The Waterlog November 2004

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© Creative Indulgence

Tammy and Riglee’s first PWDCA Specialty

Report and Results on the 2004 PWDCA National Specialty Sniffing across the Country: PWDCBC Booster, PWDCC Booster Pupography Upcoming Events Wellness: Vaccination Protocols

Cover: Best of Breed competition in the pouring rain, Friday October 8th, 2004. Inset: Tammy and Riglee retrieving the dummy at the Working Water Dog level.

Lyn Martin, Val Little centre, and Jan Daly in the Stud Dog ring with Ch Tanaki’s Mains’l of Helm’s Alee

Winner of the Stud Dog class, Am/Can Ch Del Sur’s Making all the Right Moves with owner/ breeder Lana Woodburn, his get with Morgin Powell and Don Powell.

Can/Am Ch Echobay’s Samador Makin’ Music (Mozart) with his friend and groomer Jenna Lostale, all decked out in their colour coordinated rain gear. Martha Stewart, eat your heart out!

Junior Water Dog qualifiers Baywood’s Perro Marino of Armada, and Michelle Hardman

Oh the glamour of dog shows!

Design: © 2004 Roslyn Eskind Associates LImited Photography of Tammy Hibberson, cover and pages 3 and 5 courtesy of Creative Indulgence.

Left to right: Shelly Palash, Echobay Kennels, Val Little, Tanaki Kennels with Best of Winners, from the Open Bitch class, Fishbay’s J-Lopez

In the pits, grooming, grooming, grooming… PWDCC Waterlog

ThePresident’sLetter After the hectic spring and summer, the PWCC and its mem-

But, as in human disease, it hits home when a family member

bers were able to witness two historical events, our first

comes down with a disease like canine cancer or Addisions.

PWDCA sanctioned water trial near Toronto and our third

Then the inconvenience of running to your vet seems a small

National Specialty in Calgary. With the completion of the show

price to pay to help research these diseases that pertain to

season we are now able to turn our thoughts to digesting all

our breed. As a breeder, you owe it to your breed and to your

the information received at the various venues. At the PWDCA

puppy owners to breed the healthiest dog you can, and you

2004 Specialty there was a presentation on the Health and

can do this by participating in health studies and tests and by

Litter Database. A common goal for both the PWDCA and the

being ruthless in your breeding practices if you should discover

PWDCC is supporting the health initiatives underway to eradi-

health problems in your litters. As a pet owner you can make

cate inherited diseases and conditions that affect the PWD.

a contribution also. The health statistics gathered from litter

With the support of all PWD owners, statistics can be collect-

mates of breeding stock completes the inheritance picture.

ed to help see trends and aid breeders in making informed

With all the testing available to our breed, it makes no sense

decisions on breeding. "By submitting basic dog information

to breed a litter that may incorporate health problems. As

you become a limited participant. A full participant is an

breeders it is our responsibility to not let fads get in the way

owner who submits and maintains health information about

of sound judgment. Please everyone take the time to submit

their dog(s)." Like all databases, it is only as good as the

your dogs’ information, as we all want healthy dogs and the

information that goes into it.

betterment of our breed.

Also at the PWDCA Specialty we had a presentation on the

And last but not least, congratulations to the great Canadian

Georgie Project. If you have never had the chance to read the

contingent who participated in the Portuguese Water Dog Club

story behind this worthwhile project please log onto their site

of America’s 2004 National Specialty in Oregon. Several of

at I have long been a supporter

our members did exceptionally well and represented Canada

of the Georgie Project; my mentor made it a condition of the

admirably. We were represented in Water, Agility, Obedience,

sale of my first Portuguese Water Dog in 1989. Thankfully,

Tracking and Conformation showing that we are a very well

several of my puppy buyers and other owners in our area have

rounded group!

followed the tradition. Now they would like five X rays taken


of your dog and blood for DNA testing.

Brenda Brown, President Portuguese Water Dog Club of Canada November, 2004

PWDCC Board of Directors and Officers


President and Director

Secretary and Director


Kate Erickson

Brenda Brown

Mavis McClintock

Manon Bousquet

Toronto, Ontario

Bon Accord, Alberta

Duncan, British Columbia

St-Bonaventure, Québec

Vice President and Director

Treasurer and Director

Sandra A. Busse

Calgary, Alberta

Roslyn Eskind

Lorraine Wilson

Edmonton, Alberta

Toronto, Ontario

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Audrey Hawthorne

Sharlene Krupp

Janette Daly

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Bowen Island,

British Columbia

PWDCC Waterlog



Tote’m to the Beach Our first PWDCA National Specialty Do Owners Take on the Characteristics of Their Dogs? Being in the company of over three hundred Portuguese Water Dogs and their owners at the thirteenth PWDCA National Specialty in Gleneden Beach, Oregon I would say that there is a lot of truth to the statement that dogs are often very much like their owners.

The PWDs we saw in Oregon came from all across North America to compete in this year’s Specialty. The group struck me as being very spirited, fun-loving, active, determined and strong willed. The official standard for the Portuguese Water Dog states that the breed is "of exceptional intelligence…, it obeys its master with facility and apparent pleasure. It is obedient with those who look after it or with those for whom it works". Riglee is my first Portuguese Water Dog. She is now almost 2 years old but I don’t think she has read this standard very closely. She is spirited, self-willed, brave and very resistant to fatigue, but she hasn’t fully developed the obedient part of her personality. Riglee and I share some of the same personality characteristics; we are both very strong-willed and we are both good problem solvers. These shared characteristics have presented us with some interesting training situations. I am trying to get Riglee to perform the required tasks in agility, obedience and water work when she is commanded. Riglee is trying to get me to lighten up and be more carefree, like she is, about our work in agility, obedience and water work. As we trained for the 2004 PWDCA Specialty I thought my Portuguese Water Dog was becoming more like me but when we arrived at the Specialty, it became apparent that my dog wanted me to be more like her and having fun was to be a top priority for Riglee at the Oregon Specialty.

PWDCA 2004 National Specialty Riglee’s fun-loving and energetic attitude was both a joy and an obstacle as she and I prepared for the Superdog competition at the 2004 PWDCA National Specialty in Oregon. This Specialty was an opportunity for Riglee to have lots of fun. She competed in every Superdog event (only Riglee and one other dog entered all five Superdog venues – conformation, agility, obedience, water and tracking) as well she managed to earn her Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International certifications. I think Riglee’s favorite part of the Specialty week was meeting so many potential PWD "friends". She found many lively and fun-loving PWDs with whom she could romp and swim, and met her mother, Marley for the first time since Riglee "left home" at eight weeks of age. Neither Riglee nor I had seen the August issue of The Waterlog but when we got home we saw the issue with Marley featured on the front cover. Had she known her mother was BOB winner at the Canadian National Specialty, perhaps Riglee might have shown Marley a little more respect. Or maybe now that Riglee too has been featured in The Waterlog Marley might consider joining in Riglee’s play attempts the next time they meet. Marley’s snubbing did not deter Riglee in her quest for more PWD playmates. 2

NOVEMBER 2004 PWDCC Waterlog

In Rally Obedience, the dog and handler team follow a preset course and perform the exercises indicated by signs at each location. A perfect heeling position is not required. Handlers first walk the course to familiarize themselves with it. Then after the judge’s "forward" command, the dog/handler team is on its own to complete the entire sequence correctly. Unlimited communication is encouraged. Handlers may talk to their dogs and use signals, even patting their legs or clapping hands. In 2005 Rally Obedience becomes an AKC titling event with three levels - novice, advanced and excellent. See or the AKC website for more information. © Creative Indulgence

Between Novice and Rally, Riglee went in the conformation ring. I did not show her myself as I have not had very good experiences in the breed ring. The first time I tried to show my own dog, I hit my head against the judge’s head as I Tammy and Riglee, a working team!

We did not qualify in any of our three agility runs because Riglee was more interested in new acquaintances than the

stood up from stacking my dog! Since then I have enjoyed watching Riglee in the ring with other handlers. Kristin Maddox did a lovely job of showing Riglee in a large

agility runs. On her first run, she looked out at the crowd and

open class and although she did not place in the top four,

fell off the dog walk. On her next two runs, Riglee chose to

Riglee made it to the last of the judge’s cuts and to me she

leave me alone in the ring while she went to check whether

looked gorgeous. Congratulations to another British Columbia

life outside the agility ring might be more entertaining. The

native, Val Little and Fishbay’s J-Lopez, who won the class

first time she came back when I called her, and we finished

and went on to take Best of Winners the next day.

26 seconds over the course time. The second time Riglee left the ring and did not come back to finish the course. I decided not to run our fourth round and risk the embarrassment of being left alone in the ring a third time.

The Superdog Competition Riglee placed third in the 2004 Superdog competition with eleven points – even without the benefit of any agility points. The winner, Sarah Kahn and Ace, finished with 17 1/2 points.

To end her day, Riglee went back into the obedience ring to try Rally Obedience. I had never competed in Rally, but as with tracking, I decided to enter because it was being offered at the Specialty. Riglee loved Rally! She was especially happy to work because in Rally the handler can verbally praise his/her dog and can give encouragement throughout all the exercises. Riglee loves praise and I took the opportunity to tell her repeatedly how wonderful I think she is. Riglee placed first out of thirty-six entries in the Rally Novice Class.

Riglee and I have a lot of training to do if we want to catch Sarah and Ace in the future!

In Canada, the CKC does not recognize Rally as an

On the first two days of the Specialty, Riglee performed very well in both tracking and water work, passing her TD (Tracking Dog) and WWD (Working Water Dog).

official event, but the AKC is promoting Rally as an official class

Later in the week, obedience and conformation were on the

in 2005. Because Riglee

same day, making Thursday a very busy day for Riglee. She

seemed to enjoy Rally, she

was in Novice Obedience, Rally Novice Obedience and Open

and I might travel to the

Conformation classes. Because Brenda Brown might threaten

United States again to

to strangle me if I give any sad details about my obedience

compete in Rally once it is

performance, I’ll just say Riglee and I placed second with a

officially recognized.

score of 184 in the Novice A class.

PWDCC Waterlog



Register of Merit Awards


At the end of the 2004 Gleneden Beach Specialty, Riglee

Meeting other Portuguese Water Dog owners was one of the

received both a Bronze and a Silver Register of Merit at the

best parts of the Oregon experience for me. I had been read-

Friday evening award dinner. I discovered the Register of

ing about the accomplishments of several Eastern Canadian

Merit program by reading a Waterlog article in the February

dogs in the Waterlog after I joined the PWDCC over a year

2004 issue. The article prompted me to register Riglee with

ago. At the Specialty, I had an opportunity to meet some of

the PWD health registry and to apply for a Bronze Register

these people and their PWDs in "person". It is going to make

of Merit. Next summer, I plan to train Riglee for her Courier

reading future issues of the Waterlog even better now that I

Water Dog title, which I hope will help us to earn a Gold

know a little more about some Ontario dogs and their owners.

Register of Merit. After last year’s PWDCA Specialty, I read a Waterlog article

The Location Riglee and I had a free afternoon on Tuesday – the day that I decided not to go back into the agility ring. We decided to

about Jac and Kate Erickson competing in the Superdog event. This article prompted me to start training for the 2004 Superdog in Oregon. Although I had never done any tracking, I decided to try it because it was being offered at the Specialty.

take a walk down to the ocean. An incredible, almost deserted beach was a fifteen-minute walk along a nature trail from the

Riglee and I have had a great time tracking and playing out

Salishan Resort. At the beach Riglee had a chance to race

in the fields. I became so hooked that I drove twenty-eight

and to play in the surf and along the sandy shore with her lab

hours and spent four hours on a ferry in one weekend to run

brother, Billy, and her human dad, Dave.

a less than five minute TD track and earn a Canadian TD in Prince George, British Columbia last June.

The Tote’m Team did a fabulous job of choosing locations for all the events. The resort and the surroundings were breathtak-

Like Kate Erickson’s article prompted me to look into the

ing. Both the show/trial sites, on a golf driving range with lots

2004 Superdog competition at the PWDCA Specialty, I hope

of lush green grass and the water trial site at Woahink Lake,

this article will encourage some readers to try tracking or

in a beautiful state park were awesome locations. The track-

some other new activity with their PWD. I am having a lot of

ing, water and show/trial sites were perfect for their intended

fun working with and training Riglee; I wish all other PWD

uses and the organization was excellent as all the events and

owners the same joy in whatever they do with their PWDs.

activities ran smoothly. The Tote’m Team members proved they are "very resistant to fatigue" just like their dogs, as they efficiently and enthusiastically carried out their various tasks. Left and right: the beautiful show site at Salishan Lodge and Golf Resort, Gleneden Beach, Oregon


NOVEMBER 2004 PWDCC Waterlog

Future Goals Now that the Specialty is over, Riglee is going to start her career as a freestyle dog. Last spring I attended a World Canine Freestyle Organization workshop in Portland, Oregon. I have since read an article in The Courier written by Verne Foster about freestyle obedience and it sounds like fun. It will be a chance for Riglee to show off her "tricks" without the requirement of doing precise obedience work and heeling. I anticipate that Riglee will love the improvisation and play-type nature of freestyle obedience. In Freestyle, the dog and handler perform to music using any safe movements that the dog can perform – like backing, pivots, side-stepping, weaving, spinning, bouncing, waving, bowing. For more information see By the time Riglee and I enter our next PWD Specialty, I

Riglee after just completing her 475 yard TD track in 4 minutes with Judges Karla Curtis and Jill Jones.

hope everyone will notice the similarities between my dog and me. Riglee’s curiosity, enthusiasm and goofy sense of humour are apparent in all situations and environments. If it’s not fun, Riglee has the ability to turn things around so it is entertaining for her (and often quite entertaining for spectators as well). I hope I am able to be more like my dog in this respect. I want us both to have fun together. This breed is such a joy to be around, and I am grateful I © Creative Indulgence

had an opportunity to meet so many of these enthusiastic dogs and their owners at the PWDCA 2004 National Specialty in Gleneden Beach, Oregon. Tammy Hibberson lives in Ladysmith, B.C. with fun-loving

Riglee retrieving the buoy line at the 60' marker.

Riglee, husband Dave and canine brother Billy

PWDCC Waterlog



Jan Daly with Can Ch Helm’s Alee Cascadia placing 1st in Junior Bitches 15 months - under 18 months, Puppy Sweeps, Jan co-owns with Valerie Little.

Can/Am Ch Ondulado Schooner D’ Sonoqua in the Best of Breed ring in the pouring rain, didn’t disturb Schooner as he maintained his cool to a coveted Award of Merit. Handler Shaunna Bernardin was soaked to the bone.

Tracy Cook showing Can/Am Estrelaiel Samson, owned by Mindy Selby, through 2 cuts in Best of Breed competition.

Shelly Palash showing Mavis McClintock’s Can Ch Echobay’s Samador Makin’ Change to a 3rd in Open Bitch

1st in Novice Bitches, Samador I Hear Music, owned by Mavis McClintock

From left to right: Liz Voltz with Madrina Iden Sirius of Robel, Sharlie Palash with Echobay’s

Bear in Mind, Julie Parker with Sevenbeauty Lou Reid, 3rd in Sweepstakes Junior Dogs

15-18 months, 4th Open Dog, owned by Jennifer Byers and Danik Dancause.


NOVEMBER 2004 PWDCC Waterlog



for a complete listing of results see Conformation Judge: Letty Afong

Brood Bitch 2nd Sun Joy Helm’s Alee Nina Armada (B), Lana Langley


Day 2 (Tuesday) Standard

Junior Dogs 15 months - under 18 months 3rd Sevenbeauty Lou Reid (D), Jennifer Byers and Danik Dancause

Novice A, 20" 4th Armada’s Captain Columbus, Handler: Trudy Graham

Junior Bitches 15 months - under 18 months 1st Helm’s Alee Cascadia (B), Janette Daly and Valerie Little

Novice B, 20" 3rd Tiago’s Fuje Bela d’Aqua, Handler: Catherine Gadd

Veteran’s Sweepstakes

Excellent B, 20" Ch Portolano Shoals of Herring VCD2 UD TD MX MXJ, Handler: Pam Bartholomew

Dogs 7 years and under 9 years 2nd Ch Helm’s Alee Northstar (D), George Winter Dogs 9 years and under 11 years 1st Armada’s Purple Rain (D), Audrey Hawthorne

Tracking Results Armada’s Brigandine, Tammy Hibberson

Award of Merit Am/Can Ch Ondulado’s Schooner D’Sonoqua, AgN, AOM (D), Roslyn Eskind Novice Dogs 1st Baywood Dare to be Different (D), Brenda Brown and K.and P. Massner Open Dogs 4th Sevenbeauty Lou Reid (D), Jennifer Byers and Danik Dancause Novice Bitches 1st Samador I Hear Music (B), Mavis McClintock 2nd Baywood Feliciana D’Alberta (B), Mavis McClintock 3rd Armad’a Purple Star (B), Betty McLean and Lana Langley 4th Armada’s Santa Maria (B), Brenda Brown Veteran’s Dogs, 7 years and under 10 years 2nd Ch Driftworrd’s Brown Trout by Hunter, CD (D), Jean Hassebroek and Morgan Quirin Powell 3rd Ch Helm’s Alee Northstar (D), George Winter Veteran’s Dogs, 10 years and older 2nd Armada’s Purple Rain (D), Audrey Hawthorne Working Water Bitch 3rd Tiago’s Fuje Bela D’Aqua (B), Connie McCandless and Catherine Gadd

Novice Preferred, 16" 4th Ch Manitou Lotsa Moxie NA, Handler: Victoria Robinson

Judge: Mary Kay Shroeder

Judge: Mary Kay Shroeder

1st Open Bitches, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners Fishbay’s J-Lopez, Valerie Little and Dave Berry

Jumpers With Weaves (JWW) results

Obedience Competition Judge: Mrs Theresa Temple Novice A.184.0 / 2 2nd (184) ARMADA’S BRIGANDINE AWD. Bitch. Tammy Hibberson Rally Novice Class. 1st (100) ARMADA’S BRIGANDINE AWD. Bitch. Tammy Hibberson (87) CH ARMADA’S WIN N DOUT GO PARTI AWD. Bitch. Angie Potter (handler)/Lana Langley Rally Excellent Class. 1st (100) CH PORTOLANO SHOALS OF HERRING UD TD MX MXJ. Dog. Breeder: Debra Barcon. Owner: Pam Bartholomew

Water Trials Junior Water Dog Qualifiers Baywood’s Perro Marino of Armada, Handler: Michelle Hardman Baywood Dare To Be Different, Handler: Perry Massner Apprentice Water Dog Qualifiers Armada’s Santa Maria, Handler: Brenda Brown

Novice Preferred, 16" 1st Armada’s Purple Rain AWD, Handler: Audrey Hawthorne 4th Armada’s Augusta Cao Da Agua, Handler: Michelle Hardman Open Preferred 1st Ch Manitou Lotsa Moxie NA, Handler: Victoria Robinson Jumpers with Weaves (JWW) Novice A, 20" 3rd Armada’s Purple Sun, Handler: Audrey Hawthorne Novice Preferred, 16" 1st Armada’s Purple Rain AWD, Handler: Audrey Hawthorne

Register of Merit Receipiants Silver: Hogan, Can/Am CH Ondulado’s Hogan AWD CD AgN, Lorraine Wilson & Cathie Sockett Riglee, CH Armada’s Brigandine WWD CD TD, Tammy Hibberson Tejo, Can /Am CH Armada’s Let’s Rock the Boat WWD AgN, Audrey Hawthorne Gold: Purple, Can CH Armada’s Purple Rain WWD C-CD ATChC AG-1 EAC AD, Audrey Hawthorne Platinum: Kipper, CH Portolano Shoals of Herring CWDX UD TD MX , #1 PWD Obedience 2003, HIT West Central Okla. KC 2003, Pam Bartholomew

Working Water Dog Qualifiers Armada’s Perfect Storm, Handler: Joan Klam Kewbeach Hurricane Sam, Handler: Catherine Gadd Armada’s Brigandine, Handler: Tammy Hibberson BIS Can/Am/Mex/FCI-Int/UCI-Int CH Armada’s Win N Dout Go Parti, Handler: Angie Potter

Agility Day 1 (Monday) Standard Novice B 20" Height Division 2nd Tiago’s Fuje Bela d’Aqua, Handler: Catherine Gadd Open 20" Height Division 1st Kewbeach Hurricane Sam OA, OAJ, Handler: Catherine Gadd Novice Preferred 16" Height Division 4th Ch Manitou Lotsa Moxie NA, Handler: Victoria Robinson Qualifiers: Armada’s Augusta Cao Da Agua, Handler: Michelle Hardman

Sweepstakes Judge Mary Kay Shroeder congratulating the winners.

Breeder Lana Langley with Ch Armada’s Purple Rain, 1st place Veteran’s Sweeps, 9-11 years, owned by Audrey Hawthorne.

PWDCC Waterlog



Sniffingacrossthecountry… From British Columbia

Best of Opposite Ch Samador I Hear Music (B), Mavis McClintock

PWDCBC Booster at the Lower Mainland

Best of Winners,

Dog Fanciers of B.C., October 30th,

Winners Bitch

2004, Abbotsford B.C.


The British Columbia club Booster had


a great turnout of 15 dogs in total were

(B), Chrisine/

presented to Judge Jean Fournier. The

Sandra Overton

winners were:

Winners Dog

Best of Breed, Best of Winners,

Echobay’s Blu

Winners Bitch Am Ch Driftwood’s

Buoy (D),

Venus at Fishbay (B), Linda Adams

Lori D. Crandlemire/ Shelly R. Palash

Ondulado’s Schooner D’Sonoqua,

Best Puppy Stargazer’s Ace of Hearts

AOM, AgN (D), Roslyn Eskind

(D), Alexandra Scott/Sandra Overton

Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Bitch Am Ch Driftwood’s Venus at Fishbay. Left to right: Judge Jean Forniere; Linda Adams, owner; Sandy Overton presenting the Christi Overton Memorial Trophy for Best of Winners.

Winners Dog Echobay’s Blu Buoy (D),

The results for the Sunday show under

Winners Bitch Camlin Seadancer Blaze

Lori D. Crandlemire/Shelly R. Palash

Judge Mildred Bryant were:

of Zorra (B), Sybil D. Lambert Mager

Best Puppy Driftwood Saltyseas

Best of Breed Can/Am Ch Ondulado’s

Best Puppy Driftwood Saltyseas

Sandpiper (B), Janet Lankester/

Schooner D’Sonoqua, AOM, AgN (D),

Sandpiper (B), Janet Lankester/

Morgin Powell

Roslyn Eskind

Morgin Powell

The results for the Friday show under

Best of Opposite Am Ch Driftwood’s

Thursday October 28th, 2004

Judge Dr. Lee Anthony Reasin were:

Venus at Fishbay (B), Linda Adams

Working and Herding Group Specialty

Best of Breed Can/Am Ch Ondulado’s

Best of Winners, Winners Dog Echobay’s

under Judge Mario Magsaysay

Schooner D’Sonoqua, AOM, AgN (D),

Blu Buoy (D), Lori D. Crandlemire/

Best of Breed and Group 3 Can/Am Ch

Roslyn Eskind

Shelly R. Palash

Echobay’s Samador Makin’ Music (D),

Best of Opposite Can/Am Ch

Mavis McClintock/Shelly Palash From left to right: Sandy Overton; Janet BoydKristensen;Margaret Bilon; Dave and Val Little; Ulrike Follmer; Sue Hopkins;

Deb Barcon, Lorraine Davidson; Mavis McClintock; Linda and Dwayne Adams; seated front: Vic Bilan and Christi Spratt Best of Opposite Winner, Ch Ondulado’s Schooner D’ Sonoqua, AOM, AgN, with Shaunna Bernardin and Sharlie Palash and the loot!


NOVEMBER 2004 PWDCC Waterlog

Best of Opposite, Winners Bitch

Best of Winners,

Stargazer’s Iwannaholdyourhand (B),

Winners Dog Valkyrie

Chrisine/Sandra Overton

Wind over Lake Erie

Best of Winners, Winners Dog Stargazer’s Hit the Deck (D), Jan/Suzanne Malick, Sandra Overton Best Veteran Can/Am Ch Tesouro Da Fazena Kulu (D), LInda Adams Best Puppy Fishbay’s Co River Ind Tribes (B), Linda Adams

(D), Dana Kellerman and Julie W. Parker Winners Bitch Lahronza’s Zara Princesa Domar (B), Ann Duncan Best Puppy Claircreek Song of Valentino (D),

From Ontario

Donna Gottdenker

PWDCC Booster at the Trillium Dog

For the Friday show under Judge

Fanciers All Breed Championship Dog

Mrs S. Limoges, the results were:

Shows, Sunday October 31st, 2004

Best of Opposite Valkyrie’s a Puff Best of Breed, Best Puppy Ch Shaggy

In Ontario, the National Booster had an

of Lolyka (D), Louise Turcotte and

equally great turnout of 22 dogs shown;

Francine Lacrois

5 dogs, 8 bitches, 7 male specials, and 2 female specials were presented to Judge Charlotte Clem McGowan. After much deliberation the winners were: Best of Breed, Group 1 Can/Am Ch Ondulado’s Hogan, CD, AgN (D), Lorraine Wilson Best of Opposite Ch Valkyrie’s a Puff of Wind (B), Julie W. Parker

Best of Breed Can/Am Ch Ondulado’s Hogan, CD, AgN, owned by Lorraine Wilson

of Wind (B), Julie W. Parker Best of Winners, Winners Dog Valkyrie Wind over Lake Erie (D),

Best of Opposite, Best of Winners,

Dana Kellerman and Julie W. Parker

Winners Bitch Ch Valkyrie‚s a Puff of Wind (B), Julie W. Parker

Winners Bitch Lahronza’s Zara Princesa Domar (B), Ann Duncan

Winners Dog Valkyrie Wind over Lake Erie (D), Dana Kellerman and

Best Puppy Everspring Black Pearl (D),

Julie W. Parker

Maggie Gosselin

The results for the Saturday show under Judge Mr. L. Stanbridge were: Best of Breed, Group 2nd Can/Am Ch Ondulado’s Hogan, CD, AgN (D), Lorraine Wilson

Assembled for Booster Best of Breed, Judge Charlotte Clem McGowan

PWDCC Waterlog

Right: Booster Best Puppy Claircreek Song of Valentino, owned by Donna Gottdenker



P U PO GR APH Y NAME: “Kyrie”, Valkyrie’s Summer Solstice

NICKNAME: Miss Tude… short for Miss Attitude

AGE: 6 months L EADER


My litter nick name was Trouble… enough said!

EDUCATION: I am teaching my Mom what fun it is to have a puppy again! Also showing off at handling classes.



Retrieving… anything… and going for boat rides



Hogan (my big brother) getting Mom’s attention!





Mom’s shoes!

A dog show… so I can show off my “Tude”!




Excape Artist… at 10 weeks old I scaled up the side of my exercise pen… perched on the top… then propeled myself over… and trotted away… pleased as punch with myself for getting out into the wild, wild world!



Hmmmm… still working on that!


Mom’s shoes!



Nothing… that word is not in my vocabulary!



Just like my big brother Hogan… all around working dog and conformation champ! Oh… and a good mom too!



I love to bath in any dirty water I come cross in my travels. Showing off on the grooming table at a dog show is fun too!

Kyrie lives with her family, Lorraine and Andy Wilson, their sons Scott and Greg, and of course, Hogan in Richmond Hill Ontario.

Your pup, young or old could be featured on our cover mast-

All emails should be titled ‘Waterlog’. Text can be emailed or

head or the Pupography’s page. For the Pupography page use

sent as a Word attachment along with photos to Connie

the format above and send us a colour photo. For the cover send

McCandless, Waterlog Editor, or

a short story and colour photo for possible selection. Send us

mailed to Connie, 56 Gwendolen Cres., Toronto ON, M2N 2L7.

photos (hard copies will be returned), or electronic files of

Call her at 416 221-1966 for additional information.

your images (jpegs, tiffs, eps saved at minimum 4"x 6" 260dpi).


NOVEMBER 2004 PWDCC Waterlog


Events your next club merchandise purchase for every story used. Your

Look for 2005 Events on the web site, coming in the new year! Booked so far:

dog, young or old, could be featured on our cover masthead

March 28

2005 March 25-27

for possible selection. Send us photos (hard copies, colour or

All About Pets Show

black and white will be returned), or electronic files of your

June 11

images (jpegs, tiffs, eps saved at minimum 4"x 6" 260dpi). Beginners and Stewards Camp Royackkers Kennel Ariss Ontario

Aug. 12-14

or the pupographies page, just send a photo and short story

All emails should be titled ‘Waterlog’. Text can be emailed or sent as a Word attachment along with photos to Connie

2nd PWDCC Trial Water

McCandless, Waterlog Editor at or

Royackkers Kennel Ariss Ontario

mail to 56 Gwendolen Cres., Toronto ON, M2N 2L7. Call her at 416 221-1966 for additional information.

Since 2004 is drawing to a close, we have included your 2004 membership renewal with this issue. This is the perfect time to give us feedback regarding Club events and the Waterlog. We had excellent participation at most 2004 events

How to win her heart!

and would like to do even better in 2005. Please send your renewals to Lorraine by February 28, 2005.

One day three male dogs are walking down the street and they

Renewals received by January 31, 2005 will be eligible to

see a beautiful, enticing female dog who is also very talented –

participate in a draw with Club merchandise as prizes.

she has at least fifteen Versatility awards to her credit. All three males have a deep desire to win the affections of this

Please put together your contributions for features and

amazing creature.

other general interest stories about your wonderful PWDs for publication in our next issues. We will give you $5.00 off

Aware of her charms and her obvious effect on these three handsome suitors she decides to give them all an equal chance. She tells them, "Whichever one of you can use the words ‘liver’

Cover Pup Dreaming of Water Work

and ‘cheese’ together in an imaginative, intelligent sentence can have babies together with me." The sturdy, muscular Lab leaps in with abandon. He speaks

My name is "Pepper" and I am

up quickly and says with earnest conviction, "I love liver

one of the most special water-

and cheese."

dogs in the world. (or so my mom tells me). She also tells me when I grow up I will be able to do anything. She said

"Well, I appreciate your honesty", kindly exclaims the stunning athlete. "However, I’m looking for something a little less predictable."

our kind are very smart. Wow, anything! Catch my own fish,

She turns to the tall, shiny Golden Retriever and says,

retrieve nets and bumpers and even jump off a boat into

"Well, you big hunk of love, what do you have to say?"

the water for a swim. I don’t know what all those things are right now. All I know is that I am loved by my mom and my human family. My human family cuddles me in their warm arms and whisper in my ear, "you are so special". So when I find a fish I am going to catch it for them as a present for taking such good care of me. Let me know if anyone sees any fish. Pepper Rossen – born Oct 20/04

PWDCC Waterlog

"Um" says the Golden, ever thoughtful. "I HATE liver and cheese." Surprised, yet always gracious, the lovely young female dog shows appreciation for the Golden’s attempt at playful provocation. Then, hoping for something more creative and amusing, she turns to the Portuguese Water Dog. With a glance at the other two males that is profoundly cocky, yet not unsympathetic, this wavy-coated Valentino turns to his goddess and gives her a smile and a sly wink. He then turns again to the other two dogs and says, "Liver alone. Cheese mine."



Wellness: The Vaccination Debate Is your dog over vaccinated? The

to prevent infections that have a low

thereafter. Most rabies vaccinations in

answer for many is probably yes! If you

mortality rate and using them is not

Canada are now three-year efficacy.

are following a traditional vaccination

necessarily beneficial.

If your veterinarian administers annual

protocol, you may be starting your puppies’ shots too early and giving your adult dogs too many annual boosters.

Vaccines fall into groups: core and non-core. Core vaccines are considered

rabies shots, it is important that it be the one year type, not the three year.

essential and should be given to every

Dr Schultz vaccinates his own dogs with this following minimal approach:

Often our puppies receive their first

dog; these are Canine Distemper,

vaccination at five to six weeks of age

Canine Parvovirus and Rabies Virus.

and are given vaccinations two weeks

They are designed to prevent important

apart. Puppies in fact receive antibodies

diseases that pose serious health

from their mother’s milk, which gives

threats to dogs and/or people irrespec-

them natural protection that can last

tive of geographical location or lifestyle.

1. Primary immunization at twelve weeks or older with Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper and Rabies Virus.

eight to fourteen weeks. Early vaccina-

Non-core vaccines should only be

tion, typically at five to six weeks, can

used in dogs considered at high risk

after the primary and then once

of developing the specific diseases.

every three years

suppress this natural protection. Many of our dogs also receive annual boosters for the remainder of their lives. Research now indicates that annual boosters are unnecessary and

Non-core vaccines include canine coronavirus, canine parainfluenza, Bordetella, leptospira vaccines (four of these), Lyme disease and Giardia.

can subject pets to immune system

A revised protocol, as suggested by

dysfunctions and allergic reactions.

Dr. Dodd another well-known immunol-

In October 2004 at the PWD National Specialty in Oregon I was fortunate enough to attend a lecture given by Dr. R. D. Schultz, a respected immunology veterinarian. As a result of this illuminating lecture I read numerous articles, spoke to my own veterinarian, dog breeders and owners. I wanted to share the information I obtained with other PWD owners. In the past 50 years many vaccinations have been developed to prevent a variety of infectious diseases in dogs. Currently, there are 16 canine vaccines

ogist, is in the process of being adopted

2. Revaccination for Rabies one year

3. Other vaccines and boosters are not given. After step one, Dr Schultz runs a titer check to ensure that the core vaccinations have produced appropriate levels of antibodies to protect his pets.

by all 27 veterinary schools in North

In summary, it is important to do your

America. The protocol says:

own research and question the vaccina-

1. Puppies should not be vaccinated before eight weeks of age. 2. Puppies should receive the Parvo and Distemper vaccines at eight weeks, twelve weeks and sixteen weeks for a total of three courses. 3. One other vaccination for Parvo and Distemper should be given at

tion program your dog is receiving. As one vaccination website noted that “Some of the information will present an ethical and economical challenge to vets and there will be skeptics”. Here are a few of the many websites that provide information concerning canine vaccinations:

approximately sixteen months of

age to provide lifetime immunity.

available commercially in the USA. Our

Rabies is a core vaccine and should

Thanks to Catherine Gadd for research-

Canadian dogs likely receive many of

not be given before sixteen weeks of

ing and writing this article, with able

these vaccines on an annual basis.

age. It should be given later if your

assistance from husband Michael.

Some vaccines have had a profound effect in reducing or eliminating diseases that have a high mortality rate. However, other vaccines have few benefits because they were designed



province allows it by law. Administration of rabies vaccine should be separated from other core vaccines by two to four weeks. The next rabies vaccination should be given one year after the first dose and then every three years PWDCC Waterlog




100% French Terry cotton NonFiction – Women’s short sleeve, shallow v-neck, shirt bottom, with single dog embroidered PWDCC logo 2 x 2.5" at back neck.

@ $10.00 Embroidered in 3-colour PWDCC logo. Short sleeve, crew neck, pre-shrunk, 100% cotton. Not all sizes available in each colour. Please specify 1st, 2nd and 3rd colour choice.

Available: Medium, Large, Extra-large Colours: Cornflower Blue, Ice Blue Green, Pale Yellow

Colours: beige, steel blue, dark khaki, light khaki, grey, sage green, deep red New Colours: cranberry, periwinkle blue

@ $35.00 Fantastic value, this tote features waterproof heavy nylon construction, 2 handles, zippered top and outside pocket, black with dark grey trim embroidered in 3-colour PWDCC logo (double dog) – 2 x 5". Roomy, 25 wide x 16", squared re-inforced bottom, snap closures at top zipper to roll-up bag, or reduce size.

2. THE 3/4 SLEEVE WOMEN’S T-SHIRT @ $10.00


While they last, on deep discount!


Watch for new merchandise coming in the Spring! SPECIALTY T-SHIRT @ $10.00 3/4 sleeve – grey T, medium T – black in medium or large, red in large or x-large v-neck T – blue (x-large) or yellow (large) SPECIALTY GOLF SHIRT @ $10.00 Dark blue, 100% combed cotton, large or x-large.

100% cotton Non Fiction – Women’s very soft, 3/4 sleeve, shallow v-neck, palm length, with single dog embroidered PWDCC logo 2 x 2.5" on top-stitched self band at bottom left.

@ 3 for $1.00 or $.50 each Durable PWDCC branded clickers for training.

7-10. GREETING CARDS 4 different designs available, buy individually or in a set, 4.5" x 6.25" folded cards with matching envelope. Set of 4 @ $2.00 or singles @ $.50

Available: Small, Medium, Large Colours: Soft Blue, Soft Yellow, Cozy Grey 1.






6. WATER BOTTLE @ $10.00 Stainless steel, hygienic black flip cap, PWDCC logo, strap and carry bag.



To order all merchandise, contact Donna Gottdenker our Merchandise Coordinator at: or call 519 885-9928 (fax 519 885-9928) Shipping costs will be extra (mail).


MORE Views

at the Water

Trudy Graham, with Columbus.

Cathy Gadd wtih Tashi, warming up for Working level.

PWDCC Board member, Audrey Hawthorne with Purple, Ch Armada’s Purple Rain, CD, warming up for Working level.

Audrey with Purple going after the bumper.

The Junior water site.

Angie Potter with Lace, BIS Can/Am/Mex/FCI-Int/UCI-Int CH Armada’s Win N Dout Go Parti, in the Working level. PWDCC Waterlog

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