Purpose Driven Women Magazine

Page 28

In the bible, Paul was enlightened and exposed to a truth he never quite expected. It was revealed to Paul that the God who he had been serving, he had radically misunderstood. Paul was a highly trained man and very educated. His understanding of the law, tradition, Israel history and God’s grace and love had to be completely rethought. Paul was summoned to dig deeply into the revelation that he himself had received. Who better to share this revelation than Paul, a man who lived in two worlds of Greek and Jewish culture. Five years after the crucifixion of Christ, Paul was around 30yrs on the road to Damascus, when he experienced a step in the process. Galatians 1:16 Paul described it as God “was pleased to reveal His son to me, in order that I might preach Him among Gentiles”. Preparing Him for the Glory! Paul’s conversion was the beginning of the process. When his training, background, his intellect, his achievements, all came crashing and he was treated as a common criminal rejected and despised and let down the wall in a basket.

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