Concert Choir


RAFFAELE PONTI Artistic Director & Conductor



20 February 2016 | 7:30pm | Gary Levinson, violin



12 March 2016 | 7:30pm


16 April 2016 | 7:30pm PSO Choruses, MSU Choruses, & invited choirs


enc ore



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McCracken County Humane Society: November and December hours are MONDAY, 9AM - 4:30PM, and TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, 9AM to 3:30PM

TUESDAY - SATURDAY. GPS Recycle Now Collections. Recycling facility, 1830 N 8 Street. New Hours: TUESDAY – FRIDAY 7AM – 2:30PM SATURDAY 8AM – 12PM Closed on SUNDAY AND MONDAY. Large totes in the front of the center will be available in the evening for after hours drop off. For a listing of what you can bring, visit recyclenowpaducah.com. Volunteers welcome. A group for those in the Paducah area wanting to get involved in recycling. For questions, email recyclenow.info@gmail.com

Kentucky Dr., LaCenter. Created by the Ballard County Fiscal Court to preserve old family cemeteries. Contact Betty Johnson, chairman, at 270.210.3538. Like us on Facebook.

Livingston County Adult Education. MONDAY-THURSDAY, 8:30AM - 4PM Extended hours on Tuesday until 8AM Call 270.928.3777. Maiden Alley Cinema plays unique movies you won't see anywhere else in the region! They also host special events and art shows. Go online to maidenalleycinema.com for what's playing this week.

MONDAY - SUNDAY: Nemo Feedings. Yaya's Island, Jordan Crossing Plaza. 1AM. 270.408.9292.

MONDAY - SATURDAY. GPS Recycle Now Collections. Recycling facility, 1830 N 8 Street. Open: MONDAY – WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 7AM – 4:30PM; TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 7AM to 6PM, SATURDAY 8AM - Noon. Large totes in the front of the center will be available in the evening for after hours drop off. For a listing of what you can bring, visit recyclenowpaducah.com. Volunteers welcome. A group for those in the Paducah area wanting to get involved in recycling. For questions, email recyclenow.info@gmail.com.

Marcella's Kitchen. Draffenville Lions Club, 262 Griggstown Road. Open: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 11AM - 1PM. FREE meals served. For more, call Marcella Perkins, 270.705.3402. Paducah Cooperative Ministry. 402 Legion Drive. Provides emergency food pantry assistance, financial assistance for rent evictions, utility disconnections,

Kentucky Grandparents who are primary caregivers may be eligible for state assistance. Call the Purchase Area Development District for more information at 877.352.5183. Feeding the Hungry - Community Ministries, 1200 Jefferson Street. Volunteers (age 14 and older) are always needed to help serve free lunches to anyone who's hungry. Shifts available from 9:45AM - 1:15PM, MONDAY - FRIDAY. Financial support also much welcomed! For more info, call Sally Michelson, 270.519.9233. Civil Air Patrol - National Guard Armory, 8000 Hinkleville Road, TUESDAYS, 6 - 8:30PM. Offering lessons in aviation and aerospace principles, along with teamwork and leadership training. Members often participate in rescue and disaster relief missions. $34 per year for youth; $61 for adults. For more info, call 270-3311750 or email kycap201@calldialog.net. FREE GED Classes.WKCTC, 8AM -4:30PM at Anderson Technical Building & 10AM to 6PM at KY Oaks Mall. To register, call 270-534-3451. FRIDAYS THROUGH JUNE 20: Take a FREE official practice test at the Anderson Technical Building. Tests start at 8:30AM. You can also take the GED FREE. Call to schedule a time.

FREE GED CLASSES - Livingston County Adult and Family Learning Center 306 Wilson Ave. Smithland, KY Also offering free computer classes, math classes, reading classes, and ESL. For more info call 270.928.2168 Ballard-Carlisle Historical and Genealogy Society: Meets the FOURTH MONDAY of each month, 6AM, at the Ballard-Carlisle Historical and Genealogy Society Building, 257 4th Street in Wickliffe, KY. Everyone is welcome to attend. Open FRIDAYS, 8AM – 4PM For more information, contact Sandy Martin, 270.642.2187. Like us on Facebook. Ballard County Cemetery Road: Meets the FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH, 5PM, at Ballard County Emergency Management Center, 111 West

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prescription medications, and stranded traveler needs. Limited to McCracken County residents. Open MONDAY – FRIDAY, 9AM – noon and 1 – 4PM. Call 270.442.6795.

SECOND MONDAY: AMerican Disaster Action Team (DAT) monthly meetings. 6:30PM. Chapter building. 270.442.3575.

The Christian Art Center, a member of Christians in the Visual Arts (civa.org) invites you to volunteer to "Serve God Through the Arts". Extra help needed on the SECOND SATURDAY of each month for special events. No art experience needed. Contact Gretchen Smith, 270. 243.0444 or tallartist@hotmail.com

THIRD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH - Book Club. Downtown Coffee Bar, 426 Broadway. 10AM. Everyone is welcome to join our book club to discuss the book of the month. Call to find out what we're reading, 270.444.0044

McCracken County Animal Shelter. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY. 10AM

- 5PM. 455 County Park Road, Paducah, KY. Bluegrass Downs - Harness Racetrack and Simulcast Outlet - Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY from 11AM to 10PM; SUNDAY close at 7:30AM, Concessions and Bar open daily. 270.444.7117 Cat, dog, and small animal adoptions, All God’s Creatures Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Adoption Center, 595 Richmond Rd, Simpson IL, 618.967.9601 or 618.695.2654. Cat, dog adoptions, Project Hope “No Kill” Humane Society, 1698 W 10th St, Metropolis IL, 618.524.8939.

EVERY BUSINESS DAY: Cat Adoptions, from various humane societies, Pet

SECOND THURSDAY OF THE MONTH: Matters of Life Forum. McCracken Co. Senior Center Activities Room. 11AM. We will discuss many topics such as ethical wills, passing on important values and bereavement support. For more, contact nancy.wallace@uky.edu

TUESDAY: Story time at McCracken County Public Library. 10AM and 1AM. FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH. L.I.F.E. Community Marriage Enrichment. 6 – 7PM. Married couples are invited to these sessions to discuss issues that hinder marriage and how to overcome them. FREE. Contact 270.575.3823. SUNDAY: Family and Community Kitchen Meals/Fellowship. Noon - 1PM at Broadway UMC (270.443.2401). 3 - 4:30AM at St. Luke Aldersgate UMC (270.442.8621). Free meal. No questions asked. MONDAY: River City Singles – Monday Evening Dance, Carroll Convention Center, 7–11PM. $6.

Adoption Center at PetsMart, 270.575.9300 TUESDAY: Kids Eat Free & Craft Night. McAlister's Deli, 5021 Hinkleville Road.

EVERY DAY: Agents of Nature. LBL Nature Station. 10AM-5PM. Starting this spring, visitors to Land Between The Lakes will have a chance to experience the Woodlands Nature Station and surrounding trails in a whole new way. The mobile game invites users to search for hidden QR codes and complete fun educational challenges about their surroundings while walking along a scenic 1.5 mile route. landbetweenthelakes.us

SECOND TUESDAY: Zonta Club of Paducah, 6PM. Advancing the status of women world wide through service and advocacy. For more information, email President Linda Miller at linda@lamillercpa.com or call 270.575.3444. SECOND TUESDAY: Paducah Kennel Club meeting. 1325 Fisher Road. 7PM All dog lovers welcome. More information call 270.210.8298.

FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH: Cans for the Cross, aluminum can will be collected at the corner of the Ballard County Courthouse at 10AM.

MONDAY. Muay Thai Kickboxing. Atmosphere Martial Arts Academy. 6:30PM. atmosphereacademy.com

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TUESDAY: WKCTC Community Chorus. Clemens Fine Arts Building, Room 109 on the campus. 7 - 9PM. Participation is FREE and anyone who loves choral singing is welcome to join. Contact Norman Wurgler at 270.534.3219. or by email at norman.wurgler@kctcs.edu.

THURSDAY: Story Hour. Metropolis Public Library, 317 Metropolis Street. 11AM. For more, call 618.524.4312.

THURSDAY: E-Reader classes led by Patrick Archer at McCracken County Public Library. THURSDAY: Charitable Bingo. Ballard County Board of Education, 264 E Kentucky Drive, Barlow, KY. For more information, call 270.665.9844. THURSDAY: Overeaters Anonymous. 1:30PM (extra meeting time to add) Christ United Methodist Church Recreation Hall. 1322 West Broadway, Mayfield, KY. 270.247.7414 THURSDAY: Night Moves Dance Club –American Legion, 425 Legion Drive. 6 9PM, line dancing and couple's classes. $4 at the door. For more, call 270.442.3186. THURSDAY: Toastmasters Club meets at MSU Paducah Regional Campus, 4430 Sunset, Room 224, Paducah, KY 42001 From 12PM to 1PM – Afraid to speak in public? Learn to speak powerfully in an exciting, fun environment. Visitors are always welcome. Call Clay Campbell 270.703.2700 for more info.

Paducah Head Start/Preschool continues to accept applications for enrollment for the current school year. Children must be currently 3 or 4 years old, must be income eligible or have a disability. If a child has turned 3 after October 1, 2015, he or she is eligible for enrollment during the remainder of this school year. Children must live within the Paducah Public School district. Call 270.444.5780 or visit your local elementary school for more information.

Camps, Classes & Education SATURDAY: Paint your own canvas. Better Than Ever’s Open Studio.10AM-9AM. Traceable templates, photo guides and instructors are there to help you. We also love for you to bring your own ideas, and inspiration from Pinterest. Details at betterthaneverhome.com

MONDAY–THURSDAY: Group Piano Classes. Beginner group and advanced group piano classes (for ages 5-6, 6-7, 8-11, teens and adults). Harmony Road Music School. Class sizes are limited and pre-registration is required. For more information, call 270.444.3669 or to view a schedule, visit harmonyroadpaducah.com.

FRIDAY: Live Music 6-8PM. Eat-O Burrito, 548 N 32nd St. Paducah FRIDAY: Paducah Writer's Group. Hear some of the area's most talented poets and storytellers, along with a great audience. Come on down and drop some science on the mic – or just kick back and listen with a fine cup of joe. Etcetera Coffeehouse. 8PM. FRIDAY: Adult Ballroom Dance Party. 8 – 10PM. $7 cover charge. Drinks & refreshments included. Open to the public. Ruth Johnson School of Dance, 1702 Broadway. Call 270.442.8321

FRIDAY: Friday Night Racing at Paducah International Raceway. 7PM. 4445 Shemwell Lane, Paducah. paducahracing.net LAST WEEKDAY OF EACH MONTH: PATS Free Ride. Paducah Area Transit System invites us to ride free on any fixed route (nine in total) . 6AM – 6PM. Regular fare $.75, $.50 for 55 and over. paducahtransit.com.

SATURDAY: Family Kitchen Meals/Fellowship. Free meals are served from 11AM.-1PM. at Holy House of Prayer 270.443.1724. Open to everyone. SATURDAY: Family Movie Entertainment. Traders Mall, theatre. 2PM matinee, 7PM evening show. Concessions available, games before the show.

Kids & Their FAMilies: School Notes The McCracken County Preschool Head Start Office is now accepting appointments to register for the 2015-16 school year. Children must be 3 or 4 years old on or before August 1, 2015 and they must be income eligible or exhibit a developmental delay. Children also must reside in the McCracken County school district. Please call the McCracken County Preschool/Head Start office at 270.538.4041 to make an appointment. If you are interested in the tuition program, please call 270.538.4000 and ask for Kathy Johnson.

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MONDAY– FRIDAY: Preschool Classes mornings, afternoons, and evenings: For parents and children ages 3 – Kindergarten. Harmony Road Music School. For more information, call 270.444.3669 or to view a schedule, visit harmonyroadpaducah.com.

Office Building 2, Baptist Health, Paducah. 6 - 8PM. Free class helps prepare expectant mothers for the breastfeeding experience. Call 270.575.2229 to register.

SEPTEMBER 15 (TUESDAY): Cancerport Breast Cancer Support Group. MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY: Babies and Toddlers Classes. 6-week

Baptist Health Imaging Center. 6PM. Call 270.442.1310 for more information.

sessions for Parents and Babies ages birth to 18 months, or Parents and Toddlers ages 18 months to 3 years. Harmony Road Music School. For more information, call 270.444.3669 or to view a schedule, visit harmonyroadpaducah.com.

SEPTEMBER 24 (THURSDAY): Smoking Cessation Classes. Baptist Health, Heart Center Conference Room. 11:30AM-12:00PM. 270.575.2179 to register.

MONDAY: Chess Club. Murray Public Library. 5:30 – 7:30PM Free lesson & time to play. Paducah Parks Services offers classes for children, teens, and adults. Classes include art lessons, martial arts, soccer, and dance. For details, call 270-444-8508 or visit paducahky.gov

SEPTMEBER 7 (MONDAY): Stroke Support Group. Meeting Room A, Baptist Heart Center Conference Room, Baptist Health, Paducah. 3-4:30PM. This group provides support for stroke survivors and their caregivers, family and friends. Light refreshments are served. Contact Mary Legge at 270.575.2880 to register.

SEPTEMBER 7, 12 & 14: Prepared Childbirth Classes. Meeting Room A, Doctors Office Building 2, Baptist Health, Paducah. 5PM – 8PM on Monday, 9AM – 3PM on SATURDAY. Free class designed to help expectant parents in their second or third trimester learn about the labor and delivery process. Call 270.575.2229 to register.

MONDAY: Preschool Playdate. Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 11AM - 1PM. Come play on inflatables, on the soccer field, even bring your tricycle to ride on our basketball court! Concessions open. Find out more at plexsports.net MONDAY: Musical Fingers. (Classes for all children 4 and under.) Meet at Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 10AM. For more information, contact Lyz Hornbeak at 270.575.1858 or help@plexsports.net. themusicclass.com MONDAY: Preschool Playdate. Paducah Regional Sportsplex. 11AM - 1PM. Come play on inflatables, on the soccer field, even bring your tricycle to ride on our basketball court! Concessions open. Find out more at plexsports.net

TUESDAY: Paducah Kennel Club Agility Classes. Paducah Kennel Club. 1325 Fisher road. 6AM. Six lessons taught on TUESDAY Nights for beginner and intermediate dogs, all ages all breeds. $90 total cost. Contact Cathy Crecelius at 270.217.0150.

SEPTEMBER 1 (TUESDAY): Weight Loss Information Session. Baptist Heart Center auditorium. 6PM Learn about medical and surgical options for weight loss. Phone 270.443.0202 for more information.

SEPTEMBER 14 (MONDAY) AND SEPTEMBER 16 (WEDNESDAY): Diabetes Class. Atrium Classroom, Doctors Office Building 2, Baptist Health, Paducah. 14PM. Free class with a certified diabetes instructor to assist with any question or concerns about diabetes. Call 270.575.2918 for more information.

SEPTEMBER 28 (MONDAY): Breastfeeding Class. Atrium Classroom, Doctors

FRIDAY: Family Education on Mental Illness. Baptist Health, Paducah. 7 9:30PM. Strategies to cope with the distress of mental illness in a loved one. AND how to take care of yourself during this hard time. For more, call Marcia or Paul Grant at 270.554.1915.

SATURDAY: Paint your own canvas. Better Than Ever’s Open Studio.10AM-9PM. Traceable templates, photo guides and instructors are there to help you. We also love for you to bring your own ideas, and inspiration from Pinterest. Details at betterthaneverhome.com

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44 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

On-Going Dance, Fitness & Sports MONDAY – FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY: Zumba With Tishaunda. 714 West 7th Street, Metropolis, IL. 6 – 7:30AM on MONDAY - FRIDAY; 10:30AM on SATURDAY; SUNDAYS at 4PM. tishaunda618.zumba.com or 618.638.4180. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY: Tiger Jiu-Jitsu. 5-5:50PM. Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy. 270.564.5804.

MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY: Junior Jiu-Jitsu. 6-6:50PM. Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy. 270.564.5804.

MONDAY-FRIDAY: Crack of Dawn Bicycle Rides. 6AM. Meet at Family Video beside Paducah Middle School, when pavement is dry and temperature is 40+ degrees. Pace set by who shows. For information, contact Torey or Hutch at Bike World, 270.442.0751 or email hutch@bikeworldky.com. MONDAY: Strength and Cardio Circuit Training. Curves, 3420 Park Avenue. Call 270.575.3800 for more. curves.com Silver Sneakers can Workout for FREE. MONDAY-THURSDAY: CENTRE OF DANCE: Quality technique classes for students age 4 through adult. Located in the Dance Studio in Old Fine Arts, Murray State University. Performance opportunities with Jackson Purchase Dance Company for dancers age 10 and older. For information, contact Owner/Director, Karen Balzer at kbalzer@murray-ky.net or 270.767.0579. MONDAY & THURSDAY: Gymnastics. Tumble Town. 4:30-5:30PM; 5:30-6:30PM; 6:30-7:30PM 270-519-7155

MONDAY – THURSDAY & SATURDAY. Competitive adult USAV volleyball. Men's and women's teams need experienced players, age 17 and up, for weekly games and practices. MON-THURS evenings and SUN afternoons. Times vary. Location varies, but usually at Paducah Regional Sportsplex. Email vci.user.42001@gmail.com for more info

MONDAY – THURSDAY: Intro Kettlebell Class. Mike’s Kettlebell Club. 106 Broadway, Paducah. 6:15PM. 270.554.8224.


After School Martial Arts Sessions. Hwang’s Martial Arts. School dismissal – 5:30PM. During the school year. 270.908.6670 or email hwangsmartialart@bellsouth.net

hwangsmartialartstkd.com MONDAY & WEDNESDAY: Jazzercise Classes. 33420 Lone Oak Road, Arch Towers - Suite L. 5:15PM. Everyone welcome! For more, call 270.210.1044.

MONDAY & WEDNESDAY: Karate Kidz Prep Beginners (Ages 7-8), Future Kidz Beginners (Ages 5-6), Future Kidz Intermediates (Ages 5-6), Future Kidz Advanced (Ages 5-6), Karate Kidz Beginners (Ages 9-12),

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Dynamic Tae Kwon Do Beginners (Ages 13+), Black Belt Class, TurboKick Fitness (Ages 16+) 7PM. Hwang's Martial Arts. Call 270.908.6670 for enrollment information or email hwangsmartialart@bellsouth.net. hwangsmartialartstkd.com

On-Going Events for Seniors

TUESDAY: Family Track Run Practice. Meet at Noble Park Picnic Shelter #10. 6 -

of Paducah. Call 270.443.8251 for information.

7PM. FREE. For more, call 270.444.8508.

EVERY 3RD SATURDAY: Senior Citizens Social Dinner and games.

TUESDAY: Youth Running Club. Picnic Shelter #10 at Noble Park. FREE. Ages 5-15. 6-7PM. 270.444.8508. TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Xtreme Martial Arts (Ages 8+), Karate Kidz Prep Intermediates/Advanced (Ages 7-8), Karate Kidz Intermediates/ Advanced (Ages 9-12), Dynamic Tae Kwon Do Intermediates/Advanced (Ages 13+), Adult Kickboxing (Ages 16+). Hwang's Martial Arts. Call 270.908.6670 for enrollment information or email hwangsmartialart@bellsouth.net. hwangmartialarts.com

FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH: Super Seniors at First Christian Church

McKendree United Methodist Church. 4:30 - 6PM. 270.488.3770. Residents at Trinity Village - Senior Family Home Care, 3910 Old US Hwy 45 South in Lone Oak. Invite you to a senior's get - together every FRIDAY (Please RSVP): Potluck – 6 - 6:45PM. Bible Study 7 – 8AM Contact Rene Sanchez-Chew, 270.554.7075. Senior Medicare Patrol – Senior Medicare Patrol: Kathy Hunt, project coordinator of the local Kentucky Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) provides information on how you can protect yourself from Medicare errors, learn to detect potential fraud and abuse and to report errors or suspected fraud. 8AM – 4PM. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY at the Senior Center, 1400 HC Mathis Drive. For more information call 270.442.8993.

TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Kids’ Kickboxing. 5 - 5:50PM. Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy. 270.564.5804.

TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Pickleball. Paducah SportsPlex. 10:30AM both days, and again at 6:30PM on Thursdays only. 270.554.PLEX or PlexSports.net

TUESDAY & THURSDAY: Group Training Run, West Kentucky Runners Club. Summer Hill Ct (off Friedman Lane between Pines Road and HW 60 in Paducah). 5AM. 8 mile run.

THURSDAY: Hip-Hop Fitness. High-energy, calorie-burning, easy-to-follow, full-body workout! Open to teenagers and up. $5. 7:45PM. Beverly Rogers Academy of Dance, 3485 Park Ave across from the Ford dealership. For more information contact dancelyfe@ excite.com.

THURSDAY: Table Tennis. Ages 12+. Classroom 1, Paducah Parks. 5-6PM. $25. 270.444.8508.

FRIDAY: Extreme Martial Arts classes 4:30 – 5:30PM. Future Kidz Makeup Class, 5PM; Lil' Dragons & Karate Kidz Prep Makeup Classes, 5:30; Karate Kidz Makeup Class, 6PM; Dynamic TKD Regular Class (13&Up), 6:30PM. Circuit Training. 6PM. Hwang’s Martial Arts. 270.908.6670. hwangsmartialartstkd.com SATURDAY: Intro Kettlebell Class. Mike’s Kettlebell Club. 106 Broadway, Paducah. 9AM. 270.554.8224. SATURDAY: Tiger and Junior Jiu-Jitsu. Noon – 12:50PM Three Rivers Martial Arts Academy. 270.564.5804. SATURDAY: Black Belts, 9AM; Hwang’s Martial Arts. 270.554.6667. hwangsmartialarts@bellsouth.net, hwangsmartialartstkd.com

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MONDAY - FRIDAY: Informal Coffee Group. Etcetera Coffeehouse, 6th Street and Kirchoff's Bakery locations. 9AM.

MONDAY - FRIDAY: Hot Lunches - Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 11:30AM. Donation : $3. Must be 60 and over. 270.443.8579 MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY: Exercise Classes for Seniors Paducah-McCracken County Senior Center. 10-11AM. 270.443.8579 MONDAY - FRIDAY: Water Aerobics. Brooks Indoor Pool, Broadway United Methodist Church, 701 Broadway. 10AM. $25 per month. Call 270.443.1778 for more info. MONDAY: Ballroom Dance Classes - Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 1-3PM. FREE. Must be 60 and over. 270.443.8579 TUESDAY AND THURSDAY: Line Dancing Classes - Paducah-McCracken Senior Citizens Center. 1-2:30PM. FREE. THURSDAYS FOR BEGINNERS. Must be 60 and over. 270.443.8579

FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS: Bible Study & Lunch. Broadway Church of Christ. 11AM. FREE. All seniors welcome. 270.443.6206 Beginning Crochet and Quilting. Senior Citizens Center. 1AM, 2AM. FREE. 270.443.8579

WEDNESDAY: Introduction to Senior Fitness Simplified. Paducah Yoga Center. 11AM - noon. $10/ session, $30/month, $35/month with Sunday Tai Chi. Call 270.210.1465 for more. 1ST AND 3RD THURSDAYS OF EVERY MONTH: FREE Serving Our Senior's Bingo. Parkview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. 1:30 - 3AM. Dessert and coffee served, enter at the Rehabilitation wing. To reserve a seat, call 270.443.6543. Senior Citizens Dance - Paducah-McCracken County Senior Center. 7 - 10AM. $5. Live music. Bring potluck-style snack food. Drinks sold on-site. Open to the public. 50 and over. 270-443-8579. Check for dates paducahseniorcenter.org. 270.443.8579 v

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P U R C H A S E FA M I LY N E T W O R K Listings of non-profit groups providing family oriented services

Adoption/Foster Care

Adoption Support Group. Concord United Methodist Church. 2ND THURSDAYS OF EACH MONTH. 6 – 7:30AM Free to participate. Dinner & childcare provided. Licensed marriage & family therapist Chris Trout to facilitate. For more information or to sign up, contact Shannon Wilson, 270.331.3344. Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK) - Sponsoring support group for adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. The meetings are held the second Monday of each month at the Oasis Christian Center, 3232 Buckner Lane (home to Community Christian Academy Elementary School in Paducah, KY and the LAST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH at the Community Fellowship Baptist Church on Hwy 45 in Hickory (across from State Police Post One) in Mayfield, KY. Both meetings are held from 6 - 8PM. All adoptive parents and those interested in adoption are welcome. Childcare is provided free of charge. For more information contact: Tammy DeBoe at 270.994.2466 or tammydeboe@newwaveccomm.net or Kim Armistead at 502.558.6846 or raka1214@yahoo.com. BENCHMARK Therapeutic Foster Care - Benchmark Family Services, Inc, established in 1994, is a private, faith-based, non-profit therapeutic foster care agency. Benchmark provides stable and caring homes for youth in need of out-of-home care. Our mission is to advocate for children by ensuring opportunities for healthy physical, psychological and emotional growth and development in the least restrictive setting possible. Benchmark is seeking caring, dynamic individuals and families with a calling to open their hearts and homes to children in need of stability, care and nurturing. As a Benchmark foster family, you will receive weekly contact with an assigned case manager, including a minimum of three home visits per month, 24/7 emergency cell phone access to a case manager, respite care for foster chil-

dren when needed, premium financial compensation and incomparable foster parent support. For more information, call Benchmark at 270.408.1361. NECCO Therapeutic Foster Care. Necco has been serving Western Kentucky's youth for more than a decade. To find out more about foster parenting, give us a call. Necco can introduce you to a child in need of a loving family and a safe place to call home. Benefits include training tailored to fit your schedule, 24 hour crisis intervention/support, access to on staff mental health professionals, ongoing monthly trainings with childcare and meals provided, respite, incentives, daily reimbursements paid twice monthly, case managers for every home, staff cell phone numbers, and unmatched foster parent support. For experience you can count on, call Necco toll free at 866.30NECCO (866.306.3226) or 270.898.1293. Omni Visions, a foster care and adoption agency, will be holding foster care informational meetings every Tuesday evening at 5PM Meetings at 450 Park Avenue, Paducah. Please call Nicole Kowalczyk at 270.309.3167 for any questions.

Child Care

Tot School. 9AM - 2AM, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY. Ages 3 - 5. $110/month. AUGUST 16 - MAY. Paducah Parks Bldg. 270.444.8508. National After School Program (NASP). Meets MONDAY - FRIDAY, 3 - 6PM. FREE. To sign up, call Paducah Parks at 270.444.8508.

Child Protection/ Crisis Services

Domestic Violence Information Session. McCracken County Courthouse, Family Court, Room “E”. 270.443.6071, ext. 5. The Purchase Area Sexual Assault and Child Advocacy Center. We provides fee services for both children and adult victims of sexual crimes. Our services include therapy, legal and medical advocacy, forensic interviews, child sexual abuse exams, consultation, assessment and referral services and education programs. Offices in Paducah, Mayfield and Murray reach all of the Purchase Area Region. Our 24 Hour crisis line number is 1.800.928.7273 and our office number is 270.928.4422. We welcome invitations to present preventive programs in schools, clubs, churches, and other groups. We need volunteers for our 24 hour crisis line and to meet victims at local emergency rooms. All volunteers undergo a criminal background check and central registry check. All are equipped with a 40 - hour training course. PASAC will accommodate your schedule. Join the team by calling 270.534.4422.

Children’s and Teen Groups

Boy Scout Troop 1 – Grace Episcopal Church. 270.559.1515. Looking for long lost Scouts! Visit scoutingfriends.org or call 270.554.5857. Girl Scout Activity Listings: kyanags.org and gskentuckiana.org.

Education Groups

KATS Homeschool Club meets twice a month in Paducah. This is a Christian group that meets for fellowship, playdates, field trips and much more. Field trips are also twice monthly. For more information, email katsofpaducah@live.com Center for Gifted Studies. Alexander Hall, Murray State University. The Center, located at 3205 Alexander Hall, collaborates with pre-service and graduate education students, the School Psychology program, and other College of Education programs to provide services to parents and gifted children in the region. Its services include professional development programs for teachers, regional and international enrichment opportunities for gifted students during the academic year and summers, and informational and

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assessment services to parents. For more, contact Dr. Joy Navan, 270.8092539 or joy.navan@coe.murraystate.edu. C.H.A.M.P., Christian Homeschoolers All Meet and Play. United Methodist Church Gym, Ledbetter, KY. Every Monday 2:30 - 4:30. We also have group recess every six weeks. Bring skates or sports equipment. FREE to all. For more, call Sherry Layne-Smith at 270.928.4368 or email smith731@localnet.com. Heartland Christian Home Educators offers support, field trips, and fellowship for home school families in western Kentucky and southern Illinois. To find out more call Carrie Bullock at 618.638.3289. Parent support group meetings on the FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at St. John’s Church, 6201 Waldo Church Road, Metropolis, IL. Open to the public. Also, Family Night on the THIRD FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH. Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site encourages area residents to volunteer at the park. Wickkliffe Mounds is a preservation of a NativeAMerican village dating to 11 AD. The park has a volunteer program and is searching for people who are interested in museums, history, archeology, education and NativeAMericans. Activities include tour guiding, educational programs, greeting visitors, outdoor landscaping and other help. Contact the Park Manager Carla Hildebrand at 270.335.3681 wickliffemounds@ky.gov

through one of life's most difficult experiences. You don't have to go through the grieving process alone. We welcome you to come and experience the healing of God's comfort as you go through this difficult part of your life. For more information visit waldobaptist.org or call 618.564.2180. Grief Support Group – FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. Graves County Senior Citizens Building. 11:30AM. Free grief support group sponsored by Lourdes Hopice. Contact Todd Hawkins at 270.415.3632. Grief Support. Sponsored by Milner & Orr. 1ST FRIDAYS OF THE MONTH. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. 5 – 9PM. For more information, call Pat Pitchford at 270.898.8796. Men’s Coffee Grief Education and Support Group. FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH except holidays. Bob Evans Restaurant, Paducah. 8AM. Call for info 270.415.3632. Lourdes Hospice Needs Volunteers: Working with hospice patients can grow your faith and teach you about the magic and beauty of life. Volunteers are needed in Ballard, Caldwell, Carlisle, Crittenden, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Lyon, Marshall, and McCracken counties. If interested, contact Susan Mason at 1.800.870.7460 or 270.415.3640.

Land Between the Lakes Programming - Trail hiking, animal discovery, children’s activities, planetarium programming and more. Weekday and weekend listings. 270.924.2020. lbl.org

Now & Beyond: Grief Support Group for Widows and Widowers. 2ND FRIDAYS Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. 6 – 8AM. Led by Pat Pitchford. 270.898.8796 or 270.534.4200.

McKAGE (McCracken County Chapter of Kentucky Association of Gifted Education.) Monthly lunch meetings at local schools. Noon – 1PM. For information, contact Danette Humphrey, 270.442.5172

EVERY MONDAY (EXCEPT HOLIDAYS). Healthy Grieving Group. Paducah Lourdes Hospice Office, Hipp Buildingm Jackson Street 5PM.

Center for Cultural Exchange. Host an international exchange student! CCI is looking for families to host high school students from foreign countries. Each CCI student is fully insured, brings spending money and is looking forward to an active family life. CCI is designated by the US Department of State and dedicated to promoting cultural understanding, academic development and world peace. Call your Area Representative, Corinne Sullivan at 270.508.0622 if you have any questions or visit cci-exchange.com for more information.

1ST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH.Grief Support Lunch: Luke's Truckstop, Arlington. 11:30AM. Contact Leah Fondaw, lfondaw@lourdes-pad.org. 270.415.3607.

To view television programs, including Tot School from Paducah Parks Services, produced by the television department at West Kentucky Community and Technical College, visit paducah2.org.

Crisis Management Kentucky Regional Poison Center - Kosair Children’s Hospital. 1.800.222.1222 The Merryman House. The Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center provides free services to all victims of domestic violence, including shelter for those in need. All of the following services are offered FREE of charge. Some of our services include individual counseling, court advocacy, support groups, referral services, hospital advocacy, outreach services, and housing counseling. Though the shelter is located in Paducah, we provide outreach services for area counties. Our toll free crisis number is 1.800.585.2686 or 270.443.6001. Our email address is merrymanhouse@ hcis.net. All services are completely confidential. Paducah Lifeline Ministries. Counseling and help for life-controlling addictions. Call 270.443.4743. 2801 Morgan Lane For military and their families: operationhomefront.org

Loss GriefShare Class. Waldo Baptist Church. WEDNESDAY evenings, 6:30PM GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you

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FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH EXCEPT HOLIDAYS. Men’s Coffee Grief Education and Support Group. Bob Evans Restaurant, Paducah. 8AM. Call for info 270.415.3632. Bariatric Support Group. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. 6PM. Call 270.251.4169. Survivors of Suicide: support group for anyone whose life has been touched by the unique grief of suicide. FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. United Church of Paducah, 4600 Buckner Lane. Contact: 270.442.3722 Now & Beyond: Grief Support Group for Widows and Widowers. 2ND FRIDAYS. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. 6 – 8PM. Led by Pat Pitchford. 270.898.8796.

Multi-service Providers

live or work in the Kentucky counties of Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, Hickman, Livingston, McCracken, Marshall, and Massac County, Illinois. Households with at least one adult working 15 hours or more and fall within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level for household income qualify for St. Nicholas. (Example: a household size of 4 people with an annual income of up to $42,931 is eligible.) St. Nicholas patients receive care at the midtown KentuckyCare clinic located at 1901 Kentucky Avenue in Paducah. To see if you qualify, stop by or call the clinic at 270.575.3247. All family members (including children) may be treated at the clinic. Clinic Hours: Mon - Fri, 8AM - 5PM. (To make a donation, please contact the St. Nicholas Foundation office directly at 270.408.4828 or stnicholasfamilyclinic@gmail.com. The Foundation mailing address is P. O. Box 311, Paducah KY 42002 and the office is located inside the Commerce Center at 300 S. Third Street in Paducah.)

Baptist Health has meetings and groups on: Baptist Health has meetings and groups on: Breast feeding, childbirth, Baby Care, Family, CPR, Menopause, Diabetes, Ostomy & other medical issues. Call 270.575.2229 or westernbaptist.com.

St. Vincent de Paul Budget Store. We are a volunteer based ministry that sells used clothing, furniture and other goods at a minimal charge to the community and in turn uses the proceeds to help those less fortunate through the Help Line. Help is offered based on need, regardless of religious affiliation or income. The Budget Store serves the public 5 days a week (TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 10AM to 3PM and SATURDAY 9AM to 1PM). VOLUNTEERS AND DONATIONS ALWAYS WELCOME! Please feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions you may have regarding our services. Budget Store phone number: 270-442-9351; Help Line phone number: 270.575.1008; Email address: stvincentpaducah@yahoo.com

Hope Unlimited Family Care Center and Medical Clinic provides counseling, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes and The Learn to Earn Program which offers a way for families to earn points to purchase much needed baby items. For more information, call 270.442.1166 in Paducah or 618.524.5730 in Metropolis.

Four Rivers Behavioral Health. Provides service in the areas of mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse. Consulting and employee assistance available. Serving Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Livingston, Marshall, and McCracken. 24-hr. crisis hotline, 1.800.592.3980. Call the office, 270.442.7121, to find out more.

St. Nicholas Free Clinic. St. Nicholas Foundation is a program that provides free primary care, medicine and specialist referrals to uninsured working adults who

Martha's Vineyard. A ministry that prepares meals and delivers them to the less fortunate in our area weekly. If you would like to volunteer please call Martha at 270.575.0021. Donations may be sent to : Martha's Vineyard • 1100 N. 12th Street • Paducah KY 42001

Lourdes Hospital has meetings and groups on: Childbirth, breastfeeding ALS support, Driving, Eating Disorders, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Breast & Cervical Cancer, Parkinson’s disease and Heart issues. Call 270.444.2444 or ehealthconnection.com/regions/lourdes

Ballard County Community Food Pantry. St. Mary's Catholic Church, 662 Broadway, LaCenter. Open MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY, 9AM to 12 noon for food distribution and to receive non-perishable donations. Need spaghetti'os, soups, vegetables, crackers, etc. For more, call the church at 270.665.5551.


Art Parties. Invite an artist to come to your place or have the party at ours. The artist will do live demonstrations, paint faces, and lead kids in a super fun art activity. Call Gretchen Smith at 270.243.0444 or email tallartist@hotmail.com. Art Guild of Paducah. FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH 6PM. McCracken County Public Library. For more info, call Carol at 270.554.4803 or 270.210.1465, or Melanie at 270.331.3087. Senior Pastor Bible Study. THURSDAY MORNINGS at 11AM at Broadway United Methodist Church. Come and bring a friend. You do not have to be a member of Broadway UMC to participate. 270.443.2401. Citizens Against Drug Dealers and Drug Abuse (C.A.D.D.) Working toward a drug-free McCracken County with education, prevention, and resources for families. 1ST THURSDAYS; 6:30PM. Milburn Chapel Church, West Paducah. For info., 270.554.9429. Dream Factory Volunteer Meetings - US Bank Bldg. 4TH & Broadway. 5TH floor. Interested in helping or donating? Janice Harris, 270.441.7611 dreamfactory.com Hearts for Babies. The group makes layettes for under-privileged and single moms in need and their new babies. Meets 1ST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY

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MONTH from 10AM – 2PM at Lone Oak First Baptist Church, Room C 200. Come and join our fun group. We knit, crochet, quilt and sew! For more, call Nelly Sullivan at 270.554.3818 Paducah Chess Club - SATURDAYS, 1 - 4PM, brilliant minds young and old, put their wits to the test at Etcetera coffee house Sponsored by English's Antiques and Rayela Art, 212 Broadway. Paducah Kennel Club. Meetings are the SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH (EXCLUDING JUNE, WHEN THE MEETING IS THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE DOG SHOW) at 7PM at the clubhouse. Guests are welcome. Membership is $30 annually for an individual, $45 for a family, and $5 for Junior Membership. There are ongoing conformation and puppy socialization classes, obedience classes, and agility classes. The club also offers Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International Testing. For more, visit paducahkennelclub.com Paducah Photographer's Club. Meets FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH. Broadway Church of Christ, 2855 Broadway. 6:30 – 8:3PM. A diverse group of people with one common interest: photography. Whether you're a new hobbyist or full time professional, our club offers the opportunity to learn, share, network and form new friendships! For more info, contact mikewurth@comcast.net

Parenting Support M.O.M. Group - Time for moms of all ages to connect with one another and study God’s Word in an encouraging, supportive, non-denominational environment. Meeting THIRD TUESDAYS OF EACH MONTH, SEPTEMBER THROUGH APRIL. 9 – 11AM in Fellowship Hall at First Missionary Baptist Church, 100 W 13th St., Benton, KY 42025. Children play in nursery, while mothers meet. Suggested donation of $2/ child. Book study - Becoming More Than A good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst Financial assistance is available if you are not able to afford a book. Please inquire if needed. Preregistration is appreciated. For more information look for us on Facebook in groups at M.O.M. Group of Marshall County and contact Jennie Woelpern at jenn56093@yahoo.com or 979.530.6843 for questions or to sign up. *Affiliated with The M.O.M. Initiative: themominitiative.com

Social and Professional Groups ACCESS Christian Singles. We provide a safe atmosphere for social activity for all singles. Whether members are men, women, divorced, widowed, never married, just separated or dating couples, we all have different personal goals and ideas about socially acceptable behavior. Meets the SECOND SATURDAY AND FOURTH FRIDAY OF THE MONTH. Check the blog for details: accesschristiansingles.blogspot.com/ Downtown Kiwanis Club - 310 N 4th Street, THURSDAYS, Noon - 1PM. Visitors and potential members are always welcome at these weekly serviceoriented gatherings. Email Chuck.Williamson@jpenergy.comfor more info. Families on the Spectrum. FIRST MONDAYS. Lourdes Garden Room. 6-8PM Refreshments provided and guest speakers every month. info@familiesonthspectrumky.org Four Rivers Society for Human Resource Management - Meetings are the FOURTH TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 6PM. For more, call Christa Dubrock at 720.443.7361, ext. 10689 or email dubruck@csiweb.com. The Great Rivers Group, Sierra Club, meets the FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH. For information: 270.236.2317 or 270.753.8910. Lone Oak Kiwanis - Meets MEETS 1ST, 2ND AND 4TH WEDNESDAY mornings for breakfast at Parker’s Drive Inn Restaurant, 2921 Lone Oak Road, 7AM. We welcome visitors and potential members. Breakfast is open to visitors on the first Wednesday of every month. Paducah/River City Business and Professional Women (BPW). MEETS SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at noon at the Paducah County Club. Email Jessica Koverdan for more, jessicakoverdan@kyfb.com.

La Leche League of Kentucky- All breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding. Meetings 1ST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH at 10AM, 160 South Gum Springs Road, Paducah. Contact Lynette Brown 270.534.0512 for directions. Inclement weather cancels. breastfeedinghelppaducah.blogspot.com MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) -Lone Oak First Baptist. 9:30-11:30AM on 1ST & 3RD THURSDAYS FROM SEPTEMBER THROUGH MAY in the Fellowship Hall. If you’re a mother of a preschooler, you’ve got your hands full….and we know how you feel! Get connected in MOPS. There are limited spots available for childcare, so please call ahead. 270.554.1441. Moms in Touch prayer support for Concord Elementary School. Call Kelly Hudspeth, 270.744.0800 NINO – Nine months in; nine months out. Provide infant sling & carrier information & support. 3RD MONDAYS. 10:30AM. McCracken County Library. For more information, contact Jill Tanner, 270.349.3806 or email thenaturalbaby@gmail.com Wives of Faith, Western KY Chapter – If you would like to join a Christian-based group of other military wives, this is the group for you. Come join us for lots of fun, support, and activities! All units and branches are welcome. Check out: wivesoffaith.org/groups/western-kentuckywof and email ashley@wivesoffaith.org if you're interested or would like more information.

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Paducah Business and Professional Women (BPW) Meets SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH . 5:30 - 7PM. McCracken County Public Library. For information, call Merryman Kemp at 270.442.7636. Paducah-Kentucky Lake Chapter of the International Society of Administrative Professionals. Meetings are the THIRD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 5:30PM. For more, call Christy Poindexter at 270.575.6624. geocites.com/paducahkylake. Paducah Lions Club The oldest Lions Club in Kentucky, they meets TUESDAYS at noon for lunch and presentations by guest speakers at the Walker Hall. Paducah Rotaract Club. First MONDAY of the month at 6PM. Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce. A group for young professionals 18 – 30 years old focused on helping others. Paducah Rotary Club -The group meets each WEDNESDAY for lunch and excellent speakers. Noon at the Myre River Room, Carson Four Rivers Center. Paducah Singles Connection - TUESDAYS, 6AM at Grace Episcopal Church. All single adults are welcome to this group, which emphasizes positive fellowship and social interaction based on the Christian lifestyle. They neither encourage nor discourage datingAMong members. The goal is to encourage, with love and support, those adjusting to the single lifestyle in a way that enhances self-esteem, tolerance and understanding. South Paducah Kiwanis - 1640 South 6th Street, THURSDAYS from 7 - 8AM. The club invites members to this weekly meeting. The group's mission: serving the children of the world, one at a time. Toastmasters Club. MSU Paducah Regional Campus, 4430 Sunset, Room 224, Paducah. THURSDAYS, noon – 1PM Afraid to speak in public? Learn to speak

powerfully in an exciting, fun environment. Visitors are always welcome. Call Clay Campbell 270.703.2700 for more info. Zonta Club of Paducah - 6PM, SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. Advancing the status of women world-wide through service and advocacy. For more information, email President Lisa Hoppmann, lghoppmann@aol.com or call 270.366.6183

Special Needs

AMPA Paducah offers exceptional dance class for children with special needs. THURSDAYS. 4:45 – 5:30PM Studio III. 270.415.5647. myampa.com Cassidy’s Cause Therapeutic Riding Academy is currently taking enrollment for our 2015 sessions for individuals with disabilities. 270.554.4040 for more information. H.O.R.S.E.S. Inc. Therapeutic Riding Center currently has open enrollment for riders with special needs. Offering classes for fall session and a new class for military veterans struggling with PTSD, depression or physical disabilities. Located at Carson Park, Paducah. Please visit our website for an enrollment package. horsesinc.org or call us at 270.408.1520. Families on the Spectrum. Autism support group. FIRST MONDAYS. Lourdes Garden Room. 6-8PM Refreshments provided and guest speakers every month. info@familiesonthspectrumky.org Call 270.366.4534 for meeting dates. Easter Seals West Kentucky offers a range of therapies including speech, physical and occupational therapy services to children who qualify regardless of income. If you know a child who would benefit from these services or needs additional services above what they are already receiving, please call Tara Beyer at 270.444.9687. Marshall County Special Olympics. Woodmen of the World, Benton. 2ND TUESDAYS at 7:30PM. For more, call, 270-703-2700. Marshall Country Exceptional Center Case Management and Adult Day Training. For more information for Case Management call Lindsey Wall at 270.527.3101. For more information for Adult Day Training, call Diana Wall at 270.527.1327. Down Syndrome Association of Western Kentucky is a resource group for families, friends, & individuals with Down syndrome. Meetings are usually held the 3RD MONDAYS OF EVERY MONTH. Heartland Worship Center. 6 8AM. For more information and meeting dates, call Lana Dockery, 270.564.0949, or email ldockery@comcast.net

Support Groups

Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK). support group for adoptive and prospective adoptive parents. SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH at the Oasis Christian Center, 3232 Buckner Lane (home to Community Christian Academy Elementary School in Paducah, KY and the last Monday of each month at the Community Fellowship Baptist Church on Hwy 45 in Hickory (across from State Police Post One) in Mayfield, KY. Both meetings are from 6 - 8AM. All adoptive parents and those interested in adoption are welcome. FREE childcare provided. Advanced Bariatric Surgery of Paducah Support Group. 3RD TUESDAYS. 6AM. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. 270.444.2335 Alcoholics Anonymous. WEDNESDAYS 8 – 9AM. Ballard County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Community Center in Lacenter. Alzheimer’s Support Group. 3RD THURSDAYS. 11AM-12noon. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Rosenthal Room. For more information, call 270.534.9173. Alzheimer’s Support Group. Paducah Care & Rehabilitation Center, 501 N.

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3rd Street in Paducah. FOURTH THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH. 4:30PM. Call Felicia Williams or Katina Wilson at 270-444-9661 for additional information.

Colitis and Crohn’s Support Group. 1ST THURSDAY.7PM - 8:30PM Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion. Rosenthal Room. For more information, call 270.556.4530.

Bariatric Support Group. FOURTH TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH at 6AM. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. For more information about participating with this group, call 270.251.4169.

Diabetes Support Group. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH at 6PM. Community Conference Room, Jackson Purchase Medical Center. Participants share in a diabetic-friendly potluck meal. Additional information can be obtained by calling The Diabetes Care Center at 270.251.4372. To register call 270.251.4580 or 1.877.554.JPMC.

Brain Injury of Kentucky Support Group Baptist Health - Paducah, Conference Room A. Call Brenda Bradford at 270.575.2799 or 270.554.0452. Cancerport Breast Cancer Support Group. Baptist Health Imaging Center. The group provides support for those diagnosed with breast cancer and living in recovery. Phone 270.442.1310 for more information. Cancer Support Group – FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. First Christian Church. 270.443.8251 THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY OTHER MONTH: Look Good…Feel Better byAMerican Cancer Society. Open to all women with cancer who are undergoing treament. 6PM to 8PM. Suite 403, Lourdes Medical Pavilion. Call ACS at 270.444.0740. Caregiver Support Group – THIRD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH. Legacy Personal Care Home, 4747 Alben Barkley Drive. 6PM. FREE respite care is provided. For more information, please call Carrie Gottschalk Singler, 270.534.0620. Lourdes Weight Loss Surgery Support Group. 3RD TUESDAYS. 6AM. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. 270.444.2335

“FAMilies on the Spectrum” is a local non-profit group of exactly what our name suggests…families on the autism spectrum. It is our goal to provide fun family outings, meetings, parents’ nights out, and to offer community support for our autism families. Our focus is on fun AND families in the hopes of building connections and life long bonds with other autism families in the Purchase Area and So. IL. Check our webiste for more information. familiesonthespectrumky.org Fibromyalgia Support Group. 6-7PM. THIRD THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH at Birk Grove Life Centre (5150 Village Square Drive.) Meetings are open to the public for women with Fibromyalgia. Phone 270.415.9575 for any questions. Living Well Support Group – McCracken County Extension Office. FIRST TUESDAYS. 11AM - Noon. For anyone wanting to make healthier changes. Free and no reservation needed. For questions, contact: Baptist Health at 270.575.2282; or Purchase District Health Dept. at 270.444.9625.

Cancerport - the Breast Cancer Support Group. Women's Health and Wellness Center at Baptist Imaging Center, 2705 Kentucky Ave., Paducah. SECOND MONDAYS. Contact Kentucky Cancer Program at 270.442.1310.

Lourdes Hospice. Lourdes North Plaza, 911 Joe Clifton Dr. EVERY MONDAY EXCEPT HOLIDAYS. 5 – 6:30PM. 270.415.3636.

Cancer Support Group – First Christian Church. 270.443.8251

Hot Shots, a support group for children with type 1 diabetes and their families. For more information, contact 270.217.2548, 270.519.4155, 270.210.3047 or ronda. cartwright@mccracken. kyschools.us

Celebrate Recovery. Riverwoods Church, Benton, KY. Where you can find healing from hurts, habits or hang ups. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT. Dinner at 6:30 p.m.; fellowship at 7 p.m., followed by open small group. For more information, contact Tammy Nelson, 270.349.3253 or Michael Youngblood, 270.210.1828. Celiac and Gluten-Intolerant meetings. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH at 5PM. Chiropractic Works, Metropolis. These meetings are free to anyone who has Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or wanting to learn the life style. If you have any questions, call 618.524.8300. Christian Support Group Meeting for friends and family of the chemically dependent. New Life Tabernacle. Call 270.444.8073 or 270.554.5977. Circle of Hope Cancer Support Group. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH at 6AM. Jackson Purchase Medical Center, Private Dining Room. Special guests are planned to provide information on pain management, depression, nutrition and many other related topics. For more information, call 270.382.3940 or 270.247.6546. Celebrate Recovery. Heartland Worship Center's Youth Building. FRIDAYS at 7AM. Are you struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups such as depres-

sion, insecurity, anger, overeating or chemical dependency? Open the door to change and find freedom from addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. For more, call 270.534.1400, ext. 260. Celiac and Gluten-Intolerant meetings. FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH at 5PM. Chiropractic Works, Metropolis. These meetings are free to anyone

who has Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or wanting to learn the life style. If you have any questions, call 618.524.8300. Christian Support Group Meeting for friends and family of the chemically dependent. New Life Tabernacle. 1ST THURSDAY at 7PM. Call 270.443.4648 or270. 519.8670.

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Huntington’s Support Group. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. Call Kathy Saliga at 270.637.4372 for meeting dates. L.I.F.E Community L.I.F.E-Saver Class - 523 N 12th Street. TUESDAYS, 11:30AM - 12:30PM. This class allows individuals to talk about any life-controlling issues and get support from the group. FREE. All are welcome. 270.575.3823. “Living Well Support Group” McCracken County Extension Office. FIRST TUESDAYS. 11AM - Noon. For anyone wanting to make healthier changes. Free and no reservation needed. For questions, contact: Baptist Health at 270575-2282; or Purchase District Health Dept. at 270.444.9625. Lupus Support Group. Lourdes Hospital, Classroom 4. 6PM, FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH. For more, call 270.210.9247.

N.A.M.I. Paducah (National Alliance on Mental Illness) support group for family members and persons affected by mental illness and their families. THURSDAYS, 7-8:30PM. St. Mathew’s Lutheran Church, 27th & Broadway. Nar-Anon Family Support Group. TUESDAYS, 6:30PM. Lourdes Hospital Classroom 4. Join in on a weekly hour of anonymous friendship, support and information for people with family members and/or friends struggling with drug addiction. For more, call 270.444.6718 Overeaters Anonymous. MONDAYS. 7-9PM at at various members' homes. OA offers a fellowship of men and women who seek recovery -through a Twelve-Step program. No public, private, political, ideological, or religious affiliation. No dues, fees, or weighins. EVERYONE WELCOME! For more and weekly location, call 270.556.8873. Overeaters Anonymous. Spiritual Program of Recovery – no weigh-ins, dues or fees. EVERY WEDNESDAY. 5:30PM - 6:30PM Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Rosenthal Room. For more information, call 270.556.8873. Paducah Areaamputees in Action. 3RD THURSDAYS. 5:30PM. Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Borders Community Room. For more information, call 270.564.5879 Parkinson's Support Group. EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY. 10AM - 11:30AM Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion, Board Room. For more information, call 270.898.8031. Postpartum Depression Support Group. The FIRST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH at Hope Unlimited headquarters. This resource is open to the public, confidential and free. For questions about this support group, call 270.442.1166. Season of Honor: Caring for Your Aging Loved One. Meetings are the FIRST MONDAY NIGHT OF EACH MONTH. 6:30AM at First Baptist Church, 2890 Broadway in Paducah. 270.442.2728. Stroke and Brain Injury Survivors Support Group. MEETS FIRST MONDAYS, 11AM – noon. Second floor conference room, Jackson Purchase Medical Pavilion. Call 270.251.4121 for information on upcoming meeting topics. Support & education for families with a loved one who has a severe mental illness. FREE. Basic information about medications, the recovery process, communication skills, problem solving. WEEKLY meetings. Call to register 270.554.1915 Survivors of Suicide Support Group: For anyone whose life has been touched by the unique grief of suicide. FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Baptist Health Heart Center, 6PM Presentations may also be scheduled. TOPS #110 Paducah. Lebanon Methodist Church., 4620 At Massa Drive. 6AM, Weigh In; 6:30PM, Meeting. This WEEKLY meeting has a two-fold objective: encourage healthy lifestyles through weight management support groups and sponsor obesity research. Most members refer to the organization simply as "TOPS," an acronym for "Take Off Pounds Sensibly." The first meeting is FREE; yearly membership $26; monthly chapter dues $5. 270.217.1182. TOPS KY 0212 Paducah "Take Off Pounds Sensibly". Our mission is to offer Support and Encouragement for weight loss. Fountain Avenue United Methodist. WEDNESDAYS. Weigh-in from 8:30-9:15AM, meeting from 9:30 – 10:30AM Yearly dues are $28, or $4/month. For more information contact Eva Raines at 270.564.2141 or 270.217.4769. United Ostomy Association – Baptist Health Paducah. Contact Bonita Cloyd, 270.575.2303. v

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by: Ellen Walsh


The Dinner Table Project


our Rivers Behavioral Health Regional Prevention Center is tasked with the job of helping communities in Western Kentucky prevent substance abuse. Substance abuse affects our communities in numerous ways: Increased crime, loss of work productivity, and broken families to name just a few. I don’t think anyone would argue that it is better and cheaper to prevent substance abuse then to treat it.

“Just Say No” But how do we do that? I wish it was as easy as telling kids to “Just Say No”, or informing youth and adults the horrible things drug abuse does to your health and life. I think we have done a pretty good job of getting that message out and we will continue to do so. There is a lot more to preventing substance use, however. We have to start young by helping elementary and even preschool children feel good

about themselves, help them develop goals for their lives and learn to make good choices. That is a pretty tall order! So how do we get it done?

What Can Families Do? Four Rivers Behavioral Health Regional Prevention and Education Center (RPEC) wants this to be the year of The Dinner Table Project! You may be saying to yourself, “What do family dinners have to do with substance abuse prevention?” Research done by the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) consistently shows that teenagers who eat dinner more often with their families are less likely to drink, smoke cigarettes, or use other drugs.

The Hard Facts CASA lays out the details in their positon paper on people in the US. “Nine out of ten people who started smoking, drink-

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ing or using other drugs before age 18, meet the clinical criteria for addiction. The earlier substance use begins, the greater the likelihood of developing addiction. Individuals who first use any addictive substance before age 15 are six and a half times more likely to develop addiction as those who delay first use until age 21 or older; yet the average age that high school students report starting to use an addictive substance is between 13 and 14 years.”

Family Should Eat Together If youth are beginning to use addictive substances as early as 13 or 14 then we need to start education and prevention much earlier. This is why the RPEC feels it is very important for families to eat together; especially during elementary school. We can’t wait for our children to become teens before we make dinner together a priority and a habit.

Make the Time – Get Started Families come in all shapes and sizes these days. We have grandparents raising grandkids, step-parents, step-siblings, single parents and even multiple generations in one household. In many homes both caregivers work and kids are involved in after school sports and other activities. Not to mention our need to stay connected with electronics. It is

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• Make it enjoyable – talk about fun things such as vacation plans, leave serious topics for later.

Our website has helpful tips and hints The Family Dinner Project will be promoted in partnership with Family Resource Centers and Youth Service Centers. The RPEC has a website at thefamilydinnerproject.com. The website has recipes, games to play during dinner and conversation starters. It will be updated often so keep coming back! Please make this the year of The Dinner Table Project! v

hard for families to make the time to talk to each other let alone eat dinner together. Here are some tips on how to get organized: • Set a goal – eat together twice a week or more. • Keep it simple – family meals don’t have to be a big production, order pizza. • Be prepared – Plan your meals in advance so you have the ingredients on hand. • Get the family involved – let your kids help cook the meal. • Use the crock pot – you’ll come home to dinner made.

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Submitted by Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation

Hands that Heal Keeping in Touch with Physical Contact


high five, a best friend’s embrace and a shoulder to lean on during difficult moments - each have an impact that research suggests we take for granted.

Psychologists and psychotherapists tell us there is a lot of positive power in physical contact between people. It is a form of nonverbal communication we use and experience as early as birth.

Hugs Are Good For Us A number of studies point to the many ways touch might benefit our health. In one, published in the empirical journal Psychological Science by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, an increase in hugs and other acts of social support was found to help reduce stress-related infections. Other studies have shown that physical contact is just what the doctor ordered: It can positively impact blood pressure, reduce cortisol (a stress hormone), and even increase our life span! Researchers continue to investigate the connection between keeping close and being healthy. Who knows, in the future maybe physicians will prescribe ‘high fives’ alongside high blood pressure medication!

A Touch of Hope for Aging and Alzheimer’s Ongoing research appears to validate physical touch in a clinical application. In fact, most people welcome it and take it for granted. Some individuals however forgo the warm embraces and pats on the back. These people often include the elderly, who may experience isolation due to the loss of a spouse, distance from immediate family or personal illness. Lack of physical contact and touch is recognized as an issue in many organizations that care for seniors. They are trying their hand (pun intended,) at using skin-to-skin contact as therapy to help manage conditions such as anxiety, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. A 2004 article published in the Massage Therapy Journal suggests that “skilled touch” techniques are comforting and useful to people living with Alzheimer’s – especially those who may be losing, or have lost, the ability to communicate verbally. The article also emphasizes “focused,

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caring and conscious” physical contact to help caregivers alleviate agitation and confusion in those receiving care. This grounding technique could be useful as Alzheimer’s sufferers begin to experience a loss of touch among other senses. More and more accounts are being shared about individuals, namely older adults suffering from certain age-related illnesses, who have found healing at the hands at others both figuratively and literally.

Healing Hands For those who are comfortable with physical contact, nothing feels better than a ‘bear hug’ from a friend, an encouraging back rub, or simply having a hand to hold. Seniors who feel touch deprived, distanced, or disconnected from their surroundings should feel no shame in seeking out the supportive touch of another human being. Here are a few suggested activities that will present opportunities for positive hands-on interactions.

Get a Therapeutic Massage This form of therapy is widely used not only to help with sore or tired muscles and joint pain, but to help relieve stress. A regular appointment with a trusted, licensed practitioner could work wonders! Some massage therapists make house calls and have evening appointments for your convenience.

Step into Social Dance A dance class may be just the remedy. Dancing does not have to be overly strenuous to be great exercise. Dances such as the waltz and two-step encourage physical contact. Many studios offer steadily paced beginner courses that are senior-friendly and have social dance events on a weekly basis. You don’t have to go with a partner and it’s the perfect place to make new friends!

Babysit or Work with Children If your children are all grown up or live far away, you can still enjoy the touch and companionship of young children. Volunteering at a daycare center, school or local educational organization will get you out of your home and surrounded by youngsters who need you. Toddlers and younger children v love lots of hugs and physical play. Sources: amtamassage.org, cdc.gov/aging, nia.nih.gov/alzheimers, cmu.edu/ news, webmd.com/balance/stress-management, psychologytoday.com

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by: Dr. Evelyn Jones – The Skin Care Corner at Wellsprings Dermatology

Men’s Skin Care Needs


en have very specific skin care needs yet typically have very little exposure to proper skin care routines and products. When incorporated into a simple yet effective daily routine, physician strength, medical grade products can greatly improve the health and look of men's skin. A man’s facial skin is typically oily due to the influence of testosterone. Oil that is allowed to sit on the skin leads to inflammation, rough texture, redness and acne, as well as aging of the skin. Because of these factors, the central focus of a man's skin care routine should be to control the oil.

Cleanse, Tone & Scrub! Three steps make up the basic components of a man's daily routine in caring for the skin:

Cleanse twice a day with a cleanser that will remove the oil and environmental pollutants from the skin. The Clarisonic Brush adds an additional benefit to proper removal of the dead skin cells as well as the environmental pollutants and can be used with any cleanser. Tone the skin immediately after cleansing twice a day to restore the skin to a proper pH. This aids in controlling the inflammation and prepares the skin to allow proper absorption of skin care products. Scrub the skin with a fine particle scrub 4 - 7 times a week to properly exfoliate the accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of the top layer of the skin. This should be completed after cleansing but before using a toner.

Add in Select Products. After four to six weeks of incorporating these basic steps into your daily routine, it is time to add skin care products. These products will rejuvenate the skin improving texture, pigmentation irregularities and basic aging. Men typically want a very simple routine that doesn’t take up too much time. I recommend using high quality products that provide the maximum benefit: A vitamin C product in the morning and a vitamin A product at night. A topical vitamin C in the morning will improve the appearance and stabilize the top two layers of the skin. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant that stops the free radical damage* in the dermis caused by aging, disease and ultraviolet light exposure. In addition, it will help exfoliate the top layer of the skin improving texture and pigmentation. It will also stimulate collagen production and improve fine lines and wrinkles in the second layer of the skin. Topical vitamin A is a powerhouse skin care product that has several inherent benefits. For the epidermis, (the top layer of the skin), the healthy six-week skin cell cycle is renewed; healthier skin cells are restored; keratin on top of the skin is softer and smoother; the water-lipid-protein balance is restored and pigmentation blended. For the dermis,

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skin care. It protects against further aging of the skin and cancer causing damage. There are some specific considerations for men in this area. Men typically do not like the greasy feel of many sunscreens so I recommend an aerosol or gel based product. The best overall ingredients are the active sunscreen components such as Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide. Men must be aware of any skin that is exposed and pay extra attention to the back of the neck, ears, and top of the scalp if the hair is thinning. Most men want to look their best at any age! With a little guidance in choosing and using the right products and incorporating them into some basic skincare steps, any man can improve the look and health of his skin - and slow down the aging process as well. v (the second layer of the skin), the fibrous structural tissue is strengthened; collagen and elastin increased; the tautness of the skin improved and the aging gene suppressed.

Don’t Forget the Sunscreen! Daily use of sunscreen is one of the most important aspects

*The free radical theory of aging (FRTA) states that organisms age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time. A free radical is any atom or molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. Most biologically-relevant free radicals are highly reactive. For most biological structures, free radical damage is closely associated with oxidative damage.

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i P R E PA R E

by: Amy Noles

Are You Disaster Prepared? 10,000 thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, 1,000 tornadoes, & 2 deadly hurricanes!


here’s a very good reason why September is National Preparedness Month – because let’s face it, we need to be prepared! As Americans, we live in the most severe weather prone country on Earth. According to NOAA, each year, Americans deal with an average of 10,000 thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, 1,000 tornadoes, and an average of two deadly hurricanes! So, it’s not surprising that the Dept. of Homeland Security has a coordinated, nationwide effort to raise awareness about the importance of emergency preparedness and to encourage everyone to take action. The truth is most of know we have to be prepared - but we aren’t! So, now is the time to seriously get a plan together and know, as a family, what you are going to do in the event of a disaster.

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Good Ideas from the ARC The American Red Cross has participated in National Preparedness Month from its inception. During this month they are encouraging businesses, individuals and families to “Don't Wait. Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today!” The public is invited to visit a free online education module at redcross.org/BeRedCrossReady. The site ‘walks’ visitors through the “Be Red Cross Ready” program. The program offers a basic preparedness strategy everyone can follow to respond to a variety of disasters and emergencies. This information is also available as a podcast.

The “Be Red Cross Ready” program recommends three main courses of action:

Get a kit – have supplies ready Every family should assemble, or buy, a disaster supplies kit. It should contain at least three days of provisions in an easy–to–carry container, like a backpack. Remember to check the contents of your kit every six months and replace expired items.

Make a plan – communicate with your family As part of your family communications plan, each person should know how to reach family members even if the phone system is not operating. That shoud include an outof-area contact and where to meet if they can’t go home.

Be informed - know first aid & CPR Every family should know what resources are available to them and the types of disasters most likely to occur where they live, work and play. It is also highly recommended that older children and adult family members take first aid and CPR courses - a vital component of disaster preparedness.

Be Aware of Impending Severe Weather You should know what your risks are and prepare to protect yourself, your family, and community. Recognize an impending hazard and know what to do to protect yourself and your family. Taking effective steps to prepare beforehand will aid recovery after the event. Some of the things you can do to prepare for the unexpected are the same for all types of hazards. However each emergency is unique. It’s important to know the actions to take for each threat as this will impact the specific decisions and preparations you make. By learning about these specific threats, you are preparing yourself to react in an emergency.

Kids Need Comfort WPSD Chief Meteorologist Jennifer Rukavina encourages families to be prepared for all weather-related emergencies. Children see weather disasters on the news constantly.

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How do you explain to your family and children that they will be ok the next time around? “I see the stress these extreme weather events have on everyone, especially children. I see it in my own son in the form of acting out and being overly clingy. I encourage parents to read to their children about weather safety and awareness. I have also learned that children love to carry responsibility if it helps the family. Create a safety plan the family can implement when wild weather threatens. Give your children a designated task to carry out in that plan (i.e. Grab the flashlight, draw a map, collect emergency numbers). If they feel as though they are helping the family during a time of need, they will feel more confident that the situation is under control.”

Need Help? The Paducah Area Chapter of the American Red Cross provides disaster preparedness and response, and health and safety education to residents of Ballard, Hickman, Livingston and McCracken counties, as well as assistance to families with members in the military. Led by volunteers, the Paducah Area Chapter responded to nearly 40 local disaster incidents in the past year. For more information, including downloadable resources, regarding how individuals and families can prepare for disasters visit redcross.org/BeRedCrossReady or contact the Paducah Area Chapter at 270.442.3575.

Create a Disaster Emergency Kit Share this website with your family and children: fema.gov/kids. There you can find a library of weather articles for kids, games and quizzes, and how children can create their own disaster emergency kit. Discover ways to become prepared, weather related experiments, radar, and your local forecast by going to v hookedonscience.org. 66 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com


Paducah Parks Service

‘Spooktacular’ Halloween Short Story Contest t’s that time of the year again! The Annual Paducah parks Services Halloween Short Story Contest. Children’s imaginations run wild on just about every topic. Why not encourage them to capture those stories and enter this ‘Spooktacular’ writing contest?


Here are some tips on how to write an award-winning story:

Grades 3 – 8

Be creative.

Students in grades three through eight are invited to write a Halloween themed short story that begins with the sentence:

Students should attempt to write about things that other kids won’t think to write about. When the judges read stories surrounding the same current event or topics, the stories are less likely to impress them. They look for creativity and original ideas.

“I woke up to the sound of...”

Be original. While every student has to use the same opening sentence, let your child’s imagination run wild. Stories should come from his/her own ideas and thoughts.

(Note: The story must use this as the first sentence & must be Halloween themed, otherwise it will be disqualified.)

Follow the rules.

Stories should be no longer than 600 words and must be typed and submitted by 5 pm, Friday, September 4.

“The stories that are the most interesting and original in their particular grade category, and that include the best

I woke up to the sound of...

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The best stories in the world will be eliminated if the students do not follow the criteria laid out for them.

twists or the best endings, are usually the ones that are chosen as the winners,” advised Amie Clark, Recreation Superintendent. “It really comes down to the idea and where the author takes it.”

Email stories to aclark@paducahky.gov or bring/mail to: Halloween Story Contest Paducah Parks Services 1400 H.C. Mathis Dr. Paducah, Ky. 42001 The first place winner from each grade will have their stories published in the October 2015 edition of Purchase Area Family. The top three stories from each grade will receive prizes. All submissions should include the name and grade of the student, as well as the student’s teacher and school. Also include a contact phone number so that we can reach you if your child’s story is selected as a winner. For more information, contact the Paducah Parks Services office at 270.444.8508. v

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by: Amy Noles

Fall Fun on the River The 2015 Dragon Boat Races


et ready for a little Chinese culture in Paducah, Kentucky! The River Discovery Center (RDC) is gearing up for their 4th annual Paducah Dragon Boat Festival. This amazing event will be held at Paducah’s riverfront on Saturday, September 19. The event is a fundraiser for RDC’s educational programming. The event has raised over $230,000 to date and this has allowed RDC to expand on their existing programs and add new ones. “Once again, we are overwhelmed with the response by the community to the Dragon Boat Races,” said Julie Harris, Executive Director of the RDC. “Last year’s festival was so successful, and the event continues to attract new teams.

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This year, we have eight new teams and we are thrilled to have these new companies and organizations participate. We hope everyone comes out to enjoy the races!”

Racing a Dragon Boat Dragon boat racing started in China over 2,500 years ago and has long been their national sport. In North America, it has grown from relative obscurity 20 years ago, to over 1,000 annual events with over 1,000,000 participants! Dragon boat racing is visually spectacular, easy to learn and anyone can do it - regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability. It is a sport where men and women compete together in an unbiased and fun environment.

22Dragons, from Montreal Canada provide the dragon boats, a professional steersman, and all equipment for the Paducah event. They are one of North America’s largest Dragon Boat producers and operators. The dragon boats are 40 foot long, canoe-like boats, with colorful dragon heads and tails. Watching them race each other on the Ohio River is exciting and visually spectacular!

Drums and Costumes Each team has 16 paddlers and one drummer. The drummer’s official purpose is to beat the drum to help keep their team paddling in sync. Teams who are well synchronized usually have the lowest times. The other purpose of the drummer is to build team spirit. Most teams have a theme and the drummer is usually dressed accordingly. During the lunch break, there will be a “drummer fashion show” where each team’s drummer walks the Wilson Stage “catwalk” showing off their costume to the festival crowd.

It’s FREE and FUN! Entrance to the festival is free of charge. The races will begin promptly at 9am and run until approximately 3:30pm with a 30 minute lunch break. The races are conducted in heats with three teams racing per heat, and each team will race a minimum of two times. The race course is 250 meters and boats race against the current. There will be food and drink vendors on hand all day. Some will serve breakfast items in the morning and the selection at lunch is everything from BBQ, pizza, hotdogs and burgers, to chicken sandwiches and vegetable wraps. A children’s area is available for young kids and will include inflatables, face painting and more. Last year’s grand prize winner, the Orthopedic Institute’s Bone Collectors are returning to defend their title. Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams and each paddler on the top teams will receive a medal. Additional awards will be for Best Dressed Drummer, Most Team Spirit, Best Team T-Shirt and Best Team Area.

Practice Sessions Beginning on Tuesday, September 15th and running daily through Friday, September 18th, there will be practice sessions for all the teams from 4 - 7pm at the riverfront. The public is invited to come down and watch. Sponsors for the festival are Ingram Barge, AEP River Operations, Marquette Transportation, Marine Systems, WPSD, and WKYX. For more information about the center and the festival, visit the River Discovery Center at 117 South Water Street in downtown Paducah, or go to the website at riverdiscovv erycenter.org. ilistwesternkentucky.com September 2015 • 71

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72 • September 2015 ilistwesternkentucky.com

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Abell General Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7 abelldental.com Agave Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 59 facebook.com/agavemurray Alert Alarm Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 18 alertalarm.net Animal Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 animaledzoocation.com Dr. Kelly Anunciato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 61 kellyanunciato.com American Chillers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25 americanchillers.com Atmosphere Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 36 atmosphereacademy.com Between Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 41 facebook.com/betweenfriendsconsignment Beverly Rogers School of Dance . . . . . .Page 43 beverlyrogersacademy.com Bone and Company Realtors . . . . . . . . . .Page 30 jpdream.com Brad Rankin Photography . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 67 bradrankin.com Broadway United Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 43 bumc-paducah.org Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist & Convention Commission . . . . . . . . .Page 41 gocadiz.com Car for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 32 Carey’s Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 33 careysboutique.com Caring People Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 26 caringpeopleservices.com Carson Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 75 thecarsoncenter.org Casa Mexicana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 29 thecasamexicana.com Center Stage Dance Studio . . . . . . . . . . .Page 71 centerstagedancestudiopaducah.com Colgan Pediatric Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 colganpediatricdentistry.com Compass Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25 compasspaducah.com Cuvee Candle Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 20 cuveecandlecompany.com Dragon’s Hoard Gaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 42 facebook.com/dragonshoardgaming Family Allergy and Asthama . . . . . . . . . .Page 57 familyallergy.com Family Thyme (Coleton Lyles) . . . . . . . . .Page 59 kyfamilythyme.com Fancy Finds Upscale Consignement . .Page 30 fancyfindsconsignment.com Flanary Veterinary Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 15 flanaryvet.com Four Rivers Behavioral Health . . . . . . . .Page 3 4rbh.org FurKidz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 26 furkidzhotel.com Gondolier Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6 gondolierpizza.com Grover Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 34 grover-tire.com Gunner’s Magic Train . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 1 gunnersmagictrain.org Horizon Lawn & Tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 64 horizonkubota.com Hwang’s Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 69 hwangsmartialartstkd.net IMAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 58 imacregeneration.com

J. Alexandra’s Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 51 facebook.com/j.alexandras.boutique Jaded Layne Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28 jadedlayneboutique.com Jenny’s Day Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 50 jennysdayspa.com Jett Setters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 42 facebook.com/JettSettersKY Kimberly’s Precious Paws . . . . . . . .Page 36 facebook.com/preciouspawspetgrooming Learning Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22 thelearningrailroad.com Life Care Center of LaCenter . . . . . . . . . .Page 66 lifecarecenteroflacenter.com Lone Oak Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 53 loneoakpharmacy.com Los Garcia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 Lourdes/Mercy Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11 mercy.com Maiden Alley Cinema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 37 maidenalleycinema.org Mainstage School of Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 48 mymainstageschool.com Market House Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 37 markethousetheatre.org Mattress Gallery/Mattress Market . . . .Page 52 mattressespaducahky.com mattressesmurrayky.com Mayfield Graves County Chamber of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5 facebook.com/mayfieldgraveschamber McCracken County Extension Office . .Page 20 mccracken.ca.uky.edu McCracken County Humane Society . .Page 17 mccrackenhumane.com petsmartcharities.org/naw McCracken County Public Library . . . .Page 45 mclib.net McCracken County Public Schools . . .Page 56 mccracken.kyschools.us Medical Spa 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 48 medicalspa7.com Mi Lindo Michoacán Grill . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 facebook.com/bestmexicangrill Murray State University Super Saturdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 25 murraystate.edu National Quilt Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 40 quiltmuseum.org New Haven Assisted Living . . . . . . . . . . .Page 76 O’Bryan Family Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 54 obryanfamilymedicine.com Paducah Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 55 paducahbank.com Paducah Beer Werks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 69 PaducahBeerWerks.com Paducah Blueprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 69 padblueprint.com Paducah Convention & Visitor’s Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 40 paducah.travel Paducah Parks & Recreation . . . . . . . . .Page 49 paducahky.gov/Paducah/special-events Paducah Public Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 19 paducah.k12.ky.us Paducah Regional Sports Plex . . . .Page 71 plexsports.net Paducah School of Art and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 37 paducahschoolofartanddesign.com

ADVERTISERS INDEX Paducah Shooter’s Supply . . . . . . .Page 31 paducahshooters.com Paducah Symphony Orchestra . . . .Page 38 paducahsymphony.org Purchase Area Family Magazine . .Page 63 ilistwesternkentucky.com Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center . . . . . . . . .Page 60 parkviewnursingandrehabilitationcenter.com QuickCare Paducah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23 quickcarepaducah.com Resistant Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 21 resistantroofing.com River Discovery Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 40 riverdiscoverycenter.org Rowton Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 47 rowtontennis.com Scents and More Boutique . . . . . . .Page 46 facebook.com/scentsnmorellc Servall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 46 servallpestcontrol.com Sixth and Vintage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 44 sixthandvintage.com Skin and Body Solutions . . . . . . . . .Page 35 skinandbody.me SNAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 63 prd.chfs.ky.gov/SNAP/index.aspx Suit Your Taste Urban Wear . . . . . .Page 27 Symphony Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 27 symphonysupply.wordpress.com Terri Buri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6 agreatcareer.net Terri Waldridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 66 massagekentucky.com The Dinner Table Project . . . . . . . . .Page 58 thedinnertableproject.com The Dirt Road Boutique . . . . . . . . . .Page 17 facebook.com/thedirtroadboutique The Lakes of Paducah . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 16 goodworksunlimited.com/locations/lakes-of-paducah The Pain Relief Center . . . . . . . . . . .Page 64 facebook.com/pages/The-Pain-Relief-Center The Rhythm Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 61 trfpaducah.com Three Rivers Martial Arts . . . . . . . . .Page 47 threeriversacademy.com Total Rejuvenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 14 totalrejuvenationofpaducah.com Tri-Rivers Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 44 tririvershc.com Troutt Old Time General Store and Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 56 trouttoldtimegeneralstoreandmarket.com Waldon Educational Consulting . .Page 65 Wellsprings Dermatology . . . . . . . .Page 62 wellspringsderm.com WKMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 24 wkms.org Woodman Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 65 woodman.org YaYa’s Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 22 havefunatyayas.com Yeiser Art Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 40 theyeiser.org

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