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Children’s Programs
Parent/Child Together Programs
■ ARTISTIC SCIENTIST Ages 8-10 When you combine science and art, there is no doubt you will have a good time. Let your creativity explode with tin foil crafts, bubble painting, lava lamps and rock art. Science and art go hand in hand! Join us for creative crafts and loads of fun!
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of landscape your dinosaurs would live in? We will be using recycled materials and natural items we can find in the park! May 7 / 9a-10:30a Sat $18 210301 BA
■ OOEY GOOEY SCIENCE Ages 2-4 Parent and child will have fun with ooey gooey science experiments. Participants will get messy with homemade bubbles, chalk paint, mud experience and plant flowers as they work with different textures, while utilizing their senses. Bring an apron or old shirt while we are experimenting. May 11-25 / 10a-11a W $38 210301 BB
■ RECYCLED GLASS BOTTLE AND JAR CRAFT *NEW* Ages 12-15 Teens will decorate recycled glass bottle and jar with buttons, beads, string, paint and other decorative items for home decor and storage. Teens will need to bring a clean glass bottle or jar which has a smooth surface to work on. Other supplies will be provided. Jul 25-27 / 3:30p-5:30p M-W $70 210302 BC
May 7-21 / 11a-12:30p Sat $64 210302 BA
■ BANNERS AND BUNTING *NEW* Ages 12-15 Teens will design and craft a personal banner to display in their room or around the house with their name or encouraging words. Teens will need to bring 2-4 fabric material quarters of their choosing. Other materials will be provided by the center. Aug 1-3 / 3:30p-5:30p M-W $70 210302 BB
■ DINO-MITE! Ages 5-7 Create your own Dinosaur Habitat! This goes out to all you Dinosaur lovers. Have you ever imagined what type ■ PUZZLING WITH NATURE WITH PARENTS *NEW* Ages 6-8 Love puzzles and brain teasers? Parent and child will solve puzzles together by using the clues, solve the riddle, fill in the missing words. Use Nature to design your own variety of puzzles. Parents and child should dress appropriately for the weather as our program will be held outdoors. This program is a parent and child program. Fee includes both parent and child. May 25 / 4:30p-6p W $18 209101 JA Jun 8 / 4:30p-6p W $18 209101 JB

Location Key
■ James Long Regional Park ■ Pat White Center at Ben Lomond