6 minute read
■ PEE WEE HOOPS Ages 3-5 A basketball program devoted to enhancing the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional development while introducing the basics of basketball. The program is committed to providing children with a positive basketball experience while promoting a physically active lifestyle. Oct 27-Dec 8 / 6:30p-7:30p W $90 322144 CA
■ BASKETBALL CLINIC A clinic built to teach the fundamentals of basketball. Our Instructors will guide young athletes through different drills geared to improve overall performance. Each session has been designed to engage your child in game-related situations and to progress toward scrimmages.
Sep 14-Oct 19 6:30p-7:30p
T Ages 6-9 $90 322126 CA
Sep 14-Oct 19 7:45p-8:45p
T Ages 10-13 $90 322126 CB
Nov 16-Dec 21 6:30p-7:30p Nov 16-Dec 21 7:45p-8:45p
T Ages 6-9 $90 322126 CC
T Ages 10-13 $90 322126 CD
■ BASKETBALL CLINIC In this class your child will begin to learn the fundamentals of basketball. Our instructors will guide athletes through different drills that will be geared to improve ball handling, shooting, passing, defensive stance and more. Each session has been designed to engage your child in game like situations and progress towards scrimmages. No class Nov. 27. Sep 11-Oct 16 / 1p-1:55p Sat Ages 4-5 $90 322126 DA Sep 11-Oct 16 / 2p-2:55p Sat Ages 6-9 $90 322126 DB Sep 11-Oct 16 / 3p-3:55p Sat Ages 10-13 $90 322126 DC Nov 6-Dec 18 / 1p-1:55p Sat Ages 4-5 $90 322126 DD Nov 6-Dec 18 / 2p-2:55p Sat Ages 6-9 $90 322126 DE Nov 6-Dec 18 / 3p-3:55p Sat Ages 10-13 $90 322126 DF ■ INTERMEDIATE VOLLEYBALL CLASS Ages 8-15 This class is designed to introduce the rules of volleyball to the players so that they may grow the fundamental skills learned in the beginner level classes. Your child will be introduced to offensive and defensive play as well as learning the flow of action within the game while running drills and scrimmages. The players will be taught to focus in on footwork, Hand placement, Accuracy of passing and formations. Serving is to be considered a constant and will be continuously worked on within all levels of the game. No Class November 26.
Sep 10-Oct 15 / 5:30p-6:30p F $90 322309 DA Sep 10-Oct 15 / 6:45p-7:45p F $90 322309 DB Nov 5-Dec 17 / 5:30p-6:30p F $90 322309 DC Nov 5-Dec 17 / 6:45p-7:45p F $90 322309 DD
■ SOCCER CLINIC This indoor class is great for kids who are just getting started, and is designed for children to begin learning the basics to the game. Instructors will help guide all children through different drills, games, and activities that will help develop ball control and passing skills. In each session children will progress towards game like situations. No class November 27.
Sep 11-Oct 16 10a-10:55a Sep 11-Oct 16 11a-11:55a Nov 6-Dec 18 10a-10:55a Nov 6-Dec 18 11a-11:55a
Sat Ages 4-6 $90 322301 DC
Sat Ages 7-10 $90 322301 DD
Sat Ages 4-6 $90 322301 DE
Sat Ages 7-10 $90 322301 DF
■ ADVANCED SOCCER CLINIC Ages 10-15 This program is designed to elevate the average soccer player’s game. The main focus points will be: Attacking, defending, passing, receiving and maintaining possession of the ball. No Class November 24.
Sep 8-Oct 13 / 6p-7p W $90 322301 DA Nov 3-Dec 15 / 6p-7p W $90 322301 DB
■ SPORTS SAMPLER Ages 2-4 This class is designed for parents to work alongside their little sportster and begin sampling a variety of sports. During this session parents and children will have the opportunity to play soccer, t-ball, track and field, hockey and more! Come prepared to play games and learn basic sports techniques in a fun environment with helpful instructors. No Class November 27.
Sep 11-Oct 16 / 9:05a-9:55a Sat $85 322303 DA Nov 6-Dec 18 / 9:05a-9:55a Sat $85 322303 DB
■ BEGINNER VOLLEYBALL CLINIC Ages 10-16 This class is designed for players with little to no experience in volleyball and will teach your player the fundamentals, including: court placement, player positioning, and boundaries. This clinic will introduce them to the basic skills of serving, passing, setting and hitting. Players will work through different drills geared to improve their volleyball skills and athleticism.
Sep 15-Oct 20 / 6:30p-8p W $90 322309 CB
■ BEGINNER ARCHERY Ages 8-15 Learn the safe and effective way to handle and shoot recurve and compound bows, while understanding the differences between them. Training provided by National Archery Association certified instructors. Oct 16-Nov 6 / 12p-2p Sat $100 309100 VA
■ FAMILY ARCHERY Ages 5+ Looking for a great activity the whole family can learn and enjoy? Come out and enjoy learning Archery together. The program focuses on archery fundamentals. Each participant is taught range rules, bows, arrow safety and handling, correct form, and stance from our certified staff. Equipment is provided. Sign up will be for at least 2 family members and the fee will be $100 per 2 members. Oct 16-Nov 6 / 9:30a-11:30a Sat $100 309100 VB
■ LET’S GO SKATE! Ages 8-15 Are you a “goofy footer”?? Come skate with us and find out! These clinics at our state-of-the-art Scott D. Eagles Skatepark located in Veterans Memorial Park will provide teens with the opportunity to learn from some of our best local skaters. You will learn the fundamentals of skateboarding from experienced skateboard instructors. Sep 21-Oct 12 / 5p-7p T $75 322801 VA Oct 16-Nov 6 / 10a-12p Sat $75 322801 VB
■ LETS GO SKATE... MORE! This class is designed to take what you learned in Lets GO SKATE to the next level!! These clinics at our state-of-the-art Scott D. Eagles Skatepark located in Veterans Memorial Park will provide teens with the opportunity to learn from some of our best local skaters. You will enhance and add on to the skills and techniques you learned in our Lets GO SKATE classes!
Sep 23-Oct 14 5p-7p Oct 16-Nov 6 12:30p-2:30p
Th Ages 5-7 $75 322801 VC

Sat Ages 8-15 $75 322801 VD ■ PICKLEBALL SKILLS, DRILLS & MORE - R egistrationLink
PRIVATE LESSONS Ages 16+ New and improving players who prefer one-on-one instruction, private & semi-private lessons, this program is for you! Personal attention while improving kitchen play, placement, ground strokes and serves. Four lessons per session that are tailored to learning and “fine tuning”. Morning meeting times are available throughout the fall and based on instructor availability. Ask about our Ladder League and Open Play schedule. Please call Veterans Memorial Park for availability and pricing for private lessons. A session consists of 4 - 60-minute lessons. The fee is $160 per session. Semi- Private $80 per person. 1 Hour Private $55 per person. These lessons will be held outdoors, weather permitting. Call Veterans Memorial Park to book your lessons today! 703-792-8794. Sep 7-Nov 30 / 9a-5p T $160 322003 VA
■ ADVANCE VOLLEYBALL CLINIC Ages 10-16 This Class is designed for players to refine their fundamental skills all while being introduced to advanced level skills such as jump serves. Accuracy of passing will be joined by the new skills of blocking and diving to become vital pieces of the game. Players will be put in game-like scenarios to better their reactions, coordination, and teamwork. Games will be played. A skills clinic will be held on September 13. • Advance Skills Clinic will be held on September 13 at 6:30pm. • Participants must demonstrate the following skills: footwork, hand placement, accuracy of passing, and formations. • There will be no class on October 11. Sep 13-Nov 8 / 6:30p-8:30p M $115 322309 CA
■ VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Ages 10-16 If you want learn to play on a team in a game format, while putting all your volleyball skills to work. Teams will be equally mixed with all skill levels. Sep 18-Nov 6 / 10a-12p Sat $125 322309 CC
Location Key
■ Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center ■ Sharron Baucom Dale City Recreation Center ■ Veterans Memorial Park & Community Center
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(See page 50)