15 minute read
Historic Preservation
ALL HALLOW’S EVE CANDLELIGHT TOURS AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE Ages 6+ Brentsville has a diverse and dramatic history as it served as the county seat for nearly 100 years. During this time, many strange and scary events have happened here, and many say that ghosts of long dead men and women still haunt the area. Come experience a spirited night as you explore the grounds by candlelight and hear tales of sadness and triumph at Brentsville. Reservations are recommended for space is limited. Oct 23 / 6:30p-7:30p Sat $10 380001 TA Oct 23 / 7p-8p Sat $10 380001 TB Oct 23 / 7:30p-8:30p Sat $10 380001 TC Oct 23 / 8p-9p Sat $10 380001 TD Oct 23 / 8:30p-9:30p Sat $10 380001 TE
BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION ANNIVERSARY LUMINARY All Ages For the Battle of Bristoe Station Anniversary Weekend, tour the battlefield at night to see nearly 1,000 luminary candles for every soldier who died at Bristoe Station. Living history vignettes will be located across the battlefield and guided tours will lead visitors to meet the men and women who made history here. Corner of Iron Brigade Unit Ave. and Tenth Alabama Way, Bristow, VA 20136 Oct 9 / 7p-9p Sat FREE 380001 XA
PRINCE WILLIAM HAUNTING CAR CARAVAN TOUR Ages 8+ Do you like haunted history? Prince William County has a very fascinating history. It also has a very frightening and spooky side of history too! Join us for a Halloween’s eve car caravan tour of three historic sites to learn about the people, events and maybe a ghost or two that allegedly haunt a few of our historic sites while enjoying some Halloween treats! Tours will visit the Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre, Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park, and Ben Lomond Historic Site. Advanced Registration is required. Oct 30 / 7p-9p Sat $25 380001 TL
BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND All Ages Join Battlefield Park staff for the 158th Anniversary of the Battle of Bristoe Station. Visit a Civil War encampment, watch artillery and musket firing demonstrations, and tour the site of the final Civil War battle that took place in Prince William County. Oct 9 / 11a-4p Sat FREE 380001 XB Oct 10 / 11a-4p Sun FREE 380001 XC
BATTLE OF BRISTOE STATION REAL-TIME WALKING TOUR All Ages Walk in the footsteps of the Battle of Bristoe Station’s participants on the battle’s anniversary. This walking tour will cover events as they transpired at Bristoe Station 158 years ago, the last major battle fought in Prince William County during the Civil War. Oct.14 / 5p-6:30p Th FREE 380001 XD
BEYOND BULL RUN: LESSER-KNOWN CIVIL WAR SITES IN WESTERN PRINCE WILLIAM BUS TOUR Ages 13+ Prince William County is well-known for playing host to major Civil War battles. However, the war was not limited to just these struggles. For Prince William, the fighting was never-ending, as Union and Confederate forces clashed for control of the county. Join us for a bus tour of lesser known Civil War sites and stories and learn about the people and events that history has forgotten. Advanced Registration is required and lunch is included. Sep 25 / 9a-5p Sat $70 380001 TG
BRENTSVILLE BLUEGRASS CONCERT SERIES Ages 6+ For hundreds of years, the Brentsville Public Lot has been a place of entertainment and festivities and we are continuing that tradition into today! Bring your chairs, kick up your heels, and enjoy some Bluegrass and comfort food at the historic centre! Before the concert starts, self-guided tours will be available. Food and beverage will be available for purchase on-site. Gates open at 4 pm and concert starts at 5pm. Pre-purchased tickets are recommended for space is limited. See www.pwcparks.org/bluegrass for details. Aug 14 / 4p-6:30p Sat $10 380001 TH Sep 11 / 4p-6:30p Sat $10 380001 TI Oct 9 / 4p-6:30p Sat $10 380001 TJ
EARLY DAYS OF PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY All Ages Rippon Lodge, one of the area’s oldest homes, welcomes you to Early Days of Prince William County. Experience living history demonstrations and reenactors, from Colonial life and military encampments from various conflicts. Tour the lodge and encounter historic interpreters. Crafts, games, and more. Nov 6 / 11a-4p Sat $5 380001 N65

FALL CLASSIC: HISTORIC BASEBALL AT BEN LOMOND Ages 5+ Fall means baseball, and as America prepares to crown the next World Series champion, visit Ben Lomond Historic Site to learn about the origins of America’s pastime. Visitors can participate in 19th century baseball games, build their own 19th century baseball, visit with local baseball mascots, and enjoy lunch from a local food truck. Advanced registration is recommended to participate in one of the baseball games, which begin at 11 am and 2 pm. Oct 2 / 11a Sat $5 380001 MD Oct 2 / 2p Sat $5 380001 MI
CHRISTIMAS IN A CIVIL WAR CAMP AT BRISTOE STATION All Ages The Civil War did not pause at Christmas time. There were still battles to be fought, though camp life consumed most of the soldiers’ time. Experience how soldiers spent the holidays away from their families. Living history demonstrations and a visit from Civil War Santa Claus will accompany each tour. Nineteenthcentury Christmas crafts will be available for children. Please come dressed for the weather.
Dec 4 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 XE Dec 4 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 XF Dec 4 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 XG CIVIL WAR CHRISTMAS & CONCERTS AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE Ages 2+ During the winter of 1861, Prince William County was home to nearly 70,000 soldiers who spent Christmas here instead of in their homes. Step back over 150 years to see how soldiers and civilians celebrated Christmas time during the Civil War. Walk through camps by candlelight and interact with soldiers to learn about Christmas customs of the past. Get your picture taken with a Civil War Santa and have some hot cider as you enjoy a musical performance by the Brentsville District High School Choir at 7p.m. After the concert join them outside around the campfire and sing along! Dec 11 / 6p-8p Sat FREE 380001 TM EVERY DAY FULL OF WORK: THE AFRICAN AMERICAN EXPERIENCE AT BEN LOMOND All Ages Explore the historic home and the original slave quarter to learn about the enslaved population that once lived at Ben Lomond. Using the themes of work, fear and uncertainty, resistance, freedom, and family, this program will examine the daily lives of enslaved workers at Ben Lomond and in Prince William County. Visitors will be able to see spaces not ordinarily open to the public and experience the interactive virtual reality exhibit in the Ben Lomond Slave Quarters. Sep 11 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 MA Sep 11 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 MB Sep 11 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 MC
FARMING THE FALL HARVEST BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE All Ages For the 2021 season there will be two kitchen gardens at Ben Lomond. Come help us harvest. Learn about the types of vegetables and plants that would be grown in each garden and harvested. Visitors can participate in cooking demonstrations in the historic slave quarters and prepare fall meals. Bring gloves and wear appropriate clothing and shoes. Yes, you will likely get dirty. Nov 6 / 11a-4p Sat $5 380001 ME
HISTORIC CEMETERIES OF BRENTSVILLE WALKING TOURS Ages 6+ In the nearly 200-year history of the community of Brentsville, many cemeteries have sprung up in the area. Unfortunately, some of these burial grounds are now lost to history. However, others are still marked today. Join local historians for a special walking tour of historic Brentsville as we explore some of these little-known spots. Oct 31 / 11a-12p Sun $10 380001 TN Oct 31 / 1p-2p Sun $10 380001 TO Oct 31 / 3p-4p Sun $10 380001 TP
HISTORIC PRESERVATION BUS TOUR: VISITING PRINCE WILLIAM’S FALLEN VETERANS Ages 8+ Prince William County’s cemeteries are filled with the fallen veterans of many wars that county residents fought in. From the American Revolution to the World Wars to Korea and Vietnam, Prince William’s residents have paid the ultimate sacrifice at home and abroad. This tour will visit local cemeteries and share the stories of the county’s fallen war heroes. The registration fee includes transportation and lunch. Nov 6 / 9a-5p Sat $70 380001 MG HISTORIC PRESERVATION LECTURE: CAVALRY ON THE ROAD TO BRISTOE STATION All Ages While the Battle of Bristoe Station was predominantly an infantry battle, cavalry played a major role in the days and weeks leading up to the battle. Award-winning historian Jeffrey Hunt, author of “Meade and Lee at Bristoe Station,” will share the tales of the mounted arm of the Union and Confederate armies in the summer and fall of 1863.
Sep 9 / 7p-8:30p Th FREE
History By Campfire

CURIOUS TALES OF BEN LOMOND’S PAST All Ages Enjoy a warm campfire and roasted marshmallows at Ben Lomond Historic Site while you learn about the fun, sad, scary, strange, and true stories of nearly two centuries of Ben Lomond’s history. Sep 24 / 7:30p-9p F $5 380001 MH
CAMPFIRE GHOST STORIES AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE Ages 2+ Brentsville has a diverse and dramatic history as it served as the county seat for nearly 100 years. During this time, many strange and scary events have happened here, and many say that ghosts of long dead men and women still haunt the area. Join us for an exciting and eerie evening around the campfire to hear some of the ghost stories associated with the historic site.
Oct 15 / 7p-8p F $5 380001 TK AMERICAN REVOLUTION CAMPFIRE STORIES AT BRENTSVILLE COURTHOUSE Ages 2+ Enjoy a tranquil campfire as you listen to heroic and inspiring tales of Prince William residents during the American Revolution. Learn how the men and women who called this county home helped secure our independence and shape our nation. Nov 19 / 7p-8p F $5 380001 TF
RIPPON LODGE CAMPFIRE TALES Ages 10+ Come join us by campfire at Rippon Lodge for an evening about the Antarctic! Rear Admiral Richard B. Black of Rippon Lodge travelled to the continent at the bottom of the world five separate times between 1933 and 1965. Hear some tales of his and other’s experiences on the ice in much warmer surroundings. Content may not be suitable for children under 10.
Nov 13 / 6:30p-8p Sat $5 380001 N58
FIRESIDE GHOST STORIES AT BEN LOMOND All Ages Ben Lomond has a diverse and grim history from being a Civil War hospital to the home of countless slaves. Over the years, many local residents claimed to have seen ghosts and other spooky happenings at the site, claiming the site as haunted. Join us for an exciting and eerie evening around the campfire to hear some of the ghost stories associated with the historic site.
Oct 29 / 7:30p-9p F $5 380001 MF

For up to date information about our historic properties, hours and events visit our website: www.pwcva.gov/department/ historic-preservation

Rippon Holiday Programs
HOLIDAY EVENINGS AT RIPPON LODGE All Ages Enjoy the ambiance of the season by viewing Holiday through the Ages tours at night. These special evening tours include festive and period lights inside the historic home and along the grounds. Walking in darkened areas and uneven surfaces. Wear appropriate footwear. Dec 3 / 6p-7p F $10 380001 N1 Dec 3 / 7p-8p F $10 380001 N2 Dec 4 / 6p-7p Sat $10 380001 N3 Dec 4 / 7p-8p Sat $10 380001 N4 Dec 10 / 6p-7p F $10 380001 N5 Dec 10 / 7p-8p F $10 380001 N6 Dec 11 / 6p-7p Sat $10 380001 N7 Dec 11 / 7p-8p Sat $10 380001 N8 Dec 17 / 6p-7p F $10 380001 N9 Dec 17 / 7p-8p F $10 380001 N10 Dec 18 / 6p-7p Sat $10 380001 N11 Dec 18 / 7p-8p Sat $10 380001 N12 RLHS SANTA COMES TO RIPPON LODGE All Ages You better watch out! You better not cry! Santa Claus is visiting Rippon Lodge for one afternoon only! Be on your best behavior and keep your name on the “Nice” list. Parents will be given special “Things Santa Should Know” cards upon arrival. Bring your camera for pictures and dress appropriately for weather as some activities are outside. With large numbers of excited tots expected, we ask parents bring plenty of snacks and extra activities for young children. Dec 11 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 N60 Dec 11 / 2p-3p Sat $5 380001 N61
HOLIDAYS THROUGH THE AGES Ages 18 Months+ Stroll through seasonal celebrations of the past at Rippon Lodge Historic Site. With interiors and exteriors richly decorated for the holidays, guests enjoy an in-depth exploration of seasonal festivities over the centuries. Advanced Reservations suggested and encouraged. No groups larger than 15 at a time. Dec 3 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 N13 Dec 3 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 N14 Dec 3 / 3p-4p F $5 380001 N15 Dec 4 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 N16 Dec 4 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 N17 Dec 4 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 N18 Dec 5 / 11a-12p Sun $5 380001 N19 Dec 5 / 1p-2p Sun $5 380001 N20 Dec 5 / 3p-4p Sun $5 380001 N21 Dec 6 / 11a-12p M $5 380001 N22 Dec 6 / 1p-2p M $5 380001 N23 Dec 6 / 3p-4p M $5 380001 N24 Dec 10 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 N25 Dec 10 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 N26 Dec 10 / 3p-4p F $5 380001 N27 Dec 11 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 N28 Dec 11 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 N29 Dec 11 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 N30 Dec 12 / 11a-12p Sun $5 380001 N40 Dec 12 / 1p-2p Sun $5 380001 N41 Dec 12 / 3p-4p Sun $5 380001 N42 Dec 13 / 11a-12p M $5 380001 N43 Dec 13 / 1p-2p M $5 380001 N44 Dec 13 / 3p-4p M $5 380001 N45 Dec 17 / 11a-12p F $5 380001 N46 Dec 17 / 1p-2p F $5 380001 N47 Dec 17 / 3p-4p F $5 380001 N48 Dec 18 / 11a-12p Sat $5 380001 N49 Dec 18 / 1p-2p Sat $5 380001 N50 Dec 18 / 3p-4p Sat $5 380001 N51 Dec 19 / 11a-12p Sun $5 380001 N52 Dec 19 / 1p-2p Sun $5 380001 N53 Dec 19 / 3p-4p Sun $5 380001 N54 Dec 20 / 11a-12p M $5 380001 N55 Dec 20 / 1p-2p M $5 380001 N56 Dec 20 / 3p-4p M $5 380001 N57

Brentsville Jail Museum Now Open
RIPPON LODGE RADIO MYSTERY HOUR! Ages 13+ What could possibly go wrong during a 1930s radio broadcast? For one performance only, link to this virtual and nostalgic experience of a “live” radio broadcast of mystery, intrigue, and more. When Dessie Ellis finds out from a friend that a historic marker placed by the DAR has gone missing, the race is on to figure out the culprit and get it back! Was it a scheming scrap dealer, a prank gone awry, or something more threatening? Tune in to find out! Advanced registration required. Access to performance will be emailed once payment is received. FOR MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. THE SUBJECT MATTER IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.
Oct 2 / 7p-8:30p Sat $10 380001 N59
SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION: LUCASVILLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Ages 6+ Are you excited that school has started again? Going to school was very different a hundred years ago than it is today. Visit the one room school at Lucasville to learn about the different ways that students learned in a segregated society. Try some of the tools used to teach students in school, the games they played and even make a craft to take home! HISTORY WALK ON THE BOARDWALK Ages 6+ Learn history along the Neabsco Creek Boardwalk. This history walk, “Humanity and the Environment in Neabsco Creek” explores how people affected this natural creek over the centuries. The group will meet at the Rippon Landing Parking Lot on Blackburn Road under the picnic shelter. Leashed pets are welcome to join. Not all parts of the hike are accessible for wheelchairs. Advanced registration is requested as space is limited. Sep 25 / 9a-10:30aSat $10 380001 UB
RIPPON LODGE THOUGH THE EYES OF ELLIS Ages 10+ Have a guided experience with Rippon Lodge’s Site Manager and author of the new book, “Memory of Time”, of the buildings and grounds using photographic images taken during the time of Wade and Dessie Ellis compared to present day. Guests receive a complimentary copy of the book. Walking on uneven surfaces indoors and outdoors; appropriate shoes suggested. Tours limited to 12 people. Advanced registration required. www.pwcparks.org/ historicprograms. Oct 23 / 11a-12:15p Sat $10 380001 N63 Oct 23 / 1p-2:15p Sat $10 380001 N64
WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC PRINCE WILLIAM TOWNS: OCCOQUAN Ages 6+ Join local historians once a month this summer for a special walking tour of historic towns in Prince William County. For September, visit Historic Occoquan, a major industrial town of Prince William County in 1755 with “certain forges, tolling mills, bake houses, saw mills, store houses, and dwellings”. Tour will depart from the Mill House Museum located at 413 Mill St, Occoquan, VA 22125. Admission is free, donations are welcome. Call 703-365-7895 for more information.
Sep 3 / 7p-8p F FREE
Sep 18 / 11a-4p Sat FREE
THE ROAD TO VICTORY: THE MARCH THROUGH PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY All Ages Explore the whole story of the varied participants on the march to Yorktown and the lives impacted by their passing. Encounter distinct and different perspectives, often opposing, from the Revolutionary War by engaging with living history interpreters about the war, what soldiers and civilian’s lives were like, as well as how they went about their day! Tours of the historic lodge, crafts, games, hands-onhistory and more available for the whole family to enjoy. Tours limited to 15 people at a time. Sep 11 / 11a-3p Sat FREE WEDNESDAY WALK AT BRISTOE STATION BATTLEFIELD All Ages Join the staff and volunteers of Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park for monthly hikes to stretch your legs and exercise your minds. Topics, routes, and distances vary by month and will cover a wide variety of the history of Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park. Stay tuned to our website for more information. Sep 1 / 7p-8p W FREE 380001 XH Oct 6 / 7p-8p W FREE 380001 XI