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Special Interest
At Clearbrook Center For The Arts 2230 Tacketts Mill Dr B, Lake Ridge, VA 22192 Ages 8+ (For children and adults) An excitingly creative program led by Poet Laureate Kim B. Miller and Artist Kelly Haneklau. Poems to Canvas - The Poet Speaks, The Artist Creates. Learn the art of embracing the moment, while poetic words vividly unfold into visual art. Learn how to paint with words. Pre-registration is required. Oct 16 / 2p-4p Sat $46 348001 IA Nov 7 / 2p-4p Sun $46 348001 IB
■ BABYSITTER TRAINING LEVEL 1 Ages 11-15 The American Red Cross helps to develop skills in six critical areas: Leadership, Safety, Safe Play, Basic Care, First Aid & Professionalism.
Sep 25 / 9a-3:30p Sat $80 311011 CA Oct 16 / 9a-3:30p Sat $80 311011 CB Nov 20 / 9a-3:30p Sat $80 311011 CC Dec 18 / 9a-3:30p Sat $80 311011 CD
■ BABYSITTER TRAINING LEVEL 2 Ages 11-15 Completion of Babysitting Training 1 is required. To earn the Child/ Infant CPR/First Aid Certificate you must successfully demonstrate all skills. Babysitter handbook required for this class. ■ CODING AND DESIGN WITH SCRATCH R egistrationLink Ages 6-9: Introduce your child to the wonderful world of programming! In this class, students will learn basic programming concepts using a simple drag-and-drop interface within the software Scratch, a project developed by the MIT Media Lab. Students will use their imaginations and implement creative thinking, while at the same time learning how to create and program simple games. Use pre-made art assets or create your own, and learn how to program them, to walk, talk, and interact with objects. Teach students logic and visual programming in order to create simple, 2D Video Game in Scratch 2. No class 11/26. Oct 29-Dec 10 / 5p-6p F $149 348001 VA Ages 10-14: In this course students will learn basic programming and logic flow and learn how to apply those concepts to create games. Using Scratch, a scripting language developed by MIT to give kids an easy entry into coding, students will go through the iterative process of creating a program or game from idea to completion. Successful students in this class will have several completed 2D games they will be able to play and show off on most computers and will have mastered the skills they need to continue making games using scratch at home. No class 11/26. Oct 29-Dec 10 / 6:15p-7:15p F $149 348001 VB ■ CODING IN MINECRAFT Ages 10-14 Using a custom mod called “Computercraft”, students will learn how to program robots called “Turtles” inside the world of Minecraft. In this class, students will be introduced to LUA, a simple scripting language used to develop games such as Angry Birds, where they will learn how to programming if-thenelse statements, for-while loops, and implement their own functions. Kids will utilize problem-solving skills by learning how to program their robots to complete various tasks and objectives such as programming their turtles to automatically build, mine, and craft items and structures. Sep 17-Oct 22 / 6:15p-7:15p F $149 348001 VC ■ CODING IN MINECRAFT WITH LUA Ages 6-9 Using a custom mod called “Computercraft”, students will learn how to program robots called “Turtles” inside the world of Minecraft. Kids will utilize problem-solving skills by learning how to program their robots to complete various tasks and objectives such as programming their turtles to automatically build, mine, and craft items and structures. They will be introduced to programming if-then-else statements, for-while loops, and implement their own functions using Lua, a simple scripting language. Looking for a fun way to introduce your child to programming? Why not do it using a game they love! Sep 17-Oct 22 / 5p-6p F $149 348001 VD

Location Key
■ Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center ■ Veterans Memorial Park & Community Center
■ PAINT THE PARK Ages 7-14 Come explore Veterans Memorial Park with us and find that picture perfect spot to create your masterpiece! We will provide all the painting supplies you just bring your creative eye! Sep 23 / 5p-7p Th $20 348001 VE Oct 9 / 10a-12p Sat $20 348001 VF
■ SPECIAL EFFECTS MAKEUP Ages 8+ Special Effects Makeup – Just in time for Halloween (October program) Come see exactly how cuts, bruises, scars, and all sorts of Special Effects are done for movies and television. A fun and realistic time with a theatrical and Effects a local makeup artist. Purchase of personal makeup kit is in the cost of program. Oct 16 / 10a-12p Sat $65 348001 BA Oct 23 / 1p-3p Sat $65 348001 BB
Oct 30 / 10a-12p
At Veterans Community Center
Sat $65 348001 BC ■ WHAT DO INK, CANVAS AND A
WATER GUN ALL HAVE IN COMMON? Ages 8+ The most fun you will ever have while creating a masterpiece for your wall. Abstract art takes on a new meaning in this exciting program. Come aim shoot and create your very own abstract work of art. Adults and kids alike will enjoy this creative explosion. Program for both kids and adults. Pre-registration required price includes supplies. Nov 6 / 1p-3p Sat $55 348001 VG Nov 20 / 10a-12p Sat $55 348001 VH
Dec 4 / 1p-3p
At Veterans Community Center
Sat $55 348001 VI

Location Key
■ Chinn Aquatics & Fitness Center ■ Pat White Center at Ben Lomond ■ Veterans Memorial Park & Community Center

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