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Rangers Cyclist Unit
New Public Safety Cyclists Unit
Prince William County Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism announced the creation of a new Public Safety Cyclists
Unit. The new Park Ranger Unit will be led by Ranger Michael “Mike” Wear, a certified Mountain Bike Public Safety Instructor. Ranger “Bike Mike”, is a 23-year member of the International Police Mountain Bike Association, and a certified Instructor since 2001.
Bike Units are a “clear connection to the community and an incredible untapped resource,” explained Park Ranger Wear, “Where others may respond, Park Rangers are already there, enjoying the beauty of nature with our guests in the park.”
Ranger “Bike Mike” continued, “Rule #1 in Public Safety is ‘being there.’ We stay on the move and search for the path to our next exciting adventures in the amazing network of trails within the Prince William County Park system.
Ranger Wear has received numerous decorations from the Metropolitan Police Department, United States Army, DC National Guard and the United States Army Reserve.